RAJASTHAN RAJYA VIDYUT PRASARAN NIGAM LTD. [Corporate Identity Number (CIN):U40109RJ2000SGC016485] Regd. Office: Vidyut Bhawan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur-302005 OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER (T&C), RRVPNL, Ratangarh. Phone No. 01567-222060 ,Mobile No. 9414061072 E-mail:
[email protected]. Website: www.rv~n.cO.in NO. RVPNI XENI T&CI RTGH 1BN. 30223019031Tech. 1F.I D .1Date...•............. Notice for Inviting BID for Transportation of GSS Material & Equipment's ,Fable Drums others item of New Construction work of 01 No. 132 KV Bay for 132 KV SIC ~2- Phase( fit for DIC Tower) Transmission Line from 132 KV GSS, RVPNSadulpur to Proposed 132/25 KV Traction Sub-Station at Sadulpur ( Under Deposit work of Railways( NWR Bikaner Division ). from ACOS (T&C),RVPN,Jodhpur to 132 KV GSS, RVPN, Sad~lpur (Churu) Including loading, unloading, weighting ,stacking & Insurance :- BN No.:-3022301903/2019-20 II i Limited Sealed tenders are invited from the Eligible and Experienced contractors Ifirms for Transportation of GSS Material & Equipment's ,Cable Drums others item of New Construction work of 01 No. 132 KV Bay for 132 KV SIC, 2- Phase( fit for DIC Tower) Transmission Line from 132 KV GSS, RVPN Sadulpur to Proposed 132/25 KV Traction Sub-Station at Sadulpur ( Under Deposit work of Railways( NWR Bikaner Division ). from ACOS (T&C),RVPN ,Jodhpur to 132 KV GSS, RVPN, Sadulpur (Churu) Including loading, unloading, weighting ,stacking & Insurance (410 KM Approx..) as per details given below:- BN No.: 3022301903/2019-20 Transportation of GSS Material & Equipment's ,Cable Drums others item of New Construction work of 01 WORK DESCRIPTION No.