SPORTS: PACE BOY’S BASKETBALL PAGE B2 Santa Rosa’s Press SHERIFF’S REPORT, Gazette PAGE B3 Tweet us @srpressgazette and like us on Saturday, January 4, 2014 Find breaking news at 75 cents MPD: Hungry man apologizes after theft By PAMELA HOLT after police said he more and damage to prop- Packard laptop computer didn’t own a computer. He said he never went in- 623-2120 broke into a busi- erty, criminal mischief fi rst at the time. He told the of- While checking several side the business, just took
[email protected] ness and took a degree over $200, accord- fi cers the laptop belonged businesses in the general the computer through the laptop computer ing to police reports. to his mother. Milton police area, the offi cers made a broken window. He asked A man who said at Paws Here 2 on He was questioned said they asked Cheatham discovery of a broken win- if he could apologize to the he was hungry Berryhill Road. by Milton Police Offi cer his mother’s name, and he dow at Paws Here 2. Re- business owner of Paws asked to apologize Cheatham, 34, Dwayne Smith and Offi cer answered Danielle. After ports say glass was strewn Here 2. after he broke a has been charged Yolanda Spears in front checking the log on page of across a desk located in the Milton business owner window and took a ROBERT with burglary, sec- of Paradise Furniture on the computer, which read front offi ce.