By Sounds of Nature 7th Principle Children’s RE Curriculum With a Multigenerational Earth Day Worship Service By Stefani Scott © Copyright 2009, 2013 Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth First Edition June 2009; Reformatted for Web delivery, 2013 Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth 1034 SW 13th Avenue Portland, OR 97205 503-595-9392 Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth is an independent organization related to the Unitarian Universalist Association. Our mission is to facilitate and support the work of Unitarian Universalists, by affirming and promoting the seven principles of the Unitarian Universalist Association, including the seventh: “to affirm and promote respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are all a part.” We do this by focusing on the theological, spiritual, and ethical aspects of human values and activities that affect the health and sustainability of living Earth. Our vision is that Unitarian Universalists recognize and embrace the moral imperative to live in covenant with the web of life through personal, congregational, and denominational practices. As you use these materials, we hope that you will make an opportunity to educate yourself and others about the important mission and work of Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth. Please feel welcome to contact us at
[email protected] for information about our current programs. This resource is made possible by the generosity of individual donors and congregations. Please consider making a donation today. Your gift will help UU Ministry for Earth develop additional resources. You may donate online or send your contribution to Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth, 1034 SW 13th Ave., Portland, OR 97205.