i?*V' i ^ x 'i- ;■ •■■' ; . -r * - '■' '"■ - i;7i rijiADES PRICE THREE CEM ^ SOUTH MANCHESTE?!, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1930. X- VOL. XLIV., NO. 192. (Oasalfled. Advertiaing on Page 14) I f Senate Hewrings on Naval Pact Opened BYRD IS WELCOMED ❖ - AT THE CANAL ZONE ______— ------—<$> HE TELLS SENATORS TO BIDE BIG BULL | TEXAS TO NEW YORK Rear Admiral and Small Natienal A r ni t e s -4> I JtygiTBRY «pOPE” STO Harlingen, Texas, May 14.— V NOW ON HIGH SEAS Secretary jldams Says It G r o u p of Companions (AP.)—Riding a large black Ga|itpre. 10,000 S d £ c rs bull, Ralph Sanders expected to- Q^eva, May 14.—(AP) — day to leave for New York City,' League of Nations CouncU mem- Might Cost a Billion for thus inaugurating a race with In Today’s Battle; Reach Balboa— To Start betTS today were, told., .Arthur Benton Stack, who proposes to by Heh'dersbn, feritfish Foreign Sec-1 depart 30 days hence driving a Used h Bonbbg retary, of a mystery ship now on' U .S . to Build Up to Treaty for N .Y. in Two Weeks. goat and a jackass. ! ty hi^b seas with cargo of Stack is wagering he will a I 2,300 cases of opium, 260,000 reach N ew York first, despite , Li]iiit$--Stimson Declares Shanghai, May 14.— (AP)—The pounds, all destined for the illicit Balboa, C. Z.,. May 14.— (AP) — the 30-day start allowed his ri- Nationalist government armies to­ Rear Admiral Richard- E. Byrd, val. traffic. .... 1 day captured ten thousand Northern Mr. Hehdsrson declared his gov­ Parity in British-American homeward bound from his South ernment had information of the R ebels. and hurled the invading Polar exploration, arrived at Balboa opium ship’s departure from a“ forces out of Anhwei provinces, gov- Cmiser Strength Would at 9:31 o’clock this morning. opium mimufacturing coilntry The rear admiral and his small EIGHT AMERICANS for a destination in the P a r East. cent The special opium committee group of compamons, who had re­ reported the traffic continues to Not Be Reached Until Aft­ mained at Dunedin, N . Z., longest, dispatches, ae the government troops came into port aboard the liner sweep through the Orient. Its AT ROYAL COURT pressed ' back the foe in north­ report expressed .. hope that Rangitiki to an enthusiastic welcome er 1936. K c h iW : AdnJri WllUam V. Pratt and Senator Pittman west Anfiwel and along the raUway China’s preventive measures by the people of the Canal Zone. west of SuchoW to across the-Honan The famous explorer who is now would prove effective. of Nevada. province border. ~ ' <8^ «> Washington, May 14.— (AP)—■ enroute to the United States from The Nationalists, said Nanking Debutantes to Curtsy Before Two Cabinet officers and an admiral advices, are 'attacking KWeiteh and EMERSON, NEB., expect by its capture to’shatter the defended the naval treaty King George and Queen DENIES MARRUGE IS ODD^'PLACE I Northern AUiance rebel resistance today at two Senatorial committee in eastern Honan province. FaU of hearings. Mary This E v ^ g . REAPPOINTMENTS the city would cause the rebels re­ Secretary Adams, before the nayal TO FOOTBALL STAR It’s in Three Counties So treating westward to center their BRINGS OUT OTHERS committee, conceded that if the . defeiises about' Kaifeng, it is claim­ Things Got Complicated at United States built np to the treaty ed. limits it might cost around 81>(KK>,- London, May 14 .— (AP.)—Eight Times, Especially During State’s Chief Executive An­ President Chiang Kai-Shek* is re­ 000,000, but he insisted even that American debutantes will achieve Am Just Miss Haile ” She Elections. ported to have left Suchow and, en­ Malty Prospects for Repre­ would be better than toe old game one of society’s pinnacles tonight tered the front lines, commanding of competition. the NationiEilista’ advance, into Concluding three days before the with their presentation to King Emerson, Neb., May 14 nounces Names of Offi- Says on Her Arrival in (A P )— The taking of the cen­ Honan provinpe. sentatives in Assembly foreign relations committee. Secre­ George and Queen M ary in the first sus has revealed to the world Other Troop Movements. tary Stimson agreed with hostile Royal Court at Buckingham Pal­ that Emerson is really a town cials to Contmne Posts. Meanwhile the Nationalists along questioners that parity in British- AmeiAan cruiser strength would ace. New York City. divided against itself — divided the Peiping-Hankow -^railway arc Are Being Discussed. not b : reached imtil after 1936, but- Mrs. Charles G. Dawes, wife of three ways. reported xnoving northward prepar­ Emerson is in three counties. ing to attack Chengchow, seeking argued that nothing better could be the American ambassador will make Hartford, May 14.— (AP)^—Gov­ expected. New York, May 14— (A P) —^Miss The schoolhouse is in one to follow up the havQc done by N a ­ The announcement made public the presentations as the girls step ernor John H. Trumbull fins an­ Calls it Satisfactory up to the throne, in pretentious Marian Haile, indicated by Gretna, comity, the postoffice in an­ tionalist ai^lan es Which dropped nounced the following reappoint­ yesterday of the intention of George Admiral William V. Pratt, com­ other, and the railroad station bombs upon the city. court dress and curtsy their ac­ Louisiana, records to )je the wife- E. Keith to he a candidate for mander of the battle fleet, followed knowledgment of the Royal favor. in still another. There are three ments: Against this attack, said govern­ of Christian K. Cagle, resigned West polling places a t eteotion time, representative In toe General As­ Stimson with a declaration that the For the first time in two years. George C. Clai'k of Plymouth, di­ ment advices, the forces of the rebel Point cadet, arrived in N ew York aU within a radius of 150 srards. treaty was “very satisfactory;” and King George will be present. Last rector of the state farm for women, Marshal Feqg Yu-Hsiang have be­ sembly from Manchester has Richard E. B.vrd today to join her husband, insisting Whenever a young Emersonian that although he was on record as year the Prince of W ales stood by gun a drive southward along the brought but several other prospec­ decides to marry the parson has seven years from July 1. favoring eight-inch gfim cruisers he his historic airplane flight over the the side of his mother, Queen Mary, that she was “just Miss Haile.” Middletown, railway with Hankow their objec­ Nobody met Miss Haile at the to he very particular to ascer­ G. Elsworth Meech, tive legislators. Many of them, how­ would rather have toe variety of big*. South Pole probably will remain in during the ceremony. Eight hun­ tive. A decisive battle in tWs arcs Pennsylvania terminal, when she tain what part of town the per­ harbor master for the Port of and little gmis provided by toe new the Canal Zone about two weeks or dred distingfuished British and for- ever, refuse to give a definite state­ stepped off the Crescent Limited son comes from, for in marriage Middletown three years from Jime is expected. agreement. He described the six^ a little longer assembling his com­ eig;n gniests will be present at the F*ighting’bn'two fronts in Honan ment to regard to their candidacies. alone at 10:45 a. m. (E.S.T.), al­ licenses It is the county that 29. inchers as preferable in tf.d -visibili­ rades so that all may return for the court and Anhwei provinces nas lasted six The name of Wells A. Strickland though Cagle was stud yesterday at counts. Charles W. Raymond of Green­ ty and added that “you don’t have celebration. Twenty-five Chosen was yesterday-advanced by a group W est Point to have plaimed to leave For a commimlty of 1,100 wich, harbor master for the port of days as the Norto Alliance rebels dif good visibility in toe Pacific.” Those on bosurd with the rear ad­ Twenty-five American women of-' north enders. Mr. Strickland, the Military Academy this morning persons, Emerton is very, com­ Greenwich, three years frpm June r^ted by Goirtmor Yen Hsi-Shan “Is this treaty satisfactory to miral were Russell Owen, New York were picked from 300 applications and join her in N ew York. and Marshal Feng Yu;Hsiang at­ hbwe'V-er, sald-..today Uiat he is not you?” asked Chairman Borah. Times reporter, Lloyd Berkner, for presentation during the season’s plicated. 29. ' Covering her face with her hands Mrs. Rosemary O. Anderson of tempted to force, tpair w a y toutp- re»dy- to state that he wiU » “Yes-sir, it suits ine and when I Charles E. Lofgren, William C. five courts. Eight others including candidate. He believes that Man- and fleeing from pillar' to post in New London,' Hershey Sneatb pf ward to the Yanjgtse river to smash say that I know if we had any fight­ Haines and Richard Konter. two girls and six married women chestec is, aided to a greater extent the train sheds to avoid, the camera­ New Haven and Walter G. Cady of the J^ationalist government h e a ^ d ing now I would have to do it." Steamer Late. are to be presented at the second by retqrning representatives for a men whose flashllgbt8.,hQomjB.d..in, -^fifiddlbtatrHrTHreetprs or L^^ Lane by *Chlang KAi-Shek. Borah asked Pratt if he bad 'Rie Rangitiki arrived in Balboa court Thursday night e tio d of years, ttiin by sending new Changed his mind on toe 8 inch and For weeks the debutantes have her wake, the yoimg woman dashed farm for two yeaii from. July 1. harbor an hour and a half after she jririators from this town. He'be- B inch cruisers. practiced the curtsy. which they through the eoncourae and juinped Louis Allen of Groton and Charles had been expected. WJiile proceed­ Ufrves it toe better, judgment to re­ , “I'have. ,I have a very definite must make tonight the manipula­ into a taxicab in which she was H. Wheeler of Stonington,\ trustees ing up the harbor, Rear Admiral turn Judge Raymond A'» Johnson, reason which has just come up why tion of the long court train, how to soon lost in traffic. of the Mystic Oral school for the Byrd posed for -pictures as he con­ who has.' considerable influence I prefer a six inch but I would like balance three feathers atop their Reporters who bosrded her train deaf, three years from July 1. versed with friends who went out in throughout the- state, than to re-, to tell you that in private,” said toe heads and how to hack away from at Manhattan Transfer showed Miss E. Roland Crofut of Danbury and small boats to greet him. p l^ce' him with someone who admiral. It was not the explorer still in the monarchs without tripping. Haile morning newspapers contain­ George A. Comstock of Ansonla, ing the story that Cagle had admit­ “doesn’t'know toe ropes." his rough clothes who landed at W atdim an Pats Students on state board of examiners in op- Want North Ender SHOWER OF QUES'OONS Dimedin that greeted Balboa today. CURIOUS CROWDS ted his marriage to Military Acad­ tometery, three years froni October On toe other hand Mr. Strickland Washington, May 14.— (AP) — He was attired instead in his white London, May 14 .— (A P )—Curious emy officials and had resigned his I. says that if a new pair of represen­ Another penetrating . shower of admiral’s uniform. crowds this evening sauntered up cadetship. Hips for Fbsks and Then “I don’t know that,” she blazed, Frederick S . Hirlbutt of J'^w tatives is to be selected.he believes questions descended today on Secre­ A s the ship came into port, air­ and down the M all waiting for the Haven, state board of nateurpopaUiy Find Arsemd of Swords and toe north end of toe town should be tary Stimson, toe chief American planes attached to the United States favored ones who tonight were to and hiding her face, to avoid photog­ the Trouble Begms. examiner for three years from July represented. He is wiUlng to ae^e delegate at the London naval con­ Navy and the Isthmian Airways experience the supreme feminine raphers she refused to make any 1. ' OBuy providing 'however that toe ference, when he appeared for the circled his ship in hearty greetings. thrill of being presented at the Court further comment. Spears in Private Honi^ A winsome yoimg woman, with present incumbents. Judge Johnson third day before toe Senate foreign After posing for the cameramen of St. James. and Miss Marjory Cheney are un­ relations committee. and greeting friends, the admiral Eight American debutantes were gray eyes and reddish blonde hair. Chicago, May 14-— (AP) — Uni­ Miss Haile was wearing a green Make Whoksale Arrests. willing to return, . ' ^ Committee members wanted to had breakfast with'his friend Cap­ included in the group who, after versity of C h ic ^ students holding crepe dress, green sandals, a green The name of Deputy Judge know more, not only about various tain Hilton H. Railey; another stitch here and a pat there, hat and i tan camel’s hair topcoat a “protest meeting” against what Thomas Ferguson, editor of this controverted sections of the pend­ The rear admiral’s arrival here this evening stepped into their ne'wspaper,. has been advanced-as a with a fur collar. \ tliey termed “dry snooping” at the Sholapqr, India, May ^4.— (AP) ing treaty, but how those sections today was the first time that he limousines for the two and a half TK)Ssible choice for legislator. Judge She seemed unperturbed at find­ university, were dispersed late last —Wholesale arrpsts of civil dis­ were negotiated. had set foot on American territory hour’s wait that always precedes Joheson and George E. Keith Iwth ing nobody she knew in tfie stiition, obedience leaders, ipcluding two Senator Johnson, Republican, since his departure on his great ad­ night by police riot squads and fire- j told Deputy Judge Ferguson they and hastened immedljately to a taxi­ men suspected of toe murdm' and California,, star ted toe questions. He venture a year and a h ^ ago. (Continued on Page Three.) men. N ot until the officers fired j - would not consider running for toe Talking to newsps^er men in the cab. . ' burning of two, constables, occurred asked if ininutes of the American office if he desired to be a c a u ­ smoking room of the Nangitiki, Cagle Is HI their revolvers into the air did the j „ ■ ■ - j fAi* delegation meetings were kept. here; today. . date. Mr. Ferguson, however, will Rear Admiral Byrd said he had no Meanwhile Cadet Cagle^ was still students, numbering 500. abandon ! Senate rropers rreparo lOr Troops*^ of toe Royal Ulster Rifles, “None,” said Stimson. in the hospital at W est Point, where positively not be a candidate. Many “Are there any records at all of immediate plans for the future, ex­ the fight which was waged in- the aided by civil police, began combing STATE FEDERATION he is recovering from a Ipnsil oper­ others have been mentioned as the attitude of the individual mem­ cept to compile scientific data of the the city for Gandhi followers. Dur­ ation, but MUUary Academy offl-. glare of a huge bonfire, on the uni­ prospects and it is possiWe that the expedition which “will take a tre­ His Next'AppearaDce Be- ing their cleaning up operations bers?” - . ;■ cials said they expected the formali­ versity campus. \:J 4 _ _ . . ' t* next few weeks will bring out their mendous long time.’’ they came upon a veritable arsenal “No records were kept becaiwe Moat Successful., RAPS BILL BOARDS ties of his discharge from the serv­ A police lieutenant was struck on of swords and spears to a private announcements. there was no division of opih^u ice to be completed in time for him V fore Them Qtt Tuesday. among toe delegates.” “The expedition was ihost suc­ the arm byr a brick iand several house. _ cessful in scientific explorations,” he to leave tlfis afternoon. ; ^ students Were sUghtiy injured when Before dawn . more 'than 200 Johnson asked about toe general They said they expected no hitch said. “I am mighty glad to come police tore into the crowd with their natives had been arrested in con­ conference sessions.” Stimson show-, here and will go on the morning of in plans for his departure nor did night sticks. Washington, May 14 — (AP) — nection with toe curfew order which ONLY 2 AMERICAN ed toe printed record of toe public Women’s Clubs in Conven­ they anticipate any move for an in­ the nineteenth for a stay in the in­ Co-eds called encouragement to further questioning of F. Scott Mc- last night forbade citizens; being meetings. . ; vestigation by the W a r Department. terior.” He planned to fly to the abroad "to toe streets 'between 7:00 Records were kept, Stimson said, Reports had been circulated that the students from vantage points , Anti-Saloon League, on Island of Boquete near the seashore p. m. and. 6:00 a. n i iSome,6f these of toe meetings of heads of delegsr tion to Continue Its Eco­ knowledge of Cagle’s marriage in and parked cars. Cheer leaders j testimony that Representative GOLFERS SURVIVE in a commercial plane for a stay. to arid fro bolstering the students j “probably were released with ,.a warning* tions relating to procedure,- but 1928 existed at West Point long be­ In discussing his Antarctic flight, i Others were held on suspicion of be­ these were not made public. fore the record of it was made pub­ morale. right” in saying that liquor could be he said that he had experienced the nomic Boycott Here. ing ringleaders in toe campaign of “The negotiations were all infor­ lic at Gretna, La., yesterday. This What Caused Riot made legally in homes is in pro&pect same dlfflcultles as he had in flying killings and arson qf last week. It mal among selected representatives A watchman had been placed on when McBride takes toe stand over the Artie. The expedition’s was denied. was stated officially that those not Golldt and Hicks Reach of toe delegations, and no records the campus to pat students on the again before toe’ Senate lobby com­ success he attributed to the unusual j brought before a miUtnry court were kept of these,” he continued. Waterbury, May 14.— (A P )—Miss hips in search of flasks. - mittee hekt Tuesday. loyalty of the men with him. House 1 would he given clyil' trims for minor “Whenever one of our dele^tes met Praises OonapaiUons. Hester Crutcher, secretary of t.ie Persons living nearby alarmed at Fort, a dry, said in-a ({iiarter-Finais in British •with one of another country on nego­ speech that he thought beer and offenses. ' “We were more or less of a foot­ Ccmnecticut Society for Mental HARTFORD, 161,324; the size of toe bonfire called police Leaving the,<(4ty tiations, he would keep a sort of wines could be made ih toe home, ball team, every man doing his and firemen. The firemen turning diary record.” Hygiene and Dr. Katherine Bement under certain conditions without A n exodus of Sholapur inhahit- Women’s Tonmey Today. part,” he continued, “That’s why we their hose on toe bonfire were set ants today followed;' toe curfew A re those records in toe State Davis, former head of the Depart­ upon by toe students. During the violating toe law. Department?’; asked Johnson. have been able to bring all back ment of Correction, N ew York City, NOW SECOND CITY McBride testified to toe lobby proclamation, and the waiter institu­ without leaving any down there. W e encounter to®' ' students gained In IMary Fonxk discussed, respectively, “ Mental comnilttee yesterday that he tion of martial law, discovered no habitation on ■. our momentary control of toe hose and Trains leaving. , toe clty^ were Formby,.Eh8«’> ^^* “No, mine is in toe form of a Hygiene” and “Social Hygiene” at thought It a “pretty good speech,” diary which I worked up on to» flights but found a new range of turned it on police and firemen. crowded to papaciiy. ' Helen Hlclts, long hitting New York the public welfare breakfast which and added toe dry law was; not 100 mountains which is not a part of the When toe police began firing their The inartial la’w regulation pro^ girl wasr the first American to ad­ ship coming back. I know of noth­ opened the second of the 34th annu­ per cent perfect yet.” Andes. The geologists found sand­ Bridgeport’s Estnnate of revolvers, leaders of th® students hibited toe dlSiUay Of CoagreSs flagi vance to toe Blxto round pf toe Brit­ ing in them that would not be avaiL al convention of the State Federa­ New ‘Jersey Primaries stone and carboniferous deposits became alarmed and fled. Pour of among other totojgs. It provided ish women’s', championship, winifing able to this - committee, but tlie j tion of Women’s a u b s here this toeba however were ttfrested but ■The anti-^oon Leaigue superinn certainly are not for publication.” atop the mountains.” 149,000 Puts Her in Third tendent, however, said he was sur- that no person .’“shall commit any her'way through a defeat of a fellow Asked what he considered the morning. • later were released to’: toe custody act or be gimty of any omission” country -woipan, Mrs. Leo Feder- Johnson asked if Stimson thought of George O. Falrweatoer, business country should build up to its most difficult part of his expedition, The forenoon was occupied by re­ prejnm®ial to good order, or public man, also of New York, four up and manager, of toe university. (Contlnaed po Page Three.) full strength under toe treaty. the admiral replied: ports from club presidents and safety, or calcinated to hamper, pr three to play. Place in the State. T h at is a question for the B u d ^ “The fight to get over the Polar county vice presidents, who discuss­ mislead toe ^troops or “which is Mauteen Orcutt, New York, was Bureau, said toe secretaiy. plateau was the most exciting and ed outstanding activities of the past likely to; ^ interpreted as meaning elttoinated in toe -fifth round by Johnson remarked he had heard the most difficult part of the ex­ year. Protest against billboards was that a person IB performing or pre­ .Hlnld Wilson, former EnR(lish native Hartford, May .— (AP,)—Hart­ that toe British battleships Rodney pedition. The heavy weight we car­ well to the fore in all reports, and 14 tending- to porform any. diAy or champion, six up and four to play. ford’s population is 161,324.'' - Once King's Private Yacht and Nelson alone “could wipe out ried made it. a perilous trip. it is planned to attempt passage ot dutieis hormaUy performed by per­ The New Jersey girl could hot a bill in the General Assembly to This is toe announcement of W il­ sona to authority." The punishment toe whole American fleet” cope yrtto toe brilliant' golf played “ 1 have heard that but not l^ m SHIP NEARS PORT. forbid further erection of bill boards. liam N. Harney, supervisor for toe provided is ten years, of rigorous by her opponent, who is rated as the American soiirces,” replied Sttnison^ Balboa, Canal Zone, May 14.— An economic boycott, with the slo­ Second District. In 1920 toe city to­ imprisonment imd; a fine, Now In moat formidable British ^ayer left "There 'was xmanimity anKmg'-obr many officials and citi­ gan “We will not buy goods adver­ tal was 138,036. MUm Keep Cktped, The Bridgeport estimate of near­ in. toe competition. na-val experts that toe Americaw zens as could crowd into welcoming tised on billboards” has been In ef­ In spite of promises by toe ly 149,000 indicates that Hartford Glenns Wins Again. battle fleet was equal to toe British boats early today, put out to sea fect and was strongly recommended. nnaton Mav 14 — (AP) — The^car®i» In circling toe in 1907 autoorities of protrotion toe Shola­ to escort into this port Rear A d ­ asrain has become to® siecond la r g -, Boston, —------May, - • . , the Atlantic squadron. Twenty Glenna CoUett ’won, an easy vic­ under toe treaty " The annual banquet of the Feder­ pur miU. b'wners today;. refused to miral Richard E. Byrd and his asso­ e ^ c l t y in Connecticut, a place j Yankton lies in toe years later she was still in commls tory from Beryl Brown, seven up "D id ypu propose the oonatructiofl. ation will be held tonight in the Ho­ womout ships across the harbor to­ re-open their' ■ mills ■ until Saturday, ciates of the historic South ^ ^ l e Bridgeport took from Hartford alon, and during the World W ar she expi^ssing-toe tear toatetoere s ^ and rif to p l^ and followed Helen of an additional battleship?” ' tel Elton. The afternoon session wul expedition. 1910. day on toe mud'flats. served to Cuban Waters, along toe were a numjwii'ot ..diatutoe?4 who. Ricks Jntd, toe quarter-finals of toe “Yea." V-'.: discuss education. Frank W. chamj^mu^P, \ to be jdayed tomor- ' It was :toe Canal Zone’s greatest Her life began at Leith, S p ^ ^ d , New'Englamd cokst and near G ibw - might caUsa trouMe * mnong th® “W hy?” Wright, deputy commissioner of Rather Keep SUeat day since the opening of the inter- HENGS DAUGHTilRS MEET. in 1898, with a 644 tons ^registry, tar op pa.trol dUfy- i She; w ^ credit­ workers. .. ';. , : rpew inon^ig. i . education for Jdasaachusetta will ed ■wrtto a t leapt ;'one submarine. “That goes into toe nogotiatiohA ocean waterway. „ _ „ christened toe Penelope. * Farmers of'tho Rarod divisloh 5^ / Miss Hichs' opponent tomorrow speak. Robert C. Demlng, direc’A<» and it ought to be cfiscussed, in When Admiral Bjrrd, Russell Her/ London, Miw. 44.-r.(AR)— time she wah toe private yMht of Dlachaiged from'goVSrnm®®^ toe BardoU nvtBue diahrict v e morning, will be BSiid WUson, con­ of adult education for the Connec­ executive session, but if you ■ Owen, of the New York Times, and Approximately 150 members, df the Edward VH of Bnglaj^, In 4 vice; in 1921, wltMn* two y e ^ ehe forming bonrts of their own^ .in queror of.-Maureen .Orcutt toiS was seized, as a m m runner off N ew ' a the other heroes of Antarctica step ticut Department of Education will Kings Daughters CSrcles of N ew years S:^ah Bernhardt toe QATwpftign to ignore .governmental aftainbpp, while Miss Collett plays fer— "■ ' > foot on the soU of the new world lead an open forum after Mr. London and Windham counties are craft and changed her nimle to the YorH. Later she served a brief t i ^ tribunSz. to these eburta they will Hilda: Camertm. : ‘a# accomplished “I don’t prefer to in honest commerce and. since 1925 anytoh^ you,tolnk shdhNK . ♦Ida forenoon for the first time since Wright's address. attending the 26to annual confer­ Cleopatra. . aettie their owh deputes, as a zt«p Sicotch gc^er who beat Barbara Oct. 10, 1928, they were to be ence which is being' held at St. An Ameripa^n miWonaliy w m her has rested, a disused hulk, at a’local of riril 4 i«obedlen

------N MANCHESTER EVENING HERAUO, SOtOT MANCHESTER, CONN. W|!DNESDAY, MAY 14,198». tA G E T W O Chi? m i StP aift P pf^ Cifie M(d Norwost ...... RUNS 3,000 GERMAN amSESCMlMIB Chrysler 85 I GRASS FIRE TpEATENS , jUCEItU CALLED j Local Stocks ,Cql Gas ss^^STv* ^ -'Grar^:~*.» *•••.»• • i Tb r. _ 2 KILLED, 6 HURT DEPOT RESTAURANTS M Ooml ...... 81% PINE FOREST HOME TBE NEW ’ (Fanrished by Pntaam ti. Co.) Comwlth and Sou 17 Consol Gas ...... I M IN NICARAGUA RIOT Shanghai.— (AP)—Dr. Hu Shih, Oeateal Bow, Hartford, Conn. Contin Ca? • s-*« • • •.« • « s s a s o • • Berlin.— (AP)—The great dis­ MBS. FARKEB DIES Ph.D., has given Up his work as ^ 1 P. M. Stocks. - Oom Prod • «••••»• •■•ssasose Alarm Late This Afternoon penser of pigs knuckles vvith sauer­ president of a local college to ac­ (Curtiss New Britain, May 14.— (AP)— Bank Stocks. Brings Apparatus in 'Kme to Mrs. Sarah Cornelia Eno Parker, kraut and beet in Germany is the Over Six Million Frendi SnE- cept a faculty isppointment at toe Do Nonr' • • * s ■• • • « .320^ One of Those K31ed a Worn Extinguish Blaze. Vi aged 78, wife of Charles J. Parker, a derman Federal Railway. University, of Chicago. He Is toe Bid Aaksd jtastman K odk k ii....849 shirt manufacturer, died today at The government-owned road has jecU Live There—Word Bankers Trust Co. . . . 335 Elec Pow and Lt 90 A grass and brush fire just west her home, 843 West Main street. City Bask and Trust . 840 .360 Erie , ^ • 69 jB — Officer of D. S. Ma­ of Adams street on the right side She was the daughter of the late Cap Nat BAT ...... 865 Fox Film A ...... '....J..... 58 of Center street, threatened'damage Mr. and Mrs. Salmon Chester Eno Pictare of Coutry. Co m . River ...... 425 Gen Elifec ...... M to homes in the Pine Forest tract of Simsbiuy uid was a native of Htfd Conn. Trust .... 186 145 Gen Foods ...... os rines Involved in Clash. at 2:30 o’clock this afternoon bift that place. Several years ago she Hirst Nat Htfd ...... — 240 Gen Motors •, 69 Land Mta and Title .. — 40 Gold Dust i ••••. 68 quick work-on the part of'volun­ was president, of the woman’s club Algiers— (AP)— Algeria, wliose teers and firemen stopped the blaze of N^w Brltidn. Mutual/BAT ...... — 235 Grigsby Gnmow ...... 21% Port-Au-Prince, Nicaragua, May before it reached nearby pine trees ynnetaXeervices will' be held Fri­ centenary of French conquest and New Brit Trust — 190 Int Harv or spread to the home of Howard C. day aftmiooni rule President Doumergue observed Riverside T ru s t...... 500 Tut Nick Can • >83% 14__(AP)—Reports were received V/est Htfd, Trust .... 325 today of a clash on May 12 between Loveland. by his visit this week, often is call­ mt T «md T ...... H The alarm was rimg in from Box FIND SdEANE’S BODY InsunuiM Stocks. Johns Maiiivffle ...... a Nacional Garde force and the ed a “new France”. xAetna Casualty...... 140 150 Inhabitants of a place 191 and was answered by Hook and Bridgeport, May 14.— (AP)—The , Kennecott ...... «% Ladder, No. 1 and Hose Company body of “Sailor’!, John Keane, itfty, Nearly five times toe size of zAetna Life ...... 90 92 i Kreugcr and Toll ...... ------which resulted in the death Frwice, stretching more than 600 j^etna Fire, |10. par . 69^ of the inhabitants and the wounding No. 2. The cause of the fire was un­ missing from his home, Stratford, Kroger Groc determined but is believed to have since April 23, was foimd in the miles along toe Mediterranean coast xAutomobile ...... > 42 ...... 94% of six. One of those killed was a of Northern Africa,, it .extends deep (Loew’s Ixic. ...— started from a cigarette thrown harbor here today. Conxi. General ...... 138 143 Lorillard ...... 26% woman. . .. - . back into the once awesome iand xHtfd Fire, 310 par ..: 80 82 ...... 58 The Garde forcer consisting of ten from a passing automobile. Keane had been out of work and ; Mo Kan and Tex was not feeling well when he left mysterious Sahara desert where Htfd Stm BoU, 310 par, 68 12 men, was commanded by Lieutenant tourist now go to stop at good Montg Ward ...... « home. It is believed he was fiespon- National F ir e ...... 77 79 Nat Cash Reg A ...... 06% William Paul, who is a first sergeant modem hotels. dent and committed suicide. He is xPhoenix Fire ...... 87 89 Nat Dairy ...... • • in the U. S. Marine Corps. ^I^euten- PACT SATISFACTORY All along the sea for nearly 200 Travelers ...... 1510 ,1530 ant Paul enlisted in Brooklyn, N. survived by his mo^er, three sis­ miles hack is a strip’ more than half i'Nat Pow and L.t...... ters and a brother. PubUc Utility Stocks. Nev Cop ...... • • • - Y in 1916, and was commissioned the size’of France that is fertile and xConn. Elec Sve ...... 92 95 in’the Garde D’Haiti for eight years. TO ADMIRAL P R A n productive, yielding many things xCbnn. P ow er...... 88 90 The clash grew out of efforts or YOUTHS SENTENCED. that France imports. ' Beyond that NY NH H ...... Bridgeport, May 14.—(APl-rLeo Hartford Elec Lt .... 91 93 Nor Amer ...... tax coUectors to serve judgment on is toe desert, not all sand as many 95 (Continued from Page 1.) Bulduc, 20, of Springfield, and Greenwich. WAG, 'pfd - 90 Pack Motor ...... a deliquent tax case, which was in imagine but often merely barren, Hartford Gas ...... 72 the nature of a test, since much op- , *i. George Gilbert, 19, of Lowell, Mass., wEiitlng for water, even a shower — Pan Am Pet B ...... do, pfd 45 Par Publlx ,...... 70^ position to the tax laws has been ; ^t least the equal of the whd blazed a trail of crime from and showers do fall in the Sahara, 180 Maine to Darien, Conn., where they S N E T C o ...... 175 Penn ...... shown in this region. ? British fleet. One was to modem- O R . F . P IS C H E L bringing up green vegetation. . Manufaetariiig Stocks. Peasants Arrive j^e' our vessels and the second, more were arrested several weeks ago Where the Phoemcians swept Pub Scrv NJ ™ Axn Hardware ...... 60 62 Rad Corp ...... 61% A settlement was about to be i ^j-agtic and more expensive, was to were sentenced to the Cheshire re­ earned the title of the world’s big­ over from Syria 3,000 years ago, latest among Far Eastern scholars to go from this country to instruct Amer Hosiery ...... 8C Radio Keith ...... -63% made reports of the clash said additional vessel like the formatory 'for five, years by Judge gest inn-keeper because no less where the Caesars later besieged American S ilv e r...... 18 . when about 200 peasants armed Rodney or the Nelson, Peaseley in criminal Superior Court than 3,000 station restaurants are cities and ruled, where the Spamards toe youth of America on oriental with machetes and clubs appeared a matter of negotiation, Arrow HAH, com . . . 37% Rep Ir and Stl, new .... ------56% today. 'They pleaded guilty to under , its supervision. It does not once controlled, here are now 6,- subjects. Automatic Refrig ...» 4 85% and would not permit payment of j ^ result we had no difficulty in 000,000 people, French subjects, Dr. Hu is a graduate of Corfiell Sears Roe . . . - charges of carrying concealed operate these places, but it con­ xBigelow Sanford, coni 69 71 ...... 43 the tax. They began stoning the . gettin g consent for the first weapons, also of. an automobile growing grain, gathering oUves,- (B.A. 1914) and Columbia universi­ Simmons .... trols their prices, types of service xdo, p f d ...... 100 Sinclair Oil ...... 28% Customs officials and the Garde. m ethod.” which they .had stolen in Darien. pressing oil, making wine and dig­ ties, having received his doctorate Billings and Spencer . 3 5 ...... 36% Finally the Gardes fired on the air and quality of food. ging phosphates and rich Iroh ore Skelly -Oil ...... The Job of administering these from toe latter institution in 1917 Bristol Brass' ...... 21 25 .....122 - and over the heads of the crowd OPEN NEW HEARING from the groimd. when he v/as only 26 years old. He Sou Pac ...... TBBIPIB SISTERHOODS 3,000 drink and food emporia de­ do, pfd ...... 98 Sou Rwy ...... 112% which failed to disperse ^ d con­ Washington, May 14 — ( A P )— Bridgeport, May 14— (AP)—One Called Front Door is recognized as one of the fore­ Collins Co...... 102 tinued throwing stones. To avoid Uncon'vinced that the foreign rela­ volves upon Herr Privy Councillor Stand Brands , ..... 23% hundred and fifty delegates today This new France is the front door most thinkers of present day China Case, Lock—?od and B. 525 _ ! bloodshed the Garde and officials tions committee hearings are devel­ F. Pischel. He is truly the gas- , St Gas and El ...... 116% attended the eighth annual conven­ to France’s great African colonial and has lectured in both the United Colt’s Firearms ...... 27 29 ...... 72 were stated to have withdrawn to oping what the Senate should know taonomic czar of Germafiy. empire, with Morocco to the west j SO Cal ...... tion of toe Connecticut Federation States and England. Eagle L o c k ...... 35 38 ...... 81 Abricot. The casualties were dis­ about the London naval treaty, He must, for instance, see to it and southwest and Tunis, rich- in I SO ■ NJ■ of the Temple Sisterhoods here. Mrs. -His fearless thinking has'some­ Fafoir Bearings ...... 75 85 ...... 37% covered in the vicinity of the en­ chairman Hale opened a hearing Of Arthur Weil of New Haven presid­ that pigs knuckles do not cost olives, dates, grain, fruit, iron ^ d Iso NY ...... travelers 2.75 marks at, Heidelberg times brought him into coxiflict Fuller Brush, Qass A . — 18 Studebaker ...... 37 counter later and the report said his Senate naval committee today ed. Others were to be elected this phoephates on the east, adjoining He. 145 by asking why the treaty embodies while they are priced at 2 marks with government authorities, Hart A Cooley ...... 125 Tex’ Corp ...... 58% they appeared to be caused l^y stray afternoon. Italy’s Tripolitania. has been a severe critic of the Hartmann 'Tob, qom . 15 ..... 77% “certain radioal changes in the at Leipsig. Perusing 3,000 bills of Tim Roll Bear • • • * shots. Lieutenant Paul reported toat A hundred years have passed do, 1st pfd ...... ,' 60 no order to fire into the crowd had naval policy of the United States.” fare each week to make! sure that since the French executed the plans nationalist regime. Transcon Oil ...... 21% t u g BUNS AGROUND In addition to his worje at Chi- Inter Silver ...... 90 95 ______88 been given. .With Secretary Adams of the New London, May 14.— (AP)— hungry travelers are not made sub­ Napoleon made and ended forever Union Carb cago Dr. Hu is to lecture this , do, pfd ...... -105 109= Unit Aircraft ...... 72 Navy, one of the American dele­ Far off her course while proceeding ject to such discrimination, is in the piracy of the Barbary states, yet 71 gates to London and the first wit­ spring at Yale. xLanders, Frary A Clk 69 Unit Cprp ...... eastward in Long Island ^un d from itself no small task. the Moslems are still Moslerns, en­ Mann & Bow, Class A 13 16 REDS ALLOW v i s i t " ness, sitting across the table. Hale titled by the Koran to have four Unit Gas and Imp^...... 47 New York to Boston, the ocean-go­ do, Class B ...... 7 10 US Ind Alcoh 93 said that “if these reasons can be ing tug Security of New York went wives, and the mysterious veiled 25 29 defended and proof can be given women scurry through narrow CADETS ON REYIEW xNew Brit. Mch. com US Pipe and Fdry ...... •>3% hard siground on ^ the west side of North A Judd ...... 19 21 29 TO FORBIDDEN C IH that it is to the advantage of the Fishers Island near the entrance to FREE STATE EYEING streets, maintaining traditions hand­ 33 35. US R u lj...... national defense of the coimtry to Niles Bern Pond ----- US Stl ...... 174% Hay Harbor today. A big hole was ed down through centuries. Peck Stow and Wilcox 8 11 subscribed to a ll' of the terms of Scattered throughout Algeria are New London, May 14—(AP) —A Util' Pow and Lt A . •41% Samarkano, Russian Turkestan, tom in the vessel’a bottom and she i ITS FOREIGN STATUS Russell Mfg Co. X ... 70 68 the treaty, the Senate vriil vmdoubt- filled with Water. Sqme of the crew the ruins left from the time the platoon of Coast Guard cadets com­ 62 War Piet ...... __ (AP)— For the first time in mod­ edly ratify the treaty as it stands. xScovill ...... 59 Westing A i r ...... • went ashore in. lifeboats, while j Romans s^jowed the way. The manded by Cadet Joseph D. Har­ x.Seth Thom Co. com . 30 33 em history, a group of foreigners, On the other hand the naval French are following their lead, re­ rington of the first-class won the Westing El and Mfg 180% nfiistly American newspaper cores­ others remedned aboard the tug. Dublin.— (AP)—The Free State i? xdo, pfd ...... 27 6.3% phn.irma.h said if proper assurances constructing, in more modem fash­ alumni cup in competitive infantry ■ --- Woolworth pondents, have been peri^tted to were not forthcoming, “it is possible Coast Guard patrol boats from the devoting increased attention to its Standard Screw . .. . n o i Yellow T ru ck -----...... • 28% local base were s ta n ^ g by. ion, vast irrigation projects, build­ drill, the feature of daytime events . 100 — enter the forbidden gates of Smark- that it may be found advisable to international, position, and is bent ing roads' are teaching the 5,000,000 of the 44th commencement of the do, pfd, guar “A” and today. . add reservations. on obtaining the full advantages, of xStanley Works . . . . 40 42 HOLE IN ONE odd Arabs smd Berbers to work. United States Coast Guard Academy — Brushing aside all barriers which “If the treaty as it now stands the latest definitions of Dominion Smythe Mfg ...... 90 RIO \VELCOMES PLIERS New Britain, May 14.— (AP)— The Arabs work, sometimes, but. today. The drill was started at 1:30 . 115- -- ' heretofore have existed against non- will hold water in every respect,” he intermittenly and from time to time o’clock on the academy parade xTaylor A Fenn ... Russians traveling in Asiatic Rus­ Robert C. McConnell made the first status. Torrington ...... 57 59 said, “there cam be n o . po^kle ob­ The coming session of the Im ­ they fold their tents and are gone, groimds. The’ judges were Lieut- sia which borders India, China, hole. in .one in this vicinity yester­ Underwoisd Mfg Co . 112 114 Recife, jection to throwing the full light of perial Conference in London is be­ while the Bergers, accustomed to Colonel Nathan Horowitz, ,U. S. '14__(AP) — Jean Mermoz left for ' Afghanistan and Persia, the Soviet day when he holed his tee shot on Union Mffe Co . . . • • . 18 21 publicity upon it. If it will not hold ing looked forward to ajs likely to stone houses* usually disorderly and Army, instructor, of the 192d Field — Natal forenoon with two,com­ eoverninent allowed the correspond­ water it is in the highest degree the ninth hole at the Shuttle Mea­ U S Ervelope, com' . 225 dow Club. The distance was 164 establish m£iny of the Free State’s dirty insides, are more Induatridus Artillery, Connecticut - National . 112 --- panions of his record^breakihg maU ents to see all the marvelous sights essential that its defects should be Guards; Lieut-Cbmmander James E. do., pfd of Tamerlane’s ancient citadel now yards. claims to reform. Patrick McGiUi- and are more in tyme vrith industry . 40 42 seaplane flight from Paris: His known and under stood.” Maher, of the submarine' base and Veeder Root ' the capital of Uzbekisatn, a Soviet gan. Minister for External Affairs, of the machine-age day. xWhltlock Coll Pipe • ' 20 destination was Rio Janeiro, where Adams read from a prepared will be the principal representative Cork Trees Thrive . Captain Alfred C; Cotrill, U .SM .a an intensely enthusiastic popula­ statement, saying he had sign^ the f i n d MAN’S BODY The cadets in service blue made a JE—Ex-dividend. American writers and their Tbompsonville', Cohn., May 14 — of the nation. He has been com The great and little Atlas moim- tion await* kim at Camp ibura fly­ treaty because he felt it “attained striking, picture' a^ they executed XX— Bx-rights. wives in their modem western dress (AP)—^The body of an unidentified bining the functions of Minister for tain ranges, running east and' west, ing field. the largest measure” of navad re-^ divide Algeria into the tdl region various maneuvers. Many civilians, attracted widespread attention from duction possible. man, apparently about 50 years old, External Affairs -with those of Min­ the Mohammedan natives few of was found fioating In the Coimefcti- ister for Industry and Commerca, along the rugged coast, the most including persons here as cadet "As secretary of the na-^gr, I am guests for the commencement activ­ whom had ever before seen a for- cut River near too Suffield-Thotop- afi arrangement made when exter­ fertile region, and the Plaoeaux, be­ clear that the treaty is advan­ ities, witnessed th6 drill as did Capt. 'e ig n e r ; The local government auth­ sonvlUe bridge today. nal affairs were deemed of second- tween the mountains, where sheep h u r r y UP! tageous to the Navy of the United and cattle graze and where there H. G. Hamlet, supt;, of the academy N.Y. orities furnished special guides to Two mechanics testing an out­ States,” he saiid. dary importance. are cork trees and oak forests. and other officers of the academy BUY YOUR TICKETS! show the visitors all the crumbled Senator Walsh, Democrat, Massa­ board motor in the river saw the But the ministries will ,’soon be monuments of Samarkand s ancient body and notified police who -re­ Railroads nm for -2,600 miles, staff. chusetts, interposed the. first ques­ separated as they were when the hard roads stretch for 3,500 miles Admission Admission splendor and glory. These included covered it. It had been in the Free State was first founded, and Adams E x p ...... < 31% tion, asking if the treaty would Eind lesser roads add 20,000 more TO EXTEND N. E. ROAD AUeg Corp ...... _^27% ; 50c 56e the famous Morque of Bibi Khanum change the present Americain naval water several days. Mr. Gilligan will leave the Min­ which Tamerlane built in honor of miles to ways of travel _ into the building program. istry of Industry and Commerce, Ln Sahara and down toward the once Boston, May 14—(AP)— Gover­ Am and For P o w ...... 81 % ■ his favorite wife, the famous divm- Adams responded in brief detail, which he was the chief author of legendary Timbuctoo. nor Frank G. Allen today signed a A in Inter ...... ity school of Shir D&r, the magni- but Hale suggested that he be per­ S. W. BALDWIN DEAD the Shannon electricity scheme, ficent registan or public square Algeria revealed her agricultural bill to extend” and revive certain cor­ Am Pow and Lt .,...... 119 mitted to make his opening state­ and confine himself to External possibilities to the French during the porate powers of the Southern New Am Rad Stand San ...... 33% ! which the late Lord Curzon pro­ ment without interruption. nounced the noblest public place m Bethany^ Conn., May 14.— (AP) — Affairs. war and now there is serious effort England railroad. The contemplat­ Am RoU M ill...... 75% j Struck a Balance. to make the coimtry a real granary ed line would start at Palmer in this Am Smelt ...... • 72 j either the ancient or modem world Adams stressed the value of the Seth W. Baldwin, attorney whose j and other memorials of the conquest home was In New. Haven and whoj for some future emergency, to de­ state where it would connect with Am Tel and Tcl ...... ^.249Vi,j treaty as laying down a regular and velop industry, to encourage colon­ the Central Vermont railroad and of Ghenguskan and Tamerlane. w'as a member of the legal staff of j A m Tob B...... 260 | for constant program. “It struck a bal­ izing and to educate and train the fun through the Blackstone Valley AmWatWks...... 4....111 j ance” he said, “between 6 inch and the claims dejiartmerit of the New. Haven road, died suddenly at the^ Ship Arrivals natives not only for peacetime man­ in Rhode Island to Providence. Anaconda ...... • • 82% ■ "THE PATSY” 8 inch gim cruisers. power but for a military reservoir, The road was originally started in GRAMMAR PUPIlS. home of his mother h6re today. ______Atl Ref ...... f..... 48% 8 Act Comedy “I have no doubt,” he continued, if the time should ever come to 1912 as a part of the Grand Trunk Bald Loco , ...... 29 “that the treaty gives the United Mr. l^dw in was operated on eEirly in the year. Recently he came , Arrived: draw upon it. railroad but abandoned at the time B and O ...... • 115% States parity with Great Britain In of the Balkan Wars and never com­ Cheney Hall, Friday Night VISIT DAIRY FARM to his, mother’s home to regain j Cleveland, Hamburg, May 14,1 Bendix Aylat ...... 42% every category.” pleted. Subsequently toe Southern Beth Steel ...... 97 Auspices Epworth Leagiie The witness detailed the Japanese strength. Hia death was due to n ; from New York, MERGER APPROVED New EJngland railroad was formed Canadian Poe .....>»...... 207 G. H. Sankey of the Oak Grove settlement.” heart attack. | Sailed: of Sonto MetooiBst ChnrCh Mr. Baldwin was a graduate, of • paris, Havre, May 14, for New i to carry on the work and the fight Case Thresh ...... 345% Dairy on Oakland gtreet had two “Japan’ has steadily built cruisers to keep the corporation iff existence classes B Second and B Third, o f ; jj'ej. figet is superior to ours,' Naugatuck high school In 1898 of York. ! Concord, N. H., May 14.— (AP.) Cerro De Pasco' ...... 57% Hamburg, j—The state Supreme Court In a de- was largely sponsored before toe the Eighth District at his dairy yes-1 gaid. “The Japanese submarines Yale in 1904. He leaves a widow, ! president Roosevelt, legislature by Providence interests. terday afternoon. The children were i gj.g substantially less old thsin ours Jessie Wells Baldwin, a son, Thayer, j 14^ New York, rision handed down today, approyed given a demonstration of tbe way ! "Under the circumstances we who. is at Taft school and two sis- | Republic, New York, May 14, 1 merger of the Second National ^4 he bottles are cleaned by a high; made a fair compromise.” ters, Mrs. Robert Saunders^ of | Hamburg., I Bank and the Guaranty Savings CURB QUOTATIONS steam pressure washer and prepared; ------Betoany and Mrs. iThomas Saunders i Eiuropa, New York, May 14,'Bank, both of Nashua. Th4 naerger for the holding of the milk. They 1 of Bethany, and his mother.,, ' Bremen. will be the first of a national and a TODAY’ TODAY saw the milking of the cows and the . N p W NAVY fH lE F He 'Was-toe'son of toe late Henry | ^ ------sarings bank in this state and will (By Asmriated' Press.) AND M AND different methods through which the , i l L f f liA Y I C. Baldwin. j The egg-eating snake of South result, it is claimed, In the largest I A. .4. Amer CIt Pow and Lt (B) 28 THURSDAY' THURSDAY milk passes before it goes into the | ______I America has its teeth situated in bank in the state. An opinion on Am Super Power ...... 34% bottles. Germm consumer cooperatives en­ its backbone. Eggs are swallowed the merger had been asked by. Ar­ Central States Elec ...... 88% i Each pupil was given milk vrith joyed » good business in 1929 de­ whole and crushed afterwards. thur E. Dole, bank commissioner. Cities Service ...... '33 New London, May 14 —(AP) — spite less favwable con<|itions. straws and they were each given as Rear Admiral t : C. Hart today suc­ Crocker WhCeler ...... 27 '' many of the 10 ounce bottles as ceeded Rear Admiral Frank B. Up- Eliec Bond and Share ....,.. .103% they wished. One litie girl took ad­ ham as commander of the Navy Can He Do a “ WilMam TeU’7 Elec Shareholders ...... 25% vantage of this and consumed six control force. Ford of England ...... 19 bottles although she was husky In the presence of senior officers Ital Superpower ...... 13% Dorothy enough and hardly showed that she of the control force. Admiral'Hart ;^iag and Hud Power ...... 22% needed it. Vead his orders of command and Niag Hud Warrants ...... 6 Admiral Upham read his orders of Pennroad ...... 14 Machaill detachment at 3 p. m. today aboard S. O I n d ...... 55 TROOPS CLEAN UP the submarine tender Camden, flag­ United Gas ...... 36% ship of the control force vessels. The Unit Lgt apd Pow A ...... 48 . CITY OF SHOLAPUR Camden Is moored alongside a pier XJtil Pow and,Lt ...... 22% at the submarine base. Vacuum Oil .... 90%. '^Tho Lovo Admiral Upham was to leave for 'Vicks Financial • • • e • i 8% (Continued from Page 1) Washington this afternoon to take up his duties as chief of the biureau Racket” ; Appeal to hear cases sent up from of navigation, the office to which he ABOOTTOWN I the villages. was recently promoted. Admiral : The farmers, it was announced Hart came here from tbe west coast command of the Frank Fiano, son of Mr. and Mrs. [ by Congress leaders today, have de- -wh^re he * It tells a lovs story every woman wlU understand, and az« f cided not to pay their land revenues submarines of the battle fleet. Fiano of Birch Mountain Road was discharged from toe Memorial I and to boycott with ■ the utmost hospital this afternoon. He is the gwera a question every man u k s Umself, but never answeml ; rigor all govemmfnt servants and 196 CANDIDATES boy whose finger Up was bitten off t government supporters. by a rabbit. Little Rock, Ark.j May 14.— (AP) PAPER MILLS MERGE —One hundred and ninety-six candi­ dates for state and dia^ct «,d’,G»a*d Williams ai alternates. 'movement-haa bewi arrest^. Load-, ■[Chamber of Commerce rooms this now and ana Lewisi^wis H.xi. Sipe.oiyc. %,J.*...... *be...... Heral^...... SubmitWito^Vlll be ing W reported for tlie we^^ended j morning. Sm ^r of the state Board of t^ iv e d for the prize,HjojtestiJP M ay ;8‘ totaled 9%2,W9 c j ^ , )35,725 ' Although the drive does not open SreeSrs^ also attend. Wednesday nighL ^ more tiiaa the prertbus^ -week, tout officially until Sunday a banquet ^^Prank C ^ ey, Jr., member-of thef" recseatlon T<^m?ofG at TO B i^ 6 ieSss'Oian toe'Itk.e'to^is of; for the entire organization of 125 loS^dTtlte^chaiiber. is on th eta^ ory^ is beii^refi^^ ^ workers will be given in the““ SSe of new officers to be presented jm ^.d repairs ftre b ^ g The *' !rHe -weekly steel^ti^eTertrtvs Masonic Temple, Friday evening TOjrtiBd a ^ rth e r b « f[^ ®teel .6 o’clock. A shad dinner, by Osano ____ ^ _ -tAYit ; ' opeirationSj^'.imbslantial (Cqn^tot^ froin One.) > - uill be served at the personal ex- j PoTniftcticut. I' Several ttb^[lfSt^*fbir,vQ»e..CM.T. price reductiOT^ Imt lt;ii^ reported ■ pense of the Board of Trustees of I tit tr^ertri^ [fekt producers ' C. camps tMi^ quinipfet' hand prised to hear of Fort’s reported in- 'the hospital. j j Monday night;’ to rtceive'^^limin- are deterinfted^td'il^ prices at Each of the 25 team captains is ; tentiem'^^of, entering, the New Jersey cuirrent le-vela. Iron A ge stated toat expected to choose a team of four i ABOUT TOWN ary training. Republifah Senatorial primm r^ , The summer uniforms of'cotton y : S. Steel is holding operations at persons by Friday morning at the 1 Other .candidates inolTl^de Dwight 80 per cent of capacity, while the There will be a whist party at, irVinifl breeches, flannel o.d. shlrti 'latest and turn the names into | Morrow, Mexican amba^dpr,. Md industry as a whole has slumped tp the School Street Rec tomorrow af­ and campaign hat has been ordered former .Senator Frelinghuysen, '[ headquarters at the Chamber. 75 per cent, against 77 last week. ternoon at 2:15. • ^ by the Re^mental commander ef- is 'ruhhipg ' on a wet platfom. Everyone participating in the drive Iron Trade Review pointed out that fective May 15 for both companies. Motrpy?>*bM i^o.t announced bis ‘ 'are requested to attend the diimer The Howitzer Company will hold prices-for plates and shapes are now where final instructions and ma­ Manchester girls who at one tame stand;oVPF5Wbiti^ -tbe or another have come under toe. no more trills this month-having that lie modlfllcation: or tte toe lowest since 1915, having decUpr terials \sill be given out by Chair­ completed the required number of man Knofla and the majors. Maps mstruction of Miss Volstekd laws. Fort is contemplat­ $4 a ton this year. Luchinni, will be interested to know quarterly drills inefiuding toe parade ing entering'the contest as, a dry. Large orders for heavy construc­ Will be given to each team and also of Memorial Day. ^ Pay rolls will be [a 5>treet list, containing the number that she is terminating her work . McBride added that if. the an­ tion, particularly for pipe and struc­ with the Hartford County Y.W.C.A. signed immediately following, toe nounced intention of the New Jer­ tural steel, appear to be exerting a ' ^Three’iOyeljr'pteces t^ta-vrill enable you'to furnish your sunroom at a very moderate^ of the house to be canvassed and parade Memorial Day completing the names of persons residing there­ in June and will later leave for sey Anti-Saloop League to have a stabilizing influence. While railway cost‘.“ includes-two"'Cim^on;Sii^tee[ chltir-and roclcer in hiEind woven fibre of distinctive de-' ■j China where she will represent toat toe quarter. dry in the race "got in Dwight Mor­ buying remains light, and automo­ in. Two enlistments were made last Bigp;) ' H as'spring ^ e d covered cuihlons. CSioice o f colors—^Maize and $ 3 6 The majors and their respectwe ^M^s^ Lu^^ row’s-way, it waf3b’t dw fault.” tive demand is losing a littie of its ^ Oninge. or Naturkl and fB; Priced at only has been an efficient night in toe Howitzer Company, recent -vitality. Iron Age stated toat j ^team captzuns are as follows; Divi­ Corporal Frank "Vituello rie-enlistea sion No. 1, Emil L. G. Hohenthal, club work for Girl Reserves has Columbia Gap is going ahead witp made a flye year contract and ex­ for' oiiie year and Private 1 cl Jr., major, Mrs. Ralph Aceto, Ray­ Michael M. Rubacha re-enlisted for plans to build a 400-mile gas line mond Bowers, Loren C. Clifford, pects to spend her first year in Pek­ from West Virginia fields to Waap- ing study toe Chinese language.. one year. Manchester Lion’s Club (captain to Visitors at last night’s drill of the ibgton and Balti®o^^®> and th’s be appointed by club) and Mrs. strengthened the, belief, that. a. latge Manchester Grange, P. of H., will Howitzer Ck)mpany were: M ajor Irving B. Partridge, Jr., Plans and : The AnmUl Motb®b Daugh­ eastern natural gas merger is in the i*'”R ob w S 'm S S ’'MarrHo'5^^^ ceiSSiVthe forty-Mth amlv^san- ter hanljuet was held at toe vestry making. .Mr», Charles J. McCann, Mrs. W. | of lte o r ^ ^ n bcr^™th_nn^^^^ Training Officer of toe Regimental Headquarters Staff; Capt. George of toe Congregational church Sat­ It is imderstood that United Corp. W. Robertson, Salvation Army | propriate ^ A. Wardinski, Regt. Supply Officer urday evening and a large crowd will shortly make an exchange offer marold TurMnjton. leader) to ol^FeSs and Instructor Sergeant B. Milan; enjoyed a delicious supper and en­ for anqtoer large, block of.Col-umbia tertainment. The entertainm^t u .B . a ;.. Gas, and will make a similar offer K r l‘'^Sl'"toSor,”Uer"t; W n'ce^r' sfr?,t"“2^ The Howitzer baseball team has consisted of two short plays, recita->, to stockholders of Public Service of started practice. Several new play­ tions, music and short talks by Rev, N. J. Wall, street gossip, also has it E. T. Thienes aad the Hartford 27, left on toe membership rolls. ers are expected to show added toat United has been increasing its H. Sadler; Division No. 4, Charles strengto on, this season’s team. County Y. W. C. A. secretary Miss holdings of Consplidated Gm by W. Holman, major, Mrs. Vera W. Miss Sylvia Johnson of Summit At a Vecent officers meeting at Luccini. open market purchases. toe State Armory in Hartford toe Miss Catherine Cunningham, Rpb- • Radio was pushed forward, de­ 1 “ kS: ^^,la^- r S t V S I ^eet hi ob^^ ^ P ~ t commissioned officers of the 169th ert Yale and two friends from New spite toe filing of anti-trust proceed­ Infantry were given toe summer Haven spent Simday with Mr. and ings by toe Department of Justice, ^S^e' ^i."'?e"a^r^i,“ [Sfro?. Mlla ! SSn/w lto rela ys there. schedule of camp activities. Plans Mrs. E. Allan Blish nnd family. ' and U- S. Steel sold up moderately Helen Brodersom Johnson, j Erickson of Laurel street, is were ciiscussed and instructions Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Lord qnd ' to toe best levels for the recpvery. son Robert called on friends in East Roy Johnson, &-wa,nis ) ^qw employed by the Chance Vought were given by Major Partridge Shares gaining 3 or more included Hampton, the last of the week. New York Central, Atchison, Miss- tain; to .^appomted by club) and Company ^of East jjgjtford in a Training officer of toe Regiment. G. .Albert Pearson August 2-16 the summer training Mr., and Mrs. Herbert Brown of ! ouri Pacific, Lackawanna, Texas I clerical capacity. Manchester and Mrs; Roland Smith I period. was discussed. One day on and Pacific, Eastman Kodak, Amer­ each end of toe training period be- o f Columbia wiere guests o f their ican Can, Westinghouse Electric, Because toe Ladies Aid society of mother Mrs. Mary Brown toe first TURNER FAILS IN TRY the Second Congregational church is ingf added for orientation and- to Vanadium and Worthington Pump. What a drfigbtfulTporOh^ or sunroom you coiild ha-ve with this beautiful ensemble in allow for a full day’s rest on tile of toe week. Some of .toe comparatively inactive meeting tonight, Boy . Scouts of Mr. and Mrs- John A. Fuller and closely w ov^ fibre. ^4las three cushion settee, chair and rocker with cretonne covered Troop 1, will hold their meeting at regiment’s return hpme. rails mate wide gains. Hocking spring filfid cusM®tis. C ^ ce of finishes—Turquoise and Green or Cafe and FUR U N D O fiH ’S RECORD family called on relatives in South Valley aid New York and Harlem "Old Sal's Hut,” in Bolton., Members Windsor the last of the week. and Blue: xThrtfo pieces .43 should be at toe church at 6:30 gainiqg about 20 points. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Tide and There was considerable prpfit titic­ o’clock as the ^ troop will hike to ONLY 2 ASiltiCAN ■®,;''^aUey3tr«am^ ^ — daughter and a friend of West Hart­ ing in various groups during toe ' ■ (XtOT he transcontinental air­ their destination. ford were callers in to-wn toe first morning. The coppers turned down­ plane speed record set by Colonel GOLFERS SURVIVE of the week. ' ward, as toe recent covering move­ and Mrs. Charles A. Lindbergh, still The final all-members meeting of The Dorcas Society met at-the ment appeared to have been com­ stoodr,today despite the effort of the Manchester Chamber of Com­ Library - Wednesday afternoon to pleted, The Americism Tobacco \ ^"Rosede Turner and a lion cub to merce until September will he held (Continued from Page 1) make, plans for the Strawberry issues; and Columbia Gas also sag­ [J. lower it. at the Hotel Sheridan next Monday festival -which they plan to have ged for a time. International Salt, y After contending with strong evening at 6:15 o’clock. Arrange­ of the morning, they will meet in soon. " ‘ which has had a spectacular rise, n? headwinds and bad flying weather ments are being made to obtain an the semi-finals in the afternoon. fell back more than 16 points. J. I. over much of his route from Los interesting spe&er. A business ses­ Miss Wilson caught Mies Orcutt CALL ELECTIONS FARCE Case, after an early rise, sagged un- S Angiiles[ Turner was forced down sion will he held followed by a short off her game and only in driving der realizing. f at Curtis Field here at 7:40 p. m. entertoinment program. was the American able to cope with Santo Domingo, Dominican Re- Credit conditions remained sta­ (E. S. T.) yeterday, out of fuel and the big English girl. pubUc, May 'l4.—TAP.)—Fcderica tionary, with call money holding at, one hour, 13 minutes and 33 seconds Plans for the formation, of a B ps The day’s play found five Ameri­ Valesquez and Angel Morales, can­ 3 per cent. There was better de­ ubehind sthe record time of the Lind­ Club will he drawn at the meeting cans eliminated. Miss Virginia Van didates of toe “Alianza” or toe Na­ mand for bankers acceptances but bergh’s'i who crossed the covmtry of the Manchester Fish and Game Wie,-Mrs. Stewart Hanley and Miss tional -Progressive i>artles for the rates were unchanged. Easter Sunday in 14 hours, 23 min- club scheduled for tonight at Tinker Edith Quler were defeated in the presidency and -vice presidency of '4 utes and 27 seconds. Hall. All members are requested to fourth roimd and Miss Orcutt and the Dominican Republic, today isr Walter Ward, official timer for he present. Reports of the Fish aqd Mrs. Federman in •the fifth. sued a manifesto urging their fol­ BRITISH GOLFEBS.WIN ^ the National Aeronautic Associa- Game banquet wilbhe read by toe The American casualties of the lowers to Jiefrain from voting in Fri­ tion said toat even if Turner had chairman of toe banquet committee. morning left the lower half of the day’s, poll. North Manchester, Eng,, M ay. 14. y bettered the time of Colonel Lind- draw solidly British and disposed The two candidates, who are In —(AP)—Archie Cbmps'ton and Abe 3 Hqre is[a modesUy[,pidce4 s®t that you can safely use on porch or lawn -without fearing ^ bergh, his landing-i at Curtiss Field A daughter was tom last Satur­ of any chance that two American opposition to' toe government can­ Mitchell today defeated Leo Diegrt ■i would haye barred him from claim- and Horton Smith in an interna- j i stormy weather fpr. It i? entirely waterproofed;. Made of stick reed in orange and blue lac- day at Mrs. Howe’s Maternity home players might go to the finals. didates, said they urged this step que'r/wito’ dptiach^e- Wu^ leatherette cusMons. ^ ing a new record,' inasmuch as on Wadsworth street to Mr. and tional professional golf match at 36 11 Misses Collett and-Cameron will so as not to. help enact "this farce Ghgir. and rocket .priced 'at ...... 9 V Roosevelt Field was designated as Mrs. Stanley L. Nichols, of 24 of an election,” holes, 9 up and 8 to play. 2; the dfficial landing place. be toe first pair off tomorrow morn­ Walker street. ing, followed 15 minutes later by Misses Hicks and Wilson. The regular monthly meeting of Here are the fifth roimd cards to­ CAPONE IN AGAIN toe Board of Selectmen will be ■ Enj(W the cool fragrance of your lawn with a 4^.. day: 'conffortabie settee. -The one illustrated to left held in toe Municipal building at Collett vs. Brown. eight o’clock tonight. The board will is a-folding'model, strongly made and finished in Miami, Fla., May 14— (AP) — CoUett out: ..... 546 354 534—39 red and natural lacquer. Priced at $2.89« hold a hearing on the application of Brown out:...;..'. 5OT '[535 655— 46 For Your W edding Gift "Scjirface Al’l Capone slept on a Joseph F. Fortier for a certificate [•j jaircot last night as a prisoner for Collett in: ‘..;...;*'5^ ' ■- the second time since Miami author- of approval for a gasoline station on Brown in: ______565 piece of sterling silver would be acceptable, it never ! ities determined to attempt to’ cut toe property of Thomas Hickey on Hicks vs. Federmah. ) short his stay here by arresting him Oakland street.------The usual town -' Hicksruuns uut; out: ...... 465 ‘tou 435 ua-x564—42— w^ars out, combining beauty and utility . on sight. ^ K bins out: . . 555 546 554— 44 Seized while attending a boxing as -wiU the monthly reports of tne Hicks in: ...... 544 455 hoard’s appointees. i^bout last night, toe harassed gang Federman in : ___ 555 545* SiuuU 'I^icccs sit. . • • • $1.50 and up pleader was placed iq j?^ -at an hour... .Wilson vs. Orcutt which his attorneys found to be too Mr. and Mrs. Roy Larrabee of Wilson out; ...... 445 345 554—39 Reno, Nevada, have been -visiting .■^late to locate a judge for a habeas Orcutt out: 456 4'47 644—44 Larger Pieces at ...... $4.00 and up •.‘ Corpus bearing. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Larrabee!(Of Wilson in: ...... 545 54 . i When Capone wais .first arrested Strant street, and have now left for Orcutt in: ...... M6 45 4 last Thursday on a technical charge Maine. Diana Fishwick defeated Elsie ^of ‘‘inve8tlgation''vMijami''police de- Corlett 4 up and 3 to , play. scribed their tactics as adoption of An ■ unusual Masonic communica- Daisy Ferguson, toe Irish girl, de­ TKe Dewey-Richman Co. You'i’l^e UodTto thg .flnert tibn was held last night at toe Tem­ typeVctfj.i^cIti extremely y/the “Chicago plan’’ of. picking up feated Kathleen Gamham T up. • ’JEWELERS, STATIONERS, SILVERSMITHS. [| gangsters whenever .sech on the ple here when a group of Master SyMa Bailey defeated Dr. Marion suggest, t^at‘ ybu Masons v/hO have but.r^c^ntly taken see JJ^VrKbdii;^ttetr ted.at ' c’,tj'’s streets, Alexander 1 up, 19 hqleSf.' “The House of Value” - < 4 their degrees filled toe chairs to put Kathleen MacDonald ’ defeated C. Lar^^ob^tt^mW-'^th dotihle caned f? PROBE C.4lMPAIGN EXPENSES through a. gfoup.,of candidates. "Die Downes, 4 up and 2 to'play. seat flnish.’.Prlced ! young men who fiUed the chairs Imd h, May 14.-r(AP)—Pre-[been coafthed for partHg'to investigate charges of ex'-1 by Past Master William Walsh. ) — — — "— -7;-^ EIGHT AMERICANS 7.'*. ■ 4 . .vf-' ,'iCessive expenditures pi .toe cam-,! / ' ^ a \r xr jrpaigns’bf Senator JosephR. Grundy! ..^Hose Comp,any No. 4, S. M. and Secretary of Labor James J. •e^jiswrt’ed a still ijDavis for toe Republican nomina-|jS-dMk Litis noon and extm^isne THE .Jtion for United States Senator, two a woods fire just east_ of w g ^ If members of the Senate campaign j Paper .Mill on Charter Oak stree^^ (Continued rronr Page 1*V SILENT ;Jfunds will arrive here tomorrow,, I ||T he committee members are,Sena-1 toe* command to- enter toe ; royal GLOW >[;tors Nye of North Dakota and Wag- j PUBUC RECORDS presence. ' >■ ’ • ) . [iner. New York. ; Not before 6:30 would •'all of the B I T C H i E N favored ones be given their place In The Grundy and Da-vis faction s; • - ' ‘Marriage Intentions «have charged each other with ex-1 the line. Their presentation i^ l take BURNER An application for a marriage place as usual at about 9 p. m. Scsssive expenditures. The Federal j license was filed in the office of t^e and county prosecutors here were Speculation .bvei; what toe Ameri­ IS can girlis woujd.^.’^^ar revealed that S k e d to aid toe Senat’ i“vestigat-j .'C L E A N , lors in4r, probingr>fn'h,r,tr conditionsonuditious and havehavc , ® , „ 4.J l T annitvi -VTunches- only one, Miss .Fi^ces Hutchinson, i-operation in the*Marie Squatrito of South Manches of Kiiladelph^,|daugbten''ol74^.Jand CaNVENIEJ^T . pledged their co-operation^ .. in . .the, . ! far ‘rr '[•attempt to prevent corruption at the j f®**- Mrs. Sydney B. Hutchimibb, 'had Lease intimated what' her gown Would be. AN D [^ r in w y Mky. 3Q- Mildre'd Greenwald to The British Miss Hutchinson chose af-Wush-tint- G IVES [ '...ir'" ,n - [iwito the prosecutors during ■ their American Club, Ino., toe **'*ti[® 'ed' partbment ‘ lactf 'cfekflon- im - ond floor of the building at 989-^1 hroldered with ,a tlq^calie .dSSlgh ®f COMFORT Y.vi:. ■ - - ■f two-day stay here. Main street. > •} - pearl's, -v^ to which she will carry/a FIVE YEAJI^ Ir a p e WAS THBI* MONKEYS large fan to' match, A permit fbt a single home dweft- ' » . ■' • ■- GUARANTtelSy / PrankltonMass., Mey 14,— (AP.) ing was issued tpday to Andrew A i- j _Anxiety caused here When several saldi, owiler and buflder, for a dwe^- ^ y s * wbma^ deifcrlbed toe » HOSPITAL NOTES ing on lot 53, Victoria Road. DON’T DEtAVM ffltDER NOW ^ppearacnce of -fSOamai.reaiBmhUng - - ',« ian ai>e,^W»8. aiMeviatid today when 1.. CENSUS FIGURES. Mrs. Prank .Hillery and infant son was ledcned that three monkeys Bridgeport, May 14.— (AP),— of 18 Monroe street, Mrs. Anna itoad escapn^ from zoo in North At- itieboroiseveral nriles fro ii here. Two With sixty of 97 census districts In Mndden of 84[ Eldiidga street; .and Glow (^ Buniar Corp, FW ati'iirtih Y ^ f the wnre* recaptured but this city reported completed today, M n .‘Sophia ChisteFof 195 Eldridge street, were discharged from the )Sa5 MfOn Street> South Manchester Phone 4.360 )the third was stiU at large. a total of 91,154 names are shown. Thre» boys reported having seen This figure indicates that the fiiwl Memorial ihosphal.atccofdtiig to the vt j/;9 ■ V iiiS.- while swimming. total would be around 149,000. * dally report today. ; * ■ -rUl,*.-; .'Vi; . tons," compared with estimated con­ I memories, icted by various mem­ a t y of Kew York left New York, sumption of^35,?14 long to bers of the cast. The scenic effect BYRD IS WELCOMED unW today, the expedition h^d been Mi^^ch aiid 47*621 tozui in April 1929* Buck Hill Falls, Pa., May 14.— W8US especially fine at the conclu­ conducted not only with results that Qrude rubber imports . for April (A P)--A li the great moral issues of NEW HAVl^ LO Sl^'?I^ sion vi^hen to the strains of the, Na­ exceeded its hopes but vrithput the I were * estimated at- 49»927 long tons, civilization today demand the or­ tional Anthem Idiss Alice Modin-as AT THE CANAL ZONE foss, , amid ..the perils of unexplored com b ed 'w ith 45,430 long tons for ganic iinion of the world, declared Washingfam, May 14.~;\a p .)—A Miss Columbia, holding Old Qloty, sub-Arctic travel A single mem^ March and 54^171 long tons in April Dr. Frank B. Smith, moderator cf petition of the 17ew Hacveil rgUroa^l HIT AS MINSTRELS ber of 'the party." When its metn- to the Interstate Comnu^e Com­ stepped to the forefront of the mili­ (Continued i^ m fnge l.) last ^ear. the National Council of the Congre­ tant pageant assembly at the final bers a lfe ^ landed in America have mission of the value of rights it had gational church, at the eecond annu-* in the Grand Central terminal; in curtain. assembled with their^ mates in New Notice has been received-by toe al Institute of Religion being held A clever idea was shown by the day voyage of the’liner Railgitiki York a fortnight hence, therexpedl- New 'gork Stock Exchange from the New York a ty was dismissed today from New 2iealand ended tardily. New York, May 14.—Robert h . here. without action. II lA Hottle Sees local Men management last night in a pro­ tionary group will be that^ which United agar Store Co., of a propos­ About 150 clergymen and laymen gram displaying over 100 signatures' But this in no sense dimmed the started out to conquer the' South Hoguet, president of i the ‘‘ National ed change in its authorized common The New Haven sought to have brilliancy of the reception- Associatiem of Mutual Savlngis of different denominations are here $55,000,000 included in the govern-, of local contributors to the program, Pole. ’ . from 8,000,000 shares to 310 par, to to discuss denomination imion. jSing, Dance and Tell fund. Much time was 'spent by Captain Hilton H. Railey, of the Arrive at Barrier. Banks, states that savings banks ment’s vsduatibn of its property on have stolid paying out money to 6,000,000 shares of no-par, each "We have not met here' merely to accounts of the iGrand Oedtoal hold­ patrons during the acts trying to United States Infantry Reserve, and The expedition arrived at the ice present 'share to ' be exchanged for decipher some of the local John a party of the admiral’s' personal protect margin accounts imd de­ talk,” said Dr. Smith, who is chair­ ings but the commission refused to burier on, Bee. 25 .and established posits are ml the increase. ^He=sold one.hew share.. man of the Inistitute. "If we db not change its original finding, by which I j Jokes About Each Other. Hancocks. Music tfor the Minstrels friends, sped out to'sea at dawn, in a the perxuanent base at Little''Amer­ and during the intermission was private launch. Jr . the party were the public is returning-to a epneepr intend to face the question directly, all of the terminal values in the f * - ica Jan. 6." Ten* days later the then tion of saving that almost disap­ The American RoUing Mill Co., with a view to determining what Grand Central were assigned to the furnished by A1 Behrentfs orches­ Dr. Cfiyde A. Nelson, Ralph D. Wil­ Uommander Byrd made his first An­ 4 hihSffield Steel ime old time spirit of minstrelsy liams and'two Paramount News reel peared in the boom period. has acquired the may be done to bring about this New York Central. tra.. tarctic airplane , flight, exploring 1,- Corp., through an exchange of 1 agfftin brought to the footliglit's The program: men, W. P. Clark and Louis S. Hqtt. An Associated Press repre­ 200 miles of territory. Near tragedy The J. J. Newberry Co., has pur­ stock. night in the State theater by First part, “The Magic Book”; In- •visited the camp on Jan. 21, when 1 terlocutor, William B. Halsted; sentative accompanied them, ^th chased seven steele stores located ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiinuiiiHiiiiiiiiuiiiniiiiiiiiiniHniiiiniiiiiiitiitiiiniiiniiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiuHiHitiHm| 1 ^e* Manchester Kiwanis Club in , comedians, “Charlie" Milikowski, his photographer. Commander Byrd saved his aviation at Port Jervis; Aalamanca, Albion, Formation was annopnoed of the ijl^ir annual benefit program for the | ..^ac McNally, “El” Thienes, Welconaing Group. mechanic, Benjamin Roth, from New York; East Palestine, Ohio; Associated; National Shares, Series ilfebron Kiddies Camp. Preceded by j ‘'Hub" Huber, “Harly” Wihis; solo- The governor of the (janal Zone, death by drowning when part of the Ottumwa and Perry, Iowa, and A, a fixed common stock Investment i ^nSdnS in the afternoon for the , ists, Fayette Clark, Elsie Berggren, Harry Burgess, Rear Admiral J. R. barrier cliff collapsed. Rock Island, m. trust, composed exclusively of the *<^ol children, the performance of j Roy Buckler, Arlyne a Morimty, Y. Blakeley, commandant of the Feb. 18 marked an ether aerial ex­ common stocks of thirty of the lead­ Announcing A | the evening opened to a full house j Mrs. Helge Pearsoi^ Dances, Miss 15th Naval District, and Major- ploration voyage, this time of 40,000 The United Corp., Morgan-Bon- ing corporations in the United •with new faces, new costumes, Dorothy Wirtalla; Page, Miss Mar­ General Malin Craig, commanding square miles of the unknown wastes bright utiUty holding company, un­ States'.. scenic effects and snappy song num­ garet Henry; Spirit of Minstrelsy, the Panama Canal Department, led lying between the base and the Pole. der its offer of May 1 has received bers, combining to produce a well- Mrs. Victoria F. Taite; Chorus The the military welcoming group. Plane Wrecked. tenders amounting to 1,425,000 Newsprint production by United s rounded evening’s entertainnoent. Manchester Kiwanis Club. A large citizens’ committee had Lawrence Gtould, geologist of the shares of United Gas Improvement States ^ U s in April totaled 109,96’( ” The first part opened with the an­ Program: Prologue, Mrs. Victoria prepared its enthusiastic welcome to party, flew with Bernt Balchen and Ck)., common. These tenders were in tous*or 77.7 per cent of rated capac­ Cooking Demonstration nouncement of the object ye of the F. Taite: Opening Assembly, Entire the party, included in which were Harold June, on March 8 to the ajidiUon to 500,000 shkres previous­ ity, compared with 113,328 tons, or Kiwanis Club by the Spirit of Min­ Company; “Look for the Silver Lin­ besides the Admiral and Russell Rockefeller Range. Eleven days af­ ly acquired and brought United’s ing, Fayette aarke; “Lazy Lou’si- Owen, Lloyd Berkner and Mrs. holdings of U. G. I. common to 6,- 80.3 per cent, of capacity, in March. strelsy, played by Mrs. ter, Commander Byrd flew to their The output for April by Candian and Taite, followed by a solo, Lool^ ana Moon", Elsie Berggren: “Pickin’ Berkner; Charles Lofgren, William rescue and found them in trouole, 076,846 shares, or 26.94 per cent of Petals Offa Daisies”, Ralph Mc­ Haines and Richard Konter. toe 22,654,000 shares of U. G. I. mills was 228,048 tons, or 75 per the Silver Uning” by Fayette B. with their plane wrecked. The geo­ cent, of rated capacity, against 207,- aarke, done in the usu^ Nally: "Indian Love Call”, Arlyne A gathering of all the available logical party returned safely' with common outstanding. C. Moriarty: “Singing In the Rain,” Boy Scouts assembled on the pier 485 tons, or 68.4 per cent. % her of other years., their chief to Little America on in. “Lasy Louisiana Moon was Misses Luclle Murphey, Virginia for reidew by their-idol. Following March 22. Serious preparation for Crude rubber of all classes con­ Lecture By \ pleasing in this hit, being ably sup­ Lowell, Susan Allen and Doris Turk­ this the admiral and his party were sumed by manufacturers In toe V Crocodiles have been known to \ ington: “Amos ’n’ Andy”, John Bar­ a South Pole dash begam on Oct. l.'i. ported by the chorus. scheduled for a call upon the gov­ The geological party left for Queen United States in the month of April attain ages upwards of 90 year.s. Daisy Dance stow; Dance, Dorothy Wirtalla; “If ernor. Is estimated by the Rubber Manu­ ‘ Great Britain has about 178,- I'm Dreaming,” Messrs. Buckler, Afternoon’s Ceremonies. Maude mountains Nov. 4 and the "Picking Petals Offa Daisies” by supporting party returned to L itfe facturers Association at 40,207 long 750 miles of roads. Mrs. Marion Rowe end man Ralph McNally went oyer Olson, Watkins, Roth; “T’aint No This afternoon’s ceremonies in­ Sin”, Charles Milikowski; “Mother”, cluded calls upon the United States America Nov. 10. , with a bang. The elephMtlne Then came the supreme thrill of daisies and the dancing, pet^-pluck-.. Mrs. Helge Pearson; “Should I,” Minister to Panama, Roy Davis, For­ of our injr act which accompanied the song, Elmer Thienes; Grand Finale —■ eign Minister J. D. Arosemena and the Pole flight in consequence of w’as unique and added much to the “Show Your ‘K’,” Entire Company. President F. H. Arosemena. which Commander Byrd was com­ Olio; Scene One, “Is He Guilty”?, missioned a rear admiral by Presi­ ‘offering. Arlyne C. Morlarty fol­ Following today's ceremonies the — lowed through the big kiwanis (Written by William B. Halsted); Byrd party will be confronted by dent Hoover. Service Quality—Price book, costumed as an Indian maiden Cast; Judge, W. Strickland; States many others during the two weeks The geologists returned to their I Home Service Dept. to sing the beautiful “Indian Love Attorney, George H. Waddell; De­ they will remain in the Canal Zone, base Jan. .19. Plans then went for­ FINEST FRESH FISH Song” in a very pleasing mwner. fense Attorney, C. P. Quimby; assembling the entire personnel of ward rapidly for breaking, camp and 1 ^ The High School Girls Quartet aerk, S. Hale: Sheriff, John Ech- the South Pole Expedition and gath­ return to civilization. Fancy Fresh Caught Fresh Fillet of Cod 25c i In Our Modd Kitchen at the Office composed of Misses Luclle Murphey, malian; Prisoner, Thomas Ferguson; ering together all of their materials, Mackerel 12 l-2c lb. lb. Virginia Lowell, Susan Allen and Jury, G. Glenney, Forman; W. Rob­ records and paraphernalia. When HOLD HARTFORD MAN ertson, L. Grant, E. Johnson, C. Fresh Cape Cod Butter- FiUet of Sole 39c Ib. I of this Company.- Doris Turkington gave a youthful all of this has been done they will fish 25c lb. exposition of jazz singing in the House, L. Case, E. J. HoH, F. Blish, steam for New York to be received Augusta, Maine, May 14— (AP)— Fresh Shore Haddock I popular, "Singing m the R^ln . The Charles McCann, L. Heebner, John into the arms and hearts of a Antonio Lamaire, 21, of Hartford, Cod to fry. Olson, H. Cude; Witnesses, A. 10c lb. ^rls added a peppy dance exit to waiting nation of admirers. Conn., today was remanded to the Fresh Eastern Halibut I 'ihursday May IS, at 2 P. M. Knofia, F. Clarke, W. Knofla, R. K. The Byrd expedition reached its Kennebec County Jail in'default of sfiice their act. Anderson, George Wilcox, George Fresh Fillet of |[addock Lamb Pies special 15c r Uh-Uh! climax on Nov. 29 when the com­ $500 ball after probable cause on a 25c. ‘."Arnos ’n Andy" by end man John Keith, E. Shelton, M. Strickland, G. mander wirelessed from the South charge of stealing an automobile each. E. Willis. Barstow hit the popular fancy of Pole at 8:55 a. m. (New York had been found by Municipal Judge Stuffed and Baked Mack­ Fancy Telephone Peas, 2 j the day singing atout the trollies Scene Two, "Patrotlc Memories”, Time.) He returned to his base In Arthur F. Tlffen. Lamaire was ar­ The ^ of the famous radio pa r. Miss Cast; Old Time Fife and Drummers, rested yesterday after a chase of erel, large size 35c each. qts. for 23c. Delegation Manchester Shrine Drum Little America at 5:10 p. m. that Dorothy Wlrtalla contributed a day having flown with three com­ several miles by state police. A Manchester Electric Co. touch of beauty and symmetry in Corps; My Dream of the Big Par­ companion, whose name Lamaire re­ ade, Miss Olive Nyman; Gold Star panions to the goal of his ambitions. Td. 5181 two excellent toe dances, dressed From Aug. 25, when the bark fused to divulge, escaped. Manchester Public Market | 773 Main st. appropriately in a costume of flow- Mother, Elizabeth Carlson; Red pink. The Kiwanis quartet, Cross Nurse, Helen Estes; Brother Dial 5111 £ ...... 1 and Sister, Roy Buckler, E., Berg­ ^ b ^ r s . Buckler. Olson, 'Watkins ______■■ ‘ J Aid Roth rendered "If Im Dream­ gren: One Legged Soldier, Leglon- ing*’ in a fine manner. alre; Miss Columbia, Alice Modin; .'Charles Milikowski put over his Color Guard, Legionnaires; Soldiers song, “T’aint No Sin” in real old- of the World War, Dilworth-Comell fa^ioned end-man style, clouding Post, American Legion Fife, Drum Jiis brother ends with a real attempt and Bugle Corp.s. ' at acrobatic dancing which went The committees in charge were: over big with the crowd. Mrs. Show Committee: William B. Hal­ Helge Pearson in “Mother” touched sted, chairman and director; Thomas- the appealing note of recent ob­ Ferguson, publicity, Elmer Weden, servance, aided by the colorful spell­ tickets; F. B. Clarke, J. Olson, ad­ ing of M-O-T-H-E-R in cards m vertising: Charles Huber, costumes; tl^' chorus. The lighUng was very Dr. Shelton, candy sales: Arthur creditable throughout all of the solo Knofla, mock trial; L. B. Case, numbers. Chubby Elmer Thienes make-up. coihpleted the first part of the solo O u r G r e a t > t & m with- “Should I” and the 5i(^resque “Show your K” by the SEA PARLEY’S COST \ i ‘fitire company, each member show­ ing electric lighted “Ks”’ proved a London, May 14.—(AP,)—The “NEW CUSTOMER” iiiWuK climax to well diversified and cost of the London naval confer­ prderly program. ence to the Brftish public funds was , , Mock Trial The Mock Trial “Is He GuUty.” almost a thousand dollars a day. featuring the alleged payment j)f a Figures made public showed the SALE Wwanis meeting fine of ten cents in complete expenditure wais £16,600 a; trolley token by Deputy Judge pounds (about $83,000) or an aver­ of first quality Thdmas Ferguson was clever. Sev­ age of £182 (about $910) daily for eral cases on the docket had been a period of 91 d^ys. pi^lier continued or dismissed when Sta,te and defense attorneys, George WEST COMES EAST. ALLEN-A Underwear H; Waddell and Clarence P. Quim- by.l respectively, agreed to proceed ■with the prosecution. New York, May 14.—(AP)—For ^ jAttomey Waddell opening for the the first time since 1919, the Uni­ for Men and Boys is noiv on istate charged prisoner Ferguson on versity of Michigan has entered a Dfec. 23, last, with the voluntary in- team in the intercollegiate track and S^tion of a trolley token in lieu of field championships to be held at Newest Styles only at k cent fine at a regidar Monday Cambridge, May 30 and 31, it was * ii(|qn luncheon of the Kiwanis Club revealed today. ' ' i far* the inadvertent use of the title “Mr.” The States attorney by num­ 20% Reduction erous ■witnesses tried to prove that HORSE RACE. tl^ere was evidence to show that the until Monday night peanut-munching prisoner had so London, May 14.— (AP)—Moun­ fcrred in Kiwanis business procedure. tain Lad, owned by Chester Cup Very little progress was made by race at Hurst Park today. Mountain the State and the case rested. De­ Lad IS by Alan Breck-Maid of the fense witnesses were calld by C. P. Mountains. Quimby, tending to prove that the W. M. Singer’s Paul Caret was HULTMAN’S character and everyday living of the second and Baron Baeyen’s Dark accused was such as to preclude any Hillock third. Eighteen ran. possibility of doubt as to his guilt. The legality of the defense attor­ ney’s little attentions to the jury were questioned by the State’s at­ torney ■with good reason, but noth­ ing came of it, nor did much of estimable helpfulness come from the disclosures of v/itness Ruby Doohinkle (Mert. Strickland). ; } . Put Over i It began to look like a deadlocked jury when prisoner Ferguson, con­ ferring with his attorney, decided that the case v/as out of its juris­ diction in court and was set ahead Brim- for further trial in the Federal court at Glastonbury at a later date. His Honor, Wells Strickland, at­ torneys and witnesses and court of­ ficials combined to make the laugh­ of the goodness that sunshine gives able trial A bright spot in the eve­ ning’s performance. • Tlie final numbers of the program Douglas Fairbanks goodness in the inimitable Ounel bhund* w _ opportunities. Have an account with this Bank, dmy yourself th6 luxury of i)usniu;^iISIVifESYCV T O OE>tM AM ACCOUNT ' Interest'Paid, compounded quarterly ^uys all the CLOTHES. you need/' TH£.SsiflN6SBANK(TllANCHESTER SOUTH^MANCHESTER, CONN. m0*1 m Main uiim Street JohasoB Bleek Soath Haaeheater gSiTAB.UISHCDL l^ 0 6 H . . . • J ■ .-’«« * / , • X * * -"'

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Consider Oven With Indicator 50-Foot Garden Hose This oven for oil or gas 5/g-inch hose, of heavy stoves, size 20xl3xl6V^ in. . corrugated rubber; fully $ « * 8 9 Has drop door with glass and guaranteed, with coupling. heat indicator. Sixth Floor. Save now. Sixth Floor. A Gift Wijth Bach The Frigidaire gives you perfect refrigera­ "F0giddfre ' tion . . . keeps foods pure and sweet. . . keeps Chilli’s Perambulators ToMe Lamp with Shade -^Vegetables crisp . . . forionly a few cents a day. Upholstered in water-proof A ' Charming Colonial re- fabric. Has wooden body; $ « 5 0 You receive all the ice cubes you need .-. . froz­ productibn, with brass oil metal running gear; wire pot bowl and colorful chintz en desserts when you want them. The porce- wheels; rubber tires. Sixth Floor. shade. laih-on-steercbnstruction inside and out is easy Seventh Floor. to clean as a china dish; May be purchased on Silver-Plated Bowl aiid Budget Plan. Dressed Baby Doits Neatly Framed Pictures ice.-Tongs . . . or Cuddly dolls with eyes that close. Ever so beautifully $ « 6 9 Landscape scenes, framed dressed and quite as nice, as neatly in bronze. Size 11x14 can be. inches. Sixth Floor. Seventh Floor. With each Frigidaire sold this week, we present a silver-plated bowl with ice G. Fox & Co.— Sixth Flo

Sixth Floor. Now you may wash'in a rust-proof? stain-proof enamel: tub, three times This /compact .niachine hea,vier and mariy'times stronger than Zl^Plccd Luncheon S ^ s 'Washes, rifltes' and? d rje s-^ ll ryou the average tUbi • Another Universal Colored Vegetable Binets need to ,do/is: .to tijrn on the cur­ Cambridge glass octagon way of making hoine laundering more rent after clothes/ahd water are in shape sets with dainty 4-compartment binet of pleasant and efficient. Other features sturdy metal, finished in the wa^er. -Mothers baby etched design. In rose, green, are safety agitator^B position revers- amber. Handled tray in­ blue or green. With ventil­ washings will- find this am excel­ ible wringer— autonatic circuit breaker ated ends. lentmachine, as it doeis hoti injure cluded. switch—quiet wQfni>drive gear. Sixth Floor. Sixth Floor. finest fabrics. . 8FECIAL OFFER Washer with Wringer, $99.50 Pint Vacuum Bottles 1% 8 WEEK Beautiful Service Plates^ •:1 > Washer with & y ct, , $175.00 A sturdily-built bottle, Gold band, and floral dec-^ with green enamel body and ThisStirol orated plates, of obviously- * aluminum top. Spring inside ^ . W the regu- distinctive design. *./ / ^ ilar or D©' .LUace .9 prevents breakage. SPBCL^ OFFER model we present Sixth Floor. i sixth F lo o r. this;^.^steel;siool. . During Annivei?sary week the -Universal may be purdiased on a i'J A - ■! Whi^idry on > it- Etched 0rfR S-Bay Clocks Budget Plan with; Wmi while in use^ ot . 3-compartment plates, cb<^|r" tke machine, No Carrj^ng (Siarge Attractive octagon shape; with ' at i after- delightful pink finish^ face f misled in various col­ ■ . -wardf.f-; Sixi^-'Floor.' tractively etched. A i^ t ors. Ghroinium frame and white enitoeled'-diaU Gv'Fox &v Co t o r . W * A- A. vA -i.'. X? . 'iH ■ Sixth Floor, M S i # ,

.i’'- ' *

"t. ’fe-j: WEDNESDAY* MAY 14, il^csESTBR W a n i n g herald. conn., P A t lK S I X flFEOFEWm^ ^ UA60E LAUDS W M DAILY RADIO Qettr JiufUtt O fiu ^ May 14 — (APJ^-rlthA^ council of the Leagus Matieps 482.3-.WOII. ^ lifindiiif DE $UUon9. JUUWSElisIl^ Wednesdaj, M»y 14. 6:S0^:S0—Studlo concert opened its sssslon today with praise 7:80 «;30—Musical PrOgl«Wl (? »»«.) In Doy^» N *m . KnthanJel shUkret'a musical t o ^ ATUANrA—m NSW York, M ay of Dr. Frtdtjof Nansen, who in the # ••tSb tha NaUons.” In tha form of eight 10:30 8:8ft—Two d a W latter years of his life served the 11:30 10:30—Musical __ S!00 ARgeJes, MaV 14— (A P ) — boat.tnKin sstviee to fw to B to o l^ London, liip itpreaentativa selections of as many m s—WBZ, NEW iNOLAND-SIS. 10:30 League oftom and w ell.. Dr. Nansen, f):45-Ri:BhlWtlbi| poll pr^wm. The divorce of Mrs. Roy D’An^, has bean Exchange Tlw| different lands, will be the offering of 7:00 6;00—Amos 'n' AP9y» .comeftlans 11:«5 New Tork-They’vi flv » iqdvania railroadnnd tha N «to known most widely for hia Polar ./Hgiateh t the WBAF chain at 8:30 WednMday 7:15 6:15—Sewnaderpif btrtne_tow2®{* 18:00 il;00—Studio mimical; ar^sts. Wife of the former motion picture' explorations, died at Oslo yesterday. day' pubUshid 8:00 7:00—W3Z proBWS (M i bi|.l 1:00 :0ft—(Sewgla-vaudevUle hour. to the fellow whU hM WUlwrUjd man Uoyd with Naw Toik Oty Cairo, Egypt./!! eight. Royal Dadmun. Amerlcanj^n- 9:30 8:30—Honcers music, wnMft, 1:80 iWAxTrsnscontiBOnlal prog. actor, set .for hearing in Su­ the filliug »Wtas for Dear meralya st<^ on the r6ad,to ISui^a rihairtma-n Marinkovitch d ecla re cePt and recording baritone, will make 10:30 9:30—WJZ pr^mamg currence o f a BiiWjn y /Pf cesi his appearance on the program by perior Ck)urt here today. The Maine. Rudy VWlso WM Awarded a A spaetal Panai^vaaU ralirw d that one of the outstanding flgnrea bubonic plagde WWk^pfMfing^ 8:00 D’Arcys, whose legal name ,Jh In tha Isague’s history had passed Sfcging^ree of the selecUons, which 6 varsity letter at a dteaer of tM train with 106 panMagars ft* the authorities ^ an w. - g iv lrilm an opportunity to 6:30 6:80—Dinner dance mwto. Giusti, . were- jpreviously divorc^' University Of MAittS AlussBl Asood- away. He reviewed the labor of the the folk music of Russia. America awl 7:00 6:00—Adventures of Goi, PftW«U, but thoy remarried later.' -.-i North darman Uayd Mner a ^ p a great implorer on behalf of the war cases were reported in SMtland. His solos will be Song of 6:15—^semble; " ‘ aWi4-.W»BW4 CklCA69«jm , ation. He went to Mataa before at­ stoppad at tha Piaumylvanla sUttim 7:15 »;W... ” Bl? * -----ijXMnmmy boyf. Mrg. D’Arcy, alleged thAt her" lI>(lsoners and homeless refugees Vince. _ .' tlm Rea.'* “Up From My T e ^ ” and 7:45 6:46-aiaracter;.„mw^f^ ' - MS. 0^eg^en lentofo* tending Yale. here las^n l^t only long enough to j ••Flow Gently, Sweet Afton. ^ A de- 8 :0 ft 7:00—Ruussiap vlllafe »Ui ^ ^4^'s"orc^tra^ huabtad wae “impatient,^erbea^ scrintlon of how a prairie ,flM 8:80 7:20—Sea dramatisatlpafc ., _ 1:00 12:00—An how'about Chicago. ■ing, egotistical, quarrel^me and Atlanta—A banker of these parts take on baggage derks and toen tfnOTlshed will be heard In the I'Yon- 9:00 S;no—Orchestra, quartet, blues, wUl he engaged in copabat with John continu^ directly to tixe Brooklyn tter Davs episode to be broadest 9:30 8:30—Informal entertalnmenL 254.1—WJJD, CHICAGO—1180. temperamental.” the WJZ Chian at 9:30. 9:00—Berlow’ s Symphony music 8:30 7:80—WJZ male quartet. D’Arcy, now a New York night­ Bull tofnorow. Bobby Jones, cap­ pier. It was the first oparatio^ of . Conn, angry 10:0011:00 10:00—Two dance orchestras. 9:30 8:30—Theater presentations tain o f the W alker (?up team, has A boat-train sernea At tids piRt,. <1 t!x kidnap Anno and to kill Curley 12:30 ll:3ft.r-MidnlKht orran m e^ M . 12:U0 U:00-Studio club operator, has indicated he wiU, «l4-WO&WyB^ICAOOj;m. contest the divorce action. The been, elected a dlreetor of the Flret A t tha pier a large force of stew* J Wallace and Uncle Ben G ^^m h^e 454.3— WEAF, NEW YORK—660. Mda was waiting to halp the p a »e ^ * failed, starts a prairie fire on tne 6:00 5:00—Dinner danpe^muiu;. “ Tf; concert, complaint alleges that* D’Arcy National. ^ ^ ' bVvme ranch of the Bar-X rapeh where 7:00 6:00—Pianist; gjgrakened hia w ife one night, Jlout^ Boston-In 627 days. Roar Ad­ gera with their luggage for the short ' f l T ^ h ^ d of uncle Ben-a cattle are 7:80 6:30—Washington orchestra. Brazing The cattle stampede, and i0:20—Bfeihie'musle (2 hrs.) Ished a revolver and threatened to miral and Mrs. Richard B. Byrd walk fkom-the train to the boat aide. 7*48 6:45—Drams, 344.ft-WLS. CHICAGO—8TO. ^ ^ th ^ ^ r-X is In danger of having 8:00 7:00—East of Cairo'drama. “shoot up the place and- then commit have exchanged 2,507 ' messages. The Pennsylvania tunnels were used ' all Its good grazing ground rolned. 8:30 7:30—Shllkret’s orchestra with 8:00 7:00—Family Circle muac. '^-Thc extinguishing of the fire makes Royal Dadmun, baritone, 8:30 7:30—Botony talk; music. suicide 'because ma^mony makes They have communicated in code by for the trip across Manhattan and 8:00—Chicago Little Symphony, 9:00 8:IJ0—NBC musical huuf. radio since he liritt fo r the -Aifttarotic. tha Hast fiver. Tito train constated ir- thrilling drama. 9:00 ada. me sick.” . 9:30 8:30—Revelers naale duartet. »;16 lusiq of The couple first was married Oil of a Penman and two coaches and Wave lengths In meters on left of 10:30 9:3ft—Sport talk by Braims.hU CH rcA'gdL oto. New York—There’s a Wg bargAln station title, kilocycles on the_nght. Rice, strlnn music. 7;4S i:4S—W A <3k hrs.) December 31T IWS. Two yeaj«^ rush of Americans to . In, the had been assembled at Pittsburgh. Times are Eastern Daylignt Saving 11:00 10:00—Mystery House, melodrama 11:00 10:00—Dan ■ylvla; concert. later they parted,, and on February Black face 48 hours ending at midnight tonm^ Ofileishi annoimcad ^ boat- and Eastern Standard. 11:30 10:30—Two dance orchestras. 26, 19%. she obtained* Rvdivorce,-(Jn train aarviea wotdd be oontmued for MAY SALE ■.type indicates best features. 393.5—WJZ, NEW YORI^760. row 14,000 passengers Will havo loft 6-00 5:00—Bemio Cvunmlns* oreh. l^ftTch SO. 1029,. bhft : «o n th aftar on 12 liners. Higher rates go into the summer sailings of the Europa, 5:30—Talk. John B. Kennedy, f:lW 6!80—WEAF progtama (4 hrs.) ■the divorce decree was granted, the Lc&dins^ Esist St&tioiis. 6:30 5:45—Prohibition poll program. 11:30 10:30—Request music hour. effect Friday. Bremen and Columbus. The ships 6:45 12:30 11:80—Hawkeye dream ensemble couple married again ,>in Tijuana,. o f m i^t other lines sail from Hudson 7:00 6:00—Amos 'n* Andy, comedians Mexico, and went to live/in New Juan—The census re^’eals ^^ .^ W P G . ATLANTIC.CITY-1100. 7:15 6:15—Dramatic sketch;, orch. I'OC 12:00—Barnstormers music hour. riv «r piars within "easy reach o f mid- Coats at Reduced Prices S-nn 7-00_WABC orgah recital. 361.4—KOA, DENVER—830. that one Porto itioan oouplo has 18 7:45 6:45—Rise of Goldberga York. The second m an age came towiMiiibattaii.^ 8:30 7 :30—fopular song harmonies. 7:00—Plano duo. tenor smoa 11:20 l9:20««Amoi *n^ Atldy,' comedians just a few days aftpr ■ lita Grey sons, ail liyin g at hoiase,.and that an­ Induding 8-45 7 :4.1 —Impersonator: orclwstra. 8:00 : —Forestors male quartet, 12:80 il:80-,-BllI Billy boys music. 8:30 7 30 Chaplin, other has had .cMldred'l^,three 9:30 8:30-Shlloh 9:00 8:00—Musical drama, orchestra. ItOO l I ’.OO—Orehestra. male quarteL former Wife. - o f (Tharlle 3 1 9:50 8:50—Tenor; Jr. G- U. A. M. nr. 9:15 1:15—Musical reflections;'revue Chaplin, film comedian, announced. mariages.' * Season’s Most Favored Materials 10:30 9:30—Community Club choi-ufc 11:00 10:00—Orchestra; I that she and D’A rcy were to be mar-, 11 :U0 10:00—WAUC Pro^nis <2 hrs.) 12:00 l l : 00-r-Culloy*8 dance preheatra. lOiOO 9:00-^ubon twHjbadours. New York—Women smokers are "After Baby Came and Fashions 283—WBAL, BALTIMQRE—1060. 491.5—WIP, PHILADELPHIA—MO. 12:60 11:00—BUMM donco musje, 'ried. warned of trench mouth hy Dr. 6:30 5:80—Merry Makers music. 7:80 6:30?-Dougher^ 8 dance orch. 12:00 11:00—OrchStra, vpcai opJoFi 7*00 6:00—Masoueraders concert. 12:20 11:30—Como'i dance music. ^ Harold J. Leonard, p w fe i^ of do^ 8:00 7:00-^hlladel^ia music hour, tistry at CXdumbla tftdversity; He iKSMt W llA SICMM II 7:30 6:30—WJZ dao?® 1:30 7:W^uo^to*' City players. 2t00 243.8-WNAC. B O STO N -im U-.iTi «:00-Qtorqe VAPhsmjtenor. said in an address to the Dental So­ 7>15 6:15—Romancers music hour. 10;M> 9:00—Danoe music; lOlis” Snem?“* ciety of the State of New York that 7'SO 6:30—Historical cameos PiM. 535.4- WLIT, PHILADELPHIA-^ s p o r t c o a t s 7:45 6:45—WABC progs. (5U hrs.) 7:30 6:30—Concert trio; musicaie. % lW ttfcHillS53r*e7!W 'io. the disease was practically unknown . 545.1-WGR. b u f f a l o - ^ . 9?W 8:00-%« and Mike, ©pm^lans. 6:30 5:30—Dinner concert orjmwrm 8:30 7:Sfrr-WBAF among women before the war, but "A fte r baby was | 6:00—NBC programs (1% hrs.) 11:00 10:00—Radio night c l^ n w r . that its increase had becoxne a men­ bom I was, very weak,' 7:00 12‘00 ll:0liw-Hayp' dance omhestra. m. 7:80 6:30—Gosslp_ers Irish sketch. sSl IL i^KA; PITTSBUROH^^ ace to publio health: it is common skimay. Since taking $ 7:45 6:45—WEAP dramatic hour. 6:00 6:00—Pittsburg U. Address. women vdio use dgarottea. XrODlaed Yeast feel 8:15 7:15—Smoke and Ashes. *T am oondng to consider art as 333.1—WMAK, BUFFALIO—900, 6:30 6:80—PoUUcul talk; pro^m . Moura Alsmtojo, Portugal—Under fine. Gained 23 iba."— | 7:00 6:00—•VraB ^ o s 'n* 'MISliM l;»^axJM 8h^a dance fjnsio mv definite career and tennis mere­ 7:45 6:45—Beach combers; historians 7:15 6:15—Sw ^ Angers; KMJ, L©« ANSELE8 the roots of an

-Corn Cpb Pipe Club. Washington—Thanks to Mr. Hoo­ er tf not ddlghted with quick — 8:00 7:iHi—Krlons' concert classics, 10:30 9:80—WEAF sports talk, music. i 8:30 7:30—WEAF pi-ogs, (2V6 hrs.) 2:20 T:8ft-WE.4F prORS , hra.) going away."—Michael Arlen. 11:00 10:00—Concert orcheatrii. tenor. 11:00 10:00—Recital; orchestra. ver the boys in the Navy are to suits.—Adv. ;ll:0 « 10:00—Theater organ recital. 1:00 12:00—Old timers' .lolUficntlon, 11:80 10:30—Merry Madcap's recllaU. 11:30 10:20—Albany dance Of^estrs “OrWnallty is undetected plagiary have taUdes aboard ship. Th t Prasi' Secondary Eastern Statioiis SEQQiftdftry DE Stations. ism."-^Dean William Ralph Ingo. dent sent a message to Congresi SOat-WEEI. BOSTON-690. L, NEW YORK—llOOt, 344.6—WENR, CHICAGO—8)0. And forthwith the house voted $882,- "A Good Place to Eat” Original $15 to $39.50 vaL . 6:00 5;6o—Ensemble; dance musts trltone. orchratra. 'oella 9120 8:80—J'armer Rusk's players 000 for sound films. 7:45 6:45—Big Brother club, , ^ popular hits 10:00 9:00—Minstrel show; comedians COLONIAL 10:30 0:30—C. of C. organ raeUaL '< f>;i)iF^^vudr668t mdance-- - music. 11:15 10:16—Easy Chair music hour, CAROL IS FOR PEACE. 21S7—WHK, CLEVELAND—1390. 6Cft-.WNY^ NEW YORK—570. DISCOVER DOPE W O _ l u n c h a n n e x ; 7:15 6:15—Dinner dance mualc. 7:85 6:88—Air college lectures. Brussels, May 14— (A P ) — The 7:45 6:45—WABC progs. (8)4 hrs) 8:15 7:15—Security lAsgua address 10:80 0:80—Your hour iMgus Vienna, May IS.—(A P)—Agita­ 1066 blalB SALE STARTS .8:30__ 7:30—“The___ The . Trio rio CiaMlque.”^ M l ------.ramblera entertainment. I Belgian police believed today that 11:00 10:00—Poets; Slumber musls „ _ WUNCTl BLUFFS-1260. tion in Bucharest aroused by M. 12:00 11 :00—Orchestra, organ recital. tll.S—CFCF. JdpNTREAL-1030. Bratlanu’s charge against the gov- they had discovered a wldeapwad O ff. Arm y m »I Navy dub. 1:00 12:00—Two dance orchestras. 8:80 7:30—JuvCTRe Safety cIuIl 12:00 11:00—Studio concert ; S7A8—WSAI, CINCINNATI—800. , «6:00 8;00—Concerts; dance orcheatra. 1:00 12:00—Bears entertainment, omment desiring to return Prince drug smuggling organisation of in- TOMORROW ' 7:50 6:30—WABC progs (4)4 hrs) 367—CKCL, TORONTO—840. 285.6-KNX. HOLLYWOOp-IMO. Carol, threw into relief today ^ in; | t^rwtional scope 10:25 8:25—Microphone mummers 112:00 11 :00—Atrdales musio heur, 12:00 11 :00—Studio music hour. 1:00 12:00—Feature hour; review. tervlew given by Carol to his friend An inquest in connecttOB with ths . 1:00 12:00—Two dance orchestra. 12:00 11:00—Orchestra, programs. _ 384.4—WMC. MEMPHIS—m death of a young dancer vecwtly AT A.H. 326.0—WWJ. DETROIT—920. 316.6—WRC, WASH INGTPN—950. Gregor Pilipescu, in Paris, in which A^REMOVEIll 9 9:00 8:00—Mutloal program. 110:30 9:80—WEAF programs (I hra.) who was known as a drug- addiCL 8:0U 7:00—Studio artists, hour. il:iO : —Studio urchestra musts the prince says: “I am unwilling to^ 8:30 7:50—WEAP progs’ (3)4 hri.) 12:00 11:00—WJZ dance orchestra. 10 80 led to arrest o f eleven' Brussels and create trouble for my coimtry^i provincial society members. They ear ly selection is advised which I love too much. I wish to re­ included sons and daughters ^ 9:00—Wadsworth Prografn, turn home and have let everyone relatives o f diplomats, nigh, magis­ DULM32 9;15_0-C:edar Reflections. know it, but not want to split my trates, generals and lawyeft.. «a< GU8 8CBAIXER TIC PROGRAMS 9:80—^The Pioneers. country into two opposing camps. I were aUeged to have used or aeld 'favelers Broadcasting Service 10:00—^Mason and Hamlin Concert. ATIOEOT have suffered too much lately to ^uga imported from Qefmany. p Hartford, Conn. 10:30—^Bulova time. want to cause sufferings to others. unto death.- ^ 0 0 0 W., I960 K. C., 282.8 M. 10:31—(Juckoo. Be thou faithful I feel no hatred or vengeance. Ru­ 11:00—^Longinea time. Revelation 2:10* mania can only prosper hy unity." » '■' I ' 11:01—(3hamplon Weatherman. 1 1 :03—Sport Digest. £ Wednesday, May 14, 1980 Faithfulness and truth are the UHH no 11:08—Temperature. most sacred cEesllencoa and endow­ NEW INSURANCE RULING. I E. D. S. T. 11:09—Phil Spitalny’s Music. g;00— Concert Classics — <3hris- ments of toe human mtod.— CJioero, 11:30—-Laurier’s Ensemble, Ctoica^. May IS.—(A P)—Judge -HCIIK ElK t^aan Krlens, director. 12:00—Royal York Dance Orc^stya James H. W■Wilkerson hats decided that ■vfipif Z f m o feuelHM fiw mmMIp :25—Baseball Scores. of Toronto—’S Wonderful, dfersh- I mutual iwmrance companies have ;80—Mobiloll Orchestra—NBC. BRIDaBPORT*B POPULATION Douse cooling, beaUng, deaoilng -win; Telling It to the Daisies, toe right to write non-assessable ZEMO Ptt the scalp ip d rub :00—Runkel Program. Warren; You do Something to M® Bridgeport, May 13.—(AP) — policies, in an action which had been niiaiy- I f you’re like tbouasnds ol :20—^Palmolive Hour—^NBC. from “Fifty Million Frepchmen, ‘ heard before him. The decision up­ ia.jo—Top-Notchers in Sport — Thirty seven districts of 96 in others the way dandrvm vt^dshto bhu Porter; In My Little Hope Chest, held the contention that policy hold­ itching stops will be a surprise and ?NBC. Harling; Sing a Little Thexne Bridgeport shew a population of ------— ... . dean 56,5w, Supervisor George S. Hill an­ ers cannot be assessed on loses in li:00—^News; Time; Weather. Song, Burke; MiPfiift the Mermaid which amoimts are larger than the I f I l| :55—Collin Driggs, Allyn Organ- de Sylva; I Love You Bo Much, nounced today. Figuring the population on toe assessed value of toeir policies. Ruby; Get Happy from “The 9:15 Counsel in toe case said the action li|i|V-The Merry Madcaps—Nor- Revue,” Koehler. basis, of retains from those 37 dls- trieta would Indicate the total popu- was brought by toe Bankers limited .. M ^nn L. aoutier, director; Fred forms of itching irritotUttf shto lation of toe city at 149,000 Hill mutual ^ casualty , _ company_ against RWade, soloist. any in an and scalp. 8DCt 644 lf;0 0 Midn.—Silent. ders. ? ------WTIC Announcer to Sing WTIC H ill said he expects to announce t Director’s Song in Concert preUmtolUy census fo r toe entire ^ CI$K5bIc8 City on Thursday. jjA feature of the Concert .Classics bioadcast at 8 o’clock this evening NEW U. Be SUBMARINE. fSftm Station W TIC w ill be the pre­ LOOK AT THIS RADIO OFFER sentation by Edwin Rogers, singing , EINSTEIN’S BIRTH. Portsmouth, N* May 13.— aAnouncer, of a r.ong entitled, One 'On May 14, 1879, Albert Bla- (A P)-i-Th e N a i^ s new fleet sub- A Ll^W A N C E oil your old radio in trade for a East Kiss,” which was composed by stein. Gerraan-Swioll, Floyd Gibbons. k i l l e d B Y H A I L . Libaral afowanea for your old cookmg |0l)--Bulova time. Lubbock, Texas, May 14.— (A P ) — Suh Your Incom o aqurpmant. Dalightfully aasy tamu on th# 7i01—Amos ’n’ Andy. Bruises suffered yesterday when J. • N 7110—^Wolverine Serenaders. C. aack, 89, a farmer was caught naw Slan^food, Haw much longar wiH you Gas Hi 7130—IGA Home Towners. in a heavy hall storm while working Courtoeuf Attontloii ii# wHhoit luahhappintii? 8500—Yeast Foamers-vStnke up in a field, caused Ids death. e Band from “Strike Up toe C2ack succeeded in reaching his Comfiioto [privacy ind; ‘T Love a Little Ctottage; home, but died shortly afterward. the StatlOBs^^ Umehouse Blues from “(toarlot’s g Property in toe vicinity of LiUbbock The only charge Is three and oae- Bsvue 1924;’’ Absence.Makes toe was damaged considerably. hott per cent per montli dn unpaid |,M5 Heart Grow Fonder; Dear Little amomit o f toflih I Boy of Mine; Mysterioqs Mose; MODEL ’’C" ttsiTuko T iim on toe ^Heat; IioVe’s Gard<® P e r s o n a l F in a n c e ^ C^ . Y H oses; The Boop-Bbop^A-Doop- 1 1 X0 10 SERVICE LiDo from "L e t’s G o Places.” on all mikes. Koomt 2 and 3 8|P0—Sylvanis Foresters—^Lauret- New Sets and Standaid State Theatre Bldg.» Second Floor ALFRED A. GREZE^ Banta; Comrades: No lim it, AecfSBories* 753 Main Street Bter; Somebody Loves Me, -tPurn^ .Placpy;--..y-- ■: -X'-.--.- ■ . , ■, P h i f 6 7167 S a JdANCHPESTER, Go n k . irshwin; 'Neato toe . Southern WM.E.KBAR. . ^ Meter oon, Herbert; CSieerlo, Finck; - Tint ■» PM Situ(*y Babe; Star Ught, Star 669 Tolland Tumpiki Orta i l ) i t» f'<«4«nirda7-8:30 to 1 It, Herbert, PHONE 37S '■-t,

-IV-.! : i V ' ■ ‘


give population of 250,288,'■ M ; !&• crease of 12,693 over 1920, or 5.3 per NEW GOOD WILL FUGirr JOHNNY jOHNSON’S BAND cept gain. » ■ - 5 Overnight Palmer, Mass.—^Bishop Thonoas M-,. AT SANDY BEACH BAL O’Leary of Roman Catholic f l^oe^e ^..i^yaJley Stream!, N. Y., May 14.— of Sp^gfield narrowly escaped seri­ (AP)—^The good -will plkne “Pil-st B^dlo” took off from , Roosevelt A. P. Netvs ous injuries when ■ his-■ ’ alu^piobile O^eld at 7:35 a. m. (E. S. T.) today “If there is one man in New York upsets. ‘ " ^ (* the first leg of a-six-week flight who is probably as popular as Al Portland, Me., Several farm build­ Washington—Department of Jus­ ings over state destroyed by fires to South America to further amic­ Smith himself, it is surely Johnny caused by electrical-storms but rain ableVtrade relations. ^ Johnson,” wrote an interviewer m tice files anti-tnist suit to test validity of radio licensing agree­ insufficient to diminish > forest fire It Is -the same monoplane in which The Business Survey, who goes on ments among 10 leadmg radio equip­ a flight to Bermuda was made re­ ___ .1 to say: “His joyous syncopated jazz hazard. ment manufacturers.' Boston—Joseph M. Kirby of Bos-' cently,- and its crew included Lewis • ' • » ■ • -«t. V -X ; •* j I i t is like a ray of sunshine to the Yancey, na-vigator; Emil Burgin, " ; ' . . . •".a*' - 7- \ hearts of the weary. Regardless of Dallas, Texas—Dsiniels and others 1 ton elected state deputy ^ of state at Methodist Elpiscopal convention j council, Knights of Columbust^at em- pilot and Zeh Bouch, radio operq.tor. how rotten a day you have had at prepare Stock Market charges nual convention. * ' A passenger to Washington, the the office, regardless of how much against— Bishop • Caxmon~ Hinsdale, N. H.—Three day forest first stop, was Isadora Goldberg, money someone is cheating you out Valley Stream, N. Y.—Turner fire which has covered, 1,200 acres Brooklyn radio manufacturer, spon­ of, if you go to the Club Mirador at continues to bum fiercely despite ef-. sor of the flight, who declared the 200 West 51st street and get a good fails by more than an hour to break Lindbergh’s non-stop trans con-- forts of 200 men.. , »• ■x.yT.yn^'' trip .to be, the most extensi-ve yet earful of Johimy Johnson’s melodies, tinental record. ' ~ Montpelier, Vt.,—ife«yr-

dancers and music lovers, to go on | „ . . . • a limited tour under the manage-, Germersheim, Germany— Martial ment of the Music Corporation o f !i law established after 5,000 protest America, in order to get personally ■j fines imposed on 400 growers of. acquainted with the tens of thous-1I American hybrid vines, ands who have heard him and his ji Mexico City—Parachute of Ro-vir- orchestra on the air from W E A f j osa, who died with Sidar on flight to and other New York stations, or on |I Buenos Aires, foimd near Porto Li- his numerous popular Victor rec 1| mon, Costa Rica. ords. _'I Pokrovsk, Russia-^Fire destroys W e e k | | ^ ^ S a v i n g s Johnny Johnson himself is one cf ,i 100 homes in ten square blocks, the most gifted young pianists of j Sandwich, England— American ! pairings for Walker Cup: Von Elm the day, and records for the Welte- M ealy Mignon reproducing piano. 1 and Voight, Moe and Mackenzie, He has»an all-star group of musi­ Jones and Willing and Johnston and cians and entertainers in his unit, I Ouimet. and presents a clever and versatile i Philadelphia—Lott and Van Ryn GREEN iMOUNTAIN ! to play singles and Van Fyn and program which will be seen and i Austin in pair in American Davis heard at Sandy Beach Ballroom to­ Cup tennis tourney -with Canada. POTATOES morrow evening. Middletown—Richard H. Lamb, Simsbury, elected manager of Wes­ leyan University Glee Club, 15 pound peck 45c HURT IN SCHOOL GYM j Bridgeport— Norman Thomas, 1928 Socialist candidate for Presi­ SUES WETHERSFIELD dent, criticizes conditions which fol­ Native Spring lowed 1928 ^elections. New Haven — Commencement peck Hartford, May 14.^—(AP) — A week plans for Yale University call Spinach school girl, Evelyn F. Goodwin, has for five day program beginning June A good Spring tonic. sued the to-wn of Wethersfield for 14 and ending June 18 with com­ $50,000 for injuries to her spine mencement exercites. Extra Fancy Winesap sustained when as she alleges, she New Haven—Mallory Hat Com­ 14 qt. was compelled to jump over a hori- pany, Danbury, charges Level Hat basket zonal bar in the junior high school Company and Joseph Kanner, Nor­ Apples and there were no mats on the floor walk with fraudulent use of its trade Heaping full. for her to land on. The writ, signed mark, in bill of' complaint filed in by Lawyer Robert J. Travis, is re­ U. S. District Court. Fresh Cut turnable to the Superior Court, and I Storrs—Officers of Women’s Stu- has been served by Deputy Sheriff ! den Government Association Execu- Joseph J. Fanelli. I tive Council, Conn. Agricultural Col- NATIVE ASPARAGUS In her complaint the girl, who is I ege, inaugurated. A L. BROWN--8 a daughter of Charles J. Goodwin, I Proridence, R. I.—Census returns now of Hartford, says that in May, t9s bunch 1929 she was a pupil at the sold o u t t o Wethersfield Junior High school and Tender, a& green-^absolutiely- no waste. was compelled to take physical Here Are The - 44 -t > V U • • ' • exercise in the gym of the school PUlsbury’s Wheat under the instruction of a physical instructress in the employ of the Lucky to-wn. The girl also alleges that she I Health Rran 1 Ig. pkgs. 29c was compelled to take the physical exercises over the protests of her Number! . KeUogg’s parents.. 724 Corn Flakes S pkgs. 20c -IS— .... ' ♦ 6512 ■ ; "I KING OF ITALY VISITS Royal Quick Setting 7704 AMERICAN EXPOSITION 4491 Gelatine Dessert S pkgs. 25c Day In 4490 Packed in Sanitary Cartons Rome, May 14.— (AP)—The King I * *' V and Queen today visited the exposi-1 1199 - a tion of the American Academy near ; 2 lbs. 25c AND BEFORE the Janiculum Hill and inspected ; CS38 Pure Lard M the works of art by new world j Gra-Rock White Birch an^ artists. | 2669 V 'Their Majesties were received by ! im 16 ounce Gorman H. Stevens, director of the ■ Ginger Ale 3 bottles .t • - : faculty, while a band played, a | 435 (Each bottle contains 2 full glasses) special selection by Robert Sanders, , 1 .. of Chicago, a former fellow of the '3135 '• ■- ' \ Academy, instead of the usual royal ; 5548 march. Meadow Gold Professor William Boring, head 1740 of the School of Architecture of ; Columbia University and treasurer 4465 of the Academy, was among those 6259 B U T f E R presented to the royal pair. ' I The sovereigns inspected the ex­ Be sure and look your num* position minutely, talking with each bers over; 39c pound exhibitor in English and chatting cordially with Professor Frank P. Fairbanks, of Boston, Mass., head We are giving away of the Art Department. In the 4 tires and tubes classical section they visited the library where Professor Henry A. 1 bicycle Sanders presented to the King a specially bound volume of the 10 bicycle tires Academy’s 1930 publications. HEALTM market! Mrs. Stevens, the director’s wife, presented flowers to the Queen and to Mrs. John W. Garrett, wife of the Gampbeirs American ambassador. \ FRESH FlSHf SPECIALS At St. Augustine, Fla., there is Filling Station perhaps the largest alligator farm Main and Middle Turnpike. in the world. It houses about 6,000 alligators of all sizes. WEARECiGING . TO GIVE tO U RIGGER AND BETTER BARGAINS IN ■ W

Also a good stock of fres>. outterfish; fresh floimders, fresh haddock, cod and blue fish, halibut, fillet of haddock,^yallopa, lob- t- * . ' sters and clams.’ !

C^T^Ty\TTi^T? Whether you ,1 for Metif Women and fV y need one board Brisket ■ AT __ ^ __J TT or a truck load, tORN ^EEF > f 'i* You Gan Depend Upon you may be sure COME AND SAY GOODBYE TO A STORE WHICH SERYBD YOU HON^TLY it will be at your door when you want it. .Tender, Lran/' ■•-VI AND P ^ T W l Y F O R ^ ^ REMEMBER T I ^ PLACE.; That’s the way we guarantee your; satis­ Lanril^ lltew Ifc. t 4 . C faction—by giving 'vou the quality you are Tender, Loin entitled to and the service you expect. Luttb M ir m e b l y Fresh, Tender Xfce W . G. Gleimey Co. Beef Liver lb. 20c 8 DEPOT SQUARE , ; . ii Vi t fjgl ■n1~ I Coal, Liunber, Paint and Masons’ Supplies. 336 North Main St.. Tel. 4149, Manchester A'-, .’y- ■ '-j#

1 ^ ^ I " , - * ' - ^ . L - 1 .V*- " , S IV .*LH ^ ^ T ■ Jr. " ■ . . ■ V .. y WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1^ . MANCHterBR BVlSSrO MANCHBSTEB. COHK- trV7,,- iJ V PAGEEIGSIE! boss of the Mount Rurtimore memo­ between Repreaentative Fort’s pres­ ^ i I t ■ rial, having been appointed by Con­ entation of the theory and Dr. Mc- gress itself. It vras Mr. l?orglum M U U I f f P U A Bride’s endorsement of it. When Mr. who selected Calvin Coolidge to be Fort made the speech developing CvntitQ Bentt the writer of the 500-word history the legal homebrew proposition the of America which is to adorn tho INC. Supreme Court had not rendered ^ IS Btesell Street its famous decision that dealing in mountain side, ^ South Mancheeter. Co m . Mr. Borglum is somewhat noted any materials whatsoever, intended qt< THOMAS FERGUSON for having his own ideas and insist­ General Manager __ _ for the making of intoxicants, is in ______ing on them. It is therefore not sur­ q\t conflict with the law. Dr. McBride Founded October 1, 1181 prising that he has changisd the in­ " Published Every Evenins sanctions the homebrew idila rfter scription submitted by the former Sundays and Holiday a. Entered at the! Supreme Court* has in effect President. SSL°"".»*a a.'i'J'u.T A r. iru le d that the houaaholder cannot SUBSCRIPTION RATES ia»aUv orocure the materials to Now if and when Mr. Coolidge and Mr. Borglum arrive at an w Per Month.**by"mall ...... | 1 make his light wine or beer. agreement as to the text of the .Oil There is, as a matter of fact, single eopiea giant inscription they will just turn every reason to believe that that it over to somebody whose training j m ' MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED sweeping Supreme Court decision PH BSS particularly fits him for the job, justi The Afsoclated Praia la •*cl“ alvely j ‘disturbed all the Dr, W entitled to the use for republlcallon nas greauy uiotuiuc possibly the legend may be found of all news dispatches credited to It McBrides. Knowing very well that a to be susceptible of further improve­ aoil I groat proporUon ot tho dry votoo ment. With all due respect to Cal­ lished herein. . even in the driest states comes W All rights of republlcatlon or vin Coolidge as a statesman and from the people who are wtiling to special dispatches herein are also re­ to Gutzon Borglum as a sculptor of served. ______support prohibition provided it does vast imagination, neither of these SPECIAL, advertising REPRE­ not interfere with their own mod­ gentlemen has been especially dis­ i w SENTATIVE: Hamilton - DeDlsaer. erate drinking habits and so long Inc., 285 Madison Ave.. New York. N. tinguished as a literary genius. And y.. and B12 North Michigan Ave.. as they can make their own bever­ ' that is what the Rushmore task w Chicago. Ills.______ages and perhaps now and then buy calls for. Either that or a good Full aervlc# client of N B A Service. a bottle or two of bootleg liquor, newspaper headline writer. ^"Member. Audit Bureau of Circula­ but who would instantly become tions. wet if their own privileges were in­ SILENT The Herald Printing Company. InCn terfered with, the McBrides were assumes no financial responejblllty . , , What strikes us most particularly for typographical errors appearing la ijy the decision. about the fact that there are seven­ advertisements In the Manchester | ,,Understanding __ perfectly the dan­ Bvenlng Herald. ty-five persons in Hartford hospitals ger to their support that lies in the apparently permanently disabled WEDNESDAY, M AY 14, 1930 implications of the decision, it is from the effects of drinking jakey, now the obvious business of the dry c e n s u s RETURNS | to reassure these thousands is that a monumental silence con­ We can feel a certain amount of Lpo^ thousands of their moist liv- cerning these cases—which are dis­ sympathy with Hartford, which is j ^^t dry voting supporters that tributed all over the country—is new disappointed in the result of its cen- not fear for their privi- maintahied by those statisticians for \ sus enumeration, but after all what that, in spite of the Bu- the drys who make tables and Maple is rapidly gaining favor for sim- charts to show the blessings of pro­ porch use, as its light fimsh blends pl®S5- difference does it make if half of Court ruling that it is im- ingly with wicker and wrought iron. Here 3 one per cent of its population didn't j pgggjyg legally to have homebrew, hibition. tee Betsy Converse in a svmroom.. get onto the census takers’ slips. continue to be possible to ion The major interest in a census, ^ visual, com fortably and anyhow, lies in the comparative ^thout risk, even if illegally, rather than the actual size of the | McBride merely seized an op­ population. Hartford's keenest con portunity to publicly serve notice cern is whether she is the second or that, regardless of the Supreme the third city of the state in size, Court, the Anti-Saloon League pro $ 17.50 and this she can know beyond much poses to determine what parts of doubt as soon as the figures for the prohibitory laws shaU be en­ By RODNEY BUTCHER A time-mellowed tevem table in our Antique Shop inspired tee d ^ g ^ Bridgeport are given out. That forced and what shall be ignored NBA Serrice Writer verse table. Fashioned of soUd maple in a glowing amber finish, this table copies there was to be a certain percent­ And that it isn’t going to stand for Washington, May 14.—One in ot tho d o ^ or ^ ga c« toto „Moh age of error in the enumeration any enforcement that will alienate every 10 persons who go to worK the B e^ Converse table charmingly fits....as an pretty much everybody has been those valued dry voters who have for Uncle Sam under civil service bridge, coffee or occasional living room table----- as a desk, or a bed table----- in sun turns out to have a police finger­ convinced for some time, since it be­ cellars full of kegs and bottles. porch, nursery, hall, study or recreation room! came evident that a good many print record. ,, I That doesn’t represent all tee ap­ persons, relatively, had been skipped GHOSTS OF LETTERS pointees who have minor police by the enumerators. But it is high­ records because in many states When a citizen, however worthy, ly probable that the extent of the fingerprints are not taken unless a, writes to a newspaper for publica­ error will be just about the same felony has been committed. tion a letter in which he takes a It doesn’t Include tee prohibition in one community as another with P t< passionate stand on some public enforcement service because appli­ the exception of those very small cants for prohibition jobs who have question he never knows exactly »• ones where everybody is known to criminal records are weeded out what he is laying up for himself. A before they reach tee appointment everybody else amyhow. great many copies of any consider' If there has been an error of s able newspaper, are printed and Four thousand out of 10,000 ap­ fourth of one per cent in Hartford plicants for prohibition jobs, Mter they are read by all sorts of people. or ofor halfnan ofor one per cent,cem.> orui more i passing all other examlnat^ns, u ^11 almost Jvitehly be nearly Some of h^e been barred because the Civil exactly in the same degree as the memories and some havejtee swap Service Commission, after inyesti- fi-)* ’ ea tia a of their characters, found errors in New Haven, Bridgeport book habit. ^ them morally unfit. Advice an­ and Waterbury. If there has been letter in a newsp p ^ ^ nouncement of tee character test il* ' ' * error in Manchester-and we know the name P®” ®“ i S may have prevented the proportion from being much larger. there has been-it will probably be Uo f *’ f"* These figures are Uncle Sams P ! ^ just about the same proportionately to quietly snip i , P own. Just ask tee Civil Service as the error in Bristol, Meriden or and aw^t tee future. commission. In 1929 only onejper Albert Sidney Lanier, a New YorK son in every 13 selected for federal Norwich. feel lawyer, wrote a rather high-hat let- jobs by tee appointing officers was Incidentally, however, we I other day to tee New found to have a fingerprint record. some curiosity as to what is meant ter tee v,v But in the first 10 months of tee by "first figures’’ given out by tee York World, demanding y fiscal year 1930 such records have Is u s auteoritief "subject to what right teat lay newspaper pre^ been found in more than 10 per cent change.’’ If tee total of tee enumer- sumed to pass ijion tee ati«m.t is ^^ow ing Probably by 1940 some altogether author at-this late day. But as an ^ Tipg tbEt you desire wholesome foods. such jobs are in tee postal service. Mmself in a written mental'test, D r F w m K Sometimes I. prescribe an almost ex j different system of taking tee cen- lUustratlon of Mr. Lanier’s o ^ M ay Live It Down i^en an applicant is submitted ■Any child can imderstan'l teat tee elusive mUk diet, and in other diets sus will have been evolved. In tee skill as a picker of good judges for A Court record is not in itself tot only, to fingerprinting but to a -body is made out of what we eat I do not advise' milk. In te® average meantime tee good old law of aver- tee Supreme Court it comes pretty enough to bar one. The commis­ arching personal inquhy among • and drink. It is folly for one to look diet, milk may he used in the same Kls’ assoWates, neighbors and em- ; outside of oneself to find tee cause ages has undoubtedly been at work j pat. sion may decide teat tee offense SSSU^JSSSlS^llw SS^SStm manner in which you use any oteeS was trivial or teat tee person has Moyers, there is little chance of I of disease. One Is not sick because form of protein. It is best, not t^ in tee making of the mistakes and covering up a bad record.” <. I it »UrllM to MenHk MiUi.com. stormy petrel o f tec fad for Titanic * jjgvc JiterUing^^__ _ cbftfting him with a whetect she should take her meals comes from such a source. “It is'erid’ent teatl W o o d ^ - - There is this difference, however, landscape sculpture, is really Wfh peming says. • -?-i - s r«a '•• • - ^m.-v.-. '^ .i ■• i


also attended the morntogeervlce at parents smd grandmother Mrs. the church, ? ■ Elizabeth Hills, Sunday in honor of NORWAY PAYS TRIBUTE GILEAD Mrs. Elizabeth Hills, Mrs. A. H. Mothers’ Day and Mrs. Post’s birth­ l^GRACEKERNS jflv h e w YORK Post and Mrs. E. B. Foote spent day. They were presented with TO NANSEN’S MEMORY Mothers’ Day was observed at the Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Mary floral and other gifts. church Sunday morning by a Mitchell in Hebron. New York, May 14.—Just why pageant "The Mothers of America, The Ladies’ Aid society will meet It Is none too early to begin planning your gffti tor AND KISSELBURGH there should be so much interest in Oslo, Norway, May 14.— (AP)— by the church school. There was with Mrs. Emily J. EUis Wednesday graduate. Seleot yonr gifts from oar s t o ^ * '.fS a stein song when there are no steins Norway paid official tribute today speciad music by the orchestra Iwd afternoon. OLLENDORFF. WRIST WATCHES, C A worth mentioning is Just a bit too to Dr. Fridtjof Nansen whose sud­ by Prof. A. E. Lyman of Colun^a Miss Jessie Post passed 'Tuesday INV/IES YCU Complete with bracelet...... ' ‘ AS SOLOISTS HERE ucciideep for me den . death occurreaoccurred yesteraay.yesterday. The xuts and a solo by Mrs. Karl I ^ s . with her aunt Mrs. Jennie Way at TO OPtMAM ACCO UN T ! y o u n g MEN’S STRAP WATCHES 4 ( O C A A g AU I know is that letters and Legislature, held an ex­ church was beautifully decorated her home in Blast Hartford. Complete with bracelet ...... v « O s W _ * phone calls have been co n ^ g down 1 ^j.j^oj.^*ary meeting at which Presi- with branches of apple blossonw and The Misses Edith and Lena Ellis ELGIN legionnaire . ^ 1 O A A “ “ on my neck ever since I a 1 Hambro voiced the country’s red, white and blue flowers. Twre and Miss Olive Owen of Hartford s t r a p W ATCHES...... ► p^ecr'^atouTtorfabulousry popular j great explorer and was a large attendance as members spent the week-end with, Mr. and ^uysallthe PEN AND PENCIL SE^S In weU known , A A “ “ To Be Heard in "Stabat Ma­ from both churches at Hebron at­ Waterman, Conklin and ChUton makes .. V Maine Stein Song. humanitarian. * Mrs. A. W. EUis. . CLOTHESy A M nf C nnd np I have been asked, "why don’t you' President Hambro said Dr. Nan­ tended. , There wiU be a Community band ter” to Be Presented at get things straight?" And I have a sen’s life was so many sided and The Christian Endeavor sem ce concert at Hebron .Thursday eve­ *yaamed/ l5n)IVIDUAL P E N S ...... I p I note from dear old Maine iteelfin- rich, it is difficult to Judge his real was held in the .evening at 7 o clock, ning at 8 o’clock, D. S. T. THE ALL-AMERICAN COMBINATION PEN E f t I forming me, “you didn’t tell the half work. "Science led him to deeds S. T. Homer Hills was the ^oa^r. Mrs. Helen White, Miss Daisy AND PENCIL, a gnaianteed pea ...... Sondi Methodist Chnrch of it.” I have at least half a dozen and deedA led him back to science There were moving pictures. The White and W. T. Jones, attended the BLUEBIRD HEABLS-r- A f l “ ^ different versions and after piecmg under Norway’s banner,’’ the presi­ Rich Young Ruler’’ and a solo by local chursch service Sunday momr for happiness...... Miss Mildred Hutchinson. Members m w in a a q and np them together, it does seem that the dent said. "In difficult times he had ing and visited local relatives. 601 Mala Street On Next Sunday Evening. story of the song is, perhaps, some­ occasion to do his country invalu­ of the Endeavor societies of Colum­ The children of Mr. and Mrs. A. Johnaon Block MESH B A G S ...... a p O a O U ______^ bia, Hebron and Marlborough were Soatk Mancheater thing like this: able service. His name was identi­ H. Post gave a dinner party to their fied with great funds which bore WESTCLOX AUTO CLOCKS ^ 9 firk and A o C A Some 28 yvars ago there was a ^ Mrs. H. E. Buell and Mrs. C. Dan­ Two of the guest soloists engaged young man i\t Maine Univcrsityi his name at home. Abroad there See these new clocks at .... was ‘a Nansen passport’ which was iel Way were appointed delegates by WESTCLOX ALARM CLOCKS ^ 1 |S A for the oratorio, "Stabat Mater by ‘ now a profesi>or, whose name was the church to attend a meeting to be I Bert Sprague. He felt that the the shelter of many homeless and in colors ...... - ...... V 1 Rossini, to be given at the South i unfortunate persons’’. The Stort­ held a day this week in Bolton. , WHEN NEED MONEY See the new Tiny Tim Clock C O C Q Methodist church. Sunday evening i school needed a song. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hills ^ d you 1 So he went to none other than ing’s offer to pay the explorers BMdorsers or Co-Makers Appropriate as a gift ...... are Miss Grace Kerns, soprano, and funeral costs was accepted by the family visited Mr. Hill’s sister Mrs. Lucy Milton, at her home on West- j 1 Mortgage of Furniture POCKET BEN WATCHES ...... $ 1.00 “’■$1.50 Nansen family. lahd street, Hartford, Sunday af­ r Embarrassing Investigations ternoon. ' , . Hidden Charges, Advance Deductions or Fines C.\R’S SAGGING SPRINGS Mrs. Clara Hanmer and Mrs. A.. NO CAUSE FOR SEARCH H. Post were visitors in Willimantic Your Signature Is Our Only Requirement rhythm was suggested by a band Monday afternoon. S2 to S5 Monthly Principal Payments Repays a glO to *75 Loan. R. DONNELLY m l r c h 7-^o ;u la r at that tim e. UUed Miami, Fla., May 14.— (AP)— Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Foote and L rgeY loans.can be arranged on your own security a ^ rep^d JEWELER Sagging springs under an automo­ Mr. and Mrs. Arnold C. Foote and in the samio proportion. Interest at ’Three and One-H^^Pe 515 Main Street, South Manchester “°A s"'previously reported the tune ^ bile iit the opinion of Federal Judge children spent Sundaj' ^temTOn C e^ P er Montt^n the Unpaid Balance, Just for the Actual Time Lake Jones are not sufficient cause found its w ay into the with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Master ton the Mphey Is In Use. ___ 5 i C arl Fisher, the m usic publisher. for a search of a car for liquor. at their home in Middletown. Phone, c all or w r ite . B ut so m y latest inform ants insist, Judge Jones so held in dismissing Miss Hattie EUis is the guest of lr,ch°r ien't much au know William Wright, negro and ordering her cousin Judge Sumner in BoRon. Ideal Financing Association, Inc. th at h e had it in the house. i the return of his car which had been She will also visit other relatives 858 MAin St;, Room 8, Park Bldg., Soirth And w hen young M ons. V allee put' conficated by customs agents. and friends while there. Telephone 73181 ’ State license No. 468 I t o f t o m / a n d .11 the publishers! The ruling was made after James Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tryon of yvertke m The Evening Herald*lt Payii w ent actam bllui: utter it, JischCT Wallace, United States Customs in­ Glastonbury visited her parents^^r. w as am ong those m the bidding spector, testified that he found -45 E^d Mrs. E. W. Buell Sunday. ’They having com pletely forgoU en that gallons of moonshine liquor iu a t t i t r e d c o ry fu T sh 'fs c a r wien he searihed it had taken a ______k.dj found TTSaph-Flock-1 k f«r nhsArvinsrokae™nF its« surings but With- out a search warrant. The negro er’s name on it. That Vallee was acquainted ^ th was indicted recently by a Federal it was due largely to toe fact that Grand Jury. he had attended the college for a time some eight years ago and had BIGGEST PLANE -TESTED heard it there. And casting about No Other Cooking Method for a different sort of tune to proad- Dessau, Germany, May 14—(AP) cast he leaped on this schOTl theme. —The Junkers airplane, G-38, claiin- Like many school songs it had stuck ed to be toe largest land plane m - ■> in his mind in toe face of many a the world, started early this morn­ ’ competitive number that had come ing on its first extended cross­ country flight, with 20 passengers Can Bring You These Comforts I along. He had to get in touch w th Miss Grace Kerns. lOrono, Me., to get hold of a piano aboard. After the flight the Luf­ copy, which he orchestrated and put thansa Company will takb the plane solo work in the "Children’s Cru-1 over to use as a freight carrier. / sadc,” and at that time gave a ren­ Naturally, when Fischer ^scoy- The craft measures 148 feet be­ dition that was highly praised. ered that he^ had had the tween wing tips. It Is pM ctlc^y Three different degrees of heat accurately gauged for each plate. An automatical­ Her voice is of a briUlant type his safe, all the time, he Slapped without body or. tail, and gives the thriUing in its intensity of beautiful new copyrights upon it. The num­ impression of being all wings ly controlled oven temperature that never varies. Freedom from odors and open tone, smd is particularly adapted to ber r e i ^ s one of the phenomen^ There are four Junkers motors ag­ music of the sacred type such as this best sellers of the music worlch It gregating 2,400 horsepower, and it flames. Nothing to light. oratorio is. In her interpretations is said that a million copies will have can carry 6,000 pounds useful load. she imparts the thought that avery been sold by fall. The cabins are built in the wings. essential is carefully considered, and The "Opi€?’ composition, by tne At 10:00 a. m. the machine ap­ the work of both author, and com­ peared over Tempelhof Airdrome \ way, was toe work of a band­ These are some of the advantages of Electric Cookery that have led hundreds of poser, is exemplified in a pleasing master, Emil Fenstad, who headed a here and dropped a bag of mail. and artistic manner. In New Yor^ U. S. army group of players. Much Manchester women to adopt this modern method that now brings with it a new where she holds a prominent posi­ to toe amazement of Colcord and West Virginia produces more tion as leading soloist in one of the Fenstad, they are suddenly in the than half of toe window glass that Metropolitan churches, her services big money with royalties. is made in America. . economy of operation under a Special Low. Rate. are in constant demand. T^s is her fifth engagement in Manchester, From one young man who signs and many admirers of this artist, himself "a student,” I learn toe song here and in the vicinity have ex­ has spread the fame of this univer-1 pressed their intention of being pres- sity over the land. It is a rather out- I of-the-way spot, on the banks the, HEADACHES ^°The baritone, Alexa-der Kis^l- Stillwater river. The student body, | burgh, is also v;ell kno’— locally be­ Needless^ pains like headaches to date, has been gathered largely , ars immediately relieved by Bayer Don’t Fail To Take Advantage Of This cause of former apper 'ances here. from the New England states hutj Aspirin as millions of people know. A soloist in the Brie’- church Fifto letters of inquiry have been coimng j avenue, New York, t in from every which-way. The, And no matter how suddenly a been outstanding. Of c :n it has been school, in appreciation of Vallee, ^11 headache may come, one can at said that he is “a second Louis present him with a coveted M a t. all times be prepared. Carry the Exceptional Offer On All Grauvre." In his appearance kere m a dinner soon. I pocket tin of Bayer Aspirin with ‘•Seven Last Words’’ his sympathetic Sprague, who conceived toe notion i you. Keep the larger size at home. and thrilling interpretations will M for the song, recalls that it all start­ Read the proven directions for pain, recalled, and those who heard him ed when, as a sophomore in school, headaches, neuralgia, etc. ^ can be assured that the “ ^elRnt im­ he took a vacation musical job with pression then created will be a Bar Harbor orchestra and played W'ortolly upheld. the melody for the first time about The chorus nindcr toe direction of 1902. i Archibald Sessions, will And that’s that! i T)lay toe choral beauties contained in GILBERT SWAN, i thia work, and to thos-s acquainted universal electric J^th it a desire is always RAN(aS There are about 92,000 motor 1 hear the thrilling concluding, buses being operated in toe United “Amen” chorus. Many hours of de­ voted labor have been given by di­ States. rector. and chorus, with a desire to have this musical go down on re-ord as being one of their best examples of sacred musical art.

h b m a y b e ^ Don *t Fail To See These

Chicago, May 14—(AP)—A "thief m a T h ra toeif but not necessarily a liar, and there is evidence to sup- USED CARS ^°A ^police officer patrolling - the Cook near north side stopped to ^ew with suspicion a man who was hay ing trouble unlocking an automobile Before You Buy I parked at the curb. ^ “What,” inquired toe officer, are you doing.” „ . . “I’m trying to steal this automo­ 1929 Ford Town Sedan bile, if I can ever get it unlocked, ’ said toe young man. "He, Ha, Ha,” laughed the officer, 1929 Ford Fordor Sedan and strolled on. If you think toe young man was telling a story, ask Miss Ellen Root, 1929 Ford Tudor for it was her car. "Was” is right. It’s gone now. 2-1929 Ford Sport Coupes Mother swans initiate their young to marine life by carrying them 2-1929 Ford Roadsters Upon their backs during their first voyages. _____ “The Above Cars Are All Model AV* PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR 1929 Chevrolet Coupe THAT MONUMENT MODEL in order that it may be set in 1929 Essex Sedan A* MODEL NO. 9562 time for Decoration Day. WHITE MEMORIAL 1928 Essex Sport Coupe STUDIOS 1928 Whippet Coupe C a d i CHAS. W. HARTENSTEIN $104.74 BUl^HfJ' Local Representative 1926 Dodge Coupe $253.16 BUDGET 149 Summit St. Dial 6620 $9.96 DOWN ^ $4v01AMONTH $23.78 DOWN ?9-56 A MONTH

And a Number of Model T Fmrds ' *•. -t. .;' ("'i ■ and several other low priced cars.


Manchester Motor Sales PH O N E 5181 773 MAIN STREET Tel. 5462 ’MANraESraTEVENING HBRALD/ j^ T O ^ 'C H i S T E K . CONit.. WEDNESDAY. MAY 14.1980. 1»a g e t e n Daily Health □ A R T O N SISTER Service t OLIVE Hint* On How To Keep WeO i / m jgflwrcc j/«:. ' KUTH DE^TY GPOVES MARYS' by World Pnmed Authority I wonder Juat how much poor it beglM with t b e ^ Cit «r» 1D © 0 10 TttliT ^ \X K LOT TD MQ CAUSES OF perspiration ^ tK S k were know,,, md the « a ijsJ b e g i n HEBE TODAY him what she wanted him to be­ organs of the body could tell a story, bonp that sup^ ^ JhUhina NATALIE C»NVERSE trie* to KITCHEN jiw. Wounded pride prevents either from, should become interested in a While bread of firm, even texture is they can’t workrk we snovoshove a child . a*- it V e t s lalazy z y and______can’t dub some other woman had thrown desirable, it is of less linportance lieved for years that the chie- f^m seeking a reconciliation. After purpose of perspiration is to regu­ out in the I work if his chin is kissing it all the she goes, the house seems desolate away.” ^ than the keenness of the knife and else, or change his diet or give Um time. His «r»iniAwhole srAnAral general health and tp Alan and he seeks consolation Phillipa made a mental note tp the softness of the butter. late the temperature of the body. piUs or a tonic and it never enters vitality depends on that thyroid. With Phillipa, who plays her part teach him to refrain from such Crusts are permissible on chil­ In order to determine whether or our heads that the way he stands or When he sits down let him keep not sweat might have some other sits or even lies is responsible for cieverely, casual mention of Natalie once she dren’s or full meal sandwiches. Li the position. It will soon be easy Dainty party sandwiches shou d Yas Kuno, in the Manchurian M ^i his indisposition. Meanwhile, Natalie regrets her ^^s in a position to assert hmself. iesmOCAXKCKJf.i' >ouoouuouocKKr« the for Um. liastv action. She hasn’t told her j -Don’t be absurd, Alan, she said have the crusts removed. Avoid cal College, has been studying By the way, that’s a good word. When he lies at night it is better famUv of the break and promises to . now. “You know that a girl in New waste by cutting off the crust be­ problem for eight years, A selected never occurred to me b efore^ t for him to lie flexed a little, on hie tMe her younger sister back to York doesn’t meet many men, im- fore slicing the bread. portion of the body with a surface origin may have had something side, and sometimes on hie stomach. New York with her. Still she will igss she’s on the stage or in society. Children love sandwiches cut in of about 10 inches square was sub- to do with bad posture, m>t write to Alan, hoping he will -Well, let me tell you ^ a t toere fancy shapes with cooky-cutters. mitted to various impulses and the Now I do think that PBrenw are bfeg her to return. are quite a few girls who would Hearts, diamonds, half moons and amount of perspiration discharged getting very wise about the evils of PINEAPPLE PUDDING 4 Natalie’s sUence merely arouses | g^ve their new long hair to get a animals will disappear like magic, every five minutes was measured. bad standing. “Stand up- strmgni. Ids resentment and spurs him on i second look from Geoffrey Nmman. no matter what the filling. He found that sweat could be Johnny,” is getting to be a You can ’ make old fashioned GOOP Brown Betty with pineapple Instead with Phillipa, who helps make him • phillipa sighed. “Poor Geoffrey, Following are fillings for many WOT t o ATTENP tH l^ caused by raising the temperature echo in the Iwd. And cMdwn feel that he has been neglected and j -which reminds,” Alan remark- varieties of sandwiches gleaned ftffftif? I IPON'r WANr of the r<»m, by heating one arm themselves are ^ of apple, for a change. Serve hot, abused. They go around together j -j suppose he told you he was from many sources. orono icgvnth a hot air pad, or about It too from .their physical in. with hard sauce, and see if your constantly and, when Phillipa fears i going abroad with his mother. t o <5 0 . ' -■ •^-—■•.'1 anolication of structors in school. family doesn’t approve. that he does not intend to propose Phillipa smiled enigmatic^ly. i One cup chopped cooked liver, VJOtt

1. - 1 ,'-■S

M i ..; . - r ■■■ ■-,■♦•■ > . '. ■ h :^ 1


ih e week-end wltk /Hr. and Sunday:- w ith L ew in thirty members will carry roses to by iiohii Jewitt, Miss Amy Randall tod Miss Ba HanoUton m th Mrs. reed Bishop. Other dinner Phelps, make the rosary.. Mrs. Bishop;, %er«l Mr. l_ Mr^ aa^ Mrs- Walter Hewitt oi^ WOMSN VOTERS’ FIEU) Notes. ANDOVER W. B. Talbot organist. Therp wore aeymity-five present. There was al­ Horaes tod'* son Roland tod New London, Mr. and Mrs. Ray-- ■ The many friends of Mrs. Slarah gran,dsoa of < Scotltod. mond Healy and daughter Mary of eoQIge.' Eighteen members of the local so a large audience at the evening hopse” : DAY, FRIDAY M AI 16 Wilson, WiU be pleased to hear she is service vdien the colored people’a Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Charles somewhat improved. Her^ oontfitiem Grange viiitie>^t Scotland were Callers on Mr. and Mrs. Emerson R. Newell of Green­ postmaster is a deserved recognition parents, Mr. and Mrs. William J. Mrs. Stindsy. wich, a vice president of the Leagi'.e ^iss juUa Perk^; . V of long and faithful service and is Rink of Syracuse, N. Y. Mrs. John T* MtI#pby of: Boston HCaty j^riey of Miurtford spent and its finance chairman, will pre­ A son George, Jr., was horn to side at the meeting which will con­ sure to meet with general approval. and Mr. and MW; HUgehe Platt and The. place left vacant in the Mr. and Mrs. George Ewing of Dqb- son of Manchesto? were week-end vene at 11:30 a .m. on Friday. Local sonville, at the Rockville City hospi­ , Friday and Saturdayt^ League presidents, treasurers and fi­ money order department by Mr. guests of Mr. ahQ Mrs. A. B. Frink. Don’t Say NO! Cosgrove’s appointment •will be fill­ tal on Monday evening. Other oaUers Sunday were Mrs. Frankly thl* is an item about nance chairmen from fifty-eight Harrison Foote and son Elmer and • ; !r groups in the state will attend to ed by Clement Kloter, who was for­ acute in^gestlon. Wsdt! Not merly at the stamp window, where James Johnson of ColChestqr, Mr. Interested? Your fiunily’s safe­ 1 '>■>. report on the financial status of and Mrs. Nelson Barrett and son of Arrived! AU Tlmt’s New their Leagues and their plans for he has rendered efficient service for LICENSES SUSPENDED ty (tod your own) demand tiiat the post seven years. New Hampshire to d Mrs. Axinle ■you shall be. Tills very night .11 raising their shares of the state Lewis Barrett of-Baltic and Mrs;- acores of homes .will be visited. budget. , . The vacancy caused by the prD- Hardy of Htotford. _ Dresses, Coats and Hats moUon of Mr. Kloter will be .filled A list of operators whose licenses 'iCheie will be sufferings. Yet in State officers who will be present to drive automobiles in Connecticut Mrs. Ward Talbot and Miss Wadie others relief will come. Six at the meeting include Miss Mary by Raymond J. Forster, who will ant chiefly in the capacity of maUing have been suspended for one year Brown visited several famlUes Sun­ BeU-ans, Hot Water. Sure Re­ Bulkley of Hartford, president, and for driving whUe under the influence day afternoon that were not at lief! Be ready with a Me or Mrs. William Valentine of Pomfrct, clerk. of liquor was given out today at the home^when they «aUcd= oh visiting 75o pkg. DRESSES treasurer. Oonferenoe Here Friday. State Motor Vehicle Department as day. DRESSES Plans are complete for the second part of the effort to reduce this WaUice Woodto preached a fine annual Older Boys’ and Older Girls’ highway menace. The departinent sermon Sunday monUng oo “Moth BELL-ANS statement advised people to notify er’s Liove." Special :muslo was sung FOR INOIGCSTION $ Conference, to be held at Union $3.95 5.00 'I,; WAPPING Congregational church on Friday the dpeartment or the poUce to case Value $5.95 Value to $6*95 and Saturday off this week. It is they should see any of these drivers operating motor vehicles. Silk Prints to floral and . Plat Crepes, prints, flow- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Frink and expected about one himdred and m fifty boys and girls from the vari­ Ansonla, Mike Velutis; Bethel, other new patterns. Flat ffed Georgettes in plain col­ three children motored to Rocky ous communities in Tolland County Ralph/ W. Hawley; Brldgeiwrt, crepes to pastel and street ors and new figured designs. Fra^k Arnold, Ely Arsenatoti Hoy shades. Sizes 14 to 44. HIU last Sunday, will attend. Sizes 14 to 46. tha dav. with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest The discussions at the meeting L. F. Chaney, Coleman H“ t, Qaude Dresses Budd. ^Mr. Budd and family were will center around the general Sideleau, Charles F. -SeU; formerly residents of Adolphus F. Parent; Danielson, theme of “World Brotherhood,” ana Donald W. Poole; East Lyme, Plve of the teachers, namely Mrs. in particular our relations to China. You’ll like These Special Lot Mae Holden, Miss Joseph Yuhas. ^ In Printed Lawns, B etter and Miss Lydia Jones, of the wap The conference is imder the direc­ Greenwich, Peter Kenney, Hart­ nlng School, and Miss Helen ‘ tion of the ToUand County Coimcil ford, Martin Evtushek, Michael J. Printed Piques and WASH Fey*and Miss Agnes Fleming of Religious Education and the Mahoney. WlUiam W. PagO^ Madi­ Rye street school. accompMied Young Men’s Christian Association. son. Gek K. Doktor; Manchester, FROCKS tJenty-five of the Friday’s session commences at William McDonald; Meriden, Albert Dotted MusUWs classes of Wapplng and Ry® 3:30 p. m., at which registration will F. Otto; Middletown, William O. , Surprising Value at DRESSES schools on a sl^-^lng Mp to take place until 5 o’clock. At. 6:30 Wolfe. Hartford last Saturday. . Tt®y there will be a banquet, with Profes­ New Britain, Konstanty Abram- N E W E S T CjOLOR C ^M Bi;N A T10N S the Wapplng school about ^ n e sor Philip M. Howe as toastmaster. ezyk, Karl Batchkuhn, W^ter $9.75 o’clock and went first to the State There will be greetings from Mayor Bielomlzy, David Luryea, John AND DESIGNS. Figured$1.95 broadcloth, piques Library and then to the C^P^^ A. E. Waite. The evening session Marinesak, Charles Plccoll, Fr^k / Sizes 14 to 20, 38,46 plain tod figured designs, Bushnell Memorial, and th p to dto will commence at 8 o’clock, when Szczepanskl; New Haven, Haul W orth much inore^ voiles. Sizes l4 to 52. - ner, after which they went a most interesting program wlU be Magda, James J. Maloney; New Sizes 16 to 46 the Times building and the Morg^ presented, which will Include London, Fred Delhorme, Charles A. I Memorial, and to the Chinese solos, an address and other Ferriter; North Canaan or Canaan, - Department, arriving tack Ceasar Malnati; Norwalk, John J. ^1/ features. Nolan; Oaklsmd, Fred Marooney. 25 about six o’clock. The cMdren m - Saturday’s session will commence port a very enjoyable day a Putnam, Levi Mlnard; Southing­ $1.95 $2.95 Dress Coats ^ The Evergreen Lodge of Masons at 9 a. m. Luncheon will be served ton, Alexander Manzak; So. Nor­ A. F. and A. M. No. 114, held p*tr at noon, after which a group photo­ walk, Salvatore Padula; West Sport Coats This Season’s Styles regular meeting at their Temple a graph will be taken. There will be Haven, Clarence J., Shea; Westport, East Windsor HIU, last Monday eve- an address and a period of worship Theodore T; Mullenski; WUton, Remarkable Value Ail New Shades during the afternoon, the conference James W. Riley; Newark, N. J., *^Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mlelke and coming to a close at 4 o’clock. George B. Hoffman; Bronx, N. Y., REARDON’S $13.95 little five months old .^^^titer, Entertained Grand Chief. WUliam VonDwingelo; Brooklyn, N. $9.95 Sizes 14 to 44 Elisabeth Alice, of Middletown, Damon Temple, Pythian Sisters Y., WUliam A. Daugherty; Mamar- Sizes 14 tb 44 caUed on friends in town iMt S\m- entertained the grand chief, Mrs. oneck, N. Y., Walter Schoonmaker. dav. Mrs. Mielke was before her Nellie Bailey and her staff, on Mon­ marriage. Miss Alba ^^^®®’ 11,570 NEW CITIZENS ter of Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Kibbee, day evening. A supper was served in I. O. O. F. Hall at 6:30 which con­ of this.town. Washington —The citizenship of Stunning New Miss StUes, was the guest at the sisted of salads, cold meats, rolls, .the United States increased by 11,- NEW STRAW home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert E- baked beans, pickles, cake and Icc 570 new mtfihbers during March, ac­ HOSIERY StUes over the week-end, at Pleas­ cream. There were nearly one hun­ cording to a recent report of the SPORT HATS ant Valley. . _ , dred members and guests present. Commissioner of Naturalization. Of Fleur de Lis and HATS The Federated Church choir will The tables were attracticely decor­ this number, Italy supplied 2202, In silk materials. Polka Leghorns, Peanut and meet at the church next Thursday ated with flowers and there were Poland 1187, the British Empire dots tod stitched aU-over de- Butterfly Heels Paramount straws, all evening for their rehearsal, at half pretty favors at each plate. 2836, and Germany 903. • signa, pastel shades. New shades, no seams. smartly trimmed. Some with past seven o’clock. During the eveuiugi Mrs. Bailey ribbons. Charles King and son, Rubin King Try tod duplicate them at NOGLOS finish. was presented with a cut glass MOTOR TRUCKS this price. moved from the Felt tenement to berry set, Mrs. Frelda Scheiner, past Vernon, last Friday. Rubift King chief, making the presentation Pair $2.95 wUl still attend to his duties as jani­ NEW YORK Built to la.st to 10 years Small tod large headsizes. tor of the Federated Church. speech. Another "pleasing feature $1.95 $1.15 Elimination of a grade crossing in was a short comedy sketch present­ via ed by Mrs. Esthrt Weber emd Mrs. South Windsor by diverting Pent Investigate Ste-wart Records Sor Road to connect with EUington Gertrude Ulitsch. HARWORD LINE road, instead of crossing the rail­ Grand officers present were: long life and low repair bills road tracks as at present, has been Grand Chief Mrs. Nellie Bailey, Steamer approved by the Public Utilities Grand Manager Mrs. Sarah Hart, PASSENGER AND Commission, it was annoimced Grand Protector Elizabeth Morgan- ^ FREIGtrr SERVICE The Year’s Truck Sensation Thursday. The New Haven railroad son, District Deputy Grand Chancel- Daily EveeM SunJay company petitioned for the altera­ or James R. Quinn. Mr. Bailey, hus­ 1 ton — $ 6 9 5 chassis tion, which wUl be in effect combine band of the Grand Chief was also Lv. HARTFORD 4:30 PM the present two grade crossings in Middletown 6:46 PM present. Other guests were present East'Haddam 8:00 PM one. The cost wUl be borne by the from Stafford, New Britain, Man­ railroad. Essex 8:45 PM H -Modef. t ro 7 Ton WhccU.;..^'; The Federated Workers will hold chester and Hartford. Lv. Saybrook Point 9:80 PM their next meeting at the home of To Crown Blessed Virgin. Due NEW YORK GEO. A. BROWN & CO. PRICES Mrs. EmUy B. Collins on Thursday The solemn crowning of the (Pier 40,N.R.) 5:80 AM 10 CJooper St., SoirtJi- Blanohester afternoon. The subject of the pro- statue of the Blessed Virgin at St. Betdming leave grame wiU be “Gardens.” Bernard’s church .Will take place on New York - 4:00 PM < The Pleasant Valley Club wUl Sunday afternoon. May IS,, a t. 3 (Eastern Standard Time) meet next Thursday afternoon at o’clock. Miss, Elizabeth Loehr ha.s the home of Mrs. Lena EHmore. One Way Pare - - f2.S0 been chosen crowner and Miss An- : Round Trip Faro • 4.00 Next Wednesday, May 14, will be ------)------— I Parents Day and Field Day at the tonette Edwards and Miss Mary Ellen Cosgrove will *e her assist­ Comfortable staterooms, -with SMASHED Wapplng Center Schools. There is ants. Little Claire Emondo and hot and cold running water, * also to be a speUing contest at the $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, and $3.00 J school. Mary Teresa Pfunder will carry the crown and Norman Jelinek and Leo Tickets and Reservations >4 Flaherty, Jr., will act as train bear­ at Railroad Station or ers. ; State Street Wharf «!; / BOLTON Twenty members of the Children U The New England INSURANCE CHRYSLEa"77” of Mary are to form a lily arch, and I Steamship Company Miss Elizabeth Rose who attends '; ■ " ' ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Mt. Holyoke CoUege Won first prize -V' in Latin. Tmm Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Jones and son The Beat Guardian af Junior, attended a birthday and Mothers’ day gathering in honor of Mrs. Charles MUton in Hartford. Life and Property The selectmen held their monthly meeting Monday evening and trans-, acted ^ e usual business. 3 SO Miss AmeUa Palmer, teacher afc> Birch Mountain school, spent ■n alt once, prices Other current Chrysler wee;^-end at her home In Sjtonlngr ton. ’ modcIk-"70*^ W and S^lss Mary Maybury . spent the. Insure Your Valuables of current week-end at her home in .Spring- mo^ are $200 Chrysler Six are being ; -ItM field, Mass. ^ • A BOX IN A (iOOD SAFE DEPOSIT VAULT The East Central'Pomona ;offl«rs to $35(^Ke greatest continued iinchangetL AW- • wUl put on the fifth degree at^eWf. Our Workmen ISTHK in^on Orange Thursday night, Here is the greatest bai> Mrs. Elsie Jones is an officer. b e s t a n d CHEAPEST INSURANCE. price all Chrysler isiMi EUa and Miss Jeanette.l^tlfa- ner of' Hartford spent the wefAt- Are At Your history* gaineverolferedinbrand- end at their home. ' ■ ^ ' ■skS* m - Many people are enjoying the The Manclmter trust CO. This price reduction is new motor cars* At $200 'ii flying season at Bolton lake/'Jt Us C an^u’pass? expected there will be an.iimiiSuaI: Service ...... y o cca iio n ^ rby the fact to $350 o8Fyj die si^^y amount of fish in the lake.^s sea­ % Three months after J. Ri B.' son as a ban was put onilAtC 'in They are prepared to bought insurance, he applied that Chrydw will intro^ will not'last kaii* Act the summer last year. ■ }, / ‘ for another policy, confident Tax statements have been mwed renovate your house of his good health. He failed duce***$oinetime in mid* 1^ * Your pcceent car to aU property owners, "^ter Jtoe and give a new note o:: to pass the ezamination; 15 interest wUl be charge. Three months ^o a good summer — a new m oM wiflbei^pcepCiiNlk Mr. and Mrs. Clarence tiewis. and beauty and cheeriness Fire an4 Liability famUjr have moved to New London. risk, he’s now uninsurable. Chryslet’d libwiJi that will make ypur Before it’s too late, arraMe to take ihe plaois of the THA'TS THE WAY IT WAS. house a home worth liv­ for the protection your family, present Chrysler ingfaeiilllMtff^ Chicago, May 14.— (AP)—^Tho needs, and for an income for, Insurance 'way Harry Field explained to Mrs. ing in. yourself wheii you’re unable Field (she told Judge WilHams yes- to work. Ask for booklet.' terdlw) was as follows: ‘*I 'aaba essentially selfish. It irks Gotinecricut Generalf mo to live with anyl^y. It takes Life Insurance Company RICHARD G. RICH up tCKj much time. It compels me to of Utrtfotd ' cod)e home when I would much pre* Titker BoiMiiifi V fer; fo remato away. Naturally, I Olson FAYETTE & CLARKE doiidfwish;to oontitoa living to this matoer.” Painting and Decorating INSURANCE . Judge Williams granted her peti* ^ n tra e to r. tUm p u diVOTCSr 699 Main St., So, Maneheatei Oepot Sgowi^ IlMliehailar

■- V ' fr> I.' . .-T, 6ry . »«lV T- V ■ w a y 14, ;; - : ai^CHESTBR EVENING HERALD ?AGE'1*WELVB " ^ ^ ______k l ______sJsiLJk

Oini^HA,’ Neb., May 14— Hole Yards. —Any :golfer knows that the Glenna Forced Three No. - 410 jfiace* tff ^ve is from the tee, No. 2 . 380 not'on the .em n , Therefor^ it No. 3 . 504 To Oppose AtneifxikPtn stands to reason' that the ^ r> Face M. H.S. I f f l i No. 4 V 323 son Tyhp did the 'dhving on pie Extra Holes To Beat No. 5 . 166 newestbpst , green on the No. 6 . 415 Mfller ,Goiirpe yesterday No. 7 475 was no golfer.. - . BaoAil d lid Surt- No. 8 352 He did his driving 4n an anto- LEGION SELECTIONS No. 9 184 mobile. He hOdked and he sliced r- I*,-. all .over .' the place, and the ford Toib|r; M id B iM Total i 8,208 i- Green’s in the rough today. , No. 10 . 394 . It is things like this that xnake DUE FOR THURSDAY No. 11 , 495 a golfer madder’n a hatter. , 'f y e e WINS ON 21st No. 12 . 405 Edith Qsier, Vhf|^ Van No. 13 400 A total of twenty-two boys re­ No. 14 »'• • • • •- 41t ported for the Legion basebaU prac­ W k Beth S afer Defeat, No. 15 404 tice la«t evening at toe W est Side No. 16 ...... 185 BRITISH GOLFER Playgrounds. Most of toe absentees W ith several changes in the Hne- No. 17 ...... 4^4 were High school players who had up, Manchester Hljgh school’s ]iase- Latter in Extra Hole No. 18 ...... 370 been .through a long drill earlier in ball team will take the field against toe day. ! East Hartford late this aftenibea in 37 SUFFERS IN JURY Total ...... 3,484 A t the practice session Thursday that city; ■ ' Match; Only Fear Ameri- . Total 6.692> yards. evening toe squad will be again cut Manchester's chances are:*some- Par is 73, to very close to toe limit of players what dimmed by the temporary Idas cans Remain in Running. which is fourteen. The catching de­ of Ernie Dowd, its 'star esnterfieW- Rex Hartley Cuts Hand on partment is giving toe most concern er. Dowd is hors de Combat with a ^ - and its selection may possibly be split finger, the result of fooling' Formby, England, May 14.— (A P) NATIONAL LEAGUE Ere of Walker Cnp Matck; deferred until a later date. with a shot-put at track practice." M ay 15 is toe date in which toe Cliff Magnuson will take Dowd’s __Four Americans survived the team must be registered with the place in toe outfield.'' Dave McCon- fourth round of play in the British To Play Whli Glove. State Athletics Office who is Elmer key, regular third saoker and star women’s golf championship today. RACE IS HUMMER Manidiig of New Haven. This pre­ twirler as well; will work oh . the Three were beaten including Vir­ liminary step has already been slab with Jimmy C’Lcary coming Sandwich, England, May 14.—% taken. over from second-to fill in at \ with the botOe neck entrance to the mitted a blank contract had been Formby, Eng., May 14. (A ) ) gave par fours. kept idle by rain, remained tied for Van Ryn— sv/lng from the same side arc Montreal people — Dr, Jack rapidly iit the West Ride diraiit and third place with 12 .victories and 11 of the plate as Rogers Hornsby. The Wright, Marcel RainvlUe and W11-. signed bUt insisted it was not bindi It seems a certainty that alarga Glenna Collett. GlenM^ at the 19th that Doeg is the man to watch. This, defeats each and led the Phillies and other, Johnny Doeg, the Santa Mo- lard Crocker. Dr. W right hM been Ing until an opponent, terms and a crowd will be on hand to'witnen tha . defeated Molly ------i.„v, gave her an apparent advantage, in spite of the fact that few left­ St. Louis only by a few percentage nica southpaw, seizes his paddle in the No. 1 Canadian player for sev- date had been agreed on. r, champion, in an extra hole match handers ever reached great heights but Molly chipped dead at the half points. the wrong fist, but John comes from eral years. Crocker isCianada’s sec- ' this morning, to enter the fifth In tennis. .Lindley M urray won toe at fours. St. Louis ran Its string of vic­ a long line of ancestors who ran ond ranking player, RainvlUe, wbo I round of the British women s cham- national championship battings at) The American seemed certain ol tories to seven defeating the Giants rampant on the courts and hasn’t saw a lot of action duping the win- _;pionship. them with the wrong hemd, but th at; victory at the 20th, but the English yesterday. brought any sorrow to any of his ter down south, made an. Impressive Miss Collett had to travel 21 holes was during the w ar and competition ' girl shipped from beyond a bunker Philadelphia pushed Pittsburgh’s tennis relatives as yet, Doeg is a .showing- In the recent, tryouts at S before she could vanquish her stout was not all that it might have been. and holed a 25 foot putt for the half. Pirates down Intb the second divi­ son of Mrs. Violet Sutton Doeg, Mrs. Montreal, in which he was the out- I hearted English opponent. ’The Tennis Is so strenuous, say follow­ Formby, England, May 14.— (A P) sion with a steady hitting attack Sutton being one of those sweet- standing player. * "American girl was two up at the ers of toe game> that toe man who a 14th, but saw her lead shot away. —^Mrs. Leo Federman of New York that brought a 14 to 8 victory. playing Sutton sisters of the long The four who will represent the advanced to the fifth round of the aeveland and Washington fur­ ago, and it is not hard to discern United States have given ^om lse of swings from the same side of his S W ith the issue in doubt after the body that houseSs -th e" heart -tires British Women’s Golf champion­ nished the fireworks in the Am eri­ from his play his mothter's influence'. 'comp(?tlti6n. The pPiTormance IlSth was ]^ayed. the two cham- more easily than his fellows ship today by defeating Mrs. Dudley can League as the Indians openbd For the four young men of the of AUlson and "Van Ryn In w M ln g ." pions halved the 19th and 20th holes who bat righthanded. Charles of Sunningdale 8 up and 7 a drive to take second place. The ‘ Davis Cup team this will be a teat, the doubles bhamplqnsmp at Wim- licfore Miss Collett could negotiate Be that as it may, some wisei ten­ to play. Indians won by 11 to 6. i The preliminaries with Canada, be- bledon last ytor was- : the victory at the third extra hole. nis people on toe,)^.coast -s a y ' that rescued Glenna from a, Enid Wilson, ^—, --- one of Britain’s ,------_ The Philadelphiaxx.x.»^x,.r— Athletics------r Jginning May 16. are not regarded Lott and Doeg knocked-off tjie 192^ strengthened their grip on , first,first any insurmountable difficulty,, the doubles championship of the United Johnny Doeg, le^-hand and all; will IS d ^ciirmne eallery of autograph hunters j principal hopes, eliminated Mrs. R. be national champion within: toe ^'and escorted her to the clubhouse j j , M cNair of London by the con- place by outslugging toe Chicago Canadians having lost to our side States, ,, I ' next two years. ‘ ' ' ] = for a brief rest before the start of j vinclng margin of 7 and 5. Wh’te Sox for a 14 to 7 victory. . . ^ Y)v a count of 5 to 0, but Word has come from -toe coast -her fifth round match with Beryl! serly Brown of Formby put out The Yankees reached toe .500 ^ . horrid word/ Brown. ' Miss M. White of Rosehampton, 7 mark for the first time this year Veteran observers said Miss Col-1 and 6. and fashioned their longest winning :.'lett’s titanic struggle with Joyce Diana Fishwick, youthful English streak by defeating toe St. Louis «!wethered in the British finals of star, eliminated her fellow-country- Browns, 4 to 1. It was New York’s but it is worse Oil the S i929, was the only recent rival to woman, Mrs. Herbert Guedalla, • the fourth straight victory! Slhe struggle of today between the former Edith Leitch. 2 and 1 in a Art Herring of Detroit and Jack •Jivn trim°eirl golfers, Miss Collett piose and hard fought struggle. Russell of Boston hurled another end of yourciiQor --ind m S Gourlay. ! Barbara Millar of Wentworth, de- close game as Herring kept the Rpd Concedes the Match. i feated Miss G. Hay of Australia, 8 Sox hits spread over nine innings D O M tSFIT/ & After the regulation 18 holes of and 7. while the Tigers bunched theirs for -’the Collett-Gourlay match had been MfH. J- B. W at«m , Scottish cham­ a 4 to 1 'Victory. ^completed with the match square in pion, fell before the steady play of i'holes and medal score— 80 each Mlsp Hilda Cameron, also of Scot­ The Suez Canal varies In width ?-the fir.st two extra holes were land. 1 up. _ b o N T S P IT / from 230 to 250 feet on the main Shalv-.d in fours. A t the 21st hole, Edith Quier, r.eauing, Pa., was stretches to 260 at curves. The Gourlav had taken six strokes BOAi^OOF canal is about 100 miles long. t &ind u-ts still six feet from the hole (Continued on Page 18.) f while Miss Collett’s ball was 20 feet 'j'from the pin in three, leaving her Sthree putts to win the hole and •'match. The English girl then rushed ,:,acrons the green to congratulate her f'American rival, X V - ' Ss, f Nip and Tudk. '< Miss Collett went one up at' the ninth, getting down in three while ^ ‘'Miss Gourlay was missing a six foot. putt which would have given her a ,41144 J-haT. , , “ Collett clung tenaciously to .' her one hole lead through the 12th. She dropped the tenth with a six :vlo Mi.ss Gourlay’s five, another putt ^ b-'-'Ting on the lip of the pup and ■ .-■f' ...the war lb'' match was squared once more. -D til' A '“.erican regained her one JOHN HSM) crasoda of doesney .,.,1 , Qn the eleventh vrith " ,'r- • '•■> E'-'itish woman’s five,} d hitting a child ' Smoko CERTIFIED f - The twelfth was i-vVi • thH t'r.-:' bed dou- CBMICC ■-0 i-i - '■i nca:'’.;,- 4.bC0 cpecta- ",Tri v'c/ ■ - a great batt’e. Do yon remember die Micrf ' ‘.t r.'cn the thirteenth ahopwherethe manintlie i^ d o w rolled ' r. f- to Miss Gourlay’s six ii'Vter bl.af:l'.ng to perfection from a the leaves with dirtyfin g^ • ••arid qilt, riieep bunker of wet sand to the e ^ e M i h E on the ends? More ^ u i the green. She held this margin :i»f two up through the fourteenth in this cduhtiy are s | ^ !^ ■^jwhlch was halved tn fours but lost **Befbre I do,” spoke Ingrid DeapiQtiliiis, e ig h ^ “ • ;,‘the fifteenth with a six to Miss hand, and therefore siiiy«Aty th e|i^ Gourlay’s five. Winning of this hole May morning, ‘‘may I suggest a change fiiryou?” - ; v; . of ^it! Hie mode^ G R iM O ;ieft the English woman only one Jfio'wn. “ Be as suggestive ai ye like, rne Wm m aaiii)utiire^proteeth:]^ tlUs « Glenna Falters. turfinan. , 7 abominatiohr-|^ves you the finest cigar IJ; Miss Collett seemed to have her Thursday^ May 15th. ISmatch well in hand when she WM up “Change to OLD GOLDS wid ceaae those raivibig roars. Ease Jour q u a l i ^ the cfoanlliM^


COLLEGE RESULI^ NATIONAL couinwiNS ' AMERICAN Albrights ••• — — CAltDS «, GIAIfT* 4. ^ 0 21 0 F o r d b u u ...... ? ^ N STHLE ' i NDIAnV *1X7 KATIONALS •* K n ox ...... M onm outh o Cleveland ' _ Lowell Textile I S ...... bouthlt..cf ...... f t 2 4 0 0 AB. R. H. PO. A. B. Adams. 3b ...... >.4 ® J 5 ! X (Contbroed from Pag:e 12.) Morgan, rt . Boossns Ovt WHIi Tern UgS' I Falk, rf ------SSiattan Fr. 6 . Concordia Prep. 2 Peel,rf ... I Burnett, 3b . Missouri 3 Nebrartta 9 ..••••• Hafey, U. ■ defeated by Daisy Ferguson, an Seeds, cf . . . North Carolina U. 8 .... Davidson 3 Orsatti, lb ment n Leg; Others Ni;ne Fonseca, lb Wilson, c , Irish player, one up. The defeat of Hodapp, 2b . Notre Dame 10 .... Northwestern 6 ...... Lehigh 8 Gelbert. ss . f •^Tiaa Quier marked the first reverse ■Tainelson, If Penn 14 Sberdel, p Ij. Sewell, c Princeton J. V. 7 ... Monroe High 1 Lindsey, p Tee Prenisiiig. for the United States in the fourth Goldman, ss ...... Indiana 5 Miller, p .... Purdue 7 31 ‘ 6 10 27 9 0 round, , ...... V. M; I. 2 Harder, p .. Quantico Marines 4 New Y ork — Kathleen Garnham of Hazelng Rhode Island State 2 i ^ AB. R, H. PO. A. B. Paris,-May 14.— (AP)—Chrlatliin eUminated Mrs. H. Clenient. 2 and 1. 42 11 17 27 21 5 North^tem 0 W ashington jiaMhall, 2b .>--V-:v’2 r 0 • 0 4 1 0 BoRESua,. France’s most promising Sylvia Bailey of Elngland, defeat­ Moravian College 0 Crawford,.-2b.i • <6 • • »•,*-- 0.. ..0„, .0 AB. K. H. PO. A. E St! Joseph’s 6 .. 0 young tennis-pi^er is laid up with ed Mrs. R. V. Finlay, 6 and 4. , Hoepp, cf .. 2 1 2 3 1 0 ...... Com w 6 Llndstroni, 3b, ,.. ..- .4 .1 0 3 0 0 St. Lawrence 7 Terry, lb 4 i a^tom'ligament ,ln his' left leg and EUsie Corlett defeated Lady •West, cf ... .3 0 2^^ 2 0 Rice, rf ... .4 0 1 0 0 0 O tt/ rf 3 ixiaybe unable to play 'this summer. Alness, 6 and 5. ^ ^ . Goslln, If .. .5 1 0 1 0 0 Campbell and JuclMOn, ss .-•••.•••3 His t severe injury coming on top C. I^wnes defeated Dons S ta n - 0 umpires, Morlsrty, .ludge, lb .. .3 0 0 7 1 Reese, ’c f 4 oi| the announcen»«nt of Lacoste’s hope, one up. Cronin, ss . .4 .2 2 4 4 1 Owens: time, z.o* Leacb, If ..••••••••• 3 Orcutt Is Winner Blucgc, 3b .4 1 2 3 1 0 O’Parreli, c ...... J retirement from tennis; the poor .4 1 0 0 2 0 ivalker; p ...... •••*? Maureen Orcutt, Englewood N. Hayes, 2b . At 4, RED SOX 1 form displayed-by-both Cochet and Rucl, c ..., .3 0 0 5 1 0 Borotra recently and the fast aging J., won her way Into the fifth I’ound Brown, p , .0 0 0 " 0 1 0 Detroit Healei'i XX ...... 0 1 AB. R. H. PO. A. E. of Brugnon hsuj made Frenchmen of the championship by defeating Thomas, p ,.l 0 0 0 0 0 ■ 34 4 9 24 14 ,1 Moore, p .. > • **O 0 0 2 1 0 Funk, cf ...... 4 1 2 4 ^ ^ somewhat anxious as -to the fate of Miss G. E. C. Rudgard, three up and ,- - - — Gehrlngcr, 2b ...... 3 0 0St. i ’U ls ^ ^ ...... 002 102 01X-i6 2 the Davis Cup this summer.' 36 6 7 27 12 McManus, o b ...... 4 ® ^ J q q New Y ork ...... 000 103 000—:4 ‘ " t t W o 'r th. OrcuU.Rudgard A lexander, lb ...... * 0 Ruhs batted in, Adams 2. Reesfe, Cleveland ...... BOG 000 000— 11 Fothcrgill. If ...... 4 0 1 3 0 0 ■Washington ...... 015 000 000— G Ott, Leacu; O’Farrell, Wilson, Gel­ Rice, rf ...... J 0 14 3 0 Orcutt out 356 dM Runs batted in, Morgan, Fonseca, bert, Hafey 2; two_ base Wts, O'Far­ Miss Rudgard out 366 435 644 T,. Sewell 3, Goldman 2, Bluege, Last Night^s Fights Hodapp, Jamieson, Burnett 2, Cronin, Rensa. c ...... J ^ J . ^ rell,- Ott 2. Reese; Hafey 2, 41. Ruel: two base hits, L. Herring. P ...... Wilson. Gelbert; home run, Haiey, Chicago—Billy Angelo, Phila., Miss Orcutt in 645 545 3. Cronin, Hodapp 2, Burnett, Seed; 34 4 11 27 10 0 wiM pitch, walker; bases on balls, outpointed A1 Kline, Chicago, 10. Miss Rudgard in 555 454 6. three base hits, Fon.seca; home runs, Boston ' _ off Sherdel 2. Walker 2. Lindsey .1, San Jose, Calif.—Milo Milietl Morgan; stolen bases, L. Sewell, AB. R. H. PO. A. E. struck out., by Sherdel 3, Lindsey 1. Miss Orcutt took an early sacrifices, Morgan, Hodapp, Goldman; Walker 1; left on bases. New Y^orK G Omaha, oupointed Elgin Moore, in her match with Miss Rudgard double plays, Hodapp to Goldman to Ollver, cf ... s't.**Lo"uls 4^sacrifices, Sherdel, Leach; I •# Reeves, Sb . Portland, Ore., 10. hut found the English girl a worthy Ft-ntcca; left on bases, Cleveland 7, hits, off Sherdel 6 In 5, popularity.of Miller, sss ...... _1 ..i _ _ ““’T b . h . b . p o . a . e, was down in three to Miss Rud- At Plttebnrghi— At Phlladelpklai— 33 1 8 27 16 0 Enbllsh. 88 ...... 4 0 0 3 2 1 PHILLIES 14. PIRATES 8 gard’s six. ATHLETICS 14. CHISOX T H .trolt ...... 010 020 100— 4 Heathcote. rf ...... 1 2 0 1 0 0 Philadelphia Hicks Loses Lead Philadelphia Boston 000' 000 010—Cuyler, 1. If-rf r.-...... 5 1 3 3 0 0 AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Miss Hicks.was one up at the AB. K. H. PO. A. E. Runs batted in, Gehrlngcr, Funk, W ilson, c f ...... 2 2 1 2 0,Thompson, 0 2b ...... 5 1 0 3 2 1 turn in her match with Mrs. Garcm. Bishop. 2b ...... 5 i ® 9 McManus. Akers, Regan; two base Grimm, lb ...... ,..6 1 J * ? 9 O'Doul, If ...... 4 3 3 2 1 1 DU CANADIEN It was a see-saw affair during toe Haas, cf ...... 5 2 3 3 0 0 hits, Oliver; passed ball. Berry; um Bell. 3 b ...... 4 1 2 1Klein, 1 0 rf ...... 5 3 3 3 0 0 Cochrane* ...... v2 3 1 4 0 0 p-lres, Guthrie, Hildebrand, Ormsby, Taylor, c ...... -..3 0 1 6 0 0 W hitney. 3b ...... 4 1 1 0 2 0 first nine holes. All square at toe Simmons, If ...... 5 time, 1:58 Beck, 2b ...... 3 10 2 6 0 Hurst, lb ...... 5 2 2 5 .0 0 fifth, Mrs. Garon missed a 12-incn Foxx. lb ...... 3 2 8 2—Batted for Rryne In 7th. Malone, p ...... ••*•‘ 5 i , 9 ? 2 Southern, c f...... 5 0 0 7 0 0 putt at the sixth and was trapped Miller, rf ...... 1 2Z— Batted for Berry in 0th. Carlson, p ...... 3 . 0 1 0 1 0 Thevenow, ss ...... 5 2 3 4 3 1 Dykes, Sb ...... 4 zzz— Batted for Russell In 0th. Stephenson, x ....#.0 0 0 0 0 ^ Davis, c ...... 5 1 4 3 0 0 , from the tee at toe sevimth to be­ Boley. ss ...... 3 Benge, p ...... 5 1 2 0 0 0 come two down. She got one hole McNair, ss ...... 2 31 9 10 27 10 1 'OPERATING STORES •• back, however, on toe eighth when Shores, p ...... 2 ’■■•"SS5-4, BROW SS 1 Boston _ 43 14 18 27 8 3 1011 MAIN STREET Helen dubbed her second. . ^ Quinn, p ...... 2 New York . , AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Pittsburgh Walbcrg. p ' ...... 1 AB. R. H. PO. A. E. R lchboorg. r f ...... 6 0 0 2 0 lO AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Miss Hicks was three up at toe .4 1 MaranvTlle. bs ••,••••4 1 0 4 3 0 Engle, 3 b ...... 1 I 34 14 17 27 11 0 Combs, cf thirteenth owing to her rival s in­ Lary. ss ...... 4 1 Neun. lb ...... 0 0 0 3 0 0 Brickell, If ... different putting. Mrs. Garon s Chicago Slsler. l b ...... 4 1 2 5 0 0 Grantham. 2b ,A AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Ruth, rf ...... 2 1 drives from toe tec also began to ...... 4 1 0 1 1 0 Lazzerl, 2 ...... 4 0 Moore, If ...... 4 - - J 0 0 , Comorosky, cf Mctzler. If .... Gehrig, lb ...... 4 0 Welsh, c f ...... 4 11:00 Mosolf, rf .... i> z z lose distance. Hunnelicld, ss Byrd, If ...... 3 1 Spohrer, o ...... 4 1 - 3 0 1 Sulir, lb ...... 3 z » z Miss Hicks had a three-hole lead lieynolds. cf ., Chapman, 3 b ...... 4 0 Robertson, 3b ...... 3 0 1 0 1 0 Hemsley, c ...... 5 on Mrs. Garon at toe end of , Watwood. rf ,, Bengough. c ...... 4 0 Maguire. 2b ...... 4 1 1 2 3 0 Bartell, ss ...... 5 holes, but toe British entr^t bat- i Cisscll, 2b .... Hoyt, p ...... 3 0 Cantwell, P ...... 1 0 0 0 1 0 Petty, p ...... 1 Kamm, 3b Cunningham, p ...... 0 1 0 0 0 0 Brame, x ...... 1 tied doggedly to keep m toe Klinger, lb .. 32 4 8 27 8 0 Brandt, p ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Erickson, p ...... 0 ning, cut the New Yorkers lead . Autry, c ...... St. Louis Berger, z ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Jones, p ...... 0 the McKain. p ... AB. R. H. PO. A. E. P. Waher. xx ...... 1 to one up, and then squared I match at the I8to with a 40-foot Walsh, p .... McNeely. c f ...... « O ') » 35 8 9 24 8 Spencer, p ...... 0 Wieland, p .. Blue, lb ...... 3 1 0 11 1 Chicago 043 100 01X“ —9 putt. Miss Hicks, however, applied Manush, .If ...... 4 0 0 2 0 0 37 8 IS 27 11 3 pressure and won toe first extra 40 7 15 24 13 2 Boston ...... 000 060 0 2 0 -8 Kress, ss ...... 4 0 1 - 5 1 Runs batted In, Bell. Taylor. Ma­ Philadelphia ...... 210 142 051— 14 Philadelphia ...... 120 138 lOx— 14 Badgro, rf ...... 4 0 1 1 0 0 Pittsburgh ...... 120 000 104— 8 Chicago ...... 000 120 400— 7 lone 2. Wilson 3, Cuyler, Slsler 3. Runs batted In. Whitney 2, Gran- your milkman says Miss Hicks encountered a bat­ Meinio, 2b ...... 4 0 1 1 3 0 Runs batted in. Reynolds. W at- O’Rourke, S b ...... -4 0 1 0 1 1 Robertson, Moore 2, Welsh 2, Stephen­ them. Davis 2, Suhr, Petty. Hurst. tler in Mrs. Garon, toe Northumber­ wood. Cissell 2. Kamin. KllngerNAu- Manlon, c ...... 1 0 1 6 1 0 Klein 4. O’Doul. Thompson, Mosolf 2. tT-v, Simmons 2, Shores. Bishop -. son: two base hits. Cuyler. Taylor; land champion, who after Coffman, p ...... 2 0 0 1 0 0 three base hits. Spohrer. Slsler home Hamsley 2; two base hits. O’Doul. Miller 2. B’oxx 3, McNair 2, Dykes 2; Grantham, Benge, lOeln; three base three down at toe 16to, 'vron three two base hits, Cochrane. Dykes. Klmsey, p...... l 0 0 runs, Malone. Moore, Welsh, Wilson; . hides from hard hitting H elen ro j cissell, Foxx, McNair;McNair: home stolen bases, Heathcote, Beck. Cuy­ hits. Mosolf: home "runs, Whitney. 31 1 5 24 15. 3 ler: sacrifices. Taylor, Stephenson; Davis, Klein; stolen bases, Hurst; flouare the match when toe Amen- Reynolds^ St. Louis ...... 10,0 000 000— 1 sacrifices. Grantham. Petty, Comoro­ - CM! foim d traps at each hole. 'The McNair; sacrifices. Miller. Autry; double plays. Cantwell to Maranyllle New York ...... 000 130 OOx—-4 to Noun, English to Beck to Grimm. sky; double plays. O’Doul to Davis; double plays. Hunnefleld to Cissell to Runs batted In, Kress, Chapman. ' New Yorker braced, however, at toe Klinger 2, Dykes to Klinger 2. Dykes Beck to English to Grimm; left on left on bases, Philadelphia 6. Pitts­ extra hole while Mrs. Garon over- Ruth. Lazserl 2; two base hits. Kress, base, Boston 4, Chicago 8: base on burgh 9; base on balls, off Petty 2. to Foxx; left on base. Chicago 9, Byrd; stolen bases, Byrd. Lary. Ruth; Benge 4, Erickson 1, Jones 1: struck ^^ayed toe green from toe rough. Philadelphia 9; base on balls, oft Mc­ double play, Kress to Blue; left on balls, off Malone 4. Cantwell 3. Cun­ Kain 4, Walrfh 1. W elland 3. Shores 1. ningham 2, Brandt 3; struck out by out. by Petty 3. Benge 2; hits, off \'h\e card: Quinn 1; struck out. by Weilana 2, bases. New York 7. St. Louis 6; base Malone 4. Cunningham 2, Brandt 1; Potty 12 In 6. Erickson 4 In 1 1-3. Hicks out—545 435 554—40. on balks, off Iloyt 3. Coffman 1. Klm ­ Jones 0 In 2-3, Spencer 2 In 1: losing Shores 1, Quinn 2; hits, off McKain sey 2; struck out, by Coffman 4. Hoyt hits, off Malone 6 in 4 2-8, Cantwell "If! I Garon out—644 346 744— 42. 10 in 4 1-3. Walsh 3 in 2-3 (none out 6 in 2 2-3. Carlson 3 In 4 1-3, Cun­ pitcher. Petty; umpires, Quigley, Mc- In. f>th),-Welland 4 in 3. Shores 9 in 4. Klm sey 1; hits, off Coffman 8 in 4, ningham 3 In 2 1-3. Brandt 1 in o; Grew and Clarke; time. 2:06. . Hicks in—545 445 - (none out In Bto). Klmsey 0 in 4; los­ X—Batted t o r Petty in 6th. bring your 4 2-3. Quinn 5 in 2 1-3. W alberg 1 In passed balls. Sbohrer 2; wjnmng Garon in—555 645 363—42 84. ing pitcher, Coffman: umpires. Gclsel. pitcher. Carlson; losing pitcher. XX— Batted for Jones In 8th. 2; wild pitch, Walsh; winning pitch­ Dinneen and Nallln; time. 2:10. Ihttra hole: er. Shores; losing pitcher. McKain; Hicks—4. V Garon—5. The fifth round this afternoon brought the first match between two BREAKFAST- Americans when Helen Hicks and Mrs. Leo Federman met. Miss CoUett’s opponent in the af­ ternoon play was Beryl Brown of Formby, while Maureen Orcutt met will you return the dishes? ; Enid 'Wilson, former English native champion and one of the outstand­ ing British threats in the champion­ “I didn’t think I had an extra milk bottle around,” said one of m y' ship. customers, “but I just looked—and here are seven I found m the ^ cellar and there were five back of the garage! How They Stand Won’t you please see if YOU have any extra bottles, too—and set them out NOW so Til get them in the morning. YTISTERDAY’S RESULTS It isn’t just on MY route. Every milkman in Manchester is los­ Eastern League , Jlartford 8, Springfield 5. 400* F. End Point ing dozens of bottles every week. Allentown 8, Albany 2. Providence 7, New Haven 2. It actually costs us more for bottles than for any other item of Pittsfield 9, Bridgeport 5. National League material and supplies. ^ ' St. Louis 6, New York 4. Philadelphia 14, Pittsburgh 8. At No Extra Cost Chicago 9, Boston 8. We need your cooperation to help stop this l National Leagno Manehratw Green Phene 3484 Boston at Chicago. N ^ .Y o rk at S t Louis. Kooklyn at cancinnali. FWladelphia at PittShurgb. American Leagne U L F REFiNiNe. C o m p a n y Chicago at Philadelphia. St Louis at New York. ADVERTISE IN THE HERAIiD^^fT PAYS Detroit at Boston. Cleveland at Washington- S A N C T i ^ t o EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCITESTER; C O N N ^ ^-W E p^A Y ,

p i -:

THEC r*,- -sjji' f m m ^ j^^^UISSSSSSSssJISiw <%X«tXX3ta63t3083tM06i006M 6 X 3 B 6 »^ ^ HOUSES FOR RENT 65 LOST AND FOUND SITUATIONS WANTED— TENEMENTS 63 UNCLE LUTBER FIRST COLUMBIA Want Ad InAinaation MALE 39 a p a r t m e n t s —FLATS— f o r R E N T -s i x ROQM house, LOST—PAIR OP glasses, near all improvemehtsi^Qarage if need­ IN DERBY MILE TRIAL Miss J. A. Robinson of New Haven Cheney silk mills. Finder plea.se. CARETAKER OP LAWNS, .ceUaw f-OR RENT—|ITVB ROOMS on ed. Large rooms, • location^ very Manchester call' 11 South Main street or tele­ cleaned, clothes washed, all kinds Rogers Place—off Prospect street spent the week-end at the home ct NAM central. Telephone 4920. ' r her cousin Mrs. H. W. Porter. phone 6311. of odd work; also window washing. Bath, lights and gas, |20. Dial Evening Herald 4979. Louisville, Ky., May 14.— (AP.)— Mias Marjorie Burr of Boston Phone 4866. Non-professional interest In the l o s t —TOfiTOISE shell glasses in FARMS AND, liA N tf FOR spent the week-end at the home of CLASSIFIED black case between State theater FOR'RSINT—5 ROOM flat with all Kentucky Derby centered today at Miss Anne Dlx. Chicafoan b advertisements and Trotter street. Reward. Finder LIVE STOCK-t ' modem' -improvements, including Lexington, 80 miles east of here where residents of the Blue Grass The 4-H Olub and some of their return to Matter’s Smoke Shop. VEHICLES 42 heat at 67 Summer street TALCOTTVTLLHiFARM-- friends hung a May basket to the ' Inquire at 3 1-2 Walnut street. section awaited the arrival of the 6 rctomsfj elecUtc llj^tfc,’ , , Earl of Derby who will Inspect West street schTOl teacher, Miss 1 nt‘ aJ’l ” word aSd'compound FOUND—A MALE Collie pup. heat, new bam. «Uo. kPPl® owgiams Martin, at her home in Scotland fiach count a» Owner may have same hy paying FOR SALE—PONY and saddle, rea­ FOR RENT-74 ROOM tenement, Aimed thoroughbred nurseries there words as two words. Minimum cos all improvements, garage if de and berries. ■ Will exenknge before coming to Churchill Downs Friday evening. Miss Martin served price of three line*. for this adv. F. W. Hill, 10 Olcott sonable. Call Rosedale 18-12, . for small 6 ropip house well locab-’ M coach in the .entertainment re­ Line rates per day for transient street. sired. Apply 95 Foster street or where he will present the gold plate ed. O. R. LampWer Farm, Mm . to the ovmer of the winner of Ken­ cently given here by the Oluh. ‘ dial 5230. 860 Main street. East Hartford. t The Oenter School which started K«ec«Te »J;^/“ Uarge POULTRY AND tucky’s gfreat horse race Saturday. automobiles f o r s a l e 4 3 ROOM SUITE, new Johnson Phone 8-3221. The Earl will spend two days at last week on Standard Time, chang­ Philadelphia, May fi Consecutive Daye ..I J ctsl 9 cte SUPPLIES 43 Block, all modern Improvements ed Monday to Daylight’Time to con­ 3 Consecutive Days ..| «8| li «s f o r s a l e —60 ACRE f ^ Wijth Blmendorf Farm, the fambils'show George M. Lott of Chicago ax4.iohn . T, 1 — 1 1* cts GOOD USED CARS Phone Aaron Johnson 3726 or jani­ form with the rest of the town FOR SALE—ROASTING ducks, 6 room house, appls orchard,* about place of Joseph E. Widener, New ^ A l f orders' 'to^ ' ‘VrVgular insertions Cash or Terms tor 7635. schools. The school committee find Van Ryn of East Orange, N. J., will baby ducklings, hatching eggs^ 100,000 feet standing timber, all for York, his .host while he Is in Ameri­ will be charged at the one t l ^ rate. Madden Bros. ca. The .English nobleman left ing a great deal of dissatisfaction play No. 1 and No. 2, reepectiYely, Special rates for long term every Telephone 3837. B. T. Allen, 37 f o r r e n t —4 ROOM tenement $3,750. Wm. Kanehl. Telephone 681 Main St. Tel. 5500 Wuhlngton yesterday In Mr. Wid- expressed, interviewed the parents n singles, and WUmer Allison of dav advertising given upon Doane street. on School street, near Main with 7778. of the Center children, and finding Ads ordered for thre» ° V „ r « t h ener’s private railroad car and was Austin, Texas, and,Vaa.R}rn .wiill be and stopped bofore the third or fifth f o r s a l e —1929 Essex Sport all Improvements, and garage expihted to arrive In Lexington this that a very large majority favored (lav will be charged only for the ac Coupe, run 4000 miles. Archie Dial 7393. 12 Daylight time voted to change it paired in the doubles fo r the Halted lual number of times but Hayes, rear 829'Main street. ARTICLES FOR SALE 45 HOUSES FOR SALE, morning. accordingly. FOR RENT—AFTER June 1st, five Professional interest in the Derby States In the First American Zone no allowam.0 f o r S A L E ^ ’ ROOil • hew single concerned itself today with the re­ Miss Anne Dlx, Miss Marjorie Davis Cup tennis tie agalflst pasada on six time ads stopped after the room downstairs flat, on Bigelow Burr, Miss Harie Field, Miss Gladys BUSINESS SERVICES FOR SALE—GOOD LOAM, E, street, toqulre 63 Bigelow or tele­ house, one acre land, garage In sult of the Derby trial yesterday in at the Philadelphia Couptiy Club fifth day. basement, all improvements, in­ Rice, Frederick Hunt, Clayton Hunt, No "111:ani forbids"; display lines not Dickenson, telephone 7188. phone 5853. which Uncle Luther splashed his OFFERED 13 cluding oak floors,^) and copper way in the mud ahead of a field of Jr., David Htmt, Wescott Rice, Mrs Thmrsday, Friday* and Saturday of *^The Her.ald will not be responsible Howard Rice, Mrs. Jennie Hunt, FOR SALE—PAIR OF work har­ a p a r t m e n t a n d o f f ic e rooms screens. Price $4,80Q. Tel. 6203. six other Derby ellglbles In a mile this weeik. for more than one ASHES REMOVED BY the load or and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Hunt nesses, one farm wagon. Inquire S. for rent In Forest Block, Main Selection of the Uhlted States rep­ oC any advertisement ordered lor job. Aliy other jobs for light truck, •Tosephine Wetherell, Demlng COLONIAL HOMESTEAD, four dash. motored to the Devil’s . Hop Yar< resentatives was announced tonight more tlian one time. V. Flrpo, 116 Wells street. Dial street. August Kanehl. Dial 7641. Ned O. and Dark Entry were sec­ The Inadvertent omiae'pn of Incor street. Telephone 4543. Are places, 2 baths, electricity, run ond arid thifd in the race respec­ Saturday for a picnic. by Fltz-Eugene Dixon, captain of rect publication of advertls ng will be 6148. nlng water, ; State Road and bus Mr. and Mrs. Winthrop Davoll and the Davie Cup team, after a con­ rectified only by cancellation of the FOR RENT—4 ROOMS aU Im- tively. _ provements, rdnt reasonable. In­ line, one acre of land, 2 car garage. family of Liberty Hill were dinner ference with Joseph W. Wear, chair charce made for the service lendereo. WANTED—TEAM WORK carting BOATS AND Workouts today with the Derby a j^ests Sunday at the home of Mr. All advertisements must oon^rm ashes, plowing, etc. L. T. Wood quire H. Mint* Department Store. Will exchange for a small 6 room bare three days away were sched- man of the United States Davis Cup In style, copy and typography with ACCESSORIES 46 bouse. O. R. Lampbler Farm, Man. Davoll’s aunt. Miss Harriet Fuller. committee. The draw will be made regulations enforced by the Pub'lsh- Co,, 65 Blssell street. FOR RENT—FOUR room flat, third ided for the full Derby route of a Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hutchins at­ ers and they reserve the right to 860 Main street, East Hartford. mile and, a quarter for several lead­ tomorrow. floor, all improvements, all re­ Tel. 8-8221. tended the whist in Andover Friday Captain Dixon expressed his sp- edit, revise or reject any copy con­ FOR SALE—16 FOOT Old Townc ing contenders. sidered objectionable. FLORISTS—NURSERIES 15 decorated, garage, at 86 Clinton evening given under the auspices of preciation for the “fine team spirit’’ CLOSING HOURS— Classified ads to canoe. Call 5795, FOR SALE—6 ROOM house; also 5 Gallant Fox and Crack Brigade, Andover Grange. street. Phone 4970. first and second runners In the of the American players snd said he he published same day WE HAVE NOW ready 500,000 room bungalow. All Improvements. Mrs. Julie Little and son Horace felt confident of their ability to ce.lved by 12 o clock noon; Saturdays FOR RENT—4 ROOM tenement, all Call at 168 Benton street. Dial Preakness jvere not expected to at­ Little and Clarence Biseell of Hart 10:30 a. m. flowers and vegetable plants; also ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES tempt long trials until later in the emerge victorious over the Cana­ redecorated, all Improvements, 95 '8718. ford spent the week-end at Mrs. dians. He warned tBe players t e l e p h o n e y o u r perennials, shrubs, evergreens, week. fruit trees, shade trees and orna­ —RADIO 49 Charter Oak street. Apply Sam Little’s cottage at the lake. against’ over-eonfldenoe, pointing out WANT ADS. Yulyes, 701 Main street, telephone; Several members of- the local that the Canadian ’ representatives Ads are accepted over the telephone mental trees. These plants are first LATEST m o d e l s of Atwater class and low prices. This Is the 5426. Christian Endeavor society went to had worked bard in their prepara­ at the c h a r g e r a t e given above Kent, and Zenith Radios, electrical STATE CENSUS nCURES, Gilead Stmday evening to attend the a convenience to advertisers, but best time of the year to plant work of all kinds. Raymond A. FOR RENT—5 ROOM tenement OPENING STOCKS tion for the matches and. were in the c a s h r a t e s will be accepted as them. Always open. Phone 8-3091, C. E. service there. « fine condition. n u l l PAYMENT If paid at the busi­ Walker, 64 iHather street. Phone A-1 condition, modem, near 379 Burnside Avenue Greenhouses, The Columbia pulpit was occupied ness office on or before the seventh 4673. ( " Cheney mills, $20 and $25. Inquire ' New Haven, May 14.^ (A P .)--' New York, May 14.—(AP.)--The Sunday morning by Rev. C. R. Dler day following the East Hartford. premises, 5 Walnut street. Tailor The brilfway maifk In town flgutee England Winner. each ad otherwise the CHARGL Stock Market opened irregularly lamm of New Haven. His subject Torquay, Blngland, May 14.—^The RATE will be collected- No responsi- ,Sbop. Tel. 5030. of population In the 1930 census, was “The glory of the common' FLOWERING SHRUBS, Rose bush­ FUEL AND FEED '49-A higher today. „ . . English Davis Cup team won both bllity for errors In telephoned ads es, rambler roses, climbing vines, ^uirieratlon in Connecticut was Case rose 4 points, and American place’’. The church was beautifully will be assumed and their accuracy FOR RENT—5 ROOM flat, aU mod-- pasaed last night when the 87 th but decorated with flowers in honor of singles nuitches with Poland yester­ cannot be guaranteed. hedging plants, evergreen trees, FOR SALE—BIRCH seasoned hard em Improements. Inqulr'. at 27 (Mn-1 3-8, Air Reduction, Vanadi­ day to g6to the third round. fruit trees, grape vines, spring wood, or hickory sawed for. stove, of the 169 towns w m officially giv- um, Mexican Seaboard and Ameri­ Mothers’ Day. INDEX OF Elro street. ep out. J ' _ ^ Neighbors and friends to the num Snigel Sharpe, who easily defeated bulbs, hardy plants, perennials and furnace, or tire place by the truck can and Foreign Power, 1. Westing- Max Stolarow of Poland yesterday, CLASSIFICATIONS load, good service and measure The figures,were for 87 towns; ' house Electric gained 1-2. Howe her of 50 went to the home of Mr. annuals of all kinds. Burke The FOR RENT—5 ROOM flat, all mod­ 184,002 M'compared with 162,413 played Tlcoczynsky and scored in Births ...... Florist, Wayside Gardens, Tel. guaranteed. Fred Miller, Coventry. em Improvements. Inquire Robert Sound dropped 1 3-4, Standard of and Mrs. Ljmde Porter in the Hop Engagements ... In 1920. River District on Saturday evening straight seta, 6—2, 6—1, 6—^l..H. G. Rockville 714, Telephone Rosedale 33-3. R. Keeney, 16 Eldrldge street. N. J., 1, U, S. Steel, Anaconda and N. Lee, England's ace, bad more dif­ Marriages ...w Deducting the present population Missouri KansM Texas, 5-8. in honor of their S5th wedding aU' H e a th s...... FOR RENT—6 ROOM flat with all of Orange because of comparison niversary. Old style dances were ficulty, however. In dlspo^lg of Card of Thanks ...... *; ‘ The market displayed a firm un­ Stolarow, 6— 4, 6—^2, 8—6. W In Memorlam ...... ^ GARDEN—FARM- Improvements. Inquire at 82 Cot­ with its 1920 figures is not yet enjoyed. A purse of money and a STORAGE 20 dertone during the first half hour, England will play either Australia Lost and Found ...... * DAIRY PRODUCTS 50 tage street or telephone 4332. made, the town having been divided but trading .continued exceptionally bouquet of carnations were present­ Announcements i . : . ^ MOVING—TRUCKING— since 1920, the gain for 1980 In the or Ireland in the third roimd. Personals ...... • ...... dull, and price changes were mostly ed by some of their neighbors in ad­ AvtoMobllM PEKRETT & GLENNEV INC. WOULD LIKE a few more cus­ FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM flat on 87 towns is: 20,077 or about 12.4 per limited to a point or so. dition to other gifts. Automobile# for Sal# ...... 4 tomers for Tuberculin tested milk, Center street, also 6 room tene­ cent. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Morton of Automobile# for Exchang# .. t Local and long distance express News WM moderately favorable ASSASSIN ON.TWAL • and freight service, including over­ delivered at your door every, morn­ ment, all modem Improvements. Oply- three communities of over Freight car loadings as reported for South Manchester visited their Auto Accee#orle#— Tire# street. Auto Repairing— ^Painting . . . 7 night express service between Man­ ing 13c qt. Call Rosedale 36-14 or Inquire 147 East Center 10,000 have been reported and one the week ended May 3 showed a daughter, Mrs. Harvey Collins on Brussels. May 14.—^(AP.^Fer- 7-A o f ’these only Is a city—Shelton. In Auto School# ••••••;...... chester and New York. Furniture .3028. Telephone 7864. gain of 35,725 cars over the pre­ Sunday. nando de Rosa today; was oriisred Autos— Ship by Truck ...... t several cities the count has ad­ Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lyman Autoe— For Hire ...... ■ moved under the supervision ot ex­ WANTED—CUSTOMERS for T. B. FOR RENT—NORTH END, tene­ vious week, but was 109,836 below committed to the Cobrt of Msizen Garages—Service—Storag# t..... 10 perts and in specially constructed vanced to a point where estimates and two daughters motored to tested milk, at your door dally 13c ment of 5 rooms, all improvements, the like week of iMt year. It w m for trial charged with att^pted Motorcycles—Bicycle# ...... “ trucks. Phone 3063. 4860 or 8864. are being made of the population notable, however, that the total was Wethersfield Simday to the home of assassination of the Italian Crown Wanted Autos—Motorcycles .... i* a quart with tickets. Maple Rowe 159 Oakland street. Phone 4960, but the actual figures have not been only moderately less than for the Mr. Lyman’s mothei:, Prince Humbert. * ^ Buslne— and Profeaelonal Service- Farm, Coventry. Phone Rosedale Mrs. Lynde Porter went Tuesday Business Services OffMed ...... L. T. WOOD CO.— Furniture and FOR RENT—COZY TWO room given out. corresponding week of 1928 and De Rosa was arreste^L alter a piano moving, modern equipment, 33-13. to the Hartford Hospital, where she Household Services Offered ...... 13-A modem apartment facing Main 1927. shot had been fired at V Humbert B u ild in g -Contracting ...... experienced help, public store­ will have an operation. Florists—Nurseries_Viirspriea street, in Orford Bldg. Tel. 5531. The American Petroleum Instl' while he was visiting thM ^m b of Funeral Directors ...... 16 house. Phone 4496. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 tute’s estimate of crude oil produc the Unknown ^ l^ e r oere last 17 VETERAN TRIES SUICIDE Healing—Plumbing—Roofing FOR RENT—4 ROOM flat, on tion for last week showed practic­ FIRE MENACE PASSED October. . j Insurance ...... It FOR SALE—3 PIECE parlor suite, Maple street, modem Improve­ Millinery—Dressmaking ...... 4 = PAINTING—REPAIRING 21 I ■# ally no change from the previous Moving—Trucklng-»-Storage 20 kitchen table and chairs, Glenwood ments, rent very reasonable. Apply Medford, Mass., May 14— (AP)— week, and Oil. Paint and Drug Re Albany, N. Y., May 14.— (AP.)— Painting—Papering ...... 21 PAINTING AND PAPER hangiui, kitchen range. Inquire 346 Keeney Miss Walker, Main office. 'J. W. A ^ orld War veteran, Raymond porter’s weekly average gasoline The executive proclamation closing A BARGAIN PRICE I'rofcssional tJervices...... 22 23 neatly done, prices reasonable. street. Hale Company. HoitSboan. 35, of Hackensack, N. J., price at refineries showed a slight llppalring ...... V.V ‘ ' the state forest preserves has ma­ Very choice buildifig lot on Pitkin 'i:pilorlng— Dyeinig—Cleaning 24 James F. Roach, Jr.. 36 Walnut was In a hospital today with a self- terially improved the forest fire sit­ FOR SALE—3 USED ice boxes, in inflicted bullet wound , and police ^^.Mthough the government Insti­ street offered for sale.; Sidewalk, I’oilct Goods and Service ...... street. Dial 5921. excellent condition. Apply Alfred uation, the conservation commission curb, sewers, gas and a paved *50 Wanted—Business Service ...... *o said-he ha4 confessed coming here tuted anti-trust proceedings against announced today. All fires were re­ Cdiicntloual A. Grezel, 1 Purnell Place. to klU both'his fa,ther-.in-law and his Radio Corp., In connection with its foot street. $1560 Is the price, terms Courses and Classes ...... 27 REPAIRING 23 COVENTRY ported out or under control. if desired. Build now and save Private Instruction ...... )ister-ln-law. patent arrangements, the stock sold The fire fighting forces have had 2S-A Oak dining room table $8, Patrolman Simeone Touchette money—ask your contractor about D ancing ...... New dressers $14. up more than a point, after a, slight to cope with but two serious fires in Musical—Dramatic ...... MOWER SHARPENING, vacuum saw him enter the home of Frank sag at the opening. Standard of N* building coats. Wanted—Instruction ...... < 30 cleaner, phonograph, clock repair­ Gas stoves $10 and $15. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph^Hall and two the past 24 hours, one was at Jef- Bedell, his father-in-law, last night J. regained an early loss. Other FJnniiclnl ^ ing. key fitting. Eraithwaite. 52 Watkins Furniture Exchange friends of Bristol visited at the fer’s mountain west of Hadley, In Close to East Center street,-;heau- Bonds—Stocks—^Mortgages with, a revolver iri>his hand. Rush­ stocks gaining a point or more in­ tifui hbme'’of 6 rooms, flrei^'e, tile Pearl street. home of Mr. Hall’s uncle, Foster C the southeastern Adirondacks. The Business Opportunities ...... FOR SALE—ICE BOX in A-1 con­ ing after Tiim, ToU’bliette came upon cluded Loews, Mack Truck, Inter­ other was near Minnewaska, in the bathi 2 car garage. Owneria ^busi­ Money to Loan ...... "" Hall on Sunday. Help and Situations SEWING MACHINE repairing ot dition.'Call 6398 or inquire at 116 him' on a stalirway and the man national Harvester, Mathieson-, and southern Catskills. Both were under ness caiUa him away and thla ideal Lester Newman who has been turned the gun upon himself and United Oorp. after selling off a frac­ Help Wanted—Female ...... Su ‘ all makes, oiLs. needles, and sup­ North School street. , spending a few days with his step­ control today. home is offered at a sacrlflca price. Help W anted— M ale ••••••-•------plies. R. W. Garrard, 37 Edward fired. tion, U. S. Steel moimted more than Call us at once for appointment to Help 'Wanted—Male or Female .. FOR SALE—MAHOGANY gateleg mother, Mrs. Sarah Newman has re­ .Police said Holtsman, who has a point. Houston Oil, Vanadium, Agents Wanted ...... -3 7 -A. street. Tel. 4301. turned to his home in Hartford. inspect. Situations Wanted—Fem ale ...... extension ■ dining table and buffet, three chllifren, tpld a story of court­ and Eastman Kodak mounted 2 to 3. In 1914 six American flagships of Situations TManted—M a l e ...... ■ practically new. Will sacrifice for Word has been sent to. the people ing Miss Zelma Bedell, sister pf his On the other hand, Oolumbia Gas, 70,000 gross tons were operated Jn Bmployinent Agencies ...... ■4'' COURSES AND CLASSES 27 quick sale. Call 35 Westminster of Coventry telling them ^ about the late wife.' On bib 'Refusal to marry General Public Service, and Atchison our foreign trade with Europe. To­ ROBERT J. SMITH I.lve Stock— PetSr-*’®“ l*'y'—Yehiclo:ji, young people’s society of Belknap him, he said he fleiV here by ai^lane 1000 ' Dogs—Birds—Pets ...... 41 Road, or dial 7930. lost about a point. day there are 232 ships ot 1,500,0()0 Live Stock—"Vehicles ...... EARiiER TRADE, taught In day haying a very humorous and enter­ from New* Yorfe "to' klirthe two. Foreign; exchanges were firm, with gross tons operating in this trade. Fire and AntomdUte Inaaranoe. Poultry and Supplies ...... 43 and evening classes. Low tuition taining evening which will be pre He wounded himself, in the chest sterling cables opening at Wanted — Pets—Poultry*—Stock 44 rate. Vaughn Barber School, 14 WANTED—TO BUY 58 sented Thursday evening at 8 p. m. and his condition was serious today. $4.85 31-32, up 3-32.______For Sale—SHeceUaneoue Market street Hartford. .\rtlcles fo r S a l e ...... • 45 WILL PAY HIGHEST cash prices D. S. T. by the young people: Boats and Accessories ...... 4i, society of Staffordville. FALLS TO DEATH Building Materials ...... 47 for rags, papers, magazines and GOLD STAR MOTHER HURT Diamonds—Watches—Jewelry .. 4» HELP WANTED— metals. Also buy all kinds of Rev. and Mrs. J. iN. Atwood and Electrical Apipliances—Radio ... 49 FEMALE 3.5 chickens. Morris H. Lessner. Dial Mrs. Henry I. Barnes will attend New York, May 14— (AP) — A Chicago, May 14— (AP) W. V. Fuel and Feed ...... 6389 or 3886. the Tolland County Association of Gold Star mother who set out for Harrison, 50 years old, Carden — Farm—Dairy Products 50 dent member, jumped or fell to Ws Household Goods ...... 51 Churches held at Bolton Center Europe at midnight bn the steam­ Machinery and T ools ...... “ 2 WANTED JUNK Wednesday. ship Republic to visit the grave of death from the 14th floor of the Musical Instruments...... 63 Experience Millinery Salesladies I will buy anything saleable and her son In Francqmet keen'disap­ Union League Club early today. Office and Store Equipment .... 54 pay best cash prices. Prompt atten­ Just a few-moments before ms .Speciaks at the Stores ...... 56 Apply pointment early today when she. THAT .BANNER WITH LA FRANCE MILLINERY tion. Wm. Ostrlnsky, 91 Clinton. STUDY EXPORT PROBLEMS broke her collarbone .In a fall and b od y w a s found, Harrison had trie- OOR ^EHEALO^T Wealing Apparel—Furs ...... 67 phoned the switchboard operator for THE MALTE5E CROSS. AVanted—To B uy ...... 58 739 Main Street Tgl, 5879. ■ had to be removed from the ship at CLAIMS A I^WMT \ Ilooius—Board—Hotels Resort# fU66£ST$ A CRUSADEI?. Next State Theater Boston, May 14.— (AP.)—^Two Quarantine. She Is Mrs. Anna a physician. < WHO WENT OH Hestaurante hundred manufacturing -executives Harrison was the manager of the BUT THE ARMOR IS Booms Without Board ...... 69 Thursday from 9 to 6 p. m. ROOMS WITHOUT BOARD 59 Dovas, 64, of New York City. . the FHST.CRO- Boarders "Wanted 69-A representative of 28 commercial Mrs. Dovas slipped and feH em.the Redpath Lyceum Bureau. He regis­ OF A LATER pemoo. Country Board—Resorts •••...•• 60 tered at the club last night. SADE.IWTHETHH?’ FOR RENT—TWO AND THREE organizations froih six states met ship sailed down the bay wid -a V Hotels—Bestaurants ...... 61 WANTED—^WOMAN to do house­ in a one day session today at the physician disclosed-A. broken collar,- TEENTH CCHTUfPf. Wanted—Rooms—Board ...... 82 rooms furnished with gas; also 3 ibcPRESS TRAIN DELAYED Real Estate For Rent work, and care for children, go room tenement, 109 Foster street. Hotel Statler to study ways anc. bone. She was lowered to a launch w-.x- • *•-■*• **>< T“ Apartments, Flats, Tenements 63 home nights. Write Box H, in care Inquire of Janitor. means of promoting export sales of summoned by ramo from Staten Business Locations for Rent ... 64 of Herald. New Englafi'd products. The gath­ Island and taken to a hospital there. New Yor^,/May 14— Houses for Rent ...... 65 FOR RENTr-PURNISHED rooms ering was the first New England ex-< X-4, eastbotmd’ fast mall train of Suburban for Rent ...... 66 the N. Y. Central line, was delayed Summer Homes for Rent ;...... « 67 by the week, at The Waranoke port conference and! It was con­ Wanted to Rent ...... 68 HELP WANTED—MALE 36 Hotel. Call 3867,. or at hotel. vened under the auspices of the New ITALY’S, UNEMPLOYED nefur Poughkeepsie, N- Y-. Real Estate For Sale jMiiutes shortly after 5 o’clock (E. 69 England Coimcil. The InstructoVa Apartment Building for Sale "WEAVERS WANTED on night FOR RENT — LARGE furnished Rome, May ^!T;).;thls morning, when It stopped Business Property for Sale 70 shift 4:15 to 1 a. m. Raw and were a corps of technical experts I’anns and Land for Sale ...... 71 front room. In Selwltz Building from the

G PT AG E R M l i 'i MUU mK ikt UfiriK

There are at least four mistakes in ^ e above pictore. They xa^ tain to grammar, history, etiquette, drawing or whatnot. _ Sm it ^ u can find them. Then look at the soramhled word bdow.- and u|X8craii> hie it, by switching the letters aroimd. Grade y o u r a ^ 2(). for each of the mistakes you find, and 20 fo r the word if you i t ..

(4) there ^ A 6it tte gannei •ot • ^ ^ . K. ^ ^ ?| C U ^ ^ --t '■'-' ^V,- ■ " ' '- ■■' '- " ■ ■- i . ■" ■ ■ • N ' \' PAGE PTFTEl By Percy L. Crosby lapper anny ay SKIPPY ; , . , F______i«au,aw>T.o»r. F ■S & '.j.- >='-•>■'.'•,1-. .. Y ■ ■ - V - - W im « * NONSBiSE -V’ ' V ____i. '• — w——iw ______’■ • ^ ------—-----' ' . - - -'I'Hi— ■ - ^ .v . Did This Ever Hi^p«n to Yoaf' f Now, , d ^ ,.'. you:; have - the whole '1,^1^ . — •' •; AV' £V/6R ’.SINCE T «6N ^ * * ^ day to wrtti^ in .*>: isn’t that lovely? .1- MET. A'M6W- SuV ' 1 r f U p P t O A N ' HE FLAT OM HIS i V e HAD A . . . there to nobody home but , we t h e 0 ’TM€R ',QAV" BV.TM6.:|- " two . . ..andf It’s just the hind of a ' a n ' 60T iJp AH^ H i t M€ OVgR THC HEAP 0I5L IK 6 ^FO R HIM ‘ day you like ^. . here, let me put the rJAWie o r T o u fe H V . WITH A BAtt BAT. ' typewriter near the window . . . there . . . I know you need absolute quiet in order to concentrate on your work and it’s just fine to think the radio is shut off . . . there . . . I feel sure you will do a' lot of writing to­ day . . . when we get the new house you can have a room all of your own; won’t that be lovely? . . . then you won’t feel so cross when com­ pany comes or the head of the fami­ ly goes conversational. . . . I think you ought to have three windows for your room, don't you? . . . Mmmmm . . . and let’s see, green T. lAM » Pwey Li. Crosby, Grc.it Briisin nchls rrJorvrH drapes . . . don’t you like green j Features Syndicate. Inc.____ drapes? 1 said don’t you . . . Hmmj, one might just as well have no child at all as one who pays no attention > to her poor old mother . . . your ^ OUR BOARDING HOUSE brother always wrapped up in his ONI Toonerville Folks By Fontaine Foi books and your father fiddling with By Gene Ahem the radio . . . I m-m-might as well £vcry wedding dress is finally have NO child of my ovm or any altar-ed. f-f-family . . . who feels badly? . . . UEM WORTLE'S OLP MAID SISTER HAS BEEN TELLING C> don’t be silly . . . go on and write. failure while listening to a prize EVERYONE IN TOWN HOW THAT HANDSOME YOUNG STRANGER AUP, BY irov/E. «— Too BAP -TWeRS iSkiV MAToB. a f t e r Green drapes . . . We-ell . . . I fight over the radio. A MOBLE PRI^E PUT iXKlMCa CEKlSUS really think you ought to have pur­ y T R IE P HIS B E S T T O FLIRT W IT H HER. APTfeR I PU-f T9S HooPLE ple ones, you’re so temperamental UP THR THE MOST OKI Y ou AF-fER She (after a fight)—Well, the only ! moTor- i >riYeaA Po c k iMg OUTs Ta UPIMGi : . . don’t you think that would be thing left to do is to divide this' ALL t h e s e Ye a r s , more artistic? . I said don’t you house in two, you can have one CriAIR 01^ THE MAT^KE-r — .a c Hie Ye m e k it I FlMP THAT . . . well, if you-heard me why don t side and I’ll take the other. THekI I AM Goi/^G - f o I Id c o m f o r t AUP VoU HavIE SHqiaIkI you be polite enough to reply? . . . He—That suits me, what side LAZiMSSS » -1, my stars, what are you going to do MAMliFAC-fLlRE A CRAPLE A 7 5 "PSP c e UT shall I take? YoU''P VdiKi iT nnow? play the piano! . . . why you She—You can have the outside. THAT IS ALSO POCKEP BY in cr ea se ikI know it’s in need of tuning . . . I I’ll take the inside. BiTfiKlG PoWfU thought you were going to write . . . A MoT qR * .^;^-FAMcY THATI hmmmmm, no wonder you never will Talk may be cheap, but the tele -^-^-'-E(^Ap, I MAY EYEM be a success . . . such a child. . . . phone companies have gotten ^ ■ My stars. . . . mighty rich handling it. APP A PHOfdo caRAPrilC * ApparaTiJs - tmat Will Good Reason Single Blessedness Is Never Ap­ SIMG A ' lullaby I. Jed—And why did ye leave Tomb- | preciated So Much As By Those in stone Gulch, Hank? i the State of Double Cussedness. Hank—I left that thar town be-; cause of a belief, Jed. Son—Mother, do they have oil re­ Jed—What belief. Hank? i fineries in heaven? n Hank—I believe if I’d stayed there Mother—No, dear, it requires en­ they w'oulda hung me, Jed. gineers to build oil refineries. Brother—Sis, what is a widower? If he’s 60 and says he feels like Sister—Why, you big dumbell, a 16-year-old he’s either a liar or don’t you know that ar^vidower is a widower trying to marry again— the husband of a widow? maybe both. " Most Men Hate to Buy New' Hats Brown—I’m glad the world is ct> and New Shoes. filled with sunshine. Peter—An optimist, eh? Somehow' we have the impression Brown—No. An awning manufac­ that we will never die from heart turer. Take no thought for the morrow and the poorhouse keeper will take N C C . thought for you. U P O N ^ ® She—When I married you thought you Were a brave man. A T IM E .- He—So did everybody else. Maybe the golden age was that way because folks didn’t have so much brass. —^1 Jirn-— n««,u. a PAT. OTT. ! When the Wedding Is Put Off the m e c h a n ic a l S iTT iNC j ‘BULU Chances Are It Will Never Be ' C t >30 BY NCA SEPVICE. WC. 1 Fomair.e Fo.i. 1530 I Pulled Off. Judge—^Ten dollars or ten days. Drunk—If it’s jusha same to you, Easy to the Rescue! By Crane Judge, I’ll take the ten dollars. WASHINGTON TUBBS IL I ' ■ ' There are a lot of things every j man would like tq forget if his wife PSAViS RUM, ViOUPiNG UlASH AS A SVViEtP, AUO To, MART.; would let him. r tL-TgASS '\S AFRAVPTO F'V^ AGAIN,. FOR. FEAR OF ^OV\, FLEASED slates, I CAMT'I t Ty(2/\l' XE i '/OU’RE MOT let 'EM RUN OFF A lthou gh he \ , B\TT\ii(J WIM, J ' : voted against YEARS’ DIFFERENCE IQOS&* eOlMG TO IvdlTA WASH .LIRE America’s entry lease me iTUATl WERE- TAVCE Tv\\S GUN, into the W’^orld She wanted to be in the beauty -TRA??e^>/ WERE alone; W- a r. Senator chorus, so she wrote an applica­ AMP WEASEN George W’. Nor­ tion, enclosed her photograph, and HELB 'IOO. ris of Nebraska, w'as asked to come for an inter­ C O M tS O U T O f CMfE, tried CO enlist view. Imagine her surprise when AUO IS SURPRISSP in the marines told by the manager she was too as a private late. BY WAlTiRO BRAVES a n d desisted “Is the position filled?” she only when told 3,SkG(l HEAP WUNTERS 6ET<“ he would not “No,” he replied, “but you •FO'iOf AFtER,Tv\E\R. “OEFEAr. ?APpUE AVI AS be sent over­ should have come when you had *% ' '*■ s' seas to fight. this picture taken.”—Tit-Bits. FROM \%IMX> Birr LEA« SECRET UlAB BARTS VllPlbiG NFAB. CASE. V HESVTUMlONVSPESPEEKTE* O UlCW AB A FLABrt, EASY JERiCS OUT H\S e asy is forcep to bati^ * RESOLSEF M4P BEGINS SBOCTlNG. ONE Itwie heap hunters \M the OFEH. DAMAGE PROPS PE AP- AHOTtiER^SVlOUNPEp. * io n r r 4 ;^ m a c c o c h r a n —' p i c t u r e s // iciw L By Blosser FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS It Won’t Be Long Now! ”V ( SEE.' 1 Hope THEY arrest (SET VOpR. UECK! that ISNT THERE'S WLE/S PLANE!! RJ28AR-THEN I'LL QO AND HARCMAPE^ eoVS-'.' RILEY’S plane after nnell, s o f a r so

‘ s ,o c ^ u Cj -- —

M. Va.»»r>Miyrr. '' ’V-. .iv V >BvmA>geyi6K.wcV a 9. PAT. bFK,e__ 1M0BY>«A5CRVK«:iN^ By Small GettingEven J (READ THE STORY, THEN COLOR THE PICTURE) SALESMAN flAM llie kiel Bay trip was quite a floor. The man began to play ;SO \ TH* , r<2rOLLt<,THFT G\RL. SGEtAS ) 'sight and, with the old sun ' once more, and then he sang a &000 PAY, (46.— Just then they heard some, mel­ sung. And when the whole bunch S'. ody and dow ny said, "Oh,-mercy joined right in. It sufely sounded (3 a

• -jt*; W-

PAGE SIXTEEN HRanrheatwr Emlttii ^graU>

The auctioneers who have conducting the close-out sale at A ABOUT TOWN L. Brown’s former store at I^pot Square have set as the final day ot The Manchester Garden club has their sale Saturday, May 17. From now until then the remaining mer­ been obliged to decUne an invita­ tion to exhibit at the show of the chandise in the store vnU go at ex­ Connecticut Valley club at the old ceptionally low prices. The shopper ^ state house in Hartford June 4 and will find many bargains fqr i DEPARTMENT 5 owing to the fact that the mem­ members of the family. bers are busy with preparations for a plant sale on Satiirday and a lo­ There will be a pre-natal clinic at cal show early hi June. Last year the Memorial hospital annex tomor­ the club won first prize in the class row afternoon at 3:30. open to garden clubs at the spring show held at the Morgan Memorial Miss Elsie Deer is chairman of 11 last season. the card party which Bolton Grange will give Friday evening of this The first anniverstyry mass in week in Bolton Center hall. memory of the late l^rs. Antonio Farr will be collated at St. James’s church at 8 o’clock tomor­ LOCAL SOLOIST FACES row morning.

Temple Chapter, Order of the STRENUOUS PROGRAM Eastern Star, will hold its regidar meeting in the Masonic Temple this evening. The business will include G. Albert Pearson Has Fo«r i the initiation of candidates. Worthy Engagements Throughout | Matron Mrs. Lula Bidwell requests the State Next Few Weeks. the members to bring in their “rainy-day” bags, distributed in j G. Albert Pearson, one of Man­ Presenting New Summer Sports Silk Fabrics- March. The latter have been few j chester’s best knovra soloists who is and far between this spring and j rapidly gathering laurels as a sing- she hopes the members will rather | er in appearances throughout the Silk Frocks And Their Smart Accessories consider that they have been given state, has a strenuous program for days of sunshine. mapped out for the next few weeks beginning tomorrow evening when Bridge, straight whist and set­ he will appear as soloist with the back will be played at St. James’s Beethoven Glee Club in a concert at hall this evening, with 18 prizes for the Hartford County Teacher’s As­ the winners and refreshments. sociation meeting at the Hotel Bond. . , , Mary C. Keeney Tent, Daughters Friday evening at 8:15 o clock Mr. of Union War Veterans will meet Pearson will be soloist at a concert tomorrow evening at the State by the Musical Clubs of Bristol Armory at 7 o’clock sharp, and ad­ High school, to be given in the High journ at 7:30 to take the bus for school auditorium. He will sing two Rockville. There they will visit the groups of numbers, in the first, recently organized tent, Maria “Floral Dance” , by Moss, “Pretty Newell, No. 22. As many of the local Creature,” by Dale, and “ Yeoman’s members who can do so are urged Wedding Song,” by Poniatowski; in ,to attend. the second, “ Shipmates O’ Mine, by Sanderson, “Three For Jack” , by Inasmuch Circle of Junior Kings Sullivan, and “ Captain Mac by Daughters will meet at 7 o’clock to­ Sanderson. ^ night with Emily and Janice Remig Monday evening. May 29, this of 87 Pine street. popular bass soloist will appear in SPORTS HATS recital with Miss Helen Hudson of New Sports Epworth Leaguers of the North Hartford in the Colonial room of Methodist church will hold their an­ the Bushnell Memorial and on Wed­ W hite and An Exhibition and Sale nual banquet in the church vestry nesday evening, June 4, vrtll be one tomorrow at 6:30 p. m. The decora­ of the five pupils of Mrs. Nellie Natural Straws tions will be in red and white, the Carey Reynolds, who will give a SILK FROCKS league colors. A roast beef supper recital at the Swedish Lutheran will be served by a committee of church. The other four pupUs are: Cheney young ladies as follows: Miss Hilda Miss Elsie Berggren, who will also Magnuson, chairman; Miss Mar­ be a soloist at the Hotel Bond to­ Pure Spun guerite Marks, Miss Lillian Black, morrow evening, Sherwood Ander­ In Smart Shantungs- Miss Florence Tyler and Miss son, Alfred Lange, and Wilfred Marion Taylor. Several of the mem­ Kent. ______and Silk Crepes bers of the Ladies Aid Society will Smart leghorns, linen and baku assist in preparing the meal. A full attendance of the Epworth Lea­ RUMMAGE SALE straws in white and natural shades Sports Silks guers is hoped for. in both small cloche and larger Thursday, May 15, 9 a. m. brimmed styles that will go well The Smart Tun Shan (Shantung) Ladies of the Second Congrega­ with light summer sports frocks. tional Aid society are looking for­ Throughout the Day and $16-75 Other sports hats in dark and light and Krisalkrepe ward to a large gathering at their Richards Bldg., Main St. 1-laytime supper and sale at the shades. church tonight at 6:30, inasmmeh as Loyal Circle King’s Daughters. it has been decided to sell tickets at the door. An attractive menu has For Sports Silk Week we are showing Others $1.95 to $5.95 been assembled and the m.sal will new frocks in aJl the smart sports fab­ be” well worth tlie m.oderate fee b u y a n d b u i l d rics that were so popular down South Main Floor, rear asl:cd. this winter and which will be seen at Two of the Bmarfest. summer sports' fabrics presented In Cheney ------I Silks— Shan and Kris^krepe. Tun Shan, or Shantung as it is Loyal Circle cf King’s Daughters ■ the smartest sports affairs this summer familiarly known, will lead' for sports wear. It is a heavy rough will sell used articles in clothing' — shantungs, silk crepes, silk piques and silk weave,. 40 inches wide in white, green, peach and' bright r?d. a:-.d furniture, all day toraorrov/, be­ CLEARVlEW silk damask. Frocks that feature sep­ IMsalkrepe is a beautiful, heavy silk crepe that will fashion smart ginning at 9 a. m., for the promo­ spectator sportia frocks. Choice of white, butter yellow, navy and 42 Restricted, large arate jackets, capelets, short sleeves, tion of their community charitable chocolate drop (brown.) work. The sale will be held in cno lots. Terms. flares, pleats," fitted waistlines and num­ of the stores in the Richards build­ erous other smart details. ing, Main street, west side. See Mrs. Joseph Wood, 51 Washing- i ton street, will open her home to- ] White China Blue Novelty Sports Silks morrow afternoon at 2 o’clock for j Arthur A . Knofla the weekly prayer meeting of the j , Piiik V.’omen cf the Nazarene church. Dial S75 Main S!. Nile SPORTS BAGS $1_.98 yard Orchid Maize In Pastel Shades In this price group we are showing Cheney’s novelty weave, silks that arc adapta))le for separate Jackets, suits, bags, sports dresses, Hale’s Apparel Dept.—Main Floor, rear to Match Your Frocks and scarfs. Novelty sUks—Tapestry, Double Check, Pin Dot, Mod­ em and Basket Weave—-that are washaWe and will wear well. See these new silks which we are featuring for Sports Silk Week!

Hale’s Silk Dept.^—^Main Floor, left GOOD THINGS TO EAT Special for Sports Silk Weekl These are the bags to carry for The Fish Department wil. SWANSDOWN feature for Thursday only. CAKE FLOUR spectator sports wear—stunning 29c. new calf bags in soft shades to F.\NCY FRESH LARGE Sleeveless match your sports frocks—rose, BUTTER FISH ----- 19c lb. We have just received Lath­ orchid, blue and eggshell. New Humming Bird Chiffon Hose am’s Strained Honey. flat models in smart shapes; some LARGE M.ACKEREL, fresh May Leete’s home made have zipper fastenings. In Smart Skin Shades from the water, weighing Orange Marmalade. about 2 to 2 1-2 lbs. 14c lb. 29c boxes Host’s Bran Wafers SILK Main Floor, front For Sports Wear Steak Cod, Fresh Salmon ALICE FOOTE Fillet of Haddock MACDOUGALL COFFEE Special 49c lb. Dressed Haddock, Halibut

■ ;___ If you like Veal we have some fancy chops and cutlets of : native milk fed Veal. Cliquot Ginger A le $1.99 dozen. Canada Plain Shantungs, Silk' i Dry $2.19 dozen. Country Club, Golden, P ale or assorted $2.75 I case and a rebate of 75c when cases and bottles are returned. The Smart glrla choose Humming Bird chiffon hose for I New Country Club Orange Dry. Piques and Crepes — sports wear as it is good looking yet inexpensively priced. Fashioned of pure sUk from tip-to-toe with the smart French heels. AU the new skin shades. Also Smart Prints. Pull-On Hale’s Hosiery Dept.—Main Floor, right

IXt WATKINS BROTHERS, Inc FABRIC Vanity Fair Funeral Directors GLOVES ESTABLISHED 55 YEARS Are Smart and Heigh-Ho Underwear I CHAPEL AT 11 OAK ST...... Frocks suitable for both ac­ yr,' tive and spectator sports Practical for Sports Robert K. Anderson Phones: OflSce 5171 wear. All feature the 1930 A New Bemberg Fabric for R^idence7494 Funeral Director silhouette with its fitted Active and Spectator . waistlines, flared or pleated Skirts, sleeveless styles or Sports Wear ' short sleeves. Featured in mm , plain shantungs, silk piques, These Duplex slip-on fabric gloves These cool, abfprbent un^es are especially adapt­ able for sports wear. They are fashioned of a new ^.and silk crepes; idsci neat ai’e worn for both active and spec­ Bemberg fabric— Heigh-Ho. Choice of Vests, prints in heavy crepes, Sizes tator sports wear. In the classic bloomers and yoke-front panties in peach only. pull-on style with picoted ends and Choose several sets for summer i^ r ts wear. ASPARAGUS for slim girls and women not stitched backs. White, eggshell We wish to can yonr attention to the fact tliat np deliveries so slim—:14 to 42.’ choice gnd beige. Gloves that will laun­ (rill 1^ nmde after 6 p, m« of colorings and styled a# . . ^ der eiSily and well. Bloomers $1.75 Panties $1.50; - Vests $1.25 I.OUIS L. GRANT tlale's. Wash D r ^ Buede Pull-Ons $2.25 PRAlSTrABMS Hde’« R»y®® Underw#»r Uept..—Main floor, rijjHt Haln Floor, right Bncklandj Conn. ^ Phone 637(1
