14 Sept 2010
EAST AFRICAN COMMUNITY _______________ IN THE EAST AFRICAN LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY (EALA) The Official Report of the Proceedings of the East African Legislative Assembly 89 TH SITTING – SECOND ASSEMBLY: FIRST MEETING – FOURTH SESSION Tuesday, 14 September 2010 The East African Legislative Assembly met at 2.40 p.m. in the Chamber of Deputies of the National Assembly of Burundi, Bujumbura. PRAYER (The Speaker, Mr. Abdirahin Abdi, in the Chair) (The Assembly was called to order.) ___________________________________________________________________________ PROCEDURAL MOTION And Whereas Rule 2 of the Rules of Procedure provides that, the seat of the The Chairperson, Committee on Legal, Assembly shall be at Arusha in the United Rules and Privileges (Mr. Frederic Republic of Tanzania; Ngenzebuhoro (Burundi): Mr. Speaker, Sir, I beg to move: And Whereas sub-rule 7 of Rule 11 provides that the Assembly may, on a That, this House, pursuant to the resolution adopted by a majority of its provisions of Article 55 of the Members, decide to hold one or more Treaty, and Rule 11 of the Rules of sittings elsewhere within the Partner Procedure, do resolve to hold its States, other than at its seat; sittings in Bujumbura, in the Republic of Burundi. Now, therefore, this Assembly do resolve as follows: Ms Valérie Nyirahabineza (Rwanda) : Seconded. That pursuant to the provisions of Sub-rule 7 of Rule 11 stated above, the Assembly Mr. Ngenzebuhoro: Mr. Speaker, Sir; shall hold sittings in the Burundi National th Whereas Clause 1 of Article 55 of the Assembly from today, Wednesday, 14 September 2010 up to Thursday, 23rd Treaty provides that, the meetings of the September 2010.
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