
Li“ STATE COLLEGE STATION, RALEIGH, N. C., DECEMBER 2, 1938 Offices: 104, 105 Price Hall. Phones: 3:3... a ‘ PHI PSI mm FRATERNITY S lodgers WEE- mm Get Top Rating "all r

At Kansas City In Speech ilcre National Honorary Crop Judging Team Former German Am- Society Selects Cam- Wins Second Place in bassador Blasts Hit- - pus Leaders; Initia- Chicago Meet; Com- lerism in Stirring’ t i o n Scheduled for peted Against Na- Address to Capacity First of Next Term . tion-wide Men Crowded Pullen Hall ' i Fifteen outstanding seniors and Members of the State College Failure of the United States to juniors were selected for member- crops judging team returned to the enter the League of Nationsgm- ship in Blue Key. national honor- campus today with a huge gold cup ary leadership fraternity, 'at a mediately after the World War meeting of the society in the won with first place honors at the , was blamed Wednesday night by I Y.M.C.A. last Friday night. national contest in Kansas City and ‘ Dr. William E. Dodd. former Am- “In selecting these men for mem- with $100 and silver medals re- bassador to Germany. as one of' bership in Blue Key we have at- ceived as second place winners in the main reasons for Adolf Hitler's tempted to choose those who are the international contest at Chi- A free 'trip to the Internation- rise to supreme power in the outstanding in campus activities cago. al Livestock Exposition in Chi- Reich. and who are recognised as campus A Nebraska team barely kept the cago this month has been won leaders. With a student body of State College men from the first by Dan H. Purifoy, above, sen- Speaking in Pullen Hall before 2.000 men under consideration their place at the Chicago meet, report- ior in animal production. for an audience of 1,000 which lie- selection proved to be a difficult as- ed Dr. J. B. Cotner, coach of the his winning essay on the mar- tened attentively to a speech near- signment," said Russell Burcham, Pictured above are the faculty and student members of the State College chapter of Phi Psi, largest textile North Carolina team. Nebraska keting of meat, dairy and poutry ly two hours long, Dr. Dodd de- president of Blue Key. fraternity in the world. The “Lint Heads," as the newly elected members are known, are shown in the placed second at the Kansas City products. Purifoy is an out- scribed how completely Hitler has Those elected are: Seniors, E. J. characteristic garb they are required to wear throughout the week of initiation. meet, only 10 points below the standing student in the School mastered the German people and Angelo, of Winston-Salem, presi- Front row. left to right, sitting: Pete Bruinooge, junior warden; S. E. Bagley, teaching fellow; Instruc- State College team, which amassed of Agriculture and is a member how be Is carrying out his an- dent of Tau Beta Pi; E. A. Dees, of tor G. B. Peeler.: Professor W. E. Shinn; Professor J. '1‘. Hilton: Professor T. R. Hart; Dean 'liomas Nel- a total of 4,128 points. of Alpha Zeta. honorary agricul- nounced policy of eliminating per- Concord, captain of Scabbard and son: G. V. Hanna, president of Phi Psi; J. R. Burcham, vice-pusident; B. J. Musso, secretary; C. H. Rey- Representing North Carolina tural fraternity. sons of Jewish blood in the Fath- Blade; G. V. Hanna, Jr.. of Moores- nolds, senior warden and J. V. Kirkman, treasurer. Rear row, left to right, standing: H. C. Byrd, J. W. were J. F. Webb, Jr.. H. F. Robin- The contest was sponsored by erland. ville. president of Phi Psi; C. L. Irving. P. E. Wood, Ernest Koella, A. R. Williams. W. L. Fanning. T. C. Leake, H. R. McSwain, C. W. Stu- son and S. F. Dobson. C. L. James Swift d: Company. The audience, including many Moseley, Jr.. of Raleigh. head cheer art. A. T. Strupler. R. B. Wood. J. M. Mauney, M. F. Spencer, E. P. Henley, C. P. Echerd. Emilo Arisipe, was alternate. All are studying Jews from Raleigh and other cit;- leader: J. L. Murray. of Newton. E. A. Doss, E. S. Johnson, F. L. Misenheimer and R. J. Payne. field crops and plant breeding. ies, laughed derisively when Dr. vice president of Golden Chain; Members not present when the picture was taken are: D. E. Hamilton, B. R. Rudisill. P. D. Merritt and Webb was second high individual Dodd told how two life-sire por- Stephen Seller, of East Orange. H. C. Woodall. scorer at Chicago. his 1,387 points Fratemities Aid traits of Hitler and Mussolini in N. J., editor of Tar: Tncmvrcnn; 0’ being only five points behind the the old Reichstag building bore and A. H. Sallenger, of Florence. top man's 1,892. Highest individual the inscriptions, “Saviours of Mod- ‘S. C., president of the Interfrater- score ever made at the 14-year-old In Christmas Fund ern Civilisation." These conclndp nity Council. . . contest was set last year by Van ed a series of 500 paintings depict- ~ Juniors: E. E. Durham. of Ker- Board Approves Exams and Gifts Prove Watson. Jr.. who made 1,895 out ing Jews in every conceivable nersville. member of the Student of‘a possible 1,487 points for the With $50 Donation crime, Dr. Dodd related. Government; C. A. Hunter, of Proposed Plans State College team. No Aid To Gcmnny Charlotte, captain of the wrestling Big Worry To Students Robinson placed fifth and Deb- Interfraternity C o u n e il Instead of America holding teem; Ernest Koelld, of Rockford, son placed sixth in the Chicago con- Guarantees $50 for Deten- aloof from the League after the Tenn. president of so and 8; H. D. ForPn'ntShop test. During the 14-year history of World War, the former Ambassa- Means, of Concord, vice president Dusty Books C o m e the competition. State College has tion Home dor declared. this country should of Phi Eta Sigma; J. A. Mitchiner, Plant May be Established won more first ,places for in- have -lent its influence whole- E~V——-——r~.« of Youngevflle. president of the FrosII ElectionsTo OK the Shelf and dlviduals and teams than any other in keeping with ,tbe spirit of heartedly to international cooper- junior class: J. Y. Pharr, Jr.. of By N ext September; to college. Christmas, the State College Inter ation. The United States made Concord, member of so and 8; Make Final Plans at Once Climax Campaign Dusty Pockets Get a The 8100 won at Chicago will go fraternity Council is doing its part no efiort to aid Germany when it F. P. Sabol, of Campbell, Ohio. into a loan fund, now totalling over to bring a cheerful day to unfor- struggled under a democracy that member of Kerarnos; and Troy D. Establishment of a printing Thorough Going-over 81,000. from which loans are avail- tunate children of Raleigh, in the collapsed with Hitler's rise to Williams, member of 30 and 3. plant here at State College moved Final Balloting to Feature able to worthy agricultural stu- form of a donation to the Wake power. he stated. These men take part not only in nearer reality" last Friday when Weekly Meeting On Next Football season is practically dents without interest. County Detention Home. “Why couldn't we‘have die activities listed following their the Publications Board adopted over; the year’s football heroes Each member of all fraternities nised the importance of the (ins- names, but in many others in ad- recommendations of a special com- Thursday have taken their places in the grid- is contributing a dime toward a man people trying to govern them- Edltion to those mentioned. The mittee appointed to study the iron hail of fame: the Rose Bowl Bailey and 'Iiann’mg fund which will be given the selves from 1919 to 1988?" Dr. mEofE-nsw" members will feasibility of the plan. Freshman politicians are laying situation has been settled quite Home, and the chapters will send Dodd asked.’ “Why couldn't we probably take place early in the The committee recommended plans for a week of hectic vote- satisfactorily for our neighbors: their donations to the Interfrater- have made trade a little easier second term, but the exact date has that a print shop be established grabbing, before the final ballot- the first snow of the winter has To loin Conclave nity Council, which will supple- for them? Why couldn't we have not been decided upon' at this time. by next September 1. with equip- fallen and melted; November has ment the amount raised to bring made it easier for Germany to ment adequate to handle all of Ing next Thursday afternoon ends come and gone; and this term is the total up to 860.00. have paid her debt?" the college's‘ printing. including one of the most hotly contested fastly approaching its limit. Yep! Unfortunates The tense struggle agath ob- luniors Will Meet publications other than the Agro- freshman class elections held in exams begin next week, and with The Detention Home, operated stacles which seemed insurmount- meck. recent years. ” them comes an avalanche of work University f or National by Wake County, is used as a place able set the stage for a dictator in "The proposed plant will not The campaign moved closer to upon us that we have been throw- where unfortunate children who Germany. Dr. Dodd declared. ' To Discuss Dance accept work from outside the col- ing aside all term for' the “next Convention have committed petty crimes are Dr. Dodd also saw need for the lege nor is it interested in turning a climax yesterday when all but week-end,” but. week-ends have detained temporarily while waiting revival of Christianity. which. he out finished printers." stated two aspirants for each office were come and gone and ”that week-end" Bill Bailey and Walter l-Fanning, to be placed in a home or taken said, “is in Plans For Annual Junior- Frank H. Jetcr. chairman of the eliminated. Before t h e vote. hasn’t arrived yet. president and vice president of the care of in some manner. as much danger now Senior Prom to be Made Publications Board. taken during regular freshman as- Worra! Worra! Worra! What are student government. will represent Two years ago the Council gave as democracy is." The committee also proposed sembly, each candidate was intro- we going to do? Take those nice, N. C. State College at the annual 860.00 to the Detention Home, and Monday; Juniors Will be that an 11-man board of control duced and allowed to say a few shiny. new books off the shelf. dust convention of the National Student last year contributed to the Good- I Excused From Drill to At- he set up to complete plans for words. them off real good and take a few Federation of America, which is to fellow’s Club fund. 10 Bids Accepted I the printing plant, and selection The polls will be open in Pullen peeps into them? That would be be held during the Christmas holir Fraternities are also conducting ; tend Meeting of these men is the next step. Hall from 12 to 1 o'clock next much better than worrying over days in Lafayette. Ind., at Purdue a drive to sell Christmas seals to ‘I The board will have three alumni Thursday, December 8, for the how much we have to study, be- University. all of their members. and diSerent l‘o Phi Kappa Phi The last meeting of the Junior elected by the Alumni Association. final voting. Each f r e s‘h m a n cause worrying over it is a much The convention will bring to- fraternities are preparing baskets I class for this term will be held should cast his ballot for the class greater strain than studying and gether representatives from every to be sent to needy families. Monday; December 5. in Pullen four student members from the leaders at that time. maybe our feeble. rusty mechan- college in the United States. The committee in charge of the Eight Upperclassmen and Hall at 12 o’clock. President Jim Publications Board and four fac— »'l!he eight remaining candidates isms called minds can't stand that The conclave is for the purpose donations consists of Art Raymond. Two Faculty Members to Mitchner announced that all Jun- ulty members; including Colonel who moved into the finals are: much strain. of discussing problems that face chairman; Pierce Fleming, Curtisa iors in military will be excused Harrelson. who was empowered Bitter and Sweet the various student governments Todd and Ed Sauvain. Mrs. C. R. Join Honrary Society from drill at that time in order to appoint the other three. For president. Jack Huckabee. Oli well, bitter usually precedes throughout the nation. New ideas Lefort is chairman of the Junior that a full attendance may be had. Dean C. R. Lefort. a member School of Engineering; W. F. the sweet, and in this case the are brought to the attention of League Committee. The State College chapter of The forthcoming annual Junior- of the committee, estimated the Lovell, School of Agriculture. sweet happens to be a three weeks' those in attendance. and efforts are Phi Kappa Phi. national scholastic Senior Prom will be the principle total cost of college and publica- For vice president, Norwood A. holiday, and Christmas thrown in, made for the adoption of better honorary ’fraternity. received no- topic of discussion at the, meeting. tions printing at more than 820,- Johnson, School of Agriculture; for our mental. moral and physical- methods on the various campuses. tice of acceptance from eight sel- Those present will vote on“ the 000 annually. The cost of the Ralph Shimer, School of Engineer- ly wrecked bodies to recuperate in. This year marks the first year “Y.” Will Collect iors and two faculty members who type of dance to be given and printing plant will approximate ing. Maybe our worries aren't over yet that State has been represented by livers extended bids last week. whether or'not the dance is to be 820,000. For secretary-treasurer. W. D. though, 'cause with the coming of two students at the convention. The new men are E. J. Smith, given exclusively for Juniors and Robbins, School of Agriculture; Christmas, one has to begin to Last year J. C. Frink. then presi- Discarded Clothes senior in chemical engineering seniors. Some suggestions that T. W. Lembe, School of Engineer-.think of the wherewithal to buy dent of the student government, W. L. Carter. senior in text“. the class give their dance in con- Parkinson To Attend ing. that "sweet little thing" an ever so made the trip alone. Campaign to Secure Old Paul Thompson. senior in agfleul- Junction with a fraternity have For representative on the Stu- small gift. if we take a census of In addition to Bailey and Fan- ture; David Colvin. senior in also been received. In this way Enema: Congress dent Council. J. M. Barr, .School the average State College boy's ning, Bill Aycock. president of N. Clothes for Needy Families chemical engineering; R. B. Wood. the fraternity would give their of Textiles: Jimmy Walker, School pockets, the situation is indeed C. State student government a few Being Conducted by YMCA senior in textiles; J. C. Pierce», dance on Friday night and the Amistant Professor L. R. Parkin- of Engineering. serious. The contents: a bunch of years back and now a resident of senior in agriculture; E. J.‘.An-' class dun would be given on son of the Aeronautical Engineer- keys, if he hasn't already lost them Greensboro, will attend the meet- gelo, senior in electrical engineer'- Saturday n ght with one band en- ing Department at State College. and depends upon his roommate to ing. Horace McSwain. president of the ing, and L. C. Brooks. senior in- gaged to play for both occasions. will go to New York City, Dec. 10 leave his keys over the door; a The convention will extend from State College Y.M.C.A.. announced electrical engineerng. F a c u l t y ‘Mitchner also stated that a for the Fifth Congress on Mechan- Debaters Entered comb with half the teeth missing; Wednesday. December 28. through yesterday that the “Y" will collect members method of dues collection would ical Engineering of the Society for a dirty handkerchief; a watch, if Saturday. December 31. old clothes and money for the bene- accepting bids were Dr. also be discussed at that time. the Promotion of Engineering Edu- he is lucky, and that inevitable fit of the Family Service program A. A. Dixon and Dr. [van Shunt. cation. He will deliver a paper on In Winthrop Meet watch chain to twirl around his of the Raleigh Community Chest. “Cobperation Between School and finger when he is standing in line as has been done in previous years. Industry." State Forensic Squad De- at the cafeteria; two or three pen- Stalings Resigns E. S. King. secretary of the “Y." CleeCithcIies Prof. Parkinson recently returned nies—sad reminders of the sales stated that last year the plan was from Chicago, where he attended fending Past Honors; Mc- tax: a nickel or a dime, and maybe enthusiastically received by the the air transport meeting of the in- Swain and Zekaris, Last- but very rarely. a quarter or‘half Self-Help Duties State College students and a con- . DpeneanSImday stitute of Aeronautical Sciences. a dollar; and oh yes, of course, a siderable amount of wearable cloth- En route to Raleigh, he called at Year Champions, Mining pocketbook containing a registra- ing and money was collected by the Series of Programs Spon-, the Army Air Corps Experiment From'l'eam tion card. a few scraps of paper Secretary of NYA Employ- Y.M.C.A. and turned over to the Base at Wright Field in Dayton, with names, telephone numbers ment to Take Graduate Family Service. , sored by Mu Beta Psi; Ohio. to difihss the use of Army Nine members of the State Col- and addresses scribbled on them, a King stated that all dormitories Three Soloists Featured on equipment in the State College driver's license, a few membership Work at Carolina; N. B. and fraternities will be visited by lege forensic team left Wednes- Watts, State Graduate, Will members of the Y.M.C.A. next Tues- initial Program laboratories and to amist in the day for Rock Hill, 8. C., where cards, and possibly that liabilities day night, December 6, and that placing of State College aero- picture, but the space labeled Fill Position all contributions will be collected Thefirstinaseriesofprogramsf nautical graduates. they will take part in the annual checks and bills is usually quite at that time. was given by the State College Glee Dixie Championship Debate Tour- empty. Ain't it awful? Whatchs R. L. Stallings, self-help director Club in Pullen Hall last Sunday, Registration nament sponsored by Winthrop gonna do? That is a problem that of State College since 1936, made thefirstfullprogramoftheGlee you will have to solve for yourself. public today his resignation from This Week’s Ho Hum! Club'for the year. The group has Monday, January 2. 10“. is College. 'cause us members of the staff are that once. 1 appeared several times before in \the day for the Second Ter- The contests began yesterday at worrying like the deuce over the Mr. Stallings has held the poet connection with campus and com- Wotan“. noon and will end tomorrow. Over same thing. since his junior year at State. and munity stairs. 7 400 debate". representing so col- has during that time assisted an The Glee Club. under the direc- leges and universities. are attend— BillSays... average of over 800 students each tion of C. D. Kutechineki. sang sev- ing the current tournament. year in India part-time employ- eral mum. and pres-lied to The State College team. which r i ment. He plus to take graduate a Raleigh audience for the first has always managed to win a huge E work at Chapel Hill in Public Wel- time“SongoftheWinds."are- share of first places at previous fare Administration. and does not eat composition by Frederick S. tournaments. will be seriously i Smith, now a Raleigh resident. hampered this year through the r 3 i E 9 Soloists on the program were loss of its two outstanding speak- EE l3t lis Endga- Avery, Jr.. C. D.’Siekereti. ers. Horace McSwain and Harold and Curtis Graver, Jr. Zekaria. Both men won numerous awards and medals in last year's i a contests. i Members of the team making E the trip. accmnpsued by Ddate Coach Edwin H. Panet. are: George Lippard. C. K. Watkins. H. B. Bell. H. B. Hubermaa.‘l.. S. .l. Smith. ,0. H. Kirkman. P. W. Weeds-u! andf. l.‘Pr‘ies.Jr. [5“in...“SE Th T‘echninc‘ia

Schedule of Final Examinations FALL TERM, 1938-39 GLEANIN’GS By’I'HES’l‘AFl' North Carolina State Classes was Recitations: Will Take Examinations: Tuesday at 8 o'clock...... Thursday, Dec. 8—3 to 6 o’clock ThinkingOutlend:Thegentthntmadethe‘remnknbout“Ti-O College Monday at 9 o’clock...... l|‘riday, Dec. 9—0 to 18 o'clock Flies."musthaverenllyknownwhathewas nbout...A Monday at 8 o'clock..-...... ll‘riday, Dec. 9—2 to 6 o’clock glanoeatthatcalendsronyourwallwilloonvinceyouofthefaot Tuesday at o'clock“...... Saturday, Dec. 10—9 to 18 o'clock LOOKING 'IOUND thattherenreonlyfivemorecrannningdnysleftnnsilenams.... Monday at 8 o'clock...... 8aturday, Dec. '10—: to 6 o’clock Wes --- M Worriedseniorsrealiuingthattbeyarethatmuchcloautom Monday at 10 o’clock...... Monday, Dec. 13—. to 13 o'clock By“!000l’" thecold,cruelworld....Allofuslookingforwurdton-well-ennell lam-nu Senna ...... l¢uor Monday at 8 o'clock»...... Monday, Dec. 13-! to 6 o'clock vacation....Withthethermometerclimbingbackup . 1.. lemon Brown ...... _...... m ...... llasi9eu Hamper Tuesday at 11 o'clock...... ‘Tuesday, Dee. 18—9 to 11 o'clock Everybody worries about little levels,thefewpatehesofsnowonthegmundaroallthntkeeplad Monday at 11 o'clock...... Tuesday, Dec. 13—2 to 6 o’clock 'Ebo ll‘rink. He. runs around so week'sstormfmmseeminglikeadream...'l'he I. P. Davmson ...... -...... _...... lasoptsg later Tuesday at 10 o'clock...... Wednesday, Dec. 14—9 to 18 o'clock much that girls take turns worry- cranningthataceompnniesexamtimm...lfwedllllnlfnslmdl ing about him, three weeks at a workalltermaswedointhelastweekertwo.thesewouldn'tbs 3. 3. Down"...... News Miter Arranged Examination (In- time. By the time that all of his Anr Ransom: we...... WWW ”Jpn-ts sum cluding 18 o'clock classes).....Wednesday, Dec. 14—8 to 6 o’clock girls have finished worrying about enough A'stogoaronnd. him, he'll be an old man. Ourbcstcongratulationstonukeonthehlongsswaitedbidte Notice That Examinations Begin On Thursday Afternoon 0 O 0 NewYearsDuyclassic....WlththeBlueDevilsgoingtothe it 1. Examinations will begin Thursday afternoon, December 8, Could the story be true that BowlsndCarnegieTechtotheSugarBoletseemsasthough J. C. Runnels...... Jici Photographer at 8 pm. “Willie” Linkhaw staged a one- wouldbeinlineforsomesortofanhonor.hsvinggivenboth P. Polon- Game m.~..-w-w.-mwmmwm 8. No examinations will be scheduled or held-by, any member man celebration, in view of the amightybusyaftemoon....Speahingofthellosquwl.we of the faculty before Thursday afternoon, December 8 (after-~ fact that Christmas is only a few thattheChesterfieldcigarottepeoplearegoingtorunaspecinl 108 Hunter ' I”. noon Physical Education Classes excepted). days off? Not that this made any tothecoastfor Duke students and alumni,charglngonly$ irilii 3. Examinations will be held only between the hours indicated. didarence, but he did have to find round-trip (Maybe there is some advantage in going to it: Anocirmd M Ross 4. The examinations will be held in the rooms where classes some reason, didn't he? all). W of recite. 0 t 0 Dick (Corkscrew) East will middle-aisle it with one of the local 6. Courses having both recitation and laboratory hours should Bill Welfare was going with pretties during the holidays. . . . Our best birthday wishes to Nancy use the class hours for determining when the examination will some girl who lives in a neighbor- Steele. one of the sweller'campus personalities. . . . Frank Sahel. be given. ing town, and he had her up for squiring a Meredith charmer on a window-shopping to" the otha' $1.60 Per Callus Year 8. Arranged examinations are for those examinations not pro- the recent dances. After the dances afternoon. . . . That letter George Boswell gotfrons hishometewn mm '0. NATIONAL auvsunscnn UV vided for elsewhere in this schedule. All scheduled classes should were over, the girl’s mother for- heartbeat telling him not to let studying interfere with hp collego take their examinations at the hours indicated unless combined bade Bill to come back visiting the education. . . . Handsome John Savini walking into the California _ “Whittier. with other sections. Unless the entire section is eliminated, indi- little miss. What's wrong, Bill FruitStor-esportingapairofwhitefiannels....Addiuterestingeon- WWW vidual students are expected to take their examinations with the 0 0 versatlonalists, Charlie Begg. canass-ussvss-assausus-saaraasusesone "antenna Avs. Nun Young M. Y. section they have been attending. Arranged examinations can Last weak-end Henry “School- The Wolfpack is really taking to the air during the holidays. what be held during other hours in the examination week, and there- boy" Rowe went home to spend a with Art Rooney, Mickey Sullivan, Bobbie Sabolyk, Tony De Yesso Entered as secondelou matter, February 10. 1m, at the post also at fore, no teacher should arrange for an examination if any stu- couple of, days,. and during that and several others planning to charter an Eastern Airliner for the Raleigh. North Carolina. under the Act oflorch 8, 1870. dent already has an examination that conflicts with the proposed period he had a date with some trip home. . . . George (Chick) Chaconua wandering around the St. arrangement. girl from Meredith who lives near Mary'scnmpusandserenading theeagerlistenerswithanot-bndren- 7. All examinations will be given in accordance with this his home. Since he has returned to dition of “All Ashore". . . . Our best wishes to Larry (Pretty Boy) schedule. N0 CHANGE WILL BE APPROVED EXCEPT FOR. school he has spent all of his spare Smith who will soon be traveling Hollywood way to see his one and ======Q=== THE PURPOSE OF COMBINING OR ELIMINATING SEC- time in the library reading the only. an actress whose name he won’t divulge. . . . Thinking what a TIONS. book, "Casanova."0 0 great big-time lawyer Frank Shields would make. . . . “Elm" Frink- Our Best Wishes . . . Ed "Ty" Coon may be a terror in the “Agromeck” ofilce ordering pictures by the donen to nuke the on the grid field, but when it comes girls happy. ‘ As the last issue of THE TECHNICIAN for this term goes to to society, he is a real woman kill- Jim (any It. Isn't 80) Murray trying to patch up a lover's quarrel press, the staff wishes to take this opportunity to express er. One of the most graceful per- via the telephone and getting in deeper by the minute. . . . The power its most sincere wishes for a Merry Christmas and a pleas- sons you have ever seen on a dance house must be short of steam according to the abbreviated Ill-ts from YOUR Rovme floor. Ed has to keep a bodyguard the college whistle we've been getting lately. . . . Wonder if the cute ant vacation to its readers and advertisers. US'I'ENING Ill around to keep the girls oil. More little blond working in the Dean of Students' oiliee could hnve any- We have worked hard to present timely news to you in an REPORTER power to you, Coon. thing to do with its recent popularity. . . . My vote for the Midawinta'l' interesting manner and hope that our efforts have met with By JOE MICHAEL 0 0 band goesto versatile Larry Clinton and his scintillating osk. your approval. Our staff is not composed of brilliant, finished _— There have been many children Has Tom Rowland found a sad- Bill Aldridge, the “Tochniclan's” super salesman. . . . The fowl odor By ARNOLD KROCHMAL who were the pride and joy of den interest in Peace Conan? No. arising from the Publications Building these days can mean only (me writers, but of students who have secured the campus for Mamma and Poppa because they you’re wrong. He has found a sud- thing. . . another “Wataugan” is on its way (don't say we dkln’t news and have done their best to compile it into a readable The Question: What do you in- could sing, but most of these den interest in a person that lives warn you). . . . Bunny Hines and a Greensboro lovely are m the gwspaper. We work with your interests uppermost in our tend to do during the Christmas youngsters lost their fine voices near the college, and attends the hand-holding stage. . . . ditto Russell Burcham. . . . Mort (Bound) n s. vacation? when their voices changed, or by a college, but I can assure you the Brown has been receiving fan mail from a little country girl who mw The People: ResMente of Sov- tonsil operation. In Lakeland, Fla., interest is not for the callus. his picture in a local paper So it is to you members of the growing State College enth Dormitory. Frances Langford used to sing the O O 0 Community and to you local merchants who have made the usual weekly soprano solo with the Jake Marsh is going to chm Already worrying about having to be back here for registrflion on paper possible that we say, "May this holiday season be your T. E. Hondren. Ag. Education, '89, church choir. At the age of 16 she is name to Jake Duos-p. Tb run Januarya....SonndslikearatheI-quiet New Years Eveforsomsof. happiest yet.” Hiddenite, N. C. had her tonsils removed. After sev- son: He fioods The Wotan-son with In...ltwouldprobablybeagoodthingforpeoplelikeJakoM-fi N. 0. Brass “This year I expect to spend a eral weeksshe again sang her solo cheap advertisement. you be: down mEdnummough....s'rEVEsan.En. I good part of my time during the and was so embarrassed because trying to read the old jokes, you Hail, Wolfpack! vacation preparing material with her voice had changed that she ran mire up in the pantie. mos-la, ' which to practice teaching null out of the church, but this change and you have to trades our to the The entire student body extends its heartfelt appreciation term. However, I hope to have from a soprano to a contralto made wastebasket to throw the thing plenty of time in tvhich to out her a star. -. . . Felix Knight, win- away. Not to mention the foul and I K RAM s we ‘ to the 1988 Wolfpack——a fine football team and a splendid some good food, catch up on my ning tenor of the Metropolitan Au- stagnant odor which would make group! of men. ‘ sleep, and to go hunting. I almost ditions of the Airy-hails. from an a dirty old swamp smell like a True, they came out on the losing end of the scores in the forgot to mention a few dates, but old plantation near Macon, Ga. .. . bunch of roses. Would nu not JEWELRY — MEN’S CLOTHING majority of their games, but every 0 ponent was met with that's really.unimportant. Judy Garland is one of the -best change your name, if you were he! a fighting spirit that does justice to e name, Wolfpack. all-round piano players in Holly- CASH or CREDIT Prank Sahel. Ceramic Engineer- wood, but she cannot read a note month in Pittsburgh as the singing' Playing a schedule of games as tough as that of any other ing, '89, Youngstown, Ohio: of music. She plays by ear and can sensation of the year. Many Mgr SALISBURY-MARTIN STREETS RALEIGH school! in the South, our boys gave their best. Who can ask "I plan to spend at least five or in anything after a second hear- time band leaders were stumbling more six days of the vacation in Rn- ing. Deanna Durbin for the first over one another to get her auto , leigh. doing work in the college time in her career is supported graph on the dotted line, but it “We Invite You to Open an Account" Week after week, they worked hard to achieve a goal, library on my thesis. I hope to no h an orchestra her own age. The looks like Jan Gerber came out which seemed to elude them at every turn. Still they tried. home for at least a week and for5 young musicians, sixteen of them. with thegoods....Theabote Certainly that is the mark of a truly great team. get all about school and recuper- wlnplaythemusieforthesongs mentioned torch-wagers may be ate from my studying. I expect to that Deanna sings in Universal's but for a real number one Bad luck and bad breaks haunted their footsteps, but they and ice-skating Juvenile play, "Phat Certain A80.” tops, never gave up. Crippled in strategic points throughout the go sleigh riding ...TheMerryMacs—three jolly pusher I would pin the- blue ribbon every day the weather permits. boys and a girl. They sing about on America's Jitterbug. Betty Rut, year, still the team gave out. Thento Charlotte to spend a few five minutes on Fred Allen's “Town who really gets off scum hot ones Therefore, to a great Red and White team—a team of real days with my roommate, to recu- Hall Tonight" program. but spend with the Vincent Lopes aggrego men—we say from the depths of our hearts, “Congratula- pants." ‘four hours a day at the regular re- tion. . . . Wonder wilnt happened hearsals. No wonder they are so to the Andrews Sisters after the AM“— tions!" A. 1!. Place. Textiles, '42, Montre: gsed....DollyKay,canaryin public had enough of.” their version HAIL, WOLFPACK! WE HONOR YOU! al. Canada: one of the Philly hot spots, over~ of “Bel Mir Bist Du when”? . . . "I do not intend to return home comm a speech impediment to tear Any of you who are llrcky enough —-———N. c. IrarI———— _ during the Christmas recess. I the reel 0! with “Music, Maestro, to own a phonograph pickup might shall probably remain in Raleigh Please." . . . Make a mental memo be interested to know that some of Help Fight Tuberculosis until after Christmas. and then I of Thelma Nevins as a comer. As the old records made by Bin Beider- intend to visit relatives in the soon as she learns not to hug the becke and Louis Armstronge hove Students are being asked this week to buy tuberculosis North between Christmas and the mike 'and handle the high ones. been reissued. stamps to help in the national fight against the dreaded dis- beginning of the new term. I'm she will be on your Hit Parade. . . . hoping awfully hard that the bout Best of the current crop of chant- NM! ease. If every student on this campus would buy a dime’s is left on in Seventh Dorm during ers—Ivy Anderson of the Duke El- There will be a meeting of worth of the stamps, the money received would go a long the vacation." “ lington crew, who registers heavily the business st‘ of the “Tech- way to help in the national campaign. with 'You Gave Me the Gate and nician" on Moon, December Medical men F. Davidson. Engineer. '42, Ben- Now I’m Swinging.” . . . Patricia 5, at 7 o‘clock in the Publica- Tuberculosis is not a mysterious disease, eon. New York: Norman, who a few years was tions Building. All members know the cause and the cure for the disease, but they haven’t “I expect to visit Oberlin, Ohio, mked for top honors by several the necessary funds with which to fight it. to see my gal, who goes to school forth last at Oberlin College. Then on to radio columnists, budded Each student is asked to donate only ten cents for stamps. New York. and eventually to New Surely we can spare this little bit for so worthy a cause. All York City to visit some of the the- Why Not a Candid we have to do isleave off desserts for a couple of meals to atres and hit some of the high Christmas? make up the necessary amount. spots. I hope to catch up a little on my ice-skating. In my spare Candidly speaking, someone on your _____i—— N. C. Srars time I hope to catch up on my gift list would be wildly enthusiastic sleep, so that I can come back and about a miniature camera—the han- Watch Out For Thieves ' make some good grades." dy new type that's all the rage with amateurs today. We have a wide The thieves are loose on the campus again. Only this week M. M. Karlman. Forestry, ’40, selection. pribed for every need. Let eighteen dollars was stolen out of South Dormitory, twelve NewarkrNew Jersey: us show them to you and help with «4‘...— six dollars out of Fourth, and “First night, gift suggestions. dollars out of Witauga, and Hold hands with my girl; besides money, many meal books and other valuables were Second night, _ taken. Hold hands with my girl; Wm. Daniels Camera Shop w~-..... It is getting to the point where a man can’t step out of And so on till the end of the “Raleigh's Photographic Mendquarters” his room without finding half of his belongings gone when vacation.” ' PHONE 2618 : : WEST HABGE'I'I leave your room open he returns. To go to the shower and [ester J. Skownonik. Engineer. is a welcome invitation to the common thief, and it seems '40, New York City: SEND VACATION BAGGAGE that we are blessed with more than our share of these. "One of the first things I intend With a student body of two thousand, it is natural that doing is to renew old acquaint- shady side. ances, m tly with those of the HOME sv we get a few men whose honor is a little on the opposite I intend going to We must guard against these men, and when we catch them some hockey games to see some at their nefarious work, report them to the proper authori- good slugging and free-for-alls, liillliiillf ties and rid our campus of them immediately. Don't have and intend seeing my former Alma any sympathy for the thief who is trying to loot your room Mater, NYU, play basketball. May- and take away your ions. If you catch one in your be'l'll marry the sweetest girl in room, report him and let’s get rid of him. Your room is your New York.” home while you are in college, and no one has the pnvdege mar: to enter your room without your invitation or permission. Saturday, Novel-bar so. one When you leave your room, regardless of how, long you blackblllfolder.oontniningnp- door and take the keys with you. mmrmateoeriauck- Itlookslikeatelephoneswitdlboard v.“ are to be gone, lock your eta, athletic ticket, driving li- Many boys lock their rooms and put the key over the door, cense,andstndent roster. -—sctnally it’sa'l‘eletypewriterexcbangsswitehboard. whereitiseasilyaccessibletotheroomthief.Thisisabad Finderplcnsaretnrnto~W.E. leads to looted rooms—B. V. M. Muchbouds-locatedinIGOeificsndtowns— v policy, and often “museum-smarter That‘schewsyoovacationinstyle almndymorethsnllMsubsesibes-sto'l'elotypewritm [6. Grass phonebOdeos-Clom —widiaodiingeodobutgo.]nst “v"-.. lockupyourtrunkandhagsand servicemebeinginteseonnccted. ‘ phoneRailwayfispreanoeuna darge—nodickcsing or doubts. SCHOOL or MEDICINE OneaqmmYouseeyourhsggsgegqandanukeyourn-inwitb acrossthestreetoraaontheoontinem. Whatever-is DURHAM. NJ}. asighofrcliefio Convenientfloox—andeoonommtomOnrs-ases typcdonthesandingmadiineisrepredicedcxactlydn- Il'our terms of eleven weeks are arelow,andyoucsnsend"collect,"ifyouwim.sameaswuh' our'home- stantly,atthcotl|crendofthewire. . given each year. These may be md-backhundrysuvioe'whenyonfiongsfllntbstinsmoome. taken consecutively (graduation in Whenyoujointhebusinesswodd,you’llfindmmy three and one-quarter years) or MLWKMD pmgrcssivecompmiesuserctypowriterservieeSpeed- three terms may be taken each M0“:fltlmu~0nl~fbsnsll year (graduation in four years). "mun. The comes requirements are in- ' " woud—itheno-orenellSymemoomribn- studentsthataretbecreatorsoftberacket telligence. ‘charaeter and three studentsthanto years of college work, inelndhg tiensobu’ness‘cimcy. ‘sh-i‘iluldbemeoz'eeonsiderateoftheirfellow the subjects specified for Class A Illidlljltli. XPRESS . hindertbminanalresdydiflcultjobnndmaybethecause medical schooh. Catalogues and application forms may be obtained AGENCY from the Admission Committee. _ “TICI-UIII ulb‘ll .ml _ Illill. 'l‘l‘.l.l'.l'lltl\ I: \\ Vlli‘l The Technician Lexington, N. C... I. I. Dalton, Durham, N. C.; R. L. Cain, Fay- THEY’RE ALL DRESSED UP etteville, N. 0.: C. A. Hunter. ElecmcaISociety Charlotte, N. 0.; T. I. Kolarih, Pittsburg, Pa., and F. 0. Trusiow, prison site recently acquired Draper, N. C. Tolnitiateliigllt Bids for the construction of a college. The estimated alt new dairy house for State College building is $10.00.. Eight Seniors a n d . Five Eta Kappa Nu, National will be opened on December 8, it Tw0dairybamandam was announced this week by Pro- residence will also be W Juniors Initiated Into Cam- lilitary Pichrres Honor Fraternity, to Hold lessor Ross Shumaker of the De- on the site under Final Initiation Tonight terms at a "A pm Honorary Fraternity To Be Taken Today partment of Architecture. grant to the college. . light seniors and five juniors All senior military pictures for The State College chapter of Eta SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSO were initiated last night into Pine the current Aaromeck will be taken Kappa Nu, national honorary fra- Burr. campus honorary leadership this afternoon in the Agromeck of- ternity for electrical engineers, will fraternity. These men were se- fice from 2 until o'clock, accord- The Uniform Gift for lected. on the basis of leadership, ing to Editor J. Abner Worrell. He initiate eight outstanding upper- scholarship and character as the also asked that all cadets wear classmen tomorrow night. the Girl Friend requirements are that a man must white shirts along with the regu- Following the initiation. the fra- have a scholastic average of 85, lation uniform. ternity will hold a banquet at must never have failed a course “All class copy must be in by which Paul Vecker of the Carolina and must have completed two Christmas," Worreil stated. “and in Power and Light Co., will speak on years work at this school. order to make this possible every “The Ind trial Development of the The new members were wel- proof must be checked. To date. South w th Specific Reference to ‘ (Whitman ’5 comed last Saturday fight by the there are more than 400 proofs the Carolinas." Andy Monroe, State society ‘at a steak dinner and that have not been checked." College alumnus with the utility dance given at the Woman's Club. The office of the business man- firm. also will be a guest. Those initiated into Pine Burr ager will be open every afternoon Two of the initiates, A. H. Sal- CHRISTMAS CANDY last night are: R. B. Wood, Gas- except Saturday for this purpose. lenger of Florence, S. C., and J. R. tonia, N. C.: J. W. Foster, Jr., Shearon of Bunn, are seniors. _at.__ Portsmouth, Va.; C. H. Storey, Four scholarship awards by the Juniors in the group are T. R. Frar Wilmington. N. C'.: G. V. Hanna. United Air Lines are being offered zier, Jr., of Warrenton; R. V. Lamb, Mooresville. N. C.; P. S. Thomp- by the Boeing School of Aeronau- of Elizabeth City; G. C. Mahler, of sou. Cleveland; P. J. Gibson, tics. Oakland, California, to under- Wilmington; I. M. Vann, Jr., of Franklin. N. C.; S. H. Dobson, graduates in U. S. and Canadian Clinton; J. W. Wilkinson, of'Burn— College Court Pharmacy colieges. side, Ky., and G. L. Yingling, Jr., As a result of voluntary donations by cadets in the State College Statesville, N. C.;' E. F. Smith. of Salisbury. ROTC regiment. the drum and bugle corps is now attired in snappy “Anything You Want” i Eta Kappa Nu is 15 years old. new uniforms. Membership in the fraternity is one The colorful suits are modeled above by Lieut. S. C. Holmes and SELECT Your of the highest honors that students Sgt. Ed Young. We wish for you a happy vacation— in electrical engineering can attain. The new dress includes a bright-red coat with white trimmings, See us before you leave and remember Purposes of the organization are to white overseas cap with State College insigna in red, white leggings promote the interests of the elec- and light drab trousers. College classes of individual members are us when you return for the New Year. trical engineering department and indicated by white sleeve stripes. Gift Furniture the college, and to give reco ition SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS to juniors and seniors wh have SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! From the Home of Beautiful Furniture shown themselves to be outstand- NEW-COMER DIRECTOR Guaranteed Bargain Prices ing members of their classes. ELECTRICAL GIFTS CASH or CREDIT Sophomore Is Injured Are Best! In Automobile Wreck Southern Auction W. Ewart Adams, Charlotte boy A whole floor full of fascinating, and State College sophomore, es- gleaming electrical gifts— caped serious injury last Friday Furniture Company night when his car overturned as he was returning from Shelby. Stocks Are 113-115 South Wilmington Street Adams had attended a dance in Beautiful Complete, and Shelby, and was on his way back to Raleigh when the accident oc-' RADIOS for Our Service is curred. He received treatment Réom or Fra- from the college lufirmary and the Best remained under observation for a ternity House o:o

CimchniilI AcsilsSclsctcl

lieh’nslnliolc \3.‘ canvases-n mammal: (3’4”! Oswald For-ei- Wolfpack Coach To Bring Duquesne Here Next a, mu. omens BashcfExcellentPerform— Blue Devils Get Cov- A mistake was made last week wrestling matches took place, and Ian¢einGamesThreagheei Year for Interscctionsl Bet- in announcing the final teams for all those present were well repaid eted Invitation After . tie With State; Belch Edge football. so here is the correct dope. bythefinemetchesputonbythe Year. On Wslhce Wade - if you can't follow it. please see boys. The two leagues broke even Steve Acai. senior guard on the Defeating Pittsburg; Zodiac and maybe he can straight- on the night’s work, each winning N. C. State eleven, has been award- en you out. four matches. They follow: ed the trophy this year tor the Intheold daystheyusedtojust Duquesne University will play In the dormitory league, 2nd 115 lit—W. 4th. defeated most valuable player on the tea- pick 'em and play ’em when it State's football team here on No- 1911 cans in and made a triple tie Waldln. PlKA, on a dehlllt. for the 1938 seesom rember 11. 1939—which is another out of the upperclassmen bracket. 125 lhs.--Donoven, SP3, defeated . came of Rose Bowl. Sugar Bowl way of saying that Johnny (Little To settle the brecket, 3rd 1911. Arispee,1st Wetauge. and any other Bowl game you can Clipper) Smith will make a return 3nd 1911 and 3nd 7th had to fight 136 lba—Roee, 3rd 1911.100! to think of. Now they pick them and to the State campus in the role of it out to see who should play 3rd Murdock Kappa Sig. . the sports writers, coaches, and coach of the enemy. 7th for top honors. 145 lbs.—Kolarik, 2nd 7th. de- cigar store quarterbacks pick ’em Clipper coached the Wolfpack is Second 1911 gained the tie by feated Means. Kappa Sig. 1931, 1933. and 1933. Let out in defeating 2nd Wateuga on a for- .156 lbs.—Hawfield, Kappa Sig, anrt. order that Hunk Anderson might feit. They went on to defeat and lost to Blackwelder. 1st South. Selection of Duke University as be let in, Smith coached a prep 7th by a score of 13-0, thus putting 185 mar—Lovelace, AKPi, defeat- the opponent of the University of school team in Newark for one and 7th out. The way it stands year and then went to Duquesne now. 2nd 1911 has to play 3rd 1911, ed Wall, 3nd 911. Southern California in the annual as assistant coach. He was made and the winner of that game will 175 lbs.-— , SPE, defeated Tournament of Roses drew caustic head coach in 1939, and his Dukes meet 3rd 7th for the championship Burgess, 3nd . criticism from sports writers all had a fine season—featured by a 0-0 in Biddick Stadium on hesday Unlimit worm, 1st We- over the West Coast. victory over Pitt. That is the last afternoon. The loser of the game The general theme was that defeat on‘the PanthI-s’ record. between 3nd31911 and 3rd 1911 will Will all the managers please while Dukeboasted a better record, The contract for the 1939 game meet 2nd~3rd South to settle third send in the en blanks which particularly as a defensive club, Seen here ll Canain Bunny Hines executing a perfect block in the with Duquesne was closed yester- and fourth places, on Monday aft- were sent to yo by Mr. Miller? the general public clamor was for ' Homecoming gameplayed on Riddick Stadium. This is the kind of a 'uey by J. L. von Glahn, State’s ernoon. These are for win r intramurals. the heralded attack of the Texas play the average spectator fails to see and most of the time they are business manager of athletics. The Here are the dormitory scores Check those you wan "winter and The State squad paid tribute to Christian team to show its might the best pieces of action in the game. This is a perfect block, executed Duquesne end of the negotiations for the past week: 3nd 19i1 won also send your selections for the the great little gusrdfi'lest week in the Rose Bowl. This fact the with one foot on the ground and the arms in the proper position. were handled by Smith, who is on forfeit over 1st Watauga; 3nd all-campus team as requested in the when they voted him the most vel- writers claimed the U.8..C ofiicieis Play such as this is indicative of the way the State line played this athletic director as well as head 1911 best 3nd 7th, 13r0, on some letter. If you fail to check the uable teammate and later in the overlooked in their selection. year. coach. swell passing by Pope and Jones sports you wish to participate in. week W. G. Enloe, manager of the One sports writer stated that to Sugg and Medford. Second 7th Mr. Miller will have to count your Ambassador Theater, awarded the Southern California was letting it- . fell apart when Kaufman had to team out for the winter sports. trophy. leave the game due to injuries. The trophy, 18 inches tall, bears ""ing someonem who...... is pretty.....sure not Techlets Round Mahnen nng Prospects Bright Second South defeated 4th, 6-0, Bunnie Hines, N. C. State guard, the inscription, _“Most Valuable to run up a big scour; 0:1 t‘hlem. t . . on a pass from Ferre to McArthur. spends summers saving lives at N. C. State Player, 1938." Acai fol- In the final game of the intramural Wrightsville Beach. The tan he lows in the, footsteps of Carl Iseaa, pointingmm...his team for a..single game 'lntoFm R Id Fm. Hard Schedule For iiiiie Team program the Kappa Sigs will meet acquired the past year was com- who was the first to receive the and all these unkind remarks and ' the Alpha Gamma Rhos and the pletely bleached away by his moio award in 1934; Ray Rex in 1935; ‘ caustic criticism won’t hurt the Under' the able coaching of Bob The team which built up the best Approximately 100 men, the Delta Sigs will meet the Lambda skins two weeks after he reported Joe Ryneska in 1936, and Eddie Devils at all. The crafty mentor Warren, frosh coach, P. G. Hill, co— win and loss record last year, largest turnout on record, report- Chis for the two final games of the for football. Berlinski in 1937. will probably seise all these things captain of the varsity basketball State’s wrestling team, is hard at ed for the first practice of the season. to whip his team into a lather of N. 0. State rilie team at the armory The Kappa Slgs went into the revenge against the Trojans. team and “Red" Severe, varsity work seeking to form a team just final playoff by beating the Kappa Diamonds—Easy Terms Credit Jewelers—Weekly Payments The Blue Devils this year, it is player, the 1939 Techlet basketball as good or better than the one this week. Major R. E. Jones, Alphas in their final game by a true, have not set the world on fire team is rapidly rounding into which lost but one match last year. who has piloted the sharpshooters score of 6-0. Frasier threw a touch- GEM WATCH SHOP with thouchdowns, but they have shape. The able coach of the grunt and through two successful seasons, down pass to Koella on the first just pushed across enough points to groaners, Herman Hickman, has will coach the team. play of the game, and the game BULOVA —3ELGIN — HAMILTON sew up the ball game and let it go Some twenty-five first year men been busy with his football duties, The team lost by .graduatlon Telephone at that. Records show that in only are out for the team at present. so Captain Charley Hunter and Ted three of the best shots on last was on ice for the rest of the pe- ‘ 2526 107 Fayetteville St. one instance did the Dukes run up with the following showing the Johnson have taken over the job of crack team, Myers, Wilson riod. Riddick returned to action for a big score against opponents in preparing the boys for a tough sea- year's the K.A.'s for the first time since the eight years that Wade has been most promise: Norman Wiggin, one son. \ and Johnson. However,.the team he received ah injury inia game at Duke. This again proves the call- of the freshmen halfbacks; “Pud- Captain Hunter emphasised the will list such veterans as Hay- played. earlier in the season. He her of the Duke coaching staff. din'—head" Jones: Hiram Jenny, fact that he and Johnson were the worth. Clapp, Shallington, Smith, played an exceptionally good game The Blue Devils will be the first Jim Carney and George Strayhorn. only two varsity men back, and and Harly. at center for the losers. , CHRISTMAS . . .‘ team to go west to represent a The yearlings will play their that all candidates for the team Taking a casual look at the The Pi Kappa Phis won over the . North Carolina team in the Rose first game the first week after the would be welcomed. prospects, Major Jones said he Phi Kappa Taus on a forfeit to Bowl and the status of North Caro- Christmas vacation when they meet Freshmen lire also invited to thought the team as a whole this close the season for both of these Means you need Greet- lina football will be at s ke when Louisburg College here. Last year’s come out for the yearling mat year would be better than last teams- the two teams tee 0 on New team defeated the junior college squad. Last year's fresh team won year. Lastyear there were some Yesterday afternoon the Kappa ing Cards andGifts to ‘ Year's Day. Win or lose. the Blue quintet and this year’s frosh hope the State and Big Five champion- high individual shots, with the re- Sig team outplayed a favored Devils are sure to make the best to repeat the victory. ships. mainder of the team shooting Lambda Chi team to win, four first of the opportunity the U.S.C. ofil- In addition 3: this game, the The first match of the season will mediocre. whereas this year the downs to two. Twice the Kappa send to your friends. cials have given them—to put fresh will meet the frosh of Duke, take place December 10 when the team .will be better balanced. Slgs came within scoring distance. North Carolina football up where Carolina, Wake Forest, Davidson Winston-Salem Y. M. C. A. invades only to be stopped on the one-yard _ and several high schools. Thompson gymnasium for a match. line as the half ended, and a sec- CARDS it belongs, on the top. After the Christmas holidays the ond time failing to score after collegiate schedule will commence, surchmmu Attend gaining a first .down on Lambda STATIONERY when Washington and Lee, V. M. 1.. Chi's ten-yard marker. Price was BRIEF CASES LAMPS V. P. 1.. Tennessee and Maryville Blue Key Connection outstanding for the winners, inter. are met, in addition to the Big Five cepting a pass and racing 36 yards teams representing Duke, Carolina Russell 'Burcham, president of before being tagged. The victory JAMES E. THIEM and Davidson. Blue Key, national honorary lead- assured Kappa Sigma first place ership fraternity, will attend a con- in their bracket and a chance for Phone 135 125 Fayetteville St. vention of that society to be held the fraternity title. . PRIIZES in Indianapolis, Indiana, from De- Wednesday night the all-campus limelight SIR-its cember 28 to December 30, at the Lincoln Hotel. s?5‘5B55555’5555’555’5’555‘55’5’55555555555550) The purpose of the convention, Antique Reproductions of finest jewelry, priced from To Basketball the Third National Blue Key gath- 82.75 to $25.00 Lockets, Crosses, Bracelets and Rings ering, is to transact such business Nation’s C rac k Quintets as'may pertain to the general wel-. Complete line of Elgin and Waltham Watches $19.76 up fare of the fraternity, to make such Polishing Up Their Game changes in the method of govern- HEADQUARTERS For Busy Season ment as may seem necessary, to Walk a few steps and save a few. dollars at hear reports of the Executive Ofii- Another football season has come cer and of committees, and to intro- and gone, and now the great col- duce whatever topics of discussion KROPP 8: BRAUN legiate indoor sport, basketball, oc- will lead' to enlargement of vision cupies the limelight of the fans' en- for the future. For Student Needs 10 West Martin Street Opposite U. S. Postofiice thusiasm. Burcham expects to leave North From coast to coast. in large Carolina immediately after Christ- well-lighted gymnasiums quintets mas. While attending the conven- are busily polishing up their game tion, delegates will be the guests DormitOry “Bunke” If? ‘.~J‘I.~y13.fl'42/ 11.5;13. 'A‘V, AeriiQé‘ {0’1 ,1 i,;‘ ,"' in anticipation of a busy season. of the Blue Key chapter at Butler In the Southern Conference Ditke University, which has charge of Made of strong angle iron, attractively finished, with should extend its domination to all local arrangements. cmnfortable spring and mattress. Takes up very 4 basketball, and should come.out on ". “Raleigh’s Largest Department Store” top of the heap. Th8 dark horses little space, yet gives you plenty of sleeping room. 4“ in the race for the championship Use one of these and have more space for your will be N. C. State, Washington and Band To Wilmington ...... \3 . Lee, Maryland and Wake Forest. The State College Redcoat Band, Last year’s conference leaders, the and the ROTC Drum and Bugle Metal Bunk, University of North Carolina will Corps. both units 120 strong. now be faced with the loss of their first outfitted in bright new uniforms. Complete with ‘Ehe five men, Captain Ruth, Boone, Ber- will a’ccompany the Wolfpack to . Mattress shak, Mullis and Dilworth, and not Wilmington this week-end for the much will be heard from them. State-Citadel football game. Basketball supremacy has moved Both groups of musicians will from the East to ‘the Mid West and participate in a street parade in West. The leader in the Mid West Wilmington Saturday, which will Protect Your Books should be Notre Dame, although the include the entire student body of G I F T Fighting Irish have lost their two Citadel, the Citadel band, and the All-American players, Paul Nowalr Wilmington High School Band. and Johnny Moir. Northwestern, The Band and the Drum and BOOK O Ohio State and Minnesota will Bugle Corps will march in the sta- again be heard from up among the dium before the game and duri8 STORE leaders. the half. 355555555’5‘3555555555‘5555 CASES MAKE THIS YOUR CHRISTMAS I???"it3"."fr?"’r 3 Please HIM with .3, SHOPPING HEADQUARTERS , 3 fl PLENTY or MUSIC Keep your books neat, a and at finger’s tip in '. 'An almost unlimited selection of appropriate gifts : as I? \ .," await your selection in each and every department ' i ‘9 s? one of these compact, 4’ sturdily c o n structed Practical Gifts! a: book cases. . . a find at 9 a? "3’ Luxury Gifts! i”- a Q s? $475 Gifts for the Home! 7" Q a? $25.00 VALUE, For Only...... $19.95 Toys for the Kiddies! 1 g GIVE A MAN something wearable, something comfortable $9.00 Worth of RCA 17:. I Use Our Convenient ‘ Don’truiryoureyesight .‘ ”r g Slacks Hats — Shirts — Sweaters 3 Victor Records FREE Itudyhswlthroorflsht. whcnyoucangetoneof Hm‘saREALOFFER. sum-a LAY AWAY PLAN g Ties — Socks s? ‘ofgcttiagoneofthcsepopularRCA theseiacapcnsivcstldut O "(p‘( RecordPlaycrssadflfio worthof lampsthatwillgiveyoa Make your selection now. . . . Just a @Suappy CLOTHES for snappy students—at prices to fit: popularncosdseflforthhonepsicel thecorrectlightetthe your purchase a” Also,yougetefr~eemenbcrshipin rightplaca'rSeves-elat- small deposit will hold 3 your Christmas pocketbook. l g theVictorSoclety, whidlkeepsyou tractivestylestoclsoose 1‘ until wanted. ' if postedonellnewreoos'ds. from £3 . ' u : fl 3 KLINE S g g Men’s Wear Shop 3 Hudson-Belk C0. RALEIGH EURNIIIJRE 00. :16 East Hargett Street Just on Fayettevilleg 119-121 EAST Mm STREET PHONE 555 , s? Q$:Q$$G$$$$$$$$Q$$$$GQOQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ$$$$$§$§$$$$Q$$Q$ ’ ‘F ,; , 'F ’ ,f., o,"’? I?" ’ ,,.~., '7 "‘ ? SQSGQQGQGMGQQSGQQQQGQQQ QQQQQQfififirfir$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$QQQSQSQSQQQQQQQQSSIQQQSSQSQQQSIS:55555555555555555555555555555555553 SPORTS Mailer-dc M‘Xifi. Comments For Six Wolves By AM MINOR!) Pack to Lose Five All this Bowl talk has practically swamped the coming battle between GoodGuardsandOne the Pack and the Citadel Bulldoll GoodTacklebyGrad— at Wilmington this Saturday aft- moon. It looks like the wom- nation areduetobreakintothewincol. umn and break that touchdown When the Wolfpack reports D famine that has followed them for “Saltjowl” Clash Ends ’38 Season the last six weeks. Coach Williams (Doc) Newton fies i think by this time many foot- the first workout of the 1939 teen, ball fans have found out that the the Pack coaches will be ssekiu Stateteamisalotbetterthanthe MENTORS lmucordshowa...lt’stru0. FOOTBALL BoxcrsAlll tofilltheahoesofsixofthehsu all season they have been lacking linemen ever to place a foot in in gaudy. polish, but they have Wolves To Meet Riddick Stadium. more than made a record for them- ForGoodScason This year the Pack is fortunate selves in helding some of the lead- to lose only a few men by grad“ ingteamsofthecountrytotheir tion, but the quality of the men lowest scores. . . . The State Tricky Bulldogs AllMenFromIastYear’s the Pack will lose overshadows by coaches have done a swell job this Squad Return to School; far the quantity. year with the material on hand at the beginning of the suicide sched- PrupectsforSeasonLook In the line Store Acai. Bunny ,ule.... They have taken on the In Final Battle Good Hines. Fred Mastrolia. George Pry, toughest and sent them home won- Warren Wooden and Bill Iatheny. daring about the State football The varsity and freshman boxing as gallant a sextet of men over team. .With a couple of good Tough Scrap Expect- Gfidfimph to play for State, will be singing aids and a little ofiensive polish teams wind up a pre-season train. their swan song when the Wolves they would have been the best in ed From Cl t a d e I Wolfpack supporters will be ing period this week with some square oil at Wilmington toma- the State. From tackle to able to witness a play-by-play very good prospects coming out of row. tackle you won't find anything to ’Pack Favored to Win presentation of the State Col- the early workouts. When the team reported back for heat them. . . . lege-Citadel football game on All the men from last year’s early season practice this fall the State Alumnus Last Encounter the GriddGraph to be shown in squad reported for these workouts five men around which Coach New- Joe Schwerdt, N. C. State quar- the gym tomorrow afternoon at with the exception of Sorrell. The ton decided to build his team were terback in 1938-37, collaborated Down comes the curtain on the 2 o'clock. only man on the varsity line-up the guards. and all five of them with Humpy Wheeler at Belmont 1938 edition of the Wolfpack to- Students will be admitted up- this year who has not had varsity will leave school this June. In Abbey this year to turn in another morrow as State meets The Citadel on presentation of their regis- experience is Paul Abrams, a mem- George (Buddy) Fry the team will undefeated record. . . . This time in the season's finale at Wilming- tration card and-there will be ber of last year’s championship losefla reliable tackle who has been it was undefeated, unscored on and ton. a small charge for outsiders. freshman team. The other men who a varsity man for the past three . untied. . . . This marks the second The Tech’s are hoping to reach have been showing up well this 'years. Fry. although he did not re- tine the Abbey boys have come pay-dirt. after the dearth of scores year are Pavlosky, Guy. Smart. ceive the recognition he deserved through unbeaten. . . . The last they have suffered in their last five Taylor, Turner. Brown. Young and all through his career, played the time they were defeated was when games. To do this, the ’Pack has State Ilas Played Betta. kind of football that makes a coach the State freshmen took them into been polishing up on its aerial at- The prospects for a good ring smile. camp back in 1936. . . . tack, which worked so successfully team this year are exceptionally The remarkable thing about the The Carnegie Tech game brought last year and by which they Iiany Bowl loans good with so many men returning five guards is that there is no sins the biggest gathering of sports downed the Cadets 26-14. to the team. to any of them, but they play the writers ever to cover a game in The contest will dedicate Wil- Several new teams have been kind of football you would expect Baleigh. . . . The Tech ofilcials car- mington's new stadium. which has In Tough Season added to the schedule this year and of a big man. Never has a State ried bids to two Bowl games just been recently completed. In- the ring team should prove inter- team had men with a fighting around in their pockets while they cidentally, this is the first col- State Took on Two Teams esting. The Southern Conference heart and the desire to play such were here. . . . One for 840,000 for legiate game scheduled for the Port tournament will be held in Colum- a clean, hard and brilliant game as immediate acceptance. . . . The City within recent years: Who Are to Play in Climax- bia this year. these men. State-Citadel game will be the Salt Elaborate plans are under way ers on New Years Day The freshman team lacks men in The coaching staff has already Bowl game. . . . A little early, but and from all indications Wilming- N. C. State seems to have made a Coaches of the Wolfpack this year are Line Coach Herman Hick- £11110“ "01'! weight. There II a started to look to the freshman whynot...Coonlandedonthe ton will literally go collegiate for habit of playing some kind of bowl man, Head Coach Williams Newton. and Backfield Coach Bob Warren. 800d chance for I couple 0! men in teaminaneiforttomspplansto nuke all-opponent team by a count the day. The Citadel's entire cadet team this year and in the past These three men piloted the Wolves through the toughest season in the 145 155 155 and 175-90111“! fill these still!!! holes left by these of 19 out of a possible 20. . . . corps will make the trip from years and the Wolfpack has made the history of the school. Although not having such an impressive classes. six men. Rose Bowl Charleston to the game site by spe- it tough for all of them. record, the coaches are to be praised for the way they brought the There's been a lot of thlk about cial train. State's crack drum and in the early part of the season Pack through. Duke's Bowl bid and the Pitt game bugle corps will also move into Wil- the Pack went south to take on the last Saturday. . . . It may have mington. mighty Crimson Tide. They played all-opponents team. Coon received been a different story had the field State’s aerial circus will find almost the same team that Coach 19 out of 20 votes to rank among Starting This Mornlng been dry, but it's over now and Rooney, Di Yesso and Fehley pitch- Thomas took to the Rose Bowl last teen and Rooney the leaders. lle was selected at Duke is on its way to represent ing them, with Mickey Sullivan. year and threw a scare into them right tackle on the first team. North Carolina in the Rose Bowl. Thompson, Way Stuart. John Ta- for the most part of the game. The So far this season. Coon has so let's all back those Devils like tum, and Charley Smart on the re- best the Tide could come out with Get Much Praise been placed on the NEA All-Dixie good North Carolinians. . . . North ceiving end. in the game was a two-touchdown team and the UP Athouthern Carolina football is really moving The Cadets have lost their star victory and they were mighty lucky Both Men Placed on All- team. Rooney has been placed on The Vogue’s in on the national leaders. . . . of last year. diminutive 188-pound at that. This did not do the Crim- these teams. A report from New York shows Cooksie Robinson, who got in son any good for the next week Statc ham' by- Winston- several of that Coon is leading the nation- State's hair all during the game when they went down to defeat be- Salcm Paper; Coon Makes This is the first season that a wide All-America football contest last year, but have an able replace- fore their arch rival. Tennessee. State man has been placed on any sponsored by the Edward Ried. ment in Graham Edwards, a clever The Pack preceded later on in All-Opponent Team of these teams since State's Steve Ltd., of the City. . . .. Coon al- passer and a brilliant runner, who the season to hang up what was Sabol was selected on several All- ready has landed on two all-star will be playing in his home town. considered an outstanding football 'leo members of the Wolfpack American teams. picks. . . . The first time for a State The game will present another performance of the season—holding were honored this week by foot- man since SteVe Sabol. . . . opportunity for All-Southern Ed Duke to 7-0 and five days later ball fans of the State in the All- The Pro footballers set some Coon to clinch his position on other holding the Skiboes of Carnegie To kind of a record last Sunday. . . . mythical elevens. During the week Tech to 14-0. Since then both of State selections of the (Winston- An INVITATION The Chicago Cardinals completed the big tackle made Duke's All- these teams have been invited to Salem) Journal and Sentinel. Visit the the season with 114 passes complet- Opponent team with 19 out of a play in two of the outstanding Big Ed Coon and Little Art ed out of 240 attempted for per- possible 20 votes. Hts team-mates Bowl games on New Year's Day. centage of 47.6. . . . Louie Marks include such stellar performers of Both of these teams are ranked in Rooney were placed on the first DIXIE DINER teamed up with his old enemy, Ace the gridiron as Cassiano and Gold- the first ten of the nation’s foot- team in the pole held annually by _or_ Parker, at Brooklyn this year and berg of Pittsburgh, Wood of ball teams. the Winston-Salem paper. Coon has been one of the team stand- Georgia Tech and Stimweits of The Carnegie Tech team is one was placed at right tackle and RALEIGH DINER, outs. . . .Seveial of State's alumni Carolina. . of the best teams to have played in Rooney was placed in the back- are helping Portsmouth stay on top Although this is not a post-sea- this section this year, with the ex- field. “Close to Everything" in the Virginia League this year. son game, it has been humorously ception of the Blue Devils. They State over- The Citadel and Duke dubbed the Salt Bowl game because definitely showed a lot more power Coon and Acai were named by THE BEST FOOD to take U.S.C. See ya. . . . of its proximity to the Atlantic than Pitt and for the State team to the Rose Bowl Dukes as some of in Town Ocean. ‘ hold Duke and the Skiboes to these the toughest opponents they have it’s only natural that Bobby Sa- The seniors who will play their low scores is really an accomplish- played against in choosing their bolyk's hobby is golf. TheN. C. last game for State are Freddie ment the Pack can be proud of. State halfback's father is a golf Mastrolia, Steve Acai, Bunny Hines. SSS’SSSSSSSS’SS’SS’SSS’SVWSSS goods salesman at Yonkers, N. Y. captain. and Bill Matheney, guards; and Buddy Fry, tackle, and alter- w nate captain. Warren Wooden, stellar guard, This Week’s Wolf. . . who will not play Saturday because Make Christmas Bright with of injuries completed his last year of football this year. State's entire backfield will re- main intact for next year. and the At Three Low Prices whole line, with the exception of the guard posts will return. There- fore a good season is expected of Gifts of thei'Pack next year. $16.60 $19.90 Grinders To Be Feted It Durham Barbecue The State College football team Jewelry... will be entertained at a barbecue to be given by Herman Hickman $23.30 and a few of the alumni in Durham this Monday night. The jovial line coach will pit his W seven stalwarts of the Wolfpack line against the toughest competi- tion they have faced this season— trying to eat more barbecue than Come in and see our magnificent selec- These are the season’s best styles and choicest the backfield and Coach Hickman. ‘ materials, including James Martin. Goodimate, The rotund mentor, from all re- tion of JEWELRY GIFTS. To buy at ports, could do the job himself, Englishtown, and other nationally known makes. but to save considerable embar- Bowman’s costs no more —— Why not Values from $22.50 to $32.50. rassment and riding Herman has decided to call. in the backfield to help him. have the best? No doubt Coon, Acai and the other State linemen have absorbed One Group of more than football from Hickman Elgin Watches Class Rings this fall. as their size indicates, and they will more than do justice to the barbecue. Hamilton Watches Lockets The banquet is being staged by 100 OVEROOATS Hickman as a finale to the gruel- ling suicide schedule the Pack will Smart Styles, complete this Saturday against The Citadel. W Choice Materiab, Values to $27.50 For Your Christmas GIFTS Shop at B owman ’s friends} was born September 10. HIPS Men’s Shop “Raleigh’s Leading Jeweler” 1018. lie Mfive feetdeven inehestallaadweifisiflipounds. Raleigh’s Gift Mm mntmn Center Odd Fellows Building ea : 16 West Hargett St. mathematicsandsealant.” “wk “mulch-era Fayetteville and Hargett Sta. e OQQQQQQQSSQQQSSQSMSQQSQQSQQQQQQSQSQQEQQSQQQQQQcccccccccececoeceeceecGQQQQGQQQQQSQQQQSQQSQQQSQQSQQQSSSSQQQSSQQQQQQQS The Technician ‘ ~

masocon BAND um-' fit. «as.m‘- lemon mummies: ilhisslislu Sayshgsslleas (hi Monday night. Nov. 88. the mm. College chapters! r. an moi Agricultural Education Society Gamma Sigma Epsilon, national t-tP-tefaCollegeEde- and in Peels Ball and elected honorary chemistry intern!!!- to catiou‘ cheers for the coming term. Aft- ‘ warm: er ‘a brief bush. the following lug work in chemistry. At last one college professor encore were elected: T. l. Hen- Founded at Davidson College in lagiaBarlhgteazwnb- believes in—in fact, encouraga- dsen. president: “Duke" Elling- 1’19. “I. Wt, h.- M c. Vemfitiag and Heat “legging." if it is of the intelli- ton, vice. president; N. W. Free- into thirteen active chapter... with lists man. secretary; Tom Divens. re- a membership of 1.500. The gun gent variety. porter; Paul Wetmore. chairman College chapter was the second to Here are the mast words of of the program committee. ' be established. hglneersfromallsecticnsof Oregon State's Dean of Ian. Dr. Following thetnnsauion of the ‘ New members are J. I. . NerthCarolinawillgatherinBur— U. G. Dubach, taken from a re- old business. a move was made B: B. Reynolds, Jr.. II. I. Riley, 1‘ lisgtontonlghtforaiointdin- cent speech on the subject: tthesocietybechaagedtoa J. G. Simmons. C. I. Sturkau, 13., lermeetingoftheRaleighsec- “Legging plays an important J. W. Foster. Jr.. J. G. , part in a college man's education E‘.‘llegiate Chapter of the Future stigma Singleton. and J. R. Rob- tionoftheAmericaaSocietyof The State College Redth Band. shown above. under the direction of Hajor C. D. Kutschinski. and and it must be followed by dili- Farmers of America. Thiswill ‘ lechanical Mason and members dressed up in the newly acquired uniforms. has made a very fine uhibition at all home and nearhome gence in class work if it is to be be decided upon at the next meet- «I the American Society of Heating football games this year. Consisting of nearly seventy-live members and a drum maiorette. the band useful and elective." ing. ‘ and Ventilating Engineers. makes a good lmpreuion for State College wherever it goes. It will accompany the team to Wilmington . "Anyone who isn't wise enough 'The society expremed its appre- formed by the oflcers of the past The main speaker on the pro for the game tomorrow. to do intelligent legging. isn't wise ciation for the splendid work pr- term.- gram. which will begin at 7 o'clock enough to be in college. Legging. in the Alamance Hotel. will be properly defined. is making one- ' Walter L. Fleisher of New York, self known to his professors in a consulting engineer and chairman fivorable light. lore and more of the Committee on Research of we/are realising that education. the American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers. This aside from technical knowledge. group will meet with national oili- J. C. Prink of Bladenboro. who must teach one how to properly cers to form a North Carolina chap- was president of the Student Body sell himself. How can one sell ter. Fraternity Will Entertain at State College last year and a himself to his professors unless he Prof. R. B. Rice, program chair- Group of Under-privileged well known campus leader. has ac- makes himself and his work man. said the speaker will discuss cepted an appointment as assistant known. to them in an intelligent current "hot room" tests to de- Raleigh Chiklreu agrouomist in the extension serv- and agreeable manner?" termine the point at which high ice of the Alabama Polytechnic In- temperatures and humidities harm- A large number of under-privi- Professor Albert E. Grimshaw stitute. ‘ bacco growing and cultivation. fully aifect industrial workers. His leged children of the City of Rap of t h e State College Textile Frink's work at the Alabama in- While at State he was enrolled in topic will be “Research Finds Com- leigh will be the guests of Gamma School, is to present a paper and stitution will deal chiefly with to- the School of Agriculture. fort and Edicieucy Zones for Indus- Upsilon Zeta of Lambda Chi Alpha lead a discussion at the annual trial Workers." convention of the American Asso- Why not. give what they want most of all—Jewelry? Prof. E. G. Hoefer, chairman of at the chapter house when that ciation of Textile Chemists and the Raleigh section of Mechanical fraternity conducts its annual Colorists to be held this year at Neiman’s fine selection enables you to give a Engineers. will preside over the Christmas Party for those unfor- Atlanta. Ga. distinctive Gift . for very little money. joint dinner session. Other men on tunates next Saturday afternoon. The title of Professor Grim- the program will be Dean Blake R. December 10th. shaw’s paper is, "The Student at Van Leer. W. E. McDowell of the Curtis Todd. president of the N. C. State and Some of Its Prob- Diamond Ring Man’s Watch Duke Power Company, Prof. J. E. fraternity. acting as general chair- lems." It will cover such sub- 3 brilliant diamonds 14K gold case; de- Lear of State, and C. W. lengel, man for the arrangements, has jects as student's color vision in —blue—whlte. pendable movement. Commissioner of Public Works and succeeded in gaining the coopera- relation to courses in chemistry president of the North Carolina So- tion of the organised charities of and dyeing. the balance lfetween 18K Gold 17-Jewels. ciety of Engineers. the city in arranging for the af- classroom and practical experi- fair. ence. placement of the- graduate SOUTHERN ENGINEER During the afternoon, stunts and other subjects of interest to will be presented for the enjoy- the instructors and students. Therewillbeameetingofthe ment of the children and refresh- , The Piedmont and South Cen- b-iness stat of the Southern ments will be served. Santa Claus, tral sections are Joint hosts for . INCLUDING _ . Engineer.hionday.Decemberli. in person. will be present to dis- this year's convention and it is atep.m. Themeetlngwillbe tribute gifts to the little visitors. expected to be one of the largest Your NAME on EACH CARD heldinthepublicationsbuild- In addition to these gifts, candy. ever held. More than two thou- lag. and everyone b urged to be fruit. and nuts will be given to sand are slated to attend. and preheat—Sid. Rogers. each of the children. . Professor Grimshaw has also The event is put on in conjunc- served the association as an ofllcer 50 Plain Enve opes to Match tion with the program sponsored in the Piedmont Section. 3.3;... STATE id‘s». by the International Lambda Chi Ladies’ Watch Diamond Ring Today—Saturday Alpha Fraternity in helping needy Cards that say “Merry Christmas" with Baquette. 30 line .. Set with eight folks throughout the countries in Get Your a cheery note and a warm handc . . . diamonds. line diamonds. “LITTLE TOUGH GUYS which the organisation is located. Cards that are expressive of you . . . d IN SOCIETY" The house is to be appropriate- _. At _ 17-Jewel. ‘ 18K Gold ly decanted “for the affair. Sev- yet for all their smartness . . . q ity 865 $35 Sunday—Monday—Tuesday eral young ladies and matrons of Christn’ms Photos papers and matching envelopes . . . they the City of Raleigh have pledged Made Early. ‘ come to you completely folded . . . with BUDGET TERMS ARRANGED ' Bob nope-Shirley Ross in their efforts to help make the your name'on each card for only $1.00. ‘EEE for the moor" party a success. QUALITY PORTRAITS In commenting on the program. ’Next Week Todd stated, "We feel that it is DENMARK’S EDWARD G. ROBINSON in our duty as privileged persons to NEIMAN’S “I” THE LAW" help, in any way possible. to make STUDIO "Capital Printing Co. “Raleigh’s Modern Jewelry Store” others who are not quite so for- . tunate a little happier during the Third Floor —- Hudson Belk Phone-1351 RALEIGH now. Hargett St. 109 new mm holiday season." . uisc omen m-soc Today—Saturday warren Born in "mamas-s ef worms" Also “Wild em Hickok" _ Sunday Only / BORIS KARLOFF in “MR. WONG. DETECTIVE“ Monday and Tuesday Errol Flynn-OliviaDenavilland in "ROBIN HOOD"

”'33:... PALACE “its. Today—Saturday GEORGE O‘BRIEN in “RENEGADE RANGER" Plus: Dick Tracy and Cartoon Sunday-Monday—Tuesday Mickey Rooney—Lewis Stone Judy Garland in “LOVE FINDS ANDY HARDY" Also Scrappy Cartoon and Sport Wednesday and Thursday Edmund Lorre—Helen Mack in “SECRETS OF A NURSE"

. WAKE Week of Dec. 4—Dec. 10 Sunday—Monday—Tuesday “LITTLE MISS BROADWAY" with -George Murphy Jimmy Durante Wednesday Only “MERRILY WE LIVE" with Constance Bennett-Brian Ahern Thursday—Friday “IIER JUNGLE IpVE" with ’All through the year Dorothy Lamour-Ray Milland Saturday Only andall around the clock Chesterfield’s “MAKING THE HEADLINES" with ' milder better taste gives millions- Jack Holt—Beverly Roberts MORE PLEASURE

AMBASSADQR At Christmas time send these plea- Again Today-Saturday sure-giving cartons of Chester-fielde— JOAN CRAWFORD IARGARET SULLAVAN packaged in gay holiday colors-wel- Debt. Young Fay m .. in .. comed by smokers everywhere. “HIE SHINING HOUR” Also Pete Smith Act Historical and News 'llfistlnstnfields'‘ 1o beast-cu.- Sunday-londsy—Tuesday “gurus-Irvin S. Cobb rcté because of what they givers—mere “Dukes-rm ...theblendthatcan?becopied . smoking pleasure than any cigarette you: _ mAshes Traveler” ever tried—the right combination of mild than“ of Times-d News . . . a uncommon office 3 1 Beginning Wednesday rips home-grows and aromatic Turbish ‘_, nest. W nun-cu cigarette tobacco: world’s best .toboccos rolled is pure cigarette paper. f-ms onion."