January 1987

Festive Events celebrating the Centenary of the birth of 90239053482323482323 Arthur Rubinstein Under the Patronage of H.E. The President of

Series of 5 Recitals

Tel-Aviv, The Fredric R. Mann Auditorium

The Israel Philharmonic Orchestra Founded in 1936 by Bronislaw Huberman Music Director: FESTIVE JUBILEE SEASON THE ISRAEL PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA Founded in 1936 by Bronislaw Huberman • Music Director: Zubin Mehta The Fredric R. Mann Auditorium • P.O.Box 11292, 61112 TebAviv; Telephone (03) 295092 The 51st Season I 1986-7 Festive Jubilee Season

Festive Events celebrating the Centenary of the birth of Arthur Rubinstein Under the Patronage of H.E. The President of Israel, Mr. Chaim Herzog

Series of 5 Recitals

Tel-Aviv, The Fredric R. Mann Auditorium January 1987 At 8.30 p.m.

PUBLIC MANAGEMENT BOARD: Mr. D. Ben-Meir, Mr. A. Dulzin Mr. Y. Ettinger, Mr. B. Gal-Ed, Mr. M.B. Gitter, Dr. A. Goldenberg, Mrs. A. Harris, Mr. P. Jacobi, Judge A.F. Landau (Chm'n), Mr. A. Levinsky, Mr. Z. Litwak*, Mr. Y. Mishori*, Mr. M. Neudorfer, Mr. Y. Oren, Mr. Y. Pasternak*, Mr. J. Pecker, Judge L.A. Rabinowitz, Mr. A. Shalev, Mr. N. Wolloch. (• IPO Management members)

THE IPO FOUNDATION - Founding Members: Abba Eban (Chairman), David Blass, Yona Ettinger, Dr. Amnon Goldenberg, M.B. Gitter, Lewis Harris, Ernst Japhet, Y. Macht, Joseph Pecker, Raphael Recanati. Dr. Dapnna Schachner (Dir. Gen.)

AMERICAN FRIENDS OF THÉ IPO: Zubin Mehta (Hon. Ch'mn); Fredric R. Mann (Pres.); Norman Bernstein, Itzhak Perlman (Vice Pres.); Susan B. Blumstein (Exec. Vice Pres.); Morton S. Ackerman (Treas.); Robert H. Arnow, Arthur Belfer, Charlotte Isen, Albert Schussler. Room 810, 250 WeST 57th St., New York, NY 10019, Phone (212) 581-4374 American Friends of the IPO raise funds for the IPO. Contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.

The IPO is supported by the Council for Culture and Art of the Ministry of Education and Culture, and is supported and represented in the USA by tne American Friends of the IPO and supported by the America-Israel Cultural Foundation, in Canada by the Canada-Israel Cultural Foundation, in Great Britain by the British Society of the Friends of the Orchestra, and by Friends of the IPO in Australia, Germany and Mexico.

Price NIS 15.- Arthur Rubinstein was born on 28 January 1887 in Lodz, Poland, and started appearing in public as a “wunderkind". What happened since then is legend: he swiftly became one of the greatest pianists of all times, whose fame spread throughout the world. His recit­ als and solo appearances evoked praise that only few ever received. Beyond masterly technique, he was lauded for his profound personal interpretations, for his brimming energy that burst from each note he played, and for his poetic lyricism. His human traits were similar: boundless energy, profundity, lyricism - and a rare sense of humour. It is redundant to detail again his close ties with Israel, and especially with the Israel Philhar­ monic Orchestra. On his frequent visits here he not only delighted thousands with the magic of his playing - he also contributed of his spirit and knowledge to many of our young pianists in his master-classes. It is no chance that Israel was chosen (at his own request) as the site of the prestigious Interna­ tional Master Piano Competition that bears his name. The IPO was privileged to honour him by naming after him the soloist's room at the Mann Auditorium, and planting a forest bearing his name in the moun­ tains. On 21 December 1982 he died, leaving behind him countless fond memories, as well as many recordings and the volumes of his thrilling autobiography. This year, the IPO's Jubilee Year on the 50th anniversary of its founding, is also the Centenary of Rubin­ stein's birth: a coincidence that bears more than a hint of symbolism. We hope that the series of festive concerts detailed herein may bring honour to the memory of the maestro. THE ISRAEL PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA nsina finwon MUSIC DIRECTOR: ZUBIN MEHTA______The Pianist as Conductor ORCHESTRA MEMBERS THE 51st SEASON /1986-87

Flutes First Violins Yaacov Mishori* Chaim Taub Daniel Benyamini* Uri Shoham* Yossi Arnheim* * Meir Rimon* Uri Pianka Miriam Hartman” Bezalel Aviram Jeffrey Lang* Michael Appelman Peretz *' ' Anatol Krupnik Moshe Murvitz Avraham Bornstein Sergio Feidman Sally-Ann Meth Amihud Elroy Ezra Molcho Menachem Breuer Ferenz Gabor Yossef Rabin Shelomo Shohat Rachel Kam Picolo Izia Brakier Yuval Kaminkovsky. Peretz Marina Dorman Shimon Koplanskio Sergio Feidman T rumpets Raphael Frankel Avraham Levental« Kenneth Cox* Rodica losub Zvi Litwak Ilan Eshed** Zinovi Kaplan Nahum Pinchuk Oboes Raphael Glaser Raphael Markus Abraham Rozenblit Bruce Weinstein* Yoram Levy Avraham Melamed Chaim Jouval** Robert Mozes Merril Greenberg Trombones Ron Porath Hermann Openstein Ray Parnes' Anna Rosnovsky Cellos Stewart Taylor* Zvi Segal Michael Haran* Yehoshua Pasternak* * Eva Strauss-Marko Marcel Bergman* English Horn Zvi Ostrowsky Mordechai Youvaf Shulamit Lorrain” Merrill Greenberg Paya Yussim Alla Yampolsky '* Bass-Trombone Matos Zalmanovicho Yoram Alperin Mattityahu Grabler David Barnea Clarinets Micha Dayis Paul Blassberger Richard Lesser* Second Violins Elchanan Bregman Yaakov Barnea** Tuba Elkayum Zaltsman* Naomi Enoch Eli Eban Shemuel Hershko* Lazar Shuster* Baruch Gross Israel Zohar Yitzhak Geras** Ya'acov Mense Timpani Shimeon Abalovitch Raphael Morag Gideon Steiner* Shulamit Alkalay Piccolo Clarinet Alon Bor** Elimeleh Edelstein Yaakov Barnea Yigal Fisher Eli Eban Percussion Nachum Fruman Basses Alon Bqr* Celita Goldenberg Teddy Kling* Gabi Hershkovich Nathan Greenberg Peter Marek* Bass Clarinet Ayal Rafiah Levia Hofstein Yevgeny Shatzky" Israel Zohar Eitan Shapiro Elizabeth Krupnik Ruth Amir IDov Katz | Kalman Levin Eli Magen Bassoons Yoram Livne Talia Mense-Kling Mordechai Rechtman* Wolfgang Valk Michael Nitzberg Zeev Dorman" Gabriel Volé Walter Meroz Dov Yaari Marvin P. Feinsmith

■Principal Contrabassoon "Assi. Principal Judith Liber* Marvin P. Feinsmith OOn Sabbatical

IPO Management: Zvi Litwak, Yaacov Mishori, Yehoshua Pasternak General Secretary: Avi Shoshani Assistant to the Music Director: Shalom Ronly-Riklis Musicians' Council: E. BregmanlChm'nl.E Etan. M. Greenberg, B, Cross, K. Frankel, C. Vole Review Committee: Zvi Ostrowsky, Ilan Eshed Supervisor: Ray Parnes • Inspector: Zvi Segal • Assembly Chrn'n: W. Meroz Comptroller: Yochanan Ben-Ja'acov • Press relations: Lapidot-Meroz Administrative coordinator: Tamar Sten Treasurer: Yael Zagouri • Subscription Dept.: Varda Zohar______

THF PROGRAMME’ Editor and graphic layout: Gideon Tamir. Assistent to the editor. Orly Tai. Cover SX«« phototype«,tag: the edito»! steft and Uni.ersity Put*,h,ng; Pnrgs Films, mounting and plates: Shekef-Or. Offset printing: Tavm Press Bind ng Shahaf. Production service and advertising: Zurah-Adam Advertising. IPO Jubilee logo: Margalit Tsfati and lot Canor. nnavnn p>n3 In the Bosom of the Family

The Israel Philharmonic Orchestra Founded in 1936 by Bronislaw Huberman Music Director: Zubin Mehta Festive Jubilee Season

Festive Events celebrating the Centenary of the birth of Arthur Rubinstein Under the Patronage of H.E. The President of Israel, Mr. Chaim Herzog 5 pianist

Recital no. 5 Tel-Aviv, The Fredric R. Mann Auditorium Tuesday, 27 January 1987 at 8.30 p.m. nnwi Youth

Rrthur Rubinstein

L ± - r.i--■■ -

Daniel Barenboim, pianist Daniel Barenboim needs no introduction any­ where in the world as pianist, conductor or both simultaneously. Born in Argentina in 1942, he studied piano with his father, his only piano teacher, who also prepared him for conducting. He gave his first concert there when he was 7. Two years later his family settled in Israel, and it is as a proud Israeli that Barenboim attained world, fame. His career started to burgeon after his debut with the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra in 1953. He first appeared in Paris in 1955, in London and New York in 1956. In 1960 he played all 32 Beet­ hoven sonatas in Israel, a unique feat that he later repeated in South America, London and New York. As a child he also attended Igor Markevilcb's conducting classes at the Salz­ burg Mozarteum, and in 1960 he made his conducting debut in Israel. He first conducted in London in 1967, New York in 1968, Berlin orchestras, and in 1971 was appointed Music Director of the Orchestre de Paris, a position he still holds. In 1973 he further broadened his career, making his debut as operatic conductor at the Edinburgh Festival. He is also very active in chamber music. In addition to the complete Beethoven sonatas, he also performed other unique feats, such as all Mozart piano concertos, which he played and conducted with the IPO and elsewhere throughout the world, as he did all Beethoven piano concertos. He is also a most prolific recording artist. In all his frequent appearances in all continents of the world, as pianist, conductor or in chamber music, including his countless appearances 1906 ,a"nw3 )iwin wen with the IPO, he brings excitement to the world of music and honour to Israel. First US tour, 1906 .5 5 1987 HNH’3 27 ,T"DWn T13V3 T’3 ,'J ni1 Tuesday, 27 January 1987

Daniel Barenboim pinavs pianist

rnrx'n n’wm Programme of Works by LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN (1770-1827) (1827-1770) ininvg ini nnib

Sonata no. 30 in E major, op. 109 109 'SIN >tX3 30 TOD PUNITO ivtrispy i'JNTN - ÍSÍ3P pJ NI? Vivace ma non troppo - Adagio espressivo internatila Prestissimo irtrjap# ib? nÿ>3NVJNp ivhin hvjnun Andante molto cantabile ed espressivo

i i o 'sin ptonp hinn nb-a 31 va punito Sonata no. 31 in A-flat major, op. 110 iwjavN ivbin n^’sNvaNp ivNrpn Moderato cantabile molto espressivo ivhin iia^N Allegro molto iaiiv pa nç iia>N ¡naia - iaiiv pa ni? i'aNnN Adagio ma non troppo - Fuga; Allegro ma non troppo

npvan Intermission

111 '£hn ,wn i"rn 32 'vn fivndü Sonata no. 32 in c minor, op. 111 ìvnjì’vn3n in in? pp iia>N - irivvrço Maestoso - Allegro con brio ed appasionato n£’3NV2Np n n'^’banp ivhin i'aNiN :ni?’’iN Arietta; Adagio molto semplice e cantabile nnb’ Childhood

rmiw ,n'iar.Na ‘jn’h

>33in ’123 lHlJ’X’V plpT ll’N n’i3)3.N3 >N’H nxins ,]iniP23 ibis n‘?iy3 NX’ invi .np’Pinn 1942'3 DJW1N3 ibll NITI .n’ini'13 PH’IUO IN Hrnpah n’n’n inin ,i’3N ‘jxn iniP23 mm nnbi ■dv ]WNnn vnxnpn .mx’i riNip1? iron nw □”nw nuyo .13>3 7 p invn3 mwira mn nor ni ’hNiv’oi .bNny’b lnnau’n ay n'ry o’-mnb npi’i ni”3Npn .’n^iy mpn’23 ■intrin ny ihiy FiH337rny2in nnN D”niNl7i’3 y’ain Nin .1953'3 n^NTimn nmnnn>’2n m '3 pm’-l’)l p-nto ,1955'3 P’3N23 miVNlb niPNiiPFi 32 >3 nN y’nwn 1960'3 .1956 unu» ,n’n w’ri ^nivo ]3inv3 'tv nnjpflb ■yj3i p-mbx ,np’nnN-nm3 tn 13 ’mN vby tny mx’ib mn’33 m qnniyn innh’3 .pni’ Nim ,JH3XhNT3 piN’viNXin3 'p’3p.nNn niJ’N mm Nin .bNniy’3 1960-3 nxins mwrt yoiri -3331 1968'3 pil’'l’13 ,1967'3 ]HN>3 HlTONnb -p’pinn nbmno iron Nin i971 TNn .1969'3 ]’■? □>mm a’ain 1973-31 .a^iya niawnn nninmn >a iv m Nin .p>aHa Pa naTOtnn W’’ ninnn m ind n’ya Nin -iniannN pNiliunaa naaiN ninyNnb mala iniWva oinn nN “Tnan'anN a'aitnn ai y=ra ptnva maiwn K an nWNia’n n'linanWan nninmn ay nn'by nx’n 1>W .vnNsin Ws nniaab man snpn wm Paa V'PpnP m naan Nin .pinna ba nnnampn ba pi .nbiya D’anN nimpna linwain nt Waal ,anN3, nn’PP in nama .pnicaa pan 'anna Wnini nr'Dinn nbiyp OT'n npd Nin - nWNnw'n nmnanWan nmntnn ay apaa maan The Israel minmn Philharmonic mimnb’fln Orchestra Founded in 1936 by Bronislaw Huberman n’hsw’H Music Director: Zubin Mehta innain a^nniia nn Y'sma mvu Festive Jubilee Season npnp 1’3-it :’hp’vin hnjn nnnnn burn nny

d^wfi nnnrN Festive Events •naah celebrating

hiy im^inb finefi rw the Centenary of the birth of

P>vu>r:m twin Arthur Rubinstein nwna Under the Patronage man D”n an .nrinn n’vj 'aa of H.E. The President of Israel, Mr. Chaim Herzog 5 4 Radu Lupu □’iansa bsm pianist ]1DJW

5 'pn bv’tn Recital no. 4 Tel-Aviv, The Fredric R. Mann Auditorium ]ND 'a p’aaao w"i> niaann ba’n .a’aN-bn Monday, 26 January 1987 1987 aNii’3 27 ,t"n^n nava i"a /> nr at 8.30 p.m. aiya 8.30 nyva "...own nw dp" (TR7 nmiNrn) With Presidents and other VIP's (and their titles at the time)

>3!T]3 N’WJH DP With President Ben-Zvi

With President Shazar

»^>n3 '» niN’nsn wi tno mbn riwnnn-wn up .With Prime-Minister Golda Meir and Health-Minister I. Barzilai

,}3N N3N yinn-w dp nvnt? P3it nxiom jm proa nwrarw

Radu Lupu , pianist 1 ' ins 3”N minrnn b"3tni Radu Lupu achieved his first success in the With his wife, Mayor of Jerusalem Teddy Kolleck West in 1966 at the age of 20, when he won and Abe Cohen, Sec'y Gen. of the IPO the American Van Cliburn competition. Born in Rumania in 1945, he began studying the piano at the age of 6, and made his debut when he was 12. When he was 17 he was awarded a scholarship to the Moscow Con­ servatory, where he studied with Neuhaus. In 1967 he won the Enescu Prize in Bucharest, and in 1969 the first prize at the Leeds International Piano Competition. Since then he played all over the world, in recitals, chamber music, and as soloist with most important orchestras. He is also interested in P3i pnx’ b'ovmn dp conducting, which he intends to study thor­ oughly. Israel audiences will remember his With Chief-of-Staff Gen. Itzhak Rabin previous appearances with the IPO. 4 Tel-Aviv, The Fredric R. Mann Auditorium 4 J987 7ND’3 26 ,T"nV>n H3V3 H"3 ,'3 Dl»

Radu Lupu pianist nnjDS

JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH (1685-1750) (1750’1685) 1NFIV Partita no. 2 in c minor, S. 826 826 ,rnbpn->bab iwn n-a 2 'vn nv’viNa Sinfonía n»iioi»p Allemande T1ND>N Courante viNnp Sarabande 7JN3N7ND Rondeaux nin Capriccio i'snaNp

WOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZART (1756-1791) (1791-1756) viNsin piNnNns jiNiabh Rondo in a minor, K. 511 sil ’p,-nranb-atun

WOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZART (1756-1791) (1791-1756) viNsin Pwnxns aiNjabii Sonata in C major, K. 330 330 'P ITa nVNJW

Allegro moderato iüNrnn insist Andante cantabile n^BNVJNp npiN-nist Allegretto

Intermission npnan

ROBERT SCHUMANN (1810-1856) ( 1856" 1810) viari Fantasy in C major, op. 17 17 'aw ,-inNn n-a n'PNvixa Durchaus fantastisch und leidenschaftlich vorzutragen H1P3731 »li’D'7 ]2)N3 PX3> Mässig, durchaus energisch Langsam, getragen, durchaus leise zu halten pur) in ,pnn nvpty nm hy mapnsi ,-pynj ,»v»n HUD1?

ow '?ii NipJ nr inn In his Honour piawmi nma «run miiDN *>d unsion 'uni irso «33 Is-id’3 nmn.i "ni .Win inonn Id unsinm Bios n'lHiB'n n'itniil'fln niintnli


invrly mpi anirtns mainn-ta’na D’lbwn'Ttn The Soloist's Room at the Mann Auditorium inwby iy>a )WNin p»n The first tree in the forest

nunrnn nnixnn-n’aa mwby mn Suite at the IPO Guest-House named for him

prow ,12-Ù TTN1 lrrnm aipna hwnih innhxnh hot la-ih hni □■>piq wa pi pvNin mn nant>a ,20 p .1966'3 3"niN3 pw»hp ]N1 Dinina nnnrn ni’n nnbb 5>nn ,1945 nnP3 nnnm -r^ii niti im’713 .12 ‘7’13 rmPNih maim ,6 hna 171)003 pinn nnnn 5>2n nmbriwn'? mlnna tot 17 p FIST 1967'3 -HSpPlQ p’11V31D)ip3 NNmil nnioah rpniNhmn ninnna pvRin tnas ,n>bv'>oi3 nbipn toxin 3113 pn tnd .p-nha .nilintnn av’n np ibicoi roinNp np’üina nr pixpn -nn^h inipi mxna tn pnynn nifi mmipn nnipainn ’Nina nar nih .rnmtna mwlp tminroon nnnn .ji’hNiV’n mnnmh’an nninrnn qp iPNp’ä If iv»o irirn nv’pb nnot The Piano Competition named for him was adorned with a drawing by Picasso The Israel minmn Philharmonic n’nmnb’an Orchestra Founded in 1936 by Bronislaw Huberman mbN-ivm Music Director: Zubin Mehta innain *1’3 V'înna nivu Festive Jubilee Season riviro palt i’bp'Pin nnnnn barn naw

dwvn Festive Events ina1? celebrating

hv imhinb hndh tiw the Centenary of the birth of P>wrm*i niniN Arthur Rubinstein HWFI3 Under the Patronage D«n ro »wron nwj of H.E. The President of Israel, Mr. Chaim Herzog 4 3 Alfred Brendel laib HN1 pianist prova

4 'TO SV’VI Recital no. 3 INn ’n pnna v"v nmnn ha’n »axwbn Tel-Aviv, The Fredric R. Mann Auditorium Sunday, 25 January 1987 1987 INH’3 26 ,T"DV!1 T13V3 Fl"3 ,'3DV 31P3 8.30 ni>V3 at 8.30 p.m. Alfred Brendel, pianist i,l,r«anBre

AfterthoughtsL'.”. („X ,haddftlona°„Vde to his ouSL musinafen?y 'r h“ 'ft ThoUSh,s a"d literature and linguistics Hie 0 ng musical career, his interests lie in art Orchestra won him many admirers here, Xl” els'ewherm Phllharmoni

Alfred Brendel b-p-ja nabN pianist

Programme of Works by nn’x>n rrwin FRANZ SCHUBERT (1797-1828) ( 1828'1797) VT3W PINTA

Six Musical Moments, D. 780 780 "r nuniy 1. In C major: Moderato ivNrnn m'wn rra.i 2. In A-flat major: Andantino irviNTiN nyjNn bina nb-a .2 3. In f minor: Allegro moderato iwtTjin ntyst mrn’na-a .3 4. In c-sharp minor: Moderato ivNTjin rwn tis’i rra .4 5. In f minor: Allegro vivace n'XNH’i hub* mrn na-a .5 6. In A-flat major: Allegretto iv-iabN nnkn bina nb-a .6

Fantasy in C major ("Wanderer"), D. 760 760 '7 ,("T7»n") WM 17'3 H’PNVJNS

Intermission npDûn

Unfinished Sonata in C major, D. 840 840 '7 nraxn 17-3 miai >nS3 nviwp Moderato iVNTjin Andante npjN-ns

Sonata in a minor, D. 784 784 '7,7irn nb-a hvnnp Allegro giusto ivpl'2 i-»bN Andante npibHiN Allegro vivace n'XNiin wbis riniw >7)12 T137N

Pv n’nibPi’an nn’HNpn dn hnn tpina 773'7« .nPv’« ,ii«nhia3 nina onaa miara i 949 riiva PV’3 l’ITT« hSN 70*71 H1’13 1931 H1V3 7'711 «17 nyain .]nn’iuv nn«i7«i nii?nNini«a b-iNS nn .17 p íní’na ,1948 riíva hh’n Pv nmaan .D^iyn nnmrna niaivnn ny y’am '77173 qny «m ,nam’«a mavivn i’xn’i3”nnnh qoiia tno np’nn« pana D”niv n’vnnnp myvn ,np’nn« ditt riN 7ay o’nnNn mima .1963 nPnimi« «nniTTi np’na« ]ian ,ainpn nnrnn nPNiimoaa y’ain ‘77173 773'714 .niN^’ri’ii ,HVn«1 ,m«lN71 ,H11H« ,17137^7« ,17131’7« /riNa ,pnP .nianhNT .íp’Tivnia ,i«na nmannpa niy’apa qnnvn p ínai □«nnP’ni ,■77173 7D .711 ’7171 V"y ]171P3 n‘7”VH bV ■m«hpn 7v ]n riiS’n’ q’pn Pv n«mnannv ]iv«nn priman n’n m’irnin npmin ]ni n’iNp n’n’iP .nniüa'7 pinva mrs» "73 dn vPpnv ,]HiP ,m’ia ]dn runa 7’mn «m minina qon ."npmin nni« nivnmimm n’ninnn" o’nn«n nao ana q« Nin PN7V’31 3"nn« npm ninat? ,nnn«a rían p’iynn '7717a nn ,'b'v ni’na mni’nn n,P«pmmn nnmNpÍ7 □1 o’an n’n’nvn 1*7 -ivan nP«nv’n rinínnnh’an nninrnn oy mnnipn i’niyain .nmvbn .n7iya o’nnN ninipnaa ,i«a nïininn The Israel rpnninb’fln Philharmonic Orchestra n’bNivm Founded in 1936 by Bronislaw Huberman innain m mn mira Music Director: Zubin Mehta npng 1’3-it :*>pvin ^nin Festive Jubilee Season rrn-unn barn rniv

tprwn dwn Festive Events •ratf celebrating iv impin'? TiNnn raw the Centenary of the birth of p>wrnn timin Arthur Rubinstein mena Under the Patronage nsnn □'»n nn ,npinn N’vi of H.E. The President of Israel, Mr. Chaim Herzog 3 2 ‘nm TiflhR Murray Perahia proto pianist

3 'üd hv'tn Recital no. 2 ]nd -T pnnfl v"v roamn ba>n ,a>3R-bn Tel-Aviv, The Fredric R. Mann Auditorium 1987 1N1P3 25 ,T"nU>n M3V3 T'3 ,'R DT> Friday, 23 January 1987 3TP3 8.30 Î1W3 at 2.00 p.m. ¡nanN-no’P (2) ^npn

A Love Story: The Audience (2)

Murray Perahia, pianist

Murray Perahia, one of the foremost pianists of the younger generation, first gained wide­ spread notice when he won the Leeds Inter­ national Competition in 1972 and, in 1975, the Avery Fisher Award. Born in New York to a venerable Sephardic family in 1947, he studied piano with Jeanette Haien, Artur Bal­ sam and Mieczyslaw Horszowski, and con­ ducting with Carl Bamberger at the Mannes School of Music. He appeared as soloist with all major American orchestras, as well as throughout Europe and in Japan. He also gave much-acclaimed recitals throughout the USA and Europe, and often appeared in chamber music with such luminaries as Cas­ als, Morini, Pears, Schneider, Curzon, Ser­ kin, and the Budapest, Guarneri and Galimir Quartets. He is a frequent participant in the Marlboro Festival and a prize-winning recording artist. He will be recalled from his previous appearances with the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra. 2 2 Friday, 23 January 1987 1987 1RW3 23 ,T"DWn J13V3 ,'l DV

Murray Perahia n>nna »nsn pianist finiva

LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN (1770-1827) (1827-1770) pinva win*? mvrn

Sonata no. 17 in d minor, op. 31 no. 2 ("Tempest") ("mypn") 2 'pa 3i 'din ,*nna m-3 17 'pa fivnnp Largo - Allegro in^N-ianN*? Adagio i'inin Allegretto ivni^N

ROBERT SCHUMANN (1810-1856) (1856’1810) 1TOTO 121311 Sonata no. 2 in g minor, op. 22 22 'aw ,Tinn hip-a 2 'pn nvtuip So rasch wie möglich nvasn baa vnn Andantino ÍJ’VJNniN Scherzo: Sehr rasch und markiert vimni -tino n»nn .-iitnp.v Rondo: Presto - Etwas langsamer - Prestissimo in’V’wja - ’V’N nnr nxp - ivvja tfnin

Intermission npvan

Works by FREDERIC CHOPIN (1810-1849) (i849-i8io)inTOp’Tnann’X’n Barcarolle in F-sharp major, op. 60 60 'aw ,n’wn wn na-a nhi'wp’wa

Sonata no. 3 in b minor, op. 58 ss ’aw ,nr>n wa 3 'pn ppnup Allegro maestoso irivviso im>N Scherzo: Molto vivace n'^Niri ivhin ttogv Largo iinNh Finale: Presto non tanto iviNviii ivvjatn^Nna

Ballade no. 1 in g minor, op. 23 23 'din ,nrn-5ica 1 'pn htnSns Tnnmm t Hands and Signatures

pnwa inn bv Doanipan uwnn ins ,n’rns ”aNn H3T nwR3 nnwfr anai Diva’a ib nip ,3'Psn riva Wn mniR^i’an nnnna pvRan paaa ’iv’N v"P paaa iniDia 1975’3 p-anRi ,1972 nnawn1? 1947 rwa pawn abi) Nin .aifpa -van nr» in1?! .np’npi naaai nnaap-nmn’ 3hp>'X”m nrtn uthr .p’n VJR'i ^xr ini -wpn-rina -îmna ‘nsp ‘jsr nwn pppaiipain ■73 dp ]5>id3 p’ain Rin ."pird" np’Pina nan’N ’3ms ,3"mN3V nnwnn nimnrnn ’3m3 dPv’pis dj P’ain1? narn Rin -12’31 13-103 .nisn1?! nnip’3*7 nsn nam’Ri a"naR D’JDRn-’aaai dp mnoRp np’Pin pn navn ,ppip ,pnp ,ia”iv ,va’3 ,’J’iin .p^rtrp 102 qnnvn Rin .rp’hRD ’niais« -PPana nv'P’ini -'■jpnn D’an .iniahap aa’vpoa niaiap naw vnipainn aivb ’Rana nisi Rin wia3 nt i’v .n’hRW’n n’Jinanb’an naioinn dp nioaipn The Israel rmnìnn Philharmonic nmmnh’an Orchestra Founded in 1936 by Bronislaw Huberman n’bNW’n Music Director: Zubin Mehta iniHin abp’nn? ma l'Anna mvu Festive Jubilee Season riunì? 1'3« :^P’Wn '7rnn rmnnn bni>n nnp

Festive Events ■naa1? celebrating hv inihinh nNnn nw the Centenary of the birth of pwrari tihin Arthur Rubinstein rouna Under the Patronage 3ì2nn m'n nn ,nr*rnn nwj of H.E. The President of Israel, Mr. Chaim Herzog 2 1 7T>m? '»’»-1KÎ3 Maurizio Pollini provo pianist

2 'VD Recital no. 1 ind n p’vno u"P manna ba’n «anN-bn Tel-Aviv, The Fredric R. Mann Auditorium 1987 1NW3 23 ,T"QVn naV3 3"3 /I Tuesday, 20 January 1987 r'nnN 2.00 twva at 8.30 p.m. Maurizio Pollini, pianist When Maurizio Pollini previously appeared in Israel with the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra in 1968, he was announced as "a rising star of the younger generation of pianists". Today he is one of the greatest master-pianists of our age, and his appearances throughout the world are eagerly awaited. Born in Milan, Italy, in 1942, he made his debut at the age of 9 and caused an immediate sensation. He studied with Carlo Lonati, Carlo Vidusso and at the Verdi Conservatory in Milan, from which he graduated in 1959. His many awards include the Ettore Pozzoli Competition in Seregno (1959) and the First Prize at the International Chopin Competition in Warsaw (1960). Since then he appeared in recitals and with the leading orchestras and conductors throughout the world to unanimous acclaim. He is renowned for his analytical interpretations that enrich his immense expressive power, in a repertory ranging from the Baroque to contemporary music. He is considered one of the most profound interpreters o Chopin, but he is no less a master of the classic and romatic repertory. He greatly extended his range to the masters of modern music, such as Stravinsky, Bartók and schoenberg, and is also a champion of contemporary music, having premiered works of Luigi Nono and Pierre Boulez, among others. Thus he has become truly a master of all piamstic styles, and he excels equally in all of them. He also teaches master-classes, often at the famed Accademia Chigiana of Siena. 1 1 1987 IRU’3 20 ,t"nvn TI3V3 V"’ ,'ì DV Tuesday, 20 January 1987

Maurizio Pollini irhia iwiwn prova pianist

Works by LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN (1770-1827) (1827-1770) pinvaim mmb nmra

Sonata no. 17 in d minor, op. 31 no. 2 ("Tempest") ("mppn") 2 'pn 31 'aiN ,nr>n tits 17 'pn hphup Largo - Allegro i’JNTN Adagio Allegretto

Sonata no. 21 in C major, op. 53 ("Waldstein") (’T«WT>N1") 53 'SIN ,11'JNn 1T3 21 ’VÌI HPN11P i’13 lip il^N Allegro con brio Introduzione: Adagio molto - Rondo: Allegretto moderato iVNTpn iVlp^N :iiiii - iv>in i'JNTN :N13Q

Intermission npvan

Works by FREDERIC CHOPIN (1810-1849) ( 1849-181 o) iaiv p’-ma nn>yn

Nocturne in B major, op. 62 no. 1 1 ’pn 62 'aw ,m'wn ’p-3 yuppii Nocturne in E major, op. 62 no. 2 2 'pn 62 'am ,-n’inn ’n-a yuppii Barcarolle in F-sharp major, op. 60 60 ’am ,n'iNP tis’t na-3 n^iinpiNa Berceuse in D-flat major, op. 57 57 'aw ,-n'5Nn bina m-3 (vip i’v) tpia Polonaise in A-flat major, op. 53 53 'aw ,-iTiNn Tina nb-a rjibia nn:ra ,’l’bia i'j’TlM

np hN3U”a n)WN3h ’nhia Pxnwn p’ídíi 3VNa nns ,1968'3 ii’hNniP’n n’iinanh’an mminn ."0’nniDO hv 3’pxn nrm pa nhip pinina" ,inn hu> D’inNrrmn nnN p33ip Nhh Nin nva .VN3D ni’O’X nianipn han urna rmpaini P’Oim ,1942'3 FI’hV’N31P lJNh’133 3hlJ Nin H’Fl TN 3331 ,33^3 9 ]3 1131’133 ’30103 nilVN3h hSN nhnvrn Nin .’na3 n’nnoN n’^NViph V"P p’31V33Üllp31 ÍP13’1 íh3Np ,’VN)Íh íh3Np Nin .1959'3 l’31D’h HN D”ü DV ,í)Nh’n3 ’33) ’hiña n3ivN nnnna nnai ,n’33 n’vnaa nar íaiv nnnna pvxnn trmi (1959) i’ippa •V’P33 p’flin iNn .(1960) nw3Niia n’niNhran han ’ama n’nxinni nmnrnn av’n npi tnh P3U Nin nnNa D’npanni hnpn mh’nna nan nn’vpnn .np’npnn n’P’hNiNn inuuna niara 3N-1V3033 J3ND ,lhü ’lV’3H'3fia HDW HN ,]Siv W3£J5 n’p’npnn nnNh avm nih .lanrnija nn’^’h api pnNan ]n pantrnn ami n’ip’DNhph inp’3’ on 3’rnn Nin .’viNninni ’DNhpn nNimana qan nina Nh vhiw Nin QhiN np’Pinn hv man-’Nvnn n’^ihnn nnN ai Nini moiipi pii?3N3 ,’ptn’iiNnvv ina □’ini.inn Nin ’i’hia PamiNn .nnnNi rhia apa ,iii) ’’PNih ono nn’S’ hip miaa too inn «innrna nnhn ni Nin nnNa nhiaa p’iaxn Nim ,n”nnit>an ninirnn haa ]dn-331 nihiaviN'V’N pN .niN’pa npnnn niN’i’a rpnnpNa np’pa ,)DN-nin’aa :n3nN“iia*D won nammn n’nnanh’ûn A Love Story: rpbNny’n The Piano înaain aerina n’a i"^ana mpn nyian l’an .-’bp’Din bmn riTjnn barri rmy

tmn dwn 7133b bv wnbmb HNnn nw pwran mmN mena man □”n an ,nrmn N’vi zaa 1

’l’bia i’S’aiND îaruva

l'en >wi ]nd 'a p’aaaa v"y niaann ban ,3’aN-bn 1987 attira 20 /wn naua p"» /> nr aaya 8.30 nypa nnwi nipain

...(1951) nmnrnn dp

(1976) rnmnN'i ...... and the last (1976) *ll!__ [ 1887 prora 28*3 -fru l’mui’an nr™ main^ ^nn mnh’a min .l’^iaam 'Hfra

,1’N ino nnpm nn bv .n”ania trvmmpa rwm nifi marna m 2’m* quii .nanna ,nnnn ^aa nnnniuon ’’min nnnb nanna n ,1’nwain .tan ’ann ^aa ina1? lim inveì mia nmnmn av’n ni> fauna in trdv’tna lai m»t> paia ninavm nib’nn nana ,□> manica npcach panni ben .nmnav'7 .n’V’Ni np’nim nuvasa i”uxn .nnw ,puv mi m ^an yn'av n>arm‘?a ynna - lanroaa pa n^ .nimnn ma’1? nrvraai L..4 ,yan - mu'aian rniiian n'aN un nasa m anni .ani amin vin aab - mpmn wa iiNnv’ mi n’pnnn ravp nN pirti areh .n’I’Nnv’n nmnarfran nainmn mi mnrai maaa pnn pn Nb ina maiann imp’aa pmn ini iman 'n’SNn m n'pn .minr’N'aaa 11'71’1 n’nnipan-’p’pxn n>aa iv ùv ron Pniv’ 'a sin napn Ni .,nromrraa ■niù (i”vmi’an '7V mvpaa) annuii mpnn ,inu> rw nNwm n’niNli’nn nuanroan ma inai nnai.n’^Naunn nninan^an nainmn ta’na nnbinnmn ns nmpa-mc’ nN •nna inv V» mu miviai .invi maann /nabli?'? l'an 1982 nanna 2ra .□bulini •ippn naln .matri’N ninnar vnns nmim tnpnnnn n’aNmiN’atoiNn ’anni trina ru nainmn ’avi ubai’ mui ,ir nma .annui nu”sn un ,nnpn’a‘7 min trunnn nNlna :l”OTiraia Pili mnPmP nsnn niu> nN m nia'nc bui ni’Pnpn in la V’V n’npn qin’X mn-’pia’N nnw ’a n’npn un .ni’vnan '7111 naiP mania rn’ ir maina n’iamann .nvoNnn n^NiV'n rvnnm^n n-nmm nvrin pali pbp'tnn bmn • inmin nhvnm n'n 1936 l'^inn mvn

(03) 295092 pobv ,61112 3»3N-hn ,11292 'Tri • ino 'i pma rimrin ^□Tl Ì986-7 / T"nvn / 5rn nnyn munti bo'pn rmy

□’nnn n’yiT’N 1135> 'tv imhinb nbtnn nre> pvvnrm nirnN min n«n in ,ni’-ran wi '33 ninno

rin’v D’bWl 5

1nd ’i p’Tna •vv nimnn bovi ,3’3N-hn 1987 3Nii’ ! t"nvn nnv

31» 8.30 HPV3

,pxbn 'b 'n in .ivbì '3 nn ,nvn ’□ -n in jnanbu 'n n"-r ,n’Nn-p 'i in ,n»’VN *’ in ,piN -’ nn tnnnntn nbmnn ,-iflHTU 'n nn ,*’nw’n ’’ nn ,(n"v) Ntib ’n 'a vaivn ,’p3V’b 'x nn pppinb 'v nn popi» '» 'a nn ,ibn n nn ,p>nNn 'n 'oi ■tbv 'n nn ,pau’3n 'n *b iwn ,npa "> nn ,’poppa '•> nn ______(nmntnn nbnin mn*) pnanbn pinN n"n ,p^ nn ,niruN nn’ ,(n"v) pN non 3"n :nnp’’n nnon - n'towii n’nnntib’on nmntnn pp ______

;(N’K7j ’»v) inbna pnx’ .l’vvna iNnnii ;(n’pj) i*n 'n poma ¡(osa n"v) nvnn pait :a"nnN3 nmntnn nn» hhjn •nbpip unabN ,nobn ninnn ,unN 'n 'n ,V”N uibnNv ¡(non) jnnpN 'v pvmn ¡(bnrnb n’pi n’»p) l’vvmbo '3 iniip (2 12)581’4374 lia'JV ,10019 ■>'] ,pm’’1’l ,n33PD 57 'ni 250 ,810 fin ptnn ’a1? lomn mynttn mbna vnn nrnva nionnn .nmntnn fitn> 3"nro ntonn np’un 3"mN3 nmntnn ’in’ nmiN nniiN >nn nnan ninna marni nonni N’n pi .mannni pnnn nwn rbv nnnNbi nmnb navinn in nonni n’btw’n n’iinnnb’on nmntnn nmntnn ’mi» bw n’vnnn nmiNn ’mo nwnoa ,bNiv’-nnip nionnn pp n’3 mipo pNmw’-npnnN nionnn pp nn nonnn o"anN3 nmntnn n’T’ .ìp’ppnoi n’tnmo .n’bnvpwo n’itmnbnn nmntnn ’ri’ ’fai

n"iy is.-rnnn 1987 -ihm’ / rwn nnu

□•»ran own Tiaah bv irnbinh nran nw pv^nzrn nniN nivnn rnnnn n’vi '□□

miw tnbmtn 5

,3’3N->n wn 'i p’Tna w"i) rnannn >a>n

mintnn n^imnb’an n*towa iniain abü’Jha »ra 1936/rsirra mcij nOT>? ran :»bp’Pin bnm nuunn i?ai’n nnv