The Weblate Manual Versão 4.2.1

Michal Čihař

21 ago., 2020 Documentação de utilizador

1 Documentação de utilizador 1 1.1 Básico do Weblate ...... 1 1.2 Registo e perfil de utilizador ...... 1 1.3 Traduzir usando o Weblate ...... 10 1.4 Descarregar e enviar traduções ...... 20 1.5 Verificações e correções ...... 22 1.6 Searching ...... 38 1.7 Application developer guide ...... 42 1.8 Fluxos de trabalho de tradução ...... 62 1.9 Frequently Asked Questions ...... 66 1.10 Formatos de ficheiros suportados ...... 73 1.11 Integração de controlo de versões ...... 91 1.12 Weblate’s REST API ...... 98 1.13 Cliente Weblate ...... 137 1.14 Weblate’s Python API ...... 141

2 Documentação de administrador 143 2.1 Configuration instructions ...... 143 2.2 Weblate deployments ...... 195 2.3 Upgrading Weblate ...... 196 2.4 Fazer backup e mover o Weblate ...... 200 2.5 Autenticação ...... 205 2.6 Controlo de acesso ...... 214 2.7 Projetos de tradução ...... 221 2.8 Language definitions ...... 237 2.9 Tradução contínua ...... 238 2.10 Licenciar traduções ...... 247 2.11 Processo de tradução ...... 249 2.12 Verificações e correções ...... 255 2.13 Tradução automática ...... 263 2.14 Extensões ...... 269 2.15 Memória de Tradução ...... 279 2.16 Configuração ...... 281 2.17 Sample configuration ...... 304 2.18 Management commands ...... 319 2.19 Anúncios ...... 330 2.20 Lista de componentes ...... 332 2.21 Optional Weblate modules ...... 333 2.22 Customizing Weblate ...... 338 2.23 Interface de gestão ...... 340 2.24 Obter suporte para o Weblate ...... 347

i 2.25 Documentos legais ...... 348

3 Documentação de colaborador 350 3.1 Contribuir para o Weblate ...... 350 3.2 Starting contributing code to Weblate ...... 351 3.3 Código-fonte do Weblate ...... 355 3.4 Debugging Weblate ...... 356 3.5 Weblate internals ...... 357 3.6 Weblate frontend ...... 358 3.7 Reporting issues in Weblate ...... 359 3.8 Weblate testsuite and continuous integration ...... 359 3.9 Data schemas ...... 361 3.10 Releasing Weblate ...... 365 3.11 Sobre o Weblate ...... 365 3.12 Licença ...... 366

4 Histórico de alterações 367 4.1 Weblate 4.2.1 ...... 367 4.2 Weblate 4.2 ...... 367 4.3 Weblate 4.1.1 ...... 368 4.4 Weblate 4.1 ...... 368 4.5 Weblate 4.0.4 ...... 369 4.6 Weblate 4.0.3 ...... 370 4.7 Weblate 4.0.2 ...... 370 4.8 Weblate 4.0.1 ...... 371 4.9 Weblate 4.0 ...... 371 4.10 Weblate 3.x series ...... 372 4.11 Weblate 2.x series ...... 383 4.12 Weblate 1.x series ...... 394 4.13 Weblate 0.x series ...... 398

Índice de Módulos do Python 402

HTTP Routing Table 403

Índice 405


Documentação de utilizador

1.1 Básico do Weblate

1.1.1 Estrutura de projetos

No Weblate, as traduções são organizadas em projetos e componentes. Cada projeto pode conter vários componen- tes, os quais contêm traduções para idiomas individuais. O componente corresponde a um ficheiro traduzível (por exemplo, GNU gettext ou Android string resources). Os projetos existem para ajudá-lo a organizar componentes em conjuntos lógicos (por exemplo, para agrupar todas as traduções usadas dentro de uma aplicação). Internamente, cada projeto tem traduções para textos comuns propagados em outros componentes dentro dele por predefinição. Isso alivia o fardo da tradução repetitiva e de várias versões. Desative isto conforme Component confi- guration, ainda produzindo erros para traduções aparentemente inconsistentes resultantes.

1.2 Registo e perfil de utilizador

1.2.1 Registo

Todos podem procurar projetos, visualizar traduções ou sugerir traduções por predefinição. Somente utilizadores registrados têm permissão para realmente gravar as alterações e são creditados para cada tradução feita. Pode registar-se seguindo alguns passos simples: 1. Preencha o formulário de registo com suas credenciais. 2. Ative o registo seguindo a hiperligação no e-mail que receber. 3. Ajuste opcionalmente seu perfil para escolher quais idiomas conhece.

1 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

1.2.2 Painel

Ao fazer login verá uma visão geral de projetos e componentes, bem como sua respectiva progressão de tradução. Novo na versão 2.5. Os componentes dos projetos que está a observar são mostrados por predefinição e cruzados com os idiomas de sua preferência.

Dica: Pode mudar para visualizações diferentes usando as guias de navegação.

O menu tem estas opções: • Projetos > Visualizar todos os projetos no menu principal mostra o estado da tradução, para cada projeto, na instância do Weblate. • Selecionar um idioma no menu principal de Idiomas irá mostrar o estado da tradução de todos os projetos, filtrado por um dos seus idiomas primários.

2 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

• Traduções observadas no Painel vai mostrar o estado da tradução apenas dos projetos que está observando, filtradas por seus idiomas primários. Além disso, o menu suspenso também pode mostrar qualquer quantidade de listas de componentes, conjuntos de componentes do projeto pré-configurados pelo administrador da Weblate, veja Lista de componentes. Pode configurar sua exibição de painel padrão pessoal na secção Preferências das configurações do perfil do utilizador.

Nota: Quando o Weblate estiver configurado para um único projeto usando SINGLE_PROJECT no ficheiro (veja Configuração), o painel não será mostrado, pois o utilizador será redirecionado para um único projeto ou componente.

1.2.3 Perfil do utilizador

O perfil do utilizador é acessível clicando no ícone do utilizador no topo direito do menu superior e depois no menu Configurações. O perfil do utilizador contém as suas preferências. Nome e endereço de e-mail são usados em commits de VCS, por isso mantenha essas informações precisas.

Nota: Todas as seleções de idiomas só oferecem idiomas traduzidos atualmente.

Dica: Solicite ou adicione outros idiomas que deseja traduzir clicando no botão para torná-los também disponíveis.

Idiomas traduzidos

Escolha quais idiomas prefere traduzir, e eles serão oferecidos na página principal de projetos assistidos, para que tenha acesso mais fácil a todas essas traduções em cada um desses idiomas.

1.2. Registo e perfil de utilizador 3 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Idiomas secundários

Pode definir quais idiomas secundários são lhe mostrados como um guia durante a tradução. Um exemplo pode ser visto na imagem a seguir, onde o idioma hebreu é mostrado como secundário:

4 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Visualização predefinida do painel

Na guia Preferências, pode escolher qual das visualizações disponíveis do painel de instrumentos deve-se apresentar por predefinição. Se escolher a lista de Lista de componentes, terá que selecionar qual lista de componentes será exibida a partir da Lista de componentes predefinida suspensa. Veja também: Lista de componentes

1.2. Registo e perfil de utilizador 5 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1


Um avatar pode ser mostrado para cada utilizador (dependendo de ENABLE_AVATARS). Estas imagens são obtidas utilizando

Hiperligação do editor

Uma ligação de código-fonte é mostrado no navegador web configurado no Component configuration por predefinição.

Dica: Ao definir o Ligação do editor, usa o editor local para abrir o ficheiro de código-fonte VCS de cadeias traduzidas. Pode usar Template markup. Geralmente alguma coisa como editor://open/?file={{filename}}&line={{line}} é uma boa opção.

Veja também: Pode encontrar mais informações sobre o registo de protocolos de URL personalizados para o editor na documentação do Nette.

1.2.4 Notificações

Inscreva-se em várias notificações da guia Notificações. As notificações para eventos selecionados em projetos assis- tidos ou administrados serão lhe enviadas por e-mail. Algumas das notificações são enviadas apenas para eventos nos seus idiomas (por exemplo, sobre novas cadeias para traduzir), enquanto algumas acionam no nível de componente (por exemplo, erros de fusão). Esses dois grupos de notificações são visualmente separados nas configurações. Pode alternar notificações para projetos assistidos e projetos administrados e pode ser mais ajustado (ou silenciado) por projeto e componente. Visite a página de componentes e selecione a escolha apropriada no menu Observando.

Nota: Não receberá notificações para suas próprias ações.

6 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

1.2. Registo e perfil de utilizador 7 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

1.2.5 Conta

The Account tab lets you set up basic account details, connect various services you can use to sign in into Weblate, completely remove your account, or download your user data (see Weblate user data export).

Nota: A lista de serviços depende da configuração do Weblate, mas pode ser feita para incluir sites populares como GitLab, GitHub, Google, Facebook ou Bitbucket ou outros provedores de OAuth 2.0.

8 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

1.2. Registo e perfil de utilizador 9 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

1.2.6 Registo de auditoria

O registo de auditoria rastreia as ações realizadas com a sua conta. Ele registra o endereço IP e o navegador para cada ação importante com a sua conta. As ações críticas também desencadeiam uma notificação para um endereço de e-mail principal. Veja também: Running behind reverse proxy

1.3 Traduzir usando o Weblate

Obrigado pelo interesse em traduzir usando o Weblate. Os projetos podem ser configurados para tradução direta ou por meio de sugestões feitas por utilizadores sem contas. No geral, há dois modos de tradução: • O projeto aceita traduções diretas • O projeto aceita apenas sugestões, que são validadas automaticamente uma vez que uma quantidade definida de votos é alcançada Por favor, veja Fluxos de trabalho de tradução para obter mais informações sobre fluxo de trabalho de tradução. Opções para a visibilidade do projeto de tradução: • Publicamente visível e todos podem contribuir • Visível apenas para um certo grupo de tradutores Veja também: Controlo de acesso, Fluxos de trabalho de tradução

1.3.1 Projetos de tradução

Os projetos de tradução possuem componentes relacionados, relacionados ao mesmo , livro ou projeto.

10 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

1.3.2 Ligações de tradução

Depois de navegar para um componente, um conjunto de ligações leva à tradução real. A tradução é ainda dividida em verificações individuais, como Não traduzidos ou Necessitam edição. Se todo o projeto for traduzido sem erro, Todas as traduções ainda estão disponíveis. Alternativamente, pode usar o campo de pesquisa para encontrar uma cadeia ou termo específico.

1.3.3 Sugestões

Nota: As permissões podem variar de acordo com a configuração da sua instância do Weblate.

Utilizadores anônimos só podem (se permitido) encaminhar sugestões. Isso ainda está disponível para os utilizadores autenticados, nos casos em que surge a incerteza sobre a tradução, o que levará outro tradutor a revisá-la. As sugestões são verificadas diariamente para remover as duplicatas ou sugestões que correspondam à tradução atual.

1.3. Traduzir usando o Weblate 11 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

1.3.4 Comentários

Comentários podem ser enviados em dois escopos - cadeia fonte ou de tradução. Escolha o que corresponda ao tópico que deseja discutir. Os comentários de cadeias fonte são bons para fornecer feedback sobre cadeias originais, por exemplo, de que ele deve ser reformulado ou está confuso. Pode usar a sintaxe do Markdown nos comentários e mencionar outros utilizadores usando @menção.

1.3.5 Variantes

As variantes são usadas para agrupar variantes do texto em diferentes comprimentos. A superfície pode usar cadeias diferentes dependendo do tamanho do ecrã ou da janela. Veja também: String variants

1.3.6 Etiquetas

As etiquetas são usadas para categorizar textos dentro de um projeto. Elas podem ser usadas para personalizar ainda mais o fluxo de trabalho de localização, por exemplo, para definir categorias de textos. Veja também: String labels

1.3.7 Traduzir

Na página de tradução vê-se a cadeia fonte e uma área de edição para tradução. Caso a tradução seja plural, vê-se múltiplas cadeias fonte e áreas de edição, cada um descrito e rotulado em forma plural. Todos os caracteres especiais de espaço em branco são sublinhados em vermelho e indicados com símbolos cinzentos. Mais de um espaço subsequente também é sublinhado em vermelho para alertar o tradutor para um possível problema de formatação. Vários pedaços de informações extras podem ser mostrados nesta página, a maioria proveniente do código-fonte do projeto (como contexto, comentários ou onde a mensagem está a ser usada). Quando escolhe idiomas secundários nas suas preferências, a tradução para esses idiomas será mostrada (ver Idiomas secundários) acima da cadeia fonte. Abaixo da tradução, qualquer sugestão feita por outros será mostrada, que pode, por sua vez, aceitar, aceitar com alterações ou excluir.


Palavras que mudam de forma levando sua designação numérica em conta são chamadas plurais. Cada idioma tem sua própria definição de plurais. O inglês, por exemplo, possui um plural. Na definição singular de, por exemplo, «car» (carro), implicitamente um carro é referenciado, enquanto na definição plural, «carros» significa dois ou mais carros, ou o conceito de carros como substantivo. Idiomas como, por exemplo, tcheco ou árabe têm mais plurais e suas regras para os plurais também são diferentes. O Weblate tem suporte total de cada uma dessas formas, em cada respetivo idioma, traduzindo cada plural separada- mente. A quantidade de campos e como são usados na aplicação traduzido depende da forma de plural configurada. Weblate mostra as informações básicas, mas encontr uma descrição mais detalhada em Language Plural Rules do Unicode Consortium. Veja também: Fórmula de plural

12 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Atalhos de teclado

Alterado na versão 2.18: Os atalhos do teclado foram renovados em 2.18 para reduzir a possibilidade de colidir com o atalhos predefinidos de navegadores ou sistemas. Os seguintes atalhos de teclado podem ser utilizados durante a tradução: Alt+Home De momento, esta tradução está bloqueada. Alt+End De momento, esta tradução está bloqueada. Alt+PageUp De momento, esta tradução está bloqueada. Alt+PageDown De momento, esta tradução está bloqueada.

1.3. Traduzir usando o Weblate 13 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Alt+Enter, Ctrl+Enter ou Cmd+Enter Gravar tradução atual. Ctrl+Shift+Enter ou Cmd+Shift+Enter Desmarca estado de tradução aproximada e envia-a. Ctrl+E ou Cmd+E Muda o foco para o editor de tradução. Ctrl+U ou Cmd+U Muda o foco para o editor de comentários. Ctrl+M ou Cmd+M Mostra a guia de tradução de máquina. Ctrl+ ou Cmd+ Copia objetos colocáveis de determinado número do texto fonte. Ctrl+M ou Cmd+M É passado como um parâmetro único que consiste o nome de uma tradução atual. Ctrl+I ou Cmd+I Ignore um item na lista de verificações falhadas. Ctrl+J ou Cmd+J Shows the Nearby strings tab. Ctrl+S ou Cmd+S Mostra guia de pesquisa. Ctrl+O ou Cmd+O Copa a cadeia fonte. Ctrl+Y ou Cmd+Y Toggles the Needs editing flag.

Teclado visual

Um pequeno teclado visual é mostrado logo acima do campo de tradução. Isto pode ser útil para digitar caracteres normalmente não encontrados ou de digitação difícil. Os símbolos mostrados são apresentados em três categorias: • Caracteres configurados pelo utilizador definidos em Perfil do utilizador • Caracteres por idioma fornecidos pelo Weblate (por exemplo, citações ou caracteres específicos RTL) • Caracteres configurados usando SPECIAL_CHARS

14 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Contexto da tradução

Esta descrição contextual fornece informações relacionadas sobre a cadeia atual. Atributos do texto Coisas como ID da mensagem, contexto (msgctxt) ou localização no código-fonte. Capturas de ecrã Capturas de ecrã podem ser enviadas ao Weblate para melhor informar os tradutores sobre onde e como o texto é usado, veja Visual context for strings. Cadeias próximas Exibe mensagens próximas do ficheiro de tradução. Estas também são geralmente usadas num contexto semelhante e se mostram úteis para manter a tradução consistente. Outras ocorrências No caso de uma mensagem aparecer em vários lugares (por exemplo, vários componentes), esta guia mostra todos eles se forem considerados inconsistentes (veja Inconsistente). Pode escolher qual usar. Memória de tradução Veja cadeias semelhantes traduzidas no passado, veja Memory Management. Glossário Exibe termos do glossário do projeto usados na mensagem atual. Alterações recentes Lista de pessoas que modificaram esta mensagem recentemente usando Weblate. Projeto Informações do projeto, como instruções para tradutores ou informações sobre o repositório do sistema de controle de versão. Se o formato de tradução for suportado, também poderá seguir links fornecidos para o respetivo código-fonte con- tendo cada cadeia fonte.

1.3. Traduzir usando o Weblate 15 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Histórico de tradução

Cada alteração é por predefinição (a menos que desativada nas configurações dos componentes) gravada no banco de dados e pode ser revertida. Opcionalmente, ainda se pode reverter qualquer coisa no sistema de controle de versão subjacente.

Comprimento da cadeia traduzida

Weblate pode limitar o comprimento de tradução em várias formas para garantir a cadeia traduzida não fique muito comprida: • A limitação predefinida para tradução é dez vezes maior do que a cadeia fonte. Isso pode ser transformado em LIMIT_TRANSLATION_LENGTH_BY_SOURCE_LENGTH. Caso esteja acertando isso, ele também pode ser causado pela tradução monolíngue sendo configurada como bilíngue, fazendo com que o Weblate veja a chave de tradução como cadeia fonte em vez da cadeia fonte real. Veja Bilingual and monolingual formats para obter mais informações. • Comprimento máximo em caracteres definidos por ficheiro de tradução ou um sinalizador, consulte Tamanho máximo da tradução. • Tamanho máximo renderizado em pixels definido por sinalizadores, veja Tamanho máximo da tradução.

1.3.8 Glossário

Cada projeto pode ter um glossário atribuído para qualquer idioma como abreviação para armazenar terminologia. A consistência é mais facilmente mantida desta forma. Os termos de cadeia traduzida atualmente podem ser exibidos nas guias inferiores.

Gestão de glossários

Na guia Glossários de cada página do projeto, pode editar glossários existentes.

16 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Um glossário vazio para um determinado projeto é criado automaticamente quando o projeto é criado. Glossários são compartilhados entre todos os componentes do mesmo projeto e você também pode optar por compartilhá-los com outros projetos. Você só pode fazer-lo para projetos que você pode administrar. Nesta lista, pode escolher qual glossário gerir (todos os idiomas usados no projeto atual são mostrados). Seguir uma das ligações de idioma o levará a uma página que pode ser usada para editar, importar ou exportar o glossário selecionado ou visualizar o histórico de edição:

1.3. Traduzir usando o Weblate 17 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

1.3.9 Tradução automática

Com base na configuração e no idioma traduzido, o Weblate fornece sugestões de várias ferramentas de tradução automática. Todas as traduções automáticas estão disponíveis numa única guia de cada página de tradução. Veja também: Encontra a lista de ferramentas suportadas em Tradução automática.

1.3.10 Tradução automática

Pode usar a tradução automática para a iniciar a tradução com base em fontes externas. Esta ferramenta chama-se Tradução automática, acessível no menu Ferramentas, uma vez que tenha selecionado um componente e um idioma:

18 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Dois modos de operação são possíveis: • Usar outros componentes do Weblate como fonte para traduções. • Usar serviços selecionados de tradução automática com traduções acima de um certo limite de qualidade. Também pode escolher quais cadeias devem ser traduzidas automaticamente.

Aviso: Tenha em mente que isso substituirá as traduções existentes se empregadas com filtros amplos, como Todos as cadeias.

Útil em várias situações, como a consolidação da tradução entre componentes diferentes (por exemplo, site e apli- cação) ou quando estiver a iniciar a tradução para um novo componente usando traduções existentes (memória de tradução). Veja também: Keeping translations same across components

1.3. Traduzir usando o Weblate 19 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

1.3.11 Limitação de taxa

Para evitar abusos na interface, há limitações de taxa aplicada a várias operações como pesquisa, envio de formulário de contato ou tradução. Caso seja atingido por isso, fica bloqueado por um certo período até que possa executar a operação novamente. Os limites predefinidos são descritos no manual administrativo em Limitação de taxa, mas podem ser ajustados por configuração.

1.3.12 Edição em massa

A edição em massa permite que execute a operação em quantidades de cadeias. Define os cadeias de pesquisa e operação para executar e todas as cadeias correspondentes são atualizados. As seguintes operações são suportadas: • Alterar o estado da cadeia (por exemplo, para aprovar todas as cadeias à espera de revisão) • Ajustar os sinalizadores de tradução (veja Personalizar o comportamento) • Ajustar as etiquetas de cadeias (veja String labels)

Dica: Esta ferramenta é chamada Editor em massa, acessível no menu Ferramentas para cada projeto, componente ou tradução.

Veja também: Bulk edit addon

1.4 Descarregar e enviar traduções

Pode exportar ficheiros de uma tradução, fazer alterações e importá-los novamente. Isso permite trabalhar off-line e depois mesclar mudanças de volta na tradução existente. Isso funciona mesmo que tenha sido alterado entretanto.

Nota: As opções disponíveis podem ser limitadas por Controlo de acesso.

1.4.1 Descarregar traduções

Do painel do projeto ou do componente, os ficheiros traduzíveis podem ser descarregados a usar o Descarregar ficheiro de tradução original no menu Ficheiros, produzindo uma cópia do ficheiro original à medida que ele é armazenado no sistema de controle de versão upstream. Pode também descarregar a tradução convertida num dos formatos de localização amplamente utilizados. Os fi- cheiros convertidos serão enriquecidos com dados fornecidos no Weblate, como contexto adicional, comentários ou sinalizadores. Vários formatos de ficheiro estão disponíveis, incluindo um ficheiro compilado para usar na sua escolha de aplicação (por exemplo, ficheiros .mo para GNU Gettext) usando o menu Ficheiros.

20 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

1.4.2 Enviar traduções

Quando tiver feito as suas alterações, use Enviar tradução no menu Ficheiros.

Formatos de ficheiros suportados

Todos ficheiros num formato de ficheiro suportado pode ser enviado, mas ainda é recomendado usar o mesmo formato de ficheiro como o para a tradução, caso contrário, alguns recursos podem não ser traduzidos corretamente. Veja também: Formatos de ficheiros suportados O ficheiro enviado é mesclado para atualizar a tradução, substituindo as entradas existentes por predefinição (pode ser desativado ou ativado na caixa de diálogo de envio).

1.4. Descarregar e enviar traduções 21 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Métodos de importação

Estas são as opções apresentadas ao enviar ficheiros de tradução: Add as translation (translate) Traduções importadas são adicionadas como traduções. Este é o caso de uso mais comum e o comportamento predefinido. Add as suggestion (suggest) As traduções importadas são adicionadas como sugestões, faça isso quando quiser ter as suas cadeias enviadas serem revisadas. Add as translation needing edit (fuzzy) As traduções importadas são adicionadas como traduções que necessi- tam de edição. Isso pode ser útil quando quer que as traduções sejam usadas, mas também revisadas. Replace existing translation file (replace) O ficheiro existente é substituído por novo conteúdo. Isso pode levar à perda de traduções existentes, use com cuidado. Update source strings (source) Atualiza cadeias fonte em ficheiro de tradução bilíngue. Isso é semelhante ao que Atualizar ficheiros PO para coincidir com POT (msgmerge) faz. Veja também: POST /api/translations/(string:project)/(string:component)/ (string:language)/file/

Gestão de conflitos

Define como lidar com cadeias enviadas que já são traduzidas.

Cadeias necessitando de edição

Há também uma opção de como lidar com cadeias que necessitam de edição no ficheiro importado. Tais cadeias podem ser manuseados de uma das três maneiras seguintes: «Não importar», «Importar como cadeia que necessita edição» ou «Importar como traduzido».

Substituindo autoria

Com permissões administrativas, também pode especificar a autoria do ficheiro enviado. Isso pode ser útil no caso de ter recebido o ficheiro de outra maneira e quiser mesclá-lo em traduções existentes enquanto credita corretamente o autor real.

1.5 Verificações e correções

As verificações de qualidade ajudam a apanhar erros comuns do tradutor, garantindo que a tradução esteja em boa forma. As verificações podem ser ignoradas em caso de falsos positivos. Quando enviar uma tradução com uma verificação a falhar será imediatamente mostrada ao utilizador:

22 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

1.5. Verificações e correções 23 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

1.5.1 Correções automáticas

Além de Verificações de qualidade, o Weblate também pode corrigir alguns erros comuns em cadeias traduzidas automaticamente. Use-o com cuidado para não causar erros por meio disto. Veja também: AUTOFIX_LIST

1.5.2 Verificações de qualidade

O Weblate emprega uma ampla gama de verificações de qualidade em cadeias. A secção a seguir descreve todos eles em mais detalhe. Há também verificações específicas de idiomas. Por favor, preencha um relatório de erro se alguma verificação for relatada por engano. Veja também: CHECK_LIST, Personalizar o comportamento

1.5.3 Verificações de tradução

Executado a cada alteração da tradução, ajuda os tradutores a manter traduções de boa qualidade.

Markup BBcode

BBcode na tradução não corresponde à fonte BBCode representa marcação simples, como, por exemplo, destacar partes importantes de uma mensagem em fonte em negrito ou itálico. Esta verificação garante que eles também estejam na tradução.

Nota: O método para detetar BBcode é atualmente bastante simples, então esta verificação pode produzir falsos positivos.

Palavras consecutivas duplicadas

O texto contém a mesma palavra duas vezes de seguida: Novo na versão 4.1. Verifica se não há palavras duplicadas consecutivas numa tradução. Isso geralmente indica um erro na tradução.

Dica: Esta verificação inclui regras específicas do idioma para evitar falsos positivos. Caso seja falso no seu caso, avise-nos. Veja Reporting issues in Weblate.

24 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Espaço duplo

A tradução contém espaços duplos Verifica se espaços duplos estão presentes na tradução para evitar falsos positivos em outras verificações relacionadas ao espaço. A verificação é falsa quando espaços duplos são encontrados na fonte, o que significa que os espaços duplos são intencionais.

Cadeias formatadas

Verifica se a formatação em cadeias é replicada entre a fonte e a tradução. Omitir cadeias de formato na tradução geralmente causa problemas graves, de modo que a formatação em cadeias geralmente deve coincidir com a fonte. O Weblate tem suporte a verificar cadeias de formato em vários idiomas. A verificação não é ativada automaticamente, somente se uma cadeia for sinalizada adequadamente (por exemplo, «c-format” para formato C). O Gettext adiciona- o automaticamente, mas provavelmente terá que adicioná-lo manualmente para outros formatos de ficheiro ou se seus ficheiros PO não forem gerados por xgettext. Isso pode ser feito por unidade (ver Additional info on source strings) na Component configuration. Tê-lo definido por componente é mais simples, mas pode levar a falsos positivos no caso de a cadeia não ser interpretada como uma cadeia de formatação, mas a sintaxe de textos de formato passa a ser usada.

Dica: Caso a verificação de formato específico não esteja disponível no Weblate, pode usar Espaços reservados genéricos.

Além de verificar, isso também destacará as cadeias de formatação para inseri-los facilmente em cadeias traduzidas:

1.5. Verificações e correções 25 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Cadeia de interpolação AngularJS

A cadeia de interpolação AngularJS não corresponde à fonte

Cadeia de formato nomeado O seu saldo é {{amount}} {{ currency }} Sinalize para ativar angularjs-format

Veja também: AngularJS: API: $interpolate

Formato C

A cadeia de formato C não corresponde à fonte

Cadeia de formato simples Há %d maçãs Cadeia de formato de posição O seu saldo é %1$d %2$s Sinalize para ativar c-format

Veja também: Cadeias de formatação C, formatação de printf C

26 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Formato C#

A cadeia de formato C# não corresponde à fonte

Cadeia de formato de posição Há {0} maçãs Sinalize para ativar c-sharp-format

Veja também: C# String Format

Literais de modelo de ECMAScript

ECMAScript template literals do not match source

Interpolação Há ${number} maçãs Sinalize para ativar es-format

Veja também: Literais de modelo

Interpolação de i18next

A interpolação de i18next não corresponde à fonte Novo na versão 4.0.

Interpolação Há {{number}} maçãs Aninhamento Há $t(number) maçãs Sinalize para ativar i18next-interpolation

Veja também: Interpolação i18next

Formato Java

A cadeia de formato Java não corresponde à fonte

Cadeia de formato simples Há %d maçãs Cadeia de formato de posição O seu saldo é %1$d %2$s Sinalize para ativar java-format

Veja também: Java Format Strings

1.5. Verificações e correções 27 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Formato de Mensagem Java

A cadeia de MessageFormat de Java não corresponde à fonte

Cadeia de formato de po- Há {0} maçãs sição Sinalize para ativar java-messageformat ativa a verificação incondicionalmente auto-java-messageformat ativa a verificação somente se houver uma cadeia de for- mato na fonte

Veja também: MessageFormat de Java

Formato JavaScript

A cadeia de formato JavaScript não corresponde à fonte

Cadeia de formato simples Há %d maçãs Sinalize para ativar javascript-format

Veja também: Cadeias de formatação JavaScript

Espaços reservados de percentagem

Os espaços reservados de percentagem não correspondem à fonte Novo na versão 4.0.

Cadeia de formato simples Há %number% maçãs Sinalize para ativar percent-placeholders

Formato Perl

A cadeia de formato Perl não corresponde à fonte

Cadeia de formato simples Há %d maçãs Cadeia de formato de posição O seu saldo é %1$d %2$s Sinalize para ativar perl-format

Veja também: sprintf de Perl, Cadeias de Formatação Perl

28 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Formato PHP

A cadeia de formato PHP não corresponde à fonte

Cadeia de formato simples Há %d maçãs Cadeia de formato de posição O seu saldo é %1$d %2$s Sinalize para ativar php-format

Veja também: Documentação de PHP sprintf, PHP Format Strings

Formato de chaveta Python

A cadeia de formato de chaves Python não corresponde à fonte

Cadeia de formato simples Há {} maçãs Cadeia de formato nomeado O seu saldo é {amount} {currency} Sinalize para ativar python-brace-format

Veja também: Formato de chaves Python, Python Format Strings

Formato Python

A cadeia de formato Python não corresponde à fonte

Cadeia de formato simples Há %d maçãs Cadeia de formato nomeado O seu saldo é %(amount) %(currency) Sinalize para ativar python-format

Veja também: Formatação de cadeias Python, Python Format Strings

Formato Qt

A cadeia de formato Qt não corresponde à fonte

Cadeia de formato de posição Há %1 maçãs Sinalize para ativar qt-format

Veja também: Qt QString::arg()

1.5. Verificações e correções 29 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Forma plural Qt

A cadeia de formato de plural do Qt não corresponde à fonte

Texto de formato de plural Há %Ln maçã(s) Sinalize para ativar qt-plural-format

Veja também: Guia de i18n do Qt

Formato Ruby

A cadeia de formato Ruby não corresponde à fonte

Cadeia de formato simples Há %d maçãs Cadeia de formato de posição O seu saldo é %1$f %2$s Cadeia de formato nomeado O seu saldo é %+.2f %s Cadeia de modelo nomeado O seu saldo é %{amount} %{currency} Sinalize para ativar ruby-format

Veja também: Ruby Kernel#sprintf

Foi traduzido

Esta cadeia foi traduzida no passado Significa que uma cadeia já foi traduzida. Isso pode acontecer quando as traduções foram revertidas no VCS ou perdidas de outra forma.


Esta cadeia tem mais que uma tradução neste projeto ou não é traduzida em alguns componentes. O Weblate verifica traduções da mesma cadeia em todas as traduções de um projeto para ajudar a manter traduções consistentes. A verificação falha em traduções diferentes de uma cadeia dentro de um projeto. Isso também pode levar a incon- sistências nas verificações exibidas. Pode encontrar outras traduções desta cadeia na guia Outras ocorrências.

Nota: Esta verificação também é disparada no caso de a cadeia estar traduzida num componente e não em outro. Ela pode ser usada como uma maneira rápida de manusear manualmente cadeias que não estão traduzidas em alguns componentes apenas clicando no botão Usar esta tradução exibido em cada linha na guia Outras ocorrências. Pode usar Tradução automática para automatizar a tradução de cadeias recém-adicionadas que já são traduzidas em outro componente.

Veja também: Keeping translations same across components

30 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Letra Kashida utilizada

As letras kashida decorativas não devem ser usadas Novo na versão 3.5. As letras Kashida decorativas não devem ser usadas na tradução. Estas também são conhecidas como Tatweel. Veja também: Kashida na Wikipédia

Hiperligações de marcação

Markdown links do not match source Novo na versão 3.5. Markdown links do not match source. Veja também: Markdown links

Referências de Markdown

Markdown link references do not match source Novo na versão 3.5. Markdown link references do not match source. Veja também: Markdown links

Sintaxe de Markdown

Markdown syntax does not match source Novo na versão 3.5. A sintaxe de Markdown não coincide com a fonte Veja também: Markdown span elements

Tamanho máximo da tradução

Translation should not exceed given length Checks that translations are of acceptable length to fit available space. This only checks for the length of translation characters. Unlike the other checks, the flag should be set as a key:value pair like max-length:100.

Dica: This checks looks at number of chars, what might not be the best metric when using proportional fonts to render the text. The Tamanho máximo da tradução check does check actual rendering of the text. The replacements: flag might be also useful to expand placeables before checking the string.

1.5. Verificações e correções 31 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Tamanho máximo da tradução

Translation rendered text should not exceed given size Novo na versão 3.7. Translation rendered text should not exceed given size. It renders the text with line wrapping and checks if it fits into given boundaries. This check needs one or two parameters - maximal width and maximal number of lines. In case the number of lines is not provided, one line text is considered. You can also configure used font by font-* directives (see Personalizar o comportamento), for example following translation flags say that the text rendered with ubuntu font size 22 should fit into two lines and 500 pixels:

max-size:500:2, font-family:ubuntu, font-size:22

Dica: You might want to set font-* directives in Component configuration to have the same font configured for all strings within a component. You can override those values per string in case you need to customize it per string. The replacements: flag might be also useful to expand placeables before checking the string.

Veja também: Gerir letras, Personalizar o comportamento, Tamanho máximo da tradução

Não correspondido n

Number of n in translation does not match source Usually escaped newlines are important for formatting program output. Check fails if the number of \\n literals in translation do not match the source.

Dois pontos não correspondentes

Source and translation do not both end with a colon Checks that colons are replicated between both source and translation. The presence of colons is also checked for various languages where they do not belong (Chinese or Japanese). Veja também: Colon on Wikipedia

Reticências não correspondentes

Source and translation do not both end with an ellipsis Checks that trailing ellipses are replicated between both source and translation. This only checks for real ellipsis (…) not for three dots (...). An ellipsis is usually rendered nicer than three dots in print, and sounds better with text-to-speech. Veja também: Ellipsis on Wikipedia

32 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Ponto de exclamação não correspondente

Source and translation do not both end with an exclamation mark Checks that exclamations are replicated between both source and translation. The presence of exclamation marks is also checked for various languages where they do not belong (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Armenian, Limbu, Myanmar or Nko). Veja também: Exclamation mark on Wikipedia

Ponto final não correspondente

Source and translation do not both end with a full stop Checks that full stops are replicated between both source and translation. The presence of full stops is checked for various languages where they do not belong (Chinese, Japanese, Devanagari or Urdu). Veja também: Full stop on Wikipedia

Ponto de interrogação não correspondente

Source and translation do not both end with a question mark Checks that question marks are replicated between both source and translation. The presence of question marks is also checked for various languages where they do not belong (Armenian, Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Ethiopic, Vai or Coptic). Veja também: Question mark on Wikipedia

Ponto e vírgula não correspondente

Source and translation do not both end with a semicolon Checks that semicolons at the end of sentences are replicated between both source and translation. This can be useful to keep formatting of entries such as desktop files. Veja também: Semicolon on Wikipedia

Quebras de linha não coincidentes

Number of new lines in translation does not match source Usually newlines are important for formatting program output. Check fails if the number of \n literals in translation do not match the source.

1.5. Verificações e correções 33 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Faltam plurais

Some plural forms are not translated Checks that all plural forms of a source string have been translated. Specifics on how each plural form is used can be found in the string definition. Failing to fill in plural forms will in some cases lead to displaying nothing when the plural form is in use.

Espaços reservados

Translation is missing some placeholders: Novo na versão 3.9. Translation is missing some placeholders. These are either extracted from the translation file or defined manually using placeholders flag, more can be separated with colon, strings with space can be quoted: placeholders:$URL$:$TARGET$:"some long text"

Veja também: Personalizar o comportamento

Espaçamento da pontuação

Missing non breakable space before double punctuation sign Novo na versão 3.9. Checks that there is non breakable space before double punctuation sign (exclamation mark, question mark, semicolon and colon). This rule is used only in a few selected languages like French or Breton, where space before double punctuation sign is a typographic rule. Veja também: French and English spacing on Wikipedia

Expressão regular

Translation does not match regular expression: Novo na versão 3.9. Translation does not match regular expression. The expression is either extracted from the translation file or defined manually using regex flag: regex:^foo|bar$

Mesmos plurais

Some plural forms are translated in the same way Check that fails if some plural forms are duplicated in the translation. In most languages they have to be different.

34 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Nova linha no início

Source and translation do not both start with a newline Newlines usually appear in source strings for good reason, omissions or additions can lead to formatting problems when the translated text is put to use. Veja também: Nova linha no final

Espaços no início

Source and translation do not both start with same number of spaces A space in the beginning of a string is usually used for indentation in the interface and thus important to keep.

Nova linha no final

Source and translation do not both end with a newline Newlines usually appear in source strings for good reason, omissions or additions can lead to formatting problems when the translated text is put to use. Veja também: Nova linha no início

Espaço no final

Source and translation do not both end with a space Checks that trailing spaces are replicated between both source and translation. Trailing space is usually utilized to space out neighbouring elements, so removing it might break layout.

Tradução inalterada

Source and translation are identical Happens if the source and corresponding translation strings is identical, down to at least one of the plural forms. Some strings commonly found across all languages are ignored, and various markup is stripped. This reduces the number of false positives. This check can help find strings mistakenly untranslated. The default behavior of this check is to exclude words from the built-in blacklist from the checking. These are words which are frequently not being translated. This is useful to avoid false positives on short strings, which consist only of single word which is same in several languages. This blacklist can be disabled by adding strict-same flag to string or component. Veja também: Component configuration, Personalizar o comportamento

1.5. Verificações e correções 35 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

HTML inseguro

The translation uses unsafe HTML markup Novo na versão 3.9. The translation uses unsafe HTML markup. This check has to be enabled using safe-html flag (see Personalizar o comportamento). There is also accompanied autofixer which can automatically sanitize the markup. Veja também: The HTML check is performed by the Bleach library developed by Mozilla.


The translation does not contain an URL Novo na versão 3.5. The translation does not contain an URL. This is triggered only in case the unit is marked as containing URL. In that case the translation has to be a valid URL.

Markup XML

XML tags in translation do not match source This usually means the resulting output will look different. In most cases this is not a desired result from changing the translation, but occasionally it is. Checks that XML tags are replicated between both source and translation.

Sintaxe XML

The translation is not valid XML Novo na versão 2.8. The XML markup is not valid.

Espaçamento nulo

Translation contains extra zero-width space character Zero-width space () characters are used to break messages within words (word wrapping). As they are usually inserted by mistake, this check is triggered once they are present in translation. Some programs might have problems when this character is used. Veja também: Zero width space on Wikipedia

36 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

1.5.4 Source checks

Source checks can help developers improve the quality of source strings.


The string uses three dots (…) instead of an ellipsis character (…) This fails when the string uses three dots (...) when it should use an ellipsis character (…). Using the Unicode character is in most cases the better approach and looks better rendered, and may sound better with text-to-speech. Veja também: Ellipsis on Wikipedia

Não traduzido há muito tempo

The string has not been translated for a long time Novo na versão 4.1. When the string has not been translated for a long time, it is can indicate problem in a source string making it hard to translate.

Várias verificações falhadas

The translations in several languages have failing checks Numerous translations of this string have failing quality checks. This is usually an indication that something could be done to improve the source string. This check failing can quite often be caused by a missing full stop at the end of a sentence, or similar minor issues which translators tend to fix in translation, while it would be better to fix it in the source string.

Várias variáveis sem nome

There are multiple unnamed variables in the string, making it impossible for translators to reorder them Novo na versão 4.1. There are multiple unnamed variables in the string, making it impossible for translators to reorder them. Consider using named variables instead to allow translators to reorder them.

Não pluralizado

The string is used as plural, but not using plural forms The string is used as a plural, but does not use plural forms. In case your translation system supports this, you should use the plural aware variant of it. For example with Gettext in Python it could be: from gettext import ngettext print ngettext('Selected %d file', 'Selected %d files', files) % files

1.5. Verificações e correções 37 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

1.6 Searching

Novo na versão 3.9. Advanced queries using boolean operations, parentheses, or field specific lookup can be used to find the strings you want. When no field is defined, the lookup happens on Source, Target and Context fields.

38 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

1.6.1 Simple search

Any phrase typed into the search box is split into words. Strings containing any of them are shown. To look for an exact phrase, put «the searchphrase» into quotes (both single (“) and double («) quotes will work): "this is a quoted string" or 'another quoted string'.

1.6.2 Fields source:TEXT Source string case insensitive search. target:TEXT Target string case insensitive search. context:TEXT Context string case insensitive search. key:TEXT Key string case insensitive search. note:TEXT Comment string case insensitive search. location:TEXT Location string case insensitive search. priority:NUMBER String priority. added:DATETIME Timestamp for when the string was added to Weblate. state:TEXT State search (approved, translated, needs-editing, empty, read-only), supports Field operators. pending:BOOLEAN String pending for flushing to VCS. has:TEXT Search for string having attributes - plural, context, suggestion, comment, check, dismissed-check, translation, variant, screenshot (works only on source strings). is:TEXT Search for string states (pending, translated, untranslated). language:TEXT String target language. component:TEXT Component slug, see Component slug. project:TEXT Project slug, see Project slug. changed_by:TEXT String was changed by author with given username. changed:DATETIME String was changed on date, supports Field operators. check:TEXT String has failing check. dismissed_check:TEXT String has dismissed check. comment:TEXT Search in user comments. comment_author:TEXT Filter by comment author. suggestion:TEXT Search in suggestions. suggestion_author:TEXT Filter by suggestion author.

1.6.3 Boolean operators

You can combine lookups using AND, OR, NOT and parentheses to form complex queries. For example: state:translated AND (source:hello OR source:bar)

1.6. Searching 39 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

1.6.4 Field operators

You can specify operators, ranges or partial lookups for date or numeric searches: state:>=translated State is translated or better (approved). changed:2019 Changed in year 2019. changed:[2019-03-01 to 2019-04-01] Changed between two given dates.

1.6.5 Exact operators

You can do an exact match query on different string fields using = operator. For example, to search for all source strings exactly matching hello world, use: source:="hello world". For searching single word expressions, you can skip quotes. For example, to search for all source strings matching hello, you can use: source:=hello.

1.6.6 Regular expressions

Anywhere text is accepted you can also specify a regular expression as r"regexp". For instance, to search for all source strings which contain any digit between 2 and 5, use: source:r"[2-5]"

1.6.7 Predefined queries

You can select out of predefined queries on the search page, this allows you to quickly access the most frequent searches:

40 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

1.6. Searching 41 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

1.6.8 Ordering the results

There are many options to order the strings according to your needs:

1.7 Application developer guide

Using Weblate is a process that brings your users closer to you, by bringing you closer to your translators. It up to you to decide how many of its features you want to make use of.

1.7.1 Starting with internationalization

Have a project and want to translate it into several languages? This guide will help you do so. Several typical situations are showcased, but most of the examples are generic and can be applied to other scenarios as well. Before translating any software, you should realize that languages around the world are really different and you should not make any assumption based on your experience. For most of languages it will look weird if you try to concatenate a sentence out of translated segments. You also should properly handle plural forms because many languages have complex rules for that and the internationalization framework you end up using should support this. Last but not least, sometimes it might be necessary to add some context to the translated string. Imagine a translator would get string Sun to translate. Without context most people would translate that as our closest star, but it might

42 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1 be actually used as an abbreviation for Sunday.

Choosing internationalization framework

Choose whatever is standard on your platform, try to avoid reinventing the wheel by creating your own framework to handle localizations. Weblate supports most of the widely used frameworks, see Formatos de ficheiros suportados for more information (especially Translation types capabilities). Our personal recommendation for some platforms is in the following table. This is based on our experience, but that can not cover all use cases, so always consider your environment when doing the choice.

Platform Recommended format Android Android string resources iOS Apple iOS strings Qt Qt Linguist .ts Python GNU gettext PHP GNU gettext1 C/C++ GNU gettext C# .XML resource files Perl GNU gettext Ruby Ruby YAML files Web extensions WebExtension JSON Java XLIFF2 JavaScript JSON i18next files3

The more detailed workflow for some formats is described in following chapters: • Translating software using GNU Gettext • Translating documentation using Sphinx • Translating HTML and JavaScript using Weblate CDN

Integrating with Weblate

Getting translations updates from Weblate

To fetch updated strings from Weblate you can simply fetch the underlying repository (either from filesystem or it can be made available through Git exporter). Prior to this, you might want to commit any pending changes (see Lazy commits). This can be achieved in the user interface (in the Repository maintenance) or from command line using Cliente Weblate. This can be automated if you grant Weblate push access to your repository and configure Push URL in the Component configuration. Veja também: Tradução contínua

1 The native Gettext support in PHP is buggy and often missing on Windows builds, it is recommended to use third party library motranslator instead. 2 You can also use Java properties if plurals are not needed. 3 You can also use plain JSON files if plurals are not needed.

1.7. Application developer guide 43 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Pushing string changes to Weblate

To push newly updated strings to Weblate, just let it pull from the upstream repository. This can be achieved in the user interface (in the Repository maintenance) or from command line using Cliente Weblate. This can be automated by installing a webhook on your repository to trigger Weblate whenever there is a new commit, see Atualizar repositórios for more details. Veja também: Tradução contínua

1.7.2 Translating software using GNU Gettext

GNU Gettext is one of the most widely used tool for internationalization of free software. It provides a simple yet flexible way to localize the software. It has great support for plurals, it can add further context to the translated string and there are quite a lot of tools built around it. Of course it has great support in Weblate (see GNU gettext file format description).

Nota: If you are about to use it in proprietary software, please consult licensing first, it might not be suitable for you.

GNU Gettext can be used from a variety of languages (C, Python, PHP, Ruby, JavaScript and many more) and usually the UI frameworks already come with some support for it. The standard usage is through the gettext() function call, which is often aliased to _() to make the code simpler and easier to read. Additionally it provides pgettext() call to provide additional context to translators and ngettext() which can handle plural types as defined for target language. As a widely spread tool, it has many wrappers which make its usage really simple, instead of manual invoking of Gettext described below, you might want to try one of them, for example intltool.

Sample program

The simple program in C using Gettext might look like following:

#include #include #include #include int main(void) { int count = 1; setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); bindtextdomain("hello", "/usr/share/locale"); textdomain("hello"); printf( ngettext( "Orangutan has %d banana.\n", "Orangutan has %d bananas.\n", count ), count ); printf("%s\n", gettext("Thank you for using Weblate.")); exit(0); }

44 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Extracting translatable strings

Once you have code using the gettext calls, you can use xgettext to extract messages from it and store them into a .pot:

$ xgettext main.c -o po/hello.pot

Nota: There are alternative programs to extract strings from the code, for example pybabel.

This creates a template file, which you can use for starting new translations (using msginit) or updating existing ones after code change (you would use msgmerge for that). The resulting file is simply a structured text file:

# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. # Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. # #, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2015-10-23 11:02+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" "Language: \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=INTEGER; plural=EXPRESSION;\n"

#: main.c:14 #, c-format msgid "Orangutan has %d banana.\n" msgid_plural "Orangutan has %d bananas.\n" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] ""

#: main.c:20 msgid "Thank you for using Weblate." msgstr ""

Each msgid line defines a string to translate, the special empty string in the beginning is the file header containing metadata about the translation.

Starting new translation

With the template in place, we can start our first translation:

$ msginit -i po/hello.pot -l cs --no-translator -o po/cs.po Created cs.po.

The just created cs.po already has some information filled in. Most importantly it got the proper plural forms definition for chosen language and you can see number of plurals have changed according to that:

# Czech translations for PACKAGE package. # Copyright (C) 2015 THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. (continues on next page)

1.7. Application developer guide 45 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

(continuação da página anterior) # Automatically generated, 2015. # msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2015-10-23 11:02+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2015-10-23 11:02+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n" "Language-Team: none\n" "Language: cs\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ASCII\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;\n"

#: main.c:14 #, c-format msgid "Orangutan has %d banana.\n" msgid_plural "Orangutan has %d bananas.\n" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" msgstr[2] ""

#: main.c:20 msgid "Thank you for using Weblate." msgstr ""

This file is compiled into an optimized binary form, the .mo file used by the GNU Gettext functions at runtime.

Updating strings

Once you add more strings or change some strings in your program, you execute again xgettext which regenerates the template file:

$ xgettext main.c -o po/hello.pot

Then you can update individual translation files to match newly created templates (this includes reordering the strings to match new template):

$ msgmerge --previous --update po/cs.po po/hello.pot

Importing to Weblate

To import such translation into Weblate, all you need to define are the following fields when creating component (see Component configuration for detailed description of the fields):

Field Value Repositório do código-fonte URL of the VCS repository with your project File mask po/*.po Modelo para novas traduções po/hello.pot Formato de ficheiro Choose Gettext PO file Novo idioma Choose Create new language file

And that’s it, you’re now ready to start translating your software! Veja também:

46 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

You can find a Gettext example with many languages in the Weblate Hello project on GitHub: .

1.7.3 Translating documentation using Sphinx

Sphinx is a tool for creating beautiful documentation. It uses simple reStructuredText syntax and can generate output in many formats. If you’re looking for an example, this documentation is also built using it. The very useful companion for using Sphinx is the Read the Docs service, which will build and publish your documentation for free. I will not focus on writing documentation itself, if you need guidance with that, just follow instructions on the Sphinx website. Once you have documentation ready, translating it is quite easy as Sphinx comes with support for this and it is quite nicely covered in their Internationalization. It’s matter of few configuration directives and invoking of the sphinx-intl tool. If you are using Read the Docs service, you can start building translated documentation on the Read the Docs. Their Localization of Documentation covers pretty much everything you need - creating another project, set its language and link it from main project as a translation. Now all you need is translating the documentation content. Sphinx generates PO file for each directory or top level file, what can lead to quite a lot of files to translate (depending on gettext_compact settings). You can im- port the index.po into Weblate as an initial component and then configure Descoberta de componentes addon to automatically discover all others.

Table 1: Component configuration Nome do componente Documentation File mask docs/locales/*/LC_MESSAGES/index.po Modelo para novas traduções docs/locales/index.pot Formato de ficheiro gettext PO file Marcadores de tradução rst-text

Table 2: Component discovery configuration Expressão regular para corresponder docs/locales/(?P[^/.]*)/LC_MESSAGES/ ficheiros de tradução (?P[^/]*)\.po Personalizar nome do componente Documentation: {{ component|title }} Defina o ficheiro base para as novas docs/locales/{{ component }}.pot traduções

Dica: Would you prefer Sphinx to generate just single PO file? There is a hacky way to achieve this (used by Weblate documentation) by overriding Sphinx way to get a Gettext domain of a document. Place following snippet to your Sphinx configuration in import sphinx.transforms.i18n import sphinx.util.i18n

# Hacky way to have all localized content in single domain sphinx.transforms.i18n.docname_to_domain = ( sphinx.util.i18n.docname_to_domain ) = lambda docname, compact: "docs"

This might be directly supported by Sphinx in future releases, see .

Veja também: The Odorik python module documentation is built using Sphinx, Read the Docs and translated using Weblate.

1.7. Application developer guide 47 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

1.7.4 Translating HTML and JavaScript using Weblate CDN

Starting with Weblate 4.2 it is posible to export localization to a CDN using CDN de localização JavaScript addon.

Nota: This feature is configured on Hosted Weblate. It requires additional configuration on your installation, see LOCALIZE_CDN_URL and LOCALIZE_CDN_PATH.

Upon installation into your component it will push committed translations (see Lazy commits) to the CDN and these can be used in your web pages to localize them.

Creating component

First, you need to create a monolingual component which will hold your strings, see Adding translation projects and components for generic instructions on that. In case you have existing repository to start with (for example the one containing HTML files), create an empty JSON file in the repository for the source language (see Idioma fonte), for example locales/en.json. The content should be {} to indicate an empty object. Once you have that, the repository can be imported into Weblate and you can start with an addon configuration.

Dica: In case you have existing translations, you can place them into the language JSON files and those will be used in Weblate.

For those who do not want to use existing repository (or do not have one), choose Start from scratch when creating component and choose JSON file as a file format (it is okay to choose any monolingual format at this point).

Configuring Weblate CDN addon

The CDN de localização JavaScript addon provides few configuration options. Limiar de tradução Translations translated above this threshold will be included in the CDN. Seletor de CSS Configures which strings from the HTML documents are translatable, see String extraction for We- blate CDN and HTML localization using Weblate CDN. Nome do cookie do idioma Name of cookie which contains user selected language. Used in the JavaScript snippet for HTML localization using Weblate CDN. Extrair cadeias de ficheiros de HTML List of files in the repository or URLs where Weblate will look for trans- latable strings and offer them for a translation, see String extraction for Weblate CDN.

String extraction for Weblate CDN

As cadeias de tradução devem estar presentes no Weblate. Pode gerí-los manualmente, usar API para criá-los ou listar ficheiros ou URLs usando Extrair cadeias de ficheiros HTML e o Weblate irá extraí-los automaticamente. Os ficheiros devem apresentar no repositório ou conter URLs remotas que serão descarregadas e analisadas regularmente pelo Weblate. A configuração predefinida para Seletor CSS extrai elementos com classe CSS l10n. Por exemplo, extrairia duas cadeias dos seguintes trechos:

Maintenance in progress

We're sorry, but this site is currently down for␣ ,→maintenance.

(continues on next page)

48 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

(continuação da página anterior)

Caso não deseje modificar o código existente, também pode usar * como um seletor para processar todos os elemen- tos.

Nota: No momento, apenas o texto dos elementos é extraído. Este complemento não suporta a localização de atributos de elementos ou elementos com filhos.

HTML localization using Weblate CDN

Para localizar um documento HTML, precisa carregar o script weblate.js:

Ao carregar, isto encontrará todos os elementos traduzíveis correspondentes automaticamente (com base na configu- ração Seletor CSS ) e substituirá seu texto por uma tradução. The user language is detected from the configured cookie and falls back to user preferred languages configured in the browser. The Language cookie name can be useful for integration with other applications (for example choose django_language when using Django).

Localização de JavaScript

The individual translations are exposed as bilingual JSON files under the CDN. To fetch one you can use following code: fetch(("") .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => console.log(data));

A lógica de localização real precisa ser implementada neste caso.

1.7.5 Translation component alerts

Shows errors in the Weblate configuration or the translation project for any given translation component. Guidance on how to address found issues is also offered. Currently the following is covered: • Duplicated source strings in translation files • Duplicated languages within translations • Merge or update failures in the source repository • Unused new base in component settings • Parse errors in the translation files • Duplicate filemask used for linked components • Broken URLs

1.7. Application developer guide 49 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Alerts are listed on each respective component page as Alerts. If it is missing, the component clears all current checks. Alerts can not be ignored, but will disappear once the underlying problem has been fixed. A component with both duplicated strings and languages looks like this:

Veja também: Using custom certificate authority

1.7.6 Building translators community

Lista de verificação de localização da comunidade

Novo na versão 3.9. The Community localization checklist which can be found in the Menu menu of each component can give you guidance to make your localization process easy for community translators.

50 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

1.7.7 Managing translations

Adding new translations

New strings can be made available for translation when they appear in the base file, called Template for new translations (see Component configuration). If your file format doesn’t require such a file, as is the case with most monolingual translation flows, you can start with blank files). New languages can be added right away when requested by a user in Weblate, or a notification will be sent to project admins for approval and manual addition. This can be done using Start new translation in Component configuration.

Nota: Project admins can always start translation within Weblate directly.

Language files added manually to the VCS are added to the component when Weblate updates the repository. About repository update settings, see Atualizar repositórios).

1.7. Application developer guide 51 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

String variants

Variants are useful to group several strings together so that translators can see all variants of the string at one place. You can define regular expression to group the strings in the Component configuration:

The expression is matched against Key to generate root key of the variant. All matching strings are then part of single variants group, including the translation exactly matching the root key, even if that is not matched by the regular expression. The following table lists some usage examples:

52 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Use case Regular expression variant Matched translation keys Suffix identification (Short|Min)$ monthShort, monthMin, month Inline identification #[SML] dial#S.key, dial#M.key, dial.key

The variant is later grouped when translating:

1.7. Application developer guide 53 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

String labels

Split component translation strings into categories by text and colour in the project configuration.

Dica: Labels can be assigned to units in Additional info on source strings by bulk editing, or using the Edição em massa addon.

1.7.8 Reviewing strings

Activity reports

Activity reports check changes of translations, for projects, components or individual users. The activity reports for a project or component is accessible from its dashboard, on the Insights tab, selecting Activity.

54 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

More reports are accessible on the Insights tab, selecting Translation reports. The activity of the currently signed in user can be seen by clicking on Profile from the user menu on the top right.

Source strings checks

There are many Verificações de qualidade, some of them focus on improving the quality of source strings. Many failing checks suggest a hint to make source strings easier to translate. All types of failing source checks are displayed on the Source tab of every component.

Translation string checks

Erroneous failing translation string checks indicate the problem is with the source string. Translators sometimes fix mistakes in the translation instead of reporting it - a typical example is a missing full stop at the end of a sentence. Reviewing all failing checks can provide valuable feedback to improve its source strings. To make source strings review easier, Weblate automatically creates a translation for the source language and shows you source level checks there:

1.7. Application developer guide 55 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

One of the most interesting checks here is the Várias verificações falhadas - it is triggered whenever there is failure on multiple translations of a given string. Usually this is something to look for, as this is a string which translators have problems translating properly. The detailed listing is a per language overview:

56 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

String comments

Translators can comment on both translation and source strings. Each Component configuration can be configured to receive such comments to an e-mail address, and using the developers mailing list is usually the best approach. This way you can keep an eye on when problems arise in translation, take care of them, and fix them quickly.

1.7. Application developer guide 57 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

1.7.9 Promoting the translation

Weblate provides you widgets to share on your website or other sources to promote the translation project. It also has a nice welcome page for new contributors to give them basic information about the translation. Additionally you can share information about translation using Facebook or Twitter. All these possibilities can be found on the Share tab:

All these badges are provided with the link to simple page which explains users how to translate using Weblate:

58 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

1.7.10 Translation progress reporting

Reporting features give insight into how a translation progresses over a given period. A summary of contributions to any given component over time is provided. The reporting tool is found in the Insights menu of any translation component, project or on the dashboard:

1.7. Application developer guide 59 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Several reporting tools are available on this page and all can produce output in HTML, reStructuredText or JSON. The first two formats are suitable for embedding statistics into existing documentation, while JSON is useful for further processing of the data.

Translator credits

Generates a document usable for crediting translators - sorted by language and lists all contributors to a given language:

* Czech

* Michal Čihař (10) * John Doe (5)

* Dutch

* Jane Doe (42)

It will render as: • Checo – Michal Čihař (10) – John Doe (5) • Holandês – Jae Doe (42)

Dica: The number in parenthesis indicates number of contributions in given period.

60 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Estatísticas do colaborador

Generates the number of translated words and strings by translator name:

======␣ ,→======␣ ,→======␣ ,→======␣ ,→======␣ ,→======␣ ,→======␣ ,→======Name Email ␣ ,→Count total Source words total Source chars total ␣ ,→Target words total Target chars total Count new ␣ ,→Source words new Source chars new Target words new ␣ ,→Target chars new Count approved Source words approved ␣ ,→Source chars approved Target words approved Target chars approved Count␣ ,→edited Source words edited Source chars edited Target␣ ,→words edited Target chars edited ======␣ ,→======␣ ,→======␣ ,→======␣ ,→======␣ ,→======␣ ,→======␣ ,→======Michal Čihař [email protected] ␣ ,→ 1 3 24 ␣ ,→ 3 21 1 ␣ ,→ 3 24 3 ␣ ,→ 21 0 0 0␣ ,→ 0 0 0 ␣ ,→ 0 0 0 ␣ ,→ 0 Allan Nordhøy [email protected] ␣ ,→ 2 5 25 ␣ ,→ 4 28 2 ␣ ,→ 3 24 3 ␣ ,→ 21 0 0 0␣ ,→ 0 0 0 ␣ ,→ 0 0 0 ␣ ,→ 0 ======␣ ,→======␣ ,→======␣ ,→======␣ ,→======␣ ,→======␣ ,→======␣ ,→======

And it will get rendered as:

1.7. Application developer guide 61 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

NomeEmailCountSourceSourceTar- Tar- CountSourceSourceTar- Tar- CountSourceSourceTar- Tar- CountSourceSourceTar- Tar- to- wordscharsget get new wordscharsget get ap- wordscharsget get edi- wordscharsget get tal to- to- wordschars new new wordscharspro- ap- ap- wordscharsted edi- edi- wordschars tal tal to- to- new new ved pro- pro- ap- ap- ted ted edi- edi- tal tal ved ved pro- pro- ted ted ved ved Mi- mi- 1 3 24 3 21 1 3 24 3 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 chal [email protected] Čihař Al- al- 2 5 25 4 28 2 3 24 3 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 lan [email protected] Nordhøy

It can be useful if you pay your translators based on amount of work, it gives you various stats on translators work. All stats are available in three variants: Total Overall number of edited strings. New Newly translated strings which didn’t have translation before. Approved Count for string approvals in review workflow (see Revisores dedicados). Edited Edited strings which had translation before. The following metrics are available for each: Count Number of strings. Edits Number of edits in the string, measured in Damerau–Levenshtein distance. Source words Number of words in the source string. Source characters Number of characters in the source string. Target words Number of words in the translated string. Target characters Number of characters in the translated string.

1.8 Fluxos de trabalho de tradução

Vários fluxos de trabalho de tradução são suportados. A lista a seguir não é uma lista completa de maneiras de configurar o Weblate. Pode basear outros fluxos de trabalho nos exemplos mais usuais listados aqui.

1.8.1 Acesso à tradução

Os Controlo de acesso não são muito discutidos nos fluxos de trabalho, pois cada opção de controle de acesso pode ser aplicada a qualquer fluxo de trabalho. Consulte essa documentação para obter informações sobre como gerir o acesso às traduções. Nos capítulos a seguir, qualquer utilizador significa um utilizador que tenha acesso à tradução. Pode ser qualquer utilizador autenticado se o projeto for público ou um utilizador que tenha uma permissão Traduzir para o projeto.

62 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

1.8.2 Translation states

Cada cadeia traduzida pode estar num dos seguintes estados: Não traduzido A tradução está vazia, pode ou não estar armazenada no ficheiro, dependendo do formato do ficheiro. Precisa de edição A tradução precisa ser editada, isso geralmente é o resultado de uma mudança de cadeias fonte. A tradução está armazenada no ficheiro, dependendo do formato do ficheiro que pode ser marcado como necessidade de edição (por exemplo, à medida que recebe uma sinalização de «fuzzy»). A aguardar por revisão A tradução está feita, mas não revisada. É armazenada no ficheiro como uma tradução válida. Aprovadas A tradução foi aprovada na revisão. Já não pode ser alterada por tradutores, mas apenas por revisores. Tradutores só podem adicionar sugestões a ela. Sugestões As sugestões estão armazenadas apenas no Weblate e não no ficheiro de tradução.

1.8.3 Tradução direta

Esta é a configuração mais usual para equipas menores, qualquer um pode traduzir diretamente. Esta também é a configuração predefinida no Weblate. • Qualquer utilizador pode editar traduções. • Sugestões são formas opcionais de sugerir alterações, quando os tradutores não têm certeza sobre a alteração.

Configuração Value Nota Activar revisões inativo Configurado a nível de projeto. Ativar sugestões ativo É útil para os utilizadores serem capazes de sugerir quando não têm certeza. Votação de sugestão inativo Aceitar sugestões automatica- 0 mente Grupo de tradutores Utilizado- Ou Traduzir com Controlo de acesso. res Grupo de revisores N/D Não usado.

1.8.4 Revisão por pares

Com este fluxo de trabalho, qualquer pessoa pode adicionar sugestões e precisa da aprovação de um ou mais membros adicionais antes de ser aceite como tradução. • Qualquer utilizador pode adicionar sugestões. • Qualquer utilizador pode votar em sugestões. • Sugestões tornam-se traduções quando dado um número predeterminado de votos.

Configuração Value Nota Activar revisões inativo Configurado a nível de projeto. Ativar sugestões ativo Votação de sugestão inativo Aceitar sugestões automatica- 1 Pode definir um valor mais alto para exibir mais revisões por mente pares. Grupo de tradutores Utilizado- Ou Traduzir com Controlo de acesso. res Grupo de revisores N/D Não usado, todos os tradutores revisam.

1.8. Fluxos de trabalho de tradução 63 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

1.8.5 Revisores dedicados

Novo na versão 2.18: O fluxo de trabalho adequado de revisão é suportado desde o Weblate 2.18. Com revisores dedicados tem dois grupos de utilizadores, um capaz de enviar traduções e outro capaz de revisá-los para garantir que as traduções sejam consistentes e que a qualidade seja boa. • Qualquer utilizador pode editar traduções não aprovadas. • Reviewer can approve / unapprove strings. • Revisor pode editar todas as traduções (incluindo as aprovadas). • Sugestões também podem ser usadas para sugerir alterações para textos aprovados.

Configuração Value Nota Activar revisões ativo Configurado a nível de projeto. Ativar sugestões inativo É útil para os utilizadores serem capazes de sugerir quando não têm certeza. Votação de sugestão inativo Aceitar sugestões automatica- 0 mente Grupo de tradutores Utilizado- Ou Traduzir com Controlo de acesso. res Grupo de revisores Revisores Or Review with Controlo de acesso.

1.8.6 Ativar revisões

As revisões podem ser ativadas na configuração do projeto, a partir da subpágina Fluxo de trabalho das configurações do projeto (encontra-se no menu Gerir → Configurações):

64 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Nota: Dependendo da configuração do Weblate, a configuração pode não estar-lhe disponível. Por exemplo, no Hosted Weblate, isso não está disponível para projetos hospedados gratuitamente.

1.8.7 Rota de qualidade para a cadeias fonte

Em muitos casos, as cadeias fonte do idioma de origem vêm de programadores, porque eles escrevem o código e fornecem cadeias iniciais. No entanto, os programadores muitas vezes não são falantes nativos do idioma de origem e não fornecem a qualidade desejada das cadeias fonte. A tradução intermediária pode ajudá-los a lidar com isso - há uma rota de qualidade adicional para as cadeias entre programadores e tradutores e utilizadores. Ao definir um Ficheiro de idioma intermédio, este ficheiro será usado como fonte para as cadeias, mas será editado para o idioma de origem para poli-lo. Uma vez que o texto esteja pronto no idioma de origem, também estará disponível para os tradutores traduzirem em idiomas adicionais.

Development process Localization process

Developers Editors Translators

Intermediate fle Monolingual base language fle Translation language fle

1.8. Fluxos de trabalho de tradução 65 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Veja também: Ficheiro de idioma intermédio, Ficheiro de idioma base monolingue, Bilingual and monolingual formats

1.8.8 Revisões de cadeias fonte

Com o Ativar revisões de fontes ativado, o processo de revisão pode ser aplicado em cadeias fonte. Uma vez ativado, os utilizadores podem relatar problemas nas cadeias fonte. O processo real depende se usa formatos bilíngues ou monolíngues. Para formatos monolíngues, a revisão de cadeias fonte se comporta da mesma forma que com Revisores dedicados - uma vez que o problema é relatado na cadeia fonte, é marcado como Necessita edição. Os formatos bilíngues não permitem a edição direta de textos fonte (estes são normalmente extraídos diretamente do código-fonte). Neste caso, o rótulo Fonte precisa de revisão é anexado aos textos relatados por tradutores. Deve revisar esses textos e editá-los na fonte ou remover o rótulo. Veja também: Bilingual and monolingual formats, Revisores dedicados, String labels

1.9 Frequently Asked Questions

1.9.1 Configuração

How to create an automated workflow?

Weblate can handle all the translation things semi-automatically for you. If you give it push access to your repository, the translations can happen without interaction, unless some merge conflict occurs. 1. Set up your Git repository to tell Weblate when there is any change, see Hooks de notificação for info on how to do it. 2. Set a push URL at your Component configuration in Weblate, this allows Weblate to push changes to your repository. 3. Turn on push-on-commit on your Project configuration in Weblate, this will make Weblate push changes to your repository whenever they happen at Weblate. Veja também: Tradução contínua, Evitar conflitos de mesclagem

How to access repositories over SSH?

Please see Accessing repositories for info on setting up SSH keys.

How to fix merge conflicts in translations?

Merge conflicts happen from time to time when the translation file is changed in both Weblate and the upstream repository concurrently. You can usually avoid this by merging Weblate translations prior to making changes in the translation files (e.g. before running msgmerge). Just tell Weblate to commit all pending translations (you can do it in Repository maintenance in the Manage menu) and merge the repository (if automatic push is not on). If you’ve already ran into a merge conflict, the easiest way is to solve all conflicts locally at your workstation - is to simply add Weblate as a remote repository, merge it into upstream and fix any conflicts. Once you push changes back, Weblate will be able to use the merged version without any other special actions.

66 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Nota: Depending on your setup, access to the Weblate repository might require authentication. When using the built in Git exporter in Weblate, you authenticate with your username and the API key.

# Commit all pending changes in Weblate, you can do this in the UI as well: wlc commit # Lock the translation in Weblate, again this can be done in the UI as well: wlc lock # Add Weblate as remote: git remote add weblate # You might need to include credentials in some cases: git remote add weblate https://username:[email protected]/git/project/ ,→component/

# Update weblate remote: git remote update weblate

# Merge Weblate changes: git merge weblate/master

# Resolve conflicts: edit … git add … … git commit

# Push changes to upstream repository, Weblate will fetch merge from there: git push

# Open Weblate for translation: wlc unlock

If you’re using multiple branches in Weblate, you can do the same to all of them:

# Add and update Weblate remotes git remote add weblate-one git remote add weblate-second git remote update weblate-one weblate-second

# Merge QA_4_7 branch: git checkout QA_4_7 git merge weblate-one/QA_4_7 ... # Resolve conflicts git commit

# Merge master branch: git checkout master git merge weblates-second/master ... # Resolve conflicts git commit

# Push changes to the upstream repository, Weblate will fetch the merge from there: git push

In case of gettext PO files, there is a way to merge conflicts in a semi-automatic way: Fetch and keep a local clone of the Weblate Git repository. Also get a second fresh local clone of the upstream Git repository (i. e. you need two copies of the upstream Git repository: An intact and a working copy):

# Add remote: git remote add weblate /path/to/weblate/snapshot/

(continues on next page)

1.9. Frequently Asked Questions 67 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

(continuação da página anterior) # Update Weblate remote: git remote update weblate

# Merge Weblate changes: git merge weblate/master

# Resolve conflicts in the PO files: for PO in `find . -name '*.po'` ; do msgcat --use-first /path/to/weblate/snapshot/$PO\ /path/to/upstream/snapshot/$PO -o $PO.merge msgmerge --previous --lang=${PO%.po} $PO.merge domain.pot -o $PO rm $PO.merge git add $PO done git commit

# Push changes to the upstream repository, Weblate will fetch merge from there: git push

Veja também: How to export the Git repository that Weblate uses?, Tradução contínua, Evitar conflitos de mesclagem

How do I translate several branches at once?

Weblate supports pushing translation changes within one Project configuration. For every Component configuration which has it turned on (the default behavior), the change made is automatically propagated to others. This way translations are kept synchronized even if the branches themselves have already diverged quite a lot, and it is not possible to simply merge translation changes between them. Once you merge changes from Weblate, you might have to merge these branches (depending on your development workflow) discarding differences: git merge -s ours origin/maintenance

Veja também: Keeping translations same across components

How to translate multi-platform projects?

Weblate supports a wide range of file formats (see Formatos de ficheiros suportados) and the easiest approach is to use the native format for each platform. Once you have added all platform translation files as components in one project (see Adding translation projects and components), you can utilize the translation propagation feature (turned on by default, and can be turned off in the Component configuration) to translate strings for all platforms at once. Veja também: Keeping translations same across components

68 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

How to export the Git repository that Weblate uses?

There is nothing special about the repository, it lives under the DATA_DIR directory and is named vcs/ //. If you have SSH access to this machine, you can use the repository directly. For anonymous access, you might want to run a Git server and let it serve the repository to the outside world. Alternatively, you can use Git exporter inside Weblate to automate this.

What are the options for pushing changes back upstream?

This heavily depends on your setup, Weblate is quite flexible in this area. Here are examples of some workflows used with Weblate: • Weblate automatically pushes and merges changes (see How to create an automated workflow?). • You manually tell Weblate to push (it needs push access to the upstream repository). • Somebody manually merges changes from the Weblate git repository into the upstream repository. • Somebody rewrites history produced by Weblate (e.g. by eliminating merge commits), merges changes, and tells Weblate to reset the content in the upstream repository. Of course you are free to mix all of these as you wish.

How can I limit Weblate access to only translations, without exposing source code to it?

You can use git submodule for separating translations from source code while still having them under version control. 1. Create a repository with your translation files. 2. Add this as a submodule to your code:

git submodule add [email protected]:project-translations.git path/to/translations

3. Link Weblate to this repository, it no longer needs access to the repository containing your source code. 4. You can update the main repository with translations from Weblate by:

git submodule update --remote path/to/translations

Please consult the git submodule documentation for more details.

How can I check whether my Weblate is set up properly?

Weblate includes a set of configuration checks which you can see in the admin interface, just follow the Performance report link in the admin interface, or open the /manage/performance/ URL directly.

Why are all commits committed by Weblate ?

This is the default committer name, configured when you create a translation component. You can change it in the administration at any time. The author of every commit (if the underlying VCS supports it) is still recorded correctly as the user that made the translation. Veja também: Component configuration

1.9. Frequently Asked Questions 69 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

1.9.2 Usage

How do I review the translations of others?

• You can subscribe to any changes made in Notificações and then check others contributions as they come in by e-mail. • There is a review tool available at the bottom of the translation view, where you can choose to browse transla- tions made by others since a given date.

How do I provide feedback on a source string?

On context tabs below translation, you can use the Source tab to provide feedback on a source string, or discuss it with other translators.

How can I use existing translations while translating?

• Use the import functionality to load compendium as translations, suggestions or translations needing review. This is the best approach for a one-time translation using a compendium or a similar translation database. • You can set up tmserver with all databases you have and let Weblate use it. This is good when you want to use it several times during translation. • Another option is to translate all related projects in a single Weblate instance, which will make it automatically pick up translations from other projects as well. Veja também: Tradução automática, Tradução automática

Does Weblate update translation files besides translations?

Weblate tries to limit changes in translation files to a minimum. For some file formats it might unfortunately lead to reformatting the file. If you want to keep the file formatted your way, please use a pre-commit hook for that. For monolingual files (see Formatos de ficheiros suportados) Weblate might add new translation strings not present in the template, and not in actual translations. It does not however perform any automatic cleanup of stale strings as that might have unexpected outcomes. If you want to do this, please install a pre-commit hook which will handle the cleanup according to your requirements. Weblate also will not try to update bilingual files in any way, so if you need po files being updated from pot, you need to do it yourself. Veja também: Processing repository with scripts

Where do language definitions come from and how can I add my own?

The basic set of language definitions is included within Weblate and Translate-toolkit. This covers more than 150 languages and includes info about plural forms or text direction. You are free to define your own languages in the administrative interface, you just need to provide info about it.

70 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Can Weblate highlight changes in a fuzzy string?

Weblate supports this, however it needs the data to show the difference. For Gettext PO files, you have to pass the parameter --previous to msgmerge when updating PO files, for example: msgmerge --previous -U po/cs.po po/phpmyadmin.pot

For monolingual translations, Weblate can find the previous string by ID, so it shows the differences automatically.

Why does Weblate still show old translation strings when I’ve updated the template?

Weblate does not try to manipulate the translation files in any way other than allowing translators to translate. So it also does not update the translatable files when the template or source code have been changed. You simply have to do this manually and push changes to the repository, Weblate will then pick up the changes automatically.

Nota: It is usually a good idea to merge changes done in Weblate before updating translation files, as otherwise you will usually end up with some conflicts to merge.

For example with gettext PO files, you can update the translation files using the msgmerge tool: msgmerge -U locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/ locale/django.pot

In case you want to do the update automatically, you can install addon Atualizar ficheiros PO para coincidir com POT (msgmerge).

1.9.3 Troubleshooting

Requests sometimes fail with «too many open files» error

This happens sometimes when your Git repository grows too much and you have many of them. Compressing the Git repositories will improve this situation. The easiest way to do this is to run:

# Go to DATA_DIR directory cd data/vcs # Compress all Git repositories for d in */* ; do pushd $d git gc popd done

Veja também: DATA_DIR

1.9. Frequently Asked Questions 71 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

When accessing the site I get a «Bad Request (400)» error

This is most likely caused by an improperly configured ALLOWED_HOSTS. It needs to contain all hostnames you want to access on your Weblate. For example:

ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['', 'weblate', 'localhost']

Veja também: Allowed hosts setup

What does mean «There are more files for the single language (en)»?

This typically happens when you have translation file for source language. Weblate keeps track of source strings and reserves source language for this. The additional file for same language is not processed. • In case the translation to the source language is desired, please change the Idioma fonte in the project settings. • Caso o ficheiro de tradução para o idioma de origem não seja necessário , por favor, remova-o do repositório. • Caso o ficheiro de tradução para o idioma de origem seja necessário, mas deveria ser ignorado pelo Weblate, por favor, ajuste o filtro do idioma para excluí-lo.

1.9.4 Funcionalidades

Does Weblate support other VCSes than Git and Mercurial?

Weblate currently does not have native support for anything other than Git (with extended support for GitHub, Gerrit and Subversion) and ref:vcs-mercurial, but it is possible to write backends for other VCSes. You can also use Git remote helpers in Git to access other VCSes. Weblate also supports VCS less operation, see Local files.

Nota: For native support of other VCSes, Weblate requires using distributed VCS, and could probably be adjusted to work with anything other than Git and Mercurial, but somebody has to implement this support.

Veja também: Integração de controlo de versões

How does Weblate credit translators?

Every change made in Weblate is committed into VCS under the translators name. This way every single change has proper authorship, and you can track it down using the standard VCS tools you use for code. Additionally, when the translation file format supports it, the file headers are updated to include the translator’s name. Veja também: list_translators, Translation progress reporting

72 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Why does Weblate force showing all PO files in a single tree?

Weblate was designed in a way that every PO file is represented as a single component. This is beneficial for translators, so they know what they are actually translating. If you feel your project should be translated as one, consider merging these po files. It will make life easier even for translators not using Weblate.

Nota: In case there is great demand for this feature, it might be implemented in future versions.

Why does Weblate use language codes such sr_Latn or zh_Hant?

These are language codes defined by RFC 4646 to better indicate that they are really different languages instead previously wrongly used modifiers (for @latin variants) or country codes (for Chinese). Weblate still understands legacy language codes and will map them to current one - for example sr@latin will be handled as sr_Latn or zh@CN as sr_Hans.

1.10 Formatos de ficheiros suportados

Weblate supports most translation format understood by translate-toolkit, however each format being slightly different, some issues with formats that are not well tested can arise. Veja também: Translation Related File Formats

Nota: When choosing a file format for your application, it’s better to stick some well established format in the toolkit/platform you use. This way your translators can additionally use whatever tools they are used to, and will more likely contribute to your project.

1.10.1 Bilingual and monolingual formats

Both monolingual and bilingual formats are supported. Bilingual formats store two languages in single file—source and translation (typical examples are GNU gettext, XLIFF or Apple iOS strings). On the other side, monolingual formats identify the string by ID, and each language file contains only the mapping of those to any given language (typically Android string resources). Some file formats are used in both variants, see the detailed description below. For correct use of monolingual files, Weblate requires access to a file containing complete list of strings to translate with their source—this file is called Ficheiro de idioma base monolingue within Weblate, though the naming might vary in your paradigm. Additionally this workflow can be extended by utilizing Ficheiro de idioma intermédio to include strings provided by developers, but not to be used as is in the final strings.

1.10. Formatos de ficheiros suportados 73 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

1.10.2 Deteção automática

Weblate can automatically detect several widespread file formats, but this detection can harm your performance and will limit features specific to given file format (for example automatic addition of new translations).

1.10.3 Translation types capabilities

Capabilities of all supported formats:

Format Linguality1 Plurals2 Comments3 Context4 Location5 Flags8 Additional states6 GNU bilingual yes yes yes yes yes9 needs edi- gettext ting Monolingual mono yes yes yes yes yes9 needs edi- gettext ting XLIFF both yes yes yes yes yes10 needs editing, approved Java both no yes no no no properties GWT pro- mono yes yes no no no perties Joomla mono no yes no yes no translati- ons Qt Linguist both yes yes no yes yes10 needs edi- .ts ting Android mono yes yes7 no no yes10 string resources Apple iOS bilingual no yes no no no strings Cadeias de mono no11 yes no no no PHP JSON files mono no no no no no JSON mono yes no no no no i18next files go-i18n mono yes no no no no JSON files ARB File mono yes yes no no no WebExtension mono yes yes no no no JSON .XML mono no yes no no yes10 resource files CSV files mono no yes yes yes no needs edi- ting YAML files mono no yes no no no Ruby mono yes yes no no no YAML files DTD files mono no no no no no Flat XML mono no no no no yes10 Windows mono no yes no no no RC files continues on next page

74 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Table 3 – continuação da página anterior Format Linguality1 Plurals2 Comments3 Context4 Location5 Flags8 Additional states6 Excel Open mono no yes yes yes no needs edi- XML ting Ficheiros mono no no no no no de metada- dos da App Store Subtitle fi- mono no no no yes no les HTML files mono no no no no no OpenDocumentmono no no no no no Format IDML For- mono no no no no no mat INI transla- mono no no no no no tions Inno Setup mono no no no no no INI transla- tions

1.10.4 GNU gettext

Most widely used format for translating libre software. This was first format supported by Weblate and still has the best support. Contextual info stored in the file is supported by adjusting its headers or linking to corresponding source files. The bilingual gettext PO file typically looks like this:

#: weblate/media/js/bootstrap-datepicker.js:1421 msgid "Monday" msgstr "Pondělí"

#: weblate/media/js/bootstrap-datepicker.js:1421 msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "Úterý"

#: weblate/accounts/ msgctxt "No known user" msgid "None" msgstr "Žádný"

1 See Bilingual and monolingual formats 2 Plurals are necessary to properly localize strings with variable count. 3 Comments can be used to pass additional info about the string to translate. 4 Context is used to differentiate identical strings used in different scopes (for example Sun can be used as an abbreviated name of the day «Sunday» or as the name of our closest star). 5 Location of a string in source code might help proficient translators figure out how the string is used. 8 See Personalizar o comportamento 6 Additional states supported by the file format in addition to «Not translated» and «Translated». 9 The gettext type comments are used as flags. 10 The flags are extracted from the non-standard attribute weblate-flags for all XML based formats. Additionally max-length:N is supported through the maxwidth attribute as defined in the XLIFF standard, see Specifying translation flags. 7 XML comment placed before the element, parsed as a developer comment. 11 The plurals are supported only for Laravel which uses in string syntax to define them, see Localization in Laravel.

1.10. Formatos de ficheiros suportados 75 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Typical Weblate Component configuration Máscara de ficheiro po/*.po Ficheiro de idioma base monolingue Empty Modelo para novas traduções po/messages.pot Formato de ficheiro Gettext PO file

Veja também: Translating software using GNU Gettext, Translating documentation using Sphinx, Gettext on Wikipedia, PO Files, Atualizar variável ALL_LINGUAS no ficheiro «configure», Personalizar a saída gettext, Atualizar ficheiro LINGUAS, Gerar ficheiros MO, Atualizar ficheiros PO para coincidir com POT (msgmerge)

Monolingual gettext

Some projects decide to use gettext as monolingual formats—they code just the IDs in their source code and the string then needs to be translated to all languages, including English. This is supported, though you have to choose this file format explicitly when importing components into Weblate. The monolingual gettext PO file typically looks like this:

#: weblate/media/js/bootstrap-datepicker.js:1421 msgid "day-monday" msgstr "Pondělí"

#: weblate/media/js/bootstrap-datepicker.js:1421 msgid "day-tuesday" msgstr "Úterý"

#: weblate/accounts/ msgid "none-user" msgstr "Žádný"

While the base language file will be:

#: weblate/media/js/bootstrap-datepicker.js:1421 msgid "day-monday" msgstr "Monday"

#: weblate/media/js/bootstrap-datepicker.js:1421 msgid "day-tuesday" msgstr "Tuesday"

#: weblate/accounts/ msgid "none-user" msgstr "None"

Typical Weblate Component configuration Máscara de ficheiro po/*.po Ficheiro de idioma base monolingue po/en.po Modelo para novas traduções po/messages.pot Formato de ficheiro Gettext PO file (monolingual)

76 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

1.10.5 XLIFF

XML-based format created to standardize translation files, but in the end it is one of many standards, in this area. XML Localization Interchange File Format (XLIFF) is usually used as bilingual, but Weblate supports it as monolingual as well. Veja também: XML Localization Interchange File Format (XLIFF) specification

Translation states

Alterado na versão 3.3: Weblate ignored the state attribute prior to the 3.3 release. The state attribute in the file is partially processed and mapped to the «Needs edit» state in Weblate (the following states are used to flag the string as needing edit if there is a target present: new, needs-translation, needs- adaptation, needs-l10n). Should the state attribute be missing, a string is considered translated as soon as a element exists. If the translation string has approved="yes", it will also be imported into Weblate as «Approved», anything else will be imported as «Waiting for review» (which matches the XLIFF specification). While saving, Weblate doesn’t add those attributes unless necessary: • The state attribute is only added in case string is marked as needing edit. • The approved attribute is only added in case string has been reviewed. • In other cases the attributes are not added, but they are updated in case they are present. That means that when using the XLIFF format, it is strongly recommended to turn on the Weblate review process, in order to see and change the approved state of strings. See Revisores dedicados. Similarly upon importing such files (in the upload form), you should choose Import as translated under Processing of strings needing edit.

Whitespace and newlines in XLIFF

Generally types or amounts of whitespace is not differentiated between in XML formats. If you want to keep it, you have to add the xml:space="preserve" flag to the string. Por exemplo:

hello Hello, world!

1.10. Formatos de ficheiros suportados 77 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Specifying translation flags

You can specify additional translation flags (see Personalizar o comportamento) by using the weblate-flags attribute. Weblate also understands maxwidth and font attributes from the XLIFF specification:

Hello %s Hello %s

The font attribute is parsed for font family, size and weight, the above example shows all of that, though only font family is required. Any whitespace in the font family is converted to underscore, so Source Sans Pro becomes Source_Sans_Pro, please keep that in mind when naming the font group (see Gerir letras).

Typical Weblate Component configuration for bilingual XLIFF Máscara de ficheiro localizations/*.xliff Ficheiro de idioma base monolingue Empty Modelo para novas traduções localizations/en-US.xliff Formato de ficheiro XLIFF Translation File

Typical Weblate Component configuration for monolingual XLIFF File mask localizations/*.xliff Ficheiro de idioma base monolingue localizations/en-US.xliff Modelo para novas traduções localizations/en-US.xliff Formato de ficheiro XLIFF Translation File

Veja também: XLIFF on Wikipedia, XLIFF, font attribute in XLIFF 1.2, maxwidth attribute in XLIFF 1.2

1.10.6 Java properties

Native Java format for translations. Java properties are usually used as monolingual translations. Weblate supports ISO-8859-1, UTF-8 and UTF-16 variants of this format. All of them support storing all Unicode characters, it is just differently encoded. In the ISO-8859-1, the Unicode escape sequences are used (for example zkou\u0161ka), all others encode characters directly either in UTF-8 or UTF-16.

Nota: Loading escape sequences works in UTF-8 mode as well, so please be careful choosing the correct encoding set to match your application needs.

Typical Weblate Component configuration Máscara de ficheiro src/app/Bundle_*.properties Ficheiro de idioma base monolingue src/app/ Modelo para novas traduções Empty Formato de ficheiro Java Properties (ISO-8859-1)

Veja também: Java properties on Wikipedia, Mozilla and Java properties files, Formata as propriedades do ficheiro Java, Limpeza de ficheiros de tradução

78 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

1.10.7 GWT properties

Native GWT format for translations. GWT properties are usually used as monolingual translations.

Typical Weblate Component configuration Máscara de ficheiro src/app/Bundle_*.properties Ficheiro de idioma base monolingue src/app/ Modelo para novas traduções Empty Formato de ficheiro GWT Properties

Veja também: GWT localization guide Mozilla and Java properties files, Formata as propriedades do ficheiro Java, Limpeza de ficheiros de tradução

1.10.8 INI translations

Novo na versão 4.1. INI file format for translations. INI translations are usually used as monolingual translations.

Typical Weblate Component configuration Máscara de ficheiro language/*.ini Ficheiro de idioma base monolingue language/en.ini Modelo para novas traduções Empty Formato de ficheiro INI File

Veja também: INI Files, Joomla translations, Inno Setup INI translations

1.10.9 Inno Setup INI translations

Novo na versão 4.1. Inno Setup INI file format for translations. Inno Setup INI translations are usually used as monolingual translations.

Nota: The only notable difference to INI translations is in supporting %n and %t placeholders for line break and tab.

Typical Weblate Component configuration Máscara de ficheiro language/*.islu Ficheiro de idioma base monolingue language/en.islu Modelo para novas traduções Empty Formato de ficheiro Inno Setup INI File

Nota: Only Unicode files (.islu) are currently supported, ANSI variant (.isl) is currently not supported.

Veja também: INI Files, Joomla translations, INI translations

1.10. Formatos de ficheiros suportados 79 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

1.10.10 Joomla translations

Novo na versão 2.12. Native Joomla format for translations. Joomla translations are usually used as monolingual translations.

Typical Weblate Component configuration Máscara de ficheiro language/*/com_foobar.ini Ficheiro de idioma base monolingue language/en-GB/com_foobar.ini Modelo para novas traduções Empty Formato de ficheiro Joomla Language File

Veja também: Specification of Joomla language files, Mozilla and Java properties files, INI translations, Inno Setup INI translations

1.10.11 Qt Linguist .ts

Translation format used in Qt based applications. Qt Linguist files are used as both bilingual and monolingual translations.

Typical Weblate Component configuration when using as bilingual Máscara de ficheiro i18n/app.*.ts Ficheiro de idioma base monolingue Empty Modelo para novas traduções i18n/ Formato de ficheiro Qt Linguist Translation File

Typical Weblate Component configuration when using as monolingual Máscara de ficheiro i18n/app.*.ts Ficheiro de idioma base monolingue i18n/app.en.ts Modelo para novas traduções i18n/app.en.ts Formato de ficheiro Qt Linguist Translation File

Veja também: Qt Linguist manual, Qt .ts, Bilingual and monolingual formats

1.10.12 Android string resources

Android specific file format for translating applications. Android string resources are monolingual, the Monolingual base language file file is stored in a different location from the others res/values/strings.xml.

Typical Weblate Component configuration Máscara de ficheiro res/values-*/strings.xml Ficheiro de idioma base monolingue res/values/strings.xml Modelo para novas traduções Empty Formato de ficheiro Android String Resource

Veja também: Android string resources documentation, Android string resources

80 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Nota: Android string-array structures are not currently supported. To work around this, you can break your string arrays apart:

First string Second string become:

@string/several_strings_0 @string/several_strings_1 First string Second string

The string-array that points to the string elements should be stored in a different file, and not be made available for translation. This script may help pre-process your existing strings.xml files and translations: 11291062

1.10.13 Apple iOS strings

Apple specific file format for translating applications, used for both iOS and iPhone/iPad application translations. Apple iOS strings are usually used as bilingual translations.

Typical Weblate Component configuration Máscara de ficheiro Resources/*.lproj/Localizable.strings Ficheiro de idioma base monolingue Resources/en.lproj/Localizable.strings Modelo para novas traduções Empty Formato de ficheiro iOS Strings (UTF-8)

Veja também: Apple «strings files» documentation, Mac OSX strings

1.10.14 Cadeias de PHP

PHP translations are usually monolingual, so it is recommended to specify a base file with (what is most often the) English strings. Example file:

Typical Weblate Component configuration Máscara de ficheiro lang/*/texts.php Ficheiro de idioma base monolingue lang/en/texts.php Modelo para novas traduções lang/en/texts.php Formato de ficheiro PHP strings

1.10. Formatos de ficheiros suportados 81 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Cadeias de PHP Laravel

Alterado na versão 4.1. The Laravel PHP localization files are supported as well with plurals:

'There is one apple|There are many apples', ];

Veja também: PHP, Localization in Laravel

1.10.15 JSON files

Novo na versão 2.0. Alterado na versão 2.16: Since Weblate 2.16 and with translate-toolkit at-least 2.2.4, nested structure JSON files are supported as well. JSON format is used mostly for translating applications implemented in JavaScript. Weblate currently supports several variants of JSON translations: • Simple key / value files. • Files with nested keys. • JSON i18next files • go-i18n JSON files • WebExtension JSON • ARB File JSON translations are usually monolingual, so it is recommended to specify a base file with (what is most often the) English strings. Example file:

{ "Hello, world!\n": "Ahoj světe!\n", "Orangutan has %d banana.\n": "", "Try Weblate at!\n": "", "Thank you for using Weblate.": "" }

Nested files are supported as well (see above for requirements), such a file can look like:

{ "weblate":{ "hello": "Ahoj světe!\n", "orangutan": "", "try": "", "thanks": "" } }

Aviso: Weblate currently handles nested JSON by flattening the keys. This leads to serializing issues when special chars such as . or [] are used in the actual keys, because Weblate thinks it is indication of nesting.

82 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1


Typical Weblate Component configuration Máscara de ficheiro langs/translation-*.json Ficheiro de idioma base monolingue langs/translation-en.json Modelo para novas traduções Empty Formato de ficheiro JSON nested structure file

Veja também: JSON, Personalizar a saída JSON, Limpeza de ficheiros de tradução,

1.10.16 JSON i18next files

Alterado na versão 2.17: Since Weblate 2.17 and with translate-toolkit at-least 2.2.5, i18next JSON files with plurals are supported as well. i18next is an internationalization framework written in and for JavaScript. Weblate supports its localization files with features such as plurals. i18next translations are monolingual, so it is recommended to specify a base file with (what is most often the) English strings.

Nota: Weblate supports the i18next JSON v3 format. The v2 and v1 variants are mostly compatible, with exception of how plurals are handled.

Example file:

{ "hello": "Hello", "apple": "I have an apple", "apple_plural": "I have {{count}} apples", "apple_negative": "I have no apples" }

Typical Weblate Component configuration Máscara de ficheiro langs/*.json Ficheiro de idioma base monolingue langs/en.json Modelo para novas traduções Empty Formato de ficheiro i18next JSON file

Veja também: JSON, i18next JSON Format, Personalizar a saída JSON, Limpeza de ficheiros de tradução

1.10. Formatos de ficheiros suportados 83 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

1.10.17 go-i18n JSON files

Novo na versão 4.1. go-i18n translations are monolingual, so it is recommended to specify a base file with (what is most often the) English strings.

Nota: Weblate supports the go-i18n JSON v2 format, it does not support flat JSON files supported in v1.

Typical Weblate Component configuration Máscara de ficheiro langs/*.json Ficheiro de idioma base monolingue langs/en.json Modelo para novas traduções Empty Formato de ficheiro go-i18n JSON file

Veja também: JSON, go-i18n, Personalizar a saída JSON, Limpeza de ficheiros de tradução,

1.10.18 ARB File

Novo na versão 4.1. ARB translations are monolingual, so it is recommended to specify a base file with (what is most often the) English strings.

Typical Weblate Component configuration Máscara de ficheiro lib/l10n/intl_*.arb Ficheiro de idioma base monolingue lib/l10n/intl_en.arb Modelo para novas traduções Empty Formato de ficheiro ARB file

Veja também: JSON, Application Resource Bundle Specification, Internationalizing Flutter apps, Personalizar a saída JSON, Lim- peza de ficheiros de tradução

1.10.19 WebExtension JSON

Novo na versão 2.16: This is supported since Weblate 2.16 and with translate-toolkit at-least 2.2.4. File format used when translating extensions for Mozilla Firefox or Google Chromium.

Nota: While this format is called JSON, its specification allows to include comments, which are not part of JSON specification. Weblate currently does not support file with comments.

Example file:

{ "hello":{ "message": "Ahoj světe!\n", "description": "Description", "placeholders":{ "url":{ "content": "$1", (continues on next page)

84 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

(continuação da página anterior) "example": "" } } }, "orangutan":{ "message": "", "description": "Description" }, "try":{ "message": "", "description": "Description" }, "thanks":{ "message": "", "description": "Description" } }

Typical Weblate Component configuration Máscara de ficheiro _locales/*/messages.json Ficheiro de idioma base monolingue _locales/en/messages.json Modelo para novas traduções Empty Formato de ficheiro WebExtension JSON file

Veja também: JSON, Google chrome.i18n, Mozilla Extensions Internationalization

1.10.20 .XML resource files

Novo na versão 2.3. A .XML resource (.resx) file employs a monolingual XML file format used in Microsoft .NET applications. It is interchangeable with .resw, when using identical syntax to .resx.

Typical Weblate Component configuration Máscara de ficheiro Resources/Language.*.resx Ficheiro de idioma base monolingue Resources/Language.resx Modelo para novas traduções Empty Formato de ficheiro .NET resource file

Veja também: .NET Resource files (.resx), Limpeza de ficheiros de tradução,

1.10.21 CSV files

Novo na versão 2.4. CSV files can contain a simple list of source and translation. Weblate supports the following files: • Files with header defining fields (source, translation, location, …). This is the recommended approach, as it is the least error prone. • Files with two fields—source and translation (in this order), choose Simple CSV file as file format • Files with fields as defined by translate-toolkit: location, source, target, ID, fuzzy, context, transla- tor_comments, developer_comments

1.10. Formatos de ficheiros suportados 85 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Aviso: The CSV format currently automatically detects the dialect of the CSV file. In some cases the automatic detection might fail and you will get mixed results. This is especially true for CSV files with newlines in the values. As a workaround it is recommended to omit quoting characters.

Example file:

Thank you for using Weblate.,Děkujeme za použití Weblate.

Typical Weblate Component configuration Máscara de ficheiro locale/*.csv Ficheiro de idioma base monolingue Empty Modelo para novas traduções locale/en.csv Formato de ficheiro CSV file

Veja também: CSV

1.10.22 YAML files

Novo na versão 2.9. The plain YAML files with string keys and values. Weblate also extract strings from lists or dictionaries. Example of a YAML file: weblate: hello: "" orangutan": "" try": "" thanks": ""

Typical Weblate Component configuration Máscara de ficheiro translations/messages.*.yml Ficheiro de idioma base monolingue translations/messages.en.yml Modelo para novas traduções Empty Formato de ficheiro YAML file

Veja também: YAML, Ruby YAML files

1.10.23 Ruby YAML files

Novo na versão 2.9. Ruby i18n YAML files with language as root node. Example Ruby i18n YAML file: cs: weblate: hello: "" orangutan: "" try: "" thanks: ""

86 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Typical Weblate Component configuration Máscara de ficheiro translations/messages.*.yml Ficheiro de idioma base monolingue translations/messages.en.yml Modelo para novas traduções Empty Formato de ficheiro Ruby YAML file

Veja também: YAML, YAML files

1.10.24 DTD files

Novo na versão 2.18. Example DTD file:

Typical Weblate Component configuration Máscara de ficheiro locale/*.dtd Ficheiro de idioma base monolingue locale/en.dtd Modelo para novas traduções Empty Formato de ficheiro DTD file

Veja também: Mozilla DTD format

1.10.25 Flat XML files

Novo na versão 3.9. Example of a flat XML file:

Hello World! Translated value.

Typical Weblate Component configuration Máscara de ficheiro locale/*.xml Ficheiro de idioma base monolingue locale/en.xml Modelo para novas traduções Empty Formato de ficheiro Flat XML file

Veja também: Flat XML

1.10. Formatos de ficheiros suportados 87 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

1.10.26 Windows RC files

Alterado na versão 4.1: Support for Windows RC files has been rewritten.

Nota: Support for this format is currently in beta, feedback from testing is welcome.

Example Windows RC file:


STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_MSG1 "Hello, world!\n" IDS_MSG2 "Orangutan has %d banana.\n" IDS_MSG3 "Try Weblate at!\n" IDS_MSG4 "Thank you for using Weblate." END

Typical Weblate Component configuration Máscara de ficheiro lang/*.rc Ficheiro de idioma base monolingue lang/en-US.rc Modelo para novas traduções lang/en-US.rc Formato de ficheiro RC file

Veja também: Windows RC files

1.10.27 Ficheiros de metadados da App Store

Novo na versão 3.5. Metadata used for publishing apps in various app stores can be translated. Currently the following tools are compa- tible: • Triple-T gradle-play-publisher • Fastlane • F-Droid The metadata consists of several textfiles, which Weblate will present as separate strings to translate.

Typical Weblate Component configuration Máscara de ficheiro fastlane/android/metadata/* Ficheiro de idioma base monolingue fastlane/android/metadata/en-US Modelo para novas traduções fastlane/android/metadata/en-US Formato de ficheiro App store metadata files

88 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

1.10.28 Subtitle files

Novo na versão 3.7. Weblate pode traduzir vários ficheiros de legenda: • SubRip subtitle file (*.srt) • MicroDVD subtitle file (*.sub) • Advanced Substation Alpha subtitles file (*.ass) • Substation Alpha subtitle file (*.ssa)

Typical Weblate Component configuration Máscara de ficheiro path/*.srt Ficheiro de idioma base monolingue path/ Modelo para novas traduções path/ Formato de ficheiro SubRip subtitle file

Veja também: Subtitles

1.10.29 Excel Open XML

Novo na versão 3.2. Excel Open XML (.xlsx) files can be imported and exported. When uploading XLSX files for translation, be aware that only the active worksheet is considered, and there must be at least a column called source (which contains the source string) and a column called target (which contains the translation). Additionally there should be the column called context (which contains the context path of the translation string). If you use the XLSX download for exporting the translations into an Excel workbook, you already get a file with the correct file format.

1.10.30 HTML files

Novo na versão 4.1.

Nota: Support for this format is currently in beta, feedback from testing is welcome.

The translatable content is extracted from the HTML files and offered for the translation. Veja também: HTML

1.10.31 OpenDocument Format

Novo na versão 4.1.

Nota: Support for this format is currently in beta, feedback from testing is welcome.

The translatable content is extracted from the OpenDocument files and offered for the translation. Veja também: OpenDocument Format

1.10. Formatos de ficheiros suportados 89 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

1.10.32 IDML Format

Novo na versão 4.1.

Nota: Support for this format is currently in beta, feedback from testing is welcome.

The translatable content is extracted from the Adobe InDesign Markup Language files and offered for the translation.

1.10.33 Outros

Most formats supported by translate-toolkit which support serializing can be easily supported, but they did not (yet) receive any testing. In most cases some thin layer is needed in Weblate to hide differences in behavior of different translate-toolkit storages. Veja também: Translation Related File Formats

1.10.34 Adding new translations

Alterado na versão 2.18: In versions prior to 2.18 the behaviour of adding new translations was file format specific. Weblate can automatically start new translation for all of the file formats. Some formats expect to start with an empty file and only translated strings to be included (for example Android string resources), while others expect to have all keys present (for example GNU gettext). In some situations this really doesn’t depend on the format, but rather on the framework you use to handle the translation (for example with JSON files). When you specify Modelo para novas traduções in Component configuration, Weblate will use this file to start new translations. Any exiting translations will be removed from the file when doing so. When Template for new translations is empty and the file format supports it, an empty file is created where new strings will be added once they are translated. The Language code style allows you to customize language code used in generated filenames: Predefinição baseada no formato do ficheiro Dependent on file format, for most of them POSIX is used. Estilo POSIX utilizando o sublinhado como um separador Typically used by gettext and related tools, produces language codes like pt_BR. Estilo de POSIX utilizando o sublinhado como um separador, incluindo o código do país POSIX style lan- guage code including the country code even when not necessary (for example “cs_CZ”). Estilo BCP utilizando o hífen como um separador Typically used on web platforms, produces language codes like pt-BR. Estilo de BCP utilizando o hífen como um separador, incluindo o código do país BCP style language code in- cluding the country code even when not necessary (for example “cs-CZ”). Estilo Android Only used in Android apps, produces language codes like pt-rBR. Estilo Java Used by Java—mostly BCP with legacy codes for Chinese.

Nota: Weblate recognizes any of these when parsing translation files, the above settings only influences how new files are created.

90 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

1.10.35 Cadeias somente leitura

Novo na versão 3.10. Read-only strings from translation files will be included, but can not be edited in Weblate. This feature is natively supported by few formats (XLIFF and Android string resources), but can be emulated in others by adding a read- only flag, see Personalizar o comportamento.

1.11 Integração de controlo de versões

Weblate currently supports Git (with extended support for GitHub, Gerrit and Subversion) and Mercurial as version control backends.

1.11.1 Accessing repositories

The VCS repository you want to use has to be accessible to Weblate. With a publicly available repository you just need to enter the correct URL (for example, but for private repositories or for push URLs the setup is more complex and requires authentication.

Accessing repositories from Hosted Weblate

For Hosted Weblate there is a dedicated push user registered on GitHub, Bitbucket, Codeberg and GitLab (with username weblate named Weblate push user). You need to add this user as a collaborator and give it appropriate permission to your repository (read only is okay for cloning, write is required for pushing). Depending on service and your organization settings, this happens immediately or requires confirmation from Weblate side. The invitations on GitHub are accepted automatically within five minutes, on other services manual processing might be needed, so please be patient. Once the weblate user is added, you can configure Repositório do código-fonte and URL de submissão do repositório using SSH protocol (for example [email protected]:WeblateOrg/weblate.git).

SSH repositories

The most frequently used method to access private repositories is based on SSH. Authorize the public Weblate SSH key (see Weblate SSH key) to access the upstream repository this way.

Aviso: On GitHub, each key can be added to only one repository, see GitHub repositories and Accessing reposi- tories from Hosted Weblate.

Weblate also stores the host key fingerprint upon first connection, and fails to connect to the host should it be changed later (see Verifying SSH host keys). In case adjustment is needed, do so from the Weblate admin interface:

1.11. Integração de controlo de versões 91 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Weblate SSH key

The Weblate public key is visible to all users browsing the About page. Admins can generate or display the public key currently used by Weblate in the (from SSH keys) on the admin interface landing page.

Nota: The corresponding private SSH key can not currently have a password, so make sure it is well protected.

Dica: Make a backup of the generated private Weblate SSH key.

Verifying SSH host keys

Weblate automatically remembers the SSH host keys on first access and remembers them for further use. In case you want to verify them before connecting to the repository, verify the SSH host keys of the servers you are going to access in Add host key, from the same section of the admin interface. Enter the hostname you are going to access (e.g., and press Submit. Verify its fingerprint matches the server you added. They are shown in the confirmation message:

92 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

GitHub repositories

Access via SSH is possible (see SSH repositories), but in case you need to access more than one repository, you will hit a GitHub limitation on allowed SSH key usage (since one key can be used only for one repository). In case the Ramo do push is not set, the project is forked and changes pushed through a fork. In case it is set, changes are pushed to the upstream repository and chosen branch. For smaller deployments, use HTTPS authentication with a personal access token and your GitHub account, see Creating an access token for command-line use. For bigger setups, it is usually better to create a dedicated user for Weblate, assign it the public SSH key generated in Weblate (see Weblate SSH key) and grant it access to all the repositories you want to translate. This approach is also used for Hosted Weblate, there is dedicated weblate user for that. Veja também: Accessing repositories from Hosted Weblate

1.11. Integração de controlo de versões 93 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Weblate internal URLs

To share one repository between different components you can use a special URL like weblate://project/ component. This way, the component will share the VCS repository configuration with the referenced component (project/component in the example). Weblate automatically adjusts repository URL when creating component when it finds component with matching repository setup. You can override this in last step of component configuration. Reasons to use this: • Saves disk space on the server, the repository is stored just once. • Makes the updates faster, only one repository is updated. • There is just single exported repository with Weblate translations (see Git exporter). • Some addons can operate on more components sharing single repository, for example Squash de commits git.

HTTPS repositories

To access protected HTTPS repositories, include the username and password in the URL. Don’t worry, Weblate will strip this info when the URL is shown to users (if even allowed to see the repository URL at all). For example the GitHub URL with authentication added might look like: https:// user:[email protected]/WeblateOrg/weblate.git.

Nota: If you username or password contains special characters, those have to be URL encoded, for example[email protected]/….

Using proxy

If you need to access HTTP/HTTPS VCS repositories using a proxy server, configure the VCS to use it. This can be done using the http_proxy, https_proxy, and all_proxy environment variables, (as described in the cURL documentation) or by enforcing it in the VCS configuration, for example: git config --global http.proxy http://user:[email protected]:80

Nota: The proxy configuration needs to be done under user running Weblate (see also Filesystem permissions) and with HOME=$DATA_DIR/home (see DATA_DIR), otherwise Git executed by Weblate will not use it.

Veja também: The cURL manpage, Git config documentation

1.11.2 Git

Veja também: See Accessing repositories for info on how to access different kinds of repositories.

94 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Git com push forçado

This behaves exactly like Git itself, the only difference being that it always force pushes. This is intended only in the case of using a separate repository for translations.

Aviso: Use with caution, as this easily leads to lost commits in your upstream repository.

Customizing Git configuration

Weblate invokes all VCS commands with HOME=$DATA_DIR/home (see DATA_DIR), therefore editing the user configuration needs to be done in DATA_DIR/home/.git.

Git remote helpers

You can also use Git remote helpers for additionally supporting other version control systems, but be prepared to debug problems this may lead to. At this time, helpers for Bazaar and Mercurial are available within separate repositories on GitHub: git-remote-hg and git-remote-bzr. Download them manually and put somewhere in your search path (for example ~/bin). Make sure you have the corresponding version control systems installed. Once you have these installed, such remotes can be used to specify a repository in Weblate. To clone the gnuhello project from Launchpad using Bazaar:


For the hello repository from using Mercurial:


Aviso: The inconvenience of using Git remote helpers is for example with Mercurial, the remote helper some- times creates a new tip when pushing changes back.

1.11.3 GitHub

Novo na versão 2.3. This adds a thin layer atop Git using the hub tool to allow pushing translation changes as pull requests, instead of pushing directly to the repository. Git pushes changes directly to a repository, while GitHub creates pull requests. The latter is not needed for merely accessing Git repositories. Veja também: Pushing changes from Weblate

1.11. Integração de controlo de versões 95 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Pushing changes to GitHub as pull requests

If not wanting to push translations to a GitHub repository, they can be sent as either one or many pull requests instead. Veja também: GITHUB_USERNAME, Setting up hub for configuration instructions

Setting up hub

Pushing changes to GitHub as pull requests requires a configured hub installation on your server. Follow the installation instructions at use hub to finish the configuration, for example:

# Use DATA_DIR as configured in Weblate, it is /app/data in the Docker HOME=${DATA_DIR}/home hub clone octocat/Spoon-Knife

The hub will ask you for your GitHub credentials, retrieve a token and store it in ~/.config/hub. This file has to be readable by the user running Weblate.

Nota: Use the username you configured hub with, as GITHUB_USERNAME (WEBLATE_GITHUB_USERNAME for the Docker image).

1.11.4 GitLab

Novo na versão 3.9. This just adds a thin layer atop Git using the lab tool to allow pushing translation changes as merge requests instead of pushing directly to the repository. There is no need to use this access Git repositories, ordinary Git works the same, the only difference is how pushing to a repository is handled. With Git changes are pushed directly to the repository, while GitLab creates merge request. Veja também: Pushing changes from Weblate

Pushing changes to GitLab as merge requests

If not wanting to push translations to a GitLab repository, they can be sent as either one or many merge requests instead. Configure the lab command line tool and set GITLAB_USERNAME for this to work. Veja também: GITLAB_USERNAME, Setting up Lab for configuration instructions

Setting up Lab

Pushing changes to GitLab as merge requests requires a configured lab installation on your server. Follow the instal- lation instructions at lab and run it without any arguments to finish the configuration, for example:

# Use DATA_DIR as configured in Weblate, it is /app/data in the Docker $ HOME=${DATA_DIR}/home lab Enter GitLab host (default: Create a token here: Enter default GitLab token (scope: api): (Config is saved to ~/.config/lab.hcl)

96 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

The lab will ask you for your GitLab access token, retrieve it and store it in ~/.config/lab.hcl. The file has to be readable by the user running Weblate.

Nota: Use the username you configured lab with, as GITLAB_USERNAME (WEBLATE_GITLAB_USERNAME for the Docker image).

1.11.5 Gerrit

Novo na versão 2.2. Adds a thin layer atop Git using the git-review tool to allow pushing translation changes as Gerrit review requests, instead of pushing a directory to the repository. The Gerrit documentation has the details on the configuration necessary to set up such repositories.

1.11.6 Mercurial

Novo na versão 2.1. Mercurial is another VCS you can use directly in Weblate.

Nota: It should work with any Mercurial version, but there are sometimes incompatible changes to the command-line interface which breaks Weblate integration.

Veja também: See Accessing repositories for info on how to access different kinds of repositories.

1.11.7 Subversion

Novo na versão 2.8. Weblate uses git-svn to interact with subversion repositories. It is a Perl script that lets subversion be used by a Git client, enabling users to maintain a full clone of the internal repository and commit locally.

Nota: Weblate tries to detect Subversion repository layout automatically - it supports both direct URLs for branch or repositories with standard layout (branches/, tags/ and trunk/). More info about this is to be foud in the git-svn documentation. If your repository does not have a standard layout and you encounter errors, try including the branch name in the repository URL and leaving branch empty.

Alterado na versão 2.19: Before this, there was only support for standard layout repositories.

Subversion credentials

Weblate expects you to have accepted the certificate up-front and if needed, your credentials. It will look to insert them into the DATA_DIR directory. Accept the certificate by using svn once with the $HOME environment variable set to the DATA_DIR:

# Use DATA_DIR as configured in Weblate, it is /app/data in the Docker HOME=${DATA_DIR}/home svn co

Veja também: DATA_DIR

1.11. Integração de controlo de versões 97 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

1.11.8 Local files

Novo na versão 3.8. Weblate can also operate without a remote VCS. The initial translations are imported by uploading them. Later you can replace individual files by file upload, or add translation strings directly from Weblate (currently available only for monolingual translations). In the background Weblate creates a Git repository for you and all changes are tracked in. In case you later decide to use a VCS to store the translations, you already have a repository within Weblate can base your integration on.

1.12 Weblate’s REST API

Novo na versão 2.6: The REST API is available since Weblate 2.6. The API is accessible on the /api/ URL and it is based on Django REST framework. You can use it directly or by Cliente Weblate.

1.12.1 Authentication and generic parameters

The public project API is available without authentication, though unauthenticated requests are heavily throttled (by default to 100 requests per day), so it is recommended to use authentication. The authentication uses a token, which you can get in your profile. Use it in the Authorization header: ANY / Generic request behaviour for the API, the headers, status codes and parameters here apply to all endpoints as well. Query Parameters • format – Response format (overrides Accept). Possible values depends on REST fra- mework setup, by default json and api are supported. The latter provides web browser interface for API. Request Headers • Accept – the response content type depends on Accept header • Authorization – optional token to authenticate Response Headers • Content-Type – this depends on Accept header of request • Allow – list of allowed HTTP methods on object Response JSON Object • detail (string) – verbose description of failure (for HTTP status codes other than 200 OK) • count (int) – total item count for object lists • next (string) – next page URL for object lists • previous (string) – previous page URL for object lists • results (array) – results for object lists • url (string) – URL to access this resource using API • web_url (string) – URL to access this resource using web browser Status Codes • 200 OK – when request was correctly handled

98 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

• 400 Bad Request – when form parameters are missing • 403 Forbidden – when access is denied • 429 Too Many Requests – when throttling is in place

Authentication examples

Example request:

GET /api/ HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/json, text/javascript Authorization: Token YOUR-TOKEN

Example response:

HTTP/1.0 200 OK Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2016 09:46:12 GMT Server: WSGIServer/0.1 Python/2.7.11+ Vary: Accept, Accept-Language, Cookie X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN Content-Type: application/json Content-Language: en Allow: GET, HEAD, OPTIONS

{ "projects":"", "components":"", "translations":"", "languages":"" }

CURL example: curl \ -H "Authorization: Token TOKEN" \

Passing Parameters Examples

For the POST method the parameters can be specified either as form submission (application/x-www-form- urlencoded) or as JSON (application/json). Form request example:

POST /api/projects/hello/repository/ HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Authorization: Token TOKEN operation=pull

JSON request example:

POST /api/projects/hello/repository/ HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Authorization: Token TOKEN (continues on next page)

1.12. Weblate’s REST API 99 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

(continuação da página anterior) Content-Length: 20


CURL example: curl \ -d operation=pull \ -H "Authorization: Token TOKEN" \

CURL JSON example: curl \ --data-binary '{"operation":"pull"}' \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Authorization: Token TOKEN" \

Limitação de taxa

The API requests are rate limited; the default configuration limits it to 100 requests per day for anonymous users and 5000 requests per hour for authenticated users. Rate limiting can be adjusted in the; see Throttling in Django REST framework documentation for more details how to configure it. The status of rate limiting is reported in following headers:

X-RateLimit-Limit Rate limiting limit of requests to perform X-RateLimit-Remaining Remaining limit of requests X-RateLimit-Reset Number of seconds until ratelimit window resets

Alterado na versão 4.1: Added ratelimiting status headers.

1.12.2 API Entry Point

GET /api/ The API root entry point. Example request:

GET /api/ HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/json, text/javascript Authorization: Token YOUR-TOKEN

Example response:

HTTP/1.0 200 OK Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2016 09:46:12 GMT Server: WSGIServer/0.1 Python/2.7.11+ Vary: Accept, Accept-Language, Cookie X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN Content-Type: application/json Content-Language: en Allow: GET, HEAD, OPTIONS

(continues on next page)

100 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

(continuação da página anterior) { "projects":"", "components":"", "translations":"", "languages":"" }

1.12.3 Utilizadores

Novo na versão 4.0. GET /api/users/ Returns a list of users if you have permissions to see manage users. If not, then you get to see only your own details. Veja também: Users object attributes are documented at GET /api/users/(str:username)/. POST /api/users/ Creates a new user. Parameters • username (string) – Nome de utilizador • full_name (string) – User full name • email (string) – User email • is_superuser (boolean) – Is user superuser? (optional) • is_active (boolean) – Is user active? (optional) GET /api/users/(str: username)/ Returns information about users. Parameters • username (string) – User’s username Response JSON Object • username (string) – username of a user • full_name (string) – full name of a user • email (string) – email of a user • is_superuser (boolean) – whether the user is a super user • is_active (boolean) – whether the user is active • date_joined (string) – date the user is created • groups (array) – link to associated groups; see GET /api/groups/(int:id)/ Example JSON data:

{ "email": "[email protected]", "full_name": "Example User", "username": "exampleusername", "groups":[ "", "" ], (continues on next page)

1.12. Weblate’s REST API 101 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

(continuação da página anterior) "is_superuser": true, "is_active": true, "date_joined": "2020-03-29T18:42:42.617681Z", "url": "" }

PUT /api/users/(str: username)/ Changes the user parameters. Parameters • username (string) – User’s username Response JSON Object • username (string) – username of a user • full_name (string) – full name of a user • email (string) – email of a user • is_superuser (boolean) – whether the user is a super user • is_active (boolean) – whether the user is active • date_joined (string) – date the user is created PATCH /api/users/(str: username)/ Changes the user parameters. Parameters • username (string) – User’s username Response JSON Object • username (string) – username of a user • full_name (string) – full name of a user • email (string) – email of a user • is_superuser (boolean) – whether the user is a super user • is_active (boolean) – whether the user is active • date_joined (string) – date the user is created DELETE /api/users/(str: username)/ Deletes all user information and marks the user inactive. Parameters • username (string) – User’s username POST /api/users/(str: username)/groups/ Associate groups with a user. Parameters • username (string) – User’s username Form Parameters • string group_id – The unique group ID GET /api/users/(str: username)/notifications/ List subscriptions of a user. Parameters • username (string) – User’s username

102 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

POST /api/users/(str: username)/notifications/ Associate subscriptions with a user. Parameters • username (string) – User’s username Request JSON Object • notification (string) – Name of notification registered • scope (int) – Scope of notification from the available choices • frequency (int) – Frequency choices for notifications GET /api/users/(str: username)/notifications/ int: subscription_id/ Get a subscription associated with a user. Parameters • username (string) – User’s username • subscription_id (int) – ID of notification registered PUT /api/users/(str: username)/notifications/ int: subscription_id/ Edit a subscription associated with a user. Parameters • username (string) – User’s username • subscription_id (int) – ID of notification registered Request JSON Object • notification (string) – Name of notification registered • scope (int) – Scope of notification from the available choices • frequency (int) – Frequency choices for notifications PATCH /api/users/(str: username)/notifications/ int: subscription_id/ Edit a subscription associated with a user. Parameters • username (string) – User’s username • subscription_id (int) – ID of notification registered Request JSON Object • notification (string) – Name of notification registered • scope (int) – Scope of notification from the available choices • frequency (int) – Frequency choices for notifications DELETE /api/users/(str: username)/notifications/ int: subscription_id/ Delete a subscription associated with a user. Parameters • username (string) – User’s username • subscription_id – Name of notification registered • subscription_id – int

1.12. Weblate’s REST API 103 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

1.12.4 Grupos

Novo na versão 4.0. GET /api/groups/ Returns a list of groups if you have permissions to see manage groups. If not, then you get to see only the groups the user is a part of. Veja também: Group object attributes are documented at GET /api/groups/(int:id)/. POST /api/groups/ Creates a new group. Parameters • name (string) – Nome do grupo • project_selection (int) – Group of project selection from given options • language_selection (int) – Group of languages selected from given options GET /api/groups/(int: id)/ Returns information about group. Parameters • id (int) – Group’s ID Response JSON Object • name (string) – name of a group • project_selection (int) – integer corresponding to group of projects • language_selection (int) – integer corresponding to group of languages • roles (array) – link to associated roles; see GET /api/roles/(int:id)/ • projects (array) – link to associated projects; see GET /api/projects/ (string:project)/ • components (array) – link to associated components; see GET /api/ components/(string:project)/(string:component)/ • componentlist (array) – link to associated componentlist; see GET /api/ component-lists/(str:slug)/ Example JSON data:

{ "name": "Guests", "project_selection": 3, "language_selection": 1, "url": "", "roles":[ "", "" ], "languages":[ "", "", ], "projects":[ "", "" ], "componentlist": "", (continues on next page)

104 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

(continuação da página anterior) "components":[ "" ] }

PUT /api/groups/(int: id)/ Changes the group parameters. Parameters • id (int) – Group’s ID Response JSON Object • name (string) – name of a group • project_selection (int) – integer corresponding to group of projects • language_selection (int) – integer corresponding to group of Languages PATCH /api/groups/(int: id)/ Changes the group parameters. Parameters • id (int) – Group’s ID Response JSON Object • name (string) – name of a group • project_selection (int) – integer corresponding to group of projects • language_selection (int) – integer corresponding to group of languages DELETE /api/groups/(int: id)/ Deletes the group. Parameters • id (int) – Group’s ID POST /api/groups/(int: id)/roles/ Associate roles with a group. Parameters • id (int) – Group’s ID Form Parameters • string role_id – The unique role ID POST /api/groups/(int: id)/components/ Associate components with a group. Parameters • id (int) – Group’s ID Form Parameters • string component_id – The unique component ID DELETE /api/groups/(int: id)/components/ int: component_id Delete component from a group. Parameters • id (int) – Group’s ID • component_id (int) – The unique component ID

1.12. Weblate’s REST API 105 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

POST /api/groups/(int: id)/projects/ Associate projects with a group. Parameters • id (int) – Group’s ID Form Parameters • string project_id – The unique project ID DELETE /api/groups/(int: id)/projects/ int: project_id Delete project from a group. Parameters • id (int) – Group’s ID • project_id (int) – The unique project ID POST /api/groups/(int: id)/languages/ Associate languages with a group. Parameters • id (int) – Group’s ID Form Parameters • string language_code – The unique language code DELETE /api/groups/(int: id)/languages/ string: language_code Delete language from a group. Parameters • id (int) – Group’s ID • language_code (string) – The unique language code POST /api/groups/(int: id)/componentlists/ Associate componentlists with a group. Parameters • id (int) – Group’s ID Form Parameters • string component_list_id – The unique componentlist ID DELETE /api/groups/(int: id)/componentlists/ int: component_list_id Delete componentlist from a group. Parameters • id (int) – Group’s ID • component_list_id (int) – The unique componentlist ID

106 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

1.12.5 Funções

GET /api/roles/ Returns a list of all roles associated with user. If user is superuser, then list of all existing roles is returned. Veja também: Roles object attributes are documented at GET /api/roles/(int:id)/. POST /api/roles/ Creates a new role. Parameters • name (string) – Role name • permissions (array) – List of codenames of permissions GET /api/roles/(int: id)/ Returns information about a role. Parameters • id (int) – Role ID Response JSON Object • name (string) – Role name • permissions (array) – list of codenames of permissions Example JSON data:

{ "name": "Access repository", "permissions":[ "vcs.access", "vcs.view" ], "url": "", }

PUT /api/roles/(int: id)/ Changes the role parameters. Parameters • id (int) – Role’s ID Response JSON Object • name (string) – Role name • permissions (array) – list of codenames of permissions PATCH /api/roles/(int: id)/ Changes the role parameters. Parameters • id (int) – Role’s ID Response JSON Object • name (string) – Role name • permissions (array) – list of codenames of permissions DELETE /api/roles/(int: id)/ Deletes the role. Parameters

1.12. Weblate’s REST API 107 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

• id (int) – Role’s ID

1.12.6 Idiomas

GET /api/languages/ Returns a list of all languages. Veja também: Language object attributes are documented at GET /api/languages/(string:language)/. POST /api/languages/ Creates a new language. Parameters • code (string) – Nome do idioma • name (string) – Nome do idioma • direction (string) – Language direction • plural (object) – Language plural formula and number GET /api/languages/(string: language)/ Returns information about a language. Parameters • language (string) – Código do idioma Response JSON Object • code (string) – Código do idioma • direction (string) – Direção do texto • plural (object) – Object of language plural information • aliases (array) – Array of aliases for language Example JSON data:

{ "code": "en", "direction": "ltr", "name": "English", "plural":{ "id": 75, "source": 0, "number": 2, "formula": "n != 1", "type": 1 }, "aliases":[ "english", "en_en", "base", "source", "eng" ], "url": "", "web_url": "", "statistics_url": "" }

PUT /api/languages/(string: language)/ Changes the language parameters.

108 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Parameters • language (string) – Language’s code Request JSON Object • name (string) – Nome do idioma • direction (string) – Language direction • plural (object) – Language plural details PATCH /api/languages/(string: language)/ Changes the language parameters. Parameters • language (string) – Language’s code Request JSON Object • name (string) – Nome do idioma • direction (string) – Language direction • plural (object) – Language plural details DELETE /api/languages/(string: language)/ Deletes the Language. Parameters • language (string) – Language’s code GET /api/languages/(string: language)/statistics/ Returns statistics for a language. Parameters • language (string) – Código do idioma Response JSON Object • total (int) – total number of strings • total_words (int) – total number of words • last_change (timestamp) – last changes in the language • recent_changes (int) – total number of changes • translated (int) – number of translated strings • translated_percent (float) – percentage of translated strings • translated_words (int) – number of translated words • translated_words_percent (int) – percentage of translated words • translated_chars (int) – number of translated characters • translated_chars_percent (int) – percentage of translated characters • total_chars (int) – number of total characters • fuzzy (int) – number of fuzzy strings • fuzzy_percent (int) – percentage of fuzzy strings • failing (int) – number of failing strings • failing – percentage of failing strings

1.12. Weblate’s REST API 109 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

1.12.7 Projetos

GET /api/projects/ Returns a list of all projects. Veja também: Project object attributes are documented at GET /api/projects/(string:project)/. POST /api/projects/ Novo na versão 3.9. Creates a new project. Parameters • name (string) – Nome do projeto • slug (string) – Project slug • web (string) – Site da Web do Projeto • source_language (string) – Project source language code (optional) GET /api/projects/(string: project)/ Returns information about a project. Parameters • project (string) – URL semântico do projeto Response JSON Object • name (string) – project name • slug (string) – project slug • source_language (object) – source language object; see GET /api/ languages/(string:language)/ • web (string) – project website • components_list_url (string) – URL to components list; see GET /api/ projects/(string:project)/components/ • repository_url (string) – URL to repository status; see GET /api/ projects/(string:project)/repository/ • changes_list_url (string) – URL to changes list; see GET /api/ projects/(string:project)/changes/ Example JSON data:

{ "name": "Hello", "slug": "hello", "source_language":{ "code": "en", "direction": "ltr", "name": "English", "url": "", "web_url": "" }, "url": "", "web": "", "web_url": "" }

110 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

DELETE /api/projects/(string: project)/ Novo na versão 3.9. Deletes a project. Parameters • project (string) – URL semântico do projeto GET /api/projects/(string: project)/changes/ Returns a list of project changes. This is essentially a project scoped GET /api/changes/ accepting same params. Parameters • project (string) – URL semântico do projeto Response JSON Object • results (array) – array of component objects; see GET /api/changes/ (int:id)/ GET /api/projects/(string: project)/repository/ Returns information about VCS repository status. This endpoint contains only an overall summary for all repositories for the project. To get more detailed status use GET /api/components/ (string:project)/(string:component)/repository/. Parameters • project (string) – URL semântico do projeto Response JSON Object • needs_commit (boolean) – whether there are any pending changes to commit • needs_merge (boolean) – whether there are any upstream changes to merge • needs_push (boolean) – whether there are any local changes to push Example JSON data:

{ "needs_commit": true, "needs_merge": false, "needs_push": true }

POST /api/projects/(string: project)/repository/ Performs given operation on the VCS repository. Parameters • project (string) – URL semântico do projeto Request JSON Object • operation (string) – Operation to perform: one of push, pull, commit, re- set, cleanup Response JSON Object • result (boolean) – result of the operation CURL example:

curl \ -d operation=pull \ -H "Authorization: Token TOKEN" \

JSON request example:

1.12. Weblate’s REST API 111 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

POST /api/projects/hello/repository/ HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Authorization: Token TOKEN Content-Length: 20


JSON response example:

HTTP/1.0 200 OK Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2016 09:32:50 GMT Server: WSGIServer/0.1 Python/2.7.11+ Vary: Accept, Accept-Language, Cookie X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN Content-Type: application/json Content-Language: en Allow: GET, POST, HEAD, OPTIONS


GET /api/projects/(string: project)/components/ Returns a list of translation components in the given project. Parameters • project (string) – URL semântico do projeto Response JSON Object • results (array) – array of component objects; see GET /api/components/ (string:project)/(string:component)/ POST /api/projects/(string: project)/components/ Novo na versão 3.9. Creates translation components in the given project. Parameters • project (string) – URL semântico do projeto Response JSON Object • result (object) – Created component object; see GET /api/components/ (string:project)/(string:component)/ CURL example:

curl \ --data-binary '{ "branch": "master", "file_format": "po", "filemask": "po/*.po", "git_export": "", "license": "", "license_url": "", "name": "Weblate", "slug": "weblate", "repo": "file:///home/nijel/work/weblate-hello", "template": "", "new_base": "", "vcs": "git" }' \ (continues on next page)

112 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

(continuação da página anterior) -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Authorization: Token TOKEN" \

JSON request example:

POST /api/projects/hello/components/ HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Authorization: Token TOKEN Content-Length: 20

{ "branch": "master", "file_format": "po", "filemask": "po/*.po", "git_export": "", "license": "", "license_url": "", "name": "Weblate", "slug": "weblate", "repo": "file:///home/nijel/work/weblate-hello", "template": "", "new_base": "", "vcs": "git" }

JSON response example:

HTTP/1.0 200 OK Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2016 09:32:50 GMT Server: WSGIServer/0.1 Python/2.7.11+ Vary: Accept, Accept-Language, Cookie X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN Content-Type: application/json Content-Language: en Allow: GET, POST, HEAD, OPTIONS

{ "branch": "master", "file_format": "po", "filemask": "po/*.po", "git_export": "", "license": "", "license_url": "", "name": "Weblate", "slug": "weblate", "project":{ "name": "Hello", "slug": "hello", "source_language":{ "code": "en", "direction": "ltr", "name": "English", "url": "", "web_url": "" }, "url": "", "web": "", "web_url": "" (continues on next page)

1.12. Weblate’s REST API 113 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

(continuação da página anterior) }, "repo": "file:///home/nijel/work/weblate-hello", "template": "", "new_base": "", "url": "", "vcs": "git", "web_url": "" }

GET /api/projects/(string: project)/languages/ Returns paginated statistics for all languages within a project. Novo na versão 3.8. Parameters • project (string) – URL semântico do projeto Response JSON Object • results (array) – array of translation statistics objects • language (string) – language name • code (string) – language code • total (int) – total number of strings • translated (int) – number of translated strings • translated_percent (float) – percentage of translated strings • total_words (int) – total number of words • translated_words (int) – number of translated words • words_percent (float) – percentage of translated words GET /api/projects/(string: project)/statistics/ Returns statistics for a project. Novo na versão 3.8. Parameters • project (string) – URL semântico do projeto Response JSON Object • total (int) – total number of strings • translated (int) – number of translated strings • translated_percent (float) – percentage of translated strings • total_words (int) – total number of words • translated_words (int) – number of translated words • words_percent (float) – percentage of translated words

114 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

1.12.8 Componentes

GET /api/components/ Returns a list of translation components. Veja também: Component object attributes are documented at GET /api/components/(string:project)/ (string:component)/. GET /api/components/(string: project)/ string: component/ Returns information about translation component. Parameters • project (string) – URL semântico do projeto • component (string) – URL semântico do componente Response JSON Object • project (object) – the translation project; see GET /api/projects/ (string:project)/ • name (string)– Nome do componente • slug (string)– Component slug • vcs (string)– Sistema de controlo de versões • repo (string)– Repositório do código-fonte • git_export (string)– URL do repositório exportado • branch (string)– Ramo do repositório • push_branch (string)– Ramo do push • filemask (string)– File mask • template (string)– Ficheiro de idioma base monolingue • edit_template (string)– Editar ficheiro base • intermediate (string)– Ficheiro de idioma intermédio • new_base (string)– Modelo para novas traduções • file_format (string)– Formato de ficheiro • license (string)– Licença da tradução • agreement (string)– Acordo de colaborador • new_lang (string)– Adicionar nova tradução • language_code_style (string)– Estilo de código de idioma • push (string)– URL de submissão do repositório • check_flags (string)– Marcadores de tradução • priority (string)– Prioridade • enforced_checks (string)– Verificações impostas • restricted (string)– Restricted access • repoweb (string)– Navegador do repositório • report_source_bugs (string)– Source string bug report address • merge_style (string)– Estilo de união • commit_message (string)– Commit, add, delete, merge and addon messages

1.12. Weblate’s REST API 115 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

• add_message (string)– Commit, add, delete, merge and addon messages • delete_message (string)– Commit, add, delete, merge and addon messages • merge_message (string)– Commit, add, delete, merge and addon messages • addon_message (string)– Commit, add, delete, merge and addon messages • allow_translation_propagation (string)– Permitir propagação da tradu- ção • enable_suggestions (string)– Ativar sugestões • suggestion_voting (string)– Votação de sugestão • suggestion_autoaccept (string)– Aceitar sugestões automaticamente • push_on_commit (string)– Enviar ao submeter • commit_pending_age (string)– Idade das alterações a fazer commit • auto_lock_error (string)– Bloquear com erro • language_regex (string)– Filtro de idioma • variant_regex (string)– Expressão regular das variantes • repository_url (string) – URL to repository status; see GET /api/ components/(string:project)/(string:component)/repository/ • translations_url (string) – URL to translations list; see GET / api/components/(string:project)/(string:component)/ translations/ • lock_url (string) – URL to lock status; see GET /api/components/ (string:project)/(string:component)/lock/ • changes_list_url (string) – URL to changes list; see GET /api/ components/(string:project)/(string:component)/changes/ Example JSON data:

{ "branch": "master", "file_format": "po", "filemask": "po/*.po", "git_export": "", "license": "", "license_url": "", "name": "Weblate", "slug": "weblate", "project":{ "name": "Hello", "slug": "hello", "source_language":{ "code": "en", "direction": "ltr", "name": "English", "url": "", "web_url": "" }, "url": "", "web": "", "web_url": "" }, "repo": "file:///home/nijel/work/weblate-hello", "template": "", "new_base": "", (continues on next page)

116 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

(continuação da página anterior) "url": "", "vcs": "git", "web_url": "" }

PATCH /api/components/(string: project)/ string: component/ Edit a component by a patch request. Parameters • project (string) – URL semântico do projeto • component (string) – URL semântico do componente Request JSON Object • name (string) – name of component • slug (string) – slug of component • repo (string) – VCS repository URL CURL example:

curl \ --data-binary '{"name": "new name"}' \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Authorization: Token TOKEN" \ PATCH

JSON request example:

PATCH /api/projects/hello/components/ HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Authorization: Token TOKEN Content-Length: 20

{ "name": "new name" }

JSON response example:

HTTP/1.0 200 OK Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2016 09:32:50 GMT Server: WSGIServer/0.1 Python/2.7.11+ Vary: Accept, Accept-Language, Cookie X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN Content-Type: application/json Content-Language: en Allow: GET, POST, HEAD, OPTIONS

{ "branch": "master", "file_format": "po", "filemask": "po/*.po", "git_export": "", "license": "", "license_url": "", "name": "new name", "slug": "weblate", "project":{ (continues on next page)

1.12. Weblate’s REST API 117 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

(continuação da página anterior) "name": "Hello", "slug": "hello", "source_language":{ "code": "en", "direction": "ltr", "name": "English", "url": "", "web_url": "" }, "url": "", "web": "", "web_url": "" }, "repo": "file:///home/nijel/work/weblate-hello", "template": "", "new_base": "", "url": "", "vcs": "git", "web_url": "" }

PUT /api/components/(string: project)/ string: component/ Edit a component by a put request. Parameters • project (string) – URL semântico do projeto • component (string) – URL semântico do componente Request JSON Object • branch (string) – VCS repository branch • file_format (string) – file format of translations • filemask (string) – mask of translation files in the repository • name (string) – name of component • slug (string) – slug of component • repo (string) – VCS repository URL • template (string) – base file for monolingual translations • new_base (string) – base file for adding new translations • vcs (string) – version control system DELETE /api/components/(string: project)/ string: component/ Novo na versão 3.9. Deletes a component. Parameters • project (string) – URL semântico do projeto • component (string) – URL semântico do componente GET /api/components/(string: project)/ string: component/changes/ Returns a list of component changes. This is essentially a component scoped GET /api/changes/ accepting same params. Parameters • project (string) – URL semântico do projeto

118 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

• component (string) – URL semântico do componente Response JSON Object • results (array) – array of component objects; see GET /api/changes/ (int:id)/ GET /api/components/(string: project)/ string: component/screenshots/ Returns a list of component screenshots. Parameters • project (string) – URL semântico do projeto • component (string) – URL semântico do componente Response JSON Object • results (array) – array of component screenshots; see GET /api/ screenshots/(int:id)/ GET /api/components/(string: project)/ string: component/lock/ Returns component lock status. Parameters • project (string) – URL semântico do projeto • component (string) – URL semântico do componente Response JSON Object • locked (boolean) – whether component is locked for updates Example JSON data:

{ "locked": false }

POST /api/components/(string: project)/ string: component/lock/ Sets component lock status. Response is same as GET /api/components/(string:project)/(string:component)/ lock/. Parameters • project (string) – URL semântico do projeto • component (string) – URL semântico do componente Request JSON Object • lock – Boolean whether to lock or not. CURL example:

curl \ -d lock=true \ -H "Authorization: Token TOKEN" \

JSON request example:

POST /api/components/hello/weblate/repository/ HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Authorization: Token TOKEN (continues on next page)

1.12. Weblate’s REST API 119 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

(continuação da página anterior) Content-Length: 20

{"lock": true}

JSON response example:

HTTP/1.0 200 OK Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2016 09:32:50 GMT Server: WSGIServer/0.1 Python/2.7.11+ Vary: Accept, Accept-Language, Cookie X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN Content-Type: application/json Content-Language: en Allow: GET, POST, HEAD, OPTIONS


GET /api/components/(string: project)/ string: component/repository/ Returns information about VCS repository status. The response is same as for GET /api/projects/(string:project)/repository/. Parameters • project (string) – URL semântico do projeto • component (string) – URL semântico do componente Response JSON Object • needs_commit (boolean) – whether there are any pending changes to commit • needs_merge (boolean) – whether there are any upstream changes to merge • needs_push (boolean) – whether there are any local changes to push • remote_commit (string) – Remote commit information • status (string) – VCS repository status as reported by VCS • merge_failure – Text describing merge failure or null if there is none POST /api/components/(string: project)/ string: component/repository/ Performs the given operation on a VCS repository. See POST /api/projects/(string:project)/repository/ for documentation. Parameters • project (string) – URL semântico do projeto • component (string) – URL semântico do componente Request JSON Object • operation (string) – Operation to perform: one of push, pull, commit, re- set, cleanup Response JSON Object • result (boolean) – result of the operation CURL example:

curl \ -d operation=pull \ -H "Authorization: Token TOKEN" \

120 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

JSON request example:

POST /api/components/hello/weblate/repository/ HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Authorization: Token TOKEN Content-Length: 20


JSON response example:

HTTP/1.0 200 OK Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2016 09:32:50 GMT Server: WSGIServer/0.1 Python/2.7.11+ Vary: Accept, Accept-Language, Cookie X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN Content-Type: application/json Content-Language: en Allow: GET, POST, HEAD, OPTIONS


GET /api/components/(string: project)/ string: component/monolingual_base/ Downloads base file for monolingual translations. Parameters • project (string) – URL semântico do projeto • component (string) – URL semântico do componente GET /api/components/(string: project)/ string: component/new_template/ Downloads template file for new translations. Parameters • project (string) – URL semântico do projeto • component (string) – URL semântico do componente GET /api/components/(string: project)/ string: component/translations/ Returns a list of translation objects in the given component. Parameters • project (string) – URL semântico do projeto • component (string) – URL semântico do componente Response JSON Object • results (array) – array of translation objects; see GET /api/translations/ (string:project)/(string:component)/(string:language)/ POST /api/components/(string: project)/ string: component/translations/ Creates new translation in the given component. Parameters • project (string) – URL semântico do projeto • component (string) – URL semântico do componente Request JSON Object • language_code (string) – translation language code; see GET /api/ languages/(string:language)/

1.12. Weblate’s REST API 121 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Response JSON Object • result (object) – new translation object created CURL example:

curl \ -d language_code=cs \ -H "Authorization: Token TOKEN" \

JSON request example:

POST /api/projects/hello/components/ HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Authorization: Token TOKEN Content-Length: 20

{"language_code": "cs"}

JSON response example:

HTTP/1.0 200 OK Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2016 09:32:50 GMT Server: WSGIServer/0.1 Python/2.7.11+ Vary: Accept, Accept-Language, Cookie X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN Content-Type: application/json Content-Language: en Allow: GET, POST, HEAD, OPTIONS

{ "failing_checks": 0, "failing_checks_percent": 0, "failing_checks_words": 0, "filename": "po/cs.po", "fuzzy": 0, "fuzzy_percent": 0.0, "fuzzy_words": 0, "have_comment": 0, "have_suggestion": 0, "is_template": false, "is_source": false, "language":{ "code": "cs", "direction": "ltr", "name": "Czech", "url": "", "web_url": "" }, "language_code": "cs", "id": 125, "last_author": null, "last_change": null, "share_url": "", "total": 4, "total_words": 15, "translate_url": "", "translated": 0, "translated_percent": 0.0, "translated_words": 0, (continues on next page)

122 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

(continuação da página anterior) "url": "", "web_url": "" }

GET /api/components/(string: project)/ string: component/statistics/ Returns paginated statistics for all translations within component. Novo na versão 2.7. Parameters • project (string) – URL semântico do projeto • component (string) – URL semântico do componente Response JSON Object • results (array) – array of translation statistics objects; see GET / api/translations/(string:project)/(string:component)/ (string:language)/statistics/

1.12.9 Traduções

GET /api/translations/ Returns a list of translations. Veja também: Translation object attributes are documented at GET /api/translations/(string:project)/ (string:component)/(string:language)/. GET /api/translations/(string: project)/ string: component/string: language/ Returns information about a translation. Parameters • project (string) – URL semântico do projeto • component (string) – URL semântico do componente • language (string) – Translation language code Response JSON Object • component (object) – component object; see GET /api/components/ (string:project)/(string:component)/ • failing_checks (int) – Número de verificações falhadas • failing_checks_percent (float) – Cadeias traduzidas com quaisquer verifica- ções falhadas • failing_checks_words (int) – Número de verificações falhadas • filename (string) – translation filename • fuzzy (int) – number of strings marked for review • fuzzy_percent (float) – percentage of strings marked for review • fuzzy_words (int) – number of words marked for review • have_comment (int) – number of strings with comment • have_suggestion (int) – number of strings with suggestion • is_template (boolean) – se a tradução tem uma base monolingue

1.12. Weblate’s REST API 123 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

• language (object) – source language object; see GET /api/languages/ (string:language)/ • language_code (string) – language code used in the repository; this can be diffe- rent from language code in the language object • last_author (string) – nome do úlitmo autor • last_change (timestamp) – last change timestamp • revision (string) – revision hash for the file • share_url (string) – URL for sharing leading to engagement page • total (int) – total number of strings • total_words (int) – total number of words • translate_url (string) – URL for translating • translated (int) – number of translated strings • translated_percent (float) – percentage of translated strings • translated_words (int) – number of translated words • repository_url (string) – URL to repository status; see GET / api/translations/(string:project)/(string:component)/ (string:language)/repository/ • file_url (string) – URL to file object; see GET /api/translations/ (string:project)/(string:component)/(string:language)/ file/ • changes_list_url (string) – URL to changes list; see GET / api/translations/(string:project)/(string:component)/ (string:language)/changes/ • units_list_url (string) – URL to strings list; see GET /api/ translations/(string:project)/(string:component)/ (string:language)/units/ Example JSON data:

{ "component":{ "branch": "master", "file_format": "po", "filemask": "po/*.po", "git_export": "", "license": "", "license_url": "", "name": "Weblate", "new_base": "", "project":{ "name": "Hello", "slug": "hello", "source_language":{ "code": "en", "direction": "ltr", "name": "English", "url": "", "web_url": "" }, "url": "", "web": "", "web_url": "" (continues on next page)

124 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

(continuação da página anterior) }, "repo": "file:///home/nijel/work/weblate-hello", "slug": "weblate", "template": "", "url": "", "vcs": "git", "web_url": "" }, "failing_checks": 3, "failing_checks_percent": 75.0, "failing_checks_words": 11, "filename": "po/cs.po", "fuzzy": 0, "fuzzy_percent": 0.0, "fuzzy_words": 0, "have_comment": 0, "have_suggestion": 0, "is_template": false, "language":{ "code": "cs", "direction": "ltr", "name": "Czech", "url": "", "web_url": "" }, "language_code": "cs", "last_author": "Weblate Admin", "last_change": "2016-03-07T10:20:05.499", "revision": "7ddfafe6daaf57fc8654cc852ea6be212b015792", "share_url": "", "total": 4, "total_words": 15, "translate_url": "", "translated": 4, "translated_percent": 100.0, "translated_words": 15, "url": "", "web_url": "" }

DELETE /api/translations/(string: project)/ string: component/string: language/ Novo na versão 3.9. Deletes a translation. Parameters • project (string) – URL semântico do projeto • component (string) – URL semântico do componente • language (string) – Translation language code GET /api/translations/(string: project)/ string: component/string: language/changes/ Returns a list of translation changes. This is essentially a translations-scoped GET /api/changes/ accepting the same parameters. Parameters • project (string) – URL semântico do projeto • component (string) – URL semântico do componente • language (string) – Translation language code Response JSON Object

1.12. Weblate’s REST API 125 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

• results (array) – array of component objects; see GET /api/changes/ (int:id)/ GET /api/translations/(string: project)/ string: component/string: language/units/ Returns a list of translation units. Parameters • project (string) – URL semântico do projeto • component (string) – URL semântico do componente • language (string) – Translation language code Response JSON Object • results (array) – array of component objects; see GET /api/units/ (int:id)/ POST /api/translations/(string: project)/ string: component/string: language/units/ Add new monolingual unit. Parameters • project (string) – URL semântico do projeto • component (string) – URL semântico do componente • language (string) – Translation language code Request JSON Object • key (string) – Name of translation unit • value (string) – The translation unit value POST /api/translations/(string: project)/ string: component/string: language/autotranslate/ Trigger automatic translation. Parameters • project (string) – URL semântico do projeto • component (string) – URL semântico do componente • language (string) – Translation language code Request JSON Object • mode (string) – Modo de tradução automático • filter_type (string) – Automatic translation filter type • auto_source (string) – Fonte da tradução automática • component (string) – Ativar a contribuição para a memória de tradução comparti- lhada para que o projeto tenha acesso a componentes adicionais. • engines (string) – Motores de tradução automática • threshold (string) – Limite de pontuação GET /api/translations/(string: project)/ string: component/string: language/file/ Download current translation file as stored in VCS (without format parameter) or as converted to a standard format (currently supported: Gettext PO, MO, XLIFF and TBX).

Nota: This API endpoint uses different logic for output than rest of API as it operates on whole file rather than on data. Set of accepted format parameter differs and without such parameter you get translation file as stored in VCS.

126 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Query Parameters • format – Formato de ficheiro a usar; se não for especificado nenhuma conversão de formato acontecerá; formatos de ficheiro suportados: po, mo, xliff, xliff11, tbx, csv, xlsx, json, aresource, strings Parameters • project (string) – URL semântico do projeto • component (string) – URL semântico do componente • language (string) – Translation language code

POST /api/translations/(string: project)/ string: component/string: language/file/ Upload new file with translations. Parameters • project (string) – URL semântico do projeto • component (string) – URL semântico do componente • language (string) – Translation language code Form Parameters • string conflicts – How to deal with conflicts (ignore, replace- translated or replace-approved) • file file – Uploaded file • string email – E-mail do autor • string author – Nome do autor • string method – Upload method (translate, approve, suggest, fuzzy, replace, source), see Métodos de importação • string fuzzy – Fuzzy strings processing (empty, process, approve) CURL example:

curl -X POST \ -F [email protected] \ -H "Authorization: Token TOKEN" \

GET /api/translations/(string: project)/ string: component/string: language/repository/ Returns information about VCS repository status. The response is same as for GET /api/components/(string:project)/ (string:component)/repository/. Parameters • project (string) – URL semântico do projeto • component (string) – URL semântico do componente • language (string) – Translation language code POST /api/translations/(string: project)/ string: component/string: language/repository/ Performs given operation on the VCS repo- sitory. See POST /api/projects/(string:project)/repository/ for documentation. Parameters • project (string) – URL semântico do projeto

1.12. Weblate’s REST API 127 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

• component (string) – URL semântico do componente • language (string) – Translation language code Request JSON Object • operation (string) – Operation to perform: one of push, pull, commit, re- set, cleanup Response JSON Object • result (boolean) – result of the operation GET /api/translations/(string: project)/ string: component/string: language/statistics/ Returns detailed translation statistics. Novo na versão 2.7. Parameters • project (string) – URL semântico do projeto • component (string) – URL semântico do componente • language (string) – Translation language code Response JSON Object • code (string) – language code • failing (int) – number of failing checks • failing_percent (float) – percentage of failing checks • fuzzy (int) – number of strings needing review • fuzzy_percent (float) – percentage of strings needing review • total_words (int) – total number of words • translated_words (int) – number of translated words • last_author (string) – nome do úlitmo autor • last_change (timestamp) – date of last change • name (string) – language name • total (int) – total number of strings • translated (int) – number of translated strings • translated_percent (float) – percentage of translated strings • url (string) – URL to access the translation (engagement URL) • url_translate (string) – URL to access the translation (real translation URL)

1.12.10 Units

Novo na versão 2.10. GET /api/units/ Returns list of translation units. Veja também: Unit object attributes are documented at GET /api/units/(int:id)/. GET /api/units/(int: id)/ Returns information about translation unit. Parameters

128 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

• id (int) – Unit ID Response JSON Object • translation (string) – URL of a related translation object • source (string) – source string • previous_source (string) – previous source string used for fuzzy matching • target (string) – target string • id_hash (string) – unique identifier of the unit • content_hash (string) – unique identifier of the source string • location (string) – location of the unit in source code • context (string) – translation unit context • note (string) – translation unit note • flags (string) – translation unit flags • fuzzy (boolean) – se a unidade está confusa ou marcada para revisão • translated (boolean) – Percentagem traduzido • approved (boolean) – Tradução aprovada • position (int) – unit position in translation file • has_suggestion (boolean) – Cadeia tem sugestão • has_comment (boolean) – Cadeia tem comentário • has_failing_check (boolean) – Cadeia tem verificação falhada • num_words (int) – number of source words • priority (int) – translation priority; 100 is default • id (int) – unit identifier • web_url (string) – URL where the unit can be edited • souce_info (string) – Source string information link; see GET /api/units/ (int:id)/

1.12.11 Alterações

Novo na versão 2.10. GET /api/changes/ Alterado na versão 4.1: Filtering of changes was introduced in the 4.1 release. Returns a list of translation changes. Veja também: Change object attributes are documented at GET /api/changes/(int:id)/.

Query Parameters • user (string) – Username of user to filters • action (int) – Action to filter, can be used several times • timestamp_after (timestamp) – ISO 8601 formatted timestamp to list changes after • timestamp_before (timestamp) – ISO 8601 formatted timestamp to list changes before

1.12. Weblate’s REST API 129 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

GET /api/changes/(int: id)/ Returns information about translation change. Parameters • id (int) – Change ID Response JSON Object • unit (string) – URL of a related unit object • translation (string) – URL of a related translation object • component (string) – URL of a related component object • glossary_term (string) – URL of a related glossary term object • user (string) – URL of a related user object • author (string) – URL of a related author object • timestamp (timestamp) – event timestamp • action (int) – numeric identification of action • action_name (string) – text description of action • target (string) – event changed text or detail • id (int) – change identifier

1.12.12 Capturas de ecrã

Novo na versão 2.14. GET /api/screenshots/ Returns a list of screenshot string information. Veja também: Screenshot object attributes are documented at GET /api/screenshots/(int:id)/. GET /api/screenshots/(int: id)/ Returns information about screenshot information. Parameters • id (int) – Screenshot ID Response JSON Object • name (string) – name of a screenshot • component (string) – URL of a related component object • file_url (string) – URL to download a file; see GET /api/screenshots/ (int:id)/file/ • units (array) – link to associated source string information; see GET /api/ units/(int:id)/ GET /api/screenshots/(int: id)/file/ Download the screenshot image. Parameters • id (int) – Screenshot ID POST /api/screenshots/(int: id)/file/ Replace screenshot image. Parameters

130 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

• id (int) – Screenshot ID Form Parameters • file image – Uploaded file CURL example:

curl -X POST \ -F [email protected] \ -H "Authorization: Token TOKEN" \

POST /api/screenshots/(int: id)/units/ Associate source string with screenshot. Parameters • id (int) – Screenshot ID Form Parameters • string unit_id – Unit ID Response JSON Object • name (string) – name of a screenshot • component (string) – URL of a related component object • file_url (string) – URL to download a file; see GET /api/screenshots/ (int:id)/file/ • units (array) – link to associated source string information; see GET /api/ units/(int:id)/ DELETE /api/screenshots/(int: id)/units/ int: unit_id Remove source string association with screenshot. Parameters • id (int) – Screenshot ID • unit_id – Source string unit ID POST /api/screenshots/ Creates a new screenshot. Form Parameters • file image – Uploaded file • string name – Nome da captura do ecrã • string project_slug – Project Slug • string component_slug – Component Slug Response JSON Object • name (string) – name of a screenshot • component (string) – URL of a related component object • file_url (string) – URL to download a file; see GET /api/screenshots/ (int:id)/file/ • units (array) – link to associated source string information; see GET /api/ units/(int:id)/ PATCH /api/screenshots/(int: id)/ Edit partial information about screenshot.

1.12. Weblate’s REST API 131 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Parameters • id (int) – Screenshot ID Response JSON Object • name (string) – name of a screenshot • component (string) – URL of a related component object • file_url (string) – URL to download a file; see GET /api/screenshots/ (int:id)/file/ • units (array) – link to associated source string information; see GET /api/ units/(int:id)/ PUT /api/screenshots/(int: id)/ Edit full information about screenshot. Parameters • id (int) – Screenshot ID Response JSON Object • name (string) – name of a screenshot • component (string) – URL of a related component object • file_url (string) – URL to download a file; see GET /api/screenshots/ (int:id)/file/ • units (array) – link to associated source string information; see GET /api/ units/(int:id)/ DELETE /api/screenshots/(int: id)/ Delete screenshot. Parameters • id (int) – Screenshot ID

1.12.13 Listas de componentes

Novo na versão 4.0. GET /api/component-lists/ Returns a list of component lists. Veja também: Component list object attributes are documented at GET /api/component-lists/(str:slug)/. GET /api/component-lists/(str: slug)/ Returns information about component list. Parameters • slug (string) – Component list slug Response JSON Object • name (string) – name of a component list • slug (string) – slug of a component list • show_dashboard (boolean) – whether to show it on a dashboard • components (array) – link to associated components; see GET /api/ components/(string:project)/(string:component)/ • auto_assign (array) – automatic assignment rules

132 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

PUT /api/component-lists/(str: slug)/ Changes the component list parameters. Parameters • slug (string) – Component list slug Request JSON Object • name (string) – name of a component list • slug (string) – slug of a component list • show_dashboard (boolean) – whether to show it on a dashboard PATCH /api/component-lists/(str: slug)/ Changes the component list parameters. Parameters • slug (string) – Component list slug Request JSON Object • name (string) – name of a component list • slug (string) – slug of a component list • show_dashboard (boolean) – whether to show it on a dashboard DELETE /api/component-lists/(str: slug)/ Deletes the component list. Parameters • slug (string) – Component list slug POST /api/component-lists/(str: slug)/components/ Associate component with a component list. Parameters • slug (string) – Component list slug Form Parameters • string component_id – Component ID DELETE /api/component-lists/(str: slug)/components/ str: component_slug Disassociate a component from the component list. Parameters • slug (string) – Component list slug • component_slug (string) – Component slug

1.12.14 Hooks de notificação

Notification hooks allow external applications to notify Weblate that the VCS repository has been updated. You can use repository endpoints for projects, components and translations to update individual repositories; see POST /api/projects/(string:project)/repository/ for documentation. GET /hooks/update/(string: project)/ string: component/ Obsoleto desde a versão 2.6: Please use POST /api/components/ (string:project)/(string:component)/repository/ instead which works properly with authentication for ACL limited projects. Triggers update of a component (pulling from VCS and scanning for translation changes).

1.12. Weblate’s REST API 133 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

GET /hooks/update/(string: project)/ Obsoleto desde a versão 2.6: Please use POST /api/projects/(string:project)/ repository/ instead which works properly with authentication for ACL limited projects. Triggers update of all components in a project (pulling from VCS and scanning for translation changes). POST /hooks/github/ Special hook for handling GitHub notifications and automatically updating matching components.

Nota: GitHub includes direct support for notifying Weblate: enable Weblate service hook in repository settings and set the URL to the URL of your Weblate installation.

Veja também:

Automatically receiving changes from GitHub For instruction on setting up GitHub integration Generic information about GitHub Webhooks ENABLE_HOOKS For enabling hooks for whole Weblate

POST /hooks/gitlab/ Special hook for handling GitLab notifications and automatically updating matching components. Veja também:

Automatically receiving changes from GitLab For instruction on setting up GitLab integration Generic information about GitLab Webhooks ENABLE_HOOKS For enabling hooks for whole Weblate

POST /hooks/bitbucket/ Special hook for handling Bitbucket notifications and automatically updating matching components. Veja também:

Automatically receiving changes from Bitbucket For instruction on setting up Bitbucket integration Generic information about Bitbucket Webhooks ENABLE_HOOKS For enabling hooks for whole Weblate

POST /hooks/pagure/ Novo na versão 3.3. Special hook for handling Pagure notifications and automatically updating matching components. Veja também:

Automatically receiving changes from Pagure For instruction on setting up Pagure integration Generic information about Pagure Webho- oks ENABLE_HOOKS For enabling hooks for whole Weblate

POST /hooks/azure/ Novo na versão 3.8. Special hook for handling Azure Repos notifications and automatically updating matching components. Veja também:

134 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Automatically receiving changes from Azure Repos For instruction on setting up Azure integration Generic information about Azure Repos Web Hooks ENABLE_HOOKS For enabling hooks for whole Weblate

POST /hooks/gitea/ Novo na versão 3.9. Special hook for handling Gitea Webhook notifications and automatically updating matching components. Veja também:

Automatically receiving changes from Gitea Repos For instruction on setting up Gitea integration Generic information about Gitea Webhooks ENABLE_HOOKS For enabling hooks for whole Weblate

POST /hooks/gitee/ Novo na versão 3.9. Special hook for handling Gitee Webhook notifications and automatically updating matching components. Veja também:

Automatically receiving changes from Gitee Repos For instruction on setting up Gitee integration Generic information about Gitee Webhooks ENABLE_HOOKS For enabling hooks for whole Weblate

1.12.15 Exports

Weblate provides various exports to allow you to further process the data. GET /exports/stats/(string: project)/ string: component/ Query Parameters • format (string) – Output format: either json or csv Obsoleto desde a versão 2.6: Please use GET /api/components/(string:project)/ (string:component)/statistics/ and GET /api/translations/ (string:project)/(string:component)/(string:language)/statistics/ instead; it allows access to ACL controlled projects as well. Retrieves statistics for given component in given format. Example request:

GET /exports/stats/weblate/master/ HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/json, text/javascript

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Vary: Accept Content-Type: application/json

[ { "code": "cs", (continues on next page)

1.12. Weblate’s REST API 135 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

(continuação da página anterior) "failing": 0, "failing_percent": 0.0, "fuzzy": 0, "fuzzy_percent": 0.0, "last_author": "Michal \u010ciha\u0159", "last_change": "2012-03-28T15:07:38+00:00", "name": "Czech", "total": 436, "total_words": 15271, "translated": 436, "translated_percent": 100.0, "translated_words": 3201, "url": "", "url_translate": " ,→" }, { "code": "nl", "failing": 21, "failing_percent": 4.8, "fuzzy": 11, "fuzzy_percent": 2.5, "last_author": null, "last_change": null, "name": "Dutch", "total": 436, "total_words": 15271, "translated": 319, "translated_percent": 73.2, "translated_words": 3201, "url": "", "url_translate": " ,→" }, { "code": "el", "failing": 11, "failing_percent": 2.5, "fuzzy": 21, "fuzzy_percent": 4.8, "last_author": null, "last_change": null, "name": "Greek", "total": 436, "total_words": 15271, "translated": 312, "translated_percent": 71.6, "translated_words": 3201, "url": "", "url_translate": " ,→" }, ]

136 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

1.12.16 Feeds RSS

Changes in translations are exported in RSS feeds. GET /exports/rss/(string: project)/ string: component/string: language/ Retrieves RSS feed with recent changes for a translation. GET /exports/rss/(string: project)/ string: component/ Retrieves RSS feed with recent changes for a component. GET /exports/rss/(string: project)/ Retrieves RSS feed with recent changes for a project. GET /exports/rss/language/(string: language)/ Retrieves RSS feed with recent changes for a language. GET /exports/rss/ Retrieves RSS feed with recent changes for Weblate instance. Veja também: RSS on wikipedia

1.13 Cliente Weblate

Novo na versão 2.7: Há suporte total do utilitário wlc desde o Weblate 2.7. Se estiver a usar uma versão mais antiga, algumas incompatibilidades com a API podem ocorrer.

1.13.1 Instalação

O cliente Weblate é enviado separadamente e inclui o módulo Python. Para usar os comandos abaixo, precisa instalar wlc: pip3 install wlc

1.13.2 Primeiros Passos

A configuração do wlc é armazenada em ~/.config/weblate, por favor, crie-a para corresponder ao seu am- biente:

[weblate] url =

[keys] = APIKEY

Depois pode invocar comandos no servidor predefinido: wlc ls wlc commit sandbox/hello-world

Veja também: Ficheiros de configuração

1.13. Cliente Weblate 137 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

1.13.3 Sinopse wlc [parameter] [options]

Os comandos indicam, na verdade, qual operação deve ser realizada.

1.13.4 Descrição

O cliente Weblate é uma biblioteca Python e utilitário de linha de comando para gerir o Weblate remotamente usando a API. O utilitário de linha de comando pode ser invocado como wlc e está embutido em wlc.

Opções para todo o site

O programa aceita as opções seguintes para uma instância inteira, que devem ser inseridas antes de qualquer subco- mando. --format {csv,json,text,html} Especifica o formato de saída. --url URL Especifica a URL da API. Substitui qualquer valor encontrado no ficheiro de configuração, consulte Ficheiros de configuração. A URL deve terminar com /api/, por exemplo, api/. --key KEY Especifica a chave do utilizador de API a ser usada. Substitui qualquer valor encontrado no ficheiro de confi- guração, consulte Ficheiros de configuração. Pode encontrar a sua chave no seu perfil no Weblate. --config PATH Substitui o caminho do ficheiro de configuração, consulte Ficheiros de configuração. --config-section SECTION Substitui a secção de ficheiros de configuração em uso, consulte Ficheiros de configuração.


Os subcomandos seguintes estão disponíveis: version Imprime a versão atual. list-languages Lista os idiomas usados no Weblate. list-projects Lista os projetos no Weblate. list-components Lista os componentes no Weblate. list-translations Lista as traduções no Weblate. show Mostra o objeto do Weblate (tradução, componente ou projeto). ls Lista o objeto do Weblate (tradução, componente ou projeto). commit Faz um commit das alterações feitas num objeto Weblate (tradução, componente ou projeto).

138 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1 pull Faz um pull das alterações remotas do repositório no objeto Weblate (tradução, componente ou projeto). push Faz um push das alterações do objeto Weblate para o repositório remoto (tradução, componente ou projeto). reset Novo na versão 0.7: Suportado desde o wlc 0.7. Redefine as alterações no objeto Weblate para corresponder ao repositório remoto (tradução, componente ou projeto). cleanup Novo na versão 0.9: Suportado desde o wlc 0.9. Remove todas as alterações não rastreadas num objeto Weblate para corresponder ao repositório remoto (tra- dução, componente ou projeto). repo Displays repository status for a given Weblate object (translation, component or project). statistics Exibe estatísticas detalhadas para um determinado objeto Weblate (tradução, componente ou projeto). lock-status Novo na versão 0.5: Suportado desde o wlc 0.5. Displays lock status. lock Novo na versão 0.5: Suportado desde o wlc 0.5. Bloqueia o componente de tradução posterior no Weblate. unlock Novo na versão 0.5: Suportado desde o wlc 0.5. Desbloqueia a tradução do componente Weblate. changes Novo na versão 0.7: Suportado desde o wlc 0.7 e o Weblate 2.10. Exibe alterações para um determinado objeto. download Novo na versão 0.7: Suportado desde o wlc 0.7. Descarrega um ficheiro de tradução. --convert Converte o formato do ficheiro, se nenhuma conversão não especificada for feita no servidor e o ficheiro for descarregado como está no repositório. --output Especifica o ficheiro para gravar a saída e se não for especificado é impresso na stdout (saída padrão). upload Novo na versão 0.9: Suportado desde o wlc 0.9. Descarrega um ficheiro de tradução. --overwrite Substitua as traduções existentes ao enviar. --input Ficheiro a partir do qual o conteúdo é lido, se não for especificado é lido de stdin (entrada padrão).

1.13. Cliente Weblate 139 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

1.13.5 Ficheiros de configuração

.weblate Por ficheiro de configuração de projeto ~/.config/weblate Ficheiro de configuração do utilizador /etc/xdg/weblate Ficheiro de configuração para todo o sistema O programa segue a especificação XDG, para que possa ajustar a colocação de ficheiros de configuração por variáveis de ambiente XDG_CONFIG_HOME ou XDG_CONFIG_DIRS. As configurações seguintes podem ser configuradas na secção [weblate] (pode personalizar-lo por --config- section): key Chave de API para acessar o Weblate. url URL de API do servidor, a predefinição sendo translation Caminho para a tradução predefinida - componente ou projeto. O ficheiro de configuração é um ficheiro INI, por exemplo:

[weblate] url = key = APIKEY translation = weblate/master

Além disso, as chaves de API podem ser armazenadas na secção [keys]:

[keys] = APIKEY

Isso permite que armazene chaves nas suas configurações pessoais, enquanto usa a configuração do .weblate no repositório VCS para que o wlc saiba com qual servidor ele deve comunicar.

1.13.6 Exemplos

Imprimir a versão atual do programa:

$ wlc version version: 0.1

Listar todos os projetos:

$ wlc list-projects name: Hello slug: hello source_language: en url: web: web_url:

Também pode designar em qual projeto o wlc deve trabalhar:

$ cat .weblate [weblate] url = translation = weblate/master

$ wlc show (continues on next page)

140 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

(continuação da página anterior) branch: master file_format: po filemask: weblate/locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/django.po git_export: license: GPL-3.0+ license_url: name: master new_base: weblate/locale/django.pot project: weblate repo: git:// slug: master template: url: vcs: git web_url:

Com esta configuração é fácil fazer um commit de alterações pendentes no projeto atual:

$ wlc commit

1.14 Weblate’s Python API

1.14.1 Instalação

The Python API is shipped separately, you need to install the Cliente Weblate: (wlc) to have it. pip install wlc

1.14.2 wlc

WeblateException exception wlc.WeblateException Base class for all exceptions.

Weblate class wlc.Weblate(key='', url=None, config=None) Parâmetros • key (str) – User key • url (str) – API server URL, if not specified default is used • config (wlc.config.WeblateConfig) – Configuration object, overrides any other parameters. Access class to the API, define API key and optionally API URL. get(path) Parâmetros path (str) – Request path Tipo de retorno object Performs a single API GET call. post(path, **kwargs)

1.14. Weblate’s Python API 141 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Parâmetros path (str) – Request path Tipo de retorno object Performs a single API GET call.

1.14.3 wlc.config

WeblateConfig class wlc.config.WeblateConfig(section='wlc') Parâmetros section (str) – Configuration section to use Configuration file parser following XDG specification. load(path=None) Parâmetros path (str) – Path from which to load configuration. Loads configuration from a file, if none is specified, it loads from the wlc configuration file (~/.config/ wlc) placed in your XDG configuration path (/etc/xdg/wlc).

1.14.4 wlc.main wlc.main.main(settings=None, stdout=None, args=None) Parâmetros • settings (list) – Settings to override as list of tuples • stdout (object) – stdout file object for printing output, uses sys.stdout as default • args (list) – Command-line arguments to process, uses sys.args as default Main entry point for command-line interface. @wlc.main.register_command(command) Decorator to register Command class in main parser used by main().

Command class wlc.main.Command(args, config, stdout=None) Main class for invoking commands.

142 Capítulo 1. Documentação de utilizador CAPÍTULO 2

Documentação de administrador

2.1 Configuration instructions

2.1.1 Installing Weblate

Installing using Docker

With dockerized Weblate deployment you can get your personal Weblate instance up and running in seconds. All of Weblate’s dependencies are already included. PostgreSQL is set up as the default database.

Hardware requirements

Weblate should run on all contemporary hardware without problems, the following is the minimal configuration required to run Weblate on a single host (Weblate, database and webserver): • 2 GB of RAM • 2 CPU cores • 1 GB of storage space The more memory the better - it is used for caching on all levels (filesystem, database and Weblate). Many concurrent users increases the amount of needed CPU cores. For hundreds of translation components at least 4 GB of RAM is recommended.

Nota: Actual requirements for your installation of Weblate vary heavily based on the size of the translations managed in it.

143 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1


The following examples assume you have a working Docker environment, with docker-compose installed. Please check the Docker documentation for instructions. 1. Clone the weblate-docker repo:

git clone weblate-docker cd weblate-docker

2. Create a docker-compose.override.yml file with your settings. See Docker environment variables for full list of environment variables.

version: '3' services: weblate: ports: - 80:8080 environment: WEBLATE_EMAIL_HOST: WEBLATE_EMAIL_HOST_USER: user WEBLATE_EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD: pass WEBLATE_SERVER_EMAIL: [email protected] WEBLATE_DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL: [email protected] WEBLATE_SITE_DOMAIN: WEBLATE_ADMIN_PASSWORD: password for the admin user WEBLATE_ADMIN_EMAIL: [email protected]

Nota: If WEBLATE_ADMIN_PASSWORD is not set, the admin user is created with a random password shown on first startup. The provided example makes Weblate listen on port 80, edit the port mapping in the docker-compose- override.yml file to change it.

3. Start Weblate containers:

docker-compose up

Enjoy your Weblate deployment, it’s accessible on port 80 of the weblate container. Alterado na versão 2.15-2: The setup has changed recently, priorly there was separate container, since 2.15-2 the web server is embedded in the Weblate container. Alterado na versão 3.7.1-6: In July 2019 (starting with the 3.7.1-6 tag), the containers are not running as a root user. This has changed the exposed port from 80 to 8080. Veja também: Invoking management commands

144 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Docker container with HTTPS support

Please see Instalação for generic deployment instructions, this section only mentions differences compared to it.

Using own SSL certificates

Novo na versão 3.8-3. In case you have own SSL certificate you want to use, simply place the files into the Weblate data volume (see Docker container volumes): • ssl/fullchain.pem containing the certificate including any needed CA certificates • ssl/privkey.pem containing the private key Both of these files must be owned by the same user as the one starting the docker container and have file mask set to 600 (readable and writable only by the owning user). Additionally, Weblate container will now accept SSL connections on port 4443, you will want to include the port forwarding for HTTPS in docker compose override:

version: '3' services: weblate: ports: - 80:8080 - 443:4443

If you already host other sites on the same server, it is likely ports 80 and 443 are used by a reverse proxy, such as . To pass the HTTPS connection from NGINX to the docker container, you can use the following configura- tion:

server { listen 443; listen [::]:443;

server_name ; ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live//fullchain.pem; ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live//privkey.pem;

location / { proxy_set_header HOST $host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto https; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $server_name; proxy_pass; } }

Replace , and with actual values from your environment.

2.1. Configuration instructions 145 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Automatic SSL certificates using Let’s Encrypt

In case you want to use Let’s Encrypt automatically generated SSL certificates on public installation, you need to add a reverse HTTPS proxy an additional Docker container, https-portal will be used for that. This is made use of in the docker-compose-https.yml file. Then create a docker-compose-https.override.yml file with your settings: version: '3' services: weblate: environment: WEBLATE_EMAIL_HOST: WEBLATE_EMAIL_HOST_USER: user WEBLATE_EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD: pass WEBLATE_SITE_DOMAIN: WEBLATE_ADMIN_PASSWORD: password for admin user https-portal: environment: DOMAINS: ' -> http://weblate:8080'

Whenever invoking docker-compose you need to pass both files to it, and then do: docker-compose -f docker-compose-https.yml -f docker-compose-https.override.yml␣ ,→build docker-compose -f docker-compose-https.yml -f docker-compose-https.override.yml up

Upgrading the Docker container

Usually it is good idea to only update the Weblate container and keep the PostgreSQL container at the version you have, as upgrading PostgreSQL is quite painful and in most cases does not bring many benefits. You can do this by sticking with the existing docker-compose and just pull the latest images and then restart: docker-compose stop docker-compose pull docker-compose up

The Weblate database should be automatically migrated on first startup, and there should be no need for additional manual actions.

Nota: Upgrades across 3.0 are not supported by Weblate. If you are on 2.x series and want to upgrade to 3.x, first upgrade to the latest 3.0.1-x (at time of writing this it is the 3.0.1-7) image, which will do the migration and then continue upgrading to newer versions.

You might also want to update the docker-compose repository, though it’s not needed in most case. Please beware of PostgreSQL version changes in this case as it’s not straightforward to upgrade the database, see GitHub issue for more info.

146 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Admin login

After container setup, you can sign in as admin user with password provided in WEBLATE_ADMIN_PASSWORD, or a random password generated on first start if that was not set. To reset admin password, restart the container with WEBLATE_ADMIN_PASSWORD set to new password. Veja também: WEBLATE_ADMIN_PASSWORD, WEBLATE_ADMIN_NAME, WEBLATE_ADMIN_EMAIL

Docker environment variables

Many of Weblate’s Configuração can be set in the Docker container using environment variables:

Generic settings

WEBLATE_DEBUG Configures Django debug mode using DEBUG. Example:

environment: WEBLATE_DEBUG: 1

Veja também: Disable debug mode. WEBLATE_LOGLEVEL Configures the logging verbosity. WEBLATE_SITE_TITLE Changes the site-title shown in the header of all pages. WEBLATE_SITE_DOMAIN Configures the site domain.

Dica: In case it is not set, the first item from WEBLATE_ALLOWED_HOSTS is used.

Veja também: Set correct site domain, SITE_DOMAIN WEBLATE_ADMIN_NAME WEBLATE_ADMIN_EMAIL Configures the site-admin’s name and e-mail. It is used for both ADMINS setting and creating admin user (see WEBLATE_ADMIN_PASSWORD for more info on that). Example:

environment: WEBLATE_ADMIN_NAME: Weblate admin WEBLATE_ADMIN_EMAIL: [email protected]

Veja também: Admin login, Properly configure admins, ADMINS WEBLATE_ADMIN_PASSWORD Sets the password for the admin user.

2.1. Configuration instructions 147 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

• If not set and admin user does not exist, it is created with a random password shown on first container startup. • If not set and admin user exists, no action is performed. • If set the admin user is adjusted on every container startup to match WEBLATE_ADMIN_PASSWORD, WEBLATE_ADMIN_NAME and WEBLATE_ADMIN_EMAIL.

Aviso: It might be a security risk to store password in the configuration file. Consider using this variable only for initial setup (or let Weblate generate random password on initial startup) or for password recovery.

Veja também: Admin login, WEBLATE_ADMIN_PASSWORD, WEBLATE_ADMIN_NAME, WEBLATE_ADMIN_EMAIL WEBLATE_SERVER_EMAIL WEBLATE_DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL Configures the address for outgoing e-mails. Veja também: Configure e-mail sending WEBLATE_ALLOWED_HOSTS Configures allowed HTTP hostnames using ALLOWED_HOSTS. Defaults to * which allows all hostnames. Example:


Veja também: ALLOWED_HOSTS, Allowed hosts setup, Set correct site domain WEBLATE_REGISTRATION_OPEN Configures whether registrations are open by toggling REGISTRATION_OPEN. Example:


WEBLATE_REGISTRATION_ALLOW_BACKENDS Configure which authentication methods can be used to create new account via REGISTRA- TION_ALLOW_BACKENDS. Example:

environment: WEBLATE_REGISTRATION_OPEN: 0 WEBLATE_REGISTRATION_ALLOW_BACKENDS: azuread-oauth2,azuread-tenant- ,→oauth2

WEBLATE_TIME_ZONE Configures the used time zone in Weblate, see TIME_ZONE.

Nota: To change the time zone of the Docker container itself, use the TZ environment variable.


148 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

environment: WEBLATE_TIME_ZONE: Europe/Prague

WEBLATE_ENABLE_HTTPS Makes Weblate assume it is operated behind a reverse HTTPS proxy, it makes Weblate use HTTPS in e-mail and API links or set secure flags on cookies.

Nota: This does not make the Weblate container accept HTTPS connections, you need to configure that as well, see Docker container with HTTPS support for examples.


environment: WEBLATE_ENABLE_HTTPS: 1

Veja também: Set correct site domain WEBLATE_IP_PROXY_HEADER Lets Weblate fetch the IP address from any given HTTP header. Use this when using a reverse proxy in front of the Weblate container. Enables IP_BEHIND_REVERSE_PROXY and sets IP_PROXY_HEADER.

Nota: The format must conform to Django’s expectations. Django transforms raw HTTP header names as follows: • converts all characters to uppercase • replaces any hyphens with underscores • prepends HTTP_ prefix So X-Forwarded-For would be mapped to HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR.



WEBLATE_SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER A tuple representing a HTTP header/value combination that signifies a request is secure. This is needed when Weblate is running behind a reverse proxy doing SSL termination which does not pass standard HTTPS headers. Example:


Veja também: SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER WEBLATE_REQUIRE_LOGIN Configures login required for the whole of the Weblate installation using LOGIN_REQUIRED_URLS. Example:



2.1. Configuration instructions 149 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

WEBLATE_ADD_LOGIN_REQUIRED_URLS_EXCEPTIONS WEBLATE_REMOVE_LOGIN_REQUIRED_URLS_EXCEPTIONS Adds URL exceptions for login required for the whole Weblate installation using LO- GIN_REQUIRED_URLS_EXCEPTIONS. You can either replace whole settings, or modify default value using ADD and REMOVE variables. WEBLATE_GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID Configures ID for Google Analytics by changing GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID. WEBLATE_GITHUB_USERNAME Configures GitHub username for GitHub pull-requests by changing GITHUB_USERNAME. Veja também: GitHub, Setting up hub WEBLATE_GITLAB_USERNAME Configures GitLab username for GitLab merge-requests by changing GITLAB_USERNAME Veja também: GitLab Setting up Lab WEBLATE_GITLAB_HOST Configures GitLab Host for GitLab merge-requests Veja também: GitLab Setting up Lab WEBLATE_GITLAB_TOKEN Configures GitLab access token for GitLab merge-requests Veja também: GitLab Setting up Lab WEBLATE_SIMPLIFY_LANGUAGES Configures the language simplification policy, see SIMPLIFY_LANGUAGES. WEBLATE_DEFAULT_ACCESS_CONTROL Configures the default Controlo de acesso for new projects, see DEFAULT_ACCESS_CONTROL. WEBLATE_DEFAULT_RESTRICTED_COMPONENT Configures the default value for Restricted access for new components, see DE- FAULT_RESTRICTED_COMPONENT. WEBLATE_DEFAULT_TRANSLATION_PROPAGATION Configures the default value for Permitir propagação da tradução for new components, see DE- FAULT_TRANSLATION_PROPAGATION. WEBLATE_AKISMET_API_KEY Configures the Akismet API key, see AKISMET_API_KEY. WEBLATE_GPG_IDENTITY Configures GPG signing of commits, see WEBLATE_GPG_IDENTITY. Veja também: Signing Git commits with GnuPG WEBLATE_URL_PREFIX Configures URL prefix where Weblate is running, see URL_PREFIX. WEBLATE_SILENCED_SYSTEM_CHECKS Configures checks which you do not want to be displayed, see SILENCED_SYSTEM_CHECKS. WEBLATE_CSP_SCRIPT_SRC WEBLATE_CSP_IMG_SRC

150 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1


Machine translation settings





WEBLATE_MT_GLOSBE_ENABLED Enables Glosbe machine translation.


2.1. Configuration instructions 151 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

WEBLATE_MT_MICROSOFT_TERMINOLOGY_ENABLED Enables Microsoft Terminology Service machine translation.




Authentication settings



environment: WEBLATE_AUTH_LDAP_SERVER_URI: ldap:// WEBLATE_AUTH_LDAP_USER_DN_TEMPLATE: uid=%(user)s,ou=People,dc=example,dc=net # map weblate 'full_name' to ldap 'name' and weblate 'email' attribute to ,→'mail' ldap attribute. # another example that can be used with OpenLDAP: 'full_name:cn,email:mail' WEBLATE_AUTH_LDAP_USER_ATTR_MAP: full_name:name,email:mail

Example for search and bind:

environment: WEBLATE_AUTH_LDAP_SERVER_URI: ldap:// WEBLATE_AUTH_LDAP_BIND_DN: CN=ldap,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com WEBLATE_AUTH_LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD: password (continues on next page)

152 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

(continuação da página anterior) WEBLATE_AUTH_LDAP_USER_ATTR_MAP: full_name:name,email:mail WEBLATE_AUTH_LDAP_USER_SEARCH: CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com

Example for union search and bind:

environment: WEBLATE_AUTH_LDAP_SERVER_URI: ldap:// WEBLATE_AUTH_LDAP_BIND_DN: CN=ldap,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com WEBLATE_AUTH_LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD: password WEBLATE_AUTH_LDAP_USER_ATTR_MAP: full_name:name,email:mail WEBLATE_AUTH_LDAP_USER_SEARCH: CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com WEBLATE_AUTH_LDAP_USER_SEARCH_UNION: ou=users,dc=example, ,→dc=com|ou=otherusers,dc=example,dc=com

Example with search and bind against Active Directory:


Veja também: Autenticação por LDAP







2.1. Configuration instructions 153 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1





Azure Active Directory

WEBLATE_SOCIAL_AUTH_AZUREAD_OAUTH2_KEY WEBLATE_SOCIAL_AUTH_AZUREAD_OAUTH2_SECRET Enables Azure Active Directory authentication, see Active Directory do Microsoft Azure.

Azure Active Directory with Tenant support




154 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Linux vendors

You can enable authentication using Linux vendors authentication services by setting following variables to any value.





Self-signed SAML keys are automatically generated on first container startup. In case you want to use own keys, place the certificate and private key in /app/data/ssl/saml.crt and /app/data/ssl/saml.key. WEBLATE_SAML_IDP_ENTITY_ID WEBLATE_SAML_IDP_URL WEBLATE_SAML_IDP_X509CERT SAML Identity Provider settings, see Autenticação por SAML.

Other authentication settings

WEBLATE_NO_EMAIL_AUTH Disables e-mail authentication when set to any value.

PostgreSQL database setup

The database is created by docker-compose.yml, so these settings affect both Weblate and PostgreSQL con- tainers. Veja também: Database setup for Weblate POSTGRES_PASSWORD PostgreSQL password. POSTGRES_USER PostgreSQL username. POSTGRES_DATABASE PostgreSQL database name. POSTGRES_HOST PostgreSQL server hostname or IP address. Defaults to database. POSTGRES_PORT PostgreSQL server port. Defaults to none (uses the default value).

2.1. Configuration instructions 155 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

POSTGRES_SSL_MODE Configure how PostgreSQL handles SSL in connection to the server, for possible choices see SSL Mode Des- criptions

Configurações de backup de base de dados

Veja também: Dados despejados para os backups WEBLATE_DATABASE_BACKUP Configures the daily database dump using DATABASE_BACKUP. Defaults to plain.

Caching server setup

Using Redis is strongly recommended by Weblate and you have to provide a Redis instance when running Weblate in Docker. Veja também: Enable caching REDIS_HOST The Redis server hostname or IP address. Defaults to cache. REDIS_PORT The Redis server port. Defaults to 6379. REDIS_DB The Redis database number, defaults to 1. REDIS_PASSWORD The Redis server password, not used by default. REDIS_TLS Enables using SSL for Redis connection. REDIS_VERIFY_SSL Can be used to disable SSL certificate verification for Redis connection.

Email server setup

To make outgoing e-mail work, you need to provide a mail server. Example TLS configuration: environment: WEBLATE_EMAIL_HOST: WEBLATE_EMAIL_HOST_USER: user WEBLATE_EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD: pass


156 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Veja também: Configuring outgoing e-mail WEBLATE_EMAIL_HOST Mail server hostname or IP address. Veja também: WEBLATE_EMAIL_PORT, WEBLATE_EMAIL_USE_SSL, WEBLATE_EMAIL_USE_TLS, EMAIL_HOST WEBLATE_EMAIL_PORT Mail server port, defaults to 25. Veja também: EMAIL_PORT WEBLATE_EMAIL_HOST_USER E-mail authentication user. Veja também: EMAIL_HOST_USER WEBLATE_EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD E-mail authentication password. Veja também: EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD WEBLATE_EMAIL_USE_SSL Whether to use an implicit TLS (secure) connection when talking to the SMTP server. In most e-mail do- cumentation, this type of TLS connection is referred to as SSL. It is generally used on port 465. If you are experiencing problems, see the explicit TLS setting WEBLATE_EMAIL_USE_TLS. Veja também: WEBLATE_EMAIL_PORT, WEBLATE_EMAIL_USE_TLS, EMAIL_USE_SSL WEBLATE_EMAIL_USE_TLS Whether to use a TLS (secure) connection when talking to the SMTP server. This is used for explicit TLS connections, generally on port 587 or 25. If you are experiencing connections that hang, see the implicit TLS setting WEBLATE_EMAIL_USE_SSL. Veja também: WEBLATE_EMAIL_PORT, WEBLATE_EMAIL_USE_SSL, EMAIL_USE_TLS WEBLATE_EMAIL_BACKEND Configures Django back-end to use for sending e-mails. Veja também: Configure e-mail sending, EMAIL_BACKEND

2.1. Configuration instructions 157 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Error reporting

It is recommended to collect errors from the installation systematically, see Collecting error reports. To enable support for Rollbar, set the following: ROLLBAR_KEY Your Rollbar post server access token. ROLLBAR_ENVIRONMENT Your Rollbar environment, defaults to production. To enable support for Sentry, set following: SENTRY_DSN Your Sentry DSN. SENTRY_ENVIRONMENT Your Sentry Environment (optional).

Localization CDN

WEBLATE_LOCALIZE_CDN_URL WEBLATE_LOCALIZE_CDN_PATH Novo na versão 4.2.1. Configuration for CDN de localização JavaScript. The WEBLATE_LOCALIZE_CDN_PATH is path within the container. It should be stored on the persistent volume and not in the transient storage. One of possibilities is storing that inside the Weblate data dir:


Nota: You are responsible for seting up serving of the files generated by Weblate, it only does stores the files in configured location.

Veja também: Translating HTML and JavaScript using Weblate CDN, LOCALIZE_CDN_URL, LOCALIZE_CDN_PATH

Changing enabled apps, checks, addons or autofixes

Novo na versão 3.8-5. The built-in configuration of enabled checks, addons or autofixes can be adjusted by the following variables: WEBLATE_ADD_APPS WEBLATE_REMOVE_APPS WEBLATE_ADD_CHECK WEBLATE_REMOVE_CHECK WEBLATE_ADD_AUTOFIX WEBLATE_REMOVE_AUTOFIX WEBLATE_ADD_ADDONS

158 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

WEBLATE_REMOVE_ADDONS Example: environment: WEBLATE_REMOVE_AUTOFIX: weblate.trans.autofixes.whitespace. ,→SameBookendingWhitespace WEBLATE_ADD_ADDONS: customize.addons.MyAddon,customize.addons.OtherAddon


Configurações do contentor

CELERY_MAIN_OPTIONS CELERY_NOTIFY_OPTIONS CELERY_TRANSLATE_OPTIONS CELERY_MEMORY_OPTIONS CELERY_BACKUP_OPTIONS CELERY_BEAT_OPTIONS These variables allow you to adjust Celery worker options. It can be useful to adjust concurrency (-- concurrency 16) or use different pool implementation (--pool=gevent). By default, the number of concurrent workers matches the number of processors (except the backup worker, which is supposed to run only once). Example:

environment: CELERY_MAIN_OPTIONS: --concurrency 16

Veja também: Celery worker options, Background tasks using Celery UWSGI_WORKERS Configure how many uWSGI workers should be executed. It defaults to number of processors + 1. Example:

environment: UWSGI_WORKERS: 32

Docker container volumes

There is single data volume exported by the Weblate container. The other service containers (PostgreSQL or Redis) have their data volumes as well, but those are not covered by this document. The data volume is used to store Weblate persistent data such as cloned repositories or to customize Weblate instal- lation. The placement of the Docker volume on host system depends on your Docker configuration, but usually it is sto- red in /var/lib/docker/volumes/weblate-docker_weblate-data/_data/. In the container it is mounted as /app/data. Veja também: Docker volumes documentation

2.1. Configuration instructions 159 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Further configuration customization

You can further customize Weblate installation in the data volume, see Docker container volumes.

Custom configuration files

You can additionally override the configuration in /app/data/ (see Docker contai- ner volumes). This is executed after all environment settings are loaded, so it gets completely set up, and can be used to customize anything.

Replacing logo and other static files

Novo na versão 3.8-5. The static files coming with Weblate can be overridden by placing into /app/data/python/customize/ static (see Docker container volumes). For example creating /app/data/python/customize/static/ favicon.ico will replace the favicon.

Dica: The files are copied to the corresponding location upon container startup, so a restart of Weblate is needed after changing the content of the volume.

Alternatively you can also include own module (see Customizing Weblate) and add it as separate volume to the Docker container, for example: weblate: volumes: - weblate-data:/app/data - ./weblate_customization/weblate_customization:/app/data/python/weblate_ ,→customization environment: WEBLATE_ADD_APPS: weblate_customization

Adding own Python modules

Novo na versão 3.8-5. You can place own Python modules in /app/data/python/ (see Docker container volumes) and they can be then loaded by Weblate, most likely by using Custom configuration files. Veja também: Customizing Weblate

Hub setup

In order to use the GitHub’s pull-request feature, you must initialize your hub configuration by entering the Weblate container and executing an arbitrary Hub command. For example: docker-compose exec --user weblate weblate bash cd HOME=/app/data/home hub clone octocat/Spoon-Knife

The username passed for credentials must be the same as GITHUB_USERNAME. Veja também: GitHub, Setting up hub

160 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Lab setup

In order to use GitLab’s merge-request feature, you must initialize the lab configuration by entering the Weblate container and executing the lab command. For example:

docker-compose exec --user weblate weblate bash cd HOME=/app/data/home lab

You can also use environment variables to configure lab on each container start. Just add WE- BLATE_GITLAB_USERNAME, WEBLATE_GITLAB_HOST``and ``WEBLATE_GITLAB_TOKEN to your env configuration.

weblate: environment: WEBLATE_GITLAB_USERNAME: translations_bot WEBLATE_GITLAB_HOST: WEBLATE_GITLAB_TOKEN: personal_access_token_of_translations_bot

The access_token passed for lab configuration must be same as GITLAB_USERNAME. Veja também: GitLab Setting up Lab

Select your machine - local or cloud providers

With Docker Machine you can create your Weblate deployment either on your local machine, or on any large number of cloud-based deployments on e.g. Amazon AWS, Greenhost, and many other providers.

Installing on Debian and Ubuntu

Hardware requirements

Weblate should run on all contemporary hardware without problems, the following is the minimal configuration required to run Weblate on a single host (Weblate, database and webserver): • 2 GB of RAM • 2 CPU cores • 1 GB of storage space The more memory the better - it is used for caching on all levels (filesystem, database and Weblate). Many concurrent users increases the amount of needed CPU cores. For hundreds of translation components at least 4 GB of RAM is recommended.

Nota: Actual requirements for your installation of Weblate vary heavily based on the size of the translations managed in it.

2.1. Configuration instructions 161 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1


System requirements

Install the dependencies needed to build the Python modules (see Software requirements): apt install \ libxml2-dev libxslt-dev libfreetype6-dev libjpeg-dev libz-dev libyaml-dev \ libcairo-dev gir1.2-pango-1.0 libgirepository1.0-dev libacl1-dev libssl-dev \ build-essential python3-gdbm python3-dev python3-pip python3-virtualenv␣ ,→virtualenv git

Install wanted optional dependencies depending on features you intend to use (see Optional dependencies): apt install tesseract-ocr libtesseract-dev libleptonica-dev

Optionally install software for running production server, see Running server, Database setup for Weblate, Background tasks using Celery. Depending on size of your installation you might want to run these components on dedicated servers. The local installation instructions:

# Web server option 1: NGINX and uWSGI apt install nginx uwsgi uwsgi-plugin-python3

# Web server option 2: Apache with ``mod_wsgi`` apt install apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi

# Caching backend: Redis apt install redis-server

# Database server: PostgreSQL apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib

# SMTP server apt install exim4

Python modules

Dica: We’re using virtualenv to install Weblate in a separate environment from your system. If you are not familiar with it, check virtualenv User Guide.

1. Create the virtualenv for Weblate:

virtualenv --python=python3 ~/weblate-env

2. Activate the virtualenv for Weblate:

. ~/weblate-env/bin/activate

3. Install Weblate including all dependencies:

pip install Weblate

4. Install database driver:

pip install psycopg2-binary

162 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

5. Install wanted optional dependencies depending on features you intend to use (some might require additional system libraries, check Optional dependencies):

pip install ruamel.yaml aeidon boto3 zeep chardet tesserocr

Configuring Weblate

Nota: Following steps assume virtualenv used by Weblate is active (what can be done by . ~/weblate- env/bin/activate). In case this is not true, you will have to specify full path to weblate command as ~/weblate-env/bin/weblate.

1. Copy the file ~/weblate-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/weblate/ to ~/weblate-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/weblate/ 2. Adjust the values in the new file to your liking. You can stick with shipped example for testing purposes, but you will want changes for production setup, see Adjusting configuration. 3. Create the database and its structure for Weblate (the example settings use PostgreSQL, check Database setup for Weblate for production ready setup):

weblate migrate

4. Create the administrator user account and copy the password it outputs to the clipboard, and also save it for later use:

weblate createadmin

5. Collect static files for web server (see Running server and Serving static files):

weblate collectstatic

6. Compress JavaScript and CSS files (optional, see Compressing client assets):

weblate compress

7. Start Celery workers. This is not necessary for development purposes, but strongly recommended otherwise. See Background tasks using Celery for more info:

~/weblate-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/weblate/examples/celery start

8. Start the development server (see Running server for production setup):

weblate runserver

After installation

Congratulations, your Weblate server is now running and you can start using it. • You can now access Weblate on http://localhost:8000/. • Login with admin credentials obtained during installation or register with new users. • You can now run Weblate commands using weblate command when Weblate virtualenv is active, see Ma- nagement commands. • You can stop the test server with Ctrl+C.

2.1. Configuration instructions 163 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Adding translation

1. Open the admin interface (http://localhost:8000/create/project/) and create the project you want to translate. See Project configuration for more details. All you need to specify here is the project name and its website. 2. Create a component which is the real object for translation - it points to the VCS repository, and selects which files to translate. See Component configuration for more details. The important fields here are: Component name, VCS repository address and mask for finding translatable files. Weblate supports a wide range of formats including gettext PO files, Android resource strings, iOS string properties, Java properties or Qt Linguist files, see Formatos de ficheiros suportados for more details. 3. Once the above is completed (it can be lengthy process depending on the size of your VCS repository, and number of messages to translate), you can start translating.

Installing on SUSE and openSUSE

Hardware requirements

Weblate should run on all contemporary hardware without problems, the following is the minimal configuration required to run Weblate on a single host (Weblate, database and webserver): • 2 GB of RAM • 2 CPU cores • 1 GB of storage space The more memory the better - it is used for caching on all levels (filesystem, database and Weblate). Many concurrent users increases the amount of needed CPU cores. For hundreds of translation components at least 4 GB of RAM is recommended.

Nota: Actual requirements for your installation of Weblate vary heavily based on the size of the translations managed in it.


System requirements

Install the dependencies needed to build the Python modules (see Software requirements): zypper install \ libxslt-devel libxml2-devel freetype-devel libjpeg-devel zlib-devel libyaml- ,→devel \ cairo-devel typelib-1_0-Pango-1_0 gobject-introspection-devel libacl-devel \ python3-pip python3-virtualenv python3-devel git

Install wanted optional dependencies depending on features you intend to use (see Optional dependencies): zypper install tesseract-ocr tesseract-devel leptonica-devel

Optionally install software for running production server, see Running server, Database setup for Weblate, Background tasks using Celery. Depending on size of your installation you might want to run these components on dedicated servers. The local installation instructions:

164 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

# Web server option 1: NGINX and uWSGI zypper install nginx uwsgi uwsgi-plugin-python3

# Web server option 2: Apache with ``mod_wsgi`` zypper install apache2 apache2-mod_wsgi

# Caching backend: Redis zypper install redis-server

# Database server: PostgreSQL zypper install postgresql postgresql-contrib

# SMTP server zypper install postfix

Python modules

Dica: We’re using virtualenv to install Weblate in a separate environment from your system. If you are not familiar with it, check virtualenv User Guide.

1. Create the virtualenv for Weblate:

virtualenv --python=python3 ~/weblate-env

2. Activate the virtualenv for Weblate:

. ~/weblate-env/bin/activate

3. Install Weblate including all dependencies:

pip install Weblate

4. Install database driver:

pip install psycopg2-binary

5. Install wanted optional dependencies depending on features you intend to use (some might require additional system libraries, check Optional dependencies):

pip install ruamel.yaml aeidon boto3 zeep chardet tesserocr

Configuring Weblate

Nota: Following steps assume virtualenv used by Weblate is active (what can be done by . ~/weblate- env/bin/activate). In case this is not true, you will have to specify full path to weblate command as ~/weblate-env/bin/weblate.

1. Copy the file ~/weblate-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/weblate/ to ~/weblate-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/weblate/ 2. Adjust the values in the new file to your liking. You can stick with shipped example for testing purposes, but you will want changes for production setup, see Adjusting configuration.

2.1. Configuration instructions 165 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

3. Create the database and its structure for Weblate (the example settings use PostgreSQL, check Database setup for Weblate for production ready setup):

weblate migrate

4. Create the administrator user account and copy the password it outputs to the clipboard, and also save it for later use:

weblate createadmin

5. Collect static files for web server (see Running server and Serving static files):

weblate collectstatic

6. Compress JavaScript and CSS files (optional, see Compressing client assets):

weblate compress

7. Start Celery workers. This is not necessary for development purposes, but strongly recommended otherwise. See Background tasks using Celery for more info:

~/weblate-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/weblate/examples/celery start

8. Start the development server (see Running server for production setup):

weblate runserver

After installation

Congratulations, your Weblate server is now running and you can start using it. • You can now access Weblate on http://localhost:8000/. • Login with admin credentials obtained during installation or register with new users. • You can now run Weblate commands using weblate command when Weblate virtualenv is active, see Ma- nagement commands. • You can stop the test server with Ctrl+C.

Adding translation

1. Open the admin interface (http://localhost:8000/create/project/) and create the project you want to translate. See Project configuration for more details. All you need to specify here is the project name and its website. 2. Create a component which is the real object for translation - it points to the VCS repository, and selects which files to translate. See Component configuration for more details. The important fields here are: Component name, VCS repository address and mask for finding translatable files. Weblate supports a wide range of formats including gettext PO files, Android resource strings, iOS string properties, Java properties or Qt Linguist files, see Formatos de ficheiros suportados for more details. 3. Once the above is completed (it can be lengthy process depending on the size of your VCS repository, and number of messages to translate), you can start translating.

166 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Installing on RedHat, Fedora and CentOS

Hardware requirements

Weblate should run on all contemporary hardware without problems, the following is the minimal configuration required to run Weblate on a single host (Weblate, database and webserver): • 2 GB of RAM • 2 CPU cores • 1 GB of storage space The more memory the better - it is used for caching on all levels (filesystem, database and Weblate). Many concurrent users increases the amount of needed CPU cores. For hundreds of translation components at least 4 GB of RAM is recommended.

Nota: Actual requirements for your installation of Weblate vary heavily based on the size of the translations managed in it.


System requirements

Install the dependencies needed to build the Python modules (see Software requirements): dnf install \ libxslt-devel libxml2-devel freetype-devel libjpeg-devel zlib-devel libyaml- ,→devel \ cairo-devel pango-devel gobject-introspection-devel libacl-devel \ python3-pip python3-virtualenv python3-devel git

Install wanted optional dependencies depending on features you intend to use (see Optional dependencies): dnf install tesseract-langpack-eng tesseract-devel leptonica-devel

Optionally install software for running production server, see Running server, Database setup for Weblate, Background tasks using Celery. Depending on size of your installation you might want to run these components on dedicated servers. The local installation instructions:

# Web server option 1: NGINX and uWSGI dnf install nginx uwsgi uwsgi-plugin-python3

# Web server option 2: Apache with ``mod_wsgi`` dnf install apache2 apache2-mod_wsgi

# Caching backend: Redis dnf install redis

# Database server: PostgreSQL dnf install postgresql postgresql-contrib

# SMTP server dnf install postfix

2.1. Configuration instructions 167 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Python modules

Dica: We’re using virtualenv to install Weblate in a separate environment from your system. If you are not familiar with it, check virtualenv User Guide.

1. Create the virtualenv for Weblate:

virtualenv --python=python3 ~/weblate-env

2. Activate the virtualenv for Weblate:

. ~/weblate-env/bin/activate

3. Install Weblate including all dependencies:

pip install Weblate

4. Install database driver:

pip install psycopg2-binary

5. Install wanted optional dependencies depending on features you intend to use (some might require additional system libraries, check Optional dependencies):

pip install ruamel.yaml aeidon boto3 zeep chardet tesserocr

Configuring Weblate

Nota: Following steps assume virtualenv used by Weblate is active (what can be done by . ~/weblate- env/bin/activate). In case this is not true, you will have to specify full path to weblate command as ~/weblate-env/bin/weblate.

1. Copy the file ~/weblate-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/weblate/ to ~/weblate-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/weblate/ 2. Adjust the values in the new file to your liking. You can stick with shipped example for testing purposes, but you will want changes for production setup, see Adjusting configuration. 3. Create the database and its structure for Weblate (the example settings use PostgreSQL, check Database setup for Weblate for production ready setup):

weblate migrate

4. Create the administrator user account and copy the password it outputs to the clipboard, and also save it for later use:

weblate createadmin

5. Collect static files for web server (see Running server and Serving static files):

weblate collectstatic

6. Compress JavaScript and CSS files (optional, see Compressing client assets):

weblate compress

168 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

7. Start Celery workers. This is not necessary for development purposes, but strongly recommended otherwise. See Background tasks using Celery for more info:

~/weblate-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/weblate/examples/celery start

8. Start the development server (see Running server for production setup):

weblate runserver

After installation

Congratulations, your Weblate server is now running and you can start using it. • You can now access Weblate on http://localhost:8000/. • Login with admin credentials obtained during installation or register with new users. • You can now run Weblate commands using weblate command when Weblate virtualenv is active, see Ma- nagement commands. • You can stop the test server with Ctrl+C.

Adding translation

1. Open the admin interface (http://localhost:8000/create/project/) and create the project you want to translate. See Project configuration for more details. All you need to specify here is the project name and its website. 2. Create a component which is the real object for translation - it points to the VCS repository, and selects which files to translate. See Component configuration for more details. The important fields here are: Component name, VCS repository address and mask for finding translatable files. Weblate supports a wide range of formats including gettext PO files, Android resource strings, iOS string properties, Java properties or Qt Linguist files, see Formatos de ficheiros suportados for more details. 3. Once the above is completed (it can be lengthy process depending on the size of your VCS repository, and number of messages to translate), you can start translating.

Installing on macOS

Hardware requirements

Weblate should run on all contemporary hardware without problems, the following is the minimal configuration required to run Weblate on a single host (Weblate, database and webserver): • 2 GB of RAM • 2 CPU cores • 1 GB of storage space The more memory the better - it is used for caching on all levels (filesystem, database and Weblate). Many concurrent users increases the amount of needed CPU cores. For hundreds of translation components at least 4 GB of RAM is recommended.

Nota: Actual requirements for your installation of Weblate vary heavily based on the size of the translations managed in it.

2.1. Configuration instructions 169 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1


System requirements

Install the dependencies needed to build the Python modules (see Software requirements): brew install pango libjpeg python git libyaml gobject-introspection pip3 install virtualenv

Make sure pip will be able to find the libffi version provided by homebrew — this will be needed during the installation build step. export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/opt/libffi/lib/pkgconfig"

Install wanted optional dependencies depending on features you intend to use (see Optional dependencies): brew install tesseract

Optionally install software for running production server, see Running server, Database setup for Weblate, Background tasks using Celery. Depending on size of your installation you might want to run these components on dedicated servers. The local installation instructions:

# Web server option 1: NGINX and uWSGI brew install nginx uwsgi

# Web server option 2: Apache with ``mod_wsgi`` brew install httpd

# Caching backend: Redis brew install redis

# Database server: PostgreSQL brew install postgresql

Python modules

Dica: We’re using virtualenv to install Weblate in a separate environment from your system. If you are not familiar with it, check virtualenv User Guide.

1. Create the virtualenv for Weblate:

virtualenv --python=python3 ~/weblate-env

2. Activate the virtualenv for Weblate:

. ~/weblate-env/bin/activate

3. Install Weblate including all dependencies:

pip install Weblate

4. Install database driver:

pip install psycopg2-binary

170 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

5. Install wanted optional dependencies depending on features you intend to use (some might require additional system libraries, check Optional dependencies):

pip install ruamel.yaml aeidon boto3 zeep chardet tesserocr

Configuring Weblate

Nota: Following steps assume virtualenv used by Weblate is active (what can be done by . ~/weblate- env/bin/activate). In case this is not true, you will have to specify full path to weblate command as ~/weblate-env/bin/weblate.

1. Copy the file ~/weblate-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/weblate/ to ~/weblate-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/weblate/ 2. Adjust the values in the new file to your liking. You can stick with shipped example for testing purposes, but you will want changes for production setup, see Adjusting configuration. 3. Create the database and its structure for Weblate (the example settings use PostgreSQL, check Database setup for Weblate for production ready setup):

weblate migrate

4. Create the administrator user account and copy the password it outputs to the clipboard, and also save it for later use:

weblate createadmin

5. Collect static files for web server (see Running server and Serving static files):

weblate collectstatic

6. Compress JavaScript and CSS files (optional, see Compressing client assets):

weblate compress

7. Start Celery workers. This is not necessary for development purposes, but strongly recommended otherwise. See Background tasks using Celery for more info:

~/weblate-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/weblate/examples/celery start

8. Start the development server (see Running server for production setup):

weblate runserver

After installation

Congratulations, your Weblate server is now running and you can start using it. • You can now access Weblate on http://localhost:8000/. • Login with admin credentials obtained during installation or register with new users. • You can now run Weblate commands using weblate command when Weblate virtualenv is active, see Ma- nagement commands. • You can stop the test server with Ctrl+C.

2.1. Configuration instructions 171 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Adding translation

1. Open the admin interface (http://localhost:8000/create/project/) and create the project you want to translate. See Project configuration for more details. All you need to specify here is the project name and its website. 2. Create a component which is the real object for translation - it points to the VCS repository, and selects which files to translate. See Component configuration for more details. The important fields here are: Component name, VCS repository address and mask for finding translatable files. Weblate supports a wide range of formats including gettext PO files, Android resource strings, iOS string properties, Java properties or Qt Linguist files, see Formatos de ficheiros suportados for more details. 3. Once the above is completed (it can be lengthy process depending on the size of your VCS repository, and number of messages to translate), you can start translating.

Installing from sources

1. Please follow the installation instructions for your system first: • Installing on Debian and Ubuntu • Installing on SUSE and openSUSE • Installing on RedHat, Fedora and CentOS 2. Grab the latest Weblate sources using Git (or download a tarball and unpack that):

git clone weblate-src

Alternatively you can use released archives. You can download them from our website . Those downloads are cryptographically signed, please see Verifying release signatures. 3. Install current Weblate code into the virtualenv:

. ~/weblate-env/bin/activate pip install -e weblate-src

4. Copy weblate/ to weblate/ 5. Adjust the values in the new file to your liking. You can stick with shipped example for testing purposes, but you will want changes for production setup, see Adjusting configuration. 6. Create the database used by Weblate, see Database setup for Weblate. 7. Build Django tables, static files and initial data (see Filling up the database and Serving static files):

weblate migrate weblate collectstatic weblate compress weblate compilemessages

Nota: This step should be repeated whenever you update the repository.

172 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Installing on OpenShift

Nota: This guide is looking for contributors experienced with OpenShift, see .

Weblate supports OpenShift, the needed integration files are in main repository in the openshift3 directory. Depending on your setup and experience, choose an appropriate installation method for you: • Installing using Docker, recommended for production setups. • Virtualenv installation, recommended for production setups: – Installing on Debian and Ubuntu – Installing on SUSE and openSUSE – Installing on RedHat, Fedora and CentOS – Installing on macOS • Installing from sources, recommended for development. • Installing on OpenShift.

2.1.2 Software requirements

Operating system

Weblate is known to work on Linux, FreeBSD and macOS. Other Unix like systems will most likely work too. Weblate is not supported on Windows. But it may still work and patches are happily accepted.

Other services

Weblate is using other services for its operation. You will need at least following services running: • PostgreSQL database server, see Database setup for Weblate. • Redis server for cache and tasks queue, see Background tasks using Celery. • SMTP server for outgoing e-mail, see Configuring outgoing e-mail.

Python dependencies

Weblate is written in Python and supports Python 3.6 or newer. You can install dependencies using pip or from your distribution packages, full list is available in requirements.txt. Most notable dependencies: Django Celery Translate Toolkit translation-finder Python Social Auth Django REST Framework

2.1. Configuration instructions 173 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Optional dependencies

Following modules are necessary for some Weblate features. You can find all of them in requirements- optional.txt. Mercurial (optional for Mercurial repositories support) phply (optional for PHP support) tesserocr (optional for screenshots OCR) akismet (optional for suggestion spam protection) ruamel.yaml (optional for YAML files) Zeep (optional for Microsoft Terminology Service) aeidon (optional for Subtitle files)

Database backend dependencies

Weblate supports PostgreSQL, MySQL and MariaDB, see Database setup for Weblate and backends documentation for more details.

Other system requirements

The following dependencies have to be installed on the system: Git Pango, Cairo and related header files and gir introspection data, https://pango., see Pango and Cairo hub (optional for sending pull requests to GitHub) git-review (optional for Gerrit support) git-svn (optional for Subversion support) tesseract and its data (optional for screenshots OCR)

Compile time dependencies

To compile some of the Python dependencies you might need to install their dependencies. This depends on how you install them, so please consult individual packages for documentation. You won’t need those if using prebuilt Wheels while installing using pip or when you use distribution packages.

Pango and Cairo

Alterado na versão 3.7. Weblate uses Pango and Cairo for rendering bitmap widgets (see Promoting the translation) and rendering checks (see Gerir letras). To properly install Python bindings for those you need to install system libraries first - you need both Cairo and Pango, which in turn need Glib. All those should be installed with development files and GObject introspection data.

174 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

2.1.3 Verifying release signatures

Weblate release are cryptographically signed by the releasing developer. Currently this is Michal Čihař. Fingerprint of his PGP key is:

63CB 1DF1 EF12 CF2A C0EE 5A32 9C27 B313 42B7 511D and you can get more identification information from . You should verify that the signature matches the archive you have downloaded. This way you can be sure that you are using the same code that was released. You should also verify the date of the signature to make sure that you downloaded the latest version. Each archive is accompanied with .asc files which contains the PGP signature for it. Once you have both of them in the same folder, you can verify the signature:

$ gpg --verify Weblate-3.5.tar.xz.asc gpg: assuming signed data in 'Weblate-3.5.tar.xz' gpg: Signature made Ne 3. března 2019, 16:43:15 CET gpg: using RSA key 87E673AF83F6C3A0C344C8C3F4AA229D4D58C245 gpg: Can't check signature: public key not found

As you can see gpg complains that it does not know the public key. At this point you should do one of the following steps: • Use wkd to download the key:

$ gpg --auto-key-locate wkd --locate-keys [email protected] pub rsa4096 2009-06-17 [SC] 63CB1DF1EF12CF2AC0EE5A329C27B31342B7511D uid [ultimate] Michal Čihař uid [ultimate] Michal Čihař uid [ultimate] [jpeg image of size 8848] uid [ultimate] Michal Čihař (Braiins) sub rsa4096 2009-06-17 [E] sub rsa4096 2015-09-09 [S]

• Download the keyring from Michal’s server, then import it with:

$ gpg --import wmxth3chu9jfxdxywj1skpmhsj311mzm

• Download and import the key from one of the key servers:

$ gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys␣ ,→87E673AF83F6C3A0C344C8C3F4AA229D4D58C245 gpg: key 9C27B31342B7511D: "Michal Čihař " imported gpg: Total number processed: 1 gpg: unchanged: 1

This will improve the situation a bit - at this point you can verify that the signature from the given key is correct but you still can not trust the name used in the key:

$ gpg --verify Weblate-3.5.tar.xz.asc gpg: assuming signed data in 'Weblate-3.5.tar.xz' gpg: Signature made Ne 3. března 2019, 16:43:15 CET gpg: using RSA key 87E673AF83F6C3A0C344C8C3F4AA229D4D58C245 gpg: Good signature from "Michal Čihař " [ultimate] gpg: aka "Michal Čihař " [ultimate] gpg: aka "[jpeg image of size 8848]" [ultimate] gpg: aka "Michal Čihař (Braiins) "␣ ,→[ultimate] gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature! (continues on next page)

2.1. Configuration instructions 175 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

(continuação da página anterior) gpg: There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner. Primary key fingerprint: 63CB 1DF1 EF12 CF2A C0EE 5A32 9C27 B313 42B7 511D

The problem here is that anybody could issue the key with this name. You need to ensure that the key is actually owned by the mentioned person. The GNU Privacy Handbook covers this topic in the chapter Validating other keys on your public keyring. The most reliable method is to meet the developer in person and exchange key fingerprints, however you can also rely on the web of trust. This way you can trust the key transitively though signatures of others, who have met the developer in person. Once the key is trusted, the warning will not occur:

$ gpg --verify Weblate-3.5.tar.xz.asc gpg: assuming signed data in 'Weblate-3.5.tar.xz' gpg: Signature made Sun Mar 3 16:43:15 2019 CET gpg: using RSA key 87E673AF83F6C3A0C344C8C3F4AA229D4D58C245 gpg: Good signature from "Michal Čihař " [ultimate] gpg: aka "Michal Čihař " [ultimate] gpg: aka "[jpeg image of size 8848]" [ultimate] gpg: aka "Michal Čihař (Braiins) "␣ ,→[ultimate]

Should the signature be invalid (the archive has been changed), you would get a clear error regardless of the fact that the key is trusted or not:

$ gpg --verify Weblate-3.5.tar.xz.asc gpg: Signature made Sun Mar 3 16:43:15 2019 CET gpg: using RSA key 87E673AF83F6C3A0C344C8C3F4AA229D4D58C245 gpg: BAD signature from "Michal Čihař " [ultimate]

2.1.4 Filesystem permissions

The Weblate process needs to be able to read and write to the directory where it keeps data - DATA_DIR. All files within this directory should be owned and writable by the user running Weblate. The default configuration places them in the same tree as the Weblate sources, however you might prefer to move these to a better location such as: /var/lib/weblate. Weblate tries to create these directories automatically, but it will fail when it does not have permissions to do so. You should also take care when running Management commands, as they should be ran under the same user as Weblate itself is running, otherwise permissions on some files might be wrong. Veja também: Serving static files

2.1.5 Database setup for Weblate

It is recommended to run Weblate with a PostgreSQL database server. Veja também: Use a powerful database engine, Databases, Migrating from other databases to PostgreSQL

176 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1


PostgreSQL is usually the best choice for Django based sites. It’s the reference database used for implementing Django database layer.

Nota: Weblate uses trigram extension which has to be installed separately in some cases. Look for postgresql- contrib or a similarly named package.

Veja também: PostgreSQL notes

Creating a database in PostgreSQL

It is usually a good idea to run Weblate in a separate database, and separate user account:

# If PostgreSQL was not installed before, set the main password sudo -u postgres psql postgres -c "\password postgres"

# Create a database user called "weblate" sudo -u postgres createuser --superuser --pwprompt weblate

# Create the database "weblate" owned by "weblate" sudo -u postgres createdb -O weblate weblate

Dica: If you don’t want to make the Weblate user a superuser in PostgreSQL, you can omit that. In that case you will have to perform some of the migration steps manually as a PostgreSQL superuser in schema Weblate will use:


Configuring Weblate to use PostgreSQL

The snippet for PostgreSQL:

DATABASES = { 'default':{ # Database engine 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql', # Database name 'NAME': 'weblate', # Database user 'USER': 'weblate', # Database password 'PASSWORD': 'password', # Set to empty string for localhost 'HOST': '', # Set to empty string for default 'PORT': '', } }

2.1. Configuration instructions 177 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

MySQL and MariaDB

Weblate can be also used with MySQL or MariaDB, please see MySQL notes and MariaDB notes for caveats using Django with those.

Dica: Some Weblate features will perform better with PostgreSQL. This includes searching and translation memory, which both utilize full-text features in the database and PostgreSQL implementation is superior. Because of this it is recommended to use PostgreSQL for new installations.

Following configuration is recommended for Weblate: • Use the utf8mb4 charset to allow representation of higher Unicode planes (for example emojis). • Configure the server with Innodb_large_prefix to allow longer indices on text fields. • Set the isolation level to READ COMMITTED. • The SQL mode should be set to STRICT_TRANS_TABLES.

2.1.6 Other configurations

Configuring outgoing e-mail

Weblate sends out e-mails on various occasions - for account activation and on various notifications configured by users. For this it needs access to an SMTP server. The mail server setup is configured using these settings: EMAIL_HOST, EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD, EMAIL_HOST_USER and EMAIL_PORT. Their names are quite self-explanatory, but you can find more info in the Django documentation.

Nota: You can verify whether outgoing e-mail is working correctly by using the sendtestemail management command (see Invoking management commands for instructions on how to invoke it in different environments).

Running behind reverse proxy

Several features in Weblate rely on being able to get client IP address. This includes Limitação de taxa, Spam protection or Registo de auditoria. In default configuration Weblate parses IP address from REMOTE_ADDR which is set by the WSGI handler. In case you are running a reverse proxy, this field will most likely contain its address. You need to configure Weblate to trust additional HTTP headers and parse the IP address from these. This can not be enabled by default as it would allow IP address spoofing for installations not using a reverse proxy. Enabling IP_BEHIND_REVERSE_PROXY might be enough for the most usual setups, but you might need to adjust IP_PROXY_HEADER and IP_PROXY_OFFSET as well. Veja também: Spam protection, Limitação de taxa, Registo de auditoria, IP_BEHIND_REVERSE_PROXY, IP_PROXY_HEADER, IP_PROXY_OFFSET, SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER

178 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

HTTP proxy

Weblate does execute VCS commands and those accept proxy configuration from environment. The recommended approach is to define proxy settings in import os os.environ['http_proxy'] = "" os.environ['HTTPS_PROXY'] = ""

Veja também: Proxy Environment Variables

2.1.7 Adjusting configuration

Veja também: Sample configuration Copy weblate/ to weblate/ and adjust it to match your setup. You will probably want to adjust the following options: ADMINS List of site administrators to receive notifications when something goes wrong, for example notifications on failed merges, or Django errors. Veja também: ADMINS ALLOWED_HOSTS You need to set this to list the hosts your site is supposed to serve. For example:


Alternatively you can include wildcard:


Veja também: ALLOWED_HOSTS, WEBLATE_ALLOWED_HOSTS, Allowed hosts setup SESSION_ENGINE Configure how your sessions will be stored. In case you keep the default database backend engine, you should schedule: weblate clearsessions to remove stale session data from the database. If you are using Redis as cache (see Enable caching) it is recommended to use it for sessions as well:

SESSION_ENGINE = 'django.contrib.sessions.backends.cache'

Veja também: Configuring the session engine, SESSION_ENGINE DATABASES Connectivity to database server, please check Django’s documentation for more details. Veja também: Database setup for Weblate, DATABASES, Databases DEBUG

2.1. Configuration instructions 179 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Disable this for any production server. With debug mode enabled, Django will show backtraces in case of error to users, when you disable it, errors will be sent per e-mail to ADMINS (see above). Debug mode also slows down Weblate, as Django stores much more info internally in this case. Veja também: DEBUG DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL E-mail sender address for outgoing e-mail, for example registration e-mails. Veja também: DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL SECRET_KEY Key used by Django to sign some info in cookies, see Django secret key for more info. Veja também: SECRET_KEY SERVER_EMAIL E-mail used as sender address for sending e-mails to the administrator, for example notifications on failed merges. Veja também: SERVER_EMAIL

2.1.8 Filling up the database

After your configuration is ready, you can run weblate migrate to create the database structure. Now you should be able to create translation projects using the admin interface. In case you want to run an installation non interactively, you can use weblate migrate --noinput, and then create an admin user using createadmin command. Once you are done, you should also check the Performance report in the admin interface, which will give you hints of potential non optimal configuration on your site. Veja também: Configuração, Controlo de acesso

2.1.9 Production setup

For a production setup you should carry out adjustments described in the following sections. The most critical settings will trigger a warning, which is indicated by an exclamation mark in the top bar if signed in as a superuser:

It is also recommended to inspect checks triggered by Django (though you might not need to fix all of them):

180 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

weblate check --deploy

Veja também: Deployment checklist

Disable debug mode

Disable Django’s debug mode (DEBUG) by:

DEBUG = False

With debug mode on, Django stores all executed queries and shows users backtraces of errors, which is not desired in a production setup. Veja também: Adjusting configuration

Properly configure admins

Set the correct admin addresses to the ADMINS setting to defining who will receive e-mails in case something goes wrong on the server, for example:

ADMINS = ( ('Your Name', '[email protected]'), )

Veja também: Adjusting configuration

Set correct site domain

Adjust site name and domain in the admin interface, otherwise links in RSS or registration e-mails will not work. This is configured using SITE_DOMAIN which should contain site domain name. Alterado na versão 4.2: Prior to the 4.2 release the Django sites framework was used instead, please see The “sites” framework. Veja também: Allowed hosts setup, Correctly configure HTTPS SITE_DOMAIN, WEBLATE_SITE_DOMAIN, ENABLE_HTTPS

Correctly configure HTTPS

It is strongly recommended to run Weblate using the encrypted HTTPS protocol. After enabling it, you should set ENABLE_HTTPS in the settings:


Dica: You might want to set up HSTS as well, see SSL/HTTPS for more details.

Veja também: ENABLE_HTTPS, Allowed hosts setup, Set correct site domain

2.1. Configuration instructions 181 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1


If your site is served over SSL, you have to consider setting a value for SECURE_HSTS_SECONDS in the to enable HTTP Strict Transport Security. By default it’s set to 0 as shown below.


If set to a non-zero integer value, the sets the HTTP Strict Transport Security header on all responses that do not already have it.

Aviso: Setting this incorrectly can irreversibly (for some time) break your site. Read the HTTP Strict Transport Security documentation first.

Use a powerful database engine

Please use PostgreSQL for a production environment, see Database setup for Weblate for more info. Veja também: Database setup for Weblate, Migrating from other databases to PostgreSQL, Adjusting configuration, Databases

Enable caching

If possible, use Redis from Django by adjusting the CACHES configuration variable, for example:

CACHES = { 'default':{ 'BACKEND': 'django_redis.cache.RedisCache', 'LOCATION': 'redis://', # If redis is running on same host as Weblate, you might # want to use unix sockets instead: # 'LOCATION': 'unix:///var/run/redis/redis.sock?db=0', 'OPTIONS':{ 'CLIENT_CLASS': 'django_redis.client.DefaultClient', 'PARSER_CLASS': 'redis.connection.HiredisParser', } } }

Veja também: Cache de avatares, Django’s cache framework

Cache de avatares

In addition to caching of Django, Weblate performs caching of avatars. It is recommended to use a separate, file- backed cache for this purpose:

CACHES = { 'default':{ # Default caching backend setup, see above 'BACKEND': 'django_redis.cache.RedisCache', 'LOCATION': 'unix:///var/run/redis/redis.sock?db=0', 'OPTIONS':{ 'CLIENT_CLASS': 'django_redis.client.DefaultClient', 'PARSER_CLASS': 'redis.connection.HiredisParser', } (continues on next page)

182 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

(continuação da página anterior) }, 'avatar':{ 'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.filebased.FileBasedCache', 'LOCATION': os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'avatar-cache'), 'TIMEOUT': 604800, 'OPTIONS':{ 'MAX_ENTRIES': 1000, }, }

Veja também: ENABLE_AVATARS, AVATAR_URL_PREFIX, Avatars, Enable caching, Django’s cache framework

Configure e-mail sending

Weblate needs to send out e-mails on several occasions, and these e-mails should have a correct sender address, please configure SERVER_EMAIL and DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL to match your environment, for example:

SERVER_EMAIL = '[email protected]' DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = '[email protected]'

Nota: To disable sending e-mails by Weblate set EMAIL_BACKEND to django.core.mail.backends. dummy.EmailBackend. This will disable all e-mail delivery including registration or password reset e-mails.

Veja também: Adjusting configuration, Configuring outgoing e-mail, EMAIL_BACKEND, DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, SER- VER_EMAIL

Allowed hosts setup

Django requires ALLOWED_HOSTS to hold a list of domain names your site is allowed to serve, leaving it empty will block any requests. In case this is not configured to match your HTTP server, you will get errors like Invalid HTTP_HOST header: ''. You may need to add '' to ALLOWED_HOSTS.

Dica: On Docker container, this is available as WEBLATE_ALLOWED_HOSTS.

Veja também: ALLOWED_HOSTS, WEBLATE_ALLOWED_HOSTS, Set correct site domain

2.1. Configuration instructions 183 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Django secret key

The SECRET_KEY setting is used by Django to sign cookies, and you should really generate your own value rather than using the one from the example setup. You can generate a new key using weblate/examples/generate-secret-key shipped with Weblate. Veja também: SECRET_KEY

Directório inicial

Alterado na versão 2.1: This is no longer required, Weblate now stores all its data in DATA_DIR. The home directory for the user running Weblate should exist and be writable by this user. This is especially needed if you want to use SSH to access private repositories, but Git might need to access this directory as well (depending on the Git version you use). You can change the directory used by Weblate in, for example to set it to configuration directory under the Weblate tree:

os.environ['HOME'] = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'configuration')

Nota: On Linux, and other UNIX like systems, the path to user’s home directory is defined in /etc/passwd. Many distributions default to a non-writable directory for users used for serving web content (such as apache, www-data or wwwrun), so you either have to run Weblate under a different user, or change this setting.

Veja também: Accessing repositories

Template loading

It is recommended to use a cached template loader for Django. It caches parsed templates and avoids the need to do parsing with every single request. You can configure it using the following snippet (the loaders setting is important here):

TEMPLATES = [ { 'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates', 'DIRS':[ os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'templates'), ], 'OPTIONS':{ 'context_processors':[ 'django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth', 'django.template.context_processors.debug', 'django.template.context_processors.i18n', 'django.template.context_processors.request', 'django.template.context_processors.csrf', 'django.contrib.messages.context_processors.messages', 'weblate.trans.context_processors.weblate_context', ], 'loaders':[ ('django.template.loaders.cached.Loader',[ 'django.template.loaders.filesystem.Loader', 'django.template.loaders.app_directories.Loader', ]), (continues on next page)

184 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

(continuação da página anterior) ], }, }, ]

Veja também: django.template.loaders.cached.Loader

Running maintenance tasks

For optimal performance, it is good idea to run some maintenance tasks in the background. This is now automatically done by Background tasks using Celery and covers following tasks: • Configuration health check (hourly). • Committing pending changes (hourly), see Lazy commits and commit_pending. • Updating component alerts (daily). • Update remote branches (nightly), see AUTO_UPDATE. • Translation memory backup to JSON (daily), see dump_memory. • Fulltext and database maintenance tasks (daily and weekly tasks), see cleanuptrans. Alterado na versão 3.2: Since version 3.2, the default way of executing these tasks is using Celery and Weblate already comes with proper configuration, see Background tasks using Celery.

System locales and encoding

The system locales should be configured to UTF-8 capable ones. On most Linux distributions this is the default setting. In case it is not the case on your system, please change locales to UTF-8 variant. For example by editing /etc/default/locale and setting there LANG="C.UTF-8". In some cases the individual services have separate configuration for locales. For example when using Apache you might want to set it in /etc/apache2/envvars: export LANG='en_US.UTF-8' export LC_ALL='en_US.UTF-8'

Using custom certificate authority

Weblate does verify SSL certificates during HTTP requests. In case you are using custom certificate authority which is not trusted in default bundles, you will have to add its certificate as trusted. The preferred approach is to do this at system level, please check your distro documentation for more de- tails (for example on debian this can be done by placing the CA certificate into /usr/local/share/ca- certificates/ and running update-ca-certificates). Once this is done, system tools will trust the certificate and this includes Git. For Python code, you will need to configure requests to use system CA bundle instead of the one shipped with it. This can be achieved by placing following snippet to (the path is Debian specific): import os os.environ["REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE"] = "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt"

2.1. Configuration instructions 185 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Compressing client assets

Weblate comes with a bunch of JavaScript and CSS files. For performance reasons it is good to compress them before sending to a client. In default configuration this is done on the fly at cost of little overhead. On big installations, it is recommended to enable offline compression mode. This needs to be done in the configuration and the compression has to be triggered on every Weblate upgrade. The configuration switch is simple by enabling django.conf.settings.COMPRESS_OFFLINE and con- figuring django.conf.settings.COMPRESS_OFFLINE_CONTEXT (the latter is already included in the example configuration):


On each deploy you need to compress the files to match current version: weblate compress

Dica: The official Docker image has this feature already enabled.

Veja também: Common Deployment Scenarios, Serving static files

2.1.10 Running server

You will need several services to run Weblate, the recommended setup consists of: • Database server (see Database setup for Weblate) • Cache server (see Enable caching) • Frontend web server for static files and SSL termination (see Serving static files) • Wsgi server for dynamic content (see Sample configuration for NGINX and uWSGI) • Celery for executing background tasks (see Background tasks using Celery)

Nota: There are some dependencies between the services, for example cache and database should be running when starting up Celery or uwsgi processes.

In most cases, you will run all services on single (virtual) server, but in case your installation is heavy loaded, you can split up the services. The only limitation on this is that Celery and Wsgi servers need access to DATA_DIR.

Running web server

Running Weblate is not different from running any other Django based program. Django is usually executed as uWSGI or fcgi (see examples for different webservers below). For testing purposes, you can use the built-in web server in Django: weblate runserver

Aviso: DO NOT USE THIS SERVER IN A PRODUCTION SETTING. It has not gone through security audits or performance tests. See also Django documentation on runserver.

186 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Dica: The Django built-in server serves static files only with DEBUG enabled as it is intended for development only. For production use, please see wsgi setups in Sample configuration for NGINX and uWSGI, Sample configuration for Apache, Sample configuration for Apache and , and Serving static files.

Serving static files

Alterado na versão 2.4: Prior to version 2.4, Weblate didn’t properly use the Django static files framework and the setup was more complex. Django needs to collect its static files in a single directory. To do so, execute weblate collectstatic -- noinput. This will copy the static files into a directory specified by the STATIC_ROOT setting (this defaults to a static directory inside DATA_DIR). It is recommended to serve static files directly from your web server, you should use that for the following paths: /static/ Serves static files for Weblate and the admin interface (from defined by STATIC_ROOT). /media/ Used for user media uploads (e.g. screenshots). /favicon.ico Should be rewritten to rewrite a rule to serve /static/favicon.ico. Veja também: Compressing client assets, Deploying Django, Deploying static files

Content security policy

The default Weblate configuration enables weblate.middleware.SecurityMiddleware middleware which sets security related HTTP headers like Content-Security-Policy or X-XSS-Protection. These are by default set up to work with Weblate and its configuration, but this might need customization for your environ- ment. Veja também: CSP_SCRIPT_SRC, CSP_IMG_SRC, CSP_CONNECT_SRC, CSP_STYLE_SRC, CSP_FONT_SRC

Sample configuration for NGINX and uWSGI

To run production webserver, use the wsgi wrapper installed with Weblate (in virtual env case it is installed as ~/ weblate-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/weblate/ Don’t forget to set the Python search path to your virtualenv as well (for example using virtualenv = /home/user/weblate-env in uWSGI). The following configuration runs Weblate as uWSGI under the NGINX webserver. Configuration for NGINX (also available as weblate/examples/weblate.nginx.conf):

# This example assumes Weblate is installed in virtualenv in /home/weblate/weblate- ,→env # and DATA_DIR is set to /home/weblate/data, please adjust paths to match your␣ ,→setup. server { listen 80; server_name weblate; # Not used root /var/www/html;

location ~ ^/favicon.ico$ { # DATA_DIR/static/favicon.ico alias /home/weblate/data/static/favicon.ico; (continues on next page)

2.1. Configuration instructions 187 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

(continuação da página anterior) expires 30d; }

location /static/ { # DATA_DIR/static/ alias /home/weblate/data/static/; expires 30d; }

location /media/ { # DATA_DIR/media/ alias /home/weblate/data/media/; expires 30d; }

location / { include uwsgi_params; # Needed for long running operations in admin interface uwsgi_read_timeout 3600; # Adjust based to uwsgi configuration: uwsgi_pass unix:///run/uwsgi/app/weblate/socket; # uwsgi_pass; } }

Configuration for uWSGI (also available as weblate/examples/weblate.uwsgi.ini):

# This example assumes Weblate is installed in virtualenv in /home/weblate/weblate- ,→env # and DATA_DIR is set to /home/weblate/data, please adjust paths to match your␣ ,→setup. [uwsgi] plugins = python3 master = true protocol = uwsgi socket = wsgi-file = /home/weblate/weblate-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/weblate/wsgi. ,→py

# Add path to Weblate checkout if you did not install # Weblate by pip # python-path = /path/to/weblate

# In case you're using virtualenv uncomment this: virtualenv = /home/weblate/weblate-env

# Needed for OAuth/OpenID buffer-size = 8192

# Reload when consuming too much of memory reload-on-rss = 250

# Increase number of workers for heavily loaded sites workers = 8

# Enable threads for Sentry error submission enable-threads = true

# Child processes do not need file descriptors close-on-exec = true

(continues on next page)

188 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

(continuação da página anterior) # Avoid default 0000 umask umask = 0022

# Run as weblate user uid = weblate gid = weblate

# Enable harakiri mode (kill requests after some time) # harakiri = 3600 # harakiri-verbose = true

# Enable uWSGI stats server # stats = :1717 # stats-http = true

# Do not log some errors caused by client disconnects ignore-sigpipe = true ignore-write-errors = true disable-write-exception = true

Veja também: How to use Django with uWSGI

Sample configuration for Apache

The following configuration runs Weblate as WSGI, you need to have enabled mod_wsgi (available as weblate/ examples/apache.conf):

# # VirtualHost for Weblate # # This example assumes Weblate is installed in virtualenv in /home/weblate/weblate- ,→env # and DATA_DIR is set to /home/weblate/data, please adjust paths to match your␣ ,→setup. # ServerAdmin [email protected] ServerName

# DATA_DIR/static/favicon.ico Alias /favicon.ico /home/weblate/data/static/favicon.ico

# DATA_DIR/static/ Alias /static/ /home/weblate/data/static/ Require all granted

# DATA_DIR/media/ Alias /media/ /home/weblate/data/media/ Require all granted

# Path to your Weblate virtualenv WSGIDaemonProcess weblate python-home=/home/weblate/weblate-env WSGIProcessGroup weblate WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL} (continues on next page)

2.1. Configuration instructions 189 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

(continuação da página anterior)

WSGIScriptAlias / /home/weblate/weblate-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ ,→weblate/ process-group=weblate WSGIPassAuthorization On

Require all granted

Nota: Weblate requires Python 3, so please make sure you are running Python 3 variant of the modwsgi. Usually it is available as a separate package, for example libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3.

Veja também: System locales and encoding, How to use Django with Apache and mod_wsgi

Sample configuration for Apache and Gunicorn

The following configuration runs Weblate in Gunicorn and Apache 2.4 (available as weblate/examples/ apache.gunicorn.conf):

# # VirtualHost for Weblate using gunicorn on localhost:8000 # # This example assumes Weblate is installed in virtualenv in /home/weblate/weblate- ,→env # and DATA_DIR is set to /home/weblate/data, please adjust paths to match your␣ ,→setup. # ServerAdmin [email protected] ServerName

# DATA_DIR/static/favicon.ico Alias /favicon.ico /home/weblate/data/static/favicon.ico

# DATA_DIR/static/ Alias /static/ /home/weblate/data/static/ Require all granted

# DATA_DIR/media/ Alias /media/ /home/weblate/data/media/ Require all granted

SSLEngine on SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/ssl/https_cert.cert SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/apache2/ssl/https_key.pem SSLProxyEngine On

ProxyPass /favicon.ico ! (continues on next page)

190 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

(continuação da página anterior) ProxyPass /static/ ! ProxyPass /media/ !

ProxyPass / http://localhost:8000/ ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8000/ ProxyPreserveHost On

Veja também: How to use Django with Gunicorn

Running Weblate under path

Alterado na versão 1.3: This is supported since Weblate 1.3. A sample Apache configuration to serve Weblate under /weblate. Again using mod_wsgi (also available as weblate/examples/apache-path.conf):

# # VirtualHost for Weblate, running under /weblate path # # This example assumes Weblate is installed in virtualenv in /home/weblate/weblate- ,→env # and DATA_DIR is set to /home/weblate/data, please adjust paths to match your␣ ,→setup. # ServerAdmin [email protected] ServerName

# DATA_DIR/static/favicon.ico Alias /weblate/favicon.ico /home/weblate/data/static/favicon.ico

# DATA_DIR/static/ Alias /weblate/static/ /home/weblate/data/static/ Require all granted

# DATA_DIR/media/ Alias /weblate/media/ /home/weblate/data/media/ Require all granted

# Path to your Weblate virtualenv WSGIDaemonProcess weblate python-home=/home/weblate/weblate-env WSGIProcessGroup weblate WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}

WSGIScriptAlias /weblate /home/weblate/weblate-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ ,→weblate/ process-group=weblate WSGIPassAuthorization On

Require all granted (continues on next page)

2.1. Configuration instructions 191 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

(continuação da página anterior)

Additionally, you will have to adjust weblate/

URL_PREFIX = '/weblate'

2.1.11 Background tasks using Celery

Novo na versão 3.2. Weblate uses Celery to process background tasks. The example settings come with eager configuration, which does process all tasks in place, but you want to change this to something more reasonable for a production setup. A typical setup using Redis as a backend looks like this:


You should also start the Celery worker to process the tasks and start scheduled tasks, this can be done directly on the command line (which is mostly useful when debugging or developing):

./weblate/examples/celery start ./weblate/examples/celery stop

Running Celery as system service

Most likely you will want to run Celery as a daemon and that is covered by Daemonization. For the most common Linux setup using systemd, you can use the example files shipped in the examples folder listed below. Systemd unit to be placed as /etc/systemd/system/celery-weblate.service:

[Unit] Description=Celery Service (Weblate)

[Service] Type=forking User=weblate Group=weblate EnvironmentFile=/etc/default/celery-weblate WorkingDirectory=/home/weblate RuntimeDirectory=celery RuntimeDirectoryPreserve=restart LogsDirectory=celery ExecStart=/bin/sh -c '${CELERY_BIN} multi start ${CELERYD_NODES} \ -A ${CELERY_APP} --pidfile=${CELERYD_PID_FILE} \ --logfile=${CELERYD_LOG_FILE} --loglevel=${CELERYD_LOG_LEVEL} ${CELERYD_OPTS}' ExecStop=/bin/sh -c '${CELERY_BIN} multi stopwait ${CELERYD_NODES} \ --pidfile=${CELERYD_PID_FILE}' ExecReload=/bin/sh -c '${CELERY_BIN} multi restart ${CELERYD_NODES} \ -A ${CELERY_APP} --pidfile=${CELERYD_PID_FILE} \ --logfile=${CELERYD_LOG_FILE} --loglevel=${CELERYD_LOG_LEVEL} ${CELERYD_OPTS}'


Environment configuration to be placed as /etc/default/celery-weblate:

192 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

# Name of nodes to start CELERYD_NODES="celery notify backup translate"

# Absolute or relative path to the 'celery' command: CELERY_BIN="/home/weblate/weblate-env/bin/celery"

# App instance to use # comment out this line if you don't use an app CELERY_APP="weblate.utils"

# Extra command-line arguments to the worker, # increase concurency if you get weblate.E019 CELERYD_OPTS="--beat:celery --concurrency:celery=4 --queues:celery=celery -- ,→prefetch-multiplier:celery=4 \ --concurrency:notify=4 --queues:notify=notify --prefetch-multiplier:notify=10 \ --concurrency:translate=4 --queues:translate=translate --prefetch- ,→multiplier:translate=4 \ --concurrency:backup=1 --queues:backup=backup --prefetch-multiplier:backup=2"

# Logging configuration # - %n will be replaced with the first part of the nodename. # - %I will be replaced with the current child process index # and is important when using the prefork pool to avoid race conditions. CELERYD_PID_FILE="/var/run/celery/" CELERYD_LOG_FILE="/var/log/celery/weblate-%n%I.log" CELERYD_LOG_LEVEL="INFO"

# Internal Weblate variable to indicate we're running inside Celery CELERY_WORKER_RUNNING="1"

Logrotate configuration to be placed as /etc/logrotate.d/celery:

/var/log/celery/*.log { weekly missingok rotate 12 compress notifempty }

Nota: The Celery process has to be executed under the same user as Weblate and the WSGI process, otherwise files in the DATA_DIR will be stored with mixed ownership, leading to runtime issues.

Periodic tasks using Celery beat

Weblate comes with built-in setup for scheduled tasks. You can however define additional tasks in, for example see Lazy commits. The tasks are supposed to be executed by Celery beats daemon. In case it is not working properly, it might not be running or its database was corrupted. Check the Celery startup logs in such case to figure out root cause.

2.1. Configuration instructions 193 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Monitoring Celery status

You can use celery_queues to see current length of Celery task queues. In case the queue will get too long, you will also get configuration error in the admin interface.

Aviso: The Celery errors are by default only logged into Celery log and are not visible to user. In case you want to have overview on such failures, it is recommended to configure Collecting error reports.

Veja também: Configuration and defaults, Workers Guide, Daemonization, Monitoring and Management Guide, ce- lery_queues

2.1.12 Monitoring Weblate

Weblate provides the /healthz/ URL to be used in simple health checks, for example using Kubernetes.

2.1.13 Collecting error reports

Weblate, as any other software, can fail. In order to collect useful failure states we recommend to use third party services to collect such information. This is especially useful in case of failing Celery tasks, which would otherwise only report error to the logs and you won’t get notified on them. Weblate has support for the following services:


Weblate has built-in support for Sentry. To use it, it’s enough to set SENTRY_DSN in the

SENTRY_DSN = "https://[email protected]/"


Weblate has built-in support for Rollbar. To use it, it’s enough to follow instructions for Rollbar notifier for Python. In short, you need to adjust

# Add rollbar as last middleware: MIDDLEWARE = [ # … other middleware classes … 'rollbar.contrib.django.middleware.RollbarNotifierMiddleware', ]

# Configure client access ROLLBAR = { 'access_token': 'POST_SERVER_ITEM_ACCESS_TOKEN', 'client_token': 'POST_CLIENT_ITEM_ACCESS_TOKEN', 'environment': 'development' if DEBUG else 'production', 'branch': 'master', 'root': '/absolute/path/to/code/root', }

Everything else is integrated automatically, you will now collect both server and client side errors.

194 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

2.1.14 Migrating Weblate to another server

Migrating Weblate to another server should be pretty easy, however it stores data in few locations which you should migrate carefully. The best approach is to stop Weblate for the migration.

Migrating database

Depending on your database backend, you might have several options to migrate the database. The most straight- forward one is to dump the database on one server and import it on the new one. Alternatively you can use replication in case your database supports it. The best approach is to use database native tools, as they are usually the most effective (e.g. mysqldump or pg_dump). If you want to migrate between different databases, the only option might be to use Django mana- gement to dump and import the database:

# Export current data weblate dumpdata > /tmp/weblate.dump # Import dump weblate loaddata /tmp/weblate.dump

Migrating VCS repositories

The VCS repositories stored under DATA_DIR need to be migrated as well. You can simply copy them or use rsync to do the migration more effectively.

Other notes

Don’t forget to move other services Weblate might have been using like Redis, Cron jobs or custom authentication backends.

2.2 Weblate deployments

Weblate can be easily installed in your cloud. Please find detailed guide for your platform: • Installing using Docker • Installing on OpenShift

2.2.1 Helm Chart

You can install Weblate on Kubernetes using Helm. See for the detailed instructions.

2.2.2 Bitnami Weblate stack

Bitnami provides a Weblate stack for many platforms at . The setup will be adjusted during installation, see for more documentation.

2.2. Weblate deployments 195 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

2.2.3 Weblate in YunoHost

The self-hosting project YunoHost provides a package for Weblate. Once you have your YunoHost installation, you may install Weblate as any other application. It will provide you with a fully working stack with backup and restoration, but you may still have to edit your settings file for specific usages. You may use your administration interface, or this button (it will bring you to your server):

It also is possible to use the commandline interface: yunohost app install

2.3 Upgrading Weblate

2.3.1 Docker image upgrades

The official Docker image (see Installing using Docker) has all upgrade steps integrated. There are no manual step besides pulling latest version.

2.3.2 Generic upgrade instructions

Before upgrading, please check the current Software requirements as they might have changed. Once all require- ments are installed or updated, please adjust your to match changes in the configuration (consult for correct values). Always check Version specific instructions before upgrade. In case you are skipping some versions, please follow instructions for all versions you are skipping in the upgrade. Sometimes it’s better to upgrade to some intermediate version to ensure a smooth migration. Upgrading across multiple releases should work, but is not as well tested as single version upgrades.

Nota: It is recommended to perform a full database backup prior to upgrade so that you can roll back the database in case upgrade fails, see Fazer backup e mover o Weblate.

1. Stop wsgi and Celery processes. The upgrade can perform incompatible changes in the database, so it is always safer to avoid old processes running while upgrading. 2. Upgrade Weblate code. For pip installs it can be achieved by:

pip install -U Weblate

With Git checkout you need to fetch new source code and update your installation:

cd weblate-src git pull # Update Weblate inside your virtualenv . ~/weblate-env/bin/pip install -e . # Install dependencies directly when not using virtualenv pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt

3. Upgrade configuration file, refer to or Version specific instructions for needed steps.

196 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

4. Upgrade database structure:

weblate migrate --noinput

5. Collect updated static files (see Running server and Serving static files):

weblate collectstatic --noinput

6. Compress JavaScript and CSS files (optional, see Compressing client assets):

weblate compress

7. If you are running version from Git, you should also regenerate locale files every time you are upgrading. You can do this by invoking:

weblate compilemessages

8. Verify that your setup is sane (see also Production setup):

weblate check --deploy

9. Restart celery worker (see Background tasks using Celery).

2.3.3 Version specific instructions

Upgrade from 2.x

If you are upgrading from 2.x release, always first upgrade to 3.0.1 and the continue upgrading in the 3.x series. Upgrades skipping this step are not supported and will break. Veja também: Upgrade from 2.20 to 3.0 in Weblate 3.0 documentation

Upgrade from 3.x

If you are upgrading from 3.x release, always first upgrade to 4.0.4 and the continue upgrading in the 4.x series. Upgrades skipping this step are not supported and will break. Veja também: Upgrade from 3.11 to 4.0 in Weblate 4.0 documentation

Upgrade from 4.0 to 4.1

Please follow Generic upgrade instructions in order to perform update. Notable configuration or dependencies changes: • There are several changes in, most notable middleware changes, please adjust your settings accordingly. • There are new file formats, you might want to include them in case you modified the WEBLATE_FORMATS. • There are new quality checks, you might want to include them in case you modified the CHECK_LIST. • There is change in DEFAULT_THROTTLE_CLASSES setting to allow reporting of rate limiting in the API. • There are some new and updated requirements. • There is a change in INSTALLED_APPS.

2.3. Upgrading Weblate 197 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

• The DeepL machine translation now defaults to v2 API, you might need to adjust MT_DEEPL_API_VERSION in case your current DeepL subscription does not support that. Veja também: Generic upgrade instructions

Upgrade from 4.1 to 4.2

Please follow Generic upgrade instructions in order to perform update. Notable configuration or dependencies changes: • Upgrade from 3.x releases is not longer supported, please upgrade to 4.0 or 4.1 first. • There are some new and updated requirements. • There are several changes in, most notable new middleware and changed appli- cation ordering. • The keys for JSON based formats no longer include leading dot. The strings are adjusted during the database migration, but external components might need adjustment in case you rely on keys in exports or API. • The Celery configuration was changed to no longer use memory queue. Please adjust your startup scripts and CELERY_TASK_ROUTES setting. • The Weblate domain is now configured in the settings, see SITE_DOMAIN (or WEBLATE_SITE_DOMAIN). You will have to configure it before running Weblate. Veja também: Generic upgrade instructions

2.3.4 Upgrading from Python 2 to Python 3

Weblate no longer supports Python older than 3.5. In case you are still running on older version, please perform migration to Python 3 first on existing version and upgrade later. See Upgrading from Python 2 to Python 3 in the Weblate 3.11.1 documentation.

2.3.5 Migrating from other databases to PostgreSQL

If you are running Weblate on other dabatase than PostgreSQL, you should migrate to PostgreSQL as that will be the only supported database backend in the 4.0 release. The following steps will guide you in migrating your data between the databases. Please remember to stop both web and Celery servers prior to the migration, otherwise you might end up with inconsistent data.

Creating a database in PostgreSQL

It is usually a good idea to run Weblate in a separate database, and separate user account:

# If PostgreSQL was not installed before, set the main password sudo -u postgres psql postgres -c "\password postgres"

# Create a database user called "weblate" sudo -u postgres createuser -D -P weblate

# Create the database "weblate" owned by "weblate" sudo -u postgres createdb -O weblate weblate

198 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Migrating using Django JSON dumps

The simplest approach for migration is to utilize Django JSON dumps. This works well for smaller installations. On bigger sites you might want to use pgloader instead, see Migrating to PotsgreSQL using pgloader. 1. Add PostgeSQL as additional database connection to the

DATABASES = { 'default':{ # Database engine 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql', # Database name 'NAME': 'weblate', # Database user 'USER': 'weblate', # Database password 'PASSWORD': 'password', # Set to empty string for localhost 'HOST': '', # Set to empty string for default 'PORT': '', # Additional database options 'OPTIONS':{ # In case of using an older MySQL server, which has MyISAM as a␣ ,→default storage # 'init_command': 'SET storage_engine=INNODB', # Uncomment for MySQL older than 5.7: # 'init_command': "SET sql_mode='STRICT_TRANS_TABLES'", # If your server supports it, see the Unicode issues above 'charset': 'utf8mb4', # Change connection timeout in case you get MySQL gone away error: 'connect_timeout': 28800, } }, 'postgresql':{ # Database engine 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql', # Database name 'NAME': 'weblate', # Database user 'USER': 'weblate', # Database password 'PASSWORD': 'password', # Set to empty string for localhost 'HOST': '', # Set to empty string for default 'PORT': '', } }

2. Run migrations and drop any data inserted into the tables: weblate migrate --database=postgresql weblate sqlflush --database=postgresql | weblate dbshell --database=postgresql

3. Dump legacy database and import to PostgreSQL weblate dumpdata --all --output weblate.json weblate loaddata weblate.json --database=postgresql

4. Adjust DATABASES to use just PostgreSQL database as default, remove legacy connection. Weblate should be now ready to run from the PostgreSQL database.

2.3. Upgrading Weblate 199 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Migrating to PotsgreSQL using pgloader

The pgloader is a generic migration tool to migrate data to PostgreSQL. You can use it to migrate Weblate database. 1. Adjust your to use PostgeSQL as a database. 2. Migrate the schema in the PostgreSQL database:

weblate migrate weblate sqlflush | weblate dbshell

3. Run the pgloader to transfer the data. The following script can be used to migrate the database, but you might want to learn more about pgloader to understand what it does and tweak it to match your setup:

LOAD DATABASE FROM mysql://weblate:password@localhost/weblate INTO postgresql://weblate:password@localhost/weblate

WITH include no drop, truncate, create no tables, create no indexes, no␣ ,→foreign keys, disable triggers, reset sequences, data only

ALTER SCHEMA 'weblate' RENAME TO 'public' ;

2.3.6 Migrating from Pootle

As Weblate was originally written as replacement from Pootle, it is supported to migrate user accounts from Pootle. You can dump the users from Pootle and import them using importusers.

2.4 Fazer backup e mover o Weblate

2.4.1 Backup automatizado

Novo na versão 3.9. Weblate has built-in support for creating service backups using BorgBackup. Borg creates space-effective encrypted backups which can be safely stored in the cloud. The backups can be controlled in the management interface on the Backups tab.

Aviso: Only PostgreSQL database is included in the automated backups. Other database engines have to be backed up manually. You are recommended to migrate to PostgreSQL, see Database setup for Weblate and Migrating from other databases to PostgreSQL.

The backups using Borg are incremental and Weblate is configured to keep following backups: • 14 daily backups • 8 weekly backups • 6 monthly backups

200 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Usar armazenamento de backup provisionado do Weblate

A abordagem mais fácil para fazer backup da sua instância do Weblate é comprar o serviço de backup em O processo de ativação pode ser realizado em poucas etapas: 1. Compre o serviço de backup em 2. Insira a chave obtida na interface de gestão, veja Integrando o apoio. 3. Weblate vai se conectar ao serviço de nuvem e obter informações de acesso para os backups. 4. Ativar a nova configuração de backup na guia Backups. 5. Faça backup das credenciais do Borg para conseguir restaurar os backups, veja Chave de criptografia do Borg.

2.4. Fazer backup e mover o Weblate 201 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Dica: Existe um passo manual a ativar para sua segurança. Sem o seu consentimento, nenhum dado é enviado ao repositório de backup obtido através do processo de registo.

Usar armazenamento de backup personalizado

Também pode usar o seu próprio armazenamento para backups. SSH pode ser usado para armazenar cópias de segurança no destino remoto, o servidor de destino precisa do BorgBackup instalado. Veja também: General na documentação do Borg

Chave de criptografia do Borg

BorgBackup cria backups criptografados e sem uma palavra-passe você não será capaz de restaurar o backup. A palavra-passe é gerada ao adicionar um novo serviço de backup e você deve copiá-lo e mantê-lo num lugar seguro. No caso de que esteja a usar Usar armazenamento de backup provisionado do Weblate, também faça um backup da sua chave SSH privada — ela é usada para acessar seus backups. Veja também: borg init

Restaurar do BorgBackup

1. Restaurar o acesso ao repositório de backup e preparar sua palavra-passe de backup. 2. Liste o backup existente no servidor usando borg list REPOSITÓRIO. 3. Restaure o backup desejado para o diretório atual usando borg extract REPOSITÓRIO::PACOTE. 4. Restaure o banco de dados do despejo de SQL posto no diretório backup no diretório de dados do Weblate (veja :ref:”backup-dumps”). 5. Copy Weblate configuration (backups/, see Dados despejados para os backups) to the cor- rect location, see Adjusting configuration. 6. Copy the whole restored data dir to location configured by DATA_DIR. A sessão de Borg podia parecer com isso:

$ borg list /tmp/xxx Enter passphrase for key /tmp/xxx: 2019-09-26T14:56:08 Thu, 2019-09-26 14:56:08␣ ,→[de0e0f13643635d5090e9896bdaceb92a023050749ad3f3350e788f1a65576a5] $ borg extract /tmp/xxx::2019-09-26T14:56:08 Enter passphrase for key /tmp/xxx:

Veja também: borg list, borg extract

202 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

2.4.2 Backup manual

Dependendo do que deseja gravar, faça backup do tipo de dados que o Weblate armazena em cada lugar.

Dica: No caso de fazer backups manuais, pode silenciar avisos do Weblate sobre a falta de backups adicionando weblate.I028 a SILENCED_SYSTEM_CHECKS em ou WE- BLATE_SILENCED_SYSTEM_CHECKS para o Docker.


Banco de dados

O local de armazenamento real depende da configuração do seu banco de dados. O banco de dados é o armazenamento mais importante. Configure backups regulares do seu banco de dados, sem o qual toda a sua configuração de tradução desaparecerá.

Backup nativo do banco de dados

A abordagem recomendada é de fazer o despejo do banco de dados usando ferramentas nativas, tais como pg_dump ou msqldump. Esta abordagem normalmente tem um desempenho melhor do que o backup do Django e restaura tabelas completas com todos os dados. Pode restaurar esse backup na versão mais nova do Weblate, ele executará quaisquer migrações necessárias ao execu- tar em migrate. Consulte Upgrading Weblate sobre informações mais detalhadas sobre como realizar a atualização entre as versões.

Backup do banco de dados do Django

Alternativamente, pode fazer backup do banco de dados pelo comando dumpdata do Django. Dessa forma o backup é agnóstico de banco de dados e pode ser usado caso queira alterar o backend do banco de dados. Antes de restaurar, deve estar a usar exatamente a mesma versão do Weblate que foi usada ao fazer backups. Isso é necessário, pois a estrutura do banco de dados muda entre as versões e você acabaria corrompendo os dados de alguma forma. Depois de instalar a mesma versão, execute todas as migrações do banco de dados usando migrate. Uma vez feito isto, algumas entradas já serão criadas no banco de dados e as terá no backup do banco de dados também. A abordagem recomendada é excluir essas entradas manualmente usando o shell de gestão (veja Invoking management commands): weblate shell >>> from weblate.auth.models import User >>> User.objects.get(username='anonymous').delete()


Se tiver espaço de backup suficiente, basta fazer backup de todo o DATA_DIR. Esta é uma situação segura, mesmo que inclua alguns ficheiros que você não queira. As secções a seguir descrevem em detalhes do que deve fazer backup e o que pode pular.

2.4. Fazer backup e mover o Weblate 203 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Dados despejados para os backups

Armazenados em DATA_DIR /backups. O Weblate despeja vários dados aqui e você pode incluir esses ficheiros para backups mais completos. Os ficheiros são atualizados diariamente (requer um servidor de «beats» do Celery em execução, consulte Background tasks using Celery). Atualmente, isto inclui: • Configurações do Weblate como (existe também a versão expandida em settings- • Backup de banco de dados PostgreSQL como database.sql. The database backups are by default saved as plain text, but they can also be compressed or entirely skipped by using DATABASE_BACKUP.

Repositórios de controle de versão

Armazenados em DATA_DIR /vcs. Os repositórios de controle de versão contêm uma cópia dos seus repositórios upstream com alterações do Weblate. Se tiver o push ao fazer commit ativado para todos os seus componentes de tradução, todas as alterações do Weblate são incluídas upstream e não precisa fazer backup dos repositórios no lado do Weblate. Eles podem ser clonados novamente dos locais upstream sem perda de dados.

Chaves SSH e GPG

Armazenados em DATA_DIR /ssh e DATA_DIR /home. Se está a usar chaves de SSH ou GPG geradas pelo Weblate, deve fazer backup destes locais; caso contrário, vai perder as chaves privadas e terá que gerar outras novamente.

Ficheiros enviados pelo utilizador

Armazenados em DATA_DIR /media. Deve fazer o backup dos ficheiros enviados pelo utilizador (por exemplo, Visual context for strings).

Linha de comando para backup manual

Usando uma tarefa de cron, pode configurar um comando bash a ser executado diariamente, por exemplo:

$ XZ_OPT="-9" tar -Jcf ~/backup/weblate-backup-$(date -u +%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S).xz␣ ,→backups vcs ssh home media fonts secret

A cadeia entre aspas após XZ_OPT permite que escolha suas opções do xz, por exemplo, a quantidade de memória utilizada para compressão; veja Pode ajustar a lista de pastas e ficheiros às suas necessidades. Por exemplo, para evitar gravar a memória de tradução (na pasta backups), pode usar:

$ XZ_OPT="-9" tar -Jcf ~/backup/weblate-backup-$(date -u +%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S).xz␣ ,→backups/database.sql backups/ vcs ssh home media fonts secret

204 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

2.4.3 Tarefas do Celery

The Celery tasks queue might contain some info, but is usually not needed for a backup. At most you will lose updates that have not yet been processed to translation memory. It is recommended to perform the fulltext or repository updates upon restoring anyhow, so there is no problem in losing these. Veja também: Background tasks using Celery

2.4.4 Restaurar backup manual

1. Restaure todos os dados dos quais tenha feito backup. 2. Atualize todos repositórios usando o updategit.

weblate updategit --all

2.4.5 Mover uma instalação do Weblate

Realoque a instalação de um sistema diferente, seguindo as instruções de backup e restauração acima. Veja também: Upgrading from Python 2 to Python 3, Migrating from other databases to PostgreSQL

2.5 Autenticação

2.5.1 Registo de utilizador

A configuração predefinida para Weblate é usar python-social-auth, um formulário no site para lidar com o registo de novos utilizadores. Depois de confirmar seu e-mail, um novo utilizador pode contribuir ou autenticar usando um dos serviços de terceiros. Também pode desativar o registo de novos utilizadores configurando REGISTRATION_OPEN. As tentativas de autenticação estão sujeitas a Limitação de taxa.

2.5.2 Backends de autenticação

The built-in solution of Django is used for authentication, including various social options to do so. Using it means you can import the user database of other Django-based projects (see Migrating from Pootle). Django pode, adicionalmente, ser configurado para autenticar em outros meios também. Veja também: Authentication settings descreve como configurar a autenticação na imagem oficial do Docker.

2.5. Autenticação 205 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

2.5.3 Autenticação social

Graças ao Welcome to Python Social Auth’s documentation!, o Weblate tem suporte a autenticação utilizando muitos serviços de terceiros, tais como GitLab, Ubuntu, Fedora, etc. Por favor, verifique sua documentação para as instruções de configuração genéricas em Django Framework.

Nota: Por predefinição, o Weblate conta com serviços de autenticação de terceiros para fornecer um endereço de e-mail validado. Se alguns dos serviços que deseja usar não suportarem isto, por favor aplique a validação de e-mail no lado Weblate configurando FORCE_EMAIL_VALIDATION para eles. Por exemplo:


Veja também: Pipeline

Permitir backends individuais é bastante fácil, é apenas uma questão de adicionar uma entrada à configuração AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS e possivelmente adicionar chaves necessárias para um determinado método de autenticação. Por favor, note que alguns backends não fornecem e-mails do utilizador por predefinição, você tem que solicitá-lo explicitamente, caso contrário o Weblate não será capaz de corretamente dar mérito às contribuições que os utilizadores fazem. Veja também: Backend de Python Social Auth

Autenticação por OpenID

For OpenID-based services it’s usually just a matter of enabling them. The following section enables OpenID authen- tication for OpenSUSE, Fedora and Ubuntu:

# Authentication configuration AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ( '', 'social_core.backends.suse.OpenSUSEOpenId', 'social_core.backends.ubuntu.UbuntuOpenId', 'social_core.backends.fedora.FedoraOpenId', 'weblate.accounts.auth.WeblateUserBackend', )

Veja também: OpenID

Autenticação por GitHub

Precisa registar uma aplicação no GitHub e dar todos os segredos dele ao Weblate:

# Authentication configuration AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ( 'social_core.backends.github.GithubOAuth2', '', 'weblate.accounts.auth.WeblateUserBackend', )

# Social auth backends setup SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_KEY = 'GitHub Client ID' SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_SECRET = 'GitHub Client Secret' SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_SCOPE = ['user:email']

206 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

O GitHub deve ser configurado para ter URL de um retorno de chamada como accounts/complete/github/.

Nota: O Weblate fornecia URL de retorno de chamada durante a autenticação inclui domínio configurado. No caso de obter erros sobre incompatibilidade de URL, pode corrigir isso, consulte Set correct site domain.

Veja também: GitHub

Autenticação por Bitbucket

Precisa registar uma aplicação no Bitbucket e dar todos os segredos dele ao Weblate:

# Authentication configuration AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ( 'social_core.backends.bitbucket.BitbucketOAuth', '', 'weblate.accounts.auth.WeblateUserBackend', )


Nota: O Weblate fornecia URL de retorno de chamada durante a autenticação inclui domínio configurado. No caso de obter erros sobre incompatibilidade de URL, pode corrigir isso, consulte Set correct site domain.

Veja também: Bitbucket

OAuth 2 do Google

Para usar o OAuth 2 do Google, precisa registar-se numa aplicação em e ativar a API do Google+. A URL de redirecionamento é https://SERVIDOR WEBLATE/accounts/complete/google- oauth2/

# Authentication configuration AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ( '', '', 'weblate.accounts.auth.WeblateUserBackend', )

# Social auth backends setup SOCIAL_AUTH_GOOGLE_OAUTH2_KEY = 'Client ID' SOCIAL_AUTH_GOOGLE_OAUTH2_SECRET = 'Client secret'

Nota: O Weblate fornecia URL de retorno de chamada durante a autenticação inclui domínio configurado. No caso de obter erros sobre incompatibilidade de URL, pode corrigir isso, consulte Set correct site domain.

Veja também:

2.5. Autenticação 207 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1


OAuth 2 do Facebook

Como de costume com os serviços OAuth 2, precisa registar sua aplicação no Facebook. Uma vez feito, pode configurar o Weblate para usá-lo: A URL de redirecionamento é https://SERVIDOR WEBLATE/accounts/complete/facebook/

# Authentication configuration AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ( 'social_core.backends.facebook.FacebookOAuth2', '', 'weblate.accounts.auth.WeblateUserBackend', )

# Social auth backends setup SOCIAL_AUTH_FACEBOOK_KEY = 'key' SOCIAL_AUTH_FACEBOOK_SECRET = 'secret' SOCIAL_AUTH_FACEBOOK_SCOPE = ['email', 'public_profile']

Nota: O Weblate fornecia URL de retorno de chamada durante a autenticação inclui domínio configurado. No caso de obter erros sobre incompatibilidade de URL, pode corrigir isso, consulte Set correct site domain.

Veja também: Facebook

OAuth 2 do GitLab

Para usar o OAuth 2 do GitLab, precisa registrar uma aplicação em . A URL de redirecionamento é https://SERVIDOR WEBLATE/accounts/complete/gitlab/ e garan- tir que você marque o escopo read_user.

# Authentication configuration AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ( 'social_core.backends.gitlab.GitLabOAuth2', '', 'weblate.accounts.auth.WeblateUserBackend', )

# Social auth backends setup SOCIAL_AUTH_GITLAB_KEY = 'Application ID' SOCIAL_AUTH_GITLAB_SECRET = 'Secret' SOCIAL_AUTH_GITLAB_SCOPE = ['read_user']

# If you are using your own GitLab # SOCIAL_AUTH_GITLAB_API_URL = ''

Nota: O Weblate fornecia URL de retorno de chamada durante a autenticação inclui domínio configurado. No caso de obter erros sobre incompatibilidade de URL, pode corrigir isso, consulte Set correct site domain.

Veja também: GitLab

208 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Active Directory do Microsoft Azure

Weblate pode ser configurado para usar inquilinos comuns ou específicos para autenticação. The redirect URL is https://WEBLATE SERVER/accounts/complete/azuread-oauth2/ for com- mon and https://WEBLATE SERVER/accounts/complete/azuread-tenant-oauth2/ for tenant- specific authentication.

# Azure AD common

# Authentication configuration AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ( "social_core.backends.azuread.AzureADOAuth2", "", "weblate.accounts.auth.WeblateUserBackend", )


# Azure AD Tenant

# Authentication configuration AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ( "social_core.backends.azuread_tenant.AzureADTenantOAuth2", "", "weblate.accounts.auth.WeblateUserBackend", )


Nota: O Weblate fornecia URL de retorno de chamada durante a autenticação inclui domínio configurado. No caso de obter erros sobre incompatibilidade de URL, pode corrigir isso, consulte Set correct site domain.

Veja também: Microsoft Azure Active Directory


Para usar o OAuth 2 do Slack, precisa registar uma aplicação em . A URL de redirecionamento é https://SERVIDOR WEBLATE/accounts/complete/slack/.

# Authentication configuration AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ( 'social_core.backends.slack.SlackOAuth2', '', 'weblate.accounts.auth.WeblateUserBackend', )

# Social auth backends setup SOCIAL_AUTH_SLACK_KEY = '' SOCIAL_AUTH_SLACK_SECRET = ''

2.5. Autenticação 209 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Nota: O Weblate fornecia URL de retorno de chamada durante a autenticação inclui domínio configurado. No caso de obter erros sobre incompatibilidade de URL, pode corrigir isso, consulte Set correct site domain.

Veja também: Slack

Desativar autenticação por palavra-passe

Autenticação por e-mail e palavra-passe pode ser desativada através da remoção de social_core.backends. email.EmailAuth de AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS. Mantenha sempre weblate.accounts.auth. WeblateUserBackend lá, pois é necessário para a funcionalidade central do Weblate.

Dica: Ainda pode usar autenticação por palavra-passe para a interface administrativa, para utilizadores que lá cria manualmente. Basta navegar para /admin/.

Por exemplo, a autenticação usando apenas o provedor Open ID do openSUSE pode ser alcançada usando o seguinte:

# Authentication configuration AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ( 'social_core.backends.suse.OpenSUSEOpenId', 'weblate.accounts.auth.WeblateUserBackend', )

2.5.4 Autenticação por palavra-passe

A predefinição vem com um razoável conjunto de AUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS: • As palavras-passe não podem ser muito similares às suas outras informações pessoais. • As palavras-passe devem conter no mínimo de 10 caracteres. • As palavras-passe não podem ser palaras-passe comumente usadas. • As palavras-passe não podem ser inteiramente numéricas. • As palavras-passe não podem consistir num único caractere ou apenas espaço em branco. • As palavras-passe não podem corresponder a uma palavra-passe que já usou no passado. Pode personalizar esta configuração para corresponder à sua política de palavra-passe. Além disso, também pode instalar o django-zxcvbn-password o que dá bastante estimativas realistas de complexidade da palavra-passe e permite rejeitar palavras-passe abaixo de um determinado limite.

2.5.5 Autenticação por SAML

Novo na versão 4.1.1. Siga as instruções do Python Social Auth para configuração. Diferenças notáveis: • Weblate tem suporte a único IDP que tem de ser chamado de weblate em SO- CIAL_AUTH_SAML_ENABLED_IDPS. • A URL de metadados XML de SAML é /accounts/metadata/saml/. • As configurações a seguir são preenchidas automaticamente: SOCIAL_AUTH_SAML_SP_ENTITY_ID, SOCIAL_AUTH_SAML_TECHNICAL_CONTACT, SOCIAL_AUTH_SAML_SUPPORT_CONTACT Exemplo de configuração:

210 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

# Authentication configuration AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ( "", "social_core.backends.saml.SAMLAuth", "weblate.accounts.auth.WeblateUserBackend", )

# Social auth backends setup SOCIAL_AUTH_SAML_SP_PUBLIC_CERT = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----" SOCIAL_AUTH_SAML_SP_PRIVATE_KEY = "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----" SOCIAL_AUTH_SAML_ENABLED_IDPS = { "weblate":{ "entity_id": "", "url": "", "x509cert": "MIIEDjCCAvagAwIBAgIBADA ... 8Bbnl+ev0peYzxFyF5sQA==", "attr_name": "full_name", "attr_username": "username", "attr_email": "email", } }

Veja também: Configurando SAML no Docker, SAML

2.5.6 Autenticação por LDAP

A autenticação por LDAP pode ser melhor alcançada utilizando o pacote django-auth-ldap. Pode instalá-lo através dos meios habituais:

# Using PyPI pip install django-auth-ldap>=1.3.0

# Using apt-get apt-get install python-django-auth-ldap

Aviso: Com django-auth-ldap anterior a 1.3.0, o Atribuições de grupo automáticas não funcionarão corretamente para utilizadores recentemente criados.

Nota: Há algumas incompatibilidades no módulo Python LDAP 3.1.0, o que o pode impedir de usar essa versão. Se obter o erro AttributeError: “module” object has no attribute “_trace_level”, fayendo o downgrade para python-ldap 3.0.0 pode ajudar.

Uma vez que tenha o pacote instalado, pode ligá-lo à autenticação do Django:

# Add LDAP backed, keep Django one if you want to be able to login # even without LDAP for admin account AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ( 'django_auth_ldap.backend.LDAPBackend', 'weblate.accounts.auth.WeblateUserBackend', )

# LDAP server address AUTH_LDAP_SERVER_URI = 'ldaps://'

# DN to use for authentication (continues on next page)

2.5. Autenticação 211 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

(continuação da página anterior) AUTH_LDAP_USER_DN_TEMPLATE = 'cn=%(user)s,o=Example' # Depending on your LDAP server, you might use a different DN # like: # AUTH_LDAP_USER_DN_TEMPLATE = 'ou=users,dc=example,dc=com'

# List of attributes to import from LDAP upon login # Weblate stores full name of the user in the full_name attribute AUTH_LDAP_USER_ATTR_MAP = { 'full_name': 'name', # Use the following if your LDAP server does not have full name # Weblate will merge them later # 'first_name': 'givenName', # 'last_name': 'sn', # Email is required for Weblate (used in VCS commits) 'email': 'mail', }

# Hide the registration form REGISTRATION_OPEN = False

Nota: Deve remover '' da configuração AUTHENTICA- TION_BACKENDS; caso contrário, os utilizadores poderão definir sua palavra-passe no Weblate e autenticar usando- a. Manter 'weblate.accounts.auth.WeblateUserBackend' ainda é necessário para fazer permissões e facilitar utilizadores anônimos. Também permitirá que você faça login usando uma conta administrativa local, se você a criou (por exemplo, usando createadmin).

Usando palavra-passe associada

Se não puder usar a associação direta para autenticação, precisará usar a pesquisa e fornecer um utilizador para associar à pesquisa. Por exemplo: import ldap from django_auth_ldap.config import LDAPSearch

AUTH_LDAP_BIND_DN = "" AUTH_LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD = "" AUTH_LDAP_USER_SEARCH = LDAPSearch("ou=users,dc=example,dc=com", ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, "(uid=%(user)s)")

Active Directory integration import ldap from django_auth_ldap.config import LDAPSearch, NestedActiveDirectoryGroupType

AUTH_LDAP_BIND_DN = "CN=ldap,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com" AUTH_LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD = "password"

# User and group search objects and types AUTH_LDAP_USER_SEARCH = LDAPSearch("CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com", ldap.SCOPE_ ,→SUBTREE, "(sAMAccountName=%(user)s)")

# Make selected group a superuser in Weblate AUTH_LDAP_USER_FLAGS_BY_GROUP = { # is_superuser means user has all permissions "is_superuser": "CN=weblate_AdminUsers,OU=Groups,DC=example,DC=com", (continues on next page)

212 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

(continuação da página anterior) }

# Map groups from AD to Weblate AUTH_LDAP_GROUP_SEARCH = LDAPSearch("OU=Groups,DC=example,DC=com", ldap.SCOPE_ ,→SUBTREE, "(objectClass=group)") AUTH_LDAP_GROUP_TYPE = NestedActiveDirectoryGroupType() AUTH_LDAP_FIND_GROUP_PERMS = True

# Optionally enable group mirroring from LDAP to Weblate # AUTH_LDAP_MIRROR_GROUPS = True

Veja também: Django Authentication Using LDAP, Authentication

2.5.7 Autenticação por CAS

A autenticação por CAS pode ser alcançada usando um pacote como o django-cas-ng. O primeiro passo é divulgar o campo de e-mail do utilizador via CAS. Isso tem que ser configurado no próprio servidor CAS e requer que utilize pelo menos CAS v2, já que o CAS v1 não tem suporte a atributos. O segundo passo é atualizar a Weblate para utilizar o seu servidor CAS e os seus atributos. Para instalar django-cas-ng:

pip install django-cas-ng

Uma vez que o pacote instalado, pode conectá-lo ao sistema de autenticação do Django modificando o ficheiro

# Add CAS backed, keep the Django one if you want to be able to sign in # even without LDAP for the admin account AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ( 'django_cas_ng.backends.CASBackend', 'weblate.accounts.auth.WeblateUserBackend', )

# CAS server address CAS_SERVER_URL = ''

# Add django_cas_ng somewhere in the list of INSTALLED_APPS INSTALLED_APPS = ( ..., 'django_cas_ng' )

Finalmente, um sinal pode ser usado para mapear o campo de e-mail para o objeto do utilizador. Para que isso funcione, tem que importar o sinal do pacote django-cas-ng e conectar seu código com este sinal. Fazer isto em configurações de ficheiro pode causar problemas, portanto, é sugerido pôr-lo: • No método django.apps.AppConfig.ready() da configuração do seu app • No ficheiro do projeto (quando não há modelos)

from django_cas_ng.signals import cas_user_authenticated from django.dispatch import receiver @receiver(cas_user_authenticated) def update_user_email_address(sender, user=None, attributes=None, **kwargs): # If your CAS server does not always include the email attribute # you can wrap the next two lines of code in a try/catch block. (continues on next page)

2.5. Autenticação 213 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

(continuação da página anterior) = attributes['email']

Veja também: Django CAS NG

2.5.8 Configurando autenticação por Django de terceiros

Geralmente, qualquer extensão de autenticação Django deve funcionar com Weblate. Basta seguir as instruções da extensão, lembrando de manter o backend do utilizador Weblate instalado. Veja também: Autenticação por LDAP, Autenticação por CAS Normalmente, a instalação consiste em adicionar uma autenticação de backend a AUTHENTICA- TION_BACKENDS`e a instalar uma app de autenticação (se houver) no :set- ting:`django:INSTALLED_APPS:

AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ( # Add authentication backend here 'weblate.accounts.auth.WeblateUserBackend', )

INSTALLED_APPS = ( ... 'weblate', # Install authentication app here )

2.6 Controlo de acesso

Alterado na versão 3.0: Before Weblate 3.0, the privilege system was based on Django, but is now specifically built for Weblate. If you are using an older version, please consult the documentation for that version, the information here will not apply. O Weblate vem com um sistema de privilégios fino para atribuir permissões ao utilizador para toda a instância ou num escopo limitado. O sistema de autorização baseado nos grupos e funções, onde as funções de definir um conjunto de permissões, grupos e atribuir-lhes para os utilizadores e traduções, veja Utilizadores, funções, grupos e permissões para mais detalhes. Após a instalação, um conjunto de grupos predefinido é criado e pode usá-los para atribuir funções de utilizadores para toda a instância (ver Grupos e funções predefinidos). Além disso, quando acl`está ativado, pode atribuir utilizadores a projetos de tradução específicos. Configurações mais refinadas podem ser alcançadas usando :ref:`custom-acl

214 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

2.6.1 Configurações comuns

Bloqueando o Weblate

Para bloquear o sua instalação de Weblate completamente , pode usar o LOGIN_REQUIRED_URLS para forçar os utilizadores a entrar e o REGISTRATION_OPEN para impedir novos registos.

Permissões para todo o site

Para gerir permissões para uma instância inteira, basta adicionar utilizadores aos grupos Utilizadores (isso é feito por predefinição, usando o Atribuições de grupo automáticas), Revisores e Gestores. Manter todos os projetos configurados como «Público» (veja Controlo de acesso por projeto).

Permissões por projeto

Defina seus projetos a Protegido ou Privado e gira utilizadores por projeto na interface do Weblate.

Adicionar permissões a idiomas, componentes ou projetos

Além disso pode conceder permissões a qualquer utilizador com base no projeto, componente ou conjunto de idiomas. Para conseguir isso, crie um grupo (por exemplo, tradutores de tcheco) e configure-o para um determinado recurso. Quaisquer permissões atribuídas serão concedidas aos membros desse grupo para os recursos selecionados. Isto funcionará muito bem sem configuração adicional, se for usado por permissões de projeto. Para permissões em toda a instância, provavelmente também vai querer remover essas permissões do grupo Utilizadores ou alterar a atribuição automática de todos os utilizadores para esse grupo (ver Atribuições de grupo automáticas). Veja também: Verificação de permissão

2.6.2 Controlo de acesso por projeto

Nota: Ao ativar a ACL, todos os utilizadores são proibidos de acessar qualquer coisa dentro de um determinado projeto, a menos que você adicione as permissões para que eles façam exatamente isso.

Pode limitar o acesso do utilizador a projetos individuais. Este recurso é ligado por Controlo de acesso na configuração de cada projeto. Isto cria automaticamente vários grupos para este projeto, consulte Grupos predefinidos. Existem as seguintes opções para Controle de acesso: Pública Publicamente visíveis e traduzíveis Protegido Visível publicamente, mas traduzível apenas por utilizadores selecionados Privado Visível e traduzível apenas por utilizadores selecionados Personalizado Weblate não gere os utilizadores, consulte: Controle de acesso personalizado.

2.6. Controlo de acesso 215 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Para permitir o acesso a este projeto, tem de adicionar o privilégio diretamente ao utilizador, ou grupo de utilizadores na interface administrativa do Django, ou utilizando a gestão do utilizador na página do projeto, conforme descrito em Gerindo controle de acesso por projeto.

Nota: Mesmo com a ACL ativada, alguma informação do resumo irá estar disponível sobre o seu projeto: • Estatísticas para toda a instância, incluindo as contagens para todos os projetos. • Resumo do idioma para toda a instância, incluindo contagens para todos os projetos.

2.6.3 Atribuições de grupo automáticas

Pode configurar o Weblate para adicionar automaticamente os utilizadores aos grupos com base no endereço de e-mail dos mesmos. Esta atribuição automática acontece apenas no momento da criação da conta. Isto pode ser configurado na interface administrativa do Django para cada grupo (na seção Autenticação).

Nota: A atribuição automática de grupo para os grupos Utilizadores e Visualizadores será criada sempre pelo Weblate após as migrações; caso queira desativá-la, basta definir a expressão regular para ^$, que nunca corresponderá.

2.6.4 Utilizadores, funções, grupos e permissões

Os modelos de autenticação consistem em vários objetos: Permissão Permissões individuais definidas pelo Weblate. Não pode atribuir permissões individuais, isto só pode ser efetuado através da atribuição de funções. Função A função define um conjunto de permissões. Isto permite a reutilização destes conjuntos em vários lugares, e facilita a administração. Utilizador Os utilizadores podem ser membros de vários grupos. Grupo Grupos associam funções, utilizadores e objetos de autenticação (projetos, idiomas e listas de componentes).

216 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1



Role Project Language Components Component list


Verificação de permissão

Sempre que uma permissão é verificada para decidir se alguém é capaz de realizar uma determinada ação, a verificação é realizada de acordo com o âmbito, e as seguintes verificações são realizadas na ordem: 1. Component list is matched against component or project. 2. Componentes são comparados com o componente ou o projeto. 3. Projetos são comparados com o projeto. As you can see, granting access to a component automatically grants user access to a containing project as well.

Nota: Apenas será utilizada a primeira regra. Assim, se definir todas da Lista de Componentes, Componentes e Projeto, apenas será aplicada a Lista de componentes.

Uma etapa adicional é executada se estiver a verificar a permissão para a tradução: 4. Languages are matched against the scope of translations if set, if not set, this does not match any language.

Dica: Pode utilizar Seleção de Idioma ou Seleção de Projeto para automatizar a inclusão de todos os idiomas ou projetos.

Verificar acesso a um projeto

Um utilizador tem que ser um membro de um grupo vinculado ao projeto ou qualquer componente dentro dele. Apenas a adesão é suficiente, permissões específicas não são necessárias para acessar um projeto (isso é usado no grupo predefinido Visualizadores, consulte Grupos e funções predefinidos).

2.6. Controlo de acesso 217 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Verificar acesso a um componente

Um utilizador pode acessar o componente irrestrito assim que puder acessar o projeto de contenção. Com o Res- tricted access ativado, o acesso ao componente requer permissão explícita no componente (ou que contenha lista de componentes).

2.6.5 Gerir utilizadores e grupos

Todos os utilizadores e grupos podem ser geridos usando-se a interface administrativa do Django, disponível na URL /admin/.

Gerindo controle de acesso por projeto

Nota: Este recurso só funciona para projetos controlados por ACL, veja Controlo de acesso por projeto.

Os utilizadores com o privilégio Pode gerir regras ACL para um projeto (veja a Controlo de acesso) também pode gerir utilizadores em projetos de controle de acesso ativado através da página do projeto. A interface permite que você: • Adicionar utilizadores existentes ao projeto • Convidar novos utilizadores para o projeto • Alterar permissões dos utilizadores • Revogar acesso dos utilizadores A gestão de utilizadores está disponível no menu Gerir de um projeto:

Veja também:

218 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Controlo de acesso por projeto

Grupos predefinidos

Weblate vem com um conjunto predefinido de grupos para um projeto, onde pode atribuir utilizadores. Administration Tem todas as permissões disponíveis no projeto. Glossary Pode gerir glossário (adicionar ou remover entradas ou enviar). Languages Pode gerir idiomas traduzidos - adicionar ou remover traduções. Screenshots Pode gerir capturas de ecrã - adicioná-las ou removê-las e associá-las a textos fonte. Template Pode editar modelos de tradução em Componentes monolínguas e informações de cadeias fonte. Translate Pode traduzir o projeto e enviar traduções feitas offline. VCS Pode gerir VCS e acessar o repositório exportado. Review Pode aprovar traduções durante a revisão. Billing Pode acessar informações de faturamento (consulte Faturação).

2.6.6 Controle de acesso personalizado

By choosing Custom as Access control, Weblate will stop managing access for a given project, and all users and groups can be managed using the Django admin interface. This can be used to define more complex access control, or set up a shared access policy for all projects in a single Weblate instance. If you want to turn this on for all projects by default, please configure the DEFAULT_ACCESS_CONTROL.

Aviso: Ao ativar isto, o Weblate removerá todos os Controlo de acesso por projeto que ele criou para este projeto. Se estiver a fazer isto sem permissão administrativa da instância, perderá instantaneamente o seu acesso para gerir o projeto.

2.6.7 Grupos e funções predefinidos

Lista de privilégios

Faturamento (consulte Faturação) Visualizar informações de faturamento [Administração, Faturamento] Alterações Descarrgar alterações [Administração] Comentários Publicar comentário [Administração, Editar fonte, Utiliyador avançado, Revisar cadeias, Traduzir] Apagar comentário [Administração] Componente Editar configurações do componente [Administração] Bloquear componente, impedindo traduções [Administração]

2.6. Controlo de acesso 219 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Glossário Adicionar entrada do glossário [Administração, Gerir glossário, Utilizador avançado] Editar entrada do glossário [Administração, Gerir glossário, Utilizador avançado] Apagar entrada do glossário [Administração, Gerir glossário, Utilizador avançado] Enviar entradas do glossário [Administração, Gerir glossário, Utilizador avançado] Maquinaria Usar maquinaria [Administração, Utilizador avançado] Projetos Editar configurações do projeto [Administração] Gerir acesso do projeto [Administração] Relatórios Descarragar relatórios [Administração] Capturas de ecrã Adicionar captura de ecrã [Administração, Gerir capturas de ecrã] Editar captura de ecrã [Administração, Gerir capturas de ecrã] Apagar captura de ecrã [Administração, Gerir capturas de ecrã] Cadeias fonte Editar informações de cadeias fonte [Administração, Editar fonte] Cadeias Adicionar novas cadeias [Administração] Ignorar verificações com falha [Administração, Editar fonte, Utilizador avançado, Revisar cadeias, Traduzir] Editar cadeias [Administração, Editar fonte, Utilizador avançado, Revisar cadeias, Traduzir] Revisar cadeias [Administração, Revisar cadeias] Editar cadeias quando as sugestões são forçadas [Administração, Revisar cadeias] Editar cadeias fonte [Administração, Editar fonte, Utilizador avançado] Sugestões Aceitar sugestões [Administração, Editar fonte, Utilizador avançado, Revisar cadeias, Traduzir] Adicionar sugestões [Administração, Editar fonte, Utilizador avançado, Revisar cadeias, Traduzir] Apagar sugestões [Administração] Votar em sugestões [Administração, Editar fonte, Utilizador avançado, Revisar cadeias, Traduzir] Traduções Iniciar nova tradução [Administração, Gerir idiomas, Utilizador avançado] Efetuar tradução automática [Administração, Gerir idiomas] Apagar traduções existentes [Administração, Gerir idiomas] Iniciar tradução para um novo idioma [Administração, Gerir idiomas] Envios Definir o autor da tradução enviada [Administração] Sobrescrever cadeias existentes com um envio [Administração, Editar fonte, Utilizador avançado, Revisar ca- deias, Traduzir] Enviar cadeias de tradução [Administração, Editar fonte, Utilizador avançado, Revisar cadeias, Traduzir] VCS Acessar o repositório interno [Acessar repositório, Administração, Gerir repositório, Utilizador avançado] Submeter as alterações para o repositório interno [Administração, Geriar repositório] Empurrar alterações do repositório interno [Administração, Gerir repositório] Redefinir as alterações no repositório interno [Administração, Gerir repositório] Ver o local do repositório upstream [Acessar repositório, Administração, Gerir repositório, Utilizador avançado] Atualizar o repositório interno [Administração, Gerir repositório] Privilégios para todo o site Utilizar a interface de gestão Adicionar definições de idioma Gerir definições de idioma

220 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Adicionar grupos Gerir grupos Adicionar utilizadores Gerir utilizadores Gerir anúncios Gerir a memória de tradução

Nota: Os privilégios para todo o site não são concedidos a nenhuma função predfinida. Eles são poderosos e muito próximos do estado de superutilizador — a maioria deles afetam todos os projetos da sua instalação do Weblate.

Lista de grupos

Os grupos seguintes são criados após a instalação (ou após a execução de setupgroups): Convidados Define permissões para utilizadores não autenticados. Este grupo contém apenas utilizadores anônimos (consulte ANONYMOUS_USER_NAME). Pode remover funções deste grupo para limitar as permissões para utilizadores não autenticados. Funções padrão: Adicionar sugestão, Acessar repositório Visualizadores Esta função garante a visibilidade de projetos públicos para todos os utilizadores. Por predefinição, todos os utilizadores são membros deste grupo. Por predefinição, todos os utilizadores são membros deste grupo, usando Atribuições de grupo automáticas. Funções predefinidas: nenhuma Utilizadores Grupo predefinido para todos os utilizadores. Por predefinição, todos os utilizadores são membros deste grupo usando Atribuições de grupo automáticas. Funções predefinidas: Utilizador avançado Revisores Grupo para revisores (consulte Fluxos de trabalho de tradução). Funções predefinidas: Revisar cadeias Gestores Grupo pra administradores. Funções predefinidas: Administração

Aviso: Nunca remova os grupos e utilizadores predefinidos do Weblate, pois isso pode levar a problemas ines- perados. Se não quiser usar esses recursos, basta remover todos os privilégios deles.

2.7 Projetos de tradução

2.7.1 Translation organization

Weblate organizes translatable VCS content of project/components into a tree-like structure. • The bottom level object is Project configuration, which should hold all translations belonging together (for example translation of an application in several versions and/or accompanying documentation). • On the level above, Component configuration, which is actually the component to translate, you define the VCS repository to use, and the mask of files to translate.

2.7. Projetos de tradução 221 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

• Above Component configuration there are individual translations, handled automatically by Weblate as trans- lation files (which match the mask defined in Component configuration) appear in the VCS repository. Weblate supports a wide range of translation formats (both bilingual and monolingual ones) supported by Translate Toolkit, see Formatos de ficheiros suportados.

Nota: You can share cloned VCS repositories using Weblate internal URLs. Using this feature is highly recommended when you have many components sharing the same VCS. It improves performance and decreases required disk space.

2.7.2 Adding translation projects and components

Alterado na versão 3.2: An interface for adding projects and components is included, and you no longer have to use A interface administrativa do Django. Alterado na versão 3.4: The process of adding components is now multi staged, with automated discovery of most parameters. Based on your permissions, new translation projects and components can be created. It is always permitted for superusers, and if your instance uses billing (e.g. like see Faturação), you can also create those based on your plans allowance from the user account that manages billing. You can view your current billing plan on a separate page:

The project creation can be initiated from there, or using the menu in the navigation bar, filling in basic info about the translation project to complete addition of it:

222 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

After creating the project, you are taken directly to the project page:

Creating a new translation component can be initiated via a single click there. The process of creating a compo- nent is multi-staged and automatically detects most translation parameters. There are several approaches to creating component: Do controle de versão Creates component from remote version control repository. Do componente existente Creates additional component to existing one by choosing different files.

2.7. Projetos de tradução 223 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Ramo adicional Creates additional component to existing one, just for different branch. Enviar ficheiros de tradução Upload translation files to Weblate in case you do not have version control or do not want to integrate it with Weblate. You can later update the content using the web interface or API. Traduzir documento Upload single document and translate that. Começar do zero Create blank translation project and add strings manually. Once you have existing translation components, you can also easily add new ones for additional files or branches using same repository. First you need to fill in name and repository location:

On the next page, you are presented with a list of discovered translatable resources:

224 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

As a last step, you review the translation component info and fill in optional details:

2.7. Projetos de tradução 225 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

226 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Veja também: A interface administrativa do Django, Project configuration, Component configuration

2.7.3 Project configuration

Create a translation project and then add a new component for translation in it. The project is like a shelf, in which real translations are stacked. All components in the same project share suggestions and their dictionary; the translations are also automatically propagated through all components in a single project (unless turned off in the component configuration), see Memory Management. These basic attributes set up and inform translators of a project:

Nome do projeto

Verbose project name, used to display the project name.

Project slug

Project name suitable for URLs.

Site da Web do Projeto

URL where translators can find more info about the project.

Lista de correio

Mailing list where translators can discuss or comment translations.

Instruções para tradução

URL to more site with more detailed instructions for translators.

Set Language-Team header

Whether Weblate should manage the Language-Team header (this is a GNU gettext only feature right now).

Utilizar memória de tradução partilhada

Whether to use shared translation memory, see Memória de tradução compartilhada for more details.

Contribuir à memória de tradução compartilhada

Whether to contribute to shared translation memory, see Memória de tradução compartilhada for more details.

2.7. Projetos de tradução 227 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Controlo de acesso

Configure per project access control, see Controlo de acesso por projeto for more details. Default value can be changed by DEFAULT_ACCESS_CONTROL.

Activar revisões

Enable review workflow for translations, see Revisores dedicados.

Ativar revisões de fontes

Enable review workflow for source strings, see Revisões de cadeias fonte.

Ativar hooks

Whether unauthenticated Hooks de notificação are to be used for this repository.

Idioma fonte

Language used for source strings in all components. Change this if you are translating from something else than English.

Dica: In case you are translating bilingual files from English, but want to be able to do fixes in the English translation as well, you might want to choose English (Developer) as a source language. To avoid conflict between name of the source language and existing translation. For monolingual translations, you can use intermediate translation in this case, see Ficheiro de idioma intermédio.

Veja também: Ficheiro de idioma intermédio, Rota de qualidade para a cadeias fonte, Bilingual and monolingual formats, Language definitions

Aliases do idioma

Define language codes mapping when importing translations into Weblate. Use this when language codes are incon- sistent in your repositories and you want to get a consistent view in Weblate. The typical use case might be mapping American English to English: en_US:en Multiple mappings to be separated by comma: en_GB:en,en_US:en

Dica: The language codes are mapped when matching the translation files and the matches are case sensitive, so make sure you use the source language codes in same form as used in the filenames.

Veja também: Parsing language codes

228 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

2.7.4 Component configuration

A component is a grouping of something for translation. You enter a VCS repository location and file mask for which files you want translated, and Weblate automatically fetches from this VCS, and finds all matching translatable files. You can find some examples of typical configurations in the Formatos de ficheiros suportados.

Nota: It is recommended to keep translation components to a reasonable size - split the translation by anything that makes sense in your case (individual apps or addons, book chapters or websites). Weblate easily handles translations with 10000s of strings, but it is harder to split work and coordinate among trans- lators with such large translation components.

Should the language definition for a translation be missing, an empty definition is created and named as «cs_CZ (ge- nerated)». You should adjust the definition and report this back to the Weblate authors, so that the missing languages can be included in next release. The component contains all important parameters for working with the VCS, and for getting translations out of it:

Nome do componente

Verbose component name, used to display the component name.

Component slug

Component name suitable for URLs.

Component project

Project configuration where the component belongs.

Sistema de controlo de versões

VCS to use, see Integração de controlo de versões for details.

Repositório do código-fonte

VCS repository used to pull changes. Veja também: See Accessing repositories for more details on specifying URLs.

Dica: This can either be a real VCS URL or weblate://project/component indicating that the repository should be shared with another component. See Weblate internal URLs for more details.

2.7. Projetos de tradução 229 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

URL de submissão do repositório

Repository URL used for pushing. This setting is used only for Git and Mercurial and push support is turned off for these when this is empty. Veja também: See Accessing repositories for more details on how to specify a repository URL and Pushing changes from Weblate for more details on pushing changes from Weblate.

Navegador do repositório

URL of repository browser used to display source files (location of used messages). When empty, no such links will be generated. You can use Template markup. For example on GitHub, use something like: {{branch}}/{{filename}}#L{{line}} In case your paths are relative to different folder, you might want to strip leading directory by parent- dir filter (see Template markup):{{branch}}/ {{filename|parentdir}}#L{{line}}

URL do repositório exportado

URL where changes made by Weblate are exported. This is important when Tradução contínua is not used, or when there is a need to manually merge changes. You can use Git exporter to automate this for Git repositories.

Ramo do repositório

Which branch to checkout from the VCS, and where to look for translations.

Ramo do push

Branch for pushing changes, leave empty to use Ramo do repositório.

Nota: This is currently only supported for Git and GitHub, it is ignored for other VCS integrations.

File mask

Mask of files to translate, including path. It should include one «*» replacing language code (see Language definitions for info on how this is processed). In case your repository contains more than one translation file (e.g. more gettext domains), you need to create a component for each of them. For example po/*.po or locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/django.po. In case your filename contains special characters such as [, ], these need to be escaped as [[] or []]. Veja também: Bilingual and monolingual formats, What does mean «There are more files for the single language (en)»?

230 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Ficheiro de idioma base monolingue

Base file containing string definitions for Componentes monolínguas. Veja também: Bilingual and monolingual formats, What does mean «There are more files for the single language (en)»?

Editar ficheiro base

Whether to allow editing the base file for Componentes monolínguas.

Ficheiro de idioma intermédio

Intermediate language file for Componentes monolínguas. In most cases this is a translation file provided by developers and is used when creating actual source strings. When set, the source translation is based on this file, but all others are based on Ficheiro de idioma base monolingue. In case the string is not translated in source translation, translating to other languages is prohibited. This provides Rota de qualidade para a cadeias fonte. Veja também: Rota de qualidade para a cadeias fonte, Bilingual and monolingual formats, What does mean «There are more files for the single language (en)»?

Modelo para novas traduções

Base file used to generate new translations, e.g. .pot file with gettext.

Dica: In many monolingual formats Weblate starts with blank file by default. Use this in case you want to have all strings present with empty value when creating new translation.

Veja também: Adding new translations, Adicionar nova tradução, Bilingual and monolingual formats, What does mean «There are more files for the single language (en)»?

Formato de ficheiro

Translation file format, see also Formatos de ficheiros suportados.

Source string bug report address

Email address used for reporting upstream bugs. This address will also receive notification about any source string comments made in Weblate.

2.7. Projetos de tradução 231 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Permitir propagação da tradução

You can turn off propagation of translations to this component from other components within same project. This really depends on what you are translating, sometimes it’s desirable to have make use of a translation more than once. It’s usually a good idea to turn this off for monolingual translations, unless you are using the same IDs across the whole project. Default value can be changed by DEFAULT_TRANSLATION_PROPAGATION.

Ativar sugestões

Whether translation suggestions are accepted for this component.

Votação de sugestão

Turns on votecasting for suggestions, see Votação de sugestão.

Aceitar sugestões automaticamente

Automatically accept voted suggestions, see Votação de sugestão.

Marcadores de tradução

Customization of quality checks and other Weblate behavior, see Personalizar o comportamento.

Verificações impostas

List of checks which can not be ignored, see Forçar verificações.

Licença da tradução

License of the translation (does not need to be the same as the source code license).

Acordo de colaborador

Acordo do utilizador que tem de ser aprovado antes do utilizador poder traduzir este componente.

Adicionar nova tradução

How to handle requests for creation of new languages. Available options: Contactar gestores User can select desired language and the project maintainers will receive a notification about this. It is up to them to add (or not) the language to the repository. Apontar para URL com instruções de tradução User is presented a link to page which describes process of star- ting new translations. Use this in case more formal process is desired (for example forming a team of people before starting actual translation). Criar novo ficheiro de idioma User can select language and Weblate automatically creates the file for it and trans- lation can begin. Desativar adição de novas traduções There will be no option for user to start new translation.

232 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Veja também: Adding new translations.

Estilo de código de idioma

Customize language code used to generate the filename for translations created by Weblate, see Adding new transla- tions for more details.

Estilo de união

You can configure how updates from the upstream repository are handled. This might not be supported for some VCSs. See Merge or rebase for more details. Default value can be changed by DEFAULT_MERGE_STYLE.

Commit, add, delete, merge and addon messages

Message used when committing a translation, see Template markup. Default value can be changed by DEFAULT_ADD_MESSAGE, DEFAULT_ADDON_MESSAGE, DE- FAULT_COMMIT_MESSAGE, DEFAULT_DELETE_MESSAGE, DEFAULT_MERGE_MESSAGE.

Nome do publicador

Name of the committer used for Weblate commits, the author will always be the real translator. On some VCSs this might be not supported. Default value can be changed by DEFAULT_COMMITER_NAME.

E-mail do publicador

Email of committer used for Weblate commits, the author will always be the real translator. On some VCSs this might be not supported. The default value can be changed in DEFAULT_COMMITER_EMAIL.

Enviar ao submeter

Whether committed changes should be automatically pushed to the upstream repository. When enabled, the push is initiated once Weblate commits changes to its internal repository (see Lazy commits). To actually enable pushing Repository push URL has to be configured as well.

Idade das alterações a fazer commit

Sets how old changes (in hours) are to get before they are committed by background task or commit_pending management command. All changes in a component are committed once there is at least one older than this period. Default value can be changed by COMMIT_PENDING_HOURS.

2.7. Projetos de tradução 233 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Bloquear com erro

Enables locking the component on repository error (failed pull, push or merge). Locking in this situation avoids adding another conflict which would have to be resolved manually. The component will be automatically unlocked once there are no repository errors left.

Filtro de idioma

Regular expression used to filter the translation when scanning for filemask. This can be used to limit the list of languages managed by Weblate.

Nota: You need to list language codes as they appear in the filename.

Some examples of filtering:

Filter description Expressão regular Selected languages only ^(cs|de|es)$ Exclude languages ^(?!(it|fr)$).+$ Exclude non language files ^(?!(blank)$).+$ Include all files (default) ^[^.]+$

Expressão regular das variantes

Regular expression used to determine the variants of a string, see String variants.

Nota: Most of the fields can be edited by project owners or managers, in the Weblate interface.

Veja também: Does Weblate support other VCSes than Git and Mercurial?, Translation component alerts


Componentes de prioridade mais elevada são oferecidos primeiro aos tradutores.

Restricted access

By default the component is visible to anybody who has access to the project, even if the person can not perform any changes in the component. This makes it easier to keep translation consistency within the project. Enable this in case you want to grant access to this component explicitly - the project level permissions will not apply and you will have to specify component or component list level permission in order to grant access. Default value can be changed by DEFAULT_RESTRICTED_COMPONENT.

Dica: This applies to project managers as well - please make sure you will not loose access to the component after toggling the status.

234 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

2.7.5 Template markup

Weblate uses simple markup language in several places where text rendering is needed. It is based on The Django template language, so it can be quite powerful. Currently it is used in: • Commit message formatting, see Component configuration • Several addons – Descoberta de componentes – Gerador de estatísticas – Executar scripts de extensões There following variables are available in the component templates: {{ language_code }} Código do idioma {{ language_name }} Nome do idioma {{ component_name }} Nome do componente {{ component_slug }} Component slug {{ project_name }} Nome do projeto {{ project_slug }} Project slug {{ url }} Translation URL {{ filename }} Nome do ficheiro de tradução {{ stats }} Translation stats, this has further attributes, examples below. {{ stats.all }} Total strings count {{ stats.fuzzy }} Count of strings needing review {{ stats.fuzzy_percent }} Percent of strings needing review {{ stats.translated }} Translated strings count {{ stats.translated_percent }} Translated strings percent {{ stats.allchecks }} Number of strings with failing checks {{ stats.allchecks_percent }} Percent of strings with failing checks {{ author }} Author of current commit, available only in the commit scope. {{ addon_name }} Name of currently executed addon, available only in the addon commit message. The following variables are available in the repository browser or editor templates: {{branch}} current branch {{line}} line in file {{filename}} filename, you can also strip leading parts using the parentdir filter, for example {{file- name|parentdir}} You can combine them with filters:

{{ component|title }}

You can use conditions:

{% if stats.translated_percent > 80 %}Well translated!{% endif %}

There is additional tag available for replacing characters:

2.7. Projetos de tradução 235 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

{% replace component "-" "" %}

You can combine it with filters:

{% replace component|capfirst "-" "" %}

There are also additional filter to manipulate with filenames:

Directory of a file: {{ filename|dirname }} File without extension: {{ filename|stripext }} File in parent dir: {{ filename|parentdir }} It can be used multiple times: {{ filename|parentdir|parentdir }}

…and other Django template features.

2.7.6 Importing speed

Fetching VCS repository and importing translations to Weblate can be a lengthy process, depending on size of your translations. Here are some tips:

Optimize configuration

The default configuration is useful for testing and debugging Weblate, while for a production setup, you should do some adjustments. Many of them have quite a big impact on performance. Please check Production setup for more details, especially: • Configure Celery for executing background tasks (see Background tasks using Celery) • Enable caching • Use a powerful database engine • Disable debug mode

Check resource limits

If you are importing huge translations or repositories, you might be hit by resource limitations of your server. • Check the amount of free memory, having translation files cached by the will greatly improve performance. • Disk operations might be bottleneck if there is a lot of strings to process—the disk is pushed by both Weblate and the database. • Additional CPU cores might help improve performance of background tasks (see Background tasks using Ce- lery).

Disable unneeded checks

Some quality checks can be quite expensive, and if not needed, can save you some time during import if omitted. See CHECK_LIST for info on configuration.

236 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

2.7.7 Automatic creation of components

In case your project has dozen of translation files (e.g. for different gettext domains, or parts of Android apps), you might want to import them automatically. This can either be achieved from the command line by using im- port_project or import_json, or by installing the Descoberta de componentes addon. To use the addon, you first need to create a component for one translation file (choose the one that is the least likely to be renamed or removed in future), and install the addon on this component. For the management commands, you need to create a project which will contain all components and then run im- port_project or import_json. Veja também: Management commands, Descoberta de componentes

2.8 Language definitions

To present different translations properly, info about language name, text direction, plural definitions and language code is needed. Definitions for about 350 languages are included.

2.8.1 Parsing language codes

While parsing translations, Weblate attempts to map language code (usually the ISO 639-1 one) to any existing language object. You can further adjust this mapping at project level by Aliases do idioma. If no exact match can be found, an attempt will be made to best fit it into an existing language (e.g. ignoring the default country code for a given language—choosing cs instead of cs_CZ). Should that also fail, a new language definition will be created using the defaults (left to right text direction, one plural) and naming of the language as xx_XX (generated). You might want to change this in the admin interface later, (see Changing language definitions) and report it to the issue tracker (see Contribuir para o Weblate).

Dica: In case you see something unwanted as a language, you might want to adjust Filtro de idioma to ignore such file when parsing translations.

2.8.2 Changing language definitions

You can change language definitions in the languages interface (/languages/ URL). While editing, make sure all fields are correct (especially plurals and text direction), otherwise translators will be unable to properly edit those translations.

2.8.3 Language definitions

Each language consists of following fields:

2.8. Language definitions 237 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Código do idioma

Code identifying the language. Weblate prefers two letter codes as defined by ISO 639-1, but uses ISO 639-2 or ISO 639-3 codes for languages that do not have two letter code. It can also support extended codes as defined by BCP 47. Veja também: Parsing language codes

Nome do idioma

Visible name of the language. The language names included in Weblate are also being localized depending on user interface language.

Direção do texto

Determines whether language is written right to left or left to right. This property is autodetected correctly for most of the languages.

Plural number

Number of plurals used in the language.

Fórmula de plural

Gettext compatible plural formula used to determine which plural form is used for given count. Veja também: Plurais, GNU gettext utilities: Plural forms, Language Plural Rules by the Unicode Consortium

2.9 Tradução contínua

Há infraestrutura em vigor para que a sua tradução acompanhe o desenvolvimento de perto . Desta forma, os tradu- tores podem trabalhar em traduções o tempo todo, em vez de trabalhar com uma enorme quantidade de texto novo pouco antes do lançamento. O processo é o seguinte: 1. Os programadores fazem alterações e fazem push delas para o repositório VCS. 2. Opcionalmente, os ficheiros de tradução são atualizados (isso depende do formato do ficheiro, consulte Why does Weblate still show old translation strings when I’ve updated the template?). 3. O Weblate faz o pull das alterações do repositório VCS, consulte Atualizar repositórios. 4. Uma vez que o Weblate deteta alterações nas traduções, os tradutores são notificados com base na configurações de assinatura deles. 5. Os tradutores enviam traduções usando a interface web do Weblate ou enviam alterações feitas offline. 6. Uma vez que os tradutores acabaram, o Weblate faz commit das alterações no repositório local (veja Lazy commits) e faz push delas de volta se tiver permissões para fazê-lo (veja Pushing changes from Weblate).

238 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1


1. Push

VCS repository 2. Updating translations

3. Pull 6. Push


4. Notifcation 5. Translate


2.9.1 Atualizar repositórios

Deve configurar alguma maneira de atualizar repositórios de backend a partir da fonte dele. • Use Hooks de notificação para integrar com a maioria dos serviços comuns de hospedagem de código • Acione manualmente a atualização na gestão do repositório ou usando API ou Cliente Weblate • Ative AUTO_UPDATE para atualizar todos os componentes na sua instância Weblate automaticamente • Execute updategit (com a seleção de um projeto ou –all para atualizar tudo) Sempre que o Weblate atualiza o repositório, as extensões de pós-atualização serão acionadas, consulte Extensões.

Evitar conflitos de mesclagem

The merge conflicts from Weblate arise when same file was changed both in Weblate and outside it. There are two approaches to deal with that - avoid edits outside Weblate or integrate Weblate into your updating process, so that it flushes changes prior to updating the files outside Weblate. The first approach is easy with monolingual files - you can add new strings within Weblate and leave whole editing of the files there. For bilingual files, there is usually some kind of message extraction process to generate translatable files from the source code. In some cases this can be split into two parts - one for the extraction generates template (for example gettext POT is generated using xgettext) and then further process merges it into actual translations (the gettext PO files are updated using msgmerge). You can perform the second step within Weblate and it will make sure that all pending changes are included prior to this operation.

2.9. Tradução contínua 239 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

The second approach can be achieved by using API to force Weblate to push all pending changes and lock the translation while you are doing changes on your side. The script for doing updates can look like this:

# Lock Weblate translation wlc lock # Push changes from Weblate to upstream repository wlc push # Pull changes from upstream repository to your local copy git pull # Update translation files, this example is for Django ./ makemessages --keep-pot -a git commit -m 'Locale updates' -- locale # Push changes to upstream repository git push # Tell Weblate to pull changes (not needed if Weblate follows your repo # automatically) wlc pull # Unlock translations wlc unlock

If you have multiple components sharing same repository, you need to lock them all separately: wlc lock foo/bar wlc lock foo/baz wlc lock foo/baj

Nota: The example uses Cliente Weblate, which needs configuration (API keys) to be able to control Weblate remotely. You can also achieve this using any HTTP client instead of wlc, e.g. curl, see API.

Automatically receiving changes from GitHub

Weblate comes with native support for GitHub. If you are using Hosted Weblate, the recommended approach is to install the Weblate app, that way you will get the correct setup without having to set much up. It can also be used for pushing changes back. To receive notifications on every push to a GitHub repository, add the Weblate Webhook in the repository settings (Webhooks) as shown on the image below:

240 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

For the payload URL, append /hooks/github/ to your Weblate URL, for example for the Hosted Weblate service, this is You can leave other values at default settings (Weblate can handle both content types and consumes just the push event). Veja também: POST /hooks/github/, Accessing repositories from Hosted Weblate

Automatically receiving changes from Bitbucket

Weblate has support for Bitbucket webhooks, add a webhook which triggers upon repository push, with destination to /hooks/bitbucket/ URL on your Weblate installation (for example hooks/bitbucket/).

2.9. Tradução contínua 241 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Veja também: POST /hooks/bitbucket/, Accessing repositories from Hosted Weblate

Automatically receiving changes from GitLab

Weblate has support for GitLab hooks, add a project webhook with destination to /hooks/gitlab/ URL on your Weblate installation (for example Veja também: POST /hooks/gitlab/, Accessing repositories from Hosted Weblate

Automatically receiving changes from Pagure

Novo na versão 3.3. Weblate has support for Pagure hooks, add a webhook with destination to /hooks/pagure/ URL on your Weblate installation (for example This can be done in Activate Web-hooks under Project options:

242 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Veja também: POST /hooks/pagure/, Accessing repositories from Hosted Weblate

Automatically receiving changes from Azure Repos

Novo na versão 3.8. Weblate has support for Azure Repos web hooks, add a webhook for Code pushed event with destination to /hooks/azure/ URL on your Weblate installation (for example hooks/azure/). This can be done in Service hooks under Project settings. Veja também: Web hooks in Azure DevOps manual, POST /hooks/azure/, Accessing repositories from Hosted Weblate

2.9. Tradução contínua 243 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Automatically receiving changes from Gitea Repos

Novo na versão 3.9. Weblate has support for Gitea webhooks, add a Gitea Webhook for Push events event with destination to /hooks/gitea/ URL on your Weblate installation (for example hooks/gitea/). This can be done in Webhooks under repository Settings. Veja também: Webhooks in Gitea manual, POST /hooks/gitea/, Accessing repositories from Hosted Weblate

Automatically receiving changes from Gitee Repos

Novo na versão 3.9. Weblate has support for Gitee webhooks, add a WebHook for Push event with destination to /hooks/gitee/ URL on your Weblate installation (for example This can be done in WebHooks under repository Management. Veja também: Webhooks in Gitee manual, POST /hooks/gitee/, Accessing repositories from Hosted Weblate

Automatically updating repositories nightly

Weblate automatically fetches remote repositories nightly to improve performance when merging changes later. You can optionally turn this into doing nightly merges as well, by enabling AUTO_UPDATE.

2.9.2 Pushing changes from Weblate

Each translation component can have a push URL set up (see URL de submissão do repositório), and in that case Weblate will be able to push change to the remote repository. Weblate can be also be configured to automatically push changes on every commit (this is default, see Enviar ao submeter). If you do not want changes to be pushed automatically, you can do that manually under Repository maintenance or using API via wlc push. The push options differ based on the Integração de controlo de versões used, more details are found in that chapter. In case you do not want direct pushes by Weblate, there is support for GitHub, GitLab pull requests or Gerrit revi- ews, you can activate these by choosing GitHub, GitLab or Gerrit as Sistema de controlo de versões in Component configuration. Overall, following options are available with Git, GitHub and GitLab:

Desired setup Sistema de controlo de URL de submissão do repo- Ramo do versões sitório push No push Git empty empty Push directly Git URL de SSH empty Empurrar para um ramo se- Git URL de SSH Branch name parado GitHub pull request from GitHub empty empty fork GitHub pull request from GitHub SSH URL1 Branch name branch GitLab merge request from GitLab empty empty fork GitLab merge request from GitLab SSH URL1 Branch name branch

244 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Nota: You can also enable automatic pushing of changes after Weblate commits, this can be done in Enviar ao submeter.

Veja também: See Accessing repositories for setting up SSH keys, and Lazy commits for info about when Weblate decides to commit changes.

Protected branches

If you are using Weblate on protected branch, you can configure it to use pull requests and perform actual review on the translations (what might be problematic for languages you do not know). An alternative approach is to waive this limitation for the Weblate push user. For example on GitHub this can be done in the repository configuration:

2.9.3 Merge or rebase

By default, Weblate merges the upstream repository into its own. This is the safest way in case you also access the underlying repository by other means. In case you don’t need this, you can enable rebasing of changes on upstream, which will produce a history with fewer merge commits.

Nota: Rebasing can cause you trouble in case of complicated merges, so carefully consider whether or not you want to enable them.

1 Can be empty in case Repositório do código-fonte supports pushing.

2.9. Tradução contínua 245 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

2.9.4 Interacting with others

Weblate makes it easy to interact with others using its API. Veja também: API

2.9.5 Lazy commits

The behaviour of Weblate is to group commits from the same author into one commit if possible. This greatly reduces the number of commits, however you might need to explicitly tell it to do the commits in case you want to get the VCS repository in sync, e.g. for merge (this is by default allowed for the Managers group, see Controlo de acesso). The changes in this mode are committed once any of the following conditions are fulfilled: • Somebody else changes an already changed string. • A merge from upstream occurs. • An explicit commit is requested. • Change is older than period defined as Age of changes to commit on Component configuration.

Dica: Commits are created for every component. So in case you have many components you will still see lot of commits. You might utilize Squash de commits git addon in that case.

If you want to commit changes more frequently and without checking of age, you can schedule a regular task to perform a commit:

CELERY_BEAT_SCHEDULE = { # Unconditionally commit all changes every 2 minutes "commit":{ "task": "weblate.trans.tasks.commit_pending", # Ommiting hours will honor per component settings, # otherwise components with no changes older than this # won't be committed "kwargs":{"hours": 0}, # How frequently to execute the job in seconds "schedule": 120, } }

2.9.6 Processing repository with scripts

The way to customize how Weblate interacts with the repository is Extensões. Consult Executar scripts de extensões for info on how to execute external scripts through addons.

2.9.7 Keeping translations same across components

Once you have multiple translation components, you might want to ensure that the same strings have same translation. This can be achieved at several levels.

246 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Translation propagation

With translation propagation enabled (what is the default, see Component configuration), all new translations are automatically done in all components with matching strings. Such translations are properly credited to currently translating user in all components.

Nota: The translation propagation requires the key to be match for monolingual translation formats, so keep that in mind when creating translation keys.

Consistency check

The Inconsistente check fires whenever the strings are different. You can utilize this to review such differences manually and choose the right translation.

Tradução automática

Automatic translation based on different components can be way to synchronize the translations across components. You can either trigger it manually (see Tradução automática) or make it run automatically on repository update using addon (see Tradução automática).

2.10 Licenciar traduções

Pode especificar sob quais traduções de licença são contribuídas. Isto é especialmente importante se as traduções forem abertas ao público, para estipular para que elas possam ser usadas. Deve especificar as informações da licença da Component configuration. Deve evitar exigir um contrato de licença de colaborador, embora seja possível.

2.10.1 Informações de licença

Ao especificar informações de licenças (nome da licença e URL), essas informações são mostradas na secção de informações de tradução do respetivo Component configuration. Normalmente este é o melhor lugar para publicar informações de licenciamento se nenhum consentimento explícito for necessário. Se o seu projeto ou tradução não for livre, provavelmente precisa de consentimento prévio.

2.10.2 Acordo de colaborador

Se especificar um contrato de licença de colaborador, apenas os utilizadores que concordaram com ele poderão contribuir. Este é um passo claramente visível ao acessar a tradução:

2.10. Licenciar traduções 247 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

O texto inserido é formatado em parágrafos e ligações externas podem ser incluídas. A marcação HTML não pode ser usada.

2.10.3 Licenças de utilizador

Todos utilizadores podem rever todas as licenças de tradução de todos os projetos públicos na instância do seu perfil:

248 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

2.11 Processo de tradução

2.11.1 Votação de sugestão

Everyone can add suggestions by default, to be accepted by signed in users. Suggestion voting can be used to make use of a string when more than signed in user agrees, by setting up the Component configuration configuration with Suggestion voting to turn on voting, and Autoaccept suggestions to set a threshold for accepted suggestions (this includes a vote from the user making the suggestion if it is cast).

Nota: Once automatic acceptance is set up, normal users lose the privilege to directly save translations or accept suggestions. This can be overridden with the Can override suggestion state privilege (see Controlo de acesso).

You can combine these with Controlo de acesso into one of the following setups: • Users suggest and vote for suggestions and a limited group controls what is accepted. - Turn on voting. - Turn off automatic acceptance. - Don’t let users save translations. • Users suggest and vote for suggestions with automatic acceptance once the defined number of them agree. - Turn on voting. - Set the desired number of votes for automatic acceptance. • Optional voting for suggestions. (Can optionally be used by users when they are unsure about a translation by making multiple suggestions.) - Only turn on voting.

2.11.2 Additional info on source strings

Enhance the translation process with info available in the translation files. This includes explanation, string priority, check flags, or providing visual context. All these features can be set in the Reviewing strings:

2.11. Processo de tradução 249 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Access this directly from the translation interface by clicking the «Edit» icon next to Screenshot context or Flags.

250 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

2.11. Processo de tradução 251 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Strings prioritization

Novo na versão 2.0. String priority can be changed to offer higher priority strings for translation earlier by using the priority flag

Dica: This can be used to order the flow of translation in a logical manner.

Veja também: Verificações de qualidade

Marcadores de tradução

Novo na versão 2.4. Alterado na versão 3.3: Previously called Quality checks flags, it no longer configures only checks. The default set of translation flags is determined by the translation Component configuration and the translation file. However, you might want to use it to customize this per source string. Veja também: Verificações de qualidade


Alterado na versão 4.1: In previous version this has been called extra context. Use the explanation to clarify scope or usage of the translation. You can use Markdown to include links and other markup.

252 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Visual context for strings

Novo na versão 2.9. You can upload a screenshot showing a given source string in use within your program. This helps translators un- derstand where it is used, and how it should be translated. The uploaded screenshot is shown in the translation context sidebar:

In addition to Reviewing strings, screenshots have a separate management interface under the Tools menu. Upload screenshots, assign them to source strings manually, or use optical character recognition to do so. Once a screenshot is uploaded, this interface handles management and source string association:

2.11. Processo de tradução 253 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

254 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

2.12 Verificações e correções

2.12.1 Correções automáticas personalizadas

Também pode implementar sua própria correção automática, além das predefinidas e incluí-las em AUTOFIX_LIST. As correções automáticas são poderosas, mas também podem causar danos; tenha cuidado ao escrever uma. Por exemplo, a correção automática a seguir iria substituir cada ocorrência da cadeia foo, em uma tradução com bar:

# # Copyright © 2012 - 2020 Michal Čihař # # This file is part of Weblate # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ from weblate.trans.autofixes.base import AutoFix class ReplaceFooWithBar(AutoFix): """Replace foo with bar."""

name = _("Foobar")

def fix_single_target(self, target, source, unit): if "foo" in target: return target.replace("foo", "bar"), True return target, False

Para instalar verificações personalizadas, forneça um caminho totalmente qualificado para a classe Python em AU- TOFIX_LIST, veja Custom quality checks, addons and auto-fixes.

2.12.2 Personalizar o comportamento

Pode ajustar o comportamento de Weblate (principalmente de verificações) para cada cadeia fonte (na revisão de ca- deias fonte, veja Additional info on source strings) ou em Component configuration (Marcadores de tradução). Alguns formatos de ficheiro também permitem especificar sinalizadores diretamente no formato (veja Formatos de ficheiros suportados). The flags are comma-separated, the parameters are separated with colon. You can use quotes to include whitespace or special chars in the string. For example: placeholders:"special:value":"other value", regex:.*

Aqui está uma lista de sinalizadores atualmente aceitos:

2.12. Verificações e correções 255 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1 rst-text Trata um texto como um documento RST, afeta Tradução inalterada. md-text Trata o texto como um documento de Markdown. dos-eol Usa marcadores de ponta de linha do DOS em vez dos Unix (\r\n em vez de \n). url A cadeia deve consistir apenas em uma URL. safe-html A cadeia deve fazer seguro para HTML, veja HTML inseguro. read-only A cadeia é somente leitura e não deve ser editada no Weblate, veja Cadeias somente leitura. priority:N Prioridade da cadeia. As cadeias de maior prioridade são apresentados primeiro para tradução. A prioridade predefinida é 100, quanto maior prioridade que um texto tem, mais cedo é oferecido para tradução. max-length:N Limita o comprimento máximo de uma cadeia a N caracteres, veja Tamanho máximo da tradução xml-text Trata o texto como documento XML, afeta Sintaxe XML e Markup XML. font-family:NOME Define a família de letras para verificações da renderização, veja Gerir letras. font-weight:PESO Define o peso da letra para verificações da renderização, veja Gerir letras. font-size:SIZE Define o tamanho da letra para verificações da renderização, veja Gerir letras. font-spacing:ESPAÇAMENTO Define o espaçamento da letra para verificações da renderização, veja Gerir letras. placeholders:NOME Cadeias de espaço reservado esperados na tradução, veja Espaços reservados. replacements:DE:PARA:DE2:PARA2...` Substituições para realizar ao verificar parâmetros de texto re- sultantes (por exemplo, em Tamanho máximo da tradução ou Tamanho máximo da tradução). O caso de uso típico para isso é expandir objetos colocáveis (placeables) para garantir que o texto se encaixe mesmo com nomes longos, por exemplo: replacements:%s:"John Doe". regex:EXPRESSÃO REGULAR Expressão regular para corresponder à tradução; veja Expressão regular. python-format, c-format, php-format, python-brace-format, javascript-format, c-sharp-format, java-format, java-messageformat, auto-java-messageformat, qt-format, qt-plural-format, ruby-format Trata todas as cadeias como sendo de formato, afeta Cadeias formatadas, Cadeias formatadas, Cadeias formatadas, Cadeias formatadas, Cadeias formatadas, Cadeias formatadas, Cadeias formatadas, Cadeias formatadas, Cadeias formatadas, Cadeias formatadas, Cadeias formatadas, Tradução inalterada. strict-same Make «Unchanged translation» avoid using built-in words blacklist, see Tradução inalterada. ignore-bbcode Pular a verificação de qualidade «Markup de BBcode». ignore-duplicate Pular a verificação de qualidade «Palavras consecutivas duplicadas». ignore-double-space Pular a verificação de qualidade «Espaço duplo». ignore-angularjs-format Pular a verificação de qualidade «Texto de interpolação AngularJS». ignore-c-format Pular a verificação de qualidade «Formato C». ignore-c-sharp-format Pular a verificação de qualidade «Formato C#». ignore-es-format Skip the «ECMAScript template literals» quality check. ignore-i18next-interpolation Pular a verificação de qualidade «Interpolação de i18next». ignore-java-format Pular a verificação de qualidade «Formato Java». ignore-java-messageformat Pular a verificação de qualidade «MessageFormat do Java». ignore-javascript-format Pular a verificação de qualidade «Formato JavaScript». ignore-percent-placeholders Pular a verificação de qualidade «Espaços reservados de porcentagem». ignore-perl-format Pular a verificação de qualidade «Formato Perl». ignore-php-format Pular a verificação de qualidade «Formato PHP». ignore-python-brace-format Pular a verificação de qualidade «Formato de chaves Python». ignore-python-format Pular a verificação de qualidade «Formato Python».

256 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1 ignore-qt-format Pular a verificação de qualidade «Formato Qt». ignore-qt-plural-format Pular a verificação de qualidade «Formato de plural Qt». ignore-ruby-format Pular a verificação de qualidade «Formato Ruby». ignore-translated Pular a verificação de qualidade «Foi traduzido». ignore-inconsistent Pular a verificação de qualidade «Inconsistente». ignore-kashida Pular a verificação de qualidade «Letra Kashida usada». ignore-md-link Pular a verificação de qualidade «Links Markdown». ignore-md-reflink Pular a verificação de qualidade «Referências Markdown». ignore-md-syntax Pular a verificação de qualidade «Sintaxe Markdown». ignore-max-length Pular a verificação de qualidade «Comprimento máximo da tradução». ignore-max-size Pular a verificação de qualidade «Tamanho máximo da tradução». ignore-escaped-newline Ignora a verificação de qualidade «n não correspondente». ignore-end-colon Skip the «Mismatched colon» quality check. ignore-end-ellipsis Skip the «Mismatched ellipsis» quality check. ignore-end-exclamation Skip the «Mismatched exclamation mark» quality check. ignore-end-stop Skip the «Mismatched full stop» quality check. ignore-end-question Skip the «Mismatched question mark» quality check. ignore-end-semicolon Skip the «Mismatched semicolon» quality check. ignore-newline-count Pular a verificação de qualidade «Quebras de linha não correspondentes». ignore-plurals Pular a verificação de qualidade «Faltam plurais». ignore-placeholders Pular a verificação de qualidade «Espaços reservados». ignore-punctuation-spacing Ignora a verificação de qualidade «Espaçamento de pontuação». ignore-regex Pular a verificação de qualidade «Expressão regular». ignore-same-plurals Pular a verificação de qualidade «Mesmos plurais». ignore-begin-newline Pula a verificação de qualidade «Nova linha no início». ignore-begin-space Pular a verificação de qualidade «Espaços no início». ignore-end-newline Pular a verificação de qualidade «Nova linha no final». ignore-end-space Pular a verificação de qualidade «Espaço no final». ignore-same Ignora a verificação de qualidade «Tradução não alterada». ignore-safe-html Pular a verificação de qualidade «HTML inseguro». ignore-url Pular a verificação de qualidade «URL». ignore-xml-tags Pular a verificação de qualidade «Marcação XML». ignore-xml-invalid Pular a verificação de qualidade «Sintaxe XML». ignore-zero-width-space Pular a verificação de qualidade «Espaço com largura zero». ignore-ellipsis Pular a verificação de qualidade «Reticências». ignore-long-untranslated Pular a verificação de qualidade «Não traduzido a muito tempo». ignore-multiple-failures Pular a verificação de qualidade «Várias verificações com falha». ignore-unnamed-format Pular a verificação de qualidade «Várias variáveis sem nome». ignore-optional-plural Pular a verificação de qualidade «Não pluralizado».

2.12. Verificações e correções 257 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Nota: Geralmente, a regra é chamada ignore-* para qualquer verificação, usando o identificador dele, para que possa usá-la mesmo para suas verificações personalizadas.

Essas etiquetas são entendidas tanto nas configurações de Component configuration, por configurações de cadeias fonte quanto no próprio ficheiro de tradução (por exemplo, no GNU gettext).

2.12.3 Forçar verificações

Novo na versão 3.11. Pode configurar uma lista de verificações que não podem ser ignoradas definindo Verificações forçadas em Component configuration. Cada verificação listada não pode ser ignorada na interface do utilizador e qualquer cadeia com falha nesta verificação é marcada como Precisa de edição (veja Translation states).

2.12.4 Gerir letras

Novo na versão 3.7. A verificação Tamanho máximo da tradução usada para calcular as dimensões do texto renderizado precisa de infor- mações da letra para ser selecionada, o que pode ser feito na ferramenta de Weblate gestão de letra em Fontes sob Gerir do menu do seu projeto de tradução. Letras de TrueType ou OpenType podem ser enviadas. Configure grupos de letras e use-as na verificação. Os grupos de letras permitem definir letras diferentes para idiomas diferentes, o que é normalmente necessário para idiomas não-latinos:

258 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

O grupos de letras são identificados pelo nome, que não pode conter espaços ou caracteres especiais, de modo que ele pode ser facilmente utilizado na definição da verificação:

2.12. Verificações e correções 259 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

A família de letras e o estilo são automaticamente reconhecidos após carregá-los:

Pode ter muitas letras carregadas para Weblate:

260 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Para usar as letras para verificar o comprimento do texto, passe-o os sinalizadores apropriados (veja Personalizar o comportamento). Provavelmente precisará dos seguintes: max-size:500 Define o máximo de largura. font-family:ubuntu Define o grupo de letras para usar especificando seu identificador. font-size:22 Define o tamanho da letra.

2.12.5 Escrever próprias verificações

Uma ampla gama de verificações de qualidade são incorporadas, (veja Verificações de qualidade), embora eles possam não cobrir tudo o que deseja verificar. A lista de verificações realizadas pode ser ajustada usando CHECK_LIST e também pode adicionar verificações personalizadas. 1. Crie uma subclasse de weblate.checks.Check 2. Define alguns atributos. 3. Implement either the check (if you want to deal with plurals in your code) or the check_single method (which does it for you). Alguns exemplos: Para instalar verificações personalizadas, forneça um caminho totalmente qualificado para a classe Python em CHECK_LIST, veja Custom quality checks, addons and auto-fixes.

Verificar se o texto de tradução não contém «foo»

Esta é uma verificação bastante simples que apenas verifica se a tradução não possui o texto «foo».

# # Copyright © 2012 - 2020 Michal Čihař # # This file is part of Weblate # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (continues on next page)

2.12. Verificações e correções 261 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

(continuação da página anterior) # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # """Simple quality check example.""" from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ from weblate.checks.base import TargetCheck class FooCheck(TargetCheck):

# Used as identifier for check, should be unique # Has to be shorter than 50 characters check_id = "foo"

# Short name used to display failing check name = _("Foo check")

# Description for failing check description = _("Your translation is foo")

# Real check code def check_single(self, source, target, unit): return "foo" in target

Verificando se os plurais de texto de tradução tcheca são diferentes

Usa as informações de idioma para verificar se as duas formas plurais no idioma tcheco não são os mesmos.

# # Copyright © 2012 - 2020 Michal Čihař # # This file is part of Weblate # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # """Quality check example for Czech plurals.""" from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ from weblate.checks.base import TargetCheck (continues on next page)

262 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

(continuação da página anterior)

class PluralCzechCheck(TargetCheck):

# Used as identifier for check, should be unique # Has to be shorter than 50 characters check_id = "foo"

# Short name used to display failing check name = _("Foo check")

# Description for failing check description = _("Your translation is foo")

# Real check code def check_target_unit(self, sources, targets, unit): if self.is_language(unit, ("cs",)): return targets[1] == targets[2] return False

def check_single(self, source, target, unit): """We don't check target strings here.""" return False

2.13 Tradução automática

Built-in support for several machine translation services and can be turned on by the administrator using MT_SERVICES for each one. They come subject to their terms of use, so ensure you are allowed to use them how you want. The source language can be configured at Project configuration.

2.13.1 amaGama

Special installation of tmserver run by the authors of Virtaal. Turn on this service by adding weblate.machinery.tmserver.AmagamaTranslation to MT_SERVICES. Veja também: Installing amaGama, Amagama, amaGama Translation Memory

2.13.2 Apertium

A libre software machine translation platform providing translations to a limited set of languages. The recommended way to use Apertium is to run your own Apertium-APy server. Turn on this service by adding weblate.machinery.apertium.ApertiumAPYTranslation to MT_SERVICES and set MT_APERTIUM_APY. Veja também: MT_APERTIUM_APY, Apertium website, Apertium APy documentation

2.13. Tradução automática 263 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

2.13.3 AWS

Novo na versão 3.1. Amazon Translate is a neural machine translation service for translating text to and from English across a breadth of supported languages. 1. Turn on this service by adding to MT_SERVICES. 2. Install the boto3 module. 3. Configure Weblate. Veja também: MT_AWS_REGION, MT_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, MT_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY Amazon Translate Docu- mentation

2.13.4 Baidu API machine translation

Novo na versão 3.2. Machine translation service provided by Baidu. This service uses an API and you need to obtain an ID and API key from Baidu to use it. Turn on this service by adding to MT_SERVICES and set MT_BAIDU_ID and MT_BAIDU_SECRET. Veja também: MT_BAIDU_ID, MT_BAIDU_SECRET Baidu Translate API

2.13.5 DeepL

Novo na versão 2.20. DeepL is paid service providing good machine translation for a few languages. You need to purchase DeepL API subscription or you can use legacy DeepL Pro (classic) plan. Turn on this service by adding weblate.machinery.deepl.DeepLTranslation to MT_SERVICES and set MT_DEEPL_KEY.

Dica: In case you have subscription for CAT tools, you are supposed to use «v1 API» instead of default «v2» used by Weblate (it is not really an API version in this case). You can toggle this by MT_DEEPL_API_VERSION.

Veja também: MT_DEEPL_KEY, MT_DEEPL_API_VERSION, DeepL website, DeepL pricing, DeepL API documentation

2.13.6 Glosbe

Free dictionary and translation memory for almost every living language. The API is gratis to use, but subject to the used data source license. There is a limit of calls that may be done from one IP in a set period of time, to prevent abuse. Turn on this service by adding weblate.machinery.glosbe.GlosbeTranslation to MT_SERVICES. Veja também: Glosbe website

264 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

2.13.7 Google Translate

Machine translation service provided by Google. This service uses the Google Translation API, and you need to obtain an API key and turn on billing in the Google API console. To turn on this service, add to MT_SERVICES and set MT_GOOGLE_KEY. Veja também: MT_GOOGLE_KEY, Google translate documentation

2.13.8 Google Translate API V3 (Advanced)

Machine translation service provided by Google Cloud services. This service differs from the former one in how it authenticates. To enable service, add weblate.machinery. googlev3.GoogleV3Translation to MT_SERVICES and set • MT_GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS • MT_GOOGLE_PROJECT If location fails, you may also need to specify MT_GOOGLE_LOCATION. Veja também: MT_GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS, MT_GOOGLE_PROJECT, MT_GOOGLE_LOCATION Google translate documen- tation

2.13.9 Microsoft Cognitive Services Translator

Novo na versão 2.10. Machine translation service provided by Microsoft in Azure portal as a one of Cognitive Services. Weblate implements Translator API V3. To enable this service, add to MT_SERVICES and set MT_MICROSOFT_COGNITIVE_KEY.

Translator Text API V2

The key you use with Translator API V2 can be used with API 3.

Translator Text API V3

You need to register at Azure portal and use the key you obtain there. With new Azure keys, you also need to set MT_MICROSOFT_REGION to locale of your service. Veja também: MT_MICROSOFT_COGNITIVE_KEY, MT_MICROSOFT_REGION, Cognitive Services - Text Translation API, Microsoft Azure Portal

2.13. Tradução automática 265 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

2.13.10 Microsoft Terminology Service

Novo na versão 2.19. The Microsoft Terminology Service API allows you to programmatically access the terminology, definitions and user interface (UI) strings available in the Language Portal through a web service. Turn this service on by adding weblate.machinery.microsoftterminology. MicrosoftTerminologyService to MT_SERVICES. Veja também: Microsoft Terminology Service API

2.13.11 ModernMT

Novo na versão 4.2. Turn this service on by adding weblate.machinery.modernmt.ModernMTTranslation to MT_SERVICES and configure MT_MODERNMT_KEY. Veja também: ModernMT API, MT_MODERNMT_KEY, MT_MODERNMT_URL

2.13.12 MyMemory

Huge translation memory with machine translation. Free, anonymous usage is currently limited to 100 requests/day, or to 1000 requests/day when you provide a contact e-mail address in MT_MYMEMORY_EMAIL. You can also ask them for more. Turn on this service by adding weblate.machinery.mymemory.MyMemoryTranslation to MT_SERVICES and set MT_MYMEMORY_EMAIL. Veja também: MT_MYMEMORY_EMAIL, MT_MYMEMORY_USER, MT_MYMEMORY_KEY, MyMemory website

2.13.13 NetEase Sight API machine translation

Novo na versão 3.3. Machine translation service provided by Netease. This service uses an API, and you need to obtain key and secret from NetEase. Turn on this service by adding weblate.machinery.youdao.NeteaseSightTranslation to MT_SERVICES and set MT_NETEASE_KEY and MT_NETEASE_SECRET. Veja também: MT_NETEASE_KEY, MT_NETEASE_SECRET Netease Sight Translation Platform

266 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

2.13.14 tmserver

You can run your own translation memory server by using the one bundled with Translate-toolkit and let Weblate talk to it. You can also use it with an amaGama server, which is an enhanced version of tmserver. 1. First you will want to import some data to the translation memory: 2. Turn on this service by adding weblate.machinery.tmserver.TMServerTranslation to MT_SERVICES. build_tmdb -d /var/lib/tm/db -s en -t cs locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/django.po build_tmdb -d /var/lib/tm/db -s en -t de locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/django.po build_tmdb -d /var/lib/tm/db -s en -t fr locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/django.po

3. Start tmserver to listen to your requests: tmserver -d /var/lib/tm/db

4. Configure Weblate to talk to it:

MT_TMSERVER = 'http://localhost:8888/tmserver/'

Veja também: MT_TMSERVER, tmserver Installing amaGama, Amagama, Amagama Translation Memory

2.13.15 Yandex Translate

Machine translation service provided by Yandex. This service uses a Translation API, and you need to obtain an API key from Yandex. Turn on this service by adding to MT_SERVICES, and set MT_YANDEX_KEY. Veja também: MT_YANDEX_KEY, Yandex Translate API, Powered by Yandex.Translate

2.13.16 Youdao Zhiyun API machine translation

Novo na versão 3.2. Machine translation service provided by Youdao. This service uses an API, and you need to obtain an ID and an API key from Youdao. Turn on this service by adding weblate.machinery.youdao.YoudaoTranslation to MT_SERVICES and set MT_YOUDAO_ID and MT_YOUDAO_SECRET. Veja também: MT_YOUDAO_ID, MT_YOUDAO_SECRET Youdao Zhiyun Natural Language Translation Service

2.13. Tradução automática 267 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

2.13.17 Weblate

Weblate can be the source of machine translations as well. It is based on the Woosh fulltext engine, and provides both exact and inexact matches. Turn on these services by adding weblate.machinery.weblatetm.WeblateTranslation to MT_SERVICES.

2.13.18 Weblate Translation Memory

Novo na versão 2.20. The Memória de Tradução can be used as a source for machine translation suggestions as well. Turn on these services by adding weblate.memory.machine.WeblateMemory to the MT_SERVICES. This service is turned on by default.

2.13.19 SAP Translation Hub

Machine translation service provided by SAP. You need to have a SAP account (and enabled the SAP Translation Hub in the SAP Cloud Platform) to use this service. Turn on this service by adding weblate.machinery.saptranslationhub.SAPTranslationHub to MT_SERVICES and set the appropriate access to either sandbox or the productive API.

Nota: To access the Sandbox API, you need to set MT_SAP_BASE_URL and MT_SAP_SANDBOX_APIKEY. To access the productive API, you need to set MT_SAP_BASE_URL, MT_SAP_USERNAME and MT_SAP_PASSWORD.


2.13.20 Custom machine translation

You can also implement your own machine translation services using a few lines of Python code. This example implements machine translation in a fixed list of languages using dictionary Python module:

# # Copyright © 2012 - 2020 Michal Čihař # # This file is part of Weblate # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License (continues on next page)

268 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

(continuação da página anterior) # along with this program. If not, see . # """Machine translation example.""" import dictionary from weblate.machinery.base import MachineTranslation class SampleTranslation(MachineTranslation): """Sample machine translation interface."""

name = "Sample"

def download_languages(self): """Return list of languages your machine translation supports.""" return {"cs"}

def download_translations(self, source, language, text, unit, user, search): """Return tuple with translations.""" for t in dictionary.translate(text): yield {"text": t, "quality": 100, "service":, "source": text}

You can list own class in MT_SERVICES and Weblate will start using that.

2.14 Extensões

Novo na versão 2.19. Extensões fornecem maneiras para personalizar fluxo de trabalho de tradução. Elas podem ser instaladas na visão de componentes de tradução e trabalhar nos bastidores. Gestão de extensões está disponível do menu Gerir ↓ Extensões dos respetivos componentes de tradução para administradores.

2.14. Extensões 269 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

2.14.1 Extensões embutidas

Tradução automática

Novo na versão 3.9. Traduz automaticamente as cadeias utilizando a tradução automática ou outros componentes. Esta extensão é acionada automaticamente quando novas cadeias aparecem num componente. Veja também: Tradução automática, Keeping translations same across components

270 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

CDN de localização JavaScript

Novo na versão 4.2. Adiciona o CDN de localização para localização em JavaScript ou HTML. Pode ser usado para localizar páginas HTML estáticas ou para carregar a localização no código JavaScript. Upon installation the addon generates unique URL for your component which you can include in the HTML docu- ments to get them localized. See Translating HTML and JavaScript using Weblate CDN for more details. Veja também: Configuring Weblate CDN addon, Translating HTML and JavaScript using Weblate CDN, String extraction for Weblate CDN, HTML localization using Weblate CDN

Limpeza de ficheiros de tradução

Atualize todos os ficheiros de tradução para coincidirem com o ficheiro monolingue base. Para a maioria dos formatos de ficheiro, significa remover as chaves de tradução obsoletas que já não existem no ficheiro base.

Consistência do idioma

Garante que todos os componentes de um projeto tenham traduções para todos idiomas adicionados para tradução. Cria traduções vazias em idiomas que têm componentes não adicionados. Os idiomas ausentes são verificados uma vez a cada 24 horas e quando um novo idioma é adicionado no Weblate. Ao contrário da maioria dos outros, esta extensão afeta todo o projeto.

Dica: Traduza automaticamente os textos recém-adicionadas com Tradução automática.

Descoberta de componentes

Adiciona ou remove automaticamente componentes do projeto com base em alterações de ficheiros no sistema de controlo de versão. É acionada em todas as atualizações do VCS, de outra forma semelhante ao comando de gestão import_project. Desta forma, pode rastrear vários componentes de tradução dentro de um VCS. Crie um componente principal menos provável de desaparecer no futuro e outros vão empregar Weblate internal URLs para ele como uma configuração VCS e vão configurá-lo para encontrar todos os componentes nele. A correspondência é feita por expressões regulares, onde o poder é uma compensação para a complexidade na con- figuração. Alguns exemplos para casos de uso comum encontram-se na secção de ajuda de extensões. Uma vez que acertar Gravar, uma prévia dos componentes correspondentes será apresentada, de onde pode verificar se a configuração realmente corresponde às suas necessidades:

2.14. Extensões 271 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

272 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Veja também: Template markup

Edição em massa

Novo na versão 3.11. Edição em série de marcadores, etiquetas, ou estados para as cadeias. Automatizar a etiquetagem de novos textos pode ser útil (comece com consulta de pesquisa NOT has:label e adicione etiquetas desejadas até que todas as cadeias sejam devidamente etiquetados). Também pode realizar quaisquer outras operações automatizadas para metadados do Weblate. Veja também: Edição em massa

Marcar as traduções inalteradas como «Precisa de edição»

Novo na versão 3.1. Sempre que uma nova cadeia traduzível é importada de VCS e corresponde a uma cadeia fonte, esta é marcada como precisa de edição no Weblate. Isto é especialmente útil para os formatos de ficheiro que incluem todas as cadeias , mesmo que não traduzidas.

Marcar as novas cadeias fonte como «Precisa de edição»

Sempre que uma nova cadeia é importada de VCS, esta é marcada como precisa de edição no Weblate. Deste modo pode filtrar e editar facilmente as cadeias fonte escritas pelos programadores.

Marcar as novas traduções como «Precisa de edição»

Sempre que uma nova cadeia de tradução é importada de VCS, esta é marcada como precisa de edição no Weblate. Deste modo pode filtrar e editar facilmente as traduções criadas pelos programadores.

Gerador de estatísticas

Gera um ficheiro contendo a informação detalhada sobre a tradução. Pode usar um modelo do Django, tanto de nome de ficheiro e conteúdo, veja Markdown para uma descrição detalhada de markup. Por exemplo, a geração de ficheiro de resumo para cada tradução: Nome do ficheiro gerado locale/{{ language_code }}.json Conteúdo

{ "language": "{{ language_code }}", "strings": "{{ stats.all }}", "translated": "{{ stats.translated }}", "last_changed": "{{ stats.last_changed }}", "last_author": "{{ stats.last_author }}", }

Veja também: Template markup

2.14. Extensões 273 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Contribuintes em comentários

Atualiza o comentário no cabeçalho do ficheiro PO para incluir nomes de colaboradores e anos de contribuições. O cabeçalho do ficheiro PO conterá uma lista de contribuidores e anos contribuídos:

# Michal Čihař , 2012, 2018, 2019, 2020. # Pavel Borecki , 2018, 2019. # Filip Hron , 2018, 2019. # anonymous , 2019.

Atualizar variável ALL_LINGUAS no ficheiro «configure»

Atualiza a variável ALL_LINGUAS em ficheiros configure, ou, quando uma nova tradução é adicionada.

Personalizar a saída gettext

Permite personalizar o comportamento da saída gettext, por exemplo, a quebra de linhas. Oferece as seguintes opções: • Quebrar linhas em 77 caracteres e em novas linhas • Quebrar as linhas apenas nas novas linhas • Sem quebra de linhas

Nota: Por predefinição, gettext quebra linhas em 77 caracteres e em novas linhas. Com o parâmetro --no-wrap, ele quebra apenas em novas linhas.

Atualizar ficheiro LINGUAS

Atualiza o ficheiro LINGUAS quando é adicionada uma nova tradução.

Gerar ficheiros MO

Gera automaticamente um ficheiro MO para cada ficheiro PO alterado.

Atualizar ficheiros PO para coincidir com POT (msgmerge)

Atualiza todos os ficheiros PO para corresponderem ao ficheiro POT, utilizando msgmerge. É ativado quando as novas alterações são integradas do repositório principal.

274 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Squash de commits git

Comprimir as submissões Git antes de enviar as alterações. Pode escolher um dos modos seguintes: Novo na versão 3.4. • Todos os commits em um só • Por idioma • Por ficheiro Novo na versão 3.5. • Por autor As mensagens de commit originais são mantidas, mas a autoria é perdida a menos que «Por autor» seja selecionada ou a mensagem de commit seja personalizada para incluí-la. Novo na versão 4.1. As mensagens de commit originais podem opcionalmente ser substituídas por uma mensagem de commit personali- zada. Linhas finalizadoras (linhas de commits como Co-authored-by: ...) podem opcionalmente ser removidas das mensagens de commit originais e anexadas ao final da mensagem de compromisso após um squash. Isto também gera crédito próprio Co-authored-by: para cada tradutor.

Personalizar a saída JSON

Permite ajustar o comportamento da saída JSON, por exemplo, a indentação ou a ordenação.

Formata as propriedades do ficheiro Java

Ordena o ficheiro de propriedades Java.

Purga de comentários obsoletos

Novo na versão 3.7. Definir um prazo para a remoção de comentários. Isso pode ser útil para remover comentários antigos que podem ter ficado desatualizados. Use com cuidado, pois comentários sendo velhos não significam que eles perderam sua importância.

Purga de sugestões obsoletas

Novo na versão 3.7. Definir um prazo para a remoção de sugestões. Isso pode ser muito útil em relação à votação em sugestão (ver Revisão por pares) para remover sugestões que não recebem votos positivos suficientes num determinado período.

2.14. Extensões 275 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Atualizar ficheiros RESX

Novo na versão 3.9. Atualize todos os ficheiros de tradução para que correspondam ao ficheiro base monolingue original. As cadeias não utilizadas são removidas, e as novas cadeias são adicionadas como cópias da cadeia fonte.

Dica: Use Limpeza de ficheiros de tradução se só quiser remover chaves de tradução obsoletas.

Personalizar a saída YAML

Novo na versão 3.10.2. Permite ajustar o comportamento da saída YAML, por exemplo, o comprimento de linha ou novas linhas.

2.14.2 Personalizar a lista de extensões

A lista de extensões é configurada por WEBLATE_ADDONS. Para adicionar outra extensão, basta incluir o nome absoluto da classe nesta configuração.

2.14.3 Escrever extensões

Tambem pode escrever sua própria extensão. Tudo o que precisa fazer é subclassear o BaseAddon, definir os meta- dados da extensão e implementar uma função de retorno que irá fazer o processamento. Aqui está um exemplo de extensão:

# # Copyright © 2012 - 2020 Michal Čihař # # This file is part of Weblate # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ from weblate.addons.base import BaseAddon from import EVENT_PRE_COMMIT class ExampleAddon(BaseAddon): # Filter for compatible components, every key is # matched against property of component compat = {"file_format":{"po", "po-mono"}} (continues on next page)

276 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

(continuação da página anterior) # List of events addon should receive events = (EVENT_PRE_COMMIT,) # Addon unique identifier name = "weblate.example.example" # Verbose name shown in the user interface verbose = _("Example addon") # Detailed addon description description = _("This addon does nothing it is just an example.")

# Callback to implement custom behavior def pre_commit(self, translation, author): return

2.14.4 Executar scripts de extensões

Extenções também podem ser usados para executar scripts externos. Isto estava integrado no Weblate, mas agora tem que escrever código para embrulhar seu script com uma extensão.

# # Copyright © 2012 - 2020 Michal Čihař # # This file is part of Weblate # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # """Example pre commit script.""" from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ from import EVENT_PRE_COMMIT from weblate.addons.scripts import BaseScriptAddon class ExamplePreAddon(BaseScriptAddon): # Event used to trigger the script events = (EVENT_PRE_COMMIT,) # Name of the addon, has to be unique name = "weblate.example.pre" # Verbose name and long descrption verbose = _("Execute script before commit") description = _("This addon executes a script.")

# Script to execute script = "/bin/true" # File to add in commit (for pre commit event) # does not have to be set add_file = "po/{{ language_code }}.po"

2.14. Extensões 277 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Para instruções de instalação, veja Custom quality checks, addons and auto-fixes. O script é executado com o diretório atual definido para a raiz do repositório VCS para qualquer componente. Além disso, as seguintes variáveis de ambiente estão disponíveis: WL_VCS Sistema de controle de versão usado. WL_REPO URL do repositório upstream. WL_PATH Caminho absoluto para o repositório VCS. WL_BRANCH Novo na versão 2.11. Ramo do repositório configurado no componente atual. WL_FILEMASK Máscara de ficheiro para componente atual. WL_TEMPLATE Nome de ficheiro de modelo para traduções monolínguas (pode estar vazio). WL_NEW_BASE Novo na versão 2.14. Nome do ficheiro usado para criar novas traduções (pode estar vazio). WL_FILE_FORMAT Formato de ficheiro usado no componente atual. WL_LANGUAGE Idioma da tradução processada atualmente (não disponível para hooks de nível de componente). WL_PREVIOUS_HEAD Previous HEAD on update (available only when running post update hook). WL_COMPONENT_SLUG Novo na versão 3.9. Slug do componente usado para construir a URL. WL_PROJECT_SLUG Novo na versão 3.9. Slug de projeto usado para construir a URL. WL_COMPONENT_NAME Novo na versão 3.9. Nome de componente. WL_PROJECT_NAME Novo na versão 3.9. Nome do projeto. WL_COMPONENT_URL Novo na versão 3.9. URL do componente. WL_ENGAGE_URL Novo na versão 3.9. URL de engajamento do projeto.

278 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Veja também: Component configuration

Processamento de repositório pós-atualização

O processamento do repositório pós-atualização pode ser usado para atualizar ficheiros de tradução quando a fonte VCS do upstream alterar. Para conseguir isso, lembre-se que o Weblate só vê ficheiros dos quais se fez commit com o VCS, então precisa fazer commit das alterações como parte do script. Por exemplo, com Gulp, pode fazê-lo usando o código seguinte:

#! /bin/sh gulp --gulpfile gulp-i18n-extract.js git commit -m 'Update source strings' src/languages/en.lang.json

Processamento pré-commit de traduções

Use o script de commit para fazer alterações automaticamente na tradução antes de fazer commit dela para o repo- sitório. É passado como um parâmetro único que consiste o nome de uma tradução atual.

2.15 Memória de Tradução

Novo na versão 2.20. Weblate comes with a built-in translation memory consisting of the following: • Manually imported translation memory (see User interface). • Automatically stored translations performed in Weblate (depending on Translation memory scopes). • Automatically imported past translations. Content in the translation memory can be applied one of two ways: • Manually, Tradução automática view while translating. • Automatically, by translating strings using Tradução automática, or Tradução automática addon. For installation tips, see Weblate Translation Memory, which is turned on by default.

2.15.1 Translation memory scopes

Novo na versão 3.2: In earlier versions translation memory could be only loaded from a file corresponding to the current imported translation memory scope. The translation memory scopes are there to allow both privacy and sharing of translations, to suit the desired behavior.

2.15. Memória de Tradução 279 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Imported translation memory

Importing arbitrary translation memory data using the import_memory command makes memory content avai- lable to all users and projects.

Per user translation memory

Stores all user translations automatically in the personal translation memory of each respective user.

Per project translation memory

All translations within a project are automatically stored in a project translation memory only available for this project.

Memória de tradução compartilhada

All translation within projects with shared translation memory turned on are stored in a shared translation memory available to all projects. Please consider carefully whether to turn this feature on for shared Weblate installations, as it can have severe impli- cations: • The translations can be used by anybody else. • This might lead to disclosing secret information.

2.15.2 Managing translation memory

User interface

Novo na versão 3.2. In the basic user interface you can manage per user and per project translation memories. It can be used to download, wipe or import translation memory.

Dica: Translation memory in JSON can be imported into Weblate, TMX is provided for interoperability with other tools.

Veja também: Weblate Translation Memory Schema

280 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Interface de gestão

There are several management commands to manipulate the translation memory content. These operate on the trans- lation memory as whole, unfiltered by scopes (unless requested by parameters): dump_memory Exports the memory into JSON import_memory Imports TMX or JSON files into the translation memory

2.16 Configuração

Todas as configurações estão armazenadas em (como é habitual no Django).

Nota: Após alterar qualquer uma dessas configurações, precisa reiniciar o Weblate - tanto os processos WSGI quanto os Celery. Caso seja executado como mod_wsgi, precisa reiniciar o Apache para recarregar a configuração.

Veja também: Verifique também :doc:`Django’s documentation `para parâmetros de configuração do próprio Django.


O Weblate pode usar o Akismet para procurar sugestões recebidas anonimamente por spam. Visite para comprar uma chave API e associá-la a um site.

2.16. Configuração 281 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1


O nome de utilizadores não autenticados. Veja também: Controlo de acesso


Novo na versão 3.6. Quantos dias o Weblate deve manter registos de auditoria, que contêm informações sobre a atividade da conta. A predefinição é de 180 dias.


Novo na versão 2.14. Quantidade máxima de tentativas de autenticação que falharam antes da aplicação da limitação de taxa. Atualmente, isto é aplicado nos locais seguintes: • Logins. Apaga a palavra-passe da conta, impedindo que o utilizador entre sem solicitar uma nova palavra- passe. • Redefinições de palavra-passe. Impede que novos e-mails sejam enviados, evitando o envio de spam aos uti- lizadores com muitas tentativas de redefinição de palavra-passe. A predefinição é 10. Veja também: Limitação de taxa,


Novo na versão 3.2. Alterado na versão 3.11: A opção original de ligar/desligar foi alterada para diferenciar quais textos são aceitos. Atualiza todos repositórios diariamente.

Dica: Útil se não estiver a user Hooks de notificação para atualizar os repositórios do Weblate automaticamente.

Nota: Existem opções de ligar/desligar, além da selecção de textos para compatibilidade com versões anteriores.

As opções são: "none" Sem atualizações diárias. "remote" e também False Atualizar apenas os repositórios remotos. "full" e também True Atualizar repositórios remotos e mesclar a cópia de trabalho.

Nota: Isto requer que Background tasks using Celery esteja a funcionar e entrará em vigor após ser reiniciado.

282 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1


Prefixo para construção de URLs de avatars: ${AVATAR_URL_PREFIX}/avatar/${MAIL_HASH}? ${PARAMS}. Os serviços seguintes funcionam: Gravatar (predefinição), conforme AVATAR_URL_PREFIX = 'https://www.' Libravatar, conforme AVATAR_URL_PREFIX = 'https://www.' Veja também: Cache de avatares, ENABLE_AVATARS, Avatars


Novo na versão 2.14. How long the authentication token and temporary password from password reset e-mails is valid for. Set in number of seconds, defaulting to 172800 (2 days).


Novo na versão 2.15. Quantos dias a usar a mesma palavra-passe deve ser permitido.

Nota: Mudanças de palavra-passe feitas anteriormente ao Weblate 2.15 não serão consideradas para essa política.

A predefinição é de 180 dias.


Lista de correções automáticas para aplicar ao gravar um texto.

Nota: Forneça um caminho totalmente qualificado para a classe Python que implementa a interface de correção automática.

Correções disponíveis: weblate.trans.autofixes.whitespace.SameBookendingWhitespace Corresponde o espaço em branco no início e no fim da cadeia com a fonte. weblate.trans.autofixes.chars.ReplaceTrailingDotsWithEllipsis Substitui pontos ao final (…) se o texto fonte tiver um caractere de reticências (…). weblate.trans.autofixes.chars.RemoveZeroSpace Remove caracteres de espaço de largura zero se a fonte não contiver nenhum. weblate.trans.autofixes.chars.RemoveControlChars Remove caracteres de controle se a fonte não contiver nenhum. weblate.trans.autofixes.html.BleachHTML Remove a marcação HTML insegura dos textos sinali- zados como safe-html (veja HTML inseguro). Pode selecionar quais usar:

2.16. Configuração 283 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

AUTOFIX_LIST = ( 'weblate.trans.autofixes.whitespace.SameBookendingWhitespace', 'weblate.trans.autofixes.chars.ReplaceTrailingDotsWithEllipsis', )

Veja também: Correções automáticas, Correções automáticas personalizadas

2.16.10 BASE_DIR

Diretório base onde as fontes do Weblate estão localizadas. Usado para derivar vários outros caminhos por predefi- nição: • DATA_DIR Valor predefinido: Diretório de nível superior de fontes do Weblate.


Personalize o cabeçalho Content-Security-Policy para Weblate. O cabeçalho é gerado automaticamente com base em integrações ativadas com serviços de terceiros (Matomo, Google Analytics, Sentry, …). Todos esses tem uma lista vazia como predefinição. ** Exemplo:: **

# Enable Cloudflare Javascript optimizations CSP_SCRIPT_SRC = [""]

Veja também: Content security policy, Content Security Policy (CSP)

2.16.12 CHECK_LIST

Lista de verificações de qualidade para realizar numa tradução.

Nota: Forneça um caminho totalmente qualificado para a classe Python que implementa a interface de verificação.

Ajuste a lista de verificações para incluir as relevantes para si. Todas as Verificações de qualidade embutidas estão ativadas por predefinição, de onde pode alterar essas configura- ções. Por predefinição, eles são comentados em Sample configuration para que os valores predefinidos sejam usados. Novas verificações são realizadas para cada versão nova do Weblate. Pode desativar todas as verificações:


Pode ativar apenas algumas:

CHECK_LIST = ( 'weblate.checks.chars.BeginNewlineCheck', 'weblate.checks.chars.EndNewlineCheck', 'weblate.checks.chars.MaxLengthCheck', )

284 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Nota: Alterar esta configuração afeta apenas as traduções recém-alteradas, as verificações existentes ainda serão armazenadas no banco de dados. Para também aplicar alterações nas traduções armazenadas, execute update- checks.

Veja também: Verificações de qualidade, Personalizar o comportamento


Novo na versão 3.6. Apaga comentários após uma determinada quantidade de dias. A predefinição é None, ou seja, nada apagado.


Novo na versão 2.10. Quantidade de horas entre fazer o commit de alterações pendentes por meio da tarefa de segundo plano. Veja também: Component configuration, Idade das alterações a fazer commit, Running maintenance tasks, commit_pending

2.16.15 DATA_DIR

A pasta na qual Weblate armazena todos os dados. Ela contém ligações para repositórios VCS, um índice de texto e vários ficheiros de configuração para ferramentas externas. Os subdiretórios seguintes geralmente existem: home O diretório pessoal usado para invocar scripts. ssh Chaves e configuração de SSH. static Localização predefinida para ficheiros estáticos de Django, especificados por STATIC_ROOT. media Localização predefinida para ficheiros de mídia Django, especificado por MEDIA_ROOT. vcs Repositórios de controle de versão. backups Dados de backup diário. Confira Dados despejados para os backups para detalhes.

Nota: Este diretório tem que ser escrito pelo Weblate. Executá-lo como uWSGI significa que o utilizador www- data deve ter acesso de escrita. A maneira mais fácil de conseguir isto é fazer do usuário o proprietário do diretório: sudo chown www-data:www-data -R $DATA_DIR

A predefinição é $BASE_DIR/data. Veja também: BASE_DIR, Fazer backup e mover o Weblate

2.16. Configuração 285 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1


Novo na versão 3.1. Se os backups de banco de dados devem ser armazenados como texto simples, compactado ou ignorado. Os valores autorizados são: • "plain" • "compressed" • "none" Veja também: Fazer backup e mover o Weblate


Novo na versão 3.3. A configuração predefinida de controle de acesso para novos projetos: 0 Público 1 Protegido 100 Privado 200 Personalizado Use Custom if you are managing ACL manually, which means not relying on the internal Weblate management. Veja também: Controlo de acesso por projeto, Controlo de acesso, Controlo de acesso


Novo na versão 4.1. O valor predefinido para a restrição de componentes. Veja também: Controlo de acesso por projeto, Restricted access, Controlo de acesso


Enviar mensagens predefinidas para diferentes operações, consulte Component configuration para detalhes. Veja também: Template markup, Component configuration, Commit, add, delete, merge and addon messages

286 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1


Complementos predefinidos para instalar em cada componente criado.

Nota: Essa configuração afeta apenas componentes recém-criados.


DEFAULT_ADDONS = { # Addon with no parameters "weblate.flags.target_edit": {},

# Addon with parameters "weblate.autotranslate.autotranslate":{ "mode": "suggest", "filter_type": "todo", "auto_source": "mt", "component": "", "engines":["weblate-translation-memory"], "threshold": "80", } }

Veja também: install_addon


Novo na versão 2.4. Endereço de e-mail do committer para componentes de tradução criados com a predefinição noreply@weblate. org. Veja também: DEFAULT_COMMITER_NAME, Component configuration, E-mail do publicador


Novo na versão 2.4. Nome do committer para componentes de tradução criados com a predefinição Weblate. Veja também: DEFAULT_COMMITER_EMAIL, Component configuration, Nome do publicador


Novo na versão 3.4. Mescla o estilo para quaisquer componentes novos. • rebase - predefinição • merge Veja também: Component configuration, Estilo de união

2.16. Configuração 287 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1


Novo na versão 2.5. Configuração predefinida para propagação de tradução, sendo a predefinição True. Veja também: Component configuration, Permitir propagação da tradução


Título para pull requests novas, sendo a predefinição 'Update from Weblate'.


Whether to turn on Gravatar-based avatars for users. By default this is on. Avatares são buscados e armazenados em cache no servidor, diminuindo o risco de vazamento de informações pri- vadas, acelerando a experiência do utilizador. Veja também: Cache de avatares, AVATAR_URL_PREFIX, Avatars


Se se deve ativar ganchos remotos anônimos. Veja também: Hooks de notificação


Se se deve enviar ligações para Weblate como HTTPS ou HTTP. Esta configuração afeta os e-mails enviados e as URLs absolutas geradas.

Dica: Na configuração predefinida, isto também é usado para várias configurações de Django relacionadas ao HTTPS.



Turn on/off the Share menu so users can share translation progress on social networks.

288 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1


O nome de utilizador GitLab para enviar merge requests para atualizações de tradução. Veja também: GitLab, Setting up Lab


O nome de utilizador GitHub para enviar pull request para atualizações de tradução. Veja também: GitHub, Setting up hub


ID do Google Analytics para ativar o monitoramento do Weblate usando o Google Analytics.


Oculta credenciais de repositório na interface web. No caso de ter o URL do repositório com utilizador e palavra- passe, o Weblate irá ocultá-la quando as informações relacionadas são mostradas aos utilizadores. Por exemplo, em vez de https://utilizador:[email protected]/repo.git, vai mostrar apenas “””“”. Tenta limpar mensagens de erro VCS também de forma se- melhante.

Nota: Isso está ativado por predefinição.


Novo na versão 2.14. Indica se o Weblate está a ser usado através de um proxy reverso. If set to True, Weblate gets IP address from a header defined by IP_PROXY_HEADER.

Aviso: Certifique-se de que está realmente usando um proxy reverso e que ele define este cabeçalho, caso contrário, os utilizadores poderão falsificar o endereço IP.

Nota: Isto está ligado por predefinição.

Veja também: Running behind reverse proxy, Limitação de taxa, IP_PROXY_HEADER, IP_PROXY_OFFSET

2.16. Configuração 289 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1


Novo na versão 2.14. Indica de qual cabeçalho o Weblate deve obter o endereço IP quando IP_BEHIND_REVERSE_PROXY está ativado. A predefinição é HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR. Veja também: Running behind reverse proxy, Limitação de taxa, SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER, IP_BEHIND_REVERSE_PROXY, IP_PROXY_OFFSET


Novo na versão 2.14. Indica qual parte de IP_PROXY_HEADER é usada como endereço IP do cliente. Dependendo da configuração, este cabeçalho pode consistir em vários endereços IP (por exemplo, X-Forwarded- For: a, b, client-ip) e você pode configurar qual endereço do cabeçalho é usado como endereço IP do cliente aqui.

Aviso: Configurar isto afeta a segurança da sua instalação, por isso deve configurá-la só para usar proxies confiáveis para determinar o endereço IP.

A predefinição é 0. Veja também: Running behind reverse proxy, Limitação de taxa, SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER, IP_BEHIND_REVERSE_PROXY, IP_PROXY_HEADER

2.16.37 LEGAL_URL

Novo na versão 3.5. URL onde a sua instância de Weblate mostra os documentos legais dela.

Dica: Útil se hospeda os seus documentos legais fora do Weblate para incorporá-los ao Weblate, verifique Legal para obter detalhes.




Licenças adicionais para incluir nas opções de licença.

Nota: Cada definição de licença deve ser uma tupla do seu nome curto, um nome longo e uma URL.

Por exemplo:

290 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

LICENSE_EXTRA = [ ( "AGPL-3.0", "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0", "", ), ]


Adição opcional de licenças para mostrar.

Nota: Este filtro usa os nomes de licença curtos.

Por exemplo:

LICENSE_FILTER = {"AGPL-3.0", "GPL-3.0-or-later"}


Define se o atributo de licença em Component configuration é necessário.

Nota: Isto está desativado por predefinição.


Se o comprimento de uma determinada tradução deve ser limitado. A restrição é o comprimento da cadeia fonte * 10 caracteres.

Dica: Define isto como False para permitir traduções mais longas (até 10.000 caracteres) independentemente do comprimento da cadeia fonte.

Nota: A predefinição é «True».


Essas configurações definem a extensão CDN de localização JavaScript. LOCALIZE_CDN_URL define a URL raiz onde o CDN de localização está disponível e LOCALIZE_CDN_PATH define o caminho onde o Weblate deve ar- mazenar ficheiros gerados que serão servidos em LOCALIZE_CDN_URL.

Dica: O Hosted Weblate usa o

Veja também: CDN de localização JavaScript

2.16. Configuração 291 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1


Uma lista de URLs para as quais deseja exigir autenticação. (Além das regras predefinidas incorporadas ao Weblate).

Dica: Isto permite que proteja toda a instalação com uma palavra-passe a usar:

LOGIN_REQUIRED_URLS = ( r'/(.*)$', ) REST_FRAMEWORK["DEFAULT_PERMISSION_CLASSES"] = [ "rest_framework.permissions.IsAuthenticated" ]

Dica: É desejável bloquear o acesso à API também, como mostrado no exemplo acima.


Lista de exceções para LOGIN_REQUIRED_URLS. Se não for especificado, os utilizadores podem acessar a página de autenticação. Algumas das exceções que pode incluir:

LOGIN_REQUIRED_URLS_EXCEPTIONS = ( r'/accounts/(.*)$', # Required for login r'/static/(.*)$', # Required for development mode r'/widgets/(.*)$', # Allowing public access to widgets r'/data/(.*)$', # Allowing public access to data exports r'/hooks/(.*)$', # Allowing public access to notification hooks r'/api/(.*)$', # Allowing access to API r'/js/i18n/$', # JavaScript localization )


ID de um site em Matomo (anteriormente Piwik) que quer rastrear.

Nota: Esta integração não suporta o Matomo Tag Manager.

Veja também: MATOMO_URL

2.16.46 MATOMO_URL

Full URL (including trailing slash) of a Matomo (formerly Piwik) installation you want to use to track Weblate use. Please check for more details.

Dica: Esta integração não suporta o Matomo Tag Manager.

Por exemplo:

292 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1


Veja também: MATOMO_SITE_ID


Alterado na versão 3.0: A configuração foi renomeada de MACHINE_TRANSLATION_SERVICES para MT_SERVICES para ser consistente com outras configurações de tradução de máquina. Lista de serviços de tradução de máquina ativados para uso.

Nota: Muitos dos serviços precisam de configuração adicional, como chaves de API, consulte sua documentação ref:machine para mais detalhes.

MT_SERVICES = ( 'weblate.machinery.apertium.ApertiumAPYTranslation', 'weblate.machinery.deepl.DeepLTranslation', 'weblate.machinery.glosbe.GlosbeTranslation', '', '', 'weblate.machinery.microsoftterminology.MicrosoftTerminologyService', 'weblate.machinery.mymemory.MyMemoryTranslation', 'weblate.machinery.tmserver.AmagamaTranslation', 'weblate.machinery.tmserver.TMServerTranslation', '', 'weblate.machinery.weblatetm.WeblateTranslation', 'weblate.machinery.saptranslationhub.SAPTranslationHub', 'weblate.memory.machine.WeblateMemory', )

Veja também: Tradução automática, Tradução automática


URL do servidor Apertium-APy, Veja também: Apertium, Tradução automática, Tradução automática


ID da chave de acesso para Amazon Translate. Veja também: AWS, Tradução automática, Tradução automática

2.16. Configuração 293 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1


Chave secreta da API para o Amazon Translate. Veja também: AWS, Tradução automática, Tradução automática


Nome da região para usar no Amazon Translate. Veja também: AWS, Tradução automática, Tradução automática

2.16.52 MT_BAIDU_ID

ID do cliente para a API do Baidu Zhiyun, pode registar-se em Veja também: Baidu API machine translation, Tradução automática, Tradução automática


Segredo do cliente para a API do Baidu Zhiyun, pode registar-se em index Veja também: Baidu API machine translation, Tradução automática, Tradução automática


Novo na versão 4.1.1. Versão da API para usar com o serviço DeepL. A versão limita o escopo de uso: v1 Is meant for CAT tools and is usable with user-based subscription. v2 Destina-se ao uso da API e a assinatura é baseada em uso. Anteriormente, o Weblate era classificado como uma ferramenta CAT pelo DeepL, por isso deveria usar a API v1, mas agora é entendido que deve usar a API v2. Portanto, sua predefinição é v2 e pode alterar-lo para v1 no caso de ter uma assinatura CAT existente e querer que o Weblate use isso. Veja também: DeepL, Tradução automática, Tradução automática

294 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

2.16.55 MT_DEEPL_KEY

Chave de API para a API do DeepL, pode registar-se em Veja também: DeepL, Tradução automática, Tradução automática


Chave de API para a API v2 do Google Translate, pode registar-se em Veja também: Google Translate, Tradução automática, Tradução automática


Ficheiro de credenciais da API v3 do JSON obtido no console de nuvem do Google. Por favor, forneça um caminho completo do sistema operacional. As credenciais são por conta de serviço afiliada ao projeto determinado . Por favor, verifique para mais detalhes.


ID de projeto da API v3 do Google Cloud com serviço de tradução ativado e faturamento ativado. Por favor consulte para mais detalhes


A API v3 do Application Engine do Google Cloud pode ser específica para um local. Altere conforme o caso, se a predefinição``global`` não lhe servir. Consulte para mais detalhes Veja também: Google Translate API V3 (Advanced)


Domínio de URL base da região conforme definido na secção «URLs base». A predefinição é para o Azure Global. Para Azure China use


Chave do cliente para a API do Microsoft Cognitive Services Translator. Veja também: Microsoft Cognitive Services Translator, Tradução automática, Tradução automática, `Cognitive Services - API de tradução de texto`_, Microsoft Azure Portal

2.16. Configuração 295 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1


Prefixo da região conforme definido em «Autenticando com um recurso de vários serviços».


Domínio de URL de extremidade da região para token de acesso definido na secção «Autenticando com um token de acesso». A predefinição é para Azure Global. Para Azure China, use o desfecho do Portal do Azure.


Chave API para o motor de tradução automática ModernMT. Veja também: ModernMT MT_MODERNMT_URL


URL de ModernMT. A predefinição é para o serviço de nuvem. Veja também: ModernMT MT_MODERNMT_KEY


Endereço de e-mail de identificação do myMemory. Permite 1000 solicitações por dia. Veja também: MyMemory, Tradução automática, Tradução automática, MyMemory: API technical specifications


Chave de acesso do MyMemory para memória de tradução privada. Use-a com MT_MYMEMORY_USER. Veja também: MyMemory, Tradução automática, Tradução automática, MyMemory: API key generator


ID de utilizador do MyMemory para a memória de tradução privada. Use-o com MT_MYMEMORY_KEY. Veja também: MyMemory, Tradução automática, Tradução automática, MyMemory: API key generator

296 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1


Chave de app para API da NetEase Sight, pode registar-se em Veja também: NetEase Sight API machine translation, Tradução automática, Tradução automática


Segredo de app para a API da NetEase Sight, pode registar-se em Veja também: NetEase Sight API machine translation, Tradução automática, Tradução automática


URL onde o tmserver está funcionando. Veja também: tmserver, Tradução automática, Tradução automática, tmserver


Chave de API para a API do Yandex Translate, pode registar-se em Veja também: Yandex Translate, Tradução automática, Tradução automática

2.16.73 MT_YOUDAO_ID

ID do cliente para a API do Youdao Zhiyun, pode registar-se em Veja também: Youdao Zhiyun API machine translation, Tradução automática, Tradução automática


Segredo do cliente para a API do Youdao Zhiyun, pode registar-se em Veja também: Youdao Zhiyun API machine translation, Tradução automática, Tradução automática


URL de API para o serviço SAP Translation Hub. Veja também: SAP Translation Hub, Tradução automática, Tradução automática

2.16. Configuração 297 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1


Chave de API para uso de API em caixa de proteção Veja também: SAP Translation Hub, Tradução automática, Tradução automática


O seu nome de utilizador da SAP Veja também: SAP Translation Hub, Tradução automática, Tradução automática


A sua palavra-passe da SAP Veja também: SAP Translation Hub, Tradução automática, Tradução automática

2.16.79 MT_SAP_USE_MT

Whether to also use machine translation services, in addition to the term database. Possible values: True or False Veja também: SAP Translation Hub, Tradução automática, Tradução automática


Quantas cadeia devem ser mostradas em torno da cadeia atualmente traduzida. Este é apenas um valor predefinido, os utilizadores podem ajustar-lo em Perfil do utilizador.


Novo na versão 3.2. A quantidade máxima de tentativas de autenticação antes da limitação da taxa ser aplicada. A predefinição é 5. Veja também: Limitação de taxa, RATELIMIT_WINDOW, RATELIMIT_LOCKOUT

298 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1


Novo na versão 3.2. Por quanto tempo a autenticação é aceita após a limitação da taxa ser aplicada. Uma quantidade de segundos com a predefinição de 300 (5 minutos). Veja também: Limitação de taxa, RATELIMIT_ATTEMPTS, RATELIMIT_LOCKOUT


Novo na versão 3.2. Por quanto tempo a autenticação é bloqueada após a limitação da taxa ser aplicada. Uma quantidade de segundos com a predefinição de 600 (10 minutos). Veja também: Limitação de taxa, RATELIMIT_ATTEMPTS, RATELIMIT_WINDOW


Novo na versão 4.1. A lista de backends de autenticação permite o registo caso seja de outra forma desativada por REGISTRA- TION_OPEN. Exemplo:

REGISTRATION_ALLOW_BACKENDS = ["azuread-oauth2", "azuread-tenant-oauth2"]

Dica: Os nomes de backend correspondem aos nomes usados na URL para autenticação.



Um valor de True ou False indicando se o registo de contas novas é protegido pelo CAPTCHA. Esta configuração é opcional e uma predifinição de True será presumido se não for fornecido. Se for ativado, um CAPTCHA é adicionado a todas as páginas onde um utilizador digita seu endereço de e-mail: • Registo de uma conta nova. • Recuperação de palavra-passe. • Adição de uma e-mail a uma conta. • Formulário de contacto para utilizadores que não estão autenticados.

2.16. Configuração 299 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1


Novo na versão 2.17. Permite filtrar quais endereços de e-mail podem ser registados. A predfinição é .*, que permite que registar qualquer endereço de e-mail. Pode usá-lo para restringir o registo a um único domínio de e-mail:

REGISTRATION_EMAIL_MATCH = r'^.*@weblate\.org$'


Se o registro de contas novas é atualmente permitido. Esta configuração opcional pode permanecer com a predefinição True ou pode ser alterada para Falsa. Esta configuração afeta a autenticação embutida por endereço de e-mail ou através do Python Social Auth (pode listar certos back-ends usando REGISTRATION_ALLOW_BACKENDS).

Nota: Se estiver a usar métodos de autenticação de terceiros, como Autenticação por LDAP, ele apenas oculta o formulário de registo, mas novos utilizadores ainda conseguem se autenticar e criar contas.



Novo na versão 4.0.2. Limiar para acionar um alerta para repositórios desatualizados ou aqueles que contêm muitas alterações. A prede- finçao é 25. Veja também: Translation component alerts

2.16.89 SENTRY_DSN

Novo na versão 3.9. DSN do Sentry para usar para Collecting error reports. Veja também: Integração Django para o Sentry


Use códigos de idioma simples para combinações predfinidas de idioma/país. Por exemplo, uma tradução de fr_FR usará o código de idioma fr. Este é geralmente o comportamento desejado, pois simplifica a lista de idiomas para essas combinações predefinidas. Desative isto se quiser traduções diferentes para cada variante.

300 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1


Configura o domínio do site. Isso é necessário para produzir ligações absolutas corretas em muitos escopos (por exemplo, ativação de e-mails, notificações ou feeds RSS). No caso de o Weblate estar a ser executado num porte fora do padrão, inclua-a aqui também. Exemplos::

# Production site with domain name SITE_DOMAIN = ""

# Local development with IP address and port SITE_DOMAIN = ""

Nota: Esta configuração deve conter apenas o nome de domínio. Para configurar o protocolo (ativar e aplicar HTTPS), use ENABLE_HTTPS e para alterar o URL, use URL_PREFIX.

Dica: Num contentor Docker, o domínio do site é configurado através de WEBLATE_ALLOWED_HOSTS.

Veja também: Set correct site domain, Allowed hosts setup, Correctly configure HTTPS WEBLATE_SITE_DOMAIN, ENA- BLE_HTTPS

2.16.92 SITE_TITLE

Título do site a ser usado para o site e e-mails enviados.


Caracteres adicionais para incluir no teclado visual, Teclado visual. O valor predefinido é:

SPECIAL_CHARS = ('\t', '\n', '…')


Novo na versão 3.8. Redireciona os utilizadores diretamente para um projeto ou componente em vez de mostrar o painel. Pode configurá- lo como True e, neste caso, só funciona no caso de haver realmente apenas um único projeto no Weblate. Alterna- tivamente, define o projeto e redirecionará incondicionalmente para este projeto. Alterado na versão 3.11: A configuração agora também aceita um slug de projeto, para forçar a exibição desse único projeto. Exemplo:


2.16. Configuração 301 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

2.16.95 STATUS_URL

The URL where your Weblate instance reports its status.


Novo na versão 3.2.1. Apaga sugestões automaticamente após uma determinada quantidade de dias. A predeinição é None, ou seja, sem exclusões.

2.16.97 URL_PREFIX

Esta configuração permite que execute Weblate em algum caminho (caso contrário, depende de ser executado a partir da raiz do servidor web).

Nota: Para usar esta configuração, também precisa configurar o seu servidor para remover este prefixo. Por exemplo, com o WSGI, isso pode ser alcançado definindo WSGIScriptAlias.

Dica: O prefixo deve iniciar com um /.


URL_PREFIX = '/translations'

Nota: Esta configuração não funciona com o servidor embutido do Django, você teria que ajustar para conter este prefixo.


Configuração de backends VCS disponíveis.

Nota: Weblate tenta usar todos os back-ends suportados para os seus utilizadores.

Dica: Pode limitar escolhas ou adicionar back-ends VCS personalizados usando isto.

VCS_BACKENDS = ( 'weblate.vcs.git.GitRepository', )

Veja também: Integração de controlo de versões

302 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1


Novo na versão 3.10.2. Configura a profundidade a clonagem de repositórios Weblate deve ter.

Nota: Atualmente, isto só é suportado em Git. Por predefinição, o Weblate faz clones rasos dos repositórios para tornar a clonagem mais rápida e economizar espaço no disco. Dependendo do seu uso (por exemplo, ao usar o personalizado Extensões), pode aumentar a profundidade ou desligar os clones rasos completamente definindo isso para 0.

Dica: No caso de receber o erro fatal: protocol error: expected old/new/ref, got 'shallow ' ao fazer push do Weblate, desative clones rasos completamente configurando:



Lista de extensões disponíveis para uso. Para usá-las, elas devem ser ativadas para um determinado componente de tradução. Por predefinição, isto inclui todas as extensões embutidas, ao estender a lista, provavelmente vai manter as existentes ativadas, por exemplo:

WEBLATE_ADDONS = ( # Built-in addons "weblate.addons.gettext.GenerateMoAddon", "weblate.addons.gettext.UpdateLinguasAddon", "weblate.addons.gettext.UpdateConfigureAddon", "weblate.addons.gettext.MsgmergeAddon", "weblate.addons.gettext.GettextCustomizeAddon", "weblate.addons.gettext.GettextAuthorComments", "weblate.addons.cleanup.CleanupAddon", "weblate.addons.consistency.LangaugeConsistencyAddon", "weblate.addons.discovery.DiscoveryAddon", "weblate.addons.flags.SourceEditAddon", "weblate.addons.flags.TargetEditAddon", "weblate.addons.flags.SameEditAddon", "weblate.addons.flags.BulkEditAddon", "weblate.addons.generate.GenerateFileAddon", "weblate.addons.json.JSONCustomizeAddon", "", "weblate.addons.git.GitSquashAddon", "weblate.addons.removal.RemoveComments", "weblate.addons.removal.RemoveSuggestions", "weblate.addons.resx.ResxUpdateAddon", "weblate.addons.autotranslate.AutoTranslateAddon", "weblate.addons.yaml.YAMLCustomizeAddon", "weblate.addons.cdn.CDNJSAddon",

# Addon you want to include "weblate.addons.example.ExampleAddon", )

Veja também: Extensões

2.16. Configuração 303 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1


Novo na versão 4.2. Lista de exportadores disponíveis que oferecem descarregar traduções ou glossários em vários formatos de ficheiro. Veja também: Formatos de ficheiros suportados


Novo na versão 3.0. Lista de formatos de ficheiro disponíveis para uso.

Nota: A lista predfinida já tem os formatos comuns.

Veja também: Formatos de ficheiros suportados


Novo na versão 3.1. Identidade usada pelo Weblate para assinar os commits Git, por exemplo:


O chaveiro GPG do Weblate é pesquisado por uma chave correspondente (home/.gnupg em DATA_DIR). Se não for encontrado, uma chave é gerada. Consulte Signing Git commits with GnuPG para mais detalhes. Veja também: Signing Git commits with GnuPG

2.17 Sample configuration

The following example is shipped as weblate/ with Weblate:

# # Copyright © 2012 - 2020 Michal Čihař # # This file is part of Weblate # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # (continues on next page)

304 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

(continuação da página anterior)

import os import platform from logging.handlers import SysLogHandler

# # Django settings for Weblate project. #

DEBUG = True

ADMINS = ( # ("Your Name", "[email protected]"), )


DATABASES = { "default":{ # Use "postgresql" or "mysql". "ENGINE": "django.db.backends.postgresql", # Database name. "NAME": "weblate", # Database user. "USER": "weblate", # Database password. "PASSWORD": "", # Set to empty string for localhost. "HOST": "", # Set to empty string for default. "PORT": "", # Customizations for databases. "OPTIONS":{ # In case of using an older MySQL server, # which has MyISAM as a default storage # "init_command": "SET storage_engine=INNODB", # Uncomment for MySQL older than 5.7: # "init_command": "SET sql_mode='STRICT_TRANS_TABLES'", # Set emoji capable charset for MySQL: # "charset": "utf8mb4", # Change connection timeout in case you get MySQL gone away error: # "connect_timeout": 28800, }, } }

BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))

# Data directory DATA_DIR = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "data")

# Local time zone for this installation. Choices can be found here: # # although not all choices may be available on all operating systems. # In a Windows environment this must be set to your system time zone. TIME_ZONE = "UTC"

# Language code for this installation. All choices can be found here: # LANGUAGE_CODE = "en-us" (continues on next page)

2.17. Sample configuration 305 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

(continuação da página anterior)

LANGUAGES = ( ,("العربية" ,"ar") ("az", "Azərbaycan"), ("be", "Беларуская"), ("be@latin", "Biełaruskaja"), ("bg", "Български"), ("br", "Brezhoneg"), ("ca", "Català"), ("cs", "Čeština"), ("da", "Dansk"), ("de", "Deutsch"), ("en", "English"), ("el", "Ελληνικά"), ("en-gb", "English (United Kingdom)"), ("es", "Español"), ("fi", "Suomi"), ("fr", "Français"), ("gl", "Galego"), ,("עברית" ,"he") ("hu", "Magyar"), ("hr", "Hrvatski"), ("id", "Indonesia"), ("is", "Íslenska"), ("it", "Italiano"), ("ja", ""), ("kab", "Taqbaylit"), ("kk", "Қазақ тілі"), ("ko", ""), ("nb", "Norsk bokmål"), ("nl", "Nederlands"), ("pl", "Polski"), ("pt", "Português"), ("pt-br", "Português brasileiro"), ("ru", "Русский"), ("sk", "Slovenčina"), ("sl", "Slovenščina"), ("sq", "Shqip"), ("sr", "Српски"), ("sv", "Svenska"), ("tr", "Türkçe"), ("uk", "Українська"), ("zh-hans", ""), ("zh-hant", ""), )


# If you set this to False, Django will make some optimizations so as not # to load the internationalization machinery. USE_I18N = True

# If you set this to False, Django will not format dates, numbers and # calendars according to the current locale. USE_L10N = True

# If you set this to False, Django will not use timezone-aware datetimes. USE_TZ = True

# URL prefix to use, please see documentation for more details URL_PREFIX = "" (continues on next page)

306 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

(continuação da página anterior)

# Absolute filesystem path to the directory that will hold user-uploaded files. MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "media")

# URL that handles the media served from MEDIA_ROOT. Make sure to use a # trailing slash. MEDIA_URL = f"{URL_PREFIX}/media/"

# Absolute path to the directory static files should be collected to. # Don't put anything in this directory yourself; store your static files # in apps' "static/" subdirectories and in STATICFILES_DIRS. STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "static")

# URL prefix for static files. STATIC_URL = f"{URL_PREFIX}/static/"

# Additional locations of static files STATICFILES_DIRS = ( # Put strings here, like "/home/html/static" or "C:/www/django/static". # Always use forward slashes, even on Windows. # Don't forget to use absolute paths, not relative paths. )

# List of finder classes that know how to find static files in # various locations. STATICFILES_FINDERS = ( "django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.FileSystemFinder", "django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.AppDirectoriesFinder", "compressor.finders.CompressorFinder", )

# Make this unique, and don't share it with anybody. # You can generate it using weblate/examples/generate-secret-key SECRET_KEY = ""

_TEMPLATE_LOADERS = [ "django.template.loaders.filesystem.Loader", "django.template.loaders.app_directories.Loader", ] if not DEBUG: _TEMPLATE_LOADERS = [("django.template.loaders.cached.Loader", _TEMPLATE_ ,→LOADERS)] TEMPLATES = [ { "BACKEND": "django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates", "OPTIONS":{ "context_processors":[ "django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth", "django.template.context_processors.debug", "django.template.context_processors.i18n", "django.template.context_processors.request", "django.template.context_processors.csrf", "django.contrib.messages.context_processors.messages", "weblate.trans.context_processors.weblate_context", ], "loaders": _TEMPLATE_LOADERS, }, } ]

(continues on next page)

2.17. Sample configuration 307 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

(continuação da página anterior) # GitHub username for sending pull requests. # Please see the documentation for more details. GITHUB_USERNAME = None

# GitLab username for sending merge requests. # Please see the documentation for more details. GITLAB_USERNAME = None

# Authentication configuration AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ( "", # "", # "social_core.backends.github.GithubOAuth2", # "social_core.backends.bitbucket.BitbucketOAuth", # "social_core.backends.suse.OpenSUSEOpenId", # "social_core.backends.ubuntu.UbuntuOpenId", # "social_core.backends.fedora.FedoraOpenId", # "social_core.backends.facebook.FacebookOAuth2", "weblate.accounts.auth.WeblateUserBackend", )

# Custom user model AUTH_USER_MODEL = "weblate_auth.User"

# Social auth backends setup SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_KEY = "" SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_SECRET = "" SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_SCOPE = ["user:email"]




# Social auth settings SOCIAL_AUTH_PIPELINE = ( "social_core.pipeline.social_auth.social_details", "social_core.pipeline.social_auth.social_uid", "social_core.pipeline.social_auth.auth_allowed", "social_core.pipeline.social_auth.social_user", "weblate.accounts.pipeline.store_params", "weblate.accounts.pipeline.verify_open", "social_core.pipeline.user.get_username", "weblate.accounts.pipeline.require_email", "social_core.pipeline.mail.mail_validation", "weblate.accounts.pipeline.revoke_mail_code", "weblate.accounts.pipeline.ensure_valid", "weblate.accounts.pipeline.remove_account", "social_core.pipeline.social_auth.associate_by_email", "weblate.accounts.pipeline.reauthenticate", "weblate.accounts.pipeline.verify_username", "social_core.pipeline.user.create_user", "social_core.pipeline.social_auth.associate_user", (continues on next page)

308 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

(continuação da página anterior) "social_core.pipeline.social_auth.load_extra_data", "weblate.accounts.pipeline.cleanup_next", "weblate.accounts.pipeline.user_full_name", "weblate.accounts.pipeline.store_email", "weblate.accounts.pipeline.notify_connect", "weblate.accounts.pipeline.password_reset", ) SOCIAL_AUTH_DISCONNECT_PIPELINE = ( "social_core.pipeline.disconnect.allowed_to_disconnect", "social_core.pipeline.disconnect.get_entries", "social_core.pipeline.disconnect.revoke_tokens", "weblate.accounts.pipeline.cycle_session", "weblate.accounts.pipeline.adjust_primary_mail", "weblate.accounts.pipeline.notify_disconnect", "social_core.pipeline.disconnect.disconnect", "weblate.accounts.pipeline.cleanup_next", )

# Custom authentication strategy SOCIAL_AUTH_STRATEGY = "weblate.accounts.strategy.WeblateStrategy"

# Raise exceptions so that we can handle them later SOCIAL_AUTH_RAISE_EXCEPTIONS = True

SOCIAL_AUTH_EMAIL_VALIDATION_FUNCTION = "weblate.accounts.pipeline.send_validation" SOCIAL_AUTH_EMAIL_VALIDATION_URL = "{0}/accounts/email-sent/".format(URL_PREFIX) SOCIAL_AUTH_LOGIN_ERROR_URL = "{0}/accounts/login/".format(URL_PREFIX) SOCIAL_AUTH_EMAIL_FORM_URL = "{0}/accounts/email/".format(URL_PREFIX) SOCIAL_AUTH_NEW_ASSOCIATION_REDIRECT_URL = "{0}/accounts/profile/#account".format( URL_PREFIX ) SOCIAL_AUTH_PROTECTED_USER_FIELDS = ("email",) SOCIAL_AUTH_SLUGIFY_USERNAMES = True SOCIAL_AUTH_SLUGIFY_FUNCTION = "weblate.accounts.pipeline.slugify_username"

# Password validation configuration AUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS = [ { "NAME": "django.contrib.auth.password_validation. ,→UserAttributeSimilarityValidator" # noqa: E501, pylint: disable=line-too-long }, { "NAME": "django.contrib.auth.password_validation.MinimumLengthValidator", "OPTIONS":{"min_length": 10}, }, {"NAME": "django.contrib.auth.password_validation.CommonPasswordValidator"}, {"NAME": "django.contrib.auth.password_validation.NumericPasswordValidator"}, {"NAME": "weblate.accounts.password_validation.CharsPasswordValidator"}, {"NAME": "weblate.accounts.password_validation.PastPasswordsValidator"}, # Optional password strength validation by django-zxcvbn-password #{ # "NAME": "zxcvbn_password.ZXCVBNValidator", # "OPTIONS": { # "min_score": 3, # "user_attributes": ("username", "email", "full_name") # } # }, ]

# Allow new user registrations REGISTRATION_OPEN = True (continues on next page)

2.17. Sample configuration 309 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

(continuação da página anterior)

# Shortcut for login required setting REQUIRE_LOGIN = False

# Middleware MIDDLEWARE = [ "weblate.middleware.RedirectMiddleware", "weblate.middleware.ProxyMiddleware", "", "django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware", "django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware", "django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware", "weblate.accounts.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware", "django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware", "django.middleware.clickjacking.XFrameOptionsMiddleware", "social_django.middleware.SocialAuthExceptionMiddleware", "weblate.accounts.middleware.RequireLoginMiddleware", "weblate.api.middleware.ThrottlingMiddleware", "weblate.middleware.SecurityMiddleware", ]

ROOT_URLCONF = "weblate.urls"

# Django and Weblate apps INSTALLED_APPS = [ # Weblate apps on top to override Django locales and templates "weblate.addons", "weblate.auth", "weblate.checks", "weblate.formats", "weblate.glossary", "weblate.machinery", "weblate.trans", "weblate.lang", "weblate.langdata", "weblate.memory", "weblate.screenshots", "weblate.fonts", "weblate.accounts", "weblate.utils", "weblate.vcs", "weblate.wladmin", "weblate", # Optional: Git exporter "weblate.gitexport", # Standard Django modules "django.contrib.auth", "django.contrib.contenttypes", "django.contrib.sessions", "django.contrib.messages", "django.contrib.staticfiles", "django.contrib.admin.apps.SimpleAdminConfig", "django.contrib.admindocs", "django.contrib.sitemaps", "django.contrib.humanize", # Third party Django modules "social_django", "crispy_forms", "compressor", "rest_framework", "rest_framework.authtoken", (continues on next page)

310 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

(continuação da página anterior) "django_filters", ]

# Custom exception reporter to include some details DEFAULT_EXCEPTION_REPORTER_FILTER = "weblate.trans.debug. ,→WeblateExceptionReporterFilter"

# Default logging of Weblate messages # - to syslog in production (if available) # - otherwise to console # - you can also choose "logfile" to log into separate file # after configuring it below

# Detect if we can connect to syslog HAVE_SYSLOG = False if platform.system() != "Windows": try: handler = SysLogHandler(address="/dev/log", facility=SysLogHandler.LOG_ ,→LOCAL2) handler.close() HAVE_SYSLOG = True except IOError: HAVE_SYSLOG = False if DEBUG or not HAVE_SYSLOG: DEFAULT_LOG = "console" else: DEFAULT_LOG = "syslog" DEFAULT_LOGLEVEL = "DEBUG" if DEBUG else "INFO"

# A sample logging configuration. The only tangible logging # performed by this configuration is to send an email to # the site admins on every HTTP 500 error when DEBUG=False. # See for # more details on how to customize your logging configuration. LOGGING = { "version": 1, "disable_existing_loggers": True, "filters":{"require_debug_false":{"()": "django.utils.log.RequireDebugFalse"} ,→}, "formatters":{ "syslog":{"format": "weblate[%(process)d]: %(levelname)s %(message)s"}, "simple":{"format": "%(levelname)s %(message)s"}, "logfile":{"format": "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s"}, "django.server":{ "()": "django.utils.log.ServerFormatter", "format": "[%(server_time)s] %(message)s", }, }, "handlers":{ "mail_admins":{ "level": "ERROR", "filters":["require_debug_false"], "class": "django.utils.log.AdminEmailHandler", "include_html": True, }, "console":{ "level": "DEBUG", "class": "logging.StreamHandler", "formatter": "simple", }, (continues on next page)

2.17. Sample configuration 311 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

(continuação da página anterior) "django.server":{ "level": "INFO", "class": "logging.StreamHandler", "formatter": "django.server", }, "syslog":{ "level": "DEBUG", "class": "logging.handlers.SysLogHandler", "formatter": "syslog", "address": "/dev/log", "facility": SysLogHandler.LOG_LOCAL2, }, # Logging to a file # "logfile": { # "level":"DEBUG", # "class":"logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler", # "filename": "/var/log/weblate/weblate.log", # "maxBytes": 100000, # "backupCount": 3, # "formatter": "logfile", # }, }, "loggers":{ "django.request":{ "handlers":["mail_admins", DEFAULT_LOG], "level": "ERROR", "propagate": True, }, "django.server":{ "handlers":["django.server"], "level": "INFO", "propagate": False, }, # Logging database queries # "django.db.backends": { # "handlers": [DEFAULT_LOG], # "level": "DEBUG", # }, "weblate":{"handlers": [DEFAULT_LOG], "level": DEFAULT_LOGLEVEL}, # Logging VCS operations "weblate.vcs":{"handlers": [DEFAULT_LOG], "level": DEFAULT_LOGLEVEL}, # Python Social Auth "social":{"handlers": [DEFAULT_LOG], "level": DEFAULT_LOGLEVEL}, # Django Authentication Using LDAP "django_auth_ldap":{"handlers": [DEFAULT_LOG], "level": DEFAULT_LOGLEVEL}, }, }

# Remove syslog setup if it's not present if not HAVE_SYSLOG: del LOGGING["handlers"]["syslog"]

# List of machine translations MT_SERVICES = ( # "weblate.machinery.apertium.ApertiumAPYTranslation", # "", # "weblate.machinery.deepl.DeepLTranslation", # "weblate.machinery.glosbe.GlosbeTranslation", # "", # "weblate.machinery.googlev3.GoogleV3Translation", # "", (continues on next page)

312 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

(continuação da página anterior) # "weblate.machinery.microsoftterminology.MicrosoftTerminologyService", # "weblate.machinery.modernmt.ModernMTTranslation", # "weblate.machinery.mymemory.MyMemoryTranslation", # "weblate.machinery.netease.NeteaseSightTranslation", # "weblate.machinery.tmserver.AmagamaTranslation", # "weblate.machinery.tmserver.TMServerTranslation", # "", # "weblate.machinery.saptranslationhub.SAPTranslationHub", # "weblate.machinery.youdao.YoudaoTranslation", "weblate.machinery.weblatetm.WeblateTranslation", "weblate.memory.machine.WeblateMemory", )

# Machine translation API keys

# URL of the Apertium APy server MT_APERTIUM_APY = None

# DeepL API key MT_DEEPL_KEY = None

# Microsoft Cognitive Services Translator API, register at # MT_MICROSOFT_COGNITIVE_KEY = None MT_MICROSOFT_REGION = None


# MyMemory identification email, see # MT_MYMEMORY_EMAIL = None

# Optional MyMemory credentials to access private translation memory MT_MYMEMORY_USER = None MT_MYMEMORY_KEY = None

# Google API key for Google Translate API v2 MT_GOOGLE_KEY = None

# Google Translate API3 credentials and project id MT_GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS = None MT_GOOGLE_PROJECT = None

# Baidu app key and secret MT_BAIDU_ID = None MT_BAIDU_SECRET = None

# Youdao Zhiyun app key and secret MT_YOUDAO_ID = None MT_YOUDAO_SECRET = None

# Netease Sight (Jianwai) app key and secret MT_NETEASE_KEY = None MT_NETEASE_SECRET = None

# API key for Yandex Translate API MT_YANDEX_KEY = None

# tmserver URL MT_TMSERVER = None (continues on next page)

2.17. Sample configuration 313 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

(continuação da página anterior)


# Title of site to use SITE_TITLE = "Weblate"

# Site domain SITE_DOMAIN = ""

# Whether site uses https ENABLE_HTTPS = False

# Use HTTPS when creating redirect URLs for social authentication, see # documentation for more details: # ,→html#processing-redirects-and-urlopen SOCIAL_AUTH_REDIRECT_IS_HTTPS = ENABLE_HTTPS

# Make CSRF cookie HttpOnly, see documentation for more details: # CSRF_COOKIE_HTTPONLY = True CSRF_COOKIE_SECURE = ENABLE_HTTPS # Store CSRF token in session CSRF_USE_SESSIONS = True # Customize CSRF failure view CSRF_FAILURE_VIEW = "weblate.trans.views.error.csrf_failure" SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE = ENABLE_HTTPS SESSION_COOKIE_HTTPONLY = True # SSL redirect SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT = ENABLE_HTTPS # Sent referrrer only for same origin links SECURE_REFERRER_POLICY = "same-origin" # SSL redirect URL exemption list SECURE_REDIRECT_EXEMPT = (r"healthz/$",) # Allowing HTTP access to health check # Session cookie age (in seconds) SESSION_COOKIE_AGE = 1209600 # Increase allowed upload size DATA_UPLOAD_MAX_MEMORY_SIZE = 50000000




# HTTPS detection behind reverse proxy SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER = None (continues on next page)

314 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

(continuação da página anterior)

# URL of login LOGIN_URL = "{0}/accounts/login/".format(URL_PREFIX)

# URL of logout LOGOUT_URL = "{0}/accounts/logout/".format(URL_PREFIX)

# Default location for login LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL = "{0}/".format(URL_PREFIX)

# Anonymous user name ANONYMOUS_USER_NAME = "anonymous"


# Sending HTML in mails EMAIL_SEND_HTML = True

# Subject of emails includes site title EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX = "[{0}] ".format(SITE_TITLE)

# Enable remote hooks ENABLE_HOOKS = True

# By default the length of a given translation is limited to the length of # the source string * 10 characters. Set this option to False to allow longer # translations (up to 10.000 characters) LIMIT_TRANSLATION_LENGTH_BY_SOURCE_LENGTH = True

# Use simple language codes for default language/country combinations SIMPLIFY_LANGUAGES = True

# Render forms using bootstrap CRISPY_TEMPLATE_PACK = "bootstrap3"

# List of quality checks # CHECK_LIST = ( # "weblate.checks.same.SameCheck", # "weblate.checks.chars.BeginNewlineCheck", # "weblate.checks.chars.EndNewlineCheck", # "weblate.checks.chars.BeginSpaceCheck", # "weblate.checks.chars.EndSpaceCheck", # "weblate.checks.chars.DoubleSpaceCheck", # "weblate.checks.chars.EndStopCheck", # "weblate.checks.chars.EndColonCheck", # "weblate.checks.chars.EndQuestionCheck", # "weblate.checks.chars.EndExclamationCheck", # "weblate.checks.chars.EndEllipsisCheck", # "weblate.checks.chars.EndSemicolonCheck", # "weblate.checks.chars.MaxLengthCheck", # "weblate.checks.chars.KashidaCheck", # "weblate.checks.chars.PuctuationSpacingCheck", # "weblate.checks.format.PythonFormatCheck", # "weblate.checks.format.PythonBraceFormatCheck", # "weblate.checks.format.PHPFormatCheck", # "weblate.checks.format.CFormatCheck", # "weblate.checks.format.PerlFormatCheck", # "weblate.checks.format.JavaScriptFormatCheck", (continues on next page)

2.17. Sample configuration 315 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

(continuação da página anterior) # "weblate.checks.format.CSharpFormatCheck", # "weblate.checks.format.JavaFormatCheck", # "weblate.checks.format.JavaMessageFormatCheck", # "weblate.checks.format.PercentPlaceholdersCheck", # "weblate.checks.format.I18NextInterpolationCheck", # "weblate.checks.format.ESTemplateLiteralsCheck", # "weblate.checks.angularjs.AngularJSInterpolationCheck", # "weblate.checks.qt.QtFormatCheck", # "weblate.checks.qt.QtPluralCheck", # "weblate.checks.ruby.RubyFormatCheck", # "weblate.checks.consistency.PluralsCheck", # "weblate.checks.consistency.SamePluralsCheck", # "weblate.checks.consistency.ConsistencyCheck", # "weblate.checks.consistency.TranslatedCheck", # "weblate.checks.chars.EscapedNewlineCountingCheck", # "weblate.checks.chars.NewLineCountCheck", # "weblate.checks.markup.BBCodeCheck", # "weblate.checks.chars.ZeroWidthSpaceCheck", # "weblate.checks.render.MaxSizeCheck", # "weblate.checks.markup.XMLValidityCheck", # "weblate.checks.markup.XMLTagsCheck", # "weblate.checks.markup.MarkdownRefLinkCheck", # "weblate.checks.markup.MarkdownLinkCheck", # "weblate.checks.markup.MarkdownSyntaxCheck", # "weblate.checks.markup.URLCheck", # "weblate.checks.markup.SafeHTMLCheck", # "weblate.checks.placeholders.PlaceholderCheck", # "weblate.checks.placeholders.RegexCheck", # "weblate.checks.duplicate.DuplicateCheck", # "weblate.checks.source.OptionalPluralCheck", # "weblate.checks.source.EllipsisCheck", # "weblate.checks.source.MultipleFailingCheck", # "weblate.checks.source.LongUntranslatedCheck", # "weblate.checks.format.MultipleUnnamedFormatsCheck", #)

# List of automatic fixups # AUTOFIX_LIST = ( # "weblate.trans.autofixes.whitespace.SameBookendingWhitespace", # "weblate.trans.autofixes.chars.ReplaceTrailingDotsWithEllipsis", # "weblate.trans.autofixes.chars.RemoveZeroSpace", # "weblate.trans.autofixes.chars.RemoveControlChars", #)

# List of enabled addons # WEBLATE_ADDONS = ( # "weblate.addons.gettext.GenerateMoAddon", # "weblate.addons.gettext.UpdateLinguasAddon", # "weblate.addons.gettext.UpdateConfigureAddon", # "weblate.addons.gettext.MsgmergeAddon", # "weblate.addons.gettext.GettextCustomizeAddon", # "weblate.addons.gettext.GettextAuthorComments", # "weblate.addons.cleanup.CleanupAddon", # "weblate.addons.consistency.LangaugeConsistencyAddon", # "weblate.addons.discovery.DiscoveryAddon", # "weblate.addons.flags.SourceEditAddon", # "weblate.addons.flags.TargetEditAddon", # "weblate.addons.flags.SameEditAddon", # "weblate.addons.flags.BulkEditAddon", # "weblate.addons.generate.GenerateFileAddon", # "weblate.addons.json.JSONCustomizeAddon", (continues on next page)

316 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

(continuação da página anterior) # "", # "weblate.addons.git.GitSquashAddon", # "weblate.addons.removal.RemoveComments", # "weblate.addons.removal.RemoveSuggestions", # "weblate.addons.resx.ResxUpdateAddon", # "weblate.addons.yaml.YAMLCustomizeAddon", # "weblate.addons.cdn.CDNJSAddon", # "weblate.addons.autotranslate.AutoTranslateAddon", #)

# E-mail address that error messages come from. SERVER_EMAIL = "[email protected]"

# Default email address to use for various automated correspondence from # the site managers. Used for registration emails. DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = "[email protected]"

# List of URLs your site is supposed to serve ALLOWED_HOSTS = [SITE_DOMAIN]

# Configuration for caching CACHES = { "default":{ "BACKEND": "django_redis.cache.RedisCache", "LOCATION": "redis://", # If redis is running on same host as Weblate, you might # want to use unix sockets instead: # "LOCATION": "unix:///var/run/redis/redis.sock?db=1", "OPTIONS":{ "CLIENT_CLASS": "django_redis.client.DefaultClient", "PARSER_CLASS": "redis.connection.HiredisParser", "PASSWORD": None, "CONNECTION_POOL_KWARGS": {}, }, "KEY_PREFIX": "weblate", }, "avatar":{ "BACKEND": "django.core.cache.backends.filebased.FileBasedCache", "LOCATION": os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "avatar-cache"), "TIMEOUT": 86400, "OPTIONS":{"MAX_ENTRIES": 1000}, }, }

# Store sessions in cache SESSION_ENGINE = "django.contrib.sessions.backends.cache" # Store messages in session MESSAGE_STORAGE = ""

# REST framework settings for API REST_FRAMEWORK = { # Use Django's standard `django.contrib.auth` permissions, # or allow read-only access for unauthenticated users. "DEFAULT_PERMISSION_CLASSES":[ # Require authentication for login required sites "rest_framework.permissions.IsAuthenticated" if REQUIRE_LOGIN else "rest_framework.permissions.IsAuthenticatedOrReadOnly" ], "DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION_CLASSES":( "rest_framework.authentication.TokenAuthentication", (continues on next page)

2.17. Sample configuration 317 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

(continuação da página anterior) "weblate.api.authentication.BearerAuthentication", "rest_framework.authentication.SessionAuthentication", ), "DEFAULT_THROTTLE_CLASSES":( "weblate.api.throttling.UserRateThrottle", "weblate.api.throttling.AnonRateThrottle", ), "DEFAULT_THROTTLE_RATES":{"anon": "100/day", "user": "5000/hour"}, "DEFAULT_PAGINATION_CLASS":("rest_framework.pagination.PageNumberPagination"), "PAGE_SIZE": 20, "VIEW_DESCRIPTION_FUNCTION": "weblate.api.views.get_view_description", "UNAUTHENTICATED_USER": "weblate.auth.models.get_anonymous", }


# Django compressor offline mode COMPRESS_OFFLINE = False COMPRESS_OFFLINE_CONTEXT = [ {"fonts_cdn_url": FONTS_CDN_URL, "STATIC_URL": STATIC_URL, "LANGUAGE_BIDI":␣ ,→True}, {"fonts_cdn_url": FONTS_CDN_URL, "STATIC_URL": STATIC_URL, "LANGUAGE_BIDI":␣ ,→False}, ]

# Require login for all URLs if REQUIRE_LOGIN: LOGIN_REQUIRED_URLS = (r"/(.*)$",)

# In such case you will want to include some of the exceptions # LOGIN_REQUIRED_URLS_EXCEPTIONS = ( # rf"{URL_PREFIX}/accounts/(.*)$", # Required for login # rf"{URL_PREFIX}/admin/login/(.*)$", # Required for admin login # rf"{URL_PREFIX}/static/(.*)$", # Required for development mode # rf"{URL_PREFIX}/widgets/(.*)$", # Allowing public access to widgets # rf"{URL_PREFIX}/data/(.*)$", # Allowing public access to data exports # rf"{URL_PREFIX}/hooks/(.*)$", # Allowing public access to notification hooks # rf"{URL_PREFIX}/healthz/$", # Allowing public access to health check # rf"{URL_PREFIX}/api/(.*)$", # Allowing access to API # rf"{URL_PREFIX}/js/i18n/$", # JavaScript localization # rf"{URL_PREFIX}/contact/$", # Optional for contact form # rf"{URL_PREFIX}/legal/(.*)$", # Optional for legal app #)

# Silence some of the Django system checks SILENCED_SYSTEM_CHECKS = [ # We have modified django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware # as weblate.accounts.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware "admin.E408" ]

# Celery worker configuration for testing # CELERY_TASK_ALWAYS_EAGER = True # CELERY_BROKER_URL = "memory://" # CELERY_TASK_EAGER_PROPAGATES = True # Celery worker configuration for production CELERY_TASK_ALWAYS_EAGER = False CELERY_BROKER_URL = "redis://localhost:6379" CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND = CELERY_BROKER_URL

(continues on next page)

318 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

(continuação da página anterior) # Celery settings, it is not recommended to change these CELERY_WORKER_MAX_MEMORY_PER_CHILD = 200000 CELERY_BEAT_SCHEDULE_FILENAME = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "celery", "beat-schedule") CELERY_TASK_ROUTES = { "weblate.trans.tasks.auto_translate":{"queue": "translate"}, "weblate.accounts.tasks.notify_*":{"queue": "notify"}, "weblate.accounts.tasks.send_mails":{"queue": "notify"}, "weblate.utils.tasks.settings_backup":{"queue": "backup"}, "weblate.utils.tasks.database_backup":{"queue": "backup"}, "weblate.wladmin.tasks.backup":{"queue": "backup"}, "weblate.wladmin.tasks.backup_service":{"queue": "backup"}, }

# Enable plain database backups DATABASE_BACKUP = "plain"

# Enable auto updating AUTO_UPDATE = False

# PGP commits signing WEBLATE_GPG_IDENTITY = None

# Third party services integration MATOMO_SITE_ID = None MATOMO_URL = None GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID = None SENTRY_DSN = None AKISMET_API_KEY = None

2.18 Management commands

Nota: Running management commands under a different user than the one running your webserver can result in files getting wrong permissions, please check Filesystem permissions for more details.

You will find basic management commands (available as ./ in the Django sources, or as an extended set in a script called weblate installable atop Weblate).

2.18.1 Invoking management commands

As mentioned before, invocation depends on how you installed Weblate. If using virtualenv for Weblate, you can either specify the full path to weblate, or activate the virtualenv prior to invoking it:

# Direct invocation ~/weblate-env/bin/weblate

# Activating virtualenv adds it to search path . ~/weblate-env/bin/activate weblate

If you are using source code directly (either from a tarball or Git checkout), the management script is ./ available in the Weblate sources. To run it: python ./ list_versions

2.18. Management commands 319 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

If you’ve installed Weblate using the pip or pip3 installer, or by using the ./ script, the weblate is installed to your path (or virtualenv path), from where you can use it to control Weblate: weblate list_versions

For the Docker image, the script is installed like above, and you can run it using docker exec: docker exec --user weblate weblate list_versions

For docker-compose the process is similar, you just have to use docker-compose exec: docker-compose exec --user weblate weblate weblate list_versions

In case you need to pass it a file, you can temporary add a volume: docker-compose exec --user weblate /tmp:/tmp weblate weblate importusers /tmp/ ,→users.json

Veja também: Installing using Docker, Installing on Debian and Ubuntu, Installing on SUSE and openSUSE, Installing on RedHat, Fedora and CentOS • Installing from sources, recommended for development.

2.18.2 add_suggestions weblate add_suggestions Novo na versão 2.5. Imports a translation from the file to use as a suggestion for the given translation. It skips duplicated translations; only different ones are added. --author [email protected] E-mail of author for the suggestions. This user has to exist prior to importing (you can create one in the admin interface if needed). Exemplo: weblate --author [email protected] add_suggestions weblate application cs /tmp/ ,→suggestions-cs.po

2.18.3 auto_translate weblate auto_translate Novo na versão 2.5. Performs automatic translation based on other component translations. --source PROJECT/COMPONENT Specifies the component to use as source available for translation. If not specified all components in the project are used. --user USERNAME Specify username listed as author of the translations. «Anonymous user» is used if not specified. --overwrite Whether to overwrite existing translations. --inconsistent Whether to overwrite existing translations that are inconsistent (see Inconsistente).

320 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

--add Automatically add language if a given translation does not exist. --mt MT Use machine translation instead of other components as machine translations. --threshold THRESHOLD Similarity threshold for machine translation, defaults to 80. Exemplo: weblate auto_translate --user nijel --inconsistent --source weblate/application␣ ,→weblate website cs

Veja também: Tradução automática

2.18.4 celery_queues weblate celery_queues Novo na versão 3.7. Displays length of Celery task queues.

2.18.5 checkgit weblate checkgit Prints current state of the back-end Git repository. You can either define which project or component to update (for example weblate/application), or use -- all to update all existing components.

2.18.6 commitgit weblate commitgit Commits any possible pending changes to the back-end Git repository. You can either define which project or component to update (for example weblate/application), or use -- all to update all existing components.

2.18.7 commit_pending weblate commit_pending Commits pending changes older than a given age. You can either define which project or component to update (for example weblate/application), or use -- all to update all existing components. --age HOURS Age in hours for committing. If not specified the value configured in Component configuration is used.

Nota: This is automatically performed in the background by Weblate, so there no real need to invoke this manually, besides forcing an earlier commit than specified by Component configuration.

Veja também:

2.18. Management commands 321 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Running maintenance tasks, COMMIT_PENDING_HOURS

2.18.8 cleanuptrans weblate cleanuptrans Cleans up orphaned checks and translation suggestions. There is normally no need to run this manually, as the cleanups happen automatically in the background. Veja também: Running maintenance tasks

2.18.9 createadmin weblate createadmin Creates an admin account with a random password, unless it is specified. --password PASSWORD Provides a password on the command-line, to not generate a random one. --no-password Do not set password, this can be useful with –update. --username USERNAME Use the given name instead of admin. --email [email protected] Specify the admin e-mail address. --name Specify the admin name (visible). --update Update the existing user (you can use this to change passwords). Alterado na versão 2.9: Added parameters --username, --email, --name and --update.

2.18.10 dump_memory weblate dump_memory Novo na versão 2.20. Export a JSON file containing Weblate Translation Memory content. Veja também: Memória de Tradução, Weblate Translation Memory Schema

2.18.11 dumpuserdata weblate dumpuserdata Dumps userdata to a file for later use by importuserdata

Dica: This comes in handy when migrating or merging Weblate instances.

322 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

2.18.12 import_demo

weblate import_demo Novo na versão 4.1. Creates a demo project with components based on . This can be useful when developing Weblate.

2.18.13 import_json

weblate import_json Novo na versão 2.7. Batch import of components based on JSON data. The imported JSON file structure pretty much corresponds to the component object (see GET /api/ components/(string:project)/(string:component)/). You have to include the name and fi- lemask fields. --project PROJECT Specifies where the components will be imported from. --main-component COMPONENT Use the given VCS repository from this component for all of them. --ignore Skip (already) imported components. --update Update (already) imported components. Alterado na versão 2.9: The parameters --ignore and --update are there to deal with already imported com- ponents. Example of JSON file:

[ { "slug": "po", "name": "Gettext PO", "file_format": "po", "filemask": "po/*.po", "new_lang": "none" }, { "name": "Android", "filemask": "android/values-*/strings.xml", "template": "android/values/strings.xml", "repo": "weblate://test/test", "file_format": "aresource" } ]

Veja também: import_memory

2.18. Management commands 323 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

2.18.14 import_memory

weblate import_memory Novo na versão 2.20. Imports a TMX or JSON file into the Weblate translation memory. --language-map LANGMAP Allows mapping languages in the TMX to the Weblate translation memory. The language codes are mapped after normalization usually done by Weblate. --language-map en_US:en will for example import all en_US strings as en ones. This can be useful in case your TMX file locales happen not to match what you use in Weblate. Veja também: Memória de Tradução, Weblate Translation Memory Schema

2.18.15 import_project

weblate import_project Alterado na versão 3.0: The import_project command is now based on the Descoberta de componentes addon, leading to some changes in behavior and what parameters are accepted. Batch imports components into project based on filemask. names an existing project, into which the components are to be imported. The defines the Git repository URL to use, and signifies the Git branch. To import additional translation components from an existing Weblate component, use a weblate:/// URL for the . The <filemask> defines file discovery for the repository. It can be either be made simple using wildcards, or it can use the full power of regular expressions. The simple matching uses ** for component name and * for language, for example: **/*.po The regular expression has to contain groups named component and language. For example: (?P[^/ ]*)/(?P[^-/]*)\.po The import matches existing components based on files and adds the ones that do not exist. It does not change already existing ones. --name-template TEMPLATE Customize the name of a component using Django template syntax. For example: Documentation: {{ component }} --base-file-template TEMPLATE Customize the base file for monolingual translations. For example: {{ component }}/res/values/string.xml --new-base-template TEMPLATE Customize the base file for addition of new translations. For example: {{ component }}/ts/en.ts --file-format FORMAT You can also specify the file format to use (see Formatos de ficheiros suportados), the default is auto-detection. --language-regex REGEX You can specify language filtering (see Component configuration) with this parameter. It has to be a valid regular expression.

324 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

--main-component You can specify which component will be chosen as the main one—the one actually containing the VCS repo- sitory. --license NAME Specify the overall, project or component translation license. --license-url URL Specify the URL where the translation license is to be found. --vcs NAME In case you need to specify which version control system to use, you can do it here. The default version control is Git. To give you some examples, let’s try importing two projects. First The Debian Handbook translations, where each language has separate a folder with the translations of each chapter: weblate import_project \ debian-handbook \ git:// \ squeeze/master \ '*/**.po'

Then the Tanaguru tool, where the file format needs be specified, along with the base file template, and how all components and translations are located in single folder: weblate import_project \ --file-format=properties \ --base-file-template=web-app/tgol-web-app/src/main/resources/i18n/%s-I18N. ,→properties \ tanaguru \ \ master \ web-app/tgol-web-app/src/main/resources/i18n/**-I18N_*.properties

More complex example of parsing of filenames to get the correct component and language out of a filename like src/security/ weblate import_project \ tails \ git:// master \ 'wiki/src/security/(?P.*)\.(?P[^.]*)\.po$'

Filtering only translations in a chosen language:

./manage import_project \ --language-regex '^(cs|sk)$' \ weblate \ \ 'weblate/locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/**.po'

Importing Sphinx documentation split to multiple files:

$ weblate import_project --name-template 'Documentation: %s' \ --file-format po \ project master \ 'docs/locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/**.po'

Importing Sphinx documentation split to multiple files and directories:

2.18. Management commands 325 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

$ weblate import_project --name-template 'Directory 1: %s' \ --file-format po \ project master \ 'docs/locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/dir1/**.po' $ weblate import_project --name-template 'Directory 2: %s' \ --file-format po \ project master \ 'docs/locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/dir2/**.po'

Veja também: More detailed examples can be found in the Starting with internationalization chapter, alternatively you might want to use import_json.

2.18.16 importuserdata weblate importuserdata Imports user data from a file created by dumpuserdata

2.18.17 importusers weblate importusers --check Imports users from JSON dump of the Django auth_users database. --check With this option it will just check whether a given file can be imported and report possible conflicts arising from usernames or e-mails. You can dump users from the existing Django installation using: weblate dumpdata auth.User > users.json

2.18.18 install_addon

Novo na versão 3.2. weblate install_addon --addon ADDON Installs an addon to a set of components. --addon ADDON Name of the addon to install. For example weblate.gettext.customize. --configuration CONFIG JSON encoded configuration of an addon. --update Update the existing addon configuration. You can either define which project or component to install the addon in (for example weblate/application), or use --all to include all existing components. To install Personalizar a saída gettext for all components: weblate install_addon --addon weblate.gettext.customize --config '{"width": -1}' -- ,→update --all

Veja também: Extensões

326 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

2.18.19 list_languages weblate list_languages Lists supported languages in MediaWiki markup - language codes, English names and localized names. This is used to generate .

2.18.20 list_translators weblate list_translators Lists translators by contributed language for the given project:

[French] Jean Dupont [English] John Doe

--language-code List names by language code instead of language name. You can either define which project or component to use (for example weblate/application), or use --all to list translators from all existing components.

2.18.21 list_versions weblate list_versions Lists all Weblate dependencies and their versions.

2.18.22 loadpo weblate loadpo Reloads translations from disk (for example in case you have done some updates in the VCS repository). --force Force update, even if the files should be up-to-date. --lang LANGUAGE Limit processing to a single language. You can either define which project or component to update (for example weblate/application), or use -- all to update all existing components.

Nota: You seldom need to invoke this, Weblate will automatically load changed files for every VCS update. This is needed in case you manually changed an underlying Weblate VCS repository or in some special cases following an upgrade.

2.18. Management commands 327 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

2.18.23 lock_translation

weblate lock_translation Prevents further translation of a component.

Dica: Useful in case you want to do some maintenance on the underlying repository.

You can either define which project or component to update (for example weblate/application), or use -- all to update all existing components. Veja também: unlock_translation

2.18.24 move_language

weblate move_language source target Novo na versão 3.0. Allows you to merge language content. This is useful when updating to a new version which contains aliases for previously unknown languages that have been created with the (generated) suffix. It moves all content from the source language to the target one. Exemplo:

weblate move_language cze cs

After moving the content, you should check whether there is anything left (this is subject to race conditions when somebody updates the repository meanwhile) and remove the (generated) language.

2.18.25 pushgit

weblate pushgit Pushes committed changes to the upstream VCS repository. --force-commit Force commits any pending changes, prior to pushing. You can either define which project or component to update (for example weblate/application), or use -- all to update all existing components.

Nota: Weblate pushes changes automatically if Push on commit in Component configuration is turned on, which is the default.

2.18.26 unlock_translation

weblate unlock_translation Unlocks a given component, making it available for translation.

Dica: Useful in case you want to do some maintenance on the underlying repository.

You can either define which project or component to update (for example weblate/application), or use -- all to update all existing components.

328 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Veja também: lock_translation

2.18.27 setupgroups weblate setupgroups Configures default groups and optionally assigns all users to that default group. --no-privs-update Turns off automatic updating of existing groups (only adds new ones). --no-projects-update Prevents automatic updates of groups for existing projects. This allows adding newly added groups to existing projects, see Controlo de acesso por projeto. Veja também: Controlo de acesso

2.18.28 setuplang weblate setuplang Updates list of defined languages in Weblate. --no-update Turns off automatic updates of existing languages (only adds new ones).

2.18.29 updatechecks weblate updatechecks Updates all checks for all strings.

Dica: Useful for upgrades which do major changes to checks.

You can either define which project or component to update (for example weblate/application), or use -- all to update all existing components.

2.18.30 updategit weblate updategit Fetches remote VCS repositories and updates the internal cache. You can either define which project or component to update (for example weblate/application), or use -- all to update all existing components.

Nota: Usually it is better to configure hooks in the repository to trigger Hooks de notificação, instead of regular polling by updategit.

2.18. Management commands 329 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

2.19 Anúncios

Alterado na versão 4.0: Em versões anteriores, esse recurso era chamado de mensagens de quadro de comunicações. Forneça informações aos seus tradutores postando anúncios, em todo o site, por projeto, componente ou idioma. Anuncie o propósito, prazos, estados ou especificar metas para tradução. Os utilizadores receberão notificação sobre os anúncios de projetos assistidos (a menos que optem por não participar). Isto pode ser útil para várias coisas, desde anunciar o propósito do site até especificar alvos para traduções. Os anúncios podem ser publicados em cada nível no menu Manage, usando :guilabel:”Publicar anúncio”:

Ele também pode ser adicionado usando a interface administrativa:

330 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Os anúncios são então mostrados com base no seu contexto específico: Nenhum contexto especificado Mostrado no painel (página de chegada). Projeto especificado Mostrado dentro do projeto, incluindo todos os seus componentes e traduções. Componente especificado Mostrado para um determinado componente e todas as suas traduções. Idioma especificado Mostrado na visão geral do idioma e todas as traduções nesse idioma. Esta é a aparência na página de visão geral do idioma:

2.19. Anúncios 331 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

2.20 Lista de componentes

Especifique múltiplas listas de componentes para aparecer como opções no painel do utilizador, a partir do qual os utilizadores podem selecionar uma visualização como a visão predefinida. Veja Painel para saber mais. Alterado na versão 2.20: Um estado vai ser apresentado para cada componente listado no painel. Os nomes e conteúdos das listas de componentes podem ser especificados na interface administrativa, na secção Com- ponent lists. Cada lista de componentes deve ter um nome que é exibido para o utilizador e uma slug representando-a na URL. Alterado na versão 2.13: Change dashboard settings for anonymous users from the admin interface, altering what dashboard is presented to unauthenticated users.

2.20.1 Listas de componentes automáticas

Novo na versão 2.13. Adicione componentes à lista automaticamente com base nas suas slugs criando regras Automatic component list assignment. • Useful for maintaining component lists for large installations, or in case you want to have one component list with all components on your Weblate installation.

Dica: Faça uma lista de componentes contendo todos os componentes da sua instalação Weblate.

1. Define Automatic component list assignment with ^.*$ as regular expression in both the project and the component fields, as shown on this image:

332 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

2.21 Optional Weblate modules

Several optional modules are available for your setup.

2.21.1 Git exporter

Novo na versão 2.10. Provides you read-only access to the underlying Git repository using HTTP(S).

2.21. Optional Weblate modules 333 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1


1. Add weblate.gitexport to installed apps in

INSTALLED_APPS += ( 'weblate.gitexport', )

2. Export existing repositories by migrating your database after installation: weblate migrate


The module automatically hooks into Weblate and sets the exported repository URL in the Component configuration. The repositories are accessible under the /git/ part of the Weblate URL, for example https://example. org/git/weblate/master/: git clone ''

Repositories are available anonymously unless Controlo de acesso por projeto is turned on. This requires authenticate using your API token (it can be obtained in your Perfil do utilizador): git clone 'https://user:[email protected]/git/weblate/master/'

2.21.2 Faturação

Novo na versão 2.4. This is used on Hosted Weblate to define billing plans, track invoices and usage limits.


1. Add weblate.billing to installed apps in

INSTALLED_APPS += ( 'weblate.billing', )

2. Run the database migration to optionally install additional database structures for the module: weblate migrate


After installation you can control billing in the admin interface. Users with billing enabled will get new Billing tab in their Perfil do utilizador. The billing module additionally allows project admins to create new projects and components without being superusers (see Adding translation projects and components). This is possible when following conditions are met: • The billing is in its configured limits (any overusage results in blocking of project/component creation) and paid (if its price is non zero) • The user is admin of existing project with billing or user is owner of billing (the latter is necessary when creating new billing for users to be able to import new projects).

334 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Upon project creation user is able to choose which billing should be charged for the project in case he has access to more of them.

2.21.3 Legal

Novo na versão 2.15. This is used on Hosted Weblate to provide required legal documents. It comes provided with blank documents, and you are expected to fill out the following templates in the documents: legal/documents/tos.html Terms of service document legal/documents/privacy.html Privacy policy document legal/documents/summary.html Short overview of the terms of service and privacy policy

Nota: Legal documents for the Hosted Weblate service is available in this Git repository . Most likely these will not be directly usable to you, but might come in handy as a starting point if adjusted to meet your needs.


1. Add to installed apps in


# Optional:

# Social auth pipeline to confirm TOS upon registration/subsequent login SOCIAL_AUTH_PIPELINE += ( '', )

# Middleware to enforce TOS confirmation of signed in users MIDDLEWARE += [ '', ]

2. Run the database migration to optionally install additional database structures for the module:

weblate migrate

3. Edit the legal documents in the weblate/legal/templates/legal/ folder to match your service.

2.21. Optional Weblate modules 335 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1


After installation and editing, the legal documents are shown in the Weblate UI.

2.21.4 Avatars

Avatars are downloaded and cached server-side to reduce information leaks to the sites serving them by default. The built-in support for fetching avatars from e-mails addresses configured for it can be turned off using ENA- BLE_AVATARS. Weblate currently supports: • Gravatar Veja também: Cache de avatares, AVATAR_URL_PREFIX, ENABLE_AVATARS

2.21.5 Spam protection

You can protect against suggestion spamming by unauthenticated users by using the service. 1. Install the akismet Python module 2. Configure the Akismet API key.

Nota: This (among other things) relies on IP address of the client, please see Running behind reverse proxy for properly configuring that.

Veja também: Running behind reverse proxy, AKISMET_API_KEY

2.21.6 Signing Git commits with GnuPG

Novo na versão 3.1. All commits can be signed by the GnuPG key of the Weblate instance. 1. Turn on WEBLATE_GPG_IDENTITY. (Weblate will generate a GnuPG key when needed and will use it to sign all translation commits.) This feature needs GnuPG 2.1 or newer installed. You can find the key in the DATA_DIR and the public key is shown on the «About» page:

336 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

2. Alternatively you can also import existing keys into Weblate, just set HOME=$DATA_DIR/home when invoking gpg. Veja também: WEBLATE_GPG_IDENTITY

2.21.7 Limitação de taxa

Alterado na versão 3.2: The rate limiting now accepts more fine-grained configuration. Several operations in Weblate are rate limited. At most RATELIMIT_ATTEMPTS attempts are allowed within RA- TELIMIT_WINDOW seconds. The user is then blocked for RATELIMIT_LOCKOUT. There are also settings spe- cific to scopes, for example RATELIMIT_CONTACT_ATTEMPTS or RATELIMIT_TRANSLATE_ATTEMPTS. The table below is a full list of available scopes. The following operations are subject to rate limiting:

Nome Âmbito Allowed at- Ratelimit win- Lockout tempts dow period Registo REGISTRA- 5 300 600 TION Sending message to admins MESSAGE 5 300 600 Password authentication on lo- LOGIN 5 300 600 gin Sitewide search SEARCH 6 60 60 Traduzir TRANSLATE 30 60 600 Adding to glossary GLOSSARY 30 60 600

If a user fails to log in AUTH_LOCK_ATTEMPTS times, password authentication will be turned off on the account until having gone through the process of having its password reset.

2.21. Optional Weblate modules 337 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Veja também: Limitação de taxa, Running behind reverse proxy

2.22 Customizing Weblate

Extend and customize using Django and Python. Contribute your changes upstream so that everybody can benefit. This reduces your maintenance costs; code in Weblate is taken care of when changing internal interfaces or refactoring the code.

Aviso: Neither internal interfaces nor templates are considered a stable API. Please review your own customi- zations for every upgrade, the interfaces or their semantics might change without notice.

Veja também: Contribuir para o Weblate

2.22.1 Creating a Python module

If you are not familiar with Python, you might want to look into Python For Beginners, explaining the basics and pointing to further tutorials. To write some custom Python code (called a module), a place to store it is needed, either in the system path (usually something like /usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/) or in the Weblate directory, which is also added to the interpreter search path. Better yet, turn your customization into a proper Python package: 1. Create a folder for your package (we will use weblate_customization). 2. within it, create a file to describe the package:

from setuptools import setup

setup( name = "weblate_customization", version = "0.0.1", author = "Your name", author_email = "[email protected]", description = "Sample Custom check for Weblate.", license = "GPLv3+", keywords = "Weblate check example", packages=['weblate_customization'], )

3. Create a folder for the Python module (also called weblate_customization) for the customization code. 4. Within it, create a file to make sure Python can import the module. 5. This package can now be installed using pip install -e. More info to be found in “Editable” Installs. 6. Once installed, the module can be used in the Weblate configuration (for example weblate_customization.checks.FooCheck). Your module structure should look like this: weblate_customization ├── └── weblate_customization ├── (continues on next page)

338 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

(continuação da página anterior) ├── └──

You can find an example of customizing Weblate at , it covers all the topics described below.

2.22.2 Changing the logo

1. Create a simple Django app containing the static files you want to overwrite (see Creating a Python module). 2. Add it to INSTALLED_APPS:

INSTALLED_APPS = ( # Add your customization as first 'weblate_customization',

# Weblate apps are here… )

Branding appears in the following files: icons/weblate.svg Logo shown in the navigation bar. logo-*.png Web icons depending on screen resolution and web-browser. favicon.ico Web icon used by legacy browsers. weblate-*.png Avatars for bots or anonymous users. Some web-browsers use these as shortcut icons. email-logo.png Used in notifications e-mails. 3. Run weblate collectstatic --noinput, to collect static files served to clients. Veja também: Managing static files (e.g. images, JavaScript, CSS), Serving static files

2.22.3 Custom quality checks, addons and auto-fixes

To install your code for Correções automáticas personalizadas, Escrever próprias verificações or Escrever extensões and in Weblate: 1. Place the files in your Python module containing the Weblate customization (see Creating a Python module). 2. Add its fully-qualified path to the Python class in the dedicated settings (WEBLATE_ADDONS, CHECK_LIST or AUTOFIX_LIST):

# Checks CHECK_LIST += ( 'weblate_customization.checks.FooCheck', )

# Autofixes AUTOFIX_LIST += ( 'weblate_customization.autofix.FooFixer', )

# Addons WEBLATE_ADDONS += ( 'weblate_customization.addons.ExamplePreAddon', )

2.22. Customizing Weblate 339 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Veja também: Correções automáticas personalizadas:, Escrever próprias verificações, Escrever extensões, Executar scripts de extensões

2.23 Interface de gestão

A interface de gestão oferece configurações de administração sob a URL /management/. Está disponível para utilizadores que se inscrevem com privilégios administrativos, acessíveis usando o ícone da chave inglesa no canto superior direito:

2.23.1 A interface administrativa do Django

Aviso: Será removido no futuro, pois seu uso é desencorajado — a maioria das funcionalidades podem ser geridas diretamente no Weblate.

Aqui pode gerir objetos armazenados no banco de dados, tais como utilizadores, traduções e outras configurações:

340 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

2.23. Interface de gestão 341 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Na secção Relatórios pode verificar o estado de seu site, ajustá-lo para produção ou gerir chaves SSH usadas para acessar Accessing repositories. Manage database objects under any of the sections. The most interesting one is probably Weblate translations, where you can manage translatable projects, see Project configuration and Component configuration. Idiomas do Weblate detém as definições de idiomas, explicado melhor em Language definitions.

Adicionar um projeto

A adição de um projeto serve como contentor para todos os componentes. Normalmente você cria um projeto para um software, ou livro (Veja Project configuration para informações sobre parâmetros individuais):

Veja também: Project configuration

342 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Componentes bilíngues

Uma vez que adicionou um projeto, os componentes de tradução podem ser adicionados-lo. (Ver Component confi- guration para obter informações sobre parâmetros individuais):

2.23. Interface de gestão 343 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

344 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Veja também: Component configuration, Bilingual and monolingual formats

Componentes monolínguas

Para facilitar a tradução destes, forneça um ficheiro de modelo contendo o mapeamento de IDs de mensagem para seu respectivo idioma fonte (geralmente inglês). (Ver Component configuration para obter informações sobre parâmetros individuais):

2.23. Interface de gestão 345 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

346 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Veja também: Component configuration, Bilingual and monolingual formats

2.24 Obter suporte para o Weblate

Weblate é um software livre protegido por copyleft e com apoio comunitário. Os assinantes recebem apoio prioritário sem custo adicional. Pacotes de ajuda pré-pago estão disponíveis para todos. Pode encontrar mais informações sobre as ofertas de apoio atuais em .

2.24.1 Integrando o apoio

Novo na versão 3.8. Os pacotes de apoio adquiridos podem ser integrados opcionalmente à sua gestão de assinatura do Weblate, de onde encontrará uma ligação para ele. Detalhes básicos da instância sobre sua instalação também são relatados de volta ao Weblate desta forma.

2.24.2 Dados enviados ao Weblate

• URL onde sua instância do Weblate está configurada • Título do seu site • A versão do Weblate que está a executar • Contagem de alguns objetos no seu banco de dados Weblate (projetos, componentes, idiomas, cadeias fonte e utilizadores) • A chave pública SSH da sua instância Nenhum outro dado é enviado.

2.24. Obter suporte para o Weblate 347 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

2.24.3 Serviços de integração

• Veja se o seu pacote de apoio ainda é válido • Usar armazenamento de backup provisionado do Weblate

Dica: Os pacotes de apoio adquiridos já estão ativados no momento da compra e podem ser usados sem integrá-los.

2.25 Documentos legais

Nota: Aqui encontrará várias informações legais que pode precisar para operar Weblate em certas jurisdições legais. É fornecido como um meio de orientação, sem qualquer garantia de precisão ou correção. Em última análise, é sua responsabilidade garantir que seu uso do Weblate esteja em conformidade com todas as leis e regulamentos aplicáveis.

2.25.1 ITAR e outros controles de exportação

O Weblate pode ser usado dentro de seu próprio datacenter ou nuvem privada virtual. Como tal, ele pode ser usado para armazenar informações ITAR ou outras controladas por exportação; no entanto, os utilizadores finais são res- ponsáveis por garantir tal conformidade. O serviço Hosted Weblate não foi auditado pela conformidade com ITAR ou outros controles de exportação e atual- mente não oferece a capacidade de restringir traduções de acesso por país.

2.25.2 Controlos de criptografia dos EUA

O Weblate não contém nenhum código criptográfico, mas pode ser objeto de controles de exportação, pois usa com- ponentes de terceiros utilizando criptografia para autenticação, integridade de dados e confidencialidade. Most likely Weblate would be classified as ECCN 5D002 or 5D992 and, as publicly available libre software, it should not be subject to EAR (see Encryption items NOT Subject to the EAR). Componentes de software utilizados por Weblate (listando somente os componentes relacionados à função cripto- gráfica): Python Veja export_laws.3F GnuPG Opcionalmente usado pelo Weblate Git Opcionalmente usado pelo Weblate curl Usado pelo Git OpenSSL Usado pelo Python e cURL A força de chaves de criptografia dependem da configuração do Weblate e os componentes de terceiros que interage com ele, mas em qualquer decente instalação, irá incluir todas as funções criptográficas com exportação restrita: • Em excesso de 56 bits para um algoritmo simétrico • Fatorização de inteiros acima de 512 bits para um algoritmo assimétrico • Cálculo de logaritmos discretos num grupo multiplicativo de um campo finito de tamanho maior do que 512 bits para um algoritmo assimétrico • Logaritmos discretos num grupo diferente do que acima de 112 bits para um algoritmo assimétrico O Weblate não tem nenhum recurso de ativação criptográfica, mas pode ser configurado de maneira sem ter nenhum código de criptografia envolvido. Os recursos criptográficos incluem:

348 Capítulo 2. Documentação de administrador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

• Acessar servidores remotos usando protocolos seguros (HTTPS) • Gerar assinaturas para commits de código (PGP) Veja também: Controles de Exportação (EAR) em Software de Código Aberto (inglês)

2.25. Documentos legais 349 CAPÍTULO 3

Documentação de colaborador

3.1 Contribuir para o Weblate

Há dezenas de maneiras de contribuir no Weblate. Qualquer ajuda é bem-vinda, seja codificação, design gráfico, documentação ou patrocínio: • Reporting issues in Weblate • Starting contributing code to Weblate • Traduzir o Weblate • Financiar o desenvolvimento do Weblate

3.1.1 Traduzir o Weblate

O Weblate está a ser traduzido pelo próprio Weblate. Sinta-se à vontade para participar do esforço de disponibilizar o Weblate na maior quantidade possível de idiomas humanos.

3.1.2 Financiar o desenvolvimento do Weblate

Pode financiar mais desenvolvimento do Weblate na página de doação. Os fundos coletados são lá usados para financiar a hospedagem grátis para projetos de software livre e o desenvolvimento adicional do Weblate. Por favor, verifique a página de doação para obter detalhes, como metas de financiamento e recompensas que pode obter por ser um financiador.

350 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Apoiadores que financiaram o Weblate

Lista de apoiadores do Weblate: • Yashiro Ccs • Cheng-Chia Tseng • Timon Reinhard • Cassidy James • Loic Dachary • Marozed • • GNU Solidario (GNU Health) Gostaria de estar na lista? Veja as opções no Doar para o Weblate.

3.2 Starting contributing code to Weblate

To understand Weblate source code, please first look into Código-fonte do Weblate, Weblate frontend and Weblate internals.

3.2.1 Starting with our codebase

If looking for some bugs to familiarize yourself with the Weblate codebase, look for ones labelled good first issue.

3.2.2 Coding Weblate with PyCharm

PyCharm is a known IDE for Python, here’s some guidelines to help you setup Weblate project in it. Considering you have just cloned the Github repository, just open the folder in which you cloned it in PyCharm. Once the IDE is open, the first step is to specify the interpreter you want:

You can either chose to let PyCharm create the virtualenv for you, or select an already existing one:

3.2. Starting contributing code to Weblate 351 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Don’t forget to install the dependencies once the interpreter is set: you can do it, either through the console (the console from the IDE will directly use your virtualenv by default), or through the interface when you get a warning about missing dependencies. The second step is to set the right information to use natively Django inside PyCharm: the idea is to be able to immediately trigger the unit tests in the IDE. For that you need to specify the root path of Django and the path of one setting:

352 Capítulo 3. Documentação de colaborador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Be careful, the Django project root is the root of the repository, not the weblate sub-directory. About the settings, I personally use the settings_test from the repository, but you could create your own setting and set it there. Last step is to be able to run the server and to put breakpoints on the code to be able to debug it. This is done by creating a new Django Server configuration:

3.2. Starting contributing code to Weblate 353 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Be careful to properly checked «No reload»: you won’t get anymore the server live reload if you modify some files, but the debugger will be stopped on the breakpoint you set.

3.2.3 Running Weblate locally

The most comfortable approach to get started with Weblate development is to follow Installing from sources. It will get you a virtual env with editable Weblate sources. To install all dependencies useful for development, do: pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

To start a development server run: weblate runserver

Depending on your configuration you might also want to start Celery workers:

./weblate/examples/celery start

Running Weblate locally in Docker

If you have Docker and docker-compose installed, you can spin up the development environment simply by running:


It will create development Docker image and start it. Weblate is running on and you can sign in with admin user and admin password. The new installation is empty, so you might want to continue with Adding translation projects and components. The Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml for this are located in dev-docker directory.

354 Capítulo 3. Documentação de colaborador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

The script also accepts some parameters, to execute tests run it with test parameter and then specify any test parameters, for example:

./ test --failfast weblate.trans

Be careful that your Docker containers are up and running before running the tests. You can check that by running the docker ps command. To stop the background containers run:

./ stop

Running the script without args will recreate Docker container and restart it.

Nota: This is not suitable setup for production, it includes several hacks which are insecure, but make development easier.

3.2.4 Bootstraping your devel instance

You might want to use import_demo to create demo translations and createadmin to create admin user.

3.3 Código-fonte do Weblate

O Weblate é desenvolvido no GitHub. É bem-vindo para criar um fork do código e abrir pull requests. Patches em qualquer outra forma também são bem-vindos. Veja também: Confira Weblate internals para ver como o Weblate se parece por dentro.

3.3.1 Princípios de Segurança por Design

Qualquer código para Weblate deve ser escrito com Princípios de Segurança por Design (inglês) em mente.

3.3.2 Padrão de codificação

O código deve seguir as diretrizes de codificação PEP-8 e deve ser formatado usando o formatador de código black. Para verificar a qualidade do código, pode usar :programa:`flake8`, os plugins recomendados estão listados em .pre-commit-config.yaml e a configuração dele está em setup.cfg. A abordagem mais fácil para impor tudo isso é instalar pre-commit. O repositório do Weblate contém a configuração para verificar se os ficheiros do commit estão sãos. Depois de instalá-lo (ele já está incluído no requirements- lint.txt), ative-o executando pré-commit install na sua cópia do Weblate. Desta forma, todas as suas alterações serão verificadas automaticamente. Também pode acionar a verificação manualmente, para verificar todos os ficheiros execute:

pre-commit run --all

3.3. Código-fonte do Weblate 355 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

3.4 Debugging Weblate

Bugs can behave as application crashes or as misbehavior. You are welcome to collect info on any such issue and submit it to the issue tracker.

3.4.1 Modo de depuração

Turning on debug mode will make the exceptions show in the browser. This is useful to debug issues in the web interface, but not suitable for production environment as it has performance consequences and might leak private data. Veja também: Disable debug mode

3.4.2 Weblate logs

Weblate can produce detailed logs of what is going in the background. In the default configuration it uses syslog and that makes the log appear either in /var/log/messages or /var/log/syslog (depending on your syslog daemon configuration). Docker containers log to their output (as usual in the Docker world), so you can look at the logs using docker- compose logs. Veja também: Sample configuration contains LOGGING configuration.

3.4.3 Analyzing application crashes

In case the application crashes, it is useful to collect as much info about the crash as possible. The easiest way to achieve this is by using third-party services which can collect such info automatically. You can find info on how to set this up in Collecting error reports.

3.4.4 Silent failures

Lots of tasks are offloaded to Celery for background processing. Failures are not shown in the user interface, but appear in the Celery logs. Configuring Collecting error reports helps you to notice such failures easier.

3.4.5 Performance issues

In case Weblate performs badly in some situation, please collect the relevant logs showing the issue, and anything that might help figuring out where the code might be improved. In case some requests take too long without any indication, you might want to install dogslow along with Collecting error reports and get pinpointed and detailed trace- backs in the error collection tool.

356 Capítulo 3. Documentação de colaborador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

3.5 Weblate internals

Nota: This chapter will give you basic overview of Weblate internals.

Weblate derives most of its code structure from, and is based on Django.

3.5.1 Directory structure

Quick overview of directory structure of Weblate main repository: docs Source code for this documentation, built using Sphinx. dev-docker Docker code to run development server, see Running Weblate locally in Docker. weblate Source code of Weblate as a Django application, see Weblate internals. weblate/static Client files (CSS, Javascript and images), see Weblate frontend.

3.5.2 Modules

Weblate consists of several Django applications (some optional, see Optional Weblate modules): accounts User account, profiles and notifications. addons Addons to tweak Weblate behavior, see Extensões. api API based on Django REST framework. auth Authentication and permissions. billing The optional Faturação module. checks Translation string Verificações de qualidade module. fonts Font rendering checks module. formats File format abstraction layer based on translate-toolkit. gitexport The optional Git exporter module. lang Module defining language and plural models. langdata Language data definitions. legal

3.5. Weblate internals 357 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

The optional Legal module. machinery Integration of machine translation services. memory Built in translation memory, see Memória de Tradução. screenshots Screenshots management and OCR module. trans Main module handling translations. utils Various helper utilities. vcs Version control system abstraction. wladmin Django admin interface customization.

3.6 Weblate frontend

The frontend is currently built using Bootstrap, jQuery and few third party libraries.

3.6.1 Dependency management

The yarn package manager is used to update third party libraries. The configuration lives in scripts/yarn and there is a wrapper script scripts/yarn-update to upgrade the libraries, build them and copy to correct locations in weblate/static/vendor, where all third partly frontend code is located.

3.6.2 Coding style

Weblate relies on Prettier for the code formatting for both JavaScript and CSS files. We also use ESLint to check the JavaScript code.

3.6.3 Tradução

Should you need any user visible text in the frontend code, it should be localizable. In most cases all you need is to wrap your text inside gettext function, but there are more complex features available:

document.write(gettext('this is to be translated'));

var object_count = 1 // or 0, or 2, or 3, ... s = ngettext('literal for the singular case', 'literal for the plural case', object_count);

fmts = ngettext('There is %s object. Remaining: %s', 'There are %s objects. Remaining: %s', 11); s = interpolate(fmts, [11, 20]); // s is 'There are 11 objects. Remaining: 20'

358 Capítulo 3. Documentação de colaborador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Veja também: Translation topic in the Django documentation

3.6.4 Icons

Weblate currently uses material design icons, in case you are looking for new one, check . Additionally, there is scripts/optimize-svg to reduce size of the SVG as most of the icons are embedded inside the HTML to allow styling of the paths.

3.7 Reporting issues in Weblate

Our issue tracker is hosted at GitHub: Feel welcome to report any issues with, or suggest improvement of Weblate there. If what you have found is a security issue in Weblate, please consult the «Security issues» section below.

3.7.1 Problemas de segurança

In order to give the community time to respond and upgrade your are strongly urged to report all security issues privately. HackerOne is used to handle security issues, and can be reported directly at HackerOne. Alternatively, report to [email protected], which ends up on HackerOne as well. If you don’t want to use HackerOne, for whatever reason, you can send the report by e-mail to [email protected]. You can choose to encrypt it using this PGP key 3CB 1DF1 EF12 CF2A C0EE 5A32 9C27 B313 42B7 511D.

Nota: Weblate depends on third party components for many things. In case you find a vulnerability affecting one of those components in general, please report it directly to the respective project. Some of these are: • Django • Django REST framework • Python Social Auth

3.8 Weblate testsuite and continuous integration

Testsuites exist for most of the current code, increase coverage by adding testcases for any new functionality, and verify that it works.

3.7. Reporting issues in Weblate 359 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

3.8.1 Continuous integration

Current test results can be found on GitHub Actions and coverage is reported on Codecov. There are several jobs to verify different aspects: • Unit tests • Documentation build and external links • Migration testing from all supported releases • Code linting • Setup verification (ensures that generated dist files do not miss anything and can be tested) The configuration for the CI is in .github/workflows directory. It heavily uses helper scripts stored in ci directory. The scripts can be also executed manually, but they require several environment variables, mostly defi- ning Django settings file to use and database connection. The example definition of that is in scripts/test- database:

# Simple way to configure test database from environment

# Database backend to use postgresql / mysql / mariadb export CI_DATABASE=postgresql

# Database server configuration export CI_DB_USER=weblate export CI_DB_PASSWORD=weblate export CI_DB_HOST=

# Django settings module to use export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=weblate.settings_test

The simple execution can look like:

. scripts/test-database ./ci/run-migrate ./ci/run-test ./ci/run-docs ./ci/run-setup

3.8.2 Local testing

To run a testsuite locally, use:

DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=weblate.settings_test ./ test

Dica: You will need a database (PostgreSQL) server to be used for tests. By default Django creates separate database to run tests with test_ prefix, so in case your settings is configured to use weblate, the tests will use test_weblate database. See Database setup for Weblate for setup instructions.

The weblate/ is used in CI environment as well (see Continuous integration) and can be tuned using environment variables:

# Simple way to configure test database from environment

# Database backend to use postgresql / mysql / mariadb export CI_DATABASE=postgresql

# Database server configuration (continues on next page)

360 Capítulo 3. Documentação de colaborador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

(continuação da página anterior) export CI_DB_USER=weblate export CI_DB_PASSWORD=weblate export CI_DB_HOST=

# Django settings module to use export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=weblate.settings_test

Prior to running tests you should collect static files as some tests rely on them being present:

DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=weblate.settings_test ./ collectstatic

You can also specify individual tests to run:

DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=weblate.settings_test ./ test weblate.gitexport

Dica: The tests can also be executed inside developer docker container, see Running Weblate locally in Docker.

Veja também: See Testing in Django for more info on running and writing tests for Django.

3.9 Data schemas

Weblate uses JSON Schema to define layout of external JSON files.

3.9.1 Weblate Translation Memory Schema

type array items • The Translation Memory Item type object properties • category The String Category 1 is global, 2 is shared, 10000000+ are project specific, 20000000+ are user specific type integer examples 1 minimum 0 default 1 • origin The String Origin Filename or component name type string examples test pattern ^(.*)$ default • source The Source String type string examples Hello pattern ^(.+)$ default • source_language The Source Language ISO 639-1 / ISO 639-2 / IETF BCP 47 type string continues on next page

3.9. Data schemas 361 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Table 1 – continuação da página anterior examples en pattern ^([^ ]+)$ default • target The Target String type string examples Ahoj pattern ^(.+)$ default • target_language The Target Language ISO 639-1 / ISO 639-2 / IETF BCP 47 type string examples cs pattern ^([^ ]+)$ default additionalProperties False definitions

Veja também: Memória de Tradução, dump_memory, import_memory

3.9.2 Weblate user data export

type object properties • basic Basic type object properties • Username username type string examples admin pattern ^.*$ default • Full name full_name type string examples Weblate Admin pattern ^.*$ default • email E-mail type string examples [email protected] pattern ^.*$ default • Date joined date_joinedtype string examples 2019-11-18T18:53:54.862Z pattern ^.*$ default • profile Profile type object properties • Language language type string examples cs pattern ^.*$ continues on next page

362 Capítulo 3. Documentação de colaborador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Table 2 – continuação da página anterior default • Number of sugested strings suggested type integer examples 1 default 0 • Number of translated strings translated type integer examples 24 default 0 • Number of uploaded screenshots uploaded type integer examples 1 default 0 • Hide completed translations on the dashboard hide_completedtype boolean examples False default True • Show secondary translations in the Zen mode secondary_in_zentype boolean examples True default True • Hide source if a secondary translation exists hide_source_secondarytype boolean examples False default True • Editor link editor_link type string examples pattern ^.*$ default • Translation editor mode translate_modetype integer examples 0 default 0 • Zen editor mode zen_mode type integer examples 0 default 0 • Special characters special_charstype string examples pattern ^.*$ default • Default dashboard view dashboard_viewtype integer examples 1 default 0 • Default component list dashboard_component_listdefault None anyOf type null •

type integer •

• Translated languages languages continues on next page

3.9. Data schemas 363 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Table 2 – continuação da página anterior type array default [] items • Language code type string examples cs pattern ^.*$ default • Secondary languages secondary_languagestype array default [] items • Language code type string examples sk pattern ^.*$ default • watched Watched projects type array default [] items • Project slug type string examples weblate pattern ^.*$ default • auditlog Audit log type array default [] items • Items type object properties • address IP address type string examples pattern ^.*$ default • User agent user_agent type string examples PC / Linux / Firefox 70.0 pattern ^.*$ default • Timestamp timestamp type string examples 2019-11-18T18:58:30.845Z pattern ^.*$ default • activity Activity type string examples login pattern ^.*$ default definitions

Veja também:

364 Capítulo 3. Documentação de colaborador The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

Perfil do utilizador, dumpuserdata

3.10 Releasing Weblate

Things to check prior to release: 1. Check newly translated languages by ./scripts/list-translated-languages. 2. Set final version by ./scripts/prepare-release. 3. Make sure screenshots are up to date make -C docs update-screenshots Perform the release: 4. Create a release ./scripts/create-release --tag (see below for requirements) Post release manual steps: 5. Update Docker image. 6. Close GitHub milestone. 7. Once the Docker image is tested, add a tag and push it. 8. Update Helm chart to new version. 9. Include new version in .github/workflows/migrations.yml to cover it in migration testing. 10. Increase version in the repository by ./scripts/set-version. To create tags using the ./scripts/create-release script you will need following: • GnuPG with private key used to sign the release • Push access to Weblate git repositories (it pushes tags) • Configured hub tool and access to create releases on the Weblate repo • SSH access to Weblate download server (the Website downloads are copied there)

3.11 Sobre o Weblate

3.11.1 Objetivos do projeto

Ferramenta de localização contínua baseada na web com Integração de controlo de versões suportando uma ampla gama de Formatos de ficheiros suportados, facilitando a contribuição dos tradutores.

3.11.2 Nome do projeto

«Weblate» é uma palavra-valise das palavras «web» e «translate».

3.10. Releasing Weblate 365 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

3.11.3 Site da Web do Projeto

A página inicial é e um serviço hospedado na nuvem em . Esta documentação encontra-se em .

3.11.4 Logotipos do projeto

Os logotipos do projeto e outros gráficos estão disponíveis no repositório .

3.11.5 Liderança

Este projeto é mantido por Michal Čihař .

3.11.6 Autores

Weblate foi iniciado por Michal Čihař . Desde sua criação, em 2012, milhares de pessoas contribuíram.

3.12 Licença

Copyright (C) 2012 - 2020 Michal Čihař Este programa é um software livre: pode redistribuí-lo e/ou modificá-lo sob os termos da Licença Pública Geral GNU, conforme publicado pela Free Software Foundation, seja a versão 3 da Licença, ou (a seu critério) qualquer versão posterior. Este programa é distribuído na esperança de que ele seja útil, mas sem qualquer garantia; sem sequer a garantia im- plícita de COMERCIALIZAÇÃO ou ADEQUAÇÃO PARA UM PROPÓSITO ESPECÍFICO. Consulte a Licença Pública Geral GNU para obter mais detalhes. Deve ter recebido uma cópia da Licença Pública Geral GNU junto com este programa. Caso contrário, veja .

366 Capítulo 3. Documentação de colaborador CAPÍTULO 4

Histórico de alterações

4.1 Weblate 4.2.1

Released on August 21st 2020. • Fixed saving plurals for some locales in Android resources. • Fixed crash in the cleanup addon for some XLIFF files. • Allow to configure localization CDN in Docker image.

4.2 Weblate 4.2

Released on August 18th 2020. • Improved user pages and added listing of users. • Dropped support for migrating from 3.x releases, migrate through 4.1 or 4.0. • Added exports into several monolingual formats. • Improved activity charts. • Number of displayed nearby strings can be configured. • Added support for locking components experiencing repository errors. • Simplified main navigation (replaced buttons with icons). • Improved language code handling in Google Translate integration. • The Git squash addon can generate Co-authored-by: trailers. • Improved query search parser. • Improved user feedback from format strings checks. • Improved performance of bulk state changes. • Added compatibility redirects after project or component renaming. • Added notifications for strings approval, component locking and license change. • Added support for ModernMT.

367 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

• Allow to avoid overwriting approved translations on file upload. • Dropped support for some compatibility URL redirects. • Verificação para literais de modelo de ECMAScript adicionada. • Added option to watch a component. • Removed leading dot from JSON unit keys. • Removed separate Celery queue for translation memory. • Allow translating all components a language at once. • Allow to configure Content-Security-Policy HTTP headers. • Added support for aliasing languages at project level. • New addon to help with HTML or JavaScript localization, see CDN de localização JavaScript. • The Weblate domain is now configured in the settings, see SITE_DOMAIN. • Add support for searching by component and project.

4.3 Weblate 4.1.1

Released on June 19th 2020. • Fixed changing autofix or addons configuration in Docker. • Fixed possible crash in «About» page. • Improved installation of byte-compiled locale files. • Fixed adding words to glossary. • Fixed keyboard shortcuts for machinery. • Removed debugging output causing discarding log events in some setups. • Fixed lock indication on project listing. • Fixed listing GPG keys in some setups. • Added option for which DeepL API version to use. • Added support for acting as SAML Service Provider, see Autenticação por SAML.

4.4 Weblate 4.1

Released on June 15th 2020. • Added support for creating new translations with included country code. • Added support for searching source strings with screenshot. • Extended info available in the stats insights. • Improved search editing on «Translate» pages. • Improve handling of concurrent repository updates. • Include source language in project creation form. • Include changes count in credits. • Fixed UI language selection in some cases. • Allow to whitelist registration methods with registrations closed.

368 Capítulo 4. Histórico de alterações The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

• Improved lookup of related terms in glossary. • Improved translation memory matches. • Group same machinery results. • Add direct link to edit screenshot from translate page. • Improved removal confirmation dialog. • Include templates in ZIP download. • Add support for Markdown and notification configuration in announcements. • Extended details in check listings. • Added support for new file formats: Cadeias de PHP Laravel, HTML files, OpenDocument Format, IDML Format, Windows RC files, INI translations, Inno Setup INI translations, GWT properties, go-i18n JSON files, ARB File. • Consistently use dismissed as state of dismissed checks. • Add support for configuring default addons to enable. • Fixed editor keyboard shortcut to dismiss checks. • Improved machine translation of strings with placeholders. • Show ghost translation for user languages to ease starting them. • Improved language code parsing. • Show translations in user language first in the list. • Renamed shapings to more generic name variants. • Added new quality checks: Várias variáveis sem nome, Não traduzido há muito tempo, Palavras consecutivas duplicadas. • Reintroduced support for wiping translation memory. • Fixed option to ignore source checks. • Added support for configuring different branch for pushing changes. • API now reports rate limiting status in the HTTP headers. • Added support for Google Translate V3 API (Advanced). • Added ability to restrict access on component level. • Added support for whitespace and other special chars in translation flags, see Personalizar o comportamento. • Always show rendered text check if enabled. • API now supports filtering of changes. • Added support for sharing glossaries between projects.

4.5 Weblate 4.0.4

Released on May 07th 2020. • Fixed testsuite execution on some Python 3.8 environments. • Typo fixes in the documentation. • Fixed creating components using API in some cases. • Fixed JavaScript errors breaking mobile navigation. • Fixed crash on displaying some checks.

4.5. Weblate 4.0.4 369 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

• Fixed screenshots listing. • Fixed monthly digest notifications. • Fixed intermediate translation behavior with units non existing in translation.

4.6 Weblate 4.0.3

Released on May 02nd 2020. • Fixed possible crash in reports. • User mentions in comments are now case insensitive. • Fixed PostgreSQL migration for non superusers. • Fixed changing the repository URL while creating component. • Fixed crash when upstream repository is gone.

4.7 Weblate 4.0.2

Released on April 27th 2020. • Improved performance of translation stats. • Improved performance of changing labels. • Improved bulk edit performance. • Improved translation memory performance. • Fixed possible crash on component deletion. • Fixed displaying of translation changes in some corner cases. • Improved warning about too long celery queue. • Fixed possible false positives in the consistency check. • Fixed deadlock when changing linked component repository. • Included edit distance in changes listing and CSV and reports. • Avoid false positives of punctuation spacing check for Canadian French. • Fixed XLIFF export with placeholders. • Fixed false positive with zero width check. • Improved reporting of configuration errors. • Fixed bilingual source upload. • Automatically detect supported languages for DeepL machine translation. • Fixed progress bar display in some corner cases. • Fixed some checks triggering on non translated strings.

370 Capítulo 4. Histórico de alterações The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

4.8 Weblate 4.0.1

Released on April 16th 2020. • Fixed package installation from PyPI.

4.9 Weblate 4.0

Released on April 16th 2020. • Weblate now requires Python 3.6 or newer. • Added management overview of component alerts. • Added component alert for broken repository browser URLs. • Improved sign in and registration pages. • Project access control and workflow configuration integrated to project settings. • Added check and highlighter for i18next interpolation and nesting. • Added check and highlighter for percent placeholders. • Mostrar falhas nas verificações de sugestões. • Record source string changes in history. • Upgraded Microsoft Translator to version 3 API. • Reimplemented translation memory backend. • Added support for several is: lookups in Searching. • Allow to make Tradução inalterada avoid internal blacklist. • Improved comments extraction from monolingual po files. • Renamed whiteboard messages to announcements. • Fixed occasional problems with registration mails. • Improved LINGUAS update addon to handle more syntax variants. • Fixed editing monolingual XLIFF source file. • Added support for exact matching in Searching. • Extended API to cover screenshots, users, groups, componentlists and extended creating projects. • Add support for source upload on bilingual translations. • Added support for intermediate language from developers. • Added support for source strings review. • Extended download options for platform wide translation memory.

4.8. Weblate 4.0.1 371 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

4.10 Weblate 3.x series

4.10.1 Weblate 3.11.3

Released on March 11th 2020. • Fixed searching for fields with certain priority. • Fixed predefined query for recently added strings. • Fixed searching returning duplicate matches. • Fixed notifications rendering in Gmail. • Fixed reverting changes from the history. • Added links to events in digest notifications. • Fixed email for account removal confirmation. • Added support for Slack authentication in Docker container. • Avoid sending notifications for not subscribed languages. • Include Celery queues in performance overview. • Fixed documentation links for addons. • Reduced false negatives for unchanged translation check. • Raised bleach dependency to address CVE-2020-6802. • Fixed listing project level changes in history. • Fixed stats invalidation in some corner cases. • Fixed searching for certain string states. • Improved format string checks behavior on missing percent. • Fixed authentication using some third party providers.

4.10.2 Weblate 3.11.2

Released on February 22nd 2020. • Fixed rendering of suggestions. • Fixed some strings wrongly reported as having no words.

4.10.3 Weblate 3.11.1

Released on February 20th 2020. • Documented Celery setup changes. • Improved filename validation on component creation. • Fixed minimal versions of some dependencies. • Fixed adding groups with certain Django versions. • Fixed manual pushing to upstream repository. • Improved glossary matching.

372 Capítulo 4. Histórico de alterações The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

4.10.4 Weblate 3.11

Released on February 17th 2020. • Allow using VCS push URL during component creation via API. • Rendered width check now shows image with the render. • Fixed links in notifications e-mails. • Improved look of plaintext e-mails. • Display ignored checks and allow to make them active again. • Display nearby keys on monolingual translations. • Adicionado suporte para reordenar alterações de commits feitos. • Recommend upgrade to new Weblate versions in the system checks. • Provide more detailed analysis for duplicate language alert. • Include more detailed license info on the project pages. • Automatically unshallow local copies if needed. • Fixed download of strings needing action. • New alert to warn about using the same filemask twice. • Improve XML placeables extraction. • The SINGLE_PROJECT can now enforce redirection to chosen project. • Added option to resolve comments. • Added bulk editing of flags. • Added support for String labels. • Added bulk edit addon. • Added option for Forçar verificações. • Increased default validity of confirmation links. • Improved Matomo integration. • Fixed Foi traduzido to correctly handle source string change. • Extended automatic updates configuration by AUTO_UPDATE. • LINGUAS addons now do full sync of translations in Weblate.

4.10.5 Weblate 3.10.3

Released on January 18th 2020. • Support for translate-toolkit 2.5.0.

4.10. Weblate 3.x series 373 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

4.10.6 Weblate 3.10.2

Released on January 18th 2020. • Add lock indication to projects. • Fixed CSS bug causing flickering in some web browsers. • Fixed searching on systems with non-English locales. • Improved repository matching for GitHub and Bitbucket hooks. • Fixed data migration on some Python 2.7 installations. • Allow configuration of Git shallow cloning. • Improved background notification processing. • Fixed broken form submission when navigating back in web browser. • New addon to configure YAML formatting. • Fixed same plurals check to not fire on single plural form languages. • Fixed regex search on some fields.

4.10.7 Weblate 3.10.1

Released on January 9th 2020. • Extended API with translation creation. • Fixed several corner cases in data migrations. • Compatibility with Django 3.0. • Improved data cleanup performance. • Added support for customizable security.txt. • Improved breadcrumbs in changelog. • Improved translations listing on dashboard. • Improved HTTP responses for webhooks. • Added support for GitLab merge requests in Docker container.

4.10.8 Weblate 3.10

Released on December 20th 2019. • Improved application user interface. • Added doublespace check. • Fixed creating new languages. • Avoid sending auditlog notifications to deleted e-mails. • Added support for read only strings. • Added support for Markdown in comments. • Allow placing translation instruction text in project info. • Add copy to clipboard for secondary languages. • Improved support for Mercurial. • Improved Git repository fetching performance.

374 Capítulo 4. Histórico de alterações The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

• Add search lookup for age of string. • Show source language for all translations. • Show context for nearby strings. • Added support for notifications on repository operations. • Improved translation listings. • Extended search capabilities. • Added support for automatic translation strings marked for editing. • Avoid sending duplicate notifications for linked component alerts. • Improve default merge request message. • Better indicate string state in Zen mode. • Added support for more languages in Yandex Translate. • Improved look of notification e-mails. • Provide choice for translation license.

4.10.9 Weblate 3.9.1

Released on October 28th 2019. • Remove some unneeded files from backups. • Fixed potential crash in reports. • Fixed cross database migration failure. • Added support for force pushing Git repositories. • Reduced risk of registration token invalidation. • Fixed account removal hitting rate limiter. • Added search based on priority. • Fixed possible crash on adding strings to JSON file. • Safe HTML check and fixup now honor source string markup. • Avoid sending notifications to invited and deleted users. • Fix SSL connection to redis in Celery in Docker container.

4.10.10 Weblate 3.9

Released on October 15th 2019. • Include Weblate metadata in downloaded files. • Improved UI for failing checks. • Indicate missing strings in format checks. • Separate check for French punctuation spacing. • Add support for fixing some of quality checks errors. • Add separate permission to create new projects. • Extend stats for char counts. • Improve support for Java style language codes.

4.10. Weblate 3.x series 375 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

• Added new generic check for placeholders. • Added support for WebExtension JSON placeholders. • Added support for flat XML format. • Extended API with project, component and translation removal and creation. • Added support for Gitea and Gitee webhooks. • Added new custom regex based check. • Allow to configure contributing to shared translation memory. • Added ZIP download for more translation files. • Make XLIFF standard compliant parsing of maxwidth and font. • Added new check and fixer for safe HTML markup for translating web applications. • Add component alert on unsupported configuration. • Added automatic translation addon to bootstrap translations. • Extend automatic translation to add suggestions. • Display addon parameters on overview. • Sentry is now supported through modern Sentry SDK instead of Raven. • Changed example settings to be better fit for production environment. • Added automated backups using BorgBackup. • Split cleanup addon for RESX to avoid unwanted file updates. • Added advanced search capabilities. • Allow users to download their own reports. • Added localization guide to help configuring components. • Added support for GitLab merge requests. • Improved display of repository status. • Perform automated translation in the background.

4.10.11 Weblate 3.8

Released on August 15th 2019. • Added support for simplified creating of similar components. • Added support for parsing translation flags from the XML based file formats. • Log exceptions into Celery log. • Improve performance of repository scoped addons. • Improved look of notification e-mails. • Fixed password reset behavior. • Improved performance on most of translation pages. • Fixed listing of languages not known to Weblate. • Add support for cloning addons to discovered components. • Add support for replacing file content with uploaded. • Add support for translating non VCS based content. • Added OpenGraph widget image to use on social networks.

376 Capítulo 4. Histórico de alterações The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

• Added support for animated screenshots. • Improved handling of monolingual XLIFF files. • Avoid sending multiple notifications for single event. • Add support for filtering changes. • Extended predefined periods for reporting. • Added webhook support for Azure Repos. • New opt-in notifications on pending suggestions or untranslated strings. • Add one click unsubscribe link to notification e-mails. • Fixed false positives with Has been translated check. • New management interface for admins. • String priority can now be specified using flags. • Added language management views. • Add checks for Qt library and Ruby format strings. • Added configuration to better fit single project installations. • Notify about new string on source string change on monolingual translations. • Added separate view for translation memory with search capability.

4.10.12 Weblate 3.7.1

Released on June 28th 2019. • Documentation updates. • Fixed some requirements constraints. • Updated language database. • Localization updates. • Various user interface tweaks. • Improved handling of unsupported but discovered translation files. • More verbosely report missing file format requirements.

4.10.13 Weblate 3.7

Released on June 21st 2019. • Added separate Celery queue for notifications. • Use consistent look with application for API browsing. • Include approved stats in the reports. • Report progress when updating translation component. • Allow to abort running background component update. • Extend template language for filename manipulations. • Use templates for editor link and repository browser URL. • Indicate max length and current characters count when editing translation. • Improved handling of abbreviations in unchanged translation check.

4.10. Weblate 3.x series 377 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

• Refreshed landing page for new contributors. • Add support for configuring msgmerge addon. • Delay opening SMTP connection when sending notifications. • Improved error logging. • Allow custom location in MO generating addon. • Added addons to cleanup old suggestions or comments. • Added option to enable horizontal mode in the Zen editor. • Improved import performance with many linked components. • Fixed examples installation in some cases. • Improved rendering of alerts in changes. • Added new horizontal stats widget. • Improved format strings check on plurals. • Added font management tool. • New check for rendered text dimensions. • Added support for subtitle formats. • Include overall completion stats for languages. • Added reporting at project and global scope. • Improved user interface when showing translation status. • New Weblate logo and color scheme. • New look of bitmap badges.

4.10.14 Weblate 3.6.1

Released on April 26th 2019. • Improved handling of monolingual XLIFF files. • Fixed digest notifications in some corner cases. • Fixed addon script error alert. • Fixed generating MO file for monolingual PO files. • Fixed display of uninstalled checks. • Indicate administered projects on project listing. • Allow update to recover from missing VCS repository.

4.10.15 Weblate 3.6

Released on April 20th 2019. • Add support for downloading user data. • Addons are now automatically triggered upon installation. • Improved instructions for resolving merge conflicts. • Cleanup addon is now compatible with app store metadata translations. • Configurable language code syntax when adding new translations.

378 Capítulo 4. Histórico de alterações The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

• Warn about using Python 2 with planned termination of support in April 2020. • Extract special characters from the source string for visual keyboard. • Extended contributor stats to reflect both source and target counts. • Admins and consistency addons can now add translations even if disabled for users. • Fixed description of toggle disabling Language-Team header manipulation. • Notify users mentioned in comments. • Removed file format autodetection from component setup. • Fixed generating MO file for monolingual PO files. • Added digest notifications. • Added support for muting component notifications. • Added notifications for new alerts, whiteboard messages or components. • Notifications for administered projects can now be configured. • Improved handling of three letter language codes.

4.10.16 Weblate 3.5.1

Released on March 10th 2019. • Fixed Celery systemd unit example. • Fixed notifications from HTTP repositories with login. • Fixed race condition in editing source string for monolingual translations. • Include output of failed addon execution in the logs. • Improved validation of choices for adding new language. • Allow to edit file format in component settings. • Update installation instructions to prefer Python 3. • Performance and consistency improvements for loading translations. • Make Microsoft Terminology service compatible with current Zeep releases. • Localization updates.

4.10.17 Weblate 3.5

Released on March 3rd 2019. • Improved performance of built-in translation memory. • Added interface to manage global translation memory. • Improved alerting on bad component state. • Added user interface to manage whiteboard messages. • Addon commit message now can be configured. • Reduce number of commits when updating upstream repository. • Fixed possible metadata loss when moving component between projects. • Improved navigation in the Zen mode. • Added several new quality checks (Markdown related and URL).

4.10. Weblate 3.x series 379 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

• Added support for app store metadata files. • Added support for toggling GitHub or Gerrit integration. • Added check for Kashida letters. • Added option to squash commits based on authors. • Improved support for XLSX file format. • Compatibility with Tesseract 4.0. • Billing addon now removes projects for unpaid billings after 45 days.

4.10.18 Weblate 3.4

Released on January 22nd 2019. • Added support for XLIFF placeholders. • Celery can now utilize multiple task queues. • Added support for renaming and moving projects and components. • Include characters counts in reports. • Added guided adding of translation components with automatic detection of translation files. • Customizable merge commit messages for Git. • Added visual indication of component alerts in navigation. • Improved performance of loading translation files. • New addon to squash commits prior to push. • Improved displaying of translation changes. • Changed default merge style to rebase and made that configurable. • Better handle private use subtags in language code. • Improved performance of fulltext index updates. • Extended file upload API to support more parameters.

4.10.19 Weblate 3.3

Released on November 30th 2018. • Added support for component and project removal. • Improved performance for some monolingual translations. • Added translation component alerts to highlight problems with a translation. • Expose XLIFF string resname as context when available. • Added support for XLIFF states. • Added check for non writable files in DATA_DIR. • Improved CSV export for changes.

380 Capítulo 4. Histórico de alterações The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

4.10.20 Weblate 3.2.2

Released on October 20th 2018. • Remove no longer needed Babel dependency. • Updated language definitions. • Improve documentation for addons, LDAP and Celery. • Fixed enabling new dos-eol and auto-java-messageformat flags. • Fixed running test from PyPI package. • Improved plurals handling. • Fixed translation upload API failure in some corner cases. • Fixed updating Git configuration in case it was changed manually.

4.10.21 Weblate 3.2.1

Released on October 10th 2018. • Document dependency on backports.csv on Python 2.7. • Fix running tests under root. • Improved error handling in gitexport module. • Fixed progress reporting for newly added languages. • Correctly report Celery worker errors to Sentry. • Fixed creating new translations with Qt Linguist. • Fixed occasional fulltext index update failures. • Improved validation when creating new components. • Added support for cleanup of old suggestions.

4.10.22 Weblate 3.2

Released on October 6th 2018. • Add install_addon management command for automated addon installation. • Allow more fine grained ratelimit settings. • Added support for export and import of Excel files. • Improve component cleanup in case of multiple component discovery addons. • Rewritten Microsoft Terminology machine translation backend. • Weblate now uses Celery to offload some processing. • Improved search capabilities and added regular expression search. • Added support for Youdao Zhiyun API machine translation. • Added support for Baidu API machine translation. • Integrated maintenance and cleanup tasks using Celery. • Improved performance of loading translations by almost 25%. • Removed support for merging headers on upload. • Removed support for custom commit messages.

4.10. Weblate 3.x series 381 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

• Configurable editing mode (zen/full). • Added support for error reporting to Sentry. • Added support for automated daily update of repositories. • Added support for creating projects and components by users. • Built in translation memory now automatically stores translations done. • Users and projects can import their existing translation memories. • Better management of related strings for screenshots. • Added support for checking Java MessageFormat. See 3.2 milestone on GitHub for detailed list of addressed issues.

4.10.23 Weblate 3.1.1

Released on July 27th 2018. • Fix testsuite failure on some setups.

4.10.24 Weblate 3.1

Released on July 27th 2018. • Upgrades from older version than 3.0.1 are not supported. • Allow to override default commit messages from settings. • Improve webhooks compatibility with self hosted environments. • Added support for Amazon Translate. • Compatibility with Django 2.1. • Django system checks are now used to diagnose problems with installation. • Removed support for soon shutdown libravatar service. • New addon to mark unchanged translations as needing edit. • Add support for jumping to specific location while translating. • Downloaded translations can now be customized. • Improved calculation of string similarity in translation memory matches. • Added support by signing Git commits by GnuPG.

4.10.25 Weblate 3.0.1

Released on June 10th 2018. • Fixed possible migration issue from 2.20. • Localization updates. • Removed obsolete hook examples. • Improved caching documentation. • Fixed displaying of admin documentation. • Improved handling of long language names.

382 Capítulo 4. Histórico de alterações The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

4.10.26 Weblate 3.0

Released on June 1st 2018. • Rewritten access control. • Several code cleanups that lead to moved and renamed modules. • New addon for automatic component discovery. • The import_project management command has now slightly different parameters. • Added basic support for Windows RC files. • New addon to store contributor names in PO file headers. • The per component hook scripts are removed, use addons instead. • Add support for collecting contributor agreements. • Access control changes are now tracked in history. • New addon to ensure all components in a project have same translations. • Support for more variables in commit message templates. • Add support for providing additional textual context.

4.11 Weblate 2.x series

4.11.1 Weblate 2.20

Released on April 4th 2018. • Improved speed of cloning subversion repositories. • Changed repository locking to use third party library. • Added support for downloading only strings needing action. • Added support for searching in several languages at once. • New addon to configure gettext output wrapping. • New addon to configure JSON formatting. • Added support for authentication in API using RFC 6750 compatible Bearer authentication. • Added support for automatic translation using machine translation services. • Added support for HTML markup in whiteboard messages. • Added support for mass changing state of strings. • Translate-toolkit at least 2.3.0 is now required, older versions are no longer supported. • Added built in translation memory. • Added componentlists overview to dashboard and per component list overview pages. • Added support for DeepL machine translation service. • Machine translation results are now cached inside Weblate. • Adicionado suporte para reordenar alterações de commits feitos.

4.11. Weblate 2.x series 383 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

4.11.2 Weblate 2.19.1

Released on February 20th 2018. • Fixed migration issue on upgrade from 2.18. • Improved file upload API validation.

4.11.3 Weblate 2.19

Released on February 15th 2018. • Fixed imports across some file formats. • Display human friendly browser information in audit log. • Added TMX exporter for files. • Various performance improvements for loading translation files. • Added option to disable access management in Weblate in favor of Django one. • Improved glossary lookup speed for large strings. • Compatibility with django_auth_ldap 1.3.0. • Configuration errors are now stored and reported persistently. • Honor ignore flags in whitespace autofixer. • Improved compatibility with some Subversion setups. • Improved built in machine translation service. • Added support for SAP Translation Hub service. • Added support for Microsoft Terminology service. • Removed support for advertisement in notification e-mails. • Improved translation progress reporting at language level. • Improved support for different plural formulas. • Added support for Subversion repositories not using stdlayout. • Added addons to customize translation workflows.

4.11.4 Weblate 2.18

Released on December 15th 2017. • Extended contributor stats. • Improved configuration of special characters virtual keyboard. • Added support for DTD file format. • Changed keyboard shortcuts to less likely collide with browser/system ones. • Improved support for approved flag in XLIFF files. • Added support for not wrapping long strings in gettext PO files. • Added button to copy permalink for current translation. • Dropped support for Django 1.10 and added support for Django 2.0. • Removed locking of translations while translating. • Added support for adding new strings to monolingual translations.

384 Capítulo 4. Histórico de alterações The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

• Added support for translation workflows with dedicated reviewers.

4.11.5 Weblate 2.17.1

Released on October 13th 2017. • Fixed running testsuite in some specific situations. • Locales updates.

4.11.6 Weblate 2.17

Released on October 13th 2017. • Weblate by default does shallow Git clones now. • Improved performance when updating large translation files. • Added support for blocking certain e-mails from registration. • Users can now delete their own comments. • Added preview step to search and replace feature. • Client side persistence of settings in search and upload forms. • Extended search capabilities. • More fine grained per project ACL configuration. • Default value of BASE_DIR has been changed. • Added two step account removal to prevent accidental removal. • Project access control settings is now editable. • Added optional spam protection for suggestions using Akismet.

4.11.7 Weblate 2.16

Released on August 11th 2017. • Various performance improvements. • Added support for nested JSON format. • Added support for WebExtension JSON format. • Fixed git exporter authentication. • Improved CSV import in certain situations. • Improved look of Other translations widget. • The max-length checks is now enforcing length of text in form. • Make the commit_pending age configurable per component. • Various user interface cleanups. • Fixed component/project/site wide search for translations.

4.11. Weblate 2.x series 385 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

4.11.8 Weblate 2.15

Released on June 30th 2017. • Show more related translations in other translations. • Add option to see translations of current string to other languages. • Use 4 plural forms for Lithuanian by default. • Fixed upload for monolingual files of different format. • Improved error messages on failed authentication. • Keep page state when removing word from glossary. • Added direct link to edit secondary language translation. • Added Perl format quality check. • Added support for rejecting reused passwords. • Extended toolbar for editing RTL languages.

4.11.9 Weblate 2.14.1

Released on May 24th 2017. • Fixed possible error when paginating search results. • Fixed migrations from older versions in some corner cases. • Fixed possible CSRF on project watch and unwatch. • The password reset no longer authenticates user. • Fixed possible CAPTCHA bypass on forgotten password.

4.11.10 Weblate 2.14

Released on May 17th 2017. • Add glossary entries using AJAX. • The logout now uses POST to avoid CSRF. • The API key token reset now uses POST to avoid CSRF. • Weblate sets Content-Security-Policy by default. • The local editor URL is validated to avoid self-XSS. • The password is now validated against common flaws by default. • Notify users about important activity with their account such as password change. • The CSV exports now escape potential formulas. • Various minor improvements in security. • The authentication attempts are now rate limited. • Suggestion content is stored in the history. • Store important account activity in audit log. • Ask for password confirmation when removing account or adding new associations. • Show time when suggestion has been made. • There is new quality check for trailing semicolon.

386 Capítulo 4. Histórico de alterações The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

• Ensure that search links can be shared. • Included source string information and screenshots in the API. • Allow to overwrite translations through API upload.

4.11.11 Weblate 2.13.1

Released on Apr 12th 2017. • Fixed listing of managed projects in profile. • Fixed migration issue where some permissions were missing. • Fixed listing of current file format in translation download. • Return HTTP 404 when trying to access project where user lacks privileges.

4.11.12 Weblate 2.13

Released on Apr 12th 2017. • Fixed quality checks on translation templates. • Added quality check to trigger on losing translation. • Add option to view pending suggestions from user. • Add option to automatically build component lists. • Default dashboard for unauthenticated users can be configured. • Add option to browse 25 random strings for review. • History now indicates string change. • Better error reporting when adding new translation. • Added per language search within project. • Group ACLs can now be limited to certain permissions. • The per project ALCs are now implemented using Group ACL. • Added more fine grained privileges control. • Various minor UI improvements.

4.11.13 Weblate 2.12

Released on Mar 3rd 2017. • Improved admin interface for groups. • Added support for Yandex Translate API. • Improved speed of site wide search. • Added project and component wide search. • Added project and component wide search and replace. • Improved rendering of inconsistent translations. • Added support for opening source files in local editor. • Added support for configuring visual keyboard with special characters. • Improved screenshot management with OCR support for matching source strings.

4.11. Weblate 2.x series 387 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

• Default commit message now includes translation information and URL. • Added support for Joomla translation format. • Improved reliability of import across file formats.

4.11.14 Weblate 2.11

Released on Jan 31st 2017. • Include language detailed information on language page. • Mercurial backend improvements. • Added option to specify translation component priority. • More consistent usage of Group ACL even with less used permissions. • Added WL_BRANCH variable to hook scripts. • Improved developer documentation. • Better compatibility with various Git versions in Git exporter addon. • Included per project and component stats. • Added language code mapping for better support of Microsoft Translate API. • Moved fulltext cleanup to background job to make translation removal faster. • Fixed displaying of plural source for languages with single plural form. • Improved error handling in import_project. • Various performance improvements.

4.11.15 Weblate 2.10.1

Released on Jan 20th 2017. • Do not leak account existence on password reset form (CVE-2017-5537).

4.11.16 Weblate 2.10

Released on Dec 15th 2016. • Added quality check to check whether plurals are translated differently. • Fixed GitHub hooks for repositories with authentication. • Added optional Git exporter module. • Support for Microsoft Cognitive Services Translator API. • Simplified project and component user interface. • Added automatic fix to remove control characters. • Added per language overview to project. • Added support for CSV export. • Added CSV download for stats. • Added matrix view for quick overview of all translations • Added basic API for changes and strings. • Added support for Apertium APy server for machine translations.

388 Capítulo 4. Histórico de alterações The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

4.11.17 Weblate 2.9

Released on Nov 4th 2016. • Extended parameters for createadmin management command. • Extended import_json to be able to handle with existing components. • Added support for YAML files. • Project owners can now configure translation component and project details. • Use «Watched» instead of «Subscribed» projects. • Projects can be watched directly from project page. • Added multi language status widget. • Highlight secondary language if not showing source. • Record suggestion deletion in history. • Improved UX of languages selection in profile. • Fixed showing whiteboard messages for component. • Keep preferences tab selected after saving. • Show source string comment more prominently. • Automatically install Gettext PO merge driver for Git repositories. • Added search and replace feature. • Added support for uploading visual context (screenshots) for translations.

4.11.18 Weblate 2.8

Released on Aug 31st 2016. • Documentation improvements. • Translations. • Updated bundled javascript libraries. • Added list_translators management command. • Django 1.8 is no longer supported. • Fixed compatibility with Django 1.10. • Added Subversion support. • Separated XML validity check from XML mismatched tags. • Fixed API to honor HIDE_REPO_CREDENTIALS settings. • Show source change in Zen mode. • Alt+PageUp/PageDown/Home/End now works in Zen mode as well. • Add tooltip showing exact time of changes. • Add option to select filters and search from translation page. • Added UI for translation removal. • Improved behavior when inserting placeables. • Fixed auto locking issues in Zen mode.

4.11. Weblate 2.x series 389 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

4.11.19 Weblate 2.7

Released on Jul 10th 2016. • Removed Google web translate machine translation. • Improved commit message when adding translation. • Fixed Google Translate API for Hebrew language. • Compatibility with Mercurial 3.8. • Added import_json management command. • Correct ordering of listed translations. • Show full suggestion text, not only a diff. • Extend API (detailed repository status, statistics, …). • Testsuite no longer requires network access to test repositories.

4.11.20 Weblate 2.6

Released on Apr 28th 2016. • Fixed validation of components with language filter. • Improved support for XLIFF files. • Fixed machine translation for non English sources. • Added REST API. • Django 1.10 compatibility. • Added categories to whiteboard messages.

4.11.21 Weblate 2.5

Released on Mar 10th 2016. • Fixed automatic translation for project owners. • Improved performance of commit and push operations. • New management command to add suggestions from command line. • Added support for merging comments on file upload. • Added support for some GNU extensions to C printf format. • Documentation improvements. • Added support for generating translator credits. • Added support for generating contributor stats. • Site wide search can search only in one language. • Improve quality checks for Armenian. • Support for starting translation components without existing translations. • Support for adding new translations in Qt TS. • Improved support for translating PHP files. • Performance improvements for quality checks. • Pesquisa corrigida para todo o site por verificações com falha.

390 Capítulo 4. Histórico de alterações The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

• Added option to specify source language. • Improved support for XLIFF files. • Extended list of options for import_project. • Improved targeting for whiteboard messages. • Support for automatic translation across projects. • Optimized fulltext search index. • Added management command for auto translation. • Added placeables highlighting. • Added keyboard shortcuts for placeables, checks and machine translations. • Improved translation locking. • Added quality check for AngularJS interpolation. • Added extensive group based ACLs. • Clarified terminology on strings needing review (formerly fuzzy). • Clarified terminology on strings needing action and not translated strings. • Support for Python 3. • Dropped support for Django 1.7. • Dropped dependency on msginit for creating new gettext PO files. • Added configurable dashboard views. • Improved notifications on parse errors. • Added option to import components with duplicate name to import_project. • Improved support for translating PHP files • Added XLIFF export for dictionary. • Added XLIFF and gettext PO export for all translations. • Documentation improvements. • Added support for configurable automatic group assignments. • Improved adding of new translations.

4.11.22 Weblate 2.4

Released on Sep 20th 2015. • Improved support for PHP files. • Ability to add ACL to anonymous user. • Improved configurability of import_project command. • Added CSV dump of history. • Avoid copy/paste errors with whitespace characters. • Added support for Bitbucket webhooks. • Tighter control on fuzzy strings on translation upload. • Several URLs have changed, you might have to update your bookmarks. • Hook scripts are executed with VCS root as current directory. • Hook scripts are executed with environment variables describing current component.

4.11. Weblate 2.x series 391 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

• Add management command to optimize fulltext index. • Added support for error reporting to Rollbar. • Projects now can have multiple owners. • Project owners can manage themselves. • Added support for javascript-format used in gettext PO. • Support for adding new translations in XLIFF. • Improved file format autodetection. • Extended keyboard shortcuts. • Improved dictionary matching for several languages. • Improved layout of most of pages. • Support for adding words to dictionary while translating. • Added support for filtering languages to be managed by Weblate. • Added support for translating and importing CSV files. • Rewritten handling of static files. • Direct login/registration links to third-party service if that’s the only one. • Commit pending changes on account removal. • Add management command to change site name. • Add option to configure default committer. • Add hook after adding new translation. • Add option to specify multiple files to add to commit.

4.11.23 Weblate 2.3

Released on May 22nd 2015. • Dropped support for Django 1.6 and South migrations. • Support for adding new translations when using Java Property files • Allow to accept suggestion without editing. • Improved support for Google OAuth 2.0 • Added support for Microsoft .resx files. • Tuned default robots.txt to disallow big crawling of translations. • Simplified workflow for accepting suggestions. • Added project owners who always receive important notifications. • Allow to disable editing of monolingual template. • More detailed repository status view. • Direct link for editing template when changing translation. • Allow to add more permissions to project owners. • Allow to show secondary language in Zen mode. • Support for hiding source string in favor of secondary language.

392 Capítulo 4. Histórico de alterações The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

4.11.24 Weblate 2.2

Released on Feb 19th 2015. • Performance improvements. • Fulltext search on location and comments fields. • New SVG/javascript based activity charts. • Support for Django 1.8. • Support for deleting comments. • Added own SVG badge. • Added support for Google Analytics. • Improved handling of translation filenames. • Added support for monolingual JSON translations. • Record component locking in a history. • Support for editing source (template) language for monolingual translations. • Added basic support for Gerrit.

4.11.25 Weblate 2.1

Released on Dec 5th 2014. • Added support for Mercurial repositories. • Replaced Glyphicon font by Awesome. • Added icons for social authentication services. • Better consistency of button colors and icons. • Documentation improvements. • Various bugfixes. • Automatic hiding of columns in translation listing for small screens. • Changed configuration of filesystem paths. • Improved SSH keys handling and storage. • Improved repository locking. • Customizable quality checks per source string. • Allow to hide completed translations from dashboard.

4.11.26 Weblate 2.0

Released on Nov 6th 2014. • New responsive UI using Bootstrap. • Rewritten VCS backend. • Documentation improvements. • Added whiteboard for site wide messages. • Configurable strings priority. • Added support for JSON file format.

4.11. Weblate 2.x series 393 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

• Fixed generating mo files in certain cases. • Added support for GitLab notifications. • Added support for disabling translation suggestions. • Django 1.7 support. • ACL projects now have user management. • Extended search possibilities. • Give more hints to translators about plurals. • Fixed Git repository locking. • Compatibility with older Git versions. • Improved ACL support. • Added buttons for per language quotes and other special characters. • Support for exporting stats as JSONP.

4.12 Weblate 1.x series

4.12.1 Weblate 1.9

Released on May 6th 2014. • Django 1.6 compatibility. • No longer maintained compatibility with Django 1.4. • Management commands for locking/unlocking translations. • Improved support for Qt TS files. • Users can now delete their account. • Avatars can be disabled. • Merged first and last name attributes. • Avatars are now fetched and cached server side. • Added support for badge.

4.12.2 Weblate 1.8

Released on November 7th 2013. • Please check manual for upgrade instructions. • Nicer listing of project summary. • Better visible options for sharing. • More control over anonymous users privileges. • Supports login using third party services, check manual for more details. • Users can login by e-mail instead of username. • Documentation improvements. • Improved source strings review. • Searching across all strings.

394 Capítulo 4. Histórico de alterações The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

• Better tracking of source strings. • Captcha protection for registration.

4.12.3 Weblate 1.7

Released on October 7th 2013. • Please check manual for upgrade instructions. • Support for checking Python brace format string. • Per component customization of quality checks. • Detailed per translation stats. • Changed way of linking suggestions, checks and comments to strings. • Users can now add text to commit message. • Support for subscribing on new language requests. • Support for adding new translations. • Widgets and charts are now rendered using Pillow instead of Pango + Cairo. • Add status badge widget. • Dropped invalid text direction check. • Changes in dictionary are now logged in history. • Performance improvements for translating view.

4.12.4 Weblate 1.6

Released on July 25th 2013. • Nicer error handling on registration. • Browsing of changes. • Fixed sorting of machine translation suggestions. • Improved support for MyMemory machine translation. • Added support for Amagama machine translation. • Various optimizations on frequently used pages. • Highlights searched phrase in search results. • Support for automatic fixups while saving the message. • Tracking of translation history and option to revert it. • Added support for Google Translate API. • Added support for managing SSH host keys. • Various form validation improvements. • Various quality checks improvements. • Performance improvements for import. • Added support for voting on suggestions. • Cleanup of admin interface.

4.12. Weblate 1.x series 395 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

4.12.5 Weblate 1.5

Released on April 16th 2013. • Please check manual for upgrade instructions. • Added public user pages. • Better naming of plural forms. • Added support for TBX export of glossary. • Added support for Bitbucket notifications. • Activity charts are now available for each translation, language or user. • Extended options of import_project admin command. • Compatible with Django 1.5. • Avatars are now shown using libravatar. • Added possibility to pretty print JSON export. • Various performance improvements. • Indicate failing checks or fuzzy strings in progress bars for projects or languages as well. • Added support for custom pre-commit hooks and committing additional files. • Rewritten search for better performance and user experience. • New interface for machine translations. • Added support for monolingual po files. • Extend amount of cached metadata to improve speed of various searches. • Now shows word counts as well.

4.12.6 Weblate 1.4

Released on January 23rd 2013. • Fixed deleting of checks/comments on string deletion. • Added option to disable automatic propagation of translations. • Added option to subscribe for merge failures. • Correctly import on projects which needs custom ttkit loader. • Added sitemaps to allow easier access by crawlers. • Provide direct links to string in notification e-mails or feeds. • Various improvements to admin interface. • Provide hints for production setup in admin interface. • Added per language widgets and engage page. • Improved translation locking handling. • Show code snippets for widgets in more variants. • Indicate failing checks or fuzzy strings in progress bars. • More options for formatting commit message. • Fixed error handling with machine translation services. • Improved automatic translation locking behaviour.

396 Capítulo 4. Histórico de alterações The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

• Support for showing changes from previous source string. • Added support for substring search. • Various quality checks improvements. • Support for per project ACL. • Basic string tests coverage.

4.12.7 Weblate 1.3

Released on November 16th 2012. • Compatibility with PostgreSQL database backend. • Removes languages removed in upstream git repository. • Improved quality checks processing. • Added new checks (BB code, XML markup and newlines). • Support for optional rebasing instead of merge. • Possibility to relocate Weblate (for example to run it under /weblate path). • Support for manually choosing file type in case autodetection fails. • Better support for Android resources. • Support for generating SSH key from web interface. • More visible data exports. • New buttons to enter some special characters. • Support for exporting dictionary. • Support for locking down whole Weblate installation. • Checks for source strings and support for source strings review. • Support for user comments for both translations and source strings. • Better changes log tracking. • Changes can now be monitored using RSS. • Improved support for RTL languages.

4.12.8 Weblate 1.2

Released on August 14th 2012. • Weblate now uses South for database migration, please check upgrade instructions if you are upgrading. • Fixed minor issues with linked git repos. • New introduction page for engaging people with translating using Weblate. • Added widgets which can be used for promoting translation projects. • Added option to reset repository to origin (for privileged users). • Project or component can now be locked for translations. • Possibility to disable some translations. • Configurable options for adding new translations. • Configuration of git commits per project.

4.12. Weblate 1.x series 397 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

• Simple antispam protection. • Better layout of main page. • Support for automatically pushing changes on every commit. • Support for e-mail notifications of translators. • List only used languages in preferences. • Improved handling of not known languages when importing project. • Support for locking translation by translator. • Optionally maintain Language-Team header in po file. • Include some statistics in about page. • Supports (and requires) django-registration 0.8. • Caching of counted strings with failing checks. • Checking of requirements during setup. • Documentation improvements.

4.12.9 Weblate 1.1

Released on July 4th 2012. • Improved several translations. • Better validation while creating component. • Added support for shared git repositories across components. • Do not necessary commit on every attempt to pull remote repo. • Added support for offloading indexing.

4.12.10 Weblate 1.0

Released on May 10th 2012. • Improved validation while adding/saving component. • Experimental support for Android component files (needs patched ttkit). • Updates from hooks are run in background. • Improved installation instructions. • Improved navigation in dictionary.

4.13 Weblate 0.x series

4.13.1 Weblate 0.9

Released on April 18th 2012. • Fixed import of unknown languages. • Improved listing of nearby messages. • Improved several checks. • Documentation updates.

398 Capítulo 4. Histórico de alterações The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

• Added definition for several more languages. • Various code cleanups. • Documentation improvements. • Changed file layout. • Update helper scripts to Django 1.4. • Improved navigation while translating. • Better handling of po file renames. • Better validation while creating component. • Integrated full setup into syncdb. • Added list of recent changes to all translation pages. • Check for not translated strings ignores format string only messages.

4.13.2 Weblate 0.8

Released on April 3rd 2012. • Replaced own full text search with Whoosh. • Various fixes and improvements to checks. • New command updatechecks. • Lot of translation updates. • Added dictionary for storing most frequently used terms. • Added /admin/report/ for overview of repositories status. • Machine translation services no longer block page loading. • Management interface now contains also useful actions to update data. • Records log of changes made by users. • Ability to postpone commit to Git to generate less commits from single user. • Possibility to browse failing checks. • Automatic translation using already translated strings. • New about page showing used versions. • Django 1.4 compatibility. • Ability to push changes to remote repo from web interface. • Added review of translations done by others.

4.13.3 Weblate 0.7

Released on February 16th 2012. • Direct support for GitHub notifications. • Added support for cleaning up orphaned checks and translations. • Displays nearby strings while translating. • Displays similar strings while translating. • Improved searching for string.

4.13. Weblate 0.x series 399 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

4.13.4 Weblate 0.6

Released on February 14th 2012. • Added various checks for translated messages. • Tunable access control. • Improved handling of translations with new lines. • Added client side sorting of tables. • Please check upgrading instructions in case you are upgrading.

4.13.5 Weblate 0.5

Released on February 12th 2012. • Support for machine translation using following online services: – Apertium – Microsoft Translator – MyMemory • Several new translations. • Improved merging of upstream changes. • Better handle concurrent git pull and translation. • Propagating works for fuzzy changes as well. • Propagating works also for file upload. • Fixed file downloads while using FastCGI (and possibly others).

4.13.6 Weblate 0.4

Released on February 8th 2012. • Added usage guide to documentation. • Fixed API hooks not to require CSRF protection.

4.13.7 Weblate 0.3

Released on February 8th 2012. • Better display of source for plural translations. • New documentation in Sphinx format. • Displays secondary languages while translating. • Improved error page to give list of existing projects. • New per language stats.

400 Capítulo 4. Histórico de alterações The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

4.13.8 Weblate 0.2

Released on February 7th 2012. • Improved validation of several forms. • Warn users on profile upgrade. • Lembre-se de URL para fazer o login. • Naming of text areas while entering plural forms. • Automatic expanding of translation area.

4.13.9 Weblate 0.1

Released on February 6th 2012. • Initial release.

4.13. Weblate 0.x series 401 Índice de Módulos do Python

w wlc, 141 wlc.config, 142 wlc.main, 142

402 HTTP Routing Table

/ GET /api/projects/(string:project)/languages/, ANY /, 98 114 GET /api/projects/(string:project)/repository/, /api 111 GET /api/, 100 GET /api/projects/(string:project)/statistics/, GET /api/changes/, 129 114 GET /api/changes/(int:id)/, 130 GET /api/roles/, 107 GET /api/component-lists/, 132 GET /api/roles/(int:id)/, 107 GET /api/component-lists/(str:slug)/, GET /api/screenshots/, 130 132 GET /api/screenshots/(int:id)/, 130 GET /api/components/, 115 GET /api/screenshots/(int:id)/file/, GET /api/components/(string:project)/(string:component)/130 , 115 GET /api/translations/, 123 GET /api/components/(string:project)/(string:component)/changes/GET /api/translations/(string:project)/(string:component)/(string:language)/, , 118 123 GET /api/components/(string:project)/(string:component)/lock/GET /api/translations/(string:project)/(string:component)/(string:language)/changes/, , 119 125 GET /api/components/(string:project)/(string:component)/monolingual_base/GET /api/translations/(string:project)/(string:component)/(string:language)/file/, , 121 126 GET /api/components/(string:project)/(string:component)/new_template/GET /api/translations/(string:project)/(string:component)/(string:language)/repository/, , 121 127 GET /api/components/(string:project)/(string:component)/repository/GET /api/translations/(string:project)/(string:component)/(string:language)/statistics/, , 120 128 GET /api/components/(string:project)/(string:component)/screenshots/GET /api/translations/(string:project)/(string:component)/(string:language)/units/, , 119 126 GET /api/components/(string:project)/(string:component)/statistics/GET /api/units/, 128 , 123 GET /api/units/(int:id)/, 128 GET /api/components/(string:project)/(string:component)/translations/GET /api/users/, 101 , 121 GET /api/users/(str:username)/, 101 GET /api/groups/, 104 GET /api/users/(str:username)/notifications/, GET /api/groups/(int:id)/, 104 102 GET /api/languages/, 108 GET /api/users/(str:username)/notifications/(int:subscription_id)/, GET /api/languages/(string:language)/, 103 108 POST /api/component- GET /api/languages/(string:language)/statistics/lists/(str:slug)/components/, , 109 133 GET /api/projects/, 110 POST /api/components/(string:project)/(string:component)/lock/, GET /api/projects/(string:project)/, 119 110 POST /api/components/(string:project)/(string:component)/repository/, GET /api/projects/(string:project)/changes/, 120 111 POST /api/components/(string:project)/(string:component)/translations/, GET /api/projects/(string:project)/components/121, 112 POST /api/groups/, 104 POST /api/groups/(int:id)/componentlists/,

403 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

106 106 POST /api/groups/(int:id)/components/, DELETE /api/groups/(int:id)/projects/(int:project_id), 105 106 POST /api/groups/(int:id)/languages/, DELETE /api/languages/(string:language)/, 106 109 POST /api/groups/(int:id)/projects/, DELETE /api/projects/(string:project)/, 105 110 POST /api/groups/(int:id)/roles/, 105 DELETE /api/roles/(int:id)/, 107 POST /api/languages/, 108 DELETE /api/screenshots/(int:id)/, 132 POST /api/projects/, 110 DELETE /api/screenshots/(int:id)/units/(int:unit_id), POST /api/projects/(string:project)/components/131, 112 DELETE /api/translations/(string:project)/(string:component)/(string:language)/, POST /api/projects/(string:project)/repository/125, 111 DELETE /api/users/(str:username)/, 102 POST /api/roles/, 107 DELETE /api/users/(str:username)/notifications/(int:subscription_id)/, POST /api/screenshots/, 131 103 POST /api/screenshots/(int:id)/file/, PATCH /api/component- 130 lists/(str:slug)/, 133 POST /api/screenshots/(int:id)/units/, PATCH /api/components/(string:project)/(string:component)/, 131 117 POST /api/translations/(string:project)/(string:component)/(string:language)/autotranslate/PATCH /api/groups/(int:id)/, 105 , 126 PATCH /api/languages/(string:language)/, POST /api/translations/(string:project)/(string:component)/(string:language)/file/109 , 127 PATCH /api/roles/(int:id)/, 107 POST /api/translations/(string:project)/(string:component)/(string:language)/repository/PATCH /api/screenshots/(int:id)/, 131 , 127 PATCH /api/users/(str:username)/, 102 POST /api/translations/(string:project)/(string:component)/(string:language)/units/PATCH /api/users/(str:username)/notifications/(int:subscription_id)/, , 126 103 POST /api/users/, 101 POST /api/users/(str:username)/groups/, /exports 102 GET /exports/rss/, 137 POST /api/users/(str:username)/notifications/GET /exports/rss/(string:project)/, , 137 102 GET /exports/rss/(string:project)/(string:component)/, PUT /api/component-lists/(str:slug)/, 137 133 GET /exports/rss/(string:project)/(string:component)/(string:language)/, PUT /api/components/(string:project)/(string:component)/137 , 118 GET /exports/rss/language/(string:language)/, PUT /api/groups/(int:id)/, 105 137 PUT /api/languages/(string:language)/, GET /exports/stats/(string:project)/(string:component)/, 108 135 PUT /api/roles/(int:id)/, 107 PUT /api/screenshots/(int:id)/, 132 /hooks PUT /api/users/(str:username)/, 102 GET /hooks/update/(string:project)/, PUT /api/users/(str:username)/notifications/(int:subscription_id)/133 , 103 GET /hooks/update/(string:project)/(string:component)/, DELETE /api/component- 133 lists/(str:slug)/, 133 POST /hooks/azure/, 134 DELETE /api/component- POST /hooks/bitbucket/, 134 lists/(str:slug)/components/(str:component_slug)POST /hooks/gitea/, , 135 133 POST /hooks/gitee/, 135 DELETE /api/components/(string:project)/(string:component)/POST /hooks/github/, 134, 118 POST /hooks/gitlab/, 134 DELETE /api/groups/(int:id)/, 105 POST /hooks/pagure/, 134 DELETE /api/groups/(int:id)/componentlists/(int:component_list_id), 106 DELETE /api/groups/(int:id)/components/(int:component_id), 105 DELETE /api/groups/(int:id)/languages/(string:language_code),

404 HTTP Routing Table Índice

Símbolos auto_translate command line option, .XML resource file 320 file format, 85 --input --add wlc command line option, 139 auto_translate command line option, --key KEY 320 wlc command line option, 138 --addon ADDON --lang LANGUAGE install_addon command line option, loadpo command line option, 327 326 --language-code --age HOURS list_translators command line op- commit_pending command line option, tion, 327 321 --language-map LANGMAP --author [email protected] import_memory command line option, add_suggestions command line op- 324 tion, 320 --language-regex REGEX --base-file-template TEMPLATE import_project command line option, import_project command line option, 324 324 --license NAME --check import_project command line option, importusers command line option, 326 325 --config PATH --license-url URL wlc command line option, 138 import_project command line option, --config-section SECTION 325 wlc command line option, 138 --main-component --configuration CONFIG import_project command line option, install_addon command line option, 324 326 --main-component COMPONENT --convert import_json command line option, 323 wlc command line option, 139 --mt MT --email [email protected] auto_translate command line option, createadmin command line option, 322 321 --file-format FORMAT --name import_project command line option, createadmin command line option, 322 324 --name-template TEMPLATE --force import_project command line option, loadpo command line option, 327 324 --force-commit --new-base-template TEMPLATE pushgit command line option, 328 import_project command line option, --format {csv,json,text,html} 324 wlc command line option, 138 --no-password --ignore createadmin command line option, 322 import_json command line option, 323 --no-privs-update --inconsistent setupgroups command line option, 329 --no-projects-update

405 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

setupgroups command line option, 329 setting, 282 --no-update AUTH_TOKEN_VALID setuplang command line option, 329 setting, 283 --output auto_translate wlc command line option, 139 weblate admin command, 320 --overwrite auto_translate command line option auto_translate command line option, --add, 320 320 --inconsistent, 320 wlc command line option, 139 --mt MT, 321 --password PASSWORD --overwrite, 320 createadmin command line option, 322 --source PROJECT/COMPONENT, 320 --project PROJECT --threshold THRESHOLD, 321 import_json command line option, 323 --user USERNAME, 320 --source PROJECT/COMPONENT AUTO_UPDATE auto_translate command line option, setting, 282 320 AUTOFIX_LIST --threshold THRESHOLD setting, 283 auto_translate command line option, AVATAR_URL_PREFIX 321 setting, 282 --update createadmin command line option, 322 B import_json command line option, 323 BASE_DIR install_addon command line option, setting, 284 326 bilingual --url URL translation, 73 wlc command line option, 138 --user USERNAME C auto_translate command line option, celery_queues 320 weblate admin command, 321 --username USERNAME changes createadmin command line option, 322 wlc command line option, 139 --vcs NAME CHECK_LIST import_project command line option, setting, 284 325 checkgit A weblate admin command, 321 cleanup add_suggestions wlc command line option, 139 weblate admin command, 320 cleanuptrans add_suggestions command line option weblate admin command, 322 --author [email protected], 320 Comma separated values ADMINS file format, 85 setting, 179 Command (classe em wlc.main), 142 AKISMET_API_KEY COMMENT_CLEANUP_DAYS setting, 281 setting, 285 ALLOWED_HOSTS commit setting, 179 wlc command line option, 138 Android commit_pending file format, 80 weblate admin command, 321 ANONYMOUS_USER_NAME commit_pending command line option setting, 281 --age HOURS, 321 API, 98, 137, 141 COMMIT_PENDING_HOURS Apple strings setting, 285 file format, 81 commitgit ARB weblate admin command, 321 file format, 84 createadmin AUDITLOG_EXPIRY weblate admin command, 322 setting, 282 createadmin command line option AUTH_LOCK_ATTEMPTS --email [email protected], 322

406 Índice The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

--name, 322 file format, 87 --no-password, 322 dump_memory --password PASSWORD, 322 weblate admin command, 322 --update, 322 dumpuserdata --username USERNAME, 322 weblate admin command, 322 CSP_CONNECT_SRC setting, 284 E CSP_FONT_SRC ENABLE_AVATARS setting, 284 setting, 288 CSP_IMG_SRC ENABLE_HOOKS setting, 284 setting, 288 CSP_SCRIPT_SRC ENABLE_HTTPS setting, 284 setting, 288 CSP_STYLE_SRC ENABLE_SHARING setting, 284 setting, 288 CSV file format, 85 F file format D .XML resource file, 85 DATA_DIR Android, 80 setting, 285 Apple strings, 81 DATABASE_BACKUP ARB, 84 setting, 285 Comma separated values, 85 DATABASES CSV, 85 setting, 179 DTD, 87 DEBUG gettext, 75 setting, 179 go-i18n, 84 DEFAULT_ACCESS_CONTROL GWT properties, 79 setting, 286 i18next, 83 DEFAULT_ADD_MESSAGE INI translations, 79 setting, 286 Java properties, 78 DEFAULT_ADDON_MESSAGE Joomla translations, 80 setting, 286 JSON, 82 DEFAULT_ADDONS PHP strings, 81 setting, 286 PO, 75 DEFAULT_COMMIT_MESSAGE Qt, 80 setting, 286 RC, 88 DEFAULT_COMMITER_EMAIL RESX, 85 setting, 287 Ruby YAML, 86 DEFAULT_COMMITER_NAME Ruby YAML Ain't Markup Language, 86 setting, 287 string resources, 80 DEFAULT_DELETE_MESSAGE TS, 80 setting, 286 XLIFF, 77 DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL XML, 87 setting, 180 YAML, 86 DEFAULT_MERGE_MESSAGE YAML Ain't Markup Language, 86 setting, 286 DEFAULT_MERGE_STYLE G setting, 287 get() (método wlc.Weblate), 141 DEFAULT_PULL_MESSAGE gettext setting, 288 file format, 75 DEFAULT_RESTRICTED_COMPONENT GITHUB_USERNAME setting, 286 setting, 289 DEFAULT_TRANSLATION_PROPAGATION GITLAB_USERNAME setting, 287 setting, 288 download go-i18n wlc command line option, 139 file format, 84 DTD GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID

Índice 407 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

setting, 289 iPhone GWT properties translation, 81 file format, 79 J H Java properties HIDE_REPO_CREDENTIALS file format, 78 setting, 289 Joomla translations file format, 80 I JSON i18next file format, 82 file format, 83 import_demo L weblate admin command, 323 LEGAL_URL import_json setting, 290 weblate admin command, 323 LICENSE_EXTRA import_json command line option setting, 290 --ignore, 323 LICENSE_FILTER --main-component COMPONENT, 323 setting, 291 --project PROJECT, 323 LICENSE_REQUIRED --update, 323 setting, 291 import_memory LIMIT_TRANSLATION_LENGTH_BY_SOURCE_LENGTH weblate admin command, 324 setting, 291 import_memory command line option list_languages --language-map LANGMAP, 324 weblate admin command, 327 import_project list_translators weblate admin command, 324 weblate admin command, 327 import_project command line option list_translators command line option --base-file-template TEMPLATE, 324 --language-code, 327 --file-format FORMAT, 324 list_versions --language-regex REGEX, 324 weblate admin command, 327 --license NAME, 325 list-components --license-url URL, 325 wlc command line option, 138 --main-component, 324 list-languages --name-template TEMPLATE, 324 wlc command line option, 138 --new-base-template TEMPLATE, 324 list-projects --vcs NAME, 325 wlc command line option, 138 importuserdata list-translations weblate admin command, 326 wlc command line option, 138 importusers load() (método wlc.config.WeblateConfig), 142 weblate admin command, 326 loadpo importusers command line option weblate admin command, 327 --check, 326 loadpo command line option INI translations --force, 327 file format, 79 --lang LANGUAGE, 327 install_addon LOCALIZE_CDN_PATH weblate admin command, 326 setting, 291 install_addon command line option LOCALIZE_CDN_URL --addon ADDON, 326 setting, 291 --configuration CONFIG, 326 lock --update, 326 wlc command line option, 139 IP_BEHIND_REVERSE_PROXY lock_translation setting, 289 weblate admin command, 328 IP_PROXY_HEADER lock-status setting, 289 wlc command line option, 139 IP_PROXY_OFFSET LOGIN_REQUIRED_URLS setting, 290 setting, 291 iPad LOGIN_REQUIRED_URLS_EXCEPTIONS translation, 81 setting, 292

408 Índice The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1 ls setting, 296 wlc command line option, 138 MT_NETEASE_SECRET setting, 297 M MT_SAP_BASE_URL MACHINE_TRANSLATION_SERVICES setting, 297 setting, 293 MT_SAP_PASSWORD main() (no módulo wlc.main), 142 setting, 298 MATOMO_SITE_ID MT_SAP_SANDBOX_APIKEY setting, 292 setting, 297 MATOMO_URL MT_SAP_USE_MT setting, 292 setting, 298 monolingual MT_SAP_USERNAME translation, 73 setting, 298 move_language MT_SERVICES weblate admin command, 328 setting, 293 MT_APERTIUM_APY MT_TMSERVER setting, 293 setting, 297 MT_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID MT_YANDEX_KEY setting, 293 setting, 297 MT_AWS_REGION MT_YOUDAO_ID setting, 294 setting, 297 MT_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY MT_YOUDAO_SECRET setting, 293 setting, 297 MT_BAIDU_ID módulo setting, 294 wlc, 141 MT_BAIDU_SECRET wlc.config, 142 setting, 294 wlc.main, 142 MT_DEEPL_API_VERSION setting, 294 N MT_DEEPL_KEY NEARBY_MESSAGES setting, 294 setting, 298 MT_GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS setting, 295 P MT_GOOGLE_KEY PHP strings setting, 295 file format, 81 MT_GOOGLE_LOCATION PIWIK_SITE_ID setting, 295 setting, 292 MT_GOOGLE_PROJECT PIWIK_URL setting, 295 setting, 292 MT_MICROSOFT_BASE_URL PO setting, 295 file format, 75 MT_MICROSOFT_COGNITIVE_KEY post() (método wlc.Weblate), 141 setting, 295 pull MT_MICROSOFT_ENDPOINT_URL wlc command line option, 138 setting, 296 push MT_MICROSOFT_REGION wlc command line option, 139 setting, 295 pushgit MT_MODERNMT_KEY weblate admin command, 328 setting, 296 pushgit command line option MT_MODERNMT_URL --force-commit, 328 setting, 296 Python, 141 MT_MYMEMORY_EMAIL setting, 296 Q MT_MYMEMORY_KEY Qt setting, 296 file format, 80 MT_MYMEMORY_USER setting, 296 R MT_NETEASE_KEY RATELIMIT_ATTEMPTS

Índice 409 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1


410 Índice The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1

MT_MICROSOFT_BASE_URL, 295 --no-update, 329 MT_MICROSOFT_COGNITIVE_KEY, 295 show MT_MICROSOFT_ENDPOINT_URL, 296 wlc command line option, 138 MT_MICROSOFT_REGION, 295 SIMPLIFY_LANGUAGES MT_MODERNMT_KEY, 296 setting, 300 MT_MODERNMT_URL, 296 SINGLE_PROJECT MT_MYMEMORY_EMAIL, 296 setting, 301 MT_MYMEMORY_KEY, 296 SITE_DOMAIN MT_MYMEMORY_USER, 296 setting, 300 MT_NETEASE_KEY, 296 SITE_TITLE MT_NETEASE_SECRET, 297 setting, 301 MT_SAP_BASE_URL, 297 SPECIAL_CHARS MT_SAP_PASSWORD, 298 setting, 301 MT_SAP_SANDBOX_APIKEY, 297 statistics MT_SAP_USE_MT, 298 wlc command line option, 139 MT_SAP_USERNAME, 298 STATUS_URL MT_SERVICES, 293 setting, 301 MT_TMSERVER, 297 string resources MT_YANDEX_KEY, 297 file format, 80 MT_YOUDAO_ID, 297 SUGGESTION_CLEANUP_DAYS MT_YOUDAO_SECRET, 297 setting, 302 NEARBY_MESSAGES, 298 PIWIK_SITE_ID, 292 T PIWIK_URL, 292 translation RATELIMIT_ATTEMPTS, 298 bilingual, 73 RATELIMIT_LOCKOUT, 299 iPad, 81 RATELIMIT_WINDOW, 298 iPhone, 81 REGISTRATION_ALLOW_BACKENDS, 299 monolingual, 73 REGISTRATION_CAPTCHA, 299 TS REGISTRATION_EMAIL_MATCH, 299 file format, 80 REGISTRATION_OPEN, 300 REPOSITORY_ALERT_THRESHOLD, 300 U SECRET_KEY, 180 unlock SENTRY_DSN, 300 wlc command line option, 139 SERVER_EMAIL, 180 unlock_translation SESSION_ENGINE, 179 weblate admin command, 328 SIMPLIFY_LANGUAGES, 300 updatechecks SINGLE_PROJECT, 301 weblate admin command, 329 SITE_DOMAIN, 300 updategit SITE_TITLE, 301 weblate admin command, 329 SPECIAL_CHARS, 301 upload STATUS_URL, 301 wlc command line option, 139 SUGGESTION_CLEANUP_DAYS, 302 URL_PREFIX URL_PREFIX, 302 setting, 302 VCS_BACKENDS, 302 VCS_CLONE_DEPTH, 302 V WEBLATE_ADDONS, 303 variável de ambiente WEBLATE_EXPORTERS, 303 CELERY_BACKUP_OPTIONS, 159 WEBLATE_FORMATS, 304 CELERY_BEAT_OPTIONS, 159 WEBLATE_GPG_IDENTITY, 304 CELERY_MAIN_OPTIONS, 159 setupgroups CELERY_MEMORY_OPTIONS, 159 weblate admin command, 329 CELERY_NOTIFY_OPTIONS, 159 setupgroups command line option CELERY_TRANSLATE_OPTIONS, 159 --no-privs-update, 329 POSTGRES_DATABASE, 155 --no-projects-update, 329 POSTGRES_HOST, 155 setuplang POSTGRES_PASSWORD, 155 weblate admin command, 329 POSTGRES_PORT, 155 setuplang command line option POSTGRES_SSL_MODE, 155

Índice 411 The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1


412 Índice The Weblate Manual, Versão 4.2.1


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WEBLATE_ADMIN_PASSWORD, 144, 147, 148 XML WEBLATE_ALLOWED_HOSTS, 147, 179, 183, 301 file format, 87 WEBLATE_EMAIL_PORT, 157 WEBLATE_EMAIL_USE_SSL, 157 Y WEBLATE_EMAIL_USE_TLS, 157 YAML WEBLATE_EXPORTERS file format, 86 setting, 303 YAML Ain't Markup Language WEBLATE_FORMATS file format, 86 setting, 304 WEBLATE_GITHUB_USERNAME, 96 WEBLATE_GITLAB_USERNAME, 97 WEBLATE_GPG_IDENTITY setting, 304 WEBLATE_LOCALIZE_CDN_PATH, 158 WEBLATE_SILENCED_SYSTEM_CHECKS, 203 WEBLATE_SITE_DOMAIN, 181, 198, 301 WeblateConfig (classe em wlc.config), 142 WeblateException, 141 wlc, 137 módulo, 141 wlc command line option --config PATH, 138 --config-section SECTION, 138 --convert, 139 --format {csv,json,text,html}, 138 --input, 139 --key KEY, 138 --output, 139 --overwrite, 139 --url URL, 138 changes, 139 cleanup, 139 commit, 138 download, 139 list-components, 138 list-languages, 138 list-projects, 138 list-translations, 138 lock, 139 lock-status, 139 ls, 138 pull, 138 push, 139 repo, 139 reset, 139 show, 138 statistics, 139 unlock, 139 upload, 139 version, 138 wlc.config módulo, 142 wlc.main módulo, 142 X XLIFF file format, 77

414 Índice