LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS A big line of Embroidery vcrycheap: Lansing claims to be again free from Attorney General Ellis' Trial ate. H, Hall's, diphtheria. This ciLsc is undoubtedly one of fclie S^st Eead This 0,'ipos and .laekcts at cost, at 0, II, Thiirciit forhOc at Aiiic's, ovcrMc- A fine line of AVasli Dress Goods, afc mosfc imporfcanfc fcliab has been fcrlcd Hall's. Ci'ossen's drug store, Htf C. H, Hall's, the Iiighiim circuit court for a long iiCarefuUy period. It ciimo ou Jlotiday afternoon iSee Cliii'k House notice in iinotlie AV, H. Rayncr's ice wagon enters the Dr, AV, AV, Root is having a cement Anti see what a little col 11 m n. and fclie time unfcil after dinner Tues• season with a fresh coat of paint. walk laid about his residciiee, money will buy: day was taken in securing a jury See notice of tlioroiighbrcd .Terscy You will .Tustice .Stiuiei's made out 90 pension M, ,L Bemcnt makes another ship After excusing many for various I'C Extra heavy clofclies boilers, only $l,oa hull for Sitle, voiicliers and .Tustice Irish 70 for this ment of hoi'ses to BulTalo tomorrow, Three-ply chair .seafcs, the best sons a jury was secured composed of made, with brass headed fcacks, One new and one second-hand Perry find quartei'. R, j!\ GrilUn owns a mare that is 19 the following persons; „only Kta mower for sale, .P, .Hicnoiousok, Sec ad. of the G. A. R. Bakery years old and recently had lier lirst Good copjiei' bobbom Lcit kettles,, 48ii the largest and best se• George Potter, Alaicdon; .Tohn F There are 5I,li!M Sir Knights an B. Sliiilts & Co. proprietors, in Hotel I'oal, Good 25o brooms, each only Harvey, Delhi; H. V. Ranney,Itigliiim Exfcra quality envelopes, jier lected stock of 17,,'i,'iO Lady Miiccabecs in Michigan, 1 lorton block. AVIll Evans and M, R, Potter, Laii George Ling, Locke; Edward AV, Lewis bunch .^c Poss of the M, A, C, won the all The democratic county convention sing wheelmen, won races afc Grand and George Cadney, Lansing; Henry Extra line tumblers, oiich Scs- round champion medal at Ypsilan is called for Saturdiiy, .Tune 2;id, at Rapids Decoration day, AVai'd and George AVlilfcing, Mason Men's regular made fasb black ho,se, per pair lOc Groceries last week. the court house in this eity. L, C, Webb isgiving the oiitsides of Edward Ferris, Onondaga; Harvey Those heavy socks still go for 10c Good RnK'lisli worsted, suitable for Clear fruit juice used in onr ice Ills blocks on the corner of Main iind Young, Vevay; AVm, J, Sfceadman per pair or 3 pairs for 25o In the city. We are adies' capes, I'or sale by .T. N. .Siriinl cream soda, makes a very delicious Ash streets a fresh coat of paint. AVheafclleld, and .lames Wilcox of Call and sec our ladies' and Price •f2.!)0. AVhite Oak, headquarters for di'inlc. Try it, at City Bakery, *w2 Rally day for Sunday schools atLan children's loc hose. New laces Judge Person considers the trial of Uoinineiiccnient week at Olivet Col The L.adies' Aid Society of Eden sing tomorrow. The Mason scliools and lots of tlieni. Crockery, we so much importance that hchasovdcr lege begins next Thursday evening at will meet at the home of iMrs. 0. A will be headed by the K, 0. T, M, band have the iargcst stock in the Bananas and ed fclie jury sequesfcered and kopfc 7 ;;I0 o'clock. Holden Wednesday, JnnelStli. county. Knitting ami embroidery Married, by Rev, .IT, AV, Powell, at under fclie constant wafccli of an olllcer ConiinenceinenI, exercises of the silks in all colors. Don't fail to call Hon. C, P, Black of Lansing has Mason, May 31, 1891, Lowell Cook of They arc domiciled afc fchc Opdyk Mii.soii high school occur .Iiine 21st, see us at the largest and lightest Oranges. been elected president of the Penin Aurellus and Miss Luella Olin of house on Main sfcreefc under fchc care There arc eleven graduates. store in the city, Ash and Main siilar Masonic Aid Association of Caro Mason, of Deputy Sliorill's Loomis and Mit Streets, Lowest living orices, Clear fruit juice used in onr lee Tlie .Seventh Michigan Infantry will All those inbci'csfced in the oi'gani'/,a beer and take their me.als afc the Ame crciini stida, makes a very dcllcioi hold its ciglitli annual reunion at Les quality considered. dis ion of a base ball nine meet at fclic iciin House, Tho judge insfci'ucted fchc drink. Try it, at City Bakery. *w2 ic, .Tunc I2th. An extra elTort is be Dkmockat olllce this evening at SiliO, olllcei's to keep newspapers away from FORD & KIRBY. Yours RcKpechl'nll.y, AVc arc gratilled to learn that so ug.madc to have surviving members local time, the jurors and to prevent their ovc 1) resent. many of the present panel of juror G, Fellows of Alaiedon lost a valu hearing discussions as to the merits of Ford's read the leading deiiioci'Mtic paper. Gov. Rich lias appointed Henry S able work horse Tuesday night. She the case. W. M. PRATT, was found dead in fclie stable VVcdncs There is a bright lot of Michigan C. II. Osborn, iiroprietor of the rink Dean of Ann Arbor regent of the Bazaar. Stiitc Univei'Sity to (111 the vacancy day morning, legal talent in this ease. For fchc CASH GROCER. Dansville, will give another sociiiii l dance on Friday evening, .liine I.'Jtli. made by the death of Henry Howard A team belonging to Sani'i Tomlin- prosecufcion fcliei'o are Prosecufcing At of Port Huron. fcorney Gardner, Judge Edward Caliill Mason division U. U. .K'. of P. has son ran away last 'idiiirsday forenoon and R. A, Monfcgomery, For fclie dc BUSINESS DIRECTORY. an invitatinii to loin Lansing division The many young friends of Miss but were stopped on Main street with fense, besides the del'ciidant, tliet'c in a basket [liciiic at Grand Ledge Ciirric Curry gave lier a pleasant sur• outdoing any damage. PHYSICIANS. irc Otto Ivircliner, T, Til. Barkwortli next Tliursday. prise last Friday evening. About ;!;i There will be a grand l)lue rock K DAK IN, l)ls(«si'S III Women, Kye ami S. L. Kilbourne, Judge Q. A. Smifch •V ell 11 Ilk of eoiiper weighing young people were present iind they shoot here on .Tuly 'Itli. All shooters Cast) Prices i'iar .specialties, onice at residence, near .•)2 Geo. F. Day and George E. Nichols. iJaptlsJaptls'l cluirch, IJimsvlllc, Mich. liliiinp. lioiiiuls iind being !),') per cent, pure report a very enjoyable time. lire invited to participate. F, .7 The fcaking of testimony was begun U KKANK Iv. THOMAS, Physician am hiir- iiietal, was ploughed upon a farm four Casper SclioHing of Lansing won the Brown, Pres. Miisou Gun Club, neoii. Olllce over Wehli» W li iniairs t hi 1 • ndividiial championship medal of the Tuesday afternoon with .Tosepli AV ,'flore. Calls at night answered from olllce, miles west of Lansing recently. Tliorndale Prince, a Lansing horse, S Michigan Trapshooters' Leiigiie at Scldon, deputy secretary of sfcatc, on 6 lbs Crackers, 25c U.,f. 0. DOYIiVO, rhyslchin mid Hiirgecm, Hev. H. W. Powell Is an early gar• won the 2:18 trofc or piicc at Port Huron blic stand. Afc this writing Conrad Olllce in I'arkhiirsl block. Itcsldence Grand Rapids liist Friday, breaking'i dener. He has green peas large enough ast Tuesday, His best tl me was 2:18i, Carlson, counby clerk of Gogebic conn 7 lbs Rolled Oats, 25a Bon Mill street, Ma.soii, iMldi. out of a po.ssible 2,") cl.ay birds. to out. Iluped Lo liiive them .Tune 1st; and lowered his record fclirce seconds, ty, is on fchc sfcand. ATTORNEYS. Warden Fuller of the Ionia house of 6 doz. Pickles, 25c but the cold weather kept them back Hasfcings division, No, 19, and Kala• correction, has followed Parsell's ex Ladies'and Mi.s.scs' Mifcfcs In black K DUVINd. Allorney at Law, I'nrklinrst mazoo division, No, 9, are entered C, hliick. .Mason, Mich. A .sou weighing lU Ib.s. was born to ample by appointing his wife matron cream and tan, nt C. H. Hall's, 5 boxes Sardines, 25c Dr. and Mrs. C. 15. Ilender.son yester• the competitive drill at the .Knights |.;. SANDUKS. AUorney and (Iniinselnr at, Iind Ills brother a keeper,—Evening Philip Scyfricd of Lansing has taken C Pythias encampment at AVnshington 3 cans Tomatoes, 25c , law. Olllce in lliu llunllagtoii llluck, up day I'oi'enouii. ir lie keeps his bigness Ncw.s. Otis married! He should stairsG , Maseii, Mich. ______August 27th, out a full license for eleven months to le will niiikc a capital tooth jerker in make the News prove it. sell liquor, 3 cans Corn, 25c M. CUMMIN.S, AUorney and Ciatn.seloi- at a few years. Racine, owned by S, L, C;iton of . Law. Olllceover h'anners' Hank, Mason. The local M.icciibees celebnite tiie A Lansing, won the frec-for-;ill trot and AV. H, Mann is fchc operator and Mr. and Mrs. JI. 'V. ,lcssop, for many 22 lbs Gran. Sugar. $1.00 T. IIICMANS, Attorney aiiilCniniscloral.I,.uy elovcntli annivei',sai'y of the establish •igentattlic depot, Lcn, Smitli and Olllce over h'lrst Slate and Savings ll.iiik pace at Lapeer last Thursdiiy, Ills yeat's residents of WiUiainston, have ment of their order in this state by a MasonL , Mich, Jloiiey to loan on good seciirlly. time in tiie tliircl heat—2:21—broke Geo. Jlosher arc attending fco the iiKivcd Lo .Shortsville, N, Y. Tliey left laiKiuctiit Armory Hall next Monday ,1. 11001), Allnrney at Law. Olllce Willi the track record. freight dcparfcmenfc, last Siiiidiiy witli the best wishes of evening. A program of music atid lit 0, ,lndge of I'roliale, Mason, Mbib^ Tiie Aurelins Ixiys played a close many friends. rary exercises has been arranged. On Fridiiy, .Tune lOtli, Miss Myra L, game of hall ab Eafcon Rapids Dccora- We are paying 9c Cash for HARDWARE, Ixev. K. II. lU'ocUwiiy is (|uitc spry AA''ood will close two years successful Eiiton Rapifls.Tournal : C. ,T, Biirna- fcion day. They were defeated by T7HTC11 & UAY.MOM), dealers in (Ieneral for a gentleman aged (ill years. Re school work at Eden witli a picnic afc r llanlwure, 1'aliil.s, Oils and Kaniiers' biip- hy of Mason wns in town on Saturday ViirlcfcyGrove(,T,\V,Cliiipin's), Patrons fclie Jackson Brown Stockings by plles. Main slroel, Jlasmi. cently lie plowed live acres of bean —Chester, the 18-yeiir-old son of .Toe score of seven fco six. Anofchcr game EGGS. gi'oiiiid in i() hoiii'S iiiifl 2i") minutes, of tlie scliool are coi'dially invited to REAL ESTATE AGENT. Howe of Aurelins, had an epileptic will be played in about fcwo weeks. Tt was not a sulky plow, either. ittend, \, wliile at the Island City feed mills, A lefcter received from Rev. Napo 'n L.CASTHltblN', i,oan,Ooliei;llnii, Insnriuici: Tlie case of tliree boys charged with (j, and Ileal Kslate llrokef, Olllco over W ebb s Angus Tonijilcton shows a curiosity Wcdncsdiiy niorning. These attacks eon Smith ot Fowlcrville, under dale BUiiBuoo KloruKli , iMasun, Mlcli. stoning C, A. Monroe's liouse was con• in the slitipc of a gosling witli I'liiii come upon liiiii iiboutevery six months f June .Gbli, states fcliab they liiivc dc tinued for two weeks on account of OHN IWNSIiAGK, Heal tolalc and Loan licdiil extroinities. It was a lively ind lasb about four days. Tliey are Agent, Main HI., soiilli of lio.slolUce Mason. ided fco I'cfcui'n to England and will Vandercook & Rice, little fellow, too, and only two days d i 111 eu I fcy i n go fcfci ng a j u ry. Ji'rcd Mc- J the result of spinal fever. probably embark from New York July Keevei', one of the boys implicated, INSURANCE. old when we saw him Monday inoriiiiig: Over llfty liorses are now working 25bli, and bliey arc making prepani- entered a plea of guilty, CASH GROCERS. A. HAHNHS, Niiliiry ami Coiiveyaiiciir, I.oaii, During the summer Postiniister 111 on the ti'iick of the Liinsing Driv- fcions now.^, He desires fco sell a piano Iiisiiraiiceand Collection Agent. Toriiadn AVilliam AV, Monroe of Lansing was J Bemcnt will keep the olllce open Sat- ig Club, The track is in elegant which can be seen afc fclie residence of nsuraiice a speeiiilly. Olllce at residence. Mason. irrested at Grand Rapids last Tliurs- tii'diiy evenings until eight o'clock condition, every crevice caused by the IT. L. Cliapin on South sfcreefc. lAUMKits' MUTUAL KUtl': INSUUANGI' diiy charged wifcli bigamy. One of his Cnnipanyor liigli.iiii ciinnty. Safes , clieap standard time. This is done forthe heavy rains having been lllled and F lid bi^sl. Tor liiferniatlon write toO. I;. Jill alleged wives declares that he deserted Mrs. Sam. Reed oC North Aurellus est and Mason. It. .1. Hiilleii, iiresldeiil acconimodaLion of people fi'om the nicked, Sliade trees have been set ler, secrelary her lasb February and married a Greeii- was very pleasantly surprised last Fri• j^s the Summer thaws out Mason. country. iloiig the lii'st turn and home stretch, ille woman the following April, day evening by iter many relatives and the thirst of niaa DENTIST. Notice of towiLsliip caucuses under IS well iisoii both sides of the entrance Iind friends from North Aurellus and Apcfcition, signed by a large number do wa.\ much hard the law must be posted in three places, rive and in a few years it will be Holt. Mrs. Reed was bhe recipienb of K lIUNnl'HlSON,!). U.S. OlllceoverIbwvn f depositors, has been pi'cSciifced to . llros.' sboe sloro. Mason. lif.yl and live days prior to the caucus. niidsome siiot indeed. line seb of dishes, being presenfced Then comes the time C udge I^i'son asking tliiib a grand jury Deinoci'iitic town committees iittetid AVe wish to announce to tlie public by Jlr. and Mrs. N. T. Rped, Mr, and be called to investigate the allairs of when he should remember the to this; iilsi), send your notices to tlie that we iirc prepiircd to do undertak- JIi's. n, P, Reed and Mrs, If, JI, Aiis- the Central Michigan Savings Bank, jWighiganCTentrai DK.MociiAT for publication. iig cheap as lli'st-clii.ss work can all'oi'd. paeli of Edgerfcon, Ind., S. Uced being Cool place and Ice Cool Ginger The .Tudge said tliat this petition was " The Niagara Falls Route." AVe have a complete new set of em- coniiecfccd wifcli fchc surprise. A vory Does your horse need wliipiiing? If perfectly proper and that, ab fclie pro• sou'riiWAlili. Alc, Cherry Phosphate, Ice Cream .so, 0. .1. Miller will .sell yon a whip, ilining tools, the best money can buy, pleasant time was had. Collcc and 10;'J0p.m. per time, fclie grand jury will betJidlcd, ' Mason !):',iOa.ni. ailBp.m. AVe have also remodeled our licarse to ike was served. Jackson ... 10-il -lllfi Ih'JO and oll'crs you a large stock from which Soda they get from that Arctic lo select. Luciitioii on Asli street In the latest style. Everything bright BcrfcLali'arge wasart'estcd this morn• .liMlp.ni. !i;00p.lll. 7:10 a.m. Reporfcs come from oblicrsbafccs fchafc •' Chiciigo Hid clciui. Give us a call. ountain at Hotel llortoti block. I-Ius a Hue stock ing by Olllcer Esselsfcyn on a telephone fclie iipple crop will be idinnsfc .''i fcofcal Delroil llil.lp.in. liilljp.ni. 7:l5a.ni. Yours truly, of single and double light driving from Jfason asking fclint fclie man be I'ailut'c this year. In Jlicliigan pros• St. Tlioinas. lli'JOp.ni. ih'.;op.iii. 12;r.5 11.111. larness. -* JIASON FuilNlTUIlli! Co, held for abducfcion, LaFiirgc w.as ac• pects are briglifc for a good crop if care ongyear's- A'iag. I'-alls. .•iilSa.nl. 5:18 .| ;'.'2 p.lll W, L, CiiKNiiY, Funeral Director. companied by a six-year-old boy which M. ,1. Murray is much pleased with is taken of the fcrecs, Jiisfc now the i KOKTinvAnn. his patronage at the Donnelly House The SO miners afc the Corunna soft lie stated lo Republican reporfcer was linker worm is a pest tiuit is working • Mason 5:27 a.m. 11:50 a.m. 5:30 p.m. lill mines have returned to work iit an is own Child, He says that his wife among various orcliards, fcliey may be I.ansliig.... 5:10 12:12 51.55 thus fill'. His opening lasb Monday CO Star Drugstore. vance nf TO cents per ton over tlieir ind three children live at Mason, enidicafccd by spniying'and all farmers- Owosso 11:;)- Al', 1:00 7:11 was greeted with more than a page on id\ i.iii. ni. 2:20 p,ni. his register. He is rceeivini- many former wages. The miners arc also while he is working in a mill abPofc- are urged, I'or their own llnanclal They sell more Drugs and Bay Oily.. Si.TO •I:,'i5 p.m. 0:25 compliments on his manner of con• protected by an agreement with tlie rvillc, and was on his wiiy there Ijenellt, Lo give fclieir fcrecs proper ab- ' Oladwbi.. ••.0(1 7:00 ducting the lioiisQ. compiiny tlmt in case the Illinois mill• when arrested. He had been over to benbion. The following formulas are Sundries than some folks sell Hay Mackinaw '•iMp.lll . 0:65 p.in. t 1^ 's receive more than Si'i cents per ton ason to got one of his children to reporbed as good for blieir desfcni.ebion: at their Store, • ' 0. W. IttninMSS, Tliomas .7. Titinama, a .lapanese tliey will be paid the same. Last sum• like back vvifcli him to Potterville,— Bordeaux mixture—copper sulphate .M, ,1, M L'RitAV, flcn, I'ass, & Ticket AgU Ticket Agent, Mason, Chicago, student of Albion College, will spcjik mer the miners worked but three days State Republican, iMay SIsfc, four lbs,, fresh lime (uiislacked) biiree on "What Cliristianity luis done for week, but stiirting the mine now has Thos, .1. AVildey, who has had cliargc lbs,, water 32 gallons, Paris green- Arrested a Deserter, .Tiipan and Mc" at Eden, Sunday, .Tunc abled the coal company to secure a lai'gc sfcring of horses in fciiis vicin• Paris green onelb,, fresh lime (slacked) Tlicodoro JI, Meevis was arrested by 10th, at 11:00 a. m,, and at ITousel contracts which will give the miners ity tills spring, leffc^Mondity with live fchi'ce pounds, wafcer 250 gallons, BUSINESS LOCALS. Olllcer JIcKale yestcrtlay on a warrant school house at ;!'.00 o'clock the, same steady work all suinmci'. The mine is Ills sfcring for .liickson, where he will A poor deluded fellow from near St, issued by tlic United States t'ovcrn- iiy. He will appear in native dress. iking out -JO tons of coal per day. track them for a fow days and then Attention, LndleH and Sir Kuighti*. Louis came bo Leslie Tuesday night, The Ladies and ICiilglits of the Maccabees aro Ijcnt, cliargint' liini witli desertion .13ert Lofai'ge, charged with being he Union Mine AVorkers have assured ip them to Ohio, where they iire all on an errand such as occasionally a leetfiitly rwiuoslcd to meet at their respectlv* from tlie U, S, Army. Tlie arrest was drunk and disorderly and of whom . Js on SiiiKhiy, .Iiine loili, iii!);;iO o'clock ,a, ni. the operatoi's they would not be inter• tered fornicescarly in June, Tlie list husband is liable to go. He carried a loeiUUnie and after iolnlng, toinarcli in a body maiJencarDiiiuinclalcaaerliotacliasc, mention is made in another column, fered with as the mine is a small one. comprises Daily News, NinaAV,, Jes• to attend divino services at the M. IC, clitircli. revolver, the handle probruding from Further all Liidles and Knights of the Macca• and actini,' under the warrant the olll• has a triid before .Tustice Ferguson sie R,, Darling and George K,, and arc Henry G, Lewis died nt his late resi• his pocket, and asked the assistance bees are cordially iiivilod to atleiid a banrpiet t« cer will take his prisoner to Ii't."Wayne, today, T7erc would be a llrst-class ''- given iliein nt Armory Hall on Jloiulay ovoii- dence at the corner of Lenawee and promising a string of trotters as of JIai'shiil Bolton, bo locate his betber Ing, ,hinolltb,at8o'I'eloc( k incal time. "near Detroit, tomorrow and turn liim subject I'or the whipping post. This 0. .1, HOOD, 11, IC, Sycamore streets, Saturday afternoon, er left a little bcrg.^likc Stockbridgc, half, who he thought was domiciled .pver to the commander oC the fort. A is the only remedy that will reach his i\rason , No, 10. ot diabetes, Mr, Lewis was for forty AVe wish them success, and arc confi• ata certain house in Leslie, Tho cir• case. JorHoy RiiU forSnlo, •reward of $00 was oll'ered for the de• dent they will meet it under their cumstances were tearfully related Lo years a resident of Lansing, He was Tborougbbred, Two years old, serter's arrest, The state board of ciinvassci's last born in Liverpool, Ohio, in 1838, and careful training,—Stockbridgc Era, bhe olllcer, and next day the two pro• 23wJp . 0, HiyiCLBr, Holt, > Mccvis joined the regulararmy aboub Friday afternoon completed the rccah- was a brother of thecclcbnitcd humor• Live stock insurance is a thing'of ceeded to make termswibh the runaway Good, Young Borso Wiintodi flveyears ago. In July, 1890, he dcsert- viLss of the ISfll attorney general's sal• ist and nevvsiiapcr writer, C, B, Lewis, woman. She was found at the sus• Must weigh 1,300 lbs, and bo a good worker, the past in the Wolverine stafce. Coin- 23wlp G, Kkllows, Mason. '• cd,.but surrendered shortly alter. He ary amendment as ordered by the better known as ''M, Quad," Mr, pecbcd place, and consented to an in• Issioner Giddings-refused to renew Oliirli lioiiHO. was a 'recalcitrant patriot, and had supremo court. As predicted, the cor• terview, but didn't-hesitate to tell Lewis leaves a family consisting of tlie license of the Central Michigan Biggest and best feed barn In the city and good plenty of trouble. In I89I, he knocked rected count shows amendment failed Mrs, AV, A, Parsons, Miss Nellie M, Live Stock Insurance Company, for• him "she hated the ground he walked llvory attaclieU, W, II, Or.Auic & Son, Props, down a ,soldier and escaped from the to carry by just 40!) votes. The totals Lewis and Harry and Arthur Lewis, merly of Oliveb but now of Detroit, on," She appeared to be cooing with 'Cor iriuo iTurnlturo, guard house. Since his second escape were, for, Ri),248; against, 09,051, - Mr, Lewis served tlirec years in the and that he would in a.few days apply another man, but the seeking husband Callftt F,L,STR0UD'a. helms been at large. ollored to condone all if she would only The county olllccvs of the W, C, T, U, war of the rebellion and was one of fco the proper court for the appoint• AU ktndii ot LaddorHi IVindow Screens Three months ago Meevis, whose return home. But she balUed all ad• for the coining year are; President, the original members of the Franklin ment of a receiver to wind up the iif- And Screen Doors mado and for sale by 0, r. parents reside in this city, was arrest- vances, and the poor fellow returned Osborn, on AVost street, Mason, gitl Mrs. S. M, Bowerraan, Wllli.amston ; lodge of the Royal Arcanum, Tlic fairs Of tho Farmers' and Horsemen's by Constable IiIcKalc for the larceny home without her. To the olllcer lie I'cctu'dlng secretary, Miss Ida Van• funeral will be held at the house to• Live Stock Insurance Company of JaokoonStouoOraln TUo .a' tent. He was convictcjjl and scii- morrow afternoon at throe o'clock, said he was married to her, then a And Sowor Plpo of all sizes on hand and for gala Slykc, Mihson ;cori'esponduigsecrct.ary, Ypsilanti, which has also. In his opin• by J, W,OnAriN,JSden,Miclj. ntind to Co days' imprisonment in the grass widow, April 8, and she finally Mrs, R, M, Porter, Williamston; treas• local timo, Eev. A. S. Badger will' ion, outlived its usefulness. With letrolt House of Correction, from deserted him April 17, in the mcan- The greatest worm destroyer on urer, Mrs, .T, W, Bailey, Leslie, The olllciabe. The service will be under these two companies disposed of, the /hlch iiistitublonh'o has but recenbly tlmo havhig left him three dlflercnt earth is Dullam's Great German 'Worm oce\ri'clciiscd".-Liinsing^^ \ "cxt county convention will held in the auspices of thoRoyal Arcanum of j business of insuring live stock. In times.—Leslie Local-Eepublican. , Lozengcrs, only 25 cents per box. For 31st. • ' DaDSvlIlc.—Leslie Local-Eepubllcan. North Lansing.—State Ecpublican. ' Micliigaa will be at an end. sale by Halatgacl &i Sop; IT, II. MaB^, TllOOrS OALLKO OUT. Ponce ot Colorado, Simpson is so RUIN BY THE FLOODS. DEATH IN THE DARK. NEWS OF OUR STATE. INGIUM COUNT? DEMOCRAT. weak that It was necessary to carry him Thoy Move Apralnut; tho Minors nt C»n- aboard the car. nelshurs:, IniL It Is a Lottery. Washington (Ind.) special: The GREAT HAVOC WROUGHT IN THE HORRIBLE WRECK OF A WISCON ITEIVIS OF INTEREST TO MICHI- The United States Court of Appeals MASON, MIOH. situatioii hoi'o as regards tlio striking FAR WEST. SIN CENTRAL TRAIN. GANDERS. coal minors is vory serious. Thoro aro has handed down a decision in the •001) miners now at Caniiulsbnrg, ton case of tiio LJiiilod States ag.iinsD Iho ollicoi's of tho Guai'iintoo Invostmont miles oast of this city, and they liav/3 Miiny Tax Titles Are Worthless-IJay City compollod condiiotoi's on tbo 11 it O. Company, who wcro pi'osoclitod in the Rajjlnir Torrent of 'Wiitor Sweopa IUvffry- Six Poraona Aro nfnnslod nnd Burned to Unitod Stales District Court at Chi• Mny Have Hiiril CamiMilKn ABalnst feom; every cornee Soiilliwostorn to sidoli'ack forty cai-- tlilMK lloforolt lu tho Vanoouv«r Ro|j:lon Death iind u Muoli LarRor Number Sort loads of coal in transit from Cincinnati cago on the chargo of conducting a Small-roi—Hard Tlinoa Anionir Mlehl- ~TlinuHiuidH Aro XionioloHB ancl l*roporty to St. Lonis. They havo durailod lottery. Tbo decision of tho lower ously Injured—I'lro Adds Its Terrors to i;aa 'Wholeaulors. tlii'oo cars, upset'ono, and torn court that tbo Guarauteo invest• Losg Win Roach Mllllous. the StruifgllUB Survivors. OF THE WORLD THIS FRESH ment Company is a lollory was af• 11]) tho track on each sido of the Shnrlcs Are IfU; Ai;itin, coal cars. SlicrilT fjOinlnir served firmed and tlie sonlonccs imposed NEWS WAS GLEANED. Fraser Valley n Seiu Swlteh •\Viis Tainporod With. Under n decision of tho Supi-emo injunction papers upon thom, bnt no on tho olllcers by .Iutigo Grosscnp ap• Terrible dostruction has boon The St. Paul limited southbound Court, In tho caso of li'owlcr vs, Camp• alteiilion was paid to him, He then proved. George I\l. McDonald, Itio bell ot al,, rolutlvo to tlio sale of iunas tolograpliod the Governor forlroons. I'l'osklont, was soiilonced by .ludgo wrought by the Hoods in tho Fi'ozor train on tho Wisconsin Central Bail- indiiinit Miners Fire nn ii Coal Train wIMi The Caiinelsbiirg minors aro aidod iiy Grosscnp lo pay a lino of .*I,U1)0 and to Valloy and throughout tho ontiro Van- road, which passod Marsh old at 1:0 In Alunisleo Cjunly for dolinquent WliielieHiers—iMCllanaiiollH Hank Wreelt- miners from this city and Montgoiii- servo tbo Govornmont foi' nluvcn coiivor rogion. Thousands of familios a. m. mot with a horrible accident tnxos, bund ods of tiix t.tlos secured at iiioiiths in jail. F. W. Swuariiigen, the sales for taxes ot la.'^'i to iSilO, both (irHJteeelve Tlieir .Seiiteiiee—Tlie Uretfoi) ory. have boon roiidorcd horaoloss, many which has njvor loan eriunlod in tlio •Secretary, and W. H. .Slovun.son, inclusive, aro invalid, Tho salos for Uleetloii-HIiiieis .Shot, lJuwii. lives wero lost, whllo tho loss of pi'op- mdianaiioiis s|}Coial; The Govornoi' tlio Treasiii'or, woro each lined Northorn Wisco.isln, and adds an tber tho years monlioncd woro mado under imiiiodialoly oi'dorod ySdjulant-Gun- bill llio two liillor paid tlioir linos long erly will roach into tho millions. Tho long list of victims through disastorr tlie general tax law ot lo.'i!', wnich pro• WITJI JlirLHS oi'iil Kobbinslo niobilizo uiiio compali- iUfO luitl aro not concerned in llio de• known, nor will it bo foi' sovoral days,iis of this kind. Si.x persons aro dend, and vides in section 5i that the piibfica- of troops at Caiinelsbiirg iimoiuil- cision rondorod. full o.xtQiit of tho calamity is not yot from fifteen to twenty i ro injured, tion of notice of salo shall i o oqulva- Indiana Slrlkiii); I\Iliiiii'H .Stoji ii Cnal Train, iiig 1,0 about ."iilO tnon, 'i'ho four uoni- tho watol'H aro still rising, Ihroaloning somo of thom fatally, I''ollowing Is a lont to poi'sunal service of nollco on all panios, ,ono colored, of the Socoiiil and porsons not por.-omilly served, '.riie A spouiiil from Tcrro naiilo, ditlod Ttu, i'iior Dellnd. ovon groator havoc. Two thousand list of thoso killod outright. Third /ogimouts of tliis cily, woro in- (i]iinidn, however, doclaros that this Wednosdiiy, siiys; Tho wlltaost ro cliulod in thodi'tlur and thu coiiiiiiiiiios families lionioloss and a property loss lUdELOW, JuuBO.v, brakonian, Stevens, Tndlitnapolls spocial; Tlio sli'iking section must bo coii.tracd in Cdniiec- ports como fi'oin'lhe Sliolbul'ii District ill Aiidorson, Grooncastlo, Ain'ora, iiiiiioi's ai'o holding mootiugs and slop- of .'ii;t,00O,(;O0 is tho ostlmalod rosult up Point, Wl.i UosLEH, Oliveii, uowsboy, Slovens Point, tion with soctiun 5,1, wliich iirovidos of troublo Willi tlio slrilcini,'' iiiiiiors. Now Albany, itnd .loll'or.sonvillu wol'o liiiig ti'iiins, and liiivu c.xpi'ossud tlieir to the tiniu this is M'rilton. Tho r vor W1-. that tho subp una shall bo survod per- Company 13, ol tbis city, of tbo l''li'st also ordurud out. A train was jil'ovia- iiilclitinii of ignoring IJio mandatu con• rose ten inches al Woslminstor Thurs• CEniiAiiOT, GEonnB, llrenian, Slovens si nnlly upon the delin uonl taxpayer, .l.icL'iiiicnt, ifldiana i^ogion, was duo 0(1 by tho J?'uiin.sylvitnia Coiniiaiiy and tained in tlin proclamation ofGovornor day, and from points farthor up oomo Point, Ula if ho can bo found in tho Stato. in homo from Caiiiiclbiii'tr at 'li'hj tliis the ti'oops loft iii'iinoilialoly. 'I'lioy will Waltlicws. Ills proclamation has boon rouorls that tho rivor is nearly two lIuuiiAiiD, .lAMiiS, ongliioor, Stovons tho case decided, the delin ,uont own• cvoninir, but bad not arrivod at mid- halt at Mitclioll until daybruiik in recuivcd with laughter and scorn for foot higher lliau has ever boforo boon Point, WI.S. ers lived in Michii^nn, though not In niglit, boiiiir filoiiped along with Com• orilor lo provont accidolil by track oli- tlio "kids," meaning lliu militia, known. Tho valloy for JOO miles has liusSELL, WILLIAM B., railroad survoyor, iVJnnistoo County, but no olfort what• pany K in tlio .Sliolblirn District to si'ilctiou. The men nro fully cr|nip]iud it is hnowii that llio Govornor beuii inundalod. So groat has boo Mliwiiukoo. ever was mado to gut p •rsonnl sorvico assist tl'oups thoro in cojiing with for a wook uf liold lifo, Thuy aru has no iiiouoy in tho conliiig'inl tlie dosti'iiction lliat ocean sleaiuor WAONErt. Mus. ,7oiiN. Butte, Mont. on them, l^or this loason the court tbo diiiitiii'lianoos of tho sirilcing iirinod with ,S]]ring(iold rillos. nriga- fund to moot thu u.xiiciisus of viutiiiil- passing in lliroiigb the straits of Sa Tbo train, which was in chargo of hold tho doods Invalid. In tho acts iiiinofs, wlio seem to bc ou tlio vurgo diur-Gonoral Hoss is in acting coiii- ling a lai'go body of inilltianiou and Juan no I'lica aro oncoiinloring lloating Conductor Gavin and was made up of subsequent to ISiP, no provision for of dusporatloii. Tho tronljlo at Cnii- mand, but Ad.julanl-Gunoral Kobbins sciiiling lliom into tbo coal pi'odiu;iiig roofs of lioiiSBs and barns and innum seven coaches and slcopors, loft Ab• pei'soual service is mado. nolbiirg is ovor, Ailjulaiit General accompanies tbo troops. Govoriiol' counties lo suppress lawlos.snoss, Tlio Matllicws' ofilor incliuloil one for all orablo can asses of hogs, sheep and bott's .Ford behind limo, and while liobbins having brohon eaiii)i there, Ciovoruor, liowcvor, says it is not a tho conipanius in tbo .Stalo to bo ready cattle thill havo jm.'-sod ont through running at (Ifty milos an hour struck a SoldlerK* i>Inniitiieii(; Unveiled. and tlic entiro li'onblo is now centered aiioslioii of siionding monoy, but of uii- in rosorvo for instant iiioliill/.alion, lllo l''ra-:ei''s iiioutb with othor dobr dofoolivo spill switch at Miinnvlllo, a The most striking foiit'iro in tho ob- at Sliolblirn and adjacoiit counti'v. loi'ciiig tlic law, and bo will sponil fi'om llio viilloy, de.sortcd station, derailing tho ontiro servanoo of Mo'iiorial Day in tbo Stato Tlio fruiglit train crew on tho lOviilis- every cent iu tho treasury if noccssary. IliATHU—lOiglil companios of the Tu- train and piling engine and cars in a was the unvol.ing al Gl and l.hipids oC villo anil Torro Haiitu road, duo hci'o diitna militia, lud by .•\tljiilanl Genoral Stoitinoi'.s ffc'itn tho rivers and Paget hoap of broken timbors. To add lo tho monumnnt at at (i o'lilock this evening fi'oni tliii.yiiel- Bobbins and Slioriil\Lciiiing, of Daviess All Took I'oisiMi. Sound arc still boing pressed into th tho horror, tho ontiro mass was soon tho So.diofs' 1 fomo. biirti district, did not ari'ive till Ji:HU County, inai'chud into the milling town Dorlin spocial: Carl ScciTor, a mas- work,of resctio. Though no livos hav in a sheet of names, which, mingled In I Iio morning a to-night, and tliu story tlioy toll is a of Cuiiiiolsblifg at li o'clock Mon• tor ]iainler, wilh his wifo and four with the groans and crios of tho in• para:lo was g von llil'illing ono. Thuy wcru liatiliiig live day morning, tlio special li'iiiii licen lost thol'O havo boon many nar cliildrcn, cominlltcd snicido by taking jured, mado a scene that torrlflod the down ilown, with an loads of coal iioiiiul for Torre llaiito, having beeii side-tracked ono row oscapes and thrilling cxperioncos, (jyatiido of iiolassium. All tbo si.'c un- hearts of the bravest. nd.iross by I''rod tlio militia hcing ii littlo alicad inilo oast of the villaifo and each Matiy fiiniilios havo boon driven from forliinato persons woi'o fotind doad, /\. Mayiiard, and on itnolhur train, whun siulilunly of thu companiL'S having Iboir guns their housos. Ono sloiimor bl'ougl Nuiiilier of Killod Not Known. and a papor signed by llio whole fam• then ovory lino W014 aliout two milos from ii'iirtnorsbiirg, an loaded and thoir liiiyonots li.xcd for a ;iOV soltlol's from Now Wostminsto Accordintf to the dispatches about ily, showed that thoy had all coiisoiit- to tho homo. Do- itriiied body of itiiiiers iloscoiiiled Irom charge should sncli itclion bo iioces- Into Thui'sday night. At many points fifty pa^songo s wore in tl e train. Un- 0( to die by iioisoii. Thu cause ol tho purlmoiitCcinniantl- a hill and at tbo puiiil of vVlncliosturs sary. 'I.'lioy I'otiiui but few slrikors In tliero is groat dostitiition among th cor di,ectuin of Division Super.ntcn wliolosalo suicidu was thu fact lliat er Karitz prosiilod comnollcd tlio oiigiiicuf to run the l.lio nelgliboi'liuoil, as, on Iho ap|iro:icli luckless soUlors who havo ilcd from dont Horn, who bapi'onod to be on tho Soogcr was witliont moans, on account at tho unvoiling, coartrain up a siding onto tliu coal of the troops, tlioy dispersed. Tho thoir lioinos. At the Salmon Bivo north-bound plissongol', a speoial train of his fitilitro lo (;olloct moiioy duo lilm and Soct'i-'tary of briuieli. Siinultaiiuously a briilgc on siile-t racks wore full of coal cars whicli solllomont, whoro tile walor is to was litt'jd up and loft fo.'Stevens Point for work dollo upon somo now uuihl- State Wabiilgton tlio brancli lino was sut on lire, and tliu niililia hulped lo niovo. feot doun on iho Hat, miiiiy familios at 7 o'clock bearing the remains of ings. Gardner do Ivbrod llio oiigino artur luavlng tbo coal, bad aru huddled logothor on 'the liigl Engincor Hublia.d, Fironian Gouhardl and Biisscll nnd a pas cngoi'. Whon tho iuLli'oss, Tho to run tliroilgli a bla/.iiig lire of tho Jlrowiie Appeals to.liislieo field. lands anil living on ono scanty meal wousn AM) woiwi:. the brdy of 13igolow, tho bo d bl'ak linoiiumontisof Ba,t- liiiiboi's lo got lo tlio main ti'itclc. Two day. Tho I'osciiiiig sloanioi's havo no- Wasbingloil siiccial: Carl Browne man, was rooovorod it had a wa cb ill rogranlio oighloen shots wuro lii'cd at llio ciib lint gloctod tlicm to care for othoi-s who riielilo Hi liiu IMnrcy ora llii^liif:; Torrent. has sonl a Ictlur to .ruslicc l.''iold of ono hand and a liinlorn on an arm. feot high, nnd cost!r2,5i0. It is .sui'- iioltlicr tile eiigiiieor or liromitn iiro in grentor danger. Kvory effort is Puublo special: Tlio cloiidliurst the .Sitpreiiie Coiirl, askiiiL'' bis rolcaso mouiiled by t,ho lignro of a votoran wcru liiirt. Tliu procuudlngs wore bu Mannvillo, t' o scone ot tho accident wliicli selll a vast tol-roril of water fi'oiii Uic District jail, claiming that ho boing miulo to relievo tbo Iloud sull'or soldior 0 feot ,S incl o-i in iioight, ohis- lo ail ainaziiig tlcgrue, itlniosl ilildi was onco a lively sawiiiill own, but of down lliu viilluy and into tills cily, is ilelainud ttnlawftilly tlioro, .Iilsliilo Qi'.s, but fiicilitios and moans aro ut• olod from a solid block. The shaft is tho oycs (if the iitilitiji. Tliu trouj lato voai'3 has gradually s nk to iicth citiisod many (Icallis and renduroii wido- i'Muld turned the iiiipei's ovor to the terly inadoquato lo moot the demand, ,'i foot sauni'o an I -I fuel 10 iiichos high, cliargud liaukbnl tliu iniuers rutrualei ing, until n w all lhat re ' nils is a lou siiroad dcstructiun. '.I'liu work uf clerk witliont comtnont. Koiirosenla- Tho C'anacliali Pacilic has i,iiOO mon at and boars tho inscription: to the hills, li'tinr of thu luiidurs wui scat;erod bnildings. inuring tho forost rescue had just begun, whon a reciir- livu 1 Itiilsfiii had been pruparlngawrit work rouairing ils tracks, but ilio llood ai'i'CHlud. Tim latest, al nililniglil, Hi-cs last full iho djpot i iirncd, and rcncu of lliu Mood citusoil a siisponsioii of hitbuas corpus in lliu caso of tho is breaking it faster than thoy can pos that tbo iiiililia aru ready al a mo aboul all thai is loft t.i mark tho place ' ' ' ' Iu iiomory of tho I of tliu work, and it is foarctUbat many iliiprisoticd Co.veyitos, but was fore• sibly nicnti it. Press dispatches givon ; Soldiers and BallerH who li'onitht I muiil's iiuticu fur an ailiick and 111 is a heap • f bui nod ruli sand a numb n feoilius which wore wiisliod away aiul stalled by i^rowii'c's action. below toll ot tho destruction by tho : In tho War ot the Jlohtlllon, I grualust u.xuiluiiieiil prevails, 'l.'lie of s do tracks. Tho accident oicllrrod : isiu-isM. ; niulur (lubris will novor bo i-ocovureU, llood throughout llio Northwest. at tho first swit h. whoro a supposed • » railroad coiii|iiiny is trying lo rejiair (•iisolinn I'^xpiosion. Spokane, Wash.—Fnrlhor jiarticu llio bridge. Suveiit.y-li vu I'uclofllio uasl approacli broken ' bar caused ii swl ch to open Below the shaft on the front of the lo the I'ourlh sli'ucl vUiilncl lias caved VVIilimii Aiii'oll, a toamslur, .IO years lars ot tho flood which dostroyod the sulliciontly to dorail tho train. The inililiiry aiithorilius have i.'om third base is the Michii.nii coatof al'ms ill. Tho west bank of lliu Arkansas at of ago, cmiiloycil liv tho Ivuv'sto.io town of Conconully have been received Alter I'oiiviiig the t tick tho train jilaiiicd lo lliu'Clovernorofthetiiiiidily ill bronzo, and on Ihj soconil baso aro Ibis point is lieiiig rapidly eatun away ih'uwlng Cuiupaiiy, was dolivoring in iuldition to tho llood in tbo creek, plowed along i.vor Iho ties for a dls- mill iliiconipuluiicv of the ,'3liurilT tho words in iiiisod otters, "Michigan by llio angry walurs. Thu liiiiiclrod hour at 'J.\{) Ohio stroot, Alleghenyclotid-bnrs t occiirrod, iucieasing the tanco of lon rods and Ihon t-ipplod and Sullivan Coiiiily, and il is said lin Soldioi's'Homo." '.L'ho baso is 7 foot 8 tlion who wuro |)iil thoro lo fortify tliu Cily, i'a. Wliuti AuruU onlorod tho vohiino of water into a raging tc^rent roll-d ovor, thooiigii.e and londor go- Iho (ioveriior luis reinuvoil the .Sliuri iiicliei s-|uare and rost.-i on a solid foun• bank iiavo thus far |)rovud ituotpial lo cullar and slriick a liglit, a torriblu l'",vui'ything W!is swept before'tho llood, ing into tho ditch and tho cars piling itnd askuil the .liidgo of the Circiii dation of niasjiiry. Tlie inonumont lliu task. explosion of gasolino occurred, wreck• Trees, houses, and rocks camo down on lop of each otlior. All wero soo;i Court toiiiipoiiila puiicoollicur tbroiigh stands in tbo Homo Cemotjry, whieh Grave fears al'O e.^iircsscd for twelve ing the building and burning Aui'oll upon the town, whoro tlicy lodgsd sut on firo from thu stoves. Irom out wlioiii (lucisivo action may bo liikun. is laid out in tbo form of a maltose families of BC|iialtci's un an island down lurribly, Il is believed that his in• forming a jitra flfloon feot liigli at of this langlbd muss mon and womon cro s. In the noi'lhwost cori.o.' uf tho thu l'ivur, Tlicru is no muaiis of rfticli- juries are fatal. pl.acos. Nothing is loft. When tho who woro lucky not to bo pinnod down grounds. Another notab 0 event was Tlie Collins Rei-elvi' Their Senleiu'e. iiig lliesu puoplu at jiruHunl. llood was within half a milo of town crawled, many' making wonderful es• tho laying of the oornor stone of a h. A. ColHii, 1', C. Collin, and Alliorl Tlie cittitslroplic, similar to the Uprising; ill Korea. every ono lied lo higlior land. Outside capes, $iO0,ObU city hall at Bay City. S. I.^uod, the convicluil bank lodlur,- ,Iolinslown horror uf four years ago, Orders havo boon sent by the Navy iiid is necessary, Tho loss is com- Hocoivor Howard Morris and Sidney wei'u ai'i'itignud in llio Fudunil Court 1111(1 fCiiiarK-ablo from liaviiit,''occurred Depai'lmunt to tho IJnitoa States ploto, as thoro was no chance lo save riirscli, a liuslno.-is man from Ironwoud, lidtter Was Forged. III liidiaiiapdiis for suntcucu. The clu 011 tbo samu day, has ;,iitturlv ifds- Steamship llalliinore, now at Nagas• ]n'0])0'.'ty. ocoiipicd tho compiiiiy's business car, Sarah E. Chamberlain, who makes fensu, led by u.\-Allornuy Gununtl Ifaled thu cili/.ens and paralyzed Jiisi- aki, .fapan, lo sail ill onco for Chemul• Portland, Ore.—Tho Upper Cohim wliich did not got into the hoap aud tho sensational claim for $2 ',0 0 In the Mlllor, mado a desperate ullorl lo so iiuss. Tlio pi'opoi'ly lusa will'lio aboul po, ICorca, lo protect American inter• bia continues to riso. Union Pacific (-sca])od dcstrnctlon b,'biiriiini-, Tbo will of old Mosds W. Whoolook, has, euro a now trial, Init faileil. l.'Vanci *(il),()00. Both the Arkansas and li'oiin- est thuro, advices to the Stato Dopart• affairs are in a dopiorablo conaition. rear sleeper and iho business car alono loft for hor homo In Watertown, S. D. Collin got Ion yuar.s and l.^orcival Coilin litin rivui'.s aru rising rapidly and rain mont stalinir that tlioro is danger of Colorado Towns Swept Away. camo out pnictically unharmed, Sho siiys she 0 rrospondod regularly' is fitlliiig in lorruiits. live years, wliilo Kuod, who was iiioroly ail uprising of tho uiitivos. Rouldor, Colo.—Tho pipe factory, Canan of thu T«rrlliln Disaster, with Whoclock, and tlioy nore ongagcd, ^ n tool of the Collins, Wiis roioasud on five housos, tho railroad tracks and al to bo married. One nay she rocoivod .suspoiidoil sunleiico, iiiurcy being Kxi'i.iisioy. Toole the Rabies. the city and railroad bridges have General I\lanagor Whitcomb said of a letter purporting lo bo from him, sliown in liis caso. Tlio iiiiibiiioiis been washed away by tho llood in Boiil tho accident and tho possi lo can o: J, M. Bawling ot .faclcson Countv, saying ho bad concluded to break the young Collins gitiiieil thu conliilunco ol A \oiiiiK Child i'l'rislies In the Flninos. dor Crook. Poverty Flats is sul> Tho i-plit svilch of Ih-j passenger W, Va., died from liydropliohia, aftor ongagomeiit T..o hand writing was. thu aged bank jirusiduiit ttiid secured Tlic wholo rront of it lif|U0i' store on morgod. The Sunset branch of tbo track has ovidonUy loon taiipcrd forty-eight hours sulVoring. Death nut Whoolock's. Mistrusting some• vast sums of money from him on lic- thu ground lloor of tbo doiiblu tene• Giili Road and the Mountain Bond aro wilh, allowing Iho whoe s of iho kico was caiisod by drinlcing milk fi'om a thing, Mrs. t-hamborlain urutoa loiter; tilious values. ment, l^liSulTolk slrcot, Now York, ontiroly gone. Tho towns of Crismiili mot vo tl catch tho point." Do- cow which was sulToring from tho lo tho old man, inctising it in a letter' was blown across the strcot, Flaiuos and Salina, mining camps in Bou uoi i?ct'ibing tho catastropho Mr. Ilirscli rauics. A largo portion of Meiirs and to a friend. WlieoUick was thunder• tViii Cross the Sea Alone. shot up from tbo slor.o and s])road Canyon, havo boon wiped out of e.xist (raid: "Our train was running al .liickson Counties is infustod by mad struck. Ho replied that ho never: llirotigli ovory Olio of thu livo storios the rata of about fifty or si.Mly Capt. Artolph Froilscli nf iMilwaiikco, onc(3. Each had a population of about wrote declining to marry hor. The of tbo' building, and scared tuniinls tlO«S' milos an hour whon the crash camo who projioscs lo cross the Ailaiitic in 200, all of whom aro now bomoloss letter was a forgery. VVhoolock was unable lo escape through tiio blii/.ing and the ti'nin scorned to po inti thirloon-lon schooner, lias arrived at Lynched by a lUob. The total loss in and around Bouklor furious, forthoovi onco wasconclusive, biiU, scramblud on Iho lire os- is estimated at &(),UOu. All tho a honp wilhin a fow seconds. I w.as Biill'alo wilh his littlo craft, the Wina. JcIT Crawford, colored, who mur• llial his corrospdndonce had been in• caiios in thoir nitrlil clothing crops in the St, Vrain Valloy, ono of aslcop in tho next to tho roar sleeper Eo will roiiialn there sovural ilays, ami dered W. P. Blackburn, whito, of tercepted. It is boliovod now lhat the in a wild altcnipt lo escape tho richest grain regions in the Stato, nt the time'and was thrown from my tlion go Ibrongli tho canal Itj Now Bethosda Township, York County, S. heirs will settle with Miss Chamber• -Meyer Dcituhok, a jioor.icwish tail• havo been dostroyod by the llood. berth, as woro all tho other pas• York, (Capt. Frollsch is Duiind for C, last Dccombor, and who was con• lain, to prevent certain disagreeable or, niado a bold tlasli for safety down Fifty bridges botwoon horo and tho sengers. As soon as wo conld scrarablo Slocklioliii and e.^pocts to miiko llio victed at tho rocont term of court for matters being aired in the courts. tho stairs and throiigli the blitzing hall mountains havo boon tarried away outi we found-a terrible slate of allairs, yoyago from Now York in tliirty days. Yoric County and senlenced to bo way. lie staggered into tho street The towns of Copper Ro^k and Sugar Iho baggage, express, smoker, day Miohlgnn lirooors Ank for Time. Hu will bo tbo lirst man to attempt tlu; hanged, was'lynched hy a mob. coach, a business car, and a sleeper wilh bis hair bt'irnud olT his head, his Loaf are gone, tho Prussian nnd Corn- A committee from tho Michigan trip without a coin|)aiiion, but liu savs woro piled on top of eaoh olhoi;, and clollics liurtiod lo a cindorand tho skin ng mills are lloodod, and si.x of thoir Wholesale Grocers' Association was in his boat stcci's so woll that hu will get iroll Downstairs. within a vory fow minutes tho pile was of liis arms and wrists hanging in hugo oiitbuildingB swept down tho canyon. Chioago conferring wilh manufactur• enough sleep in small installiaunts to Goorgo Campbell, ono of the oldest on tiro." wliilo blislurs. IJo was roinoved to Springdalo nnd •Jamestown sutTorod ers and grocers respecting an exten• vcarry him through. residents of Logansport, Ind., loll Courviior i-lospital in awful agony. A gi'oatly. Sovoral ether small towns sion of eredils during tbo continuanco downstairs and sustained injuries illlo later, when the lironian had ar- along the canyon havo boon partly do• Land Seekers' Kxeiirslon, .Tune C. of the present depression. Prosidonti Jllff llebeilioii In China. wliich resullud in his death. rivod and cleared tUo escapes ot choir stroyod. On the above ditto the Chicago nnd W. B. Gould, Of Dotroit, said: "Wo A dispatch from Tion-Tsin, China, slii'ioking occniiants, I'Mro Chief I'rcHS AK«nt Biidly Ifnrt. Erie, Colo.—Coal Creek is on the Eastern Illinois Railroiid w.ll sell tick were well received by tho Chicago eavs that tlio rovolulion in tlio proviii O'Hearn while llirhting his way through rampage, and tho main stroot of this ots at one faro for tlie round trip to people. During thoso times the whole• cos of ICirin and Maiichorai is u.xtond- tho smoke on the third lloor found in The Press Agent for Main's Circus, city is two feet undor water. A soc- Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, sale men are compelled to give long ing greatly. Mounted banditti, armed bod a i-i-yoar-old child namod Lizzie John Pleill'or, wasImdiy hurt at Elyria, tion of track on tho railway is washed South Carolina, Tennessee, Louisiana, credits, and collections aro very slow. wltli repealing rillus, have dofoatud Yager, who was a visitor in tho tene• Ohio, by sloppinjr in front of a passen• out and tho lolograph wires aro down Kentucky, Mississippi, and points in Chioago dealers aro strict business tlio imperial troops in every engage• ment and bud boon forgotten in tho ger train. for half a mile. Boulder Creek and Florida.' Tickets good to return until men and hold us down to the prompt mad rush for tfafety. She was suf• ment and havo occupied sovoral im• TUi<: niARKU'tS. St. Vraln's River are each badly swol• .Tune 25. Stop-overs allowed on going payment ot thoir bills. We havo suc• portant iiosilions, including tho Sai's- focated to death. len. The railroad bod is rapidly wash• trip. For further information apply to ceeded in securing their agreement to ing arsenal, in wliich 1011,000 rilles OUICAGO. City Ticlcot Offlce, 230 Clark street, or CATTLE—Common to Prime.... $3 SO @ < CO ing away. Many families havo boon our requests, and I'eturn home well woro stored. The situation is so alarm• A Town ^Vlped Out. Hoos-ShlpplnB drados 4 00 @ 6 OO compelled to loavo their'homos. Busi• Charles L. Stone, General Passenger pleased with the result of our mission." ing that Viceroy Li hung Chang is HKKEi'—Fair to Choloo 3 OO & i % and Ticlcot Agent, Ellsworth Building, As a direct rosult of the high water Wheat-No, 2Ilod it, &• l!B ness houses aro flooded and stock has gathering a largu force of troops lo in tlio Missouri Biver, which will not COBN—No, 2 37 it il8 boon drowned and growinir crops car• 355 Dearborn street, Chicago, HI. Condition of Itllchlgnn .State liiinlca. ' suppress tho roboliion. begin to rocedo for somo time, the OATs-No.a ai & w ried away. Banking Commissioner Sherwood- on(!o prosperous villago of Winthrop, Rye—No, 2 4I5 & 48 Hutter—Choice Creamery 10 (3) 17 Manitou, Colo.—Business is practie Bods IJlko Oupboarfls. Issued a consolidated statement of the, The Ooloraiio Fiooil, thirty miles south of St. .loseph, on the Koos-Frcsh 0!^;* IQ'.iall y suspeiided and hundreds of men 'The poasents of Brittany have somo condition of the 100 State Banks and Idaho Siirings spocial: The (lamacro Rock Island, Hannilml and St. Joseph, P0T.ATOES—I'or bu 61) & ia are working to save thoir property. strange customs, and ono of tbem is ol three trust companies of Michigan. Missouri I-'acilic, and Kansas City, St. INDIANAPOLIS. by tho llood in this county is estimated CATTLE—Shipping 3 oo & i 60 The stream from Williams Canyon is quito ancient oi'igin," said a.traveler. The aggregate capital stock is $12;-, nt 11)100,000. Tbo storm was tho long• Joseph and Council Bluffs Railroads, HOOS-Choico I.lijht 4 00 0 6 25 rushing ovor Mineral Water Park, ' Many years ago thoir const was visit• 340,665 and tho total deposits $50,175,-i est and most disastrous ever knowii. will soon be wiped oil'tho face of the BHEEr—Common to Prlmo 2 00 (iM OD leaving gravel in place of grass. Tons ed by pirates, who invaded the bouses 987. Tho total savings douosits, $33,-i earth. Winthrop, which was a town >VHEAT-N0. 2 Rod 61 ® 61H On tho mountains instead of rain, si.\- COLN-No. 2 Whito 40 & iOa of earth has boon torn from the pavil and carrlod off nil the monoy and valu• 438,114, show an increase of $1,222,016,, teen inches of foil. Almost all of 1,500 pooplo, has alroady lost half Oats-No. 2 White 37 & 33 lon grounds. .Dynamite has been usod ables they could find. In order to pro• nnd the total curamercial deposits, bridges ovor Fair Creek and tribu• its ponulntion, and as the houses ST. LOUIS. frequently to demolish gorges. The tect themselves in tho future, the peo• amounting to $22,737,87:', an increase of cannot be sold thoy aro bolng torn CATTLE 3 oo & i 00 taries wore dostroyea, some houses noQs 3 oo 0 6 oo water is still rising. ple had an odd kind of a bedstead $1,431,844. The total increa 0 in depos• were washed away and mines Hooded, down and carried into the country. Wheat-No. 2 lied 61 di Hi Palmer Lake, Colo.—The water has made, which looks e.xaotly like a cup• its since Deo. 10,1803, the date of the The work of demolishing the Metho• COBN—No.2 37 (ffl 38 undermined the walls of the large res• board with shelves and a door. On the last report, was $2,05;),8!JJ. Tho items dist Church, a structure which cost OatS-No.2 38 0 37 lower shelf slept the mater of the of loan sand discounts, stocks, bonds and The Oregon Gloetion. BuiTEB—Creamery 17!4(!} Wj ervoir situated at the mouth of Big $10,000 n yoar ago. is now going en, it CINOINNATL Canyon, justabove the village, and it is house and his wife, while the children mortgages amount to •i51J,U&I.nii, an in• The voters of Oregon Tuesday having been sold to a farmer for $50, OATTLK 2 60 ® 4 60 of tho household wero distributed on crease of $1,873,934 since the last re• IIOGS 4 00 0 6 21! momentarily e.xpected to collapse. elected an ontiro Stato ticlcot, two who will uso its material to make a SHEEP 2 oo (9 4 2S The reservoir is 100 feet wide, 9,000 the upper shelves. A small opening port. mombors of Congross, ono Supromo barn. The rivor is new within a few WHEAT—No. 2 Red 61 01 62 feet long, and 20 feet deep. like the port-hole on a steamship was Court .ludge, and full County and mun• Record ot tho Week. feot of it, and it will bo caiTiod away. OOBN—No.2Mlxed...; 41,140 425ii Denver, Colo.—Platte River contin• made against each shelf, nnd covered icipal tickets. Owing to the great ex• Oats—No. 2 Mixed _ _ 40 Farmers who own farms valued at ues to riso, and the peoplo living on with'a wire sieve, which admitted the Five young girls were inducted into tent Of the llood it will bo a wook or RTE-No, 2 62 0 M $8,000 and $10,000 two months ago, are DETROIT. the low ground had to flee for their air. At bod-time the family crept the sisterhood of St. Dominie at St. more bofore full returns are received. without an acre of ground to-day. CATTLE 2 60 0 4 so lives. The railway embankment was into their respect've places, taking Joseph's Hospital at Adrian. It is safe to say the Republicans havo HOOS 4 oo 0 6 2S washed away in places, and bridges their treasures with them, and, look• Two HUNDRED AND EIGHTEEN senior elected thoir entire ticket. SHEEP 2 oo 0 4 oo ItrldRO Wroelcod hy Drnanilto, WHEAT—No. 2 Rod ' 64 were badly damaged. ing the door, slept Avlth a feeling ol law students of the University of Mich• CoBN-No. 2 Yellow perfect security. Many of these curi• Brownsville (Penn.) specinl: Tho 0 Puoblo, Colo.—The flood in Pueblo is igan were admitted to the bar. OATS-No. 2 Mixed 31)4 ous articles of furniture are still to be Strike HottloiL striking coal minors have at last TOLEDO. receding, and no further damage has The H. Witbeck Lumber Company's- found in tho old houses of Brittany, The striko at Cripple Crook, Col., stopped shipments from West Virginia WHEAT—No. 2 Rod 66 boon done. The total property loss, dry kilns at Marinette, with 150,000 Conti-No. 2 Yollow... 0 and are highly prized by curiosity appears to Imve been settled, Tho into this district. Owing to the de• aside from the damage to the railroads, feet of lumber, wero burned. Loss,! OATS-No. 2 Mixed 37 seekers." terms seem to bo that tho owners pay struction at tho State Line Railroad ByB-No.2 61 is thought not to exceed $100,000. $26,000; partly insured. ! BUFFALO. $3 for eiglit houi's work, and may em• trestle, four ears of coal lor R. 0. Golden, Cola—The flood in Char At Whitehall fire destroyed the two- Schmertz & Co., did not arrive and tho WHEAT—No. 1 Hard m Creek caused damage to the amount of Chioago IIornMProTorbs. ploy both union and non-union men. Contf-No. 2 Yollow 43 Btoryand basement store .building of glass iaotory will have to close down. Oats-No. 2 White 42 $20,000 to Cont-'s brewery and other Gamblers do not always dine on Albert Mears and his large warehouse,, ntlners Shot. RYE This is the trestle the strikers threat• 61 Jroperty in this city. Many people game pie. COxlUO feet, and throe hi^h. mL^VAUKEE. lad to loavo their houses. Charleston (W. Va.) spocial: As thi ened to burn sovoral weeks ago. If the WHEAT—No. 2 Spring 66 0 66!4 A SILK hat can't be made to fit o The loss will approximate $10,COO, with PowoUlon minors woro coming from company did net stop hauling West OOBN-No.3 37 0 38 Idaho Springs, Colo.—The damage hog's head. insuranco of $2,500. Tho Uro was un• Virginia coal into Pittsburgh from OATS-No. 2 White 87 0 38 by the flood in this county is estimated work Wednesday, they were fired on RABLEY—No. 2 6,1 & 66 As imitator is only a monkey In the doubtedly incendiary. Fairmont. The railroad oHicers aro at $100,000. On tho mountain tops, in• by strikoi-s in ambush. Four miners RYE—No, 1 48 0 60 wrong skin. Judge Ru.ssell passed sentence on were IciUed outright and many more looking for the fiends. Dynamite was POBK—Moas -. 11 60 012 oo stead of rain, eighteen inches of snow five Muskogon crininals, as follows:' used, and one end oftho trestle is badly NEW YORK. fell. Plucked geese do not sleep on •vere wounded. OAT'i'LB 3 oo 0 6 oo James W. Smith, convicted Of deadly, wrecked. HOQS i 8 76 0 6 60 feather beds. assault on Ate Goudberg for the pur• Nouro Domooratlo JL,oa|;uc. SIIEBP 3 00 0 4 76 A CELEBRATION of tho Fourth of pose of robbery,4on years in Jackson; • t7orry Simpson's Condition. WHEAT-No. 2 Red 68 0 so He is a poor.counselor who knows 0. .H. J. Taylor, President of tho COBff-No. 2 43 0 44. July is being arranged for by Brazil to nothing but law. Pearl Stanton, live years at Ionia; F.i Negro National Democratic League, Representative Jerry Simpson has Oats—Mixed Western 40 0 41 Slow her gratefulnoss to the Unitod Jerry, three; Albert Butts, two years;! left Washington for Berkely Springs, BUTTER—Host'. 16 _ 18 States for support during tho recent He is indeod a master who can toaoh OttoGoosen, eighteen mouths;.all forj has issuod a call for a eonvontion to be Euas-Stato , ll«0 l3>ji held in Indianapolis August i. Va., accompanied by Koprosentativo civil war. others how to learn. biirgl?iT«„ PROFIT IN ORANGES. •Yob, I "This country," I said, | from that K!. a yr.i™°i.Si I 'THE BATTLE-I'mDS. Ho looked all around him at the one hopo." mountains, and then ho said: Something About tho Crop of South• "And that will be- "StrttnBor,|8upposo you lived in this ern California. "The hopo of rovongo." OLD SOLDIRES TALK OVER country and owned all you wanted of The first ornnges in Southern Cali• BY "Bevengo Is a hard word," ho »aid, ARMY EXPERIENCES. it, and had all of tho uso of it you fornia woro planted by the old mis• after a h'ng uauso. "I.'todross Is much wanted, and somo oliior fellow was bolter. If Mr. Sinclair should marry, sion fathers, who undoubtedly MISS M E BRADDON \ ^ paying tho tasos and tho oxpenso of as I havo some reason to think ho brought tho seed from Spain, whoro Tha liio nml Gniy Rovlvcnr Iiiolilents of kooping up the Govornmont, Wouldn't will " it was originally carried from Arabia thu I,iitu Wiir, iiiKl 111 II Uniplilo and In- you think you wa.s a domed fool to go "What reason?" by wiindoring tribes. Tiie orange is turtiHtlii); Uuiiiior Tnll of Ciiiitp, March to iiglitin' about it with that other "Public rumor. His attentions to a a reinarkiibio troo. It nourishes In any othor channel, and which may not corlaln younir ludy havo boon remarked Olid lliittlu—ThrlUlnB Iiiclduiita. follow?"—St. Louis Globo-Domocrat, be aUogothor unwoloomo." wlutt is apparently the poorest soil, hy poop 0 I know. 1' is always groen, ripe fruit will hang 'What news can yon posnibly bring "Tlio lady ia tho beautiful Miss Clan- mo';"' sho a kod. with a startlou look. llnw lUiio anil Oniy lUoiuL lUoMiiuro of Vnluo, on its limbs for a year, and it is al• ya.dj." "Oh, mother, whatilo Uiuy moan hy hluof "Would it distress you to hoar that "How did you discover that?" Auil what do they moan by (,'ravr' An old Confoderrte array chaplain, ways in fruit or blossom. Tho troo Colonol Wii'slngham is iil—danger• "From his face tho othor niirht." I Uoai-a from tho Hps ol a littlecliUa Rov. J. II. McNoilly, tells it story will bonr whon IfiO or 200 years old, ous y ill, oven.'" Ah Kho houudoU tfoiii horplav, which ho thinks may bo ospeoially ap- "You are quick at reading his face?" Tho mother's uyes llllud up with tears; while at Voraiiilles there is a troo Her breath camo quicker as ho "Yoa. 1 boliovo ho is over head and Sho tiirniicl lo hur ilarllnj? fair. lirociatod in thoso times of financial known to be ovor IOO yours old, nnd spoko. oars in love with Constanoo Clanyardo, Anil miioothoil away from thu uuuny lirow, stringoncj. In January, 180-1, ho was 'rho treasuro of Koltlen hair. older still is a tree at Nice that is "I am not hypoorito enough to pro• as a much bettor man, Cyprian Davon- in camp ol Dalton. Georgia, Ho had tend that," sho answered. "My heart fifty foot higli nnd still bears G,000 ant, was boforo him; unci I havo no "Why, mothor'B oyes are hluo, my swoot. just boon paid oil' in de|)rociatod Oon- oranges a yonr. Its exact age is un• iiis long boon dead lo any fooling but doubt Lord Clanyardo will do his ut- Ami Braniliia'H hair is Kniy, fodorato ourronoy, and much of it was iingor—I will not say hatred, though And llio lovu wo hoar our UnrlliiKchild known but it Is a product of an• inoat to b.-ing the match about." in ono-dollar bills—rod-baokod piooes ho has dnso.'vod as much—whoro that Urows HtrouKor uvory day." tiquity. "How long has this boon going on?" "Hut what dill thoy meanrporsistod tho child, of paper six or eight inohoa long and man ia loncoriifld. I have sufforod too "SInco tho hoginning of tills season. "•"'or 1 mw two crlppicH today," Tho orango crnzo, as it has boon And oiiu or them sala lio had 'fought for tho about lliroo inches wide. much by my allianco with him. Ho may have loit his heart lo tho liluu,' "Whon a soldier is paid lio wants to callod, is most iilluriiig. The pros• "Then lot mo bo tho first lo congrat lady lust year, but his atlontlons last 'I'hu othor had 'fouyht for tho gray,' ulate you uj;on your roloaso from bond- buy somothing lo oat; so, aa I had pect, as viewed by the novice, is of year woro nol so obvious." sitting down and Wiiitiiig for the ago. Your hnsmind is deud." "Do you know if Miss Clanyardo '"rho ono of tho liluo had lost a log. hoard of a man who wns soiling ginger Anil tho othor had but ouo arm. ngont to como round yearly and buy Clara Walsinghi m'a cheek blanched caros for liim?" And both Hoomed worn and sad. cnkos in a camp about a milo awaj-, I and sho wai silent for seme moments "1 havo no means of knowing tho Yet tholr grootlug was kind of watt, wont at onoo. I roaolved to spend a tho crop, yot constiint work and at• Thuy told of hattlos In dais goao by, and then sho askod in a steady voioo lady's fooling on tho subject, but! havo whole dollar in gingerbread. Jly tention are necessary. Tho orange "How did you como by tho news of his 'I'lll It mado my hlood grow chill,; . a considorablo kuowiodgo oihor father Thu leg was lost In tho Wlldornosa llghJ memory rooallod with dolight the gen• grovo requires to bo ^irrigated, death'?" in tho way of business; and I am con• And the arm ou Malvern UIU, erous square that I used to buy for ploughed and wooded throughout the OIIAl-TKK IV. "In the simplo-:t and most natural vinced sho will Lo raudo—induced is, I five cents from the old cake woman year, but tho cliief troublo lies in its manner. My businoss requires mo to "Thov sat on Iho stone by Iho farmyard gate •OITEENU HER AND SlIK ItNOWS NOT nOW TO suppose, a moro upiironriato word—to And talked for an hoar or moro. whon I was a boy. various panisitcs. Five yoars ago a FOIlCnvK. ho an oourant us to continental all'airs. Till thoir eyes grow bright aud tholr hearts uocopt Sinclair as a husband. Lord I found my man. Ho had nonstruot- numbor of tiio groves of Soutiiern Thi'oo (liiys (iftof Ihu littlo dinnor in and I got Bovoral French and German (•oomed warni, Clanyardo is^ as poor as Job and as With lighting their hattlos o'er, od an oven on a liillsido, and he baked California woro almost ruined by the JIalf-iMooii Blroot, Mrs. Walsinglmm newspapor.s. In ono of tho last I found proud as Lucifer. Yos, I think wo may And pnrUng al bust with a friendly grasp, gingorhroad in oue cake about three white scale. Oriingo men woro in Hut ut lior solitary bi'cukfast-tabloruth. the account of a duol, succooding upon look upon tho marriago as a certainty. lu a kInilTy. brotlierly way, or lulor tluiii usual, dawdling over tbo a quarrel at tho gaming-tablo, in which Each asking ot God tospeed tho timo foot square. I imagined that my dol• despair, and orcliiirds worth thou• And nOw, Mrs. Walsingham, reinorabor Unitlug Uiu blue and the gray." morning papers, and wondering droari- your husband foil, shot through the that by whatever moans you sook ro- lar would buy about a whole aqnoro. sands of dollars were litoriiily given ')y wiiat she should do witli tho Hiiinmor lungs. Ho only survived a fow hours dross I am your friond, and shall hold Then the mother thought of oUior days, Probably it would exhaust his stock. up to tho destroyer and looked as if day buforo hor. Sho had soon nothing His opponent was a Frenchman and 1b myself ready lo aid and abet you in 'Pwo stalwart boy,s from hor ravoii; So, with an air of richos, I handed flecked with snow. Tiio Govorninent now under arrost. Shall I road you now they'd kuull at hor side aud, lisping. of Gilbert Sinolair sinoo the dinnor, tho exaction of your just right. You prayed, liim my reck-bnck and sold ; sent a Commissioner to Australia, tho paragrapii?" and bud endured nn ugony of solf-tor have rojectod mo as a husband. You "OnJu;r Fathe•• •r which art In heaven;" "Givo mo tho worth of that." who discovered it Indy bug that proved •muut in tho intorvRl. His namo ap If you p'oitso," answorod Mrs. Wal shall discover how faithful I can bo aa ITow ono woro tho gray and tlio other the blue; Ho wasn't discuncertod in the least. lIow they I'lissoii away from sight. an enemy to tho whito scale, and to• iPoured in one of tho morning_ journals singliam, wilh porfoct calmness of an ally." Ho look my dollar, laid it on his And had gono to the land whoro gray and blue day tlio trees nro again in lino condi• among tho guests nt, it distinguiahod manner. Hor hoart was boating tu "I havo no doubt I ought to bo grate• Merge lu Unta ot oolosllal light. square of oako, cut out tho exact size multously, novortholcas. She had tion. Tlio wlilto sciilo is unknown coiinloss' ha 1 on the pi'ovioua ovoning, ful to you, Mr. Wyatt," she said, in a of tho paper and handed it to mo. dismal conviction that no advantago— And sho answered her darling with golden horo now, despite continual invosti- and in tlio list of luiino.s above Mr. Sin• slow, weary way, "but I do not think hair, clair sho found tho.-o of J^ord Clan- that is to sny, not tliat ono advantago your friondshi]) can ovor ho ot much Whilo hor heart was solely wrung I know then why money iaaoinelimes giitions and searches for it by tlio vardo and his diuiyhtor. Thoro had for which she longed—would como to service to mo iu tho future happiuosa With the thoughlH awakened in that sad hour called a "moiisuro of value." many local horliculttirul inspectors hor from hor husband's death. How lly her luiiocont prat tllng longuu; Doon It time wlioii Gilbert sot his fnoo of my lifo, and I trust that you will "Tho blue aud thu gray aro thu colors ot Clod; and associntioiis. atrainst all fashicnobloontortiiininonts, eagerly she had desired his death onco forgot all that has boon said this morn• Thoy are soon In the n.iy at even. DoimI I.ocIc of 'rivii lliillets III tho Air, voting thuin the itboininalion of dosO' To day tho news gavo her little satis• ing. Good-by." And niaiiv a nobli-, gallant soul Only once in thirteen years lias tho llaa fouud them passjiorts to lioaven." Tho aloi-y of two bulloffl, aa related [lation. Ho luid ohiuigod of late, and faction. She gavo him hor hand. He hold it frost seriously diimiiged the Southern Mr. Wyatt look a slip of newspaper ;<;harluM L. Jlraco. hy tho Vicksburg corrcapondout of a wont ovorywhoro, riiisiiig fond hopes with a gentle pressure as ho answorod Californra ornngo crop, On Christ• from his card-caio, und read hor tho l''4llt Uellth Coining. St. Louis journal, is most poonliiir. In the broiists of anxious inoihors with hor. mas eve in l.SOl tlio mercury went brief aeoouut of tho Colonel's exit NDREAV JACK HoHiiy.s: "I lately saw at tho lieiul- ilarge bro. ds of iimrrlRgoitblo daugh• 'it is impo.ssiblo tor me to forget any• down to 27 dog, iibovo zero in nearly ters waiting for tlioir promotion. from tliis raorliil_ sti'ifo. Duels wore SON, Horgoant-at; qiiarlora of Colonol Slack's brigade, thing that you havo said, but you every part of this region, and ro- Mrs. Walainghitm sat for some time common onongh in Prussia, and tho shall find mo as secret as the crravo. Aarms of tho Ohio two Brinio bnilot.s, which had once ,ournal .mado vor.y little of the san• jniiined tlioro for several hours. Joolciug viioanlly at tlio haig list of Good-by." Ilonso of Kopro' told a history. Ono wiis a rebel bal• guinary businoss. When dawn ciimo tho growers knew iiuinos, and thinlcing of tho man she Ho bont his head and touched hor sontatives, rolatos lot of English mannfacturo, smug• "As many of my friends boliovo mo thoy had lost ovor hiilf ii million of Jovod. Yos, sho lovod him. .Shu knew hand lightly with his lips before re• nn incident of pro- gled over by our dear brutliron in JJrit- to havo boon loft a widow long ago, I dolliirs indiiniiigeil fruit. Tiio oranges liis naturo hy hoart; know how nearly leasing it. In tho next instant he was sou timont of death iiin to shoot their dear brothron in that obstinale, soltish nature verged shall mako no fuss about this event; on tlio inner and jirotoctod branclios gone. ^vhicll camo under iVmerica. 't'ho otiier was a national upon brutality, itnd loved him nevor- and t sliall bo vory grateful it you will "How sho lovos that snobl" he said his own observation, ball, of tlio S|n-ingliold rlHe type. of tho trees osciiped witii littlo or no tl\olo;'s, •Suinolhing in the foroe of hia bo good enough not to talk of it any• to himself as ho walked .away from where," Mrs. 'VValsiiigham said, by and ^ says tlio Ohio State Tlin former was iirod from a rillo pit at injury. In that season Pomona 'Val• ch«ruoior exorcised a charm ovor hor Half-Moon atroot. "And how charm- Jackson, at onr skirmishors. Tiio lat• ley marketed ."(iiri.OOO worth of own imporfoot disposition. Sho had by, aftor a thoughtful jiauso. ) Journal. He aaya: ng sho isl Hich, too. I could scarcely ter was liroil from our lino of akirmish- oranges, whoroas tlio amount would iboliovod ill the slroiigth of his afl'ue- "I shall bo caroful to obey you," an. IU Iko a hotter mateli. It is a case in iDfcj^ "When tho war ors at the rillo pit. Thoy mot midway htivo been ovor ifariO.OOO without the ;tion for horsolf, whieli had boon shown worcd tho lawyer. wliich inclination and prudoiico go to• -•"broko out I was iu the air, woro woldud by tho com- In a paasioniilo, iinilisoipliiiort kind of "I wonder how you camo to guoss gether. And how easily I might havo clorking iu a storo cold snap. that 1 was nol a widow, and that Colo- jmct, and fell harmlessly to tho manner tliat hlindod hor lo tho shal- won her but for that man I Woll, woll, ovor iu Oroeno Some of the stiatemonts of profits lownoss of tho soiitiinont. Siio had boon ol Walsingliam was my husband. Ho ground. Thoy aro now ilrm friends, 1 don't despair of nltimato victory, iu County. Charley Slionror, now ono of made hy somo of tho old orclmrdists iuloiisoly proud of hor jjowur ovor this look mo abroad diroctly aftor our mar- spito of Gilbert Sinclair. Everything sticking each to the otiier closer than riago, and wc woro nevor in England our circuit judgoa, was employed in seem sf absurdly largo that, if tiioy ii'ongh Jioroulos, nil tho moro pruud of cpinos to tho man who knows how lo tho same storo. His brotlier Frank a brother or a lover. his subjiigntioti, bocnuso of that half- tOKothor." thoy did not come from roliiiblo and wsit." and I woro nearly of tho same ago. .iilddon brutiahtio.-s whicli she had "It is a solicitor's business to know a prominent citizens, one would hardly |T0 HE CONTINUED. I I'"iiiniliii«nl; of till) S«irgniinl'« IVophooy long ago divined in him. Slio liked groat many things, and in this caso Ono dav I wont across tho street aud believo them. There is, Iiowovor, tlioro was a strong porsonal inierost. onlistod. I was only IG years old t Prosontmonts on thobattloHled often him for wiiat ho was, and soarcoly THE SUPREME COURT. provo prophetic. Horo is an instance: positive proof that sonic of the ten wished him lo bo boltor than ho was. You accused tno just now of Haltering tho time, but I was sworn in. Frank and twelve yonr-old oriingo grovos in women; and it ia qiiito truo thai I have Wliilo Colonol OsterhauH was gallant• She only wanted him tu l)o true to hor. Tho niiijority of Cases Rrouglit ISoforo It Shearer also onlistod and wo wont out Pomona Valley have, since thoy camo now and then amused myaolf a litllo Aril Slni|ily for JUeliiy. togothor. Ho and I Avero mossmatos ly attacking the center of tho enemy, Whon lie had iiskod lior. yoars ago, lo into full bearing, when six yours old, be his wife, she hud frankly told him the with tho weaker sox. Until about a That august body, tho Supreme and chums. A finer boy never lived on the second day of the battlo at Pea borne several cro is of fruit that Blorv of hor youth ami inarriiigo. Her your ago ] buliovod myself incapable Court ot tho Gulled States, has beoa We Avont through tho hard campaign Eidge, a sergeant of the Twelfth Mis• of any real fooling—of'any strong ut- netted tiio grower Ifi.'j a troo, or .$500 husband was live and twonty years hcr dubbod " tlie groat mechanism of pro- ing Jof General Sherman and woro souri roquestod tho captain of his com• tacliraont—and had mado up my mind cfaslination " and to call it by that titlo an aero. A fow orchards hero havo Bonior, a man with a coiiatitutiou with him in tho Atlantic oainpuign pany to send his wife's portrait, which to a lifo of solitudo, relieved by tho sooms to do it no injustice. It is said netted' thoir owners ovorijili.'iO an aero brokon by ntaly half a coiitury of Just tho day before tho battlo of liard living, anil alio lookod forward frivolities of society. But at that timo that nino out of every ten cases sul> in some years, but tho majority of Koaaea Frank camo to mo and said ho Jofuliy to a sjioody roloa.-o from a a great change camo ovor me, and I mittod to this high tribunal are carried bearing orange orchards in Southern found llial I too was doomed to sulTor "Andy, I am going to bo killed to .union that had boon lialotiil to hei'. up to it not for the purpose ot obtain• California yield crops worth botweon life's groat fovor. In a word, I foil ing tho rovorsal of decisions ronderod morrow. I know that I will ho shot •She had Loliovcd that it would bo pos- .$225 and ,111100 an acre in an average »Iblo to retain Gilbert's allootion until desperately in love. I think you can by lower courts, but purely and simply early in tho light." I laughed at his year. Ono or two growers who havo tho time wlien that ruloaso ahouid guoss Iho rest." for the suko of dohiy—or ordinarily to foflrs, but ho said he was tolling tho come without siicrilice tu hor reputa• "I am not very good at guessing, but koop pooplo out of money which thoy truth. I finally bocamo convinced learned the art of growing the best tion. Had sho not boliovod nnd lioped I suppose tho lady is some friond of have won by law. How ellective thia myself that ho may havo had a pro fruit, and havo packed it earefully this, it is impossibio to say what guilty m ino, or you would scarcely choose mo plan is may bo judged whon it is cori- monition and Iinportiinod liim not to themselves, have iu several seasons Bacrilice alio might have boon willing for a conlidnnto. Is it Sophy Morton'? .siderod that after tho briefs In a caso go into the battlo. Ho said it would got over •ftiOO jior aero clear for in• to mako ralhur tlian 1o.hu tho man sho I know you admire hot-." aro (lied four years must ordinarily not do for him to got a sick leave, even vestment and labor. "As I udrairo wax dolls, or tho Hai- olaoso boforo tho latter can como up lovod. Sho had hoped lo koop him if his health was had—ho was jufit danifling on, governed by lior womanly dooB and Zuloikas of an illustrated By• for' considoration. There aro 1,000 The largest proHt that can bo relied about sick-for ',iho boys would call tact, a faithful siavo, until thc CJoloiiol, ron," answered Mr. Wyatt, with a wry cases on the docket now. upon yet reported in tiio Pomona him a coward. A braver boy novor wlio led a .stormy kind of oxistonco l|ico. "Sophy Morton would havo No other legal trihumd that ever ex• Valley this soiisoii for ocangos is tliat lived, itnd I told him so, I finally got about tho Continent, luiuntiiig Gorman about as' much powor to touch my heart isted has possessed such woll nigh ab- from tlio soventy-acro llhoror or• bis consent to lot mo go to tho liontou gambling tables, sliould bo goodonough or luilucnco ray mind as the wax dolls soliito jiowor aa Is wielded by tho Su• chard, whicli has borno a crop that, or tho Byronic beauties. Thoro is only ant colonol and got him dntailod for to depart this lifo. But tho Colonol premo Court of tho United .States. It was sold on the troos last woelc ti» it. was a long timo exhausting his bat• ono wcman I havo over lovod, or over- headquarters work'during the coming can ovon overthrow any law pasiiod by Chicago buyer for .$22,000. Tho trees, tered constitution, and tho llowory can love, and hor namo is Clara Wal- Congress and signed by tho Prosldont, ongftgomont. I did so, being frank FOLPILLirEN'l' SERGEANT'S are ifcno yoars old, and havo hud chain in whicli Mrs Wtilsingliam holtl ainghaiu." if itchunsos to discover a constitutional with the colonel and tolling him every hoc captive hud faded considorably Mrs. Walsingham looked alhlm with Haw In tho measure, and from ita de• thiug. Ho at onco granted tho ro unusual euro. 'The property has, with tho iiussugo of yuara. cost to date between $85,000 and unaH'oeted surpri.'-e. cision tlioro is no appeal. Such awe quest and wrote out tho desired order, he had taken from his bosom, to hor $00,000. A loud duuuio liinock startled tho "1 am B U'fy that I should have in• does it inspire that lawyers of great I gavo it to Frank that night .ind address in St. Louis, witii his dying latly from hor rovorio. Who could spired any such sentiment, Mr. Wyatt. oputalion and oxporionco who plead thought he was safe. declaration tliat ho thought of hor in These profits have created a most, such an oarly fisitur ha? Gilbert him• I can novor return it." boforo it aro often seized wilhfright, "The next morning, howovor, ho re 'lis last moments. wonderful demand for orange land solf, pcrhap.s. Jio liiid ono of those "Is tliat your irrovncablo reply?" turn pale and forgot thoir words in its and troos. Thousands ot acres tliat exceptional constiUitiona to which fa- "It is," Bho answorod, decisively. prosonco. A distinguished legal lumin• fused to obo.y and insisted, that if ho "Whatis that for?" asked his Gap- tiguo ifi a stranger, and would bo no "You rejoct tlio sub.stance—an hon• ary from Now York confessed tho other failed to go into battlo witli the rest of tain; "you are not wounded are you?" wero formerly grain fields or unpro• later astir lo-diiy lor last night's bttll. est man's love—and yet you are con- day that, after arguing a case at tho us tho boys would question his brav• "No," answered tho sergeant, "but I ductive of any crops, have boon Hor heart lluttorod hopeful.y, but sunk lent to waste tho best yours of your lifo bur ot tho Stipronio Court, ho always ery. W^o went into tho engagement know I flhall bo killed to-day. I have planted to grovos since tlio great real again wilh tho litmiiiar anguish of dia- upon a shadow." goes straight to his holol'und changes and Frank foil dead nt tho first volloy been io battles before, but I novor felt estate boom bubble of 18S7 burst. appoinlmont us the door was opened "I don't understand you." hia underclothing, bocanso it Is soaked from the onomy. I placed his body in as I do now. A momont ago I became Two .years ago tho Pomona Progress and a low, dofcrontial voice made it• "Oh, yos, 1 think yoii do. I think you with porsiiiralioni On the othor liand, a secure place, and that night went to convinced my time had como, but, estimalicd that nearly .$-1,000,000 was- self hoard in tho hall. These courlo- know as woll as I (io how frail a rood itsomotimos happens that ii country an old barn and tore off enough siding how, I cannot tell. Will you gratify invested in ono season inland, trees ous tonca did not belong to Gilbert you have to lean on when you put your attorney who says "drawod" and "ain't to make him a rough ooHin. We dug my request? Remember I speak to and labor for oriiiige groves, the Sinolair. trust in Gilbert Sinclair." got none" will exhibit tho utmost sang• a grave and buried him. I carved a you as a dying man." amount invested in trees alone being A card was brought to her presently, "You have no rigiit to speak about froid in addressing tho august row of rude headboard out of a piece of sid• "Certainly, my bnive fellow; but with .lamos Wyntt'a name upon it, and Mr. Sinclair," answorod Clara Walsing• black gowns. about .$700,000. Tliis season orange ing and cut his name, age and regi• "on special business, with many apolo• liam, with an indignant Ihish. "What you will live to a good old age with planting, nnd tlie purchase and pre• ment upon it. I took a careful de- gies," written in ))cnoil bolow the namo, do you know of him, or of my feelings Uiiaiiproprintoil Syllables. your wife. Do not grow melauoholy paration of land for the samo will an tho solicitor's nout hand. in relation to liira?" . In tho early days of the gold excite• 8cri|ition of the place and forwarded it over a fancy or a dream." probably run up toward $1,500,000. "Shall 1 siiow the gontloinan tothe "I know that you love him.. Yos, ment in California a young German with all his oH'oots to his brother "You will soo," was the roaponao. Eiversiclo expects to add to its acreage drawing-room, ma'am, or vyiil you soo Clara, it is the businoss of a friond to from Michigan departed for California, Charles. Ho camo later on to Besaoa And so the treasured picture by about 1,200 acres, Pomona hy 900 him horoy" uaivod the servant. speak plainly; und ovon at tho hazard and aftor prospooting for awhile, sot^ and took tho body homo for burial. changed hands, and the sergeant acres, Pasadena by GOO acres, San "Ask him to coiuo in lioro. What of incurring your anger, I will do so. tied tlioro. Not-. InteroHtod lu tlio War. stepped forward to the front ot the Gabriel by 500 acres, Eedlands.by special business can Mr. Wyatt have Gibort Sinolair is not worthy of your His namo was John G. Almondingor, column, and was soon beyond recogni• WAS riding u ) through 600 acres nnd other localities about we me'?" sho wondered. affection. You will know that I am and wishing to Amorlcanize himself as tion. Arkansas with Price's 800 acres. Tho solicitor camo into tho room as right before long if you do not know it much as possiblo ho applied to tho At the camp-fire that evening tho sho asked horsolf this tiuostion, look• now. It is not in that man's nature to Legislature ot California, and had his army. We wero on officers, after a while mode enquiry for What especially pleases the grower ing very fresh and bright, in his earo- ho constant nndor dillioultios, as I would namo oliangod to .Tohn G. Almond. our way back to Mis• the sergeant. Ho was not present. is the fact in tho last ten years the fnl morning costume, with a hot-houso bo constant to you. _ Your hold upon A fow days later a man named John souri, The Yankees He had been killed three hours before consumption of oranges lias increased flower in tho button-hole of his por- him has been growing weaker every Smith applied to tho same Legislature, had let us alone so by 0 grope-shop from one of the ene• 500 per cent, in this country and is fcotly fitting coat. Ho was more care• year." and aftor reciting a long catalogue of long' we thought my's batteries.—Anecdotes of the War. on tho incroaso. Not only this but, ful Of his toilet than many handsomer "If that is truo, I shall discover tho tho ills to which ho was subject, owing maybe they had quit men, and know how far the eloganeoof rival and now rends have opened\ up fact quite soon enough from the gen• to his unfortunately common namo, ho fighting or hod for• his figure and tho perfection of his said in conclusion: a market for California fruit which it tleman himself," replied Mrs. Walsing• gotten ua, 'Wo -were Tho Key Needed OIeanln{;, dross went to atone for his plain face. "And whoroas I have noticed that has not had in former years.—[New ham, in a hard voico, and with an . getting anxious about Not very long ago a largo manu• "My dear Mrs. Walsinghiim," ho be- angry cloud upon hor face. "Your you have curtailed tho name of ,L G, it, 'Along towards facturer telegraph id to a New York York Sun. ,ran, "I owe .you a thousand apologies friendship, as you call it, is not re• Almondinger to J, G, Almond, and safe-maker, requesting that a man bo night I met a man or thia unsoasonable intrusion. If I quired to enlighten me upon a subject have not disposed of tho "inger," sent at once to His place of business, a who hod' lived up did not think tho nature of my business which soarcoly comos within the prov• which sooms to bo lying around loose, town about fifty miles from the oily. Tho "Millionaires' Club.' ','there in the moun- would oxeuso " ince of a solicitor.. -Yes, Mr, Wyatt, I rospoctfully request that tho same Upon reaching his destination tho "Thoro is nothing to bo excused. since plain speaking is to bo tho order mav bo added to my namo." .toins. He had boon export, with his kit of tools, repaired The white marble palace at Fifth You find mo guilty of a vory late Tho result of this appeal is not of tho day, I.am weak enough and blind fishing and had his string of lish with to the estab'ishment, and was informed avenub and COtli street, Now York, breakfast, that is all. Why should you enough to caro for Gilbert Sinolair bet• Btatod. him. He was going hoine. I was that, the vault, an old-fashioned affair, the future homo of- the Metropolitan not call at half-past ton as well as at tor than for anyone else upon this pretty full of patriotism- and, notions which locked with a key and which Club, was opened for private inspec• half-past two'? It was yory kind of you earth, and if I do not marry him I shall How Canada Got Its Nanio. about duty. 'Xou see I had studied contained the safe and books of the tion a fow days ago. Tho members to como at all." never marry at all. Ho may intend to The orgin of tho word "Canada" is tho relations of tho states to the na• concern, could not be opened. on Tliursday will take formal posses• "I hold it ono of my dearest privileges jilt mo. , Yos, I havo seen the change curious enough, Tho Spaniards;visited tion, and the relation of the states to The man oxaminod the look and then to bo received by you," he replied, with in him. It would bo a vain falsehood sion.. The club house has a frontage that country pi'ovious to tho French, the states, and tho relations of tho the key, opened his kit, took out a bit a certain grave tenderness. '"'JPhore it'[ denied that I have seen the change, and mado particular search for gold of 90 feet on Fifth avenuo, and ex• I'states to the territories, and the rela• of wire und began to dlga mass of dirt, are some men who do not know when and I am waiting for tho inevitable and silver, and, finding none, thoy of• tends 150 feet on GOth street, with n tions of the citizen to the states and to dust, and lint out bf the key. Then he they aro happy, Mrs. Walsingham. i day in which the' man I onee believed ten said among thomsolves, "Aca Nuda" inserted it in tho. lock, and whilo the wing in tho court 80 by 50 foot. The am not ono of those." in shall doclaro himsolf a traitor. the nation. I, thought. I knew all (thoro is nothing hero). Tho Indians— proprietor with' a fliokly amile looked exterior of the club is in tho simple She looked at him with a surprise Would it not bo wiso to take the who watched closely—learned this sen• oliout it. I said to this man way up on, tu ned the imp.oment and opened and severe stylo of tho Italian re• that was half scornful. initiative, and give him hia dismissal?" tence and ita meaning. in the mountains of Arkansas: the door. naissance, modelled after the.Eoman "Pray s are mo tho pretty spoeonos "No. The wrong shall como from Tho Pronch arrived, and tho Indians, "Why aren't you in the army?" "What's your charge?" askod tho palaces , of the sixteenth century. which make yon so popular with other him. If ho can bo baso enough to for> who wonted nono of their company "What army?" ho osked, ' i manutnoturoK,,'. ,' , • . '' women," she said. "You spoke of busi• got all the promises of tho past, and to and supposed thoy. also woro Spaniards "The Confederate ormy, of course," "Fifty dol ars,'! replied the expert The interipr, howovor,.is a harmoni• ness just now. Did you really mean ignore the saofifioos I havo made for oomo on the samo errand, were anxious said I; . . ' ."Does any.; one know vou are in ous bleridihg of ancient and modern business " liiin, his infamy shall havo no excuse to inform thomin tho Spanish sentence, "Oh, yes;'; he said, "I did hear some• town?" , , ,' • styles' df archlto'cturo. W[hild tho "Not in a legal sense. My errand from any folly of mino." "Aca Nuda." thing ohout siichan ormy.". • ,»No."',,.',';V. •• , club 6flleials''rdfusd- to say anything this morning is of ratlier a delieata na• "And if you And.that hib is false to .jTho Frenchi'whoiknewas: littlo of "Yes." said I, growing a little-hot,' ."Well, then, hero's 860," remarked about the cost*bf.'''the club'house,' it ture. I would not for Ihb, world .dis- you^that ho.has, transferred his alt'ec- Sj^aiiish asiftho Indians, supt,osed this' manufaoturor.,'Tll give you;$10 extla is generally'understood that i the iot tross or oll'ond you by any unwarranted ;ioh to aiiothei'womari—you will ban-., inceisantly recurring,sotincl was;the "I thought BO, •' Ah(l. wby aren't you if you'll taketha first.troiri; back.to coa.t.$180,D00j the building,$l,000,000,; allusion to your do nestio relations, but isli • him froin .yoiir heart and mind, I "name of the country, and gave it tho out witliit,'fighting'tho battlo'B>bf the .New York'without tell'ng aiyono the and the furnishings., nearly .ijil,500,*vi I believe I am tho boa' or of news' which trust, and begin life afresh." . namo Canada, whion it baa borno ovor country?" ; ,. price I've paid to have a man dig, dirt 000.—rWashington Star. . ' «aa Boarooly liavo roached you yet by Mr. Walsinirhttm laughed aloud. • • •filnooi ^'. • • • , "What country?" he asked,"- out ol a key for mo." Mortffneo Sulo. WHITE OAK. Default having been made In tbo conditions of Inglutm County ^gfiinotnit Some oC blic I'lirmci's around here Because J. H. PRICE, a corlaiii niortgago mado by Willis A, Link and have planted their beans. Mrs, NiitUo Link, his wife, to Oliver S, Cartel', MEAT MARKET! dated Jniitiary HHi, 1891, and recorded In tho J'tibllslieii every ThiirHclay Earnic Daldn has given his newly rnrivTiT olllco of tlio Iteglstor of Deeds for Ingbiiin -by- sided barn a coatiif paint, is so Pore! county, and Stato of Michigan, on Hie lliUi day of January 1801, in liber 78 of mortgages on piigo WILLIAM L. CLARK, Some are getting very angry over MN LIGHT & TEMPLAR That's tbo groat reason why you I2;t, wlilcli said niorUigo was duly asslgnea by the young people banging May baslcets said Oliver S, Carter, tn Kinier 0, Dana, on the MASON, MICJr, Bbonld know ahont onr sail. It ro- and even threats of shooting don't oth day of Marcli, 18!M, by deed ot iisslgniiient qnlrofl Uio best to prodnoo tbo boat. —AT TITK— ^ scare the young folks. recorded In tlio olllco of tbo Keglstor nf Deeds of PiaiCXlS : Tbo good farinor reall/.os tbla with Ingham pounty, and Sbilo ot Mlcblgaii, on tho The White Oak Cfrange purchases Keeps a wagon on the road JOnjc YltAu $1.25 his seed; aball tbo huttor maker bo Hill day of Match, 1804, In liber Sil, of mortgages binder twliio for ibs meinbei's ab a very loBB wlso? Our salt Is ns carefully doing all kinds of on page 310, on wliicli said iiinrtgago tlioro Is Maple Street Market, ( tiix Months 65 elalinod to bo duo at Uie date of Uils notice Uio reduced price from hist year. mndo as your huttor—made express• ly for dairy work; nnd bright dairy• sum of Uirco hundred and slxty-slx dollars (83(10) Keep a Full Line of 'JllREE MONTHH 35 The olllccrs for the current benn of and an atlorney feo of thirty dollars, provided men ovorywhoroflnd tboir butter bet• TI3ST"W"OR2C: Kntcred at the I'ostonico, M.isoti, MIeb,, as for In said mortgagu and Iiy sUiUito inid no suit bhe T. 0. 0. i<\ order of Dansville arc; tor mndo and Uiolr labor better paid secoiKl-clasB iiiatler. WttlJJJ»Hllil«M.S!MiJ.lllfflflll1iJMMMUU»nBWig«MBi or proceedings at law having been liisllltiled lo N. G., F. Miller; V. 0., Ed. Kimball; when tboy iiae recover the nionoys seeuretl by said mortgage, FRESH AND SALT MEATS secretary, \V. G. llawcrofb; breasurcr, Eaveti'ougliing, Roollng and Repair• or any pari thereof, now tlieroforo, by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage and ,S. N. Scovllle. ing old work,' Leave orders ab shop And all goods in bheir line. THURSDAY. JUNE 7, 1894. Diamond Crystal the statuto in sucli case mado and jirovided Grandma Baker of Leroy has return• Hirst door wesb of JIarbIc Works, iioUce is iiereby given tliat on FrUlny, tho B»at (a-ualltloo. O-cod WolETiLta. ed home from her visit to York sbabe JSTtn dny of July, A. D, IHD'l, at one o'clock III the afternoon, 1 shall sell at public auction lo Wo kill our own moats, CaU and see us. Democratic State Convention. among rclabives. Dairy Salt. the highest bidder at tbe entranco nf tbe Com• Quibe a number around liere attend• MESON, MIC mon Oouiicli room on Michigan aveniio east, in Cash paid for Hides, The Democrats of MIcblKan will meet In atiitt No matter what brand yon havo Hie city of Lansing, Miciilgan, (that being one of convention In the city of tlrand Itanlils on the ed blie crusade meetings at Parker's nsed, just givo tbls u fair trial, tt Mortgiigo Sale, 281b (lay of .Itinc, at 12 o'clock noun, for the piir- corners and report good success. WiiiCRKAM, default has heen mado bi Uie iniy Hie places for tlm holding of Hiecireiill eoiirl fnr iiosc (If iiiimliiatliil,' party eaiiilhbitns for the tol- is first In flavor, first In grain, nnd nieniof the iiioiicy seenren liy aniorlgage,dali;d the enmity of liiglutm, AHciilgan), Hie premises iiwinir state olllcijs: Unveriior, bleiileiiaiit (.i>v- first In purity. 'Wbotborfor dairy VV^'eA'T FIELD. the tweiily-eiglitli day of I'obniary, eighteen described In said niorlgnge, or so miicli ibereof a.s SCULLY BOYS, «rnor, Heeretary of .State, Slale Treasurer, Audi or table uflo, you will find It to Uecelyed too lato for last week's is,stie. bundled and elglity-sevoii, executed by Cornelia may he necessary lo piiy the anintiiil duo on said {,) acres nf nro reiinesled to meet In eiiiiciis rai Uie day of he ed a divorce from his wife Margaret, Nolice! Our eaplliil is work and is all iiivcsled, a coab of paint. iiower (if sale contained In .said inortgiiuo has land, all In town three (3) north of range two (2) conveiil Ion at (niarlers lo be hereafter deslena (id east, being in Ingham coiiiily, Miciilgan, This and wo loan It to yon In coiislderatimi of harcl Corn pianbing has been delayed by • Jtinia P, Pulvor was divorced from leeninc ojioratlvo. Now, tiierefore, iioiico is tlnies, at a great illacoiiiil, uwl3 tiy Uii! Cenlrat (Joniinltlce and select candidates liei'otiy given, that by virtue of tho said power nf sale will be made snhjeet to the sum of seven for recoiiinieiidatlnii to llie convention aa fellows, the wet weabher, James II, Ptilvcr by Judge Pei'son sale, and in piirsiiance of tlin sttitute In siicl hundred dellars (S7tX)) of principal to heeninediie to wit; Two inemhers of Uie State Central Com; Wbi, Liimbcrb or riyinoutli was bhe case made and provided, Uio said mortgage wll on said mortgage, with Interest payable aiiiitially inlttee, one Vlco-rt'csldentof tlieCoiivcntloii and Saburday, onsaldsumat six per cent, from .laiiuary MUi, guesb of his parents lasb week. he fnrecln.sed by a sale of the promtses therein George and Joe Scully. one ineiiibcr for each of the followIiik Comiiillleef described, at piililic aiictloii, lo the higiicst bid• 18IH, of the Convention: tlredentlals, Permanent Or Mrs. David VanCamp- is in Grand In bhe case of Aamn J, Rtiyner vs, der al the front door of tlie court house in Ma• Dated this 21111 day of April, 18lH, ^iinlHillon and Order of lliislness, and liesolii Rapids being breated fur cancer. Alice and Louis C, .Saunders a decree son, in said County nf Iiigiiain, Hint being one of ELMKU 0. DANA, Assignee, Hie places for lioiding Uie circuit court for said W, K. liiiowN, Atlorney for Assignee. 17W13 II will facilitate the worklni? of the Cnininltlee The bownslilp board nieb ab bhe has been granted by Judge Person di.s- County of lligliatii. on HlO ailtli day nf June on CnidciiHiils If the Secretary of each tmiiity town liall on Sabiirdiiy of last week next, at ten o'clock In the forenoon of that day, Convciillniis wlU pminiitly forward bi tlii) liead- iiii.ssing bill of complaiiib. md remodeled .sevei'iil road districts, which said iirenii.ses are descriiiod in said mort• «|iiarU'fs of the Slate Central Coiiiinitliiii In e hk milking one new disbricb, so wc have In the matter of the appeal of Hub• gage as follows, to wit; negiiining two rods fietrolt Iniinedlalely after the cniiveiitlon, a full sotitb of Hie nortliwest corner ot the east half of y 1611 and aciiiirale list of the delegates clinseii lotlie thirty-six in all. bard II. Dakin, the case having been llio northwest quarter of section nine in town State Convention. ,. . , , The bridge across Deer creek near two north of range ono west, running llienco The Mall Itoiite from KeiiewlnB onr allcKlanee lo the (•arilina prlncl settled, was discontinued in tlie circuit south forty rods, tbciico east forty-tlyo rods, win lose none ot its popiiinriiy while under pies of Deiiiocracy. we cordially liivlle all lliose ICugene Frost's was made impassable court ab Mason Monday morning. thence nortli tweiity-eiglil rods, Uieiiee west DANSVILLE TO MASON Hie nmnngenienl of the pni.si'iil prnpr's, who have voted In the past with the lleiiincrii le by bhe liigli water last week. forty-three rods, Ihciico north twelve rods, thence party, and all others who are deslrnns of assoca In bhe circuib coui't ab Mason Mon• west two rods lo tho place of beginning, all in Having been di.scoiitlnuod, the subscriber will IhiL'Wllh It In the fiitilre. In pafllcipale In the Relief In Six Hours, 110 Cily of Mason, County nf Ingham, and State Thorburn & Densmore. day morning the Peoples'Savings Bank hiirBatler rnn a vehicle over the road dally (Sun• <;aiiciises for the election of deleKiites to this con- of Michigan. day and Fourth of ,bily excepted) fortheoonvey- Distressing kidney and bladde.r Dated tills CHi day ot April, LSOl. l.AN'IKI. ,1. (UMl'AU, at Lansing was given a judgment of anco of pa.s.seiigers, express and frclgbls, at re.-t- diseases relieved in six hours by blic Hwi.'i KLLA 0. LASliNliy, Mortgagee. sonable rates, leaving Dansvlllo at eight o'clock They always keop the Very Choicest of All Kinds KitA.s'n II. llnsEORii, Clialriiian. $i)0!).07 against Pit iio L. Daniels and A. M. CUMMINS, Attorney for Mortgagee, Secretary. >'ew Gi'cab .South American ividney a, m,, and arriving al Mason at or beforo to a, ni., of and returning at such lime each day assball best Ry II. (!. CoiiDUN, ,lR.,Actliib'Secretary. Ciii'e," This new remedy is a great Merritt L, Coleman, promote tbo convenience of the public, siirpri.se on account of its exceeding 1'lie following new cases were com• GlilO, I', GLYNN, Democratic County Convention. irompbncss in relieving pain in the Dansville,Mich,,0ct,17,1890 menced in the circuit court Saturday: Fresh & Salt ieats, A (leinoeratle cnniilyennveiitloii forthe eotiiily jladdcr, kidneys, back and every parb of liiKhnm will be held at the Court llniisii In f the urinary passages in male or Charles E. Varlell by next friend vs, For neuralgia, head and toobhachc, POULTRY and GAME. the city of .Mason nn Satiirdiiy, .Iiiiki ii.'ld, female, 1 b relieves retenbion of water Beiij, li'. Cleiiienbs, assumpslb; Jas. E. rlicumabism and all oblier pains, use •JHIM, III 11 o'clock a. III., for tlieiiiii'iinse of eleel- iwK twenty di'lCKMles In reiii'csciit .said ooiinly In ind pain in pa.ssing it almost immedi- Ciiri'oll vs. Win. if. McKale, replevin, Dullam's Gerraiin Liniment. Forsale Hie Stuti^ coiiveiilliiii to lie held in the city (if tely. If you want oiiick relief and by ITalsbead & .Son and F, IT, Field, Cash fnr HidES X FfiliH. appeal; Alvira Dawson vs. J. W. Daw• » undermine the constltuUon induce nervous debility and early cases, by which he Is enabled to In fuse a part of his own energy into tholr hopeless lives, Wero not all such cases held In the oircnccs, Tiie Democrat is witli him Tangeinents, Everything Indicates decay, organic weakness, premature loss of the manly powers. oflt'sCotoRoot Involuntary loss of vital llulds, general prostraUon, and oft most sacred confidence tho doctor could print letters from and will start oub by naming two nf- tlie realization of our hopes of putting jr tImesImbecUty and chronic epilepsy. Of all maladies ullllct- thoasandsof grateful nation ts who have boon cured, nnd are to• day perfect mon, physically and mentally. Disease or debility 10,000 in the line of marcli. The llame !l*inK'"Rna'nd'',horo Is probably none about which tho common i'cnccs that should go on the list, i. c, COMPOUND. •Ji •R"' ly, doctor In general practice knows so little, yot nosuITorors of tho reproductive organs of oltborsox rapidly destroys the en• chronic drunks and wife beaters. In of enthusiiim seems to bo evcrvwhere 'A rooont dUcorory by an old K* need the attention ot the experienced specialist moro than theso, ergies of both body and mind, rob.s Uie stop of its oiastlclty, dims tlio bright eye, pales tho cheek, developos cowardice, and burning. Superintendent St. John of pbyolcl&n. Swseet>fv.M}i uteel3- . ','9''° ^^'P '"^ to,7nliilstor to a diseased body, a diseased mind, our opinion whipping posts would iji and ImaglnaUons IlHcd with morbid desires and tearful appro- often destroys tbo briglitost Intellect, Tho roproductlvo func• the Michigan Industrial School lias ^montMi; bv thouianii of honslons, Dr, Humphrey's unparalleled success with those un• tion Is tiio mainspring of animal life—preaorvolt at all hazards. jnake ii grciit saving to the various Ladlet. Ii tho only pcrfocOy iccepted an invitation to participate, •counties and the punishment would be BSio nnd roUnblo modlclno dla- Jli'PHYSICAL RYAMTWATTOW "any hooks are written upon this SUB,TE0T,, and thousands ot bright, ^ and will haye about 500 uniformed covered, BoWoro of Tmprlnclplcd drugglata who ^ii . , i^i\[\i^i.lv\n.l\.\Jl\ shining Instruments'are sold annually to Doctors forthe purpose of dotorminlng 4& tleserved by those guilty of the two offer loforlor medicines la place ot this. Ailt for the kind and character of dlseiiso Uiat allllct tbo human family. Dr. Holman S. Humphrey has long sinco pa.ssod tho point ''^^ bo.ys in line. This will be a beautiful whoro ho has to undress tho sick and thump, and stroU;li,pull, twlat, and torment Uiem until tboy are completely exhausted igfL cfTonces mentioned aliovc. Cook'i Cotton noot Compound, laie no $ubitc- sight, which can be no where seen but ';r In order to find a name to suit their condition, but with a power ot penetration born nf yoars of study nnd oxporlonco, he In- 'W' tule, OT Incloio gl and a oenu In postage la letter .^f£.* Cfn„41u nn,.nn„t.,nn .1 t l_ , ..... I,.. • ... « ======Fred Sqiilevs was la LansUiR last Friday, Olias, Wordou, ,Sr„ spent Suiidny at lioino, , A. 0. KnUols was homo from Leslie oyer Stm- I day. 'aiiii Win. Cook of Delhi was In the oily last 'J'lics. Walton's I day. , 0. Ulnklcy of Holt was In the city last Satnr- I divy, , Frank Ives was homo from Lansing over iStin- I day, Having purchased the II. JI. Wllllaias stock of paints f will carry a full line of Uio well-known Costies Vornle Scar was home from Lansing over Sim- I day- II, 1!, Conn of Holt was In the city last Satiir- Grocery I day. JI. K. I'itihlock was home Irorn Ovid last T'.nrs- Boydeli Bros.' Prepared Paints I day. , Miss Jessie Lewis Is visiting relatlyos In Uie I city. Is now located in a nice, dean, light store filled URNHAIYl & CO. Also slrlcUy pure White Lead, National Tinting Colors, CiuTlage I'alnls, Ormnlng Colors, Oils. | , John Uliickinoro spent ijiitnrday at I'loitsimt with a fine line of I lako. Varnish, Ute., and the largest line of I'aliit Ilrnshea In Uie city. Onr stock of B Lansing M. A. Uretz of Clmrlolto Is In the city this week. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT-n-TTTT , J. C. Klinmel, Jr. , Is clerking at the Donnelly iSliow a House. Wall Paper and Window Shades | , A, .1, Millor ot Dansville was In tho city yos- Special Line of I terday. CHOICE GOODS , 0. L. Uoolio of Cadillac was In tho city last I Is larger ami more comploto than over boforo, and prices much lower. I I'rlday. 11.T •T.ll-t.T.l.I.l.T T.J T .I.T. LT T-! f ll.I.lll.L.LJ.l.LJ.l,tJ..L.L.Ll.rj.l , 1,011. Onlvin ot Lansing was In Uie city lasl I Kcspoclfnily Yours, I Friday. Tobaccos and Cigars, Candies and Fruits always m m n Irwin Lainpson of Lansing was In the city last I I Bmiday. , J. AV. I'"reenmii of Aiirelliis was In the city last ( fresh. Green stuff in its season. 00CX)00OO0O0O0OOOOOO0O0OO I I Tuesday. CHAS. W. BROWNE. Amos Ciussinan of Ingliiini was In Uie city last I Tuesday. OUR HONORED ANCESTORS, J. lU. I'nlver of Hhaftshnrg w.ns In Uie city last I Rolfe for a larger piirt of the list, ns I We do not quote prices but make them right. When I Tuesday. ' tlic vicc-presldeiit,s In some of the ( NOVELTIES Twenty-second Annual Meetlngr of , John McCrwiryoI Locke was In the city last towns neglected to linnd in the mimes. in need of anything in our line call on us. We have j Saturday. tho Insrham County Pioneer , William ICollcr of Lansing was In the city last Society. •T. N. Ihisli of Lansing made tlie ad-1 0OO0O0(X)0OO00OO