Arizona(JKA 6326(N.(7th(Street,(Phoenix,(AZ(85012( Phone:(602?274?1136( !
[email protected]( ! Student(Handbook( ! ! What to Expect When You Start Training The Arizona JKA is a traditional Japanese Karate Dojo (school). Starting any new activity can be a little intimidating. This handbook explains many of the things you need to know, and our senior students will be happy to assist you and answer any questions you might have. You don’t have to go it alone! To ease your transition, here are some of the things you can expect when you start training at our Dojo: Class Times Allow plenty of time to change into your gi, or karate uniform. Men and women’s changing rooms and showers are provided. You should also allow time to stretch a little before class starts. Try to arrive 15 minutes before your class begins. If your work schedule does not allow you to arrive that early, explain your situation to one of the senior students. There is no limit to the number of classes you can attend each week, but we recommend training at least 3 times a week if at all possible, to gain the greatest benefit from your karate training. Morning Class: 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon Monday, Wednesday, Friday Adult class, where all belt levels are welcome. Afternoon Class: 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, Friday All ages and belt levels are welcome. This class has multiple instructors and is ideal for the beginning student.