A Laurier Student Publication Wilfrid University Volume XXXI Issue 1 May 24, 1990 thecord

Photo by Liza Sardi Congraduations!! 2 iSto'day May 24,1090


Phone pollR ™s3's Graduating?


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Li L J Quote of theWeek The Cord News "The Macdonald

House lounges look Laurier Student Wilfrid University's Newspaper like someone took a

(portable, slapped it against the side, and it News Editor: Mark Hand stuck. Or a big TV 1990 May 24 screen." Associate Editor: Tim Sullivan Anonymous

300 new rooms by September 1991

Mark A. Hand The Cord

will be 300 residence IN SEPTEMBER 1991 there new spaces for first

year students on the Wilfrid Laurier University campus. Construction

of a new residence building will begin on June 1, 1990, provided a

contractor can be found before then.

The un-named building will be located at 44 Bricker St. next to

Bouckaert Hall. The house that was previously there has been torn

down and two portables have been moved to make room for the new


the is made The decision to put building on campus a recently

one. It was up in the air for months as to whether it would be on or

off-campus. When the plot of land at 202 Regina St. purchased by the

University earlier this spring proved unacceptable for a new residence

hall due to zoning by-laws, it was finally decided to build on Bricker


The site of the new residence is very small. Attempts to enlarge the location by purchasing the adjacent plot at 46 Bricker St. failed

when the owners refused to sell to the University. WLU officials did from the of Waterloo manage to get permission City to change by-

bound- what the laws which restrict building within 15 metres of a neighbor's Fabulous artist's conception of new residence will look like. It's nice, but remember

allowed to build to 6 metres from 46 Bricker St. that so was the fabulous artist's of what the Aird ary. They are now up conception Building was supposed to look out making the site larger. like. We'll find in 15 months if we have to cringe when we look at this one too. At least it

The architectural firm of Fryett Shifflet Associates have com- won't be cinder-block white, though.

pleted the plans for the residence. There will be 75 apartment units Woody Parker, Photo each consisting of four single bedrooms, two four piccc baduuuius, a

and a closet. kitchen, a dining area, a common living room, storage head There will be a total capacity of 300 students plus 8 dons and a resident. B3 Willison the boot It will be buiit in a multi-level horseshoe shape. One arm of the given stories tall. The first horseshoe will be seven stories tall, the other ten floor members beer bottle throwing three floors will be common to all parts of the building running along were reported with Norman E. Wood from their third His was met the base of the horseshoe. The ground floor will house a head resident throwing eggs request from the floor. "In all and area in floor windows. Some apartment, laundry facilities, common lounges, reception The Cord complaints heckling

time here as Housing Director addition to normal apartment units. were registered by people claim- my

the will be between 10.5 12 million first students have had thrown at I've never been treated as appall- The price tag on structure to Twenty-six year ing to eggs

revenue hit or as I was by them. They just dollars. It will be paid off almost entirely through generated in residence had to find another them. No one was reported ingly towards the for the last said 'who the fuck are you?' and by the residence. The University is putting in no money place to stay few days injured. Willison 'what the fuck do think of exams. Floor B3 of The next day, Tuesday April you SEE "NEW RESIDENCE", PAGE 6 said Hall were evicted from residence 24, the floor's pranks got more you're doing?'," Belanger. the for rowdy during the last He subsequently issued them being serious. WLU Security was "If the week of examinations. eviction notice. It read: April forced to visit the floor on three for- The eviction notice was person(s) responsible step separate occasions concerning ward and their involve- delivered to the floor on explain boy's reports of beer bottles being 23 Director ment, the balance of the floor will Wednesday April by thrown from B3's lounge. of Mike after be allowed to finish their term Housing Belanger Although when Security ar- "If no resi- of commotions on the normally." Otherwise, two days rived at the scene officers wit-

floor. TTie notice told all residents dents care to admit responsibility nessed no bottles being thrown,

"to leave residence no later than by 3:00 p.m. today, the penalties there were an estimated 40

11:00 a.m., Thursday, appl>\" April 26, 1990." The penalties outlined were to hit the wall in the letter the evic- (Highlights are in the They trying were: tion of ill residents by original document.) Little House with beer bottles

The decision was 11:00 the next morning,

made by Belanger after he damages to rooms would

received numerous complaints broken bottles on the ground in be billed equally to the two room-

be from Security and other students the morning. "They were trying mates., floor damages would

of House to mem- about the activities on the floor. to hit the wail Little billed equally all floor

According to Belanger B3 Wil- from their lounge," said Belanger. bers, and an extra $100 fine and

lison had also been a source of The don for 83, Steve War- further cisciplinary action by the

den, was not in residence at dur- Dean of Students to fail- trouble throughout the year. He anyone

cited one incident early in the fall ing the trouble. Doug Reid, Head ing to leave by the appointed

where several floor members Resident for Willison Hall, was deadline.

The letter read that "I were caught pelting a WLU also not there at the time. Neither aiso

vehicle with of them available for com- [Mike Belanger] regret that the Security eggs. were

not actions of a few have caused this Usually there are very ment. problem for all of however, many people on residence floors On Wednesday morning you, received the will tolerate by the last week of exams. Due to Belanger more com- University not

the examination schedule there plaints about B3 and decided to this type of behaviour."

visit floor. At 10:00 Several residents was an abnormally high number the a.m. on complained

this was unfair because they of people left on the floor. The Wednesday, Belanger roused all that them had been involved the inci- last day of exams was Thursday floor members and asked to not ii) dents. "I've been in April 26. Since all residents must meet him in the lounge. "The around residences for time 1 be moved out by 24 hours after place was a dump. There was a long ana

Willison's washroom. This was know that even if some- Some of the nicer damage to B3 their last exam everyone would stuff: bottles, eggs, Kraft Dinner, by now

home-made created all the showers have had all the walls one doesn't do something they caused by a sauna by running to be out by Friday the spaghetti sauce, over REALLY if know who did. Everyone knew really hot for a while. Must've been HOT it peeled 27. They were evicted one day and floor," said Belanger. He

paint and metal radiators back, too. early. asked the boys of B3 who was SEE "FROSH".PAGE 4 Mark Hand, Photo the On Monday, April 21 several responsible for the mess and Applications to Laurier way up Tim Sullivan determined by the number of ap­ uates. About 3600 students have greater ease tne students to ac­ mately 5,000 undergraduates at­ plicants to a faculty and the applied for the Business pro­ cept. tend Laurier on a full time basis, The Cord marks with which the applicants gramme while the remaining It has been suggested that and so WLU mt1st be selective as WILFRID Laurier University has apply. The final cut off mark will 7000 put in for the Arts and Laurier has the high average ad­ to not overpopulate the small one of the highest averages re­ be determined at the end of this Science programmes. mission requirements due mostly school. quired in Ontario for acceptance week, Fisher noted. The Admissions Department to the size of the school. Approxi- into a first year bachelor degree This year, 10,900 high school said that applications to Laurier programme. students applied for 1500 posi­ are steadily going up. With the Last year high school gradu­ tions. The university will send out marks over the past few years on Undergraduate Applications to WLU ates needed a 70 percent average 6,000 offers of admissions in the a trend upward, the cut off marks to get into a Science major or hopes of attracting the 1500 stu­ have been raised in compensa­ 1980 vs. 1990 by discipline receive an audition for the Music dents. tion. Over half the applicants this faculty. Arts hopefuls required a Many students who have not year are Ontario Scholars. chosen Laurier as their first or 100'1' 75 percent average for admission Fisher said that Laurier does Total Applications into the university. A staggering second choice may be accepted not concern itself with the choice 83 percent was required for first into a programme anyway. They the student has placed Laurier at, 1980:4,137 1990: 10.139 year Business student aspirants. will likely refuse the acceptance, either first, second or third. 75'14> In effect, some Ontario Scholars however, on the basis that if they Hence, the possibility of the con­ were ineligible to enter the busi­ were accepted to Laurier, they are siderations of students is great. ness programme at Laurier. most likely accepted to the school Fisher would not comment on the While the cut off marks have of their choice. That is why so practice of other universities as not yet been determined, Admis­ many admission offers are given regards the rank order of choices, sions Counselor Sherry Fisher for considerably fewer openings. but hinted that some schools may said the cut off mark will be "not Laurier has received applica­ discriminate against some ap­ a great increase, but some [of an tions for the Music programme plicants on this basis, if only as a increase]." The cut off mark is from about 350 high school grad- means of determining with


by » . · Source: Laurier Campu!!f Magazine. Spring 1990 FROM the Mark . :+ -.MYLUM .Hand Frosh ousted FOR AN institution which appears so incredibly Buy some nice shiny silverware for our CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 pre-occupied with money, WLU is breaking new luxurious on-campus dining facilities and be billed equally to the two roommates, floor damages would be ice with their visitors' suites. To pass up an extra have some left over for a brand spanking billed equally to all floor members, and an extra $100 fine and further $28,560 a year in residence and food services new 1990 Ford Thunderbird for WLU disciplinary action by the Dean of Students to anyone failing to leave :revenue doesn't seem to mesh very well with their Security to cruise around in. Colour: sil­ by the appointed deadline. · other policies aimed at making money. But I forget, ver for the cutlery and fire engine red for The letter also read that "I [Mike Belanger] re~t that the actions residence and food services are two of their big the car, for that special sense of urgency of a few have caused this problem for all of you, however, the Uni­ money making policies. Silly me. that says "I'm in a hurry, just give me 24 versity will not tolerate this type of behaviour." $28,560. That's how much extra Laurier of the honey-dipped" (about $25,000, in­ Several residents complained that this was unfair because they could have made last year (by my calculations) if cluding soup spoons) had not been involved in the incidents. "I've been around in the usually unused visitors' suites were rented out Instead, the University's powers that be in residences for a long time and I know by now that even if someone to students. Subtract a generous $5,000 for ex­ all their infmite wisdom have chosen to provide ac­ doesn't do something they know who did. Everyone knew penses incurred this way, and they'd still be pulling commodations for important people who would who did it," said Belanger in response. "Unfortunately kids that age in over 20 gees. And they'd be providing accom­ probably be a whole lot more comfortable in the would rather pay the fine than squeal on a friend." modations for another 8 students. Not bad. At 1:00 Wednesday afternoon Belanger met with a few of the Waterloo Inn or some other local hostel. Probably a in s, Flipping through Our Fine School's pro­ lot more impressed, too. floor members at their request. They had cleaned the mess out of the halls, kitchen, and lounge and wanted to know if they could do any- reco8 posed budget for 1990-91, I couldn't help but Oops, I may have stumbled on to some­ thing else to avoid being evicted. I the fl notice that WLU's residences are budgeted to make thing there. No, the boys in the Administration (no Belanger said he had three concerns he wanted addressed before dent a profit of $72,754 next year. (Provided, of course, sexism, they're really all men .... OK, no sexism by he would not evict the floor. He wanted a guarantee that there would store that the proposed fee increase is approved. This in­ me, anyway) wouldn't be maintaining these rooms size crease generates an extra $124,646, by the way.) . at a fmancial loss just for the image of having hos­ be no more problems from the floor, he wanted to see the responsible people punished, and he wanted to see the permanent damages to the allth Food services should pull in a net surplus of pitality suites on-campus. Would they? (Total cost F $72;234 (if the $81,480 fee increase is approved). building accounted for. Aside from having the guilty party step for­ of using hotels I figure to be around another $5,000. to th There's also a special line item for conferences ward, the only way he felt he could be assured of all three conditions Maximum.) Univ hosted by WLU. These rake in an additional was to evict the entire floor. So far, I've only been harping on the cash $92,757 for residence rooms, but lose $26,542 for By 3:00p.m. on Wednesday no one had stepped forward or been involved. That's probably because I'm a little sick turned in. food services. And there is no proposed fee increase of being nickel-and-dimed to the point of terminal for conferences. Five of the residents worked a deal to stay in residence for an ex­ black-and-blueness by Our Fine School. What I've tra day. Warden, their don, assured Belanger that these five were not Now let's put things in a little perspective. been ignoring is probably the more important issue. involved in the problems. Taking this into consideration Belanger That extra twenty-some-odd-thousand dollars that Eight students are being gypped out of one of the permitted them to stay, provided they give a $100 deposit which WLU could have made if the visitors' suites were best experiences in university: residence life. would be forfeited should any problems arise while they were there. converted to regular student dorms could: Granted, I suppose looking at the The week concluded without further incident. ~ Cancel out the loss for conference food shenanigans of young hooligans on B3 Willison last All of the other residents of B3 were moved out by 11:00 a.m. on ($26.542) year who got kicked out for smearing shit all over Thursday the 26th. <{? Pay for residence laundry costs ($26,300) their walls (not actual pooh, just eggs and Kraft The total damages to the floor were in excess $1,000. Each resi­ Dinner and stuff...it's just a phrase) and playing dent was billed about $15 for the lounge and hall damage, plus vary­ ~ Pay for the mortgage and grounds let's-hit-Little-House-from-our-lounge-window­ ing amounts for damages to the individual rooms. They will not maintenance for food services buildings with-beer-bottles, I can see how the University's receive their marks or be allowed to register until these fines are paid. ($19,325 + $3,935 = $23,260) Administration might not be too sympathetic to this "It's too bad," said ~elanger. "Out of 26 kids on the floor there ~ Cover over half of the Library's new plight. were probably only about 5 or 6 six who caused trouble. But the atti- • equipment ($22,475 of$44,950) ,. Nevertheless, it just makes too much sense tude was bad. They just didn't give a shit." to give the rooms to students, take the cash, put ~ Pay for one-third of residence telephones visitors in a hotel, and make everyone a lot happier. ($27,733 of$83,200) But hey, what do I know? I'm only a stu­ ~ Pay half of the University's administra­ dent. Hell, I couldn't even stay in the visitors' tion's new equipment purchases ($30,500 suites if it was too snowy for me to get home. of$61,000) (WLU staff and faculty have this option.) ~ Cover almost half of computing services If you ask me, and you didn't, things are new software purchases (.$30,000 of getting pretty out of hand around here. $60,000) ~ Anything in this column is strictly the ~ Make a nice donation towards the new opinion of the author and in no way reflects the More 83 damage. Cute writing on the desk and chair is typical residence (about $25,000 of about $13 thought patterns of other sentient life forms. Except \!Very room. The whole place needs to be repainted as well. million ... it' s the thought that counts) maybe asparagus. Mark Hand, Photo 1 '"cord Thursday NEWS May 24,1990 5

Interlocution: Scuttlebutt

THIS IS the first in a series of hard-hitting interviews with important

and/or interesting people on campus. This week, Cord Associate

News Editor Tim Sullivan got the nitty-gritty on former student, don,

head resident, present day WLUSULounge Supervisor, and all-round

nice fellow Dan Dawson, the man behind Wilfs and The Turret.

Tim: Hi Dano.

How Dan: are ya, Tim?

Tim: Fine thanks. Let's cut the chit-chat. How the are bars shaping up these days?

Dan: Well, summer is fairly slow-no big surprise to anybody. Wilfs be seems to picking up steadily. Noon hours have improved greatly over the past of but still have couple weeks, we a fair ways to to Where to look for the when go new bookstore annex July rolls around. Beside Gus Maue Sports, make at noon hour. Our in any money evenings Wilfs are still a little where the Cookie Connection is. Now all they need is a name. slow. We have a table in new pool coming to replace the one that is Norman E. Wood, Photo there, and a shuffle board table. Also, entertaining the idea of putting a couple of dart boards for the So up summer. we are trying to get

moving on those as as quick possible, but as with everything else, Bookstore building new annex money is a problem (some laughter). Tim: Go figure.

Dan: We've been very impressed with the Turret. Our Thursday name ideas that have been sub- will in the open evenings and on Mark nights have gone over well. We have met Hand very our targeted budget, so mitted. The idea will Fischer winning Saturdays, believes that to for the first four speak, Thursdays and hope that will continue. We The Cord subsequently be sent to the Board the store will reach a target have been some conference business getting and special events of Governors for final approval. market which is unable booked into the currently Turret that we have never had before, that is quite en- FROM now on there will be more Some of the names to to the being sug- get on-campus book- couraging. books in the Wilfrid Laurier Uni- 'Hawk gested are Shop', 'Laurier such as stu- store, high school Tim: That is for the community at large? versity bookstore. In July the Connection', and 'Purple and dents. Dan: Yeah, mostly the university community. bookstore will relocate its entire Gold'. The bookstore will be ac- The removal of the gift mer- Tim: What about the Bruce Springsteen? line of Laurier mer- insignia cepting all suggestions until May chandise will leave a large empty Dan: We got it. It's in the Turret It's framed. All we have to do is put chandise from its site 22. in on-campus space the back of the current it We've been up. about where we could it talking put up. If anyone to a new Annex. The space freed bookstore. This will be filled by has suggestions on in Fischer said that one of the any that, please drop and let us know. It's this ap- up by move will be filled the of expansion the other three 5 feet tall 6 current full-time staff in charge of proximately by feet wide (pause for phone call and musi- with books. of departments the store, supplies, cal insignia merchandise will be interlude). The new Annex will be lo- general books, and This texts. ar- Tim: How do like moved to manage the Annex. The you your job here? cated across from the University rangement will be temporary. Dan: rest of the sales personnel will be Pretty good. in the space currently occupied Long overdue renovations to the Tim: What are future hired from the WLU student pop- your plans? The Cookie by Connection, next on bookstore ulation. campus are planned Dan: Well, I have just accepted The to Gus Mae Sports. Cookie for the near future. another one year contact with Connection will be decreasing the Fischer is Fischer emphasized that the very optimistic WLUSU tor working neic, i size of their store to about 500 about the profit potential of the creation of the Annex was "a will be here until next spring for feet. The 1518 ft. but square sq. new store. "The volume of sales good band-aid, not a complete sure. After that, I'll be honest, will opened up through this move is than I'm I more enough to support solution to the problem [of a lack not really sure. would like be taken over the bookstore in by [the new store]," he said. Since it of bookstore space]". to get into management a high-

for their new Annex. The lease here er capacity. Working is fun.

was for two with the signed years It's interesting working for the option to renew at that time. students and being at this level, The deal is the brainchild of by but to be honest, I can't afford to Paul Fischer, Manager of the Aurora stay here too long. bookstore. "There's a real crisis Tim: What are you doing this in space," said Fischer. It was Tim summer? Are you planning any recognized over 5 years ago, in Borealis trips? the face of an ever-growing stu- Sullivan Dan: Actually, no. I've some dent population, that the book- got holidays to take and I am not sure store would have to increase in WLUSU dude Dan Dawson. exactly what I'm going to do. I size to accommodate the needs of Good talker. Sharp dresser, ALLOW me to introduce myself. I'm Tim Sullivan, the Associate would like to home. Home is students. go all the too. Makes a mean martini. Editor. This is and in I will in I News my column, it over the next year Kingston. would like to go Fischer noted that according use it to introduce around the via home time people campus interviews, comment just to spend some away, relaxing. But other than that I to the Ministry of Colleges and on news events around and the world, and to some don't have campus bring light any specific plans. Universities a school of Laurier's facts and I look forward to feedback, com- Tim: fascinating figures. your Do you drive a car? size should have a bookstore of at ments, suggestions, and opinions. Dan: Yeah. least ft. If 12,000 sq. population There are several things that have concerned me in the last few Tim: What kind? growth trends continue to be at a months, and they might have come to your attention too. Canada is in Dan: I got a new car actually (goofy smile): a Grand Prix. rate of about 200 more new stu- these I do but the a mess days. not want to lay partisan blame, acting Tim: How does it run? dents each year, in five years government is to blame. and his cohorts have sat idle Dan: Great! Laurier should ideally have their hands while is on making louder noises than they did in Tim: What colour is it? 15,000 sq. ft. After the Annex is interest due what of 1980, rates are very high to Bank Canada gover- Dan: Gray...l the charcoal opened, WLU will have about got gray. nor John Crow called "an error" on the of the bank forecasters. part Tim: Pick up girls with it? 9,000 sq. ft. of bookstore space in The is slowing down and inflation is on the economy being fought Dan: That's not a don't total. problem...l get myself concerned about that. backs of the poor. Tim: Does it good mile- The Annex will house all get gas Racial unrest is not dormant in Canada, and the feud between age? merchandise which displays the English Canada and French Canada may tear the country apart. If Dan: Actually, it is, about 27 to or name. This is University logo Canada got its act together, united and strong, it could do marvelous 30. the line, but primarily clothing things around the world. are blind to what we have. The bar Tim: What is your favourite also includes rings, jackets, mugs, rest of the world admires what Canada has (freedom, space, wealth, in Kingston? pins, and other gift-type the Blue Now be the environ- pens, Jays...). is the time to friends, clean up Dan: Favourite bar in King- crested articles. The store will ment and set an example, and live together to improve life and the ston??? I would have to say have the exclusive rights to this world. Start now. Be friendly and welcome new Canadians, new Stages. Stages in Kingston was of and will therefore type product neighbours, and reduce, reuse, recycle, and refuse the plastic bags at made before Stages in in not be competition with any- the to refuse fall into the grocery store, not mention, to trap of in- Kitchener...Only Stages in King- one. To that the store guarantee tolerance and ignorance. ston is the spot for everybody, it will not be in with competition Canada has so much to offer its citizens and the world, that if we doesn'tonly attract the...(cautious other community businesses, no clean the begin now, not only to up political and constitutional divi- pause) dance crowd, I should say, books or other articles available sions, but the country landscape and skyscape, Canada could lead the just to make sure I pick the right elsewhere off-campus will be world into an era of cleanliness and of all that is good. phrase. sold in the Annex. Tim: Okay, that's great. Thanks. The the store is name of yet to The in Tim's column his alone and do Dan: No Tim. opinions expressed are not necessarily When you drink at the Turret, problem, be decided. A committee those else. special reflect of They might. If so, that's anyone great. this man smiles. You're paying END OF INTERVIEW will be at number of looking a for his Grand Prix. new car: a ••• 6 Reserved rooms usually vacant With a minor re-shuffling of Mark Hand don's room allocations, if the The Cord visitors' suites were made avail­ able to ftrst year students last year "In order to provide for the up to 8 more students could have been housed in residence. At the comfort and convenience regular 1989-90 rate of $2,050 of visiting faculty members per student in double rooms, this or others who are visiting would have meant an increase in Wilfrid Laurier University revenue of $16,400. for the purpose of making If revenue from the mandatory meal plan at $1,520 a contribution to the Uni­ per student is includes, an addi­ versity Community, the tional $12,160, the University University will provide a could have made $28,560 more limited number of visitors' last year. Actual revenue genera­ suites on campus." ted from the use of the rooms by special guests was also unavail­ Visitors' Suites Booking able, but again sources indicate Policy that the money received was nominal. IF YOU are a special visitor to The visitors' suites are in­ Wilfrid Laurier University, you tended to provide convenient ac­ could qualify to stay in one of commodation for guests instead A single visitors' suite in Macdonald House. You can't see the air conditioning, colour TV, and cool lamp on four special residence rooms on of sending them to stay at a local the desk. All for $35 a night. The Chancellor's Suite is a lot nicer, but also a lot tougher to get a picture of. I campus, but not if you're a stu­ motel. The three suites in Mac­ hear the alarm clock doesn't work there. I'm a student so I guess I'll never know. Woody Parker, Photo dent. donald House, one double and as inclement weather preventing a For parents or resulting fraction is then The University Administra­ two singles, can be booked return home." The cost in this friends of students in residence multiplied by the total expense tion has set aside the hospitality through any University depart­ case is $30 for a single, and $40 could book the rooms to stay in for mortgage and utilities to cal­ rooms, three in Macdonald House ment head for up to one week. for the double room. while they visit. When Mac- culate the portion the Administra- and one in Euler residence, to ac­ Longer stays need the permission Usually, these rooms end up donald House was converted into tion is supposed to pay. Accord­ commodate visiting faculty and of WLU VP: Academic Donald being used by potential employ- a dormitory,_ the WLU Adminis- ing to sources, this amount is guests. However, due a lack od Baker. ees of the University who are tration took over the rooms for ends up to be fairly negligible. bookings, the rooms stay un­ The cost of the Macdonald coming to town for an interview. the creation of visitors' suites. occupied almost all the time. House suites is $35 per night for The Chancellor's Suite is a The suites were furnished at Sometimes visitors offered The exact number of times a single and $50 for the double more private room. It is booked the cost of the Administration. the suites end up staying in a that the rooms were booked last room. exclusively through the offtce of Each year, the Administration motel anyway. When they see year were unavailable to the According to the offtcial Uni­ WLU President John Weir. The pays for rent and utilities for all that they have been billeted in a Cord. but in the last two months versity policy for the booking of daily rate for the Chancellor's visitors' suites. The amount is men's residence they refuse to the rooms in Macdonald House the rooms, "the suites are never to Suite is $50. calculated according to the square stay in the usually noisy environ­ were used twice. Reliable sources be used by students." WLU facul­ Originally the rooms in Mac- footage occupied by the rooms. ment and charge the cost of an added that "90% of the time last ty and staff may book the rooms donald House were available for The size of the rooms is divided off-campus room to the Univer­ year tliey were empty." "on an emergency basis only such visitors on a much less restricted by the total size of the buildings. sity. New residence CONTINUED FROM PAGE I structure, although since WLU is providing the land to build, like the Student Union Building, they will own the residence. The Government promised a $3.8 million grant towards the build­ ing. The grant will be given in declining amounts each year starting with $1000 per room in the ftrst year, $960 per room the second year, $920 in the third and so on until the full $3.8 million has been given out over a period of 25 years. GRAD STUDY Apart form the apartment style set-up of the structure, another unique aspect of the new residence is that the meal plan will be op­ tional for students there. The meal plan is mandatory in all other The complete multiple location residences at Laurier. The cost of the plan for 1990-91 is $1,640. The fees for the students in residence in the new building have not portrait study for University, been set yet but will be higher than in the other residences. It has also not yet been determined who will be allowed to live there but it will College or High School Graduates. most likely be for ftrst year students. It has been suggested that Euler and Leopold residences be turned into quiet residences for 60 ftrst year students who specillcally request a quiet area to live. The mature For both universities, Conestoga and graduate students who normally live in Euler and Leopold will be given the top three floors of the new building, a total of about 50 College, and all local high schools. spaces. The remaining 250 rooms will be given to first year students. The appearance of the building is also still undecided. However, a newly formed aesthetics committee will be ensuring that the style be 2 complete locations in keeping with the rest of the campus. This comes after the WLU Administration received considerable flak over the appearance of the choose from 20 proofs recently built Aird Building. The committee is composed of the Uni­ we supply gowns & colors versity President and Vice-Presidents. The timeline for construction is very tight. Provided things go on choose from large 5X7 proofs schedule, the builders will have ftfteen months from June 1, 1990 un­ til the ftrst residents move in in September 1990. Bouckaert Hall, cur­ we have hoods & colors rently Laurier's newest residence building, was built in ftve and a half months a few years ago. It will take an estimated 40 years to pay off the initial cost of the Challenger Portrait Studios building. Waterloo Town Square FIND THE NEWS NOSE 886-1740 Fun for everyone! the cord NEWS Thursday May 24,1990 7

Icebreakers bare all in interviews

deviously, applicants were asked to prove that Tony Burke The Cord .hey should be hired by showing their exuberence.

ensued Complaints forcing WLUSU to establish a BARELY out of the the starting gate, new WLUSU set of formal questions for future hiring. OMB have been stirred into already an investiga- As the weekend of intertviews for the positions tion regarding rumours that have surfaced sur- a the drew to close, hiring committees, each com- rounding the hiring for Icebreakers in process posed of one Head Icebreaker and one member of March for the fall Frosh Week. the Board of Student Actiivities, apparently began An undisclosed close the source to corporation to diverge from this structured path. charges that some of the students interviewed Jeff Huffman, VP: Student Activities, would showed their enthusiasm in front of the by stripping only say that there was one incident in which an in- committee members. hiring dividual was asked if he could be enthusiastic. The

WLUSU President Stuart "I Lewis, when hearing applicant responded by declaring can show

of the allegations, revealed that "there has been enthusiasm" before stripping to his boxer shorts. "No some question whether Icebreaker interviews were one was made to strip or prodded to strip", well The well-drilling rig outside of Willison Hall. They're drilling a conducted alike. Huffman said. Some people were asked to do It's about $10,000 now to avoid there to help irrigate the football field. some in the interviews that would be after rumours of the incidents things not Shortly reported It'll keep Willison's base- $3,000 to buy water every year. Very frugal. deemed to circulate, Huffman made a acceptable." began general apol- ment dry, too. Nice!

Christine Rohrabach, member of the Orienta- to the committee for those who Mark Hand, Photo a ogy hiring may tion in Committee charge of the hiring, maintains have been offended and to reprimand them for not that incidents the did not occur. sticking to the structured interview questions.

Huffman told The Cord that "if "[During the interviews], some people chanted anyone was of- fended the I but and were enthusiastic", Rohrabach said, "but no- by process apologise anything that CampusClips done done in the interest one was asked to strip or anything. No-one was was was of getting the best the asked to do anything they didn't want to do." person for job. It was a bad judgement call. When asked whether did No-one wanted to hurt Laurier...andbeyond anyone indeed strip, anyone." Rohrabach denied the allegations. Yet, Lewis does When asked whether the applicants where hired

on the basis of their theatrics Huffman not agree: "it was reported to me that some people retorted that shouldn't were asked to strip to their underwear." "anything have hapeened in the inter- cleared views Psych ofcharges did not have an effect on prof This is not the first time that scandal has sur- the hiring decisions.

A The applicants were selected based on their answers rounded the Icebreaker hiring. few years ago an REPORTS that WLU Psychology Professor Alan Auerbach used sexist lan- overzealous committee caused the whole hiring to the the set questions." in class and into the classroom guage brought potentially dangerous weapons be that Lewis and Huffman both stated that will process to revamped following objections they have been found to be unsubstantiated by University officials. the interviews unstructured and unfair. continue to investigate the matterfurther. were Dr. Art Reid, Dean of Arts and Science, and Dr. Bruce Hunsburger, Chair

of found corroboration Psychology, no for the charge of using sexist lan-

guage. Dr. Donald Baker, WLU VP: Academic, added further that the

into class weapons brought were harmless, non-operational antiques. The rifles for Christians remember were props one of Prof. Auerbach's lectures. A student panties complaint prompted the review. "There is no of Auer- question bach's professional competence," said Baker concerning the complaints. [Source: WLU press release] Tim Sullivan The Cord More WLU parking nightmares

LAURIER'S campus was graced

of the Christian will have even with the presence WITH THE creation of the new residence building WLU is All Ontario of crisis. The to be located at 44 Bricker St. Reform Young more a parking residence, People's Convention last week. scheduled for completion in September, 1991. told that for each of the75 units in the The convention began with WLU Housing has been apartment

must be created. Each unit contains and new residence, one new parking space registration on Friday went the four single rooms. This is in addition to replacing existing parking areas through the weekend. The reason which will be covered by the building. for the convention, according to in satellite loca- The parking will not be replaced on campus but provided one delegate, was to get together St.and Waterloo tions such as the newly purchased land at 202 Regina at in "fellowship, and to strengthen Park on Seagram Ave. in the Lord". These Christians talked about panties and dorms while getting their pic- Several people were in- Tim Sullivan. At least young ture snapped by ace shutter bug and hip reporter in from 16 terviewed, ranging age someone is to talk to the Cord. don't here. More WLU travel willing Figures they go moneyfor to 24. One delegate, Jim

Vanderkloet, 24, from Athens, AS OF May 1, 1990, the travel allowance for the use of personal vehicles by heard of "bad not apply despite having liked the Ont., said there were about 575 things happening" Wilfrid Laurier staff and increased kilo- University faculty was to $0.25 per She Another Paul at Laurier. When pressed, she ad- campus. did say, however, delegates. delegate, meter. Meal allowance is up to $50 per day. mitted the raids that that WLU has "good dorms." Her Luimes, 18, from Winchester, panty Appropriate receipts are needed in order to get reimbursed. attention in the sister, Lisa, concurred. The WLU President's near Ottawa, said there was a received so much [Source: memo]

media last had turned her off to the convention were Christian rock band scheduled, as year delegates

of the school somewhat. in the residences on well as youth services and mass put up Lewis The says naughty nothings meetings, all geared to strengthen campus. only complaint

about the residences was the faith and friendship. Judy Lynn Vandendool, 16, of WHEN asked if he had said anything witty or intelligent over the last week said the number of rooms bathroom. Several were sur- Wallasburg, about per delegates WLUSU President of month for the Cord news 'Quote of the Week', one what of "it's nice. Small Many did admit that Laurier had veyed about they thought campus: "have I Stuart Lewis said, said anything witty or intelligent over the last Pol Catherine better "dorms" than Carleton, the Laurier campus. Jennifer though." MacKowski, week? Uh...." said it of Owen admitted she where the convention was held of Montreal, P.Q., was a 19, Sound, Lewis later added, "I said some naughty things." "nice campus", but added she had had toured here before, but did last year. WLU Convocation weekend

WILFRID Laurier University University's annual Spring Convocation

at the Kitchener Memorial ceremony will be on Sunday, May 27,

Auditorium. will 2:15 Proceedings begin at p.m.

New recycling co-ordinator

INTERSESSION students, faculty, and staff will be re-assured that their

complaints regarding the loss of the recycling program on-campus over the removed be- past month will be addressed shortly. The program was simply

volunteer. cause there are no students who are willing to

Heidi Kostenbauer, the Laurier student who voluntarily formed a com-

mittee deal with after the refused for to recycling on campus University the financial reasons, is not available to handle the chores of co-ordinating

the program over summer. It's construction time at Laurier where they try to make our Summer's here and so are the bulldozers. Fortunately, it forces the Student's Union and the University to finally all the and of Westerns look better. First have to clear buildings transpose some buildings student for the summer campus they away hire a part-time as an Environmental Co-ordinator here. 1990-91 school The should be in over (Oooooh, blasphemy!) and continuing into the year. new position Tim Photo Sullivan, weekend. place soon after Convocation IK J 8 Thursday May 24, *090 COMMENT cord,

the cord






EDITOR Tim Sullivan


SCENE EDITOR Guy Etheringlon

SPORTS EDITOR Brock Greenhalgh


MANAGER Christine Yarwood

3 PI W: £ WM: ■■i W'%: fMi'■WM . ':' .! : :: •. '• .:i ' ". •: %.




Photo Tecnicians vacant i

Graphic Arts

Technician vacant


Advertising Production

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Classifieds Co-ordinator vacant

Circulation and Filing


Sarah Welstead, Roxaxine Chartrand,

Mark Pivon, Steve Burkev J. R.

Charlotte Gravlev, Chris otarkey, lomSzeibel.

The Cord Editorial Board would

like to give an extra-special thank

to Mark Roxanne you Pivon, Chartrand, Liza Sardi, and It was twenty years ago today... Howard Bellinger and 158 King St.

for their invaluable assistance Balloons bursting. Balloons that held the ideals, dreams, goals and spirit of university and college students everywhere. THE STUDENT PUBLICATIONS balloons such these were burst on the of Kent State Uni- BOARD OF DIRECTORS Twenty years ago on May fourth, 1970, as campus the U.S.'s involve- versity in Ohio when one hundred National Guardsmen opened fire on students protesting

Jana the the the Watson, President ment in the Vietnam war. One student was wounded because he was giving guardsmen finger;

Jim Boyce themselves. guardsmen said they fired at students in self defense in order to protect Pat Brethour marked the end of the sixties but also the end of what the six- The Kent State shootings, some say, not only Vlad Kinastowski believed that and to correct ties stood for: standing up for what one in, challenging things were wrong trying Dan Muys for each other and each other's well The balloons that held these ideals have Peter Roose them, and a genuine concern being. TomSamac been exploded.

EDITORIAL: 884-2990 of of the to what the sixties stood The shootings also, some feel, marked the beginning twenty years opposite

White House several occasions and a selfish and for: apathy, debauchery, dishonesty in the on generally un- ADVERTISING: 884-5092 "me concerned attitude toward others. People were unwilling to get involved or get angry. We had Nixon, the

generation" and Reagan to end the eighties and not enough people seemed to care enough to demand National advertising by Campus changes Plus: (416) 481-7283

where does that leave us now that the nineties are here? The Cord welcomes all feedback, comments, criti- So,

readers. ideas that cisms, gifts, and suggestions from our Please It leaves us in a stage of rebuilding, of pooling our resources, energies and so we can set out to ac- submit letters to the Editor typed and double-spaced by complish what was started at Kent State but what was so brutally put on pause. Tuesday at 12:00 noon for the following publication. four here at Laurier seemed And are already to occur. Three or years ago right people We can only print letters that bear the author's real changes beginning

and student LD. (if towards like the environment and That same a was held in Toronto to name, telephone number, ap- very apathetic things peace. year rally but be withheld plicable), your name may upon request. is affects us protest rising tuition fees and the high cost of going to university in general, which something that The Cord also welcomes all submissions but remember Laurier students there if count then OFS Four the and all, and only four were (five you chairperson Shelley Potter). rep- that they become property of The Cord we edit refuse submission. of school with 15000 reserve the right to or any resentatives from a school with an enrollment of 5000 students! The University Guelph, a

Eight month, 24-issue Cord subscription rates are: students, had 40 representatives at the rally and all the representatives went on their own time. $20.00 for addresses within Canada and $25 outside the dedicated or themselves to of direct to themselves as a students subscribe the of were not committing a cause importance country. Co-op may at rate People

term. State had been time of com- $10 per four month work result of the 20 years following the Kent massacre. They brought up during a non

The offices of The Cord are located on the third - in Ohio. mitment and apathy; there's nothing we can do. Why bother look what happened to those students floor of the Student Union Building in the heart of the

Cord is times are a seemin to be New balloons filled and when Wilfrid Laurier Dniversity campus. The However, they changin' (thankfully). are being they printed by Ricter Web in Brantford, Ontario. burst there to take their The of the and are are new ones places. growing awareness environment, world peace The Cord is published weekly (except for one or few of human rights are just a examples how people are to overcome The over Bill and fighting adversity. uproar two holidays when we all go home to Mummy Needle last term and the fact that students vehemently worked to make some is result of Daddy) in the fall and winter terms. Editorial opinions changes a people get- editorial board and are approved by the are independent ting out of the post Kent State funk. of the University, the Student Union, and Student Publi- Kent State, in spite of its tragic outcome or perhaps because of it, provided a for fu- still be sued for them learning opportunity cations (but we can probably the ture our It not to back down in the of but anyway). The Cord is a member of Ontario Com- generations particularly generation. taught us face adversity to fight

munity Newspaper Association. for what believe to be true and It we necessary. taught us about our obligation to mankind; an obligation to get Copyright (c) 1990 by WLU Student Publications, it damn hard do and it that right or try to so, taught us even a something like the apparent defeat in Ohio can Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3C5. No part of this publica- of the lead to later and victories. tion may be reproduced without the permission greater Editor-in-Chief. The Kent State is for but will be war over us now it always there, for the rest of our days. tt,e cord COMMENT Thursday May 24,1990 9

When the world is running down

Dear Editor, I don't hate WLU. On the Lisa' from fake controversy over 'Voice of Fire'. that actually painted his own a one if Leonardo contrary, I love this 'Voice of Fire' in his with DaVinci told in So University What gives so many people garage, us person. is it that the Why buildings at and there's a lot of 2 of is what of great things the right to criticize this artist's cans paint and a roller, and gives any us the right to WLU all seem be down? to run about it mean There's sell his work for criticize (I it!). just work. Since when has the offering to a any piece of art -- With the of exception the a few things like this that the Wow steal. of how feel bug proletarian been an expert on art? mere $500,000. a regardless we about Peters and the Aird Building HELL out of me! Think I'll it. the Is every Tom, Dick and Harry go out and buy Ugh price. Building, most structures seem to huh. going to start reviewing opera or huh, Ugh Signed, be dilapidated and in a general Martin P.L. Walker ballet as well? An art Come off of it folks, most of lover, but by far not an need for repair. I heard of a guy in Chatham us wouldn't know the real 'Mona expert. Most notably is the steps un- derneath the LETTERS TO security area as you approach the "Quad". Thank God THE EDITOR that someone finally decided to Nixon us on repair the steps...THE RIGHT spurs

WAY!!! Not more than three Letters to the Edi-

months the little letters. As for ago, step-repairmen tor welcome at noying my student attending Laurier over the are always Dear Editor, decided to whole 10 for this spend a reasoning writing letter summer and I am terrified of the the Cord, It is our minutes them poliey and repairing by simply venting my frustrations? If that I will miss DO SOMETHING DAMN thought reading adding on more cement to the al- to print all letters we I've to succeed in managed get- my favourite newspaper, The IT!!! That's all I've got to say to ready crumbling steps instead of less ting even just one of and Cord, when I'm in receive, un they are all the weak-minded imbeciles you up placement. repairing them the CORRECT tell I doing something...then I've suc- How, me, how can sub- sexist, racist, or homo- who don't do anything else but way (like they're FINALLY ceeded! scribe?! write into "letters To The Editor" doing now). Jeez!!!! phobic in content Maxi- to voice their opinions. Richard Cliff Claven mum length for letters is Nixon And the steps aren't the only

thing for attention! 400 words. All letters screaming If you feel so strong against or is too. Subscribing easy, and safe The entire Student Union Build- Subscribe! must be for something, why not actually accompanied by Check out the subscription in- ing could use another coat of try and DO SOMETHING about formation in the writer's the box of small writ- phone num- Dear Editor, paint, if nothing else...and for it rather than the masses' get on that no-one reads down at the r ing God's student ID sake, why won't ber, number, "Band Please me! bottom of the anyone Wagon" by complaining help I am a co-op page. remove the wall protectors on our and name, Names can be and doing nothing. Sure...it's NEW beer elevator in the SUB? your civic right to choose withheld by request : Morgenson thanks If we're to show it says trying off, why whether or not to get involved in We're don't we at least make it a yours.Use us. something that you feel so strong- Dear Editor, sharing. LITTLE attractive? but if feel ly about, you so is what wisdom is I am deeply touched the Sharing hotheaded about an issue, then by Speaking of elevators, why is award to me the fundamentally about. It is not should do whatever can given recently: the elevator in the Central Teach- Letter of fire you you merely a matter of facts about it Students' Choice Award. My imparting ing Building so damn slow? or skills, important though these Dear Editor, friends, my students clearly share Nothing cheeses me off more I don't subscribe to the theory are; it is rather a product of in such an honour, because teach- than for that damned waiting alone can't do that one person mutual respect found between I'm sick and tired of all this ing and learning are essentially thing to decide to move! anything. friends. And acquiring wisdom acts of friendship. And friends

iuvolv&a the i ihrouffh friendshio is what univer- Prove me wrong that humans learning together ©7 Artsie frustrated sity should be all about Thank by ploration of a new territory: this are not ornery little whining thank you for honouring me; you to be is called mammals and are in fact territory explored for all have taught me, my General wisdom. Wisdom is you requirements responsible and determined hu- bequeathed friends! the past to the future, but only man beings. Do yourself a favor by then I know? I could the medium created Dear Editor, me, myself and do something rather than just through by Don Morgenson have taken a great course in R&C friends, teachers and learners...a sitting on your duff writing an- I almost didn't graduate this or Philosophy, something to

complement courses I have al- year. I taken. almost had to go to interses- ready

But I a of hell sion, postpone my trip to Europe, no, spent year between thewheels

in class. on from the ozone spend my summer everything

I to wave I'm I All this because needed a layer patterns. sure editorialbyburke tony to science credit. can really apply this my

masters degree, it really furthered year was raped while drunk. Counselling ser- This past school year has been a difficult Why is it that I am an English my understanding of D.H. vices felt the best solution to the problem was for all those who touched WLU - and student who gets fair- one are by History Lawrence. to the victim and the perpetrator together be it student, or staff. bring good grades, I'm fairly com- faculty, ly And if I did learn even some- in their offices where they could deal with it Stalin -- but We all and on Byron and faced scrutiny misunderstanding petent that I could apply later in thing behind closed doors. I almost didn't graduate because by outside media, family, and friends for such life, what does the univer- right forces that 100? The WLU security are so proud of Geography concerns as the panty raids, the editorial con- sity have forcing Arts students of Since when do I need some- there have been no reported cases sexual as- tent of The Cord, and professorial conduct into taking a science credit? If I'd else tell me what a 'well sault but is that because one to take in the that the Univer- reported on campus; have wanted to take science I We can pride steps education' is? What's rounded were no occurrences or because no vic- whole to it's there wouldn't be in Arts now would I? sity as a are taking remedy prob- doesn't this the matter, university tim could feel confident that their lems and watch it emerge stronger as a result. possibly Liza Sardi trust my course selection skills. would be understood them or that Or can we? plight by Miracle graduate. Do they know what is better for help would be provided. There appears to be a prevailing attitude Any steps taken to correct the existing around this that, when Environmentalist fumes campus a potential problems at Laurier have been re-active rather scandal be taken erupts, must to cover up steps than No made fore he's forced to confront the pro-active. improvements are Dear Editor the mistake rather than to correct it. out. big, wealthy industries that are until information leaks Problems exist but, Just I I was by the book- days ago listened to someone tell me walking lakes air causing our to die, our to because their nature has not been revealed and store the other day and I couldn't of the terrible blow that a story, if printed in be poisonous and our land to be brought the media to Laurier's doorstep, they help but notice those The would deal Laurier's great posters piled with putrid mounds of Cord, to already are left untouched. showing Mulroney's contribution There waste. tenuous reputation. was no consideration It also me that, in the wake of the to literacy -- the GST. You know, surprises given by this gentleman over the seriousness of It could be this same 'hands Mulroney's commitment to liter- problems concerning sexism on campus, the incidents story's nor was there any respon- off' approach that has let him to WLUSU acy is sort of like Bush's commit- were suggesting scheduling Chip- felt towards the students who refuse funding less developed sibility letting ment to the environment. (Well pendale's for an evening at the Turret. The are affected his office know what countries in their attempts to by was hap- not really but I wanted to that put proposal was quashed when an OMB member clean their environments. Heaven bit in about the GST). In other pening. asked if they would be female wound the Amer- he is getting strippers forbid him to Yet just one of the at words, not very strong. many people too. An idea was also raised to include ican transnational who their spandex Bush, confronted by all the reap Laurier who feel that problems are better shorts as of the Icebreaker in other part uniforms. What evidence that profits people's coun- solved the dirtunder the has been piling up by shovelling carpet. are these about? for tries. Eventually he may be people thinking years has decided to ignore Case in forces and With decisions forced to the point: Campus security like these behind the environmental devastation support purification occurring services have reported- closed it is that is of his own country, sadly it will University counselling doors, painfully clear that the entire quickly reaching crisis pro- be date victim to easier to ignore the mess in the ly never urged a rape or rape WLU has alot of to do portions. Apparently he wants community growing up Third World. Their methods more press charges. prevent a mes- before those who work attend the school studies, he's not quite sure or can that reaching outside of the stand the the pollution is really all that sage campus. proudly up to accusations of bad. Perhaps he's buying time be- Gail Cockburn A student during Orientation Week of last media. Thursday tie 10 May 24,1090 COMMENT

Homophobia roadblocks parade

COMMENT BY council has decided most of the blame for Ot- recently to group, judge all not two or more who homophobes people sup- GAIL COCKBURN withdraw its of and tawa's homosexuals and for funding Gay embarrassingly as the same: label port care each other?

Lesbian Pride because it homophobic decision can Sometimes Day be them deviants. If someone shouldn't be a you really Marriage prerequi- Ini- on coincides with Father's Day. placed people who helped to doesn't fit into a neat little box of site for have to wonder. What is it family status, neither

tially this wasn't a problem, not create such intolerance. People what's "normal" then they are should heterosexuality. that makes people think until the REAL Women who think that is group homosexuality a perceived as a threat to society. By insisting that homosexuals that their of life is the way decided to launch a sickness, protest and is the sign of ab- are a threat to families, intolerant Groups such as REAL only and forced council to back on of way everyone city go normality. Instead seeing people are actually saying that if Women who can't get past sexual to else its promise of support Ottawa's people, they see sexual or should convert or prefer- you're gay lesbian you can't preference to see the people be- gay community. ence. It doesn't matter what a be in off the face of the possibly a family. It's both drop hind feel threatened when they While not the absolving city person's individual characteristics insulting and to earth? ignorant fail to perceive public tolerance and politicians of down in the what his or her backing are, ideas, aspira- recognize the diversity of a "fam- of A case in Ottawa's support a different lifestyle. point, city face of intolerant tions and an reactionary feelings are; ily"; it shouldn't have to conform Their carefully constructed to anyone's definition. Even if we society with its well-defined roles use the traditional definition of and rules of behaviour dis- might families having parents, solve. They felt particularly af- homosexuals can't be excluded fronted that Father's Day, a day from having families. Gays and supposedly to celebrate the great GenderRelationswithLizaSardi lesbians have fathers and masculine patriarchs of their mothers, they can be fathers and would families be given over to mothers, they can and often do celebrations of an alternative to have close relations with their Jonathan Swift once in the traditional A modestly pro- accepted many professions. Of course, some less family. parade parents and children. Are only the posed that Ireland solve its and qualified women will be just to fill supporting idea that love poverty accepted quotas. certain family types allowed to But don't doesn't have to be restricted to starvation automatically assume that women are problems by eating babies. celebrate Father's Day? unqualified for male-female nuclear units is in "A traditionally male positions. young, healthy child," claimed Swift, Like racism and sexism, direct their They just haven't had the opportunity to contrast to narrow vi- "well is prove homophobia is a product of fear, nursed, at a old a most deli- year themselves. sion of relationships. hatred, intolerance and misunder- cious, and wholesome nourishing food, If a woman is unqualified, it is because of the it Instead of Who is that gets to define standing. ignoring or roasted barriers whether, stewed, or boiled...". intangible she must overcome -- barriers what a family is? Different giving into people who hold these

Swift's - point being dictated not by laws but societies have had alternative vi- dangerous prejudices, we should that solve you cannot one attitudes. 'Women sions of be are family. What about Sap- working to change society's injustice by creating an- less suited to be in pho and her lovers? of simply Was D.H. concept what constitutes a other. business then in the Lawrence less and and what defines caring loving family a person see the birth of Many home'. Well that because he some say was gay? Is a family as a caring individual. equal opportunity or affir- the doors to universities

mative action, as just that, have been open for years.

as discrimination Solving Is is the fault of men in LIFE IN HELL against women by replac- engineering that few it with discrimination ing women were accepted?

against men. The truth is Yes. the During past 100 Many men make

increasing vears numbers women uncomfortable but ot women have broken don't understand because into traditionally male they are in the dominant and professions, their Its position. not so easy to numbers are rising. But be a minority. not rising fast enough. This leads into the next And out of women's frus- All fallacy. women are tration equal opportunity suited to be mothers. evolved. Women have a natural in- When this generation of university students stinct to be- be nurturing, supportive and caring. They gins to fill the of positions retiring baby boomers in just love to cook, clean and vacuum. It is a myth

the workforce -- where will be? don't that because you Things just women have ovaries and a womb; look so for good young men. They are indeed in women sensitive a are more or compassionate. difficult position. Will be forced to the they are ~ pay We all made of the same clay but society price for past The debts injustices? of the fathers molds us into what they expect. Women are taught paid for by the sons. And will equal opportunity to emphasize empathic feelings, while for men im-

women really compensate who were is unfairly portance placed upon aggression, ambition, and treated in the past? dominance.

What is equal solve? opportunity really going to Equal opportunity is about setting role models There is no that denying equal opportunity is for tomorrow. It's about breaking down barriers for viewed as reverse discrimination. until But some- the future, and it's about erasing stereotypes. one comes up with an alternative that won't offend Women can be qualified and productive employees

-- someone it will have to do. There are in some con- traditionally male dominated fields, only when that cerns tilting the scales too fast or too much will given the opportunity. Even if that opportunity create hostility. Reverse discrimination. bar- small The means a -- advantage because they are dis- riers achievement to once built for will be women, advantaged. This is obvious today by the number of constructed for men. And will young men have to women in engineering, sciences, upper manage- pay a price by giving up their privileged positions. ment and senior administration, that they do not Nevertheless I think it is about time someone else receive these opportunities. Equal opportunity may did pay. Women have been it for decades. be discrimination doing reverse but what are the alterna- I realize that is slow but how tives. progress much Our present rate of change? How far have longer will I have to wait? Will daughter, or women in the my my really come last 100 years. Despite grand-daughter ever see equality? the drawbacks, the it animosity will create, equal In evaluating the merits of is equal opportunity we opportunity necessary. must disprove a few fallacies, assumptions that It is by far not a flawless approach to achieving women are of incapable working in the male a balance between the sexes and, though it will take domain. much longer to change attitudes, we can change be- It is a held sentiment popularly that equal haviour now. Let's op- start practicing equality and not portunity means 'less qualified applicants' will be just talking about it.

BY MATTGROENING the cord COMMENT Thursday May 24,1996 11

Liza Question of the Month by Sardi

What do think the of you purpose University is?

Means to an economic end.

Patrick Yates

3rd Year Business

# Find and better yourself, gain discipline and party when its all over.

Christine Schilha and Sue McEwan

Business Diploma

Have fun, make friends, get a good paying job.

Helen Alexander

3rd Year Business

• To survive. % Have a good time, get 'A's and rich. , get Minh Ton

3rd Year Business Tina Divitantonio

4th Year Business Teaching students how to question the construc-

tion of their own realities.

Lev Gonick

Political Science Professor

To gain knowledge (I think).

Henry Wesselius 4th Year History/Philosophy

Tq spend four enjoy-

able years on learning ideas you will never

have a chance to study again. I love university!

Terry Copp Chairman of History the i 12 Thursday May 24,1990 FEATURE cord

What lurks ahead?

O.K.- what? so you've finished your degree, now Many recent gradu-

ates aren't ready to jump right into the "real world" after seventeen or

more years of studenthood. The transition from a less regulated, casual

existence to one of accountability and perhaps tedium where the natural

be shock the least. sleep cycle ofa student is flipped can a to say

and the moment take If having your life mapped out organizedfrom you

sends chill down don't off your cap and gown a your spine, worry you

aren't alone. What's the rush?

down If you're like untold thousands of grads you haven't really pinned

in Even tell us that what you want to do life anyways. though experts six it doesn't that decision people change careers about times, ease big of

what career to first attempt.

intentions Take comfort in the fact that most students althoughfull of to

the trek check what's visit Career Services don't actually make over to out

waitingfor them in the big cold world.

do too serious and research why not what So, before you get your future

is to do- west east, north, or south). every young person supposed go (or

travel travel

The best time bucks to travel, a minute from every corner (unfortunately work or volunteer abroad is tell find them Portugal to your parents you'll probably after now, your hard-earned that you've run out of anyways). degree and before settling money? into it For those of who permanency. Do now you Who would know how because: don't like the prospects of valuable toilet how paper is, packing up every few days precious peanut butter can a) discounts often end after and lugging packs as large be, how desperate for a hot around, con- you're over twenty-five, as yourselves shower a person can get or sider something a little b) because you've probably how we really take (rela- burnt out mentally and need more permanent. Many tively) good roads, efficient have decided to work or a change and banks, huge forests and because volunteer abroad. c) once you start clean water for granted? real earning money you The benefit of this like the fact that ap- may you Travelling can also be is You afford proach manyfold. can car payments, rationalized as beneficial to chance to meet local food get a entertainment, rent, building job skills. Travell- learn and all the little that people, a language (or extras ing (note: this is not the a culture to dialect), appreciate you've come scrimp on same as vacationing with and bond with the while student. develop a a suitcases and staying in country and its people. starred hotels) can give you Some even stay indefinitely the independence, con- tell Besides, you can while others take back their fidence, communication and dad that need mom you skills and knowledge to skills and sense of humour and need to find yourself Canada. is essential fu- that to any time review to your life, So ture career. you can jus- Don't underestimate the your assets, weaknesses, those tify sunny days on and value that a stint in a for- your opportunities Corfu by telling everyone If all can even career possibilities. eign country offer; that you're building skills. don't tell them if don't find else fails, you a position line and drop a in your intended field, you're going There are tons of guide from the there's much be airport. if to gained. books on travel you get

the Travel Cuts is Travel is an excellent urge, A in and the Lets key creating a suc- of both usually helpful way appreciating cessful want to be a few Go series the experience overseas only away velop your skills, to help and all or Lonely your own country is in all the months. do want Planet guides will researching pro- people or you just the new cultures you'll ex- help you and countries is all student's grams you Equally important to make enough money to perience. see it on a consider as frank about own budget. may pos- being your live in a foreign country?

How could someone sibilities. Its If can't hundreds of pos- important to personality. you There are pro-

admire Bell as much One to in look at the and dura- be and hate don't the sibly thing keep goals stand to dirty grams, so jump at throw mind is the difference be- tion of that as when trying to the programs, as bugs, its probably not a first one, and make sure

in an Italian tween a tourist and traveler; well as the location. Don't know what "gettone" good idea to go on a dig. you you're get-

after ten don't a Mac on for CUSO if abroad to de- into. phone or paying expect Big sign up you Are you going ting the cord FEATURE Thursday May 24,1990 13

volunteer volunteer

P.O Box Volunteering allows the to 566 Rabat Chellah you opportunity sup- you must help raise funds and have to be available worthwhile % port programs and get involved in is- to about Kenya Voluntary Service Association, The speak your experience when you return to sues you see as important. As with paid work, Canada. Director, P.O. Box 48902 Nairobi Kenya. skills are learned and you gain exposure to a field Nigeria Voluntary Service Association, General that want to persue later. you may * CUSO (135 Rideau Ottawa ON KIN Street, sXs)is Secretary, G. P.O. Box 11837 Ibadan Nigeria. Volunteers are in and great demand, are usually the best probably known project. Volunteers are sent de Mexica, AC Hamburgo 301, Col immensely appreciated. Many which overseas for however organizations two years, they usually take older Juarez, 06600 Mexico. out laudable work low and insist that have carry run on budgets, are people you a degree and a skill to of- constantly having their funds cut and prefer to fer. has Turkey a unique program where you can spend what resources they do have on projects not stay with a host family and speak English to their on staff. WUSC (1404 Scott street, P.O. box 3000 Station children in exchange for room and board. Write to Not does KIY only volunteering help the organiza- C Ottawa ON 4MB, 613-725-3121), an non- Euroyouth, 301 Westborough Road, Westcliff-on- tions who the offers run programs, it can help you too. governmental organization a program to send sea, Essex, SSO9PT. Employers and career counselors both stress that volunteers to developing countries for a period of American Friends Service Committee places volunteering is just as important if not more than two years. They provide return airfare, a local people in Mexican and Cuban villages to help with and settlement allowance. holding a job. It demonstrates your commitment salary a physical and educational work. Contact American and interest in an issue or program. Friends Service Committee, 1501 Cherry Street, Not to detract from the selflessness of Plenty Canada (RR3 Lanark ON KOG IKO Philadelphia Pennsylvania, USA 19102. it a in also has volunteer volunteering, goes long way helping you get 613-278-2215), a two year pro- Ecumenical Youth Services (150 Route de in an of interest. So if in and work. experience area you really gram mostly agricultural forestry Ferry, 1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland), runs rural de- want to do something but don't think that you have velopment programs in which volunteers help in the skills necessary or experience to be hired, The Mennonite Central Committee (134 Plaza construction and other projects. volunteering is a good idea. Its also a great thing to Drive, Winnipeg Manitoba R3T 5K9), provides full The famous kibbutzim are still operating. Al- do if feel the to do dif- you simply urge something support and training, travel, living and housing though not quite the communes of the past, ferent and want to help out. costs to people who will work in developing coun- volunteers still flock to Israel from all over the most of the best Unfortunately organizations tries for a of three to in educa- period years help world to do mainly agricultural and physical work. don't send volunteers This is overseas. both be- tional, technical and health projects. Contact Israel Youth Program, Cavendish Mall, cause of a lack of funding and a philosophical posi- 5800 Cavendish Blvd. Cote St. Luc Quebec H4W A If you can't see yourself surviving overseas for tion. great number of developmental agencies 2T5). work feel that its often better to work from within Canada long periods of time, you can look into For those of you who are more environment in a fee and apply through an supporting oversees projects. However with an camps. Usually you pay conscious, Earthwatch (680 Mount Aubern St.

room and board will be for but mind and a reputable can still be agency.Your paid 403 open program you Box N Watertown Mass 02272) has a two will have travel The ad- useful oversees. you to meet expenses. week program for archeological field research vantage to these programs is their brevity; you worldwide. The Sierra Club International (Out- % could even participate on several in different coun- Canadian Crossroads International (31 ing Department 730 Park St. San Francisco, Cali- For contact Ave. tries. general work camp information, has Madison Toronto, 416-967-0801) is a devel- fornia, 94109) ten day environment trips to CBDE, 85 Albert street, 14th floor, Ottawa, ON KIP opment organization that places volunteers in vari- repair trails. 6A4). A ous Third World countries for a period of four good book to check out if you're interested in

months going overseas is David Leppord's The Directory to one year. They cover you flight, food, accommodation ad in CCP No. 1234 of Work and Study in Developing Countries. provide a living expense but Workcamps Morocco, Rabat, work work work

But perhaps need to make some you money write 1434 Sainte-Catherine Street West, Suite 509, while you're or wand to finance travels. away, your Montreal Quebec, H3G IR4), places people inter- There are tons of jobs can get overseas. They you ested in business in foreign countries for two to but may not pay well you Won't starve. Especially eighteen months. AIESEC operates in sixty dif- in Europe, lots of travelers get under the table work ferent countries and provides a great opportunity to in in youth hostels, picking fruit or numerous other develop professional skills. vocations. The YMCA has an International Camp Technically, you should have a working visa, Counselor Program (356 West 34th Street, 3rd some countries strict about this. If are very you floor, USA NY, NY, 10001). You pay your travel want to avoid the uncertainty and risk of illegal costs to Africa, Asia, Europe, Hong Kong or Japan, jobs, there are a number of options available to you. an administration fee and they provide room and an au can Being pair (babysitter/housekeeper) and board pocket money. it also be be a nightmare, can a rewarding experi- The of Veterans Affairs has Department a pro- ence. It all depends on the family you find. Some gram that any history buff would love. They hire

will insist on long hours and heavy housework, Canadians to give tours of Vimy Battlefield in

others will cruises. The is take you on yacht pay France. Applicants should be bilingual, write to and board of of usually room plus spending money Department Veterans Affairs, 284 Wellington

about $100 a week. Street, Ottawa ON, KIA OP4.

families Agencies can help link you up with but If you loved watching The Love Boat, you'll make sure you screen them carefully and have an love working on a cruise ship, but don't expect to

alternative plan. On more than one occasion a Canada has working holiday arrangements with cruise director right away; even Julie McCoy had to

lecherous father has caused an au pair to pack up several countries You may find part-time, start at the bottom. George Reilly has written an and leave for will home. Many au pair agencies temporary employment usually teaching English, entire book on cruise ship jobs. You can also con- make only place women, so sure to check if you're working in bars, shops and restaurants. The beauty tact Alders International, 1510 S.E. 17th Street,

male and want to be an au for of Fort 3316. pair. of this program is that you can work a period Lauderdale, Florida,

A few check into are: au pair agencies you can time and then move on. Make sure to apply three There are quite a few books on working abroad,

Mrs Lines Employment Agency, 25A Kensington months in advance to the consulate of the country some good ones are Work Your Way Around the

Church London in to work. World Susan Griffith Interna- Street, WB, England; Agence which you wish by and Eric Kocher's be in where MFM, 18 Westminster Ave. North room 108, A few consulates you may interested are; tional Jobs, they are and how to get them. Montreal Quebec H4X IY9; Inter-Sejours, 4 rue Australian Working Holiday, Australian

de Parme, Paris France, 75009. 2200 Commerce Court Whatever chose Consulate-General, North, you do, your program or coun- SWAP ON MST (187 College Street, Toronto P.O. Box 69 Toronto ON M5L189; UK Working try carefully, get all the details before leaving the IP7) is another well known The CFS and British 80 Street and program. Holiday, High Commission, Elgin country make sure to pack all the necessary its Travel to travel company, Cuts, help you get Ottawa ON KIP 5K7; Japan Working Holiday, documents, clothes and supplies. Also important to and informa- Sussex Ottawa ON your destination, give you a reception Embassy of Japan, 255 Drive, remember is that you'll be representing Canada

tion on and KIN Danish housing employment possibilities. They 9E6; Norwegian Youth Council, c/o abroad, try to make a good impression, we've al- do find not find a job for you, nor do they you ac- Association for International Cooperation, Hej- ready got enough obnoxious travelers (including

commodation. feel that better Many people you're revej, 38, 2400 Copenhagen Denmark (note: this is too many Americans) wearing Canadian flags to off visa and bad just getting a working finding your mainly agricultural work). give us a reputation. Have an amazing time and

own job. AIESEC (see our AIESEC club on campus or Bon Voyage. 14 Thursday May 24,1090 mi


month room $150 per per

Summer Months Inclusive tfae cord FEATURE Thursday May 24,1990 15 Shopping the job market

skills still and Computer remain with sales -- a $30,000 By Sarah Welstead probably from Laurier, believes that it was her de- marketing the biggest asset a can is harder to grad have, but gree that got her in the door, but thinks salary live on than it is some- The these prospect of to land need not come from the classroom. she the in Kitchener. attempting got job as a management trainee place first after be The given human your job University can impression by at Druxy's Deli in Toronto "because of Economists are predicting a recession

even more than that of resources is that it is the daunting writing personnel motivation. or at least a slowdown in the my They were impressed by economy first Statistics final in learn second ability to new systems that they due to the interest rates your year. the fact that I had been self-employed." higher which are An informal of look for, not necessarily someone survey large local firms with not bringing about the change in the in-

and Laurier experience on a that So and graduates, however, particular - suggests system you have the degree the asser- flation rate as predicted how is this af- is that there much -- not to about they have. As Kathleen Hewick tiveness — where do to find the worry says: you go a fecting job market? While younger sell provided you can yourself. "Getting a degree proves to us that The best to is Career Ser- you job? place start students are finding it harder to get sum-

There is with having a can learn - we can train from there." It nothing wrong vices. Robin Sober that Laurier has mer which says jobs pay anything more than different than that of Business is have degree or important to a basic one of the best familiarity University placement $6.00/hour, and co-op and internship stu- Economics, especially if can offer rwith software like WordPe- you programs facilities in the province, and graduates dents are having trouble getting place- the firm something different than they ments, graduates reported that they were could get from someone who graduates finding jobs within ten interviews or Biz with a dip. While Robin Sober, less, and companies did not seem to

Recruitment Co-ordinator for the Mutual that think they were experiencing any admits that her firm has few Group, a effects from the negative economy in slated for openings specifically History terms of hiring — yet. or Political Science students, graduates Unfortunately, with a slight decline with in these fields still a degree can land in recruiters on campus this year, shop- good starting positions if they have been the ping on job market may prove dif- involved in extra-curricular activities and ficult very soon. Basso said, following articulate and informed. appear discussions with employers, that "you

once of as English grads, thought can certainly see some problems in the but academic intellectuals, nothing good upcoming year." for but nothing teaching, are now being The best method to gauge employers' after who sought by companies, not only behaviour is examine to the co-op place- need people to run their computers, but ment rates; career services have a projec- also to communicate with their tion of what employer's may need but Erin who has customers. Hintz, a degree the Co-op department is where they do in English from Queen's University, it. John Thompson, the Director of Co- found a job with Ameraßesearch, a com- operative Education, has "definitely seen puter software firm, where she will be a in tightening the labour market" espe- doing sales and marketing. "I will be cially in the automotive manufacturing some of the real- writing brochures...they of sector the economy. The companies Job searching can be tough and the future doesn't hold any liked the fact that I had the English," ly who take of how sell advantage the Co-op pro- promises. Learn now to your skills. she Kathleen Hewick, Manager of Mark Hand, Photo says. do so form gram as a of pre-recruiting - Human Resources at Equitable Life, says feet, Multimate, and Lotus 1-2-3. From who have found jobs say that Career Ser- if the employee works out during their that Business and Economics although there can train on then- vices was instrumental in any company you helping to find co-op term, then they will likely be hired students are probably chosen first, software. their existing position. It is best to use this "If the ser- upon graduation. companies per- "who people can communicate and have skills of sort are an as- vice and Specific any during April May of the year in ceive that they won't need graduates in and good people skills", have degrees in set: Robin Sober that like which the says things you graduate, however, if you next one or two years," Thompson like things Psychology and Sociology being bi-lingual, having the take some time off "then computer to pursue other inter- says, they'll cut back on their co-

also be hired because of their man- or worked in a may knowledge, having ests, you could find that companies have op program."

agerial ability. specific filed part-time or during the filled their The effects of the in the already positions, or that you slowdown

Jan Director of Career Ser- summers can to sell an on Basso, help employer are no longer eligible for help from economy have yet to completely filter

- to to Laurier vices, encourages prospective employees you but you have be willing pro- services. through to human resources, but at the

seek if the student feels mote abilities. moment it doesn't to jobs even your What can you expect from a new seem any more dif-

is not for them. Evidence of such like leader- ficult to a than it he/she qualified things job? Probably not too much more than a get job was a year or abilities and the mile extra — "Businesses often extend offers to gradu- ship going are chance to prove yourself jobs fro grads two age.

have the After we ates who don't have the degree that the important: companies impres- are generally sales and marketing posi- graduation, all have to step

sion that new are a with in hand, and "what job advertises for," she said. "The stu- University graduates tions, the opportunity to move up or back, degree question

dime a dozen, but can make leam. Salaries from can I do with this?". it dent should learn how to sell themselves you easily range about $26,000 Though may

yourself stand out. Joan Archibald, who to with the odd tale of to employers; explain why they should $33,000 someone prove increasingly difficult to find from Western with and work to with be hired for their skills over someone graduated starting at $35,000. Erin Hintz says also enough go around, self-

English/French and then ob- that of the in determination and effort else. Employers hire people, not de- degree, most good jobs are any job can be tained the grees." Management Studies degree Toronto, especially for those concerned ours for the taking.

MOre 300 |||||!|||||||||||||||||im the University. Please call 886-2830, DRIVER TO TORONTO NEEDED. than purebred cats from Canada United 9:00 5:00 Can housebound senior and the States are ex- 'rrpiltf; am to pm. you help a

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~~ 11 Waterloo about 9:10 come. Admission is $3.00 for 11111' 1 1111111111 1111111 1111111111111 Business Opportunity. Here is your am, return to adults,

about 4:30 51.50 for students and chil- chance: l.to become a owner of Waterloo by Car seniors, Professional typist. Reasonable rates. part pm. sup- food with investment dren, free for children 4 and under. a local an plied (or not). Expenses plus pay- Word processing and professsional co-op About 4 hours time For contact of just $10, 2. to become actively in- ment. free in more information, resumes available. Work guaranteed. 1 Heather Tees 579-4879 volved in operating a business, 3. to Toronto. Call 746-6947 about 7:00 at or Darlene Call 747-4557 of direc- Pearce at 888-6645. become elected to the board pm.

tors, 4. to save $$$ on food cost " | EXPERIENCED TYPIST. Rea- Sj_For ' ______Food more information call Ebytown sonable rates. Fast, efficient service. II I! 111111 11111 ! :l Co-op „ 886-8806 o, 747-1971. ff\ Westmount-Erb area. Call 886-7153. SOW BE NOW |[ | | MfffiMlllltn I! 111l

WE'R:E R A iIITI 1111 HI HI lH ill HI Word Fast, Processing 11 111 favourite underworked and professional LOOKING^FO JER- To my SON WHO WANTS A CHAL- Letter by experienced secretary.. overoaid Ivorv Tower assistant: LENGING AND REWARDING quality. Spellcheck. On-campus pick- BIG SISTERS: A CHILD NEEDS please do not offer to spank me Call Sharon 656-3387. YOU THIS SUMMER! up, delivery. lam afraid I ih'tv toiv anymore. may accept The we wouldlike t talk withu/th person to Kitchener-Waterloo I 111 l mil and Are Big and I a MUM your offer, even worse might Wlll be for a career with un- W 112 T looking sisters require volunteers to befriend HVp iti : limited will be WANTED growth potential, If H::u girls . a soys you caring Always sing nau2htv sones _ Affec _

lea n Wlll h"ve no reser " lookmg ' who is 20 of or Dash rf\ I 1 f years age tionately yours, "the loveslave" , , about hard work and creative =11 vations older and three |112 | Ijj can give hours a week Riprock. wholesome food challenge. This person must be a Interested in at rea- t0 a chii d> then we need you fiig ps When are coming over to recent or graduate, sonable prices? Ebytown Food Co-op university college Sister training begins Monday, May mv olace*? = in the business field. is now for preferrably 28, 1990. Call 743-5206 :==:=::^^P: accepting applications to register. - We will an to membership. For more information give you opportunity One commitment WANTED: ~ year required. Baseball Card Collec-

earn what think worth. call 886-8806 or 747-1971. you you're Make a difference! tors! 1! I only need #18 and #24 of the

— For an to join an 1 1 U opportunity excep- 1990 Fleer basebal cards. Am willing tional sales and = HELP WANTED team represent station The Golden Cat Fanciers Triangle are to trade or pay for it! See Martin at CFNY-FM exercise? We'll as a sales PIJEEEEE Why pay to pay you. representative, sponsoring the CFA Great Lakes the Cord office (884-2990) and leave

We're for who call Cliff Cohen -- 365-2153, Mon- looking people want Regional cat show and awards 112 : a message.

in their day, May 28 or 29th -- to earn extra money spare Tuesday May banmquet on Saturday, June 9th and BETWEEN 2-5 ONLY. time or pm June on Wednesday evenings Sunday, 10th, 9 a.m. to 5 To the who sits in the 4th p.m. guy always the We are an — equal opportunity both the Granite mornings delivering days, at 69 - Thursday Club, row, second seat move your big fat

— Waterloo Chronicle in around areas employer. Agnes Street, Kitchener, Ontario. head! 41,6 16 Thursday May 24,1090 cord

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cord Thursday May 24,1990 17


Tim trounces Turtles

"Funny animal" flick insanely violent

BY versus evil. A rat the TIM SULLIVAN copied Obi Wan Kenobi in an apparition, movements of his "master", a and Yoda, the ever I powerful Recently have had the un- Ninja pro, but moved to the master of "the Force" and all- fortunate opportunity of witness- United States to escape the hate- round wise being. Even the ing something I could not define ful vengeance of his nemesis. nemesis SOUNDS like Darth until mid way through the experi- Well, the nemesis found the good Vader, and wears a mask to cover ence. As things would have it, guy and killed him. The rat es- his ugly Saki rules over I puss. some friends and decided to go the caped, jumped bad Saki, street kids who steal andact bad guy, . to the show. I voted for one, the scaring his face and fleeing. other three voted for Teenage The 2) most important reason While in the sewers of N.Y.C., Mutant Ninja Turtles. I lost, and I find this movie pathetic is the the rat saw four turtles running in boy did I lose! terrible violence that seems to radioactive waste. The rat The movie's idea is interest- never cease. Four Ninja turtles brought them home, and they all ing enough, and I envy the lucky fight an endless supply of Ninja grew in physical and intellectual sod who invented the concept of humans all the time. I would ability. say mutant turtles who have mastered it is even more violent than the art of That is where The rat trained the turtles Ninja. my in and Platoon Hamburger Hill, to "do envy ends, excluding the millions Ninja, good, never evil". In considering T.MM.T. is aimed at TMNT As took the comicbook world by storm, these pizza of dollars in each week. the turtles' of brought escapades violence, the younger, teeny-bopper age eating hardshells have laid their claim to celluloid. Nonetheless, the movie is fighting evil where it happens, types. I pathetic. know, it was made for they come across an ex- successful young children, but this makes it who hockey player 3) One note on why I continue all the more To surmise fights evil, and TV who pathetic. a reporter to not like the movie. The end of

the reasons I have to hate this Saki came he was AC/DC does the all when dropped same. They meet up, movie, allow me to be brief. doozey into truck and and to make a long story short, a garbage sup- BY GUY ETHERINGTON 1) It's a I saw so crushed. He copy. many the hockey player and fired TV posedly may return, Flashback is similarities between this movie T.MM.T. 11. I an open column, reporter act like they hate each though, to do think for which write. It and another movie I admire that I I will anyone can other, but we all know they love stick with my decision next is older had to not like it. The is designed so that an or plot each other-like Han Solo and time and go to a movie like personal favorite based on the ol' of good album, movie, standby Princess Leah. The rat doubles as Driving Miss Daisy. book, that concert etc. may not be normally reviewed can be reviewed. Drop all submissions still off in Guy's mailbox at The it Cord office or ask for Nureyev's got Guy, man.

As the first unmistakable chords to AC/DC's album Highway to BY ROXANNE CHARTRAND Hell burn I look through my speakers, at my Rock 'n' Roll En-

"It cyclopedia to find a fitting description for this band. AC/DC is de- is beyond me how anyone scribed as aggressive, raw and ferocious but nowhere in could be interested in the world energetic, this educated book of rock album of music is the to Hell men- dance. To tell you the truth, it Highway bores tioned. me" quips one man. "I know what you mean," replies his That seems to be the with problem Highway to Hell as an album; "I friend, would much rather overlooked and underrated. Released in 1979, it marks the last album mow lawn my than watch women the band released with Bon Scott singer prior to his death, however, it in tutus and in remains men tights running the pinnacle of the band's work with Scott. around the stage." In contrast their earlier to albums, this album is well produced; it Granted, if do not have a you has a full sound with just enough dubbing to make the sound polished love of ballet, going to see but not slick; full but not overblown; confident and cocky but not Rudolph Nureyev at the Centre in pompous which is something that cannot be said too for many late the not interest Square might you. 70's albums.

However, Nureyev is not just an- Clad in his schoolboy shorts, Angus Young pulls off some great other ballet dancer; he is one of killer riffs and simple yet powerful solos; what the band lacks in mu- the greatest ballet dancers and it makes for in and sicality up raw energy power. Songs such as Girls choreographers in the world of Got Rhythm, Walk All Over You and Touch Too Much have dance. This 52 old meaty year genius riffs that attention grab your and don't let you rest. In fact, the entire gives new meaning to the words album will not let you rest; the driving tempo drags in and forces classical ballet you to bob you tap your foot, your head or play some air guitar-you have Rather than to the tradi- keep the no choice-that's type of album this is. tional elegance of this type of While the lyrics are typical AC/DC for which I've dance, Nureyev incorporates into lyrics, always had a fondness, with their it content being sex, parties, life on the his own personal style through living edge etc., they are still positive and fun. Bon powerful facial expressions and ning got off to a bad start with a memories back to life. The two shouts/rasps/croaks "Nobody's Manilow, from The dancers playing nobody's playing soul, and no one's unconventional dance move- Pas de Six Napoli. were well matched, danc-

playing hard to get- some old rock and roll." That's what ments. He sans had dif- with just good has created a more company, Nureyev, ing great precision and this album is all about and full of: modern the same straight ahead, dare I "no holds type of ballet by not ficulty maintaining agility. The emotional rapport be- say barred", rock with a of humour and were sense and a attitude. throwing away classical methods rhythm consequently tween the two was so intense that positive but ihem with not with much together- think the same man I by enhancing more moving you might ve always regretted Bon Scott's death because I've often how- in the bodies of dance ness. The next movement, was dancing two wondered what the follow this emotionally charged steps. up to album would have been like; it In audience. different dancers. his farewell ever, awakened the would have been to and performance tough top while Brian Johnson is a great re- Next the with the Paris Ballet in In Songs of a Wayfarer, on program was a he is Opera placement not Bon, nor was he meant to be when he joined the Jude Pas de Deux from Don Kitchener on 24, Nureyev and Charles Quixote. band, April Nureyev pre- and, therefore, the two cannot really be compared. What Scott

was true sented the of a man Raymond Smith, an Ontario na- to form and a story young left for the wheels of steel is, gave very however, something truly great; a rock See "A Great" bring old man's page 18 I powerful The trying to an album never of performance. eve- you grow tired listening-no-growing deaf to. the 18 Thursday May 24> 1900 SCENE cord

A Salinger for the nineties?

first impression of this clear is that the confusion, bitter- BY GUY ETHERINGTON My that it hurts, with its references to "families are a lie from the start, that it what and novel was was my Elvis Costello and Frankie Goes ness, angst, anger instability based on the totally ridiculous no-

author thirteen teacher To of youth still exists today as it did tion that be faith- Bright Lights, Big City grade English Hollywood songs which are, two people can novel Jay Mclnerney's most recent called "pop trash"; a writ- apparently, hip. ful to each other." From these and in the fifties. Mclnerney, how- novel Story of Life is a sell lot of be My ten to a copies, that other statements that Alison ever, shows today there is It also reference to schizophrenic read; it leaves me carried in stores tell a makes drug and makes, the novel is really a diary just more money, booze, drugs with an un- "cool" plays (The Zoo Story), uneasy, questioning, mildly original, though not too of her life, the book becomes and sex to hide in than in the settled feeling mainly because it Life playwrights (Edward Albee), ac- of original, story. Story of My fifties. something substance; not pop various cool can be seen in two distinctly dif- in that it tries tresses (the narrator), trash but trash and and is, sense, pop trash; pop mom After I finished the novel I ferent night clubs, booze, drugs and sex ways. to be popular and hip, so much so sister and the whole family as realized in of all the all of which the novel a that, spite give very Alison blames its politics and trash it the cosmopolitan, informed, cutting pop qualities has, power struggles for the problems feel. book also has some substance to edge However, its easy to in her life and it becomes a meta- it. It has some interesting things see that the references are only phor for all families...well, you to about and meant to appeal to the type of say anorexia, drug get the idea. alcohol mental that is into these abuse, instability crowd things. Story of My Life is an odd

and the reasons occur. they novel because it can be seen Mclnerney also makes fre- Story of My Life also deals simply as a cheap novel or as a quent use of the language that with families and the rela- continuing statement on the prob- hip words and today's youth use; and within tionships politics lems of growing up. Either way such as phrases "like", "totally", main families. The novel's it provides a main character who "I "right?", go/he goes/she character, Alison and in- Poole, a twenty- is as amusing, interesting goes...", "I'm like...". Well, like, old her year struggling actress, says triguing as predecessor the idea The you totally get right? "that's weird as as it gets-the Holden Caulfield but is without a novel tries hard to become the American She also red family." says goddamn hunting cap novel for the 80's/90's generation

of kids who are old enough to

read it or live it; sort of a hip "in" version of The Catcher in the A Lesson Rye. great

Both Story of My Life and The CONTINUED FROM PAGE 17 Catcher the in Rye deal with cen- tive, and Christine Spizzo executed a beautiful duet set to wonderful- tral characters filled with angst series of ly light music. The couple proceeded to run through a who see nothing but a chaotic arabesques, grand jettes and pirouettes and captured the audience's world making little sense. That eye with the ease with which they glided across the stage. Mclnerney borrows from The Following this was Lesson which presented the story of a Salinger the idea of the main dance master obsessed with and He becomes so character in perfection intricacy. ending up a mental twisted that he kills one of his students. Nureyev brings this character hospital is clear but what is also to life using strong facial expressions and he brings out the mental

disturbance of the teacher through the dancing of very intricate and

over exaggerated steps. Isabel Seabra is spectacular as the student

trying to follow the wishes of the much admired and respected & teacher and by the end of the sequence the audience sees her exhaus- the Up Coming\ tion and sympathizes with her. Vivi Flindt is also brilliant as master's the pianist trying to control the passions. Through progres-

sion of this movement, the audience is witness to the degeneration of Now time | the has come to speak Tonight the Bombshelter has National Velvet 1 the teacher's character. The steps become more harried and intense | I was not able. frolicking about. until finally all stops and silence ensues. I And water through a rusted pipe \ The grande finale was The Moor's Pavane. In this representation | Could make the sense that I do. ,

Tomorrow Phantoms of a few scenes from Shakespeare's Othello, four dancers used grand 1 Suzanne Vega the will be playing Call the J ■ Office in London. | sweeping motions to put forth the idea of a merchant's lifestyle. They touch and the meet and glide away only to meet again. Nureyev, as

3-D will | Stones. Much Music be two ! 1 once broadcasting Moor, again gives an outstanding performance showing through \ hours from the final concert of last Rolling his year's May 31 has the Barracudas at the Bombshelter ; facial expressions the pain felt by the Moor before killing his Stones' Steel Wheels tour with three songs shown 9 Dead Milkmen wife. Charles Vivi and june the make a delivery Jude and Flindt were very powerful as the Moor's in It be 3-D. can seen on May 28 at 8 p.m. and friend and his wife. These dancers moved there as well. ' in and out of their patterns ! glasses can be bought at 7-11. Guests include Eric ' with grace and ease and thus created an accurate picture of the transi- Clapton, Axl Rose and John Lee Hooker. ' tion between the world of perfect harmony to a world of rage and mistrust. | Catch UB40 for what seems like their annual !

The was a black curtain as background- and '! Kingswood show on June 16. setting simple-only 1 Following the release of her new album days of \ the costumes were beautiful- colourful skirts and leotards. Con- Suzanne 1 open Hand, Vega is embarking on a world 1 sequently, nothing was distracting the audience from the graceful

tour with her band. It's been three since her A tough decision on June 18: either J years the B-52's at dance movements.

last tour and album so look for her in T.O. in mid Massey Hall or Motley Crue at 1 Skydome. Eeeny 1 , is Rudolph Nureyev definitely a great dancer and the dances from ' June. meeny meiny moe... I the Paris Opera Ballet greatly complimented his style. Therefore, this

performance was not to be missed by dance lovers and others alike.


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Freakish encounter with a throbbing Heart

beyond the traditional drums and alternative Sue debut probably serves as an surrounding Medley's becoming a clone. with guitar Nancy's work on the and up-beat movie soundtrack. self-titled album; she has been The songs Blue Skies, Oh, At- Mandolin, Blues harp and Dobro, I was called next disappointed with the "the big Canadian lanta (a Bad Company tune) and among other instruments. of this act". She of her al- production album, espe- recording says especially Queen of the Un- Lyrically, they haven't where the drums bum that it contains "all of in- par- cially are con- my derground show the talent that matured ticularly or expanded cerned. Maker decried fluences in a nutshell." Those in- Melody Medley has; the songs stand out their horizons. Of fluences include John course, Heart "urgent dynamics, thundering seem to from the others because they has been in the music biz for Allanah drums and cutting guitars", yet I Mellencamp, Myles, sound different and original; they around two decades; could hear Melissa Etheridge and other fit why change hardly any base guitar don't into the mold of her in- if well your style you've tried it all al- or drums whatsoever. But this is country-rock performers as fluences. These songs have a Brigade ready? as Bad completely in line with the pro- Company(?!) sound that is distinct and which Heart duction Mark Pivon techniques of John Fryer Mellencamp's guitarist pro- can only come from an artist with

Capitol and Gil duced this (Love Rockets), and record and it shows; great talent or at least the poten- I Norton (Pixies). didn't like the the crisp, snappy snare drum, up- tial for it. I really think the Wilsons are way the drums sounded with beat country- rock foot stompin' sexually frustrated. Why else Medley's voice is also a treat; those bands either. Oh well, tunes and choppy, semi-meaty it is clear and and would on their latest powerful easy every song that's O.K. riffs that evident in I guess, as long as guitar are so to listen album be about boffing? to. It reflects the energy, you're partial to the sound of a JCM's music is here in full force. enthusiasm, and excitement Of course. The album was in- youth fart. The result is that wet Medley, on a tended to be about relationships. that this album is full of. If Sue "The Comforts of Madness" few numbers such as That's Life, We're not talking the simple Medley's strong debut album is a is rarely repetitive and The Pale Heart of Mine and Love Thing, boy-girl-happy-sad lalala kind, learning experience for her then it Saints bear watching out for in comes painfully close to sounding The Comforts of Madness but rather those freakish ones that may not be long before others the future. However, they sound like other female country-rock have The Pale Saints you really to look back on. look to her for musical influences slightly more like a studio band singers such as Myles, Etheridge I 4Ad/Vertigo suppose if all-male bands instead of the other around. than a bar band. Because of the and Bonnie Raitt but there is way can herald the of act orgasm as Out of the U.K., the Pale style of their music, I honestly something that saves her from Guy the in " Etherington one I Saints o true goal life, suppose have brought us an im- ...... wonder how they would fare as a it's 0.K., if women about it pressive debut with "The Com- sing live act. as well. After this is the forts of Madness". In it's Mark Pivon all, age entirety, of Equality, isn't it? it is a'fine synthesis between the Corner Yes. It is,. Which makes me more traditional instruments as \Poet's wonder about all the controversy well as the newer technologies in Two people A touch surrounding the song "All I Want music. one tense uncertain of what to say to Do is Make Love to You". "The Comforts of Madness" playful yet caring

ver welcome The album is y very aggressive as was experimental enough to make They talk far is and as sexuality concerned, you want to listen just a little saying little yet speaking much . TT ... His mind is in Heart to into bit limbo expected get a of more, and pay just a little bit * trouble with this no sure man song. more attention than normal. The Slowly they slide y things his If two mostly feelings you enjoyed the last Saints don't seem to be vocally closer together or how to them albums, chances are be oriented either. express you'll Rather, they ap- with this effort well. the vocal happy as pear to treat as an equal Sue Medley She seems uncomfortable UnUl he finds solution Ann - He Wilson still has an amazing instrument as it should be. The Sue Medley feels bottled set o'pipes and still satisfies the hard edged guitar, combined with Mercury Records not knowing if he can let his SILENCE most discriminating critic. Musi- lan Masters' whiny voice creates feelings out cally, the album works well a sort of atmospheric album that There is a fair amount of hype Silence Allan Lee


Ik EMPORIUM ii CD , s t JMaM There's always something cooking 445 KING ST. WEST %


Wednesdays Only $0.20 Only $9.95 Aii-You-Can-Eat 20 Thursday May 24,1990 SCENE the cord Loketo delight dancing crowd

are still attracted to tive where this could BY TONY BURKE why people tongue but,

live music but it was clear why detract from the audience's

140 at Phil's ability to enjoy an for As Lambada is being gobbled patron's stopped act, Loketo, it added the music's the that night: they came to dance. only to up and spat out by media, merits. the second the floor was listeners may find it difficult to By song,

and for the rest of accept yet another new hip packed moving The band was also joined on swinging, leg rubbing ethnic the night. stage by two dancers wearing an dance craze. Yet African Soukous Who could resist? The music assortment of costumes. Singer band Loketo seem to be able to was infectiously danceable. Aurelius Mabele and the percus- avoid the hype generated by pop Soukous is described mixture as a sionist also joined in; jumping fads and continue to gain recogni- of rhumba and Zairean beats; and gyrating as the crowd tion not only as the leader of a with a guitar tinged reggae clapped and cheered them on. new dance form but also for their rhythm, faster and more varied individual talents. rhythmically thanks to the very After Phil's stopped showcas-

bassist live basis Loketo, or, literally translated, capable and percus- ing acts on a regular

due to "move your hips", were brought sionists, Soukous is a combina- last year financial losses, it

to Phil's Grandson's Place Thurs- tion of the best in real dance was a pleasant surprise to see the

day May 17 by Beating Drum music. large, diverse turn out Thursday for that Productions, a local promoter night especially a band The is led Diblo whose mandate is to bring inter- group by doesn't appeal to the mainstream

national acts to the Kitchener- Dibala, a renowned Zairean University clientele of the bar. It

As their showcased would be Waterloo Region. The band are guitarist. an injustice if Waterloo

continuing their North American musician, Dibala is afforded could not have a culture con- of within the tour which brought them to 20 plenty opportunities ducive to such new and original

cities in 1989. songs to show his virtuosity. entertainment as bands like

There are different reasons Lyrics were in the band's na- Loketo provide.

Theatre expects company

second novel in the series Tales of the Resistance. BY TONY BURKE Tales of the Kingdom is directed by Stuart Scadron-

When it may seem that Waterloo is overflowing Wattles, the founder and artistic director of Theatre

with dramatic presentations from such sources as U & Company. Scadron-Wattles moved to Cambridge

of W, WLU, occasional productions at the Princess from New York in 1988 to form an ensemble com- Cinema and other community groups, another pany approach to live theatre upon invitation from & will be theatre group, Theatre Company, soon the Academy of Performing Arts. setting in the K-W up shop region. is Scadron-Wattles confident about the show Singer Aurelius Mabele brought the African Debra Public Relations Director, Fordham, vo- and expects great things from the cast and crew. Soukous sensation Loketo to Phil's Gandson's Place cal coach, and actor of Theatre & Company "Rick [Drake] and I have spent alot of time work- the with music believes that there is a "definite cultural need to last Thursday, entertaining crowd on this Wattles "We ing production", says. are look- serve this community. Our mandate is for the K-W and dance. forward ing to seeing how it plays in front of a real region." They are at currently looking property in Photo I am Tony Burke, audience. excited about using a cast which in- with Waterloo designs on a large building. "We're both cludes Company members as well as members it will hoping happen before the end of the year for of the community." us" Fordham says. The Russell The company began by show casing family play stars Conway as Hero, Helen oriented productions in shopping malls to get a feel Butlin as Amanda, and Dale Thompson, a former for their audience. Following a few successful Laurier student, as a of Great Park. Butlin Music awards ranger trained plays, they are now ready to present their first was in London at the Academy of Music

major performance at the Academy of Performing and Dramatic Arts and is a full-time member of the THE CORD SPECIAL TO took third Arts in Cambridge June 21-24. company. student, prize. Theatre The is As intent as & Company are on moving play an adaptation of the book Tales of In the string category first On May 15, thirty-five young tlxe David and their facilities, they are still concentrating on their Kingdom by Karen Burton Maines. It year student Shelley Pullen won musicians between the ages of is next an adaptation of The Drowned by generally considered to be a children's book but production, third while second in sixteen and twenty-eight took part prize prize it's is Katie relocation, the are appeal universal, much in the same vein as Wright. Upon group plan- the instrumental went to in the Edward Johnson Music category ning to more plays oriented to their new The Hobbit and C. S. Lewis' Chronicles ofNarnia. present third classical Dave Competiton held during the year guitarist audience: the It is target University student. an adventure about a boy named Hero who Sinclair. Guelph Spring Festival and four runs from a cruel and oppressive society to "Great Laurier music students took home Congratulations to the award Tales of the Kingdom Park" where the king rules his people with love. It awards. winners; it is good to see that the is adapted by one of the resident and playwrights In the vocal Laurier music category soprano program can and features 17 musical numbers all scored bv Theatre A Theatre & Company production fifth Marne Goodyear, a year stu- does live up to its reputation of the Arts, 180 7/2 & Richard with At the Academy of Performing Company's D took second while rfll^ong dent, prize being one of the best music pro- Road, hp the obtained exclusive Hespeler Cambridge >n"f)tesent Ruth also a fifth in the t Ohlniann, year grams province. to y 24 rights June 21,22,23 at 8:00 pm, June at 2:oopm auc FRANCESCO^

33 University Ave E Waterloo, Ontario CONGRATULATIONS 1


A TA O 112) ft 112 —VEAL 83 25 LASAGNA M.99 I I ' Ii A IXIX/A STEAK * 3 30 SPAGHETTI »3 60 VjP -■-'m.X m SAUSAGE $3 15 GNOCCH! »3.75 ("~X MEATBALL »3 15 RAVIOU *3.76 14 Inch Pizza Medium § FRANCESCO'S 2 XA Items SALAD $2 00 — Olives — Soup $1 50 $9.99 + 2 Cokes Only 112 PANZEROTTI $3.50 "\ I

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1989-90: A reflection in pictures and words

Because this edition of the Cord will be FEBRUARY 15-Anne Ottenbrite is

read a number I named the Hawk of by of grads thought it the Week after captur-

would be a idea to take great a trip down ing a silver in the 100 m breast stroke and a lane and look memory at all of the special bronze in the 200 m at the OWIAA finals. that have sporty things happened during the Laurier. past year at I apologize for FEBRUARY 15-At the OWIAA that anything I have missed and regretfully Championships the Women's Varsity Fig- that hope I will be I this forgiven. hope ure Skating Team placed 7th in Ontario. list partial of highlights (and low lights) will stir up some memories. Alright kid- FEBRUARY 24-The Women's basketball

dies, it's time to climb aboard the starship team is eliminated from further play but and head back to 1989: September Sue Little is named to the OWIAA West

All-Star She is team. currently ranked as the 15th in highest scorer the nation and 6th highest in rebounds.

NOVEMBER 5-The Women's soccer

this team comes out as year's OWIAA

Champs, beating Queen's 5-2 at Bechtel


NOVEMBER 23-Two players from

Laurier are named to the Nestle CIAU All-

Canadian Football team, Brian Breckles

and Bill Madden.

NOVEMBER 30-Six members of the

Rugby team are included in the divisional

all-star team: Gord Jamie SEPTEMBER Young, Dol, 9-The Golden Hawks are Doug Purdy, Chris Ross, Dan Howe, lan trounced out on the grid-iron by Allison. McMaster. This is their first loss to Mac

since 1984.

SEPTEMBER 31-The Laurier Lacrosse JANUARY 6-The Women's Volleyball MARCH 15-The Hawkey Hawks are vic- team finds itself in wins the consolation at first in the team championship torious in for the place their quest Queen's Cup, OUFLA. the Queens Invitational tournament. beating out the Universite de Quebec a

Trois Rivieres two games to zero. SEPTEMBER 31-Rookie Kelly JANUARY 25-The Men's Volleyball MARCH this time 14 15-By preseason Konstantinou travels South Bend Indiana for scores a total of five goals in team to ex- games have been missed due to the Major aid hibition matches the Notre Dame two games to the Women's soccer against League Baseball lockout. achieve victories Irish and Tri-State and team over Guelph and Fighting University

Windsor. defeats both teams. MARCH Cord 18-The sports headline

"Twice reads a Bridesmaid" referring the

Hawkey Hawks heartbreaking loss at the

Nationals in Toronto. Three of the five

players on the tournament all-star team are

members of the Laurier team.

MARCH 27-The President's Award win-

ners are Sue Little and Greg Puhalski.

March is over and so is the 1989-90

school and athletic year. That brings our OCTOBER of Shame. The Gold- short 14-Day yet meaningful flashback to a close. en Hawks football team loses to the Water- Time to put away the Kleenex and dry

those loo Warriors, 7-6. weepy eyes, for even as the year

passes on into infamy another brews on

the horizon. As THANKSGIVING WEEKEND-The always we shall face it

medal in the with a Hawkey Hawks net a silver high hopes for championship or twelve and Oktoberfest Hockey Tournament at the for our Golden Lady Hawks.

Columbia Ice Fields. Regardless of what the future has in

store, we will always have the past to

OCTOBER 20-The Laurier Hawkey reflect upon. The triumph, and the trage-

the and Hawks crush the Western Mustangs in dy, victory calamity. There will their 11-2. always be Laurier. opening season game,

Brock Greenhalgh OCTOBER 21-The WLU Rugby team

with record ends up at the top of Tier II a

of 6-1. the 22 Thursday May 24,1090 SPORTS cord Bubble hockey: not just a game

By Brock Greenhalgh and One quarter-final series was

Clarence Campbell completed on Saturday night after

the regular season which saw the The long-awaited NHL Bub- dominate the ble Hockey Season got underway Chicago Black Hawks, winning last at Pasta's Ice the four Saturday night season games to one. Emporium. After three hours of Other match ups took place Mon- grueling wrist-twists and bubble day night with the completion of the final bouncing, standings the quarter and semi-finals as were somewhat different than the well as the actual predictions had been. series.

At the the Los top were With the arrival of the

Angeles Kings, the underdogs of playoffs Monday, the Kansas the record tournament, sporting a City Scouts, New York Islanders, of 6 wins and 1 loss. There was a and Toronto Maple Leafs also ad- two tie for second be- way place vanced into the semi-finals along tween the Toronto Leafs Maple with the Kings. The Scouts and the St. Louis both with Blues, thrashed the St. Louis Blues four records of 5-2. Out of the eight games to one in a mostly Kansas it the teams, was highly touted City dominated series. Black Hawks who ended in up The Maple Leafs also ad- last place. vanced easily with a four game When asked about how the sweep of the "lots of heart" Bos- Bubble season unfolded, Hockey ton Bruins. The Leafs had been

President John Busnarda stated of the the surprise story season that "Saturday was a rousing suc- playing solid defensive hockey. was fast and furious as bubble hockey enthusiasts plunked their quarters into the cess. There were a number of The final Competition quarter-final series saw for the ultimate Photo technical difficulties but machine in their quest sporting championship. Guy Etherington, once the two perennial playoff op- these were cleared the diehard up, ponents, the New York Islanders with four decided in their form games over- Stanley Cup winning Cup Championship to go along fans witness were to a changing and the merged Vancouver time. The newly Prince of Wales Con- from a few years back and upset with their first Conference of the guard." Canucks (with the ference final the Washington saw the Islanders dominating Kings 4-2. championship by a four games to

The technical difficulties that Capitals). pitted against the Leafs while the two margin. This set up the series bubble For the first time in Conference Busnarda was referring to were Stanley Campbell final saw hockey fans have patiently waited Along with their Stanley Cup the Islanders a the the replacement of a number of Cup play posted Scouts and the Kings do for a few the match of years; up victory the Isles also added the the bubble dome's fiberglass playoff series victory over the battle. the two pre-season favourites MVP award while the long suf- the The Islanders panes, a few minor adjustments to Canucks, defending dispatched the who had never met in a Stanley fering Leaf fans finally have an fail- while in Leafs in five close the scoreboard and a power champions Washington. improved Cup final. Indeed, it was a match award to savour; the Most Gen- This was a seesaw series ure. great games while the Scouts regained only dreamed of by Danny Gal- tlemanly Team awarded to

livan in the gondola of the Toronto.

Montreal Forum; the slow meth- The rise of younger teams to odical play of two well dis- A Farewell to the top of the standings this past Kings ciplined teams. season have left the "quest for The Islanders the possessing the cup" very much open next tenacious ...and remembered pinpoint passing and year with as many as five teams defense while the Scouts chances for Gretzky possess- possessing very good remains ing the quick transition game and a championship. All that

Steve Meat and Charlottie Carlottie shot from their is this draft and By miracle we call Hockey Night in Canada, brought "cannonading" year's training

into the homes of defense men. In a close in From that some great hockey memories painfully camp September.

Too series with a whisker all that is left is for the fans many men on the ice? TOO MANY MEN enthusiasts nationwide. However, the cameras only point

ON THE ICE!! It's the sixth and final failed of the two teams the Is- to sit on the edges of their seats game of the to capture some Wayne's most significant separating

landers added their first and enjoy a hockey fan's delight. first round of the 1990 Stanley Cup Playoffs be- contributions to the sport. Before the first whistle Stanley

tween the Calgary Flames and the Los Angeles was blown, the Gretzky Watch team was already

Kings, and there are too many Calgary players on working overtime, following him in a traffic the ice. Who called the penalty? The referee? A helicopter from his hotel to the arena, stopping fre-

linesman? was schlock No, it the Great One himself, Wayne quently to spot him conversing at length with the Sports Gretzky! elderly. Through such perceptive and unparalleled ef- As game time drew near, with fans and players by Bud Wyzer forts, Gretzky took his team to the second round of alike holding their breaths in anticipation of his ar- the playoffs, defeating Calgary after surviving a the rival, Great One was sighted coordinating traf- 1. Prior to Laurier's capture of the Yates Cup in 1987, what was the attempt the Flames in sudden- disputed goal by fic for latecomers at the congested entrance. After last year they had done this? death overtime. a discussion with his Following quick alighting, and ironing own the Great One jersey, 2. What team did the Hawkey Hawks beat in the 1988 initiation of the the goal judge and an obligatory consultation with the ice stepped onto to a deafening roar of applause. "Bubble Barn"? both his the referee linesmen, immediately skated to Stopping briefly shake the pea loose in the 3. In how members of September of 1986 many the Men's soccer the over to L.A. bench, conferred with the Great referee's muted whistle, Gretzky then humbly per- team were named to the all-star team at the Rochester Institute of One, and was in As result of complete agreement. a formed a series of B's, dazzling figure ending with Technology's tournament? astute of the Gretzky's powers observation, Kings a triple axel and a to who sat courtsey Janet, meekly 4. What do the letters OUFLA stand for? win went on to the and close the series. in the stands. game 5. How many points did the Waterloo Warriors score against Laurier The trade that sent to With in stunning Wayne sunny the all-important game progress, in their 1987 regular season football match-up? not California only left without a star work was a Gretzky's just beginning. Following lax 6. What WLU coach was quoted as saying in 1987 "It's a shame that shock centre, but had a ripple effect sent waves two-minute shift in which he dominated every has lose like that. it us."? someone to a game Unfortunately, was across the globe. Here at confidence in the home, aspect of play, the Great One took respite on the 7. What two Laurier athletes won the President's Award in the 1986-

Canadian identity was slipping fast. The bench, but not for Los was 1- populace long. Angeles losing 87?

was Fingering the transaction as the first in score was none casualty 0, (the posted by other than Wayne 8. In the the 1987 Women's soccer team finished year with the best

the Free Trade and - fiasco, Quebec was poised to the scorekeeper was out fetching a coffee) and record in the team's history. What was that record? The value of the Canadian the crowd separate immediately. was bored because Gretzky wasn't on the 9. In October 1987 against what team did Andy Cecchini score four

dollar markets into a ice to even the score. With Janet the stairs plummeted, sending money on to touchdowns? world-wide. frenzy Pilgrimages on Grey Coach pass the King his skateguards, Wayne was off and 10. In 1986 what was the Women's basketball team's regular season charters were made daily to Brantford, of running the stands, over the and birthplace up taking organ record? the Great the in the he One, helpless pawn political playing rousing ditties had composed over the and of .'/heeling dealings one Peter Pocklington, of weekend to incite the crowd. ANSWERS: no fixed national identity. Between periods, with the remainder of the

As a national hero, Wayne is in good company. Kings watching Wayne's "Hockey My Way" video loses 4 wins, 10.8 stricken icons Fox and Rick in the 9. Only cancer- Terry dressing room, Gretzky tore to the concession University York

Hansen drew as much admiration as when the Great loses, wins, stands, easing the bottleneck of hungry patrons by ties 3 6 3 8.

One onto the ice with his ex- Allison 7. gingerly stepped forming organized queues and manning the butter Avraire Ken & McGee

back affliction. His some of the Newbrough Rich 6. cruciating chiropractor, pump popcorn machine. He had just enough has his sources say, since lost licence to practice. time to fill his teammates' waterbottles before None 5.

As he is no less than an ambassador of Lacrosse Universities Ontario 4. a celebrity, speeding back to the ice to resume his mundane Association. Field

the task Five 3. hockey. Kind-hearted as Kissenger. Polite as as centre of a hockey team. Modest Mother Teresa. University Guelph 2. Pope. as Will Canada ever be able to find another mortal the 1. That final game against Calgary, through who can do this much for hockey? 1978 H»arsd»yMayH^ 23


Co-op students

denied courses

Ontario government." By Tony Burke

The "environment of scarce

Imagine how it would feel resources" in the world of Busi-

from work-term Academia returning co-op ness is also a problem

only to discover that the courses McCutcheon said. "Business

you require for your major are no people are action-oriented — they

longer offered. Business students want to take the opportunities and

majoring in Finance have found the wealth offered to them with

this become nightmare reality as an MBA rather than the unattrac-

amount of- the of Finance courses tive career in academics."

fered for the summer and winter Dr. McCutcheon also offered

term were reduced by 50%. a number of avenues that the stu-

With one Finance professor dents could travel to continue in

currently on sabbatical, the their chosen major. They could School of Business and Econom- the in pick up courses post- ics could the needs of not meet graduate work -- after all, Laurier The campus has been plagued recently by frantic, noisy con- desired the co-op students who McCutcheon said, "I'm sure not The to will struction. new WLU Aesthetics Committee is determined the dropped courses. having one or two courses The problem, according to not jeapordize them getting a bring a fresh, polished look to the University grounds. Will this Jim McCutcheon, BBA Director, job". prove to be another band-aid approach to campus beautification? is due to underfunding and a lack Another option would be to ascend to of available professors. "Taking take the courses at another school Will Wilfrid Laurier University become an institution that

on a course load during the sum- at their work-term placement. looks good enough on a postcard? If so, will the Book Store market mer just isn't attractive, especial- This "solution" involves greater them? ly for professors who wish to do expense for the student and

research", McCutcheon said. "It's greater pressure on their time.

questionable, even if we could at- Patinios feels that such a tract the staff, whether we would course is unreasonable. "Working the have the them." like that would money to support be hell," he said. Marketing players Alex Patinios, a third year co- "Besides, I came to Laurier to

op student watched as his peers come to Laurier not to go to U of the success of St. Louis dents interested in into tl By Chris Starkey says getting were forced to change their major rp star Brett Hull has made the sports marketing or public re- or completely drop out of the co- The students' cause was final-

of in a lations to as much was job marketing get practical op program. Patinios joined ly answered by Finance Co- Corporate memberships, a hockey much by two other concerned students ordinator Jack Schnovel and As- positive community image and baseball-crazy city experience as possible. "When de- (one from each core) and col- sociate Dean Ron as easier. His famous father get Craig. Now, success on the playing surface you your lected a petition of 52 names to Dean Murray explained, "the Black gree, you will be ahead of will be the keys to the success- (legendary Chicago voice their the is displeasure to problem taken care of." thousands of others, but there ful sports teams of the 1990's Hawk Bobby), rapport with SBE. After juggling around the will be hundreds more who are according to a visiting NHL the media, dimples, gravelly What from they found, at least course load of faculty members, a PR on your level...who have that Director. voice and enthusiasm Dr. McCutcheon and Dean Alex youthful full-time Finance position was same degree," she said. is director's closed doors and Susie Mathieu, Vice- a marketing Murray, were created allowing also for some "Whether it's writing for the unanswered President and Director of dream. messages. Patinios, new courses to be added. "The Pub- school or "When I told him David newspaper working experienced frustration over the position is in place at least for the lic Relations and Marketing for the athletic said department, pair's behavior. "The reasons for coming year," Dean Murray said, for the St.Louis Blues, said Letterman wanted him, he every little 'extra' on your not providing the courses are "next we'll be the 'No this is a year asking ad- that hockey is an entertain- way, joke'." Patinios "but r£sum6 will an valid," said, they've ministration for a posi- Mathieu encouraged stu- give you edge." permanent ment industry in which the got to think of the students." tion." marketing aspect is becoming Although he recognizes the Patinios, however, is not as more and more important. with the market difficulties that the third year co- confident. "If what the Dean Playing Getting fans in the building students op are experiencing, promises occurs then, yes, the isn't half the battle, it's the McCutcheon feels that "their is But will the problem over. SPECIAL TO THE CORD only battle. wrath should be directed at the situation be different next year?" "Since most US-based This summer WLU has proven to be the ultimate haven for con-

franchises don't have a lucra- ventions, Christians, and Look out on support groups. campus once tive broadcast contract with a WANTED again tonight for a banquet honouring the winners of WLU's high major network, and because school stock market competition.

don't the national and we own arena, we Both the Ontario regional winners of the annual com- will with must survive on ticket sales petition be presented awards at the luncheon held at the Paul i •BUSINESS EDITOR | alone," said Mathieu, who has Martin Centre. The stock been with the Blues for 15 spring market competition was won by a team of four " from in < students centennial School Coquitlam, British Columbia, years and has worked under ￿ < turning their original $100,000 stake into $379,903.52 over a 12- four different owners, includ- Publications will a < ; Student be hiring week trading period. ing colourful CFL Toronto is the home of Wingham Ontario the winners of the regional com- in fall < business editor the Argonauts' owner Harry ; petition. Also placing second in the national, the team from F. E. Ornest. Madill school increased its portfolio to $288,736.95. All interested candidates apply ! secondary ; ; Mathieu's job involves The competition began as a requirement of first year business stu-

Come to the offices media and community rela- dents in 1968 before in ; on up CORD ; allowing high schools Ontarion to participate tions, the Blues' and national seven overseeing finally going years ago. to apply, < teams and sell the ; meager $150,000 advertising The buy using University's electronic mail sys-

tem and monitor their stocks the budget and corporate sponsor- using daily stock market quotations. An award of $500 donated the Toronto Stock will be ship ventures. by Exchange - Call 884-2990 and ask for Jana !! given to the national team with one outstanding member of the team The VP is most directly in- ￿ < receiving a $1000 scholarship from Laurier. volved in media relations, and I i??": 'W&w//y// r ■

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