Extensions of Remarks E893 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS

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Extensions of Remarks E893 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS April 21, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E893 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS CONGRATULATING MS. ALICIA FOX To be quiet honest Madam Speaker, these HONORING MAITLAND KEILER OF statistics are more than staggering—they are SUMTER COUNTY HON. JIM GERLACH atrocious. OF PENNSYLVANIA It was Irving Selikoff, a medical researcher HON. GINNY BROWN-WAITE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES who co-discovered a cure for tuberculosis who OF FLORIDA Tuesday, April 21, 2009 said, ‘‘Statistics are real people with the tears IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES wiped away.’’ Mr. GERLACH. Madam Speaker, I rise Those real people are our parents and chil- Tuesday, April 21, 2009 today to congratulate Chester County resident dren, our family and friends, who suffer the Ms. GINNY BROWN-WAITE of Florida. Alicia Fox on her installation as Governor of consequences of addiction to tobacco. I want Madam Speaker, I rise today to recognize Mr. the Northeast Potomac District of Pilot Inter- my children to grow up healthy and to make Maitland Keiler, one of my accomplished con- national. healthy decisions. To help that happen, H.R. stituents who dedicated his life to improving Alicia has earned the promotion to this dis- 256 will put in place the proper authority for health services in his community and beyond. tinguished post with more than 22 years of the Food and Drug Administration to establish Mr. Keiler was born in 1933 in Royal, Flor- dedicated service to her community and a regulations over tobacco products. We need ida to Will and Melbira Keiler. In the early faithful commitment to the mission of Pilot the FDA to protect our population from the 1970’s, he moved to Apopka, Florida where International. harmful effects of cigarettes and tobacco prod- he earned a living picking oranges. He then Admired by peers in the Pilot Club of Valley ucts by being able to provide sound, scientific met four Catholic sisters who had worked to Forge for her willingness to provide countless regulations governing these products. found a health clinic for farmers and migrant hours of volunteer service, Alicia has taught Even with all the warnings, and the money workers in the area, the West Orange Farm- 4H students the craft of sewing, started and spent on education campaigns, kids are still er’s Clinic. Working with the sisters and at the supervised an after-school program for local picking up smoking at the alarming rate of clinic began a new chapter in Mr. Keiler’s life. elementary school students and served sev- 3,000 a day in the United States. He eventually became one of the first African- eral years on the board of a local Boy Scout The health concerns that will face these Americans appointed to serve on the board of Troop. the West Orange Farmer’s Clinic. She also has selflessly served her church children are costly, painful, and deadly. But they are also ultimately preventable. Wishing to bring similar services to his com- by teaching Sunday school, preparing children munity which was also in dire need, Mr. Keilier for sacraments, caring for the linens and as a I ask my colleagues to please pass H.R. 1256, the Family Smoking Prevention and To- approached Mr. Ellery Gray, director of the member of the Finance Committee. West Orange Clinic, about opening a clinic in Alicia will become Governor of the North- bacco Control Act. Sumter County. In collaboration with the coun- east Potomac District during a ceremony on ty, Mr. Grey and Mr. Keiler succeeded in May 3, 2009. f opening ‘‘Project Health’’ in 1974. Once a sim- Madam Speaker, I ask that my colleagues TRIBUTE TO CAROL LAFLEUR ple, modest clinic, Project Health is today the join me today in congratulating Alicia Fox on Thomas E. Langley Medical Center. The Cen- this tremendous achievement and recognizing ter has expanded to more than 41,000 square her outstanding volunteer spirit and drive to HON. MICHELE BACHMANN feet of combined medical, dental, behavioral improve the quality of life in her community. OF MINNESOTA health, radiology, pharmacy and administrative f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES services FAMILY SMOKING PREVENTION Tuesday, April 21, 2009 Madam Speaker, men and women like AND TOBACCO CONTROL ACT Meitland Keiler are the ones truly making a Mrs. BACHMANN. Madam Speaker, I rise difference in their communities because of SPEECH OF today to share the inspirational story of Carol their passion and their drive. Mr. Keiler’s story LaFleur, a resident of Brooklyn Park, MN who should serve as an inspiration to others, and HON. DAVID WU changed her life and is now working to change OF OREGON I am proud to know that one of my constitu- others’ lives for the better as well. Mrs. La- ents worked so hard to make his dream a re- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Fleur has experienced a great deal of hard- ality and the lives of his fellow citizens better Wednesday, April 1, 2009 ship throughout her life, but after discovering and healthier. the gift of education, she completely turned Mr. WU. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support f of H.R. 1256, the Family Smoking Prevention her life around. and Tobacco Control Act. Mrs. LaFleur uses her life experiences to HONORING DR. ELSA GESKUS Statistics are handed out on this floor like guide others and advocate for education. In candy. Because numbers are often passed off her time outside of the classroom, she speaks HON. JIM GERLACH as nothing more than empty words, we fail to and mentors on issues of mental health, sex- OF PENNSYLVANIA ual abuse, and disability. In addition, she vol- recognize how staggering they are. For in- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES stance, smoking-related diseases cause an unteers for these and multiple other causes. Tuesday, April 21, 2009 estimated 440,000 American deaths each She sets a great example for all Americans, year. Smoking costs the United States over giving her time without asking for anything Mr. GERLACH. Madam Speaker, I rise $150 billion annually in health care costs. And back. today to honor a dedicated educator whose a 2004 study by the CDC’s National Center for In addition to all of her accomplishments outstanding leadership and guidance has pre- Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Pro- and hours of volunteerism, she has found an pared countless teachers for rewarding class- motion found that cigarette smoke contains outlet in writing about her experiences. She room careers. Dr. Elsa Geskus will be retiring over 4,800 chemicals, 69 of which are known has been honored by the Arts in Recovery from Kutztown University in Berks County, to cause cancer. Program, who chose her essay to be in its ex- Pennsylvania after serving the last 12 years Ninety percent of adult smokers are ad- hibit booth online and at the St. Paul Art as Chairwoman of the Elementary Education dicted to tobacco before they reach the age of Crawl. Department. She has earned the respect of 18; 50 percent before the age of 14. Currently Madam Speaker, Carol LaFleur is an inspi- her fellow faculty members for excellent lead- the average age of initiation to tobacco is 11. ration, a positive influence for so many who ership, scholarship and service. 48 million adults smoke in the U.S., which is need hope, and a true public servant. She is Colleagues also praised Dr. Geskus for se- 22.9 percent of the population overall, and 33 a great example of the enduring American curing national accreditation for the Depart- percent of youth currently smoke. spirit. ment and authoring an accreditation report ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Nov 24 2008 05:14 Apr 22, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K21AP8.001 E21APPT1 smartinez on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS E894 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 21, 2009 used as a model for colleges and universities Poly Pomona Broncos for the championship celebrating 65 years of faithfully serving com- throughout the country by the National Council on Saturday, March 28, 2009, in Springfield, munities in southeastern Pennsylvania. for Accreditation of Teacher Education. Massachusetts. Volunteer Medical Services Corps of Lower Another highlight of her tenure at Kutztown The Oilers ended their perfect 36–0 season Merion, Narberth, Conshohocken and West was establishing the Philadelphia Masters in in overtime when senior guard Tyler Evans hit Conshohocken provides critical care services Elementary Education Graduate Program. This a fade-away three-point shot as time expired, in a 49 square-mile area and responds to program helped 64 Philadelphia teachers ob- clinching the university’s first ever basketball more than 7,200 calls for help each year. tain master degrees from Kutztown and led to title. With this win, the Oilers become only the The dedicated and highly-skilled first re- developing similar programs for teachers in fourth perfect championship team in Division II sponders stand ready to answer calls at all Reading and Allentown. men’s basketball history. The Oilers are also hours, in the sweltering heat of summer and Outside of the classroom, Dr. Geskus was the most winning team in Division II of the the frigid depths of winter, and on some of active in several national organizations, includ- past decade, with a record of 238–46. suburban Philadelphia’s most heavily traveled ing the Middle States Steering Committee, Na- I would also like to congratulate Head highways, including the Schuylkill Expressway tional Council of Teachers of Mathematics and Coach Ron Niekamp and his coaching staff for and the Blue Route.
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