Middle Atlantic Review of Latin American Studies, 2019 Vol. 3, No. 2, 78-97 The Many Lives of Teresa Mendoza: Genre, Gender, and Melodrama in La Reina del Sur María Luisa Ruiz Saint. Mary’s College of California
[email protected] This study considers how reality, fiction, and melodrama intersect so that Teresa Mendoza, protagonist of Arturo Pérez-Reverte’s novel, La Reina del Sur, escapes into everyday reality and is imagined into existence. The novel and first iteration of the telenovela based on it have become cultural touchstones that employ melodramatic elements that allow audiences to come to terms with an increasingly complex cultural terrain by situating social, political and familial ideas in easily identifiable and comprehendible dramas. The examples discussed here, which include the novel, telenovela, and news accounts about the relationship between Mexican actress Kate del Castillo, who plays Teresa in the telenovela, and drug kingpin Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán, illustrate how melodramatic narratives create the circumstances to question the boundaries between reality and fiction, redefine traditional standards of melodrama, challenge normative femininity, and initiate spaces in which transnational communities can understand and interpret social disruption. Keywords: melodrama, La Reina del Sur, Queen of the South, narcoculture, telenovelas, Teresa Mendoza, females in organized crime Este estudio examina la manera en que la realidad, la ficción y el melodrama se entrecruzan de modo que Teresa Mendoza, protagonista de la novela de Arturo Pérez-Reverte, La Reina del Sur, logre escaparse hacia la realidad cotidiana y cobrar existencia mediante la imaginación del público. La novela y la primera serie de la telenovela basada en ella se han convertido en piedras de toque culturales que emplean elementos del género del melodrama que permiten que el público aprenda a navegar un terreno cultural cada vez más complejo al situar sus ideas sociales, políticas y de familia dentro de dramas fácilmente reconocibles y comprensibles.