T.C. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Bati Dilleri Ve Edebiyati Anabilim Dali Doktora Tezi
T.C. SÜLEYMAN DEMİREL ÜNİVERSİTESİ SOSYAL BILIMLER ENSTİTÜSÜ BATI DİLLERİ VE EDEBİYATI ANABİLİM DALI DOKTORA TEZİ Nijerya'da İngilizce çıkan Editör Yazıları ve Başlıklarının Semantiko-Pragmatik İlişkileri Ahmed Mohammed BEDU 1240224006 DOKTORA TEZİ DANIŞMAN Prof. Dr. Hüseynağa RZAYEV ISPARTA- 2017 T.R. SÜLEYMAN DEMİREL UNIVERSITY SOCIAL SCIENCE INSTITUTE WESTERN LANGUAGES AND LITERATURE DEPARTMENT SEMANTICO-PRAGMATIC INTERRELATION OF EDITORIALS AND THEIR HEADLINES IN ENGLISH- SPEAKING NIGERIAN NEWSPAPERS Ahmed Mohammed BEDU 1240224006 PhD THESIS SUPERVISOR Prof. Dr. Hüseynağa RZAYEV ISPARTA- 2017 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all, my greatest thanks go to my supervisor Prof. Dr. Hüseynağa Rzayev for his time, advice, patience and commitment in reading through the draft of this thesis and making necessary corrections at each stage of the work. Indeed, Prof. Rzayev’s methodological contributions to the fields of Pragmatics, Critical Discourse Analysis and Cognitive Linguistics inspired my work to a large extent. Over the course of my research study, I had the privilege of working with three thesis committee members: Doç. Dr. Ömer Şekerci, Yrd. Doç. Dr. Philip Glover and Yrd. Doç. Dr. Kağan Büyükkarci. My gratitude goes to them for being so kind as to agree to direct my study. Outside my committee, I thank Yrd. Doç. Dr. Şule Okuroğlu Özün for her sisterly guidance. Arş. Gör İlker Özçelik on various occasions stood by my side with real help throughout my stay in Isparta, and I extend my thanks to him. I shared my student life with very nice people, and my best wishes go to Othman Al-Abbasi, Ayad, Hind, Riyadh, and all African students in Isparta especially my nephew Ibrahim, and his friends: Yahaya, Hassan and Sa’id.
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