Concepts and an Implementation for Product Data Management
Concepts and an Implementation for Product Data Management Doctorate Thesis Hannu Peltonen Helsinki University of Technology Department of Computer Science and Engineering P.O. Box 9555 FIN-02015 HUT, Finland 2 Peltonen, H., Concepts and an Implementation for Product Data Manage- ment. Acta Polytechnica Scandinavica, Mathematics and Computing Series No. 105, Espoo 2000, 188 pp. Published by the The Finnish Academies of Technology. ISBN 951-666-538-1. ISSN 1456-9418. Keywords: Product data management, document management, configurable prod- ucts Abstract Shorter product life-cycles, growing product complexity and the need for a large number of product variants have made Product Data Management (PDM) increas- ingly important for many manufacturing companies. This thesis provides a survey of the most important concepts of PDM technology and illustrates the concepts by describing the design and implementation of an advanced document management system. The survey in the first part of the thesis illustrates the relations between different concepts and can be used as a framework for evaluating PDM systems. This part includes summaries of the STEP standards for product models and the IEC 6130 and ISO 13584 standards for component management. The STEP standards are partic- ularly difficult to read, and these sections of the thesis provide accessible introduc- tions to these very complex standards. The document management system described in the second part of the thesis has been developed in close co-operation with a large manufacturing company, which now stores all engineering documents in the system and accesses the system through a global intranet. The main strengths of the system are its versatile document model and the flexible customisation properties of the system, including dynamic schema manipulation operations and a programmable authorisation mechanism.
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