I!?.I??I Vcity Drug Store but Direct to to Forty-Eight
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-- members, 'both? Houses, toTget a - 'TiMSmoSBJdrthlEeum?1 i rngaujHrjpajggyjy. zjc ,feic asr s.. THE OREGOH SEHTDIH,. our of grant for either. The legislative pro- atism, Neuralgia, Gout, and Scrofula, Versailles, Oct. 7. via. Berlin. APPLEGaTE. At Ashbttd, on the 11th inst, atTTT'l M lTriaeW ceedings, as it now stands, will em- should try Dr. S. G. Smith's "Aramir- - tn SixvKDxr 15; 18161 The Powth Prussian cavalrv are scour xiss Annie Milter Abnegate, aged Z2 years fqianse, Oct. is 11 months ; daughter of Lindsay and barrass the proceedings of gettingAa ing the country, towards. Lorvft. They-drov- aculas;" a cure guaranteed. It. aid Jfteenvbundred,'Mobilea''outof by - ariabetaHW- - fU Eail-road- s- grant for any route totfce Hamboldt. claimed tbfrme&cinirthaC its enra- Oregon Legislative Joggling on " M B' Li J of Montford. Nothing innortant"3has ro wonderful - . Wc call upon the friends Southern uve powera io ccn- (V-ij- 1C transpired before Paris yesterday or V . M Oregon to reconsider and aknul the to ence. or aaie oy ft the entire Stras- WtUiJJonglass, "Ine thimble tricks and somersaults day. During siege of T O Whiteaker resolution, so as to give our bourg, the Germans lost nine hundred Citv Dim; Store, Jacksonville. Oregon. V Tu.uT3. the " AL-wa- ys of the Oregon Democracy and Senators and our Representative a killed and wounded, including lone and all dealers in Medicine. FULL ANn,COPLETE STOCK rail'--, A 'oh hana afthe' a Oregon, Democratic legislature on chance to get a grant; so we may have hundred and thirteen officers. The be- I5oct70m6 E. D. Weshax, reads "beat experienced gamblers on the, a railroad, not only to San "Francisco, sieging force is now moving towards thim-tyc'rlg- . ", Paris. is asserted there is complete notorious and infamous tricks of communication the Hum- It i!?.i??i vCity Drug Store but direct to to forty-eight-. underground communication tPan -- . Cougii laro," monte, and causes'the tjiinrjaJl ii boldt " , and Tours from Colotroe. Jndevtnd- - Qn prior to the election of ' - j . frieid4ftli& sufferer, asimuch pain; as aiHe. the night ence ti jrrussisni arei v. 1-r- l . J . ?. 1 .:t:,t-- . A jtuge inumaies mat we calrtheipectalWlttlenuoa1 or oarVIrenders "(i'..' Senator Kelly, the Democracy, in cauT Eev. Weninger oe Oregon Governors, alarmed at the approach of winter, and the'streThimselt Dr.. TFsfof' to the adTertisements of that favorite home BOOKS, - ens, CoL Kelly to pledge him disposed to press the siege of .Paris. Baltam of I?W7Arry will certain required remedj,yerry(DaTi'FAIN KILLER. II has Th Pawer at ImaftnatlMi. nas oeen coughs, self splfcranly; in imting, to use all iipernai completely evacuated ly cure colds, arrest consume Defore.'tlie publielover and Ba-nov- been tears,, by the Prussians. Dispatch .from e, tuirtt efforts secure line of rail-rta- d, tion, and that ipee'dily.wiWben did it probably bas a; and reputation possible to a In a recent work, published by Rev. Department of the Loire, says wider better with the Oregon and ever fail 1, than any other nroDrfetT medicine of the rjres-- connecting Father Weninger, entitled Catholicity, the enemy is evacuating the country ; V- J Wt; eat day. At' thii period there are but few un tMSGmy California railroad in Itogue River val-le- beyond and are falling on CbOl Protestantism, and Infallibility, and Tours, backj A ScnoLAEsmp in the National Bus- acquainted witn tie merits or the rain Killer ; ..I Etampes. ' .'., ,whlle tome extol It as a liniment, they from the North Bend of Humboldt, circulated bere somewhat extensively, but ' MasomcFra--'.'. iness College, at Portland, can be had know but little of Its power la easing pain 9rtfT i Ibbsk resist strenuously all Congres- London, October 7th. internally, audio on next to the last page, Protestants on favorable tersoriiy 'applying at the when taken while others use it in Pari-fi- lerniiy oi rngiana nave uuuinuuieu ternally with great success, but are equally Ig- sional aid to the Oregon Branch e follow pious'ex-ampl- e GASOLINE OIL & LAMPS are admonished to the seventy thousand pounds sterling lor Sentinel office. norant oMts healing virtues when applied ex- railroad known as the Pengra route, eminent la Bur-nett- e, relief of families of German soldiers. ternally. " We therefore, wish to tay to all that of the wyer,llr. AT THE ";r- until the Oregon and California rail The great gun lor fort de ivory on It is equally successful whether used internally who; the author says,, was, form- WILLIAM DAVIDSON, or externally, and it standi tday. unrivalled io. outh side of Paris is nearly ready to aOx-xxaj- f road be completed, or its completion erly. Governor of Oregon. This man, Ofice, No. 64 Front Street, by all the great catalogue of Family Medicine. Olty' be placed in position. Its range is is sufficient evidence of Its virtues as a stand- Itbre.::Ij - placed beyond a question. PORTLAND, -- ,. -- , "oRTQON. It ot is by the author, on examining thirty-fiv- e - it stated eight killometcrs, and ifrequires it, ard medicine, to know that it is now used In all i i . The next day the Legislative Assem- for himself became convinced of.the killogrammes of powder for each parts of the world and that its sale is constant- REAL ESTATE DEALER. ly increasing. No curative agent bas bad such qa bly endorsed pledges made by ar- . ,AEX0X-F0B.T8K- tle truth of Catholicism and joined the discharge. Prince Bonaparte has widespread sale or given such universal satis- "Senator Kelly by passing Hon. Fay's rived in London. Prussian guns' near- Special CMlecior of Claims. faction. is. a purely .vegetable compound, Catholics. It jmLiGZ-ycjTE- Tesolution which instructs our Senators ly all in position before Paris and bom and perfectly safe, even in unskillful hands. There is only one difficulty in the an A. Urge Amount of CITY and EAST PORTLAND Proptrtjr bardment win be commenced irora m Representative in Congress to use way of circulating this beautiful story batteries simultaneously tho moment for Silk r W. L: 'COWAN;.Drugg&u; --all,possible efforts, and influence in the and its .highly beneficial results, and arrangements are perfected. Alto, IMPROVaD'ARMgylabl-oailtJtaU- 4 LANDS, located In all pvtt of tho State. u r,- passage through Congress of the bifl to Times indicate trouble i Jacksonville, Sept. 'lo;"1870.' that is that no man by the name of Dispatches InTeitmtnU In ATE, and other PR0PERTT in Demands for REALIST giving aid to the road from Humboldt Burnette ever did govern Oregon. Paris. are 'making nude for correcpondenUi HORSE FAIR! confiscation of all who left' ! toUogue River valloy. This resolution of property CLAIMS of all descriptions pronpUj collected.. BV AUTHORITY OF A SPECrAL ACT"W " This us in mind of a description F puts for benefit' of national defenders. TnE LEGISLATURE OF STATE-O- Paris, HOUSES end STORES leased!. m THE passed both Houses almost unanimous- we heard given in tie Atlantic States, The question of food .begins to be seri JACKSON COUNTY HOKSE FAIR CALIFORNIA. AU kinds of TiaancUl and Generel; Agent? boslnejl ly, only,Mr. DorrisandMr. Whiteaker, who, claimed to have ous, and riots are feared.' The .clab will commence on in 1850, by a man tnmactM. r i? 5 Sijooooooiull in the voting it. are urging the people on saying House, against 6een the extensive mining operations men Pmrtlet hiring EARM PE0PERTY for,. tale wnlpleue Thursday, October 27, 1870, the provisions belong the people, and On the same day, in the House, they Coast. stated this, he to i and continue three days. GIFT CONCERT w of this Having GRAND Paris had no right to take -- them THIS OFFICE, In rich 'oh the principal CITIES and the MERCANTILE LIBRARY" voted down Mr. "WT.iteaker's substitute that the' was "asked irive description of en-- , TOWNS of thli STATE. - The following is the Programme for ASSOCIATION of San Francisco. Califetnia,.. to' a there. There has been a few night " for,Mr.; Fay's resolution, which favored Rocky "Mountain scenery, a buffalo counters of organized bands of people. Monday, OctoberfstlsVo. "' , FIRST DAYt Tickets of admljsion, $5, gold coin. the Pengra route. On the 30th Sept. k- Burnsides is in Paris. He declares the Single dash of I mile, for all two year, old chase, - when ho replied, "I never HT Questions for the Sickly the House again took up the White- fortifications formidable. Washburne'a Colts First Premium, $75 ; .Second Premium, Treasurer The Bank of California. saw them." He was then asked for a and $25. Also a single dash of mile, free to all ; During the jentertatnraerlt the sum tff $50P,- - Messrs. residence is barricaded and undermined, aker resolution and passed it ; description of a storm on the ocean,' Zs it north-- while to endure penal Premium, $50. 000 United States Gold Coin wilt be retiirned All Americans will leave the city when to the holders of tickets, by the Dunbar,' Davenport, O'Rcgan and ! SEOOND distribution, by whales, porpoises, fcc., when he again goes. A baJloon company offers to torture after every ni'ealwben indigest DAY: chance, of the following GIFTS : he Stallion Trotting, 3 and 5 for all Stallions Starkweather being the only members for 2,000 1 replied, "I never saw them." "What," take people out of the city ion can be immediately relieved and raised and owned in the county First Premi- Gift of $100,000 Gol- d- 1 Gift of who voted against it. said his interrogator, "did you not go francs per head. Prussians opened can- permanently cured by so agreeable a um.' $75 ; Second Premium, $25.