Services Failures Admitted by Jeanne Lepine
1 INSIDE THIS WEE GRADUATION TIME is here again, and among the first to < completion of studies were two groups of early childhood devc program graduates, from Wabasca- Desmarais and from the Enoch See pages 10 and 11. SUNCHILD RESERVE has an abundance of problems, including z desperate need for an ambulance service. See page 4. TROUT LAKE is developing plans for a multi -purpose centra to s. community. See page 23. Suicide major kille By Gunnar Lindabury and two- thirus, u.e Task Force on Suicide says Views on Native suicides the error may be as high as can be put into two general 100 %. That means that camps: a group which sees instead of 61 per 100,000, them as symptoms of a the suicide rate is as high as major problem in the com- 120 per 100,000. As far munity, and a group which back as 1976, suicide was remains skeptical about identified as the leading just how bad the problem cause of death among is. Columbia, the Indian sui- Albertans, and among In some villages, there cide rate in 1978 was 66.5 Alberta Indians in particular. are rather startling suicide per 100,000, compared with How is it that suicides are clusters; eight or ten dead a provincial rate of 17 per underestimated? Religious by their own knife in a 100,000. and social restraints, says community of 200 in a one- All of these are consi- the Task Force. "The influ- year period. Clusters and dered "high "; a "healthy" ence of religious and social groups of suicides are rate is supposed to be taboos can be observed in common within Indian fami- about 6 per 100,000 -- concealment, at various lies and villages, especially although even that is not levels, of the true cause of in isolated areas where little truly "healthy ".
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