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WISCONSIN A STATE JOURNAVi'.u—* Nil Jl.! I' li'i'H U'IM onsin Stati- Journal. *** 50 CENTS FRIDAY/JULY 31, 1998 MADISON, WISCONSIN click Making waves Teach values You can't teach an old mouse in schools, new clicks So buy a new one survey says Page ID Art, literature fall low on list By Phil Brinkman Education reporter The essentials An Early Teaching children about Shake- The Wisconsin Department of Public speare and Plato should take a Instruction surveyed 1,043 state back seat to teaching basic human residents about what subjects they values, computer skills and even thought were "absolutely essential" to be taught in school. Here are the Head Start sex education, according to a sur- results. vey of what Wisconsin residents expect from their schools. The survey, conducted by the Percent wogram state Department of Public In- Basic reading/writing/math 80.1 struction, asked residents what Good work habits 62.7 , they considered "absolutely essen- Values 59.9 tial" to public education. Value of hard work 48.7 : -or county Not surprisingly,'80 percent of Computer skills 46.2 those surveyed cited basic reading, Sciences 34.3 writing and math. But 63 percent said schools American history/geography 32.1 It's for babies, should teach good work habits, fol- Habits such as voting 31.8 lowed by 60 percent who said they Sex education 31.5 toddlers, parents should teach basic values like hon- Healthy living 29.6 esty and tolerance of others. Practical job skills 29.5 By Jennifer A. Galloway Trailing far behind were art Dealing with social problems 28.9 Wisconsin State Journal and music (17 percent), foreign Art and music 16.8 languages (16 percent), world his- Foreign languages 16.4 A $3.8 million grant from the ,tory (13 percent) and classic and U.S.
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