Category Advice 2019

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Category Advice 2019 CATEGORY ADVICE 2019 • Market Insights • Must Stock Lines • Planograms CATEGORY ADVICE Market Insight 2019 Encourage shoppers to trade up – better value for money increases shoppers basket spend. 67% of all Laundry sales are at a consumer deal of £5+. Check out our Laundry bigger packs each month! See our Surf Liquid 40 wash and Daz Pods 42’s and get some extra cash through your till! (RI Data 1st July 2017 – 30th June 2018) Own label household products are Liquid Tabs are larger than the powder important and offer increased value segment in the total market at 29% vs 22% verses branded products. and showing the best growth. They deliver on average +30% POR Top sellers are Daz Pods PM £2.49 and Arial Pods (Best-one 10 wash laundry powder PM £3.99. They are the fastest growing format in the total market at 7% but Convenience is PM £1 up + 57% vs LY) growing faster at 18% growth vs last year! (Bestway data Dec 2018) (Nielsen, Fabric Cleaning, Total Market & Independents, MAT: 08.09.18) Don’t miss out on key seasons such as Spring Clean, Winter, Christmas. • Candles have a strong seasonal peak at Our Must Stock range is split into four key Christmas growing at +12%, making them the segments to cover all sub categories as they fastest growing segment in air care tap into different shopper need states • Spring Clean peaks during – Household Cleaners / Laundry / February/March Paper / Kitchen Essentials (Nielsen MAT July 14th 2018) CATEGORY ADVICE Market Insight 2019 1 2 3 Own Label household Air Care presents products are becoming the largest growth increasingly popular opportunity for the due to quality and value. Independent Channel. Having an Own label Ensure both functional alternative alongside and emotional need brands gives shoppers states are met The merchandising flow is important and a value choice and more (i.e. Aerosols merchandising by use and product type margin for you, so you for functional allows shoppers to shop with ease get the most sales and and Candles for (i.e. Aircare, Multipurpose, Wipes, profit from the category. emotional). Kitchen, Bathroom). 4 5 6 There is an ongoing shift towards larger Did you know Independents under trade PMPs offer pack formats in the paper category in Laundry Capsules? shoppers price i.e. shoppers buying into 9/16/18/24 They account for 32% sales in Convenience confidence, this roll toilet tissues – ensure you have an but only 28% in Independents. is especially offering of a larger pack (Nielsen, Fabric Cleaning, Total Market & Independents, effective on in addition to the MAT: 08.09.18) higher value core range to items. meet different Stock PMPs shopper need where states. available. CATEGORY ADVICE Must Stock Lines 2019 These are the ‘Must Stock’ lines which shoppers expect to see in a convenience store. By stocking these lines, you will be meeting your shoppers’ needs and therefore they will visit your store again. CLEANERS LAUNDRY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 PAPER KITCHEN ESSENTIALS 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 CATEGORY ADVICE Must Stock Lines 2019 Fairy LIQUID ORIGINAL FLASH Spray BLEACH 1 PM £1.29 433ML 5 PM £1.99 500ML SKU Code: 251293 SKU Code: 346847 DOMESTOS BLUE MR SHEEN ORIGINAL 2 PM £1 750ML 6 PM £1 300ML SKU Code: 594541 SKU Code: 497530 FINISH ALL IN ONE TABLETS DETTOL ANTIBACTERIAL WIPES 3 PM £2.99 13 TABLETS 7 PM £1.69 36 WIPES SKU Code: 169745 SKU Code: 179837 AIRWICK AERO LAVENDER DAZ 4 PM £1 240ML 8 40 WASH SKU Code: 725770 SKU Code: 57334 CATEGORY ADVICE Must Stock Lines 2019 SURF TROPICAL Comfort Concentrate BLUE 9 PM £2.49 10 WASH 13 PM £1.99 750ML SKU Code: 75681 SKU Code: 655899 BEST-ONE SUMMER BREEZE POWDER Vanish OXI ACTION 10 PM £1 10 WASH 14 PM £3.50 450G SKU Code: 363006 SKU Code: 169712 PERSIL SMALL & MIGHTY NON BIO ANDREX WHITE TOILET TISSUE 11 PM £4.29 525ML 15 PM £2.25 4 ROLLS SKU Code: 9590 SKU Code: 349963 ARIEL PODS BEST-ONE LUXury SOFT CLASSIC WHITE 12 PM £3.99 12 PODS 16 TOILET TISSUE PM £1.49 4 ROLLS SKU Code: 413356 SKU Code: 405125 CATEGORY ADVICE Must Stock Lines 2019 BEST-ONE SOFT CLASSIC WHITE KLEENEX EXTRA LARGE 17 TOILET TISSUE PM £1 4 ROLLS 20 PM £1.99 90’S SKU Code: 405071 SKU Code: 441695 ANDREX WHITE TOILET TISSUE KLEENEX BALSAM HANKERCHIEFS 18 PM £1.19 2 ROLLS 21 9’S SKU Code: 349952 SKU Code: 18227 BEST-ONE JUMBO KITCHEN TOWEL MARIGOLD EXTRA GLOVES 19 PM £1 1 ROLL 22 MEDIUM SKU Code: 406167 SKU Code: Bw 420013 BAT 705135 CATEGORY ADVICE 2019 BEST-ONE FOIL BEST-ONE SWING BIN LINERS 23 PM 99P 300MM 25 PM £1.59 20’S SKU Code: 417192 SKU Code: 403742 BEST-ONE CLING FILM BEST-ONE REFUSE SACKS 24 PM 69P 300MM 26 PM £1.25 10’S SKU Code: 417202 SKU Code: 393228 CATEGORY ADVICE Planogram 2019 1m x 5 Shelf SHELF SHELF 1 SKUs 1 BeSTwAY BATLeYS 417192 417192 BeST-oNe FoIL PM 99P 300MM 417202 417202 BeST-oNe CLING FILM PM 69P 300MM 403742 403742 BeST-oNe SwING BIN PM £1.59 20’S 393228 393228 BeST-oNe ReFUSe SACK PM £1.25 10’S 420013 705135 MARIGoLd eXTRA GLoVeS MedIUM SHELF 2 SHELF 2 SKUs BeSTwAY BATLeYS 57312 57312 DAZ PowdeR ReGULAR PM 650G 75681 75681 SURF TRoPICAL PM 10 wASH 700G 363006 363006 BeST-oNe PowdeR SUMMeR PM £1 10 wASH SHELF 196318 196318 DAZ Go PodS PM 12’S 413356 413356 ARIeL PodS PM 12’S 3 9590 9590 PeRSIL SMALL & MIGHTY NoN BIo PM 525ML SHELF SHELF 3 SKUs 4 BeSTwAY BATLeYS 655899 655899 CoMFoRT CoNCeNTRATe BLUe PM 750ML 504685 504685 LeNoR SUMMeR BReeZe PM 665ML 169712 169712 VANISH oXI MULTI PM 450G 251293 251293 FAIRY LIQUId oRIGINAL PM 433ML 337686 337686 BeST-oNe wASHING UP LIQUId GReeN PM 69P 500ML 337697 337697 BeST-oNe wASHING UP LIQUId LeMoN PM 69P 500ML 169745 169745 FINISH ALL IN 1 TABLeTS PM 13’S SHELF 719708 233955 DETTOL 500ML 5 CATEGORY ADVICE Planogram 2019 1m x 5 Shelf SHELF SHELF 1 4 SKUs BeSTwAY BATLeYS 725770 725770 AIRwICK AeRo LAVeNdeR PM £1 240ML 334850 334850 BeST-oNe AIR FReSHeNeR oRCHId PM 79P 240ML 497530 497530 MR SHeeN oRIGINAL PM £1 300ML 594541 594541 DOMeSToS BLUe PM £1 750ML SHELF 337653 337653 BeST-oNe BLeACH oRIGINAL PM 69P 750ML 337664 337664 BeST-oNe BLeACH CITRUS PM 69P 750ML 2 179837 179837 DETToL ANTIBACTeRIAL wIPeS PM 36’S 346847 346847 FLASH SPRAY BLeACH PM 500ML SHELF SHELF 3 5 SKUs BeSTwAY BATLeYS 406167 406167 BeST-oNe JUMBo KITCHeN ToweL PM £1 1 RoLL 441695 441695 KLeeNeX eXTRA LARGe PM 90’S 349963 349963 ANdReX wHITe PM 4 RoLLS 405071 405071 BeST-oNe SoFT TISSUe wHITe PM £1 4 RoLLS SHELF 4 SHELF 5 CATEGORY ADVICE Planogram 2019 2m x 5 Shelf SHELF 1 SHELF 2 SHELF 3 SHELF 4 SHELF 5 CATEGORY ADVICE Planogram 2019 2m x 5 Shelf SHELF 1 SHELF 2 SHELF SHELF 1 SKUs 2 SKUs BeSTwAY BATLeYS BeSTwAY BATLeYS 420013 705135 MARIGoLd eXTRA GLoVeS MedIUM 57267 57267 BoLd PowdeR LAVeNdeR PM 650G 417192 417192 BeST-oNe FoIL PM 99P 300MM 75681 75681 SURF TRoPICAL PM 10 wASH 700G 417202 417202 BeST-oNe CLING FILM PM 69P 300MM 363006 363006 BeST-oNe PowdeR SUMMeR PM £1 10 wASH 403742 403742 BeST-oNe SwING BIN PM £1.59 20’S 393096 393096 ARIeL GeL oRIGINAL 24 wASH 393228 393228 BeST-oNe ReFUSe SACK PM £1.25 10’S 9590 9590 PeRSIL SMALL & MIGHTY NoN BIo PM 525ML 406167 406167 BeST-oNe JUMBo KITCHeN ToweL PM £1 1 RoLL 655899 655899 CoMFoRT CoNCeNTRATe BLUe PM 750ML 224533 224533 FIeSTA KITCHeN ToweL JUMBo PM RoLL 504685 504685 LeNoR SUMMeR BReeZe PM 665ML 104319 104319 ReGINA BLITZ KITCHeN ToweL SPK 2 RoLLS 169712 169712 VANISH oXI MULTI PM 450G 407108 407108 KLeeNeX oRIGINAL PM £1 72’S 441695 441695 KLeeNeX eXTRA LARGe PM 90’S 18227 18227 KLeeNeX BALSAM HANKeRCHIeFS 9’S 410653 410653 BeST-oNe KITCHeN ToweL PM £1.89 4 RoLLS CATEGORY ADVICE Planogram 2019 2m x 5 Shelf SHELF 3 SHELF 4 SHELF 5 SHELF SHELF SHELF 3 SKUs 4 SKUs 5 SKUs BeSTwAY BATLeYS BeSTwAY BATLeYS BeSTwAY BATLeYS 57334 57334 DAZ ReG PowdeR 40 wASH 251293 251293 FAIRY LIQUId oRIGINAL PM 433ML 594541 594541 DOMeSToS BLUe PM £1 750ML 57312 57312 DAZ PowdeR ReGULAR PM 650G 337686 337686 BeST-oNe wASHING UP LIQUId GReeN PM 69P 500ML 337653 337653 BeST-oNe BLeACH oRIGINAL PM 69P 750ML 196318 196318 DAZ Go PodS PM 12’S 337697 337697 BeST-oNe wASHING UP LIQUId LeMoN PM 69P 500ML 337664 337664 BeST-oNe BLeACH CITRUS PM 69P 750ML 413356 413356 ARIeL LIQUId PodS PM 12’S 169745 169745 FINISH ALL IN 1 TAB PM 13’S 337675 337675 BeST-oNe BLeACH oRIGINAL PM £1.35 2LTR 414543 414543 BoLd 2 IN 1 LIQUId PodS PM 12’S 94667 470814 ZoFLoRA ASSoRTMeNT d 56ML 179837 179837 DETToL ANTIBACTeRIAL wIPeS PM 36’S 349941 349941 ANdReX QUILTS PM 4 RoLLS 719708 233955 DETTOL 500ML 364048 364048 BeST-oNe ANTIBACTeRIAL SPRAY PM 79P 500ML 349974 349974 ANdReX GeNTLe CLeAN PM 4 RoLLS 153537 153537 FEBREZE AIR PM COTTON 300ML 346847 346847 FLASH SPRAY BLeACH PM 500ML 350090 350090 ANdReX SKIN KINd PM 4 RoLLS 725770 725770 AIRwICK AeRo LAVeNdeR PM £1 240ML 346836 346836 FLASH SPRAY BATH PM 500ML 349952 349952 ANdReX wHITe PM 2 RoLLS 334850 334850 BeST-oNe AIR FReSHeNeR oRCHId PM 79P 240ML 313511 313511 MR MUSCLe wINdow PM 750ML 162654 567461 MR MUSCLe oVeN CLeANeR 300ML 313533 313533 MR MUSCLe KITCHeN PM 750ML 497530 497530 MR SHeeN oRIGINAL PM £1 300ML 405125 405125 BeST-oNe LUXURY ToILeT TISSUe PM £1.49 4 RoLLS 405071 405071 BeST-oNe SoFT TISSUe wHITe PM £1 4 RoLLS 34724 525792 ANdReX ToILeT RoLL wHITe 9 PACK 349963 349963 ANdReX wHITe PM 4 RoLLS 405136 405136 BeST-oNe LUXURY ToILeT TISSUe PM £2.69 9 RoLLS 161787 161787 ANdReX wASHLeTS 42’S CATEGORY ADVICE Planogram 2019 3m x 5 Shelf SHELF 1 SHELF 2 SHELF 3 SHELF 4 SHELF 5 CATEGORY ADVICE Planogram 2019 3m x 5 Shelf SHELF 1 SHELF 2 SHELF SHELF 1 SKUs 2 SKUs BeSTwAY BATLeYS BeSTwAY BATLeYS 420013 705135 MARIGoLd eXTRA GLoVeS Med 655899 655899 CoMFoRT CoNCeNTRATe BLUe PM 750ML 378265
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