T7lb Ilh W=1~ IA F I
L;L 7 T7lb Ilh W=1~ IA F I NEWSPAPER OF THE UNDERGRADUATES_ OF THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE__ OF TECHNOLOGY .V0L. LXXX No. 18I8 CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS, FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1960 $ Cents Dorm tories and Fraternitzes s Drs. Wiesner, Luris of MIT Elected To !iPlan Full and Festive Weekerads National Academy of Sciences; Total Now 36 The apex of the Tech social season will come on May 6 and 7 with the IFC Two of MIT's most distinguished faculty members have just been elected to membership in the National Acad- and Dormitory Weekends. All Tech students are invited by Henry McCCarl, Co- emy of Sciences, the highest honor in American science. `Chairman of the Dorm Weekend, and Bob Dulsky, Chairman of the IF(C Week- The new members are Dr. Jerome B. Wiesner, dilrector of thle Research Laboratory of Electronics, and Dr. Sal- ,end to bring their dates and have "an especially good time." vador E. Luris, international authority on viruses and genetics. Dorm Weekend begins on Friday night, May 6, with cocktail paarties in With their election, MIT now has a total of 36 faculty and corporation member s who are members of the Nation- Talbot Lounge in East Campus. A semi formal dance will highlight the eve- al Academy. ning in The Parker House, spirited by music from the lively Jerry Daviss Combo. Dr. Wiesner received his doctoral degree in 1950 flrom the Univelrsity of Michigan, where he assisted in devel- Saturday afternoon, students and their dates are invited to attend a Beach oping modern electronic techniques for speech correction.
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