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The BG News September 7, 1990

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Toledo airshow provides local jBGSU Recycling Center faces Soccer ready for home opener entertainment problem with on-campus theft against undefeated OSU


Vol.73 Issue 8 September 7. 1990 Bowling Green Ohio The BG News ssa-sr An Independent Student Voice for 70 Years sa-a=?

BRIEFLY Local comic sees Campus homelessness as USG applications dua: Applications for Under- graduate Student Govern- ment senate positions are no joking matter available in 405 Student Services Building. The applications are due by Sandra J. Kowalsky A survey conducted in Toledo city writer revealed 60 percent of the home- by Monday, Sept. 10 at noon, less have children and 40 percent and the elections are on have accomplished a high school Tuesday, Sept. 18. While homelessness is no education, Leslie said. 'Carousal' on stage: laughing matter, a Toledo come- The highly visible homeless in- The Bowling Green Sum- dian who once made jokes about dividual on the street is far from mer Musical Theater will America's ignorance of the home- typical and actually a small per- present Rodgers and Ham- less has begun taking action centage of the total homeless merstein's musical "Car- against the problem. population. ousel" tonight and Last April, comedian Ken Les- ''Only 10 percent of the home- tomorrow night at 8 p.m. in lie founded the Homeless Aware- less are on the street," he said. Kobacker Hall of the Moore ness Project in an attempt to "For every one you see there are Musical Arts Center. raise money for the Toledo home- eight or nine more you don't see." For ticket information, less. Groups of citizens, business He said many of the homeless call the box office at leaders, media members and are staying at shelters or living in I7M171. housing activists throughout automobiles. Toledo are taking part in the Shockingly, 23 times the num- Cars cram Lot 6: project. ber of current homeless could be Problems in the Universi- yesterday, the Homeless on the streets any day. Leslie said ty's freshman parking plan Awareness Project Seed Money 70,000 people are on the verge of have arisen due to an over- Benefit party took place at the homelessness and are one rent flow in Lot 6, said parking Midtown Music Cafe in Toledo. payment away from being evic- facilities superintendent The party featured free food and Keith Monto. music, but the guests had to pay Students have been park- to leave. ing in the grass and fire Each guest was required to University students and faculty lanes in Lot 6 — located be- step on a scale and pay 10 cents are also partaking in the project, hind Mileti Alumni Center including John O'Connor, distin- for each pound they weighed, or guished research/creative writ- — instead of going to Lot 19, avoid the scale by donating $20. Monto said. ing professor. If Lot 6 is full. Monto said students should park in Lot 19, which is east of Lot 6. Parking and Traffic has ingcanbefun. VhoA. his creating writing class been ticketing cars parked ,,,.., . could benefit from learning about illegally. "I don't know if Unfortunately, tunes are not the homeless, it's that they don't realize it fun for Toledo's approximately or just don't want to do it," 3,000 homeless. □ See Hornets**, page 4. he said. "Somehow we have to get the extra cars out of Lot6." Students who want a ride No water in quads, from the lots may use the shuttle service 8 a.m. — midnight, or phone the on- call van service at problem not found 372-RIDE. by J. J. Thompson more residents without water, Prlzas awarded at fair: McLean said. staff writer The University gets its water Roundtrip air fare for two O News/Greg Horvoth to Florida during Spring from the city lines, he said, but ■ Break 1991 is the grand Harshman and Kreischer city gauges did not indicate any- Street corners ore now becoming one place of refuge for many victims of homelessness In cities prize to be awarded in the Quadrangle residents who want- thing wrong with the pressure. across America. Elaine Hlgglns of Toledo is lust one example of the growing problem that exists. drawing at the BG Mer- ed to take a shower yesterday had McLean said city officials chants Fair Tuesday, Sept. to walk further than the usual trip thought it was a campus problem. 11. down the hallway. "From all their readings ever- More than 75 Bowling In fact, if students wanted to ything should be normal," Starting salaries compared Green merchants will parti- brush their teeth, use the toilet or McLean said,"But if a gauge is cipate in the Merchants Kst get a drink of water, they had wrong, who knows?" Fair, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. in the hike as far as the Student Re- Because Plant officials were by Jeremy S. Weber degree graduates will average had less money for research and Lenhart Grand Ballroom, creation Center. unable to pinpoint the cause of the staff writer $34,715 as their starting salaries. development, and employed less selling and displaying their For about ten hours yesterday, water problem for much of the Mechanical engineering, elec- people. People haven t been go- products and services. They both quadrangles had little or no day, no one was able to estimate trical engineering, computer sci- ing in to the held, and now that oil will also be giving away water pressure while Physical when residents would have For students looking for the big ence and industrial engineering prices have risen, these people coupons and promotional Plant workers struggled all day water. money right after graduation, a follow closely behind, all with es- are in demand." items and conducting draw- to locate the problem. chemical engineering degree is timated starting salaries averag- Engineering fields dominate ings during the day. Gardner McLean, public re- This created difficulties for din- the way to go. ing more than $30,000. the top part of the list because of ing halls in both quads and some Other prizes at the fair, lations associate director, said The 34th edition of the CPC An- Chemistry professor Elliot the highly scientific nature of the sponsored by the Bowling Harshman and Kreischer Quad- worry for Food Operations, said Blinn said the fluctuating oil in- work, Blum said. Food Operations Director Jane nual lists chemical engineering Green Chamber of Com- les were the only buildings as the bachelor's degree which dustry has had an effect on chem- merce, The BG News, the illy affected by the water Schimpf. ical engineer salaries. The University does not offer a lem. will lead to the highest average chemical engineering major, but University and the Down- starting salary for 1990-91. "A big percentage of chemical town Business Association, However, as Plant workers "If they get [the water] on to- engineers are from the oil in- students can enroll in the pre- include a tailgate party for searched for its cause, they shut night we're okay — any longer, The CPC Annual, distibuted by dustry," he said. "I think when engineering program which can 25 at the Oct. 8 Falcons foot- off valves leading to Conkun and and we're in trouble," she said. the University Placement Office, there was an oil glut and oil lead to an engineering degree. ball game, a $75 gift certifi- the fraternity houses — leaving See Waler, page 4. esitmated chemical engineering prices fell, these oil companies SeeMo)or.page4. cate at Churchill's Super- market, 1141S. Main St., and a $50 gift certificate at Kroger, 1096 N. Main St. Admission is free. Handicapped lack WEATHER accessible campus Showars: Today, showers and thun- derstorms, some with local- by Emily Vosburg tal Planning, "Anything ly heavy writer that's under construction down- needs to be brought up to cur- pours. rent handicapped standards High in Many students find them- but there's nothing that's go- the mid selves having trouble sched- ing on at this point in time 70s. uling classes, but not many specifically (for handicap- Chance of have to drop classes because ped)." rain 80 they cannot get into the build- Sue Steinmetz, a senior liv- percent. ing in Offenhauer West, uses Friday "ttaJnfortunately, for handi- a motorized cart to get capped students, wheelchair around campus and said it is mostly access to campus buildings, not easy. cloudy with a slight chance as well as access to residence "The grounds aren't very of showers and thunder- hall facilities, leave a lot to be good. There's too many bad storms. Low in the i desired. spots, especially by the Union 50s. Chance of rain 3&")per- Plans are being discussed and the Health Center. In the cent. Saturday, variable to upgrade conditions for dis- winter it's really impossible cloudiness. High in the low abled students and faculty, to get around." 70s. but those improvements are a Steinmetz said she had to long way off. drop a course last semester Compiled from local and According to Bob Waddle, planning technician for Capi- a See Access, page 4. wire reports photo Illustration/Jay Murdock

.\ Ohio trails other states in students seeking a col- the state budget may not be synonymous with the lege education. Ohio ranks 40th in terms of adults normal growth of the education budget. If not, from with college degrees, and only 40 to 45 percent of high where will the added funding come? Education tops list school graduates go directly to college — the national average is 66 percent. If necessary, Celebrezze will "reprioritize" other higher education programs to fund his own. But if his of issues in election Celebrezze wants to forge "a new concept of public program increases the number of students who at- education." Twelve years of free public education tend state colleges and universities, what will be left have, for years, been a part of Ohio's history. Cele- to cut? At present enrollment levels, Ohio's public universities are scrimping to keep tuition costs low 2J ducation is not just a priority for students and brezze is calling for 13. His Ohio First plan would re- ■m~"m educators. It is a top priority in the 1990 Ohio fund one year's tuition to Ohio students who finish and still maintain a quality product. governor's race as well. two years of a four-year degree program or graduate Democrat Anthony J. Celebrezze and Republican from a two-year program at an Ohio public college Perhaps the candidates in the November elections George Voinovich both want to become Ohio's edu- or university, beginning with students enrolling fall should do the same. The value of a state's education cation governor and have released plans detailing 1991. program should be judged by quality, not quantity. how they intend to do so. Statistics on enrollment are just numbers and do not A Supplemental Student Loan Program with a represent what Ohio students learn. Both plans concern some of the same topics — in- start-up cost of $10 million would "ensure that no student is denied access due to lack of funds.'' Celebrezze should be praised for his concern with creased funding for Head Start, incentives to attract growing college costs. But his plan seems a shrewd and retain quality teachers, and dropout and drug Program cost is estimated at $160 million, which way to lure students of voting age — or parents plan- prevention at primary and secondary levels. Bom Celebrezze claims is less than one-half of one percent ning tuition payments — to the polls by promising also pledge a large chunk of money — $148 million of the state's current revenue fund and within the something in return. and $126 million respectively — to improve educa- normal growth of the state budget. But the portion of However, if the goal is to make "Ohio First," the tion. that revenue fund budgeted to education has dropped quality of education Ohio students receive — not how One difference between the two plans addresses an from 34.34 percent in fiscal year 1984 to a current many of them receive it — should be the first prior- issue closer to a college student — tuition. 27.99 percent, indicating that the normal growth of ity. Celebrezze's tuition proposal innovative OTCRftZ?, MR.HUSSeiN, Dear Editor: After all, silence is often taken as I'd like to thank Kevin Coughlin acceptance. And when students for raising the issue of affordable don't complain enough or get or- irie mote college education In his Presi- ganized enough to make their dent's Pen of August 30, 1990. In voices heard, why should anyone WOPfSOUT It, be writes (In italics) that take our opinions into considera- "...the middle class of this coun- tion? Did you know that in the try cannot keep up with the soar- 1986 elections, less than 6 percent TO ffir You. ing cost of higher education." I of all students who were regis- couldn't agree more. tered to vote - that's REGIS- The solution Coughlin proposes, TERED to vote — voted? That however, is a tuition cap, a tired doesn't even include all those who idea which has been trotted out didn't even register. It's a wonder time and time again. I would pro- anyone does anything for us at pose another solution, one which all. has been put forward by Ohio's Anthony J. Celebrezze, Attorney General, Anthony Cele- however, wants to. He's been brezze. Celebrezze, who is a can- meeting with students across the didate to become Ohio's next state, like myself, to hear what governor, has proposed that the we have to say. And he's listen- state refund one year of college ing. That's why I am working tuition to each student who com- hard to support his campaign for pletes two years at an Ohio uni- governor, because he cares about versity or technical school. The hard working students. Let me plan is called "the 13th year tell you what he wants to do for plan," because as Ohio faces the us. new challenges of our world, it is First of all, he recognizes how clear that the concept of provid- hard it is for the average student ing the first twelve years of edu- Don't read Bush's lips in crisis to afford college, especially at the cation is outdated; it is time to rate tuition is increasing. You Abu Sufian, a 27-year old Pales- the Arab World" (Westview leader Saddam Hussein didn't Hussein if we knew that the alter- provide the thirteenth, too. can't improve education when the tinian who was raised in Jordan, Press): "I haven't found a single have to invade Saudi Arabia to natives are an opposition party This plan is innovative and students who want a higher edu- favoring Syria and one backing excellent on several points. Fir- works as an engineer at Eastman expert who disagrees with this threaten world oil prices. cation can't even afford it. That's Kodak Co. statement: 'The Saudis were All he needed to do was mass Iran? Let's hope that knowledge stly, more than any tuition cap why Tony Celebrezze wants to cut When our talk turned to Iraq, never under any threat of at- troops on the Saudi border (as he would count. ever proposed, the "13th year'' the cost of college tuition by about he was especially animated. '1 tack'" — the premise for the did), then "urge" the Saudis to It helps, too, Sonn said, to un- brings the cost of college educa- 25 percent. He wants to refund the am not for the invasion," he United States mobilizing cut back on oil production. If Iraq derstand that the history of the tion down to middle class in- full amount of the first-year's tui- made clear. "I have a sister in thousands of troops. then pumped out more of its own Mideast has been one of ridding comes. Secondly, it will provide tion to all students once they oil, at higher prices (as it wanted itself of colonial powers. Many incentive for students to complete Kuwait. I know they are living in complete their second year at an hell." But, he argued "the United "The United States has always to do), the result would have been view the United States, she said, their college degrees. Thirdly, it Ohio public college (like BGSU!) as only the latest one. will help Ohio enter the 21st Cen- States moved too fast, too quick." wanted to have a base or bases in a recession in the West. Not only might this bring more What amazes him about the Saudi Arabia," said OPEC expert Not exactly the "Saudi inva- We can start to gain that under- tury with a better educated work- students to college, but it will people in the United States is that sion" scenario, but threatening standing in the schools. force. Finally, it is estimated that r Abbas Alnasrawi of the Universi- provide an incentive to keep them 'they just believe what the presi- ty of Vermont at Burlington, an nonetheless. the entire plan can be paid for dent says. They will not take a Then there is the "madman" "The United States had become within the normal growth of the This is Just one of many things minute to read between the Hitler face that so many have put too international a power to af- state budget. Tony Celebrezze wants to do for lines." Between the lines, he said on Saddam Hussein. While the ford cultural ignorance," All the students in Ohio. He also is oil. That, not lives, prompted Iraqi leader has proved unpredic- Mazrie, a Kenya native and Mus- Therefore, for this and other knows that we need to improve the conflict. GUEST table, and might indeed want to lim, told me. Mazrui wrote PBS' reasons, I submit, that electing quality at all levels of education, On that, many of us cynically control the region, his claims on controversial 1986 series "The Tony Celebrezze governor is one and this will require an aggres- would agree. But we'd also have COLUMN Kuwait are nothing new. Africans," and he teaches at the sure way for middle class fami- sive education stance. TonyCele- to concede that we really have no In the last century, the Kuwait University of Michigan and at the brezze wants to help students, lies to make the cost of college working knowledge of the Middle By royal family was part of Iraq, and State University of New York at education more affordable. and that's why I want to help him East and its history. both were part of the Ottoman Binghamton. Chris Redfern become governor. What we have are incomplete Richard Empire, now Turkey. President, College Democrats images of Israel, Yassar Arafat, Prince In 1899, the Kuwait royal family More importantly, he is one of Each person CAN make a dif- oil-nch Arab sheiks, intermina- was financially persuaded to let the 23 members of a commitee To the Editor: ference. But we've got to make ble Lebanese fighting and terro- Kuwait become a "protectorate" named by New York state's I was glad to read in Kevin our voices heard. On November rists who claim they're doing of Britain. board of regents to rewrite the Coughlin's August 30 column that 6th, we will have a chance to send their deeds in the name of Islam. Britain later took over Iraq, state's history curriculum. he is concerned about the soaring the signal that we — at BGSU We'd better start rectifying Iraqi native. "This provided a meaning Iraqis were in no posi- costs of education. I'm sure thai —want a better, and more acces- that soon, in our schools and in perfect pretext." Those state- tion to squawk about Kuwait. Sonn, who chairs the interna- all of us —being students — are sible education system. Yes, I our store of general knowledge. ments give pause. Especially But in 1963, when Kuwait won tional studies department at St. concerned about that, since it hits hope this WILL be the year of the Else we might soon find our- when you hear them echoed by admission to the United Nations, John Fisher College in Rochester, so close to home. And I agree with student. selves, as we were in Vietnam, in others who add the coincidence the now-independent Iraq was N.Y., is critical of the U.S. him that students ought to get in- Greg Richey a war for all the wrong reasons. that the Bush administration is still insisting on its claim. media's failure to report on is- volved to make our voices heard. OCMB*S074 Conversations with Arab- fighting "peace dividend" cuts by Iraq didn't need that history as sues of significance abroad. She Americans and with Mideast ex- Congress. a basis for its 1990 differences recommends that the curious leaf Fwords ai length and perts reveal a widespread skepti- with Kuwait. At the July OPEC through such non-American jour- Respond should be typewritten, cism of the premises behind U.S. That's not to say the Saudis' summit, disputes erupted be- nals as Middle East Internation- double-spaced, and signed. military deployment in Saudi pro-United States monarchy — tween the two nations over bor- al or The Middle East, available and the United States — have ders, money and oil prices. in libraries. The BG News editorial Please address all sub- Arabia. More important, she said, page is your campus missions to. Said Seattle native Tamara nothing to fear. A leading Saudi Would knowing that make any forum Sonn, author of the brand new expert, William Quadnt of the difference in U.S. public opinion? middle-class Americans must try "Between Qur'an and Crown: Brookings Insititute in Washing- Hard to say. Would we talk to put themselves in the shoes of Editorial Editor The Challenge of Legitimacy in ton, D.C., told me that Iraqi about overthrowing Saddam have-nots. Utters to the editor The BG News should be a maximum of 211 West Hall The BG News -An Independent Student Voice- Edttorial Board Barbara A. Weadock Editor James A. Tinker Deborah Hippie Managing Editor Assistant Managing Editor Jill Novak Christian Thompson News Editor News Editor Wynne Everett Lynn Gagel Editorial Editor Assistant Editorial Editor John Kohlstrand City Editor THE BG NEWS Friday, Seplombci 7. 1990

Racial Justice committee plans action for fifth year

by Dan Gray People for Racial Justice was formed four years reporter ago. The goal of the organization is to help resolve racial injustices on campus. According to Pritscher, the idea of People For Seventy percent of white teachers admitted they Racial Justice was introduced at a college retreat do not know what to do with black children in their where he spoke. Shortly after the retreat, the or- classrooms, according to the research of C.T. Vi- ganization was created by a group of professors vian. primarily from the College of Education and Allied This is just one of the facts discussed at the first Professions. meeting of People for Racial Justice Tuesday. Since then, the organization has made substan- PRJ members discussed significant issues affect- tial accomplishments. The first order of business ing all minorities on campus in respect to their for PRJ was to invite President Olscamp to their continued growth and stability. first meeting to discuss the situation of race re- "We must call attention to these problems so lations on campus. that we can do something about them now, and One result of that meeting was the creation of a prevent them from happening further, "said Con- summer scholars program for minority students, rad Pritscher, co-chair of PRX said Clifford Brooks, co-chair of People for Racial "Saying that there is nothing that we can do Justice. about these problems is exactly what people were The next meeting is on Tuesday, Oct. 9, in the ■O Newi/Jav Murdock saying when the Nazis were killing the Jews in Taft Room at University Union, 9:00 a.m. — 10:30 Stunt biplanes from the Holiday Inn Aerobatlc Team practice a close formation maneuver in prep- Germany." a.m. All are welcome to attend. aration for the Toledo Air Show. The team's performance will close out the show's Hying program Sunday afternoon, with a solo performance around 1:00. Toledo airshow to dazzle Audlts he,p class P!ann,ng Juniors should meet with advisors to ensure graduation

its audience this weekend by Greg Watson course hours the student has tak- staff writer "The junior audit en. The student will receive results by Greg Watson director of publicity and market- according to Kent Galvin, gen- alleviates any of the audit between one day and staff writer ing at the Toledo Airport. eral manager of the Toledo The word audit usually brings surprises in the end." two weeks after the audit is re- Army F-15's and Navy F-18's Chamber of Commerce. about fears of the IRS and tax viewed, Caldwell said. also will perform at the show, "The city will not be helped so evasion. However, University -Lee Caldwell, Caldwell reviews all audits If you missed the North Ameri- Sweeney said, in addition to The much economically," Galvin juniors should look at audits as an academic aaviser submitted by the College of Arts can Air and Trade Show in Day- Toledo 180th tactical group who said. "It is more of a community aid to graduation. and Sciences, except for the ton, fear not, because the Toledo will have a demonstauon fly-by program. The people of Toledo In the junior audit process, a School of Mass Communication Airport will be presenting its each afternoon, Sweeney said will not have to go to Cleveland, student fills out a checklist of Blan classes and graduate from and Interpersonal Communica- third airshow this weekend. A B-l bomber will be flying Columbus or Dayton to see an classes he has taken, including le University in a timely fa- tion. The exhibitions will begin at the over the airshow at noon on Sat- airshow." general education, minor and sion," Caldwell explained. "The He said he has done nearly 850 Toledo Airport from 8 a.m. — urday and Sunday, Sweeney said. The Toledo Airport will attempt major requirements, according junior audit alleviates any sur- audits in the last nine months. 10:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Displays at the airshow will in- to schedule an airshow every to Lee Caldwell, College of Arts prises in the end." The student The flying demonstrations will be clude experimental military air- three years, Sweeney said. and Sciences academic adviser. should be audited after 60 credit Students who graduate in from 10:30 a.m. — 4 p.m. both planes and civilian airplanes, he The Airport previously spon- The checksheet is examined by hours so any problems can be December have first priority so days. said. sored airsnows in 1976, 1979 and the student's adviser, then sent to corrected sooner, said Justine the students can receive a re- The airshow will feature such "The show will have a large 1988, Sweeney said. the college's academic adviser, Magsig, assistant director of en- sponse before the drop/add dead- acts as the United States Army blend of military and civilian ex- who reviews the list and the stu- viromental studies. line, Caldwell said. Golden Knight Paratroopers, the hibitions," Sweeney said. The show is sponsored by the dents' transcript, Caldwell said. Coors Silver Bullet (the world's Nearly 800 volunteers will be in Toledo Chamber of Commerce After the classes are checked, Caldwell said the audit will If a student does not have an smallest jet) and the Red Baron charge of parking, first aid, secu- and the Airport Authority, Galvin the student receives a statement make the student aware of any audit done, the student may face Squadron, said Mark Sweeney, rity and other public facilities, said. of courses the student needs to penalty hours he may face, any problems such as non-credit take in order to graduate, he said. courses for which he received no courses or shortages in require- "We do this so the student can credit, and 300 and 400 level ments, Caldwell said. Only STUDENT LEGAL SERVICES, INC.

WELCOME TO BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY Apartment Problems? For an assessment of your alternatives, you may contact: 1) Student Legal Services, Inc. 372-2951 2) Off-Campus Housing 372-2458 or days until 3) Wood County Health Department senior portraits begin 352-8402 Call 372-8086 to schedule We're here for you! your appointment toCay. 372-2951 324 University Union Or stop by The KEY office, 28 West Hall.

m m m m ♦ Friday S -pI'TTibni 7 1990 THE BG NEWS BLOTTER Purloined recycling ■Mooney Hall residents pen- they arrived. that two males were attempting room doors. nied (Jammed the lock with a ■The manager of Burger King, to start a fight with them Sunday ■A window at Crim Elementa- penny) a resident advisor into his 1570 E. Wooater St.. reported morning. ry School was reported shattered room last Friday afternoon, ac- patrons were trashing the dining Tuesday morning. cans traced back to cording to a campus police com- room Sunday ironing. Police ■City police helped employees plaint. Other residents were able later questioned a University at the College Station, 1616 E. to free him. student for making gestures at Wooater St., clear the bar at clos- ■A windshield in University restaurant employees. ing time Monday morning. Lot B was reported shattered for 'trashed' residents ■Cralg A. Saffran and Martin 6300 of damage Tuesday. J. Walsh, both from Walbridge, ■Citv police helped locate a were cited for open container schizophrenic who walked away ■A parking meter sign at the Saturday night in University Lot from a local health care facility Wood County Sheriff's Depart- ■A Bowling Green woman by Greg Watson center may distribute the barrels 13. Also cited in the incident were Sunday morning. ment waa reported stolen Mon- complained that a person selling staff writer and more cans can be recycled. Roger L. Rigsby, from North- day. water softners tried to get into "The recycling center cannot wood, for underage consumption, ■ J-T's Carry Out, 531 Ridge St., her bouse by asking to use the make up for the loss of the bar- rels," Rolfes said. "We do not and Tommy Adams Jr., from turned In a false ID to city police ■A resident of McDonald phone. The report resembles one The BGSU Recycling Center is Toledo, for consuming alcohol in Sunday. from earlier this year. having a problem with barrel- have the money to buy new Quadrangle reported she had ones." Berry Cobb, the director a motor vehicle. been attempting to end a re- napping this semester. ■City police received three re- Before the start of the semes- of the environmental program, lationship with a man, but when said the center has started put- ■ Michelle D. Leonard, 214 Na- ports of a brown German shep- she mentioned the subject he ■A 3 by 5 ft. flag was stolen ter, Mike Rolfes, a graduate en- poleon Road Apt. 11, was arrested herd with no collar wandering from Oak Grove Cemetery, at the vironmental health major and the ting identification tags on barrels produced a knife. He did not to prevent future thefts. tor underage consumption Sun- around S. College Ave. Sunday threaten himself or anyone else. corner of Ridge St. and N. College head of the campus aluminum day morning at her home. morning. Drive, Wednesday. can recycling center, found the The tags state the hall location ■A resident of Bromfield Hall center waa missing 39 recycling of the barrel and are taped on be- ■City police responded to re- ■Barney's South, 996 S. Main was referred to Standards and barrels. fore the barrels are placed, Cobb ports of a fight outside of Bar- St, reported four gas-and-run Procedures Monday in connec- ■Campus and city police So far, Rolfes has located only said. ney's East, 1602 E. Wooster St., thefts Sunday. tion with an incident of obsceni- received at least four reports of 111 of the 130 larger barrels dis- The residential hall advisor but the brawl was breaking up as ■Founders Hall staff reported ties written on residence hall stolen bicycles this week. tributed in residential halls last then signs a form stating they will spring. be responsible for barrels in the Homeless Twenty smaller barrels dis- hall, be added. Access tributed in administration and This is the first year the cam- Q Continued from page 1. classroom buildings around pus recycling center has initiated D Continued from page 1. campus also were missing, he a plan to keep track of the bar- because it was scheduled to walks do need to be upgraded. Members of the creative writ- During the summer, Maurer said. rels, he said. ing class are required to engage met with representatives of four Rolf es said the total cost of the The barrels are yellow with meet in Moseley Hall, which "Hopefully it will be done by in a project to "enrich the terms other colleges, including the Uni- is not wheelchair accessible. the end of the academic missing barrels is about $579. "BGSU Recycling Center" writ- "Moseley and the writing year." of writers," O'Connor said. versity of Toledo and Owens "We found many barrels were ten on the side. The lids have "It's easy to write about com- Technical College to discuss taken off campus and used as holes the size of pop cans cut in labs are inaccessible, Steinmetz agrees with plans for a local project. Steinmetz said. "It's really Bruns that access to various placent middle-class lives, but trash cans," Rolfes said. "Others the top. not fair if people need help campus buildings is a prob- what is it like to be homeless?" be She said people now are being were being used to hold beer kegs Anyone locating any of the re- there," she added. lem. asked. given the chance to donate a day at parties?* cycling barrels can contact Mike Kevin Bruns, an Offen- "I just submitted a letter to He said he has always identi- or a couple of hours to the cause. Rolfes hopes the barrels are re- Rolfes at 122 Hayes Hall or call fied with the homelesss. While he The week of Oct. 1 will feature turned as soon as possible so the him at 3724909. hauer East resident who also handicapped services saying was not homeless himself, be said uses a motorized cart, has that there should be more au- Roof to Roof Awareness Day and he was not wealthy. Tent City. Roof to Roof Aware- had to drop classes in the past tomatic doors," she said. " "When I was young, my family that were located in Moseley. Sometimes you sit outside ness Day will try to reach all couldn't afford to go on summer members of the community for He agreed with Steinmetz and freeze until somebody vacation," he saidT "I spent my concerning accessibility. comes by I to open a door]." contributions. Bruns said he is especially Accessibility into buildings vacations working in the fields Any students wishing to get in- Heart defects traced concerned about the lack of is improving, Cunningham and lived in tents in the fields. volved with the project can con- automatic doors in campus said, but he added "I'm sure Marissa Maurer, senior social tact O'Connor or Maurer, and a studies and English education meeting is scheduled for Thurs- Loyola Marymount, who col- buildings. we could be doing better and major, is in charge of recruiting by Daniel Q. Haney "My biggest concern is au- we will be once we complete day, Sept. 13, at a location to be AP Science Writer lapsed during a game in March. tomatic doors on the build- renovations." groups and businesses from the announced. Experts are uncertain, however, university and city who are in- Money raised from Thursday's whether he had the inherited ings," he said. "It's such a Existing ramps on so-called terested in helping with homeless pain to get in and out of the accessible buildings are a Toledo party will be used during BOSTON — Scientists have dis- form of the disease. fund-raising. the week of events the group has covered two defective genes that The latest discovery by resear- Buildings that it makes you problem as well, Steinmetz She said she got involved after want to scream," Bruns said. said. planned for the first week of Oc- cause dangerous thickening of chers at Harvard Medical School reading an ad for the group and tober. Leslie said 100 percent of the heart, the leading medical is the first time scientists have Although he said most "They've put ramps on this later called Leslie, who put her in sidewalk conditions are fair, University that we can't even the money collected will be put cause of sudden death among pinpointed the precise genes re- charge of the Bowling Green into a trust fund to benefit the young athletes. sponsible for an inherited abnor- improvements should be use. They need to be straight. committee. made in the sidewalk by the We can't maneuver around homeless. Glitches in these genes result in mality of the heart itself. Union and in front of the curves," she said. an inherited disorder known as Health Center. Major familial hypertrophic car- Cardiomyopathv causes thick- Robert Cunningham, Coor- "They need to talk to us be- diomyopathy. Victims are prone ening of the walls of the heart. dinator for Handicapped Ser- fore they spend all kinds of D Continued from page 1. to suffer heart rhythm problems While familial hypertrophic car- vices on campus, said side- money. The Ohio State University, Iournalism and human eco- and heart failure or to die sud- diomyopathy is rare — affecting University of Toledo and Univer- ogy/home economics average denly from cardiac arrest. about three in 100,000 people — sity of Cincinnati have chemical the lowest starting wage, each Among the most notable vic- other forms are common side ef- engineering programs, Blinn under 620,000 annually. tims of cardiomyopathy was bas- fects of a variety of diseases, in- However, these estimations are ketball star Hank Gathers of cluding high blood pressure. "We don't have a school of en- not accurate for every student gineering," he said. "But there is said Tom Gorman, assistant di- Water no reason a person can't take ba- rector of the placement office. a Continued from page 1. sic courses and meet require- "It's different for each per- ments here before going on to son," he said. "You could be a Despite the difficulties, stu- estimates for an end to the prob- professional training somewhere liberal arts major making 638,000 dents were served their meals lem were available, students be- else." or a business major making with few differences. came irritable. Graduate degrees also can be a $16,000. It all depends on the per- "We switched to paper prod- Unable to use residence bath- key to big money for students. son." ucts and we will have other units rooms, students were advised to Students earning an M.B.A. de- take drinking water to resi- go to the Student Recreation gree can expect to start at more While chemical engineering dents," she said. In addition, Center, something which did not than 640,000, while the average Sys the highest starting salary, Schimpf said they would not be appeal to them. master's and doctorate degree : business and management able to serve juice or soda from "It's very inconvenient to have student will earn over 635,000. fields are the easiest in which to dispensers, and there was a to go to the Rec Center to take a Retailing, natural resources, chance they would run out of shower or go to the bathroom," find work. clean produce. Ashley resident Deb Lyons said. Look For Gs at the B.G. The only dining facility closed due to the water problem was "I'm pissed off," Anderson re- Merchants Fair Tuesday Berries Restaurant, Schimpf sident Roger DeCarbo said. "You Beat the September 11 said. walk across campus in 90 degree Sept. 11 11a.m. to 7 p.m. Meanwhile, as temperatures beat and can't get a drink of BGSU Loft Sign Up Deadline reached 90 degrees today, and no water in your (residence hall)." University Union, Grand Ballroom Need Cash Fast . . . — YOU COULD WIN — Look for Green Machine*

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by Chris MUCT sports writer

There will be TV cameras, hundreds of people and enough water bottles to quench the thirst of 400. Oh yeah, there will be a soccer game between Bowling Green and Ohio State, too. r And a darn good one if you ask BG soccer coach Gary Palmisano. "Our games in the past have always been compe- titive," he said. "We ve developed a sort of rivalry with them and I expect a real good game from both teams." Right now, however, the game may be taking a backseat to all the hoopla. Saturday's home opener with the Buckeyes comes with a unique package. Not only will it be BG's first look at the 1990 squad, but it will also be the first time the Falcons have been broadcast on television pnimHano as WAP-TV (48) Toledo will cover the 4 p.m. contest It will also be Gatorade Youth Day at Mickey Cochrane Field as the first 400 spectators will receive free Gatorade water bottles. That's great for the fans, but the real treat may be on the field. The Buckeyes come into the match 3-0 after stopping Miami 1-0 on Tuesday. OSU opened the year with wins over Vulanova (VI) and West Chester State (4-1) last week. The Falcons also sport an unblemished record. BG opened the year by winning the Maine Kick-Off Tournament last weekend with im- pressive wins over Syracuse (2-0) and Siena (5-0). So impressive were BG's wins that they only allowed a combined nine shots in the two games while firing 33 of their own. Both Syracuse and Siena tried a slow, cautious game against BG. But the Falcons will see a totally different approach when the Buck- eyes take the field. "They're using a lot of younger players this year and they have a lot D See Hoopla, page 7. Mi^Wl 9*0 Students Welcome! Jfirst Christian Church (Dlsdplea of Christ) Sunday School 9:30 a.m. ? Morning Worship 10:45 a.m. HasklnsatPoaRd. pise»V° V| |eS 3M"3989 *»**Qr#,n the DiSC P Worship With Us BG N»w»/John Grieshop Falcon Junior halfback Chris lantonl dances by a Miami defender In the Falcons 2-0 victory on Oct. 11 ot last season, lantonl. who Is one of Bowling Green's quickest players on this year's squad, scored one aoal and dished out six assists In 1989. QUAN'I I'M HO Volleyball A PUBLIC SERVICE PROQRAM OFFICE HOURS SPONSORED BY THE FALCON FEVER! INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF SHOPPINC CENTERS KIDS perfection KIDS IEENTDTCfiTCN CATCH IT! lOO Centrex Building "\ on the line 9:00 a.m. -12 noon FREE CATALOG in Illinois of Government Books 1:00 p.m. -4:00 p.m. Send for your copy today! by Steve Easton Monday - Friday Pi sports writer Fret Catalog Bra 37000 ttajMnjion DC 200H-70O0 ^^ The Bowling Green women's volleyball team will attempt to stretch their winning streak to ten when they compete in the Sa- luki Invitational today and Satur- PH 1% .0. Phi Mu ,-^ PH Mu •$• Phi Me* day. The Falcons will open the tour- nament today at 11 a.m. versus the University of Alabama. A 3 p.m. matchup with host Southern Holli Urhammer Sue Konesni Illinois follows the first match. Saturday's contests consist of matches versus Portland and Northwestern. I-CHAIP CALLEKy). BG coach Denise Van De Walle a. said she hopes her team can con- tinue to dominate for the second- PERM HAIRCUT straight weekend. PHI with Holli or Sue K. "One thing I'd like to see us do with Holli or Sue K. PROUDLY PRESENTS THEIR FALL 1990 is to improve our serving," she said. "Even though we did so well this past weekend we had some )& serving errors at critical times." $ $ PLEDGE CLASS Junior Tammy Schiller is com- ing off an MVP performance at 8 30 Debbie Adametz Sarah Lucas last weekend's tournament in Washington, D.C. and will look to Exp. 9/30/90 Exp. 9/30/90 Karen Black Joey Mann add on to her 78 kills (.433 hitting Callie Burke Kelly Mclntyre percentage) and 25 total blocks. £ a Kellie Burncheck Carey McGovern (HAIR GALLERY) V iky Burwell Julie Obinchain Van De Walle said Schiller's % play at the net along with Lisa 143 t WOOSIIP WAR INTPANCt KMANG G«(N OMO

Hoopla Cavaliers decide Indians hold Tigers; D Continued from page 5. of speed," Palmisano said. "They play a very direct game. They don't mess around with the ball. Once they get possession, they go straight to the goal." Reds fall to Giants And that means action. Lots of it. on Williams' fate "I expect a real exciting game with a lot of scoring opportunities for DETROIT (AP) — Tom Candiotti SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - both teams," Palmisano said. "This should be a fan's game." CLEVELAND (AP) - The to be $4 million plus a $1 million has never had good luck at Tiger Scott Garrelts pitched seven Cleveland Cavaliers have Stadium, starting the night mat strong innings and Matt Williams Another reason the game will open up a little this year is because of first-year salary. a rule change. This season, once a player has been substituted for, the matched the Miami Heat's $26.5 Cavaliers officials reportedly he missed a no-hitter by one bat- added to his National League- million, seven-year offer for for- ter, and still lost the game. leading RBI total with a two-run player can't re-enter the game until the next half or overtime. have spoken recently witn center In the past, players were allowed re-entry at any point. ward John Williams, the Cava- Brad Daugherty and point guard Thursday night, Candiotti's double Thursday as the San liers announced Thursday night. luck changed, as he scattered Francisco Giants held on to beat "What the rule does is force the coaches to keep the starting 11 on Mark Price about reworking the field a little longer than usual," Palmisano said. "Once the "I'm glad that this issue is be- their contracts before they would seven hits over five innings to the Cincinnati Reds 6-2. hind us, said Cavaliers' General defeat the Tigers 6-0 in a rain- The Reds, who won only one of players begin to tire, they get more room on the field to show their be constrained by signing Wil- skills. Conditioning is a big key this year." Manager Wayne Embry. "Now liams. shortened game. nine games at Candlestick Park we can continue working to as- Most of Candiotti's offensive this season, entered the day with In that area, the Falcons are probably in the best shape of the Williams, 28, averaged about 16 season. semble our team as we pursue Kints and eight rebounds a game support came from Candy Mal- a 7Mz-game lead over Los Angeles our goal of winning an NBA donado, who drove in a season- in the Nl West. Fullback Jim Konrad may get his first action of the year after miss- it season with the Cavaliers. ing most of the preseason and the first two games with a concussion. championship." Usually the team's sixth man, high five runs, three on his 19th Garrelts (11-10) is 3-1 in five If they had permitted the re- homer of the season. starts against Cincinnati this He practiced for the first time Thursday and will be in uniform Satur- Williams was a starter when vet- day. stricted free agent to sign with eran Larry Nance was sidelined Candiotti (14-10) got his first season, including coming within Miami, the Cavaliers would have win in Detroit, after four defeats. one out of a no-hitter. He gave up Senior tri-captain Kyle Royer is still day-to-day with an ankle in- with an injury early last season. jury, but he was able to play in both games in Maine. Palmisano would lost one of the team's most con- Williams had sought after the The win raised his career record eight hits and two runs in seven sistent and productive players against the Tigers to 4-10. innings and Steve Bedrosian pit- like to get more playing time from Rover, but concedes that It may be season to become an unrestricted a while before the forward can go at full strength. and gotten nothing in return. free agent, arguing he unjustly "I've pitched some really good ched 1 1-3 innings for his 11th By matching the Miami offer, lost one year in the NBA while he games here, but I've never won," save. the Cavaliers payroll will soar was being acquitted on charges Candiotti said. "Tonight, I didn't After Will Clark doubled and "He still doesn't have all his mobility back and he can't get that full through the NBA's $11.87 million stemming from a alleged point have good stuff, but I got some Kevin Mitchell walked with two burst of speed yet," Palmisano said. "It really hasn't progressed a salary cap, limiting the ability of shaving scheme while fie played breaks." outs off Rick Mahler (7-6) in the whole lot the last week and it may be a thing that bothers him all year the front office to rework con- atTulane. Randy Nosek (1-1) took the first, Williams doubled off the long. At best he's a role player for us." tracts of veterans or sign free loss. Nosek pitched to four bat- center-field fence to score two That'll put the brunt of the scoring load on sophomores Rob Marte- agents. After an arbiter ruled he is a ters in the first, and retired none. runs for 105 RBIs this season. 11a and Bob Boyle and junior Ken Sorensen. The salary cap can be surpas- restricted free agent, Williams sed in this instance because obtained a reported $8 million Cleveland had no control over the offer to play the next two years in offer Miami made to Williams. Rome in Italy's pro basketball The Heat signed Williams to an league, but he turned down the offer sheet Aug. 22 and offered a offer to see if any NBA team first-year signing bonus believed would write an offer sheet. Women D Continued from page 6. The Falcons women's team comes faces an OU team that finished in the top ten in the nation last year, and has won the Mid-American Con- ference the last three years. This might sound like BG is facing an insurmountable task in trying to defeat the Bobcats, but that might not be the case. Banton, who also coaches the Bobcat women, said his team isn't as strong as in the past. "We don't have the same team as the last three or four years," he said. "We don't have the same type of depth, and we graduated two of our top runners." However, OU does return Chris Nicholl.a three-time all-Mid- American Conference runner and the MAC champion in track's 10 000 meters. BG is trying to rebound from last year's ninth place finish in the MAC under the guidance of first year coach, Steve Price. The Falcons will be aided by the return of Tracy Gaerke, who missed all of last season with an ankle injury. Price said she should be the Falcons number one runner, assuming her ankle stays healthly. Sophomores Cheri Triner and Jill Strawser have looked good in practice and Price is expecting them to run strong. "Gaerke, Triner and Strawser seem to be carrying the load on the team,"Price said. "If they can stay healthy, we will be much im- We'll See You at the proved over last year." Banton, whose team beat BG last year, is expecting a close meet this year. "It was a lopsided meet last year,"he said,"but we don't have the BG MERCHANTS FAIR same team as last year. It should be a good meet." The women's meet this Saturday wm start at 8 a.m., while the men will start at 8:30 a.m. Both meets will be run on the intramural fields Tuesday, September 11 between the ice arena and the Mileti Center. The meet will end beside Whittaker Track east of the Doyt L. Perry Field. '*», University Union, Grand Ballroom °n.s KC& tr. 11 a.m.-7 p.m. *** Falcons <& D Continued from page S. said. "I want to make sure Ta- to tournament champion George- mmy and Lisa continue to be ag- town. Alabama is led by sopho- MA Travel Agency AmenconSed Cross, Wood County District The Answer foctory gressive, but I want them to keep more hitters Sue Faris and Kris- down their errors." tye Hall who were one-two in the BG Community Day The BG News Ben franklin Store Although BG defeated SIU last Southeastern Conference in kills. Bob Evans Restaurant loots Cor Ports Bowling Green Chamber ol Cornmeice year, Van De Walle has little Southern Illinois University Sophomore Dana Olden and Bowling Green Jaycees Recycling Center Bank One. Wapatoneta Na Childerem Resource Center knowledge of what level of com- f petition to expect in the invite. junior Lori Simpson were named Churchill's Super Mattel Ctoel Theater Currents Gallery "I really won't know what to to the All-Tournament team in ° Pn expect from these teams until I last weekend's Ball State Invita- Evans Office Eouipment falcon House Sporting Goods Filth Third lank see them play,"Van De Walle tional where the team finished The Flower Basket Glass City federal Credit Union Glemby at Ithlmans said. "But, I think we should second. The Salukis (2-2) lost in come in second at least if not win four sets to Illinois Tuesday. They Great lakes Ford Nissan Great lakes Sporting Goods Grounds for Thought s % cavjaV it." will return nine players from Hair Gallery Heel I Sole Shoe Repair llnllilrcilimNO gq ■ L Van De Walle views this tour- 1989's team which recorded the %;*s GW nament as an opportunity to con- school's first winning season Hurmngton National Sank Why's Quality Tom tollman's tinue their preparation for the (18-11). (inko's Copy Center (lew's Jeieky Store cO^DotzHowerformlnc Mid-American Conference Portland State University Outrage. The Ink ?ov' season. Portland (1-1) split its season- & Mom Street True Value opening matches in the Gonzaga ^T ^Mora's ton MtooTelCaimunicotions **' MKJ American National Bon* 4 Trust Corroc-y "I would like to see us to keep Classic (Spokane, WA) when it improving, and I want to see us lost to Washington in three sets XP Notonwide lnsurar*e**feehon Ohw Citizens Bank Pogliai's Pizza ft Campus PotytyM continue to do some things well," before rebounding to defeat the $* J.C. rwOftys Phteren ol Bowling Green His Lady's Tweeds Phillip Televisions Co. Van De Walle said. "I just want to Idaho Vandals. The Pilots are re- c? continue to prepare for the con- turning five starters and 10 let- Pisanellos'Pizza Planned Parentnood ol Northwest Ohto BlManagment ference. The goal of our whole ter-winners from last year's 16-15 Duane A. Peters Insurance ignature Custom Printed Products Society Bank ft Trust season is to win the MAC." Here team. is a quick preview of each oppo- Sonio Pro Core Stadium View ApartaerrMWIey LodgefGreenwood Centre Stale Home Savings Bant nent: Northwestern University Subway Sandwiches ft SakwW. Main ThoyerChemlet-IoyoloGfO Uhlman's Department Store Northwestern (1-3) started the The University of Alabama season slowly in the Northern University BootSoreBGSJ UniiershV Hondo TheKeyreorbook The Crimson Tide's (3-1) sec- Iowa Tournament followed by a The Video Spectrum WfAl WfOB ond-place finish in the George- four-set loss to Stanford at home. town Tournament last weekend The Wildcats are returning four Wood Coble TV Wood County Alcohol, Drug Addiction ft Mental Heotth Services Board Wood County Council on Alcholism ft Drug Abuse Inc. featured victories against Vir- starters from a 13-21 team includ- Wood County fairgrounds Wood County Humane Society WoodkjndUall ginia and Connecticut with a loss ing 5-10 junior Miriam Stariha. young's Newsstand 275 S. Main St. 353-3060 "BOWLING GREEN AVOID THE HASSLE * GRAND PRIZE: ROUND TRIP AIR FAIR FOR 2 Drop your car off on your way to cl»s» with our shuttle but service FROM DETROIT TO FLORIDA FOR SPRING BREAK* " A whole new way to get your car fixed" • IF THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH YOUR CAR WE WON'T FIX IT • IF THERE IS WE'LL FIX IT RIGHT • IF FOR ANY REASON ITS NOT RIGHT WELL OO IT OVER OR REFUND YOUR MONEY Courtesy of KEY Tours & Travel Unlimited • WE GUARENTEE OUR PARTS » LABOR • WE KEEP OUR WORD 6 Months or 600 Mile Warranties • Low Cost Rentals SOHIO, BP & Major Credit Cards Accepted SECOND PRIZE: TAILGATE PARTY FOR 25 OF YOUR ^^^^^jgWBS^SLttBL^MiE^^flj^L^^^fci^^^^^ FRIENDS AT THE OCTOBER 6TH HOMECOMING FOOTBALL GAME Courtesy of FOODTOWN, 1044 North Main Street THIRD PRIZE: $75.00 MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATE! FALCON FOOTBALL ON 88.1 FM WBGU Courtesy of CHURCHILLS SUPERMARKET, 1141 S. Main FOURTH PRIZE: $50.00 MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATE Courtesy of KROGER, 1096 North Main Street yr Employees and Immediate family ol participating merchants not eaglWe to enter B.G.S.U. VIRGINIA TECH 7:00 P.M. kick-off from Blacksburg. Virginia. At 6:30 it's the Falcon Pre-Game Show. DON'T MISS IT! Join Jeff Gibbons and Mike Baker for Sponsored bu the Business Association, Oiomber of Commerce 8GSU & The BG News All That Live Play by Play Action 8 fndoy Septembei ' 1990 THE BG NEWS Classifieds

PSTCHIC FA* Oay/Laeban Information Una ACA/XMC& SOCIAL EVENTS SIOMA CHI •• CHI OMEGA • WELCOME BACK STUDENTS ■ Fun A fe»rslMa,iii I Sal Bowing Green HoerJay PH»j»ArrHF«>»Y-»irruAj.ATMirncs How ciornmon m homoae«ue»ty In our aooaty CAMPUS l> CITY EVENTS Tha Brothers of Sigma CK would ska to con- Do you need extra SSS aw on Sapaaiabei 16, 11 Am -6 pm Won Where can gay people go for support? For the COMMUNITY SERVICE BnOTMERHOOO graaaata John Sweeny and Maureen Ryan on Do vou want to make your own schedule'' osrful iiajicheiitAae Araae top rjaycrate wel enewers to theee queettona end eny others you their lavaaarlng Good Luck m the future Do you need an uitern or co-op? anewer lajaeaons on heaNh. career, romance BECAUSE A MAN IS ONLY might neve about homosexuality, call Do you want to gain valuable experience and SIOMA CHI ■ • CHI OMEOA MO $10lot ISmnJM Free irBMHon PvA> THE SUM OF HIS PARTS 3S2-LAOA (362-5242) from 7-10pm Mon- learn a marketable slur? Ic welcome Cxi 4992310 SK1HA NU OFFERS YOU days Wadnaadaya. and Fridays If vou answered yee lo any of the above •HO Al Maiora Welcome' SIOMA CW • ALPHA OAMMA DELTA SfurMnta ■ Firei mnn Church on WUfQrej- THE WHOLE PACKAGE EBSCO Telephone Service m the place for Tha Brothers of Sigma Chi would ike to con ERE 114 ErJucaaon Me dan Rood wessomee you Com* Join other oof- RUSH IK) MA NU RUSH SIGMA NO OWAMOOPENINO youll EBSCO a> a llatlonel TassrravkaBng Firm grarulate Scon Hutchins and Adrian Spotter on WHEN Mori Sept 10 ago students lor a dMcuaalon style Sunday QREENWOOO COIN LAUNORY that caas paat & preeenl customers on a con- their lavaaarlng Good Luck In tha futura ■TBA* 730pm Scnooi Oeee at 9 30 a in Church eeMcee for ALPHA OAMS Lam Tha* Pledgee Sapt 111 tractual bails orsy. NO COLD CALLS Low SIOMA CM • ALPHA OAMMA DELTA txr at 10 30 a.m TranaportaHon la avaaabte by FREE weans dry al day1 preeeure and high gams Average emptoyee cafangLerryM 382-1034. ALPHA CAMS lass That- Aiadgn FREE awndry Deakaf. glfls makaaovar SS.OOrhr. 4-5.30pm. Mon.-Frt. tor anpaoMtona. 113 N. Main SI . next lo David s OOMM lor eech cualomer SIGMA CHI -DO "SKI MA CHI* DO . 'ArrainoN MTcmon HAjom- Dal Cal 353-8882 attar 4pm Look tor our TMI FIAST AMERICAN IOCICTY ALPHA QAMI Lor. The* Pledges Greenwood Centre Pkws Tha Brothers ol Sigma Chi would ska to con or The Undergraduate Alumni Aaaoc table tents In a cafeteria near you. For your TUES- 18I6E Wooetar. Dy Coiega Station gretulale Greg KrvbaDaa and Karen Ruyte on Miimm ocdONCns HcrriHa « Irrvltee you to our Net meeting convenience we wil be on campus Mon 0/10 DAY. mrnrn u AT I.M M ROOM 12. otmeyeer Find out how to gM ALPHA OAatS LOT* Tha* Pledges the. avakenng Good Luck m the future SIGMA CM'DQ'SIOMA CHI*DO thru Wad 9/12 from 10am-5pm In the Fort I'MHIO HUMAN ECOLOGY MMUMNQ' AIL involved In Homaoonang. Mud V Bel INTRAMURAL ENTRIES DUE TENNIS |W Room. Union i >uja Weak Survival KXa. and moon Alpha Sigma Pta SOLS, DBLS. M DBLSI SEPT 11;; GOLF (M mom TnamaaangaalDa nation MOM Tha aroma™ ol Alpha Sigma PM cortgrakaalee DBLSl SEPT 1 2 ALL ENTRIES DUE BY 4 00 SIOMA CHfOQ-SKIMA CM-DO Apply Now Fai Work -S8 88 to start Toledo rastrtct office needs to tare 19 people to ATTBmON OFF-C AMPU* STUOCNTt SaM. 10,-T:M AM M 114 SA. RMlaan- Tad Haaklna lor ma racam lavaaarlng to Jueene pm IN 10BSRC Tha Brothers ol Sigma OH would Hke to con- the top teems In the country. Looking tor com- The Camiimi Ott-Canasus OrgeMietlon manfa ejfl Da aarvad Al ars welcome II FamM MORTAR BOARD gratulate John Antoak and ASaon WB on their petitive, aggreeahre Mam pteyers Co-Ope aWr mm easel Tm. SaM.11. Alpha Sigma PN Organisational Meeting Wedneeday avekerlng Good Luck m the future SIOMA CHI" DO-SK1MA CHI'OO l aaatll Vary flexible hours Training beoma ' Mam ki Hw MaM MMMS ol *- Hetel tmNn VOLUNTEERS NEEDED TO ASSIST DSSA Sapt 12at900pmln103BA aoon Cal 382 1060 student Center around Floor. BUD STUDENTS READERS. TAPERS. ES- ATTENTION: See you there' CORTS PLEASE CONTACT 372-8495 A* campus and weal organizations CoSege studenl lo perform Teiemerkatlng Sasaa i. al UrrfirereAy Parting Sense T.M.N.T. DoneteHo, Leonardo If your organization la sponsoring a local avant PHI KAPPA TAU RUSH Aornrrtstrtion for software saiea firm located In A Mtcheeesngsto Parryeburg. Must have PC experience A or addrmmg a puDic conoam, WBGU-FM It m not Decauae things are difficult that wa do Cowabungal Thta wB be a most excaaant year M SOFTBALL TAYOUTS Welcome SKA L.I.U. MIIBIII would Bui to carry tfna irtormatlon acroaa our not dare. It is because wa do not dare t»t they with GDIS i Draw ho-hasi Who win win the reasonable typing sues Part-time, day time only Cal874O800 Oar IkM meeting wW Da alrwavaa In a Pubic Sarvtoa Announcamanl are drfticulf TAKING THE CAMPUS BY STORM shack award? Let'a try not to have anymore SEPT 10 3 5PM • BQ SB FIELD September t, 1 MO In Hie Ptoaaa aand al information concamlng your fights A Roadtrto m deffnataty In store' Turtle CommiaMoned drivars and dtoing room help Gel physical at Meelth Center 2nd Itoor lounge si ma avant or particular causa lo PM KAPPA PSI... Powarll Apply between 2 4pm or 9-1 lam PegeeTa « Sapt 4-5bram 6 8pm Student Senricee Sldg it 7 00 pm Chnettna Crawlord Rush Phi Psi Hang three Oudee. 945 S Mam Gea*t KlSUfaVaCaV lOfOael M UTBO*THJ fOOTl REFRESHMENT! WILL SE SERVED PuDic Ana«s DKaclor • WBOU An Ongoing. Winning Tradition Raphael Muel be free M F 3 Spm 120 Waal HM EMPLOVMENT AVAILABLE (BOSUI PM KAPPA PSI... FULL-TIME AND PART-TIME DURING B Q.S.U CLASSES Welcome Back L S U Members Our company is seeking employees to perform CAICM FALCON FOOTBALL ON Si.lFM PnlMupserjgse ere Number OneM PN Mu pledges are Number One" unelueed aghl production work Flexible hours: . WSOUI BQ VS VIHQPAA TECH KICK OFF AT SO MERCHANTS FAIR Our first meeting wB be Open 7 days a weak, morning, afternoon and LOST*FOUND PN Mu pledgee are Numbar Onel I 7:0«PM. PREOAME SHOW STARTS AT Sept 9. 1990 n the 2nd floor evening shifts Plant location is only 2 blocks HO.FOLLOW FALCON FOOTBALL ON Tuaa.Sapt 11 - nam- 7pm Gel psyched for our House Retreat tomorrow Lounge ol the Students Services BWg and other fun events!??!?1 from B.Q S.U. campus The rate of wage la YOUR SPORTS LEADER U.1FMWBOU. LOST: BLACK SWISS ARMY WATCH • 70 araa buNnaaaw - at 7 OOP M S3 80 per hour If interested pick-up an appli- DRY DOCK • • • ORY DOCK WfWHTTI FACE-Loal aw Wad m Unlv Qrvaawaya. rjaparya. rafllaa. Phi Pel • A-Cht-O REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED cation at tha company office. ADVANCED samplaa. products for sale Tfna Saturday la our IB90 Grand Opanmgl Union oval araa MO REW ARC. No oueetione The siatera of Alpha Gamma Derta wteh you SPECIALTY PRODUCTS. INC , 428 Ckxjgh FREE. OPEN TO Ali.i Coma halp ua calaorata Dry Dock'a first night aakad Cal Dave 372-1638 greet luck end success with Hie Bathtub Races! St., Bowing Green OH 43402, (410) Unrvar Union. Grand Bairoom and aaa whal al tha excrlemenl is aboul Wars RUSH SIOMA NU Welcome Back Ladtos 354-2844 down m tha Bsaemint of Harahman Quad from SERVICES OFFERED RUSHSIQMANU For si your Mary Kay special needs eel Pam Expectant parents of twins are seeking moth- 9pmlo lam No oovar. No ID BO.SU Football Team RUSH SIOMA NU Eyer 352 491 5 anytime er's helper 2 to 3 days a weak. Flexible hours. Conor eta on a Season opener victory' • Welcome ' Cal 384-1188. PREONANT7 Good luck egalnet Tach on Saturday" RUSH SIOMA NU Go Falcons' Win a Dip lor two Home MaMrs Earn $500 00 a weak whaa Evary Friday M noon, All Qraduata ilu- Wa can hot) FREE pragnancy Matt 1 sup RUSH SIOMA NU RoeeiDeanna to Florida lot Spring Braakl working a taw hours al home. For more informa- porove aarvtcaa Confidentiei BG Pragnancy RUSH SIOMA NU dants,aoup and sandwich lunch, donation. UCF P S Whet the Hens a Home?" Grand prize at tha tion aand a self-addressed stamped envelope Center, comar ol ThureBn and radge Ttat Fri- Cantar Cat 364-HOPE BO MERCHANTS FAIR to Box 428216. Evergreen Park. Illinois day Don McOuana. prolaaaor of Sociology, wB See you at the Tuaa.. Sept. 11 • 11 am -7 pm 80642 idstouaa "Tha Futura ol TMlim Europa " BG MERCHANTS FAIR Unrvar Union. Grand Baaroom PERSONALS I'd tore w meal you tonight an the Courtesy of Now accepting arjpicaoons lor caarwere & car iaassreesed ki leaning a prilmUml bassnssi ryouta to work at our Bowling Green or Parrys- Carousel Love. 70 araa Dusinesses Travel UrArreted: Kay Tours /arlaaaliellnn an oampaaT Tha BO Amsrtcan burg Moras Churchal'a Super Market 1141 S MartaHng AluoliBoa urges you k> attand Main. BG krtto NkJM an Muds, Sapt 10 M 7:J0, 112 Giveaways, samples, displays products tor BA and oar 1M Fanaal Meeting, faaturMg CATCH FALCON FOOTBALL ON SAMFat sale end ramae for prUes including. TRIP FOR 2 YOUNQ LIFE Nurae Aid. Orderly. Laundry and Dietary posi- masNatlonal epeeker R.K Tucker on Tuee- ORAO STUDENTS WSOUIBG VS VIRGINIA TECH KICK OFF AT TO FLORIDA. TAILGATE PARTY FOR 25. Young Ufa al a nondenominational tions available Flexible schedules Apply at 11 at 7:JO kl tha McFall Aa- HAPPY HOURS 7:00PM PREOAME SHOW STARTS AT f:J0. GROCERY GIFT CERTIFICATES and many Chrolan outreach that works Wood County Nursing Home between 8 5. UPTOWN "FRIDAYS FOLLOW FALCON FOOTBALL ON YOUR more!!! with High School Kids H you are 11080 E Gypsy Lane Rd, Bowling Green HO P.M. SPORTS LEADER M.1FM WBOU. interested In being a Young Ufa OMEQA PM ALPHA Come to the University. leader, please contact Todd Lacher Pert time bartenders needed spofy el LaRoe'a MEETING. SaptamDar 8th. 7 00pm CHRISTI CRAWFORD Grand Beeroom at 354-8271 or Jim Hudson the Aree Restaurant Grand Rapids. OH 832-3082 1 Union, Campus room HAPPY BIRTHDAY SISTER' Director at 419-885-8524 Reed books al home! SIOOTltlei Guaranteed' WE HOPE YOU HAVE A GREAT YEAR 4 Houae Unrlad Christian Fallow ship TUES..SEPT 11 from Free 24-hour recording 1415-289-9890) • "PHI MU I CHI OMEGA" MANY MORE MOMENTS NAPPING ON THE 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. Watooma Back Picnic Sunday Sapt B. Window washer for Knockerbocker Services Wa uaad our imagination to coma up with tha COUCHI LOVE. Free. Open To Ail SO 8 30 PM comar ol Thursim a RUge AN BEST combination PHI MU/CHI OMEGA YOUR ROOMIES Cal 352-5822. Stadanta WatoamaUCF a a campus rmnatry WANTED DOUBLE DATE DASHI aponaorad by Amartoan Baptist Church of tha DONTMISSITU Sex. Drugs. A Rock 'n Roi Brathan. dacipaia ol ChraM. Epacopal. Praaby- CongratuaMtone to Shewrte Lea on her paaring SAT SEPT 8. 8PM - n Coma aae lor yourself •FREE T-SHIRTS • FOR SALE Mran, Unrlad Church ol ChrW and UnHad toCoByOrr Love. " PHI MU I CHI OMEGA" CRAB RACES WANTED: Studerrta to display what they can four Alpha Xl Sailers MsaiuJaf DanomlnaBona TUESOAY AT DOWNTOWN do on a Madnloeh Computer w* receive free goodies' from Apple Computer. Questions 1981 Dodge Omni • 3 door, cruise, sunroof •"TOOD POWELL #11 ••• 127,000 mass BUT a great car lor school Pra-mafor IRTVF i JOUR) advtung saaalon tor CongretueMione to Krtetm Rowe and Doug STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS eel: 353-9732 Ask for the Appal Computer OraM Job against Cincinnati laal Sunday' Your S500neg Cal Trap 2-3892 Spr 91 Tuaa . 9-11. 4 30 121 Waal Hal or McCloy on their Alphe Xi Dana - Delta Tau Delta Student Representative. hard work a) paying oil Good Luck VM waak- If you have not yet registered your organization ttvaaanrig Love. COUCH Wad. 8-12. 4.00. 121 Waal Hal 1.0. ra- and agamal Virginia Tach - I wish I could Da for tha 1990-1991 academic year, please • ROOMMATE NEEDED IMMEDIATELY ■ Tha Alpha Xi'a FOR SALE CALL 354-0132 qu»ed there, out in be Hurtling of you' submit your reoMtretkyi form to tha Office of One non-smoking female to share a houae on Love. Beth Student Acttvtttee and Orientation Dy Monday. E Wooetar with three other gala. Own Bed- Double bed with box springs and frame. Like DRY DOCK'"0MV0OCK Sapt 10. Forms may be obtained in Room 405 room $150 plus utilities Call Now 352-2525' new Musi sell $125 00 372-4892 PSYCHIC FA* Tha Saturday is our 1880 Grand Opening' of tha Student Services Building Groups who 1 - 2 male roommates needed lo share apt for Fun 4 laaJrYaflorl M tha Bowling Orasn Monday A special thank you lo tha Drothara of Delta Tau Coma help ua celebrate Dry Dock'a Urat night do not regtstar wll not be included in the Stu- For Sale. Frigs Cal 352-7359 mn on Oossoar 21. 11 am 8pm Wondarful Dana for welcoming our new pudges with lues 90-91 school year Call 354 5685 and aaa whal all the excttamenl » about Ware dent Organizations Directory. Guitar For Sale marchanrjaa Araa'a top payctvca war anawar mg carnations and a fantaaac lea Wa had a down In tha Basement of Harahman Quad from 1 Female roommate for a 1 bdr. apt. Down- $200 Neg Cal 352-8069 Ask for Phil quaahona on haaRtt. caraar. romanca ale. great tirnel Love. STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS FAIR 0pm to 1am. No Cover No I D Wadnaaday, SaptamDar 12 from town Can anytime attar 2:00 352-3208 Aak ST 00 tor 15 mmusaa $1 adnvaaton Pubic Tha Alpha «■ Hand crafted wooden boar for sale $45 00 II * New Members are Welcome' * 11 00-3 30pm in tha Lenhart Grand Ballroom lor Amy. watooma Call 499 2310 interested cal 353-4 294 ol the University Union 96 Organizations win 1 rrrAa needed to share 3 bdrm houae. own Free OOubiee until SaptamDar 13 at Tha Picture have representatives available to anawar your room, free uMtlee Karen 3520130 MOVING SALE. SAT 8-8 SUN 12-9 133 Piece Student Union questions Gat involved. Come to the Organiza- TROUP CLOTHES. HH ITEMS. AND MUCH tions Fair" FEMALE NEEDED to lubliaai w/3 gins for MORE KAPPA * PHI PSI • KAPPA • PHI PSI 1990-91. S590 par sam. plus dap. Congrstulatlons to Belinda SOU and Draws Mit- Gaa/uttl/furn Inofud. Clean, close to campus. SEIZED CARS, trucks, boats. 4wheelsrs. rnotorhomee. by FBI, IRS. DEA Available your WINTHROP chell ... on their recant tavalerlng. Undergraduate Alumni AaaocattJon mealing Contact mgr. #4 • 841 3rd St. 12-4 or area now Cal (8051 882 7555 Ext C-2804 The Brothers ol Phi Kappa Psi Monday Sept 10730pm 1 14 BA All are we! |61 4)891 -0505,aflat 5pm. coma lo (oln tha hm! Gel Involved with UAAI KAPPA • PHI PSI • KAPPA • PHI PSI Female roornmata needed for 90-91 school WB pay cash for your used CD'a. $5 00 each. TERRACE Sand isl (true » artfat) to Box 394 Cygnet, OH year. Close to campus. Contact Terr! or Katie et 353-7807 43413 APTS. Needed One homeless atudent to share 2 '84 Mercury Marquie a/c. cruaje. leaded, new bdrm apt Excel location Rani negoDeDle angina, dear, cal 688-5939 400 Napoleon Rd. Bring your own bad, tha reel kl furnished! Cal 352 5398, evenings FOR RENT KEEP YOUR TANK FULL! NEEDED ONE FEMALE TO SHARE A FOUR BEDROOM HOUSE OWN ROOM. AVC. TWO Use our campus shuttle. BATHS. CLOSE TO CAMPUS. CALL Desperately Seeking 354-4880 One female rmrrrt to ahare one bdrm apt. Rant $169 Pay gas a alec Cal 353 8764 (residents only) COMEDY Wanted 1 female rmte. for apt located on E CLUB Merry Close to campus. Cal for more informs- • Needed Immediately • Son 354-8783 4 lubleaiiia needed for house, weal location - * 3 Locations AMATUER 900 bat of E Wooetar. Aak for Micheie. Ste- WANTED: phanie. Tracy or Andres at 352-6316 TALENT SEARCH 1 - 2 Roommslas Female/Mala, located Sec * 1 & 2 Bedrooms ond and Elm. 185/mo and alec Cal 1 A 2 bedroom apts COMCS 382-4848 leeve maeaage. Immediate Occupancy * Furnished & Unfurnished MAGICIANS 352-7464 or 823-7655 m 9 A 12 month kseesa/aemsstet Issssi SINGERS HELP WANTED Here's your cnonce to oe O* STAM F wanted tor apt., aril ahare with 3 other peo- CALL 352 - 9135 it you hove loom ond wont o crxjrxe pa). AC. turn. 1 bat. from campus Cal now lo perfoimauring our TrxrsOoy Talent Attendance taker Ipkja other edrnlrtetrattve du- Search, please oppty m person tlea) Be available 9 30 1045 Tueedeys & 354-5361. 1616E woosler Thursdays CsIRK 372-7168 FIRELANDS STUDENT rvton Sepi 10. 3-6 PM 2 bedroom apt In Norwa*. refrtg S stove turn PabyalBaf needed Mon-Thur tnonarig for one NeVMN other furniture with or without. 5-year-old 352-5383. Aak tor Maria. (419)364-9732. Need a piece to live? 334 N Mam SI Theta Chi Houae Apt «11 For further information call Joanne (70S) Are you taking 380-1588 or Qreenbnar 352-0717 Need to Sucliaai 2 Bdrm Apt w/Paso and W/D Hook-up. Ctoee to Campus Aval. Imrnad advantage n Cal artor 4:00. 353-8871. of us?

We hope so! We're here to service the university community! Bring us your graphic design and desktop wednesdayl The very hones! Male and Female reviews in N w. Ohio. This publishing projects, for quick, economic and week. Men of Desire' and Templed', of Columbus!! BG. Students bring VALID STUDENT ID and get $2.00 off cover. quality service. Thursday) B.G. Nighi Oui! One complimeniary keg of beer for siudenis 21 and older!! COMEDY Courtesy of RETTIG BROS. FURNITURE. CLUB IS Friday! Win lois of cash and prizes!! and Dance all night on our huge dance floor. NOW HIRING Saturday! Spectacular light show. •MUSICIANS' ELEC KEYBOARD DRUMS GUITAR UniGrciphics NIGHTLY DRINK SPECIALS! SAXAPHONE 18 and over always welcome! eves Thur Fri. Sot. Apply m person 1616 E 25481 DIXIE HIGHWAY Wooster *S 3-6 PM 211 West Hall 372-7418 PERRYSBURG. OHIO Mon. Seot 10 874-2253 Recital Hall Auditions Mon Sept 10 8 00 PM WHAT lfi"LlF6l>Jttttl"l

Ci lilHt % A tavoe L>me Binky's back in BG! OF AUCMATIOM. I scream, you scream AM&tT, '(OB But for how long? we all scream for ice cream

page 5

Getting inside your weekend

Screw!n' loose your funny bone

The Great American Medicine Show fiction by Chuck Travis

Sun t U ^^»+^^^k****~*** M^MHWMMMMtM^ Friday, Sept 7. 1990 From inside The insider

What you are now holding In On page seven you can find your hand Is ... (long pregnant Screws Loose, an Improvlsational pause while one wonders if the comedy troupe of University stu- next words will be obscene)... dents. Our managing editor Shel- the premiere Issue of The Insider ley Banks caught up with them magazine. Our loyal mascot, Ji- for this week's cover story and vin' Ivan Friday came to us In a says they're a riot. Check 'em out INSIDER dream and said, "Hey. wake up!" If you can, they'll unbolt your So we did. There he was sitting funny bone. at the foot of our bed (Imagine that. All The Insider editors And assistant editor Frank sleeping In the same bed.) telling Esposito, our resident music us what we all suspected was critic, got his butt out of the bars true but didn't want to admit. Dennis Robaugh and Into the streets where he Editor: "Friday Magazine Is old, de- stumbled across the Shoemakers, crepit, past Its prime, ready for a team of Ice cream mercenaries Managing Editor: Shelley Banks the boneyard. It's Just not fresh making their living on the mean anymore. streets of BG. He also cranked out "What you need Is a new mag, ing a bit stronger with each pass- a bang-up review of 's Assistant Editor: Frank Esposito with a new look." ing day. latest release. "How do we go about doing this, JlvIn'," we asked. John Potter We've tried to approach the But we can't do It off by our- Chief Photographer: "What are you asking me for? University In a different way. selves. If you have any story sug- I'm Just a friggln' cartoon, you're The Insider Is Intended to take gestions (Interesting people you'd Art Director: Sean Risser the Journalism majors. You figure the reader Inside the campus, In- like to see featured on the pages It out," he said. Then he slicked deed Inside the world Itself. In- of The Insider, for Instance) or back his hair and said, "but I teresting features and person- want to submit some short fiction Fiction Editor: Zachary Pott wouldn't mind being on the alities, cultural and artistic (call and ask for Zach) give us a cover." events, political commentary, sa- call at 372-6967. Or If you'd like And thus a dream was born. tire and choice fiction will grace to see If your writing can with- Staff Mascot: Jivin' Ivan Of course, a dream Is one thing these pages each week. stand the scrutiny of the public's and bringing It to fruition Is quite critical eye, stop by our offices another. Skepticism abounded In The week leading to the first with your Ideas. the halls of The BG News, and publication was a harried one. The Insider magazine is published every Friday during the academic year by some were Just waiting for us to Our managing editor has been the Board of Student Publications of Bowling Green State University. fall on our faces. Lofty goals and pulling out her hair at such a rate And keep picking up The In- Opinions expressed by columnists do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Ideals fall under the weight of that she will quickly resemble the sider. We've got what's hot, Jh/ln' The Insider magazine. practicalities when It comes to rest of the balding male editorial Ivan says, and we're gonna make The Insider magazine and Bowling Creen State University are equal opportu- putting out a magazine. staff When she starts growing a you love us. nity employers and do not discriminate in hiring practices. Whether we will or won't fall beard, we're In deep trouble. on our faces remains to be seen. Copyright 1990. The BG News But like a newly born doe we Nonetheless, we think we've The Editor. stand on our shaky feet, taking a put together some Interesting sto- few steps and stumbling, becom- ries for you, the reader. Cold hard facts from The Coldbrain

Logic. That's what we came to right advice, you'll learn quite a posedly there are not stupid peo- continuing his ride to Miami. These things could happen — Bowling Green In search of — In- bit. The University has some bril- ple) I'm sure there Is least one As If a sex fiend is going to be and do, as evidenced by the re- sight, knowledge and logic. liant, caring faculty members and Janitor who buys collector plates stopped from wandering In the cent Dunbar Incident. Well, maybe not everyone. I It Is worth all the bull to be taught from the Franklin Hint and girls' showers one morning like know more than a few poor slobs by one of them. thinks Ronald Reagan is still the unidentified male sighted In IflllvedlnadormI would or- — undeclared majors, mostly, president (and a good one, to the Dunbar bathrooms last week. ganize a kind of grassroots rebel- with a concentration In beer boot). If leaving them unlocked Is lion similar to the Incinerator swilling and the collective IQ of a If you've lived In a residence such a security risk, why are they War we saw in Darrow Hall last single, undernourished lamb — 18 inches hall (and let's cut the crap and left open during the first and last year. who dully followed their high call them dorms) you know what weeks of school, during move in school mates here and really ha- from I mean about doofuses. and move out? Is there any less But our goal would be to keep ven't a clue what It's all about. Is there anyone that really be- security risk then? the doors propped open between "I mean, college Is what you're The Coldbrain lieves locking the side doors of Locking all the dorm doors, and 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. Everyone supposed to do (urp) after high the dorms 24-hours a day Is a giving every resident there a sec- would swipe a roll of toilet paper, school. Besides, the old man Is good Idea? ond key for them might make exit through the side doors, and paying for It." "It's for security." more than sense. It certainly would be safer. prop them with the roll as they But for most of us, broadening one resident advisor has told me. As It stands, the only thing left. our minds Is the reason we chose They believe It. too. Of course, locked side doors are Is a nui- to spend the first four years of believing what their superiors ^rLi JPfmUL> "hlHIUISM " ■ I sance to students. Eventually, the University our post-pubescent lives In Bowl- tell them and cutting out those Perhaps this policy Is Just a to- would have to give up. ing Green. At least. It Is among paper things with your name on ken gesture against more serious the top ten reasons. It at the beginning of the year are safety hazards. Of course, a well-timed coup And you can learn here. It their most Important duties — from a few pro-conservation helps to side-step the IPCO profs We also have some doofuses besides, of course, being the arm If the University wants to In- toilet paper counterrevolutionar- with senseless grading proce- here. Can't help It really. of the University administration crease dorm safety, perhaps It ies could spoil my whole plot. dures and nothing to teach, the You can blame the water, or paid to sleep a few doors down should worry about the 6 a.m. to Instructors who actually have perhaps Northwest Ohio's Iso- from you. 8 a.m. "window" — between the something to say but can't figure lated gene pool Is the culprit. It Is Security, they say. As If a end of the night guard shift and John Kohlstrand. a junior Jour- out how to say It. the rambling no secret that some of our staff handgun-toting madman Is going the start of the custodial work nalism major from the Downriver old men and the grad students was flown In from other parts of to be thwarted by a locked side day — during which any under- Detroit area. Is the city editor for more worried about their own the country to compensate. door. As If a Detroit biker fresh sezed sloth bored with his own The BG News and the only man courses than yours. To keep It In perspective from a night at Howard's won't hand could Initiate a sexual con- In Bowling Green with 18 Inches. But with a little luck and the take a free dorm shower before though, at Harvard (where sup- frontation. i mw>«* .- Mom and Pop chillin in BG

by Frank Etpottto assistanl editor "They're always happy to see us," Darlene said of the neighborhood chil- Delbert and Darlene Shoe- maker always make heads turn dren. "But sometimes I'm when they go down the street. not so sure their parents If s not that Delbert, 66, and Darlene, 62, look unusual or any- are." thing like that. They've got some- -Darlene Shoemaker, thing much more Important than flashy clothes or gold-toothed smiles to make those heads turn. Th» lnSiO*f/John Potlrr They've got Ice cream. a receptionist at Midwest Stamp- Darlene and Delbert Shoemaker with their mean Ice cream For the past ten years, this ing. machines have been blitzing BG bellies with their taste treats for Weston couple has peddled their Chuck Myers, manufacturing a decade. frosty wares on the streets of manager at Green Manufacturing, Bowling Green, bringing smiles described Darlene as "always Bowling Green's college students. hiring riders to operate. But in "They really like getting the to the faces of many a thankful friendly." "The guys always like the 1986 they went motorized and treats." Darlene says. customer seeking a cool escape "She's always got a nice word bomb pops," she says. "That's got rid of the riders. In fact, Jessica liked It so much from the summer heat. to say," he says. their favorite. The girls seem to The equipment for their busi- the grandparents encountered a Their refrigerated carts hold a Delbert and Darlene each cover favor crunches and fudge bars." ness Is leased from the Hav-A- little problem after taking Jessica variety of frozen confections. In- about 35 miles a day, usually The Idea for their summer ven- Bar Ice Cream Company of Flint, on the route with them at the end cluding Ice cream bars, popslcles, working at least five days a week, ture came from a newspaper ad- Michigan. Hav-A-Bar also pro- of last year. rocket pops (or bomb pops — weather permitting. Their season vertisement Darlene had seen In vides the Ice cream for the Shoe- "We took her out with us and those awesome red, white, and usually begins the first week of the Bowling Green Sentinel- makers' venture. In the offsea- took some pictures with our blue ones — yajust had to love May; however, this year they Tribune. The business, originally son, the Shoemakers store the video camera," Darlene re- these as a greedy six-year-old), were able to start earlier. They based In Weston but moved out bikes and carts in a garage In members. "She had a great time, Disney pops (shaped like Mickey, continue their route throughout to BG at the behest of Hav-A-Bar. Bowling Green. and this year she wanted to go Donald and Goofy), and drum- residential Bowling Green until was started by the couple's Delbert retired In February with us all the time. It was kind of sticks. The prices for these treats October. youngest son Tim, but the Job after 27 years at Clevlte In- hard to explain to her." range from 45 to 65 cents, affor- Children obviously make up a proved to be too much for him to dustries In Napoleon. The Shoe- Age plays no role In the cou- dable for even an Impoverished large percentage of the Shoe- handle. makers celebrated 43 years of ple's business. In fact, Darlene college student. makers' clientele. "He was just too young at the marriage this past April and have said she "never thinks about It." A typical day for the Shoe- "They're always happy to see time," Darlene said. five married children ("scattered "We Just don't give up." she makers Includes stops at three us," Darlene said. "But some- So Delbert and Darlene hit the all over," Darlene says). 13 said. Bowling Green factories — times I'm not so sure their par- streets In their trusty Ice cream grandchildren and one great- Their reasons for staying ac- Midwest Stamping. Green Manu- ents are." vending machines. The carts are grandchild. tive at an age when most of their facturing and Capital Plastic — In spite of the fact that they are attached to motorbikes (becom- Two of their grandchildren, peers are enjoying their sunshine where they sell to workers during not allowed to sell on campus be- ing sidecars that taste great), al- Jessica, 4, and Seth, 1. live In years are quite simple. lunch hour. cause of University regulations, though originally they were Weston and get to enjoy the "We like the fresh air and the "She's always cheerful even Darlene has noticed definite joined to bicycles which the benefits of their grandparents' people." Darlene said. "Plus you though It's hot," says Bev Snyder, trends In the buying habits of Shoemakers rode, occasionally business. i : See Ice Cream, page 12.

Outdoor ltd Outdoor Krt Ouldoor l<<< Outdoor Met

210 N. Main 352-9951 ■ir.MirJ>v *»::TMTY«I enrjwoner* Canoe Trip V Tuesday Sept. 4 OROBOAOS Mohican State Park Wednesday Sept. 5 Georgia Peach Trio Friday and Saturday September 14 & 15 Thurs - Sal. Sept. 6-8 NU ■ TUNES $22.00 which includes all transportation, food, canoe rental, equipment and facilities. 18-20 Welcome $2.00 Cover after 9:30 Contact the UAO office to sign up

21 and over or for more details. $1.00 Cover after 9:30 3rd floor Union 2-2343. icJt HOURS: Mon.-Sat.: Noon "til 2:30 a.m. Sunday: 2:00 p.m. 'til 2:30 a.m.

it Mini-Pitchers Every Day*

),)>| .loopiitO ).)>! loopmo >.)>! loopmo Friday. Sept 7. 1990 Lynch wild with 'Wild at Heart' by Jason Zochory Pott ing cockroaches on his anus and I clion editor claiming that green aliens with black rubber gloves are out to get Lynch has made a film which actually turns violent him. WUIem Dafoe plays Bobby bloodbaths into complete farces. This seems quite un- Peru, a gum-dlsease-rlddled porn Walling unbearably for David actor/assassin whose Vietnam Lynch's films has become stan- believable, but the evidence is there. He has made yet days still get the best of him. dard procedure for the many film another film about a disturbing topic and made it more fanatics, myself Included, who HUB Harry Dean Stanton ("Repo have followed his outlandish ca- fun than a ride on the highest roller coaster in the land. Han," "Parts. Texas") plays a private Investigator sent out to REUIEUI bring Lula home. Jack Nance (of So we. the few, have to sit "Eraserhead" fame) tops the through reruns of David Lynch's tlon after another, with each sit- Lynch has made a film which bunch off by making a cameo as a uation being stranger than the "Twin Peaks" waiting... for other "Casablanca." Ten out of actually turns violent bloodbaths man who claims his dog can what? To hell with all the "Who ten times It Isn't going to happen. last. Into complete farces. This seems »-»rk. killed Laura Palmer?" jazz. Why? That's entirely another sto- quite unbelievable, but the evi- ry which we cannot get Into here. Where's the twisted humor Lynch dence Is there. He has made yet These characters, and an as- Second, where "Wild At Heart" That's the plot. There ain't no another film about a disturbing provides for the demented? more. And In David Lynch's sortment of others, are a very BIG Where are the nightmares to Is concerned, you're not going to topic and made It more fun than a reason why "Wild At Heart" de- get "Casablanca" revisited. If world, why should there be? ride on the highest roller coaster cause us to stare open-mouthed Lynch makes excellent use of serves viewing. with disbelief and then laugh out that's what you want, I would In the land. He realizes the most suggest you stay home with a his camera, remaining distant Important aspect about going to loud as we realize the absurdity from his subjects, always playing Lynch Is In his early 40s and of It all? Well, search no more. rented copy and forget about go- the movies Is to have F-U-N and serious critics say he has yet to ing to Lynch's latest triumph. the role of the detached observer, that Is what makes "Wild At Lynch has provided It. He's who relishes reality to the point make his masterpiece. If that's named It "Wild At Heart" and It's 'Wild At Heart" Is a film about Heart" work effectively the case. "Eraserhead." "Blue two young lovers, a trip across of Insanity! He Is constantly out there —somewhere, waiting reaching out, grabbing the Velvet" and "Wild At Heart" are to drag you In. the United States, a wicked Also adding to the film's effec- nothing compared to what's com- mother, a snakesklnJacket, Elvis viewer by the lapels and slam- ming them face first Into a night- tiveness are the performances by ing when he hits his 50s But for and a cast of killers who make a cast of true characters In their now. "Wild At Heart" wtll place a Most "critics" have slammed Freddie Krueger look like a Cub mare. own right. Special recognition the film, claiming It to be: "bor- prickly burr In the crotches of his Scout. goes to Crispin Glover who plays many faithful fans. ing," "ridiculous," "stupid" and Laura Dern plays the lovesick To further enhance this effect, Lula's cousin Dell (a.k.a. Jingle "a waste." In response to these Lula who lusts after her murder- he shocks us by opening his film Bell Dell) who dresses In a Santa attacks, first, one must under- ous sweetheart, Sailor (Nicholas with a shot of Sailor rebounding a outfit and screams In agony stand that the primary reason for Cage). Together they escape from would-be killer's head off a when he Is told Christmas Is still going to the movies Is to have Lula's evil possessive mother marble floor. Slowly the man's six months away. Jason Zachary Pott, a junior film F-U-N. Today, most "critics" are who hires hit men to go after skull begins to resemble a squa- studies major and creative writing expecting serious contemporary them. Along the way. Sailor and shed grape. The nightmare has Dell Is truly the most chilling minor, is fiction editor for The In- films to bowl them over like an- Lula run Into one strange sltua- begun. character In the entire film, plac- sider. Severinsen, others come to BG Got A News Tip? CaU 372-6968 The University's Moore Musi- 15. the series for this semester on cal Arts Center has something for On Nov. I the Orpheus Cham- Dec. 5 all music enthusiasts this semes- ber Orchestra will perform. The In February, the Summit Brass ter. orchestra consists of 26 members plays with special guest Doc Baritone Joe Williams, who has and performs without the direc- Severinsen —who dazzled the appeared on The Cosby Show, tion of a conductor. University with his trumpet a few kicks off the center's Festival Se- The Vienna Boys Choir, which years ago at Parents' Day. ries with a performance on Sept. sang at BG eight years ago, ends The Festival Series concludes with the Joseph Holmes Dance Splish-Splash! Splish-Splash! Splish-Splash! Theatre In March. Performers are chosen by a Festival Series advisory board, which Is made up of students, faculty and members of the WANTED: community. ttt-agg/1 |0NE KING & ONE QUEEN| JilMMiUL. ' If you are a registered senior and XTJf/ are interested in representing \Wf/ BGSU in Homecoming 1990 APPLY NOW! S NIGHTLY AT 7:15-9:15 m S SAT-SUN 2:15-4:15-7:15-9:15 _ UAO office - 3rd floor Union iniiiiiiiiiil Deadline: Sept. 21

juseids us||ds juse|ds usi|ds iMSE|dsMs>|dS muni unit nun Friday, Sept 7, 1990 9 'Magnolias at the Rep A PLACE TO

"truly portray the personality" of by Karon Koiler contributing writer Truvy, the shop owner. "I defy anyone to get through the end without a tear." Miller calls the Rep's produc- -Oarlame Miller, producer tion of "Steel Magnolias" humorous and touching. The Toledo Repertoire Theatre "wonderful" for the company. week, and continued with full "I defy anyone to get through Is presenting "Steel Magnolias." "People recognize the title and dress rehearsals over the holiday the end without a tear," she said. & Robert Harllng's popular are Interested In seeing our pro- weekend. The cast Is made up of six area comedy, at the Tenth Street ductions," she said. The two-hour production takes amateur actresses. Each has had Theater this weekend. The Rep, now in Its 58th place on one set, a beauty parlor, extensive experience In local 1 » "Steel Magnolias" is a senti- season, has been waiting for the which was created from props theater productions and two mental tale of a mother struggling rights to "Steel Magnolias" since obtained from the Ma Chere members of the cast have had to bond her family with love last March. The Rep was the first Academy of Beauty In Toledo. experience In University theater through the trying Illness and company In the area to obtain the Miller said she was apprehensive productions. death of her daughter. Much of rights. In spite of some difficulty. about gathering the props for the Vickie Jackson, who plays She- the drama Is played out In the Miller said It was worth wait- set but found It was easier than lby, is "one of the Rep's most im- beauty parlor, and this situation ing for, however. The Rep Is she thought. The Academy eased pressive talents" and has ap- Is ideally suited for portrayal on made up of volunteer actors and the burden on the case by provid- peared at the University In "A the stage. actresses, so they strive for plays ing many props, and Miller said Delicate Balance." Nancy Carlalne Miller, producer of the that are not only worth their she was also able to find several McCormlk, who plays Oulser, play, said she has high expecta- time, but are also "what Toledo articles from the attic of the teaches classes In clown and tions for the production. She ex- wants to see," according to Mil- theater. creative movement at the Uni- plained that doing a play from a ler. Thus, the set has successfully versity's Finland's Campus. well-known movie (with an all- Labor Day weekend, although been transformed Into a small- Performances began Wednes- star cast that Included Dolly Par- relaxing for some, was not a time town beauty parlor, with every- day and will run through Sept. Ion. Sally Field, Shirley Ma- of rest for the cast. The company thing from working hair dryers to 22, Wednesdays through Satur- cLalne, Olympla Dukakis, Daryl began rehearsals the second a wicker frog-shaped waste bas- days at 8 p.m., with Sunday Hannah and Julia Roberts) Is week of August, five nights a ket. Miller said that these articles matinees at 2 p.m.

© 1986 Fy /MATT

OPEN HOUSE United Christian HELL FOR BEGINNERS Fellowship Center A52;t? IISTKOOOCTIW TO Ttiis CAfrrocO Fee. NEOPH^T^ 4* A REHWIAI, ttuese Fee THOSE WO HAU^T m* PA^G Arrwrod


Sunday, Sept. 9, 4:30-6:30 p.m. Corner of Thurstin and Ridge Streets


WHO: STAB. OP THIS CAiTOtt). UJHO: KJ»e>»iT OPJ-THI-SO. WHO: BaoTMtss, O* 10VCI*. WHO: uoo"! SIAUI CA«EJ\ PlSTiOrjUtSMiiira FETruAfj: piSfitJ&uiSKiMC FSATi)*tS: Oft lOTH. D'STitJO^lSMttiG FcATuet! UCF is a campus TJO C»£0TEC3vC tAAS, Svifrtf SAliual, 8l»Jfcl III pa AC*. 0lSTm6tf»6S. CO"«T«u/T T ITlHiUfc. rititi, torw tics 00 SA^e U £MOTIO«JAL STATE: Si»e of MSAP. EWOTIOOAL STATE: EnoTnuAt STATfc: 6£-Jt*ALL-) Ml***?, American Baptist, SQOEtlHtO. • iTTUt. OtMLCCSfO. k»»M»L. STSA^tp. EMOTIOIJAI STATE: MttMiAllt.. Church of the Brethren, Disciples of UJIUUTHe. CHARACTERS Ir4 "UPE Irt HELL" EVER ACHIEVE HAPPIKJESS? Christ, Episcopal, Presbyterian, United Church of Christ, and United Methodist Denominations.

VJHftT A SH.L9 QoesnoO'. Bt>-Vl ANpTHfc &AH& Ulu &6 AS H&pp*) AS lOO flef,. S////J. fridov, Sept 7, 1990 Controversy is coming to University's stages Dr. Dave's %jfe tion, will kick off the list of theater performances by Angela Murphy back in BG for more stall writer on the weekend of Oct. 4-6 with a comedlc portrayal of a newly married couple. by Da vo ■asklnd The work of two somewhat controversial Cralg Houk, Junior theater major and member College ol Musicol Knowledge writers will grace the University's stage* this of the cast, said the play centers around a young semester, while an old theater standard Is pulled couple who buy a "not so wonderful" apartment Welcome back, kiddles. I hope summer wasn't too strenuous. from backstage to delight the BG audience. and face some Interesting times together. After examining the grade book, I see that many of you success- The adventures of newlyweds, the difficulties Next In line of performances Is "The Royal fully passed the first semester of "Dr. Dave's Incredible College of womanhood and the trials of bureaucracy are Hunt of the Sun. "o reader's theater production of Musical Knowledge." So, the College pledges this semester to Just some of life's realities examined In this fall's by Peter Shaffer, which explores the Spanish continue our high standards of mediocrity with more of the ta- theater productions. conquest of the Incan civilization. The perform- stiest, most energetic, and most life-threatening musical chal- "The Memorandum," a satire of the bu- ance dates are Oct. 17-20. lenges that this town has ever witnessed. reaucratic mind, by Czechoslovaklan president Also highlighting the semester Is "Spoon River We also guarantee that, whenever possible, we will mention and former dissident playwright Vaclav Havel Anthology, "an all-freshman production by Char- really bad songs that you probably haven't, nor would you want will be directed by Norman Myers and per- les Aldman. The director. Dean Young, said the to. hear In a while. formed Nov. 8-10 and 15-17. Havel stunned the performance is an original arrangement of the Let me remind you returning qulz-ees and explain to you new world by assuming the helm of one of the first American folk poems by Edgar Lee Masters, and qulz-sters how things work here. All songs mentioned In the nations behind the Iron Curtain to break free Includes different varieties of folk music. The quiz have been Top 40 hits (unless otherwise mentioned) at from Communist rule. anthology performance can be seen on the some time from the beginning of 1980 to the present. We only A little closer to home, the only female col- weekend of Oct. 24-27. allow one winner per address per semester. Winners are de- umnist for Playboy magazine will have one of Two performances on the weekends of Nov. termined by finding the entry with the highest score. In the case her plays performed by University students. 28-30, "The Second Shepard's Play," and "Peter of a tie, a winner Is selected at random from all highest scores. Cynthia Helmel, known for her controversial Quill's Shenanigans," a medieval farce, are For a chance to win this week's fabulous prize, please submit stances on male-female relationships, penned mixed with music and are timely productions for your entry for this week's quiz on a sheet of paper with your "Girl's Guide to Chaos." 'Girl's Guide" Illustrates the Christmas season. name, address and telephone number to "Friday Music the trials of being a woman In the post-modern Auditions for the "Second Shepard's Contest." c/o 214 West Hall, Bowling Green. Ohio, 43403. You world and provides great Insight Into the minds Play." "Peter Quill's Shenanigans," and "Girl's may either mall your entry or deposit It In the marked wooden of both men and women. Performance dates are Guide to Chaos" will be Oct. 22-24. Students or box. Also, feel free to send any comments, questions, or sugges- Dec. 5-8 and will be produced by Theta Alpha community members who wish to audition tions about the quiz to this address. Submit all entries before 6 Phi, theater honorary society. should contact the theater department for times p.m., Wednesday, September 12,1990. Employees of BGSU ■Barefoot In the Park," a Nell Simon produc- and more Information. Student Publications are not eligible. The winner's name(s) and all of the correct answers will be revealed In next week's quiz FOR THE INAUGURAL QUIZ OF THE SECOND SEMESTER OF "DR. DAVE'S INCREDIBLE COLLEGE OF MUSICAL KNOWL- Sandwiches found dead EDGE ", I FELT I SHOULD SALUTE MIKES AND MICHAELS represent the last hope of hungry school with our kids they wer so EVERYWHERE. THIS WOULD INCLUDE ALL OF MY FRIENDS students afraid of finding out young... so full of life." WITH THAT FINE NAME. AS WELL AS MY FATHER WHO ONCE exactly what Is in a crlsplto Others, however, were ambi- AGAIN THIS YEAR INSISTS HE IS CELEBRATING HIS 39th Foul play suspected The discovery of the bodies valent to the tragedy. BIRTHDAY. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DAD. HERE IS YOUR QUIZ: in grisly deaths prompted U.S. oil companies to "I know It's sad and all." com- Freshman level-One point each. raise their prices by five cents a mented a University student. 1. Who had a hit In the early 1980s with "Rock With You"? gallon. "But I never really felt comforta- 2. Who had a number 1 hit last year called "The Living When the bodies were found, ble eating a sandwich named Mr. Years? police discovered that each fami- Ed." Sophomore level-Two points each. by David St»v«s ly member had been brutally 3. Who sang the Top 20 hit "Soul Provider"? contributing writer Food Op, determined to carry sliced In half diagonally and Im- on despite the tragedy, has 4. Who hit number 1 with "Monkey"? Junior level-Three points each. plaed upon a frilly toothpick. created a new line of cold sand- - "Sloppy" Joe Barnes, a local wiches — Including the tuna 5. What Ohio band sang "My Town ? Editor* nott: David Sleeves I* cult leader. Is being held In con- sandwich, tuna club, and tuna 6. Who sang 1982s "I Keep Forgettln''? The Insider's undercover In- nection with the slaylngs, but ball sub. In response to this move, Senior level-Four points each. vestigative reporter In University will soon be posted. County pros- Irate dolphins have begun picket- 7. Who hit number 1 In 1983 with "Maniac"? Food Operation*. ecutors say they may not be able ing outside the various dining 8. Mike Reno and Ann Wilson sang which Top 10 duet? Grad- University Food Operations to make a case against "Sloppy" halls. uate level-Five points each. was saddened by the loss of the Joe. Food Op, however, remains 9. Who sang the Top 20 hit "Who Do You Give Your Love Tor Sandwich family last month, and "They were Just about the best undaunted. In the words of the last year? 10. Who had the dance hit "Cover of Love" last year? still police have no solid leads In neighbors a man could ask for," late Mama Jane, matriarch of the This week's winner will receive a FREE promotional cassette the bizarre deaths. remarked Johnny Marzetti, a Sandwich family. "Life Is like a tape from Finders Records and Tapes, located at 128 N. Main, The family, discovered In a long-tune friend of the Sandwi- bowl of cherry tomatoes ... and Bowling Green. shallow, unmarked grave Just ches. "Why. Little Nancy and pickle spears ... and Starllte mints!' outside of Fostorla, had come to Baby Bud always walked to JOE WILLIAMS SIN TOLEDO & BOWLING Bowling Grass State University Colltf ■ ol Msilcil Arts GREEN'S ENTERTAINMENT pretests ALTERNATIVE 838-7746 838-7825

Joe Williams 27820 E. Broadway Saturday. SepUmotr 15,1990 8 p.m. • Kobadrar Hall • BGSU BOARDWALK INC. How to get there: Take Rt. 75 N to Perrysburg - Rt. 20 exit. Go right (east) 5 Bring in this coupon Tickets: $8, $14, $20 miles to E. Broadway. Turn left and we're and receive free admission (Students receive a $2 discount) 3 miles down E. Broadway on the right. To reserve tickets, Thursday or Vi price admission call 419/372-8171 on Friday. Open: Thurs. 8 - 2:30 Oldies Night (21 & Over) Supported m part with j gram (expires 9/23/90) Fri. 4 - 2:30 Top 40 Dance Irom Arts Midwest and the Sat. 8 - 2:30 Top 40 Dance Ohio Arts Council Friday. Sept 7, IvOQ


"I'm just delighted how Screws "Everything is ad-libbed. far they have come in the This is a chance for us to short amount of time — say whatever we want to.... it's more than any one of Really, it's more like a us dreamed.... They have Loose bunch of friends having more gall than most co- fun together — but on mics I've seen and a lot of by Shelley Banks stage." actors I have worked with." --Michael Mazur -Michael Lee troupe member troupe adviser

spur of the moment. Someone Having the creative power to could call In a half hour and we do any bizarre and droll skit on would be ready to do a show for stage Is a mere dream for many them." Yhonk said. theater students, but one group of University students has already More creative freedom and out- created such an outlet — the first lets are permitted through Screws of Its kind at the University. Loose. This creates a very Screws Loose Improvsatlonal different atmosphere from other, Comedy Troupe Is the brainchild more traditional forms of theater of theater graduate student Dean Yhonk. Having to do a project for his degree requirements, Yhonk Audience participation In de- said he wanted to something out termining the outcome of a skit Is of the ordinary with pizzazz. a staple for each performance, And that's Just what Screws which creates a unique and Loose Is all about, complete with different situation with each liberal amounts of side-splitting, show. Improvlsatlonal humor. The group uses a sarcastic and In a recent performance, after humorous style to parody every- asking the audience what movie thing from television shows and they would like to see on stage commercials to sappy love songs. ("The Wizard of Oz "), Yhonk But the main purpose of Screws stopped the scene occasionally to Loose, Yhonk said, Is to "provide ask the audience what the out- alternative stage opportunltes for come was. (The Tin Man ended people not Involved with other up killing Toto, which really shows." turned out to be the Duracel Although the seven-member bunny). group has only been working together since June, adviser Mi- chael Lee, who also performs It Is this genre of performing with the group occasionally, said which truly fits Lucia's descrip- Screws Loose developed Inten- tion of Screws Loose shows as sely In four months. "frlghtenlngly exhilarating." "I'm Just delighted how far they have come In the short But such spontaneity keeps the amount of time — It's more than actors and actresses on their toes. any one of us dreamed," he said. "They have more gall than most comics I've seen and a lot of "Really we don't ever know actors I have worked with." what's going to happen — every In addition, Lee also praised single performance Is different," the lack of pretentiousness by Yhonk said. group members, which helps the group when they are writing orig- inal material and deciding what Creativity and having fun is props and scenery to use. Two members of Screws Loot* strut their stuff. Th« Insider/John Potter the prevailing spirit throughout "They are very nice people the group and that's what makes with very little egos," Lee said. there, said troupe member Matt mands. In Its entirety, Screws the hard work worthwhile, Ma- members. Including theater zur said. Despite Its short history, Lucia, an graduate student In graduate student Lisa Bodollo, Loose usually performs for 45 Screws Loose has already per- English. the performances can be fash- minutes, but some performances formed at several venues during "We saw an ad In the (Flndlay) ioned to accomodate any number have been as brief as 15 minutes. "Everything Is ad-libbed. This the summer, Including the Gov- Courier that asked for anyone Is a chance for us to say whatever of performers. Such flexibility allows oppor- ernor's Institute for Gifted and who was funny, so we decided to we want to." he said. "Really, It's Talented Students. Elderhostel go for It." Lucia said. "We don't have to have every- tunities for the troupe to perform more like a bunch of friends (both on-campus events), the one available for performances; at the request of groups such as having fun together — but on Khvanls or others who desire Huron Playhouse In Huron and Only senior education major we can adapt to however many stage." the Rltz Theater in Tiffin. Mike Mazur, Junior RTVF major people we have on a given even- theater-type entertainment. Their performance In Tiffin Mel Hatch, senior theater major ing," Yhonk said. had special meaning because Teressa Strasser and Lucia were "There has never been any- Shelley Banks, a junior journalism nine other acts auditioned to able to attend the audition. De- The show Itself can also be thing (In the theater department) major, is the managing editor for The open for several comedians splte.tha absence, of.addtuonal scaled down to meet tlrflt de where we could go out on the Insider. Friday, Sepl 7, 1990 WHEN IT RAINS ... HE ROARS Bob Mould falls apart on new

by Frank Etpotrto seems like a thousand failed re- assistant editor lationships, Bob set out on his own.

Bob Mould The result was Workbook, his Black Sheets of Rain 1989 solo debut and one of that Virgin Records year's finest . It yielded music the college radio hit, "." as well as featuring such Bob Mould Is not, by any Incendiary tracks as "Poison stretch of the Imagination, a REUIEttJ Years" and "Lonely Afternoon." happy man. On his new effort, titled Black Early In his rock-n-roll career, I Sheets of Rain with typical Mould Ex-Husker Du thrashmelster Bob Mould he spat out such memorable lines white noise that the full Impact of optimism. Bob Is treading heavily as "I will never forget you, I will their seven albums probably on some familiar ground: Isola- poppy vein as "See A Little recurring Images of darkness never forgive you" and later won't be understood for years to tion, betrayal, emotional and Light," but carries a darker mes- permeateB/acA Sheets of Rain. walled such caustic laments as come. spiritual destruction and his own sage ("It's too late/To cover what Bob becomes obsessed at every "How much misery can one soul Inevitable personal apocalypse. you've done"). On the other turn, confronted by romantic sui- No weak sister, that Bob. hand, the tide track Is a scorch- take?" Those words were But the sad fact of the matter Is cide and perils that at times ap- sung/shrieked when Bob, as Seemingly In response to accu- ing. Ichorous slab of darkness pear to be of his own making. that Husker Du feO apart in late sations that Workbook was too with a jackboot metal-anthem singer and guitarist, was one of 1987 because of destructive In- And through It all, Bob's gravel- the two creative masterminds soft, Bob has cranked up the chorus. Bob explores some Big choked roar of a voice (one of the fighting between Bob and guitars to near-Husker levels on Rock Gestures on the album as behind Husker Du. the Minnea- singer/drummer Grant Hart the deadliest weapons of 80s post- polis thrash outfit that so several cuts onBlack Sheets... well, most prominently, the brut- punk) barrels forward, steamroll- other half of Husker's creative He's also conjured up some hella- ally pulsing arena-rock riffs of thoroughly redefined 80s alter- duo. Loaded with the bitterness, Ing emotional obstacles. Lesser native rock with Its Intellectual clous guitar riffs that wouldn't be "Hanging Tree." Catchy riffs men would be paralyzed In their anger, and heartache of what out of place on any number of propel "Stop Your Crying" ("I attempts to express such spiritual glam-metal albums. At least three send you love and all of the darkness. Bob kicks his Inner cuts ("Stand Guard." "Stop Your best/And all the rest Is mine") demons In the throat. Crying." and "Hanging Tree") and perfectly suit the fierce,' sound like potential candidates homicidal loyalty of "Stand Bob Mould sings about not for MTV's Headbanger's Ball, but Guard." ("Stand guard over what knowing what to do, not knowing Bob would probably rip your face Is mine...I meant It as a threat") the answers, not knowing what's off and show It to you If you so The raging finality of "Sacri- wrong, and not knowing what to say about all of these things he much as spoke ofspandez. fice/Let There Be Peace" crushes The album's first single, "It's the album to a close with a scor- doesn't know about. With every word, every searing note, every Too Late" cops the riff from "Do ched-earth, ash-laden excla- Ya," the 70s FM-radlo nugget by mation point. misbegotten confession. Bob for- the Move. It's done In the same Sadomasochistic themes and ges a catharsis which Is his sav- ing grace. His Is a rock born of necessity. He may never find the solu- tions to his problems. But as those who have followed Bob Mould's career know so well, his pain Is all too often our pleasure. I guess the humanitarian thing to do would be to wish him well in his quest, but I've got a feeling that many of his fans wouldn't really mean It. Bob would probably question their sincerity anyway. Then chew his fingernails to the bone and scream himself to sleep.

Frank Esposito, a junior English major, is assistant editor and music critic for The Insider.

NOW SHOWING!!! Friday Sept. 7 and Saturday Sept. 8 Campus 'Withr 7:30 p.m., 10:00 p.m., 12:30 a.m. 440 E. Court, B.G. 352-9638 Eva Marie Saint Theatre Potiyeye* Admission: '1.50 945 S. Main, B.Q. 352-7571 POQUQPS Friday, Sept 7, 1990 Dago still on the hype tip

by Frank Esposito assistant edtto'

********* Many Fazes "I'm Hip (The Hip Hop- pers) "/"The Gangsta music Lean" (12" single) "Your Connection to the World" Big Beat Records REU1EUI \ AVAILABLE IN EVERY DORMITORY, NY-based outfit combines ********* FRATERNITY AND SORORITY ROOM smooth rapping with bass lines and keyboards that are both unu- Maxi Priest ON CAMPUS! sually bright In comparison to the "Close To You"(single) dark overtones of much current Charisma Records rap. You can see some light here. FEATURES The 70s-style funk horns don't hurt either. (Available from Big Reggae man goes pop with a Beat Records. 37 W. 20th Street. combo rap/vocal that would do NY. NY. 10011) Bobby Brown proud. Kahlua-s- 36 BASIC CHANNELS mooth production and a diet hip- hop beat add up to a bonaflde Including the most popular stations in the U.S.A. ********** slow burn hit. The Bat Mastersons • HBO and CINEMAX The Bat Mastersons ********* Dragon Street Records m«w . Featuring those special programs and movies available only from With an Impressive command Snap :o of 60s-based rock, the Bat "The Power" (single) The Premium Channels Mastersons (Tim Holllday. Arista Records vocals, guitar. Byron Click, bass, and Kevin M Gunn, drums) come A dance smash In the truest 5 CHANNELS flying out of Dallas, Texas, on their self-titled debut LP. Roman- sense of the word, "The Power" For BGSU programming of Special Events, Activities, tic put-downs such as "Wishing takes an official Basic Rap Beat (klnda like MUM Vanlill did, but a Campus Information and Announcements. Well" shimmy n«*« to P«r*Y rock" ers like "Well All Right" and the lot better — this time It's from LL guitars jangle so damn good ya Cool J's "Rock The Bells"), throws Just don't want It to stop. The In some agltpop edglness and Call Us About Our takes this mutha to the bridge vocals have a Hoodoo Specials - Deals - Bonus Gurus/Clash klnda feel and the and back again. Ya wonder how aforementioned guitars remind Europeans come up with this me of the Smithereens before stufT. And when It sounds this they discovered feedback. All In good ya don't really care. INCLUDING: all, a dandy pick to launch an In- dependent record label with and "SCHOLASTIC YEAR that's just what Dragon Street has done. More power to 'em. (Avail- SUPER SPECIAL" able from Dragon Street Records, Remote A value of $191.37 for only $144.95 1420 Dragon Street. Suite 3, Dal- las. Texas. 75207) wilh the "FIRST SEMESTER DEAL" A value of $95.42 for only $74.95 "Scholastic Year "PREMIUM PROMOTION Super Special" SPECIAL" Great Savings for Premiums of Your Choice SEE YOU at the %m

Tuesday, September 11, 1990 Wood Cable TV 118 N. Main St. Office Hours: Bowling Green, Ohio 43402 8:00 a.m. • 5:00 p.m. (419) 352-8424 Monday - Friday Friday, Sept 7. 1990 China, BG get together Art gallery on trial for artistic exchanges CINCINNATI (AP) — A Judge "That Is contrary to the ... ruled Thursday that an art gal- law,'" Albanese said. "The af- by Mlndy Davlas In addition, the art pieces are lery and Its director must stand firmative defenses and Issues staff writer trial later this month on obscen- "We tried to convey the very colorful and each one has a of credibility are for the trier of feeling of well-being that ity charges for displaying five the case to decide." brief description of the piece and sexually graphic photographs the meaning It holds, she said. Albanese today also granted was the result of the hu- by Robert Happlethorpe. a prosecution request to limit "A cultural exchange" of art- Dennis Barrle and the Con- work between the University's man interaction, cultural The inspiration for this exhibit the obscenity case to the five temporary Arts Center already photographs described In the School of AH and Shaanzl Prov- development and general stemed from Betty Colllngs. di- ince, China, currently Is under- rector of programs for The Ar- were scheduled to go on trial Indictment against Barrle and way In the Fine Arts Gallery. prosperity during the tists' Organization during a visit Sept. 24 each on one mis- the center. More than 1 SO various Eastern Tang Dynasty." to China three years ago. demeanor charge of using chil- He rejected defense claims treasures can be found at the ex- dren In material Involving nu- that the Jury had to consider all dity. The obscenity case will be of the photos In the exhibition hibit. Including a 150 foot mural -Peng Li. mural artist "It Is our hope that through this along with various folk crafts — heard the same day. — including shots of flowers exchange, two mldwestern states In his ruling today, Hamilton and sculpture — because the all made by citizens of Shaanxl, (nations) on opposite sides of the which Is located along the middle development and general pros- County Municipal Judge David show was a survey of Map- globe, can prove that the alterna- Albanese rejected a defense plethorpc's life. of the great Yellow River In North perity during the Tang Dynasty," tive language and art, are effec- Central China. said Peng LI. one of the mural ar- request to dismiss the obscen- tive ways to express and share ity charge. Defense lawyers The mural, the most prominent tists. those valued. Ilfe-enhanclng. "A photograph makes an attraction of the exhibit, features had contended that the pictures immediate impression," Al- human experiences that are were a legitimate art exhibition scenes from the dally life of peo- Other featured artwork In the common to all cultures," she said. banese said. "The court finds ple along the Northwest Yellow and immune from Ohio's obs- that each photograph has a exhibit Includes folk crafts made cenity law. separate Identity." Hills portion of the Silk Road — a out of materials Including cloth, This exhibit Is more unique road traveled by Chlneese mer- paper, day and bamboo, which than others previously featured chants. are readily available to the at the University because, ac- "We tried to convey the feeling Shaanxl people, said Jacqueline cording to Nathan, the gallery is Night cats on prowl of well-being that was the result Nathan, exhibitions program di- Involved In an exchange program of the human Interaction, cultural rector. where four Chinese artists are visiting Ohio and four Ohio ar- for crazed cult flicks tists are currently visiting Late Nile's concise Inventory Is Shaanxl Province. China. by Scott DcKorteh contributing writer enhanced by an almost complete cult movie collection Customers BGSU alumni work Although, the exhibit took a Many strange and cryptic can choose such should've-been week to set up. It starts off the thoughts fill the heads of college blockbusters as "I Spit on Your year with panache and the re- students In the wee hours of the Grave," "Caligula." "I Was a here: sponse has been positive, Nathan night. Glassy-eyed Nintendo ad- Teenage Sex Mutant" and "The said. dicts search fruitlessly for sleep, Toxic Avenger II." counting Marios Jumping co-eds. However, not a single copy of The Plain Dealer The four artists who created Manson-llke film majors ponder "Prince of Pennsylvania," (a psy- the mural will be In Bowling f-stops while guessing Divine's chedelic comlng-of-age dramedy Orange County (Calif.) Register Green for a public presentation bra size. Deranged perverts em- starring Keanu Reeves) can be Oct.21 In the Fine Arts Building. bark on the sacred mission of found. The Detroit News memorizing every last line In "A But Late Nlte Video does not have as large a collection as most The School of Art Gallery hours Clockwork Orange." Prince George's Journal (Md.J If you fit any of these descrip- video stores. Tom Harker, a Late are Monday through Friday 9 Nlte employee, explained that the a.m. to 4:30p.m. and Sundays 2 tions, Late Nlte Video, 140 East The Wall Street Journal Wooster St., Just might be a shin- store deals only with those mov- to 5 p.m. The exhibit ends on ies that students want to see. September 19. ing beacon In the eternal night of The (Toledo) Blade BG boredom. "Service Is our business," Har- ker says, rather brusquely one York (Pa.) Daily Record The store offers a wide variety '•wn'fuiwni.m of fun and Inexpensive things for would Imagine, but Its a simple St. Petersburg (Fla.) Times the mldwestern college Insom- concept. 0UNO niac to do. Catering to the needs However, he declined to com- CINEMA 5 ir, ment about "Prince of Pennsyl- Atlanta-Constitution Journal 1234 NORTH MALL ST. 3S4-05SIJ of students (hence the name), the store rents videos, Nintendo vania." That's the end. Kind of artsy. Austin (Texas) Statesman-Journal Acekiy Pe**' ""once Schedule games and machines and VCRs August 7 0 1990 (for those unfortunate souls who Kind of cryptic. ■ the editor (hey, what do you want? It's Just a The New York Times PSOtUMCHIlD PC have not yet opened their own John Sitter used-VCR-lot) Free delivery and video store with wlerd movies for 13 50 3 454357059iB pick-up are also offered. cry In 'out loud!) TAKING CAM Of tUSINfSS I Ji" BHushi Because they worked 13 20 3 ft 445 7 30 9 30 «« DAIKMAN I Liom Neeson 13 05 35455730950 here: PUTTY WOMAN I 31] e B<& NtuiB: four source for cantpiui neuia Julio Roberts. R*hord Gere n 00 3 B 4 35 700 930 * * GHOST PO - II otncl Swoyse. Demi Moore. Whoopi Goldberg 13 40 4 0 7 0940 ** , The BG News • • No Possts STUDENT TRAINING GROUP RATES AVAILABLE Meeting for volunteer * * No PoSSt Of SupOfSOVOfS WRITE OR CALL COLLECT FOR FREE BROCHURE writers and photographers EACH SUNDAY COMING: SKYDIVING 8pm 210 West Hall Sept Ulh. "POStCARDS FROM THf IDGi Shirley Moctaine / Meryl Sheep CLEVELAND 15199 Grove Rd. Contact: Debbie Hippie at 372-6977 for more BARGAIN SHOWS PARACHUTE 216-548-4511 Garrettsville, Ohio \AU SHOWS AH »3.75 IIFOM ».■ • »»...,.-....• ••••f. information , .. CENTER 4A23 —i ' iri;!,i.i")||j|i: Jj/Jl Friday, Sept 7. 1990 II The Great American Medicine Show PROLOGUE: The Rat Cage You step outside to water the They let them In through the dragon and as you gaze up Into windows. At night when the sky A novella in 14 installments the sky, you stop In midstream has no celling. I remember when and blink your eyes. the boys would go to the shower. On the side of the soybean tank The soap and the steam would voices In the shower. down the cheap beer. Is Jesus staring back at you. swirl around them. And then In It Is only a subtle difference, This Isn't a painted picture. It Is through the window they came, The stream that runs through the sounds of ecstacy and the your heart becomes rapids. the face of The Jesus smiling at like pregnant pigeons losing the sound of agony. By Chuck Travis ability to fly. Their vertebrae And off to the County fair you you. Bodies fell like fat drops of rain ride. You walk as If In a pin- snapping like tlmber.thelr coats that day, splattering the tiles with You blink again. The face Is frayed and torn. wheel. The gaudy sideshows too many tears. beckon but you have your girl In still there, like Charleton Heston Crawling still on twitching And then I slept. at a B-movle drive In. hlndlegs. The saliva of kings Chevy, a Ford, anything that your hand. One could say I'm mad. I prefer doesn't leak too much oil. any- drooling down their breasts. to think I am safely removed Her soft tongue whispers In Stumbling backwards you Like children torn from the thing that any punk kid will from reality. Either way It doesn't spend a Saturday afternoon dous- your ear. reach the car. She has seen It too suckling nipples of their mothers matter. I will be who I am. "Let's go somewhere." and she Is dressed. and taunted with glorious deca- ing with buckets of soapy water Chapter 11 The Soy-Bean Tank and shining with a torn piece of dent promises, they had risen Fumbling for your keys, the like promised sons of a grand Miracle lingerie. And you stand there naked In engine fills with gasoline, back- the moonlight, pondering the machine. James Dean Is a legacy that Buy a 12-pack of beer, the haunts us all In the Midwestern cheaper the better. Don't worry fires and burns. The freedom of face of your Lord and Saviour In cool pockets of forest pools Henry Ford Is afforded to you. they would drink from the wine plain. The sorrowful haunting about the law because, hey, the gazing at your private parts. bowls and believe In the preten- eyes, the tangled spider, the law doesn't matter. tiousness that they had been eternal. You could lay out the Pick up your girlfriend and ride You drive with a rock In your So you do what any other sworn to. dream that Is America In a small off Into the night pocket, to where the weeds are Midwestern boy would do. You town. Her skin Is so brown and If greasy, next to the rusted saunter In your best James Dean Crew cutted and medallloned Set up a carnival on the edge of softness had a smell her aroma soybean tank, that your friends pose over to the car and ask your they shone In the bright sun of that town. String It through with would be bottled, labeled and told you about. girl to give you your pants. combat until they became sodden neon lights so It glows like a sold as an aphrodisiac at a med- To be continued with their own blood. Christmas tree. Fill It with horny icine show. It begins ... yes and no and sweaty kids strapped In fading Drive off Into the sea of corn. maybe... tumbling over... It's The shower raised a curtain of denim, muscle shirts and bras Listen to the wind rustle through okay... The smell of a green Chuck Travis is a graduate student mist. Slowly, circling they would which are too tight for virility. the stalks. Listen to the sorrowful house fills the car. She and you in mass communications and a fea- follow the high laughing calls of Get a rusted out automobile, a wall of the 10 o'clock train as you become the child. tured columnist in The BG News. These are hits your mother would like HOT SINGLES BLACK SINGLES

1 Release Me Wilson Phillips (SBK) 1 ."Lies" En Vogue (Atlantic) "GRAD STUDENTS!" 2."Blaze of Glory" Jon Bonjovl (Mercury) 2."Feels Good" Tony! Tonl! Tone! (Wing) 3."Do Me Bell Blv Devoe (MCA) 3."Crazy" The Boys (Motown) 4. "Have You Seen Her" M.C. Hammer (Capi- 4."Thieves In the Temple" Prince (Paisley •HAPPY HOURS * tol) Park) 5 'Unsklnny Bop" Poison (Enigma) 5."Innocent" Whispers (Capitol) 6."Love and Affection" Nelson (DGC) 6."Have You Seen Her" M.C. Hammer (Capi- UPTOWN FRIDAYS 7."Thleves In the Temple" Prince (Paisley tol) Park) 7."Everybody Everybody" Black Box (RCA) 5 - 10p.m. 8."If Wishes Came True" Sweet Sensation 8."Heaven Knows" Lalah Hathaway (Virgin) (Atco) 9."I'll Be Good to You" Najee (EMI) 9."Tonight" New Kids on the Block (Columbia) 10."Do You Really Want My Love?" Melba Moore (Capitol) 10."Close to You" Maxl Priest (Charisma) L T. Horton »w»i«n- **■>? « THIS

GRAND WATCH THC*\ AS ,CtRC£ YWLl NSE»( w CH.IC eWLOfCAS M*/'T OPENING iueir rxrasrto» LL t , , ro pt'.ti'". en TK« ON TOO* «*WM* f—V* f "' '•"'» ' f"» Ol/T =£ ess "'«"f/ """i?„* TO ";.,.c *"? yao '*« ■„,» l""'^v4 EITHM-

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LIVI MM AKl MMH ENIOV A'P-*#AtfM6l.y F-*>t*. Afitt Y0UVC ttet ieifLAffci*t> »Atnes Saturday, Sept. 8th IU A flLTHI, 'W»K» «(AK" rtAMCf [ KilTM THE WM0LC Of VOO*- AU- Win, yoojt OOf-MIToM IA/ITH rv> 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. n> ""•S A~S WAIT *Td*ie4 of-A COMMUNAL T'lLPTS fop--me roucc STopy ffttrw T* COAAe . WKNP Basement of Harshman Quad foot- fe»K 11 JAIL UP*, 'W1 MIGHT New Members are Welcome! THtT TA0. •** »»1 Mcvfa.' 12 Fnday, Sept 7, 109O Get your mind above the waistline by Malcolm Bitter AP Wfjlcr Most Americans flunk sex test

NEW YORK - Sex may be on virus. for sex Information, she said. was "very generous," she said. cent In the South and Northeast. the minds of nearly everybody, The poll's 18 questions were Questions dealt with a variety "We never would have predicted but a new Klnsey Institute survey drawn from those most often of topics, including circumstan- The poll involved face-to-face this." Relnlsch said. finds that most Americans don't asked of the Klnsey Institute, and ces under which pregnancy is Interviews with a nationally rep- know much about It. represent facts that "people need possible, erection problems, resentative sample of Americans, Overall there were no differ- Fifty-five percent of those sur- to know for both their physical health and masturbation. done last October as part of a ences In accuracy by sex, but veyed flunked a test of basic sex- health and their mental health," A person flunked the test by larger Roper survey. Twelve men did better in questions about ual knowledge, Klnsey director Relnlsch said In an Interview. getting fewer than 10 of the 18 questions were answered on a rates of sexual behavior and June Relnlsch said Wednesday. questions correct. Less than 20 questionnaire that a person slip- women In questions about sexual Only about 25 percent knew Nearly every question "affects percent got at least 12 questions ped Into an envelope before re- health care and contraception, that the typical Amertcn has first people's feelings about them- right, and only five people out of turning to the Interviewer. Relnlsch said. Intercourse at age 16 to 17, or selves, their self-esteem," she the 1,974 polled answered at that an estimated 30 percent to said. A recurring theme In ques- least 16 questions correctly, The margin of error was plus The correct answers were 40 percent of married men have tions asked of her. she said, Is Relnlsch said. or minus 3 percentage points. drawn from the best research had an extramarital affair, the The overall percentages exclude available, she said. For example, report said. "Am I normal? ... The reason we The poll Is described in a new the 263 participants who an- a true-false question asked Only 21 percent knew that don't know what's normal Is that book, "The Klnsey Institute New swered 10 or fewer of the 18 whether over-the-counter sper- more than a quarter of American we're not taught what's going Report on Sex." At a news con- Items. The remaining partici- mlcides available at a drugstore men have had a sexual experi- on." ference, Relnlsch said the poll pants were still a representative can kill the AIDS virus. Relnlsch ence with another male as an ad- was financed by the book's pub- sample, Relnlsch said. said the correct answer Is true, olescent or adult. Poll results emphasize a need lisher. St. Martin's Press, and the based on the ability of an Ingre- Half incorrectly thought that for sex education of pre- Klnsey Institute for Research tn Participants from the Midwest dient called nonoxynol-9 to kill rectal Intercourse Itself could adolescent children and of medi- Sex, Gender and Reproduction. generally scored best, with 55 the virus in the test tube. "It is cause AIDS, even If neither part- cal school students, because the In addition, The Roper Organi- percent passing, followed by 47 very likely to work In people," ner was Infected by the AIDS poll found people turn to doctors zation, which conducted the poll. percent In the West, and 40 per- she said. Muscovites seize ^Mmm&gM delayed airliner 'LT- w MOSCOW (AP) — Air travelers frustrated by delays seized control 2QA of a jetliner and demanded to be flown home, but the plane could not land because of bad weather, a newspaper reported today. The group was stranded for several days at an airport In Yuzhno- Sakhalinsk In the Soviet Far East and passengers became angry when the plane's flight crew went home, Pravda reported. The travelers, led by a local official, forced a pilot to make the 300-mile flight to the Kuril Island of Iturup. This is BGl But when the AN-24 plane approached the Iturup runway. It was unable to land because of the weather and returned to Yuzhno- VLcial Edition of Sakhalinsk. Pravda said. Ice Cream □ U Continued from page 3. frozen goodies.but she keeps their success In a proper perspec- TJ- V get a great suntan." tive. Delbert and Darlene Shoe- "The Lord helped me make the maker have put smiles on a lot of decision to do this," she said. "He re faces In Bowling Green with thelr helped me with all of It." SI return^ ?"° ,he ciW f< »»»»»♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦»♦♦♦♦»> tr\ This 9«'de ™l proV,de Y°° THE FALCONS NEST ■□ ? IS NOW OPEN SAT. & SUN. 10:00am - 6:OOpm

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rac Movie Great Baal ol Fire1" Movie UHF" Scenes From the Class Struggle in Beverly Hills |Movie DeepStar &»

SUNDAY EVENING 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 Q U S Open Tennis 60 Minutes Murder, She Wrote Movie Jesse Ne~s Siskel msport ArsemoHall O Bonanza Family Hour Movie: Glory Enough lor AH Venture News Hammer House ol Horror O U S Open Tennis 60 Minutes Murder. She Wrote Movie: "Jesse* News Movie Bitter Harvest IS NFL Football Polly Movie: "A Fight lor Jenny" News Byron Allen Paid Prog 0 ABC News Video Life Goes On Funniest Home Videos Movie Little Shop ol Horrors Editors Snakmaster Doctor Ism © Lawrence Welk Show Evening at Pops Infinite Voyage Masterpiece Theatre Why Kids Love School Ideas Delense Sign-Ofl 0D Movie Some Like It Hot Contd Movie: The Halleluiah Trail Alive Olt Co The 90s m Star Trek Nexl Gener True Colors Parker L In Color TBA Married Married DEA TwrkghtZ. Fn. the 13th Sign-OI! 0 Star Search True Colors Parker L In Color TBA Married Married DEA Jeflersons Kenneth Copeland Work) Vision

ESPN Baseball Tonight NFL Pnmetime MaKX League Baseball SI Louis Cardinals at Chicago Cubs SportsCenter NFL Pnmetime

TMC DeepStar Six' Contd Movie: Great Balls ol Fire!" Movie: "Summer School Movie UHF

MONDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 10,1990 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 o News CBS News PM Mag Uncle Buck Lenny Murphy B. Design. W With Connie Chung News Newhart ArsemoHall o News Success Degrassi Allo. Allo' Lenny Land ol Hope Journal News SCTV Return to Eden o News CBS News Wh Fortune Jeopardy1 Uncle Buck Lenny Murphy B Design W With Conne Chung News Edition Night Heat CD Ne-s NBC News Ent Tonight Night Court Fresh Prince Ferris B Movie Joshua s Heart News Best ol Carson Letterman © Tarkabout ABC News Cur Allan Family Feud MacGyver NFL Football San Francisco 49ers al New Orleans Saints Arseno Hall © All Purposes Business MacNeH/Lehrer Newshour Advenlure Firing Line Special Debate: Government: Not Solution EastEndets Yr. Show Ginsberg ED MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour Business Animals Great Performances Firing Line Special Debate: Government Not Solution Mysleiy' 69 Belvedere Charles Boas? Mama 21 Jump Street Alien Nation Star Trek Next Gener Barney M Twrl Zone Movie "Gotham 09 3 s Co Facts ol Life Boss? Family Ties 21 Jump Street Alen Nation News Sanlord Jeflersons Slar Trek

ESPN Motowortd SportsLook SportsCtr Motorweek Match-up Mon Mag Jet Skiing World Cup Powerboat Racing: KDGP Baseball SportsCtr NFL s Greatest Moments

TMC Murders Move: The Barbarians' Move: "The Great Outdoors" (Move: New York Stores Nightmare-Elm Street *


TUESDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 11,1990 fi:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 a News CBS News PM Mag Rescue 911 Family Man Move Dirty Dancing News Newhan Arsenio HaN u News Babar Airwaves Witness: What Happened m Alghanistan Country Canada Journal News SCTV Return to Eden

CD News CBS News Wh Fortune Jeopardy' Rescue 911 Family Man Movie: Dirty Dancing' News Edition Stingray

Ik) News NBC News Enl Tonight Night Court Mattock NBC News Special News Tonight Show Letterman

W Taikabout ABC News Cur. Affair Family Feud Boss' Head Oss Roseanne Coach Peter Jennings Arsenio Hall Nightline Rick Dees

m AH Purposes Business MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour Frontline Special Repon Frederic* Law Olmsied Black Issues Forum EastEnders Yr Show Mystery'

«!) MacNeii/Lehrer Newshour Business Animals Limelrters Graceland: The African Concert Served' Masterpiece Theatre

• Belvedere Charles Boss' Major League Baseball Detroit Tigers at Baltimore Orioles Barney M Twit Zone Movie: The Islander

u-i 3 s Co Facts ol Life Boss' Family Ties Movie: "Cross My Mean News Sanlord Jeffersons Star Trek

ESP* Running SponsLook Sponsor Major League Baseball Teams to Be Announced Major League Baseball Teams to Be Announced

TMC Movie Burlerfield 8 Movie. -Call Me Movie Talk Radio | Movie 976-EVIL

WEDNESDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 12,1990 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 o News CBS News PM Mag Crime Prevention Jake and the Fatman Top Cops News Newhan Arsenio Hall o News Movie On Golden Pond Adnenne Clarkson Presents Journal News SCTV Jewel in the Crown CD News CBS News Wh Fortune Jeopardy! Crime Prevention Jake and the Fatman Top Cops News Edition Woll CD News NBC News En! Tonight Night Court Unsolved Mysteries Fanelli Boys Dear John Hunter News Tonight Show Letterman

CD Taikabout ABC News Cur. Affair Family Feud Wonder Y Gro. Pams DoogieH Videos Gabriel's Fire Arsenio Hall Nightline Rick dees m All Purposes Business MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour "Amazing Grace With Bill Movers MUSK Profit the Earth EastEnders Yr Show Alive Otl Or 8D MacNetl/Lehrer Newshour Business Animals Nova Movie: "Amazing Grace With Bill Movers" Served' Adventure

CD Belvedere Charles Boss? Mama Mov-e DC CDb" Star Trek: Ne»t Gener Barney M Twit Zone Men Who Love Women'

SD 3 s Co Facts ol Lite Boss' Movie: "Brubaker" News Sanlord Jetlersons Star Trek

tSPN Inside PGA SponsLook SportsCtr. Major League Baseball: Teams to Be Announced Baseball Tonight SportsCtr Baseball Bodybuilding

TMC Movie: Summer School" Movie My Favorite Year" Movie The Burbs Movie: "The Endless Game''

THURSDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 13,1990 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 CBS News PM Mag 48 Hours Knots Landing Newhan

O On Road Emergency Movie: "Lile Classes SCTV Love in a Cold Climate CD News CBS News Wh Fortune Jeopardy1 48 Hours Knots Landing News Edition Stingray CD News NBC News Ent. Tonight Night Court Cosby Show Oil World Cheers Wings Law S Order Tonight Show Letterman Cur. Affair Family Feud Father Oowling Mysteries Gabriel's Fire Primetime Live Nightline Rick Dees

Smithsonian Business MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour Wild Am BulMffJtM Mystery' Discover Science E.istEnd«s Yr Show P.O.V.

MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour Business Animals Old House Wild Am Mystery' Frederick Law Oknsted

Belvedere Charles Boss' Mama Simpsons Glory Days Star Trek: Next Gener Barney M Twit Zone Movie: "Nuniio 60 3 s Co Facts ot Lite Boss' Family Ties Simpsons Babes Glory Days Sanlord Jetlersons Star Trek

ESPN SponsLook SportsCtr SpeedWeek College Football: Houston at Texas Tech Baseball SportsCtr Drag Racing East Nats

TUC Movie Places in the Heart" Nightmare on Elm Street 5' Dream Child Movie: "Casualties ol War" Movie: Great Balls ol Fire1

7 % '*W We use only the latest tools ^fjlnuirrlimiBr to design and sculpt our * clients' hair. 104 S. Main St."xr^^f/~353-0988 Welcome Live Classic Rock Band Back MIXED BOUQUETS RIZZO Students $4.50 Performing this Friday & Saturday $2.00 OFF • • • • Any Service Cash & Carry Coming next Wednesday 12th RIVER RUNT SPOUK FLOATRES theV* \x/a\/e 428 E. Wooster 353-1045 (Greatful Dead Band) 135 1/2 €. Court holr becomes art BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY R E E N Vol. XXI. No-1 September 7,1990 Plants, prints "Carousel" spins for season on sale today To help students make their Univer- sity residence hat room, apartment or house more comfortable. UAO has ^° conclusion tonight, tomorrow once again organized both a plant sale and a print sale Today Is the last day for the plant sale, which will be held catch song-tot Jerry Lewis' Muscu- from 10 am -5 p.m. in the Union lar Dystrophy Telethon. Foyer, and the print sale will be held Monday through Friday (Sept. 17-21) Set in an 1873 New England fish- from 10 a.m.-6 p m. in the Lenhart ing village, the story revolves Grand Ballroom of the Union. around carnival barker Billy Bigelow The vendor supplying the plants lor and Julie Jordan, a young girl who today's sale is Lois Mitolo, who has works at a local mill. Billy and Julie serviced the University for the past fall in love, marry, raise a family, years She was a resident of the area By Melissa Henry and live happily ever after until Billy but has since moved to Warren. Ohio Editor attempts a robbery and chooses A "good variety" of plants will be on death over capture. Returning to sale. Including everything from ferns Encore performances ol the Earth for one day. Billy tries to help and flowers to cactus and small trees. Bowling Green Summer Musical his unhappy wife and daughter find The majority of plants are low- Theatre production of Roger and peace and hope as a dramatic tes- maintenance, which makes them pop- Hammeretein's musical "Carousel" timony to the power of love. ular with students who haven't had will be presented tonight (Sept. 7) BGSU College of Musical Arts much experience with plants or do not and tommorrow (Sept. 8) at 8 p.m. faculty member F. Eugene Dybdahl have a tot of time to learn more than in Kobacker Hall of the Moore Mu- is directing and producing the the fundamentals of plant care. The sical Arts Center. Tickets are $5, show, a responsibility that involves vendor also makes herself available to $7, and $9 for adults, with a one managing a the 50-plus member students during the sale in order to dollar disount for students, and are cast. Baritone Andreas Poull- give them advice on plant maintenance available at the Kobacker Ha* Box menos, a well-known faculty mem- and on what type of plants would Office. The box office Is open on ber of the College of Musical Arts, thrive In the environment the students days of performance from noon un- stars as Billy Bigelow. He is joined can offer. til shortly after curtain time. onstage by Robin McEwen, who Another favorite and annual fall The popular show, now celebrat- appears as Julie Jordan. Graduate Billy Bigelow (Andreas Poulimenos) and Julie Jordan (Robin McE- event Is the UAO print sale. Students ing its 45th year, features such music student Joan Eckermann and wen) share a lender moment In the musical "Carousel." The show who attend can expect to find an amaz- favorite songs as "June Is Bustln' senior music education major ends Its season with performances tonight and tomorrow at 8 p.m. ing selection of posters. Including re- Out AH Over," "MI Loved You" and Hughey Smith co-star as Carrie and In Kobacker Hat. Tickets are still available. (Green Sheet photo by prints of paintings done by such mas- "You» Never Walk Atone," the Enoch, respectively. ToddSwanson) ters as Monet, Degas and Picasso. Rock posters are also available, as are photograph prints of movie stars and political figures. James Dean, Marilyn Student Activities and Orientation, the Monroe and Albert Einstein are lust a fair is "an opportunity for new students few of the public personality prints on as well as continuing students to find sale. Screen now for safety out what groups are on campus and Plants are popular with students due how to get involved." Interested per- to their aesthetic beauty and the sons can inquire about a group's func- healthy atmosphere they create, while later; check progress tion, members, agenda, and any prints can say so much about the pur- membership requirements. chaser Either way, UAO offers a greet While the pressure on University current fitness level." This information The occasion Is co-sponsored by opportunity to personalize ones home students to took great In a bathing suit is important for a student Interested in the Office of Students Activities and at a reasonable rate. fades with the approach of fad, fitness the aerobic program because It pro- Orientation and the Student Organiza- is still on everyone's mind. To help vides a guideline for physical exertion. tions Leadership Development Organ- lowiiai IIHI tint I umtimirr students begin a (all fitness aerobic For example, If a student finds that zatton (SOLD), who wM create a dance program according to individual their heart rate Is higher than normal, eslive. carnival atmosphere by hand- ability, the Student Recreation Center they can take care not to over exert ing out free balloons, buttons, pop- GREEN is offering pro-screening tests on during the routines. Since all of the corn, and soft drinks while supplies Sept. 11-13, from 4-6 p.m. The tests aerobic sessions this year are de- With all of the student organizations last. Green Sheet is published by the Bowling Green State Uni- are free and open to el, and win be signed as high-intensity sessions, on campus, it may often be difficult to held in the Activities Center In the Stu- there will not be any beginners' levels. make an educated decision about versity Office of Student Pubi- cattons for students, faculty and dent Recreation Center. To adjust, a student may want to start which to |o)n. There are political, King, Queen deadline There are four different components out at a slower pace. social, community service and hobby- staff. of the screening designed to teat the oriented organizations, but there is Homecoming is sti a month away, The next Issue of Green primary aspects of fitness: a step test, Another important reason to be usually not an easy way to gather and but preparations for the event are weH Sheet win be published Sept. which determines heart rate and en- screened this semester is to monitor sort information regarding many organ- underway. If you're a senior, that may 21. It will cover events occurtng Sept 24 through Oct. 7 The durance; a sit and reach test, which Improvement from now until next se- izations' purpose and programs. Look mean entering the contest for 1990 measures flexibility; timed push-ups. mester. More pre-screening tests, the no further, the Student Organizations Homecoming Queen or King. deadline to submit Information for that issue is noon Wednes- to assess physical strength; and a same ones, will be offered at the be- Fair 1990 la here. Applications for the contest are now body composition examination, prtmar- ginning of Spring semester so partici- The lair is set lor Wednesday (Sept available in the UAO Office, located on day. Sept 19 Hy used to get a body fat count. pants can compare the results. Pre- 12) to the Lenhart Grand Ballroom, the third floor of the Union The office Ai events must be submitted screening only takes about 15 from 11 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Free and la open from 8 a.m.-S p.m. Mon.-Frl. in writing to the Green Sheet Lauren ManglH, the assistant OVec- minutes, assures Mangill, and stu- open to all. this event is a chance for The contest is open only to registered editor. 210 West Hall. There is tor and the person responsible for get- dents need wear nothing more special students to meet and talk with repre- seniors, and there is no fee to enter. no charge to have an item listed ting the screening aH together, ex- than comfortable exercise clothing. sentatives of 90 campus organiza- The applications must be submitted to Editor Melissa Henry plained that the screening's purpose The tests wH be given on a drop-In tions. According to Debbie Helm, Ad- the UAO Office no later than noon Frt- Calendar Tom Rodda "Is fr/i^-etatMBursiffbea of «W- * njykaai nuuiawwwiiw mini strasve Assistant of the Of tK»ot ■ I •:30-11 :S0 p-m., 1 :JO-4:30 p.m. - 10 s.m. - Church Service 3:30-5:00 p.m. - University • SJH.-6 p.m. - Senior Portraits 8:30 p.m. - Untveraity Placement KMUM Expert Help Session Prout Chapel Placement Services Cal 3728086 tor an sppomtment Services Sponsored by University Placement Orientation MssBny. Open to al seniors. Sponsored by Interview workshop Ohio Suite, Plecement Services Plecement 10 s.m. -Church Service Arts and Sciences: 3:30-5 p.m. The Key 28 West Hal Union. Ofr»», 360 Student Ssrvlces Unrverslty Christian Church, 1040 Business/Technology 5:30-7 Choral Rehearsal Hal. Moore p.m. t a.m.-4:30 p.m - Chinese Art 7:30 p.m. - Thursdsy Night Live Noon - QrMum Student Musical Arts Center. General: 7:30-9 p.m. Exhibit Free snd open to al Sponsored by Luncheon. Lsnhart Grand Bairoom. Union ■A Cultural Exchange BOSU Bible Sturjaa. Prsaldentiel rjon McQuerte. sociology 10 a.m.-Church Service Shaenxl Ohio Fal '90." Free and Lounge. Ice Arena. professor. wH speak about me First Presbyterian Church, 126 S. open to al GaHery. Fins Arts. future In Eastern Europe S1 Church. donation for lunch Open to an • s.m.-5 p.m. - Senior Portraits 8:30 a.m.-11:30 p.m, 1:30-4:30 8:45 p.m. - UAO Movie 10 a.m - Church Service Cat 372-8086 for an appointment. p.m. - University Plecement A Guy Named Joe "$1 50 with 12:15 p.m.-Church Service Chriet Community Church. Open to al seniors. Sponsored by vskd BGSU student I D 210Math St Thomas More Psnsn. 425 Women's CM). 134 N. Prospect The Key 28 West Hal Resume expert help session. Open Sciences. Thurson • s.m.-4:30 p.m. - Chinese Art to al. Placement Office. 360 10,11 :»0 a.m.. 7 p.m. - Church Exhibit Student Services 3-4 pjn. - Economics Colloquium "A Cultural Exchange 11 s m.-3:30 p.m. - Student I 8 sjn.-»e-nv-Senior Psttralli St. Thomas More Pariah. 426 SheanxlOhlo Fal '90." Fre, end Cal 372-8086 for an appointment •Choosing A Qovernment Discount Thurson. open to al Gallery. Fine Arts. CM Organizations Fslr Meet and talk to representatives Open to al seniors Sponsored by Rale: An Alternative Approach." Or The Key 28 West Hal James P Quirk of the California 10 a.m., 8 p.m.-Church Services 1:30 a.m.-11:30 p.m.. 1:30-4:30 from 96 campus organizations kvMMuka ol Technology «■ speak. Dayspnng Assembly of God. pjn. - University Placement Free and open to al. Sponsored by Services Student Activities and SOLD. • s.m.-4:30 p.m. - Chlnese Art Free snd open to an 4000. 17360 N. Oboe Highway Exhibit Business AdrnkUetraHon Annex Resume Expert Help Session. Organization. Lenhart Grand Bairoom. Union. "A Curlursl Exchange s 10:30 a.m. - Church Service Open to al. Placement Office. 360 ShsamxWDhio Fal '90 " Free and 7:30 snd 10 p.m.. 12:30 s.m. - Agepe Church of Prayer United Student Services | open to al. 0alary, Fine Arts -UAO Movie Christian Feeowshlp, 313 Thurstm 3:45 p.m. - National Student Exchange "Pretty Woman ' Free snd open to (Blots study at 9:30 a.m.). 11 a Jtl. - Commuter Oft Campus •:30a.m.-11:30 p.m., 1:30-4:30 Organization Information Session. Full-time as Eva Mane Saint Theatre. Manna pjn. '-IJnlireiBlln Pfsx&smsnt • p.m. - Theatre Production 10:10 s.m. - Church Serrics General Assembly Meeting Keith students who have completed at Monto ol Parking Services wal least 2 4 credit hours and have a Services "Carousel." by Rodger* and Trinity United Methodiet Church. Resume expert help session. Open Hammeretem. wW be performed. 200 N Summit (Sunday school at speak about parking changes and minimum2 5 GPA are eligible lo sooty. Cal the Cooperative loal Placement Office, 360 STicketssre$5. $7. and $9. snd 9:15a.m.). the Shuttle Service. Free and open Student Services are avaaable st the Kobacker Hal to al Mam Lounge. Off Campus Education ofhee at 372-2461 m sdvsnco to reserve s place Bo« Office $2 dlecount for 10:30 a.m., • p.m. - Church Center, basement ot Mosetey Noon - Graduate Student students Kobacker Ha*. Moor* 11:30 s.m- Church Service Luncheon Musical Arts Center First Baptist Church. 749 S. 11 a.m.-7 p.m. -BO Merchants Phi Tome, Assistant Director of Winter gar den Fair St. Thomas More Pariah. 426 8 p.m. - Chinese Movie Thurstm. American Culture Studies wU be "The Love of Human snd Ghost " Free and open to el Sponsored by speaking scout "Attitude* Toward 10:45 s.m.-Church Service The BG News, BOSU, Bowing Free snd open to si. Sponsored by 4 p.m. - Intramural deadline Neture In our Culture ."$1 donation the Deportment of German. First Chrtasan Church, 676 Green Chamber of Commerce, and for lunch Open to si United Haakine (Sunday school st 9:30 the Downtown Business Entries due for men's doubles goM Rusaawi. snd East Asian Ptaybeglns September 17. 108 Chrtetlen Feeowshlp Center. 313 s.m.). Association. Lsnhart Grand Thurstm Languages Bairoom. Union. Student Recreation 10:4Ss.m. -Church Service 44 p.m.-"Flt-For-AII" Deaverance Tabernacle Church of 1:30p.m.-University Plecement 12:1 S p.m. - Church Service God. 17202 N Mercer (Sunday Pre-Screenlng Free and open to al. Student St. Thomas More Pariah, 425 1 p.m. - Women' s Soccer. school st 9:30 sm). Career Search Thurstm. Free and open to el Bel State rnrrsependaiiLafllesuins Recreation Center. Unrverslty. Muncie. md 11 a.m. - Church Service Critique Workshop. Community 4 p.m. - Church Service Maumee Ve»ey Unrtanen Suite. Union. 8:1 S p.m. - Social Workers St. Thomas More Pariah. 425 Unrvereaast Congregation Schaser Organization Meeting 4:10 -UAO Canoe Trip Thurstm. Hat. 130 W. Mama, Parrysburg United Chrlstlsn Fellowship Center. Trip to Mohican State Park. Returns (Fteegiout education at 10 a.m.). 313 Thurstm. Saturday afternoon Coat Is $22. 4 p.m.-Plus Dinner 4 pjn. - mssmursl Dssowns Includes food, transportation, Free Open to new students and Entries due for women's singles, 11 a.m.-Church Service 8:30 pjn. — University Placement canoe rental, camping and ■acuity. Oym. St Thomas More women's snd men's doubles ecsjipment Open to al University Pansh. 425 Thurstm Foursquare Qoepei Church. 205 tennis. PHy begins September 17. Ssndndge Job hunting workshop Ohio Suite. students Sponsored by UAO 108 Student RecreeDon Center Union. Outdoor Recreation Committee. 5:30 p.m. - Church Service Register at the UAO Office, third St AloySKjs Church, 150 S. 11 a.m., 7 p.m.-Church I New Horizon Pentecostal Church Boor, Union. Enterprise 4-0 p.m. - "Flt-For-AII" Aerobics 7 p.m. - Volleyball of God. 620 Second St. (Sunday Prs-8crssning school at 10 a.m.) Home game against Michigan 7*m.-Forjtbsll Free and open to al Student State. Free and open lo al 5:30 p.m. - Near Student DO at Virginia Teen. Recreation Center. Anderson Arena. 4,7p.m. -Pizza Dinner Michigan Getaway Weekend Free. Open to new students and Return late Saturday. Mingle at s 7:30 end 10 p.m.. 12:30 s.m. - campground In Irish HUs. Michigan UAO Movie faculty. Gym, St. Thomas More 8-7:30 p.m. - United Karate Psrish. 425 Thurstm • p.m.-Faculty Artists $5 Open to new students and "Pretty Woman." SFree and open system Pxeniet Jerome Roee of the Coeege faculty Register with Evelyn Cratg to a* Eva Marie Saint Theatre. B.G S U Karate Club. Free and 430-SM pun. - Welcome Beck of Musical Arts w* perform works at 362-7555. SI. Thomas More. • p.m -TheatreProduction open to al Eppier Center by Mozart, Beethoven, and Chopin 425Thurstin. "Carousel." by Rodgeraand Free food. United Christian Free and open to al Kobacker Hal. Hemmerstem. wH be performed Moore Musical Arts Center. 5 STIckets are $5, S7. and S8, and Feeowahip, 313 Thurson ' PJ^-JoikJ ls»ck Otrtanan 7-0 p.m. - Outdoor Concert. are svaaebie st the Kobacker HeJ 8 p.m. - Church Servtca Tom Gorman Free and open to Ml Box Office $2 rjiecount for Meeting Free and open to al 8 p.m.-Circle K Meeting Sponsored by the Otl-Csmpus students Kobacker HaJ, Moore Pentecostal Young People's Prout Chapel. Alumni Room, Union. Association. 620 Second St. Student Center and Freshmen Musical Arts Center 7:30 p.m.-PI Sigma Alpha Cfl-ttmpus University Students S-11 p.m. Mostly MounUlns Poetical science honor society Mossty Hal Petto Park. Ram alts: 8 p.m. — Menonlle Fellowship and Photography exhibit by BOSU Organizational meeting Free snd T.V. Lounge. Mosatsy. student Jack abk* Free snd open Worship open loal 210 Education I a.m.-5 pjn. - University loal Grounds lor Thought. 174 S Meal at 6 p.m., fefowship at 7 p.m. Plecement Services Mam. Open to al Free chad care Mock Interview sign ups. 7:45 end 10 p.m.. 12:15 a.m.- I pjn.-l s.m. - Dry Dock avaaable United Chrtetlen 8 p.m.- Eating dleordera Placement Office. 360 Student -UAO Movie Grand Opening. Free and open to Feeowshlp Center. 313 Thurstm Loam about symptoms, causes, Services "Always."$1 50 with veld BGSU al Baeement of Harshmsn effects, and treatments ol eating student I. D. 210 Math Sciences. Quadrangle disorders The Speaker w« be 8 e.m.-6 p.m.- Senior Portraits t p.m.-1 *.m. - Dry Dock Betty Yarns. PhD of the Cal 372-8086 for an appointment Rock Night. Free and open to si. • a.m.-« p.m. - Homecoming Counaearig and Career Open to el seniors. Sponsored by Baeement of Herahman Apc*caSona avaaable for king snd Development Center. Free and The Key. 28 West Hal Quadrangle J a, 10a.m.-Church Services queen Open to al registered open loal Sponsored by Student • s.m.-4:30 pjn. - Chinese Art RS St John*EprscopelChurch. 1509 seniors Pick up appscattons Health Services. Womens Hearth f**9 E Wooster through September 20. UAO Program, and the Ohio Department Exhibit Office, third floor. Union ot Hearth. Faculty Lounge. Union. "A Cultural Exchange: 8. 10s m . Noon-Church ShaanxlOhio Fal '90." Free and ( a.m.-5 p.m. - Senior Portraits open to al. Gallery, Fine Arta. Cal 372 8088 for an appointment 8:30 p.m. - Woman's Spirituality St Aloyslus Church. 150 S. Group. 8:30 a.m.-11:30 p.m., 1:30-4:30 Enterprise Open to al servers Sponsored by | The Kay. 28 West Hal Free and open loal. 217 W. p.m.-University Placement Washington St 8:30.11 s.m. -Church Service* Services Resume expert help session. Open St Mark's Lutheran Church. 315 • s.m.-4:30 p.m. - Chinese Art | S Coeege (Sunday school at 9 45 Exhibition. to al Placement Office. 360 • p.m. - Pesos CoeHtlon Student Services a.m.). "A Cultural Exchange: Fre* snd open to sll. United Shsanxl-Ohlo Fal 90." Free and Christian Fellowship Center, IIS • a.m. - Church Service open to al. 0alary, Fins Arts. 4-0 p.m. - "FrtFor-AII" Thuratin. Pre-Scrssntng Peace Lutheran Church, 1028 West Pearl (Sunday school at Free snd open to al. Student • 30 a. m-1140 p.m., 1:30-4:30 Rocreetlon Center 10:15a.m.). pun. - ■JnttacaKy Plaoement 9 p-m. - College Dsmuui ala Free and open to al. 110Business », 11 s.m.-Church! Administration 5:1$ pjn. - Church Service Resume Expert Help Session St Thomas More Parish, 42S Fust United Methodist Church. Open to si Placement Office. 360 1506 E Wooster 'Thurstm. Student Services 8:30 p.m. - Prooreesrve Student »:M am - Church Service Organization •-7:30 p.m. - Unhsd Karats Grace Brethren Church. 121 8. 11:30 a.m. -Church Service Meeting Free end open to s» fi Enterprise .I,,<.'.! 8:30 a.m.-l:00 p.m. - Super Start 10:30 a.m. - Church Service 9 a m.-5 p.m.-Senior Portraits 7:00 p.m. - MM Week Prayer 1,10 a.m. - Church Senrlcee Saturday Peace Lutheran Church. 1028 Cal 3 72 8086 tor an appointment First Baptist Church. 749 S. St John's Episcopal Church, 1509 Wlritargardoiv E Wooeter Sponsored by University West Pearl (Sunday school at 9:15 Open to al seniors Sponsored by Placement Service*. a.m.). The Key 28 West Hal Buslness/Technology/Computer I, 10 am . Noon - Church Science: Lenhart Grand Ballroom 10:45a.m.- Church Service t a.m.-4:30 p.m. - Chinese Art 7:00 p.m. - Prayer Meeting Union First Christian Church. 876 Exhibit Agepe Church of Prayer United St Atoyslus Church. 160S Education/Music Education: 210 Haskms ' "A Cultural Exchange Christian Feeowshtp. 313 Thuratln Enterpnae. Math Science. Shaanxt-Ohlo Fal '90." Free and Arti and Sciences/Music/Health 10:4* a.m. - Church Service open to al Galery. Fin* Arts •:30, 11 a.m. - Church Service* and Human Services: Community Deliverance Tabernacle Church of 7:10 p.m. - Freehmen tibia Study St Mark s Lutheran Church. 316 Suite. Union. God, 17202 N Mercer (Sunday 10 a.m.-* p.m.-UAO Print Sale Free and open to al United S Coesge (Sunday school at 9:46 a.nv). school at 9-30 a.m ) Lenhert Grand Ba*oom. Union Christian Feiowahlp Center. 313 4 p.m. - Church Service Thurstln St Thomas More Parish. 425 11 a.m. - Church Service 3:30 p.m. - University Placement • a.m.-Church Service Thurstln Maumee Valley Unitarian Peace Lutheran Church. 1028 Universal*! Congregation SchaHer Career Search 7:H>9 p.m. - History Society Weet Pearl (Sunday ached at 5:30 p.m. - Church Service Hal, 130 W. Indiana, Perrysburg Correepondence/Roaume CrttJque Meeting 10:16 a.m.). St Aioyarus Church, 150 S (Retgioua education at 10 a.m.). Workshop 210 Math Science T. V. room, Commuter Center, Enterprise. . basement of Moaeiey. 9, 11 a.m. - Church Servtcea in 5:104:30 p.m. - "Frt^acM" CO First United Method!*! Church. 11 *jn. - Church Service Oa I p.m. - Festival Series Foursquare Gospel Church. 205 Aerobic* 1506 E Wooeter • p.m.- Circle K Meeting Joe VVMiarns, btues/kuz singer. Sandndge Water Aerobic*. Open to aj. Tickets: $20. $14. $8 $2 Cooper Pool. Student Recreation Alumni Room. Union • 30 a.m. - Church Service discount tor students Kobacker 11 a.m., 7 p.m. - Church Services Center. Grace Brethren Church, 121 S CO Hal. Moore Musical Arts Center. r4*w Horizon Pentecostal Church CO Enterpnae ot God, 820 Second St (Sunday 5:30 p.m. - University Piecemeal 9 a.m.-5 p.m. - Senior Portraits • p.m.-1 a.m. - Dry Dock school at 10*.m.) Services 10 a.m.-Church Service Free and open to al. Basement ot Interview workshop. 220 Math Cal 372-8086 for an appointment Prout Chapel Open to at seniors Sponsored by Harshman Quadrangle. Noon-e p.m. - Community Day Science Art* and crafts exhibits and sal**. The Kay. 2B Wast Hal 10 a.m. -Church Service Free and open to al Sponsored by •-7:30 p.m. - United Karat* University Christian Church. 1040 the Bowing Green Chamber of System 10a.m.-« p.m. -UAO Print Sale Choral Rehearsal Hal, Moors 1,10 a.m. - Church Servtcee Lenhart Grand BaaYoom. Union Commerce. City Park. B.Q.S.U. Karate Club. Free and Musical Arta Canter St. Johns Episcopal Church. 1609 open to al. Eppter Cantar. E. Wooeter 3:30 p.m.-University Placement 2 5 p.m. -Chinese Art Exhibit 10 a.m.- Church Service "A Cultural Exchange 7 p.m. - SoMd hock Christian Fvst Presbytenen Church. 1263. • , to a.m., Noon -Church Fellowship Interview workshop. Ohio Suite, Church. Services Shaanxt-Ohlo Fal '90 ." Free and open to al Gallery, Fin* Arts Meeting Free and Open to al. Unton. St Aloyslus Church. 1 50 S Prout Chapel. 10a.m.-Church Service Enterprise 5:15 p.m.-Church I Chriel Community Church. • p.m. - Church Satiric* St. Thomas Mora Parish. 426 Woman'* Club, 134 N Prospect 1:30,11 a.m. -Church! Pentecostal Young People's I p.m.-Eating disorders Thurstln St Mark's Lutheran Church, 316 Association. 820 Second St Learn about symptoms, causes, 10,11:30 am, 7 p.m.-Church S. Colege (Sunday school al 8:46 effects, and tree*norm of seeng 5:30 p.m. — University Placement cm.). dleorders. The speaker wtl be St. Thomas Mora Pariah. 426 • p.m.-Merionrte Fellowship snd Kathy Branch. Conkkn Hal Job hunting workshop Ohio Suit*. Thuratln. 9,11 a.m. - Church Services Worship Director. Free and open to al. Union. First United Methodist Church. Meal at 8 p.m.. leaowshlp at 7 p.m. Sponsored by Student Hearth s 10 a.m., • p.m. -Church Servtcee 1506 E Wooeter Open to al Free chid car* Services, Womens Health 9-7:10 p.m. - United Karat* Oayapnhg A**«mbly ot God, avaaabl* United Chrisean Program, and the Onto Department 1 7360 N Dixie Highway 9:30 a.m. - Church Service Feaowsiup Cantar. 313 Thuratln. of Health. Faculty Lounge. Union. B.Q.S.U. Karat* Club. Free and Grace Brethren Church, 121 S. CO open to al. Epptar Cantor. 10:30 a.m -Church Service EnterprsM. Agape Church of Prayer Unrled I p.m.-Faculty Artist Series 1:30 p.m. - Women's Spkitueltty 7:90 p.m. - Thuraday Night Live Christian Faaowahto, 313 Thuraah 0:30 a.m., 6 p.m. - Church Organist Vamon Wolcott wtl Group. Free and open to al Sponsored by (Bible study at 9:30 a_m.). perform Free and open to al First Free and open to al 217 W. BGSU Bible Studies presidential First Baptist Church. 74S S. Presbyterian Church, 128 S. Washington St Lounge, Ice Arene 10:30 a.m.-Church Service Winter oar den Church St. Trinity United Method*! Church. 200 N Summit (Sunday school at 10 a.m.-Church! Ip.m.-PaaceCoemion 9:15 a.m | University Christian Church. 1040 Free and open to al United 9 aUaVf p.". - Senior Portrait* Choral Rehearsal Hal, Moore Christian Felowshlp Center. 313 King end queen apptcatlons due 10:30 a.m., • p.m.-Church Cal 372-8088 for an appointment Muaical Arta Center Thuratln. UAO Office, third floor, Union Open to al aanlor*. Sponsored by Fast Baptist Church. 749 S. 10 a.m.-Church Service The Key. 28 West Hal 9 s.m.-5 p.m. - Senior Portraits winter garden. Flrat Praabytertan Church. 126 S. • p.m.-College Democrats Cat 372-8088 for an appointment Church. t e.m.-4:30 p.m. - Chlneee Art Free and open to al. IIOBuainaa* Open to al seniors Sponsored by 10:45 a.m. -Church Service Exhibit Adust aslnllon. The Kay. 28 Weet Hal Flrat Christian Church, 675 10 a.m.-Church! •'A Cultural Exchange: Haakina (Sunday school at 9:30 Christ Community Church. Shaanxt-Ohlo Fal '90." Free and I and 10 p.m.. Midnight-UAO • m.). Women'* CM). 134 N. Prospect open to al Galen/, Fine Arts. •:30 p.m. - Progn • •tuck* Organization "Joe Versus the Volcano." II .60 10:45 a.m.- Church Service 10.11:30 a.m., 7 p.m.-Church 10 a.m.-* p.m.-UAO Print Sale Free and open to el United with valid BGSU student I D 210 OeHverence Tabernacle Church of | Lenhart Grand Bstroom, Union. Christian Felowshlp Center. 313 MathSctencee God, 17202 N. Mercer (Sunday St Thomas Mora Pariah, 426 Thuraon school st 9 30 a m | Thurean. 11:30 a.m.-Church Service St. Thomas More Pariah, 426 11 a.m. - Church Service 10 a.m., a p.m. -Church Services Thuratln. Maumee Valey Unitanan Daysprlng Assembly of God. t a.m.-6 p.m. - Senior Portraits Unrversaaet Congregaeon Scheser 17360 N.Dixie Highway Noon-1 p.m., 4-8 p.m., 5:15-4:15 Cal 372-8068 tor an appointment Hal, 1 30 W Indiana. Perrysburg p.m. -"Flt-For-AH" Aerobic* Open to el seniors Sponsored by (ReSgioua education at 10 a m ) 10:30 a.m. - Church lento* High Intensity Open tod. Activity The Key. 28 West Hal CM Agape Church ot Prayer. United Center, Student Recreation 11 a.m.-Church Service Christian Fesowshlp, 313 Thuratln Cantor. • a.m.-4:30 p.m. - Chines* Art Foursquare Qoepei Church. 206 (Btxe study at 9 30 ami Exhibit Sandrtdg* 3:30 p.m. ™ University Placement ■^^1 "A Cultural Exchange 10:30a.m. -Church Service Shaanxl-Ohio Fa»'90 ' Flee and s 11 a.m.. 7 p.m. -Church Servicee Trusty United Methodist Church. Job hunting workshop Community open to al Gallery. Fine Arts New Horizon Pentecostal Church 200 N Summit (Sunday school at Suite, Union of God. 620 Second St (Sunday 9:16a.m.). 10a.m.-* p.m.-UAO Print Sale school at 10 s m ) 4-S p.m. - "r*fer+H" Aerobic* | Lenhart Grand Oaaroom. Unton.**t1990 Strength Training. Open to al. Highlights wll be musical 8 p.m -Menontle Fellowship snd Combative Dance Boom. Student 11:30a.m.- Church Service entertainment by Btrtzen and s Worship Recreation Center St. Thomas More Pariah, 426 softbal tournament Free and open Meal at 6 p m . feaowahip at 7 p.m. Thuratln. to al Sponsored by UAO Open to al. Free chad car* 5:104:10 p-m.- "rTW'oivAir Intramural tiekJa. north of Memorial a asahls United Christen Aerobics Noon-1 p.m. - President Paul Hal Rain site Eppler Center Felowshlp Center. 313 Thuraan Low Impact Open to at. Combative Olecsmp's Student Open Forum. Dance Room, Student Recreation Free and open to al. 221 McFal 1 pun.-Football Cantar. Center BG at Central Michigan University Mt - 5:90 p.m. - University Placement 1:46 p.m. - Washington Center Internship 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. - Chlneee Art Career Search *y6) Information session Ousafled Exhibit Coneepondence/Resume Critique students In al major* can earn 12 "A Cultural Exchange: Workshop Community Suite. credit hours In the summer or 15 si Shaanxl-Ohio Fal '90." Free and Union. the fal or spring Al appicants moat open lo al Qaesry. Fine Arts be juniors or seniors with s 2 5 »:10-7:45 p.m. - "fWfai-M" GPA. Cat the Cooperative Aerobics Education office at 372-2451 to Freeetyte. Open to al. Activity reserve a piece. Ohio Room. Union. CM Canter. Student Racraston Cantar. 4:00 p.m. - Placemen! First Choice Interview Sign-tips 1:30 p.m.-Open Sharing (Accounting only) Sponsored by Free and open to al Untied ChnM*BC*nttr,3t3Tliurasn fit f'St/MM&Mj/M, UAO, Softball, sun? Local performer draws With classes in full swing and the top teams. Eight to 12 teams are autumn on the way. UAO is giving expected to compete. on student experiences summer one last chance. Under the For those interested in games that annual heading "Fallfest," a "Grand are not purely athletic in nature, there "Don't ask me how he does it. Gorman is well-known to local Slam Weekend" is being planned tor will be plenty of Inexpensive carnival but somehow Tom's music and audiences for his work with the Saturday, Sept 22 It will be held 3-8 games to test skill and luck Games words can make the smelliest, Ireshman orientation program p m at the intramural tields behind such as a dart toss and a fish pond are sweatiest beer hall seem like and his past performances at Memorial Hall planned, with a few others yet to be your best friend's living room." area pubs He earned a Musical entertainment will be pro- announced While a beer hall is not the set- Master's degree in the Universi- vided by Bowling Green's own "Blit- Since no party is complete without ting in question, Eric KUnger, ty's College Student Personnel zen" to accompany the Softball tour- food, UAO has taken care to provide program director for Bowling program, and uses much of nament that is being held as part ol edibles lound at other carnivals and Green's WBGU-FM, still raves what he learned and observed FaWest The event Is tree and open to ball games, such as hotdogs, pop- about Tom Gorman He has no as a student and teacher in his the public. In the event ot rain, most corn, peanuts and sottdnnks. In order doubt that the local entertainer lyrics. activities will be moved to Eppler to defray the coat of the refreshments, will thrill his audience when he Gorman's original composi- Center. there will be a small charge for lood performs on campus 7-9 p.m. tions have been described as The sottbaR tournament is open to all items Friday, Sept. 14. The concert is ..."Musically inspired, his lyrics students, who may enter as 1O-mem- Fallfest 1989 was dampened by rain free and open to at, and will be moving, and his effect over- ber teams. Teams can register In the last year, and the attendance did not held outside at Moseley's Patk) whelming." He has more than UAO Office, third floor Union. A fuHy meet UAO expectations. With greater Park. In case of rain Gorman will 1 o years of experience perform- refundable entry lee of $ 10 will be cooperation ot Mother Nature this perform In the TV. lounge in ing for college audiences. asked from each team. There wilt be a year. Bowling Green students, staff Moseley Hall Tom Gorman plague or a trophy lor the winning and the community have the opportu- team, and possibly a pizza party for nity to (oin in the fun. Williams, Vienna Boys headline test Work with kids Sat. mornings By Melissa Henry breaks tradition by performing without Episodes tor Brass," which was re- Editor a conductor. Members take turns as cently written especially for him. Students will have a special oppor- section leader, allowing each member An electrifying finale to the 1990-91 tunity to wort with children who have The 1990 BGSU Festival Series ot the ensemble the opportunity to ex- Festival Series will be "High Voltage physical and mental disabilities begin- opens Saturday, Sept 15, at 8 p.m. press his or her musical interpretation. Dancing," performed by the Joseph ning Sunday. Sept. 9. 6-8 p.m. In 206 with jazz great Joe Williams performing Just in time for the holidays. The Holmes Dance Theatre Friday, March Eppler North. At this time an organiza- an award-winning combination of jazz, Vienna Choir Boys win return to Bowl- 8. The company, now under the direc- tional meeting will be held for any stu- pop, gospel and blues. Tickets are $8. ing Green to perform Wednesday, tion of Randy Duncan, includes In Its dents interested in participating in the $14, and $20, with a $2 discount for Dec. 5. The program by the work) re- repertore "Aretha," a (unfilled fi* HPER Saturday Morning Recreation students, and are available at the Ko- nowned choir will feature music of the company rendition of 14 Aretha Frank- Program for Youth with Disabilities backer Hal Box Office. season In addition to many other choir lin songs, and "He and She," a "duet Williams began his recording career favorites. celebrating the discoveries of first Those attending will learn about the in 1955 with superstar Count Basie, The Summit Brass with special guest love." As far as the Festival Series program, the schedule and the aca- and has since been voted best blues "Doc" Sevennsen will appear in a pro- 1990-91 is concerned, however, first Joe Williams demic credit offered for participation. singer five times by the judges of gram entitled "The Doctor Is In" Satur- love will be this Saturday. Assignments will also be made at this "Downbeat" magazine's annual jazz day, Feb. 16, 1991 Severinsen is the time. Previous volunteers as well as pol m addition to his recording well-known band leader of NBC's new are asked to attend. efforts, concerts, and appearances at "Tonight Show." Summit Brass fea- The program is conducted on cam- jazz festivals and clinics, Williams is tures first-chair players from the New Rose first of Faculty Series pus and serves approximately 60 dis- also known for his role on NBC's "The York Philharmonic, the Chicago Sym- As a bonus for students and the K 330" by Mozart and "Sonata In C abled children and adults, age four and . Cosby Show," where he plays Claire phony, the St. Louis Symphony, the community, the University is again Minor, Op. 111" by Beethoven. up. It meets six Saturdays per semes- Huxtsble's father. Grandpa Al. Los Angeles Philharmonic, the San spotlighting this year the talents of its The second performance in the se- ter for two hours each time In order to The Series win continue with a per- Francisco Symphony, the Houston own music faculty in another Faculty ries will be presented Sunday. Sept. receive academic credit, students formance by the 28-member Orpheus Symphony and the Toronto Sym- Artist Series. Twenty concerts are 16. by organist Vemon Wolcott at the must participate in all sessions. phony. As a highlight of this perform- Chamber Orchestra on Thursday. scheduled this academic year. All are First Presbyterian Church, 128 S. Prior to the organizational meeting, Nov. 1. Recognized as one of the ance, Severinsen and his trumpet will free and open to the public and many Church St. Wolcott's program will In- be featured in a performance of "Five additional information can be obtained world's foremost orchestras. Orpheus win feature the talents of faculty who clude "Sanahin, Partita for Organ" by fromDeloresA Black, associate have performed nationally and abroad. Alan Hovhaness, "Fantasy and Fugue professor in the School of HPER and The series opens Wednesday. Sept. In G Minor, BWV 542" by J.S. Bach director of the program, In 104B Ep- Gallery doors 12 at 8 p.m. with a performance by and "Grande Piece Symphonlque" by pler Complex, North (372-8917). the University's artlst-in-resldence Cesar Franck. open to China Jerome Rose. The internationally Violinist Paul Makara and pianist known pianist and recording artist has Frances Burnett wlH appear in the se- Community Day Being involved in any type of interna- recently returned from a concert tour ries Sunday. Sept. 23. They will per- tional scholastic exchange is Important of Poland. His newest CD, part of his form selections by Franz Schubert, a city celebration for a university, and Bowling Green is series of Chopin recordings. Is ex- Claude Debussy, J.S. Bach. Fritz Kre- no exception. The university's School pected to be released later this year isler. Karol Szymanowski and Pablo de Come one, come all lor a communi- of Art Is participating in an art and artist on the Newport Classic label. The per- Sarasate. ty-oriented day in the park. This year's exchange with the People's Republic formance will be held In Kobacker Had Most concerts in the series are pre- Community Day is scheduled for Sun- of China. The first result of this ol the Moore Musical Arts Center, and sented in either the Bryan Recital Hall day, Sept. 16, from noon-6 p.m. The exchange is a presentation ot Chinese is expected to Include three works by or Kobacker Hall in the Moore Musical event Is to be held once again at the folk crafts and a large mural scroll. The Chopin as well as "Sonata in C Makx. Arts Center, and most begin at 8 p m Bowling Green City Park on Conneaut exhibit is on display In the Fine Arts Avenue, and offers an opportunity tor Gallery through Monday (Sept. 19). BGSU students to mingle with com- Gallery hours are Monday through Fri- Merchants bring businesses munity members day 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m.. and from 2-5 In addition to many games and dis- p.m. on Sunday. Admission is free and to student campus consumers play booths from organizations In the open to ad. community, there will be a barbeque The mural scro* Is the focal point of The walk from campus to downtown play Items, as well as goods that will chicken dinner and various conces- the show, and Is typical of contempor- Bowling Green isn't especially long, be up for sale. A tailgate party and sion stands to make certain that the ary Chinese mural painting. It was but for one day only the town mer- grocery freebies will also add to the community members don't go hungry. painted In acrylic on linen by four chants are making it a lot shorter. On fun. In addition, there win be a large-s- Tickets for the chicken dinner are professors from the Xian School of Tuesday, Sept. 11. 75 of these bu- cale raffle with a grand prize trip to $4 50 for adults and S3 50 for chil- Art. Peng Li. one of the mural's pain- slnsses are bringing their wares to Florida. dren, and they are available at the In- ters, explained "Our idea was to re- you. formation booth In the Union. present the classical beauty of those The event is the BG Merchants Fair Local businessmen won't be the There wlH be an arts and crafts area days with a modern expressionaxst and is being held in the Lenhart Grand only ones there; University President for children sponsored In part by the painting style " Ballroom of the Union. The fair is Paul Otscamp and Bowling Green BGSU art department, and area adult The folkcrafts on display emphasize scheduled from 11 am -7 p.m., and it Mayor Edwin Miller will make them- artists will have their wares on display the needlework tradition of high cul- Is free and open to al. selves available to meet students and and for sale. Community organizations ture during the Tang Dynasty, and in- The businesses. In an effort to draw community members. taking part In this city-wide activity In- clude a large umbrella designed by students downtown more than ever This year's Merchants Fair is spon- clude the Humane Society, Planned craftswoman Lu Rangkuo and em- this year, have some exciting lures sored by The BG News, the Bowling Parenthood, women's professional broidered by a variety of contributing they are brtnglngh to campus. There Green Chamber of Commerce and the groups and various service organiza- .!_- M 'd wM bo free grvawayst raffles, and dis- JJowntown Business. Action. .