

Steven Saylor | 320 pages | 13 Oct 2015 | Minotaur Books | 9781250015983 | English | United States Wrath of the Furies: A Novel of the Ancient World

With a plot driven by the place of Roman and Greek gods in ancient societies, Gordianus must deal with the Grand Magus and Great Megabyzoi, and he learns that the Furies, those troublesome winged sisters older than , must be appeased with a virgin sacrifice. Only then can Mithridates approach the goddess Artemis to bless his evil scheme. Wrath of the Furies is a novel by American author Steven Saylor, first published by Minotaur Books in It is the fifteenth book in his Roma Sub Rosa series of mystery stories set in the final decades of the , but the third chronologically. The main character is the Roman sleuth Gordianus the Finder. Plot summary. Wrath of the Furies is the third prequel, and it’s a bit rougher than the first two, as befits the title. War is hell, and ancient power struggles were not pretty. Yet, while he does describe some historical war atrocities, Saylor’s plot also focuses on his fictional protagonist, Gordianus the Finder. Wrath of the Furies: A Novel of the Ancient World (Novels of #15) (Hardcover)

Female Furies miniseries. Big Barda, , Bernadeth, , and Mad Harriet appear as the protagonists of the six-issue miniseries. Set in an alternate universe, the Furies attempt to overcome sexism and misogyny on , eventually driving and his forces off of the planet and leaving women to rule. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Wrath of the Furies: A Novel of the Ancient World by Steven Saylor (Paperback / softback, ) at the best online prices at eBay!. With a plot driven by the place of Roman and Greek gods in ancient societies, Gordianus must deal with the Grand Magus and Great Megabyzoi, and he learns that the Furies, those troublesome winged sisters older than Zeus, must be appeased with a virgin sacrifice. Only then can Mithridates approach the goddess Artemis to bless his evil scheme. WRATH OF THE FURIES

Wrath of the Furies is another in Robert Southworth's books about Rome. It is entirely separate from the Spartacus series, but readers will recognise certain common themes. In particular there is the casual and ingrained cruelty of the society, and the stubborn attempts of a few individuals to live contrary to the prevailing trend. In 88 B.C., it seems as if the entire ancient world is at war. In the west, the Italian states are rebelling against Rome; in the east, Mithridates is marching through and conquering the Roman Asian provinces. Even in the relatively calm Alexandria, a coup has brought a new Pharaoh to power and chaos to the streets. Female Furies miniseries. Big Barda, Lashina, Bernadeth, Stompa, and Mad Harriet appear as the protagonists of the Female Furies six-issue miniseries. Set in an alternate universe, the Furies attempt to overcome sexism and misogyny on Apokolips, eventually driving Darkseid and his forces off of the planet and leaving women to rule. Female Furies

Wrath of the Furies is the third prequel, and it’s a bit rougher than the first two, as befits the title. War is hell, and ancient power struggles were not pretty. Yet, while he does describe some historical war atrocities, Saylor’s plot also focuses on his fictional protagonist, Gordianus the Finder. Wrath of the Furies is another in Robert Southworth's books about Rome. It is entirely separate from the Spartacus series, but readers will recognise certain common themes. In particular there is the casual and ingrained cruelty of the society, and the stubborn attempts of a few individuals to live contrary to the prevailing trend. In 88 B.C., it seems as if the entire ancient world is at war. In the west, the Italian states are rebelling against Rome; in the east, Mithridates is marching through and conquering the Roman Asian provinces. Even in the relatively calm Alexandria, a coup has brought a new Pharaoh to power and chaos to the streets.

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