
J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.16.4.293 on 1 July 1963. Downloaded from

J. clin. Path. (1963), 16, 293

Inherited defects: a review

T. HARGREAVES' From the Department of Chemical Pathology, St. George's Hospital Medical School, Hyde Park Corner, London, S. W.I

Sir Archibald Garrod in 1909 pointed out that four The consequences of a genetic change and an diseases, , . , and alteration in the quality or quantity of a protein will pentosuria, were present from birth, lasted through- depend on the role normally subserved by that out life without worsening or improvement, and protein; in the cases that we are considering this is were present in other members of the family (Garrod, derangement of enzymatic function. The derange- 1909). These diseases were described as 'inborn errors ments that can occur include a blocked metabolic of '. The original four diseases have sequence. In the reaction A---* B-- C--# D, if been expanded to over 50 and the actual site of the C--# D is blocked then a clinical disorder may biochemical abnormality has been elucidated in many result from a failure to produce D, e.g., hypo- of them. In this review we shall consider those glycaemia due to an inability to form from diseases which are either known or thought to be glucose-6-phosphate in von Gierke's disease. The due to single enzyme defects. We have not con- precursor C may accumulate; for example, sidered those diseases that are thought to be due to accumulates in the absence of glucuronyl . renal tubular or intestinal abnormalities, for The remote precursers A and B may accumulate, for example, cystinuria. It is not yet known whether example, in von Gierke's disease. The block this type of disease is due to a specific enzyme between C and D may result in an increased utiliza- defect. tion of normally minor pathways, for example, in The fundamental discovery of Mendel (1901) con- . The application of these metabolic cerning the inheritance of plant characters had just cycles will be reviewed in each section. been resurrected and given prominence at the time The subject has been covered generally in recent http://jcp.bmj.com/ when Garrod was most active. The transmission of reviews, for example, that of Stanbury, Wyngaarden, a single character as a governing agent for a single and Fredrickson (1960). enzyme and accordingly, as one step in intermediary metabolism, seems implicit in Garrod's writings but DISTURBANCES IN AMINO-ACID METABOLISM is never stated as such. The concept attained clear definition in the 'one -one enzyme' principle Recent advances in the past few years in the under- first clearly stated by Beadle (1945). The formulation standing of the biochemistry of the amino-acids on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. emerged gradually from studies of eye colour in the coupled with the use of amino-acid chromatography fruit fly Drosophila and received extensive support in has helped to elucidate problems in the from work done on induced mutants of Neurospora disturbance of amino-acid metabolism and to crassa. The concept has been expressed as: 1 All demonstrate new cases of disturbed amino-acid biochemical processes in all organisms are under metabolism. genic control. 2 These biochemical processes are resolvable into series of individual stepwise reactions. 3 Each biochemical reaction is under the ultimate PHENYLKETONURIA In 1934 F0oling described 10 control of a different gene. 4 Mutation of a single patients, some of them siblings, who excreted phenyl gene results only in an alteration in the ability of the and were mentally deficient. Jervis cell to carry out a single primary chemical reaction. (1953) demonstrated that hydroxylase It is now realized that the one gene-one enzyme of the was inactive in these patients. The concept does not require a one enzyme-one gene condition is inherited through a single autosomal corollary, and that the 'gene' is being replaced by recessive gene. It is required that both parents of a progressively smaller units of ultimate genetic patient have the defective form of one of the two control. controlling phenylalanine hydroxylase; an apparent reduction of phenylalanine hydroxylase IB.M.A. research scholar can be detected in the parents. On the average one 293 J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.16.4.293 on 1 July 1963. Downloaded from

294 T. Hargreaves Albinism Phenylalanine I , Phenyl- Phenylalanine \\-CH.CH COOH hydroxylase -\NH 3,4 Dihydroxyphenylalanine 3,4 Dopaquinone--oMelanin HO/ CHCHCOOH HO NH. HO- -CH2.CH COOH O= -CH2CH2COC ?Tyrosinosis Tyrosine transam nase NH, NH.,

p-Hydroxyphenylpyruvic acid - 4 p-Hydroxyphenyllactic acid

p hydroxy- - \ \-CHi.,CH COOH Tyrosinosis phenylpyruvic HO/ CH2C COOH HO-/ (Medes) acid oxidase \. O.-Ii0 OH Homr entisic acid Alkaptonuria oxidase HO/_-\\HO I\CH ,COOH Maleylacetoacetic acid FIG. 1. Metabolic blocks in thle oxida(tioni of I plhenylalanine ani(l tYrosine. Fumarylacetoacetic acid http://jcp.bmj.com/

Fumaric acid t- acetoacetic acid out of four offspring from two heterozygous parents Mitoma, Auld, and Udenfriend (1957) showed that has both genes defective, and in these offspring two protein fractions are involved in this reaction, a phenylketonuria results. The disability is first labile fraction I found in liver and a more stable

manifest several weeks after birth, initially by fraction II found in and heart. The system on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. elevation of the plasma phenylalanine level and by required N.A.D. or N.A.D.P. and iron together with the excretion of phenylpyruvic acid. After six an unknown but necessary coenzyme which can be months, retardation of mental development is replaced by tetrahydrofolic acid. Fraction I is deficient apparent. Many of the children have blond hair, in phenylketonuria. blue eyes and fair skin, and a few show a tendency The deficiency of phenylalanine hydroxylase to develop or eczema. The majority of causes an excessive accumulation of phenylalanine patients have an I.Q. of 30 or less. in the blood and cerebrospinal fluid. The excessive Pathogenesis Phenylalanine is converted to tyro- phenylalanine is converted by its transaminase to sine by the enzyme system 'phenylalanine hydrox- phenylpyruvic acid, and this in turn is converted to ylase' in the liver alone; the reaction can be repre- phenyllactic acid, phenylacetic acid, and phenyl- sented as acetyl , which are excreted in the urine. o-Hydroxyphenylacetic acid, m-hydroxyphenylacetic L-phenylalanine.02±+N.A.D.P.H.-1 +H+--+- and ++ H20- acid, and indole products derived from tyrosine L-tyrosine+-N.A.D.P. are also found in the urine of such 'The following abbreviations are used The excessive phenylalanine inhibits the A.T.P. Triphosphate patients. N.A.D. Nicotinamide- dinucleotide normal pathways of tyrosine metabolism, there is a N.A.D.P. Nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide phosphate decreased formation of melanine accounting for U.D.P.G.A. diphosphate glucuronic acid U.D.P. Uridine 5'-pyrophosphate the blond hair and blue eyes; plasma adrenaline J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.16.4.293 on 1 July 1963. Downloaded from

Inherited enzyme defects: a review 295 levels are low in phenylketonurics. The excessive bolism of phenylalanine and tyrosine, cannot be phenylalanine or one of its products possibly metabolized; it accumulates and is excreted in the damages the central nervous system; the patients are urine. If the urine is allowed to stand it becomes mentally retarded and have epileptic seizures and dark and this sign leads to early recognition of the abnormal electroencephalograms. disease. Boedeker (1859) first diagnosed the disease The condition can be diagnosed by the presence with certainty and used the property of avid oxygen of phenylpyruvic acid in the urine and an increase uptake to give the substance a name 'alkapton'. of phenylalanine in the plasma. Heterozygotes can Garrod in 1909 wrote of the probable defect: 'We be detected by phenylalanine tolerance tests. The may further conceive that the splitting of the benzene homozygous condition can be ameliorated by giving ring in normal metabolism is the work of a special the infants a diet low in phenylalanine, which has no enzyme, that in congenital alkaptonuria this enzyme effect on older children, demonstrating that early is wanting, whilst in disease its working may be diagnosis of the disease is essential. partially or even completely inhibited'. The con- dition is compatible with long life. Except for the TYROSINOSiS This is a very rare inborn error of dark-coloured urine there are no clinical manifesta- metabolism described by Medes (1932). Her patient tions until the second or third decade when was a male Russian Jew who excreted large quantities begins to appear. Black pigments are of p-hydroxyphenylpyruvic acid and other tyrosine deposited in various parts of the body, and eventually metabolites but had no clinical symptoms. Medes, the patients develop deforming arthritis in middle Berglund, and Lohmann (1927) found an excess of age. p-hydroxyphenylpyruvic acid in the urine of a Garrod (1902) first described the inheritance of patient with myasthenia gravis, and Felix, Leonhardi. alkaptonuria and presented evidence that the con- and Glasenapp (1951) made similar observations on dition was congenital and familial. He suggested two patients with liver disease. The amount of that it was inherited as a single recessive gene. p-hydroxyphenylpyruvic acid excreted was consider- A study of the cases reported since that time has ably less than 50 mg. per day and it is probable that supported the view that the defect is due to a single these cases are of a different type of metabolic recessive autosomal gene, and gains further support abnormality from the case described by Medes. by the finding that a single enzyme system is in- The metabolic defect is a deficiency ofp-hydroxy- active in this condition and that only one clinical phenylpyruvic oxidase which requires form is known. and either ascorbic acid or dichlorophenolendo- Since the feeding of homogentisic acid to alkapto- http://jcp.bmj.com/ phenol as cofactors. In the patient with tyrosinosis nurics results in almost quantitative recovery from only p-hydroxyphenylpyruvic acid is excreted but the urine, while no such accumulation occurs in scorbutic guinea-pigs and scorbutic children normal individuals, it is postulated that the con- (Huisman and Jonxis, 1957) excrete the p-hydroxy- dition represents a metabolic block at the stage of phenyllactic acid as well. The patient described by homogentisic acid. An analysis of involved Medes could convert the pyruvic derivative to the in tyrosine metabolism in normal and alkaptonuric lactic derivative; one would assume then that if the liver showed that only homogentisic acid oxidase is on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. tissues contained large amounts of p-hydroxy- missing in alkaptonuric liver (La Du, Zannoni, phenylpyruvic acid the lactic acid would be formed, Laster, and Seegmiller, 1958). Homogentisic acid is but the patient only excreted p-hydroxyphenyl- not converted into maleylacetoacetate but accumu- pyruvic acid. In various conditions in which p- lates in the blood and is excreted in the urine. The hydroxyphenylpyruvic acid oxidase in the liver is homogentisic acid is at least in part responsible for impaired the lactic as well as the pyruvic derivatives the deposition of pigment in the tissues in this are found in the urine. It may be that in the case of condition. tyrosinosis the defect is analogous to phenyl- ketonuria and the block is a defect of tyrosine ALBINISM Albinism is an inherited defect of pigment transaminase. It is difficult to explain the absence of cells, melanocytes, to form . Patients with p-hydroxyphenyllactic acid in the urine with the this condition have white or very pale yellow hair presence of a system converting p-hydroxyphenyl- which is silky in texture. The pupils of the eye appear pyruvic acid to p-hydroxyphenyllactic acid in the to be red and the iris is pink or bluish from reflected patient. light. The intelligence of generalized albinos is normal but no large series have been studied. The ALKAPTONURIA This is a rare metabolic disease in condition is transmitted as a simple recessive, which which the enzyme homogentisic acid oxidase is is shown by the fact that 20 to 30% of the cases lacking. Homogentisic acid, produced in the meta- result from cousin marriages. J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.16.4.293 on 1 July 1963. Downloaded from

296 T. Hargreaves The biochemical lesion of albinism consists of a path of formation in these patients (Levin, failure of melanocytes to synthesize tyrosinase, a Mackay, and Oberholzer, 1961) or that the defect is copper-containing oxidase required for the conver- localized to one tissue, for example, the brain. In sion of tyrosine to melanin (Fitzpatrick, 1960). support of this concept Allan, Cusworth, Dent, and Tyrosine is oxidized via 3,4 dihydroxyphenylalanine Wilson (1958) found higher concentrations of to 3,4 dopa quinone by tyrosinase in the presence of argininosuccinic acid in cerebrospinal fluid than in molecular oxygen. Ultimately dopa quinone forms plasma. Sporn, Dingman, Defalco, and Davies melanin by a reaction which may or may not be (1959) have shown that rat brain incorporates enzymatic. labelled into urea in vivo and can thus synthesize urea. Cusworth and Dent (1960) showed PARTIAL ALBINISM This is characterized by a con- that arginino-succinic acid, like ethanolamine genital absence of pigment in specific areas of the phosphate and f-aminoisobutyric acid, is excreted body. Three varieties are known:- I Piebald in urine without tubular reabsorption. albinism and 2 white forelock and spotting of the Citrullinuria McMurray, Mohyuddin, Rossiter, skin. These two forms are transmitted as simple Rathbun, Valentine, Koegler, and Zarfas (1962) have dominants. 3 Albinism of the eye alone. This is a described the finding, during a routine amino-acid sex-linked recessive characteristic and is characterized screening programme, of in the urine of a by albinism of the fundus, hypoplasia of the macula, mentally retarded child aged 18 months. The con- head nodding, nystagmus, and amblyopia. The centration of citrulline in the plasma and the cere- pathogenesis of these conditions is not known. brospinal fluid was increased when compared with a control group and suggests that the defect is unlikely ABNORMALITITES OF AMINO-ACIDS IN THE UREA to be of the renal tubules. A renal tubular defect CYCLE In the past few years inborn errors of meta- may be the cause of increased citrulline in the urine bolism involving the amino-acids of the of patients with and with the have been described. The current concepts on the . Citrullinuria has previously formation of urea are shown in Figure 2. been described in cystinuria in and canines Argininosuccinic aciduria Argininosuccinic acid (e.g., Dent and Rose, 1951). Asatoor, Lacey, was identified as the unknown ninhydrin-reacting London, and Milne (1962) consider that the citrul- material on paper chromatograms of the urine of linuria in cystinurics is due to a small intestinal children (Westall, 1960). A absorption defect for dibasic amino-acids and is two mentally retarded http://jcp.bmj.com/ case has also been reported by Levin, Mackay, and formed from arginine. Visakorpi (1962) suggested Oberholzer (1961). The patients had normal blood that the excretion of citrulline by a mentally defective urea levels, suggesting that there is either another cystinuric was comparable to citrullinuria but this

CO. + NH3 ATP on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright.

Carb)amyl phosphate rbamyl Aspartic acid

ase Aspartic acid FlCi. 2. The utrea cYcle.


3 l1 Aspartic acid

Condensing enzyme J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.16.4.293 on 1 July 1963. Downloaded from

Inherited enzyme defects: a review 297 is unlikely. In the case described by McMurray and The urine also contains an amino-acid that was his colleagues (1962) the patient excreted urea in thought to be . Dent and Westall (1961) amounts comparable to those excreted by normal found that the plasma methionine was increased children, suggesting that the urea cycle is not when was given to a patient with the seriously impaired in the liver. It may be that abnormality. Norton, Roitman, Snyderman, and citrulline is produced in the brain as has been Holt (1962) consider that it is not methionine that is suggested for argininosuccinic acid. excreted but probably alloisoleucine. The maple Hyperammonaemia Russell, Levin, Oberholzer, syrup smell probably emanates from a-oxoisocaproic and Sinclair (1962) have described two cousins who acid, a keto-acid derived from . were mentally retarded and had cerebral degenera- tion. In both children the levels of ammonia in the HYPERGLYCINAEMIA Childs, Nyhan, Borden, Bard, blood and cerebrospinal fluid were elevated. There and Cooke (1961) described a child, 3 years old, who was no evidence of liver disease or excessive absorp- was investigated originally because of a failure to tion from the gut. Examination of the liver after thrive, with acute exacerbations characterized by death showed a depression in the trans- vomiting, lethargy, and irritability. The main findings carbamylase activity. The blood urea was within were of developmental retardation, , neutro- normal limits; this suggests that there may be penia, hypogammaglobulinaemia, and periodic another method of urea production in these children. . The plasma levels of , , , isoleucine, and were raised MAPLE SUGAR URINE DISEASE In 1954 Menkes, but only glycine was present in excess in the urine. Hurst, and Craig described a family in which four The toxic symptoms could be abolished by keeping out of six infants, one girl and three boys, died the protein in the diet to less than 0 5 g. per kilo- during the first weeks of life with what appeared to gram of body weight. Giving sodium benzoate be a congenital metabolic disease. The predominant lowered the level of glycine in the plasma causing a signs were vomiting, muscular hypertonicity, and a remission of the neutrophil leucopenia but it did not maple syrup odour to the urine. Paper chromato- prevent the toxic symptoms. Leucine administration graphy of the urine failed to reveal any abnormality in the patient increased the plasma but in the amino-acid pattern. not in controls. It is not known whether the con- In 1957 Westall, Dancis, and Miller described a dition is genetically determined. The specific enzyme 20-month-old infant who was mentally retarded, had defect has not been localized. Kaser, Cottier, and muscular hypertonicity, and a maple syrup odour to Antener (1962) described a case of gluco-glycinuria http://jcp.bmj.com/ the urine. An excess of leucine was found in the in which the serum glycine level was normal, and urine. Further investigations suggested a metabolic it was thought that the glycinuria was due to a block in the degredative path of branched chain tubular defect and was therefore different from the amino-acids. Further cases have been reported by case reported above. Mackenzie and Woolf (1959) and by Lane (1961). Lane suggested, on the basis of two possible cases HISTIDINAEMIA Ghadimi, Partington, and Hunter related to the patient, that the condition was in- (1961) reported a case of a 3-year-old child who was on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. herited as a simple recessive characteristic. physically small with retarded speech and had The urine in this disease contains large amounts excessive amounts of in his urine and of leucine, isoleucine, and valine; it also contains plasma. The patient's sister also had a raised plasma increased amounts of the ox-keto derivatives of these histidine level. Auerbach, DiGeorge, Baldridge, amino-acids (Dancis, Levitz, Miller, and Westall, Tourtellotte, and Brigham (1962) have reported 1959). Evidence indicates a block at a point beyond another case of histidinaemia and histidinuria in a transamination (A) at, or beyond, oxidative decarbo- 2-year-old child. This child had been well until it had xylation (B). a febrile fit. Davies and Robinson (1963) recently reported a further case of histidinaemia. These A children excrete histidine, imidazole pyruvic, imi- R-CH-COOHI- R-C-COOH R-C CO - S Co A dazole lactic, and imidazole acetic acid. They do not excrete , imidazole propionic, or formi- NH2 0 0 B minoglutamic acid. Histidine administration causes R-COOH an increase in the plasma histidine but urocanic acid administration is accompanied by urinary excretion Transaminase was present in liver, brain, heart, and of urocanic acid, imidazole propionic acid, and kidney at necropsy in the case described by Dancis, . The enzyme deficiency Levitz, and Westall (1960). seems to be of histidase (histidine-ot-deaminase) but J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.16.4.293 on 1 July 1963. Downloaded from

298 T. Hargreaves action appears to be normal. The defect HYPOPHOSPHATASAEMIA In 1948 Rathbun described is probably inherited as an autosomal recessive a 3-week-old infant with rachitic bone lesions and a character. diminution in the alkaline phosphatase activity in bone, intestinal mucosa, and kidney despite adequate HYPERPROLINAEMIA Schafer, Scriver, and Efron doses of vitamin D; he suggested the condition be (1962) have described hyperprolinaemia in a family, called hypophosphatasaemia. Fraser (1957) has associated with nephropathy and deafness. The reviewed the historical aspects. Sobel, Clark, Fox, patient was a child admitted with fever, vomiting, and Robinow (1953) noted premature loss of teeth, and diarrhoea; he was deaf and had frequent clonic observed that serum did not inhibit alkaline phos- and tonic seizures, and the right kidney was hypo- phatase activity, and presented data suggestive of plastic and the left kidney deformed. The plasma hypersensitivity to vitamin D. Fraser, Vendt, and contained an excess of and the urine an Christie (1955) and McCance, Morrison, and Dent excess of proline and hydroxyproline. The child's (1955) discovered that the excretion of phos- father was normal but the mother was deaf and had phoethanolamine in urine is an integral feature of a poorly functioning left kidney but a normal amino- the disease. Patients with the disease have knock acid chromatogram. Three sisters of the patient had knees, bowing of the femurs and tibias, enlarged abnormal electroencephalograms and hyperpro- wrists, and a protuberant abdomen. There is poor linaemia; two of these three had haematuria and mineralization of bones and teeth, and at necropsy two other sibs were normal. It is probable that there is evidence of deficient calcification. Alkaline glycine and hydroxyproline share a common tubular phosphatase is diminished or absent in serum, bone, transport mechanism with proline, accounting for and other tissues. the occurrence of these two amino-acids with proline Hypophosphatasia is transmitted as an autosomal in some of the afflicted individuals. No A-lpyrroline- recessive. The heterozygous carriers can be sometimes 5-carboxylic acid could be detected in the urine. The detected by a decreased level of alkaline phosphatase defect may be a lack of the enzyme . in the serum and sometimes by an increased excretion Hydroxyproline is formed from proline and this is of phosphoethanolamine in the urine. incorporated in collagen; these subjects may also It has been suggested that phosphoethanolamine have collagen defects. is the true substrate of alkaline phosphatase and that a block in the of the ester occurs f-AMINOISOBUTYRIC ACIDURIA in this disease and this leads to a defect in calcification P-Aminoisobutyric http://jcp.bmj.com/ acid was identified in some samples of human urine (Dent, 1956). As yet, there is no evidence in favour by Crumpler, Dent, Harris, and Westall (1951). or against such a hypothesis. Study of population groups has suggested that the high excretor gene originates in Asia. The abnorma- PRIMARY AND OXALOSIS Primary lity is familial with a recessive mode of inheritance. hyperoxaluria is a rare disorder characterized by There is a marked difference in the excretion of progressive bilateral calcium urolithiasis /-aminoisobutyric acid in high and low excretors and beginning in early childhood. after intravenous administration of a test load, The first reported case is probably that of Lepoutre on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. suggesting that the difference between high and low (1925) who described bilateral urolithiasis in a excretors lies in its metabolism; it may be that 44-year-old child with extensive crystalline deposits the acid is derived from thymine. An alternative of calcium oxalate. In 1954 Aponte and Fetter des- method of formation from valine by way of a cribed three cases of oxalate nephrocalcinosis in transamination reaction of methyl malonyl-semi- one family which were probably the first definite aldelyde with glutamate has been suggested by examples of oxalosis. The age of onset is usually Kupiecki and Coon (1957). about 1 to 4 years old, and the disease is characterized ,B-Aminoisobutyric acid is excreted by patients by repeated attacks of renal colic, haematuria. and with chronic myeloid leukaemia, liver disease, the the passage of calculi. Excessive amounts of oxalate nephrotic syndrome, and by very young infants. are excreted in the urine. Glycine is a significant precursor of oxalate Harris, Penrose. and Thomas (Crawhall, Scowen, and Watts, 1959) and in cases (1959) described cystathioninuria in a mentally of primary oxaluria the oxalate was not appreciably defective patient in whose family two other members further oxidized to carbon dioxide but was excreted were found to secrete the substance. Increased almost quantitatively in the urine. These authors amounts of were found in the kidney found a considerably increased incorporation of and liver but it was not possible to tell if the amount labelled glycine into oxalate in hyperoxalurics; the in the brain was increased. same proportion of urinary oxalate was derived from J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.16.4.293 on 1 July 1963. Downloaded from

Inherited enzyme defects: a review 299 glycine. Overproduction of oxalate from glycine and almost exclusively in Jews and causes no decrease in other precursors was therefore best explained by a life expectancy. It is probable that the condition is block of glyoxalate degradation rather than by transmitted by a recessive gene. The pentose sugar excess formation of glyoxalate. The enzyme defect that is excreted in pentosurics is L-xylose. L-Arabitol may be a lack of glyoxylic glutamic transaminase is also excreted in the urine; this sugar may be or of glyoxylic . Administration of derived from L-xylulose by reduction. sodium benzoate leads to an increased excretion of In 1936 Enklewitz and Lasker showed that there glycine as hippurate and causes some improvement. is a direct relationship between the amount of The disease is possibly due to a rare recessive glucuronic acid administered and the amount of character (Archer, Dormer, Scowen, and Watts, L-xylulose excreted. Since feeding glucuronic acid 1958). The detection of heterozygotes is at present to normal individuals does not produce this effect, impossible. It may be that people who have recurrent they postulated a defect in the system that decarbo- oxalate stones represent carriers of this recessive xylates glucuronic acid to xylulose. Glucuronic acid character, but the available evidence does not yet is thought to be metabolized to D-xylulose by the support this view. pathway shown in Figure 3. The work of Touster (1960) suggests that the block in pentosuria is at the DISTURBANCES OF METABOLISM level of the N.A.D.P. linked L--dehydrogenase. Hiatt (1958) demonstrated that labelled glucurono- PENTOSURIA The presence of pentose in urine was lactone was converted to L-xylulose but not to first described by Salkowski and Jastrowitz (1892). , supporting this view, and Bozian and Touster Much of our present knowledge of the clinical (1959) that administration of glucuronolactone to aspects of the disease, its genetic transmission, and pentosuric individuals caused an increase in plasma the nature of the urinary sugar are due to the careful xylulose levels in contrast to the levels in normal observations of Enklewitz and Lasker (e.g., Lasker, subjects. Freedberg, Feingold, and Hiatt (1959) Enklewitz, and Lasker, 1936). The condition appears used a specific enzymatic method to measure to be harmless to health and wellbeing. It is found L-xylulose levels in serum and urine and by means of a glucuronolactone load test they were able to detect D-glucose-6-phosphate 4 heterozygotes.

FRUCTOsURIA is a rare error http://jcp.bmj.com/ glucuronic acid of metabolism characterized by a congenital in- ability to utilize completely. In this type of abnormality the individuals show no clinical symptoms and the condition is harmless. The con- D-glucuronic acid dition is transmitted as an autosomal recessive gene; NADPH the heterozygote condition cannot yet be detected. In the normal individual when fructose is ingested L-gulonic acid there is a rapid rise of the respiratory quotient and on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. NAD elevation of the blood lactic acid. Patients with fructosuria do not show this response. At the present 3-ketogulonic acid time the evidence is in favour of a defect of . It is possible that the defect is in the -CO., utilization of fructose-l-phosphate. The enzyme for L-xylu lose the conversion of fructose-i-phosphate to fructose- Presumed block 6-phosphate is not present in liver and it may be that NADPH the fructose-1-phosphate accumulates and is excreted. in pentosuria Xylitol FRUCTOSE INTOLERANCE A congenital disease with |NAD severe clinical manifestations was described by Chambers and Pratt (1956). Administration of D-xylulose fructose leads to an excessive and prolonged rise in ATP fructose in the blood, the blood glucose falls and this is accompanied by nausea, haemorrhagic vomiting, D-xylulose-5-phosphate trembling, profuse sweating, and somnolence. After cessation of the symptoms there is a slight icterus, FIG. 3. The defect in pentosuria. , and . The inheritance of J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.16.4.293 on 1 July 1963. Downloaded from

300 T. Hargreaves ATP ADP

Fructose - Fructos- 6-phosphate FIG. 4. The clefect in ATP friclosuria. ATP ADP -+ADP

Fructose-i-phosphate Frructose-1, 6-diphosphatee

?Defect Defect Aldolase AIdolase

Glyceraldehyde Dihydiroxyacetone Glyceraldehyde hosphate -3-phosphate the disease seems to be of an autosomal recessive liver shows fatty infiltration which readily proceeds type. to if milk feeding persists. Ascites and Froesch, Prader, Wolf, and Labhart (1959) noted oedema may develop and the child may die in the a rapid and marked decrease in serum inorganic neonatal period. Those who survive are mal- phosphate accompanying the decrease in the blood nourished and dwarfed; at 2 to 3 months of age they glucose after intravenous fructose administration. are mentally retarded and have cataracts. These The drop was attributable to binding of phosphate patients have a reducing substance, , in with fructose to produce fructose-l-phosphate. The their urine together with aminoaciduria and albu- decreased utilization of fructose-l-phosphate would minuria. The aminoaciduria is primarily renal in account for the slow release of inorganic phosphorus. origin, and the amino-acids are mainly of the simple They postulated a deficiency of fructose-I-phosphate aliphatic chain type, e.g., serine, alanine, and aldolase, but this was not demonstrated by liver glycine. The patients have high blood galactose biopsy, and that accumulation of fructose-I- levels, and ingestion of galactose often depresses http://jcp.bmj.com/ phosphate inhibited utilization of fructose. The the blood glucose, possibly by the release of insulin. authors suggest that it is unlikely that the cases are The abnormality is transmitted as an autosomal homozygotes and those with benign fructosuria are recessive. Carriers of the abnormal gene may be heterozygotes for the same defective gene. Dubois, found on the basis of abnormal galactose tolerance Loeb, Ooms, Gillet, Bartman, and Champenois tests and also by the presence of reduced amounts of (1961) demonstrated a defect in the liver aldolase in galactose-l-phosphate uridyl transferase in erythro- these patients. Nikkila, Somersalo, Pitkanen, and cytes. on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Perheentupa (1962) showed that the fructose-l- The condition is due to a lack of galactose-l- phosphatase aldolase was absent in the liver and the phosphate uridyl transferase. The site of the defect fructose-i, 6-diphosphate aldolase was 10% of that is based on the results of two types of experiment. found in normal subjects. They suggested that Schwarz, Golberg, Komrower, and Holzel (1956) fructose releases homeostatic mechanisms and showed that when milk was given to a galactosaemic hypoglycaemia is a result of excessive insulin child there was an abnormal accumulation of secretion, but Froesch, Prader, Wolf, and Labhart galactose-l-phosphate in the red cells; this meta- (1959) suggested that the hypoglycaemia is due to bolite was not found in normal children. This inhibition of by fructose-l- suggested that the block was beyond galactose-l- phosphate rather than by release of insulin. phosphate and that galactokinase was present in adequate amounts. Isselbacher, Anderson, GALACTOSAEMLA This is a hereditary condition Kurahashi, and Kalckar (1956) demonstrated that characterized by an inability to convert galactose to uridine diphosphate galactose-4-epimerase and glucose in the normal manner. Infants with this uridyl diphosphate glucose pyrophosphorylase, the condition appear normal at birth but after a few enzymes needed for the third and fourth steps, were days of milk feeding they begin to vomit, become present in normal amounts. Galactose-l-phosphate lethargic, and fail to gain weight. Prolonged uridyl transferase could not be demonstrated in the jaundice may occur in the neonatal period and the erythrocytes of galactosaemic children. Anderson, J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.16.4.293 on 1 July 1963. Downloaded from

Inherited enzyme defects: a review 301 Galactose

Galactokinase Glucose-6

Galactose-I-phosphate1 Glucose-l-11

Uridyl UDP ose FIG. 5. The defect in galactosaemia. transferase

UDP galactose UDP galactose-4-e

Mucopolysaccharides Lactose

Kalckar, and Isselbacher (1957) demonstrated a (1952) first reported the abnormal biochemical lack of the enzyme in the liver of two afflicted findings in this type of . patients. It has been suggested that there is an The glycogen in the liver is above 4 % wet weight and alternative path of galactose metabolism bypassing has a normal structure; phosphorylase, amylo-l, 6- the transferase system, for example, U.D.P.-galactose glucosidase, phosphoglucomutase, U.D.P.G.-glyco- pyrophosphorylase, allowing galactose-1-phosphate gentransglucosylase, and amylo (1,4-+1,6) trans- utilization and incorporation into U.D.P. galactose. glucosidase are normal or only slightly reduced. The The U.D.P.-galactose pyrophosphorylase is deficient glucose-6-phosphatase is absent or very much at birth and matures with age, possibly accounting reduced. Hers (1959) considers that only the com- for these patients' increased tolerance for galactose plete absence of glucose-6-phosphatase can be held with age. Support for the idea of an alternative responsible for the disease. Schwartz, Ashmore, and pathway has come from the work of Elder, Segal, Renold (1957) found that although affected infants

Maxwell, and Topper (1960), who demonstrated show a normal response to intravenous glucose, http://jcp.bmj.com/ that the ability of galactosaemics to oxidize a tracer galactose is excreted as lactic acid and not con- dose of 14C galactose to 14CO2 was greatly increased verted to glucose as in the normal infant. This by menthol or . Maxwell and Topper indicates an inability to convert glucose-6-phosphate (1961) observed that steroids exert a stimulating to glucose. The absence of glucose-6-phosphatase effect on galactose oxidation in liver slices. deprives the patient of readily accessible glucose, thus causing hypoglycaemia, which in turn causes

GLYCOGEN STORAGE DISEASE This is an overall ketosis, convulsions, increased on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. term applied to a group of congenital and familial from proteins, starvation , and poor response diseases characterized by the deposition of abnor- to glucose tolerance tests. Giving adrenaline and mally large quantities of glycogen in the tissues. glucagon to a well-nourished child with a well- Cori (1957) has recommended a classification based glycogenated liver results in a 40 to 60% rise in upon specific causative enzyme defects. blood glucose within 10 to 20 minutes by virtue of Type 1 Glucose-6-phosphatase deficiency hepato- the depolymerization of stored glycogen, and its renal glycogenosis von Gierke (1929) reported a eventual conversion to glucose by means of the condition characterized by excessive enlargement of stimulating effect of adrenaline and glucagon on the liver and other organs during early infancy due phosphorylase. There is increasing evidence that the to accumulation of glycogen. The condition is absence of glucose-6-phosphatase may not account characterized by convulsions due to hypoglycaemia, for all the clinical features of the disease. , severe acidosis, and eruptive The effect of glucagon on these children has been xanthoma. Growth and development is retarded and studied intensively. Carson and Koch (1955) showed death frequently occurs in the first two years of life. that in classical glycogen storage disease only The condition is transmitted as a simple autosomal slightly diminished or normal results to glucagon recessive. The heterozygous carrier can be detected administration were found. This has been explained by raised glucose-6-phosphate and fructose-6- by the effect of the debrancher enzyme, amylo-l,6- phosphate levels in the red cells. Cori and Cori glucosidase, releasing free glucose from glycogen J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.16.4.293 on 1 July 1963. Downloaded from

302 T. Hargreaves

(1,6) Type 4 trAmylo (1,4ia1,6) transglucosidase (I Type 3 Type 5 muscle Amylo-1, 6-glucosidase +1 Type 6 liver (debrancher)

UDPG transferase Phosphorylase b Kinase Phosphorylase


.pyrophosphataseI I-phosphate j l Type 1 Glucose-6- Glucose - 6 - phosphate --Glucose phosphatase Fructose-6-phosphatel hosphogluconateI Pyruvate Pentose phosphate

Lactate http://jcp.bmj.com/ Type I Glucose-6-phosphatase deficiency hepato-renal glycogenosis Type 3 Debrancher deficiency limit dextrinosis Type 4 Brancher deficiency amylopectinosis Type 5 deficiency glycogenosis Type 6 Hepatic phosphorlyase deficiency glycogenosis FIG. 6. The glycogen storage diseases.

without the need of a specific phosphatase. Lowe, Sant' Agnese, Andersen, and Mason (1950). The on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Sokal, Mosovich, Sarcione, and Doray (1962) found condition becomes manifest in early infancy; the that there was no correlation between glucose-6- infant feeds poorly, becomes listless, and fails to phosphatase and fasting hypoglycaemia in a series gain weight. This is followed by episodes of inter- of nine children with the abnormality. They found mittent cyanosis, especially during feeding, leading major discrepancies between enzyme determina- to attacks of dyspnoea with no specific cause. The tions in vitro and the clinical condition. The disorder infants usually die of cardiac failure or broncho- has recently been treated by giving glucagon after pneumonia. The heart is enlarged and appears feeding (Lowe et al., 1962). Eberlein, Illingworth, globular on x-ray examination. At necropsy it weighs and Sidbury (1962) have treated glucose-6- two to five times the normal for the age. Histo- phosphatase deficiency with 9oa-fluor-1Ilf-hydroxy- logically there is massive infiltration with glycogen. 17cx-methyl testosterone (Halotestin) and brought Sometimes excessive amounts of glycogen are about clinical and biochemical improvement; the deposited in smooth and striated muscles and adrenaline response returned to normal under treat- sometimes excessive infiltration with a basophilic ment. These findings suggest that the disease is likely substance is found in . The condition to prove more complicated than a simple deficiency is probably transmitted as a single recessive auto- of glucose-6-phosphatase. somal gene. No enzymic defect has been advanced Type 2 Glycogen storage disease of the heart to account for this disease. Hers (1961) recently This disease has been extensively reviewed by di described a defect in the hydrolysis of maltose to J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.16.4.293 on 1 July 1963. Downloaded from

Inherited enzyme defects: a review 303 glucose (x-glucosidase) in liver and heart. This intestinal mucosa together with nodular cirrhosis of finding would suggest a role for the hydrolytic path the liver. No glycogen was found in the kidneys. of glycogen breakdown through the oligo- The glycogen has different characteristics to that saccharides. An alternative explanation involving a found in von Gierke's disease in that it was sticky, transglycosylation reaction immediately before the hard to handle, and slow to precipitate. debranching enzyme has been suggested. At pre- Illingworth and Cori (1952) studied the abnormal sent we do not know the site of the enzyme defect glycogen and found a decreased number of branch with certainty. points and a greater chain length than normal. It Type 3 Debrancher deficiency limit dextrinosis seems that there are fewer branch points and The clinical descriptions of this disease are similar to significantly longer chains. Cori (1957) postulated those found in glucose-6-phosphatase deficiency but that these defects could be explained by a deficiency they tend to be milder and difficulties with hypo- of the brancher enzyme amylo (1,4 > 1,6) trans- glycaemia and development are less severe. It is glucosidase, but unfortunately not enough tissue was possible that early cases reported as von Gierke's available for direct enzymatic measurement. disease were actually deficiency of the debranching Sidbury, Mason, Burns, and Ruebner (1962) have enzyme. described a second case of abnormal glycogen In the original case described by Forbes (1953) structure. The liver, kidney, muscle, and blood abdominal enlargement was found at the age of 1 contained an unusual polysaccharide with an in- year, fasting blood sugars were slightly below nor- creased average outer chain length. mal, and there was a diminished response to adrena- The hereditary transmission of the condition is line. The fasting blood sugars were in the normal not known, for although the sibling of the case range by the age of 12, when the abdominal dis- described by Andersen died of 'glycogen storage tension decreased. At this age the liver function disease' it is not known which type of the disease it tests became abnormal. Liver biopsy showed that was. parenchymal cells were packed with glycogen, and Type S Myophosphorylase deficiency glycogenosis a definite increase in the periportal connective issue. At least eight patients with this abnormality have ltlingworth, Cori, and Cori (1956) showed that been described. McArdle (1951) described a 30- the content of muscle and liver glycogen was year-old man who had pain, weakness, and stiffness increased and that the glycogen had an increased of muscles after exercise; the symptoms disappeared number of branch points and short external chains. at rest. On examination it was found that 10 to 20 % There was an absence of detectable amylo-1,6 of the normal work could be performed by the http://jcp.bmj.com/ glucosidase activity with normal amounts of forearm and hand muscles in the ischaemic state phosphorylase and glucose-6-phosphatase. Hers but maintenance of the contracted state gave (1961) used a new method for measuring the enzyme localized swelling. There was a fall in the lactate and based on the observation that the enzyme catalysed pyruvate levels in the venous return in blood coming a limited reincorporation of 14C-labelled glucose from an ischaemic muscle, in contrast to the sharp into the phosphorylase limit dextrin. As a result it increase in these metabolites in the blood from was shown that the disease was present with enzyme normal muscle. There was a normal hyperglycaemic on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. defects in liver and muscle in one variant or with a response to adrenaline but a smaller rise in blood defect in liver but not in muscle in another variant. lactate than produced in a normal person. The best Information regarding the genetics of the condition confirmation of the abnormality is the inability to is meagre. It is probable that inheritance is through detect an increased blood lactate level after exercise, a single recessive autosomal gene. especially under ischaemic conditions. Histologically Type 4 Brancher deficiency amylopectinosis In excessive amounts of diffuse granular glycogen are 1956 Andersen reported on a 17-month-old white found in muscle. Homogenates of biopsy material male infant whose liver showed glycogen which on cannot form lactate but have an intact glycolytic analysis was less branched and had larger inner and capacity, as shown by normal lactate production outer branches than normal. The complaints were after the addition of glucose-i-phosphate. There is primarly hepatic, with oedema, ascites, and bleeding no detectable phosphorylase a and b activity. The tendencies. Liver function tests were abnormal but PR enzyme catalysing the conversion of phos- the blood sugar was normal and no acidosis was phorylase a to b and are present. A glucose tolerance test showed a moderate normal. It is not known why there is not a greater rise and a slow fall of the blood glucose level. The accumulation of glycogen in phosphorylase-deficient response to adrenaline was moderate, but less than muscles. It may be due to breakdown by hydrolytic in normal individuals. Necropsy showed glycogen enzymes or to a decreased extraction ofblood glucose infiltration of liver, spleen, lymph nodes, and by muscle. It is also not known whether there is a J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.16.4.293 on 1 July 1963. Downloaded from

304 T. Hargreaves deficiency of phosphorylase in cardiac muscle. Such problems in the investigation of inborn errors of a deficiency may not be detectable since cardiac metabolism. It is an oversimplification ofthe problem muscle can use substrates other than glucose for to suggest that every single-enzyme defect demon- energy. Hepatic phosphorylase activity is intact in strated in vitro is necessarily the cause of the illness. this disease. Isolated enzyme reactions do not occur in living Immunological studies have shown that muscle tissue but are part of an integrated whole. For some phosphorylase is either completely lacking or so years, however, each enzyme defect was equated modified that it does not react immunologically. with a more or less well-defined clinical type. There is insufficient evidence to determine the mode Eberlein, Illingworth, and Sidbury (1962) describe of inheritance but the absence of a single enzyme in a family in which a male child had a deficiency of an otherwise complete chain suggests that the defect glucose-6-phosphatase although the muscle glycogen is a result of a single genetic determination. The fall was normal. A younger sister was investigated two in lactate would seem to result from its being used at years later for a very similar clinical picture. Her the same time as its production is curtailed. Schmid glucose-6-phosphatase level was only 'moderately' and Hammaker (1961) have described a family study decreased but she had a deficiency of the debranching and, using the failure of the level of the blood lactate enzyme, amylo-1,6-glucosidase. Both children had to rise after exercise, suggest a recessive mode of incompletely degraded glycogen, or 'limit dextrin' inheritance. in the red cells. The father and a third sibling had di Sant 'Agnese, Andersen. and Metcalf (1962) twice the normal amount of glycogen in the red cells. described a child with excessive muscle glycogen. Other multiple defects already reported include the They pointed out that McArdle's syndrome usually case of Sokal, Lowe, Sarcione, Mosovich, and Doray appears in the second decade and this was the first (1961) who noted a deficiency of both phosphorylase recorded instance of it being observed in a child. and glucose-6-phosphatase in one patient. Calder- bank, Kent, Lorber, Manners, and Wright (1960) Type 6 Hepatic phosphorylase deficiency glyco- described a glucose-6-phosphatase defect inthesibling genosis Hers (1959) first described glycogen storage of a patient previously shown to have an amylo-1,6- disease associated with a diminished hepatic phos- glucosidase defect. Before any generalizations are phorylase activity. In one family three children were made it must be conclusively proved that these are affected: one had decreased phosphorylase with a genetic and not post-genetic defects. normal level of glycogen; the other two had phos- phorylase activities that were not decreased but had INTESTINAL GLYCOSIDASE DEFECTS Holzel, Schwarz, http://jcp.bmj.com/ increased liver glycogen. In the first case it may be and Sutcliffe (1959) have described two children in that glycogen breakdown via a non-phosphorolytic one family in whom there was defective lactose pathway might be sufficient to limit the accumulation absorption causing malnutrition in infancy. The of glycogen, and in the second two cases it may be children had chronic diarrhoea. Oral lactose that the system is not behaving in vivo as in vitro. tolerance tests failed to increase the blood glucose Myophosphorylase is apparently normal. and led to watery stools of low pH containing lactic U.D.P.G. glycogen transferase deficiency Lewis, and other acids. The good state of health of a 10- on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Stewart, and Spencer-Peet (1962) described a case of year-old child with lactose deficiency is in keeping infantile hypoglycaemia in which there was a with endogenous formation of galactose. Diarrhoea, deficiency of U.D.P.G.-glycogen 1,4-transglucosylase in which thin, foamy, bulky stools were produced, (U.D.P.G. glycogen transferase). A pair of identical due to a lack of invertase, was described by Weijers, twins was investigated to determine the cause of van de Kamer, Dicke, and ljsseling (1960). There profound hypoglycaemia. Glucose tolerance tests was an elevation of blood glucose after oral admin- showed a reduced capacity to assimilate glucose and a istration of maltose but no elevation of blood rise in blood glucose following the administration of glucose after an oral tolerance test. This glucagon suggested an impaired ability to store suggests that the two are dealt with by glycogen. A liver biopsy showed that while normal different enzymes. The same authors have also amounts of phosphorylase, U.D.P.G. pyrophos- reported diarrhoea due to a deficiency of maltose. phorylase, and glucose-6-phosphatase were present, Patients with invertase deficiency do not tolerate there was a complete absence of U.D.P.G.-glycogen dextrin and show a decreased elevation of blood 1,4-transglucosylase. The father and three siblings sugar following starch loads. have abnormalities of , Holzel, Mereu, and Thomson (1962) have de- suggesting that the condition is an inborn error of scribed a case of severe associated metabolism. with lactosuria. Six cases have now been recorded The glycogen storage diseases illustrate some of the with this condition. It is probable that these children J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.16.4.293 on 1 July 1963. Downloaded from

Inherited enzyme defects: a review 305 cannot metabolize lactose whereas in the cases with depends on an adequate provision of energy and defective lactose absorption the defect is limited to this is deficient in . Adeno- the hydrolytic enzymes of the gut. sine, which restores the phosphate changes in affected cells to normal, appears to replace the LACTATE METABOLISM DEFECT Hartmann, Wohlt- deficit. The red cells in the spleen may be deprived mann, Purkerson, and Wesley (1962) described a of glucose and are thus more readily removed from child that appeared to have an abnormal carbo- the circulation. Splenectomy does not alter the hydrate metabolism. The child had a persistent metabolism of the red cell. acidosis and secreted an acid urine. The lactic acid Hereditary spherocytosis is transmitted as an level in the blood was persistently elevated. The autosomal dominant with most of the afflicted liver glycogen was decreased, the glucose-6- individuals being heterozygotes. It is not yet certain phosphatase was increased in the liver, and the red whether the is complete. cells had an increased rate of . The bio- chemical explanation of these findings is still in HEREDITARY NON-SPHEROCYTIC HAEMOLYTIC ANAEMIA doubt but it seems from the published case that Patients with this disease usually present with there is a defect in the N.A.D.: N.A.D.H. system jaundice and anaemia. There may be a history of associated with pyruvate metabolism. The acetylation weakness, malaise, and abdominal pain with hepatic of other substances may be decreased, but the or splenic enlargement. In children it may be con- precise abnormality in pyruvate metabolism has not fused with haemolytic disease of the newborn but yet been demonstrated. the Coombs test is negative. Examination of the red cells shows no stippling, sickling, or fragmentation HEREDITARY SPHEROCYTOSIS This is a congenital but there is a reticulocytosis, hyperbilirubinaemia, haemolytic disorder characterized by the presence and other signs of excessive haemolysis. of spherocytes in the peripheral blood. The patients The condition has been reported in about a dozen have a mild degree of anaemia, varying from patient families and it appears to be transmitted as an auto- to patient, but it is rarely severe. There is a slight somal dominant, with a variable degree of increase in unconjugated bilirubin in the serum, an penetrance. It is quite possible that the disease is increased excretion of stercobilinogen in the stools, heterogenous because glucose affects autohaemo- and a mild to moderate reticulocytosis. From time to lysis in some families but not in others. In some time the patients developed a sudden crisis, char- cases there is a normal rate of glycolysis and 32p acterized by malaise, anorexia, mild fever, and bouts exchange but increased amounts of 2,3-diphospho- http://jcp.bmj.com/ of jaundice. There is sudden destruction of the glycerate in the red cell. In others there is a low circulating erythrocytes and a decrease of erythro- content of ATP, deficient glucose consumption, and poiesis with maturation arrest in the bone marrow. a decreased 32P-orthophosphate exchange. The cause of these crises is not well understood, but Newton and Bass (1958) found that some patients they are frequently associated with infections. with non-spherocytic haemolytic anaemia had Laboratory studies show an increased osmotic unstable reduced glutathione and diminished glucose- fragility of red cells and an increased mechanical 6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity. The Heinz on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. fragility. The cells in hereditary spherocytosis under- bodies formed after incubation with acetyl-phenyl- go lysis five or 10 times as rapidly as normal cells hydrazine were identical to those seen in drug- when incubated at body temperature for 48 hours. sensitive subjects, but these patients differ from This abnormal degree of autohaemolysis can be drug-sensitive individuals in that in them the red largely prevented by the addition of glucose. cell survival time is shortened. The overall rates of glucose consumption and phosphate exchange in hereditary spherocytes are HEREDITARY DRUG-INDUCED HAEMOLYTIC ANAEMIA normal but when the cells are incubated in plasma Cordes (1926) reported haemolytic anaemia associ- containing 32P a disproportionately small amount of ated with pamaquin (an 8-aminoquinoline com- 32p is recovered from the intracellular and stromal pound) therapy. The introduction of primaquine, a phosphate esters and a proportionately greater therapeutically more effective 8-aminoquinoline amount from the inorganic phosphate pool of the derivative in 1950, re-opened the study of this cell. It appears that the movement of phosphate problem and in 1952, Hockwald, Arnold, Clayman, into various intermediates deviates from normal but and Alving reported that primaquine induced the exact nature of the abnormality is at present not intravascular haemolysis in 10% of Negroes but clear; possibly there are abnormalities of or rarely in Caucasians. Two years later it was demon- a phosphokinase. It has been suggested that the strated that sensitivity to haemolytic anaemia maintenance of the biconcave shape of red cells induced by these drugs was a property of the red J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.16.4.293 on 1 July 1963. Downloaded from

306 T. Hargreaves

Glucose FIG. 7. The defect in drug-induced Ihaemolytic anaemia. NADP NADPH

Glucose-6-phosphate ll T +6-phosFDhogluconate

6-phospho- Fructose-6-phosphate,, 3-ketoglucoriate il Fructose-1, 6-diphosphate Ribulose-5-phosphate

Dihydroxyacetone lyceraldehyde<-- '. Ribose-5-phosphate phosphate -3-phosphate

i Lactate blood cell due to the presence of abnormal erythro- severe in older red cells. There is evidence that a cytes (Dem, Weinstein, Le Roy, Talmage, and stromal factor inactivates the enzyme in drug- Alving, 1954). sensitized cells but not in normal cells. The glucose- The haemolytic cycle consists of three phases. The 6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity in leucocytes is first is an acute haemolytic phase, characterized by a normal in primaquine-sensitive Negroes but is fall in haemoglobin, a rise in the reticulocytes, and decreased in Caucasian subjects. The red cells from a darkening of the urine; it has been shown that sensitive subjects are deficient in reduced glutathione about half the original red cell population is des- and in total glutathione. The content of N.A.D.P. is http://jcp.bmj.com/ troyed in this time. The second phase is of recovery, reduced and possibly that of N.A.D.; the glutathione lasting three to four weeks, in which the haemo- reductase is increased. The catalase is decreased in globin concentration rises and the reticulocyte count the sensitive red cells but the aldolase is increased. falls. This passes to a phase of equilibrium which is The deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydro- followed by a maintenance of normal haemoglobin genase results in an abnormality of the oxidation of levels and a normal reticulocyte count. glucose in sensitive red cells via the mono-

The disease is also induced by naphthalene, nitro- phosphate shunt, resulting in a failure to reduce on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. furantoin, and fava beans. In fava bean sensitivity oxidised glutathione and this in turn is responsible there is another defect, because in every case of for the low glutathione levels in sensitive individuals. favism the defect associated with primaquine The defect can be diagnosed by a deficiency of sensitivity is present but patients with the latter glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase in red cells and defect can eat fava beans without haemolysis. The by the glutathione stability test. defect is transmitted as a sex-linked dominant trait. There is a marked degree of variability in the degree DISTURBANCES IN ENDOCRINE METABOLISM of penetrance, especially amongst females. Carson, Flanagan, Ickes, and Alving (1956) THYROID The biosynthesis of thyroid hormone showed that there is a deficiency of glucose-6- takes place through a series of separate steps. Iodide phosphate dehydrogenase in the erythrocytes from is absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract as primaquine-sensitive individuals. This can be shown inorganic iodide and is rapidly distributed through- by the fact that dilute haemolysates of drug-sensitive out the extracellular fluid of the body. Some of the erythrocytes are unable to promote the reduction of iodide is excreted through the kidneys but most is oxidized glutathione when glucose-6-phosphate is trapped within the thyroid gland and is oxidized to the substrate. Oxidized glutathione is normally elemental iodine. Iodide trapping is oxygen de- reduced when N.A.D.P. or 6-phosphogluconate is pendent and is inhibited by cyanide, azide, and supplied. The enzyme deficiency is particularly sulphydryl inhibitors; it is enzymically controlled J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.16.4.293 on 1 July 1963. Downloaded from

Inherited enzyme defects: a review 307

Extracellular Intracellular Gastrointestinal tract FIG. 8. Iodine metabolism. 1112

Plasma iodide oThyroid iodide

I \

Renal excretion IV Thyroid iodine


Plasma protein bound iodide Thyroglobulin Tri-iodothyroni ne Mono- and di- Thyroxine iodotyrosine


Thyroglobulin Tri-idothyronine Thyroxinf.( and oxidative phosphorylation is involved. The cretinism from a failure of iodotyrosines to couple. normal resting thyroid maintains a 20:1 concentra- The remainder of the iodinated tyroxyl residues http://jcp.bmj.com/ tion ratio of iodide against the plasma. Thiocyanate are dehalogenated by the enzyme 'iodotyrosine and perchlorate ions prevent iodide trapping and re- dehalogenase' and returned to the thyroid iodide lease iodide; their site of action is not known. A pool. A defect in this system results in cretinism from congenital defect of iodide trapping and of a failure a failure of iodotyrosines to deiodinate. in the formation of organic iodide have been de- Lack ofiodide-concentrating mechanism Stanbury scribed. and Chapman (1960) have described a patient lacking

The next step in thyroid hormone synthesis is the the iodide concentrating mechanism who was unable on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. incorporation of iodine into the 3 position in tyrosyl to concentrate iodide in the thyroid, saliva, or gastric residues to form mono- and di-iodotyrosines. The juice. The gland contained a small amount ofprotein- iodination may be linked with the oxidation of bound iodide which probably entered by diffusion. iodine and although it is thought that the oxidation The patient was treated with potassium iodide. requires peroxidase, the nature of the mechanism is This case appears to indicate that there is a differ- not yet known. ence between the concentration of the iodide and the The next step is the condensation of some of the conversion to elemental iodine in the thyroid gland iodinated tyrosyl residues to form iodinated thyro- (stage 1, Fig. 8). nines, thyroxine, and tri-iodothyronine; coupling is Familial goitre from failure to form organic thought to occur when the amino-acids are linked iodine In 1950 Stanbury and Hedge reported a to peptides and is accelerated by oxygen. The case of cretinism and goitre in a girl of 15. She had reaction may depend on the formation of free developed normally until the age of 6 months and iodine or on a more specific mechanism. Although thereafter showed marked retardation. Signs of no enzyme has been demonstrated for this step, cretinism were noted at the age of 1 year and a coupling does not proceed in cell-free homogenates goitre was noticed at the age of 7. The patient was but it does in slices, suggesting that the formation is one of a family of seven children; the three older enzymically controlled or requires a high degree of children were normal, the next four were cretins. cellular organization. A defect in this step results in Other cases have been described. Schultz, Flink, J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.16.4.293 on 1 July 1963. Downloaded from

308 T. Hargreaves Kennedy, and Zieve (1957) described a 34-year-old It has been suggested that there is also a defect cretin with a huge lobular thyroid who had the same of coupling in these patients but significant amounts enzymatic defect. The defect is probably transmitted of labelled tri-iodothyronine and thyroxine can be as an autosomal recessive. detected in their blood. The intensely hyperplastic All the patients described will release labelled glands are thought to secrete hormone precursors as iodine from the thyroid gland when given potassium fast as they are formed. The defect can be overcome thiocyanate; the majority have been severe cretins if sufficient iodine is provided (Stanbury, 1961). with retarded structural and mental development. The genetics of this condition have been studied Normally no accumulated iodine can be released thoroughly in a group of itinerant Scottish tinkers from the thyroid by potassium thiocyanate. The in which intermarriage within the group was defect in these patients is one of failure to form extremely frequent. A study of the family tree shows organic iodine (stage II, Fig. 8) and then there is that this form of cretinism with goitre behaves as a compensating hypertrophy of the gland. McGirr simple autosomal recessive gene. It is probable that (1960) classified this as a defect in peroxidase. the cases are homozygous; relatives of cases de- Cretinism with failure of condensation of iodo- scribed in Holland had defective di-iodotyrosine Stanbury, Ohela, and Pitt-Rivers (1955) dehalogenase activity and were probably hetero- described a 25-year-old woman who showed re- zygotes. tarded development and had a goitre. Evidence of Cretinism with iodinated polypeptides in the serum cretinism had appeared at the age of 4 years with These patients are characterized by the appearance retarded growth and thick, dry skin. At the time of in blood of iodinated amino-acids which are linked her admission the thyroid gland was enlarging. to peptides and are not extractable in acid butanol of the gland removed at a subtotal as are the iodinated thyronines which normally thyroidectomy showed a multinodular goitre with appear in peripheral blood. Stanbury and McGirr extreme hyperplasia and no colloid formation. (1957) have described two sisters who were mentally There were two consanguineous marriages in the retarded, hypothyroid, and had large goitres. Since family and a sister four years older suffered from an then other cases have been described. The patients identical condition. Labelled iodine rapidly accumu- show hypothyroidism and no butanol extractable lated in the gland but was not discharged by potas- 1311-labelled component in peripheral blood, al- sium thiocyanate. Chromatographic analysis of the though in some cases it was found in urine. serum showed thyroxine and triodotyrosine in the Hydrolysis of the circulating component gave blood but not in the thyroid gland. Excessive mono and di-iodotyrosines, tri-iodothyronine, and http://jcp.bmj.com/ amounts of mono- and di-iodotyrosine were found thyroxine. It may be that there is a defect in the in the gland. The simplest explanation of the defect synthesis of thyroglobulin, which may be com- is that there was a failure of coupling to form tri- parable to the genetic control of haemoglobin iodothyronine and thyroxine in the thyroid gland synthesis, a defect in the degradation of thyro- (stage III, Fig. 8). globin or in the enzymes controlling the degradation. Cretinism from failure of iodotyrosine to de- At present it is not possible to define the abnormality. iodinate In 1953 McGirr and Hutchison reported This may be an abnormality of stage V (Fig. 8). on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. 12 patients who were cretins and hypothyroid. There are insufficient cases to define the mode of Patients with this type of disease develop myxoedema inheritance but the reported occurrence in two or goitre before the age of 3, and they are mentally brothers and in two sisters suggests that the disease and physically retarded. The thyroid shows variable is hereditary. pathological changes; some areas are characteristic of colloid goitre, other areas have no colloid, and THE ADRENOGENITAL SYNDROME The adrenogenital yet other areas show fibrosis. The subjects have syndrome is usually manifested by pseudoherma- excessive amounts of mono- and di-iodotyrosine in phroditism of females and premature virilization of the blood. If these substances are given in a labelled males and may occur spontaneously or as result of form to patients after thyroidectomy or receiving adrenal or gonadal tumours. The syndrome is thyroid the labelled iodotyrosine can be recovered caused by heritable defects in the biosynthesis of quantitatively from the urine. The failure to deiodi- steroids by the adrenal glands. These defects result nate the iodotyrosines has been demonstrated in directly and indirectly in the overproduction of thyroid tissue (stage IV, Fig. 8) removed at opera- certain steroids, some of which are androgenic. The tion, and also in liver, kidney,. and other organs. cardinal sign is virilization but the clinical manifesta- The loss of iodine from continuous excretion is tions depend on the genetic sex, the age at onset, and sufficient to prevent the formation of adequate the type and degree of the metabolic defect. amounts of thyroxine. The patients can be divided into four groups: J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.16.4.293 on 1 July 1963. Downloaded from

Inherited enzyme defects: a review 309 Cholesterol FIG. 9. Pathways ofsteroid nietabolism.



AB 21 -hydroxylase

I11 -deoxycorticoste (compound S)

C Androsterone 11 fl-hydroxy- (compound F)

lase http://jcp.bmj.com/

A Virilism, partial block 21-hydroxylase B Virilism with adrenocortical insufficiency, more complete block 21-hydroxylase C Virilism with hypertension, block 11 ,-hydroxylase on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright.

1 virilization, 2 virilization with adrenocortical adrenogenital syndrome is not present at birth but insufficiency, 3 virilization with hypertension, and occurs in the prepubertal period it is almost always 4 virilization with adrenocortical insufficiency and due to an adenoma or adenocarcinoma of the adrenal hypertension. cortex. Virilism The age of onset of virilization is most The adrenogenital syndrome can be distinguished commonly prenatal but is probably not before the from other forms of pseudohermaphroditism and fifth month of development. Females exhibit a virilism by the presence of diffuse adrenocortical variable degree of malformation of the clitoris; hyperplasia and large quantities of androgenic virilization likewise takes place in males. Both ketosteroids in the urine. Initially treatment was sexes show accelerated somatic development; the directed against these, for example, by partial epiphyses close early, and a deficit in growth results. adrenalectomy. Pubic hair may appear in the second year; in the male Wilkins, Lewis, Klein, and Rosemberg (1950) the testes remain small and immature. The females administered cortisone to a female hermaphrodite usually have amenorrhoea accompanying progressive with virilizing adrenal hyperplasia and found that virilization marked by male muscular development, the urinary ketosteroids fell. Bartter, Albright, male hair distribution, growth of beard and often Forbes, Leaf, Dempsey, and Carroll (1951) found temporal or frontal baldness. Breast development is that A.C.T.H. stimulated the production of 17- slight and the voice is lowered in pitch. When the ketosteroids in these patients but did not produce J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.16.4.293 on 1 July 1963. Downloaded from

310 T. Hargreaves an immediate potassium loss or sodium retention, zygous recessive character. Females appear to be and as a result they suggested that the primary predominant over males but this could be explained defect is decreased production of the sugar hormone by the greater ease of diagnosis in females. by the adrenal cortex, thus the amounts of A.C.T.H. Virilism with adrenocortical insufficiency In ap- and of androgen were increased. proximately half the patients with congenital adrenal In 1953 Jailer suggested that hydroxylation of virilism there are associated disturbances of salt and 17-hydroxyprogesterone at C-II and C-21 to hydro- water metabolism. Characterized by urinary loss of cortisone was impaired. All evidence now indicates sodium and chloride, these abnormalities appear by that in the most common form of the syndrome there the age of 7 weeks in almost all the affected infants. is a partial block in the hydroxylation of C-21. The infants are apathetic, they vomit, they have Blood 21-hydroxycorticosteroids and urinary meta- diarrhoea, and they are dehydrated. They tend to bolites of hydrocortisone are decreased. The blood go into circulatory collapse. It may be difficult to A.C.T.H. is increased and this stimulates the gland diagnose the condition in males because they may to produce large quantities of steroids that cannot have normally sized genitalia at birth. be hydroxylated at C-21. Since pregnanetriol is the In this group no tetrahydrocortisol is excreted major corticosteroid metabolite in the urine of un- and there is more urinary pregnanetriol than in the treated patients, it has become a valuable asset in previous group. This indicates that the block in diagnosing the adrenogenital syndrome. Pregnane- 21-hydroxylation is more nearly complete. The triolone is always present in the urine of congenital adrenal gland cannot produce enough 21-hydro- adrenal hyperplasia, and unlike pregnanetriol, is xylated steroids to prevent salt loss and signs of absent in cases of adrenal carcinoma so far examined. adrenocortical insufficiency. In some patients salt The unusual urinary steroids are products of loss only occurs in superimposed stress such as alternative routes of metabolism of compounds of infection. which the major routes are blocked in this syndrome. An alternative explanation is that there is a salt- It is likely that part of the increased 17-ketosteroids diuretic hormone produced by the overstimulated in this syndrome is derived from 170x-hydroxypro- gland. Klein, Taylor, Papadatos, Laron, Keele, gesterone. Pregnanetriolone reflects the large quanti- Fortunato, Byers, and Billings (1958) have shown ties of 21-deoxycortisol which accumulate below the presence of a substance in the urine of infants the block. The virilization characteristic of this with congenital adrenal hyperplasia that causes

disease is due to C19 steroids which can be derived sodium excretion in rats. It may be that, on the http://jcp.bmj.com/ from 17-hydroxyprogesterone. Most of the patients basis of synthetic steroid studies, salt metabolism do not have adrenal insufficiency, as increased can be affected by a progesterone-like compound. stimulation by A.C.T.H. probably provides sufficient Virilism with hypertension Another group of hydrocortisone. Further evidence that 21-hydro- patients with the adrenogenital syndrome have, in xylation is not totally impaired is shown by the addition to progressive virilization, hypertension increase in blood and urine corticoids after stimula- which can be severe enough to produce cardio- tion with A.C.T.H. megaly and . The major virilizing forms In view of the large amounts of pregnanetriol and and the hypertensive forms appear to be inherited on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. 1 7-ketosteroids excreted relative to decreased or differently. Both forms were never observed simul- normal amounts of hydrocortisone, it seems there is taneously in one family in a survey of 18 families. impaired conversion of 17x-hydroxyprogesterone to The defect in the hypertensive form is different hydroxycortisone. Bongiovanni (1958) showed that from the major virilizing form. Eberlein and adrenal glands from two patients with the adreno- Bongiovanni (1955) found an excess of 17-hydroxy- genital syndrome contained neither compound S (17- 11-desoxycorticosterone (compound S) and the hydroxy-1 1-desoxycorticosterone) nor cortisol but tetrahydroderivative in the blood but no 11- there was increased 17-hydroxyprogesterone. Homo- oxygenated 17-ketosteroids were detected and there genates of these glands did not form 21-hydroxylated was a small amount of pregnanetriol excreted relative steroids. The ability to convert to 11-hydroxylate to the 17-ketosteroids. The defect can be explained 17-hydroxy-11-desoxycorticosterone (compound S) by a defect in hydroxylation of C-11. It is generally to cortisol was not impaired. These observations thought that deoxycorticosterone is responsible for support the concept of defective 21-hydroxylation the hypertension in this disease. and unimpaired 11-hydroxylation in this disease. The above descriptions associate the clinical The inheritance is consistent with an autosomal syndromes with specific enzyme defects but evidence recessive gene, which, when homozygous, produces is accumulating that obscures the individual nature the syndrome. The fact that the disease affects a of each syndrome. Bartter and Pronove (1960) single generation is also consistent with a homo- studied three infants with the adrenogenital syn- J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.16.4.293 on 1 July 1963. Downloaded from

Inherited enzyme defects: a review 311 drome associated with adrenal insufficiency and It has been postulated that a new reactive group hypertension. This would suggest that there may be occurs in the globin which is capable of complexing a single genetically determined defect resulting in ferric iron; this could be at a point of alteration in the absence of a or enzyme required for the amino-acid sequence, as has been described for both 21- and 11-hydroxylation. It is probable that the abnormal haemoglobins. there are several substrate specific enzymes which No abnormality has yet been described in the determine which of several 11-deoxy substrates will erythrocyte enzyme systems. The life span is normal be hydroxylated. The oxygen used comes from the and there is no reticulocytosis. atmospheric oxygen and N.A.D.P. and is involved Methaemoglobinaemia associated with a deficiency in the system. The N.A.D.P. may be used only of the methaemoglobin-reducing system Gibson secondarily, for example, to reduce a metal in the (1954) studied several families with methaemo- enzyme after its oxidation with oxygen. Thus globinaemia and demonstrated a defect in the II -hydroxylation is a complex and as yet unknown enzyme system which is normally responsible for process. It is probable that 21-hydroxylation is also maintaining haemoglobin in the reduced state. In complex; the genetically determined defect is the normal red cell methaemoglobin reduction is probably in one of the cofactors for the reaction. probably linked to glycolysis through N.A.D. Another type of defect has been reported by Certain autoxidizable dyes, such as methylene blue, Bongiovanni (1961) in which there was a deficiency are capable of accelerating the reduction of methae- of 3 P-hydroxy dehydrogenase. The condition was moglobin. In the presence of the proper substrate, lethal and a group of 3 /-hydroxy A-5-steroids pre- methylene blue activates the hexose monophosphate dominated in the urine. shunt. Most investigators believe that the reaction between methaemoglobin and the reduced pyridine DISTURBANCES IN PIGMENT METABOLISM is an enzymatically controlled step. This has been termed 'methaemoglobin reductase' THE HEREDITARY METHAEMOGLOBINAEMIAS This is a and it may catalyse the reduction of methaemo- rare condition, of which the major feature is a globin with N.A.D.P.H. and N.A.D.H. Scott and diffuse persistent slate-gray cyanosis which is present Griffith (1959) have shown that there is an enzyme from early infancy and unassociated with clubbing of in normal red cells which reduces methaemoglobin the fingers or significant cardiac murmurs. Methae- and has a preference for N.A.D. Gibson (1954)

moglobin comprises 20 to 50% of the total haemo- considered that there was a deficiency of the enzyme http://jcp.bmj.com/ globin. Compensating polycythaemia and associated catalysing the reduction of methaemoglobin by reticulocytosis are occasionally seen. The blood is N.A.D. in this type of congenital methaemoglo- chocolate coloured and fails to turn red on oxygena- binaemia. Scott and Griffith (1959) have shown that tion due to excessive amounts of methaemoglobin. there is a deficiency of an N.A.D-dependent enzyme The increased concentration of methaemoglobin in haemolysates from patients with hereditary occurs in the absence of any exogenous methaemo- methaemoglobinaemia on the basis of the reaction globin-producing substances. Methaemoglobinaemia between 2,6-dichlorobenzenone-indophenol and on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. is not a single disease but a group of diseases which N.A.D.H. This type of congenital methaemo- may be due to formation of an abnormal methaemo- globinaemia is transmitted as a recessive character. globin resistant to reduction; a deficiency in the Congenital methaemoglobinaemia due to excess of erythrocyte reducing system with accumulation of endogenous oxidizing substances Fishberg (1948) normal methaemoglobin; or abnormal endogenous described a case which may be of this type. The production of oxidizing substances. patient excreted large amounts of benzoquinone- Methaemoglobinaemia associated with abnormal acetic acid in the urine, the amount excreted varying methaemoglobins In 1948 Horlein and Weber roughly with the methaemoglobin level in the blood. reported a type of methaemoglobinaemia which was Administration of ascorbic acid abolished the transmitted as a dominant. The methaemoblogin methaemoglobinaemia and the excretion of benzo- had a different spectral absorption curve which they quinoneacetic acid. showed was due to a globin abnormality. Gerald (1958) has pointed out that electrophoresis of THE PORPHYRIAS Porphyria has aroused interest haemolysates in this condition shows the presence among clinicians and laboratory workers because of abnormal Hb M-type pigments. These have been of the unusal clinical manifestations with which it is purified and studied spectroscopically and have been associated and the relative ease with which the classified as Hb MB (Boston), Hb Ms (Saskatoon), porphyrins can be identified, even in small amounts. and Hb MM (Mineapolis). The methaemoglobins are Recent reviews on the porphyrias include those of oxidation products of these abnormal haemoglobins. Schmid (1960) and Waldenstrom (1957). In this J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.16.4.293 on 1 July 1963. Downloaded from

312 T. Hargreaves Glycine Succinate a-Ketoglutarate FIG. 10. The defect itl erythropoietic porphyria.

S-aminolaevulinic acid


Porphobilinogen deaminase

Polypyrryl methane

Uroporphyrinogen Porphobilinogen deaminase deaminase

Uroporphyrinogen III Uroporphyrinogen I

Uroporphyrin III Uroporphyrin I

Decarboxylation Decarboxylation http://jcp.bmj.com/ Coproporphyrinogen III Coproporphyrinogen I

Coproporphyrin III Coproporphyrin I

Protoporphyrinogen III (9a) on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Protoporphyrin 111

Haem discussion we will consider those forms of porphyria the teeth may show a red or brownish coloration. for which a hereditary basis has been clearly esta- Splenomegaly is present and in the majority of cases blished. there is increased haemolytic activity, which may Congenital erythropoietic porphyria This has be intermittent. The urine contains uroporphyrin often been confused with the hepatic types of mainly type I but some type III with small amounts cutaneous porphyria. The first sign suggesting the of coproporphyrin, mainly type I. defect is the excretion of red urine containing The most likely site of the metabolic defect is in uroporphyrin but no porphobilinogen; this may be the enzymatic mechanism that converts porpho- at birth or during the first few years of life. Photo- bilinogen to uroporphyrinogen. Porphobilinogen sensitivity appears in the first few years of life which deaminase converts porphobilinogen to uropor- is manifest by a vascular or bullous eruption which phyrinogen I but uroporphyrinogen III formation can lead to scarring. Hypertrichosis is found and requires the combined action of porphobilinogen J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.16.4.293 on 1 July 1963. Downloaded from

Inherited enzyme defects: a review 313 deaminase and uroporphyrinogen . It studied a large group of porphyric patients in the would appear that either overactivity of porphobi- white population in South Africa. These patients linogen deaminase or a defect in uroporphyrinogen can be traced to a pair of early settlers in South isomerase would account for the defect. The primary Africa. Many of the patients have skins sensitive to defect involves the production of porphyrins of the sunlight and slight mechanical trauma. Cutaneous type I isomer for which the body has no use. The manifestations are often the only symptoms in men defect appears confined to the haemopoietic system who feel well throughout life. In some members and may involve only part of the erythroid cells. acute attacks of abdominal pain occur; women are Its occurrence in more than one child in the same more likely to have abdominal pain and skin sensiti- family and the ratio of 1:3 for affected and un- vity is usually slight. Acute attacks can occur, affected siblings of both sexes suggest that the perhaps with peripheral and bulbar paralysis which abnormality is inherited as a Mendelian autosomal may produce respiratory failure. In many persons recessive trait. The penetrance of the abnormal gene the disease is latent throughout life. In this form the appears complete. The lack of increased porphyrin characteristic finding is the excretion of large excretion in parents and normal siblings of patients amounts of coproporphyrin and protoporphyrin in suggests that individuals who are heterozygous for the faeces. Faecal excretion is elevated even though the trait do not exhibit the metabolic abnormality. patients may be in clinical remission and may be asymptomatic throughout life. During acute HEPATIC FORMS In congenital erythropoietic por- episodes urinary porphyrin is increased and the phyria the metabolic defect can be traced to the urine contains large amounts of &-aminolaevulinic developing red cells, but in the other forms of human acid and porphobilinogen while during remission porphyria no such defect is found. In these forms the excretion of these compounds returns to normal the liver is the only organ containing large amounts limits. This type is different from the Swedish type of porphyrins and porphyrin precursors; hepatic by the fact that large amounts of copro-and proto- function is frequently impaired. porphyrin are excreted in the faeces. The South In this review we shall consider the different types African studies indicate that the defect is inherited of hepatic porphyria as they appear in genetically as a Mendelian dominant trait. homogenous groups. This classification does not Schmid (1960) reviewed the other reported take into account the precise metabolic defect as it is cases of porphyria in which the metabolic defect and not yet known. the mode of inheritance is less clear. It is difficult to

The Swedish type This was extensively investi- classify these families at present; for example, Holti, http://jcp.bmj.com/ gated by Waldenstrom in 1937. The syndrome is Rimington, Tate. and Thomas (1959) have described characterized by abdominal and neurological a porphyric family in which the defect is a dominant symptoms which are frequently intermittent. The trait. The disease was noticed in a young woman who abnormality is believed to be inherited as a Mendelian developed bullous skin lesions after delivery, and dominant but afflicted individuals may be free of nine other members of the family had chemical symptoms. Present methods fail to show an abnor- evidence of porphyria in that the faecal excretion of mality in asymptomatic persons who are genetically coproporphyrin and protoporphyrin was increased. on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. certain carriers. The urinary porphyrins were normal or only slightly The major biochemical defect in this form is the increased. This also differs from the South African overproduction of the porphyrin precursors &- type in that in the South African type large amounts aminolaevulinic acid and porphobilinogen. There is of 8-aminolaevulinic acid and porphobilinogen were little information to support the idea that the bio- excreted coinciding with the acute abdominal and synthesis of some haem-containing compound is neurological manifestations. It is probable that this blocked and the increases in the pyrroles attempt to family is different from the South African and compensate for this. A second hypothesis which Swedish types. suggests a defect of formation or metabolism of As can be seen the nature of the metabolic defect &-aminolaevulinic acid is consistent with the findings of the hepatic types has not yet been determined and studying the pool size and disposition of &-amino- it is in this field that future study should lie. laevulinic acid and porphobilinogen. The primary disturbance probably does not involve porphyrin HYPERBILIRUBINAEMIA Conjugation of bilirubin by metabolism but occurs at the level of pyrrole bio- the liver is essential for excretion of the pigment. The synthesis which is interrelated with the tricarboxylic passage of bilirubin through the liver cell involves acid cycle. several stages, and various type of congenital jaundice have been described, related to each of South African type Dean and Barnes (1959) these stages. 4 J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.16.4.293 on 1 July 1963. Downloaded from

314 T. Hargreaves Jaundice due to disturbance of the transport infants were found in whom severe jaundice ap- mechanism This syndrome has been called Gilbert's peared about two days after birth and persisted disease, hereditary non-haemolytic bilirubinaemia, throughout life. All but one developed severe changes familial non-haemolytic jaundice, or constitutional in the central nervous system resembling kernicterus hepatic dysfunction. The syndrome is characterized and five died before they were 15 months old. Other by a mild, chronic, apparently non-haemolytic cases have been described by Schmid (1960). hyperbilirubinaemia with unconjugated pigment in Investigations show that these patients clear brom- the blood (Meulengracht, 1947). This syndrome has sulphthalein normally and that the gall bladder can a variable course but often the jaundice is observed be visualised normally by intravenous cholangio- coincidentally with a routine examination or during graphy. Only unconjugated bilirubin is found in the some other illness. serum; the bilirubin tolerance is impaired and there In this syndrome bilirubin uptake by the liver is no evidence of excessive haemolysis. (Klatskin, 1961) is defective. The pigment in the It is probable that the defect in these cases is a blood is unconjugated and the bile pigment content lack of the enzyme, glucuronyl transferase. Jervis of the bile is similar to normal bile. Arias, Lowy, (1959) showed that a liver homogenate from a and London (1958), using needle biopsy specimens patient with the syndrome could not conjugate and a very sensitive assay method with 4-methyl bilirubin in vitro. This would support the theory umbelliferone, claimed to show a decrease in the that the condition is due to a lack of, or an impair- glucuronyl transferase in the liver. The glucuroni- ment of, glucuronyl transferase. dation system using N-acetyl-p-aminophenol and Crigler and Najjar (1952) showed that there was menthol in vivo is normal. Schmid and Hammaker a definite familial pattern as six cases occurred in (1959) believed the abnormality to be due to defective three related families. It is probable that the defect bilirubin transport from the plasma to the site of is inherited as a recessive trait. Childs, Sidbury, and conjugation in the liver cell. In Britain 'Gilbert's Migeon (1959) fed sodium salicylate to the relations syndrome' describes those patients who have a defect of three cases and found that glucuronide excretion in bilirubin uptake. was impaired. It may be that the gene is incompletely The occurrence ofunexplained hyperbilirubinaemia dominant for other glucuronide-forming compounds. in more than one member of a family has repeatedly Jaundice due to disturbances ofconjugated bilirubin been reported, and the investigations suggest that excretion In 1954 Dubin and Johnson described a the syndrome is genetically controlled and may be chronic benign intermittent jaundice in young transmitted as a Mendelian dominant. It has been people characterized by a raised serum bilirubin http://jcp.bmj.com/ suggested that this syndrome represents the heter- level which is mainly in the conjugated form. The ozygous form of congenital non-haemolytic jaundice liver is greenish black due to an excess of black (Crigler-Najjar syndrome) or that Gilbert's syn- granules in the liver cell. This pigment may be a drome represents a milder degree of the same defect lipofuscin and the granules may be altered . as the Crigler-Najjar syndrome. Against this is the The syndrome can be familial (Wolf, Pizette, observation that patients with Gilbert's syndrome Richman, Dreiling, Jacobs, Fernandez, and Popper, form glucuronides at normal rates and siblings of 1960). Wolf and his colleagues found that the degree on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. patients with congenital non-haemolytic jaundice of liver pigmentation varied but the mode of inheri- do not have mild hyperbilirubinaemia. tance is not yet known. Jaundice due to disturbance ofbilirubin conjugation Rotor, Manahan, and Florentin (1948) described Before bilirubin can be excreted in the bile it must a type ofjaundice similar to the Dubin-Johnson type be converted to a water-soluble conjugate with but the liver was not pigmented. As in the Dubin- glucuronic acid, bilirubin diglucuronide; this pro- Johnson type of jaundice there is an increase in the cess takes place in the liver. The glucuronic acid conjugated bilirubin in the serum and the 210- comes from uridine diphosphate glucuronic acid; minute value for the level of bromsulphthalein is the reaction is catalysed by glucuronyl transferase, a greater than the 45-minute value. The results suggest microsomal enzyme. Glucuronyl transferase is that the excretion of the conjugated pigment is deficient in the newborn animal (Lathe and Walker, impaired. The jaundice occurs in several members 1958); as the newborn matures the activity of the of a family but the evidence is insufficient to deter- enzyme increases, ultimately attaining adult levels mine whether the defect is genetically controlled. within a few weeks. A deficiency of glucuronyl transferase can be a cause of neonatal jaundice. ABNORMALITIES OF METABOLISM Congenital familial non-haemolytic jaundice (Crigler-Najjar syndrome) was described by Crigler Primary gout is a disorder of purine meta- and Najjar in 1952. In three related families six bolism, the cardinal feature of which is hyperuric- J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.16.4.293 on 1 July 1963. Downloaded from

Inherited enzyme defects: a review 315 aemia. It is pre-eminently a disorder of adult males It is doubtful whether itself is the precipit- and is characterized both by recurrent attacks of ating agent. The storage of uric acid in tophi is acute arthritis of unknown cause and by a chronic analogous to the storage of lipids, carbohydrate, and arthritis associated with deposits of urates in joints pigments in other 'storage' diseases; why cartilage is and other tissues. the site selected is unknown, but it also occurs in The heritable nature of gout has been recognized ochronosis. Uric acid is precipitated in the kidney since the time of Galen but it has only been included itself and as stones in the lower parts of the renal as an inborn error of metabolism in the last thirty tract; the factors causing precipitation include an years. The hesitancy was due to the idea that gout increased concentration in the urine, infection, and a was not an error of metabolism but was based on an drop in the urinary pH. alternative and slightly divergent path of meta- The cause of hyperuricaemia has been debated for bolism met with in a large part of the total popu- many years and it seems probable that in gouty lation. Now that it has been classified as an inborn subjects there is an increased urate generation and error of metabolism it can be seen that gout con- a decreased urinary excretion (Wyngaarden, 1960). forms to a well-defined clinical and metabolic Gutman and Yu (1957) showed that 30% of gouty pattern. These considerations apply to primary gout subjects excrete excessive amounts of urate in the and not to the secondary types. urine. These authors considered that there is no A family history of primary gout has been evidence for excessive reabsorption from the kidney recorded in only 6 to 18 % of cases but is enlarged and that hyperuricaemia is due to excessive pro- when a study of hyperuricaemia is made. Asympto- duction of uric acid. In the hyperexcretors of uric matic hyperuricaemia is approximately five times as acid overproduction of uric acid must occur but in common as clinical gout in families of gouty per- most cases large amounts are excreted in the gut sons. It is thought that penetrance of the presumed (Sorensen, 1959), also implying an overproduction autosomal dominant is variably incomplete in of uric acid. different families; expressivity ranges from a re- In the diseases previously considered, e.g., latively early appearance of fulminating symptoms phenylketonuria and alkaptonuria, the abnormal to a long-delayed appearance of mild symptoms. metabolites are formed from intermediary com- There is a striking preponderance of males (95%). pounds but uric acid is an end-point of metabolism. The considerations that apply to gout apply to It was formerly thought that uric acid originated inborn errors ofmetabolism in general. The spectrum solely or largely from preformed exogenous or of expression is presumed to be the result of a endogenous nucleic acids and that the hyperuric- http://jcp.bmj.com/ complex interaction of genetic, metabolic, and aemia of gout was due to excessive nucleic acid environmental influences (Gutman, 1959); the degradation. appearance of gout does not depend on the genetic Overincorporation of glycine or other precursors endowment alone since it is the predisposition to into uric acid is demonstrable in many cases of gout, not gout itself, that is inherited. gout, and those subjects who excrete large amounts of Although inborn, no sign of gout is detectable uric acid have shown overincorporation of glycine. until hyperuricaemia is found at puberty, especially It is probable that overincorporation is more fre- on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. in males, persisting in variable degree. Acute gouty quent than can be demonstrated by turnover studies. arthritis appears at sporadic intervals, then topha- Overincorporation of precursors into uric acid ceous deposits form and the patient has joint appears to be due to a shunt pathway whereby a symptoms between the acute attacks. Eventually percentage of newly formed pyridine nucleotides is chronic gouty arthritis, chronic gouty bursitis, renal broken down to purine bases which are then oxidized impairment, and sometimes renal failure ('gouty to uric acid. It may be that there is a defect in the kidney') develop. control of the production of phosphoribosylamine Among other inborn errors of metabolism not Jones, Ashton, and Wyngaarden (1962) demon- apparent at birth, galactosaemia and alkaptonuria strated an increased specific activity in the ribose appear some days or weeks after birth and glycogen moiety of imidazoleaceticacid riboside after admin- storage disease can occur some months after birth. istration of 14C glucose in certain gouty subjects. Genetically transmitted hypercholesterolaemia can There was an increased turnover of phosphoribosyl be considered similar to gout in that the cholesterol pyrophosphate, suggesting a failure in control at an level does not rise until after puberty and symptoms early site in purine synthesis. The hypothesis must do not appear until middle life. account for an excessive production of urate and The precipitation of attacks of acute gouty this is best explained by the idea that precursors of arthritis may be analogous to the crises in sickle cell are deflected from competing pathways. anaemia or the abdominal crises in acute porphyria. The concept implies that the lack of enzyme in J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.16.4.293 on 1 July 1963. Downloaded from

316 T. Hargreaves

NH3+ CO+ ATP FIG.ll. IThe defect in oroticacicdturia.

Carbamyl Phosphate Aspartic acid Transferase Carbamyl aspartic acid Dihydrooratase Dihydroorotic acid Dihydroorotic dehydrogenase I Orotic acid Orotidylic pyrophosphorylase Orotidylic acic Probable site Orotidylic of defect decaboxlase Uridylic acid Uridylic kinase I Uridine triphc triph Cytidylic acid primary gout does not reside in the sequential lacking, it would be expected that reaction of purine biosynthesis but elsewhere. would also be present in the plasma. The factor in the hyperuricaemia of gout The genetic defects in xanthinuria are obscure, is well established; whether the hyperuricaemia is but investigation of the relatives has precluded an determined by an autosomal dominant with com- autosomal dominant mode of inheritance. plete penetrance or by cumulative gene action is not http://jcp.bmj.com/ yet known. It seems likely that different patterns of inheritance may occur. OROTICACIDURIA Huguley, Bain, Rivers, and Scoggins (1959) described a child in whom there was XANTHINOSIS This is a rare disorder characterized a refractory megaloblastic anaemia associated with by the excretion of very large amounts of in the excretion of orotic acid in urine. From the age urine and the tendency to form renal stones. of 3 months the child was chronically ill, had re-

Dent and Philpot (1954) described a girl of41 years peated respiratory infections and diarrhoea, the on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. with a clear renal stone. Analysis showed that the bone marrow was megaloblastic, and the urine stone contained xanthine but no detectable uric contained crystals of orotic acid. There was some acid and the patient had no detectable uric acid in improvement in all features of the disease after the the blood. Dickinson and Smellie (1959 reinvesti- administration of steroids and almost complete gated the child, and, using specific enzymatic clearing of evidence of the disease after the adminis- methods, showed that the plasma oxypurines were tration of uridylic and cytidylic acids. increased. Other cases of xanthine stones have been The findings implied a defect in the pyrimidine described but this is the only case that has been synthetic pathway between orotic acid and orotidylic fully investigated biochemically. acid. A lack of orotidylic phosphorylase or orotidylic Dent and Philpot suggested that gross xanthinuria, decarboxylase would account for the accumulation together with low levels of uric acid in the plasma of orotic acid. The fall in orotic acid excretion after and urine, may be due to a block in the oxidation of uridylic and cytidylic acid administration could be xanthine to uric acid or to the excessive excretion of ascribed to a negative feedback mechanism. xanthine preventing its conversion to uric acid. This The parents were related and reduced levels of may be due to a renal tubular defect preventing its both orotidylic pyrophosphorylase and orotidylic reabsorption. Dickinson and Smellie (1959) sug- decarboxylase in erythocytes of both parents and of gested that both defects are present. It was suggested two surviving siblings were found. It may be that this that the enzyme is almost entirely defect is of a recessive type. J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.16.4.293 on 1 July 1963. Downloaded from

Inherited enzyme defects: a review 317

PSEUDOCHOLINESTERASE DEFICIENCY cystine was also found in the plasma. The children's mother and the two children have an impaired Suxamethonium (succinyl dicholine) is a short- methionine tolerance, probably indicating an in- acting muscle relaxant. Its removal depends on the herited defect of methionine metabolism. concentration of serum pseudo-cholinesterase. Lehmann and Ryan (1956) described a familial I should like to thank Professor N. H. Martin for his incidence of low pseudo-cholinesterase. Kalow help and advice in the preparation of this review, and also to acknowledge the help given by the British Empire (1959) has reviewed work in which it was shown that Cancer Campaign. the serum enzymes of such patients differed from those of normals as determined by substrate affinities REFERENCES as well as by lessened sensitivity to inhibitors. The decreased sensitivity to dibucaine (nupercaine) was Allan, J. D., Cusworth, D. C., Dent, C. E., and Wilson, V. K. (1958). Lancet, 1, 182. determined; the results fell into three groups which Andersen, D. H. (1956). Lab. Invest., 5, 1 1. best fit the model of two autosomal allelic genes Anderson, E. P., Kalckar, H. M.,and Isselbacher, K. J. (1957). Science, atypical, 125, 113. without dominance, yielding normal, and Aponte, G. E., and Fetter, T. E. (1954). Amer. J. clin. Path., 24, 1363. mixtures of the two enzymes. It was found that an Archer, H E, Dormer, A. E., Scowen, E. F., and Watts, R. W. E. inhibitor in potato peel distinguished the three (1958). Ann. hum. Genet., 22, 373. Arias, I. M., Lowy, B. A., and London, I. M. (1958). J. clin. Invest., groups and related well to the dibucaine inhibitions. 37, 875. Inhibition studies indicate that the difference at the Asatoor, A. M., Lacey, B. W., London, D. R., and Milne, M. D. (1962). Clin. Sci., 23, 285. anionic site could be because of a relatively weak Auerbach, V. H., DiGeorge, A. M., Baldridge, R. C., Tourtellotte, effective charge in the atypical enzyme. In this inborn C. D., and Brigham, M. P. (1962). J. Pediat., 60, 487. error the cholinesterase is not present in smaller Bartter, F. C., Albright, F., Forbes, A. P., Leaf, A., Dempsey, E., and Carroll, E. (1951). J. clin. Invest., 30, 237. amounts but has rather different catalytic properties and Pronove, P. Personal communication. Quoted by G. M. than normal. Tomkins, and J. S. McGuire (1960). In The Metabolic Basis of Inherited Disease, edited by J. B. Stanbury, J. B. Wyngaarden, and D. S. Fredrickson, p. 639. McGraw-Hill, New York. CONCLUSION Beadle, G. W. (1945). Chem. Rev., 37, 15. Boedeker. (1859). Z. rat. Med.,7, 130. Bongiovanni, A. M. (1958). J. clin. Invest., 37, 1342. In this review we have indicated those diseases that - (1961). J. clin. Endocr., 21, 860. can be called inborn errors of metabolism. This list Bozian, R. C., and Touster, 0. (1959). Nature (Lond.), 184, 463. Calderbank, A., Kent, P. W., Lorber, J., Manners, D. J., and Wright, is not complete because we have left out those A. (1960). Biochem. J., 74, 223. http://jcp.bmj.com/ diseases which are either due to defective tubular Carson, M. J., and Koch, R. (1955). J. Pediat., 47, 161. Carson, N. A. J., Cusworth, D. C., Dent, C. E., Field, C. M. B., reabsorption in the kidney or to impaired absorption Neill, D. W., and Westall, R. G. (1963). Arch. Dis. Childh. from the gut. These hereditary diseases demonstrate In the press. Carson, P. E., Flanagan, C. L., Ickes, C. E., and Alving, A. S. (1956). the importance of the biochemical approach in Science, 124, 484. clinical medicine. The hereditary make-up of the Chambers, R. A., and Pratt, R. T. C. (1956). Lancet, 2, 340. Childs, B., Sidbury, J. B., and Migeon, C. J. (1959). Pediatrics, 23, organism determines the potentiality, but other 903. play a part. factors, for example the environment, -, Nyhan, W. L.,Borden, M., Bard, L., and Cooke, R. E. (1961). on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. For instance, the haemolytic anaemia due to glucose- Ibid., 27, 522. Cordes, W. (1926). Rep. un. Fruit Co. med. Dept. N. Y., 15, 66. 6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency only appears Quoted by E. Beutler (1960). In The Metabolic Basis ofInherited when some factor intervenes to oxidize the cell Disease, edited by J. B. Stanbury, J. B., Wyngaarden, and D. S. Frederickson, p. 1031. McGraw-Hill, New York. glutathione; the galactosaemic infant becomes ill Cori, G. T., and Cori, C. F. (1952). J. biol. Chem., 199, 661. when fed on galactose. This combination of genetic (1957). Mod. Probi. Pddiat., 3, 344. and may play an important Crawhall, J. C., Scowen, E. F., and Watts, R. W. E. (1959). Lancet, 2, environmental factors 806. part in our understanding of other disease, for Crigler, J. F. Jr., and Najjar, V. A. (1952). Pediatrics, 10, 169. example, diabetes. Although the diseases we have Crumpler, H. R., Dent, C. 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