Typescript List of Images in Album
Inventory of volume 16. Lady Annie Brassey Photograph Collection, The Huntington Library, San Marino, California Sixteen ..... Page One Ve,rl Dyk~ e~ttached la The originEtl :srass shack which \vas the fi!'st \TolcB.-DO Eouse Hotel,rir.:: of Kiluea voltra.y~.o, islaYlc1 of tlS,;,7aii, 1'1..0.• , TI. ~0hotog., o'Tal 21hot.o n H 5 x 7 • Ib A "{Tolaano ''"1f'intin~, pTob2.. bly Kiluee, by Jules Tavernier* n.d., TI. unouog.,.v, . ~ '" 1_, /S"r X?.2- .... " '" 28. Lgva flow he8.din.:p: tovlarc1s Hj.lo, Hawaj.. ~t perh8/~s 1884 cr 1887 .. n. :0hotog",9 1/8n x 6 3/4n .. 2b Rainbow }I'alls to the rear of the ci ty o~ Hilo, Hawaii, n.d .. , n. 1Jhotog.,9 1/8a x 6 5/8n • 3 !!"odel of a double outrigger canoe and in front a single out:rigger canoe.. Gauoes 8.re c2yllec1 ·VAl,.. ::"l .. d.,. n .. p~","·"ho+oC1" Lr ~.:::>. 'J 9 -"-,,4 X 6 '/R"j '--' .. A v-voman i:1. riding hgbi t caJ..led a E'A 'U--a are.wing either by Bur~ess or Enoch "'iood TlerrJl-. nsd .. , n ~hoto~ 7/St! -~ .. .i::-'-- ~.)., 8" x 4' , , . 4b Native type 'weE':,ri'ng a heed lei of -vvhi te ginger blossoms and a neck lei of the same. The leaves are fragrant and I!luch :?rized even tod.ay called HT:TAII.En., n .. d.., ~J.L.. ~"ho~o~\.) ....1. u t:) .. , 6-"-"2 x Qv 3/11"/, • 'Dosed studio -r,ortrF;..i t of nat:Lve t~.'""0es 8-S they would be sitti.ng at 8.
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