G R O C E R I E S Cast) Prices
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VOL. XIX. MASON, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 1894. NO. 23 LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS A big line of Embroidery vcrycheap: Lansing claims to be again free from Attorney General Ellis' Trial ate. H, Hall's, diphtheria. This ciLsc is undoubtedly one of fclie S^st Eead This 0,'ipos and .laekcts at cost, at 0, II, Thiirciit forhOc at Aiiic's, ovcrMc- A fine line of AVasli Dress Goods, afc mosfc imporfcanfc fcliab has been fcrlcd Hall's. Ci'ossen's drug store, Htf C. H, Hall's, the Iiighiim circuit court for a long iiCarefuUy period. It ciimo ou Jlotiday afternoon iSee Cliii'k House notice in iinotlie AV, H. Rayncr's ice wagon enters the Dr, AV, AV, Root is having a cement Anti see what a little col 11 m n. and fclie time unfcil after dinner Tues• season with a fresh coat of paint. walk laid about his residciiee, money will buy: day was taken in securing a jury See notice of tlioroiighbrcd .Terscy You will .Tustice .Stiuiei's made out 90 pension M, ,L Bemcnt makes another ship After excusing many for various I'C Extra heavy clofclies boilers, only $l,oa hull for Sitle, voiicliers and .Tustice Irish 70 for this ment of hoi'ses to BulTalo tomorrow, Three-ply chair .seafcs, the best sons a jury was secured composed of made, with brass headed fcacks, One new and one second-hand Perry find quartei'. R, j!\ GrilUn owns a mare that is 19 the following persons; „only Kta mower for sale, .P, .Hicnoiousok, Sec ad. of the G. A. R. Bakery years old and recently had lier lirst Good copjiei' bobbom Lcit kettles,, 48ii the largest and best se• George Potter, Alaicdon; .Tohn F There are 5I,li!M Sir Knights an B. Sliiilts & Co. proprietors, in Hotel I'oal, Good 25o brooms, each only Harvey, Delhi; H. V. Ranney,Itigliiim Exfcra quality envelopes, jier lected stock of 17,,'i,'iO Lady Miiccabecs in Michigan, 1 lorton block. AVIll Evans and M, R, Potter, Laii George Ling, Locke; Edward AV, Lewis bunch .^c Poss of the M, A, C, won the all The democratic county convention sing wheelmen, won races afc Grand and George Cadney, Lansing; Henry Extra line tumblers, oiich Scs- round champion medal at Ypsilan is called for Saturdiiy, .Tune 2;id, at Rapids Decoration day, AVai'd and George AVlilfcing, Mason Men's regular made fasb black ho,se, per pair lOc Groceries last week. the court house in this eity. L, C, Webb isgiving the oiitsides of Edward Ferris, Onondaga; Harvey Those heavy socks still go for 10c Good RnK'lisli worsted, suitable for Clear fruit juice used in onr ice Ills blocks on the corner of Main iind Young, Vevay; AVm, J, Sfceadman per pair or 3 pairs for 25o In the city. We are adies' capes, I'or sale by .T. N. .Siriinl cream soda, makes a very delicious Ash streets a fresh coat of paint. AVheafclleld, and .lames Wilcox of Call and sec our ladies' and Price •f2.!)0. AVhite Oak, headquarters for di'inlc. Try it, at City Bakery, *w2 Rally day for Sunday schools atLan children's loc hose. New laces Judge Person considers the trial of Uoinineiiccnient week at Olivet Col The L.adies' Aid Society of Eden sing tomorrow. The Mason scliools and lots of tlieni. Crockery, we so much importance that hchasovdcr lege begins next Thursday evening at will meet at the home of iMrs. 0. A will be headed by the K, 0. T, M, band have the iargcst stock in the Bananas and ed fclie jury sequesfcered and kopfc 7 ;;I0 o'clock. Holden Wednesday, JnnelStli. county. Knitting ami embroidery Married, by Rev, .IT, AV, Powell, at under fclie constant wafccli of an olllcer ConiinenceinenI, exercises of the silks in all colors. Don't fail to call Hon. C, P, Black of Lansing has Mason, May 31, 1891, Lowell Cook of They arc domiciled afc fchc Opdyk Mii.soii high school occur .Iiine 21st, see us at the largest and lightest Oranges. been elected president of the Penin Aurellus and Miss Luella Olin of house on Main sfcreefc under fchc care There arc eleven graduates. store in the city, Ash and Main siilar Masonic Aid Association of Caro Mason, of Deputy Sliorill's Loomis and Mit Streets, Lowest living orices, Clear fruit juice used in onr lee Tlie .Seventh Michigan Infantry will All those inbci'csfced in the oi'gani'/,a beer and take their me.als afc the Ame crciini stida, makes a very dcllcioi hold its ciglitli annual reunion at Les quality considered. dis ion of a base ball nine meet at fclic iciin House, Tho judge insfci'ucted fchc drink. Try it, at City Bakery. *w2 ic, .Tunc I2th. An extra elTort is be Dkmockat olllce this evening at SiliO, olllcei's to keep newspapers away from FORD & KIRBY. Yours RcKpechl'nll.y, AVc arc gratilled to learn that so ug.madc to have surviving members local time, the jurors and to prevent their ovc 1) resent. many of the present panel of juror G, Fellows of Alaiedon lost a valu hearing discussions as to the merits of Ford's read the leading deiiioci'Mtic paper. Gov. Rich lias appointed Henry S able work horse Tuesday night. She the case. W. M. PRATT, was found dead in fclie stable VVcdncs There is a bright lot of Michigan C. II. Osborn, iiroprietor of the rink Dean of Ann Arbor regent of the Bazaar. Stiitc Univei'Sity to (111 the vacancy day morning, legal talent in this ease. For fchc CASH GROCER. Dansville, will give another sociiiii l dance on Friday evening, .liine I.'Jtli. made by the death of Henry Howard A team belonging to Sani'i Tomlin- prosecufcion fcliei'o are Prosecufcing At of Port Huron. fcorney Gardner, Judge Edward Caliill Mason division U. U. .K'. of P. has son ran away last 'idiiirsday forenoon and R. A, Monfcgomery, For fclie dc BUSINESS DIRECTORY. an invitatinii to loin Lansing division The many young friends of Miss but were stopped on Main street with fense, besides the del'ciidant, tliet'c in a basket [liciiic at Grand Ledge Ciirric Curry gave lier a pleasant sur• outdoing any damage. PHYSICIANS. irc Otto Ivircliner, T, Til. Barkwortli next Tliursday. prise last Friday evening. About ;!;i There will be a grand l)lue rock K DAK IN, l)ls(«si'S III Women, Kye ami S. L. Kilbourne, Judge Q. A. Smifch •V ell 11 Ilk of eoiiper weighing young people were present iind they shoot here on .Tuly 'Itli. All shooters Cast) Prices i'iar .specialties, onice at residence, near .•)2 Geo. F. Day and George E. Nichols. iJaptlsJaptls'l cluirch, IJimsvlllc, Mich. liliiinp. lioiiiuls iind being !),') per cent, pure report a very enjoyable time. lire invited to participate. F, .7 The fcaking of testimony was begun U KKANK Iv. THOMAS, Physician am hiir- iiietal, was ploughed upon a farm four Casper SclioHing of Lansing won the Brown, Pres. Miisou Gun Club, neoii. Olllce over Wehli» W li iniairs t hi 1 • ndividiial championship medal of the Tuesday afternoon with .Tosepli AV ,'flore. Calls at night answered from olllce, miles west of Lansing recently. Tliorndale Prince, a Lansing horse, S Michigan Trapshooters' Leiigiie at Scldon, deputy secretary of sfcatc, on 6 lbs Crackers, 25c U.,f. 0. DOYIiVO, rhyslchin mid Hiirgecm, Hev. H. W. Powell Is an early gar• won the 2:18 trofc or piicc at Port Huron blic stand. Afc this writing Conrad Olllce in I'arkhiirsl block. Itcsldence Grand Rapids liist Friday, breaking'i dener. He has green peas large enough ast Tuesday, His best tl me was 2:18i, Carlson, counby clerk of Gogebic conn 7 lbs Rolled Oats, 25a Bon Mill street, Ma.soii, iMldi. out of a po.ssible 2,") cl.ay birds. to out. Iluped Lo liiive them .Tune 1st; and lowered his record fclirce seconds, ty, is on fchc sfcand. ATTORNEYS. Warden Fuller of the Ionia house of 6 doz. Pickles, 25c but the cold weather kept them back Hasfcings division, No, 19, and Kala• correction, has followed Parsell's ex Ladies'and Mi.s.scs' Mifcfcs In black K DUVINd. Allorney at Law, I'nrklinrst mazoo division, No, 9, are entered C, hliick. .Mason, Mich. A .sou weighing lU Ib.s. was born to ample by appointing his wife matron cream and tan, nt C. H. Hall's, 5 boxes Sardines, 25c Dr. and Mrs. C. 15. Ilender.son yester• the competitive drill at the .Knights |.;. SANDUKS. AUorney and (Iniinselnr at, Iind Ills brother a keeper,—Evening Philip Scyfricd of Lansing has taken C Pythias encampment at AVnshington 3 cans Tomatoes, 25c , law. Olllce in lliu llunllagtoii llluck, up day I'oi'enouii. ir lie keeps his bigness Ncw.s. Otis married! He should stairsG , Maseii, Mich. ______ August 27th, out a full license for eleven months to le will niiikc a capital tooth jerker in make the News prove it. sell liquor, 3 cans Corn, 25c M. CUMMIN.S, AUorney and Ciatn.seloi- at a few years. Racine, owned by S, L, C;iton of . Law. Olllceover h'anners' Hank, Mason. The local M.icciibees celebnite tiie A Lansing, won the frec-for-;ill trot and AV. H, Mann is fchc operator and Mr. and Mrs. JI. 'V. ,lcssop, for many 22 lbs Gran. Sugar. $1.00 T. IIICMANS, Attorney aiiilCniniscloral.I,.uy elovcntli annivei',sai'y of the establish •igentattlic depot, Lcn, Smitli and Olllce over h'lrst Slate and Savings ll.iiik pace at Lapeer last Thursdiiy, Ills yeat's residents of WiUiainston, have ment of their order in this state by a MasonL , Mich, Jloiiey to loan on good seciirlly.