Annual Report 2009-2010

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Annual Report 2009-2010 Contacting Council For all enquiries please contact: Central Highlands Regional Council Po Box 21 EMERALD QLD 4720 Phone: 1300 242 686 Fax: 1300 242 687 Email: [email protected] Web: Administration Office Hours Monday to Friday - 8.30am to 5.00pm Customer Service Centres: 65 Egerton Street EMERALD QLD 4720 4 Conran Street CAPELLA QLD 4723 10 McKenzie Street BLACKWATER QLD 4717 29 Eclipse Street SPRINGSURE QLD 4722 12 William Street DUARINGA QLD 4712 Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure this publication is free from error and/or omission at the date of printing. Council takes no responsibility for the loss occasioned to any person or organisation acting or refraining from action as a result of information contained in the publication. Valuing People, Partnerships & Place 2 Contents About Central Highlands Regional Council............................................................ 5 A Message From Our Mayor .................................................................................... 7 A Message From Our Ceo........................................................................................ 8 Our Mayor And Councillor’s .................................................................................... 9 Our Senior Executive.............................................................................................. 11 Organisational Structure June 2009-10 ................................................................ 12 Our Employees ....................................................................................................... 12 Highlights For 2009-10 ........................................................................................... 14 Community Financial Report ................................................................................. 15 Our Achievements By Department........................................................................ 19 Governance And Community Services ................................................................................ 19 Change Management And Area Services ............................................................................ 25 Civil Operations ...................................................................................................................... 26 Commercial Services .............................................................................................................28 Corporate Services................................................................................................................. 35 Environment And Planning..............................................................................................................38 Statutory Disclosures............................................................................................. 47 Auditors Report ...................................................................................................... 57 Valuing People, Partnerships & Place 3 Valuing People, Partnerships & Place 4 About Central Highlands Regional Council The Central Highlands Regional Council was created on 15 March 2008, following the amalgamation of the shires of Bauhinia, Duaringa, Emerald and Peak Downs. Our Council is 59,970 km2 in size and covers an area almost equivalent to 90% of Tasmania. It stretches from the Peak Ranges in the north, to the Arcadia Valley in the south, from Boolburra in the east, to Bogantungan in the west. It includes the major towns of Emerald, Blackwater, Springsure, Capella, Tieri, Rolleston and Duaringa. The area is rich in agriculture. Much of it is grazing land which has been extensively developed and improved, and now produces top quality beef for domestic and export markets. We have a very productive irrigation industry supported by the mighty Fairbairn Dam and storages built along the Nogoa, Comet and Mackenzie Rivers. Crops produced include cotton, grains, table grapes and citrus. We also have a large dryland farming sector producing a variety of quality grains and fodder crops. The area is rich in minerals. We are located within the Bowen Basin, the largest coal reserve within Australia. A wide range of major global mining companies are active in our region. Millions of tonnes of coal are extracted by the coal industry annually and transported by electric rail to ports in Gladstone and Mackay. We have a range of stunning natural features that include the Carnarvon Gorge, Blackdown Tablelands, the Peak Downs ranges. We also have the largest sapphire producing fields in the southern hemisphere situated 50 km west of Emerald. Our Council has in excess of $800 million in assets, including eleven library branches, six aquatic centres, and seven customer service centres. We maintain 4,706 km of Council roads, and numerous parks and gardens, including the glorious Botanical Gardens in Emerald, the new Linear Parkland in Capella, Zamia Parkland in Springsure, and Mackenzie Park in Duaringa. We have a dedicated staff of almost 500 people that work hard to deliver and maintain our community assets for our residents and visitors. In 2009, we had an estimated resident population of 30,403 people1. This does not include the fly-in fly-out workforce from south east Queensland, or the drive-in drive-out workforce that come by road from coastal centres. More information about our Regional Council can be found on our website at 1 Source: Queensland Treasury 2009, Historical Tables, Historical Register of Local Government Names, Queensland, 1859 to 2008-09 (Q150 Release). Valuing People, Partnerships & Place 5 Our Vision Shaping the future by valuing people, partnerships and place. Our Mission A region, working in partnership, to foster sustainable development and vibrant communities. Councils strategic priorities are: • Creating a region of choice. • Building and delivering sustainable infrastructure. • Harnessing sustainable economic growth. • Protecting our environment. • Our community and our lifestyle. • Strengthening the organisation. Our Values and Commitment • Honesty and integrity. • Innovation and continuous improvement. • Transparency and accountability. • Diversity. • Open communication. • Leadership, engagement and fair representation. Our Electoral Jurisdiction Journey - 130 years Bauhinia Division Bauhinia Shire Council (1879-1903) (1903-2008) Central Duaringa Division Duaringa Shire Council (1903-2008) Highlands (1881-1903) losing Woorabinda Shire Council (1986) Regional Peak Downs Division Emerald Division Emerald Shire Council Council (1884-1902) (part) (1902-1903) (1903-2008) Peak Downs Division (15 March 2008) (1884-1903), losing part Peak Downs Shire Council to Emerald Division (1903-2008) (1902-1903) Valuing People, Partnerships & Place 6 A Message from our Mayor Welcome to our second Annual Report. Council was challenged during 2009/10. Whilst good rain is beneficial to grazing and agriculture, it has negative effects on our local roads. It restricts our ability to deliver our works program. In February 2010, much of the rural road network, particularly in the southern parts was affected by flooding and inundation. We have a Council road network of almost 5,000km crossing an area almost 60,000 sq km, and a service agreement to complete some maintenance on Dept of Transport and Main Roads. Council is still awaiting approval of NDRRA funding to restore the roads and associated infrastructure in many areas. Council adopted a new organisation structure during 2009/10, and adopted its Corporate Plan 2009-2013, which provides guidance and direction for the next five years. In 2011 we will begin to develop our ten year long term community plan as required by the State legislation. This will involve community engagement and consultation. Community consultations are an important opportunity for Councilors, council staff to hear concerns from residents, listen to and discuss needs to help shape our future. Some of Councils major achievements during the reporting period include: • Construction of new bitumen road, re-seals, and additional funding for capital road works. • Re-sheeting of gravel roads, not including flood damage works. • Seniors Week in Blackwater - over 200 of our older residents across the region attended. • Federal Government RLCIP stimulus funding, supported by Council supplements: o Bauhinia Downs hall upgrade and sports ground additions. o Blackwater Aquatic Centre - new change rooms & kiosk. o Blackwater Sporting complex at Hunter Street. o Capella Community Hall re-roofing. o Duaringa Library upgrade. o Emerald McIndoe Park Function Centre completion. o Springsure Town Hall air conditioning. • Queensland 150th anniversary projects - Capella Linear Parklands (with Light Horsemen tribute); Emerald CBD streetscape; and a cocktail party in Blackwater to complement arts and culture. • Early warning flood monitoring system in our rivers, with data accessible on the BOM website. This is supported by the new Radar facility located in Emerald. Looking forward, Council has also decided to carry out a productivity and efficiency improvement review in 2010/11. We are committed to providing strong leadership to tackle the enormous challenges ahead so that we can improve our regions lifestyle, services and standard of living. I look forward to continuing to work with the community to achieve meaningful outcomes that will benefit our residents and the region. Councillor Peter Maguire Mayor Valuing People, Partnerships & Place 7 A Message from our CEO This is my second report
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