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Local Plan for Pendle Core Strategy Publication Report September 2012 For an alternative format of this document phone 01282 661330 Pendle Core Strategy Publication Report 1 Foreword Foreword Pendle is a unique and special place: attractive, diverse, yet constantly changing. We care about our community, so it is important that we recognise the challenges that the future holds, and that we plan for those changes. We live in an age where rapid advances in technology are changing how we communicate, the way we shop, where and how we work and the life choices we make. We are living longer too; and have higher expectations for a future where we expect to enjoy good health and greater prosperity. We must direct future growth to the right locations and carefully manage regeneration activity. We need to provide guidance so that new development benefits those people who live and work in our towns and villages, whilst continuing to protect and enhance those assets that make the area both attractive and locally distinctive. In doing so we must carefully consider the social, economic and environmental impacts of our actions. Only in this way can we hope to realise our vision of making Pendle a better place to live, work, learn, play and visit. The Core Strategy will work alongside Our Pendle, Our Future: Pendle’s Sustainable Community Strategy, to help us shape the future of Pendle, by addressing issues that are important to our locality as well as matters of wider concern such as climate change. The policies in the Core Strategy have been influenced by the evidence available to us.
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