Important Victories & A Call to Action

Annual 20I5 Report To our supporters,

Over the last year, Scenic Hudson achieved outstanding victories and made significant progress: • We reached a win-win agreement—the greatest environmental settlement of the last decade—that halts a corporate tower from marring spectacular vistas of the Palisades. • We protected more than 2,800 acres of scenic vistas, critical habitats and working farmland—including properties that have been on our “must-save” list for a decade or longer. • We conserved our 100th family farm and surpassed the 13,000-acre mark in protected agricultural land supplying fresh, local food to valley and City consumers. • We helped convince the state Public Service Commission to put the brakes on a costly and environmentally harmful desalination plant proposed for Haverstraw, Rockland County. • And we made great strides in safeguarding the region’s natural treasures from toxic PCBs, unsafe crude oil shipments and needless transmission lines.

These successes attest to Scenic Hudson’s ongoing effectiveness in: • forging strong partnerships; • basing our positions on the latest scientific data; • maintaining the pressure in courts of law and public opinion; • leveraging funding from public and private sources; and • sustaining the fight as long as it takes. Issuing a call to action—your support critical

Scenic Hudson’s work is far from over, which is why we’re issuing a call to action. Persistent threats from unneeded transmission lines, PCBs and crude oil imperil the valley’s health, economic prosperity and competitiveness in attracting jobs. In New York City, the widening gap between supply and demand for regionally produced food approaches $1 billion. And the urgency of mitigating and preparing for rising sea levels keeps growing.

With you as a partner, we’ll tackle these challenges head-on, ensuring future generations can enjoy and benefit from those special places we cherish so much.

James C. Goodfellow, Board Chairman Ned Sullivan, President

Front cover: Visitors to New York City’s Fort Washington Park beneath the George Washington Bridge enjoy magnificent Palisades views—protected via our win-win agreement reducing the height of LG Electronics’ new headquarters. Above: James C. Goodfellow (left) and Ned Sullivan at Scenic Hudson’s Long Dock Park in Beacon. Preserving the Palisades’ Majesty Important Victories We reached a historic settlement with LG Electronics over plans for its new North American headquarters in Englewood Cliffs, N.J., concluding our three-year campaign to protect vistas of the Palisades. A great example of how corporate and environmental interests can work together to the public’s benefit, the agreement:

• Reduces the building’s height from 143 feet to 69 feet, significantly minimizing its impacts on spectacular Palisades views; and

• Allows LG to retain jobs in the region while providing space for the planned doubling of its local workforce.

To achieve this win-win outcome, we used every strategy in our playbook: We served as leading plaintiff in a lawsuit challenging changes to local zoning rules that permitted towers along the ridgetop. We collaborated with the State Federation of Women’s Clubs (a co-plaintiff), the Natural Resources Defense Council, New Jersey Conservation Foundation, New York-New Jersey Trail Conference and Larry Rockefeller in negotiations with LG. We also helped establish the Protect the Palisades coalition— uniting more than 30 environmental, cultural and civic groups to fight the plan—and secured key support from The New York Times and other influential media.

As originally designed, the building would have stood nearly 70 feet above the treeline, making it the first building prominently visible along an unspoiled, 20-mile stretch of this National Natural Landmark. A recent New Jersey court decision affirmed our contention that unique natural and historic resources such as the Palisades merit special protection—a precedent that will help assure future conservation victories. Call to Action • This victory won’t stop others from trying to build towers along the Palisades ridgeline— so we’re actively supporting N.J. legislation that would prevent future high-rises atop it. • Citizen action is crucial for the law’s enactment.

Thanks to successful negotiations with LG Electronics, the height of the company’s new headquarters has been reduced by half, preserving awe-inspiring vistas of the Palisades. Saving the Land that Matters Most Important Victories In the past year, we conserved more than 2,800 acres—scenic, agricultural and ecological treasures that include some of the largest “must-save” properties along the entire estuary:

• 590 acres we preserved in Stockport, Columbia County—2.4 miles of riverfront, grasslands, forested bluffs and ravines, and tidal wetlands—buffer vital wildlife habitat in the adjacent 1,500-acre Stockport Flats unit of the Hudson River National Estuarine Research Reserve. They also contribute to views enjoyed by Amtrak passengers and visitors to popular nearby parks, while offering outstanding potential for recreation and enjoying vistas of the Catskill, Taconic and Berkshire mountains. A low-interest loan from The Peter and Carmen Lucia Buck Foundation enabled us to acquire this magnificent property.

• The 376 acres we protected in Ulster, Ulster County, feature 280 acres of forest, more than 50 acres of grassland, high-quality freshwater wetlands and six acres fronting the Hudson. Prominently visible from our flagship Poets’ Walk Park and other tourism destinations, the property offers great opportunities to increase recreation by linking it with 260 acres of adjoining parkland.

The following pages showcase recent Saving the Land That Matters Most victories. Call to Action • Many “must-save” scenic, agricultural and ecological treasures remain at risk from development. We’ll continue building on successes to date in our collaborative campaign—nearly 13,000 acres we’ve conserved and over 2,600 acres by our partners.

• By moving full-speed ahead to remove debris and dilapidated infrastructure from our newly protected properties while simultaneously developing plans for trails and amenities, we can quickly transform them into community assets. Volunteers can help us open these gems to public enjoyment.

Two newly protected riverfront properties on Scenic Hudson’s “must-save” list for decades: in Ulster County (top) and along Stockport Flats in Columbia County. Illinois Mountain John Burroughs Black Creek Corridor 90 acres • Lloyd, Ulster County 23 acres • Esopus, Ulster County Acquiring two ridge-top parcels not only This mix of forest and hardwood swamp along enhances recreational opportunities at this popular Black Creek provides a vital link in creating the mountain-biking destination but helps sustain eight-mile John Burroughs Black Creek Corridor the mountain’s outstanding biological diversity connecting our Black Creek Preserve with and protects superb views from many area parks, Chodikee Lake, the Hudson Valley Rail Trail and including Walkway Over the Hudson. Walkway Over the Hudson.

Shaupeneak Ridge Catskill Quarry 56 acres • Esopus, Ulster County 75 acres • Catskill, Greene County This wooded property—bordered on two sides by A conservation easement donated by John our popular preserve—safeguards views from Peckham/Peckham Industries protects a mile-long existing trails and offers the possibility of creating a forested ridgeline—the most visually sensitive new trail leading to a ridge-top overlook affording portion of this large quarry—that contributes stunning southerly vistas. to outstanding views enjoyed from the Hudson River, Olana State Historic Site and other public viewpoints. Falling Waters Preserve South Bay Creek Watershed 149 acres • Saugerties, Ulster County 105 acres • Greenport, Columbia County Acquisition of this land, previously protected by In addition to contributing to outstanding Olana a limited-term conservation easement, ensures views, this property features 40 acres of high- permanent public access to three miles of trails quality farmland and forested bluffs and ravines in what has become one of our most popular along ecologically important South Bay Creek. The riverfront parks since its 2011 opening. property is located just upstream of wellheads that provide the town’s public drinking water.

Watergrass Sanctuary Binnen Kill 19 acres • Philipstown, Putnam County 131 acres • Bethlehem, Albany County Adding to the 49 acres we previously protected Achieving this long-time conservation priority, via a conservation easement, we partnered with made possible by a low-interest loan from The the Hudson Highlands Land Trust, Putnam Peter and Carmen Lucia Buck Foundation, protects Highlands Audubon Society and Open Space critical habitat in and along an important Hudson Institute to increase the size of this prime bird River tributary and offers a model for how the habitat and facilitate safe public access to it. valley can adapt to rising sea levels. Fighting for a Clean Hudson River Progress For decades, we stood up to General Electric as it evaded responsibility for removing PCBs it dumped in the Hudson River over a 30-year span. This fall, following six years of dredging, the company finally will complete the portion of its Superfund cleanup mandated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). But it’s far too early to celebrate. Hundreds of thousands of pounds of PCB-contaminated sediment still foul the river. What’s more, we’ve learned GE scientists have under-reported PCB levels in fish, calling into question the cleanup’s overall effectiveness. The bottom line: Our American Heritage River remains America’s largest toxic waste site.

Government agencies serving as federal trustees of the Hudson’s still-damaged natural resources say more dredging is needed to restore fuller public use and enjoyment of the river, make its fish safe to eat and resume lucrative cargo shipping on the Champlain Canal. Without it, a 200-mile stretch of the Hudson will remain contaminated for generations. An expanded, immediate cleanup makes sense for all— riverfront communities could jumpstart long-delayed economic development plans, while GE would reduce substantial legal and financial liabilities.

The Campaign for a Cleaner Hudson coalition we helped establish this year has drawn widespread support—dozens of environmental groups, 80 valley municipalities, 169 state legislators and thousands of citizens—calling on GE to complete a more comprehensive cleanup now. An editorial in the Albany Times Union said it best, “There’s more to do, GE.” Call to Action • We’ll continue to push GE to complete two more years of dredging—all it would take to remove toxic “hotspots” and ensure the river’s speedy, thorough recovery. If GE won’t finish the job, state taxpayers will unfairly foot the bill.

• Over the course of our 30-year campaign to rid the Hudson of GE’s PCBs, we have learned that the company steps up to its legal responsibilities only when all powers combine to force action. With the EPA and New York State failing to exercise their authority to require GE to perform a comprehensive cleanup, your voice will be crucial in joining Scenic Hudson and our allies; the federal Natural Resource Trustees; and hundreds of communities, elected officials and businesses demanding action.

Top: Activists calling on GE to conduct additional dredging to achieve a healthy Hudson held July 23 candlelight vigils in riverfront communities from Schuylerville to New York City. In October Ned Sullivan and Sierra Club National Board of Directors President Aaron Mair joined activists demanding NY State and the EPA use their authority to force GE to extend the cleanup. Supplying Fresh, Healthy Food Important Victories Partnering with fellow land trusts, we protected more than 1,200 acres on 10 family farms this year, providing farmers with capital to increase productive capacity and in some cases transition to more eco-friendly farming practices. Conservation easements we acquired also allowed farmers to purchase land they’d previously been leasing, increasing the security of their operations, while making the land more affordable for the next generation of farmers.

Along with these “on-the-ground” successes, recent accomplishments will enable us to ramp up protection of the region’s farms—the goal of our Foodshed Conservation Plan:

• Gov. Cuomo dedicated $20 million in his 2016 state budget to preserve valley farmland based on our plan. Our advocacy helped ensure legislative approval for the appropriation.

• Our expertise in leveraging support for farmland protection attracted significant new funding, allowing us to increase the pace and scope of our work.

• An analysis we undertook to determine the role valley farmland plays in preserving wildlife habitat and enhancing climate resilience will allow us to focus on protecting agricultural properties that achieve these objectives as well.

The following pages showcase recent collaborative farmland victories. Call to Action • We’re working with the state Department of Agriculture & Markets and many land trust partners to advance an effective framework for disbursing the $20 million in valley farmland funding.

• Enough farmland surrounds New York City to meet 30 percent of its food needs—but conserving it will require a substantial city investment. Building on strong support we’ve received from leading city chefs and restaurateurs, food and hunger policy groups, and over a dozen City Council Members, your action is crucial to persuade New York City to step up as a financial partner in protecting its regional foodshed.

Three farm families grow food on land we protected in Copake, Columbia County (top). A cooking class at New York City’s CAMBA Beyond Hunger Emergency Food Pantry, which receives free food from a farm conserved by Scenic Hudson. Brown Cow-Golden Farm 143 acres • Schodack, Rensselaer County This easement, acquired with the Columbia Land Conservancy, facilitated the land’s purchase by the owners of multi-generational Dutch Hollow Farm, a Columbia County dairy operation milking the state’s second-largest registered Jersey herd.

Echo Valley Farm Copake Agricultural Center 106 acres • Red Hook, Dutchess County 189 acres • Copake, Columbia County A conservation easement acquired with the Easements on two farm properties acquired with the Dutchess Land Conservancy protects a successful Columbia Land Conservancy facilitate the work of sheep farm owned by the same family since 1943. Northeast Farm Access, which connects private A CSA leasing a portion of the land uses sustainable investors with farmers to provide stable land tenure. practices to raise vegetables distributed locally and Farmers currently leasing the land grow organic in New York City. vegetables. Old Mud Creek Farm 390 acres • Livingston, Columbia County We partnered with the Columbia Land Conservancy to protect this land, previously used by corporations to test pesticides. The new owner is restoring the soil’s health and transforming it into an organic grain farm utilizing methods leaving a minimal carbon footprint, with plans to establish a soil research laboratory.

Whistle Down Farm Delapenta Farm 59 acres • Claverack, Columbia County 83 acres • Taghkanic, Columbia County We partnered with the Columbia Land Funds from this easement, acquired with the Conservancy to protect this sustainable, Columbia Land Conservancy, will enable this diversified vegetable operation that sells produce third-generation dairy farm to transition to an at a nearby farmers market and via a CSA, and all-organic, entirely grass-fed operation. also supplies four New York City food pantries. Halting the THREAT FROM Crude Oil Shipments Progress Scenic Hudson and our allies took significant steps to reduce the risk of flammable crude oil flowing through the valley’s “virtual pipeline,” and our advocacy led to a 60-percent increase in state resources to respond to future disasters. As a result of our efforts:

• An oil terminal owner withdrew applications to expand a riverfront facility in Orange County that would have enabled it to boost shipments of flammable Bakken crude oil by more than a billion gallons annually and handle Canadian tar sands crude oil—almost impossible to clean up if a spill occurs—for the first time on the Hudson.

• New York State increased its Oil Spill Fund—the first line of defense against devastating accidents and spills—to $40 million from $25 million.

• In an about-face—and following strong advocacy by Scenic Hudson and our partners—the state Department of Environmental Conservation has signaled intent to order a full environmental review of a plan to make the Port of Albany a hub for transshipping tar sands crude oil. Call to Action • Puncture-prone railcars remain on the tracks, putting our communities and river at daily risk from explosions and spills. Since federal regulations don’t go far enough fast enough, we’ve filed a lawsuit to compel the government to adopt more stringent rules for tanker car design and challenged a state permit allowing crude transport by rail through the valley.

• Threats to the Hudson River and municipalities along it will rise significantly if the state allows shipment of tar sands crude oil through the region—which is why we’re also engaged in legal action to halt expansion of an Albany facility to transfer this product.

• A worst-case explosion or spill could cause over $1 billion of damage—far in excess of state funds or railroad insurance coverage—which is why we’re pressing for legislation requiring companies transporting crude oil through New York to shoulder the entire cost of cleanup following accidents. Your support is key to continued progress in safeguarding the Hudson from these threats.

Top: Crude-filled railcars on the valley’s “virtual pipeline.” An April derailment of similar cars in Lynchburg, Va., caused an explosion and fouled the James River. Connecting People to the River Important Victories New parks and amenities provide greater access to the Hudson River and enhance opportunities to experience its power and majesty: • A spectacular Hudson River overlook we protected in Hyde Park, Dutchess County, now is accessible to the public via a new section of the Hyde Park Greenway Trail beginning at Mills-Norrie State Park in Staatsburg. Volunteers helped us and the Hyde Park Greenway Trail Committee construct this 1.85-mile route—a vital link in creating a trail that will connect the Mid-Hudson and Kingston-Rhinecliff bridges. Benches at the overlook offer visitors a place to rest and admire sweeping views. • Recently completed upgrades at our Esopus Meadows Preserve in Ulster County include a pavilion built to withstand flooding from rising sea levels. We also improved paths to make them compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act. • In tandem with providing funds enabling the Hudson River Maritime Museum in Kingston, Ulster County, to establish a wooden boat-building school in a newly acquired building, we received conservation/public access easements over the entire museum property—so visitors will permanently enjoy a 575-foot-long esplanade along Rondout Creek. • Sustaining our efforts to “connect the dots” between communities and their natural assets, we’ve helped guide the Hudson Highlands Fjord Trail into the Master Plan phase. Linking Cold Spring, Putnam County, and Beacon, Dutchess County, this seven-mile route will enhance the safety and enjoyment of visitors seeking to hike in the Highlands by moving trailhead access off the dangerous shoulders of busy Route 9D. Call to Action • Supporting the valley’s $5-billion tourism industry, this fall we’ll complete new interpretive amenities at our West Point Foundry Preserve in Cold Spring, Putnam County. We count on volunteers to help us keep this and all of our parks inviting for people and wildlife.

• To fill in a vital “missing link” in the Westchester RiverWalk—the planned 51-mile shoreline trail that passes through five parks Scenic Hudson helped create—we’re also working with local communities and government agencies to identify a secure route beneath the New NY Bridge (replacing the Tappan Zee).

Top: Scenic Hudson’s River Overlook on the Hyde Park Greenway Trail in Dutchess County. Visitors enjoy the new universally accessible trail at Esopus Meadows Preserve in Ulster County. Blocking Needless & Costly Transmission Lines Progress While the state continues pushing ahead with plans to construct towering new transmission lines that could cut a swath through 25 communities in seven valley counties, we’ve taken important steps to protect the region’s natural and historic treasures from this costly project and to prove the initiative is unnecessary:

• Responding to compelling advocacy from Scenic Hudson and the Hudson Valley Smart Energy Coalition (HVSEC), the state Public Service Commission (PSC) transformed its regulatory framework for these projects—complying with Gov. Cuomo’s preference for lines within existing rights-of-way.

• Following expert reports commissioned by the HVSEC on the proposed lines’ negative visual and environmental impacts, the PSC recommended eliminating 13 plans posing the biggest threats.

• Data compiled by the HVSEC proving the adequacy of current infrastructure to meet future energy demands helped convince the PSC to convene a Technical Conference on this issue.

• Reports we commissioned from an expert consultant and a strategic advisory firm concluded there is no need for new lines to address peak electricity demands in New York City and that electricity congestion costs will decline significantly in the future without them, demonstrating no economic need for the new lines. The experts presented their findings at the PSC Technical Conference. Call to Action • We’ll continue battling against projects that imperil iconic vistas, family farms and prime wildlife habitats—and would burden local ratepayers with 90 percent of the lines’ $1.2-billion cost.

• Join us in sending a strong message to the PSC and Gov. Cuomo to scrap the transmission lines and commit to his Reforming the Energy Vision strategies that encourage utility companies to support renewable energy sources close to customers.

Plans for towering new transmission lines like those above threaten the region’s scenic treasures, including magnificent vistas from Olana State Historic Site in Columbia County. Financial Overview Consolidated Statement of Financial Position Scenic Hudson’s financial standing remains strong, June 30, 2014 June 30, 2015 reflected in part by year-end assets of $264 million. Land areas (at cost) 54,844 64,511 Scenic Hudson’s total consolidated operating and capital Cash and investments 208,132 196,825 budget during the year was $27.4 million, including three Other assets 4,169 6,329 components: the Scenic Hudson operating budget and The Total assets 267,145 267,665 Scenic Hudson Land Trust operating and capital budgets. Liabilities 1,356 3,542 Net assets 265,789 264,122 Scenic Hudson Total liabilities and net assets 267,145 267,665 Scenic Hudson’s operating budget was $7.1 million with [in thousands] funds supporting our advocacy for cleanup of Hudson River PCBs, making rail and water transport of crude oil safer, improved land use in our communities and region, and for state and federal laws, policies and budgets that protect the beauty, environment and quality of life of the Hudson Valley. The Scenic Hudson Land Trust The land trust spent $3.1 million for creating, maintaining and improving our parks; for staff costs in monitoring conservation easements; and for working with partners to promote the Foodshed Conservation Plan. The land trust spent $17.2 million in capital to secure conservation easements on farms and ownership of ecologically important lands along the Hudson that will provide outstanding recreational opportunities for people in the region. For every dollar of Scenic Hudson capital, we leveraged an additional two dollars of private or governmental funds. Cyclists enjoying Scenic Hudson’s annual Farmland Cycling Tour pass a family farm we conserved in Dutchess County.

Consolidated Operating Expenses Consolidated Operating Revenues Land Acquisition* 36.2% Investment Allocations Parks & Preserves 29% for Spending** 40.8% Land Use Advocacy 11.1% Individuals 36.3% Fund Raising 8.7% Foundations 11.9% Administration 8% Government*** 9.3% Communications Corporations 0.9% & Public Policy 7% Other Sources 0.8%

Financial Structure Scenic Hudson maintains four endowments: The Lila Acheson and DeWitt Wallace Hudson Valley Land Preservation Endowment ($157.9 million at year-end FY15), used to support land conservation activities; a board-designated fund for general operating expenses ($14.9 million at year-end FY15); the Kathryn W. Davis Fund for Park Planning and Community Land Use ($4.7 million at year-end FY15); and an Easement Enforcement Fund ($1.1 million at year-end FY15). The assets are pooled in a diversified portfolio supervised by an investment committee. The board approved $7.7 million in spending from the endowments for the year (5 percent of the past 12 quarters’ rolling average value). Although lands owned by the land trust are eligible for tax exemption, Scenic Hudson paid $199,491 in property taxes and payments in lieu of taxes in FY15 and $130,423 in FY14. Scenic Hudson generally seeks relief from taxes at the first opportunity following acquisition of the property. The board engages Marks Paneth LLP to perform an independent annual audit, which is available on our website.

*Including conservation easements. **The vast majority of investment allocation for spending supports land acquisition and parks creation. ***The majority of revenues from government provide capital for farmland and open space preservation and parks. Two seasonal Scenic Hudson traditions: Spring Sprint trail race at Shaupeneak Ridge in Esopus, Ulster County (below), and Pumpkins in the Park at Long Dock Park in Beacon, Dutchess County.

Marian McEvoy Hudson River Ronald J. McGowan Stewardship Society W. Patrick McMullan Individuals who have included Brenda Melstein Scenic Hudson in their Estate or David H. Mortimer Barbara A. Murphy long-term financial plans Frederick Osborn III Anonymous (10) Elizabeth B. Pugh Peter and Jo Baer David N. Redden Barry A. Benepe Frederic C. Rich Benson Blake, Jr. Richard D. Rockwell Patricia Carroll-Mathes John H. Steinberg Joseph Chapman, Jr. Ned and Tara Sullivan Christopher Davis Stephen W. Tator Mr. and Mrs. Irvine D. Flinn Mr. and Mrs. Steve Varvaro Donald W. Fowle Dawn Watson Aimee J. Frank Wheelock Whitney III Dr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Gade Alexander E. Zagoreos Kristin Gamble

Anna Carlson Gannett Joan C. Gilson William Lockridge Harris 2015 Contributors Marjorie and Gurnee Hart Individuals Who made gifts between Leon T. Hopewell July 1, 2014, and june 30, 2015 Joyce L. Hunt Anne E. Impellizzeri Gifts of $500,000 and above Margaret Innerhofer Anonymous (3) Harry A. Jacobs, Jr. Dyson Foundation* Joseph Kazlauskas James and Susan Goodfellow* Father Thomas Kiely Nancy F. Perkins Aleta Kinley The Walbridge Fund Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martucci Gifts of $100,000-$499,999 New York Community Trust Austen-Stokes Ancient Americas Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martucci Anonymous (2) Abby A. Rockefeller Foundation, Inc. Elizabeth J. McCormack André Balazs* Estate of Maris M. Van Alen The Bay and Paul Foundations Kevin McEvoy and Barbara Epstein Andrea Soros Colombel Stanley and Marion Bergman Friedrike Merck Christopher Davis Gifts of $25,000-$49,999 Carolyn Marks Blackwood/ The Nature Conservancy* Doris Duke Charitable Foundation Anonymous The Marks Family Foundation Mark Nelkin and Lenore Malen Dr. Peter Hofmann and William Burback* James B. Clark and Sandra Guenther Clark Scott and Roxanne Bok/ Will Nixon Steven L. Holley* Sarah A.W. Fitts The Bok Family Foundation Omega Institute Richard H. Klapper and Helena Lee* Dr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Gade Christopher Buck and Hara Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ordan The Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Horowitz Kristin Gamble Cornelius King Charitable Trust Anne and Joseph Pierson Foundation for the Arts* Goldman Sachs Gives Charles Gamper Fund Clare M. Pierson and Peter Humphrey New England Interstate Water Pollution Marjorie and Gurnee Hart Mr. and Mrs. John P. Curran Mary Louise Pierson Control Commission* Mr. and Mrs. Lewis H. Hartman* Davada Family Foundation Ambassador and Mrs. Nicholas Platt The New World Foundation Anne and Thomas Hubbard Michael P. Dowling/The Dowling Foundation Michael and Barbara Polemis The Peter and Carmen Lucia Buck Foundation Marvin Israelow and Dorian Goldman Ingrid and Stephen Dyott Red Crane Foundation Sarah K. de Coizart Article TENTH Perpetual Louisa Jane Judge* Mrs. Daniel J. Ehrlich/Daniel J. and Edith A. Frederic C. Rich Charitable Trust* Joseph Kahn and Shannon Wu Ehrlich Family Foundation David Rockefeller Shelby Cullom Davis Charitable Fund Susan Livingston The Eileen Fisher Community Foundation Simon Roosevelt and Lolita Echavarria Dr. Lucy Waletzky Jonathan Z. McKown and Calvin Tsao Mr. and Mrs. Irvine D. Flinn John Saunders and Elizabeth Nevins-Saunders W. Patrick McMullan and Rachel McPherson Katja Goldman and Michael Sonnenfeldt/ Mr. and Mrs. William C. Schmidt Gifts of $50,000-$99,999 David S.E. Noble Joyce and Irving Goldman Family Foundation Richard Schneidman/ Amy P. Goldman Fowler Ru and Sheila Rauch/Lanegate Foundation Carlos A. González and Katherine G. Stewart Robert W. Wilson Charitable Trust The G. Unger Vetlesen Foundation Alexander S. Reese and Alison Spear Geoffrey Gund Brian and Lindsay Shea Harney & Sons Fine Teas Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Inc. Andrew S. Gundlach/Anna-Maria and Anne-Katrin Spiess Stephen Kellen Foundation The Krupp Foundation/ Leigh Seippel and Susan Patterson State of New York Merit E. Janow and Peter Young+ Richard and Natasha Krupp Tortuga Foundation David Swope Mr. and Ms. Daniel Kramer Chip Loewenson and Susan Brune* Julia N. Harte Widdowson and TD Charitable Foundation LSR Fund Nigel Widdowson/Field-Day Foundation Douglas Land and Victoria Peebles/ The Vidda Foundation The Land Family Foundation Evan Mason and Garrard Beeney/ The William and Mary Greve Foundation, Inc. The Wall Group Christine Lehner/Orchard Foundation Colyton Foundation* Dawn Watson Mr. and Mrs. Roger Liddell David H. Mortimer/ Gifts of $10,000-$24,999 Wheelock Whitney III Marilyn M. Simpson Charitable Lead Trusts Mary W. Harriman Foundation Anonymous (3) * denotes multi-year commitment + participation in Matching Gifts Program Gifts of $5,000-$9,999 The Mary and Kathleen Harriman Foundation David Weinstein Douglas Berlin/Berlin Family Fund American Conservation Association, Inc. David K.A. Mordecai and Samantha Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Berner Ralph Arditi and Robin A. Shelby Arditi Kappagoda Gifts of $2,500-$2,999 Raoul Bhavnani and Savitha Reddy Neil Bender The M&T Charitable Foundation Anonymous (1) Harlan Bratcher and Toby Usnik Judith M. Buechner Normandie Foundation, Inc. Robert H. Arnow Jay and Thea Burgess Clement Family/Winsted Foundation Open Space Institute, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Barron + Capalino + Company Joseph Cotter/Tarrytown Waterfront 1, LLC Mr. and Mrs. James H. Ottaway, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David H. Cullen James and Tara Caroll/Old Souls Linda Daines+ Mr. and Mrs. David N. Redden Kim and Barry Douglas Claire C. Carter and Peter C. Gould Joan Davidson/J.M. Kaplan Fund, Inc. The Richard W. Rupp Foundation Jeri Glasser Tatiana Choulika and Jeffrey Poor Robert C. Duffy Rising Development, LLC/ Nick Sprayregen Herrington’s Mr. and Mrs. David C. Clapp Michael DuPree and Michael Fleischer/ Royal Bank of Canada RBC Hudson River and Beyond Madison Cox William Brown Foundation, Inc. Blue Water Project Richard H. Jenrette/The Richard Hampton Benjamin F. Crane Gale Epstein Sarah I. Schieffelin Residuary Trust Jenrette Foundation, Inc. James D. Cross Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Garesché Charles Shanok/Shanok Foundation Joseph Kazlauskas Lynda Shenkman Curtis Betsy and Larry Gile Rebecca J. Simmons Craig and Jill Koenigsberg David C. Cuthell and Catherine Smith-Cuthell Gary and Beth Glynn J.E. Slaughter Elaine Koenigsberg Mr. and Mrs. Gonzalo de las Heras Lloyd and Victoria Goldman/Joyce and Irving Daniel Slott Mark Jay Menting and Laura Jean Wilson Gary Delemeester and Jeff Daly Goldman Family Foundation Ned and Tara Sullivan Dr. David Orentreich/ Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. DeScherer Wendy Gordon and Larry Rockefeller Mr. and Mrs. Maarten van Hengel The Orentreich Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John A. Dimling Francis Greenburger The Vervane Foundation Andrew Sabin Lawrence Divney and Alicia Vergara Donald Gummer and Meryl Streep/ Stephanie G. Wheeler G. Spanu and N. Olnick Ben Donohue Silver Mountain Foundation for the Arts Tim Zagat and Nina Zagat Sally Spooner and Edward Stroz Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm S. Dorris Hamilton & Company Tilcon New York, Inc. Letitia Dory Jennifer A. Hand and Thomas A. Tierney Gifts of $3,000-$4,999 Mr. and Mrs. J. David Dubin John Heist and Michael Neumann Peter and Jo Baer Gifts of $1,000-$2,499 Michael and Harriet Finck Steven Holl George and Phebe Banta Anonymous (8) Jeanne Donovan Fisher Anne E. Impellizzeri Bull’s Head Foundation, Inc. Archipelago at Home Cybele Fishman and Jay Rao Patricia and Philip Laskawy Mr. and Mrs. H. Rodgin Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Jack Auspitz Robert P. Freeman and Inge Jackson Reist Jean-Pierre Latrille and Yolanda Willmore Margaret Davidson Robert Backus Anna Carlson Gannett Local Economies Project Richard L. Menschel/Charina Foundation, Inc. Sybil K. Baldwin John J. Garafalo Jr.* The Lucius N. Littauer Foundation, Inc. Eric J. Roth Didi and David Barrett Mr. and Mrs. Martin Ginsburg/ Marilyn and Saul Spilke Foundation Mr. and Mrs. David J. Stern Phoebe P. Bender Ginsburg Development, LLC Our collaborative victory halting construction of a costly, unnecessary desalination plant in Rockland County safeguards vital habitats in Haverstraw Bay.

Sibyl R. Golden Jami Kibel and Michael DeCola Mountain Tops Outfitters, Inc. U.S. Bank Institutional Trust & Custody James Goodrich and Judy Goodrich Soohyung and Carolina Kim Liz Neumark Drusilla van Hengel Mary Graetzer Kirchhoff-Consigli Construction Wilhelm E. Northrop Hugh and MaryAnn van Hengel Jan and Lester Greenberg Management, LLC Francesca Olivieri and Christopher White Illiana van Meeteren James Guidera and Edward Parran Emily J. Klein and Thomas Sugiura William Oris and Jeanne Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Viscusi Don Guidi/Paperhouse Productions, Inc. Kevin Klose and Deborah Ashford O. Stephen Paganuzzi and Janine King Jeffrey and Nina Weissman Mr. and Mrs. James W. Harbison, Jr. Jennifer C. Krieger/Hawthorne Fine Art, LLC The Peckham Family Foundation Edward B. Whitney and Martha Howell John A. Hargraves and Nancy S. Newcomb Mr. and Mrs. George Krupp Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Pennington, Jr. Anton F. Wilson Bambi M. Hatch Mr. and Mrs. Michael Krupp Phelps Memorial Hospital Center Mr. and Mrs. Richard Witmer Mr. and Mrs. David Hathaway Mr. and Mrs. F. Rocco Landesman Richard and Susan Randolph Mrs. John P. Wort Dr. and Mrs. James D. Hays/Richard and Alison and John Lankenau George and Gail Hunt Reeke Rebecca Evans Foundation Andrew Levander and Carol Loewenson Thomas Remien and Mary Anne Hunting Gifts of $500-$999 Mr. and Mrs. Morrison H. Heckscher Mr. and Mrs. Lou Lewis/Lewis & Greer, PC Ronald and Pamela Rich Anonymous (11) Stephen Henderson and James LaForce Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence H. Linden Erin Thérèse Riley and John M. Garesché Naja R. Armstrong The Henry L. and Grace Doherty Charitable Gregory Long and Scott Newman Christopher du Pont Roosevelt Michael J. Ashworth Foundation, Inc. Lovinger Family Foundation Jonathan Rose/Jonathan & Diana Rose Mr. and Mrs. Douglas H. Banker Cathy R. Hershcopf, Esq. Nick and Cassandra Ludington Lost and Foundation Mr. George H. Beane Harry H. Hill/H.H. Hill Reality Services, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas S. Luke Steve Rosenberg and Debi Duke Matthew Bender IV Joan M. Hutchins Kerry Madigan Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Royce Sarah Benesch Margaret Innerhofer Malin + Goetz John Sare and Benjamin Krevolin Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Berger Ira M. Resnick Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Malkin/ Elizabeth Scheuer and Peter Joseph Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Bischoff Mr. and Mrs. Klaus Jacob The Malkin Fund Axel and Sara Schupf Mrs. Edward H.R. Blitzer Harry A. Jacobs, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Claudio Marzollo Larry Schwartz Peter Bloom and Janet Greenfield Mr. and Mrs. William C. Janeway The May Foundation Nancy Seaman/Houlihan Lawrence, Inc. Katherine Sharp Borgen Dr. Attallah Kappas Stephen Mazoh and Martin Kline Patricia Hearst Shaw Robert A. Bourque Laurie and Walter Karopczyc/ Dr. Michael R. McGarvey Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. Sidamon-Eristoff Brad/Peck, Inc. Bristol Capital, Inc. Victoria Smith McKenzie Anne Sidamon-Eristoff Mr. and Mrs. Garry D. Brewer Mr. and Mrs. Farooq Kathwari/Irfan Kathwari Robert and Elisabeth McKeon Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Stack Robert S. Buford and Barbara Iason Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jason McManus/ Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Subotnick Bard and Barbara Bunaes Peter L. Kennard DJ McManus Foundation Anne and Elliott Sumers Nick and Judy Bunzl Martin Kenner and Camilla Smith Nick Meyer and Michelle Curb Town of Red Hook Democratic Committee Sandy Burgess Charles Kerr and Heather Thomas Mr. and Mrs. C. Edward Midgley J. William Uhrig and Anastasia Vournas Stephen F. Byrns and Tom Lollar A revealing exercise: Creatures caught by Scenic Hudson staff provide visitors to Long Dock Park in Beacon with a firsthand glimpse of river denizens.

Firth Calhoun Chris Hatfield Ken Morgan and Lindsay Morgan+ Susan Sie Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Cane HHD Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William F. Morrill Anthony M. Smith Carmelite Communion, Inc. Holy Cross Monastery Paul C. Morris Peter N. Speliopoulos John P. Casey Josephine Lea Iselin Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F. Mountcastle, Jr. Split Rock Charitable Foundation, Inc. Paul Ciminello Anita and Robert Jacobson/ Tony Muoser and Sara K. Cashen Alexis and Andrew Stack John and Maureen Clancy Benjamin Jacobson & Sons Foundation Frank Murphy Dorit Straus+ Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Cochrane Vikki Jones Dr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Murray Mrs. Edward Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Cool Meredith Kane Numbrands, Inc. Margaret D. Sullivan Michael A. Cornman and Patricia L. Mulvey Burton R. Kassell Dianne S. O’Neal Jessica Tcherepnine Ellis E. Cousens Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Katzman Kip Bleakley O’Neill Drusilla Ruth van Hengel William N. Creasy, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton F. Kean Lee Prisament and Marcia Rappaport Meredith Vieira and Richard Cohen Crozier Fine Art Charles J. Keller Mr. and Mrs. Emerson W. Pugh Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wasilewicz Colin Cuite Margaret A. King Denise Rempe Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Weissinger, Jr. Anne S. Davidson Christopher and Claudine Klose Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Richter William A. Davies, Jr. + Jean L. Knowles-Hedlund/ Rita J. and Stanley H. Kaplan Family Gifts of $250-$499 Dennie Davis Kenwood Foundation Foundation Anonymous (23) Stancy DuHamel Michael Knutson David and Susan Rockefeller Dr. and Mrs. James Aisenberg Mr. and Mrs. Wolcott B. Dunham, Jr. John and Lesley Koegel Margaretta F. Rockefeller William M. Alexander and Anne R. Mullin Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Eagan Bernice Krupp The Honorable and Mrs. Albert M. Thomas Amisson Valery and Hal Einhorn Deborah Lans Rosenblatt Mary Andrews Empire State Development Corporation A. Floyd Lattin and Ward L. Mintz The Ross and Karen Williams Fund Jeffrey Anzevino Helen Evarts Mr. and Mrs. James Lessersohn of the Community Foundation of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Atkins Falcon Enterprises Associates, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Livingston Dutchess County AT&T Employee Community Giving Program P. Amy Feind and Douglas Reeves Gretchen Long Jeffrey Roth Janie Bailey and Michael Musgrave Daniel Freedman and Christine Chale Virginia and John Loughlin RSC Insurance Brokerage, Inc. Michael Barrett + Jerry Freedner Charles Lovejoy Deborah Saccardi Myron Beldock and Karen Dippold Dr. Alvin E. Friedman-Kien/The Alvin E. Wendy Maitland Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schoenberg Sanford A. Bell Friedman-Kien Foundation, Inc. James Male Steven Schwartz and Jill Horn Nicholas Bona N. Richard and Monique Gershon Nina Matis and Alan Gosule Alfred and Elizabeth Scott Ezra Borut Alan Ginsberg John and Pepi Maynard Jack Shainman Gwendolyn Bounds Patty Goodwin Brina Milikowsky Richard T. Sharp Margaret Bradbury and Paul Slesinger Bruce D. Haims and Judith Jackson Maria Miller Anne Sidamon-Eristoff Jonathan L. Brandt Mr. and Mrs. William B. Brannan Seth McKee and Ellen Butowsky Jutta and Hans Bertram-Nothnagel Rebecca B. Finnell Elyse Arnow Brill and Joshua Arnow John C. Mesch Mr. and Mrs. Mihir Bhattacharya Jeffrey Fisher Albert and Brenda K. Butzel Joseph A. Messing Peter Bienstock David R. Fitzjarrald and L. Gwen Spicer Debra L. Campbell Edward P. Meyers Marvin Birnbaum, Esq. Janet D. Fodor Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies Patti Mitchell John Bliss Janice and Gregory Fodor Paul W. Case Mr. and Mrs. Jay L. Mortimer Neil C. Bloch Judith and David Foster Mr. and Mrs. James M. Casey Alessandro and Lara Olivieri Peter N. Bogdan Peggy Fox Wally L. Chambers Eleanora Patterson Richard Bopp Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Frank Derrick Chu David A. Perry Mr. and Mrs. David N. Borton Felice C. Frankel Judith L. Church Xavier and Penelope Pi-Sunyer Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Botjer Jason Frankel Eileen Cohen PJ Posner and Christina Krumrine Garrison Botts Stanley R. Freilich and Carol Marquand Marie Cole Christopher and Jennifer Post Mr. and Mrs. William E. Boyce Robert and Catherine Friedman John and Ingrid Collins Eve T. Propp/The Eve Propp Family Todd C. Bradbury Dean Gallea Ruth Cowan Foundation, Inc. Elizabeth Bradford Colleen Galvin Christopher Craig Mr. and Mrs. John R. Reese Mr. and Mrs. Martin I. Bresler Garden Club of Irvington-on-Hudson Heather M. Croner Victoria S. Reese and Greg Kennedy Louise Brinkerhoff Louis Gehring Ronald Crovisier and Diana Staats William D. Regner and Jennifer Burleigh Andrew N. Brody Naola Beth Gersten-Woolf Lou D’Arminio Nadine Revheim Tracy Brown Mrs. Thaddeus J. Gesek Rosalind Dickinson and Michael Drillinger Hope Rogers Thomas Burt Theodore Gewertz Brian DiFeo Thomas A. Romich and Max Friedman C. Drekovic, Inc. Nicholas and Darcie Giansante Michèle Dominy David Rosenberg and Bernice K. Leber John W. Caffry, Esq. Richard Gilbert Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Duffy Mr. and Mrs. Gary Rosenberg Mary E. Campbell Suzanne A. Gillespie Mr. and Mrs. Brian H. Dumaine Barry Ross and Mary Jean Wyatt Ross Kenneth Campisi Andrew and Denise Gluck Nancy P. Durr Mr. and Mrs. George S. Rothbart Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Carleton Ron G. Goldman and Julia Goldman Stanley J. Dusek Alan and Sayada Rothschild Hayley Carlock Perry Goldschein Joel and Arline Epstein Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Salberg Nancy Carmichael and Michael Washburn Dr. and Mrs. Lee S. Goldsmith Peter R. Eriksen Jeffrey Scales Katrina Cary and Manu Bammi Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Goldstein Margaret J. Evans and William Zifchak Laurie Hirsch Schulz and Jay D. Schulz Karen M. Caton Stephen Gormory and Elizabeth Ann Hanson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Evans David M. Schwartz John A. Celentano, Jr. Joy and Francis Goudie Fats in the Cats Bicycle Club Rita and Paul Shaheen Katharine M. Chapman/ Mr. and Mrs. George W. Gowen Elizabeth Feely Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Sheehan Chapman Family Fund Mr. Evan Greenberg and Mr. Jon Snyder Charles Flock and Deborah Flock Howard Sherman and Martha Hally Paul Childs Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Greenberg Gail S. Ganter-Toback Sacha Spector and Daphne Uviller Lubomir J. Chmelar James J. Greene Claudia Ganz Jonathan S. Spencer Stacy Christensen John A. Griesemer and Ardith Orr Jane and Larry Garrick Edward Esty Stowell, Jr. Robert Christianson and Jean Blair Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Griffin Libbie F. Gerry Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Tanenbaum Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Clark Margery and Arthur Groten Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gibbons Anna D. Tetrault Ms. Barbara H. Cohen Mary G. Gurney Matthew Glomski Edward Tuck Anthony Coneski Nathan Gwirtz Sharna Goldseker and Simon Greer Theresa Vanyo Fred D. Cook, Jr. Marten J. Halma Ann Green Alan R. Viani Harriet Cornell Gary Handel and Loretta Villani Barbara Gronquist Douglas and Jo-Ann Ward Marystephanie Corsones Lucy Harayda Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Hanlon Mrs. William B. Warren Bernadette Cracchiolo Giselle N. Harrington JoAnn Hanson James Werkowski Rise K. Cross Shawn J. Harrington and Diane P. Adler Jody and Peter Harris Allison Whiting and Frederick Schroeder/ Gerry Cuite Marion Harris Ryan Hart Resnicow Schroeder Associates, Inc. Christian R. Cullen Patrick E. Harris W. Stephen Harty Kate Whitney and Franklin A. Thomas David Cunningham William L. Harris and JoAnne Simon Alice P. Henkin Thomas H. Wiles Patricia Daly and Henry F. Schreiber Ralph Harvard John & Sarah Freeman Foundation William Holman Gallery Mr. and Mrs. Scott E. Davies Richard Hausner Reuel and Julia Jordan Mr. and Mrs. James Wood James W. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Eliot D. Hawkins Brian Keating Jeffrey S. Wood Kenneth P. Dengler Herring Sanitation Service Caitlin Kelly Scott and Marcy Zecher Patrick K. Donahue Charles D. Hewett, Jr. Thomas H. Kennedy Karen Zukowski and David Diamond/ Mary H. Donelik Mr. and Mrs. Glenn E. Higgins Sandra J. Kinet Zukowski Diamond Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Donofrio Susan Hillel and Pavel Hillel Adrian and Elizabeth Kitzinger Rev. and Mrs. Herbert Donovan Susan L. Hirsch Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Lang Gifts of $100-249 Dwight Douglas Jack and Bunny Hoffinger Nora Lavori/Lavori Sterling Foundation Anonymous (74) Roger Downs Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hoguet III Sylvia Leonard-Levitan Adams Fairacre Farms Mr. and Mrs. Joe Duke Mr. and Mrs. Sigmund Holtz James N. Levitt Richard Adamski Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eberhart III Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Hooker Kim E. Lewis Catherine Baer Katharine Edgar Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Hoopes, Jr. Arthur Lowenstein Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Baldwin Nancy M. Edwards James L. Hoover Mr. and Mrs. Glenn D. Lowry Mr. and Mrs. Richard Baratta E. Allan Eggleston Hudson River Sloop Clearwater Linda J. Luca Joan Barenholtz Joanne Elliott Hudson Valley Harvest William L. and Julie T. Lupatkin Joyce L. Barnathan and Steven F. Strasser Roland Ellis Andre M. Hurni Anne P. Mackinnon Mr. and Mrs. Bradford S. Barr Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ellman Janet S. Hutchings Kimberly Malleolo Jane Liddell Bass Jeffrey Embree Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Hyatt Mr. and Mrs. Joel Mandelbaum Beacon Sloop Club Jan Endlich Mr. and Mrs. Leonard S. Hyman Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Marchetti Daniel Belasco David A. Engel, Esq. Lars Hyttinen Lisa Fox Martin Amy Benesch Susan Epstein Nathaniel A. Jackson Robert K. Marx Robert J. Berlin Peter Q. Eschweiler Michael Jacoff and Jeanne Vanecko Hope Mauran Jamie Bernanke and Shaye Areheart Sheldon Evans and Martha McMaster Deborah J. Jindela and Ronald M. Harvey Mr. and Mrs. Glen Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Victor M. Meyers Judith Ryan and William Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Philip K. Van Itallie Andrew N. Jones Richard Milazzo and Joy Glass Deborah Saccardi Othoniel Vazquez Dominguez Julie H. Jordan Charles H. Milligan and Mrs. Frances G. Safford Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Von Mechow E. William Judson Henry H. Westmoreland Emma Lou Sailors Gary vonBieberstein Amy Kacala Irene and Kevin Minerley Robert C. Samuels Robert Vuillet H. Denise Kahn Elizabeth Moffett Bruce Sanderov Corrine and Bob Wagner Mr. and Mrs. N. Richard Kalikow B. Ruth Montgomery Odd E. Sangesland and Ellen M. Sangesland Nancy Ward Dr. and Mrs. D. Evan Kanouse Elizabeth D. Moore William Sarokin Katy Moss Warner Howard Kaplowitz John Morgan Gregory Sauter Lee Warshavsky and Susan Bargman Mr. and Mrs. Robert Katz Gary Morgenroth Harriet H. Savage Jane A. Waters and Dr. Peter Caldwell Sarah L. Kennedy and Marian Pompa J. Malcolm Morris Paul Schlender Cari Watkins-Bates Mr. and Mrs. David Kettler Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Morris Mary Coxe Schlosser Mr. and Mrs. Russell E. Watson Joseph and Jill Rae Kiernan Jennifer Morrissy Dr. and Mrs. Michael H. Schmidt John C. Weeks Lauren C. Kingman III Kathryn Mullaney Noel P. Schulz William and Yee Ling Weeks Richard M. Kleinhenz and Brian P. Murphy David and Ruth Schwab Michael Wehner Linda M. Kleinhenz Robert C. Murray Mr. and Mrs. David S. Schwartz Elizabeth H. Weinshel and Joel P. Goldfarb Kevin Koestner Mary Beth Mylott-Fasano and JP Fasano Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. O. Schwarz, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Myles Weintraub Elizabeth P. Kohn Shahid Naeem Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sciulli William W. Weisner Henryka Komanska J. Henry Neale, Jr. Linda N. Scorsone Donald and Bernice Widjeskog Susan Kotulak and Ronald Sencer Mrs. John C. Newington Kathryn J. Scott Victor Wiener Gail Krein Blake T. Newton III George B. Scribner Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wildonger Caroline and Henrik Kronqvist Steven L. Nissen Janet Seaman David Wilkinson Mr. and Mrs. Lars I. Kulleseid Heidi Nitze Sallejane Seif Ellen Williams Peggy Kurtz Ralph and Katharine Nixon Judith Shapiro Mr. and Mrs. Doug Wilson Gary and Edna Lachmund Mr. and Mrs. John D. Nobiletti Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shute Penelope Wilson Susan Lally Amy M. Novatt and Ronald D. Whitmont Elizabeth Sidamon-Eristoff and Hunter Lewis Eric Wirth Jonathan Lamb Anne J. Olmstead Mr. and Mrs. Simon Sidamon-Eristoff Rebecca Wisniewski Peggy Lampman and Ian Nitschke Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Olsen Steve Silverberg Scott Wittchen Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Latzman Diane O’Reilly Judi Simmons and Arthur Magun Karen F. Wojtyla Christina M. Lawes and Colin C. Frost Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Osborn III/ Simons Foundation Peggy Wong Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin C.P. Lee Easter Foundation Patricia J. Singer Donald J. Yanulavich Cavin P. Leeman Barbara Page Norman Sissman and Charlotte Sissman Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Zagoria Becky Letcher Robert Paley and Leslie E. Schneier Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace Michael Zarin, Esq. Bonnie G. Le Var Ann Pascetta Carol L. Sloan Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zinder Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Levine Sara Pasti Mr. and Mrs. James Smith Richard Levy, Jr. Mrs. Gerald Paul Jane Simkin Smith Gifts in Memory of Peter C. Lincoln Kathryn Permut Jeremy Smith William Englert Michael Lokensgard Jeanette L. Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Sobel Charles M. Fales Arlene London Meta V. Plotnik Eleanor Cotton Solovay Donald Frank Mr. and Mrs. Joel London Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Plummer David J. Spector and. Joslyn Levy Louis Frazita Thomas E. Lovejoy Ronald M. Podell Paula and Jerome Spector Harriet Gamper Julie Lowy Harvey Podolsky Sacha Spector and Daphne Uviller Mary McCann L.H. Lumey Robert Pogue Judith Spektor and Barry Benepe Thomas Schoonmaker Robert LuPone Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Polastre Pearl Spiro and Daniel Morrison Henry S. Sharp Tali Magal Mr. and Mrs. Marvin R. Pollock Joseph Squillante and Carol Capobianco Cushing B. and Rosalie H. Snider Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Mahar Mr. and Mrs. David L. Posner Alec Peter Stais John and Elise Stein Walter B. Mahony III Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Powell Patricia Stalker Dorothy Dudley Thorndike Frank J. Mammone Dr. Martin R. Prince William and Gwendolyn Stevens Maris Van Alen Albert Manganelli The Prudential Foundation Christin Stockton Carla Latham Webb Laura L. Mantell and Alan M. Mantell Mr. and Mrs. Frederic P. Putnam Mr. and Mrs. Roger D. Stone Mr. and Mrs. William T. Maple Christopher K. Quimby Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Strait Lucy W. March Thomas G. Quinn Dr. and Mrs. Gary H. Swalsky Gifts in Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Paul N. Marcus Meg Rasmussen Wylie and Sallie Sypher Betty Capaccio Peter Eriksen Ken Margolies Charles A. Reinbold Frederick L. Taber Ruth and Greg Gau Marist College Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Reisert Wai Chun Tang Jonathan Goodnough Langdon Marsh Jane A. Restani Barbara Tanguay and Seth Slater Suzanne Hamlin Mr. and Mrs. St. Clair M. Marshall Kenneth M. Rhodes Stephen W. Tator Lisina Hoch Mr. and Mrs. Jerome S. Marton William L. Richardson Lisa Taylor Lauren Jacobson Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Mason Rita J. Riehle Thendara Mountain Club Douglas and Judi Krupp Carl Riskin Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Mazzarella Rebecca E. Thornton Richard and Natasha Krupp Mr. and Mrs. Albino M. Rocchi Charles and Debra McCambridge Russ G. Tigges Chip Loewenson Sally McClean Rock and Snow, Inc. Timely Signs of Kingston Richard Polich and Cathy Kuttner Mr. and Mrs. Douglas S. McCorkle Richard and LyLy Rockwell Barbara Joyce Torpie Hilary Russell Carole S. and David D. McDermott Thomas P. Ronan Town of Cortlandt David Sive Cornelia McDougald Katherine Roome John M. True Ian Solomon Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McEvoy Carol E. Rosenthal Nicholas Tulve Dorit Straus Anne Marie McGovern Merril Roth Daniel Turgeon Ned Sullivan Merck Foundation Mrs. Timothy S. Rothermel John F. Tweddle JoAnn and Donald Waldorf Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Merson Howard Rothstein University of Notre Dame Mr. Heino F. L. Meyer-Bahlburg Sharon and Blake Rowe Russell and Wendy Urban-Mead Built to withstand flooding from rising sea levels, our new pavilion at Esopus Meadows Preserve will host environmental-education programs and community events.

Participating Matching Gift Bridge Park Corporation Richard Krupp Tim Stanley CBRE, Inc./Valuation & Advisory Group Lavelle & Finn, LLP Stortz Lighting Companies and Foundations Churchtown Dairy Law Offices of Stephen J. Small, Esq. Sullivan & Cromwell LLP American International Group Constitution Marsh Audubon Center & Scott P. Longstreet, Esq. Laura Sumner Bank of America Matching Gift Program Sanctuary Brian Lynch/Botanical Designs Susan Wisniewski Landscape, LLC Bank of New York Mellon Community Con-Tech Construction Technology, Inc. Maple Leaf Associates, LLC TEC Land Surveying Partnership Crawford & Associates Engineering and Mathews Nielsen Landscape Architects, PC Tilcon New York, Inc. Capital Group Companies Charitable Land Surveying, PC McGrath & Co., Inc. Town of Esopus Volunteer Ambulance Squad Foundation Corie Davis Charles McKinney Town of Lloyd Chubb & Son, Inc. Debevoise & Plimpton, LLP Nina McLemore Transitional Builders, Inc. Goldman, Sachs & Co. Dia:Beacon W. Patrick McMullan Ulster County Iron Works, Inc. Grainger DiStasi, Moriello & Murphy Medenbach & Eggers Josie Waters IBM Corporation Ecosystems Services, Inc. Metro-North Railroad Emily Watson/Plan Bee Farm Brewery Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies Fats in the Cats Bicycle Club David K. A. Mordecai and Samantha Yonkers Contracting Company, Inc. Merck Foundation Mark Forlow Kappagoda Zero to Go The Prudential Foundation Garrison Realty Group Morrison & Foerster LLP Quaker Chemical Corporation Garrison Tree, Inc. Mountain Tops Outfitters, Inc. Samson Capital Advisors Global Palate Restaurant Peoples Bicycle Teleflex Foundation Grainger Philipstown Tree Service UBS Foundation Margery Groten Putnam History Museum USAA Harney & Sons Fine Teas Douglas Raelson Jody Harris Red Cap Cleaners Gifts-in-Kind Hillrock Estate Distillery Reed Hilderbrand, LLC Adams Fairacre Farms Landscaping Hudson River Expeditions Diane Reeder/Kingston Candy Bar Atlantic Kayak Tours, Inc. Hudson Valley Appraisal Corporation Frederic C. Rich Audubon New York Hudson Valley Harvest Robert Rodriguez, Jr. Photography Badey & Watson Surveying & Engineering, PC Hudson Valley Seed Rodenhausen Chale, LLP Bank Square Coffeehouse Hyde Park Visual and Environmental Scenic Hudson’s Volunteers Benjamin Banks-Dobson Committee Secor Farms Peter Barnard Kellar Kellar & Jaiven Sneeringer Monahan Provost Redgrave Title Barry Price Architecture Christopher and Claudine Klose Agency, Inc. Boy Scout Troop #32 T. Arron Kotlensky Board of Directors The following board members served during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015

Scenic Hudson Officers and Sheila M. Platt Governance Committees Program Committees Directors MSW Clinical Social Worker James C. Goodfellow Chairman David Redden Executive Committee Land Use Advocacy Committee Chairman, Fiduciary Trust Company International Vice Chairman, Sotheby’s North & South America James C. Goodfellow Chair Alexander Reese Chair Kristin Gamble Co-Vice Chair Simon Roosevelt Kristin Gamble Co-Vice Chair Sarah A.W. Fitts President, Flood, Gamble Associates, Inc. Olimpia Fund Management, Ltd. Alexander Reese Co-Vice Chair Irvine D. Flinn• W. Patrick McMullan Treasurer Kristin Gamble Alexander Reese Co-Vice Chair Leigh Seippel Francesca Olivieri Secretary Carlos González W. Patrick McMullan Treasurer Dawn Watson Frederic C. Rich Ex Officio Officer Marjorie L. Hart Managing Director and Head of U.S. Healthcare Dawn Watson Photography; Former Principal, Averdale Investment Banking, Barclays Capital International; Former DW Dance Company Evan Mason Finance Committee Zack McKown Francesca Olivieri Secretary Julia Harte Widdowson Green Living Consultant W. Patrick McMullan Chair W. Patrick McMullan Usha Wright James B. Clark David K.A. Mordecai Frederic C. Rich Ex Officio Officer President, SHARE Africa Sarah A.W. Fitts Brian Shea• Author James C. Goodfellow Dawn Watson Raoul Bhavnani The Scenic Hudson Land Trust Senior Managing Director, Global Affairs, FTI Consulting Officers and Directors Investment Committee Parks Committee Kristin Gamble Chair Leigh Seippel Chair Chris Buck Frederic C. Rich* Chair President, The Peter and Carmen Lucia Buck Foundation James B. Clark Chris Buck Simon Roosevelt* Vice Chair Betsy Gile• Francesca Olivieri James B. Clark W. Patrick McMullan* Treasurer Gary Glynn• Rudolph S. Rauch III‡ Co-Chief Investment Officer, Pine River Capital Management Rudolph S. Rauch III Secretary Carlos González Dawn Watson Michael P. Dowling Former Managing Director, Opera News James C. Goodfellow Wheelock Whitney III‡ Immediate Past Chair, Land Trust Alliance; President, MPD Conservation Ventures; Director, Colorado Public Ned Sullivan Assistant Secretary Frederic C. Rich Julia Harte Widdowson Radio James B. Clark* Simon Roosevelt Maarten van Hengel• Environmental Advocacy Sarah A.W. Fitts Kristin Gamble* Partner, Debevoise & Plimpton, LLP Committee Marjorie L. Hart* Carlos González Audit Committee Douglas S. Land Chair Director of Client Asset Management, David H. Mortimer* W. Patrick McMullan Chair Michael P. Dowling Oriental Group Kristin Gamble Sarah A.W. Fitts Alexander Reese* Marjorie L. Hart James C. Goodfellow Marjorie L. Hart Former Vice Chair, Park Avenue Armory Conservancy; Leigh Seippel* Carl H. Loewenson, Jr. Richard Krupp NY League of Conservation Voters; National Council, Land Trust Alliance Wheelock Whitney III Frederic C. Rich Susan C. Livingston• Friedrike Merck• Lisina M. Hoch Emeritus Human Resources Committee Frederic C. Rich Honorary Life Trustee, The Asia Society; Honorary President’s Council David Redden Chair Jay Saunders• Trustee, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; of Advisors Fellow, The Explorers Club Marjorie L. Hart Usha Wright Bruce Babbitt Merit E. Janow David S.E. Noble Dean, Columbia University, School of International Andrea Soros Colombel Sheila M. Platt Public Policy Committee and Public Affairs; Professor of Practice, International Peter J. Davoren Economic Law and International Affairs Marjorie L. Hart Chair Susan C. Livingston Executive Compensation Irvine D. Flinn• Richard H. Klapper Frank Martucci Committee Merit E. Janow Partner, Sullivan & Cromwell LLP Judith A. McHale James C. Goodfellow Chair Douglas S. Land Richard Krupp Kristin Gamble David K.A. Mordecai Managing Partner, Pierpoint Capital James H. Ottaway, Jr. Tom Secunda Marjorie L. Hart David H. Mortimer Douglas S. Land Jennifer Speers Merit E. Janow Rudolph S. Rauch III‡ The Chesapeake Group David Redden Carl H. Loewenson, Jr. Board Membership and Frederic C. Rich Honorary Directors Partner, Morrison & Foerster LLP Governance Committee Usha Wright Robert H. Boyle Evan Mason Sarah A.W. Fitts Co-Chair Founder, Sustainable Yards and Homes; Board Member, Anne P. Cabot David S.E. Noble Co-Chair Conservation Science Advisory NYLCV, Greenhome NYC; Member, SWIM Coalition Nash Castro James C. Goodfellow Committee Eileen McComb-Schieneman George W. Gowen Merit E. Janow Klaus Jacob• Co-Chair Elizabeth J. McCormack Barnabas McHenry Carl H. Loewenson, Jr. David K.A. Mordecai Co-Chair Rockefeller Family and Associates; Board Member, Trust Elizabeth B. Pugh Alexander Reese Betsy Blair• for Mutual Understanding Laurance Rockefeller Simon Roosevelt Stuart Findlay• Zack McKown Alexander E. Zagoreos Eric Sanderson• Co-founding Partner, Tsao & McKown Architects George Schuler• David K.A. Mordecai Bill Schuster• President and Co-Founder, Risk Economic Limited Inc.; Visiting Scholar, Courant Institute for Mathematical Sciences, NYU; Principal Scientist/Lead Investigator, RiskEcon Lab for Decision Metrics, NYU David H. Mortimer President, The American Assembly David S.E. Noble Senior Advisor, Egon Zehnder; Senior Advisor, Oliver Wyman Group; Advisory Board Member for Credit Suisse • Non-board member * Board member of both Scenic Hudson and The Scenic Hudson Land Trust ‡ The Scenic Hudson Land Trust board member Staff The following are our staff members as of October 2015

President Anthony Coneski Ned Sullivan Parks Events and Volunteer Coordinator President Dennis Heinz Anna D. Tetrault Parks Stewardship Coordinator Executive Assistant to the President Matt Kennedy Parks Maintenance Assistant Program Staff Carley Kiernan Parks and Trails Coordinator Steve Rosenberg Senior Vice President; Joseph Kiernan Executive Director of The Scenic Hudson Land Trust, Inc. Parks Project Manager Bethe Myers Dorothy McQuaid Executive Assistant SCA Parks and Trails Assistant Meg Rasmussen Senior Park Planner Conservation Science Remembering Klara Sauer Kristin Sullivan Scenic Hudson mourns the passing of Sacha Spector SCA Education Outreach Assistant Director of Conservation Science Klara Sauer, executive director from 1979- Laura Sumner 1999. Under her determined leadership, Nava Tabak Administrative Assistant Conservation Scientist the organization conserved nearly 20,000 acres of land, established its farmland Public Policy protection initiative and created 19 parks. Environmental Advocacy Andy Bicking All who enjoy the Hudson Valley’s natural Hayley Carlock Director of Public Policy treasures benefit from Klara’s vision and Director of Environmental Advocacy passion for making this a better place to Althea Mullarkey live, work and play. Audrey Friedrichsen Public Policy Analyst Land Use and Environmental Advocacy Attorney Jake Salt Advocacy Associate for Land Use and Public Policy Communications Jay Burgess Scenic Hudson, Inc. Director of Communications One Civic Center Plaza, Suite 200 Land & Conservation Easement Acquisition Corie Davis Poughkeepsie, NY 12601-3157 Seth McKee Administrative Assistant 845 473 4440 • Land Conservation Director Scenic Hudson, Inc., is a charitable, nonprofit corporation classified by the Internal Seth Martel Revenue Service as a publicly supported tax-exempt organization under Section Othoniel Vazquez Dominguez Graphic Designer 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. A copy of the latest financial report may GIS and Land Resources Analyst Reed Sparling be obtained by writing to Scenic Hudson, Inc., or to the New York State Attorney General’s Office, Charities Bureau, 120 Broadway, New York, NY 10271. Michael Knutson Writer Land Project Manager Jason Taylor James Mudd Publications and Web Manager Photographs Conservation GIS Manager Daniel Avila/NYC Parks: cover Nathaniel Nardi-Cyrus Robert Rodriguez, Jr. Land Stewardship Coordinator Development Matt Shipkey Erin Riley pp. 2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 7 (bottom), pp. 8-9 (clockwise from top left Senior Land Project Manager Vice President for External Relations 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8), 12-13, 14-15, 18-19, 22-23, 26-27; Kim Tiller-Cook Jody Harris Jim Peppler p. 9 (top left); Gwendolyn Chambers pp. 10- Administrative Assistant Assistant Director of Development 11; Matthew Kierstead: pp. 16-17; Reddit user SuperTuff p. Cari Watkins-Bates Margaret A. King 17 (bottom); Marion Mathison: pp.20-21; Ted Spiegel p. Assistant Land Conservation Director Assistant Director of Development 21 (bottom); pp. 24-25; All other photos, Scenic Hudson staff. Alicia Wiseman Leslie Lewis Development Assistant Conservation Easement Manager Copyright © 2015 Scenic Hudson, Inc. Patti Mitchell Written/designed by Scenic Hudson staff Administrative Assistant Land Use Advocacy Veronica Renzo J. Jeffrey Anzevino Database Coordinator Director of Land Use Advocacy Matt Rohr Peter Barnard Development Associate–Writer Urban Designer Amy Kacala Senior Planner Operations & Finance Joe Kazlauskas Chief Finance and Operations Officer Parks & Preserves Nicholas Bona Rita D. Shaheen Assistant Controller Director of Parks Robin Elliott Heather Blaikie Accountant Park Planner Gail Krein-Clearwater Kate Brill Executive Assistant Education Outreach Coordinator Theresa Vanyo Geoff Carter Human Resources Director Parks and Stewardship Manager Scenic Hudson, Inc. One Civic Center Plaza Suite 200 Poughkeepsie, NY 12601-3157 Tel: 845 473 4440 Fax: 845 473 2648 [email protected]