719519 Seminar Aus Marinbiologie Und Entwicklungsbiologie

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719519 Seminar Aus Marinbiologie Und Entwicklungsbiologie 719519 Seminar aus Marinbiologie und Entwicklungsbiologie Gastropods and Bivalves of the Mediterranean by Werner Bader Contents • Systematic • Most important Species • Occurance • Comparison of two different Body Plans (Anatomy of Bivalvia compared to Gastropoda) • Reproduction • Development of these two Families • Literature Index Systematic of Molluscs Systematic of Gastropods Prosobranchia Opistobranchia – Archeogastropods •Anaspidea – Mesogastropods •Cephalaspidea – Neogastropods •Gymnosomata – Allogastropods •Notaspidea •Nudibranchia Pulmonata •Sacoglossa •Gymnomorpha •Thecosomata Systematic of Bivalves Protobranchia with original Ctenidia substrate-eater Eulamellibranchia leaf gills with blood vessels Tissue bridges between the gill filaments Septibranchia Reticulate gills, lives in deep-water Most important species of Gastropods Aporrhais pes-pelicani Calliostoma laugieri Haustellum sp. Atlanta peroni Luria lurida Turbonilla lastea Mitra cornicula Turritella comunis Aplysia punctata Most important species of Bivalves Mytilus edulis Ensis ensis Ostrea edulis Callista chione Pecten jacobaeus Occurance Gastropods – Litoral – Sublitoral – Benthal – Pelagial Bivalves Residents of all sea bottoms Comparison of two different Body Plans (Anatomy of Bivalvia compared to Gastropoda) • Basic anatomical organisation of molluscs – Five main parts: • Head • Foot • Mantle • Intestinal sack • Shell Comparison of two different Body Plans (Anatomy of Bivalvia compared to Gastropoda) Anatomy of Gastropods Anatomy of Bivalves Comparison of two different Body Plans (Anatomy of Bivalvia compared to Gastropoda) Reproduction Gastropods Bivalves • Primarily separate sexes • Dioecious • Vast majority are • Hermaphrodites Hermaphrodites • Fertilization occurs in the • Rare Parthenogenesis water • Lay fertilized eggs Development Gastropods Development Bivalves Film • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_RfgvIET EY Picture and Literature index: • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mollusca • http://www.nmr-pics.nl/Calliostomatidae/album • www.google.at/Aporrhais • www.google.at/Turritella • www.google.at/Aplysia • www.google.at/development_of_molluscs • www.google.at/Callistoma • www.google.at/Hausstellum • www.google.at • Fauna und Flora des Mittelmeeres, Rupert Riedl, Seifert Verlag, 2011 • Pearson Education Inc., 2009 • Encyclopedia Brittanica, Inc., 1994 Are there any Questions?.
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    Cypraeidae - important references Please help making this preliminary list as complete as possible! ABBOTT, R.T. (1965) Cypraea arenosa Gray, 1825. Hawaiian Shell News 14(2):8 ABREA, N.S. (1980) Strange goings on among the Cypraea ziczac. Hawaiian Shell News 28 (5):4 ADEGOKE, O.S. (1973) Paleocene mollusks from Ewekoro, southern Nigeria. Malacologia 14:19-27, figs. 1-2, pls. 1-2. ADEGOKE, O.S. (1977) Stratigraphy and paleontology of the Ewekoro Formation (Paleocene) of southeastern Nigeria. Bulletins of American Paleontology 71(295):1-379, figs. 1-6, pls. 1-50. AIKEN, R. P. (2016) Description of two undescribed subspecies and one fossil species of the Genus Cypraeovula Gray, 1824 from South Africa. Beautifulcowries Magazine 8: 14-22 AIKEN, R., JOOSTE, P. & ELS, M. (2010) Cypraeovula capensis - A specie of Diversity and Beauty. Strandloper 287 p. 16 ff AIKEN, R., JOOSTE, P. & ELS, M. (2014) Cypraeovula capensis. A species of diversity and beauty. Beautifulcowries Magazine 5: 38–44 ALLAN, J. (1956) Cowry Shells of World Seas. Georgian House, Melbourne, Australia, 170 p., pls. 1-15. AMANO, K. (1992) Cypraea ohiroi and its associated molluscan species from the Miocene Kadonosawa Formation, northeast Japan. Bulletin of the Mizunami Fossil Museum 19:405-411, figs. 1-2, pl. 57. ANCEY, C.F. (1901) Cypraea citrina Gray. The Nautilus 15(7):83. ANONOMOUS. (1971) Malacological news. La Conchiglia 13(146-147):19-20, 5 unnumbered figs. ANONYMOUS. (1925) Index and errata. The Zoological Journal. 1: [593]-[603] January. ANONYMOUS. (1889) Cypraea venusta Sowb. The Nautilus 3(5):60. ANONYMOUS. (1893) Remarks on a new species of Cypraea.
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