Sjuttonhundratal Nordic Yearbook for Eighteenth-Century Studies 2014 Sjuttonhundratal: Nordic Yearbook for Eighteenth-Century Studies

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Sjuttonhundratal Nordic Yearbook for Eighteenth-Century Studies 2014 Sjuttonhundratal: Nordic Yearbook for Eighteenth-Century Studies Sjuttonhundratal Nordic Yearbook for Eighteenth-Century Studies 2014 Sjuttonhundratal: Nordic Yearbook for Eighteenth-Century Studies Published by Svenska sällskapet för 1700-talsstudier in cooperation with Suomen 1700-luvun tutkimuksen seura/Finska sällskapet för 1700-talsstudier Norsk selskap for 1700-tallsstudier Dansk selskab for 1700-talsstudier Félag um átjándu aldar fræði, Ísland Published with funding from the Nordic Publications Committee for Humanist and Social Sciences Periodicals (NOP-HS) Editor-in-chief: David Dunér, Lund Co-editors: Johanna Ilmakunnas, Helsinki; Per Pippin Aspaas, Tromsø; Søren Peter Hansen, Copenhagen; Lasse Horne Kjældgaard, Copenhagen; Hrefna Róbertsdóttir, Reykjavík Review editors: Kristiina Savin, Lund; My Hellsing, Örebro; Henrika Tandefelt, Helsinki; Øystein Lydik Idsø Viken, Oslo; Jens Bjerring-Hansen, Copenhagen; Margrét Eggertsdóttir, Reykjavík Language consultant: Mark Davies, Lund Editorial board: Anna Agnarsdóttir, Reykjavík; Marie-Theres Federhofer, Tromsø; Pasi Ihalainen, Jyväskylä; Piret Lotman, Tallinn; Anne-Marie Mai, Odense; Jonas Nordin, Stockholm © Sjuttonhundratal & the authors 2014 Typesetting: Henri Terho Printing: Pozkal, Poland 2014 ISSN 1652-4772 Inlaga2008:Layout 1 2008-03-28 09.09 Sida 1 SSjuttonhundrataljuttonhundratal 22010084 JONAS NORDIN: Inledning | 3 OSKAR SJÖSTRÖM: Sekreta bihangen 1741 och deras idépolitiska bakgrund | 5 HENRIKA TANDEFELT: Tacksägelser, troféer och en talmans död: politiska ceremonier och scener under DAVID DUNÉR et al.: Introduction: Eighteenth-Century Crossroads | 7 krigsåren 1788–1790 | 25 MARIE-CHRISTINE SKUNCKE: Carl PeterThunbergs japanska resa i 1770- och 1780-talens medier | 44 THOMAS BREDSDORFF: Originalitet og import i Holbergs oplysningstænkning | 11 GÖRAN RYDÉN: System och föränderlighet i synen på det svenska bergsbruket under 1700-talet | 63 BONNIE CLEMENTSSON: Att söka kungligt tillstånd för giftermål: äktenskapsansök- ANNA CULLHningarED: K äfrnsålans obeslm käuktadenskap: personerpoesi och h isundertoria i Rsvensktobert Lo w1700-talths Desac r a|p o e25siHebraeorum | 82 INGI SIGURÐSSON: The publication of educational works for the people of Iceland and their reception, PETRI TALVITIE: Black Markets and Desertion: Soldiers’ Criminality in Helsinki c. 1770−181748–175730 | 99 | 45 HARRY R:SON SVENSSON: The Case of Fabian Philip, Karlskrona’s First Jewish En- trepreneur: A Swedish Example of the Port Jews Phenomenon? | 69 ERIC CULLHED: Bakgrunden till Kellgrens ”Öfver Propertii Buste” | 90 SHORT ESSAYS: RECENJANSIO NREAGNARR: HISA YHASUAGLANDNAKAG:A WStridA & JomOC HleseopplEN SCHæLringspraksisOBACH (RE Di .)Trondheim, L’image de l’paåu tr1770-talet?e vue d’Asie et dTo’E uutgropeå.ver12 5av; ROBERT RIX, WChristianilliam Bla kSchultz’e and the ABC-bokCultures o f |R a d101ical Christianity. 127; EMANUEL SWEDENBORG, Om darrningar. 129; HGÖREFNARAN N IRLZÓÉBERTSDN, Carl ÓGTTIRyllenb:o rKg.äEllutgn friåhevortstid ocha ha tnytpo lforskningitiker. 131 om; PA 1600-TRIK W ochINT 1700-taletsON, Frihetstid eIslandns polit i sk|a p106raktik. Nätverk och offentlighet 1746–1766. 132; JAKOB CHRISTENSSON (RED.), Signums svenska kulturhistoria. Gustavianska tiden. 1D3ISSERTATIONS4; JOHAN CED:ERLUND, Classical Swedish architecture and interiors 1650–1840. 135; SUSANNA SCHERMAN, MariebMergYo cHh 1ELLSING700-talet,s Hovpolitik:kakelugnar. 1 3Hedvig7 Elisabeth Charlotte som politisk aktör vid det gustavianska hovet, review by Charlotta Wolff | 115 TOMMI KAKKO, Failures by Design: The TransparentSÄLLSKA AuthorPETS E inG NEnglishA AN GSatireELÄ GfromENH MarprelateETER | to1 Pope40 , review by Adam Borch | 118 VERKSAMHETSBERÄTTELSE | 140 JANI MARJANEN, Den ekonomiska patriotismens uppgång och fall: finska hushållningssällskapet i europeisk, STYRELSENS SAMMANSÄTTNING | 140 svensk och finsk kontext 1720–1840, review by Henrik Knif | 123 KJARTAN KOCH MIKALSEN, Justice among States: Four Essays, reviewME DbyL EGeorgMSMA TCavallarRIKEL | 112641 KRISTIAN NILSSON, Baltic-Finns and Scandinavians:MED Comparative-HistoricalVERKANDE I DENN ALinguisticsÅRGÅN Gand |the1 Early43 History of the Nordic Region, review by Per Pippin Aspaas | 127 HANNE ØSTHUS, Contested Authority: Master and Servant in Copenhagen and Christiania, 1750– 1850, review by Carolyn Steedman | 132 3 MIKKEL VENBORG PEDERSEN, Luksus: forbrug og kolonier i Danmark i det 18. århundrede, review by Kari Telste | 134 LISA SKOGH, Material Worlds: Queen Hedwig Eleonora as Collector and Patron of the Arts, review by Emma Hagström Molin | 136 LITERATURE: KARSTEN ALNÆS, 1814: miraklenes år, review by Jakob Maliks | 140 CHARLOTTE APPEL & MORTEN FINK-JENSEN, Da læreren holdt skole: tiden før 1780, review by Øystein Lydik Idsø Viken | 141 EVA HÆTTNER AURELIUS, HEDDA GUNNENG & JON HELGASON (eds.), Women’s Language: An Analysis of Style and Expression in Letters before 1800, review by Cecilia Rosengren | 144 CARIN BERGSTRÖM, Passion & skilsmässa: om spruckna äktenskap inom högadeln vid sekelskiftet 1800, review by Brita Planck | 146 RIC BERMAN, The Battle that Forged Freemasonry, review by Marcus Willén | 147 CÉLINE BORELLO, Du Désert au Royaume: Parole publique et écriture protestante (1765–1788), re- view by Sven Björkman | 149 IDA BULL, Kunnskap – hver etter sin stand og sitt kjønn: utdanning i norske byer på 1700-tallet, review by Randi Skjelmo | 151 CAMILLA KOLSTAD DANIELSEN, Opplysningens stjerne: Voltaire, review by Ingvild Hagen Kjørholt | 153 JANINE DRIANCOURT-GIROD, Den sällsamma historien om lutheranerna i Paris: från Ludvig XIII till Napoleon, review by Sven Björkman | 155 SEAN A. EDDIE, Freedom’s Price: Serfdom, Subjection, & Reform in Prussia, 1648–1848, review by Eva Krause Jørgensen | 160 CECILIA AF FORSELLES & TUIJA LAINE (eds.), The Emergence of Finnish Book and Reading Culture in the 1700s, review by Maria Kallio | 161 RAMUS GLENTHØJ & MORTEN NORDHAGEN OTTOSEN, Experiences of War and Nationality in Denmark and Norway, 1807–1815, review by Tim Blanning | 163 PAUL HALLBERG & S. BERTIL OLSSON (eds.), En ostindiefarande fältskärs berättelse: Carl Fredrik Adlers journal från skeppet Prins Carl 1753–56, review by Lisa Hellman | 165 PASI IHALAINEN, MICHAEL BREGNSBO, KARIN SENNEFELT & PATRIK WINTON (eds.), Scandi- navia in the Age of Revolution: Nordic Political Cultures, 1740–1820, review by Andreas Hellerstedt | 166 TYGE KROGH, A Lutheran Plague: Murdering to Die in the Eighteenth Century, review by Andreas Hellerstedt | 168 JOUNI KUURNE (ed.), Mikael Hisinger: halki vanhan Euroopan. Matkapäiväkirja 1783–1784, review by Niina Lehmusjärvi | 173 TUIJA LAINE, Carl Fredrik Fredenheim: en nyhumanist och hans klassiska bibliotek, review by Janne Tunturi | 175 VETLE LID LARSEN, 1001 natt: den utrolige historien om to norske slaver i Alger, review by Ketil Fred Hansen | 176 4 PETER LINDSTRÖM & SVANTE NORRHEM, Flattering Alliances: Scandinavia, Diplomacy, and the Austrian-French Balance of Power, 1648–1740, review by Sophie Holm | 178 OLA MESTAD (ed.), Frihetens forskole: professor Schlegel og eidsvollsmennenes læretid i København, re- view by Rune Blix Hagen | 180 PAUL KLÉBER MONOD, Solomon’s Secret Arts: The Occult in the Age of Enlightenment, review by Marcus Willén | 183 MARTIN MULSOW, Prekäres Wissen: Eine andere Ideengeschichte der Frühen Neuzeit, review by Jens Bjerring-Hansen | 185 ERIK A. NIELSEN, H. A. Brorson: pietisme, meditation, erotik, review by Helene Grønlien | 187 KRISTIAN H. NIELSEN, MICHAEL HARBSMEIER & CHRISTOPHER J. RIES (eds.), Scientists and Scholars in the Field: Studies in the History of Fieldwork and Expeditions, review by Brita Brenna | 189 LUCIEN NOUIS, De l’infini des bibliothèques au livre unique: L’archive épurée au XVIIIe siècle, review by Marius Warholm Haugen | 191 KAREN OSLUND, Iceland Imagined: Nature, Culture, and Storytelling in the North Atlantic, review by Sumarliði Ísleifsson | 192 SØLVI SOGNER, ”Og skuta lå i Amsterdam…”: et glemt norsk innvandrersamfunn i Amsterdam 1621– 1720, review by Finn Erhard Johannessen | 195 BO VAHLNE, Frihetstidens inredningar på Stockholms slott: om bekvämlighetens och skönhetens nivåer, review by Johanna Ilmakunnas | 197 CONTRIBUTORS | 199 5 Introduction: Eighteenth-Century Crossroads The eighteenth century is often depicted as the harbinger of an Age of Revo- lutions. Old regimes, both on a metaphorical and a concrete level, were about to fall and be replaced with something radically new. But the ideals of the En- lightenment – political and religious tolerance, freedom of thought, the belief in human rationality and progress – lived side by side with traditional values: political stability, religious unity, control of dangerous thoughts, the belief in divine providence, and a past golden age. The people of the eighteenth century lived at this crossroads of old and new paths. It is often said that it is first in the eighteenth century we find humans that we immediately can understand and intuitively feel we share something with. We are as post-modernists descendants of these first modern humans. The literary remains, diaries, letters, protocols and other sources let us peer into the minds and lives of the people at this turbulent and critical moment in human history – a time when old beaten tracks met new roads leading into the future. The contributions to this volume of Sjuttonhundratal: Nordic Yearbook for Eighteenth-Century Studies all deal in various ways with the Old and the New. It is about ingenuity and classical erudition, the rights of women and control of sexual behaviour, military life and new markets, religious tolerance
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