Greenhouse Gas Mitigation and Accounting. In: Agroforestry
Chapter 3 Greenhouse Gas Mitigation and Accounting Michele Schoeneberger and Grant Domke Michele Schoeneberger is research program lead and soil scientist (retired), U.S. Department of Agri culture (USDA), Forest Service, USDA National Agroforestry Center; Grant Domke is team leader and research forester, USDA Forest Service, Forest Inventory and Analysis. Contributors: P.K.R. Nair, Marlen Eve, Alan Franzluebbers, Christopher Woodall, Toral Patel Weynand, James Brandle, and William Ballesteros Possu P.K.Ramachandran Nair is the distinguished professor of agroforestry at the School of Forest Resources and Conservation, University of Florida; Marlen Eve is the national program leader for Natural Resources and Sustainable Agricultural Systems, USDA Agricultural Research Service; Alan Franzluebbers is a research plant physiologist, USDA Agricultural Research Service; Christopher Woodall is project leader and research forester, USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station, Center for Research on Ecosystem Change; Toral Patel-Weynand is the director of Sustainable Forest Management Research, USDA Forest Service, Research and Development; James Brandle is emeritus shelterbelt professor, School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska; William Ballesteros Possu is associate professor, agrarian sciences faculty, University of Nariño. It is well documented that forests provide significant carbon ability to offset these emissions through the use of management (C) sequestration (McKinley et al. 2011). In the 2013 U.S. practices, of which TOF-based practices and, specifically, the Department of Agriculture (USDA) Greenhouse Gas Inventory, TOF practice of agroforestry, are now included (CAST 2011, forests, urban trees, and harvested wood accounted for the Denef et al. 2011, Eagle and Olander 2012, Eve et al. 2014). majority of agricultural and forest sinks of carbon dioxide Agroforestry is the intentional integration of woody plants (CO2) (USDA-OCE 2016).
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