Awareness Rally of Swachcha Bharat Abhiyan Block_Level_Workshop_of_MAHIMA

DPO meeting at GP Level Farmer with his Mango Plant in WADI area

Health Checkup camp for eilders Inaguration of workshop by B.D.O. under CFT Program Foreword or Lohardaga Gram Swarajya Sansthan (LGSS), 2014-15 has marked a very significant increase in impact and Fvisibility in . Ever since its inception in the year 1985, LGSS is striding at a great pace in order to fulfill its multi-direction objectives. In continuation to the previous year, the LGSS team has adopted integrated and sustainable approach to work in the field of Community Health, Child Education, Capacity Building, Natural Resource Management, Agriculture and Research and Survey etc. LGSS has initiated various activities in the financial year 2014-15 to expand its portfolio and enhance the services to the society.

LGSS’s contribution in the socioeconomic development, Natural Resource Management and societal value creation has been acknowledged several times. As LGSS approaches 30-year milestone, it’s a proud privilege for me to present the Annual Report which provides a summary of major activities implemented by LGSS for the period of financial year 2014- 15. LGSS is very happy for its performance and is very hopeful to continue with the same spirit for the generations to come.

I feel extremely honored to convey my heartiest gratitude to all of them who showed their faith in our efforts society and environment, especially to the district administrations, Government agencies, donors and partner agencies, CBOs, our team of most sincere workers, all villagers and well wishers. Achievements, developments and activities highlighted in this report would have been impossible without synergized efforts and contributions by these people.

C. P. Yadav


Page Nos. Our Organization 3 Organizational Profile 4 The Genesis 4 Our Vision 4 Our Mission 4 Our Objectives 4 Our Operational Area 6 The Beneficiaries 6 The Team 6 Executive Committee 7 A Glimpse of Our Major Activities 8 Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) 8 Care for Senior Citizens (ASTITVA) 8 Child Marriage Program 9 MHM Program (MAHIMA) 10 Leprosy Eradication Program 11 Sanitation Program 11 India Literacy Project 11 Survey on Education 12 Livelihood Promotion 12 Development of Micro Entrepreneurship 13 Natural Resource Management 13 WADI Program 13 Seed production Program 13 Promotion of Vegetable Cultivation 14 NRLM - MGNREGS Convergence 14 Promotion of Women SHG 15 Community Radio for Financial Inclusion 15 Our Association & Partner Agencies 16

ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 2 OUR ORGANIZATION Lohardaga Gram Swarajya Sansthan (LGSS) Near Block Office, Main Road, Lohardaga, Jharkhand – 835302, India TeleFax: +91 6526 224895 / 222386, Cell No.: +91 9431118156 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Website:

Registered under Indian Trust Act, 1882 (No.IV15/1031) Registered under Foreign Contribution Regulation Act 1976 (No. 337770004) Registered under Income Tax Act 12A/VIII 15/98-99/2328-30 Registered under Income Tax Act. 80G 23/80(G)/2010-11/1752-54

Executive Committee President Mr. Nemchand Bhagat Secretary Mr. C.P. Yadav Treasurer Mr. Sheikh Yasin Members Mr. Wazir Ahmad Mr. Sachidanand Mr. Dasai Oraon Prof. Malti Verma Chief Functionary Mr. C. P. Yadav, Secretary Bankers United Bank of India, Lohardaga, Jharkhand Auditors HABIBULLAH & CO. 35, Co-operative Shopping Complex, Road No-02, Ashok Nagar, Ranchi-834002 (Jharkhand)

3 ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 Operational Area of LGSS of Area Operational

ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 4 Organizational Profile THE GENESIS The English interpretation of the name Lohardaga Gram Swarajya Sansthan is Lohardaga Village Self-rule Institution. Commited to this philosophy of transferring the ownership of all its efforts to the community who are the ultimate beneficiaries, in the year 1985, few people from different section of the society inspired by the Gandhian philosophy and the noble idea of self-rule founded Lohardaga Gram Swarajya Sansthan as a Trust. The founders were also influenced by the philosophy of Vinoba’ji and Jayprakash’ji. They had a deep concern about the contemporary condition of Lohardaga, which had a long history of negligence from all sectors of the society and witnessed abject poverty in spite of having abundance of resources. Later this organization became registered under the Indian Trust Act, 1882 and Foreign Contribution Regulation Act, 1976. With a commitment to bring in socio- economic changes among the most downtrodden people of the area, especially among the women and children of the tribal population and establish a responsive environment for their needs and to improve their quality of life LGSS has walked a long way of thirty years..

OUR VISION Lohardaga Gram Swarajya Sansthan has a vision to have a Rural Self-reliant Society i.e. Sampoorna Gram Swaraj.

OUR MISSION To empower rural poor and disadvantaged community in such a way, so that they can identify, utilize their Potential and resources for their overall development in a sustainable manner.

OUR OBJECTIVES ¾¾To improve the present condition of rural people by reducing poverty, unemployment, illiteracy and problems regarding health. ¾¾To organize rural women for socio-economic development through income generation activities and skill development training. ¾¾To create equal opportunity of education for the children of disadvantaged section of the society. 5 ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 ¾¾To promote livelihood opportunities through proper management of natural resources and agriculture practices. ¾¾To organize rural people and women for leadership development and development of people’s pressure and vigilance committee. ¾¾To develop appropriate rural technology and promote non-conventional energy sources. ¾¾To collaborate with the government departments and other development agencies to make convergence of all development programmes in an integrated manner for all-out development. OUR OPERATIONAL AREA LGSS is presently working in seven districts of Jharkhand and based in the small town of Lohardaga. The operational area covers Lohardaga, Gumla, Simdega, Ranchi, Khunti, Palamu and Latehar.

THE BENEFICIARIES The vulnerable tribal population forms the core of LGSS’s target and its major beneficiaries. In its all endeavour, special emphasis has been given on the women and children of the rural tribal population. ¾¾Women & Children at Risk ¾¾Adolescents ¾¾Marginalized Farmers ¾¾Senior Citizens ¾¾Physically & Psychologically Challenged Persons THE TEAM LGSS comprises of a very good team of highly motivated professionals, workers and supervisory staffs with varied skills and experience in their field of expertise. It comprises of over hundred dedicated workers, thirty-five supervisory staffs and twelve professionals working at the project management level. The team is being assisted by highly efficient office/administrative staffs and the secretary. LGSS also gets the invaluable services of highly qualified professionals like doctors, engineers, social scientists, management experts and legal advisors.

ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 6 Executive Committee

Secretary cum Executive Director

Programme Administration Finance

Programme Manager Office Assitants Accountants, Programme Ordinator MIS Assitants Cashier Supervisors & Sub-staffs Animators

LGSS provides training to the staff members in order to improve their skills. Some staff had also been sent to attend issue based training courses, organized by other development agencies.

7 ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 A Glimpses of Our Major Activities During the financial year 2014-15, LGSS has remained active in implementation of different projects in various areas of social development. These include Community Health & Sanitation, Education, Natural Resource Management, and Livelihood Promotion. Following is a glimpse of various activities done in the abovementioned sectors.

Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) for the differently-abled people isan integrated program being implemented by LGSS in association with CBR Forum, Bengaluru under the name ‘Promoting the Rights of PWDs through advocacy Initiatives’. It focuses on enhancing the quality of life for people with disabilities and their families. It is a multi-sectorial strategy program that empowers persons with disabilities to access and benefit from education, employment and health. The program with two years duration was started on 1st April 2014 in . It covers 353 villages in 66 Gram Panchayats in all 7 blocks of Lohardaga district. In the financial year 2014-15, 7 BDPOs (Block Level Disabled Persons’ Organizations), 19 GPDPOs (Gram Panchayat Level Disabled Persons’ Organizations) and 84 VDPOs (Village Level Disabled Persons’ Organizations) were formed and 1097 new members joined in this fiscal year. At district level, a district level, a federation of these Disabled Persons’ Organization – Swawalambi Viklang Mahasangh remained active in Lohardaga district.

Care for Senior Citizens (ASTITVA) With the aim of fostering the welfare of the disadvantaged and poor older people, LGSS started a program named ‘Project ASTITVA’ in the year 1997 with the support from HelpAge India. In the current fiscal year, this project has supported 850 people (450 men and 400 women) in Kairo block. During this year, 6 health check- up camps were organized in which 340 older people were benefitted with free medical services and free medicine. Cataract operation was done for 5 older people at Vanvasi Kalyan Kendra, Lohardaga. 46 and 113 beneficiaries were connected with Old Age Pension scheme and Rashtriya Swasthya Beema Yojana respectively. Besides, 205 older people were also connected with Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan

ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 8 Yojana (PMJBY). MGNREGA job card were also formed for 105 old people under which 44 old people got job. Under this project, 50 Elders’ Self Help Groups (ESHGs) were made active at various locations i.e. 16 ESHGs in Naroli, 4 ESHGs in Khanda, 16 ESHGs in Gajani, 2 ESHGs in Ulti and 12 ESHGs in Edadon village. The members of these groups also saved Rs.11,000/- in their account. These ESHGs have been given frequent training programmes in order to make them self independent. 48 older people of 4 ESHGs were given training on goat and pig farming. LGSS was also responsible to organize weekly meetings for these older people.

Child Marriage Program India Child marriage is a human rights abuse. It constitutes a grave threat to young girls’ lives, health and future prospects. Marriage for girls can lead to complications related to pregnancy and child birth, and in developing countries these are the main causes of death among 15–19 year-old girls. Girls who are married are also exposed to sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. For a girl, marriage can mean the end of her education, can set aside her chances of a vocation or career, and can steal from her foundational life choices. The Child Marriage Program India is being implemented in the state of Jharkhand through a CSO Network of 10 NGOs (LGSS, MMKK, BPYP, MSUS, VEDIC Society, SPAR, SPARK, TRCSC, YUVA, and LEADS) in 200 Villages of 9 Blocks of 6 Districts (Lohardaga, Latehar, East Singhbhum, West Singhbhum, Palamu, and Saraikela- Kharsawan) in Jharkhand with the support from Edukans Foundation and Development Focus. This network is being leaded by Lohardaga Gram Swarajya Sansthan (LGSS). The goal is to reducing Child Marriage by 50% and strengthening SRHR among adolescent and youth by 2015 and the objectives of this program are – 1) To improve adolescents’ and youths’ knowledge on SRH and access to their services; 2) To enhance access to formal education and ensure retention amongst adolescent girls; 3) To educate and mobilize communities towards behavioural, traditional and religious practices; and 4) To influence government policies, institutional mechanisms and services. This project endeavours to reduce the prevailing rate of child marriage in Jharkhand. The targets of this program are adolescents and youths (Age group from 12 years 9 ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 to 21 years). The impact of this effort is mainly depends on how it be able to bring in a drastic behavioural change in the rural society. Thus it proposes to address the relevant issues of health, education, law, and also the socio-religious issues. Besides the project personnel, there would be 1,200 volunteers (three parents and three young people, 4 women/girls and two men/boys) per village in 200 villages for implementing the project activities at the community level. Besides other achievements, during the year, 36 cases of Child Marriages have been stopped by the efforts of the organizations under this this DAHAR network.

MHM Program (MAHIMA) Menarche marks an important milestone- the beginning of womanhood and is overtly linked with the reproductive and sexual health of women. Thus to manage menstruation hygienically, free of shame and embarrassment is imperative for a woman to live her life with dignity. In Jharkhand, the onset of menarche remains shrouded in misconception due to lack of knowledge and understanding which makes the girls more vulnerable to diseases. There is lack of awareness about menstruation and menstrual hygiene, compounded by taboos, restrictions and imposed feelings of shame. The process of menstruation and the physiological changes that occur are often an informational black hole – not only for adolescent girls but also for the influencers around them. Menstrual Health and Hygiene Management for Adolescents (MAHIMA) is a UNICEF funded pilot project being implemented and it has been conceptualized taking cognizance to the need to respond to the pertinent health and development need of adolescent girls’ i.e. menstrual health and hygiene management. The project consists of two distinct phases. Phase 1 entails Breaking the cycle of silence – getting the girls to open up and communicate and raising awareness and Phase 2 will focus on Enhancing Knowledge and Addressing Attitudes, Perceptions and Social Norms. The project thus largely relies on effective social and behaviour change communication strategies to achieve desired outcomes. Since August 2014, MAHIMA is being implemented in Gumla Sadar, Sisai, and Palkot Blocks in . Under this program, we have done several trainings, workshops, and meetings for adolescent girls, their parents, school teachers, Anganwadi Sevika, Sahiya, ANMs, and for Block level government officials, like

ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 10 BDOs, BEEOs, MOICs, CDPOs, and BPOs with the support from the district officials of the departments, like Education, Health, and ICDS/DSW. In our 3 target blocks, we have also trained 500 adolescent girls as peer educators (Prerika) during the reporting period.

Leprosy Eradication Program Towards the goal of eradicating Leprosy, during the reporting year, a program was implemented with the support from Damien Foundation Trust, Chennai. Under this program, survey for identification of leprosy patients was conducted in all 7 blocks of the district. By this survey, 75 such patients have been identified. Presently medicines are being given to these patients besides counseling on regular basis.

Sanitation Program With the support from Govt. of Jharkhand, under Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan (NBA) and later Swachh Bharat Mission, this organization has been working, since TSC days, in Lohardaga and Gumla districts to make all the Panchayats open defecation free. During the reporting year, it has remained active as BRC in both the districts to extend facilitation support to the line departments at the district level. Itis working as catalyst for spreading awareness and enhancing motivation level in the community to fulfill the goal of the program.

India Literacy Project LGSS is very well aware of the responsibility to generate awareness in rural areas about different aspects related to the various socially relevant issues and enhance their socio-economic condition. For this, LGSS has organized various educational and awareness program under India Literacy Project in the financial year 2014- 15. Some of the activities are: Mother’s committee orientation at Gram Panchayat Level in 6 Gram Panchayats with 241 persons, orientation of school management committee at 6 GP levels with 250 persons, 986 orientation meetings of SHGs/ CBOs/Community Members/PRI members on RTE, child right information in 26 villages with 9374 attendees. Teaching materials like 1000 slates and 64 boxes of chalks were distributed by LGSS in order to improve the education facilities among children in various villages. A public hearing was conducted on 18th March 2015 with school management committee and government officials for the discussion

11 ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 on issues and solutions to resolve those issues. 98 quarterly meetings of CRC members were conducted at village and school level in order to improve the awareness on child right and capacity building. LGSS also conducted Bal Mela at 6 GP level in which various events e.g. sports, music and quiz competitions were organized. Around 1168 children participated in this event. Many rallies and counseling were done at various locations which resulted in 1808 new enrolments of age 6-14 years in 44 schools. LGSS also conducted a learning level assessment of children in which 601 children of 44 schools were assessed. It conducted 30 meetings from time to time with various government officials to discuss various issues related to children. Besides, LGSS conducted capacity building training programs for staffs on 15-16 June 2014 and 29-30 March 2015, in which the staffs were given training on RTE, Child Right, monitoring system and record keeping.

Survey on Education In the process of achieving the goal of holistic development, one of the most important issues is effective and quality education for all in the society, irrespective of socio-economic standards. Like previous years, in the month of September 2014, LGSS conducted field level survey in 30 villages of Lohardaga district under the nationwide ASER survey program of PRATHAM, New Delhi.

Livelihood Promotion During this financial year, different development projects were been implemented for promoting livelihood among the target population in Lohardaga and Gumla districts. A sustainable livelihood program for ultra-poor for eradication of extreme poverty is being run in Sisai block in Gumla district with the support from Trickle-Up Program. Under this program, PPs were selected through PRA and PAT methods, 24 SHGs were formed and imparted training, SHG accountant selection and training, planning of livelihood startup activity, training on different livelihood activities was done. Bank accounts of the elected PPs and SHGs were also opened. SHG staff meetings have also been conducted by LGSS at regular interval. Grant utilization of Rs 11,280/- per PP and bank credit linkage of 24 SHG was also facilitated in the current financial year.

ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 12 Development of Micro Entrepreneurship With the support from NABARD, a Micro Entrepreneurship Development Project (MEDP) was undertaken during the reporting year. Under this project, 5 nos. training sessions were organized on Mushroom Cultivation in 5 Panchayats (Harmu, Murki Todar, Bhathkhijri, Kutumu , and Barhi) in Lohardaga district. It benefited 150 women of 35 WSHGs.

Natural Resource Management Under MESO Prototype Scheme (Phase IV), in Fori Panchayat of the Sadar block of the district of Gumala, various work have been done in the financial year 2014- 15 for better management of natural resources. Under this program 11 small Lift Irrigation Systems; 9 Irrigation Ponds; 11 Uthla Kuwan; and 5 Bari Kuwan have been constructed besides 2 land leveling work. Due to this endeavour, vegetable (Tomato) cultivating has become possible in 28 acres of land in the Panchayat and these benefited 322 farmers.

WADI Program LGSS started a program named WADI in July 2010 with the support from the Tribal Development Fund / NABARD. This program covers six villages - Gajni, Ulti, Chalho, Mahuari, Pachagai, and Narauli in Kairo block of Lohardaga district. It is focused on the tribal households of the small and marginal farmers with low agricultural productivity.till the end of this reporting year target 500 acre has been covered with 524 families. During this financial year, Construction of 1 irrigation well, 55 jalkund and deepening of 2 ponds were completed in order to facilitate the availability of water in these areas. 25 farmers were engaged for the crop development in SRI process. 5 vermi-compost units have been constructed and functioning during the period. 22 WSHG members got capacity building training and 300 farmers got training on horticulture and other farm activities. A health camp wasalso organized by LGSS in WADI area in which 150 villagers got free medical treatment and medicines.

Seed production Program Since the reporting year, a program on Paddy Seed Production is being implemented in 2 villages of Lohardaga district (Baratpur and Bagha). This program was supported

13 ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 by NABARD. The main objective of this program is to produce paddy seeds and to make these available to the local farmers after certification. The activities done under this endeavour are – Selection of 2 villages (Baratpur and Bagha) in Lohardaga Block for paddy seed production; Selection of 25 farmers from each village, i.e. 50 farmers in total for seed production in 50 acre area; Capacity building and technical training for the farmers; Formation of 2 Seed Village Committees were for smooth implementation of the project; Procurement and distribution of Foundation paddy seed (Abhisek and Navin) from Birsa Agriculture University, Kanke for seedling; and Adoption of SRI cultivation technique. At the end of the season, 367 Quintal paddy seed has been produced and certification done from the Jharkhand Seed Certification Authority. After processing, packaging, and tagging, presently these certified paddy seeds are ready for the farmers.

Promotion of Vegetable Cultivation A Project for promotion of creeper vegetable cultivation through MANDAP Technology has been initiated on pilot basis in Mundo Village of Lohardaga district. This program is supported by NABARD under Rural Innovation Fund (RIF). The main objective of this program is to promote vegetable production with new technology and in better manner. The major activities undertaken for this program are– Selection of 75 women farmers of WSHG for cultivation; Capacity building and technical training on creeper vegetable production (Mandap establishment with concrete poll and polymer wire, crop selection etc.); Formation of a management committee with 5 member for implementation of the program at village level; Opening of a bank account for this management committee, titled “Sabji Utpadak Samiti, Mundo”. Now, these 75 women farmers and their families are engaged in creeper vegetable production in 7.5 acre area.

NRLM - MGNREGS Convergence In the financial year 2014-15 a convergence endeavour of National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM) and Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Schemes (MGNREGS) had been initiated under CFT Program of JSLPS and Department of Rural Development, Government of Jharkhand. The main objective of program is – Asset creation for sustainable livelihood of vulnerable section of society through MGNREGA. This program is being implemented in Kairo

ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 14 and Lohardaga Blocks of Lohardaga district, covering 6 Panchayats and 20 villages. Under this program, the major activities were - Household base line survey; Participatory planning at community level for village development plan; Selection of 33 women mates for MGNREGA work; Orientation of 167 WSHG members on MGNREGA; 30 New Job card issued 500 old activated through CFT intervention; 163 Bank accounts opened for the Job Card holder; and Organized 196 Rojgar Diwas. Besides these, 2,334 schemes out of these 187 priorities had been taken in Kairo Block and 170 our of these 85 priorities in Lohardaga Block. During this reporting year 100 schemes had been sanctioned under MGNREGA.

Promotion of Women SHG With the support from Department of Financial Service, Go, through NABARD, a project for promoting women self-help groups is being implemented in Lohardaga district. The main objectives of this project are to provide access to sustainable banking services for the poor households through SHGs; to converge delivery of social developmental programs to the poor through micro finance program; to promote livelihood development for the poor through SHGs; to empower women; and to saturate by the year 2014-15 the rural areas of LWE districts with Women SHGs by drawing one woman from each family. Till the end of the year, 1,927 WSHGs were formed, of which 1,462 groups were linked with banks and saved Rs.327s, 13,200/-. Out of these groups, 367 groups availed bank credit of Rs.149,25,114/- for their livelihood activities.

Community Radio for Financial Inclusion In Karra block of , a Community Radio Program is being implemented since the financial year 2012-13. This program is supported by NABARD, Jharkhand. It covers 8 Panchayats for enhancing the status of financial inclusion. The goal is to reach maximum number of people in remote rural areas for creating awareness on financial inclusion. During the reporting year, audio CDs, prepared in local dialects had been broadcasted on the thematic issues of Low rate financial services, Insurance (Health, crop, and livestock), Access to financial market, and Government subsidy schemes.

15 ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 Our Association & Partner Agencies Life Member Jharkhand State Council for Child Welfare, Ranchi Member

District Literacy Committee, Lohardaga  District Hospital Management Society, Lohardaga

 District RCH Committee, Lohardaga  District Blindness Control Society, Lohardaga  Monitoring Committee at District Level for National Programme of Nutritional Support to

Primary Education, Lohardaga  District Task Force for Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation &

Coordination for Irrigation Facility, Lohardaga District Bonded Labour Eradication Committee,

Lohardaga  District Level Committee for Natural Calamity Management, Lohardaga 

District PNDT Committee, Lohardaga  District Malaria Control Society, Lohardaga  District

Level Council For Child Welfare, Lohardaga  North India NGO Consortium Trust  Jharkhand

Pradesh Lok Samiti  Voluntary Health Association of Jharkhand  National Trust  DLCC,

Bankers Committee, Lohardaga  LLC for welfare of people effected from cerebral palsy, autism, mental retardation & multiple disabilities for the districts of Lohardaga, Latehar &

Palamu  District NGO Committee constituted under NRHM Partner Agencies

Action Aid, India  AFPRO, Ranchi  BBC Trust  CAPART, New Delhi  CARE India  CASA,

Kolkata  CBR Forum, Bangalore  CCF India, Bangalore  CINI, Kolkata  CORDAID, The

Netherlands  Development Focus, Bangalore  Damien Foundation Trust, Chennai 

Department of Water and Sanitation, Lohardaga, Jharkhand DFID / Development Alternative

 DRDAs - Lohardaga, Ranchi, and Khunti, Jharkhand  Foundation for Rural Recovery &

Development (FORRAD)  Edukans Foundation, The Netherlands  FVTF, Bangalore  Gras

Academy Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi  GTZ, Germany  GVK, Jamshedpur  HelpAge India  HIMOS,

The Netherlands  Indo-German Social Service Society (IGSSS)  Jharkhand Education Project

Council  Jharkhand State AIDS Control Society  KGVK, Ranchi  Ministry of Health & Family

Welfare, Govt. of India  Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India  Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India  NABARD  Nav Bharat Jagriti Kendra, Hazaribagh 

NEG, New Delhi  Plan International (India)  Reach India, New Delhi  SAP India  SAP India

Trust  SGVK, Daltonganj  Soil Conservation Departments, Lohardaga and Gumla, Jharkhand

 SPAR, Kolkata  SPWD, New Delhi  SRI, Ranchi, Jharkhand  Trickle Up, USA  UNDP 

UNICEF  Welfare Department, Ranchi & Lohardaga, Jharkhand  XISS, Ranchi ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 16 17 ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 18 19 ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 20 Launching of Radio Program on Financial Nukkad Natak on Convergence of NRLM- Literacy MGNREGA

Pumphouse constructed under Prototype, Seed producer farmers with secretary LGSS Gumla

Training of DPO key leader on Advocacy and Woman Farmer in Multi-Layer Vegetable Culti- lobbying vation field 482_(11-15)_Annapurna Press • 0651-2331800