
Stonewall : of LGBT Serafina Apodaca Student-composed words: 305 https://docs.goo gle.com/drawing s/d/1ChLTDgU7 yZssBaNHSMA Bw5FacXSAGR qbcWgG5SYu4_ k/edit Left Panel Top

[Activist Marsha P Johnson, pictured here a year later, is held up as a hero for role in the uprising] PHOTO BY DIANA DAVIES, THE PUBLIC LIBRARY https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-48643756 Left Panel Center

Overview During 1969, the world was not as accepting as it is today and even though some people can not be their true selves today, back then it was even worse and of the it started to get better. The Stonewall riots started at the Stonewall hotel when police raided that area because it was a known spot for LGBT people to hang out. Everything was fine until one police man roughed up a man dressed in woman attire, at that point everyone began to fight back because of the injustice that had happened. Left Panel Bottom

“GAYS HIT NY COPS,” Berkeley Barb, July 4-10, 1969. Source: Independent Voices digital collection. https://blogs.loc.gov/headlinesandheroes/2019/06/stonewall-50-in-newspapers/ Center Panel Top

Stonewall Riots: History of LGBT Thesis

The Stonewall Riots took place in 1969 because of a in the Stonewall Hotel. The Stonewall Riots were believed to jump start the liberation movement. The Stonewall Riots gave people inspiration to stand up for themselves and that led to some of the most important in LGBT history. The Stonewall Riots communicated to everyone as a symbol of resistance to social and political . THis event is important because without the stonewall riots the LGBT community may have found their voice and had the power to change the future. The Stonewall riots will stand in history as a symbol that no one stands alone and that you shouldn’t be discriminated against because of who you are. Center Panel Center Center Panel Bottom

Conclusions I have learned that the Stonewall riots was a jump start to the LGBT revolution. These riots really did change history, to this day people know about them and remember them. Most kids my age don’t even consider learning about the LGBT revolution because it is still happening. The stonewall Riots were the spark that blew up this revolution. Right Panel Top

https://americanhistory.si.edu/collections/search/object/nmah_1694617 Right Panel Center

Boundaries of the stonewall national register of historic places listing, which includes stonewall. https://www.nyclgbtsites.org/site/stonewall-inn-christopher-park/ Right Panel Bottom

First page of the Constitution of the of , an early gay rights organization, 1962. Accessed Nov. 2020. This is a photograph of the first page of the Constitution of the Mattachine Society of Washington, an early gay rights organization, sent to President John F. Kennedy by Dr. . https://jfk.blogs.archives.gov/2017/06/23/pridemonth-the-lgbtq-rights-movement-and-the-1972-presidential-campaign/