
theme TYPE ACTIVITY ORGANIZATIONS Seminar no speakers Thursday 1 language I001 – 400 2 Seminar Local Managements and Urbanization TMMOB 66 (işletme) EN, TR M001 – 350 (makine) M002 – 250 1 Seminar Alternatives to Right wing extremism Prague Spring II All-European Network against right 34 EN, TR, RU, (makine) wing Extremism, Czech Republic DE 7 Seminar Ecological debt, responsibilities of financial The Committee for the Cancellation of the Third World 130 Olivier Ragueneau - CADTM France institutions and Debt (CADTM) , Anne-Sophie Simpère - Les Amis de la Terre France solidarity solutions Belgium Iolanda Fresnillo - ODG Espagne CADTM France, France Eric De Ruest - CADTM Belgique Friends of the earth France, France ODG, (Observatorio de la deuda en la globalizacion), M004- 200 Spain FR, ES, EN, (makine) TR 13 Seminar The call for a Fifth International - what kind of League for the Fifth International, United Kingdom 246 Nina Gunic (Liga der sozialistischen Revolution, League for working class International we need? the Fifth International) Arshad Shezad (Workers Power Pakistan) Permanent Revolution Movement () Hermann Dworzak (Austrian Social Forum, member of IV. M005- 200 (makine) International) EN, TR, KR 1 Seminar Corporate Interests behind New Public Attac (Norway) 6 Prof. Dr. Tanay Sıdkı Uyar, President EUROSOLAR (Turkey) Management Campaign for the Welfare State (Norway) Helene Bank, Campaign for the Welfare State (Norway) D101 – 200 Corporate Europe Observatory – CEO, (Belgium) Anita Kelles, Senior Activist, Finland (işletme) Attac Berlin (Germany) EN, TR, 13 Seminar The struggle against nuclear weapons in War Resisters International, Vredesactie- 234 Hans Lammerant (Vredesactie), Dominic Moran (Greenpeace), D102 – 200 Europe and the Middle-East Bombspotting, Greenpeace Ufuk Uras (işletme) EN, TR, D201 – 200 2 Seminar Stop the offensive on pensions: a social major FSU (France), CGT (France), CGIL (Italy), FGTB 67 FR, EN, TR, (işletme) issue (Belgium), DISK IT 10 Seminar Privatization and commodification of Education European Education Network, COBAS Scuola (Italy), 202 Antonio Ñacle, STES - Confederacion intersindical (Spain) STES (Spain), OLME/DOE (Greece), Revolution D003 – 200 (Germany), USTEC/STES (Spain) ES, IT, DE, (işletme) FR, EN, TR 1 Seminar Economy and Democracy::How the lack of espaces marx, France,utopia, ccopernic, labor and 8 Véronique Sandoval (economist, Espaces Marx, Fr), David Y001 – 200 democracy causes the crisis of economy.How globalization, FGTB, Ver.di, CSC Flacher (economist, Utopia, Fr),Martin Beckman (Ver.di), (yabancı_dille the promotion of democracy will promote a Sebastien Robeet(CSC),FGTB r) social economy FR, EN TR, 13 Seminar What future for the ESF and the European Italian Coordination for ESF and WSF, Italy, Campaign 231 Chantal Delmas (Transform!),Franco Russo(Charter for social movements facing the global crisis? for the Welfare State, Norway, FSU, France, another Europe), Şamil Altan (MSF) European Attac Network, Austrian Social Forum, Austria, Karakedi Kultur Merkezi Turkey, CADTM, D202 – 150 FGTB, Mezopotamya Sosyal Forumu, Transform TR, EN, FR, (işletme) Europe KR D203 – 150 5 Seminar The action of the union against racism CGIL, Italy 116 (işletme) IT, EN, TR D301 – 150 2 Seminar Economic, social and cultural rights of people Amnesty International Turkey, Turkey 61 (işletme) on the move EN, TR 2 Seminar “United we stand, divided we fall!” - Employers FGTB/ABVV Youth (Belgium), COBAS (Italia), DGB 80 & governments assaults on unions rights and Youth and IGM (Germany) D501 – 150 freedoms-How to strike back jointly in Europe? DE, TR, EN, (işletme) FR M008 – 100 Seminar Munzur Valley Dam Project and Migration Dersim Dernekleri Federasyonu 318 (makine) Problem EN, TR M009 – 100 2 Seminar Slicosis: ITGLWF 258 (makine) EN, TR, FR

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M010 – 100 4 Seminar Religious Freedom and Problems of Alevis Revolutionary Alevi Committee (Devrimci Alevi 101 Cafer Bin EN,TR, AR, (makine) Komitesi) FR M011 – 100 1 Seminar What needs to be done against crissis? Causes Yeni Dünya için Çağrı 31 Çetin Desde EN, TR,FR, (makine) and conseguences of crissis. ES, AR 5 Seminar Repression against migration, detention camps, ESF Antirepression Network, Greece 112 Karl Kopp, pro asyl, Germany migration control mechanism Alkisti Mavraki, Network for the Social Support of Migrants and Refugees, Greece Y002 – 100 (yabancı_dille N. N., Migrant Solidarity Network, r) Matthias Monroy, gipfelsoli, Germany GR, EN, TR 3 Seminar 92 Oğuz Kavala Murat Akad Y003 – 100 (yabancı_dille 5 Cuban Hereos Prisoned in USA and the José Marti Küba Dostluk Derneği, ICAP (Instituto Av. Ayhan Erdoğan r) Solidarity Movement with Cuba in Europe Cubano de Amistad con los Pueblos) Av. Hande Gündoğdu ES, EN, TR 8 Seminar No to Nato, Against militarisation and Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND), United 170 – 248 Reiner Braun (Programme Director of INES), Arielle Denis (Le nuclearsiation of the EU, build EU for peace Kingdom-Global peace and justice coalition, Turkey- Mouvement de la Paix), Kerem Kabadayı (Global peace and justice International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms coalition), Andreas Speck (WRI), Ayşegül Devecioğlu (MSF) (IALANA), Germany - Institut de Documentation et de Y004 – 100 Recherche sur la Paix (IDRP), France - Le Mouvement de la (yabancı_dille Paix, France-War Resisters' International, United Kingdom. r) EN, TR, KR Y005 – 100 (yabancı_dille The Ecooperative Parliament as growing social AG Freie Bildungs Demokratien r) 13 Seminar power for the realization of Another World unibrennt movement Vienna 252 EN, TR 10 Seminar Christianism in the Gospel and Islam in the European Network Church on the Move, Italy, Noi 200 Gerd Wild, chair, European Network Church on the Move Koran together for a multicultural Europe with Siamo Chiesa Zeynep Cebeci, Ph doctorate in history Y006 – 100 (yabancı_dille Turchey Claudio Monge, doctor in theology of religions r) Murvet Ozturk, German Alevite Women Organisation FR,EN, TR Y007 – 100 Seminar Isolation, Prisons Reality and Political Goals 320 Celattin Can, 78'liler Vakfı Başkanı; Doğan Erbaş, Asrın Hukuk (yabancı_dille Bürosu; Akın Birdal, BDP İstanbul Milletvekili r) TUHAD-FED EN, TR, KR Y008 – 100 1 Seminar Global capital and epidemic diseases UHİM, Turkey 35 (yabancı_dille r) EN, TR M012 – 100 8 Seminar Peace and Future Workshop Die Friedens und zukunftwerkstatt 176 (makine) DE, EN, TR M013 – 100 7 Seminar Free Public Transport - exchange of experience Berlin Social Forum, Germany, Sweden 156 (makine) DE, EN, TR M014 – 70 (makine) M015 – 70 (makine) M016 – 70 (makine) M017 – 70 (makine) M018 – 70 (makine) Y009 – 60 10 Workshop 1GOAL: Education for all and the millennium Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft (GEW), 219 (yabancı_dille development goals Germany r) Y010 – 60 8 Workshop 309 (yabancı_dille r) Anti-militarism and Conscientious Objection Anti-militarist Initiative, Turkey Y011 – 60 8 Workshop EU militarisation, the arms industry and NATO War Resisters' International, United Kingdom, Women 180 (yabancı_dille towards a different Europe WTDE, Sweden r)

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Y012 – 60 1 Workshop After Bookchin: The Future of Social Ecology Politik Ekoloji Grubu, Turkey 51 (yabancı_dille r) Y013 – 60 (yabancı_dille r) Y014 – 60 (yabancı_dille r) Y015 – 60 (yabancı_dille r) Y016 – 60 (yabancı_dille r) Y017 – 60 (yabancı_dille r) Y018 – 60 (yabancı_dille r) D302 – 50 (işletme) D502 – 50 (işletme) D504 – 50 (işletme) M019 – 50 (makine) M020 – 50 (makine) M021 – 50 (makine) M022 – 50 (makine) M023 – 50 (makine) M024 – 50 (makine)

theme TYPE ACTIVITY ORGANIZATIONS Seminar no speakers Thursday 2 language 1 Seminar Europe, crisis and workers participation ETUC, Trade union conference organized in 41 Joël Decaillon (ETUC deputy general secretary) partnership by ETUC and the Turkish organizations Suleyman CELEBI (DISK President), Salim USLU (HAK-IS I001 – 400 President), Sami EVREN (KESK President) (işletme) TBC (TURK-IS) EN, FR, TR M001 – 350 7 Seminar Global Energy Wars TMMOB 134 (makine) EN, TR M002 – 250 (makine) 10 Seminar Education in the CEE countries and the struggle "Alternatives", "Education for all" movement, Russian 196 M006- 200 for right to education Federation (makine) EN, TR, RU 9 Seminar Peace, War and Youth Halkların Kardeşliği için Gençlik Platformu 184 Youth of Basque, Gencsen, Kurdish Youth, Sosyalist Gençlik M007- 200 Dernekleri Federasyonu, Barış için Vicdani Red Platformu (makine) EN, TR, KR

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1 Seminar State of play of public services in Europe and European network for public services, FGTB (Belgium), 11 challenges for social movements - Part 1 Union SNUI-SUD Trésor Solidaires (France), ADEDY (Greece), Initiatives Pour un Autre Monde (France), D101 – 200 Women Towards a Different Europe (Sweden), FSU, FR, EN , (işletme) France TR, GR 7 Seminar TAKSAV, left forum, Finland, transform! austria, 136 Laura Tuominen (Left Forum, Fi), TAKSAV (Turkey), Marysa Matias Austria, Rosa Luxemburg fondation, Espaces Marx (MEP / GUE, Pt) , Rosa Luxemburg foundation (De), Carla Luis D102 – 200 (Cultra, Pt), Joseph Baum (Transform! Austria), Chantal Delmas (işletme) What can be a left perspectiv of ecology? (Espaces Marx, Fr),Mirek Prokes(social forum CZ) EN, TR, FR 10 Seminar Education in the CEE countries and the struggle "Alternatives", "Education for all" movement, Russian 196 D201 – 200 for right to education Federation (işletme) EN, TR, RU 5 Seminar What solidarity with Iraqi civil society today? IPAM, Alternatives, Iraqi Democratic Future Network 300 Bernard Dreano, France (IDFN) Catherine Pappas, Canada Ali Al Dujaili, Iraq D003 – 200 Shameran Odesho, Iraq (işletme) Martina Pignatti, Italy EN, AR, TR 1 Seminar The debt crisis, North and South The Committee for the Cancellation of the Third World 247 Debt (the CADTM - Comité pour l'annulation de la dette du Tiers Monde) , Belgium CADTM France, France Kokino, Greece ATTAC-CADTM Valencia, Spain CADTM Pakistan, Pakistan Attac-CADTM Togo, Togo Y001 – 200 (yabancı_dille VAK - India r) ATTAC France FR, EN, TR 4 Seminar Anti-imperialist Network 105 Representatives of: Askapena (Basque country), Democratic Front for Liberation of Palestine(DFLP), Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), Socialist Party of Sri Lanka D202 – 150 (SPSL) and Yüksel Genç (Democratic Society Congress) EN, TR, KR, (işletme) National question and imperialism BSQ 1 Seminar Some experiencies from struggles: Continental, ANITZA (ELA, ESK, STEE-EILAS), Spain, solidaires, 19 Piero Bernochi, COBAS,Italy; ANITZA, Basque Country; D203 – 150 Tekel, Marmaray, Tuzla COBAS, L and G, Tekstil-,Sen, Tekgida-IS, Turkey Solidaires, France; Kamber Saygılı (Limter İs President), FR, ES, TR, (işletme) Beycan Taskiran (Tekstil-Sen General Secretary) EN 10 Seminar The Lisbon strategy and its consequences for European Education Network, COBAS SCUOLA, Italy, 207 Nicola Giua, COBAS Scuola, Italy D301 – 150 Education. The experience of european STES, Spain, OLME, Greece IT, ES, EN, (işletme) countries. TR, GR D501 – 150 1 Seminar Marches against unemployment and poverty Euromarches Marches européennes, European 20 (işletme) october 2010 Brüssel Network FR, EN TR, M008 – 100 7 Seminar Sustainable transition towards food sovereignty Friends of the Earth, Sweden- Global action Group Turkey- 148 Nuran Yüce (Global action Group) Korol Diker (Greenpeace) Tord Björk (makine) and climate justice Greenpeace, Turkey- Petrol-İş,Turkey ( Friends of the Earth) Petrol-İş EN, TR 2 Seminar United we stand, divided we fall!” - European FGTB/ABVV Youth (Belgium), DGB Youth and IGM 261 M009 – 100 wage policy – United we stand, divided we fall?! (Germany) DE, FR, TR, (makine) Key issue for Social Europe? EN M010 – 100 4 Seminar Social Forum Of Architecture Chamber of Architects of Turkey Ankara Branch 309 (makine) EN, TR M011 – 100 (makine) 1 Seminar New organizing experiences DISK Sosyal-is 249 EN, TR Seminar The lessons of the experiences of the Yugoslav Ali Millioğlu Y002 – 100 self-governıng socialism and the Soviet model (yabancı_dille of bureaucratıc-etatist socialism for the 21st r) century socialist society projects EN, TR

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4 Seminar The collective rights of peoples in the CIEMEN, Andorra, Intersindical Valenciana, Andorra, 107 framework of globalisation Escola Valenciana Intersindical Valenciana STEE-EILAS Herriak Aske Y003 – 100 Fundación Galiza Sempre (yabancı_dille Mesopotamya Sosyal Forumu r) EN, TR, KR Y004 – 100 8 Seminar the struggle against military bases Global Peace and Justice Coalition, Turkey - No bases 162 Hans Lammerant (Vredesactie), Andreas Speck (WRI), a Speaker from (yabancı_dille network, Netherlands - War Resisters' International, United Vicenza, Nilufer Ugur Dalay (global peace and justice coalition), r) Kingdom, EN, TR, KR Y005 – 100 5 Seminar Forced Migration and Refugee(ization) GÖÇ-DER, Migrant Solidarity Network (Göçmen 113 (yabancı_dille Dayanışma Ağı) r) EN, TR, KR Y006 – 100 7 Seminar Crisis of civilization and research for new Arci - Associazione ricreativa Culturale Italiana, Italy, 135 (yabancı_dille paradygms CIEMEN, Spain IT, ES, EN, r) TR Y007 – 100 Secular Democratic One State in Historical Yoav Bar (Abnaa el-Balad Temsilcisi), Hayfa Konferansı (yabancı_dille Palestine and the Return Right of Palestinian Koalisyonu temsilcisi, Araştırmacı Yazar Leo Gabriel, Av. r) 8 Seminar Refugees Haifa Conference Coalition, BDS Platform Turkey 307 Aynur Şengül (İsrail’e Karşı Boykot Girişimi Temsilcisi) EN, TR, AR Y008 – 100 (yabancı_dille r) 7 Seminar A marxist analysis of water issue Supolitik 302 EN, TR M012 – 100 13 Seminar Is a little bit nationalism allowed? How so called Network against the Far Right, Czech Republic 245 (makine) left parties promote nationalism RU, EN, TR M013 – 100 11 Seminar Hitting lobbyists where it hurts - a case study in 38 Degrees, United Kingdom 224 EN, TR, RU, (makine) digital mobilisation Alter-EU, ES M014 – 70 (makine) M015 – 70 (makine) M016 – 70 (makine) M017 – 70 (makine) M018 – 70 (makine) Y009 – 60 5 Workshop Migrant Labour on Struggle no one is illegal, Germany, migration network, 118 (yabancı_dille r) Y010 – 60 13 Workshop Anti System Movements and Idea of Revolution 238 (yabancı_dille r) Kozmomilitan,Turkey Y011 – 60 1 Workshop State aid and grants must be conditioned on the CNE Centrale Nationale des Employés de la CSC , 46 (yabancı_dille creation or maintenance of employment Belgium r) Y012 – 60 8 Workshop Gender and militarism: Men, women, War Resisters' International, United Kingdom 179 (yabancı_dille nationalism, and war r) Y013 – 60 1 Workshop European Social Ecology: Moving Forward Politik Ekoloji Grubu, Turkey 54 (yabancı_dille r) Y014 – 60 (yabancı_dille r) Y015 – 60 (yabancı_dille r)

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Y016 – 60 (yabancı_dille r) Y017 – 60 (yabancı_dille r) Y018 – 60 (yabancı_dille r) D302 – 50 (işletme) D502 – 50 (işletme) D504 – 50 (işletme) M019 – 50 (makine) M020 – 50 (makine) M021 – 50 (makine) M022 – 50 (makine) M023 – 50 (makine) M024 – 50 (makine)

theme TYPE ACTIVITY ORGANIZATIONS Seminar no speakers Thursday 3 language I001 – 400 10 Seminar Against Privatization Of Education TMMOB 201 (işletme) EN, TR M001 – 350 Quelles réponses anticapitalistes à la crise TEAN hebo du Nouveau parti anticapitaliste (NPA), (makine) 1 Seminar économique et à la crise de l'UE? France 42 FR, EN, TR, M002 – 250 1 Seminar The world economic crisis: the CEE specifics "Alternatives", Russian Federation 27 RU, EN, TR, (makine) DE 1 Seminar The european alternative trade unions in the COBAS , Italy, STEs confederacion Intersindical, 18 Vicent Mauri, STES - Confederacion intersindical (Spain), M006- 200 struggles against crisis, neoliberalism and for Spain, IAC intersindical alternativa catalana, Spain, Engin Gül, Tekstil-Sen President, Turkey, Piero Bernochi, ES, IT, EN, (makine) workplace democracy solidaires France, FGTB, Tekstil Sen COBAS, Italy TR 10 Seminar Higher education and Research in Europe : ETUCE (European Trade-Union Committee for 197-198 analysis of the Bologna process and of the Education), Revolution (Germany), FLC-CGIL (Italy), M007- 200 research policy of the EU commission, European Education Network, GEW (Gremany), Egitim- IT, EN, TR, (makine) struggles and proposals – 1 Sen (Turkey), SNESup (France), Spring 2010 FR, DE 1 Seminar State of play of public services in Europe and European network for public services, FGTB (Belgium), 44 – 16 challenges for social movements - Part 2 Union SNUI-SUD Trésor Solidaires (France), ADEDY (Greece), Initiatives Pour un Autre Monde (France), D101 – 200 Women Towards a Different Europe (Sweden), FSU, EN, TR, FR, (işletme) France GR 3 Seminar After the social and political greek crisis, shall charter for another Europe, Italy, Transform!,Copernic 88 Louis Marie Bannier(Fondation Copernic, Fr), Michel we build another europe? Institute, Nikos Poulanzas Institute, Greece Rousseau (Marches européeennes), Gaby Zimmer (MEP/GUE), Francine Mestrum (LDH, Be), Haris Golemis (Nicos D102 – 200 Poulantzas Institut, Gr), Christine Mendelsohn(European Left (işletme) Party), EN, TR, FR D201 – 200 7 Seminar Economical or Ecological Crissis? Ecology Collective, Turkey, FSU, France , FGTB, (işletme) Belgium, Charter for Another Europe TR, EN, ES D003 – 200 12 Seminar Supporting the World Education Forum 2010 in Palestinian National Committee for the World Education 301 (işletme) Palestine (28-31 October Forum 2010 EN, TR, AR

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1 Seminar Labour threatened by the free trade Seattle to Brussels Network, Austria, Labour & 30 Y001 – 200 negotiations of the EU: building new alliances Globalization Network, War on Want, United Kingdom, (yabancı_dille for alternatives Fiom CGIL, Italy IT, EN, FR, r) TR 1 Seminar Globalisation: What it is and what it is not? Nazım Hikmet' Marxist Academy of Sciences 15 Hayri Kozanoğlu (Academician, writer), Alp Altınörs (Academy Cordinator), Sungur Savran (writer), Yunus Aydemir (Atılım D202 – 150 newspaper), MLPD representative – Germany (işletme) EN, TR, DE st D203 – 150 10 Seminar Novel in 21 Century and Yasar Kemal Sanat ve Hayat Dergisi (Art and Life Magazine) 211 Ece Temelkuran, Ragıp Zarakolu, Alpay Kabacalı, Arif Damar, (işletme) EN, TR D301 – 150 (işletme) Seminar Ergenekon is our reality Genc Siviller 315 EN, TR 1 Seminar FIOM-CGIL, Italy, L and G, Rosa Luxemburg 12 Valery Alzaga (Change to Win Europe Amsterdam), Sabina D501 – 150 Challenging transnational companies. Foundation, Germany; TAREM, Turkey, Tekgida-İş, Petrucci (FIOM-CGIL Italy), Zico Tamela (SATAWU), (işletme) Organising from below and joint struggles. Turkey, Birleşik Metal – İŞ EN, TR, M008 – 100 2 Seminar How to keep (and develop) new “tools” in Hungarian Social Forum Network, Hungary 62 (makine) healthcare as public goods HU, EN, TR M009 – 100 Seminar Confrontation with Past and Peace struggle of YAKAY-DER, MEYA-DER 320 Akın Birdal (Member Of Parliament, BDP); Metin Yegin (makine) Families who lost their relatives at wars (Journalist- Author) EN, TR, KR 8 Seminar Greece-Turkey: common struggle against war Greek Social Forum, Neolaia Synaspismou, Bertrand 169 Sissy Vovou (Greek Social Forum), Panos Trigazis (Citizens of the and nationalism. Peace alternatives through the Russell Foundation, Citizens of the world world, Greece), Elias Chronopoulos (Neolaia Synaspismou), prof. reduction of arms and military budget Hayri Kozanoglu (ODP, Turkey), Murat Kanatli (Editor of Yenicag M010 – 100 Newspaper, Cyprus), Dimitris Tsoukalas (vice-president UNI- (makine) Europa), Önder Atay (President of DISK Bank-Sen) GR, EN, TR M011 – 100 6 Seminar Presentation of the Third International Action of World March Of Women Europe 121 EN, TR, FR, (makine) the World March Of Women ES Y002 – 100 11 Seminar Birgun Daily 222 (yabancı_dille r) Crisis and Media EN, TR Y003 – 100 6 Seminar Crises, Nationalisms and Fundamentalisms in World March of Women Balkan CB, Greece 125 (yabancı_dille Eastern Europe and the Answer of the Feminist En, TR, FR, r) Movement GR, RU 7 Seminar The politics of dams: hydro-hegemony and Hands Off My Water Campaign 138 - Sebahat Tuncel (MP – Turkey) privatization in the energy sector Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung - İlker Karayılan (Global Action Group) Y004 – 100 Social Change Association - Ercan Ayboğa (Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung) - Nick Hildyard (tbc), -Atilla (yabancı_dille Global Action Group, Social Democracy Foundation Aydemir (Social Democracy Foundation) r) TR,EN, KR Y005 – 100 9 Seminar Youth in Crisis!? Situation of youth during global DGB Youth, Germany 191 (yabancı_dille downturn. A Workshop of young unionists r) DE, EN, TR Seminar Conflict and resistance dynamics in Palestine Filistin Halkıyla Dayanışma Derneği - Association for 95 Representative of Israeli citizen Arabs, Popular Front for the and Lebanon since 200 - 2000'den günümüze Solidarity with Palestinian People, Turkey Liberation of Palestine, Lebanese Communist Party, One Y006 – 100 (yabancı_dille Filistin ve Lübnan'da çatışma ve direniş Representative from Gaza, Democratic Front for Liberation Of r) dinamikleri Palestine (DFLP) EN, TR, AR 4 Seminar Minority languages and linguistic rights in a CIEMEN, Andorra, Escola Valenciana 109 Mevlüt Aykoç, TZP-Kurdi diverse Europe Intersindical Valenciana STEE-EILAS Herriak Aske Y007 – 100 Fundación Galiza Sempre (yabancı_dille Mesopotamya Sosyal Forumu r) EN, TR, KR Y008 – 100 4 Seminar Open spaceInterlace - for social network... sos-rassismus, Switzerland 110 (yabancı_dille worldwide r) EN, TR, De

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1 Seminar Big brands and their CSRs, Are they marketing Deri-is Trade Union, CCC 253 toys for big brands or are they good vehicles for M012 – 100 workers struggles/for FOA? DESA Workers (makine) Struggle/A case study" IT, EN, TR st M013 – 100 10 Seminar Cinema in 21 Century Art and Life (Sanat ve Hayat) Magazine 210 Moderator: Haci Orman, Zahit Atam, Hüseyin Kuzu, Zeynep (makine) Tül Akbal EN, TR M014 – 70 (makine) M015 – 70 (makine) M016 – 70 (makine) M017 – 70 (makine) M018 – 70 (makine) Y009 – 60 2 Workshop Thinking Social Rights Social Rights Association, Turkey 76 (yabancı_dille r) Y010 – 60 8 Workshop Anti-Semitism, Israel, and the Left Politik Ekoloji Grubu, Turkey 168 (yabancı_dille r) Y011 – 60 7 Digital photo Rights for People – Rules for Business FOE Belgium 161 (yabancı_dille exhibition r) Y012 – 60 1 Workshop Public investment is not an obstacle to boosting CNE Centrale Nationale des Employés de la CSC , 52 (yabancı_dille the economy, it is indispensible to recovery Belgium r) Y013 – 60 7 Workshop Climate Justice Action - analysis of the present Legambiente Onlus, Italy 160 (yabancı_dille state of affairs and future perspectives r) 2 Workshop Workshop 1: 2010 and beyond: How do we get Zukunftskonvent, Germany, International Alliance of 77 Y014 – 60 to political action on EU-level and in global Inhabitants, Italy, No Vox, Right to Housing Cordination, (yabancı_dille solidarity? Turkey r) Y015 – 60 10 Workshop Linguistic rights. Equality in communication Hungarian Social Forum Network, Hungary 216 (yabancı_dille r) Y016 – 60 (yabancı_dille r) Y017 – 60 (yabancı_dille r) Y018 – 60 (yabancı_dille r) D302 – 50 (işletme) D502 – 50 (işletme) D504 – 50 (işletme) M019 – 50 (makine) M020 – 50 (makine) M021 – 50 (makine)

Sayfa 8 rooms

M022 – 50 (makine) M023 – 50 (makine) M024 – 50 (makine) PALESTINE MARCH 20.30 – MACKA

theme TYPE ACTIVITY ORGANIZATIONS Seminar no speakers Friday 1 language 1 Seminar Analysis of the car industry crisis:What kind of espaces marx, France, labor and globalization, 29 Sigfrido Ramirez (researcher, Be), Uwe Fritsch (CE VW / IG social and ecological reconversion do we need? TAKSAV, Transform ; Austria, Rosa Luxemburg Metall, De), Christian Pilichowsky (CGT, Fr) Gianni Rinaldini I001 – 400 Foundation, Transform; Rosa Luxemburg fondation, IG (ex responsable FIOM fiat /CGIL, It), CGT/Seat (Es), Mario (işletme) Metall ,CGT, CGIL Candeias (Rosa Luxemburg foundation, De), FR, EN, TR 1 Seminar Trade union rights violations - authoritarianism Campaign for the Welfare State, Norway Labour and 22 Sabina Petrucci, Fiom-CGIL (Italy) and repression of the struggles Globalisation Network, COBAS, Italy, FIOM CGIL, Piero Bernocchi, COBAS (Italy) FGTB, DISK, KESK, Centre for Social Research and Asbjørn Wahl, Campaign for the Welfare State (Norway) M001 – 350 Education EN, TR, IT, (makine) FR, 6 Seminar The consequences of EU crisis policies in KESK - The Confederation of Public Workers' Unions 120 Eva-Britt Svensson (MEP Sweden, WTDE), Annette women's lives (Turkey), Transform!italia (Italy), forum donne (Italy), Groth (MP Die Linke, Germany, WTDE), Litsa Doudoumi (In In Gender (Greece), FGTB (Belgium), Women towards Gender, Greece), Maite Mola (EL, Spain), Dominique Fervaille M002 – 250 a different Europe WTDE (FGTB, Belgium), Zubeyde Kilic (Turkey), Angela Lombardi EN, TR, IT, (makine) (forum donne, Italy) DE, FR 1 Seminar Challenging the crisis. Labour Struggles in ANITZA (ELA, ESK, STEE-EILAS), Basgue Country, 1 Gianni Rinaldini, FIOM-CGIL, Italy Europe FSU, France, soldiaires France, COBAS, iItaly; Labour M006- 200 and Globalization network, ADEDY Greece, FIOM, Italy, EN , ES, FR, (makine) KESK,Turkey TR, IT 4 Seminar 1915 is today : Armenians, Greeks, and Non- Akademi Books, Turkey 104 Moderator: Ragıp Zarakolu (writer-publisher), Pakrat Estukyan muslim Minorities (Agos Newspaper), Sait Çetinoğlu (Free University), Nevzat M007- 200 Onaran (Writer), Mihail Vasilyadis (Apoyevmatini Newspaper) (makine) EN, TR 10 Seminar Higher education and Research in Europe : ETUCE (European Trade-Union Committee for 197-198 analysis of the Bologna process and of the Education), Revolution (Germany), FLC-CGIL (Italy), D101 – 200 research policy of the EU commission, European Education Network, GEW (Gremany), Egitim- IT, EN, TR, (işletme) struggles and proposals – 2 Sen (Turkey), SNESup (France), Spring 2010 FR, DE 1 Seminar Capitalist crises, the resistance of people's Anti-imperialist Network 37 Paolo Babbini (CARC), Italy, Andreas Karampelas (KOE), masses, revolutionary alternatives Greece, Martin Suchanek (Arbaitermacht-League for the 5th International), Vienna Student Initiative, Austria, Red Action, Croatia, 23rd of September Movement, Bulgaria, MLPD, Germany, Samir Diab (Lebanese Communist Party), Socialist Party of the Oppressed-ESP, Tuncer Bakırhan (Peace and Democracy Party-BDP), Remzi Uçucu (Popular Front) D102 – 200 EN, TR, KR, (işletme) AR, GR D201 – 200 7 Seminar Instutional Refoundation of Ecological Society – Ecology Collective 330 (işletme) 1 EN, TR 8 Seminar Palestine today-1 How to confront Israel's ECCP-CECP, Belgium, CICPPP, France, Action for 163 Facilitator Alessandra Mecozzi (Italy, for Action for impunity (movements, civil society,Institutions) Peace, ATTAC, FIOM, Italy, ABP, Belgium, AFPS, Peace/ECCP); speakers: Palestinian professor Karma Seminar 1 Analyssis and debate France, Inıtiative for Boycotting Israel in Solidarity with Nabulsi; Michel Palestine (BDS Platform Turkey), Turkey, bnc, cobas, Warshawsky (AIC,Jerusalem); Josè Luis Moraguès (CCIPPP FSU, France, War on Want, UK France); D003 – 200 TR, EN, FR, (işletme) BDS Platform-Turkey KR

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Y001 – 200 7 Seminar Developing strategies and joint actions to build ATTAC Europe 133 (yabancı_dille the European climate justice movement r) FR, EN ,TR, 1 Seminar Anti-crisis programs of left and social Transform! network, [] 28 Frederique Viale (ATTAC,Fr) Alexande Buzgalin (Alternative movements: a comparative analysis towards a Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Germany Russi), Elisabeth Gauthier (Transform),Pascal common platform [] ATTAC, Hungary, Hungary Franchet( CADTM), Stephanie Treillet (Copernic, Fr), Carla [], CADTM, Belgium Luis (Cultra, Pt), D202 – 150 [], Alternatives, Network for political and EN, FR, DE, (işletme) social rights, Greece,Copernic GR, RU, TR 8 Seminar A peaceful Caucasus –an important premise of Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft-Vereinigte 172 Arielle Denis, Movement de la Paix, France a peaceful Europe Kriegsdienstgegnerinnen, Germany, Movement de la Ucha Nanuashvili, War Resisters International, Georgia Paix, France, IALANA, Germany, CND, United Yulia Ostrovskaya, Rule of Law Institute, Russia Kingdom, War Resisters Intern, United Kingdom, Intern. Svetlana Nugaeva, Rule of Law Institute, Russia Peace Bureau, Sweden, Intern. Coordinating Reiner Braun, IALANA, Germany Committee, Germany, War Resisters International, Andreas Speck, War Resisters International, UK Georgia, Rule of Law Institute, Russia Tobias Pflüger, Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft (DFG-VK), D203 – 150 Germany EN, TR, FR, (işletme) RU 1 Seminar “FTT - The appropriate tool for Robin Hood?” European Attac Network, Germany 33 D301 – 150 Financial Transaction Tax - the campaign goes (işletme) on EN, FR, TR D501 – 150 1 Seminar Working together in Multinationals in European NGG, Ver-di, IG-Metal, Birleşik Metal-İş 3 (işletme) level DE, TR 1 Seminar Organizing Young Workers during the crisis and TAREM, Turkey, Koop-İş, Turkey, CSIL Italy, CGIL, 38 M008 – 100 Organizing Experiences in Multinational Italy, CCOO, Spain, AVALOT, Spain, (makine) Companies UNİ Youth, EN, TR, M009 – 100 2 Seminar Fener-Balat-Ayvansaray Project as a FEBAYDER 59 (makine) Demolishment and Gentrification Project EN, TR M010 – 100 3 Seminar Grassroots Democracy and Election Alliances Yesil ve Sol, Turkey 93 (makine) EN, TR 12 Seminar Emancipatory social struggle in Iran,Pakistan labour education foundation,radiobarabari, Germany, 228 M011 – 100 and Afghanistan labour education foundation, Pakistan (makine) DE, EN, TR 6 Seminar Mythes neoliberales et patriarcals dans l UMAR- Uniao de Mulheres Alternativa e Resposta, 127 Albertina Pena, UMAR(Portugal) Leslie Toledo, Y002 – 100 education Portugal, INTERSINDICAL VALENCIANA (STEs - INTERSINDICAL VALENCIANA (Spain) (yabancı_dille Confederación Intersindical), Spain r) ES, EN, TR 7 Seminar Struggles, strategies and alternatives- How Rosa-Luxemburg-Foundation, Germany, Another Water 137 Leslie Franke (France) Y003 – 100 privates are kept out of water services Management Is Possible Campaign, Turkey, Initiative to Osman Baydemir (Mayor of Diyarbakir Metropolitan Municipality) (yabancı_dille Keep Hasankeyf Alive, Turkey Serhat Resul (Hands of My Water Campaign)), Guillermoo Amorebieta r) (ABSA Argentina) TR, EN, KR Y004 – 100 3 Seminar Political Prisoners TAYAD, TUYAB 90 Av. Behiç Aşcı (yabancı_dille EN, TR, AR, r) FR, ES Y005 – 100 7 Seminar The question of water as public goods of REALPE, Belgium 149 (yabancı_dille humanity r) FR, EN ,TR, Y006 – 100 7 Seminar Hydroelectric Plants Problem Türkiye Tabiatını Koruma Derneği Antalya Şubesi 142 (yabancı_dille r) EN, TR Y007 – 100 7 Seminar The Traffic Hierarchy, Sweden 147 (yabancı_dille r) EN, TR Y008 – 100 9 Seminar Student and Youth Trade Union and Struggle Gencsen 186 (yabancı_dille For Future r) EN, TR M012 – 100 8 Seminar Women and Youth in Peace and Conscientious Socialist Women Assemblies, Youth Platform for 182 (makine) Objection Peoples' Fraternity EN, TR

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M013 – 100 (makine) M014 – 70 (makine) M015 – 70 (makine) 5 Workshop Frontex I, Dublin II, Schengen III - Protests and no one is illegal, Germany, migration network, 119 M016 – 70 daily resistance against the EU-borderregime (makine) M017 – 70 13 Workshop Diagonalism: Learning from the Bolivian Building Bridges Collective, United Kingdom 239 (makine) experience 7 Workshop THE DECISIONS OF THE CONFERENCE IN NATURE FRIENDS, Greece 159 KOTSABABA AND THE ACTION OF THE M018 – 70 SOCIAL AND ENVIROMENTAL MOVEMENTS (makine) Y009 – 60 7 Workshop Local Resistances in Karadeniz Karadeniz Isyandadir Platformu 152 (yabancı_dille r) Y010 – 60 3 Workshop Freedom of expression and civil activty Rule of law Institute, Russian Federation 96 (yabancı_dille r) Y011 – 60 2 Workshop Workshop 2: 2010: European year for Zukunftskonvent, Germany, International Alliance of 79 (yabancı_dille combating poverty and social exclusion, UN Inhabitants, Italy, No Vox, Right to Housing Cordination, r) year of biodiversity Turkey Y012 – 60 1 Workshop What is Communalism? Its Basic Ideas Politik Ekoloji Grubu, Turkey 9 (yabancı_dille r) Y013 – 60 (yabancı_dille r) Y014 – 60 (yabancı_dille r) Y015 – 60 (yabancı_dille r) Y016 – 60 (yabancı_dille r) Y017 – 60 (yabancı_dille r) Y018 – 60 (yabancı_dille r) D302 – 50 (işletme) D502 – 50 (işletme) D504 – 50 (işletme) M019 – 50 (makine) M020 – 50 (makine) M021 – 50 (makine) M022 – 50 (makine)

Sayfa 11 rooms

M023 – 50 (makine) M024 – 50 (makine)

Friday 2 I001 – 400 7 Seminar Water is a Right, It can't be Commercialized TMMOB 151 (işletme) EN, TR M001 – 350 2 Seminar İmkanlar ve Sınırlar Dahilinde Avrupa Sosyal Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Derneği 316 (makine) Şartı! EN,TR M002 – 250 (makine) M006- 200 1 Seminar Bad Working Condition in Textile Sector and DISK Tekstil, CCC 4 (makine) Alternatives DE, TR 1 Seminar TAKSAV, Turkey, Transform!, Austria, Nikos 7 TAKSAV (Tu), Jürgen Klute (MEP /GUE, De), Alexis Tsipras (General poulantzas, Greece secretary Synaspismos, Gr), Pierre Laurent (national secretary PCF, Fr), Elisabeth Gauthier(Transform!), Angela Lombardi (Forum M007- 200 donne, It),, Asbjörn Wahl (Campaign for the Welfare Sate, No), (makine) Which political answer to the crisis ? CADTM (Be), Attac (Es) FR, EN, TR 1 Seminar Impacts of the extension of the European ATTAC France, France, Confédération Paysanne, 24 agrobusiness model to the Mediterranean area France, Via Campesina, Forum Social Européen, Switzerland, Sindicato de Obreros, del Campo, Spain, D101 – 200 ATTAC Maroc, Morocco, Farmer Unions FR, EN ,TR, (işletme) Confederation, Turkey ES, AR 8 Seminar Revolution in South Asia (Nepal and India) Anti-imperialist Network 171 Indra Basanta (Nepalese Communist Party -Maoist, Political D102 – 200 Bureau Member), Paolo Babbini (Nepalese Solidarity (işletme) Campaign with Nepal) EN, TR, IT D201 – 200 1 Seminar Precarious Work KESK - The Confederation of Public Workers' Unions, 39 EN, FR, GR, (işletme) Turkey , ADEDY, FSU, Transform TR D003 – 200 7 Seminar Instutional Refoundation of Ecological Society – Ecology Collective 331 (işletme) 2 EN, TR Y001 – 200 (yabancı_dille IIRE, OKDE Spartakos, IVP, Inprekor, Sinistra Critica, r) 1 Seminar Crisis and Anticapitalist Answer VPERED 333 EN, FR, TR, 2 Seminar The Zero Eviction Campaign, main indicator of International Alliance of Inhabitants, Italy, Right to 60 D202 – 150 the Right to the City Housing Cordination, Turkey (işletme) EN, TR, FR D203 – 150 1 Seminar Towards an alternative finance system European Attac Network, 25 (işletme) FR, EN, TR D301 – 150 10 Seminar Culture, Science and Democracy Kultur Sanat-Sen - Culture Art Trade Union, Turkey 214 (işletme) EN, TR 8 Seminar Palestine today -2 - How to confront Israel's ECCP-CECP, Belgium, CICPPP, France, Action for 164 Facilitator Michael Daes (BDS BNC Europe); Jacqueline impunity (movements, civil society,Institutions) Peace, ATTAC, FIOM, Italy, ABP, Belgium, AFPS, Balvet (Attac France); Martina Pignatti (BDS - Un ponte per, BDS Campaign as a new strategy of solidarity France, Inıtiative for Boycotting Israel in Solidarity with Italy; Yasmin Khan, War on Want, UK; Ali Ergin Demirhan, with Palestine: The Case Of Agrexco Palestine (BDS Platform Turkey), Turkey, bnc, cobas, BDS Platform, Turkey Filistin Halkıyla Dayanışma Derneği - Association for Solidarity with Palestinian People, Turkey , FSU, D501 – 150 France; War on Want, UK TR, EN, FR, (işletme) KR M008 – 100 10 Seminar Vocational education and long life learning European Education Network, OLME (Greece), FSU 206 FR, GR, IT, (makine) (France), FLC-CGIL (Italy), FERC-CGT (France) EN, TR 2 Seminar What Greek crisis revealed beyond the Lisbon charter for another Europe, Italy 58 Franco Russo (Charta network, It), Emmanuelle Reungoat treaty (Copernic, Fr), Louis Weber (Espaces Marx, Fr), Frédéric Viale M009 – 100 (Attac, Fr),Gilles Garnier(territorial counciler Seine ST (makine) Denis ,FR ) IT, EN, TR

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7 Seminar The right to water – Latest developments in the Association for Social Change, Turkey, Rosa 145 Guillermo Amorebieta (ABSA, Argentina) field of water services Luxemburg Stiftung, Germany, Hands Off My Water Annette Groth (MP, Left Party, Germany) Campaign, Turkey Ümit Şahin (Greens, Turkey) M010 – 100 Wasilis von Rauch (moderator, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, ES, TR, EN, (makine) Germany) KR M011 – 100 11 Seminar Hitting lobbyists where it hurts - a case study in 38 Degrees, United Kingdom 224 EN, TR, RU, (makine) digital mobilisation Alter-EU, ES Y002 – 100 Seminar Education System in Turkey Genclik Federasyonu – Youth Federation 320 Ünal Çimen (yabancı_dille EN, TR, AR, r) ES, FR Y003 – 100 4 Seminar What happened in Dersim 37/38 and its effects Dersim Dernekleri Federasyonu 102 Moderator: Celalettin Can; Speakers: Ayşe Hür, Faik Bulut (yabancı_dille today r) EN,TR Y004 – 100 10 Seminar Cultural Degeneration and Struggle against it İdil Kültür Merkezi – Idil Culture Center 213 Veysel Şahin (yabancı_dille EN, TR, ES, r) AR, FR 3 Seminar Protection of Privacy and private life Association Européenne pour la défense des Droits de 91 Y005 – 100 l'Homme, Belgium, LDH, France, APDHA, Spain, IDHC, (yabancı_dille Spain, HLHR, Greece, LIDU, Italy, LHRC, Latvia r) EN, TR, FR Y006 – 100 7 Seminar Middle East Water and Peace Green and Left (Yesil ve Sol) 146 (yabancı_dille r) EN, TR Y007 – 100 5 Seminar Combating Global Racism - Towards 10th World Against Racism Network, Switzerland, SOS 117 (yabancı_dille Anniversary of Durban World Conference rasismus, Switzerland r) Against Racism EN, TR 2 Seminar Inequality and poverty in Europe – and how to Campaign for the Welfare State, Norway 64 Asbjørn Wahl, director of Campaign for the welfare state, fight it Sarmaşık Derneği, Turkey Norway M.ŞERİF CAMCI, General Secretary of Sarmaşık Derneği, Y008 – 100 (yabancı_dille Turkey r) Anita Kelles, Finland EN, TR, KR M012 – 100 1 Seminar Privatizations, resistances and Serbia SP 254 Zoran Bulatovic, Senada Rebronj (makine) Experience EN, TR 10 Seminar Financial crisis and its impact on public European Education Network, OLME, Greece, COBAS 208 M013 – 100 education and teachers. IT, EN, TR, (makine) GR M014 – 100 13 Seminar Life in Limbo? or: Movements in a turbulent Turbulence, Germany 237 (makine) world ES, EN, TR M015 – 100 9 Seminar Youth: Right for Future, Work Eğitimsen, (Education Trade Union) Turkey 188 (makine) EN, TR 9 Workshop Building a Europe-wide fightback against fees, National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts, United 192 M016 – 70 cuts and privatisation in Education Kingdom (makine) 7 Worksop Freedom of Movement and Climate Justice, 2 no one is illegal, Germany, migration network, Turkey 158 M017 – 70 Demands in the Perspective of Global Social (makine) Rights 2 Workshop Mimarlık ideolojileri açısından yabancılaşma DİMP (Architecture for Democracy Platform) 69 M018 – 70 (modernizmin, postmodernizmin (makine) değerlendirilmesi, orta sınıfın konut) Y009 – 60 3 Workshop Struggle against right activism Rule of law Institute, Russian Federation 97 (yabancı_dille r) 10 Worksop Sciences, technologies and democracy FMTS-WFSW (World Federation of Scientific workers), 193 INES (International Network of Engineers and Y010 – 60 Scientists), Fondation Sciences Citoyennes (France), (yabancı_dille Transform/Espaces Marx (France), VECAM, SNESup r) (France).

Sayfa 13 rooms

Y011 – 60 1 Workshop Exits from a car-driven world. Green Capitalism Rosa-Luxemburg-Foundation, Germany 45 Sabine Leidig (attac Germany), Arzu Erturan and Erman (yabancı_dille or solidary transformation? Dayanismacı Atölye, Turkey Topgül (Sokak Bizim) r) Y012 – 60 (yabancı_dille r) Y013 – 60 (yabancı_dille r) Y014 – 60 (yabancı_dille r) Y015 – 60 (yabancı_dille r) Y016 – 60 (yabancı_dille r) Y017 – 60 (yabancı_dille r) Y018 – 60 (yabancı_dille r) D302 – 50 (işletme) D502 – 50 (işletme) D504 – 50 (işletme) M019 – 50 (makine) M020 – 50 (makine) M021 – 50 (makine) M022 – 50 (makine) M023 – 50 (makine) M024 – 50 (makine)

theme TYPE ACTIVITY ORGANIZATIONS Seminar no speakers Friday 3 language I001 – 400 1 Seminar Crissis Of Capitalism, Unemployment and TMMOB 14 (işletme) struggles EN, TR Mustafa Türkel, Tekgıda-İş Genel Başkanı, Türkiye Sabri Topçu, Türk-İş Başkanlar Kurulu eski üyesi, Türkiye P.A.M.E. Sendikası Temsilcisi, Yunanistan M001 – 350 Crisis of Capitalism and workers and trade Gülay Aslantepe, Uluslararası Çalışma Örgütü (İLO) (makine) 1 Seminar unions answer 306 Türkiye Temsilcisi EN, TR, 13 Seminar Forum across the world: characteristics and Italian coordination for ESF and WSF, Italy, Campaign 233 organizing forms of WSF and ESF for the Welfare State, Norway, FSU, France Attac, Germany, Austrian Social Forum, Austria, Union Syndicale Solidairès, France,Italy Global Peace And Justice, Mezopotamya Sosyal Forumu, FSU, France M002 – 250 TR, EN, FR, (makine) KR

Sayfa 14 rooms

1 Seminar Why did the Soviet experience fail? Nazım Hikmet' Marxist Academy of Sciences 17 İbrahim Okçuoğlu (Member of Academy), Mehmet Güneş (Journal 'Türkiye Gerçeği'), Ertuğrul Kürkçü (Journal 'Ekmek ve Özgürlük'), Hacı Orman (Socialist Party of the Oppressed), M006- 200 CARC Party (Italy), Red Action (Croatia), 23rd of September EN, TR, BU, (makine) Movement (Bulgaria) RU, IT M007- 200 8 Seminar The point where the Kurdish Iniative arrived Peace Assembly (Barış Meclisi) 174 (makine) EN, TR 1 Seminar Finally we are all P. I. G.S.? (Europe in crisis) Greek Social Forum, Memoire des Luttes, ATTAC, 32 Haris Golemis Greek Social Forum SUD-Solidaires, COBAS, TRANNSFORM, FIOM Aurelie Trouvé ATTAC Annik Coupé SUD-Solidaries Piero Bernocchi COBAS Gianni Rinaldini FIOM D101 – 200 TR, EN, IT, (işletme) Elisabeth Gautier-Transform GR, ES D102 – 200 3 Seminar Black Lists Halk Cephesi, Popular Front 94 Remzi Uçucu EN, TR, AR, (işletme) FR, ES 8 Seminar People Of Middle East: Solidairty and Mesopotamian Social Forum, BDS-Platform, Turkey 178 Hüseyin Aykol (Journalist), Yüksel Genç (DTK Eşsözcüsü), Resistances of Kurdish, Palestine,Lebanese, FHKC, LKP Samir Diab (LCP,Political Bureau Spokesperson), Rami Al- D201 – 200 Iraqi Kayyali (PFLP- Central Committee), Av.Zuleyha Gulum (BDS EN, TR, KR, (işletme) Turkey) AR D003 – 200 (işletme) 7 Seminar Ecosocialist Forum: Reconstruction of Struggle Ecology Collective 332 Y001 – 200 11 Seminar Mass media and power relations: Defending the Eğitimsen, Turkey 226 (yabancı_dille freedom of expression and democratising r) information EN, TR 10 Seminar Knowledge and emancipation European Education Network, CESP (Italy), FSU 205 Rosa Nunes, Centro de Investigação e Intervenção (France), STES (Spain), Paulo Freire (Portugal), LIEN Educativas. U. do Porto / Instituto Paulo Freire (Portugal), D202 – 150 (France), Egitim Sen (Turkey), Mesopotamian Social IT, FR, ES, (işletme) Forum. EN, TR, KR 12 Seminar Towards a just trade and investment policy in Seattle to Brussels Network, Austria, Aitec IPAM, 230 Europe : introducing the Alternative Trade France, Attac France, France, WEED, Germany, TNI, D203 – 150 Mandate Netherlands, War on Want, United Kingdom FR, EN, TR, (işletme) DE, GR, D301 – 150 1 Seminar Capitalism, Crissis, and 21st ; Century Socialism SP 255 Mahir Sayın - Sosyalist Parti (işletme) for another World EN, TR 8 Seminar Palestine today – 3- How to confront Israel's ECCP-CECP, Belgium, CICPPP, France, Action for 165 Facilitator: AFPS France; speakers: Pierre Galand impunity (movements, civil society,Institutions) Peace, ATTAC, FIOM, Italy, ABP, Belgium, AFPS, (ECCP,Belgium), Sergio Bassoli, CGIL, Italy Goldstone report, Russel Tribunal on France, Inıtiative for Boycotting Israel in Solidarity with Palestine : Europe's responsibilitys Palestine (BDS Platform Turkey), Turkey, bnc, cobas, Filistin Halkıyla Dayanışma Derneği - Association for Solidarity with Palestinian People, Turkey , FSU, France; War on Want, UK D501 – 150 TR, EN, FR, (işletme) KR 12 Seminar What alternatives to IFI's and Capitalism? The Committee for the Cancellation of the Third World 227 Debt (CADTM) , Belgium ATTAC-CADTM Valencia, Spain VAK - India M008 – 100 ATTAC France (makine) EN, TR, FR Seminar Mobilise to Stop the war in Afghanistan Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND), United Kingdom- 170-247 Gerard Halie (Le Mouvement de la Paix), Tayfun Mater (Global peace Global peace and justice coalition, Turkey-International and justice coalition), Reiner Braun (Programme Director of INES), Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms (IALANA), Jeremy Corbin (CND, Great Kingdom) Germany - Institut de Documentation et de Recherche sur la M009 – 100 Paix (IDRP), France - Le Mouvement de la Paix, France-War (makine) Resisters' International, United Kingdom. EN, TR, KR

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M010 – 100 1 Seminar Future of industrial society Birlesik Metal-IS, IG Metal 5 (makine) DE, EN, TR 1 Seminar PPP: the modern way of privatisation of European ATTAC network, Campaign PPP-Irrweg 49 M011 – 100 commons. What is it and how can we fight it? (Germany), European network for public services (makine) EN, TR, FR Y002 – 100 3 Seminar Political Prisoners in Europe; Black Lists ESF Antirepression Network; Network for Political and 90 Iratxe Urizar, Basque Country (yabancı_dille Social Rights, Greece; Askapena, Basque Country; Loukia Kotronaki, Greece r) TAYAD, N. N., Germany EN, TR Y003 – 100 6 Seminar Women in Freedom Struggle Democratic Free Women's Movement, Socialist Women 122 (yabancı_dille Assemblies r) EN, TR,KR 7 Seminar Nuclear spectrum revisited: Shortcuts to the Mediterrannean No Nuclear Neighbourhood 143 promised land of death, war and global markets (MN3)network, Greece, The Israeli Committee for a Middle East Free from Atomic, Biological and Chemical weapons, Israel, Mediterrannean Antinuclear Watch, Greece, Green Justice Federation, Bulgaria, Euro Solar, Turkey, Reseau Sortir du Nucleaire, France, Y004 – 100 Foundation for Environment and Agriculture, Bulgaria, (yabancı_dille Green and Left, Turkey r) EN, TR Y005 – 100 7 Seminar A Local Experience on Food Sovereignty: Yesil ve Sol, Turkey 128 (yabancı_dille Initiative of another food is possible r) EN, TR Y006 – 100 7 Seminar CLIMATE CHANGE AND IMMEGRATION NATURE FRIENDS, Greece, 140 (yabancı_dille r) GR, EN, TR Y007 – 100 2 Seminar Another aging is possible European Network of Green Seniors (ENGS), Belgium 65 (yabancı_dille r) EN, FR, Y008 – 100 (yabancı_dille r) 7 Seminar Lets claim the land, water, forest, air and labour Suyun Ticarileştirilmesine Hayır Platformu 304 EN, TR M012 – 100 Seminar Growing movements of dam affected groups in Network of dam affected movements in Turkey 139 (makine) Turkey and the world EN, TR, KR 10 Seminar Strategies against privatisation in education 194 ETUCE (European Trade-Union Committee for M013 – 100 Education), Egitim-Sen (Turkey), GEW (Germany), (makine) FSU (France) EN, TR, FR M014 – 100 10 Seminar Alterglobalism as a cultural challenge "Alternatives", Russian Federation, 203 (makine) RU, EN, TR M015 – 100 10 Seminar Alternative Information Technology, Turkey 218 (makine) Is it Possible to exit from culture Industry? EN, TR M016 – 70 10 Workshop Linguistic rights. Equality in communication Hungarian Social Forum Network, Hungary 216 (makine) M017 – 70 8 Workshop Stop the privatisation of war - the growth the War on Want UK 177 (makine) private military and security industry 2 Workshop Economy Politics of Alienation (analysis with the DİMP (Architecture for Democracy Platform) 68 M018 – 70 space production process: through Zeytinburnu (makine) indurstry area experience) Y009 – 60 3 Workshop legalteam italia legalteam italia, Italy, aed-edl, 84 (yabancı_dille r) Y010 – 60 2 Workshop Yoksullukla Mücadele Ağı girişimi/Asgari Gelir, Yoksullukla Mücadele Ağı girişimi/ EAPN, 74 (yabancı_dille Minimum Income r) Y011 – 60 1 Workshop Tax havens: What struggle against tax Union Snui-Sud-Trésor Solidaires, France 47 (yabancı_dille evasion? r)

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Y012 – 60 (yabancı_dille Venezuela, Nepal, İran r) 13 Workshop Socialist Revolution Strategy in the 21st century Permanent Revolution Movement 317 Y013 – 60 (yabancı_dille r) Y014 – 60 (yabancı_dille r) Y015 – 60 (yabancı_dille r) Y016 – 60 (yabancı_dille r) Y017 – 60 (yabancı_dille r) Y018 – 60 (yabancı_dille r) D302 – 50 (işletme) D502 – 50 (işletme) D504 – 50 (işletme) M019 – 50 (makine) M020 – 50 (makine) M021 – 50 (makine) M022 – 50 (makine) M023 – 50 (makine) M024 – 50 (makine)

Commemora tion against Massacre of Sivas, 2nd of July, 1993 theme TYPE ACTIVITY ORGANIZATIONS Seminar no speakers Saturday 1 language I001 – 400 (işletme) 4 Seminar Democratic Solution Proposals to Kurdish Mesopotamian Social Forum 103 Moderatör: Oral ÇALIŞLAR (journalist-author), Gülten Problem KIŞANAK (Peace and Democracy Co-President), Roni Margulies (DSİP representative), Equality and Democracy M001 – 350 Party, Figen Yüksekdağ (President of Socialist Party of the (makine) Oppressed) EN, TR, KR M002 – 250 (makine) M006- 200 (makine)

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M007- 200 (makine) D101 – 200 (işletme) D102 – 200 (işletme) D201 – 200 (işletme) D003 – 200 (işletme) 1 Seminar Socialism, But How? Nazım Hikmet' Marxist Academy of Sciences 21 Mukaddes Çelik (Academy Coordinator), Sevim Belli (Writer), Fırat Aydınkaya (Lawyer of Ocalan), Ragıp Zarakolu (Publisher-writer), Halil Dinç (Socialist Party of the Oppressed), Andreas Karampelas (Communist Organization EN, TR, Y001 – 200 of Greece), Indra Basanta (Communist Party of Nepal-Maoist, (yabancı_dille GR, FR, ES, r) Political Bureau Member) KR D202 – 150 (işletme) D203 – 150 (işletme) D301 – 150 (işletme) D501 – 150 (işletme) M008 – 100 11 Seminar New informatics, alternative media experiences TAREM, Turkey, Yeni hayat bilisim, Turkey 225 (makine) and the workers' movement EN, TR M009 – 100 1 Seminar The social and financial crisis of the European ver.di, Germany, CNE, Belgium 13 Dierk Hirschel, Klaus Busch DE, EN, TR, (makine) Union FR 7 Seminar Link between social and environmental crises – Labour and Globalisation Network 131-132 Franco Garufi, Fiom-CGIL (Italy) The transition to a different economic model Fiom-CGIL, Italy Asbjørn Wahl, Campaign for the Welfare State (Norway) FSU, France Sophie Zafari, FSU (France) M010 – 100 Campaign for the Welfare State, Norway, DİSK, Turkey EN, FR, IT , (makine) TR 10 Seminar Autonomy: what for? Decentralisation in STES - confederacion intersindical (Spain), European 199 Albert Sansano, STES - confederacion intersindical (Spain), education and its impact. Education Network, COBAS Scuola (Italy), Mustafa Avcı (BDP, Peace and Democracy Party) USTEC·STES IAC (Spain), NTT Leicester (United M011 – 100 Kingdom), FLC-CGIL (Italy), Mesopotamian Social ES, IT, EN, (makine) Forum, Egitim Sen (Turkey). TR Y002 – 100 8 Seminar the anti war movement global peace and justice coalition of turkey, Turkey 173 Jeremy Corbin (MP, Labour Party, UK), Ufuk Uras (BDP (yabancı_dille İstanbul Milletvekili), Senol Karakas (Global Peace and r) Justice Coalition) EN, TR Y003 – 100 2 Seminars How to reclaim our cities, land, housing in a Reclaiming Spaces, Germany, No-Vox France, 56 (yabancı_dille time of crashes? İMECE-Toplumun Şehircilik Hareketi, Bir Umut, Toz- r) Der DE, EN, TR 9 Seminar Neolaia Synaspismou, Genclik Muhalefeti, 185 Barbara Steiner (Transform, Austria), Simone Oggionni (Giovani Linksjugend'Solid, Nicos Poulantzas Institute, Comunisti, Italy), Katharina Dahme (Linksjugend'Solid, Germany), Y004 – 100 Transform! Europe, (yabancı_dille The neoliberal reform of higher education: Eleni Hafvani (Neolaia Synaspismou, Greece), Maite Mola (EL, r) student struggles of the last period Spain), Selcuk Ozbek (Genclik Muhalefeti, Turkey) EN, TR, GR Y005 – 100 7 Seminar Ecology and Socialism Yesil ve Sol, Turkey, 129 (yabancı_dille r) EN, TR Y006 – 100 2 Seminar Liberalisation of the postal services in Europe - No to the EU, Norway, Norwegian Union of Municipal 73 (yabancı_dille what about the workers? and General Employees, Norway r) EN, FR, TR Y007 – 100 13 Seminar Social Forum in Poland and East Europe Polish Social Forum, Poland 243 (yabancı_dille r) RU, EN, TR

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Y008 – 100 5 Seminar Turkey's and EU's political ambiguities Kafkasya Forumu, Turkey, Le Convoi Syndical, France , 115 Franck Pupunat, Sophie Baylac, Ayhan Kaya (yabancı_dille regarding migrants. The case of Chechens Utopia, CIMADE, r) asylum seekers EN, TR, 1 Seminar The Illusion Of “Europe Of Labour” and Devrimci Memur Hareketi, Revolutionary Civil 36 Ömer Açık M012 – 100 Situation of Workers and Public Sector trade Employees Movement EN, TR, AR, (makine) Unions in Europe FR, ES M013 – 100 13 Seminar Marxism and alterglobalism - discussion Alternatives Russia 241 (makine) continued RU, EN, TR M014 – 100 13 Seminar Current social movements in Iran Manjanigh magazine, Germany 242 (makine) DE, EN, TR M015 – 100 9 Seminar Student Movement From Past to Future EDP Genç 189 (makine) EN, TR M016 – 100 2 Seminar Right to housing: Evictions, speculations, Okmeydanı Haklar Derneği, No Vox, France , 63 Cengiz Karakaş EN, TR, FR, (makine) struggles and international solidarity AR, ES 8 Seminar Relationships of Palestine, Turkey and Israel in BDS Platform Turkey 175 Filistin Halk Kurtuluş Cephesi Temsilcisi, Addameer Kuruluşu Middle East context Temsilcisi-Gazze, Filistin Ulusal BDS Komitesi Temsilcisi, M017 – 100 Filistin İçin İsrail’e Karşı Boykot Girişimi Temsilcisi (makine) EN, TR, AR M018 – 100 2 Seminar Ekspres Dergisi 257 (makine) Kent ve Mülkiyet: Mülkiyet ilişkileri ve kentsel dönüşüm EN, TR Y009 – 60 1 Seminar BİTDER – IT and Communication Workers Association, 40 (yabancı_dille Turkey r) Organizing in IT Industry EN, TR 7 Seminar Green Growth or Eco-Socialist Transformation? WIDE, Belgium, WIDE, Poland, Climate Justice Action 157 Ewa Charkiewiecz (WIDE Poland), Ercan Ayboga (Initiative to - Postneoliberal struggles between climate Network, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Federal Keep Hasankeyf Alive), Pinar Bedirhangolu (METU, Ankara), Y010 – 60 (yabancı_dille crash, economic crisis and new political Confederation of Internationalist Groups Tadzio Müller (Climate Justice Network, Berlin), Ulrich Brand r) agendas (University Vienna) EN, TR Y011 – 60 (yabancı_dille r) Y012 – 60 3 Workshop Repression against mass movements in Europe ESF Antirepression Network, Greece 98 Matthias Monroy, gipfelsoli, Germany (yabancı_dille r) Y013 – 60 3 Performans Need for struggle Rule of law Institute, Russian Federation 99 (yabancı_dille r) Y014 – 60 1 Workshop Communes, Class, and Power Politik Ekoloji Grubu, Turkey 48 (yabancı_dille r) Y015 – 60 9 Workshop Learning to be together: constructing bellaciao Europa 190 (yabancı_dille educational alternatives on migration, asylum r) and refugees Y016 – 60 (yabancı_dille r) Y017 – 60 (yabancı_dille r) Y018 – 60 (yabancı_dille r) D302 – 50 (işletme) D502 – 50 (işletme) D504 – 50 (işletme)

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M019 – 50 (makine) M020 – 50 (makine) M021 – 50 (makine) M022 – 50 (makine) M023 – 50 (makine) M024 – 50 (makine)

Saturday 2 I001 – 400 (işletme) 1 Assembly Sebahat Tuncel, Barış ve Demokrasi Partisi (BDP), Ezilenlerin Sosyalist Partisi (ESP), Halk Cephesi (Türkiye), MLPD (Almanya), CARC (İtalya), NKP-Maoist (Nepal), Askapena (Bask), KOE (Yunanistan), 5. Enternasyonal Ligi, FHKC (Filistin), Abna El Balad (Filistin), Kızıl Eylem TR, EN, AR, M001 – 350 Antiimperialist Assembly: For the Unity of the (Hırvatistan), 23 Eylül Hareketi (Bulgaristan), Lübnan Komünist Partisi, KR, IT, ES, (makine) peoples against imperialism and capitalism Anti-imperialist Network DFLP BSQ, DE 10 Assembly Education Assembly European Education Network, FSU (France), COBAS Scuola (Italy), CESP (Italy), STES (Spain), OLME (Greece), Revolution (Germany), LIEN (France), Paulo Freire (portugal), USTEC-STES (Spain), FLC-CGIL (Italy), GEW (Germany), FENPROF (Portugal), ETUCE, M002 – 250 Egitim-Sen (Turkey). (makine) 1 Assembly From Europe divided to Europe of Solidarity: All European Mobilizing Committe, Hungary M006- 200 East and West -Only Together We can (makine) overcome the crisis M007- 200 2 Assembly Towards the World Assembly of Inhabitants International Alliance of Inhabitants (makine) 2011 D101 – 200 (işletme) D102 – 200 (işletme) D201 – 200 (işletme) D003 – 200 (işletme) Y001 – 200 (yabancı_dille r) D202 – 150 (işletme) D203 – 150 (işletme) D301 – 150 (işletme) D501 – 150 (işletme) M008 – 100 2 Assembly Final Assembly on Labor Labor and Globalization, Italy (makine) M009 – 100 7 Assembly HOW TO ORGANIZE GLOBALLY AGAINST Ecology Collective, Turkey (to be broadened) (makine) THE ECOLOGICAL CRISIS M010 – 100 (makine)

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M011 – 100 (makine) Y002 – 100 (yabancı_dille r) Y003 – 100 (yabancı_dille r) Y004 – 100 (yabancı_dille r) Y005 – 100 (yabancı_dille r) Y006 – 100 (yabancı_dille r) Y007 – 100 (yabancı_dille r) Y008 – 100 (yabancı_dille r) M012 – 70 (makine) M013 – 70 (makine) M014 – 70 (makine) M015 – 70 (makine) M016 – 70 (makine) M017 – 70 (makine) M018 – 70 (makine) Y009 – 60 (yabancı_dille r) Y010 – 60 (yabancı_dille r) Y011 – 60 (yabancı_dille r) Y012 – 60 (yabancı_dille r) Y013 – 60 (yabancı_dille r) Y014 – 60 (yabancı_dille r) Y015 – 60 (yabancı_dille r)

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Y016 – 60 (yabancı_dille r) Y017 – 60 (yabancı_dille r) Y018 – 60 (yabancı_dille r) D302 – 50 (işletme) D502 – 50 (işletme) D504 – 50 (işletme) M019 – 50 (makine) M020 – 50 (makine) M021 – 50 (makine) M022 – 50 (makine) M023 – 50 (makine) M024 – 50 (makine)

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