The Geology of the Burnley Coal-Field and of the Country Around Clitheroe
\575 Corne..OnNers,.vU.rarv 1875 QE 262.B96H91 The original of tiiis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. MEMOIRS or THE GEOLOGICAL SURTEY. ENGLAND AND WALES. THE GEOLOGY OP THE BURNLEY COALFIELD AND OF THE COU.XTRY AROUND CLITIIEROE, BLACKBURN, BRESTO^f, CHORLEY, JJASLIInGDEN, AND TODMORDEN. (QXTARTEE SHEETS 83 N.W., S9 N.E., sn N.W., AND 92 S.W. OF THE 1-INCH GEOLOGICAL MAPS.) EDWARD HULL, M.A., F.R.S., J. R. DAKYNS, M.A., ' R. H. TIDDEMAN, M.A., J. C. WARD, W. GUNN, and C. E. DE RANGE. TABLE OF FOSSILS, by R. ETHERIDGE, F.R.S.L. & E. PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE LORDS C0M3IISSI0NERS OF HER MAJESTY'S TREASURY. LONDON: PRINTED EOR HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE, AND SOLD BY LONGMAN & Co., Paternoster Row, AND EDWARD STANFORD, 6, Charing Cross, S.W. 1875. [Pn'ce Twelve Shillmgs.'\ A. \ \^ ^^' The following description of the Burnley Coalfield and the adjacent formations is the 14th memoir pub- lished by the Geological Survey on the Coalfields of Great Britain. Of these one is descriptive of the Geo- logical Maps of the Chesliire Coalfield by Mr. Hull and Mr. Green, and four are descriptive of the Lancashire Coalfield by Mr. Hull. This memoir on the Burnley District, therefore, completes the account of the Lan- cashire Coalfield and the adjoining formations, the coal- measure maps of which are published on a scale of six inches and of one inch to a mile with illustrative sections.
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