Eighth6HULHV9ROXXXIII1R. 14 WednesdayNovember 25, 1987  Agrahayana 4, 1909 6DND 

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/2.6$%+$6(&5(7$5,$7 1(: '(/+,  3ULFH5V   CONTENTS

[Eighth Series, Volume, XXXIII, Ninth Session, 191J7/1909 (SaJca)/ No. 146 Wednesday, November 25, 1987/Agrahayana 4, 1909 (Saka)


Oral Answers to Questions:

t Starred Questions Nos. 270 to 272 and 274 '" 1--30

Written Answers to Questions:

Starred Questions Nos. 269,273,275 to 288 ... 30--42

Unstarred Questions Nos. 2736 to 2742, 2744 to 2764, 2766 to 2779, 2800,2802to 2880,2882to 2887 and 2889 to 2910 ... 42--250 .

Papers Laid on the table ... 258-264 349-350 Messages from ... 264-265

Equal Remuneration (Amendment) Bill, as passed by Rajya Sabha-Laid ... 265

Committee on Private Members' Bills and Resolutions-- ... 265

Forty-fourth Report - presented

Matters Under Rule 377-- ·265-271

(i) Need to set up a high powered committee to make constructive and practical suggestions regarding child labour Shri Ganga Ram ... 265

.. The sign + marked above the name of a Member indicates that the question was actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member.

(i) (b1


(ii) Need to fix the price of Aminophytin and Theophylin medicines and to recover extra money charged by the Companies

Dr Chandra Shekhar Tripathi 266

(iii) Need for the Central Government to meet the entire cost of dredging in Paradip port

Shri Lakshman Mallick 267

(iv) Demand for opening a Central School at SHEL. Bhopal

Shri K N Pradhan 268

(v) Need to fix norms for utilising funds available for maintenance of irrigation dams

Shri Jujhar Singh 269

(vi) Demand for setting up a 100 MW Thermal Plant near Cochin refinery to meet the acute power shortage in Kerala

Shri Thampan Thomas 269

(vii) Demand for reconsidering the cess of 3.5 per cent on FOB pnces of pepper-

Shn K Mohandas 270

(viii) Need to absorb the loaders-cum-packers earlier working with Air Freight (P) Ud.. in International Airports Authority Ltd

Shrimati VyjayanthimaJa Bali 210

Regional Rural Banks (Amendment 8i1J)-- 271-349

Motion to consider

Shri C Madhav Reddi 271

Shr; P Namgyt:tl 283

Shri K.S. Rao 286

Shri Basudeb Acharia 291

Shri Ram Nagina Mishra 295

Shri Dharam Pal Singh Mallick 299 (Iii)


Shri Thampan Thomas 303

Shrimatl Basavarajeswan 307

Prof Narain Chand Parashar 312

Shri Vijoy Kumar Yadav 317

Shri Vijay N. Patil 320

Shri Umakant Mishra 324

Shri Bhadreswar Tanti 326

Shri V Knshna Rao 329

Shri Chintamanl Jena 331

Shri Ram Narain Singh 335

Shri Virdhl Chander Jain 337

Shrl G M Banatwalla 340

Shn Sriballav Pantgrahl 343

Shn PIYus Tlraky 346

Half-an-Hour Discussion- 350-372

Training of Senior Officers Abroad

Dr G S Rajhans 350

Shri P Chtdambaram 354

Shri Basudeb Achana 360

Dr Chlnla Mohan 361

5hri Shantaram Nalk 363

Shri V. Sobhanadreeswara Rao 364


1 2 LOKSABHA to know certain thIngs and only In one sen- tence the reply has been gIVen This IS the Wednesday, November 25, 1987/ modus operandi of the Government May I Agrahayana 4, 1909 (Saka) know from the han M,nister what prevented him to gIVe me the specifIC reply about the water resources and the realities in the The met at Eleven of the Clock country? The country IS faCing In one part drought and In another part floods We have [Mr Speaker In the Chair] become a bird of prey In the hands ofriver Brahmaputra Every year In that part devas- ORAL AJ\lSWERS TO QUESTIONS tating floods have taken place and the people are suffenng Now I am asking the [English] question Please have patience National Water Policy MR SPEAKER Should I ask the M,nister *270 SHRI BHADRESWAR TANTI Will also to have patience? the Minister of WATER RESOURCES be pleased to state (InterruptIons) (a) whether the National Water Pohcy adopted recently has suggested rationalisa- SHRI BHADRESWARTANTI Sir, It seems as a running commentary IS gOing on tIon of surface and ground water rates. .f

(b) If so, wMether due regard to the Inter- SHAt BHAGWAT JHA AZAD It IS prelude est of small and marginal farmers has been to Introduction Sir given In the pohcy and SHRI BHADRESWAR TANTI SIf, keeping (c) If so the salient features of the policy In view the peculiar SituatIon that we faced in In this matter? the country some months back when part of the country had abundance of water and THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- floods ar j the rest of the country was faCing ISTRY OF TEXTILES AND MINISTER OF drought, may I know from the Government .n STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF WATER what way they propose to draw a master plan RE.SOURCES (SHRI RAM NIWAS MIRDHA of the total water resources of the country for (a) to (c) The NatIonal Water Policy has tts proper and balanced use? Secondly. recommended that the Water rates for sur- what steps are the Government taking to see face water and ground water should be that the tremendous resources of the river rationahsed with due regard to the Interests Brahmaputra are not wasted and the same of small and margInal farmers are harnessed for the purpose of "ngalion and power? SHRIBHADRESWARTANTt Sir Iwanted a specific reply from the M,nister, but the SHRI RAM NIWAS MIRDHA Sir, the repbes are alWays cavalier replies I wanted question that the hon Member has tabled is 3 Oral Answers NOVEMBER 25. 1987 0ra1 Answers 4

a very small and specific one 'whether the that we will be in a position to see in what way National Water Policy adopted recently has it could be done suggested rationalisation of surface and ground water' There is no mention of floods SHRI BHADRESWAR TANTI: Sir, the Na- in it. there is no mention of general water tional Water Policy has recommended that policy, there is no mention of Brahmaputra. the water rates for surface and ground water If the hon. Member had asked just what he should be rationalised with due regard to the is asking nciw, I would have given him a long interests of the small and marginal farmers. reply. So, it is not my fault that my reply is But nothing is there Sir. we are very much very specific because a very specific ques- concerned that in the country. particularly in tion was asked and I have said what the Saurashtra. for the last three consecutive Policy says years there has been no water even for drink- ing purposes and in my State. that IS. Assam, MR. SPEAKER· You should have just when you don't want water, you get sufficient telepathic sense. water from nature and when we want water for the farmers for cultivation. we do not get SHAt RAM NIWAS MIADHA: We have water. placed this National Water Policy document on the Table of the House and I will welcome MR SPEAKER You move no-confidence a discussion on this. I am myself thinking of motion against him. bringing a Resolution to discuss this, in which aN matters connected with the water policy SHAI BHADAESWAR TANTI So. Sir, we and the national perspective in respect don't get water and even the farmers do not thereto can be brought about But since get water But there is enough scope for har- some points have been raised right now. I nessing the water In Brahmaputra fiver for ir- would like to say that the problem of drought rigaton and power and In apite of the fact and floods - floods in one area and drought that we could give moral support to the in another area.. (Interruptions) people, nobody IS there to look Into the grievances of the people The Brahmaputra PROF MADHU DANDAVATE Did you Board has been constituted and that Board follow the question? is headless It is without Chairman. There IS no Chairman to head the Board. In the cir- MR SPEAKER You see he IS follOWing cumstances in what way the Government IS the oral one able to execute aU these projects, I do not know It is a topless Board. SHRI RAM NIWAS MIROHA. This ques- tion has been before us for a very long time SHAI RAM NIWAS MIADHA. We have The point is that the water at the flood level given much more attention to the Brah- in certain rivers and in certain areas can be maputra than probably any other fiver In the transported to water -deficient areas We country and Brahmaputra Board which the NNe a national Organisation which is survey- han. Member has mentioned, has a Chair- ing the whole thing and we have divided the man, that is. the Secretary of the North- survey work In two different aspects -one .s Eastern Council IS the Chairman of the what is called Himalayan rivers and the other Brahmaputra Board So, it is not that there is peninsular rivers For the first part of study- is no Chairman he ;s concentrating on peninsular rivers-we are SUrveying all the major river basins and SHAI BHADAESWAA TANTI: Who is the sub-bas'ns to arrave at avallablhty of water Chairman there now ? there and see that by quick link the water can be transported or carned to the peninsular SHRt RAM NIWAS MIRDHA Secretary, fegic:ln8 in the South where water is deficient North-Eastern Council is the Chairman of the ~'des are laking place and It IS only after Brahmaputra Board and the Board is prepar- 5 Oral Answers AGRAf-tAYANA 4. 1909 (SAKA) 6

ing a master plan in what way the flood dif- SHRI SHANTARAM NAIK: Sir. whenEMw ficuties could be minimised and the water we have a national policy on a given subject could be diverted into the tributaries and if the Central Government is not fufly in charge of that subject, what hapPens nor- SHAt V SOBHANADAEESWARA AAO: may is, the State Government machineries Sir. the National Water Policy has recom- which are to implement that national policy mended water rates for surface water and do not react favourably or in an equal man- ground water which should be rationalised. ner and as a result, the blame of non-im- Whereas in the case of surface water sup- plementation of the policy faits on the Central· plied, the Government itseH is investing a Government. Therefore, I would like to ask huge amount on construction of reservoirs in this cqntext that to keep the water resour- -after which they supply water to the farmers. ces subject entirely in the hands of the In the case of utilisation of underground Central Government, have you given any water. the farmer himself - apart from the thought of nationalisation of water resources small and marginal farmers - is investing the or in the alternative. tb make the subject of entire money on tube-well and bore-well water resources brought under the Union So, in this connection, I would ask the Mini- List? Have any of these things been given ster whether Government will consider to en- thought of? courage utilisation of underground water potential to the maximum extent Will you PROF MADHU DANDAVATE· Why not give some part of expenditure as subsidy take over the State? which the farmer has to bear in regard to . bore-well or tube-well and also increase the present quantum of subsidy that is being (Interruptions) given to the small and marginal farmers, especially in drought prone areas like the SHRI RAM NIWAS MtRDHA Sir, no such Aayalaseema and Mehboobnagar Districts proposal is under the consideration of the which are constantly affected by drought ? Government Actually, the National Water Wilt you Increase the quantum of subSidy Policy starts with these words· from 25-33 % to 33-50 % ? "Water is a prime national resource, a SHAI RAM NIWAS MIRDHA Sir, what basic human need and a precious na- type of subsidy IS available to an individual tional asset Planning and development tarmer who digs the we" differs from State to of water resources need to be governed State and it is realty true that in some areas, by national perspective.· particularly drought-prone areas some sub- sidy should be given. But again it is for the So, there are many areas in which policies State Governments to decide what priorities are laid and this policy has been approved they have in their planning processes The Rajasthan Government. for example, said . by the National Water Resources Council - that it is all'eady giving Rs 10,000 to the the Pnme Minister IS Its Chairman and all farmer as subsidy for digging a well. as a Chief Mintst~rs are accommodated, and drought prone area programme and if they have unanimously approved this. So Andhra Pradesh Government chooses to fol- we presume that they would prefer to go by low the enlightened Government of Rajas- that. than. they can do so SHRIMATI VYJAYANTHIMALABAU: Sir. it has been reported that the execution of SHRI V. SOBHANADREESWARA RAO: major and medium irrigation projects is no For other farmers longer considered viable Sir, according to the information available, out of 246 big sur- (InterrUptions) face irrigation projects undertaken since 7 Oral AnswelS NOVEMBER 25. 1987 Oral AnSWSIS 8

196', only 65 projects ha~ been com- have not implemented them. So. it has to be pleted. The rest of them are still under con- done some day that even drawal of water struction We have poured so much money utilisation of ground water has to be regu- into these projects, but the benefits have not lated in a scientific manner yet started accruing. Sir, because of the acute scarcity of drinking water in Tamil Nadu SHRI PIYUS TIRAKY: Sir. is there any in the last one year ,Iakhs and lakhs of people scheme for the utilisation of the Brahmaputra have to pay heavy cost for the ground water to join it with T eesta and through Farakka to supply Even the Ground water table has give more water to Calcutta Port? been exhausted in and around Madras City SHRIMATIVYJAYANTHIMALABALI. Why not Krishna? Under the Circumstances, I would like to know from the han Minister whether Govern- SHRI RAM NIWAS MIRDHA Sir. I need ment has worked out any scheme under Na- notice for that tional Water Policy to tap underground water in a careful and judicious manner and supp- ly the same not only for irrigation purposes, SHRI G G SWELL Sir, the question is but also for drtnklng purposes at a uniform about rationalisation of surface and ground nominal rate water I do not know how do you rationalise surface and ground water I can understand (Interruptions ). rationalisation of the use of water

I do not know what you can do about SHRI RAM NIWAS MIROHA Sir. drinking ground water which IS there for better or water really should have a prlonty In certain worse But I would like to know what are you areas, and thiS IS one of the things that has dOing about tremendous run-off of water been mentioned In 'he eXisting National from our rivers dUring the monsoons Are Water Poticy that the requirements of drank- you thinking about harneSSing these waters, ing water have to be kept in mind storing them somewhere, making use of them or you Just let it go off merrily to the sea?

As regards the use of ground water SHRI RAM NIWAS MIRDHA Sir, the resources through wells and other minor Ir- question IS not about rationalisation of sur- ngatlon works, they are very Important and face and ground water If the Professor has our policy is to encourage as much as is pos- read it carefully, It IS the rates of water that Sible Even now, Sir the major contribution should be rationalised towards Irngatlon comes from minor Irriga- tIOn and wells and our policy IS to have a Judi- SHRI G G SWELL Then what about the. cious utilisation of ground water resources run-off? Sir. I would like to point out some problem that is ariSing .n this respect and that .s that SHRI RAM NIWAS MIRDHA Sir, about in some areas there IS overdrawal of water the next questIon about the run-off, the whole from the wells with the result that lot of irrigation programme IS meant to do and problems are arising Saltnlty has made ItS achieve just what the Professor has said, appearance and some of the neighbOUring namely. to utilise as much of the water th~ wells also are getting dried up Many years now goes Into the sea Every dam made. is back the Government of had a model for that purpose And every impounding of Bill circulated to the State Governments to water results In Withholding some·water that regulate the use of ground water. but Sir, no goes to the sea State has really undertaken legislatron Some States have passed laws, but they (Interruptions) 9 AGRAHAYANA 4, 19a9 (SAKA) Oral AnsWBIS 10

(Translation] (Interruptions)

MR. SPEAKER: Dr. Shoi. you are asking SHAI SOMNATH RATH. I would like to question after so many days. know whe~her any survey has been con- ducted throughout the country about dif- [Eng/ish] ferent water basins so that these basins can be connected and the water that damages Are you fit now ? during the floods can be utilised for irrigation.

DA. KAUPASINDHU SHOI. Completely SHAI RAM NIWAS MIADHAo Sir, as I said Sir earlier, we have a very well organised and ambitious programme of carrying on the sur- HonQurable Speaker. Sir. the main ques- vey of the water availability in the whole tion is about the modern water policy and country As I said earlier, we have divided our about the modern marginal farmer About surveys into two parts," one for the Himalayan the ground water the Ministry is giving the rivers and the other for the peninsular rivers powers to the National Sensing Satellite After these surveys are over, we would be Agency, Hyderabad to go and find out the able to say how much surplus water is avail- underground ancient formations geological- able in the river basin and how it can be ly, and the second thing is whether the transported to the desert-hit areas. stroma title lime zone has been delineated so that they can delineate the zone of under- [Trans/ation] ground water In different parts of the country so that the Ministry can do the needful I SHAI RAMASHAAY PRASAD SINGH would like to know whether the Minister is would like to know from the han Minister aware of the fact that under the DPA whether according to the new water poticy, Programme, up till last year lift irrigation Ganga water would be utilised for irrigation pOints were allowed throughout the DPAP purposes? Is there any scheme under area, but thiS year whether the Government which Ganga water would be utilised for ir- has discontinued that area by which the ngation purposes? Secondly. I woutdlike to small and marginal farmers will be left out know whether any scheme is being formu- from the lift irrigation pOints lated to control floods in the rivers?

SHRI AAM NIWAS MIRDHA Sir, we are SHAt RAM NIWAS MIRDHA There are making use of the remote sensing techni- many old and new schemes for power utilisa- ques for detectIon of ground water and we . tlon of Ganga water With a VJeW to control- have a Directorate In the Central Water Com- hng the fury of floods, we are Implementing miSSion as well as a Directorate In the Central several schemes and various State Govern- Ground Water Board which Interprets the ments are also cooperating In thiS task A lot aerial photographs and satellite Imagenes ot work is being done In thiS field and we have been gIving advice to the State Governments and we use them for our sur- [English] veys also as to where the ground water is available But this will give only an aertal view Facilities to the Freedom Fighters of the whole thing and it has to be followed .... up by a lot of other Investigation on the spot *271 SHRI G BHOOPATHY and other sCIentific people like geolog.sts also have to be Involved 'can assure the House through you, Sir, and the han Mem- Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be ber that remote sensing IS a very Important pleased to state part of the surveys that we undertake tor ground water Inspection (a) the number of freedom fighters get- 11 NOVEMBER 25, 1987 1~

ling palSion in the country; aid. free Iand/pIots and free education for the children of freedom fighters etc. in addition (b) the other facilities at present being to pension. pr

[English] SHRI MADHUSUDAN VAIRALE: I am happy that the Government has always SHRI CHINTAMANI PANIGRAHI: This taken a very sympathetIC attitude towards was only in relativn to the facilities that we are the freedom fighters In this context. I would providing. But as far as , remember. we have like to say that the number of freedom already sanctioned 1,44,310 samman pen- fighters is diminishing. This tribe is a sions. If the hon Member gives us a diminishing tribe It is good that Government separate notice scheme-wise. we can give IS gIVing concessions The Railway Pass the information as to which applicatiofl is concession was given only for one year. I pending would like to know whether it is going to be continued in future or IS It a fact that Govern- SHRI BASUOEV ACHARiA' On the very ment thinks that one year concession in their first day of the Session. the Minister of State whole life is sufficient tor the freedom for Home Affairs. Shri Chintamani Panigrahi. fighters. I would rather give a suggestiOn announced the names of some freedom that it should be extended. fighters for Samman pension. Secondly. there was a proposal to in- May I know from the hon. Minister the crease the pension of the freedom fighters in criterion for selecting the names of freedom view of the increasing prices I would like to fighters because all the veteran freedom know from the hon Minister what has hap- fighters have been left aut like Shri Ganesh pened to it. Ghosh. the living legendary of Chittagong Ar- moury Raid. What was the criterion that was. Third point is. 15 NOVEMBER 25. 1987 .0taI AnsMtta' 16

MR. SPEAKER : No. aU the han. Members if they know any eminent individual freedom fighter who has SHRI MADHUSUDAN VAiRALE' Have aU been left out to inform us. We are getting the these concessions been made applicable to names from them. freedom fighters who participated in Goa freedom fight? SHRt S.8. SIONAt.:. Sir, I congratulate the THE MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS(S han Minister for having recognised the BUTA SINGH): Hon Member's suggestions freedom fighters. But I am sorry to say that are well taken and we will definitety examine there are many genuine cases which are these algg8Stions at an appropriate time. pending with the Government of India fOi clearance on the ground that they should be SHRI SUDARSAN DAS: Is it a fact that the recommended by two veteran freedom Government of Assam recommended as fighters who have suffered more than one many as 61 long suspended Central year or two years The second point is that Revenue Pension cases of Karimganj and they should be recommended by the State Cachar districts of Assam on 24th Decem- Government But when they have been ber. 1984? recommended and when the certificate by two freedom ftghters IS attached, the cases Is it also a fact that after restoration of pen- are still pending The third point is that when- sion to 23 freedom fighters of that list of 61 , ever the recommendations atong With the the Ministry of Home Affairs has stHI held up certificate have come, the Central Govern- the rest 38 cases? Why? ment has sent them again for verification which has created room for corruption at that SHRt CHINTAMANI PANIGRAHt Sir, as I level So, I would like to know as to what the atpIained earlier, this related only to the Government has to say in this regard facilities provided to the freedom fighters Regarding the Individual cases, I have taken SHRI CHINTAMANI PANIGRAHI There IS nate of them. I will again write back to the a guideline hen. Member as to what happened to the rest of the 38 cases We are looking Into thiS (InterruptIons) matter AN HON MEMBER Please read out the (TIBIlSIation) guideline

SHRI 0 L BAlTHA' Mr Speaker Sir, we (Interruptions) have just been informed that pension has been sanctioned to the freedom fighters So SHRI K.S. RAO Sir, you allow an half-an- f. as I understand, only those names which hour discussion on this subject had been passed on to the Government might have been included I would like to ask KUMARI MAMATA BANERJEE: There the han. MinISter whether he would collect should be a tull dISCUSSIOn, not an half-an- the information available with the Members, hour discussion. have it verified and then included those names in the Itst ? (Interruptions) (English} SHAI ASUTOSH LAW Sir, let us have SHAI CHJNTAMANI PANIGRAHt In fact, half -an-hour diSCUSSion on thiS subject. we presented them this list. The han Mem- Please allow haIf-an-hour discussion in this bers have got the privilege and facllties also matter ... (Interruptions) ... A number of cases to lei us know It Informally I have also asked are still pending Many freedom fighters 17 AGfWiAY/lHA 4. 1909 (SAKA) .Oral Answers· 18 have not got their pensions. They are suffer- SHAI NAWAl KlSHORE SHARMA: That ing. will not do. The fuM information is not com- ing out Let us have all the information. (/nte"uprionsJ MA. SPEAKER: Let us see. MR. SPEAKER: Look here. We are doing a very patient job and I am allOWing certain MR. CHINTAMANI PANIGRAHI Sir, we questions I knpw it needs some attention have got highest regard and respect for all the freedom fighters of our country (Interruptions) PROF SAIFUDDIN SOZ. There is a ques- MR SPEAKER Now. you put the ques- tion in my name - Q No 282 - on the same tion. subject That may also be taken up along with this. (Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: If you had asked earlier, I SHRI K S RAO Sir. it must be discussed would have clubbed it But at this stage, I at length cannot do it I sympathise with you I have got all the appreciation of your point But at MR SPEAKER Let us see, if we fInd tIme this stage. J am unable to do It If you had done It earlier. I would have clubbed it Now. (Interruptions) It IS not possible

SHRI S 8 SIDNAL Sir. he has not replied to my questIon (InterruptIons)

SHAI CHINTAMANI PANIGRAHI Yes he SHAI CHI NtAMANI PANIGRAHI Sir. let has asked me a question me submit one thing We have got the highest regard and respect for all the (Interruptions) freedom fighters of our country and no genuine freedom fighter will be left out. we shall be dOing our best [T;ens/at,on ] (Interruptions) MR SPEAKER Please listen to me All of you would get a chance to speak All of [Translation] you cannot speak together S. BUTA SINGH Mr Speaker, Sir. as a [English] matter of fact. the issue of paying Samman Pension to the freedom fighters had been in- Please sit down itiated by late Shrimati Indira Gandhi at her own level It is a matter of great pride It is, SHRI NAWAL KISHORE SHARMA. You however. no compensation to the freedom allow an half-an-hour discussion on this sub- fighters It is a questIOn of honour. because Ject because thiS IS an Important question the entire country IS grateful to them Many members would like to ask questions MR SPEAKER It cannot be called com- MR SPEAKER Don't you think that' am pensation in any case giving importance? 'am already on it (English]

(InterruptIons) You cannot compensate that. 19 NOVEMBER 25, 1987 20

(TIWISIetion) cepted as authentic. Lakhs of such applica- tions have been lying pending.

SHRIBHAGWAT JHAAZAD.ltcannotbe I remember that our hQn. Prime Minister, called a compensation at all. Shri Rajiv Gandhi, had directed us last year to clear this large backlog immediately. A S.BUTA SINGH: The country is grateful to special cell was set up in the Home Ministry them. It was started as a token of respect and thousands 01 applications were cleared towards them. This scheme was imple- on the spot by 15 August 1987. I have got mented throughout the country Before that their number The Ministry of Home Affairs pension was betng gIVen in certain States on cleared them as per the orders of our han a very small scale, but she started the Prime Minister. scheme at the national level on a large scale. For most of the remaining applications, When ruteswere framed and the scheme we have written to the State Governments to was. formulated by the Government of India, send their reports. Several of the han. Mem- the State Governments should have given all bers who are sitting here talk a lot about the the information regarding freedom fighters in freedom fighters But it is a matter of regret f!N8rJ district to the Central Government. The that it is during their time that pension of difficulty arose, as thiS was not done As a thousands of freedom fighters had been result a large number of individuals and stopped on political reasons and their some Associations started sending repre- facilities had been withdrawn Those have sentations Naturally, these representations now been reviewed (/nterrup- were required to be verified If these repre- tions) ... Several of the OPPOSition Members sentations had been sent from each district who are supporting thiS were fighting against duly verified, there was no need for verifica- the freedom fighters Nevertheless. officers tion at the central level. That is why verifica- of the Home Ministry have been directed to tion was done visit the capitals of the States and process the cases of those freedom fighters whose First, communication ewas sent to some applications are pending. The officers have State Governments by the Central Govern- been asked to hold regular meetings and ment and the correspondence took a lot of take on-the-spot decisions so that no time. It is a fact. as han. Member has said. freedom fighter has any grievance about it. that in certain cases representations have It is gratifying that the entire House is taking been pending disposal for 3 years or 5 years interest in it We do not want that any When this scheme was launched at national freedom fighter should be deprtved of his level. certain applications were received in pension respect of which facts could not be ascer- tained and the applicants were told that their We are also looking into the cases of Goa. applications were based on facts. But we Andaman and Assam quite seriously cannot say so as our own people who have sent in applications must have record with [English] them. Most of the records are not available. RuIes_ have further been modified to make SHRI A.CHARLES: What about widows of provision for these people who do not have freedom fighters? cXx:umentary evidence of the periodS spent by them in jails because a good number 01 MR SPEAKER Don't speak without my the jails are now in Pakistan Such people permission. "- get their applications verified by two aICh freedom fighters as are already getting SHAI S BUTA SINGH We have taken a pension and happened to be their co- decision that the widows will be taken care priaoI ... and their documents will be 8C- of. 21 OralAnfNlers AGRAHAYANA 4, 1909 (SAKA) : Oral Answers - . PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: Mr. When we make an offer to an eminent 1*- Speaker, I would like to know from the Hen. son, we do not ask him whether we should Minister whether his attention has been make this offer to him or not. We had made drawn to the fact that after he made an an- an offer to him. If he did not like it, we can- nouncement through a statement in this not do anything abot.!t it There are some house regarding the Samman pension to be people who have their own views. We given to 97 eminent ';freedocn fighters who should honour all freedom fighters in this had not actuaHy'spplied for the pension, after spirit. I feel that there is nothing wrong about that, is it not a fact that former Rashtrapati it If we offer a small amount to pay our Sanjeeva R~ publicly issued a statement respect to great personalities, expressing grave concern that even before this list of 97 men's were announced. no (English] courtesy was shown even to consult men like him whose names were included? And we are within our rights and duties. whether it is a fact that many eminent freedom fighters in that tist cif 97. even to this [Translation] day, have not been informed that we have decided to gIVe pension Concurrently, I will As regards the two cases referred to by tell you that this morning. I came to know Professor Saheb. I would like to say that from one of the eminent freedom fighters every promise made by Smt Indira Gandhi Shri N.G Goray who said. II only read from to the freedom fighters will be fulfilled in let- the press that my name is included. But ter and spirit. even, at this stage, I have not received any communication • (Interruptions)

In this connection. I would like to tell that [English] Indiraji was kind enough in this house to reply to my question that freedom fighters from the PROF SAIFUDDIN SOZ That is very Royal Indian Navy Uprising 1946. they will be relevant question I must have the facility of part and parcel of recipient of freedom putting a supplementary fighters pension Is it not a fact that Shri B C Dutt who led the freedom fighters fight Upris- [Trans/ation] Ing in 1946 and who has written a fine book ·Mutiny of the Innocents·. his application has MR SPEAKER' I would have allOYled you not even been considered for pension? I had you put up the question earlier. Now the would like to know from the Minister time is over.

[Translation] (Interruptions)

S BUTASINGH Mr Speaker, Sir. weare [English] very proud of what the hon ~Iembel has said about It You may feel ashamed af it We are rendering very good servICe ro the freedom PROF SAIFUDDIN SOZ We have aI- fighters Those hen Members who are ready congratulated the Government for shouting ·Shame Shamel should feel sanctioning the pension suo motu to 97 ashamed because they were neither freedom fighters ThiS IS a very good freedom fighters at that time nor were as- scheme This should continue I wanted to sociated with the freedom fighters. Any way, know through my question if it comes I do Prof. Saheb said that our former President not know whether that will corne up as far as Shri N. Sanjiva Reddy has made some State- Jammu and Kashmir is concerned, what was ment. In this connection, it may be recalled the criterion in constituting a committee that it was an offer from Government"s side. there? Secondly. is the Hen Minister aware 23 Oral Answers NOVEMBER 25, 1987 Oral Answers 24 that there are genuine freedom fighters who (b) if so, the steps Government propose have not got the pension and yet there are to take to effectively control and regulate the those people, already I know, who have got flow of such foreign funds.? this pension unduly? Whether the Minister. conscious of the fact that there are genuine THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- freedom fighters who have not got it? TRY OF PERSONNEL,PUBLIC GRIEVAN- CES AND PENSIONS AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME AF- . MR. SPEAKER' This question has been FAIRS (SHRt P. CHIDAMBARAM) : (a) and answered so many times. It can be (b). There is no definite information that answered and it can be looked into proper- foreign contributio.1s received by the volun- Iy. He has given assurance that he will look tary agencies are being used for such pur- into it. poses. However. some amendments to the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 1976 SHRI CHINTAMANI PANIGRAHI I can are under consideration with a view to answer this So far as J & K is concerned, making it more effective 3,143 applications were received SHRI JAGANNATH PATTNAIK. Accord- ing to official sources, Rs. 230 crores are (Interruptions) received every year from foreign countries in the name of humanitarian and religious ac- PROF SAIFUDDIN SOZ· It is not that. tivities by various organisations of our have put a supplementary That question is country All of them are required to register separate themselves under the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 1976 I want to know from PROF SAIFUDDIN SOZ I wanted to the Hon Minister as to what are the methods know the criterion for the constitution of the and institutions to monitor their activities, to Committee and whether you know that pen- scrutinize their expenditure, to ensure that sion was not given to the people who they do not spend it on the forbidden ac- deserved it and there are people who did not tivities or to destabilise this country. deserve it, got it.

SHRI CHINTAMANI PANIGRAHI' We had SHAI P CHIDAMBARAM We have today have appointed a special committee for in our records over 1 1000 associations which screening the applications of the J&K are registered under the Foreign Contribu- freedom fighters and whatever unanimous tion (Regulation) Act These associations recommendations come w~ have accepted are required to file an half -yearly intimation of them totally foreign contributions received by them during the previous six months They are Misuse of Foreign Funds also required to file an annual statement of accounts audited by a chartered account- *272 SHRI JAGANNATH PATTNAIK Will ant the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state' The Foreign Contribution Division in the Ministf5* of Home Affairs has qualified per- (a) whether the events in the last tv.!o sonnet to go through these returns. We also years have clearly established that the get reports from our agencies and if we find foreign funds flowing into the country osten- any violation or any non-compliance with any sibty for the promotion of religious, social and provision of the Act or any inadequacy in the such other programmes of the voluntary half-yearly account or the annual account, agencies are finding their way to finance ter- actions are being taken according to the rorists and other anti-national activities~ and provisions of the Act. 25 Oral Answers AGRAHAVANA 4, 1909 (SAKA) Oral Answers 26

SHRI JAGANNATH PATINAIK' Is it not a PROF MADHU DANDAVATE He has fact that the Home Ministry has imposed cer- been consistent in hiS reply I tain restrictions and have refused permission to some of the organisations to receive SHAI P CHIDAMBAAAM The associa- money from abroad, although they have not tion which he has in mind has been placed put any blanket ban? At least. they have in the prior permission category. Wherever refused permiSSion to certain organisations we find that there has been a violation of law. to receive money from abroad, because we have taken action. I have already told the those institutions, in the name of religion, col- Consultative Committee about that. lect funds from abroad and spend it for anti- national activities· I would like to know SHRI M AAGHUMA REDDY May I know whether any probe has been made in thiS the name of the organisation? regard and if so what are the details. .(Interruptlons) SHAI P CHIDAMBARAM I think the Hon Member is referring to a category known as SHRI P CHIDAMBARAM We have filed Category of Prohibited ASSOCiations and Charge-sheets In some cases FIRs have' Persons It is correct that a certain number been registered in some of the cases and of persons and associations have been some cases have been referred to the State placed under the prohibited category under Governments for instituting prosecution after Section 10(A) of the Act and they are investigation f say that the monitoring prohibited from receiving any contributions mechanism is in place Of course, it can al- ways be better and we try to Improve our SHAI S JAIPAL REDDY Is the Minister monitoring mechanism aware that there is no monitoring mechanism? What IS required under the Act SHRI G M BANATWALLA Mr Speaker, as It IS now It is very weak - IS that the or- Sir, In thiS question we are not concerned gansatons whIch receive these contribu- with merely technical flaws In the Violation of tions are to file the returns But you have no the law The persIstent allegations, that there mechanism organisation through which you are voluntary agencIes misusing foreign can scrutinize the expenditure funds for anti-national activities, are creating a very Vicious atmosphere prejudicial to J would like to know from the Minister communal harmony Therefore, a vague whether he has received complaints about reply from the Government that there is no the misuse of these funds and if so what ac- definite InformatIon IS, I must say very agonis- tion has been taken thereof Ing

SHAI P CHIDAMBARAM It is not correct If you permIt me I Will I eClte an Urdu to say that we do not have any monitoring couplet and then put a question Such mechanism It IS because we have a vague reply that no definite Information is monitoring mechanism that we have been recel'IJed. as I said. IS very agoniSing able to place some persons and organisa- tions In the prohibited category It is be- MR SPEAKER What IS the couplet now? cause we have a monitoring mechanism that we have been able to place some others In [Translation] the prior permission category I think the SHRI M There is a Hon Member IS haVing a particular organisa- G BANATWALLA tion in mind He has spoken to me about thiS couplet - and I told him that I will give him an answer Jalim Yaha Khamosl BeJa Hai, Khrar Nahln Inkar to ho, SHAI S JAIPAL AEDDY You have been Ek aah to Nlka/e tod ke dll, telling this for one year or more Nagma Na Sahi Jhankar to ho 27 Oral Answers NOVEMBER 25, 1987 Oral Answers 28

MR. SPEAKER The Home Minister will MR SPEAKER Shn Banatwalla read out understand it a very good couplet

(EnglIsh] SHRI BALKAVI BAIRAGI Yes Sir, it was a very good couplet SHAI G.M BANATAWALLA. My question is that in view of the seriousness of the topic, (Interruptions) let the provisions of the Act be strengthened Will the Government further provide that any Jhankar Vahan Se Kya Hog;, person making such type of allegations must Payal KJ Jinhe Pehchan Nahln. .. (Interrup- substantiate his allegations or face actton for tions) his recklessly moving about on this very Im- portant topic? I could not understand as to what relation does Shri Buta Singh have with 'Payal' THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- TRY OF LAW AND JUSTICE (SHAI H A (InterruptIons) BHARDWAJ) Sir, the answer IS MR SPEAKER Shn Balragl, do not say Mashware Hote Haln, like this There IS a proverb in Punjabi ·Ona Sheik wa Barhaman Ke Jlgar, di muchhan te tota peya balda hai· Rind Jan Lete Hain, Satthe Hua Maykhane Mel. (Interruptions)

PROF MAOHU DANDAVATE Has he SHRI BALKAVI BAIRAGI Let me com- given a reply? I request that you also give a plete my couplet ruling in Urdu couplet Jhankar Wahan Se Kya Hogl, (Interruptions) Payal KJ J,nhe Pahchan Nahln, Khamosh Inko Rahane Do, THE MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS (S Jln Mel Aab Tal< KOI Jan Nahln .. BUTA SINGH) Sir, Hon'ble Member has made hiS ViewS known, firstly, about many (Interruptions) legal flaws In the provisions itself which my hon'ble colleague Mr Chidambaram has Just MR SPEAKER Shri Ramswaroop Ram, now read out We have already considered would you like to ask something? Since you to amend certain prOVIsions of the Act which are double Ram. you can do anything are being misused The Government would soon come before thiS House with the (Interruptions) amendments We will be pleading those amendments [English]

Secondly. he has also suggested that SHRI VAKKOM PURUSHOTHAMAN You some liability must be fixed on those persons must make some arrangement to translate who make a complaint ThiS is a suggestion this couplet to us At the time of making amendments, we will take it into conSideration [Translation]

(Translation] MR SPEAKER I shall get it done for you

SHRI BALKAVI BAI RAG I Mr Speaker, SHAt AAMSWAROOP AAM Mr. Speaker, Sir Shri Banatwalla read out a couplet there are certain agencies which are 29 Oral Answers AGRAHAYANA 4, 1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 30 engaged in social, cultural and religious ac- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- tivities. They get funds direct from abroad. TRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBLIC GRIEVAN- In this connection, I would like to draw the at- CES AND PENSIONS AND MINISTER OF tention of the Minister towards Boudhgaya STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME AF- Samanvaya Ashram which was founded by FAIRS (SHR~ P CHIDAMBARAM). (a) to (d). late Jai Prakash Narayanji Lakhs of Rupees Information regarding child sacrifice is not are paid direct to SamanvayaAshram. In this collected anC!i tabulated by the Central Agen- connection, I had written to the hon Minister cies However, information IS being col- that funds are misused on a large scale lected from the State GovernmentslUnion there Political parties are being given sub- Territory Administrations and will be laid on scriptions there whereFls its main objective is the Table of the House on receipt to educate the poor and physically hand- icapped children and put them on the right SHAI H M PATEL Mr Speaker Sir, as to path But funds are being misused there I the number of child sacrifices, what steps or would like to know from the hon Minister as practical measures the Government to what amount was received by the propose to take In thiS regard? You are Boudhgaya Samanvaya Ashram In aware of the fact that child sacrifices are dUring the last two years and out of that what taking place There are several reports avail- amount was utilised for the benefit of the able With me here They may not be com- people? I would further like to know whether prehensive but this is a fact ·that child any case will be filed against Shri Dwaraka sacrifices are taking place and they are Sundarani , the Manager of the Samanvaya reported from time to time In the Press Has Ashram, who misused the funds on a large the Government considered the matter at all? scale? If so, what steps do they propose to take concretely In regard to them? [English] SHRI P CHIDAMBARAM We are collect- SHRI P CHIDAMBARAM Pardon me Su, ing information from the State Governments I require a separate notice for this specific as- and we will place it on the Table of the House sociation As soon as I receive the notice, I On the baSIS of the Information collected, we will supply the answer shall certainly consider what steps have to be taken to stop thiS evil Child Sacrifice + *274 SHRI H M PATEL WRITTEN ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS SHRI MANIK REDDY [T rans/atlon] Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state Class III Employees on Muster Roll in N.D.M.C. (a) whether children are being sacrificed In many parts of the country, *269 SHRI VILAS MUTTEMWAR Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to (b) the number of such inCidents reported state In Delhi, Maharashtra, Karnataka and West Bengal DUring the past two years, (a) whether there is any policy for regularlslng the serVices of Class III (C) whether any such case has been employees who are on muster roll in the New reported In Deihl recently, and Delhi MUniCIpal CommIttee,

(d) if so, the preventive measures taken (b) if so, the number of Class III to stop child kidnapping and their sacrifice? employees on muster roll in the New Delhi 31 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25. 1987 Written Answers 32

Municipal Committee and the number of FAIRS (SHRI P CHIDAMSARAM): (a) to (c). employees who have completed three years The Union Public Service Commission intro- service and the number of those employees duced the system of Objective Type Tests on who have completed two years service out an experimental basis in 1976 and on a large of them, and scale from 1979 onwards In almost all the examinations conducted by the Commis- (c) the reasons for not regularising their sion, barring the Civil Services (Main) Ex- services and the time by which the services amination and the Limited Departmental would be regularised? Competitive Examination for Under Secretaries, the question papers are either THE MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS (S partly or fully of the objective type format. SUTA SINGH) (a) to (c) A statement is given This type of testing ensures quickness of below evaluation where large number of can- didates are Involved while maintaining objec- STATEMENT tivity It also permits wide coverage of the subject matter beIng tested The nl:Jmber of Class III employees work- ing in the NOM C on Muster Roll is 109 26 Review of Jodhpur Detenus Cases of them have completed 3 years and 30 have completed more than 2 years service Their *275 SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA services are regulansed as and when regular SHRI VIJAY KUMAR YADAV vacancies occur on account of retirement, resignation or death or on creation of addi- Will the MinIster of HOME AFFAIRS be tional posts to be fIlled up by dIrect recruIt- pleased to refer to the reply given to Un- ment It is not possible to Indicate any starred QuestIon No 1834 on 7 August, definite tIme by whIch their services would be 1987 regarding review Jf Jodhpur detenus regulansed cases and state

[English] (a) whether the matter has since been considered and a deCISion taken thereon,

Objective Type Tests (b) If so. the details of the decision taken, and *273 SHRI PRATAPRAO B BHOSALE Will the PRIME MINISTER be pleased to (c) If not, the reasons for delay? state THE MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS (S (a) whether the Union Public Service SUTA SINGH) (a) and (b) The matter IS Commission propose to introduce the sys- under consideration tem of objective type tests (c) Does not arase (b) if so, the details of the scheme and the names of examinations where this system is [Translation] to be introduced, and Central Auistance for Narmada Valley (c) the objectives of this new system? Development Projects


Union Government to the Madhya Pradesh study has been undertaken on a pilot basis. Government during the current financial year for Narmada Valley Development Projects. [English)

(b) whether Government propose to Space-Based Technology to locate make available additional funds for the Underground Water Sources projects in the coming years; *278 SHRI VAKKOM PURUSHOTHA- (c) if so. the details thereof. and MAN.WIIi the Minister of WATER RESOUR- CES be pleased to state (d) if not. the reasons therefor? (a) whether any experiment to locate un- THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- derground water resources based on satel- ISTRY OF TEXTILES AND MINISTER OF lite based remote sensed data is being STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF WATER conducted in some drought hit areas: RESOURCES (SHRI RAM NIWAS MIRDHA) (a) and (b) As per the present policy. (b) if so, the details thereof and the results projects in the irrigation sector are funded achieved. from the State Plan resources (c) whether Government propose to (c) and (d) Do not arise make use of this space-based technology for identifYing water resources in more Utilisation of Irrigation Potential drought -hit areas. and

*277 SHRI JUJHAR SINGH·' Will the Min- (d) if so, the details thereof? Ister of WATER RESOURCES ~ pleased to state THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- ISTRY OF TEXTILES AND MINISTER OF (a) whether the Advisory Group set up to STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF WATER Identify the problems With respect to the gap RESOURCES (SHRI RAM NIWAS MIRDHA). In potential created and actual utlhsatlon of (a) and (b) Satellite based remotely sensed Irrigation potential and to suggest suitable data have been successfully used for map- remedial measures to close the gap has sub- ping features Indicative of ground water oc- mitted its report, currence, dehneatlon of areas SUitable for further prospecting and location of borehole (b) if so. the suggestions made by the sites In a number of drought prone and Group and the action taken or proposed drought affected areas in the States of thereon. and Andhra Pradesh. Karnataka. Kerala. Maharashtra. Madhya Pradesh. Gujarat. (c) if not, when the report is likely to be Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu submitted? (c) and (d) Accelerated use of this tech- THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- nology is proposed to be made In ground ISTRY OF TEXTILES AND MINISTER OF water surveys and location of boreholes in STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF WATER drought affected areas in Andhra Pradesh, RESOURCES (SHRI RAM NIWAS MIRDHA) Madhya Pradesh. Maharashtra. Karnataka. (a) to (c) The Advisory Group which has Rajasthan and GUJarat been set up by the Planning Commission IS \ metBnt primarily to advise on and to ~uide Grant of Increments at Efficiency Bar diagnostic studies at micro level on the problem of gap between irrigation potential *279 SHRI HAFIZ MOHO SIODIQ' Will created and utilised So far. one micro level the PRIME MINISTER be pleased to state: 35 WrittenAn~ NOVEMBER 25. 1987 Written Answers 36

(a) whether the Supreme Court has THE MINISTER OF PLANNING, MINI- recently delivered a judgement regarding STER OF PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION grant of increments tQ. Government AND MINISTER OF LAW AND JUSTICE employees at the efficiency bar after their (SHRI P. SHIV SHANKER): (a) to (c). The suspension period has been condoned proposal to frame the Uniform Civil Code is under Fundamental Rule 54: under consideration of Government. Government is of the opinion that necessary (b) if so, the details thereof; and atmosphere in the country is a pre - requisi- te to bring forward such a legislation. (c) the details of instructions issued to im- plement court's orders? Steps to Check Bank Crimes THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- TRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBLIC GRIEVAN- *281 DR. V. VENKATESH: CES AND PENSIONS AND MINISTER OF SHRI BALASAHEB VIKHE PATIL: STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME AF- FAIRS (SHRI P. CHIDAMBARAM): (a) to (c). Will the Minister af HOME AFFAIRS be In a case where a retired government seNant pleased to state: was considered for crossing of efficiency bar retrospectively after hi~ retirement, the (a) whether the Central Forensic Scien- SuPreme Court in a judgement der.vered on =es Laboratory has suggested specific 3.9.1987 observed that when a .prejudicial steps to check bank crimes, and qrder was made to deprive the government servant of his increments above the stage of (b) if so, the details thereof and the aetior efficiency bar retrospectively after his retire- taken in this regard? ment, he should have been given an oppor- tunity to be heard before issuing the order. THEi MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS (5. The principle laid down by the Supreme BUTA SINGH)"; (a) No, Sir Court is a well settled principle based on the rules of natural justice and every administra- (b) Does not arise. tive authority should observe the same. There is no need to issue any instructions freedom Fighters Pension Cases from pursuant to the judgement J&K

*282 PROF SAIFUDOIN SOZ Will the ~ Uniform Civil Code Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pteased to state' *·280 SHRI SHANTARAM NAIK: Will the Minister of LAW AND JUSTICE be pleased to (a) whether a large number of applica- state. tions for grant of freedom fighters pension were received from J&K State, (a) whether the draft bill on uniform civil code, which Government proposed .to enact (b) whether a Committee was set up to has been finalised: scrutinize these applications: and

(b) if not, the specific problems before (c) if so, the outcome thereof and when Government causing the delay in finaJisatlon these cases are likely to be cleared? of the draft, and THE MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS (5. (c) whether Government have decided to aUTA SINGH) (a) 3143 applications were she1ve the proposa' temporarUy or indetinite- received trom J&K tor grant at pension under 'r{! Swatantr ata Sainik Samman Pensipn 37 Written AnswetS AGRAHAYANA 4, 1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 38

Scheme by the last date prescribed for (d) Friendly relations have been receipt of applications hampered by several negative actions on the part of Pakistan, such as its aggressive and (b) Yes, Sir. clandestine pursuit of a weapons-oriented nuclear programme, its scramble for sophis- (C) l398 applications pending at that time ticated weapons, its involvement with ex- were referred (0 the Committee which was tremist activities directed against India and set up on 11.10.83. Out of these, the Com- its unwillingness to permit the expansion of mittee recommended 733 cases in four sit- people-to-people contacts between the two tings' in all, held by the Committee Of these, countries pension was sanctioned in 583 cases, and the remaining 150 cases were rejected as Software Manufacturing Facilities at either the recommendation of the Committee Bhubaneshwar was not unanimous or the certifier in a par- ticuar case was not eligible because his own *284 SHRIMATI JAYANTI PATNAIK' Will proven Jail suffering was less than one year the PRIME MINISTER be pleased to state' The remaining cases not recommended by the Committee stand rejected (a) whether Orissa State Government has been representing to Union Government to create software manufacturing facilities at Indo-Pak Talks to Improve Relations Bhubaneshwar for the last three years, and

*283 SHRI H N NANJE GOWDA (b) if so, the deCISion of Union Govern- SHRI S B SIDNAL ment and the steps taken In thiS regard?

Will the Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS THE MINISTER OF STATE rN THE MINIS- be pleased to state TRY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPART- (a) whether India and Pakistan have MENTS OF 'OCEAN DEVELOPMENT, decided to have officlaJ level talks to further ATOMIC ENERGY, ELECTRONICS AND improve relations between the two countries, SPACE (SHRI K R NARAYANAN) (a) Yes, Sir There has been requests from the Oris- (b) if so, the topics that are likely to be dis- sa Government to the Government of India cussed to create software technology activities at

Bhubaneshwar since May I 1985 (c) the steps Government are consld~r­ ing to improve the relations between the two (b) The follOWing preliminary steps have countries, and been taken towards realisation of thiS goal

(d) what are the differences that still exist (i) The NatlonallntormatlCs Centre (NIC) between the two countfles? under the Department ot Etectronics has installed a very large mainframe THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- computer at Bhubaneshwar TRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS (SHRI K NAT- WAR SINGH) (a) to (c) India has maintained (ii) Plan for setting up one of the four 'n- dian Institutes of Information T ech- a continuous dialogue with Pakistan in order nology (lilTs) at Bhubhaneshwar has to Improve relations between the two been progressed with the full invol- countries In thiS context. the Foreign vement of the representatIves of the Secretaries of India and Pakistan are ex- Government of Orissa Land for this pected to meet In the near future for an Institute has been identIfied across-the-board diSCUSSIon on bilateral and other Issues of mutual interest (m)The Director of Orissa Computer Ap- 39 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25. 1987 40

plication Centre which is a Govern- amination and it is too early to formulate any ment of Orissa enterprise, accom- views on its recommendations • panied a delegation led by the Department of Electronics to USA for software export campaign in six The laying of t~ report on the Table of cities of the United States. The offi- the House in due course of time will be con- cial held discussions with a number sidered. of prospective collaborators for software export from Bhubanesh- war Assistance to Corrugated Packing Industry In addition to the above, the Orissa Government has also set up the Orissa Com- puter Application Centre (a Government of *286 SHRI HARISH RAWAT wm the Min- Orissa Enterprise) ister of ,PLANNING be pleased to state

(a) whether the Planning Commission has made a prOVision for giving some spe- ITrans/atlon] cial hnanclal facilities to encourage cor- rugated packing industry In the hill areas of the country, Implementation of Sarkaria Com- mission's Recommendations (b) If so, the details In this regard and the name of the hill state and the region where thiS facility has been prOVided so far, *285 SHRI BALWANT SINGH (c) whether hiS Ministry propose to RAMOOWALIA provide and extend the aforesaid facilities to DR CrllNTA MOHAN the hill areas of Uttar Pradesh . and Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state (d) if not, the reasons therefor?

(a) whether Government propose to ap- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- prise the State Governments about the TRY OF PLANNING AND MINISTER OF recommendations made by the Sarkaria STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF PROGRAMME Commission on Centre-State relations, if so, IMPLEMENTATION (SHRt SUKH RAM) (a) when, No separate prOvision has been made Central assistance has been given to (b) whether any action plan is also Himachal Pradesh to enable the State to proposed to be drawn up to Implement the provide equity in the project for setting up a recommendatIons of the CommIssion, and corrugated fibre-board carton project for fruit packaging

(c) whether the Report IS also proposed to be laid on the Table of the House, if so, (b) Himachal Pradesh has Informed that when? the plant will have a capacity to produce 2O,CXlO metric tannes of corrugated sheets THE MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS (S per !year from imported kraft liner A case BUlA SINGH) (a) to (c) The Sarkana Com- maker for manufacturing 5 million cartons miSSion have only recently submitted its ~ year will also be set up The cost of the report to the Government It deals at length pr,oject is As 13 70 crores with various aspects of the Centre State rela- (c) and (d} The Planning Commission will tions ThEi: report IS under prehm.nary ex- 41 Written Ahswers AGRAHAYANA,4, 1909 (SAKA) Wntten Answers 42 examine the project report from other States THE MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS (So as and when receIVed A project report BUTA SINGH) (a) The Deihl ~dministration received recently from J & K is under ex- have no intimation of any such recent amination No such report has been demand received from Uttar Pradesh

(b) No change in the Police Commis- Kutch Development Board sioner system In Deihl IS contemplated for the present

*287 SHRIMATI USHA THAKKAR Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased Unearthing Under Sea Dwarka City to state

(a) whether Government propose to set 2736 DR 8 L SHAILESH Will the up the Kutch Development Board ,and PRIME MINISTER be pleased to state

(b) if so, the details thereof? (a) whether the legendary Dwarka city of THE MINISTER OF HOME AFFAiRS Lord Knshna has recently been unearthed (S BUTA SINGH) (a) and (b) Establishment under sea at the ancient harbour of Dwarka of a Developments Board for Kutch normal- In GUJarat ly hes Within the domain of the GovernrT)ent of GUJarat However ,f the reference IS to the (b) If so whether the structural remains of Development Board under article 371 (2) of thiS ancient City and topographical features the constitutIon there IS no such proposal of the sea floor have been studied by some under consIderation of the Government of experts and if so, the outcome thereof, India at present, In the absence of a specifiC proposaJ from the Government of GUJaral (c) whether some artefacts of shipwrecks had also been found and If so, the details thereof, (Engltsh] (d) how these and other articles found dunng the excavation are proposed to be Demand for Withdrawal of Judicial preserved, and Powers From Police

(e) whether a sonar survey of the area IS *288 PROF MADHU DANOAVATE Will proposed to be canted out by the National the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased Institute of Oceanography and If so, when? to state

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- (a) whether Governmeflt have taken note TRY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AND of the recent demand made by the Delhi Bar MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPART- AssociatIon that all JudiCial powers be MENTS OF OCEAN DEVELOPMENT, Withdrawn from police, and If so ATOMIC ENERGY, ELECTRONICS· AND Government's reactlor;a thereto and SPACE (SHAt K A NARAYANAN) (a} Yes. Sir

(b) whether the Pohce Commissioner sys- (b) Yes ,Sir, Important ftndlngs betng - lem In Deihl IS under review? submerged structures of stone blocks assig- 43 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25. 1987 Written Answers 44 nabla to 14th century B.C. at 8 metre depth STATEMENT • I and 2 others of later date at 4.5 metre water depths. (a) Population of Metropolitan Cities/U.As. (Having Population of 1 Million -finding of perforated stone anchors. a & Above ) in the Country as per 1981 Census late Indus type seal and inscription on ajar, and pottery assignable to 14th and 15th cen- turies. SI. Name of U.A./City Population No. (1981) (c) Yes. Sir, a few parts of a wooden boat that wrecked in tater part of Dwarka are recovered along with two iron anchors, a metal plate and pottery 1 2 3

(d) The portabte antIquitIes will be handed over to the Gujarat Government 1. Calcutta (U.A ) 9,194,018 when proposed marine archaeology museum is built by them at Dwarka. 2. Greater Bombay (M. Corp.) 8,243,405

(e) It is proposed to carry out sonar sur- 3 Delhi (U .A.) 5,729,283 vf!I1 of the area on the acquisition of requisi- te facilities for it 4. Madras (U.A) 4,28~.347

5 Bangalore (U A ) 2,921.751 Population of Metropolitan Cities 6 Ahmedabad (U A ) 2,548,057

2737. SHAt SYED MASUDAL HOSSAIN 7 Hyderabad (U.A) 2,545,836 Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state: 8. Pune (U.A.) 1,686.109

9 Kanpur (U A) 1,639.064 (8) the populattOn of each metropolitan cities in the country 88 per 1981 census; and 10 Nagpur (U.A.) 1,302.066

(b) the population of other major cities of 11 Jaipur (U.A ) 1,015,160 the country as per 1981 census? 12. lucknow (U.A ) 1,007,604

THE MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS (5. BUTA SINGH): (a) The required information is given in statement I below. U.A.Stands for Urban Agglomeration and (b) The required information is given in statement II below. M.Corp.stands for Municipal Corporation. 45 Wrttten Answers AGRAHAYANA 4. 1909 (SAKA) Wfltten Ans~ 46


(b) Population of Other Cities of the 17 Ludhlana (M Corp) 607.052 Country (Having Population of 1 lakh & Above and Below one million as per 1981 18 Snnagar (U A ) 606.002 Census. 19 Vtshakhapatnam (U A ) 603,630 SI Name of U A IClty Population 20 Amntsar (M Corp) 594,844 No (1981) 21 Gwaltor (U A) 555.862 1 2 3 22 Caltcut (U A ) 546.058

1 COlmbatore (U A ) 928.355 23 VIJayawada (U A ) 543.008

24 Meerut (U A) 2 Patna (U A) 918903 536.615

3 Surat (U A) 913.806 25 Hubh-Dharwad (Corp) 527.108

4 Madural (U A ) 907732 26 Trtvandrum (U A ) 520,125

5 Indore (M Corp) 829.327 27 Salem (U A) 518,615

Solapur (U A ) 6 Varanasl (U A ) 797.162 28 514.860

7 Jabalpur (U A ) 757303 29 Jodhpur (M) 506.345

8 Agra (U A) 747.318 30 Ranchl (U A) 502.771

9 Vadodara (U A ) 744.881 31 Durg-Bhllal Nagar (U A ) 490.214

10 Cochln (U A) 685.836 32 Mysore (U A) 479.081

11 Ohanbad (U A ) 678.069 33 Baredly (U A ) 449.425

12 Bhopal (M C) 671.018 34 RaJkot (M C) 445.076

13 Jamshedpur (U A) '"069580 35- Nashtk (U A ) 429.034

14 Allahabad (U A ) 650.078 36 Chandlgarh (U A ) 422,841

15 Ulhasnagar(U A ) 648.671 37 Jalandhar (M Corp) 408.196

16 Ttruchtrev>palt (U A) 609.548 38 Thane (U A) 389.801 47 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25, 1987 Written Answers 48

1 2 3 1 2 3

39. Ajmer (M) 375.593 61. Bikaner (U.A.) 287,712

40. Guntur (M) 367,699 62. Ghaziabad (U .A.) 287.170

41 Asansol (U .A.) 366.424 63. Jhansi (U.A.) 284,141

42. Kota (M) 358.241 64. Unain (U.A.) 282,203

43 Kolhapur (U.A ) 351.392 65. Erode (U .A.) 275.991'

44. Moradabad (U.A ) 345.350 66 Sangli (U A.) 268.988

45 Raipur (M C) 338.245 67 Rajahmundry (U.A.) 268.370

46. Warangal (M) 335.150 68. Bokaro Steel City (U.A.) 264.480

47. Faridabad Complex Admn 330.884 69. Amaravati (M) 261,404

48. Cuttack (U A ) 327,412 70. Pondicherry (U.A.) 251.420

49. Tirunelveli (U A) 323.344 71 Tuticorin (U.A.) 250.677

SO. Rourkela (U A) 3~10 72. .Gaya (M) 247.075

51. Aligarh (M.B.) 320.861 73. Vellore (U.A) 247.041

52. Jamnagar (U.A.) 317.362 74. Malegaon (M) 245.883

53. Aurangabad (U A ) 316,421 75. Nellore eM) 237.065 i4 Durgapur (N A.) 311.798 76. Udaipur (M) 232.588

55. ~havnagar (U.A ) 308,642 77 Kharagpur (U .A.) 232.575

56 Gorakhpur (U A ) 307.501 78 Kakinada (M) 226.409

57. Mangalore (U A ) 306.078 79 Akola (M) 225.412

58. Belgaum (U A ) 300.372 80. Bhagalpur (M) 225.062

59 Saharanpur (l\1.B ) 295.355 81. Jammu (U.A.) 223,361

60. Dehradun (U.A.) '- 293,010 82. Gulbarga (M) 221,325 49 Wtitten Answers AGRAHAYANA 4, 1909 (SAKA) Wntten Answers 50

1 2 3 1 2 ..3

83 Bhubhaneswar (M) 219,211 105 Alleppey (M) 169.940

84 T.ruppur (U A ) 215,859 106 Eluru (M) 168.154

85 Dhule (M) 210,759 107 Quiton (U A ) 167.598

86 Sagar (U A) 207,479 108 Barddhaman (M) 167,364

87 Kurnool (M) 206.362 109 Rohtak (M C ) 166,767 sa Patlala (U A ) 206,254 110 DlndlQul (M) 164,103

89 ShahJahanpur (U A ) 205,095 111 Brahmapur (M) 162,550

90 Rampur (M B) 204,610 112 Sambalpur (U A ) 162,214

91 Flrozabad (M B ) 202,338 113 Farrukhabad cum Fatehgarh (U A ) 160,796 92 Benary (M) 201,579

93 Davangere (M) 196,621 114 Yamunanagar (U A ) 160,424

94 Nanded (M) 191.269 115 Mathura (U A) 159,498

95 Muzaffarpur (M) 190416 116 Cannanore (U A) 157,797

96 8daspur (U A ) 187 104 117 lmphal (M) 156.622

97 T anJavur (M) 184.015 118 Ratlam (U A) 155.578

98 Nlzamabad (M) 183.061 119 S,lIgun (M) 154.378

99 Ahmadnagar (U A ) 181.210 120 Sh.moga eM) 151.783

100 Darbhanga (M) 176,301 121 Bihar (M) 151,343

101 Shdlong (U A ) 174,703 122 BIJapur (M) 147,313

102 Muzaffarnagar (M B ) 171.816 123 Hardwar (U A ) 145.946

103 Nagercoil (M) 171.648 124.Alwar (M) 145.795

104 Tnchur (U A) 170,122 125 Jalgaon (M) 145.335 51 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25. 1987 Written AnswelS 52

1 "2 3 1 2 3

126. ~chipuram (U .A.) 145.254 147. Cuddalore (M) 127,625

127. Kolar Gold Fields (U.A.) 144,385 148. Bhatinda (U.A.) 127.363

12B.Faizabad (U.A.) 143.167 149.Arrah (M) 125.111

129. Nadiad (M) 142.689 150. Raichur (M) 124.762

130.Kumbakonam (U.A.) 141.794 151. Ganganagar (M) 123.692

131. Burhanpur (M) 140.986 152. Murwara (U.f'.) 123.017

132. Machilipatnam (M) 138.530 153 Bhilwara (M) 122.625

133.Panipat (M.C.) 137.927 154.Jalna (M) 122.276

134. Hissar (U.A.) 137.369 155. Katihar 122.005

135 Ichatkaranji (M) 133.751 156.Ambala (U.A.) 121.203

136.Porbandar (U.A.) 133.307 157.Junagadh (U.A.) 120.416

137.Agartala (M) 132.186 1-58. Anantapur (M) 119.531

138. Bhusawal (U.A.) 132,142 159 T enali (M) 119.257

139.Karnal (M.C.) 132.107 160. Raniganj (U.A.) 119.101

140. Bhadravati (U .A.) 130.606 161.Palghat (U.A.) 117.986

141. Wadhwan (U .A.) 130.602 162.Gadag - Betigeri (M) 117.368

142.Nabadwip (U.A.) 129.800 163. Chandrapur (M) 115,777

143. Habra (U A ) 129,618 164 Valparai (T S ) 115,452

144. Navsari (U .A.) 129.266 165. Hospet (U .A.) 115,351

145. Munger (M) 129.260 166. Bhiwandi (M) 115.298

146.Mirzapur cum 167 Tirupati (M) 115.292

Vinanyachal (M. B.) 127.787 168. Pollachi (U.A.) 114,971 53 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4, 1909 (SAKA) Wfltten Answers 54

1 1 \ 2 3 2 3

169 Vizianagaram eM) 114,806 192 Sikar (M) 102.970

170 Khandwa eM) 114,725 193 Hapur (M B) 102,837

171 Amroha eM B ) 112,682 194 Baharampur (U A ) 102,311

172 Balurghat (U A ) 112,621 195 Batala (U A) 101,966

173 Bharuch (U A ) 112,524 196 Bermo (U A) 101,946

174 Etawah (M B ) 112,174 197 Bheemavaram (M) 101,894

175 Latur (M) 112,986 198 R8japalalam (M) 101,640

176 Chapra (M) 111,564 199 Bhlwanl (M C ) 101,277 200 Sitapur (M B ) 101,210 177 Pathankot (M C ) 110,039 201 Pun (M) 100,942 178 Purnla (U A ) 109,875 202 Gurgaon (U A ) 100,877 179 Sonepat (M C) 109,369 203 Rewa (M) 100,641 180 Parbhanl (M) 109,364 204 Gondla eM) 100,423 181 Ondal (U A) 109,209 205 Mandya (M) 100,285 182 Adonl eM) 108,939 206 Karalkkudl (U A. ) 100,141

183 T umkur (M) 108,670 ~REVJA TJONS USED U A Urban Agglomera- 184 Sambhal (M B) 108 232 tion MCorp Municipal Corpora- 185 Proddatur (M) 107,070 tion MC Municipal Committee Municipal Corpora- 186 Patan (U A) 105,307 tion Corp Corporation 187 Bharatpur eM) 105,274 M Municipality MB Municipal Board 188 Jaunpur (M B ) 105,140 TS =Township NA Notified Area Committee 189 Ambala (M C ) 104,565 NOTE = * Excludes cltles/U As of Assam 190 Bulandshahr (M 8 ) 103,436 State where Census could not be held oWing to disturbed conditions prevalhny 191 Cuddapah (M) 103,125 there at the time of 1981 Census Written Answers NOVEMBER 25, 1987 Written AnswetS

fadlty of Drawing Pensions TAMANI PANIGRAHI) Five posts of from Banks Secretaries including Chief Secretary and Development Commissioner were in exist- 2738 PROF NARAIN CHAND ence in the Union Territory Administration of PARASHAR Will the PRIME MINISTt:R be Andaman and Nicobar Island as on 31 st Oc- pleased to state· tober 1987. There was no post of Special Secretary. (a) whether the retired Centra' Govern- ment employees have been given the facility of drawing their pensions from the Appointment of Inquiry Commissions Scheduled Banks in Delhi, .. 2740. SHAI PURNA CHANDRA MALIK (b) if so, the date from which the facility Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be was granted; pleased to refer to the reply given to Un- starred Question No 1750 on 7th August (c) whether the facility would also be ex- 1987 regarding appointment of Inquiry Com- tended to ex-Central Government missions and to state employees residing in other StatesA,Jnion Territories, and (a) whether the information has been col- lected by Government. and (d) if so, the likely date by which it would be done? (b) if so, the details thereof?

THE D~PUTY MINISTER IN THE MINIS- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- TRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBUC GRIEVAN- TRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBLIC GRIEVAN· CES AND PENSIONS (SHRI SIREN SINGH CES AND PENSIONS AND MINISTER OF ENGTI) (a) Yes Sir The facility of payment STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME AF- of pension IS available through State Bank of FAIRS (SHRI P CHIDAMBARAM) (a) Not yet India. Its subSidIaries and the fourteen Sir nationalised banks The six banks whicli were nationalised in 1980 are also being en- (b) Does not arise listed to undertake the payment of pension. Loan to Wald Institutions (a) to (d). This facility was introduced in stages w.e f July 1. 1976 and is available to 2741. SHAI G.M. BANAlWALLA Will the retired Central Government employees Minister of WELFARE be pleased to state (other than those retiring from P & T) through- out India . (a) the total amount of loans sought by Wakf institutions in each State from the Creation of Posts of Secretary/Special Central Wakf Council for development 01 Secretary for Andaman and Nicobar Wakf properties dUring the tast three years, Islands

2739. SHRI MANORANJAN BHAKTA: Win (b) the amount of loans and the number the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased of schemes sanctioned in each State during Secretary to state the number of posts of the last three years~ and and Special Secretary created for the Union Territory Administration in Andaman and Nicobar Island till October, 1987? (c) wheter the Central Wakf C;;ouncil has THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- thought of any plans to meet the aforesaid TRY O'F HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI CHIN- total demand and, if so, the details thereof? 57 Written Answers AGRAHAY~A 4 .• 1909 (SAKAl Written AnswelS . 58

THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- information furnished by the Central Wakf ISTRY OF WELFARE (DR. RAJENDAA Council the position is as follows KUMARI BAJPAI): (a) According to the (Rupees in lakhs)

Name of the State 1984-85 1985-86 1986-87

1, Andhra Pradesh 13.00 7.50 10.00

Bihar 6.34 4.41 5.64

Karnataka 5.00 27.15 32.98

Kerala 3.00

Madhya Pradesh 0.94 4.00

Rajasthan 5.00

Tamil Nadu 19.15 22.56 42.04 Total 51.49 62.56 94.66

NOTE: The above figures represent the loan sought by Wakf Institutions against approved schemes (b) The Central Wakf Council has furnished the following information (Rupees in Lakhs)

Name 01 the State 1984-85 1985-86 1986-87

1 2 3 4 5 6

Andhra Pradesh 3.00 7.50 9.30 3

Bihar 6.34 1.27 1 5.64 2

Karnataka 5.00 19.15 4 38.38 5

Kerata 3.00

Madhya Pradesh 0.94 4 4.00

Rajasthan 5.00

Tamil Nadu 16.54 14.16 3 13.62 4

Total 38.88 43.02 12 70.94 14

Key:- 1. Amount of loan sanctioned to new/continuing schemes. 2. Number of Schemes sanctioned during the year. 59 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1987 Written Answers 60

(c) No, Sir The existing resources of the Uft Irrigation facilities in ChotanasPUr Council are considered adequate to meet its present commitments. 2744. SHRIMATI SUMATI ORAON: Will the Minister of WATER RESOURCES be VemlCation of Antecedents of Can· pleased to state the details of proposal to im- didates from Kerala, West Bengal prove irrigational facilities through Lift Irriga-. and Tripura tion Scheme during the current Five Year Plan in Chotanagpur region of Bihar and the extent of central assistance in this regard? 2742. SHAI MULLAPPALL Y RAMA- CHANDRAN: Will the PRIME MINISTER be THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- pleased to state ISTRY OF TEXTILES AND MlNISTRY. OF STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF WATER (a) the number of candidates denied jobs RESOURCES (SHRI RAM NIWAS MIRDHA) before the banning of the double verification Minor Irrigation projects including lift -irriga- policy of the Union Government which had tion schemes are funded and implemented required s~clal verification of the character by State Governments Central Government and antecedents of candidates for Central provide assistance to accelerate the Services who haIled from Kerala, West Ben- programme Under centrally sponsored gal and Tripura; schemes of Assistance to Small and Mar- gina Farmers for increasing Agricultural (b) whether incidents of victimization Production Drought Prone Areas under the above double verification policy Programme, etc assistance is given for the had been brought to the notice of the minor irrigation component as a whole and Government even subsequent to the ban- not work-wise ning of the policy

(c) if so, the details of representations Activities. of Pak Spies received; and 2745 SHRI P PENCHALLIAH Will the (d) the action taken thereon? Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state· THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINIS- TRY OF PERSONNEL. PUBLIC GRIEVAN- (a) whether Pakistan-spies are involved in CES AND PENSIONS (SHRI SIREN SINGH the smuggling of drug and marijuana on the E.NG rI) (a) Details of candidates who border areas; have not been offered jobs due to adverse police reports including the additional ver- (b) whether there is any link between ification reports, are not centrally compiled these spies and anti national elements in the and as such are not available. country. and

(c) if so, the details thereof? (b) One case of alleged denial of offer of appointment to a candidate was reported in THE M·INISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- . the Indian Express in March. 1967 TRY OF PERSONNEL. PUBLIC GRIEVAN- CES AND PENSIONS AND MINIST~R OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME AF- (c) and (d). No representation has been FAIRS (SHRI P. CHIDAMBARAM): (a) to received. However, based on the report in (c). According to information received from the Press. the matter has been taken up with the Government of Punjab, 13 persons ar- the Administrative Ministry concerned. rested on charges of espionage since 1st . 61 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4,1909 (SAKA) Wflnen Answers 62

January 1987 have admitted to their Involve- TRY OF PERSONNE(!.t PUBLIC GRIEVAN- ment In smuggling of drugs None of them, CES AND PENSIONS AND MINISTER OF however, disclosed any Involvement In STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME AF- smuggling of maraJuna Information In FAIRS (SHRI P CHIDAMBARAM) A state- respect of Jammu and Kashmir, Rajasthan ment showing State/Union Territory-wise and Gujarat IS stili awaited break-up of crimes against women dUring the year 1987 IS given below

Crime Against Women

(b) The Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961 has 2746 SHRIMATI BIBHA GHOSH been amended ,n 1984 and 1986 to make GCJSWAMI the law regarding offence against women SHRIMA II USHA CHOUDHARI stringent The Ind,an Penal Code, the Cnmlnal Procedure Code 1973 and the In- dian EVidence Act, 1872 have also been Will the MInister of HOME AFFAIRS be amended to deal effectively not only With pleased to state dowry death cases but also With cases of cruelty to mamed women In order to deal (a) the State/Union Territory-wise break- better With other criminal offences agaInst up of crimes against women dUring the year women e g Inegal sale of girls for trafficking 1987,and 'Suppression of Immoral Traffic In Women and Girls Act' has been amended and the (b) the steps taken by Government to amended Act tS known as Immoral Traf- check such crimes? flc(Preventlon) Act, 1986 A central Legisla- tion to prevent 'Satl' IS also proposed to be THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- brought before thiS House at an early date


Number of Cases Reported as Cflme Against Women dUflng the Year - 1987

SI Statel Rape Moles- Chain Kldnap- Eve- Dowry Remarks No Unton tatlon Snat- ptng of teasing Deaths Ternto- ching Women nes & Girls

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 Andhra 125 486 364 75 379 64 Upto May, 1987 Pradesh 2 Arunachal 5 6 Nil 8 Nil Nil Upto Aug 1987 Pradesh l Assam 174 60 1 112 2 1 Upto June , 1987


5 Goa 10 8 8 2 Nil Nil Upto Sept , 1987

6 GUJarat 105 386 67 322 68 12 Upto July 1987 63 WtiIte(J.Answers NOVEMBER 25. 1987 Written .Answets 64

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

7. Haryana 14 41 2 20 32 7 UptoFeb 1987

8. Himachal Pradesh 30 99 Nil 68 1 2 Upto Sept. ,1987

9. Jammu & Kashmir 27 203 Nil 134 68 2 Upto April. 1987

10. Karnataka 109 516 100 65 37 44 Upto Aug., 1987

'1 Kerala 123 321 147 63 Nil Nil Upto Aug., 1987

12. Madhya Pradesh 389 1163 NA 218 130 58 Upto March, 1987

13 Maha- rashtra 517 1737 1080 462 178 84 Upto Aug. 1987

14 Manipur 8 16 Nil 101 Nil Nil Upto Sept , 1987

15. Meghalaya 11 9 Nil 11 Nil Nil Upto June, 1987

16. Mizoram 42 17 Nil Nil Nil Nil Upto Aug., 1987

17. Nagaland 8 Nil Nil 1 NA Nil Upto Aug., 1987

18. Orissa 142 325 14 92 32 1 Upto Aug, 1987

19. Punjab 22 12 6 54 3 55 ·Upto Jthf:' ~ 98?

20. Rajasthan 388 556 10 882 9 52 Upto July, 1987

21 Sikkim 4 11 Nil 1 Nil Nil Upto Aug .. 1987

22. Tamil Nadu 153 505 360 239 567 39 Upto Aug .. 1987

23 Tripura 30 24 Nil 11 Nil 1 Upto Sept 1007

24. Uttar Pradesh 783 1003 34 1120 1040 318 Upto July, 1987

25. West 234 150 46 155 33 41 Upto June. 1987 Bengal

26. A & N Islands 5 13 Nil 5 3 Nil Upto Aug. t 1987 ·65 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA·4. 1909 (SAKAl Written Answets 86

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

27. Chandigarh 3 5 1 25 6 Nil Upto Sap.. 1981

28. D&N Haveli Nil 4 Nil Nil Nil Upto Sep., 1987

29 Delhi 90 89 38 564 1558 68 Upto

30. Daman& DIu' NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

31 Laksha- dweep Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Upto Aug., 1987

32 Pondicherry 5 6 5 2 Nil Nil Upto Sep. 1987

NOTE - Figures may be treated as provisional NA stands for NOT AVAILABLE.

[Trans/atlon ] THE DEPUlY MINfStER IN THE MINIS- TRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBUC GRlEVAN- Jobs on Compassionate Grounds CES AND PENSIONS (SHRI BIREN SINGH ENG") (a) Yes Sir, prov,ded the family is in 2747 SHRI JANAK RAJ GUPTA Will the indigent circumstances and she is qualified PRIME MINISTER be pleased to state as per the recruitment rules.

(a) whether after the death of an (b) and (c). In terms of para 8 of this employee his wife is provided e Government Department's 0 M.No.14014/6186-Estt(D) job on compassionate grounds; dated 30th June, 1987 ~ widow appointed on compassionate grounds may continue. in (b) whether a widow can remarry after service even after re-marriage. Copy of the getting the Government job on compas- Memoranc:lum is placed on the Table of sionate grounds: the House. [Placed in Ubrary See No. L.T. 5160/87). The instructions do not lay (c) if so, the rules in this regard and the down any time limit. time after which she can marry; and

(d) it not. the reasons therefor? (d) Does not arjse 67 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25. 1987 68

(English] 2. Constable Vijender Singh was shot dead by terrorists ori 4 September, Compensation to Delhi Police Officials 1985 when he was performing duty Killed while on Duty , as Personnel Security Officer to Shri Arjun Das. Member. Metropolitan CouncH. 2748 SHAI K S RAO Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state. Pension equivalent to the last pay drawn h~s been granted to the (a) the number of police constables and widON of Constable Vijender Singh other officials killed in performance of their A sum of Rs 50,000 has also been duties in Deihl during the last three years, sanctioned as ex-gratia A further sum of Rs.1S,ooo has been paid (b) the total compensation paid to the from the Delhi Police Mutual Benefit families of each policemen killed while on Fund duty, and 3 Constable Rajinder Singh had gone (c) whether the Government propose to along with a Police party to village enhance the amount of compensation paid Puran Nagar in District Bulandshahr to the famlhes of pohcemen killed on duty? for apprehending an accused In a criminal case, where h€' was fired at THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- and succumbed to injUfIBS., on the 2 TRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBLIC GRIEVAN- December, 1986 CES AND PENSIONS AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME AF- Pension equivalent to the last pay FAIRS (SHAI P CHIDAMBARAM) (a) to (c) drawn has been sanctioned A sum A statement IS gIVen below of Rs 15.000 out of the Delhi Police Mutual Benefit Fund has also been STATEMENT paid to the bereaved family

The details oi the cases in which Delhi 4 Sub Inspector Man Singh and Con- Police perSonnel were killed while perform- stable Des Raj had gone to Village ing duty dunng the last 3 years viz from the Sheerajpur in Uttar Pradesh on the 1st November, 1984 to 31st October, 1987, 25 October, 1986 in connection with the investigation of a Criminal case are indicated below The amount of compen- where they were attacked and as a sation paid to the families is also indicated result of which both of them dred against each case: PensIOn equivalent to the last pay drawn has been sanctionEK:J for the 1 Constable Jagmal Singh was killed bereaved families A sum of Rs on 4 April, 1985 when he had gone 15,000 out of the Deihl Police Mutual to Village Chandpur to apprehend Benefit Fund has also been sanc- Havaldar Chand Ram who had ear- tioned for each of the bereaved lier assaulted a Sub Inspector of Police Station Narela family.

5. Constable Mahinder Slngtl while ap- Pension equivalent to the last pay prehending 2 youngsters involved in drawn has been granted to the a quarrel was stabbed and as a widow of Constable Jagmal Singh result died on 28 December 1986 A sum of As 15,000 has also been paid to the bereaved family out of Pension equivalent to the last pay the Delhi Police Mutual Benefit drawn has been sanctioned A sum Fund .Df As. 15,000 out of the Delhi Police , 69 AGRAHAYANA4.1909(SAKA) Written AnsweIS 70

Mutual Benefit Fund has also been of Uttar Pradesh for the creation of a paid separate hill State,

(b) the name of the organisation leading In addition, 21 Delhi Police personnel the movement and of ~istricts whose in- died in accidents while on duty. The Govern- clusion in the new State is being demanded; ment have made adequate provisions to en- sure that the families ,of those who are killed (c) whether a successful bandh was or- while performing duty do not suffer hardship. ganised recently in the region to press for the acceptance of this demand, and

[Trans/ation] (d) whether Union or State Government have had any negotiations with leaders of the New House Tax System in Delhi movement?

2749 SHRIMATI VIDYAVATI CHATUR- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- VEDI' Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be TRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI CHIN- pleased to state. TAMANI PANIGRAHI) (a) to (d) An organisation, by name Uttarakhand Kranti (a) whether the Delhi Municipal Corpora- Dal (UKD) has launched a movement for tion has introduced new house tax system, creation of a separate hill State comprising eight hill districts Of Uttar Pradesh viz Naini- (b) if so, the details thereof, and tal, Almora, Pithoragarh, Chamoli, Pauri Garhwal. Tehrt, Uttarkashi and Qehradun. A (c) the date from which it has been intro- bandh was organised by UKD in .~ugust "- duced and the va!ue limit of the houses ex- 1987 Such demands for separate State empted from the house-tax? arise on account of economic imbalances. The Government of India is of the view that THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- such imbalances in a particular State or TRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRt CHIN- region should be tackled through the TAMAN I PANIGRAHI). (a) to (c) With effect mechanism of planning and that the creation from 1-4-1985 all residential properties upto of a separate State may not be the answer a ratable value of As 1000, instead of Rs to the problem 100, have been exempted from payment of property tax and educational cess With ef- Women CRPF Battalions feet from 1st April, 1986 all self occupied residential properties in rural areas have 2751 SHRIMATI USHA CHOUOHARI been exempted from levy of property tax Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state

[English] (a) the strength and compOSItion of the women's wings in the Central Reserve Police Force and other Central Law and Order En- Separate Hill State in Northern Region forcing Agencies, and of u.P. (b) the number of times when these 2750 SHAI SYED SHAHABUDDIN' Will women's wings dealt with various law and the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased order situations? to state' THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- (a) whether Government are aware of the TRY OF PERSONNEL. PUBLIC GRIEVAN- movement launched in the Northern region CES AND PENSIONS AND MINISTER OF 71 NOVEMBER 25, 1~7 Written Answers 72

STATE IN"THE MINISTRY OF HOME AF- of each COl is one Gazetted Officer and 123 f.AlRS (SHAI P CHIOAMBARAM) (a) Out of other ranks There is no Mahila Bn in Assam 83 operational battalions of CRPF there is Rifles. BSF and ITBP one MahiIa Battalion which consists of 6 CCIfS. The Mahila Battalion became opera- (b) Information is furnished in the state- tional in April. 1987. The sanctioned strength mentbelow.


Deployment of Mahila Sanalion of CRPF in States/UTs for law and order duties during the penod from April B7 to November, 1987.

Delhi UP Bihar Meghalaya

April. 1987 1 Coy

May. 1987 3Coys 3Coys

June. 1987 2Coys 3Coys 1 Coy

Juty. 1987 3Coys 3Coys

August. 1987 3Coys 3COjs

September. 198t 4Coys 2Coys

October. 1987 4Coys 1 Coy

November. 1987 5CoJs·. 1 Coy

)urisdk:tion of Central Administrative (c) if not, when it IS likely to be done ? Tribunal over National Dairy DeveIopneat Board THE DEPuTY MINISTER IN THE MINIS- TRY OF PERSONNEL. PUBLIC GRIEVAN- CES AND PENSIONS (SHRI SIREN SINGH 2752 OR. G VLJAYA RAMA RAO' Will the ENGTI) (a) No specific proposal requesting PRIME MINISTER be pleased to state. for issue of a notification bringing employees of the NODe under the purview of the Ad- ministrative Tribunais Act. 1985 has been (a) whether Government propose to bring received the National Dairy Development board under the cover of the Central Administrative (b) and Cc) The notification under sec- T ,ibunal for redressal of grievances of tion 14(2) of the Administrative Tribunals Act. employees of the NODB; 1985 covering all Public Sector Undertak- ings, Corporations (or Socaetes) owned or controlled by Central Government (,nctud- (b) if so, details thereof, and ing the NODS) cannot be issued unless 73 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4, 1909 (SAKA) Written Answets 74

. the Benches of the Central Administrative to allow them promotion superseding large Tribunal are fully equipped to take on the number of Junior Engineers senior to them; extra work load. (b) whether these reasons have been ex- amined keeping in view of relevant Cost Escalation of &ina River project of provisions in the law and the relevant ad- Madhya Pradesh ministrative instructions which clearly bar the giving of such benefit; 2753. SHRI NANDLAL CHaUDHARY: Will the Minister of WATER RESOURCES be (c) whether the comparative consequen- pleased to state' ces to flow from such arbitrary action in giving the benefit of past service resulting in super- (a) the escalated cost of the Bina river session of a large number of Junior En- project proposed to be set up in Sagar Dis- gineers otherwise senior to these people trict (M.P) have been weighed;

(b) the acreage of land proposed to be ir- (d) whether any representations in this rigated under this project; and regard have been received; and

(c) the details of the action to be taken or (e) if so, the outcome thereof? the examination yet to be done for giving ap- proval to the project? THE MINtSTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- TRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI CHIN- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- TAMANI PANIGRAHI). (a) to (e) The TRY OF TEXTILES AND MINISTER OF Municipal Corporation of Delhi have already STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF WATER been told that the practice of granting benefit RESOURCES (SHRt RAM NIWAS MIRDHA) of past service rendered under Central (a) The Government of Madhya Pradesh Government Departments/State Govern- have not submitted any estimate of the es- mentsILocal Bodies, for purpose of seniority calated cost of the Bina project. to some of their employees on joining service under MCD was not in accordance with the (b) 66,500 hectares rules. They have been directed to strictty comply with the rules in future (c) Does not arise As regards the case of two Junior En- Counting of Past Service for Seniority of gineers who were recruited in 1963, it is ad- Munidpal Employees ministratively not possible to re-open their cases at this late stage. 2/54. SHRI V.S. KRISHNA IYER' Will the Mir.iste. of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to Special eel for N.R.1s. willing to Set Up refer to the statement implementing the as- Ventures surance given on 14th August. 1985 in reply 2755.SHRI PRATAP BHANU SHARMA to Unstarred Question No 3552 regarding Will the PRIME MINISTER be pleased to counting of past service for seniority of state: Municipal employees and state. (a) whether a special assistance cell ha$ (a) the administrative and other legal been set up to help the non-resident Indian reasons due to which it is not possible to who want to set up their ventures in India: reopen the seniority fixed in case of a select few Junior Engineers by giving them the (b) if so, the details thereof, and benefit of the service rendered by them in an organisation 'rom which they resigned and (c) the impact on this facility so far? 75 Written Ansv.etS NOVEMBER 25. 1987 Written AnswelS 76

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- limited resources over a large number of TRY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLDGY AND _ projects, escalation in cost of labour and MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPART- material, difficulties in land acquisition. non- MENTS OF OCEAN DEVELOPMENT, availability at times of building materials, ATOMIC ENERGY, ELECTRONICS AND change of scope of projects at the im- SPACE (SHRI K.R NARAYANAN). (a) The In- plementation stage, etc. dian Investment Centre under the Ministry of Finance (Department of Economic Affairs) (d) Full spillover costs at 1985 level have has been designated as a nodal agency fOr been provided in the Seventh Plan outlay for providing all sort of Information to non-resi- 2 major projects viz . Anandpur Barrage and dent Indians for Investment in India Potteru project, and 23 medium projects.

(b) and (c) It has its headquarter in New _- ( e) The State Government has been ad- Delhi and six overseas offices Information vised to prioritise the projects for cotimal al- regarding N R.I Investment policy, industrial location of available resources and lav stress licensing policy, import -export policy etc is on completion of ongoing projects provided through pamphlets. seminars and workshops The impact of thiS facility has Construction of a Reservoir on Chambal been fairly encouraging River

Irrigations Projects under Construction 2757 SHRI MOHANBHAI t-"ATEL. Will the in Orissa Minister of WATER RESOURCES be pleased to state 2756 SHRI CHINTAMANI JENA Will the Minister of WATER RESOURCES be pleased (a) whether there IS any proposal to con- to state serve the water of Chambal fiver for Irrigation I

(a) the details of the medium and major (b) If so. the details thereof. and irrigation projects under construction in Oris- sa at present. (c) whether any survey has been con- ducted to construct the reservoirs and if so. (b) whether the construction of these details thereof? projects is very slow. THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE ~1IN­ (c) If so. the seasons therefor. ISTRY OF TEXTILES AND MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF WATER (d) the names of those projects which are RESOURCES (SHRI RAM NIWAS MIRDHA ) likely to be completed by the end of Seventh (a) No new prooosais to conserve the water Five Year Plan. and of Chambal River. apart Irol11 the projects al- ready constructed. have been received (e) steps being taken to complete the projects within the prescribed time limits? (b) and (c) Do not arise

THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- Slow Progress of Construction of Major ISTRY OF TEXTILES AND MINISTER OF Irrigation Projects STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF WATER RESOURCES (SHRI RAM NIWAS MIRDHA) 2758 SHRI AMARSINH RATHAWA Will (a) 7 major and 31 medium schemes are the Minister of WA TEA RESOURCES be under implementation in Orissa pleased to state

(b) and (c) Progress of construction in (a) the names of the major irrigation some cases is stow owing to spreading of projects under construction in each State 77 Written Answers AGRAHAVANA 4, 1909 (SAKA) Written Answet'S 78

(b) whether the progress of construction of these projects is slow, 1 2

(c) if so, the reasons therefor: 2. Sriramsagar St. I(Pochampad)

(d) the details of cost escalation due to - Tunghabhadra HLC St.II('S) slow progress of cons.truction; and

Vamsadhara St.1 (e) steps taken to ensure timely comple- 3 tion of the projects? 4 Vamsadhara St II THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- ISTRY OF TEXTILES A.NO MINISTER OF 5 Godavari Barrage STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF WATER RESOURCES (SHRI RAM NIWAS MIRDHA)' 6. S-omasila SU & II (a) The requisite information is given in the Statement-I and Statement-II below 7 Improvements to Nizamsagar 5t

(b) and (c) Most of the ongoing projects 8 Singur are running behind schedule The ma.n reasons are proliferation of projects under construction resulting in thin spreading of 9 Yeleru Res limited resources, escalation .n costs of labour and matenal, difficulties In land ac- 10. Srisailam R B C quisitlon, non-availability at times of building materials, change of scope of projects at im- 11 Srisailam L B C plementation stage, etc 12 Teluguganga (d) Separate estimates of this type are not maintained 13 Polavaram Barrage (e) The State Governments have been advised to prioritlse the projects for optimal 14 Jurala allocation of available resources and lay stress on completion of ongoing projects ASSAM External assistance is also beIng arranged, wherever possible to step up the resources 15 Dhansin

STATEMENT·I 16 Champamati

Ongoing Major Projects of VII Plan BIHAR

SI Name of P,oJect 17 Wester Kosi Canal No 18 Bagmati 1 2 19 Subarnarekha (IS) ANDHRA PRADESH 20 North Koel Res

1. Nagarjunasagar 21 Durgawati Reservoir NOVEMBER 25, 1987 Written AnsW81S 79 Written AnsweIS 80

'\ 2 1 2

22. Barnar Res. 41 . loharu Lift

23. Upper Kiul Res. 42. J.L.N. lift

24. Konar Diversion 43. ~ew Tejewala Barrage (IS)

25. Tilaiya Diversion . New Okhla Barrage (IS)

26. Bateswarasthan Pump Ph.1 441. ~YL Canal (tS) -Bansagar (IS) 45. Storages on Kotla 8hindwas Ottu and 27. Ajoy Barrage Siktia , Massani Barrage

GUJARAT 46 Providing irrigation to Mewat Area & Pataudi Area and water 28 Damanganga (IS) supply scheme to Gurgaon, Faridabad, and New Industrial Complex. 29. Panam IJ 7. Conservation measures by installing 30 Sabarmati 1500 new sprinkler irrigation sets on canal svstems,Lift and Flood Control Mahi Bajajsagar(IS) Systems.


32.Sukhl 48. Ravi Tawi Lift Irrigation Complex

33. Heran (a) Ravi Canal

34. Sipu (b) Subsidieary Lift irrigation scheme

35. Satrak (c) Construction of Khals on T awi Lift Canal

36 Narmada (Sardar Saro"ar) (IS) KARNATAKA

37. Zankhari 49. Tunghabhadra Dam L.B.C

38. Sidumber - TU!1ghabhadra R8 LLC (IS)

HARYANA 50. Shadra

39. WJC Remodelling 51. Malaprabha

40. Gurgaon Canal (IS) 52 Hemavathi (Non-Plan) 81 Wtitten AnsttelS B2


53 T unghabhadra HLC Stage-II (IS) MADHYA PRADESH

54 Upper Knshna St I 72 Mahanadl Reservoir

55 Kablnl (Non-Plan) 73 Kolar

56 Harangl (Non-Plan) 74 Patry

57 Ghataorabha St III 75 S,ndh Ph I

58 KaranJa 76 Rengwan HLC

09 Bennlthora 77 Jonk

60 Hlppargl Barrage RaJghat (IS)

61 Varuna (Non-Plan) (a) Unit I

Dudhganga (IS) (b) UnIt"

78 Bansagar (IS) KfAALA (a) Untt I

62 Penyar Valley (b) Untt II

63 Pamba 80 Upper Walnganga

64 Chltturpuzha R1 Kadar

65 Kuttladl 82 Banarpur LBC

66 Kanhlrapuzha -Urmll (IS)

67 Pazhassl - Kahsarar (IS)

68 Kallada 83 Hasdeo Bange

69 Muvattupuzha 84 Halah

70 Chlmanl 85 Thanwar

71 Idamalayar 86 Arpa 83 Wntten Answers NOVEMBER 25 1987 Wntten Answers 84

1 2 ------1 2 ...

87 Mah. 108 Kahsarar (IS)

88 Man 109 Chaskaman

89 Jobat 110 Namdur Madhmeswar

90 Narmada Sagar (Indira Sarovar) 111 Lower Dudhna

91 Sindh Ph II 112 Bhatsa

- Bawanthadl (IS) 113 Surya

MAHARASHTRA 114 Bawanthadl (IS)

92 Khadal

93 Krishna 116 Tilian (IS)

94 Shima 117 Nlra Deoghar

95 Kukadl 118 Lendi (IS)

96 Upper Godavan St I 119 LowerPenganga

97 Warna 120 Lower Thlrna

98 Upper T apl St I & II 121 Ghosl Khurd (Sawargaon)

99 Pench (IS) 122 Lower Wardha

100 Upper Penganga 123 Lower Wunna

101 Upper Wardha 124 Wan

102 ManJra 125 Arunavatl

103 Dudhganga (IS) • 126 Tultult

104 Waghur 127 Karwa

105 Jayakwadi Stage-I 128 Gated welf at Khodash.

106 Jayakwadl Stage ~I 129 Sangola Branch Canal

107 Upper Pravara 130 Talomba 85 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4, 1909 (SAKAl Written Answers 86

1 2 1 2

131 Punad PUNJAB

132. Human 143 Extension of non-pennnial irrigation to area in UBOC tract 133 Koyna-Knshna Lift Scheme 144 Thein Dam MAN/PUR 145 Utilisation of surplus Ravi Beas Water 134 Loktak Lift Irrigation - SYL Canal (IS) 135 Singda Irrigation RAJASTHAN 136 Thoubal 146 Rajasthan Canal St.-I 137 Khuga 147 Rajasthan Canal 8t.-1I

ORISSA. 148 Jakham - Gurgaon Canal (IS) 138 Upper Indravatl 149 Mafli Baja) Sagar (IS) (a) Dam (a) Untt I (b) Imgatlon (b) Unit II Onglnal Command 139 Rengah (c) Unit II additIonal Command

(a) Dam - New Okhla Barrage (IS) (b) Irngatlon 150 RaiSing. Kota Barrage 151 Chambal Lift 140 Anandpur Barrage

- Sardar Sarovar (IS) 141 Mahanadl Blrupa Barrage TAMIL I'JAlJu 142 Upper Kolab 152 Parambtkulam Ahyar

(a) Dam 153 Modernlsatlnn of Periyar Vagai System tit.-II (b) Irngatlon 154 Parambikulam Aliyar Project Suoarnarekha (is) Ayacut extn 87. Written AnSwelS NOVEMBER 25. 1987 Written Answers 88

1 2 1 2

UTTAR PRADESH 173 Bewar Feeder

155 Gandak Canal Ph I (IS) 174 Madho Tanda

156 Barda tiahayak 175 Maudaha Dam

157. Kosi IrngatlOn 176. Zamania Pump Canal

158 Tehrt Dam 1n Raasing Maja Dam

159 Lakhwar Vyasi Dam -Bansaqar (IS)

160 Madhya Ganga Canal St I (a) Dam

161 Sarju Nahar (Left Bank Ghahgra (b) Conveyance system of Feeder InM.P Canal)

162 New Okhla Barrage (IS) (c) Conveyance system in U P

163. Eastern Ganga Canal WEST BENGAL

164 Suheli 178 Barrage & Irngatlon system of DVC (exten & improvement) 165 Remodelling of Bhimgoda Head Works 179 Kangsabatl

166 Rajghat (IS) 180 T eesta Barrage Phase-I Stage-'


(b) Canal - Damanganga (IS)

167 Shahzad Dam GOA DAMAN & DIU (UT)

168 Jamrani Dam - Damanganga (IS)

169 Urmil Dam (IS) 181 Salaull

170 NarSlnpur Pump Canal - Tillan (IS)

171 Sone Pump Canal

172 Kanhar Irrigation N.B. 1.& denotes !nter-State Projects .. (they -New T&jewala Barrage (IS) are numbered only. in one State). 89 Wntten AnswetS AGRAHAYANA 4, 1909 (SAKA) Wnlten .Answers 90

STATEMENHI 1 2 New Pro}8cts of Seventh Plan

M8Jor Projects ORISSA

14 Additional Spillway to Hlrakud Dam SINo Name of Pro)ect_ PUNJAB ASSAM

- Shahnahar (IS) (Providing Irrigation to 1 Puthlman HP area below Talwara Right side of RIVer Beas) BIHAR UTTAR PRADESH -2. Gandak Phase-II

-15 Kishau Dam (IS) 3 Kosi Eastern Canal Ph.-II WEST BENGAL 4 MasanOam

16 Teesta Barrage Phase-I Stage-II 5 Auranga ReservOir

17 Subarnarekha Barrage 6 Punasl ReservOir

18 Ut:Jper Kangsabatl HARYANA

- Subarnarekha (IS) 7 Ladwa IrrigatIOn

:NB IS det10tes inter-State projects (they are 8 Nalvllmgatlon • numbere only In one State)

HIMACHAL PRADESH All Parties Committee to Fjght Terrorism in Punjab 9 Shahnahar (IS) 2759 SHRI NARAYAN CHOUBEY Will KARNATAKA the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state 10 Varahl (a) whether an all party Committee has been set up to help fight terrorism and KERALA dIVISIVe force In Punjab

11 Kakkadavu (bllf so, the number of members of the Committee party-wise '2 Beyapore Puzha (c) when was the same Committee set MADHYA PRADESH up,

13 Omkareshwar (d) the programme chalked out by the 91 Written Mswen NOVEMBER 25, 1987 -92 • Committee since its formation, and (e) The results of the programme have been encouraging and more and more (e) the response of the people of Punjab people are coming forward to cooperative to their programme? with the Administration in the task of fighting terrorism in the State. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- TRY OF PERSONNEL. PUBLIC GRIEVAN- Memorandum From North-&stem CES AND PENSIONS AND MINISTER OF RegioqaI Political Parties STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME AF- FAIRS (SHRI P CHIDAMBARAM) (a) to (d) 2760 SHRI C JANGA REDDY A State level monitoring committee repre- SHRI G S BASAVARAJU senting all the political parties and shades of opinion in Punjab has been constituted on Will the Minister of 'HOME AFFAIRS be 14th September, 1987 under the Chairman- pleased to state shiP of the Governor of Punjab to revlf!JtN the setting up and functioning of the Village (a) whether any memorandum has been Peace and Devolopement Committees submitted by North-Eastern Regional Politi- formed to enlist the co-operation of the cal Parties to Government, people In the campaign for combating ter- rorsm and restoring peace and accelerating (b) what are the demands In that pace of development In the State There are memorandum. 19 non-OffiCial members of the Committee (c) what steps Government have taken to The party-wise break-up IS as follows - stop Infiltration from across the borders of these States and With what results, and

Congress (I) 4 (d) Government's reaction on the demand of Inner -hne restriction on Indian na- AkaJ. Dal (l) 4 tionals In these States and the details there- of? UAD 2 THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- TRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI CHIN- CPl 2 TAMAN I PANIGRAHI) (a) Yes, S,r

CPl(M) 2 (b) The demands made In the memoran- dum are BJP 2 (1) Prevention of InfiltratlOl1 from across Janata Party 2 the international border

(2) deportation of all foregn Infiltrators, Republican Party 1 (3) Imposition of Inner-hne restrictIOns for 19 the whole of the Region to stop and regulate the Influx of outSiders,

(4) enactment of SUitable legislation to The Committee has decided to organIse prevent transfer and acqUISition of meettngs In vanous districts In the Stale to land by outSiders, ensure large scale Involvement of the people from the villages In the functioning of the Vil- (5) restriction of buSiness and employ- lage Peace and Development Committees ment opportunities to outsiders, 93 Written Answers Af3AAHAYANA 4, 1909 (SAKA) Written Mswes 94

(6) enactment of such other legislation to People Party,be considered re- restr-ict and regulate inter-state migra- garding alleged atrocities COt I In I'li.~ tion, as is envisaged under entry 81 of by the Army on the civilian popula- the ,Central Ust of our Constitution tion in Senapati District of Manipur.

In addition the Forum of North·Eastern (c) For preventing infiltration from across Regional Po~tical Parties has urged ex- the border, the Border SecUrity Force have tension of Article 371 A to the whole of been deployed on the Indo-Bangladesh bar- the North-Eastern Region, and steps der By frequent patrolhng and special to back all illegal entrants to send nakas by surveillance from Observation Post Bangladesh The Memorandum Towers, the security of the Indo-Bangladesh states that there is immediate need for border is safeguarded The number of in- amending the North-Eastern Council filtrators, apprehended, by BSF and State Act to democratise the functioning of authorities and pushed back as also the the Council and to give more to the say number handed over the State Police for in- elected representatIVes of the North- vestigation and prosecution With regard to Eastern people in management and States bordenng Bangladesh .n the current running of the Council The Forum year (up to June 1987) IS gIVen In the state- have demanded that the process of ment below dehmltatlon of constituenCies In the State of Arunachal Pradesh may be (d) At present. Inner-hne Regulations are undertaken and electIOns held Without operatIVe In Arunachal Pradesh. MlZoram delay They have further demanded and Nagaland (except some parts) The ex- that the Armed Forces. Special Powers tension of these Regulations to other parts of (Assam and Nagaland) Act 1958 be the North-Eastern States has to be con- withdrawn from the State of Manlpuf Sidered keeping In VieNI the tota\Ity ot Clf- immediately and that the memoran- cumstances dum SUDmlltecJ by the ManlpuJ


Border No of illegal No of per- No of per- No of persons No of per- States entrants sons (out of sons (out handed aver sons (out of apprehended those In of those by State Agen- those .n byBSF Col 2) han- In Col 2) Ctes to BSF for Col 5) ded over to sent back being sent back actually State Police sent back

1 2 3 4 5 6

Assam 157 39 118 814 814

Meghalaya 85 36 49 139 139

Tripura 2826 152 2674 572 572 west Bengal 15804 633 15171 9482 9482

Mizoram 23 23 95 Written J\nswetS NOVEMBER 25. 1987 Writt., Answers 96

Development of LC.O. Screen for T.V~ (b) whether the proposed medical Sets facUities will be the same as those provided to Central Government employees under the 2761. SHRI SRIBALLAV PANIGRAHI: Will CGHS Scheme; and the PRIME MINISTER be pleased to state: ( c) if not. the details thereto? (a) whether Government are aware of the views of the Electronic Component In- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- dustries Association on liquid crystal display TRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI CHIN- screens for "TV sets; TAMANI PANIGRAHI):(a) to (c)· The Government are already providing free in- (b) whether liquid crystal display screens door and out~door medical facilities to the are not at R&D stage anywhere in the world; freedom fighters and their dependents on and the same scale as Central Government Group 'A' Officers in the Central Government (c) if so, the details thereof and Hospitals under the control of Ministry of Government's reaction thereto? Health and Family Welfare and in hospitals and dispensaries run by Central public sec- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- tor undertakings under the administrative TRY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AND control of the Bureau of Public Enterprises MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPART- The Ministry of Health & Family Welfare have MENTS OF OCEAN DEVELOPMENT, expressed their inability to provide C G.H.S ATOMIC ENERGY, ELECTRONICS AND facilities to the freedom fighters and their de- SPACE (SHRI K R NARAYANAN)· (a) Yes, pendents. Sir.

(b) It is learnt that some large companies Cases of Luggage Ufting in the world are engaged in R&D in the area of liquid crystal display screens for TV 2763. SHRI KAMLA PRASAD SINGH·WiII the Minister of HOME APFAIRS be pleased (c) Government is presently Implement- to state ing a policy for the manufacture of TV receivers based on cathode ray picture tube (a) the number of cases of luggage lifting technology. TV receivers in the world market reported from Delhi, New Delhi and Hazrat based on liquid crystal display screens are Nizamuddin Railway Stations as also from available in screen sizes of 5-7 Cms. (2-3'). the Capital Railway stations of -the States It is understood that efforts to develop large during the last 12 months. station-wise, size LCD screen TV receivers are at an R&D stage in many developed countries but are (b) the reasons for the increase in such not likely to become a reality for some years cases,

(c) the number of cases which were Free Medical Facilities to Freedom solved and the number which are yet to be Fighters solved; and

2762. SHAI RAM BAHADUR SINGH: Will (d) the steps taken to solve them and to the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased tone up the security arrangements at Railway to state: Stations?

(a) whether Government propose to THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- provide free medical facilities to the. freedom TRY OF PERSONNEL.PUBUC GRIEVAN- fighters, CES AND PENSIONS AND MINISTER OF 97 Written Answets AGRAHAYANA 4. 1909 (SAKA) . Written Answen 98.

STATE IN THE' MINISTRY OF HOME AF- (b) if not, the reasons therefor? FAIRS (SHRI P. CHIDAMBARAM) : (a) The requisite information for the period 1.11.86 to THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- 31.10.87 and the corresponding period from TRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBLIC GRIEVAN- 1 .11.1985 to 31.10.1986 for the three Rail- CES AND PENSIONS AND MINISTER OF way Stations in Delhi js furnished below.- STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME AF- FAIRS (SHRI. P. CHIDAMBARAM):(a) and (b). At present there is no proposal to chan-. l.11.86 to 1.11.85 to nelise foreign contribution to associations 31 10 1987 31 10 1986 covered under the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 1976. through Governmen- PS Delhi 48 31 tal agencies as it involves practical difficul- Main ties.

PSNew Effects of Budgetary Cuts on 20 Point Deihl 101 136 Programme

PP Hazarat 9 12 2766 SHRI S M GURADDI Nizamuddin SHRI H.N. NANJE GOWDA

Will the Minister of PROGRAMME IM-: Total 158 179 PLEMENTATION be pleased to state'

(a) whether some important schemes to Information in respect of Railway Stations benefit weaker sections under the 20-Point In State capitals is not availab'e. Programme have fallen victim to the Centre's latest directive on budgetary cuts and (b) There IS no increase austerity measures on account of drought,

. (c) 36 cases reported during the period (b) if so, the schemes that have been af 1 11 86 to 31 1087 have been worked out. fected by the austerity drive, and and 1 19 have been filed as untraced Inves- ~igatlon of 3 cases IS not yet completed (c) to what extent the schemes have bE..~n affected and by what time these schemes (d) Patrolling by uniformed police person- will be restored? nel and also in plain clothes has been inten- sified at the.platforms and passenger halls THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- TRY OF PLANNING AND MINISTER OF Channelisation of Foreign Donations to STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF PROGRAMME Voluntary Organisations IMPLEMENTATION(SHRI SUKH RAM) ( a) No, Sir,

2764 SHRI UTIAM AATHOO' (b) and (c) Do not arise SHRI C. JANGA REDDY' Drawal of Water from Thungabhadra Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be Dam pleased to state' 2767. SHRI E. AYY APU REDDY:WiII the (a) whether Government propose to Minister of WATER RESOURCES be pleased channelise the flow of foreign donations to to state: voluRtary organisations through Government agencies only; and (a) whether complaints have been 99 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25, 1987 Written Answen 100 received by the Thungabhadra Board from (c) the decision taken, if any, in this the Andhra Pradesh Government against the regard? allegedly unauthorised over-drawing of water by Karnataka, THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- TRY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AND (b) the powers of the Board to check MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPART- over -utilisation by a State, MENTS OF OCEAN DEVELOPMENT, ATOMIC ENERGY, ELECTRONICS AND (c) whether Government propose to ade- . SPACE (SHRI K.R. NARAYANAN) (a) No, quately empower the Thungabhadra Board Sir to deal with the cases of over -drawing of water, (b) and (c). Do hot arise.

(d) if so, details thereof, and State Funding of Election Expenses

(e) If not, the reasons thereof? 2769 SHRI K PRADHANI SHRI C SAMBU THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- ISTRY OF TEXTILES AND MINISTER OF Will the Minister of LAW AND JUSTICE be STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF WATER pleased to state RESOURCES( SHRI RAM NIWAS MIRDHA) (a) Yes, sir (a) whether Government have under con- sIderation a proposal of State funding of (b) to (e) Tungabhadra Board regulates election expenses, and the supply of wate~to the respective States as per the allocations made by the Krishna (b) if so, the details thereof? Water Disputes Tribunal The Board has powers to check over -utihsation of water by THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- reducing the supply from the main canal TRY OF LAW AND JUSTICE (SHRI H R under ItS control and adjusting the over- BHARDWAJ) (a) and (b) As part of its utilisation from time to time proposals for electoral reforms, the Election CommissIon has recommended that to deal with the problem of money power, it IS neces- Personal Computers Industry in Small sary to evolve a scheme under which the bur- Sector den of all legitimate election expenses would be shifted to the States The Commission 2768 SHRI KRISHNA SINGH has also suggested an in-depth study of the SHRI C MADHAV REDOI whole subject

Indian Nationals Languishing in Jails of Will the PRIME MINISTER be pleased to Different Countries state 2770 DR A K PATEL Will the Minister of (a) whether Government have before EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased to state them a suggestion that personal computers Industry be taken out of the purview of or- (a) the number of Indian nationals who gansed industrial sector and reserved for are at present languishing in Jails In different the small scale sector, countnes and since when, country-wise.

(b) if so, on what grounds this industrial (b) the number of cases that have been area IS sought to be r~rved for small sec- taken up by Government with the respective tion, and countries for their release, country-wise; and 101 Written AnswetS AGRAHAYANA 4. 1909 (SAKA) Written Answers ~02

(c) the number of Indian nationals energy to provide facilities in remote border released by each country during each of the outposts. No expenditure has been incurred last three years and during the current year by ITBP. so far? (c) The performance of the green houses THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- is under observation Additional facilities are TRY OF EXTERNALAFFAIRS (SHRI K NAT- yet to be provided. No Income has accrued WAR SINGH): (a) to (c). Information is being as yet. collected and will be placed on the Table of !he House as soon as possible Extradition Treaty with U.K.

Construction of Green Houses in 2772. SHRI KAMAL NATH: Will the Mini- Premises of ITIP at Leh ster of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased to state: 2771. SHRIP. NAMGYAL· Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state: (a) whether the extradition treaty with U. K. has since been finalised; and (a) whether ~ number of green houses (glass houses) were constructed in the (b) if not, the reasons for delay? premises of Indo-Tibetan Border Police at Leh, THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- TRVOF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS (SHRI EDUAR- (b) if so, the number. specification. date DO FALEIRO): (a) No, Sir. of completion. the total cost incurred on each of the green houses and purpose for which (b) experts of India and U K have met on built; and four occasions since January 1986, so as to reach agreement on concrete legal arrange- (c) whether any income has accrued out ments for purposes of dealing with anti-In- of the green houses and if so the details dian terrorist and extremist activity inside the thereof? U.K A draft of an Extradition Treaty is under discussion in thiS regard THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- TRY OF PERSONN.EL. PUBLIC GRIEVAN- Although there has been some narrowing CES AND PENSIONS AND MINISTER OF of differences between the two governments STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME AF- on the draft of the Extradition Treaty, no FAIRS (SHRI P.CHIDAMBARAM):(a) Ves, Sir. agreement has as yet been concluded

(b) three Nos. Solar green houses of size Arrests under Terrorists and Disruptive 200')(20' capable of withstanding high wind Activities (Prevention) Act speeds upto 180 km per hour and snow load upto 2 feet) maintains inside temperature of 2773. SHRI ARUN KUMAR NEHRU:WilI 2SoC.±.So even when the outside tempera- the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased ture drops to about-ao°C. Date of comple- to state tion - 11/86. Total cost incurred on each of the green houses - Rs. 6.5 lacs. (a) the number of persons arrested under the Terrorists and Dlsr uptlve" Ac- Purpose of green house - Growing of tivities (Prevention) Act in various States vegetables at high altitudes. These solar particularly in Jammu & Kashmir I Gujarat green houses were constructed by the and Tamil Nadu; Oeptt. of non-conventional Energy Sources, Government of India on experimental basis (b) whether complaints have been with a vieYl..to making maximum use of solar received by Union Government/State 103 Written .Answers NOVEMBER 25. 1987' Written AnSwel'S 104

Governments from Educationalists, Political workers, trade union leaders about the SI. Name of No. of persons misuse of the Act for their harassment and No. the State arrested under detention under this Act; and TADAActtill

(c) the steps taken/propose to be taken 12. Punjab 2837(September, 1987) by Union GovernmentlState Government to avoid undue harassment of the people? 13. Rajasthan 25(October, 1987)

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- 14. Tamil Nadu Nil(June, 1987) TRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBUC GRIEVAN- CES AND PENSIONS AND MINISTER OF 15 Uttar Pradesh 49(September, 1987) STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME AF- FAIRS (SHRI P CHIDAMBARAM) (a) The * Information in respect of Andhra Pradesh requls,te ,nformatlon IS gIVen In the statement and Haryana is being collected and will be below laid on the Table of the House

(b) and (c) Some compla,nts were received by the Govt of India in respect of Development of Water Resources in Govt. of GUJarat. The matter has been taken Drought Prone Areas up with that Government to ensure that there is no misuse of the provisions of the T ADA 2774 SHRI PRAKASH V PATIL Will the Act MInister of WATER RESOURCES be pleased to state STATEMENT (a) details of schemes drawn for the development and productive use of water SI Name of No of persons resources in the districts which have been No the State arrested under ~dentified as drought prone, and TADA Act till (b) the areas where these schemes are 1 Andhra Pradesh '* Implemented and the details of the Impact 01 the schemes on the problem? 2. Assam 43(June, 1987) THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- 3 ArunachatPradesh Nil ISTRY OF TEXTILES AND MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF WATER 4 Gujarat 2234 (October 1987) RESOURCES (SHAI RAM NIWAS MIRDHA) (a) and (b) Schemes for development and 5 Goa 7(October, 1987) productive use of water resources, including those in drought-prone districts, are 6 Haryana* planned, funded and Implemented by the State Governments Irrigation schemes 7 HImachal Pradesh 8(August, 1987) have been taken up covering parts of almost all the drought-prone districts and these 8. Jammu & Kashmir 274(August, 1987) have proved beneficial to the areas com- manded by such schemes 9. Karnataka Nil Recommendations of Law Commission 10 Maharashtra 92(July, 1987) 2775. SHRI T. BASHEER WUI the Minister 11 Manlpur 83(September, 1987) of LAW AND JUSTICE be pleased to state: 105 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4: 1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 106

(a) whether Government have asked the Loss of Data Pamphlets from the Office Law Commission to study and suggest of Surveyor General of India necessary reforms in our judicial system;

(b) whether Government have received 2776. SHRIMATI VYJAYANTHIMALA any recommendations from the Law Com- BALI. Will the PRIME MINISTER be pleased mission; to state:

(c) if so, the details thereof, and (a) whether Government have inquired (d) the steps Government have taken in into the reported loss of strategic data this regard? pamphlets from the Office of Surveyor General of India;

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- (b) if so, the details of the inquiry; TRY OF LAW AND JUSTICE (SHAI H.R BHARDWAJ) (a) Yes, Sir (c) the action taken against those respon- sible for the loss; and (b) to (d) The Law Commission has sub- mitted the following eight reports to the (d) the steps taken to avoid recurrence of Government, so far such incident in future?

1 114th Report on 'Gram Nyayalaya' THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- 2 11 5th Report on 'Tax Courts TRY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPARTMENT 3 116th Report on 'Creation of All India OF OCEAN DEVELOPMENT, ATOMIC Judicial Service ENERGY, ELECTRONICS AND SPACE (SHRI K.R NARAYANAN). (a) and (b). Sur- 4 117th Report on 'Setting up of an vey of India has a stock of very large num- Academy for Training of Judicial ber(running in lakhs) of topographIcal maps, Offfcers' aerial photographs and data sheets of dif- ferent classifications The stock taking is car- 5 118th Report on Method of Appoint- ments to Subordinate CourtstSub- red out from time to time and the ordinate Judiciary' discrepancIes, if any, are reconciled in ac- cordance with laid down procedures 6. 119th Report on 'Access to exclusive During the last stock taking. a few discrepan- Forum for Victims of Motor Accident cies were found, most of which have been under Motor Vehicles Act. 1939' reconciled Action to reconcile the remain- ing discrepancies is on hand as per the laid 7 120th Report on 'Manpower plan- down procedures. As per records of Survey mng. in Judiciary. a Blueprint'; and of India, 82 pamphlets stand issued in the name of previous Surveyor General. None 8 121st Report on 'A New Forum for of these pamphlets are of confidential, secret Judicial Appointments' or top secret category The matter is being pursued with him

Copies of 114th to 118th Reports have al- ready been laid on the Table of the House (c) and (d) Efforts are still being made to Some of the reports have been referred to reconcile the remaining discrepancies. the State Governments and their views have Security measures have been further been called for tightened. 107 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25, 1987 Written Answets 108

Vehicles for Voters THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- TRY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AND 2n7 SHRI N DENNIS: Will the Minister MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPART- of LAW AND JUSTICE be.pIeased to state: MENTS OF OCEAN DEVELOPMENT. ATOMIC ENERGY, ELECTRONICS AND (a) whether Government are aware of the SPACE (SHRI K.R. NARAYANAN). (a) to (d). practice of candidates arranging transport Site Selection Committee of the Department for carrying voters openly to the polling of Atomic Energy has examined sites in the booths, and E~stern Electricity Region. including Mid- napore(Oist ). West Bengal, to evaluate their (b) whether Government propose to take suitability for setting up Nuclear Power Sta- any steps to check the practice? tions. Report of the Site Selection Commit- tee is under consider ation of the THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- Government. TRY OF LAW AND JUSTICE (SHRI H.R. BHARDWAJ): (a) and (b) The hiring of procuring or USing of vehicles by a candidate Central Assistance to Andhra Pradesh or his election agent or by any other person with the consent of the candidate or his elec- 2779 SHRIMATI N.P JHANSI LAKSHMI tion agent for the free conveyance of any SHRJ GLJHUOAS KAMAT elector( other than the candidate himself, the members of hiS famity or hiS agent) to and Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be from any poIhng statton If. a corrupt practice pleased to state under section 123(5) of the Representation of the People Act. 1951 However. in view of (a) the details of assistance offered by the persistent complaints from the political Union Government to Government of Andhra parties, general public and candidates that Pradesh for tackling the menace of extremist the aforesaid provision of law are being con- activities . travened with impunity, the Election Com- miSSion has Issued detailed standing (b) the details of assistance sought instructions to the Chief Secretaries and during the last two years by State Govern- Chief Electoral Officers regarding plying of ment of Andhra Pradesh, and vehicles on polling day and regulation there- of The .pofitical parties had also been in- (c) the reasons for not giving sufficient formed in thIS regard support to the State Government of Andhra Pradesh to tackle the problem? Settins up of an Atomic Energy Unit in West Bengal THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- 2778. SHRI SATYAGOPAL MISRA. Will TRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBLIC GRIEVAN- the PRIME MINISTER be pleased to state. CES AND PENSIONS AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME AF- (a) the present position in regard to the FAIRS (SHRI P.CHIOAMBARAM)3{a) tote). proposal 01 setting up of an Atomic Energy A number of requests were received in 1985 unit in Midnapore District. West Bengal, as well as one in September. 1987 from the Government of Andhra Pradesh for deploy- (b) whether any decision has been taken ment of CAP F to contain the 'extremists in this respect; menace but the same could not be provided due to non-availability of Central Forces. (e) if so, the details thereof, and However, the State Police have been equipped with better weapons to contain the (d) if not, the reasons therefor? extremists activities. 109 Written Answers AGRAHAYMJA 4,1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 110

Central Processing Unit with High Power from ISOS and use inhouse computer sys- Computer tem for information retrieval

(b) Hardware in the form of PCs has been 2780. SHRI K RAMAMURTHY. Will-the procured, the software is under develop- PRIME MINISTER be pleased to state' ment and data is be1ng collated in the com- puter readable format (a) the reasons for delay in the estab- lishment of a Central Processing Unit with a Police Firing in Narela high-power computer. which will help in the standardisation of the format of scientific pe- 2781 SHRI M RAGHUMA REDDY Will riodicals and in providing total control on the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased printed Information In machIne-readable to state form, and (a) whether there was an unprovoked (b) the steps taken to institute an in- police firing in Narela. Delhi on 28th October. tegrated information system for covering ~987' data of all types relating to bilateral as well as multilateral cooperation in science & technol- (b) if so, the causes which led to the ogy? police firing.

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- (c) the number of persons Injured/kIlled TRY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AND as a result of police firing MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPART- MENTS OF OCEAN DEVELOPMENT. (d) whether any Inquiry has sInce been In- ATOMIC ENERGY, ELECTRONICS AND stituted into the Incident, and l SPACE (SHRI K.R. NARAYANAN): (a)' There is no plan in the Ministry of Science (e) if so, the details thereof? & Technology to set up a central pro~ cessing unit with?' high-power computer' THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- which will help in the standardisation of TRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBLIC GRIEVAN- the format of scientific~· periodicals and in CES AND PENSIONS AND MINISTER OF providing total control . on printed informa- STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME AF- tion in machine-readable' form. FAIRS (SHRI P CHIDAMBARAM)' (a) and (b) On the morning of 28 1087 at 6 15 am However, In response to a request from police station Narela received information on UNESCO Government of India has desIg- telephone about a dacolty haVIng been com- nated IndIan National SCIentific Documenta- mitted 2 Sub-Inspectors reached the spot tion Centre under the Council of Scientific & and arranged tor taking the Injured to the Industrial Research as the Indian National hospital. When the SHO arrived at the scene . Centre for International Serials Data Sys- he was mobbed and man-handled He took tem(ISDS) in 1985 ISOS is responsible for shelter in a school where the mob threatened creating and maintaining a machine to .burn him ~Iive. Addl DCP (North) and readable database of world serial publica- Asstt. Commissioner of Police arrived at the tions covering all fields of knowledge The scene to rescue the SHOo The Add. DCP Indian National Centre creates the records of had to resort to firtng to rescue the SHO serials following standards and guidelines of ISOS and supplies the same to the Interna- The mob set fire to a Police leep. police tional Centre of IS OS for incorporation of the ambulance and damaged DTC buses The records in the World Register of Serial police faced heavy buck-batting tram the Publications The Indian National Centre will mob aod a large number of poitcemen were get the World Register on magnetic tape ,nJured When the teargas did not prove et- 111 Wn"tten Answers NOVEMBER 25, 1987 Written AnswetS 112 fective. lathi charge and firing was resorted (a) the number and names of major and to for dispersing the mob medium irrigation schemes of the Bihar Government which are pending with the (c) In this incident one person was killed Union Government and how much funds are and 6 others sustained injuries. 20 Police Of- required for these and since when these fictials and 4 Gazetted Police Officers also have been pending approval; received injuries. (b) the names of the different schemes (d) and (e). A magisterial inquiry has been being implemented in Bihar, and ordered. (c) the present position of the each [Ttans/at ion ] project and by when it is likely to be com- pleted? SC/ST Judges in High Courts THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- 2782 SHRI RAM BHAGAT PASWAN. Will ISTRY OF TEXTILES AND MINISTER OF the Minister of LAW AND JUSTICE be STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF WATER pleased to state RESOURCE5{SHRI RAM NIWAS MIRDHA). (a) to (c). :TwelVe major and thirteen medium (a) the number of judges In each High irrigation projects have been received since Court belonging to Scheduled Castes and 1974 These are estimated to cost about Rs Scheduled Tribes, and 900 crores Out of a total of fifty-eight projects under implementation, over thirty (b) the steps taken to appoint more projects are likely to be completed in the cur- judges belonging to Scheduled Cas- rent plan tes/Scheduled Tribes in High Courts? Consumption of Milk and Cereals in THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- Kerala TRY OF LAW AND JUSTICE(SHRI H.R BHARDWAJ) (a) Requisite information is 2784 SHRI K MOHANDAS Will the Min- being collected from the Registries of the ister of PLANNING be pleased to state High Courts and will be laid on the Table after it has been received (a) the per capIta consumptIon of milk and cereals in Kerala, (b) The Government have addressed the Chief MInisters of States and the Chief Jus- (b) how does It compare With other tices of High Courts requesting them to lo- States, and cate persons from the Bar belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled TFibes, other (c) the steps taken to boost the consump- backward classes and minorities and tion of these items in States where consump- women, who are suitable for appointment as tion is lower than the national average? Judges of High Courts so as to give them better representation on the High Courts THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- than that exists at present TRY OF PLANNING AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF PROGRAMME (English] IMPLEMENTATION (SHRI SUKH RAM): (a) According to the Reports of National Nutri- Pending Irrigation Schemes from Bihar tion Monitoring Bureau (NNMB) (1982) the per capita consumption of milk and cereals ' 2783. Dr. G.S.RAJHANS: Will the Minister in Kerala is 79 mi. and 369 gm respectively. of WATER RESOURCES be pleased to state: (b) Position with regard to per capita 113 Mitten Answets AGAAHAYANA 4,1909 (SAKA). 114 consumption of milk and cereals in the 8 Besides, milk products techtiology is being States surveyed including Kerala is given modernised and implemented for collection, below: processing and distribution of milk and milk products Efforts are being made to in- crease consumption of milk and cereals, State Milk (ml) Cereals (gm) particularly among nursing mothers and children through education and publicity

1. Kerala 79 369 Mobile Civil Emergency .Force

2. Tamil Nadu 34 479 2785. SHRI SWAMI PRASAD SINGH: Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased 3. Karnataka 77 645 to state:

4. Andhra (a) whether Government have decided to Pradesh 75 479 wind up Mobile Civil Emergency Force, and

5. Maharashtra 75 451 (b) if so, the reasons therefor?

6 Gujarat 252 454 THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- TRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBLIC GRIEVAN- 7.0nssa 9 556 CES AND PENSIONS AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME AF- 8. West Bengal 22 548 FAIRS (SHRI P CHIDAMBARAM). (a) Yes, Sir. but the personnel will be absorbed in AVERAGE 78 498 other Central Police Organisations.

(b) The reasons for Government's (c) In order to Improve the consumption decision to wind UP Mobile Civil Emergency of cereals and milk several programmes Force (MCEF) are:- have been taken up during the Sixth and Seventh Plan penods The entire agncultural (i) It had not been performing any sector is concentrating on improving the worthwhile dutIes lately qualitative and quantitative aspects of crop production and improvement of post-har- (ii) whatever duties It had performed vest technology in order to minimise the los- from time to time could be handled ses. Besides, the public distribution system by the Home Guards is being expanded rapidly in order to provide the cereals to the weaker sections Simul- rans/ation] taneously efforts are being made to enhance [T the purchasing power of rural masses by taking up various income and employmel generation programmes under rur, T.V. Picture Tubes development and other sectors

Production of milk IS proposed to be In- 2786 PROF CHANDRA BHANU DEVI creased through various prog~ammes of Will the PRIME MINISTER be pleased to animal husbandry Priority is being given for state the cross-breeding of cattle, provision of balanced feed, modern livestock manage- (a) the number of T V picture tubes im- ment practices including animal health care ported during 1985, 1986 and upto 30 Sep- to bring about increased milk production. tember, 1987; and 115 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25. 1987 Written Answers 116

(b) the number of T V picture tubes (a) whether Government .. have . taken manufactured in the country during the steps to increase the enrolment and check aforesaid period? the dropout of Tribal children in the primary schools under Tribal Sub-Plan areas in dif- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- ferent States, TRY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPART- (b) if so, the schemes implemented or MENTS OF OCEAN DEVELOPMENT, measures adopted in different States from ATOMIC ENERGY, ELECTRONICS AND the current academic session to increase the SPACE (SHAI K R NARAYANAN)' (a) The enrolment and check the dropouts, and estimated quantity of imported picture tubes used in the "TV sets produced during 1985. (c) the percentage and number of 1986 and 1987 (upto September) is given dropouts in different States as on 30th April, below. 19877.

THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINIS- TRY OF WELFARE (SHAI GIRJDHAR GOMANGO) (a) and (b) Yes, Sir The (In lakhs) Black & White measures adopted to increase the enrol- (B&W) Colour ment and check the dropouts of tribal children in primary schools are given in the 1985 5.0 7.0 Statement-I below.

1986 30 100 (c) According to the latest available infor- malian, the State-wise position is given in the 1987 Nil 9.0 Statement-II below (Upto .September) STATEMENT-.

(b) The production of picture tubes Measums adop!ed to increase the enrol- during 1985.1986 and 1987 (upto Septem- ment and checl< the dropouts of tribal ber) is given below· childten at primary schools.

(In lakhs) 1 Opening of primary schools on priority B&W Colour basis in areas predominantly inhabited by Scheduled Tribes 1985 14.5 NO 1986 19.5 Nit 2. Conversion of single teacher schools 1987 21 0 Nil into two teacher schools. Upto September (Estimated) 3. Improvement of physical facilities in schools located in tribal areas

(English] 4. ProviSion of Non-formal/part-time education on an extensive scale Tribal Children in Schools 5. Appointment of women teachers on a 2787 SHRI SRIKANTA DAnA: large scale and provision of creches!pre- NARASIMHARAJA WADlYAR: primary schools as adjuncts of primary schools Will the MinISter of WELFARE be pleased to Rtate 6. Improvement oJ. teacher competence 117 Written AnSweB AGRAHAYANA 4, 1909 (SAKA) Written AnSwet5

through in-servICe training State/Uts Dropo&.C f8t4 7 Opening of more Ashram type schools atpr"Tlay~ (Classes t-\fJ 8 PreparatIOn of special cUrricula sUited to socia-economic needs of Trlba's Onssa n9lt- 9 Opening of hostels .n these areas Rajasthan 7148 10 ProvIsion of Incentives In the form of scholarships, uniforms. mid-day meals, S,kk.m NA..

books and stationery I freeshlp etc TamdNadu 3759

STATEMENT-II Tnpura 697,

Uttar Pradesh Dropout rates of Scheduled r"be students at p"mary stage (Classes I-V) 1981-82 West 8engal 6927

A&N Islands 4574

State/Uts Dropout rate Arunachal Pradesh 7753 at primary stage (Classes 1-V) Dadra and Nagar Havel! 7643

Goa Daman & DIU 6638

Andhra Pradesh 6810 Lakshadweep

Assam 7622 MlZoram 6283

Bihar 8058 Expenditure incurred on Sri Lankan GUJarat 7294 Refugees Himachal Pradesh 4305 2788 SHRt R JEEVARATHINAM win t\ Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased Karnataka 4812 state the total expenditure .ncurred by Unl Government on the welfare /rehabilltation '(erala 3716 the Sri Lankan refugees tin date?

I Wladhya Pradesh 7065 THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS-' TF3Y OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHAJ CHtN- Maharashtra 7422 TAMAN' PANIGRAHI) Between July 1983 and 30th September. 1987 an amount 01 Manlpur 8536 Rs 12 39 crores has been Incurred by the Union Government on prOViding relaef aSSIS- Meghalaya 7674 tance to the Sn Lankan refugees and on con- struction/renovation of camps for Nagaland 7575 accommodating the refugees No amount 119 Wntten Answers NOVEMBER 25. 1987 Written Answets 120 has been spent on providing rehabilitation (b) the quanttty of water allotted to Kar- assIstance to the Sft Lankan refugees as they nataka under RIVer Waters Tribunal Award, are not Indian citIZens and are expected to go back to Sri Lanka (c) whether Unton Government have receIVed any representation about construc- tion of a reservoir leading to an Inter -state Maharashtra-Kamataka Border Dispute dispute In thiS region and

(d) If so detaIls thereof and actIon taken 2789 SHRI V SREENIVASA PRASAD thereon? SHRI BANWARI LAL PUROHIT

Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- pleased to state ISTRY OF TEXTILES AND MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF WATER (a) whether Union Government have RESOURCES (SHRI RAM NIWAS MIRDHA) laken~ny steps to help Maharashtra Govern- (a) The envisaged water utilisation under ment and Karnataka Government to ftnd a upper Krishna Project Stages I and II are 119 solution to their border dIspute on the baSIS TMC and 54 TMC respectively of the recommendations made by MahaJan CommissIon (b) 700 TMC

(b) If so the details thereof and (c) and (d) Andhra Pradesh has ob- jected for provIsion of huge disproportionate (c) If not the reasons therefor? reservoIr capacIty as compared to con templated utilisation It has been found there IS no Violation of the provIsions of the Water THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- T nbunal sAward TRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI CHIN- TAMANI PANIGRAHI) (a) to (c) The Government of India have always been of the Schemes for Implementation of the View that this dispute can be resolved only National Water Policy with the willing co operation of the State Governments concerned The Central Gover(lment remain In touch with both the 2791 SHRI RAMSWAROOP RAM Will state Governments to ascertain the progress the Minister of WATER RESOURCES be made In the bilateral diScussions of their pleased to state the details of the schemes Chief MInisters on th,s Issue and the nature drawn up for the Implementation of the Na of Central assistance requ red In arriving at tlonal Water Policy? mutually acceptable solution to the problem THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN ISTAY OF TEXTILES AND MINISTER OF Water for Karnataka from Upper Krishna STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF WATER Project RESOURCES (SHRI RAM NIWAS MIRDHA) The National Water Policy adopted by the 2790 SHRI V SOBHANADREESWARA National Water Resources Council only RAO W,ll the Minister of WATER RESOUR provides broad policy gUidelines tor plan CES be pleased to state nlng and development of water resources schemes Implementation of which should (a) detaIls relating to water utilisation be governed by national perspective treating under the Upper Krtshna Project stages I & II water as a natural resource and a national In Karnataka asset 121 Written Answers AGAAHAYANA 4, 1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 122

Import of S.K.D. Kits MIRDHA) (a) Estimates of this kind are not available 2792 SHRI C MADHAV REDDI Will the PRIME MINISTER be pleased to state. (b) and (c) Soil and moisture conserva- tlon· measures appropriate to different soil (a) whether any decision has been taken and climatic regions such as bunding. terrac- to stop the import of Semi Knock Down Kits ing, silt detention dams, water harvesting in the electronics industry, and structures, nalla plugging, etc , are found to help to hold and conserve the rain water on (b) whether the components, in- the surface as well as In the soil profile These digenously available, will not be included in measures are being carried out under the SKD list? various State and Central Sector program- mes THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- TRY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPART- Pahariya Tribes of Santhal Pargana in MENTS OF OCEAN DEVELOPMENT, Bihar ATOMIC ENERGY, ELECTRONICS AND SPACE (SHRI K R NARAYANAN) (a) and (b) A close scrutiny IS made of the Phased 2794 SHRI MOHO MAHFOOZ ALI Manufacturing Programme (PMP) to ensure KHAN Will the Minister of WELFARE be that in-~epth manufacture is only allowed pleased to state Except for a very small quantity required for the purpose of training, Semi-knocked (a) whether the number of the Pahanya Down(S~D) kits are not proposed to be al- tribal population living in the hills of Santhal lowed Further, the .mport-export policy has Pargana in Bihar IS fast declining. been modified by transferring the entry relat- ing to import of kits/sub-assemblies from Ap- (b) If so, whether Government have made pendix-3A to Appendix-2B i e restricted list any study to know the extent to which the population of Pahariya tribals have been reduced over the years and the reasons Steps to hold Rain Water onto the therefor, Ground (c) if so, the details thereof and how does 2793 PROF P J KURIEN Will the MIni- it compare With the percentage of reductIOn ster of WATER RESOURCES be pleased to In population of other tribes In the tnbal belts state in various parts of the country. and

(a) the estimated quantity of rain 1 water (d) the steps taken to save them from ex- which goes unutilised every year, tinction?

(b) whether the Government have con- ducted any study about ways in which the THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINIS- rain water could be held onto the ground, TRY OF WELFARE(SHRI GIR1DHAR and GOMANGO) (a) No, Sir

(c) if so. the details thereof? (b) to (d) Do not arise



THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (a) whether a review has been made of MINISTRY OF WELFARE (OR: RAJEN- the working of the various Technology Mis- ORA KUMARI BAJPAI): (a) Hearing aids sions; are provided to those whose hearing may be imparied and who can 'overCome the (b) if so, the details thereof; handicap with the amplification prOVided by such appliances. (c) the impact made by the missions in (b) to (d). Certain types 01 visual impair- the areas of their work; and ments which have some power to see can also be helped by certain devices. However, (d) the measures proposed to be taken there is as yet no device whCh can enable a improve their working? totally blind person to see.

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- Clearance to Project from Andhra TRY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AND Pradesh MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPART- MENTS OF OCEAN DEVELOPMENT, 2796. SHRI K. RAMACHANDRA REDDY ATOMIC' ENERGY, ELECTRON1CS AND Wilthe Minister of WATER RESOURCES be SPACE (SHRI K.R. NARAYANAN): (a) and .f:'leased to state: - ·- . (b). Yes, Sir. The five Technology Missions were identified in January 1986. and the Mis-

Cc) whether Government propose to (c) and (d). The five Technology Missions review the position; - were selected for their potential socio- economic impact nationally. The work done (d) if so. when; and so far has been towards achieving those ob- jectives and defined targets. Recently, an (e) if not. the reasons therefor? AdviserCT echnology Mission) has been ap- pointed to coordinate the Mission activities - THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MlN- and to ensure their implementation in a time- :tSTRY OF TEXTILES AND MINISTER OF ly and effective manner. 125 Written AnAvets AGRAHAVANA 4, 1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 126

P-Uamentary Constituencies as District Amount for TSP /SCP by various Ministries

2798. SHRI HlISSAIN DAlWAI: Will the 2802. SHAI ARVIND NETAM:WiIi the Min- Minister of PLANNING be pleased to state: ister of WELFARE be pleased to state:

(,) whether a proposal to convert the (a) the various ministries that prepared present parliamentary constituencies as dis- the Tribal sub-Plan and Special Component trict, and -the Legislative AsaemDly con- Plan during the Sixth Five Year Plan; stituencies asTihsils is under examination of the Planning Commission; and (b) the amount allocated by each Ministry to different states for Tribal Sub-Plan and (b) if so, the details thereof? Special Component Plan and to Madhya Pradesh in part ic ul.ar . department-wise THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- during the Sixth Plan: TRY OF PLANNING AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF PROGRAMME (c) the names of the Ministries pre-paring IMPLEMENTA.TlON (SHRI SUKH RAM): Tribal Sub-Plan and Special Component (a) No, Sir. Plano for Seventh Plan and the amount allo- cated to each State during the Annual Plan (b) Does not arise 1985-86.1986-87 and 1987-88, and

(d) the amount proposed for T nbal Sub- CNlf Demands Plan and Special Component Plan for the year 1988-89 to Madhya Pradesh?

2800 SHRIMATI D K BHANDARI. Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINIS- state: TRY OF WELFARE(SHRI GIRIDHAR GOMANGO): (a) to (d). The information is (a) whether a meeting between Home being collected and will be laid on the Table Minister and Chief Minister of West Bengal of the House has been held in November, 1987,

(b) it so. the particulars of issues relating to Gorkha National Liberation Front demands discussed at the meeting, and 2803 SHRt B.B RAMAIAH Will the Mini- ster of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to Slate: (c) the outcome of the discussions? • (a) the number of Chakmas and 0Iher tribal refugees from Bangladesh in India; THE MINISTER OF Sl'ATE IN THE MINIS- TRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBUC GRIEVAN- (b) the reasons of their entry in India in CES AND PENSIONS AND MINISTER OF such a large number, and STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME AF- FAlRS(SHRI P. CHIDAMBARAM): (a) to (c). (c) the measures being taken to check in- The Chief Minister of West Bengal Shri Jyoti filtration of refugees to India from BangJa- Basu met the Home Minister on 16th Novem- dash? ber I 1987 and discussed the problem of Dar- jeeling area with particular reference to the THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- proposed Development CouncU plan '0( the TRY OF HOME AFFAIRS(SHRI CHINTAMANI hill area. Discussion wil continue. . PANIGRAHI): and (b). About 49,000 127 Written MSwetS NOVEMBER 25,1987 Written Answets 128

Bangladesh tribal refugees crossed over to STATEMENT Tnpura since 29th April, 1986, consequent on the disturbed conditions In Bangladesh At present, 46,502 refugees are accom- Major Conc/us/ons and Action Taken on modated In temporary camps In the State the Report of Prof. lIehman

(c) The Secunty Forces on the Indo- 1 0 The major conclusions of hiS report Bangladesh border are on alert Measures are as follows have been taken for strengthening surveil- lance along the border which Include (I) The potccy of the Government to strengthening of BSF, construction of obser- develop training for the Indian Ad- vaton post towers and providIng Increased mlntstratlVe Service In the form of mobtllty to border patrols Efforts are con- compulsory programmes and other tInuing at diplomatIC level With the Bangla- measures have toned up the quality desh authOrities to prevent Influx of refugees of training In the All Ind.a Institutions, State Administrative Tralntng In- and to create conditions condUCive for their stitutes, subject matter Institutes and early return to Bangladesh other Institutes Imparting such train- Ing

(II) The training resources of India, both Ilehman's Report on Training Institutions trainers and training materials are severely strained and may not be able to accommodate the Increased 2804 SHRI MAHENDRA SINGH Will the expectations unless SUitably aug- PRIME MINISTER be pleased to state mented

(a) whether ILeHMAN's report on trainIng _ (Ill) Because of these effects and the Institutions has been submitted to Govern- aspirations for a long term Govern- ment of India JElokcy for enhanCing of ment. and the human resources for lAS and other serVices, a substantial eHort at training of traIners may be under- (b) If so the major conclUSIons of the taken, together With a programme to report and the action proposed thereon? develop curriculum and SUitable traIning matenals

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- 2 0 Accordingly. two exploratory teams TRY OF PERSONNEL. PUBLIC GRIEVAN- were deputed to France, UK. and USA to as- CES· AND PENSIONS AND MINISTER OF sess the avaIlability and quality of courses In STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME AF- certain well established Institutions/or- FAIRS ( SHRI P CHIDAMBARAM) (a) The ganisations Their reports are awaited Report has been submItted but It IS not Survey about Crime Against Scheduled a report on the training Institutions In Castes India It IS on the training effort launched by the Government and 2805 SHRI RANJITSINGH GAEKWAD the need to augment the human Will the Minister of WELFARE be pleased to resources for the training of all serVlCes state

(a) whether Government propose to (b) Details are gNen In the statement make a comprehenSive survey of crimes below against Scheduled Castes and 129 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4, 1909 (SAKA) Written AnswetS 130

(b) if so, the steps proposed to be taken and Technology for Rural Development, was in this regard? held on 2-4 November, 1987 at New Delhi Recommendations covered the fo"owi~ main areas THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINIS- TRY OF WELFARE(SHRI GIRIDHAR 1. Agronomy GOMANGO)· (a) and (b). An indepth annual review of incidents of atrocities, based on the 2. Animal Husbandry figures reported by the StateslU T s., is con- ducted with a view to ascertain the trend in 3 Rural Industries & Crafts crimes.against Scheduled Castes in all the StatesIU Ts drl the basis of such reviews, 4. Infrastructure the concern of the Central Government is conveyed to the States where there has been 5 Technology Development and deterioratton in crimes against Scheduled Utilisation Castes After the review of 1985, the Chief Ministers of the States of Gujarat, Karnataka, 6 Soil & Water Management Kerala, Orissa and Tamil Nadu were ad- dressed and similarly for the year 1986, the 7 Afforestation and Social Forestry Chief Ministers of States of Andhra PI adesh, Bihar, Jammu and Kashmir, Kerala and Oris- 8. Energy sa were addressed These States were em- phaSised upon to take all actions as per the 9 Waste Utilisation gUideline~ Issued from tome to time to the State Governments to effectively deal with 10. Rural Labour the problem of atrocities 11 Environmental Pollution

Workshop for Rural Development 12 Organisation

2806 DR T KALPANA DEVI Will the 13 Rural Housing PRIME MINISTER be pleased to state 14 Micro-'evel Planning (a) whether National Worksh-op on SCience and Technology for Aural Develop- (c) Government has not considered. [mY ~ . ment has made certain recommendations, such proposal

(b) if so, the details thereof, and Afghanist.. 's move for SAARC (c) steps proposed for setting up of a Membership nodal Ministry to coordinate scientific ac- tivities of different departments of the Government? 2807. Dr S.L SHAILESH Will the Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased to state:

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- (a) whether -Afghanistan had moved for TRY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AND membership to the South Asian Association MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPART- for Regional Cooperation at the last SAARC MENTS OF OCEAN DEVELOPMENT, Conference held in Kathmandu, and ATOMIC ENERGY, ELECTRONICS AND SPACE (SHRI K A NARAYANAN) (a) and (b) if so, the reaction of the Conference (b). Yes Sir A Nattonal Workshop on Science thereto? 131 WrittenAnswels NOVEMBER 25~ 1987 Written AnswetS 132

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- (a) whether any decision was taken at the ,TRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS (SHRI K recent SAARC meeting held at Kathmandu NAlWAR SINGH): (a) Yes, Sir. for the funding of its activities;

(b) Since there is no specific provision in (b) if so, the decision taken; and the SAARC Charter for the admissiOn of new members to the Association, it was decided Cc) the contributions likely to be made by that the Standing Committee of Foreign the Member countries initially and annually? Secretaries should examine the question of membership and submit its recommenda- tions. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- TRY OF EXTEANAL AFFAtRS (SHAI K. NAT- WAR SINGH):(a) and (b). The question of Contributions by Member Countries to funding of SAAAC activities had been SAARC Activities agreed to earlier.

2808 DR. ·S.L. SHAtLESH: Will the Mini- (c) The latest position regarding the ster of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased to pledges of annual contributions tor SMRC state: programme activities is as follows:

Bangladesh Bangladesh (-Indian As. 3. 36 (1987-88) Takas 7.5 million approx) million

Bhutan Bhutanese (-Indian Rs.2 . (i~7-88) Nu 2 million million)

India Indian As. 15 million (1987-88) (1988-89) Indian Rs. 17.5 miHion .

Maldives Maldivian (~Indian As. (1987) Rufiyaa 420,000 approx.) 252.000 .. {1B88) 325,000 (-Indian Rs.541 ,670 approx.)

Nepal' Nepalese (-indian RS.4.12 (1987-88) AS.7 miMion million approx)

Pakistan Pakistani (-Indian RS.9.33 (1987-88 As. 12.5 million + Indian million + RS.373,OOO approx) Rs.500,OOO for scholar- ships

. Sri Lanka Sri Lanka (-Indian Rs.2.22 (1987) RS.5million million approx.) ~------133 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4, 1909 (S,AKA) WrittenMswers 134

Crime in Delhi tation schemes:

.2809. SHRI P. PENCHALLAIH: Will the (b) whether Government propose to give Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to ·emphasis to irrigation and allied schemes state: . which come under 20-Points Programme and other anti-poverty programmes: and (a) whether incidence of crime is increas- ing in the Capital: (cl if so, the details regarding the proposals of Government in this regard? (b) if so, the number of incidence of,crime reported during the last one year: and THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- TRY OF PLANNING AND MINISTER OF (c) the preventive steps taken by Govern- STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF PROGRAMME rnent to check crime in the Capital? IMPLEMENTATION (SHRI SUKH RAM) (a) Planning Commission has already written to the States and Union Territories that in this THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS~ year of widespread drought, if the States TRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBLIC GRIEVAN- would like to divert the resources from other CES AND PENSIONS AND MINISTER OF schemes to irrigation and water manage- STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME AF- ment, their proposals in this regard would bf FAIRS (SHRI P CHIDAMBARAM) (a) and welcomed. (b). Compared to the corresponding period of last year viz 1-11-1985 to 31-10-1986, (b) and (c). Irrigation has all along been , when 30013 IPC cases were reported, the accorded high priority in the Plans. number of cases reported during the period However, in this year of drought additional 1-11-1986 to 31-10-1987 came down to outlay of Rs.236 crores have been provided 16624. As such there is substantial decrease for identified ongoing project in 14 States for in the incidence of crime in the Capital. their completion within a period of two years. States have also been offered additional as- (c) About 12,000 more posts and pur- sistance for the two Centrally Sponsored chase of about' 668 more vehicles for Delhi Schemes narnely.Ii) National Water Shed Police have been sanctioned. Setting up of Development Programme/Dryland Agricul- 25 more police stations, 12 Police sub- ture and (ii) Assistance to Small & Marginal divisions and there police districts have been Farmers which are funded on 50:50 sharing approved. 100 pickets at strategic points basis between the Centre and the States. manned by personnel equipped with automatic weapons and wireless sets have been set up. Regular coordination meetings Rehabilitation Centres for Drug Addicts. are held with the officers of the neighbouring states and intelligence··agencies to monitor 2811. SHRI MANIK REDDY Will the Min- the activities of terrorists and other criminals. ister of WELFARE be pleased to state

Diversion of Funds for Irrigation and (a) the names of welfare/rehabilitation Afforestation Scheme centres in India to help the drug addicts to overcome their addiction, 2810. SHRI JAGANNATH PATINAIK: Will the Minister of PLANNING be pleased to (b) the number out of them maintained by state: Union Government, State Governments and voluntary agencies: and (a) whether Government propose to con- siderthe diversion of some of the funds from (c) the funds allocated to these centres other schemes to the irrigation and affores- annually? 135 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25, 1987 Written Answers 136

THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINIS- (e) the details thereof? TRY OF WELFARE (SHRI GIRIDHAR GOMANGO)' (a) to (b) & (c). Voluntary or- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- ganisations have been assisted by the Mini- TRY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AND stry of Welfare to establish. 21 Counselling MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPART- and guidance centres and 3 de-addiction- MENTS OF OCEAN DEVELOPMENT, cum-rehabilitation centres to overcome their ATOMIC ENERGY, ELECTRONICS AND addiction. Details of information of voluntary SPACE (SHRI K.R. NARAYANAN) (a) Yes, agencies who are running such centres Sir. without financial assistance from the Ministry of Welfare are not maintained. Information (b) The Centre undertakes research and regarding Welfare/rehabilitation centres as- development work in frontline areas of the sisted or established by the State Govern- technology of accelerators and lasers, ments IS not available Yearwise break up of Research in applications of lasers in areas funds allocated by the Ministry of Welfare is such as medicine, industry and fusion is also indicated below undertaken at the Centre.

(c) No, Sir, Year Amount of grant-in-aid (d) and (e). Do not arise sanctioned (in lakhs) Manufacture of Micro Computers by H.C.L

1985-86 Rs.1.81 2813, SHRIMATI ;JAYANTI PATNAIK Will the PRIME MINISTER be pleased to st61~e 1986-87 Rs.8.86 (a) whether Government have entrusted 1987-88 Rs.16.32 the task of manufacturing micro-computers to Hindustan Computers limited,

(b) if 30, whether H.CL" is manufacturing Setting Up Centre for Advanced the computers indigenously or with any Technology foreign collaboration; and

2812.SHRIMATI JAYANTI PATNAIK Will (c) if in foreign collaboration, the details the PRIME MINISTER be pleased to state thereof?

(a) whether Govemme-it had approved THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- the setting up of a Centre for advanced tech- TRY OF SCIE'NCE AND TECHNOLOGY AND nology at Indore; MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPART- MENTS OF OCEAN DEVELOPMENT, (b) if so, the main functions of that ATOMIC ENERGY, ELECTRONICS AND Research Centre, SPACE (SHRIKR.NARAYANAN) (a) Hin- dustan Computers Limited (HCl) holds an (c) whether Government propose to set .Industrial Licence for the manufacture of up some more centres for advanced tech- Mini-computer/Microprocessor based sys- nology in the country; tems under which manufacture of micro- computers is also permissible. (d) if so, the number of Centres proposed to be set up at other places in the country; (b) and (c), So far HCL have been and manufacturing Micro-Computers based on 137 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4,1909 (SAKAb Written Answers 138 indigenous knowhow. However, they have (b) details of the major space projects in recently been granted foreign collaboration progress at the station and which is the next approval with Mls Tolerant System Inc. of project ready for launching? USA for the manufacture of micro computer based On-Line Transaction Processing fault THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- tolerant system. TRY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPART- MENTS OF OCEAN DEVELOPMENT, Additional allocation to Orissa under ATOMIC ENERGY, ELECTRONICS AND TSP and SCP SPACE (SHRIK.R NARAYANAN) (a) Al- location made during 1986-87 and 1987-88 to the Equatorial Rocket Launching Station 2814. ~HRIMATI JAYANTI PATNAIK: Will at Thumba is Rs29.62 lakhs and Rs22.75 the Minister of WELFARE be pleased to lakhs respectively. state

(b) Weekly launches of Soviet supplied (a) whether Government propose to M100 rockets are taking place regularly from make additional allocation of funds to some Thumba for meteorological studies. A cam- States under Special Component Plan and paign using M100 rockets with 7 payloads Tribal Sub-PI9·n: 'and supplied from India and 10 from USSR is being planned for December 1987 Several scientific experiments such as ozone studies and D-region ionisation studies using (b) if so, the additional allocation of funds RH300, nitric oxide studies using Centaure proposed to be made to Orissa during the and equatorial wave studies using RH200 Sevehth Plan? are being planned.

THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINIS- Lossof Life and Property suffered by TRY OF WELFARE (SHRI GIRIDHAR Indians in Riots in Phillipines GOMANGO) (a) and (b). The allocation of Special Central Assistance tor Tribal Sub- Plan and Special Component Plan to the .2816. SHRI P PENCHALLAIH Will the States for the Seventh Plan period is tenta- Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be pleases tive and at this stage it cannot be indicated to state: how much additional Special Central Assis- tance will be allocated to any particular State. (a) the estimate of loss of life and proper- ty suffered by Indians in recent riots in Phit lipines: and

Allocations for Thumba Equatorial (b) the steps taken by Indian Embassy to Rocket Launching Station protect their interests?


(a) The allocation made during 1986-87 (a) None. and 1987-88 to the Equatorial Rocket Launching Station at Thurnba: and (b) Does not arise. 139 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25, 1987 Written Answers 140

[Translation) (a) whether the inflow of foreign funds for orqanisatlons engaged in cultural, social Non-Implementation of Fourth Pay educational, religious and economic ac- Commission Recommendation by .tivities has increased recently despite the Chandigarh Administration enactment of Foreign Contributions (Regula- tion) Act, 1976, 2817, PR. CHINTA MOHAN SHRI BALWANT SJNGH (b) if so, the latest available details in this RAMOOWALlA. regard; and SHRI HARISH RAWAT: (c) the names of the major receivers ot Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be such funds? pleased to state: THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- (a) whether the employees of UT Cadre TRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBLIC GRIEVAN- working under Chandigarh Administration CES AND PENSIONS AND MINISTER OF are not ~tting their salary according to the STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME AF- recommendations of the Fourth Pay C<#rn- FAIRS (SHRI P CHIDAMBARAM) (a) Con- mission; and tributions reported under the Foreign ~ Contributions (Regulation) Act, 1976, (b) if so, the time by which recommenda- have shown treno of some Increase. tions are likely to be implemented fully in the UT (b) Information is given in the Statement - I below. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- TRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI CHIN- , (c) Information is given in the Statement- TAMANI PANIGRAHI): (a) Yes, Sir. 11 below,

(b) Since the formation of Union Territory STATEMENT ••• Chandiqarh on 1-11-1966, the Chandiqarh Adrninistratlon is. following Punjab pattern Purpose-wise detail of receipt of foreign pay scales. The Fourth Pay Commission contribution during the year 1986 (as avail- , had excluded Chandigarh Union Territory able upto 20- 11- 1987) .. from its purview. On demand ot the Chan- digarh Administration employees, it has 1.Cultural Rs. 8820 (in Thousand) J been decided to extend the Central Pay Scales to them. Necessary detailed exercise 2.Social Rs. 6,47,425 (in Thousand) has already been started in this Ministry for prescribing pay scales. to the Chandigarh 3.EducationalRs 7,54,659 (4nThousand) Administratiori employees on Central pat- tern. The pay pattern of Chandigarh Union 4.Religious Rs. 6,59,413 (in Thousand) Territory requires re-structuring as a whole as they are at varlance with· the pre-revised 5.Economic Rs 74,783 (in Thousand) Central/other Union Territory pay scales.

[English) STATEMENT •• I

Increase Inflow of Foreign Funds Names of Major Receivers (Above 1 - Crore) 2818. SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA: Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to Rural Development Trust, Bangalore High- state: , way, Anantapur, A.P. 141 Written Jl\nswetS AGRAHAYANA 4, 1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 142

Dh81mavaram Boys Town Society, Ohar- Karnataka. mavaram, RS Anantapur, A.P Orissa Urban Rural Service Faith Arthik Samata Mandai, Nasthika Centre, Penton Sahi, Cuttack, Oris- Kendram, Vijayawada, Andhra sa Pradesh Mobile Creches, 5-8, Telegraph Lane, Xaviers Ranchi St. Xaviers College, New Delh1. 'Purulia Road, Ranchi, Bihar. eNI Synodical Board of Social Service, St. Thomas Girls Hostel, Dhorompur Bar- 16 Pandit Panth Marg,'New Delhi. harwa Sahibganj, Bihar. St. Stephens Hospital, Tiz Hazari, Delhi. Vincentian Minor Seminary Agricultural College, P 90, Rewa Dist Madhya Pradesh Rehabilitation of Displaced Tribaas by Orissa Government Bishop Chellappa Memorial Project, Vepery, Madras, Tamil Nadu 2819. SHRI JAGANNATH PATINAIK: Will the Minister of WELFARE be pleased to Eammanuel Methodist Church, 48-50, state Jeremiah Road, Madras (a) whether Government of Orissa have Apostolic Church, 4, Ritherdon Road, Vepery, Madras, Tamil Nadu formed a high powered Committee to streamline the rehabilitation of the tnbaJs dis- Dalit Cultural Front, 32, 4th St., ptaced because of the establishment of big Venkatespuram New Colony, industries and river dams; Madras (b) if so, whether Government of Orissa Seva Nllayam, RajathanJ Andipattl, has sought any financial assistance from Madurai, Tamil Nedu Union Government in this regard,

Carmel Ashram, Town Extension, Kum- (c) whether Union Government have also bakonam, Tamil Nadu extended cooperation to increase the stipend of tribal students and bUSiness in St Antony's Church, Kallakuzhi. forest produce and sale of essential com- Tiruchirappalty, TamU Nadu modities in Tribal area, and Kazmalai Ladies Association, Tiruchirap- (d) if so, the details thereof? palli, Tamil Nadu.

United Church Board for World Ministry, THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINIS- 1 MLB0276, Dr. D:N. Road, Bombay TRY OF WELFARE (SHAI GIAIDHAR GOMANGO)' (a) Yes Sir The Assumpta Society. 105, Koregaon Park, Pune (b) to (d) The information IS being col- lected and will be laid on the table of the Baldwin Boys High School, Hosur Road, House Bangalore Installation of Tube Wells in H.P. Pahadt Trust, PO Box 5, Somwarpet, Ceorg, Karnataka. 2820. PROF. NARAIN CHAND Church of St. Joseph the Worker Vaman- PARASHAR. Will the Minister of WATER jor Diocese of Mangalore, S. Kanara, RESOURCES be pleased to state: 143 NOVEMBER 25. 1987 Wntten Answers 144

(a) whether Government propose to cusecs of water from Anandpur Hydel Chan- provide funds to the State of Himachal nel and 228' cusecs of water from Shah Pradesh for the exploitation of underground Nehar Project to Hinlachal Pradesh . water potential through the installation of a number of tube-wells: (b) if so, the action taken in this regard by the Union Government and the latest (b) ~r 40 drifting points in Una Dis- progress achieved in the implerpentation of triet for which bores have already been made the agreement. and " could rIOt be provided energised tubewells tor want of flRis: and (c) if not, the reasons therefor and the like- ly date by which water would be provided to Cc) if so, the funds to be provided under Himachal Pradesh for early irrigation facilities the drought reh~f .)~\")Qrat'1r'!lt. IUf this pur- particu~rly in the context of drought? h~·:~ ~.~. '·:'.'1lIP" ,·nent &Ala.1 £ pose to t .t. '.~\l ..... ~ .. - ", and the ~J date ana ei... :jnt thereof? THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- ISTRY OF TEXTILES AND MINISTER OF -: -.~ MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MfN- STATE OF THE ~AINISTRY OF WATER t~- -;- riY OF TEXTILES AND MINISTER OF RESOURCES (SHRI RAM NIWAS MIRDHA). STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF WATER (a) to (c). The Government of Himachal RESOURCES (SHAI RAM "'IY~AS MIROHA) , Pradesh have submitted a project report for (a) Minor I;rigation Programme is planned RS.49 3 crores for ut~isation of 220 cusec of and implemented by the State Government water from Shah Nehar Project for irrrgation However, to accelerate the programme in- of areas if" Himachal Pradesh However, this cluding rubew els, centr. ~ance is given estimate has not been prepared in consult- through various Centrally Sponsored ation with the Government of Punjab, as re- Schemes. quired In the inter -State agreement of 4.8.1983. Comments of the Government of (b) Out of 196 tubewels constructed in Punjab are required before the project Una District, Himachal Pradesh, 188 ..ere proposaAs are finalised. The Government of successfut. 164 out of these have already India have recently written to the Government been energised. Energisalion work is in 01 P~ on the urgent need ot earmark 228 progress on 18 tubewels. cusec out of Punjab's share in surplus Ravi- Beas waters for utilisation in Himachal (c) An advance Plan assistance as Pradesh. drought relief (1987-88) tor As. 1.19 crores for drinking water. and As. 30.00 Iakhs for No project proposal has been received creatIOn of potential of 500 hectare through for utilisation of 25 cusec by Himachal minor irrigation have been approved tor the Pradesh from Anandpur Sahib Hydel Chan- State nel.

MeetinB of National Water Resources Water from Shah Nehar PrcJiect to Council Himachal Pradesh 2822. SHRfG. BHOOPATHY: Will the Min- 2821. PROF. NARAIN CHAND ister of WATER RESOURCES be pleased to PARASHAR. W~I the Minister of WATER state RESOtJRCES be'pleased to state' (a) whether the National Water Resource (a) whether the Government have taken Council held a meeting on 9th September, Bnf action to ensure the implementation of 19B7;and the agreements between Punjab and Himachal Pradesh for the provision of 25 (b) if so. details of the proposals made 145 Written AnswelS AGRAHAYANA 4. 1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 146

and decisions taken for the best utilisation of THE DEPUlY MINISTER IN THE MINIS- water in the meeting? TRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBLIC GRIEVAN- CES AND PENSIONS (SHRI SIREN SINGH THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- ENGTI) (a) An Examination Reforms Wing ISTRY OF TEXTILES AND MINISTER OF had been set up in the Union Public Service STATE OF TH:: MINISTRY OF WATER Commission RESOURCES (SHRI RAM NIWAS MIRDHA) (a) Yes, Sir (b) This Wing which has been functioning for over a decade, reviews periodically the (b) The Council approved the National examinations conducted by the Commission Water Policy document which broadly covers with refereence to the methods and proce- the following aspects dures adopted It also undertakes studies on the tests administered by the Commis- (1) reckoning a drainage basin or sub- sion to upgrade the quality of the Question basin as a unit of planning; Papers and to introduce reforms in the schemes of the various examinations One (2) adoption of integrated and multi-dis- of the reforms made in the introduction of ciplinary approach to planning and formula- Objective Type Tests which ensure complete tion of projects, elimination of subjectivity in evaluation of the answers (3) Integrated and coordinated develop- m~nt of surface and ground water, Special Recruitment Wing for Scientific (4) special attention in planning projects Technical Posts for benefitting disadvantaged groups of the society, 2824. SHRI PRATAPARAO B BHOSALE. Will the PRIME MINISTER be pleased to (5) water transfer to needy areas based state on a national perspective, (aj whether Government propose to set (6) giving pnmary consideration for up a speCial recruitment wing for sCientific provision of drinking water while planning and technical posts, and multi-purpose projects, (b) if so, the details of thiS proposal and (7) close Integration of water use and land the time by which It Will be Implemented? use policies, THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINIS- (8) maximising technological inputs into TRY OF PERSONNEL. PUBLIC GRIEVAN- the orderly development of water resources CES AND PENSIONS(SHRI 81REN SINGH ENGTI). (a) and (b) It has been decided Examination Reforms Wing to set up a Special Wing in the Union Public Service Commission to take care of the 2823 SHRI PRATAPRAO B BHOSALE recruitment requirements of Scientific Will the PRIME MINISTER be pleased to Departments to minimise delay in the matter slale of recrUitment, promotions, confirmations etc of sCientific personnel in respect of the (a) whether an examination reforms wing scientific posts within the purview of the had been set up, and Commission ThiS Wing will act as a 'Single Window' In the CommiSSion to (b) if so, details of its functions and how process all such matters referred to them this would ensure fair and non-discriminatory by Scientific Departments The Special functioning of recrUiting agencies? Wing will start functioning as soon as the 147 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25. 1987 Written Answers 148

required posts are created. STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF WATER RESOURCES (SHRI RAM NIWAS MIRDHA): Safeparding the Indian Companies and (a) and (b). Hydro-fracturing technique Banks in Fiji aimed at improving yields of borwells is being employed in and around Betual in 2825. SHRI DILEEP SINGH BHURlA· Will Madhya Pradesh. the Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased to state: (c) The technique has been introduced recently and its performance is yet to be (a) the number of Indian companies and evaluated. banks functioning in Fiji at present; and

(b) the steps being taken by Government Appointment of Judges in High Courts of India for their safety? 2827 SHRI VAKKOM PURU- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- SHOTHAMAN: Will the Minister of LAW AND TRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS(SHRI K NAT- JUSTICE be pleased to state WAR SINGH): (a) Bank of Baroda, New India Assurance Company and Life Insur- (a) whether Government give any ance Corporation. have their branches in weightage to the backward communities in Fiji. Air India also has an office. Asian the appointment of judges of the High Paints is the single Indian joint venture in Courts; Fij, I, (b) Government has conveyed to the (b) if so, how many such appointments authorities in Fiji that the safery of the Indian have been made during the last three years; organisations in Fiji is the responsibility of the and Fiji authorities. Government has air., kept a constant watch on the Indian ( c) if not. the reasons for not keeping this organisations'well-being. consideration in view?

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- Hydro-fracture Techniques to Increase TRY OF LAW AND JUSTICE (SHAI H R Water Supply BHARDWAJ) (a) and (c) AppOintment of Judges of the High Courts are made in terms of the provisions of Article 217 of the Con- SHRI VAKKOM PURU- stitution which do not provide for reservation SHOTHAMAN: Will the Minister of WATER for any caste or class of persons. The RESOURCES be pleased to state: Government have. however, addressed the Chief Ministers of States and the Chief Jus- (a) whether .hydro-fra("~uring technique tices of High Courts requesting them to lo- has been deployed to increase water supp- cate persons from the Bar belonging to ly in some of the drought affected areas, Scheduled Castes. Scheduled Tribes, other backward classes and minorities, and (b) if so, places where this technique has women, who are SUitable for appointment as been used for augmenting water supply; Judges of High Courts so as to give them and better representation on the High Courts than that exists at present Cc) how far this technique has been suc- cessfUl in meeting the shortage of water? (b) Requisite information IS being col- lected from the Registries of the High Courts THE MINISTER OF STATE OF TH~ MINI- and will be laid on the Table of the House STRY OF TEXTILES AND MINISTER OF after it has been received 149 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4. 1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 150

Progress of nllari Irrigation Project TRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI CHIN- TAMAN I PANIGRAHI): (a) Pradesh Council 2828 SHRI SHANTARAM NAIK' Will the for Daman and Diu met only once on Minister of WATER RESOURCES be pleased 15.6.1987 which was inaugural session . to state .' General discussions were held and no recommendations were made (a) whether the Tillan IrrigatIon Project beIng constructed In Maharashtra for the (b) to (d) Do not arise benefit of Goa and Maharashtra is making very slow progress, Financial Auistance to Daman & Diu (b) if so, reasons thereof, 2830. SHRI SHANTARAM NAIK: Will the (c) whether the outstanding issues be- Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to tween the Government of Goa and state Maharashtra have been resolved, and (a) the arrangements made by Union (d) If so, details thereof along with details Government to meet the financial require- of the progress of the project? ment of newly created Union Territory of Daman and Diu, THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- ISTRY OF TEXTILES AND MINISTER OF (b) whether the distnbutlon of assets and STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF WATER liability between the Unton Temtory of Daman RESOURCES (SHRI RAM NrWAS MIRDHA) and DIu and the State of Goa has been com- (a) No, Sir pleted, and

(b) Does not arise (c) if so, the details thereof?

(c) No, Sir THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- TRY OF HOME AFFAIRS(SHRI CHINTAMANI (d) An expenditure of about Rs 23 crores PANIGRAHI) (a) To meet the financial re- has been Incurred upto March 1987 qUIrement of Daman and DIu In 1987-88 an amount of Rs 22 77 crores has been ear- Sessions held by Daman & Diu Council marked

2829 SHRI SHANTARAM NAIK Will the (b) and (c) The distribution of assets and Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to liabilities between the State of Goa and the state UT of Daman and Diu has not been done so far (a) the number of sessions held by the Daman and DIu Council since its estab- 20-Point Programme in Goa lishment, 2831 SHRI SHANTARAM NAIK. Will the (b) the number of recommendations Minister of PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTA- made by the Council so far, TION be pleased to state

(c) the number out of them accepted by (a) whether the progress made by Goa the Administrator, and Government in the Implementation of Twen- ty Point Programme, dUring last three years (d) the details thereof? has been evaluated, and

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- "(b) if so, the details thereof? 151 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25. 1987 Written AnSWBIS 152

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- (b) A statement gIVing the targets and TRY OF PLANNING AND MINISTER OF achievements dunng 1984-85. 1985-86 and STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF PROGRAMME 1986-87 In the Implementation of 20- POint IMPLEMENTATION( SHRI SUKH RAM) (a) Programme In Goa (Including Daman and Yes. Sir DIu) IS gIVen below 154 I 153 Written Answers i AC'2AAHAYANA 4. 1909 (SAK'A) Written Answem

C\I Ll) Ll) ,..._ (0 ~ ...- ...... 0) q- ~ f5 ......

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'U 0) c en "0 Q 0)- 5 g :5 O>{O o c: t'O .... .Do cO: ~.a (00- 0) .g o~ _ Q Ci) .....Jiii 0 0 CJ)C '0 C/) - E a :J c: :::JO :::) -= .... -0(1)..0 Q) Q) .... as --0 E_ «0>:::J 0 "'0(0= C/) E (i)(i) 9- c c .D c.s:::. ;:)0 co- :::l to - .... to o Q) 0= O C/) CJ).....J ~.E.....J £Da:: I« u~ m m 157 Written An~rs AGRAHAYANA 4, 1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 158

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C\I 161 Written Answets AGRAHAYANA 4,-1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 162

Periodicals/Journals Published by Indian changed on the subject in the context of the Embassies/High Commissions Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting in October 1987 at VancOlNer. 2832. DR. A.K. PATEL: Will the Minister of EXTERNAl AFFAIRS be pleased to state: Asia Pacific N.G-O.. Conference on biB (a) the names of periodicals and journals' Dams published by the Indian Embassies and High Commissions in USA, Canada, USSR, Com- 2834. SHAI BALWANT SINGH monwealth countries, West Asian, Far RAMOOWAUA: Eastern and neighbouring countries, lan- DR. CHIN I A .",OHAN: guage-wise during the last three years; and Will the Minister of WATER RESOURCES be pleased to state: (b) what has been the circulation of these periodicals and journals during these years, (a) wf1ether Government's attention has year-wise and the amounts so spent on the been drawn to the resolutions adopted in the publication of each of them yearly? conference of Asia Pacific N.G.Os. held recently; THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- TRY OF EXTERNAl AFFAIRS(SHRI K. NAT- (b) if so, whether a warning has been WAR SINGH): (a) and (b). The information given in this conference with regard to the is being collected and will be laid on theTable utility of big dams; of the House when received (c) if so, the reaction of the Government thereon; and Discussion held with British Foreign Affairs Minister about Fiii (d) whether Government propose to review their policy in this regard? 2833. SHRI H.N. NANJE GOWDA. SHRI S.M. GURADDI: THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- TRY OF TEXTILES AND MINISTER OF Will the Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF WATER be pleased to state: RESOURCES{SHRI RAM NIWAS MIRDHA}:(a) Yes, Sir. (a) whether talks were held with the U. K. Minister of State for Foreign Affairs on 28 (b) A resolution of the conference refers September, 1987 on the happenings in Fiji; to certain adverse effects of large dams and and recommends a moratorium on the construc- tion of new large dams, mentioning, in par- (b) if so, the details thereof and UK's ticular the Narmadasagar and Tehri dams in reaction thereto? India. .

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- Cc) and Cd) Size of a dam is project and TRY OF EXTERNAl AFFAIRS( SHRI K. NAT- location-specific and is decided after con- WAR SINGH ): (a) and (b). On September sidering all relevant aspects. All major 28,1987 Shri K. Natwar Singh, Minister of projects are requied to be cleared from en- State ·for External Affairs held talks with Lord vironmental angle by the concerned or- Glenarthur, U.K. Minister of State for Foreign ganisations at the Centre. The likely adverse 'Affairs. During the meeting India's deep impacts are assessed during the project ap- concern over the situation in Fiji was made praisal and provision is made for measures known to the U.K. Minister and views ex- for environmental protection. 163 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25. 1987 Written Answers 164

[Ttans/ation) regarding framing of rules under acts passed by Parliament and state: Pennit to VISit beyond Munsyari and Jaulijivi (a) whether a large number of cases are 2835. SHRI HARISH RAWAT Will the Min- pending in various courts in the country due ister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state to non-availability of rules under various Acts for framing charges; (a) whether Government propose to abolish the permit system for persons going beyond Munsyari and Jaulijivi in Pithoragarh (b) whether the information regarding the District of Uttar Pradesh for tourism or for making of rules under various laws enacted business purposes, and by Parliament has been collected from all the Ministries and Departments of Government (b) if so, the time b)' which final decision of India, and is likely to be taken in this regard? (c) if so. the details thereof? THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- TRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBLIC GRIEVAN- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- CES AND PENSIONS AND MINISTER OF TRY OF LAW AND JUSTICE (SHRI H.R. STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME AF- BHARDWAJ) . (a) As mentioned in the reply FAIRS (SHRI P CHIDAMBARAM) (a) No. to Unstarred Question No. 4643 dated 25th Sir August. 1987. the administration of Central Acts is the responsibility of various Ministries (b) Does not arise of the Government of India under the Alloca- tion of Business Rules. This Ministry has. (English] therefore. no information regarding the num- ber of cases pending in various courts due Frami.. of Rules under Acts Passed By to non-availability of rules under the various Parlianaent Acts for framing charges.

2836 PROF MADHU DANDAVATE Will (b) and (c). Not yet, Sir. A statement the Minister of LAW AND JUSTICE be regarding information so far received from pleased to refer to reply given to Unstarred different Ministries/Departments is given Question No 4643 in 25 August,1987 below. STATEMENT ------S.No Name of the Act Information so far collected

1 2 3

1. The Oil Industry (Development) Act, Rules relating to ·conduct & discipline· of the 1974 employees of the Oil Industry Development Board under the Oil Industry (Development) Act, 1974 have yet to be notified. The delay has been due to the fact that most of the staff in the board is on deputation and its own strength was negligible. As per present in- dications. it is expected that these rules will be notified within the next two months i.8., by 13th December t 1987 165 Wfitten AnswelS AGRAHAYANA 4. 1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 166 ------,----, 1. 2 3 ------2. Electricity (Supply) Act, 1948, (as In terms of Section 48 of the Electricity amended with effect from 8 10.1976) (Supply) Act. 1948 as incorporated vide an amendment of the Act. 1976. the Central Government may make rules for carrying out the purposes of Chapter-II of the Act. Sub- section 2 of section 48 of the Act provides that in particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power. such rules may provide for all or any of the following matter~ namely:-

·(a) the functions and duties of the Authority and the manner in which such func- tions and duties shall be exercised and per- formed, under sub-section (1) of section 3;

(b) the terms and conditions of service of the Chairman and other members of the Authority(including the allowances and fees payable to member, but not including the salaries and allowances payable to the Chiarman and other full time members. of the Authority) under sub-section (4A) and sub- section (48) of section 3;

(c) any other matter which is required to be. or may be prescribed by the Central Government·.

In exercise of these powers, Central Electricity Authority Rules, 1977 have been notified and these rules mainly deal with the additional functions and duties assigned to the Central Electricity Authority. Apart from this. the C.E.A. Rules. 1977 also deal with aspects such as Cessation of Membership of the C.E.A. as also resignation from mem- bership of the Authority. No separate rules governing the terms and conditions of ser- vice of Chairman and other Members of the Authority under sub-section 4A and sub-sec- tion 48 of Section 3, in terms of Section 48(2)(b) have been framed. It may be men- tioned that the Chairman and other full-time Members of C.E.A. enjoy the ex-officio status of Secretary and Additional Secretary to the Government of India respectively and the CEA has also been declared as an Attached Office of the Department of Power. 167 Written AnSwelS NOVEMBER 25. 1987 Vlritten AnsweIS 168

1. 2 3

As such. it was presumed that the relevant terms and conditions of the Chairman and Members of the Authority would be as per the Govt. Rules for corresponding posts under the Government. Therefore.no separate rules were framed. HCNVeVer, this matter has been re-examined recently in consultation with the Ministry of Law who have advised that rules in this regard have to be framed under the relevant provision of the Act irrespective of the position stated above Accordingly action is being taken to frame the Rules as required under Sections 3( 4A) and 3(48) read with Section 4B(2) (b) of the Act

It may also be mentioned that the above position has been apprised to the Commit- tee on Subordinate Legislation of the Rajya . Sabha by Secretary (Power) during the course of oral evidence on 10th June. 1987.

3. Coast Guard Act, 1978 All Rules except Coast Guard (Ceremonial) Rules for the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions by the Act have been framed under Section 123 of the Coast Guard Act, 1978 and notified in the Official Gazette. The Coast Guard (Ceremonial) Rules were re- quired to be drafted in consultation with Naval Headquarters and other Para Military Services such as Border Security Force. It is expected that the re-drafting and finaJisation of Coast Guard (Ceremonials) Rules will be completed by 30th November, 1987.

4 Calcutta Metro Railway (Operation and Certain Rules under the Calcutta Metro Rail- Maintenance) Tern, Jrary Provisions way (Operation & Maintenance) Temporary Act, 1985 Provisions Act. 1985 relating to volume and weight of the baggage that may be carried by a person in the Metro Railway and prohibi- tion of carriage of offensive goods upon the Metro Railway etc. could not be framed until more experience has been gained in actual commercial operation of the Metro Railway. Calcutta. which is the first of its kind in the country. A review of the rul~ IS being car- ried out and these are expected to be published shortly. 169 ,Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4, 1909 (SAKA) Wntten Answers 170

1 2 3

5 The Railway Protection Force So far as the "ules under Railway ProtectIOn (Amendment) Act, 1985 Force (Amendment) Act, 1985 are con- cerned, the reasons for delay In framrng the rules are as under

(Q The rules for Railway Protection Force could not have been made In IsolatIOn Since RPF has functional relationship with other departments of the Raalway, VIZ, transport, commercial and operating Departments It required a coheSIVe approach and practices applicable to other departments were to be taken Into consideration

(II) On the advice of the Ministry of Law that the RPF RegulatIOns, 1966 have no statutory obligation as the Act did not confer any power to frame such regulatIOnS, It was decided that the new Rules for RPF should Incorporate most of the broad aspects covered In the old regulations

(III) Since RPF has been declared as an Armed Force of the Union rules have to be framed keeping In mind the rules of other Armed Forces of the Union like Border SecUrity Force, CISF, CRPF etc. and thiS IS ttself Involved a detatted scrutiny of rules ap- plicable to other armed forces

(IV) ThiS also needed thorough examlna- tron by the Zonal Railways and only after such scrutiny the Rules could be formulated

The draft rules, are under consideratIOn of the Government All out efforts are being made to expedite the vetting process and notrfy the same wrthout any further delay

6 The Press Council Act. 1978 RegulatIOns governing the servICe condi- tionS of the employees of the Press Council of India. to be notified under the Press Coun- cil Act, 1978 (37 of 1978), are yet to be flnahsed The draft regulations were sent by the Council tQ the Government for approval on 162 1982 After extensrve consultatIOns With vanous Ministries I Departments. the 171 Written Answ8Is NOVEMBER 25, 1987 Written AnswelS 172 '

1. 2 3

regulations duly approved were sent to the Council on 8.10.1984 for notification in the Official Gazette. Instead of doing so, the Council raised several issues which were ex- amined in consultation with the Ministry of Law/other concerned Ministries and once again the Council was advised to notify the same on 27.2.1986. Even then the Council has again made a back reference. In sub- stance, the Council is seeking unfettered powers in the matter of creation of posts and prescribing of pay scales for the same which IS contrary to the scheme of the Act Even the suggestion made by the Ministry earlier to the Council that they first notify the regula- tions approved by the Government and then seek amendment to a particular regulation has not found favour with the Council. The process of framing of these regulations is in an advanced stage and the Ministry of Law has been requested to convene a meeting of the concerned Ministries!Departments to sort out the Issue early.

Appointment of Consultants for Oear- AMANI PANIGRAHI) (a) and (b),No. Sir As alICe of Govemment Construction per decision of the Island Deve!opment Work in A & N Islands Authority. the Expert Group is to be consulted for designing etc .of the buildings costing 2837 SHRI MANORANJAN BHAKTA Rs 30.00 lakhs or above, and also the build- Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be ings having more than two floors. No work pleased to state on any proje~t, construction of which had al- ready started, has been suspended. Finan- (a) whether Government of Andaman & cial liability would depend upon the work Nicobar Islands have decided to appoint load referred to the Expert Group for consult- consultant for all Gpvernment construction ation work in the Union Territory of A & N Islands and till clearance from the said consultant all Government construction work stand suspended; and Appointment to Tamil Nadu Candidates selected on basis of sse Examination for (b) if so, the details regarding terms and tDC's Posts in 1986 conditions and total financial liability per year as consultancy fees? 2838. SHRIMATI VYJAYANTHIMALA THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- BALI: Will the PRIME MINISTER be pleased TRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI CHINT- to state: 173 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4, 1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 174

(a) whether the successful candidates MENTS OF OCEAN DEVELOPMENT, from Tamil Nadu in the Staff Selection Com- ATOMIC ENERGY, ELECTRONICS AND mission Examination for LOC's posts for SPACE (SHRf K. R. NARAYANAN): (a) and category Z held in 1986 have been issued (b}. Samples of air, soil, water and vegeta- appointment orders against the vacancies in tion from the environment around the Centre various Central Government Offices which are constantly monitored by the Environmen- come under Groups 'X' and 'Y': tal Survey Laboratory since 1975. No measurable increase in radiation levels in the (b) if so, details thereof; and environment and effluents has been noticed.

(c) if not, the reasons therefor? Connecting the Valleys to Develop THE DEPUIY MINISTER IN THE MINIS- Irrigation TRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBLIC GRIEVAN- CES AND PENSIONS (SHRI BIREN SINGH 2840. SHRI SOMNATH RATH: Will the ENGTI): (a) to (c) 300 candidates from Tamil Minister of WATER RESOURCES be pleased Nadu qualified for appointment against ~tostate category 'Z' posts of LOC's in the examina- tion held in 1986 Out of these 55 candidates (a) whether any survey has been c0n- fulfilled the eligibility criteria laid down in the ducted to connect the different valleys of the advertisement and were as such nominated country to develop irrigation; against Group 'Z' posts. The remaining 245 candidates were asked to give their (b) if so, steps taken to connect the val- preferences of stations in the Western and lays; and Northern Regions where vacancies existed They have been nominated according to the (c) whether any survey has been made in preferences indicated by them Orissa in this regard?

Pollution near kalpakkam Atomic THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- Research Centre ISTRY OF TEXTILES AND MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF WATER 2839 SHRIMATI VYJAYANTHIMALA RESOURCES (SHRI RAM NIWAS MIRDHA): BALI: Will the PRIME MINISTER be pleased (a) and (b). A National Perspective envisag- to state. ing transfer of water from surplus to water- deficit regions by inter-linking of rivers and (a) whether Government are aware that construction of storages has been formu- some people near the Indira Gandhi Centre lated. The perspective has two components for Atomic Research at Kalpakkam have viz. (i) Himalayan rivers development and (n) recently been affected due to radioactive Peninsular rivers development: and studies releases or due to contamination of toxic have been taken up on the latter by the Na- chemical effluents in the coastal areas; and tional Water DeYeIopment Agency set up by the Government for this purpose.

(b) if so, whether action has been taken (c) The Peninsular River Development for treating the waste released by the Component under study includes links in Research Centre before the same is let out Orissa also. and allowed to pollute the air and the sea- water? Deaths in Police Custody


(a) the number of persons who died in Union of India, the Supreme Court in its police custody during the last 12 months in judgement dated 11 th February. 1986 has Delhi; not given a general direction that the judge- ment should be implemented in all eases of (b) whether enquiries were ordered either ad hoc appointment followed by regular ap- departmental or magisterial into all such pointment. The question of granting cases; benefits envisaged in the judgement as a general policy in all Government Offices (c) if so, the findings thereof; does not, therefore. arise.

Cd) the details of the action taken against those policemen who were indicted in the en- Demands of the Punjab Migrants quiries; and 2843. SHRI SRIHARI RAO: Will the Mini- (e) the number of policemen facing the ster of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state: enquiries and the steps taken to expedite the finalisation of the inquiries? (a) whether the police resorted to teargas THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- shells to disperse a group of Punjab

TRY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AND migrants outside his residence recently I and MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPART- MENTS OF OCEAN DEVELOPMENT ATOMIC ENERGY ELECTRONICS AND (b) if so. the main demands of the SPACE (SHnl K. R. NARAYANAN) (a) 1 migrants and the action taken by the Govern- (one) ment to their demands? (b) A magisterial inqUiry has been or- dered. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- TRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI CHIN- (c) Findings will become available on TAMAN I PANIGRAHI): (a) and (bt The Police conclusion of the inquiry. used tear gas on 5-9-1987 outside the residence of the Union Home Minister to dis- Cd) and (e). On the basis of pr.eliminary perse a group of migrants when they got into enquiry. one Inspector. 2 Sub-Inspectors a riotous mood and broke down the bar- and 4 Constables were placed under ricades. Tear gas was used only after suspension. repeated warnings had no effect.

Their main demands included declaring Supreme Court Decision on Ad hoc migrants from Punjab as genuine, regular Appointment payment of their monthly allowances in their respective camps. provision of better sanita- 2842. SHAI KAMLA PRASAD SINGH: Will tion and other civic facilities etc. the PRIME MINISTER be pleased to refer the answer given to Unstarred Question No. According to Delhi Administration. they 9281 on 6 May. 1987 regarding Supreme declare a migrant family genuine or non- Court decision on Ad-hoc appointments and genuine on the basis of verification report state the steps taken to introduce this as a received from Government of Punjab. As it policy in all Government offices? is not safe to carry large amount in cash to various camps. the payment is made at Tis THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINIS- Hazari Courts, Shahdara Court. Padala TRY OF ·PERSONNEL. PUBLIC GRIEVAN- House Court and the Court of SDM(South). CES AND PENSIONS (SHAI SIREN SINGH Adequate Civic facilities are being provided ENGTI):ln the case of Narendra Chadha Vs. to the migrants staying in official camps. Written AnswelS AGRAHAYANA 4,1909 (SAKA) Written AnSwelS. 178

Organisations Receiving Foreign STATEMENT Contributions (i) Care of Orphans

2844 SHRI C. JANGA REDDY: Will the (ii) Maintenance and Repair of Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state: (a) Churches

(b) Gurudwaras (a) whether about Rs. 434 crores were received as foreign contributions in 1986 by (c) Fire Temples private Organisations and about Rs 40 crores out of them were received under (d) Mosques categories which could not be fitted into any of Government's 27 listed categories, (e) Temples

(b) if so, the facts thereof, and (f) Buddhist Monastries

(c) what are Government's listed (g) Others categories and names of Organisations (Tick the Appropriate Item) which received foreign money under these categories? (iii) Publication of Religious Books, Pamphlets and other Religious Literature

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- (IV) Publication of Books, Pamphlets and TRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBLIC GRIEVAN- other Literature other than Religious CES AND PENSIONS AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME AF- (v) ConstructionlExtension of FAIRS (SHAI P CHIDAMBARAM) (a) to (c). As on 18 8 87 various OrganIsations had (a) Churches reported receipt of about As 434 Crores as Foreign Contribution dUring the year 1986 (b) Gurudwaras

(c) Fire Temples Government have identified 23 broad Categories of Purposes for which most of the (d) Mosques Foreign Contributions are received by the various Organisations A list of Categories IS (e) Temples given in the statement below (f) Buddhist Monastries

The amount of Rs 40 Crores( out of 253 (g) Others Crores received by various OrganisatIons (Tick the Appropriate Item) auring 1984, and not 1986), had been received by the Organisations for purposes, which fell in the Category of 'any other Pur- (vi) Help for the Poor, Aged and Oes- pose than above' i.e.,the last Category titutes

The names of the Organisations which (vii) Seminars and Conferences received foreign Contribution for specified purposes are so numerous that it is not pos- (viii) Religious Education of sible to lay them on the Table of the House PreachersIPriests 179 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25. 1987 Written Answers 180

(ix) Religious Functions MENTS OF OCEAN DEVELOPMENT. ATOMIC ENERGY, ELECTRONICS AND (x) Function other than Religious SPACE (SHRI K.R. NARAYANAN): (a). One weak irridium radio-active pencil belonging (xi) Construction and maintenance of to a private company was reported lost in nostels December 1986.

(xii) Construction and maintenance of (b) and (c). Experts from the Nuclear Fuel Schools/Colleges Complex visited the site and the neighbour- ing areas (alongwith radiation detecting in- (xiii) Agricultural Activities struments) to inquire into the incident. Enquiry revealed that the pencil was in a lead (xiv) Animal Husbandry container and would not cause any harm as it had already decayed and activity was only (XV) Rural Development 025 curie

(xvi) Technical Education Fake CBlldentity Cards

(xvii) Research 2846. SHRI P. M. SAYEED: SHRI VISHNU MODI. (xviii) Stipends and Scholarships CH RAM PRAKASH:

(xix) Vocational Training Will the PRIME MINISTER be pleased to state (xx) Health Care and Family Planning (a) whether some smugglers were (xxi) Relief for Natural Calamities recently apprehended who used fake CBI identity cards for their nefarious activities, (xxii) Relief for Riot Victims (b) if so, the details of the cases; (xxiii) Any other purpose other than above with details (c) the modus operandi of the smugglers; and Loss of Radioactive Pencil from Malle- paSty Bus Depot, Andhra Pradesh (d) the corrective steps taken in this 2845 SHRI RAM BAHADUR SINGH Will regard? the PRIME MINISTER be pleased to state THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- (a) whether a highly radioactive .irridium TRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBUC GRIEVAN- pencil has been lost at Maflepally dUS De- CES AND PENSIONS AND MINISTER OF pot In Nalgonda district of Andhra STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME AF- Pradesh FAIRS (SHRI P CHIDAMBARAM): (a) Yes, (b) whether a team ·of experts from SI( Hyderabad based Nuclear Fuel Complex have investigated into the loss of the pencil, (b) and (c). A search of the house of one and Sallamat Ullah Ansari alias Kadri of District GOOda, Bihar 00 clues from the smugglers (c) if so, the details thereof? possessing fake CBlldentity cards, revealed incrimating documents/articles such as ~ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- blank cards, rubber stamps ,etc. Investiga- TRY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AND tions revealed that the accused were plan- MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPART- ning to ViSit Saudi Arabia with contraband 181 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4,1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 182

narcotics trying to camouflage their activities some positive results from work on robotics; by using fake CBI Identity Cards. The fake cards were not, however, exact imitations of (b) if so, the benefits likely to be derived CBI Identity Cards 'either in shape or in therefrom; quality. (c) whether ·Dhruva· Reactor is still work- (d) Laminated Identity Cards, which are ing; and difficult to be duplicated or forged, have been introduced recently in CBI. (d) if so, its future estimated life span?

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- CBI Raids in Last Six Months TRY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPART- MENTS OF OCEAN DEVELOPMENT, 2847. SHRI P. M. SAYEED: Will the PRIME ATOMIC ENERGY, ELECTRONICS AND MINISTER be pleased to state: . SPACE (SHAI K. R. NARAYANAN): (a) Yes, Sir. (a) the number of raids conducted by the CBI during the last six months throughout (b) These machines are useful in work to India to apprehend Government Officials be done in areas where there is high radioac- who amassed wealth by corrupt means; and tivity.

(c) Yes, Sir. (b) the details of the property and wealth unearthed during the raids? (d) Normal life span of Dhruva is about 25 years. However, with good operation and THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- maintenance procedures, this life span can TRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBLIC GRIEVAN- be extended. CES AND PENSIONS AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME AF- Relief to Victim of Communal Riots in FAIRS (SHRI P. CHIDAMBARAM): (a) Delhi During the last six months i.e. 1.5.87 to 31.10.87, the C.B.1. carried out 31 searches 2849. SHRI P. M. SAYEED: Will the Mini- on the residential/office premises of 13 ster of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state: Government Officials in pursuance of four special drives conducted during this period. (a) whether Government have finalised a (b) The following movable/immovable as- scheme to provide relief to the families af- sets have been discovered:- fected by recent communal riots in Old Delhi; and Movable assets. As. 33.72Iakhs. (b) if so, the details thereof? Immovable assets. Rs. 72.65 lakhs.

THE MINISTER OF ~TATE IN THE MINIS- Result of Works on Robotics TRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI CHIN- TAMANI PANIGRAHI): (a) and (b). No, Sir. 2848. SHRI P. M. SAYEED: Will the PRIME However, according to the Delhi Administra- MINISTER be pleased to state: tion, the next of kin of each deceased was paid at the rate of Rs.20,OOO/- and the per- l (a) whether the Director of Bhabha sons who got serious injuries were paid As. l Atomic Research Centre, has indicated 2500/- each. 183 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25, 1987 Written Answers 184

Sophisticated Electronic Equipments Cooperation in Science and Technology be- from u.s. tween the Republic of India and the Union of Soviet of Socialist Republics has been 2850. SHRI S. M. GURADDI: signed in Moscow on July 3, 1987 during the SHRIG.S.8ASAVARAJU: visit of the Prime Minister to the Soviet Union.

Will the PRIME MINISTER be pleased to (b) This programme envisages Long- state: term cooperation (upto the year 2000 A.D.) in Science and Technology between the two (a) whether Government have sought countries. It has three basic components sophisticated electronic equipments from namely (i) Cooperation in thrust areas related the United States; and to frontiers of Science and Technology, (ii) Cooperation in basic research in selected (b) if so, the details thereof? areas of Science and (iii) Exploring other areas for future cooperation in Science and THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- Technology. TRY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPART- The thrust areas are (i) Bio-Technology MENTS OF OCEAN DEVELOPMENT, and Immunology, (ii) Material Science and ATOMIC ENERGY, ELECTRONICS AND Technology, (iii) Laser Science and T echnol- SPACE (SHRI K. R. NARAYANAN): (a) and ogy, (iv) Catalysis (v) Space Science and (b). The information will be collected and laid T echnoJogy (vi) Synchrotron Radiation Sour- on the Table of Lok Sabha ces (vii) Water Prospecting and (viii) Com- puters and Electronics. Indo-Soviet Joint Venture on Cooperation Both sides have also agreed to continue 2851. SHRI S. M. GURADDI: and broaden the_ir cooperation in basic re- SHRIG.S.8ASAVARAJU. search in the areas of Mathematics; SHRI K. PAADHANI Theoretical and Applied Mechanics; Earth Sciences; Radiophysics and Astrophysics, Will the PRIME MINISTER be pleased to Ecology and Environment. Basic Research state' in Chemical Sciences and Biology.

(a) whether India and Soviet Union have In addition to above the two sides agreed undertaken any joint ventures in the field of to explore other possible areas in Science science and technology; and T echnotogy for future cooperation such as High Voltage Transmission and In- (b) if so, the salient features thereof; strumentation.

(c) by what time projects are likely to be The programme will be implemented implemented; and through exchange of visits by scientists and technologists (with family for visits of longer (d) to what extent both the countries will duration), creation of collaborative scientific . be benefited by the ventures? centres or groups for execution of joint programmes; organisation of bilateral semi- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- nars; exchange of scientific and technical in- TRY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AND formation; and sharing of the results of MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPART- common R&D work. MENTS OF OCEAN DEVELOPMENT, ATOMIC ENERGY, ELECTRONICS AND The two sides have agreed to establish SPACE (SHRI K. R. NARAYANAN): (a) Yes, an Indo-Soviet Joint Council for the im- Sir, an Integrated Long-term Programme of plementation and coordination of this 185 Wfltten Answers AGRAHAYANA 4,1909 (SAKA) Wfltten Answers 186 programme National Coordination Com- (f) If so, the details of such cases, the mIttee has been constItuted to evolve an on- reasons for not sanctioning pensions In their gOIng national approach and facilItate overall cases so far as also the likely date by which coordinatIon from the Indian side The all these cases would be diSposed of? Department of SCIence and Technology IS coordinating this programme from the Indian THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- side and USSR State Committee for SCience TRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI CHIN- and Technology from the Soviet sIde TAMAN I PANIGRAHI) (a) to (f) Under the Freedom Fighters' Pension Scheme, 1972. (c) The overall progiamme IS up to 2000 pension was granted to those freedom A 0 and can be extended through mutual fighters who fulfilled the eligibility conditions agreement Span of the Ind,Vidual actiVities under the Scheme but whose annual Income Will be governed by the set schedule and did not exceed Rs 5 000/- The scheme their accomplishment was hberahsed and renamed as Swatantrata Salnlk Sam man Pension 1980 and Income (d) It IS expected that 'nd,a & USSR Will celhng was abolished w e f 1 8 1980 ThiS benefit through cooperation In the Identified 'fuct we..s given Wide publiCity and fresh ap- areas both by way of additions to SCientifiC plications were InVIted from the eligible knowledge as well as new technological ad- freedom fighters Those who applied under vancement the new Scheme were granted pension If their suffenngs In accordance With the eligIbility conditIons of the Scheme was es- Freedom Fighters Pension Cases tablished No separate record of those whose cases were rejected earlier due to the 2852 PROF NARAIN CHAND Income limIt under the 1972 Scheme and PARASHAR Will the M,n,ster of HOME AF- who were subsequently granted pensfor. FAIRS be pleased to state under the 1980 Scheme IS maintained

(a) whether a number of claIms for the sanction of Freedom Fighters PensIon were Ram Janam Bhoomi and Babri Masjid rejected upto 1979 by Government on the Issue plea that their Income was more than Rs 5000/- per annum, 2853 PROF NARAIN CHAND PARASHAR Will the Minister of HOME AF- (b) whether the scheme for the award of FAIRS be pleased to state pensions was IIberahsed In 1980 and the in- come lamlt was removed (a) whether Union Government have taken any .nltlatlve to resolve the matter relat- (c) whether the cases rejected dUring the In9 to Ram Janam Bhooml and Sabn Mas- earlier stage were re-examined and the pen Jld, and slons were sanctioned , (b) 'f so the details thereof? (d) If so, the number of cases rejected on account of Income limIt upto 1979 and the THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- number of such among them In which the TRY OF PERSONNEL. PUBLIC GRIEVAN- pensions were granted subsequently after CES AND PENSIONS AND MINISTER OF the hberahsatlon of the scheme, STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME AF- FAIRS (SHRI P CHIDAMBARAM) (a) and (e) whether there are claimants under thiS (b) A Group of MinIsters consIsting of the category from Btlaspur In Himachal Pradesh, Mlntsters of Human Resources Develop- whose claIms have stili not been accepted t.1I ment, Home AffairS, Finance and Defence date In spite of their perSistent efforts, and has been constituted on April 27 1987 to 187 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25. 1987 Written Answers 188 look into this matter for finding a solution. Electronic Component Exports The deliberations of the Group are in progress. 2855. SHAI K. RAMAMUATHY: Will the PRIME MINISTER be pleased to state:

National Water Resources Council (a) the recommendations in the report of Recommendation on Cround Water the delegation sponsored by the Electronic Component Industries Association which visited Japan, South Korea. Taiwan and Sin- 2854. SHRI BALASAHEB VIKHE PATIL· gapore in October 1986; and Will the Minister of WATER RESOURCES be pleased to state: (b) the action taken thereon by the Government to capitalise on the very good (a) whether the Group appointed by the prospects for electronic component exports High Power National Water Resources from India to these countries? Council has recommended proper develop- ment of ground water resources in drought THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- prone areas and laid emphasis on drought TRY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AND relief works to create permanent drought MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPART- proofing and preservations; and MENTS OF OCEAN DEVELOPMENT. ATOMIC ENERGY, ELECTRONICS AND (b) if so, the other main recommenda- SPACE (SHRI K R NARAYANAN) (a) The tions in this regard? following are the recommendations of the Electronic Component Industries Associa- tion (ELCINA) Delegation which visited the THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- Far East in October. 1986·- ISTRY OF TEXTILES AND MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF WATER 1. Although the Electronic Com- RESOURCES (SHRI RAM NfWAS M/RDHA) ponents Industry has already been

(a) and (b) The National Water Policy drafted delicensed I some of the procedures by the Group and adopted with certain in Implementing the projects need modifications by the National Water Resour- to be further streamlined so that ces Council states production can start within 6 months of registration

The drought-prone areas shOUld be 2 It IS necessary that the existing made less vulnerable to drought-associated units are encouraged to modernise problems through soil-moisture conserva- their plants The existing import duty tion measures, water harvesting practices, of 55% on machinery is proving a the minimisation of evaporation losses, the hurdle. For the Electronic Com- development of the ground water potential ponents Industry, the import duty on and the transfer of surface water from Capital Goods for Modernisation surplus areas where feasible and ap- should be 25%. The existing facility propriate. Pastures. forestry or other modes of Project Imports @25% to of development which are relatively less electronic components Industry water-demanding should be encouraged shold be continued In planning water resource development proiects. the needs of drought-prone areas 3 ELCINA has already recom- should be given priority. Relief works under- mended a number 01 new machines taken for providing employment to· drought- to be included in the OGL so that no stricken populations should preferably be for time is lost in having to go through drought proofing. the formalities of obtaining import 189 Writtf;n Answers AGRAHAYANA 4, 1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 190

licences for Capital Goods which are port (CCS) has been fixed fOi not being made in the country electronic industry. They are also entitled to replenishment licences at 4 A framework for import duty on 20% of the FOB value of exports. Raw Materials and parts has been prepared by the Government with 2 All Industry Duty Drawbacks rates Notifications issued on 16th June. have been fixed in respectr of the 1986. under which some raw following Electronic Components:- materials are allowed to be imported at 30% and piece parts at 45% i) Telescopic Aerial However. the lists need to be ex- amined to add more raw materials ii) Toggle Switches and parts still attracting rngher duties of upto 250% The exercise begun iii) Cast Alloy Permanent Magnets by the Government to identify raw materials for the Components In- iv) Variable PVC Gang Condensers dustry not being manufactured In- digenously for inclUSion In the OGL v) Intermediate Frequency Trans- lists should be continued so that formers there are no hold ups in production vi) B&W TV Picture Tube 2

5 All-Industry Drawback Rates for all ix) Aluminium Electrolytic Electronic Components should be Capacitors (Taped) fixed x) Aluminium Electrotytlc Capacitors 6 The eXisting Cash Compensatory (Untaped) Support of 15% IS meagre. given the handicaps the indigenous Industry xi) Silvered Mica Capacitors Plates has to work against We suggest a higher CCS rate of 25% Government is also following the strategy of identifying thrust products and having 7 The indigenous Industry IS at a continuous dialogue with companies having great disadvantage vis-a-VIs It com- export potential with a view to help them to petitors in the Far-East as far as air achieve higher export figures. freight IS concerned ELCINA has al- ready represented to the Govern- ment that no more than Rs 20/- per Growth of Unemployment Kg should be charged on air con- signments for exports 2856 SHRI P PE'NCHALLIAH Will the Minister of PLANNING be pleased to state. (b) To promote Electronics exports. Government have taken various fiscal and (a) the present rate of growth of un- other promotional meas,ures Some of the employment. important measures taken are - (b) whether Government are taking steps 1. 15% Cash Compensatory Sup- to decrease unemployment rate. and 191 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25, 1987 Written Answers 192

(c) if so, the details thereof? (a) whether there is any plan for the Prime Minister to visit Pakistan as a goodwill ges- ture in near future; and THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- TRY OF PLANNING AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF PROGRAMME (b) if so, when? IMPLEMENTATION (SHRI SUKH RAM): (a) On the basis of the partial and provisional results of the latest quinquennial survey of THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- the NSSO for 1983, the backlog of un- TRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS (SHRI K. NAT- employment (usual status) as in March, WAR SINGH): (a) No, Sir. 1985. i.e.• at the start of the Seventh Five Year Plan was estimated at 9.20 million for the age group 5+. During the Seventh Plan period, (b) Does not arise. additional employment generation is ex- pected to be of the order of 40.36 million [Trans/ation] standard person years vis-a-vis a net addi- tion to the labour force of 39.38 millions This Amount Spent on Upliftrnent implies an expected growth rate of employ- of Scheduled Castes and ment of 4 per cent per annum compared to Scheduled Tribes that of labour force at around 25 per cent per annum. 2858. PROF CHANDRA BHANU DEVI· (b) and (c). The Central element in the Will the Minister of WELFARE be pleased to development strategy of the Seventh Plan is state. the generation of productive employment. In addition to sectoral investments which would (a) the amount proposed to be spent by result in expansion of employment opper- Union Government on the upliftment of tunities, there has been in operation three Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes major poverty alleviation programmes, during the Seventh Five Year Plan period; namely. the National Rural Employment and Programme (NREP), the Rural Landless Employment Guarantee Programme (b) the amount spent in giving scholar- (RLEGP), and the Integrated Rural Develop- ships to the wards of Scheduled Castes and ment Programme (IRDP) I to tackle the Scheduled Tribes during the last three probelm of unemployment and under- years? employment in rural areas with special focus on persons living below poverty line. Be- sides, there are two schemes, namely, THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- scheme for Providing SeH-employment to TRY OF WELFARE (DR. RAJENDRA the Educated Unemployed Youth and Self- KUMARI BAJPAI): (a) An outlay of Rs. 281.22 Employment Programme for Urban Poor crores has been provided for the Centrally (SEPUP). Sponsored Schemes operated by the Mini- stry of Welfare for the Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes during the Seventh Five Year Plan. This is in addition to VISit of P.M. to Pale Rs. 930.00 crores allocated for Special Central Assistance to Special Component Plan for Scheduled Castes and As. 756.00 2857. SHRI MANIK REDDY: Will the Min- crores for Tribal Sub-Plan. ister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased to state: (b) The information is given below. 193 Written Answe" AGRAHAYANA 4, 1909 (SAKA) . Written Answers 194·


Central Assistance sanctioned towards scholarships for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes during the last thtee yeatS.

S.No. Name of the Scheme 1984-85 1985-86 1986-87

1. Post-matric Scholarships 3988.00 1000.00 1155.00 for Scheduled Castes & . Scheduled Tribes

2. Pre-matric Scholarships 38.36 25.28 13.12 for the children of those engaged in unclean occupations

Total 4026 36 1025.28 1168 12

1. The scheme of Post-matric Scholar- (a) whether Sri Ram Sagar Stage II. ships is financed by the Government of India Modikuna Vague Palam Vagu and Varadraj - on 100% basis over and above committed swarTTtj projects proposals are under the ex- level of expenditure reached at the end of amination of the Union Government; each Plan, which is financed by the State Govt. out of their own funds. The committed (b) if so, the reasons for the delay in expenditure at the end of Sixth Plan was Rs clearance of these schemes; and 88.53 crores. Cc) the likely date by which these 2. Expenditure over and above the com- schemes will be cleared? mitted level under the scheme of Pre-matric Scholarships for the children of those THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- engaged in unclean occupations is financed ISTRY OF TEXTILES AND MINISTER OF on 50:50 basis between the Central and STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF WATER State Governments. The committed expen- RESOURCES(SHRI RAM NIWAS MfRDHA): diture at the end of Sixth Plan period was Rs. (a) to (c). Comments on all the projects have 114.10Iakhs. been sent to Andhra Pradesh Government for their compliance except Varadarajas- wami Project. [English]

Projects of Andhra Pradesh for Central Filing of Retums by Voluntary Clearance Organisations

2859. SH~V. SOBHANADREESWARA 2860. SHRI V.SOBHANADREESWARA RAO: Will the Minister of WATER RESOUR- RAO: Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be CES be pleased to state: pleased to state: 195 Written AnS\Y8fS NOVEMBER 25. 1987 . Written AnsW81S 196

(a) whether as many as 2705 voluntary or- motorcycles have been sanctioned for the ganisations have not filed their returns; and Delhi Police Control Room. The setting up of 25 more police stations, 12 more police (b) if so. the action taken or proposed to sub-divisions and 3 more police districts, be taken to effectively monitor the utilisation have also been sanctioned recently. These of funds by the voluntary organisations? sanctions involve creation of about 12,000 more posts and purchase of near\' 668 more THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- vehicles for the Delhi Police. The expendi- TRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBLIC GRIEVAN- ture during the current financial year has CES AND PENSIONS AND MINISTER OF been restricted to Rs. 5 crore STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME AF- FAIRS(SHRI P. CHIDAMBARAM): (a) and (b). The Delhi Police have set up 100 pickets There were 2705 organisations which had at strategic points with strong barricades and not filed any returns during the year 1985 personnel equipped with automatic Letters directing them to furnish returns were weapons and wireless sets. An operational issued to them In the said letters it was in- cell to deal with terrorists has already been dicated that even if the organisations had set up. Regular coordination meetings are received no foreign contribution. a nil report held with the authorities of neighbouring had to be sent. However. to monitor the States and the intelligence agencies to utilisation of foreign contribution received by monitor the activities of terrorists. The Delhi the organisations. the Foreign Contribu- Police personnel have also been trained in tion(Aegulation) Act requires the recipient or- the use of modern weapons and regular ganisations to furnish the intimations of firing practice is imparted. receipt of foreign contribution on half yearly basis and also submit annual accounts duty Resources Crunch for 1988-89 certified by a chartered accountant to this Ministry. 2862. DR. S.L. SHAILESH: Will the Mini- ster of PLANNING be pleased to state:

Modernisation of Police System in Delhi (a) whether resources crunch for 1988-89 plan is expected;

2861 SHRI RAM SWARUP RAM. Will the (b) if so, the estimated outlay invotved; Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state (c) its mpact on the Current Plan during its closing year. and (a) whether any plans have been drawn up to modernise the police system in Delhi (d) how it is proposed to meet the situa- to enable it to face terrorist attacks which tion? • have been taking place from time to time. and THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- TRY OF PLANNING AND MINISTER OF (b) if so, the details thereof and the funds STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF PROGRAMME allocated for the purpose? IMPLEMENTATION( SHRI SUKH RAM): (a) Discussions for assessment of resources for THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- the Annual Plan 1988-89. including review of TRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBLIC 'GRtEVAN- resources for the current year, are underway CES AND PENSIONS AND MINISTER OF as a part of next year's budgetary exercises STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME AF- which are likely to continue over the next 2-3 FAIRS(SHRI P. CHIDAMBAAAM). (a) and months. Final position as would emerge (b). To meet the increasing threat of terrorism would get reflected in the Central and State in Delhi, 104 additional PCR jeeps and 310 budgets for 1988-89. It is too early to SEJl1 197 Written Answers AGAAHAVANA 4,1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 198 anything about resources crunch for the An- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS.. nual Plan 1988-89 TRY OF WELFARE( DR. RAJENDRA KUMARI BAJPAI ):(a) No, Sir Not as such. (b) to (d). Do not ariss. (b) Does not arise. Representation from Scheduled Castes Christian Converts (c) The powers of a State Government under the Wakf Act. 1954 have been 2863. PROF. P.J. KURJEN' Will the Mini- delegated to the Delhi Administration under ster of WELFARE be pleased to state: clause(1) of Article 239 of the Constitution.

(a) whether Government have received Uniform Civil Code representations from organisations repre- senting Scheduled Castes ChrIstian con- 2865. SHRI SYED SHAHABUDDIN: Will verts seeking the same constitutional the Minister of LAW AND JUSTICE be protection as is available to the Scheduled pleased to state. Castes and Scheduled Tribes, and (a) whether the proposed Bill to provide (b) if so, the reaction of Government for uniform civil code has been drafted; thereto? (b) the names of the organisations and in- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- stitutions which have been consulted and TRY OF WELFARE(DR RAJENDRA KUMARI whose views have been taken into account BAJPAI) (a) Yes Sir Some representa- In drafting the Bill, tions have been received (c) whether the draft has been approved by Government, and

(b) According to the Cohstitution (d) whether the Bill is likely to be intro- (Scheduled Castes) Order, 1950 -no person duced during the current Session? who professes a religion different from the Hindu or the Sikh religion shall be deemed THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- to be a member of 8 Scheduled Caste- In TRY OF LAW AND JUSTICE(SHRI H.R. view of this, it is not possible to extend con- BHARDWAJ):(a) to (d). The proposal to stitutional protection to Christians converted frame the Uniform Civil Code is under con- from SC as admissible to the Scheduled sideration of Government Government is of Castes. the opinion that necessary atmosphere in the country is a prerequisite to bring forward such a legislation. Working of Delhi Wakf Board So far no consultations with any organisa- 2864 SHRI MOHO MAHFOOZ ALI tion or institution had been made in relation KHAN: Will the Minister of WELFARE be to the drafting of the Bill. However, as and pteased to state: when need arises. consultation shal~ be made with the concerned organisations and (a) whether the working of the Delhi Wakf institutions Board has ever been examined by Union Government: Representation of Minorities in Para (b) if so. the details thereof, and Military Forces

(c) if not. the reasons therefor? 2866. SHRI SYED SHAHABUDDIN: Will 199 Written AnsW81S NOVEMBER 25. 1987 Written Answets 200 the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased such properties or to pay fair market value to to state: the wakf authorities:

(8) whether with a view to implementing (c) Whether &rtf recent surYetJ has been the Prime Minister's directive for better rep- made of such properties still under occupa- resentation of minorities in the central para- tion; military forces. necessary administrative instructions have been issued to the (d) if so. the list of such properties State- authorities concerned; wise; and

(b) if so. whether the proportion of (e) if not, whether Government propose minorities, in the CRPF, BSF, CISF and other to pursue the matter with the State Govern- central paramilitary forces. has registered a ments? rise since the Prime Minister's directive was issued; and THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- TRY OF WELFARE(DR. RAJENDRA KUMARI (c) if so, the percentage ot rise at the BAJPAI):(a) Yes, Sir. jawsn level between 1983 and 1987. force- wise? (b) Yes Sir. The State Govts. have been requested to consider settlement of such THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- cases on the following lines:- TRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBUC GRIEVAN- CES AND PENSIONS AND MINISTER OF (i) Where feasible, the wald property STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME AF- should be vacated and handed over FAlRS(SHRI P CHIDAMBARAM): (a) Yes, to the Wald Board concerned; Sir. (ii) Where costly buildings have been put (b) and (c). Efforts are made to broad- up on the land and their vacation is not feasible, the State Governments may base recruitment in these Forces so that their enter into permanent leases with the composition is representative of the cross- Wakf Boards. after paying to the section of the society. It is, hovIever. not con- Boards the bulk of the market value as sidered prudent to collect the information premium; or about the community-wise break-up of the recruitment made in these para-military For- (iii) In the alternative. the State Govern- ces as such a step is likely to inculcate ment may arrange to make CNef the divisive tendencies in the forces concerned fair market vaJue of the lands to the Boards. which will relinquish their Wakf Properties Occupied by Various rights over the land. if in their direct Agencies management, or obtain from the Mutawallis concerned. with their con- sent, the necessary of relin- 2867. SHRI SYED SHAHABUDDIN: Will deeds quishment. the Minister of WELFARE be pleased to state: (c) and (d). No. Sir. Some of the State Govts. have initiated action to identify such (a) whether some Wakf properties con- cases. tinue to be occupied by official or semi-offi- cial agencies or departments of the State (e) Yes. Sir. The matter is being pursued Governments: with all the State Governments. (b) whether attention of the State Govern- Device Enablins Deaf to He.. ments had beefl.drawn by the Union Govern- ment and they have been advised to vacate 2868. SHAI V. TULSIRAM: Will the Mini- 201 Written Answets AGfWiAYANA 4, 1909 (SAKA) star of WELFARE be pleased to state: creased activity by the protagDI ists c:l1he JIwkhand movement. The Stale GcM!m- (a) whether electronic devices have been ment has been asked to take appIC4JIiaIa implanted in the ears of some persons meast.Wes inckdng measlIes to radJesB the recently in the country to enable them to hear genuine grievances of the people d the well; area.

(b) if so, the details thereof; feasibility of f ..eip Gl:.lI_..,c:W IIorrowInp (~ the estimated cost of such a device; and 2870. SHRI YASHWANTRAO GADAKH PAllL: WI the Minister of PLANNING be (d) the time by which such a device will pleased to state: be commonly used and the extent to which it is expected to help the deaf during the (a) whether a study of the Ie asu.yd the coming years? foreign commercial borrowings for fln:Ing power projects has been made: THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- TRY OF WELFARE (DR. RAJENDRA (b) if so. the details and the concbIian KUMARI BAJPAI): (a) to (d). No such implan- thereof; tation has taken place in any Government hospital or Government Institution. Some ex- (c) whether it is proposed to resort to this periments in a private institution were resource in the current plan? reported but no established results are yet available nor have such devices been THE MINISTER OF STATE IN Tl£ ..._ produced for public use. STAY OF PLANNING AND MINISTER OF STATE IN lHE MINISTRY OF PROGRAMME Jharkhand Movement IMPLEMENTA110N (SHRI SUKH RAM): (a) No, Sir. 2B69 ·DR. S.L SHAILESH· SHRIMATI SUMATI ORAON: (b) Does not arise. Sir.

Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be (c) Foreign ConmerciaI borrowings have pleased to state: been reckoned as one of the SCU'C8S d financing the overal requiremerD in the cu- (a) whether movement for Jharkhand rent plan. To the extent that such borrowings State is gciining momentum; are forthcoming with a reasonably long period of matlriy and on terms c:a s· Blin: (b) whether new stirrings portend a with the credit standing of the conry. the period of conflict in the Jharkhand area Government may consider such propos ala where some of the biggest public sector un- for funding power projects. dertakings are located; and [1tanslation) (c) if so, how Government propose to countenance the situation? c._,...._ ... _, of.,-IU:III ,__u .....__ =---_. -.- 'i-·A- •• Ptojed THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- TRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBUC GRIEVAN- 2871. SHRiMATI VlDYAVAn D-lAn.I- CES AND PENSIONS AND MINISTER OF VEDI: WI the Minister 01 WATER RESOlfi- STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME Af- CES be pleased to state: FAlRS( SHRI P. CHIDAMBARAM ): (a) to (c). Recent developments indicate in- (a) whether any St6Vef of Ken ndi-pw- 203 Written AnswelS NOVEMBER 25, 1987 Written AnswelS 204

pose irrigation project in Chhatarpur. Mad- (b) 27 cases pending before the High hya Pradesh has been conducted; Court were settled in which compensation amounting to As. 1 7.02,346 has been (b) if so. the area of land likely to be awarded. brought under irrigation and the quantum of power likely to be generated by the project; (c) The then Chief Justice of India. Shri P.N. Bhagwati, forwarded a letter in 1985 to (c) whether any progress has been made the then Minister of Law and Justice which, in setting up of the project; inter alia. contained a proposal for com- puterising Supreme Court cases for speedy (d) if so. the details thereof; and disposal of cases. This was examined and the Supreme Court Registry was informed (e) if not. the reasons therefor? that the government would have no objec- tion from the financial angle for introducing THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- computers in the Supreme Court. The ISTRY OF TEXTILES AND MINISTER OF Registry was requested to find out the ST.~TE OF THE MINISTRY OF WATER suitable methodology for introducing com- RESOURCES (SHAt RAM NtWAS MIRDHA): puter technology in the Supreme Court. The (a) to (e). As per the Project Report prepared Supreme Court Registry is working out the by the Madhya Pradesh Government. the methodology for introducing computer tech- Ken Multipurpose Project envisages irriga- nology in consultation with the Department tion to about 3.2 lakh hectares and genera- of Electronics, and a decision regarding the tion of 50 MW of power. The project has not type of hardware to be introduced has not been included in the Seventh Plan of State. yet been taken. As regards High Courts, a decision regarding computerisation is to be (English] taken by the State Governments concerned. The State Governments and the High Courts have been requested to take steps for intro- Computerisation of High Courts and ducing computer technology in the High Supreme Court cases Courts.

2872. DR. G. VIJAYA RAMA RAO: Will the Minister of LAW AND JUSTICE be pleased to [Translation] state: Special Central Assist~ to Madhya (a) whether a 'Lok Adalat' is piOpOS8d to Pradesh Under Article 275(1) be organised at High Court level in Jaipur; 2873. SHAI ARVIND NETAM: Will the Min- (b) if so, the details thereof and the num- ister of WELFARE be pleased to state: ber of cases likety to be disposed off; and (a) whether in addition to Special Central (c) whether Government would ensure Assistance for Tribal Sub-Plan amount is also computerisation of High Courts and sanctioned for other purposes under Article Supreme Court cases for speedy disposal of 275(1); cases; .if so when? (b) if so, the amount given to Madhya Pradesh since 1984-85. year-wise, and the THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- purpose for which it was given; TRY OF LAW AND JUSTICE(SHRJ H.R. BHARDWAJ): (a) A Lok AdaIat at High Court (c) whether this amount is a part of Spe- level in Jaipur was organised on 7th Novem- cial Central Assistance given to State ber. 1~7. Government under the Tribal Sub-Plan; 205 Written AnSwelS AGAAHAYANA 4. 1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 206

(d) whether 25% contribution by State Crores are provided under First Proviso toAr- Government is compulsory for the amount to tide 275(1) to be released to the states as be made available under Article 275(1) and grants-in-aid for specific schemes to be ap- if so, the justification of the condition of 25% proved by the Ministry. Details of the amount contribution from the State Government; and given to the State of Madhya Pradesh from 1984-85 are given in the Statement below. (e) whether Union Government propose to remove the condition of compulsory con- (c) No. Sir. tribution by State Government? (d) and (e). After the clarification from the THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINIS- Ministry of Finance that these funds form a TRY OF WELFARE (SHAI GIRIOHAR part of the block grants given to the states." GOMANGO): (a) Md (b). Yes. Sir. Rs. 20 the condition of 25% contribution has been dispensed with. STATEMENT

Amount Released to Govemment of Madhya Pradesh under article 175(1) First Proviso of the Constitution from 1984-8!J to 1987-88 (Rs. in lakhs) ------+------Year Schefine Amount released ------1984-85 (1)lntegrated development of Forest VillageS 595.52

(ii) RehabiHtation of Shifting Cultivators. 51.26

1985-86 (1)Oevelopment of Forest Villages 50.00

(2) Procurement of Tamarind in Bastar district 50.00

(3) Woodcraft Training-cum-production Centre at Bastar 0.50

(4) Amount released on prorata basis to meet the cost of the specific schemes already approved or arrf of the suggested schemes by the MID WeHare 321.03

1986-87 (i) Construction of Stop Dams in district Morena. 106.23

(ii) Amount released on prorata basis to meet the cost of the specific schemes already approved or any of the suggested schemes by the M/O Welfare. 312.67

1987-88 Amount released on prorata basis to meet the cost of the specific schemes already approved or aITtJ of the schemes, preferably for the development of Primitive Tribes suggested by the M/O Welfare. 446.59 ------.-.------~------~------.. Total 1,933.80 NOVEMBER 25, 1987 20B

5c:hoIaa ..... to SCtST Students (a) whether Goverrment have proposal to set up 'Lak AdaIats" to settle the cases of 2874. SHFI AFMNDNETAM: w. the Min- the persons displaced as a result of the ex- . ister mWELFARE be pleased to state: act Ilion of irrigation projects and setting up ildustries: (a) whether students belonging to Scta:tIJed Castes and Scheduled Tribes (~if so, the details thereof; and ..gN8n past matric scholarship at the rates as pescribed by Government; Cc) if nOt, the reasons therefor?

(b) I so, whether the students residing in the haateIs find it difficult to meet their expen- THE MINISTER'OF STATE IN THE MINIS- ses wth this amooot of scholarship as the TRY OF LAW AND JUSTICE (SHRI H.R. rilles of scholarship are insufficient; BHARDWAJ): (a) to (c). The Lok Adalats are not regularly constituted courts but are volun- Cc) if so. whether Union Government tary agencies. They are organised and over- propose to revise the rate of post matric seen by the State Legal Aid and Advice scholarship and if so. by what time; Boards in different parts of the country from time to time. The types of cases generally (d) whether there is not much difference taken before the Lok Adatats are Civil, in the rates of scholarship being given to hos- Criminal, Matrimonial and Motor Accident tel students and non-hostel students Claim cases. The Andhra Pradesh State __ 9 as hostel students have to spend more Legal Aid and Advise Board proposes to amooot on boarcing and lodging during the hoIQ..a..t..ok AdaIal at Vashakapatnam for set- academic peliod; and tlement of compensation for the land being acquired for the Vashakapatnam Steel Plant. (e) whether Government propose to keep the rates of scholarship admissible to the hostel students higher than that admissible Funds to Orissa for Tribal Sub-Planl to non-hosteI students by-increasing in the Special Component Plan for rare of scholarship? Seventh Plan

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- TRY OF WELFARE (DR. RAJENDRA 2876. SHRt SRIBALlAV PANtGRAHI' Will KlJMARI BAJPAI): (a) to Ccl. Yes. Sir. There the Minister ol WELFARE be pleased to is a proposal pending to revise the rates of Slate: scholarship suitably. but here no time limit can be indicated. (a) the total allocations earmarked in the Seventh Plan under Special Component (d) and (e). The rates of scholarship for Plan and under Special Central Assistance lhestudents whe; reside in the approwd hos- for Orissa; telsare higher tIW1 those payable to the day- schaBs. (b) the funds so far provided to Orissa tRier Special Component Plan and under (English] Special Central Assistance. Year-Wise; and

SeaiaC .. of l.ok Ada'ds for disposal of (c) the details thereof? ...... persons cases THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- 2875. SHRI SRlBAllAV PANIGRAHI: WiH TRY OF WELFARE (DR. RAJENDRA the Minister of LAW AND JUSTICE be KUMAR; BAJPAI): (a) The total allocations ptsased to state: earmarked in the Seventh Plan under Spe- . 209 WriUen AnswetS AGRAHAYANA 4.1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 210

. cial Component Plan and under Special (b) and (c). A statement is given below. Central Assistance for Orissa are Rs. 201.42 crores and As. 33.65 crores, respectively.


(As. in Crores) ------_.

Year SCP Outlay SCA rele8$9d ------

1980-81 15.09 3.59

1981-82 28.62 5.29

1982-83 11.57 4.80

1983-84 27.25 5.45

1984-85 31.81 5.76

1985-86 36.51 6.45

1986-87 47.07 6.61

1987-88 55.50 6.33 (tentative)

Arms Race in Space consistently opposed the extension of the arms race to outer space and is of the 2877. SHRI SRIKANTA DATTA NARASIM- view that the deployment of space HARAJA WADIYAR: Will the Minister of EX- weapons will lead to a new and dangerous TERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased to state: escalation of the arms race. This position has been reiterated at all relevant interna- (a) the stand taken by Government on the tional fora and elsewhere. space arms race;

(b) India's stand at international fora; and Integrated Tribal Development projects in ICarnataka (c) the details thereof?

2878. SHRI SRlKANTA DATTA NARASIM- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- HARAJA WADIYAR: Will the Minister of WEL- TRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS (SJ-iAJ K. FARE be pleased to state: .NAlWAR SINGH): (a) to (~). India has 211 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25,1987 Written AnSwelS 212

(a) the number of Integrated Tribal 7A of the 20 Point Programme in Karnataka Development Projects under implementa- as on 30th June, 1987; and tion in Karnataka;

(b) the details of the economical assis- (b) the year since when these projects are tance given to them? under implementation in the State; and

THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINIS- (c) the number of tribal families benefited TRY OF WELFARE (SHRI GIRIDHAR by these projects in the last three years in the GOMANGO) : (a) Point 7(A) of the earlier 20 State? Point Programme has been brought under Point 11 (A) of the 20 Point Programme, 1986 which became effective since 1 st Aprn, 1987. THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINIS- The number of Scheduled Caste families TRY OF WELFARE {SHRI GIRIDHAR economically assisted as per latest informa- GOMANGO)' (a) and (b) There are five In- tion received from Karnataka Government tegrated Tribal Development Projects from 1st April to 30th June, 1987 is 7148 functioning in Karnataka State since 1974- families 75.

(b) The details of economic assistance (c) The number of ST families economI- given to these Scheduled Caste families as cally assisted during the years 1985-86. reported by the State Government are given 1986-87 and 1987-88 as reported by State in the Statement below Government are as under -


Economic assistance to SC families Year Number of Families (Rs. in lakhs)

Programme(s) Expenditure 1985-86 12145 during first quarter 1987-88 1986-87 10954 under IRDP and Non-IRDP 1987-88 1994 Schemes (till Sept. 1987) (Provisional) (April-June, 1987)

1 2 Scheduled Castes Families Assisted in K.arnatab 1. Land Development, Agriculture 72.43 2879. SHRI SRIKANTADA ITA nJARASIM- Horticulture and other land tiARAJA WADIYAR' Win the Minister of WEL- based schemes. FARE be pleased to state:

(8) the number of Scheduled Caste 2 Minor Irrigation(dugwelt. 8.90 families assisted economically under point tubewell irrigation tanks, etc.) 213 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4. 1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 214

------_.------been constructed. Another 59 hostels have been sanctioned during 1985-86 1 2 and 1986-87. ------Migration of Non-Tribals from Tripura 3. Cottage industry. handicrafts 10.46 sericulture. bee-keeping. weaving. rope making. etc. 2882. SHRI MOHO. MAHFOOZ ALI KHAN: Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS 4. Others 414.95 be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government are aware that Total 506.75 the Tripura insurgents have intensified their unlawful activities with the recent killings of a number of non-tribals and the mass move- ment of non-tribals to safer areas;

Girls Hostels in Karnataka (b) if so, the details thereof; and

(c) the reaction of Government with 2880. SHRI SRIKANTA DAITA NARASIM- regard thereto? HARAJA WADIYAR: Will the Minister of WEL- FARE be pleased to state. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- TRY OF PERSONNEL. PUBLIC GRIEVAN- CES AND PENSIONS AND MINISTER OF (a) the number of girls hostels at present STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME AF- and how many are proposed to be set up in FAIRS (SHRI P. CHIDAMBARAM):(a) and Karnataka to promote girls education (b). After a lull of about 3 months,· the TNV amongst tribal communities; stepped up their violent activities in October. 1987. when they were involved in four violent incidents in which 30 persons were killed by (b) the amount allocated to Karnataka for them. Due to the violence unleashed by the the purpose; and TNV, some instances of non-tribals living in the interior areas shifting to safer places have been reported. (c) the progress made in the construction of girls hostel for Scheduled Caste girls in the (c) The extremist activities are reviewed State so far? from time to time with the State authorities. Para-military forces have been provided to the State Government and Intelligence THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINIS- Reports are shared with them to combat ex- TRY OF WELFARE (SHRI GIRIDHAR tremist activities. The provisions of the GOMANGO): (a) Two hostels are functioning Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act. 1958. and five are under construction. and the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act. 1967, have been used in consultation with the State Government. They have also been (b) As. 15.46 lakhs has been allocated advised to take stringent action to deal with from 1980-81 onwards. the extremists and their collaborators under enactments like National Security Act. Ter- rorist and Disruptive Activities (Prevention) (c) Upto March 1985, 199 hostels have Act. 1967. 215 Written AnswefS NOVEMBER 25, 1987 216

Discovery of Non-Cellular Component of cal activities. It is a potent antimicrobial Seminal Plasma agent, inhibits the mobility and the fertilizing ability of mammalian spermatoza.

2883. DR. T. KALPANA DEVI:Wili the (c) Yes, Sir. PRIME MINISTER be pleased to state: (d) Germany, USA and U.K.

(a) whether Centre for Cellular and (e) and (f). Considerable research and Molecular Biology has discovered a non-cel- development work is required before the lular component of seminal-plasma; basic research work can be commercialized.

(b) if so, the details of the discoveries; (g) The Government encourages the laboratories to file patents in other countries to protect their inventions which are of inter- (c) whether some brisk working is being national importance and standing. done in some foreign countries to discover non-cellular component; Steps against Cyclones in A.P (d) if so, the names of these countries;

2884. DR. T. KALPANA DEVI: Will the (e) whether his discovery can make the PRIME MINISTER be pleased to state: basis for the setting up of a large industry in India to market this component in the world; (a) whether cyclones in Andhra Pradesh are very frequent~ (f) whether this discovery could have country from spending foreign exchange; and (b) if so, the details of occurrence of these cyclones during the last three years; (9) if so, steps Government propose to take to check appropriation of Indian dis- (c) the details of damages suffered coveries by foreign laboratories? during each year; and

(d) the precautionary steps proposed in THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- this regard? TRY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPART- MENTS OF OCEAN DEVELOPMENT, THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- ATOMIC ENERGY, ELECTRONICS AND TRY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AND SPACE (SHRI K.R. NARAYANAN): (a) Yes, MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPART- Sir. MENTS OF OCEAN DEVELOPMENT, ATOMIC ENERGY, ELECTRONICS AND SPACE (SHRI K.R. NARAYANAN) (a) On an (b) Semen consists of the Cell\J1ar Com- average one cyclonic storm affects Anethra ponent, the spermatozoa and the non-cel- Pradesh Coast every year. lular component, the seminal plasma. A new protein called seminal plasmin has been is0- (b) and (c). Details of the cyclones and lated from seminal plasma. It is a unique damages suffered during the last three years protein, it has a number of interesting biologi- are indicated below:- 217 Written Answers ' AGRAHAYANA 4, 1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 218 ------.:------Date Point of Landfall on Damages the Coast

------1 2 3 ------1984

Nov.,14,1984 (Severe Cyclonic Storm) Sriharikota Lives lost - 604 Loss of livestock -90,650 Number of buildings damaged - 3,20,000


Oct. 12, 1985 (Cyclonic 'Storm) Near Visakhapatnam Lives lost - one Damage to crops & properties about Rs.31 Lakhs.

Oec.14, 1985 (Cyclonic Storm) Sriharikota Lives lost 14

Nov.17,1985 (Cyclonic Storm) Near Masulipatnam No severe damage was reported

1985 Nil


(d) Precautionary steps already under- (iii) For real-time reception of INSAT cloud taken are: imagery a secondary Data Utilisation Centre(SDUC) has been established (i) A Cyclone Warning Centre has been at Cyclone Warning Centre, VtSak- established at Visakhapatnam in addi- hapatnam. tion to a Meteorological Office at Hyderabad to look after the Cyclone (iv) Fast Telecommunications links have Warning work of the State. been provided between Cyclone Warning Centre at Visakhapatnam & (ii) Cyclone Detection Radars with 400 Cyclone Detection Radars at Vasak- km. range have been installed at hapatnam and Masulipatnam. Visakhapatnam & Masulipatnam. Cyclone Detection Radar at Madras is (v) Disaster Warning Service(DWS) using also used for tracking storms striking INSAT communication facility have south Coastal Andhra Pradesh. recently been introduced experimen- tally i.o warn directly the coastal 219 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25, 1987 Written Answers 220

population on South Andhra Pradesh (b) the number of passports issued by the in the event of a Cyclone passport offices during 1986 and 1987 so far, office-wise, (vi) Many cyclone shelters have been constructed by the State Government (c) the average time taken for the issue of and other agencies along the Coastal a passport during 1986, belt of Andhra Pradesh (d) the number of passports cancelled or (vii) Arrangement has been made for Impounded during 1986, quick and wide dissemination of Cyclone Warning messages over the media, press etc (e) the details of each case, and

Passport Offices (f) the change In staff strength, office- 2885 SHRI SYED SHAHABUDDIN Will Wise, on 1st January, 1987 as compared to the Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be 1st January, 1986? pleased to state

(a) the number of passport offices In the THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- country as on 1st January, 1987 TRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS (SHRI K NAT- WAR SINGH) (a) 20 and 2 Liaison Offices


Station Passports Issued Passport Issued dunng 1986 d'Jnng 1987 (upto Oct 87)

1 2 3

Ahmedabad 87,292 57,131

Bangalore 68,094 34,839

Bareilly 62,736 39,224

Bhopal 16.503 11,507

Bhubaneswar 3,'91 2,517

Bombay 2,40,523 1,87,145

Calcutta 38,830 39,302

Chandigarh 58,567 49,610 221 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4.1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 222


1 2 3 ------

Cochin 76,331 58,253

Delhi 1,09,603 65,982

Guwahati 3,295 3,041

Hyderabad 58,688 51,096

Jaipur 35,481 22,559

Jalandhar 59,230 27,885

Kozikode 64,641 50,989

Lucknow 37,447 25,985

Madras 89,380 60,318

Patna 15,344 7,161

Srinagar * 7,463 4,312

Tiruchirapalli 65,086 46,351

* Upto Sept., 1987 only Figures for October, 87 not available

(c) About 4-6 weeks depending upon by the suppression of material information on receipt of clear police reports and comple- the basis of wrong information provided by tion of formalities by the applicants. the holder of the passport or travel document or any other person on his behalf I' (d) and ( e) Total number of passports im- pounded/revoked during 1986 1 ,214 The 40 Under Section 10(3) (c) of the details of cases are as under Passport Act, 1967 which reads 'if the passport authority deems it necessary so to 8·Under Section 10(3) (a) of the Passport do in the interests of the sovereignty and in- Act, 1967 which reads 'if the Passport tegrity of India, the security of India, friendly Authority is satisfied that the holder of the relations of India with any foreign country, or

passport or travel document is in wrongful in the interests of the general p'Jblic; I possession thereof;' 24: Under Section 10(3)(e)01 the 111S:Under Section 10(3)(b) of the Passport ~ Act, 1967 which reads 'if proceed- Passport Act, 1967 which reads 'if the Ings in respect of an offence alleged to have passport or travel document was obtained been committed by the holder of the 223 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25, 1987 Written AJiswers 224 passport or travel document are pending to comply with a notice requiring him to before a criminal court in India;' deliver up the passport:'

8: Under Section 10(3)(f) & (g) of the 16: Under Section 10(4) of the Passport Passport Act, 1967 which reads 'if any of the Act, 1967 which reads • the passport conditions of the passport or travel docu- authority may also revoke a passport or travel ment has been contravened '&' if the holder document on the application of the holder of the passport or travel document has failed thereof.· (1) ------.~ 51. Staff strength as on Staff strength as on No. 1st January, 1987 1 st January, 1986 Group Group ------A B c o A B c o

1. Ahmedabad 2 5 61 10 2 5 59 10

2. Bangalore 2 5 60 7 1 4 49 7

3. Bareilly 1 4 49 6 1 3 50 4

4. Bhopal l' 1 19 4+ 1 (P) 1 1 12 4+ 1(P)

5. Bhubaneswar 1 1 8 4+ l(P) 1 1 6 4+1(P)

6. Bombay 5 15 219 22 4 16 219 22

7. Calcutta 1 3 36 14 1 2 33 13

8. Chandigarh & Liaison Ofrice Simla 2 4 53 11 3 4 55 9

9. Cochin & Liaison Office Trivandrum 2 6 85 11 + 1 (P) 4 6 9712+1(P)

10. Delhi 3 7 103 12 + 1 (P) 3 7 86 11 + 1(P)

11. Guwahati 1 1 7 3+2(P) 1 1 4 3+2(P)

12. Hyderabad 2 5 58 8 1 5 56 8

13. Jaipur 1 3 37 7 1 3 39 7

14. Jalandhar 2 5 54 9+1(P) 3 4 4610+1(P)

15. Kozhikode 1 5 56 6+1(P) 1 4 49 6+1(P) 225 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4. 1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 226 ------_ .. _------SI. Staff strength as on Staff strength as on No. 1st January. 1987 1st January. 1986 Group Group

A B C o A B C o ------16. Lucknow 1 3 36 5 1 3 31 8

17 Madras 2 5 67 10 2 5 62 17

18. Palna 1 1 16 4+1(P) 1 1 14 3+1(P)

19 Srinagar 1 10 3+ 1(P) 1 1 8 3+ 1(P)

20 Tiruchirapalli 2 4 55 7 2 6 79 2

21 Vijayawada (Office closed wef 1 51986) 1 1 11 1

(P) = Part time

[Translation] [English]

Approval for Irrigation Projects in Representations from Junior Engineers Vtdarbha Region of Delhi Municipal Corporation

2886 SHRI VILAS MUTTEMWAR Will the 2887. SHRI V.S KRISHNA IYER. Will the Minister of WATER RESOURCES be pleased Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to to state state

(a) whether clearance has been given to the Tultuli Sati and Human Irrigation Project (a) whether it is a fact that about 100 of the Vidharbha region; and Junior Engineers Working in the Delhi Municipal Corporation are adversely af- (b) if not. the reasons for delay in accord- fected in their seniority with the decision of ing approval and when the clearance is like- the Corporation to give benefit to a few Junior ly to be given? Engineers of their past service in contraven-

tion of the laws and rules in that regard I THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- ISTRY OF TEXTILES AND MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF WATER (b) whether it is also a fact that several RESOURCES (SHRI RAM NfWAS MfRDHA) representations made by the affected per- (a) and (b). The comments on all the three sons to the appropriate authorities in the Cor- projects have been sent to State Govern- poration remain till date without any ment for their compliance. response; 227 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25,1987 Written Answers 228

(c) if so, the reasons for such arbitrary and (b) The World Bank is giving an assis- discretionary decision and whether his Mini- tance of US $ 271 million for this Project stry could consider to send for a report from called the Second Andhra Pradesh Irrigation the Corporation to see that the seniority of Project. such a vast number of Junior Engineers was not allowed to be adversely affected by (c) Irrigation project~ are planned, funded those few cases as to put them permanent- and implemented by the State Govern- ly in a junior position in all future promotions, ments Central assistance to the State and Governments is in the form of block loans and grants and is not tied to any scheme or (d) if not, the reasons therefor? sector of development.

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- TRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI CHIN- North Zone Chief Ministers Council Meet TAMANI PANIGRAHI)· (a) to (d). The Municipal Corporation of Delhi have already 2890 SHRI G.S. BASAVARAJU: been told that the practice of granting benefit SHRI S.B. SIDNAL of past service rendered under Central Government Departments/State Govern- Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be ments/Local Bodies, for purpose of seniority pleased to state to some of their employees, on JOining ser- vice under MCD, was not in accordance with (a) whether the North Zone Council of the rules They have been directed to strict- Chief Ministers on October 5, 1987 have ly comply with the rules in future taken a number of decisions for curbing ter- rorists activities in their States, As regards the case of two Junior En- gineers who were recruited in 1963, it is ad- (b) if so, whether the steps proposed to ministratively not possible to reopen their be taken by the State Governments have cases at thiS last stage been submitted to the Union Government, and

World Bank Assistance for Sri Ram Sagar (c) if so, the reaction of the Union Govern- Project ment thereto?

2889 SHRI BHATTAM SRIRAMA- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- MURTY Will the Minister of WATER TRY OF HOME AFFAIRS(SHRI CHINTAMANI RESOURCES be pleased to state PANIGRAHI). (a) to (c) The 20th meeting of Northern Zonal Council comprising the (a) whether World Bank assistance has States of Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal been sought for Sri Ram Sagar Project and Pradesh, Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana and Sri Sailam Right Branch Canals project, the Union Territories of Chandigarh and Delhi was held on 5th October, 1987 at Chan- (b) If so, details thereof, and digarh under the Chairmanship of the Union Home Minister A resolution (as at Appen- (c) the extent of Central assistance for dix) for curbing terrorism in the States moved those projects? by the Chief Minister, Jammu & Kashmir was passed unanimously is laid on the Table of THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- the House [Placed in Library See No. LT- ISTRY OF TEXTILES AND MINISTER OF 5182/1987] The Zonal Council also STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF WATER decided that half-yearly co-ordination meet- RESOURCES (SHRI RAM NIWAS ings of the Directors General of Police of the MIRDHA) (a) Yes, Sir member States and Union Territories should 229 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4,1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 230 be held to discuss. among others. the THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- terrorists' activities, inter-state crimes etc TRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBLIC GRIEVAN- CES AND PENSIONS AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME AF- US Aid for Drought FAIRS (SHRI P CHIDAMBARAM) (a) to (c) There was a land-lord-tenant dispute be- 2891 SHRI SWAMI PRASAD SINGH Will tween Smt Glan Devi (Land-lord) and Shn the M'nlster of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be P G Krishnan (Tenant) In respect of pleased to state premIses 7/22 Roop Nagar The non-bail- able warrant was ISSUed by the court and not (a) whether dUring recent VISit of Pnme by the police authOritIeS, to ensure presence MInister to USA , India has been assured of of the second party In the court A Constable substantIal sum as grant/aid to fIght the from the Pollee Station Roshan Ara went to drought, and serve the warrant and met Shn Knshnan-tn the evening of the 18th ~ugust, 1987 Shn (b) If so, the details of such aid and areas Knshnan told the Constable that he would where thiS aid IS to be utilised? come to the Pohce Station next mornIng aop the Constable returned without executing the non-barlable warrant However, Shrr Knsh- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- nan suffered a heart atta~k on the night of TRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS (SHRI K NAT- 18/19 August, 1987 and di3d the same night WAR SINGH) (a) The US Government " .. ' offered a package of assistance for drought .... relief Parity for Indian Forest Service Officers with Indian Police Service (b) The details of the offer are beIng dIs- cussed between the two Governments and may Include advance drawal of committed 2893 SHRI MANORANJAN BHAKTA WIll funds, supplies under their Export Enhance- the PRIME MINISTER be pleased to state ment Programme and grants under the US Agricultural Adjustment Act The areas (a) whether Government have accepted where the aId IS to be utilised, when actually In toto the Fourth Pay CommIssion's recom- availed of, IS yet to be finalised mendations on the pay scales of the Indian Police Service and the Indian Forest Service and If not, the reasons therefor Issue of Non-Bailable Warrants by Delhi Police Officials (b) whether the Government have receIVed any representation from the IndIan Forest Service Officers AsSOCiation on the 2892 PROF MADHU DANDAVATE W,ll panty of theIr pay-scales With the pay-scales the M,nIster of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased given to the IPS personnel, and to state Cc) If so, Governments' deciSion thereon? (a) whether recently any non-bailable warrants were Issued by Deihl Police OffiCials THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- against certaIn persons who expIred Im- TRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBLIC GRIEVAN- medIately after receIVIng the warrant. CES AND PENSIONS AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME AF- (b) If so, the details thereof, and FAIRS (SHRt. P CHIDAMBARAM) (a) No, SIr The scales of pay recommended by the (c) whether the action of the Deihl Police Fourth Pay Commission for the Indian Police OffICials was In tune WIth the JudiCial powers? ServIce and the Indian Forest Service have 231 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25,1987 Written Answers 232 been accepted with a few modifications oc- (b) if so, the details thereof? casioned by the need tQ.Correct certain im- balances and to maintain relativities. THE DEPlITY MINISTER IN THE MINIS- TRY OF WELFARE (SHRI GIRIDHAR (b) Yes, Sir GOMANGO): (a) No, Sir. Converts to Bud- dhism from Scheduled Castes are not en- (c) The suggestions could not be ac- titled to the statutory benefits meant for cepted for the reasons stated at (a) above. Scheduled Castes. However, benefits under certain non-statutory schemes such as Centrally Sponsored Schemes are avail- Kamataka Andhra Pradesh Agreement able to them. on Tungabhadra Dam (b) Does not arise. 2894. SHRI S. M. GURADDI. SHRI G. S. BASAVARAJU: Shifting of tal Bahadur Shastri National Academy Will the Minister of WATER RESOURCES be pleased to state 2896 SHRI MANIK REDDY Will the PRIME MINISTER be pleased to state (a) whether Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh have reachetf an agreement to (a) whether the Lal 8ahadur Shastri Na- share waters of Tungabhadra Dam, tional Academy of Administration at Mus- scorie is going to be shifted to Maldeota near (b) if so, when the agreement on the issue Dehradun, was reached. and (b) if so, by when and the reason for the (c) if so, the main features of agreement? shifting,

(c) whether a place near Ghaziabad in THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- Uttar Pradesh was earlier selected for the ISTRY OF TEXTILES AND MINISTER OF purpose, and STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF WATER RESOURCES (SHRI RAM NIWAS MIRDHA) (d) if so, the details thereof and decision (a) to (c). The sharing of Waters of Tungab- taken in this regard? hadra Dam between the States of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka is regulated as per THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- _direction of the Krishna Water Disputes TRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBLIC GRIEVAN- Tribunal There has been no further Agree- CES AND PENSIONS AND MINISTER OF ment on the sharing of Waters between the STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME AF- two States FAIRS (SHRI P. CHIDAMBARAM) (a) and (b). The infrastructural facilities available at Mussoorie are inadequate and there is not More Concessions to Converted much scope for adding to the facilities in Buddhists Mussoorie. Besides difficulties are being ex- perienced in getting proper guest faculty in the. Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of 2895 SHRI P PENCHALLIAH Will the Administration at Mussoorie Alternative Minister of WELFARE be pleased to state' sites are being considered for locating the new complex of the Academy A few sites (a) whether Government propose to give near Dehradun including a site on Maldeota more concessions to the converted 8ud- Road near Ra'pur around Dehradun are also dhists, and included amongst the sites under considera- 233 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4,1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 234 tion No final decision on the site has yet (d) (0 In addition to IPS Officers who were been taken A decision regardIng the date earner being considered for such appoint- by which the Academy can be shifted will ments. officers of other organised services arise only after a decision on the site and are now being considered for the posts of construction schedule. is arnved at CVOs, so as to broaden the base of selec- tion. (c) Yes. Sir (iO Cadre controlling Authorities have been asked to furnish the names of willing (d) The site earlier selected at Ghaziabad officers of Central Services to this Depart- measured 450 acres The land was alloted ment to enable preparation of a panel for ap- In favour of the Oeptt of Personnel & Train- pointment as evos Ing for locating the LaI Bahadur Shastri Na- tional Academy of Administration by the MInistry of Urban Development. Government STATEMENT of India No final decision has been taken regarding the new location of the Academy LIst 01 Puollc Sector Undertakings where the posts of evos have not been hlled on regular baSIS as on 20. 1.87 Vacant Posts of Chief Vigilance Officers in Public Undertakings 1 Deihl Transport Corporation

2897 SHRI SWAMI PRASAD SINGH Will 2 Calcutta Port Trust the PRIME MINISTER be pleased to state 3 ShiPPing Corporation of India (a) whether Government propose to give sUitable IncentIVes to fill up posts of Chief 4 Air India Vigilance Officers In Public Sector Undertak- IngS, 5 Hlndustan AntibiotiCS Ltd

(b) If so, details thereof and names of 6 Fertlhzers Corporation of India Ltd Public Sector Undertakings where such vacancIes are lyIng vacant, 7 80ngalgaon Refinery & Petrochemi- cals Ltd (c) total number of posts lying vacant un- dertaking-Wise I and 8 Hlndustan Fertilizers Ltd

(d) measures taken by the Government 9 Lubnzol India Ltd to fIll up these vacancies? 10 Hlndustan InsectICide ltd THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MtNIS- TRY OF PERSONNEL. PUBUC GRIEVAN- 11 Bridge Roof Co

16. Madras Fertilizers Ltd. 41. Hindustan Steel-works Corporation

17. National Consumer Cooperative 42 Rashtriya Ispat Nigam ',. Federation. 43. General Insurance Corporation of 18. Indian Standard Bureau. India

19. Hindustan Vegetable Oil Corporation 44. National Project Construction Corpn.

20. Super Bazar. 45. Coal Fields Ud.

21. National Textiles Corr,.~:atl()n. 46. National Hydro Power Corporation

22. Pr(ecls & Equipments Corporation. 47. Neyveli Lignite Corporation

23 dritish India Corporation 48 Indian Telephone Industries

24. Cotton Corporation of India 49 National Building Construction Corpn.

25. Mazgaon Dock Ltd. SO. Delhi Development Authority

26. Garden Reach Ship Builders & En- 51 Jessop & Com Ltd. gineers Ltd. 52 Maruti Udyog Ltd 27. Hindustan Paper Corporation 53 Pawan Hans Ltd 28 Sharat Heavy Plates and Vessels Ltd 54 Instruments Ltd 29. Bharat Ophthalmic Glass Ltd. 55 Mica Trading Corporation 30. Cement Corporation of India Ltd. 56 Food Corporation of India 31. Heavy Engineering Corporation 57 Central Mine Pfanning and Design 32. T riveni Structural Ltd. Institute Ltd

33. National Newsprint Paper Mills Ltd 58 Oil and Natural Gas Commission

34. Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd, 59 State Trading Corporation of India

35. National Airport Authority 60 Hotel Corporation of India

36. International Airport Authority of India 61 M M.TC.

37. Bharat Aluminium Co. Ud. 62 Bharat Wagon & Engg. Ud.

38. Central Mineral Exploration Corpora- 63 Indian Dairy Corpn. tion. 64, Eleptronics Corpn. of India Ltd. 39. National Aluminium Corporation.

40 Hindustan Copper Ltd 65 Onssa Drugs & Chemicals Ltd. 237 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4, 1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 238

66. Smith Stanstreet Pharmaceuticals (b) if so, the details thereof, anCl Ud. (c) if not, the reasons for the delay in sub- 67. UP Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Co Ltd mission thereof?

68. Coal India ltd THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- TRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS (SHRI K NAT- 69 Northern Coalfields Ltd WAR SINGH): (a) Yes, Sir

70 South Eastern Coalfields Ltd (b) Based on investigations conducted, the naval rating was tried by a Court Martial 71 National Jute Manufactures Corpn The Court Martial sentenced him to six years ltd rigorous imprisonment for attempted cul- pable homicide not amounting to murder. 72 Tea Trading Corpn of India Ltd He was sentenced to be discharged with dis- grace from the Navy on the second charge 73 Cach,n Aefinenes Ltd of committing an act prejudicial to naval dis- cipline 74 • Telecommunications Consultants Ud Cc) Does not arise

75. Damodar Valley Corporation Representation from Culf Malayalees 76 Burn Standard Co Ltd 2899 SHRI MULLAPPALL Y RAMA- 77 Cycle Corpn of India Ltd CHANDRAN' Will the Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased to state 78 Instrumentation Ltd (a) whether the Pnme Minister has 79 Rehabilitation Industries Corpn Ltd received any representation/Memorandum from Malayalees working in the Gutf- 80 Scooters India Ltd elaborating their difficulties and seeking Pnme Minister's help, 81 Lagan Jute Machinery Co Ltd (b) If so, the details of the representations 82 V.sakhapatnam Steel Project Ltd receIVed, and

83 Nilachallspat Nigam Ltd (c) action Government propose to take to redress le grievances of the Gulf- Malayalees? Interrogation Reports on the Attempt on Prime Minister's Life in Sri lanka THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- TRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS (SHAI EDUAR- 2898 SHAI MULLAPPALLY DO FALEIAO) (a) and (b) Yes, Sir The RAMACHANDRAN Will the Minister of EX- Prime Minister received a letter from the Chief TERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased to state Minister of Kerala in August 1987 enclOSing a 'Note on Problems of Keralites Working in (a) whether Government have since Gulf Countries' The follOWing points have received any report on the results of the In- been raised in that note terrogation of the naval rating who made an attempt on the life of Ind,an Prime Minister (i) Posting of Malayalam knowing during his visit to Sri Lanka In July, 1987 I senior/middle level officers In all Indian 239 Written AnswefS NOVEMBER 25, 1987 Written AnswefS 240

Missions in Gulf countries; (a) whether Government have received a request from Manipur State to ban the Na- (it) Reduction in excess baggage rates tional Socialist Council of Nagaland; between Gulf countries and Trivandrum; (b) if so, the details thereof;

(iii) Reduction in air fares between the Gulf Cc) the decision taken by Union Govern- and Trivandrum; ment in this regard; and (iv) Declaring Trivandrum airport as an in- (d) whether the TNV were the ternational airport; and banned by Union Government in consultation with the (v) Prevention of harassment and extor- Tripura Government? tion of Indian passengers coming from the Gulf; THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- TRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBLIC GRIEVAN- (c) (I) Government are aware of the need CES AND PENSIONS AND MINISTER OF to post Malayalam knowing officers in STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME AF- the Indian Missions in Gulf cour:ltries FAIRS (SHRI P. CHIDAMBARAM). (a) to (c) and this requirement is given due con- The State Government of Manipur have re- sideration when postings are quested the Central Government to declare decided; the NSCN as an 'unlawful association' under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, by (ii) Excess baggage fares are fixed 1967. NSCN also operates in Nagaland. lATA for the lATA carriers on the basis The views of both the Governments of of a prescribed formula and Air India has no option to reduce these fares; Manipur and Nagaland will be taken into con- sideration for a decision in the matter (iii)Air fares applicable on the Trivandrum- Gulf sector are the same for all airlines (d) TNV was declared as 'unlawful' by the including Air India having been fixed Central Government after consulting the multilaterally by all airlines in the lATA Government of Tripura. forum. Air India has so far not been able to persuade lATA to reduce these fares but would continue to press the Multi.Access-Radio-Telephone System issue, for Silddm Police

(iv) The existing four international airports 2901 SHRIMATI D. K. BHANDARI: Will viz Calcutta, Delhi, Bombay and the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased Madras are considered adequate and it is therefore not possible to declare to state' Trivandrum airport an international air- port; (a) whether any request for the Multi-Ac- cess-Radio-Telephone system for police has (v) The Customs authorities in India have been received from Sikkim Government; been requested to ensure that pas- sengers from the Gulf are treated fair- (b) if so, the details thereof; and ly and courteously. (c) the decision thereon?


AFFAIRS 4SHAI P. CHIDAMBARAM): (a) (a) whether the U.N. Secretary General Yes, Sir. recently visited Iran to end the war between Iran and Iraq; (b) The proposal is to instal a 20 line radio telephone system to interconnect all impor. tant places in Sikkim at a total cost of As. 46 (b) if so. the details thereof. Jakhs.

(c) The proposal is under examination in (c) whether any progress has been made consultation with the State Government to end the war between Iran and Iraq; and

Chinese Intrusion into Arunachal Pradesh (d) the role played by Government of India as 8 member of Non.aJigned countries 2902 SHAI SUBHASH YADAV: Will the to bring them to a negotiation? Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased to state THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- (a) whether there has been an intrusion of TRY OF EXTERNALAFFAIAS (SHRI EDUAR- Chinese forces in Arunachal Pradesh during DO FALEIAO) (8) to (c) Pursuant to the the past two years, and adoption by the UN Security Council of its resolution No. 598 of July 20th, 1987, the UN (b) whether the matter was discussed Secretary-GeneraJ visited Tehran and Bagh· dunng the recent Indo-China talks and if so, dad In August 1987 to discuss with the the outcome thereof? Governments of Iran and Iraq, the implemen- tation of the resolution On the basis of these THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- discussions, the UN Secretary-General sub- TRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS (SHRI K NAT- mitted a report to the Security Council. After WAR SINGH)' (a) The Chinese Government considering his report, the Security Council do not recognise the validity of the McMahon requested the UN Secretary-General to con· Line which constitutes the International tlnue his efforts with both parties to secure a boundary in the Eastern Sector, although full and rapid implementation of the resolu- they regard the Line of Actual Control in the tion The Secretary-General had conveyed Eastern Sector as corresponding. by and to the two countries an outline plan for im- large, to the McMahon Line Due to differen- plementation of the resolution. Both Govern- ces in interpretation of the McMahon Line, it ments have since transmitted their IS possible for infringements to take place responses to the outline plan which reflect 8 Chinese personnel intruded into the Sum- divergence of approach on the manner in donong Chu Valley of Arunachal Pradesh in which the resolution should be implemented. June 1986 Both Governments have agreed to send their emissaries to New York to continue negotia- (b) These matters continue to be under tions with the Secretary-GeneraJ. discussion with the Chinese authorities in line with Government's policy to resolve problems through peaceful negotiations (d) Both the Chairperson of NAM and in its individual capacity. India held bilateral negotiations with Iran and Iraq in an effort to Progress made to end Iran-Iraq War seek a peaceful and negotiated solution to the Gulf war Zimbabwe. the current Chair- 2903.SHAIG BHOOPATHY:WilitheMin- man of NAM. has been consulting with India ister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased to and some other Governments about a pos- state: sible NAM initiative. 243 Written AnSwelS NOVEMBER 25, 1987 Written Ansvtets 244

India's Help SousIJt to End Iran-Iraq War (b) if so, when was it constituted; who are its members and the progress made in this 2904. SHRt PRAKASH V. PATlL: Will the regard so far; and Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased to state: (c) the suggestions made by the Sub- (a) whether India has been requested by Committee, if art/? Iran, Iraq and other middle east countries of Super Powers to lend its services to nor- maise and end the war now going on and if THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- so. the details thereof; TRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBUC GRIEVAN- CES AND PENSIONS AND MINISTER OF (b) whether any help has been sought to STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME AF- help keep the Persian Gulf free from mines; FAIRS (SHAI P. CHIDAMBARAM): (a) Yes, Sir. (c) if so, who asked for it, whether the lit- toral nations have conveyed their willingness (b) and (c). A Group of Ministers consist- to co-operate; and ing of the Ministers of Human Resources Development, Home Affairs. Finance and (d) whether India has accepted the Defence has been constituted in April 27, responsibility to provide and operate the 1987 to look into this matter. The delibera- minesweepers in the Persian Gulf? tions of the Group are in progress.

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- Pakistan's Nuclear Weapon Programme TRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS (SHRt EDUAR- DO FALEIRO): (a) Yes,Sir. A number of 2906. SHRI E. AYVAPU REDDY: friendly West Asian and other countries in- SHRI R.M. SHOVE: cluding Iran and Iraq have approached India from time to time to assist in efforts to end Will the Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS the Gulf war. Both as Chairperson of NAM be pleased to state: and in its individual capacity India has been making persistent efforts to seek a peacefUl (a) the countries actively co-operating and negotiated end to the GuH war through with the Pakistan in its programme for these have not met with success so far. production of nuclear bombs~ and

(b) No, Sir. (b) the steps proposed to meet the latest threat of Nuclear Weapon Programme of (c) and (d). Do not arise. Pakistan?

Cabinet Sub-Committee on Ram Janam Bhoomi and Babri Masjid Issue THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- TRY OF EXTEANAL AFFAIRS (SHAI K. NAT- WAR SINGH): (a) Pakistan has been 2905. SHRI C. JANGA REDDY: Will the procuring nuclear technologies, materials Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to and components from a number of countries state: for its clandestine weapons-oriented nuclear programme. (a) whether a Cabinet Sub-Committee was constituted to find ways for amicably (b) Government are maintaining a con- settling the issue of Aam Janam Bhoomi and stant vigil on all developments having a bear- Sabri Masjid; ing on the country's security. 245 Written AnsweIs AGRAHAYANA 4, 1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 246 u.s. - USSR Apeetnenl on Risk Reduction of assets in rural and urban areas comes to Rs. 4757 per reporting household.

2907. SHRI M. RAGHUMA REDDY. Will (c) Removal of disparities in rural and the Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be urban population remains the central con- pleaSed to slate: cern of planning in India. Consistent with this objective, the Seventh Plan development (a) whether the United States and the strategy and the pattern of grOYlth emerging USSR have signed an agreement to set up from it are expected to bridge the gap by nuclear 'risk reduction centres' in Washing- reducing poverty in the rural areas. The em- ton and Moscow; and phasis on accelerated agricultural growth, adoption of special measures to increase (b) if so, the details thereof? productivity and incomes of small and mar- ginal farmers, implementation of the mini- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- mum needs programme and the expansion TRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS (SHRI K. NAT- of irrigation facilities will make a substantial WAR SINGH): (a) Yes, Sir. contribution In bridging the gap by increas- ing the assets of the rural poor. In addition, (b) The agreement was signed on the the Seventh Five Year Plan also includes a 15th September this year. It sets up ·Risk number of anti-poverty and employment Reduction Centres- in Washington and Mos- promotion programmes like Integrated Rural cow with the aim of reducing the possibility Development Programme (IRDP). National of a nuclear conflict resulting from accident, Rural Employment Programme(NREP) and technical malfunctioning, misunderstanding Aurar Landless Employment Guarantee or miscatculation. Programme(RLEGP) especially designed to raise incomes and productivity of the people below poverty line. IRDP specially aims to Cap in Rural-Urban Household Assets achieve the objective of poverty removal by providing income generating assets to the 2908. DR. SUDHIR ROY: Will the Minister poor rural households of PLANNING be pleased to state: Expenditure on P.M.'s VISit to Vancouver (a) whether there is a gap in rural urban household assets; 2909. SHRI SAIFUDDIN CHOWDHARY: Will the Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be (b) if so. what is the magnitude thereof; pleased to state: and (a) the total expenditure incurred on the (c) the measures contemplated to bridge Prime Minister's visit to Vancower including the gap? his staff member's and the pressmen;

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- (b) whether efforts were made to keep the TRY OF PLANNING AND MINISTER OF expenditure to the minimum; and STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION (SHRI SUKH RAM): (a) (c) if so. the planned and the actual ex- According to the 37th Round of National penditure? Sample Survey. the average value of total as- sets per reporting household as on 30th THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- June, 1981 was As. 36133 in Rural Areas and TRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS (SHRI EDUAR- Rs. 40890 in Urban Areas. DO FALEIRO):(a) to (c). InformatiOn is being collected and will be placed on the Table of (b) The gap between the average value the House. 247 Written AnSwelS NOVEMBER 25, 1987 Written Answers 248

Identification of Wasteland State for better conservation of forest wealth? 2910. SHRIMATI JAYANTI PATNAlK: OR. B L SHAILESH: THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- Will the PRIME MINISTER be pleased to TRY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AND state: MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPART- MENTS OF OCEAN DEVELOPMENT, (a) whether National Natural Resources ATOMIC ENERGY, ELECTRONICS AND Management System has prepared micro- SPACE (SHRI K.R. NARAYANAN): (a) to (d) level wasteland maps to identify different A Statement is given below. types of wasteland in the country;

• (b). if so, how many districts have been (a) Yes, Sir. i • ..! brought under that mapping so far; (b) 84 districts. (c) the State-wise details thereof; and (c) The table below gives the State-wise (d) whether Government propose to es- details: " tablish a Remote Sensing Centre in every


Wasteland mapping

State Name T atal Districts Completed Near Yet to identified for No. of comple- be taken wasteland districts tion up mapping in the 1st phase

1 2 3 4 5

Andhra Pradesh 14 6 2 6

Bihar 9 7 2

Gujarat 10 3 4 3

Haryana 5 4 1

Himachal Pradesh 3 2 1

Jammu & Kashmir 1 1

Karnataka 8 8 249 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4,1909 (SAKA) Written Answers 250 ------1 2 3 4 5

------~ Kerala 6 3 2 1

Madhya Pradesh 18 11 4 3

Maharashtra 10 5 2 3

Nagaland 3 2 1

Orissa 7 5 1 1

Punjab 3 2 1

Rajasthan 12 5 3 4

Tamil Nadu 7 4 1 2

Uttar Pradesh 24 15 3 6

West Bengal 3 1 1 1

Assam 2 1 2

Manipur 2 2

Total 147 84 30 33

(d) Various State Governments are plan- the Department of Environment, Forest & ning to establish State-level Remote Sensing Wildlife, also helps in study of conservation Centres as part of utilisation of remote sens- of forest wealth. ing for mapping and inventorying of natural resources. The State Governments of Oris- [English] sa, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, Bihar, 12.00 hrs Uttar Pradesh, Manipur & Karnataka have established Remote Sensing Centres/Cells, SHRI SHANTARAM NAIK (Panaji)' Sir, the which, while catering to the needs of various hon Andhra Pradesh High Court has given natural resources survey and monitoring, wili a clear -cut judgement...... also cover studies of forest resources A sophisticated digital analysiS facility. ex- (Interruptions) ** clusively for the forest resources study in the National Forest Data Management Centre of MR SPEAKER: No, not allowed.

** Not recorded 251 NOVEMBER 25, 1987 252

(Interruptions) [English]

[Translation] SHRI SHANTARAM NAIK: It is a judge- ment,Sir. MR. SPEAKER: Please listen to me. MR. SPEAKER: Why don't you listen to (Interruptions) me?

[English] [Translation]

PROF. MADYU DANCAV/-\TE (Rajapur): I would like to say that if you have any Are you allowing to go on record ... ? case with you, you give it to me and I will get it examined. If there are some facts or there MR. SPEAKER: No is any method ...

[Translation] [Eng/ish]

I would like to tell you something in this Let me see I am not concerned with either regard. this or that I am only concerned.

(Interruptions) (Interruptions)

MR. SPEAKER: Please listen to me MR SPEAKER: Mr Acharia, when I am shall reply to it. speaking, do not interrupt me. I say that I am concerned with the rules. If the rules permit, SHRI C MADHAV REDDI (Adilabad). It I will do something. otherwise I am helpless should be expunged from the record ... (Inter- I am not going to transgress my limits. Leave ruptions) it to me.

SHRI M. RAGHUMA REDDY (Nalgonda): (Interruptions) It should be expunged from the record ... (In- terruptions) [Trans/ation]

[Translation] MR SPEAKER: You may please give in writing. Without that I will not be able to do MR. SPEAKER: What are you doing? anything Why do you not resume your seat? SHRI SHANTARAM NAIK: I have already [English] , given.

Vou should sit down. [Translation1

(Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: I will go through it.

[Translation] (Interruptions) * *

MR. SPEAKER: Please listen ... (lnterrup- [English] tions) Something appears in Newspapers and something does not appear. Please lis- MR. SPEAKER: Not allowed. That is all. ten to me. Nothing goes on record now. ** Not recorded 253 AGRAHAYANA 4,1909 (SAKA) 254

{Translation] This should not be allowed (Interruptions)

I have told you I have told both of you PROF MADHU DANDAVATE I have ~embers from both the sides are wasting asked for an enquiry I have gl\len an adJourn- the time of the House I will not allow any ment motion on the failure of the Govern- Member You please Sit down ment (Interruptions)

[English] MR SPEAKER Do you have a right to say when I say ·00 not do It-? I say I Prof I am not gOing to allow anybody Saheb I have got Information Whatever It IS, gl\le me something I will have to find out I cannot do more than that PROF MADHU DANDAVATE He said that I was carrying on a VICIOUS propaganda PROF MADHU DANDAVATE What IS he I only asked what happened to my notice reading? (Interruptions) * *

MR SPEAKER I do not know, I have not MR SPEAKER Not allowed allowed him S BUTA SINGH A question was answer- (Interruptions) ed and a positive reply was gIVen He IS car- rytng on a campaign of VIlification and MR SPEAKER Who says I have allowed? character assaSSination (InterruptIons) Why are you putting words In my mouth? Sit down and take your seats MR SPEAKER It IS not my op'nton

Behave now and Sit down S BUTA SINGH How can he do that?

PROF MAOHU OANOAVATE It IS a very PROF MADHU DANDAVATE He says Important question on which I have given that I am carrying on VICIOUS propaganda notice Many Members are enquIring about Would you allow this? (Interruptlons)** the Itahan connections (/nterruptlons)** MR SPEAKER Nothing dOing Nothing MR SPEAKER Not allowed You can goes on record give me a questIon I have got specIfiC Infor- maton from the Government that there IS no MR SPEAKER Not allowed basis for that But If you have got something Ir) your pocket, YOlJ hand It over to me (In- (Interruptlons)** terruptions) ** MR SPEAKER I said, If you have got any MR SPEAKER Not allowed Information gIVe It to me

(Interruptions) * * PROF MADHU DANDAVATE That IS all right But why should he say that I am carry- MR SPEAKER I do not care Not al- Ing on a VICIOUS campaign? Why do you allav lowed It? (Interruptions) THE MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS (S BUTA SINGH) This IS a maliCIOUS campaign SHRI A CHARLES (Tnvandrum) He started by Prof Dandavate and company should not be allowed to go on making char- Every day he IS making baseless charges ges ** Not recordea 255 NOVEMBER 25, 1987 256

MR. SPEAKER: Sit down. Mr.Charles. SHRI S. JAIPAL REDDY: I am asking only about your ruling Sir. (Interruptions) *

MR. SPEAKER: Nothing will go on record. PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: He is as- king about your ruling on the privilege notice. S. BUTA SINGH: They are misusing this forum. MR. SPEAKER: I am doing it. We have (Interruptions) * already started it.

MR. SPEAKER: Not allowed. Nothing will PROF. MADHU QANDAVATE: Why do go on record you want a proof for a breach of privilege committed in the House? S. BUTA SINGH: Let them prove it Sir. We are prepared to face it. SHRI S JAIPAL REDDY: An impression should not be allowed to gain ground that THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- the matter is being laid to rest. TRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBLIC GRIEVAN- CES AND PENSIONS AND MINISTER OF MR. SPEAKER: There is no question of STATE IN THE MINrSTRY OF HOME AF- resting. Everything takes time. Even 'hurry' FAIRS (SHRI P. CHIDAMBARAM): We have takes time. i have to go through all those answered the question. What is his informa- things. tion to make this charge again and again? It is a baseless charge. PROF MADHU DANDAVATE: How much time will it take Sir? SHRI A CHARLES: He is a very senior member. But he goes on making allega- MR SPEAKER. Nothing doing. I am not tions. going to be forced by you.

(Interruptions) * PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: Why are you angry Sir? If we enquire how much time MR. SPEAKER: Mr. Charles, will you Sit it is g.oing to taKe, is there anything down or not? I will name you. Please sit derogatory in it? down. Nothing goes on record. SHRI S JAIPAL REDDY: It happened in (Interruptions) * the House

PROF. N.G. RANGA (Guntur): How can MR. SPEAKER: I have told you so many you name him when you do not name the times that I cannot treat a thing which is im- members on that side? portant like that. I have to go through it and I have to consult ... SHRI S. JAIPAL REDDY (Mahbubnagar): Sir, we have given a privilege motion against SHRI S. JAIPAL REDDY: That is true, but Shri H.K.L. Bhagat. It has been pending for the House cannot sleep over it. We cannot too long. be a party to it.

MR. SPEAKER: You give me something, then I will find out. I cannot allow you like thal. PROF. N.G. RANGA: Sir, why don't you You have got the rules. Read the Rules Book take this dialogue in your Chamber between and come to me. yourself and Prof. Dandavate? He goes on * Not recorded 257 AGRAHAYANA 4, 1909 (SAKA) Papers Laid 258

Interfering too many times. You threaten to should be made in this manner. name our members, but you do not deal with them property. (Interruptions) *

MR. SP~ER: I have done that Profes- [Eng/ish] sor Saheb. l.have already done it. MR. SPEAKER: It will not go on record. PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: As soon as you gaye your ruling, I accepted it. Why does he ~ecessarily complain? When you do not complaint, why should he complain? 12.10 hrs.

• (Interruptions) PAPERS lAID ON THE TABLE

PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: The lady [Eng/ish] protests too much' Notifications under Wakf Ad and MR SPEAKER. Please sit down Durph Khwaja Saheb Ad

PROF. N.G. RANGA: You can have the THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- discussion in your Chamber. Why do you ISTRY OF WELFARE (DR. RAJENDRA allow this kind of a dialogue here? There is KUMARI BAJPAI): I beg to lay on the table- a limit to our patience. · (1) A copy of the Central Wakf Council PROF MADHU DANDAVATE' When we (Amendment) Rules, 1987 (Hindi and have given a notice, we have a right to en- English versions) published in qUire as to what has happened to it. And we Notification No. G.S.R. 712(E) in will continue to do it. Gazette of India dated the 14th August. 1987 under sub-section (3) of (Interruptions) section SO of the Wakf Act, 1954. [Placed in Library See No. LT- SHRI RAMSWAROOP RAM (Gaya): Mr 5091/87] Speaker, Sir ... (2) A copy of the Durgah Khwcla Saheb MR. SPEAKER. Are you on a point of (Amendment) Bye-Laws. 1987 (Hindi order? and English versions) published in Notification No. G.S.R. 864(E) in SHRI RAMSWAROOP RAM: Yes Sir. Gazette of India dated the 19th Oc- tober. 1987 under sub-section (6) of MR SPEAKER: What is your point of section 20 of the Durgah Khwaja order? Saheb Act. 1955. [Placed in Ubrary See No. l T -5092/87.]

[Trans/ation 1 Notification under Inter-State Wder4sputes Ad SHRI RAMSWAROOP RAM: My point of order is that in Maharashtra ·Riddles of Hin- THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MIN- duism·.. ISTRY OF TEXTILES AND MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF WATER . MR SPEAKER: You should give in writ- RESOURCES (SHRI RAM NIWASMIRDHA): Ing. Mr. Ramswaroop Ram;;, no submission , beg to lay on the table a copy of the Nar- it Not recorded. 259 PapetsLaid NOVEMBER 25, 1987 PapetsLaid 260

mada Watet{Second Amendment) Scheme, 1987 (H\nd\ and Eng\\sh vers\ons) pub\\shed in Notification No. S.O. 819(E) in Gazette of India dated the 10th September r 1987 under THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- sub-section (7) of section SA of the Inter- TRY OF FINANCE (SHRI JANAADHANA State Water Disputes Act. 1956. [Placed in POOJAR'Y): I beg to Iay.on the table- Ubrary. See No. LT-5093/87.] (1) A copy each of the follcwving N91ifica- Daman and Diu Pradesh Council tions (Hindi and English versions) un4er sec- (Procedure and Conduct of Business and tion 159 of the Customs.Act. 1962:- Consuhation with Counsellors) Rules (~ G.S.A. 751 (E) pubrashed in Gazette of THE MINISTER OF STATE INTHE MINIS- India dated the 3rd September, 1'987 TRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI CHIN- together with an explanaibry TAMANI PANIGRAHI): I beg to lay on the memorandum containing corrigen- table a copy of the Daman and Diu Pradesh dum to NotifICation No. 179l86-Cus- Council (Procedure and Conduct of Busi- toms dated the 1st March. 1986. ness and Consultation with Counsellors) Rules, 1987 (Hindi and English versions) (ii) G.S.R. 905(E) published in Gazette of published in Daman and Diu Gazette dated India dated the 10th November, 1987 the 1 st September, 1987 under sub-sec- together with an explanatory tion(3) of section 19 of the Daman and Diu memorandum containing corrigen- (Administration) Regulation, 1987. [Placed in dum to NotifICation No. 188/87-Cus- Ubrary See No. LT-5094/87.] toms dated the 29th April, 1987.

Report on the Eighth General Election to (iii) G.S.A. 906(E) published in Gazette of the House of the People from Assam and India dated the 10th November, 1987 Punjab and on the Bye-Elections to that together with an explanatory House and Notification under Represen- memorandum containing corrigen- tation of the People Act dum to Notification No. 3451B6-Cus- toms dated the 16th June 1986. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- TRY OF LAW AND JUSTICE (SHRI H.R. (iv) G.S.A. 907(E) published in Gazette of BHARDWAJ): I beg to lay on the table- India dated the 11 th November, 1987 together with an explanatory (1) A copy of the Report (Hindi and memorandum making certain amend- English versions) on the Eighth ments to NotifICation No. 208/81-Cus-

General Election to the House of the toms dated the 22nd September I People from Assam and Punjab and 1981 so as to include certain more of the Bye-Elections to that House medicines/drugs and equipments in held in 1985-Statistical. [PJaced in the list of life saving Ubrary See No. U-5095/87.] drugs/medicineslequipments which are allowed to be imported free of (2) A copt of the Registration of Electors duty. (Amendment) Rules, 1987 (Hindi and English versions) pubJished in (v) G.S.R. 911(E) published in Gazette of Notification No. S.O.814(E) in the India dated the 13th November. 1987 Gazette of India dated the 3rd Sep- together with an explanatory tember. 1987 under sub-section (3) of memorandum making certain amend- section 28 of the Representation of ments to Notification No. 314JB5-Cus-

the People Act. 1950.[Placed in to{l1S dated the 11 th OctoberI 1985 so Library. See No. LT -5096187} as to define the scope and ambit of 261 AGRAHAYANA 4, 1909 (SAKA) Papers Laid 262

the expression ~' which are (1) (Q A copy of the Annual Report (Hindi permitted at a concessionaI rate of and English versions) of the Indian customs dt.iy. Academy of SCief'lces, BangaIore. for the year 1986-87 along with Audited (VI) 5.0. 991(E) published in Gazette of Accounts. India dated the 17th November. 1987 together with an explanatory (ii) A statement (Hindi and English ver- memorandum regarding revised rate sions) regarding Review by the Of exchange for conversion of Bel- Government on the working of the In- gium Francs into Indian currency or dian Academy of Sciences, Ban- vice-versa. (Placed in Ubrary. See galore, for the year 1986-87. [Placed No. L.T.-5097J87] in Library. See No. L.T.-5099/87]

(2) A copy each of the following Notifica- (2) (i) A copy of the Annual Report (Hindi tions (Hindi and· English \eSions) issued and English versions) of the Indian under the Central Excise Rules. 1944:- National Science Academy, New Delhi. for the year 1986-87 along with (i) G.S.A. 881 (E) published in Gazette of Audited Accounts. India dated the 29th October, 1987 together with an explanatory (ii) A statement (Hindi and English ver- memorandum extending the validity sions) regarding Review by the of Notification No. 219184-CE dated Government on the working of the In- the 1st December. 1984 upto the dian National Science Academy. 30th November, 1990. New Delhi. for the year 1986-87. [Placed in Ubrary. See No. L.T. (i~ G.S.R. 882(E) published in Gazette of 5100/87] India dated the 29th October, 1987 together with an explanatory memorandum making certain (3) (i) A copy of the Annual Report (Hindi amendments to Notification No. and English versions) of the Birbal 32/86-CE dated the 10th February, Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany. 1986 so as to mcxIfy the definition of Lucknow, for the year 1986-87 along bought leaf tea factories for the pur- with Audited Accounts. pose of charging concessionaJ rate of excise duly on tea produced in (ii) A statement (Hindi and English ver- such factories. [PI8ced in Ubrary. sions) regarding Review by the See No. L T.-509BI87] Government on the working of the Birbal Sahni Institute of Annual Reports of and IreWews on the Palaeobotany, Lucknow, for the year working of Indian A.cadenIr of ScielICeS, 1986-87. [Placed in Ubrary. See No. 8anpIore, Indian National Science Aa.- L.T.-51 01187] clemy, New Delhi, ...... s.Iri lnsti- tute of PaiaeobaIan" ludmow, etc. (4) (i) A copy of the Annual Report (Hindi for 1!J16.87 and English versions) oftheWadialn- situte of Himalayan Geology, Dehra THE MINISTER OF STAlE IN THE MINIS- Dun, for the year 1986-87 along with TRY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AND the Audited Accounts. MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPART- MENTS OF OCEAN DEVELOPMENT, (ii) A statement (Hindi and English ver- ATOMIC ENERGY. ELECTRONICS AND sions) regarding Review by the SPACE (SHRI KR. NARAYANAN): I beg to Government on the working of the lay on the tabIe:- Wadia Institute of Himalayan GeoI- 263 Papers Laid NOVEMBER 25, 1987 Message from R.S. 264

ogy, Dehra Dun, for the year 1986-87. 838 in the Gazette of India dated the {Placed in Ubrary. See No. L.T.- 14th November. 1987. 5102/87] (5) The Indian Administrative Service (5) (ij A copy of the Annual Report (Hindi (Fixation of Cadre Strength) Seventh and English versions) of the Bose In- Amendment Regulations, 1987 stitute. Calcutta. for the year 1986-87 published in Notification No. G.S.R. along with Audited Accounts. 841 in the Gazette of India dated the 14th November, 1987. (ii) A statement (Hindi and English ver- sions) regarding review by the (6) The Indian Administrative Service Government on the ~ng of the (Pay) Seventh Amendment Rules. Bose Institute, Calcutta, for the year 1987 published in Notification No. 1986-87. [Placed in Ubrary. See No. G.S.A. 842 in the Gazette of India L.T. -5103/87] dated the 14th- November. 1987.

(7) The Indian Administrative Service Notifications "nder All India Senices Act (Cadre) Amendment Aules, 1987 published in Notification No. G.S.R. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- 909 (E) in the Gazette of India dated TRY OF PERSONNEL. PUBUC GRIEVAN- the 11 th November, 1987. [Placed in CES AND PENSIONS AND MINISTER OF Ubrary. See No. L T.-51 04/87] STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME AF- FAIRS (SHAt P. CHIDAMBARAM): t beg to lay on the table a copy each of the following notifications (Hindi and English versions) 12.12. hrs. under sub-section (2) of section 3 of the All India Services Act. 1951:- MESSAGES FROM RAJYA SABHA

(1) The Indian Forest Service (Fixation of Cadre Strength) Sixth Amendment [English] Regulations. 1987 published in Notification No. G.S.R. 835 in Gazette SECRETARY-GENERAL: Sir, I have to of India dated the 14th November, report the following messages received from 1987. the Secretary-General of Rajya Sabha:-

(2) The Indian Forest Service (Fixation of (i) ·In accordance with the provisions of Cadre Strength) Seventh Amend- rule 111 of the Rules of Procedure and Con- ment Regulations. 1987 published in duct of Business in the Rajya Sabha, I am Notification No. G.S.R. 836 in the directed to enclose a copy of the Equal Gazette of India dated the 14th Remuneration (Amendment) Bill, 1987. November, 1987. which has been passed bt the Rajya Sabha at its sitting held on the 24th November, (3) The Indian Forest Service (Pay) 1987.· Seventh Amendment Rules, 1987, published in Notification No. G.S.R (ii) ·'n accordance with the provisions of 837 in the Gazette of India dated the rules 127 of the Rules of Procedure and Con- 14th November. 1987. duct of Business in the Rajya Sabha. I am directed to inform the Lok Sabha that the (4) The Indian Forest Service (Pay) Rajya Sabha. at its sitting held on the 24th Eighth Amendment Rules, 1987 Novembef, 1987. agreed without any published in Notification No. G.S. R. amendment to the Constitution (Scheduled 265 Matters UndeT Rule 377 AGRAHAYANA 4.1909 (SAKA) Matters Under Rule 3n 266

.Tribes) Order (Amendment) Bill. 1961, which of the House towards the following matter of was padsed by the Lok Sabha at, $! sitting urgent public importance under rule 3n:- held on the 19th November, 1987~~ , I We are all concerned about the people living below the poverty line in our country and all possible efforts are being made to raise their living standard without loss of time. EQUAL REMUNERATION (AMENDMEND' It is an irony that in ~his context we have not BILL been able to achieve the desired success in the case of our poor workers. In this connec- As passed by Rajya Sabha tion the burning problem of the child labour is posing a challenge t9 the Government. Whether it is the questiof-l of building the per- [English] sonaity of future citizens of our country in the midst of burning furnaces in Firozabad or the SECRETARY-GENERAL: Sir, I tay on the question of the flower like children working in Table the Equal Remuneration (Amend- the jron foundries in Agra, or the serious ment) Bill, 1987, as passed by the Rajya problem of child labour engaged in Bidl in- Sabha dustry. they all are being affected by the deadly disease of T.B Today, the problem of child labour has assumed serious propor- tions and is a challenge before us. To deal 12-1/2 hrs. with this delicate human problem, the Mini- stry of Labour of the Government of India COMMITTEE ON PRIVATE MEMBERS' should set up a high level committee which BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS should go into all the aspects of the problem and .give some concrete and positive sug- [English] gestions so that this painful problem is solved. Forty-Fourth Report (ii) Need to fix the price of Aminophylin SHRI M THAMBI DURAl (Dharmapuri) and Theophylin medicines and to beg to present the Forty-Fourth Report recover extra money charged by the (Hindi and English versions) of the Commit- Companies tee on Private Members' Bills and Resolu- tions DR CHANDRA SHEKHAR TRIPATHI (Khalilabad) Mr. Speaker Sir, I would like to draw the attention of the House to an urgent 12.13 hrs. matter of public importance under rule 377.

MATTERS UNDER RULE 377 With a view to providing relief to the patients suffering from Asthma and other [Trans/ation] breath diseases, government had kept the import of Aminophylin and Theophylin under (i) Need to set up a high powered Com- o G.L Both these medicines were covered mittee to make constructive and under Drug Prices Control Orders, 1979 and practical suggestions regarding 1987 The Department of Chemicals child labour brought the import under O.G.L. Scheme in the restricted list and imposed a ban on the SHRI GANGA RAM (Firozabad): Mr. import of these drugs for the future. As these Speaker Sir, I would like to draw the attention drugs are covered under Drug Prices Con- 2ffl AIaIIets Under Rule 377 NOVEMBER 25. 1987 MatteIS UnderL Rule an 268

fOr. Chandra Shekhar ifipathij that such of the ports as are still developing should be given interest subsidy otherwise troI Order. the VPCL an expert body had they cannot compete with old established recommended to fix the prices of these ports which are developed when the cost of drugs aromd As. 200 per Kg. but as the investment was much lower. prices of these drugs tiNe not been fixed by the Govemmert so far. the drug manufac- The port has been spending huge tt.ers are Sf6lg these drugs at more than amount on dredging as littoral drift which is Rs. 500 per Kg. As a result. the drug a natural phenomenon I110VeS a lot of sand . rnanuIactt.wers have got an opportunity to from the South into the channel of the port. earn a pro& of acres of rupees and the For such dredging activity, Calcutta Port gets crores of consumers are being fleeced as subsidy. I would request the ~nment to they have to pay exorbitant prices for these drugs. bear the entire cost of dredging in Paradip Port. I would. therefore. lM'ge the hon.lndustry ~ Minister that keeping in view the interests of crores of consumers. the prices of these 12.14 hrs. drugs be fixed irrmeciately and the high profl eamea by ~ these companies through the sale of these drugs at excessive prices (MR. DEPUTY -SPEAKER in the Chair] be deposied in the D.EA account. [Trans/ation] (English] (iv) Demand for opening a Central School (Ii) Need tar the Central Government to at BHEL, Bhopal IIIeet the entire cost of drecJsinR in P__" Port SHRI K.N. PRADHAN (Bhopal): Mr.

Speaker Sir I I want to raise the following mat- ter of urgent public importance under rule SHRI LAKSHMAN MALLICK (Jagat- 377. ~): I req.1eSt the Government of India to take the following measures for the The scheme .Qf Central Schools was for- deveIopIla II of Paradeep Port. The han- muated in· 1"962 and came into effect in dling of cargo has been increasing in 1963. At present there are more than 600 Paradip Port since 1985-86 and the growth Central Schools in the country. The rale is me a sWg 9IeI'f year. The increase popularity of the Central Schools is respon- has been mostly in respect of Cargo other sible for their such a rapid grONth as these than iron ore. Therefore. there is an urgent schools have provided great relief especial- need tor ina! e . IQ the capacity of the port ly to the employees of the Central Govern- by constructing at least two additional ment. Defence forces and the public sector get sal cago berths. As the construction undertakings. takes abed three years. investment decision should be taken mnedial:eIy. There are about 20,000 workers in SHEL. Bhopal and there is an urgent need for open- The goss income of the port has in- ing a Central School. There are Central calIS ed since 1985.a6and the gross expen- Schools in most of the U'lits of BHEL There dlwe has also increased from that year. are two Cehtral Schools in Haridwar Unit of WIlle the rise in gross incon Ie is quite ap- BHEL In Jagdishpur. one Central School preciable over the years yet the port is run- has been opened recently. For the last 15 or ning in deficit becalase of high interest 20 years. there has been a demand for a burden which has been increasing fNefY Central School in BHEL. Bhopal. f hope, the year. I would suggest to the Government hen. Minister for Human Resource Develop- 269 Mattets Undel Rule 377 AGRAHAYANA 4, 1909 (SAKA) Mattets Under' Rule 377 270

ment would pay his special attention towards be started near the ref. ey. which (3l cater this demand. to the needs of the 1ocaMy.

[English) (vii) Demand far reawaidel•• thecea (y) Need to fix nonns for utilising funds of 3.6 per cent ... Fo. prices of available for maintenance of irrip- pepper tiondams SHAI K. MOHANDAS (MUa.ndaptnm): SHAI JUJHAR SINGH (Jhalawar): This is India's pepper exports have f*rl shapIy a year of severe famine in Rajasthan and it is during this season. The cess imposed by very essential that fNery drop of water avail- the Government on pepper wiI fldher push able in tanks and in irrigation Dams is down the exports. economically and profitably utilised to grow crops in the State. The Government has imposed a cess of 3.5 per cent on' FOB prices of pepper. with It has haNever been observed that lot of effect from November 6. This is certaillIy water is going waste in Gopalpura Dam, in going to adversely affect the pepper exports. Umaid Sagar Dam and in the Sarans in Sita At the current level. FOB prices are in the Bari in Tehsil Kishen Ganj. It is also going region of As. 63,0001- per tonne. The new' waste in Sarans in T ehsil Atru in Kota District levy, along with the existing levies. works out to 15 per cent of the cost price. The IncIan Lot of water is similarly wasted in Bhim pepper is already out-priced in the nema- Sagar Dam and in Harish Chander Sagar tional market, and the presert levy is going Dam in Jhalawar District. The wastage of to further weaken our position in the pepper water in these places is due to lack of main- trade tenance of the canal system and of dams The reason given for poor maintenance is I. therefore, request the GovernrnEn to that all the funds under ·maintenance head· re-consider this levy and take aI steps to gets used up in the payment of salaries of reduce the cost of production of pepper, so the work charged staff and nothing is left for as to make it competitive in the international actual maintenance. market.

(viii) Need to absorb the Ioaders-c..-wn- In view of these factors, I request the Min- packers eatier ...... with Air ister of Waler Resources to fix up a norm FIe."t (P) ltd. in International where the salaries and the strength of the Airports ~ of India staff is kept within limit and the interests of the cultivators and of the State do not suffer SHRIMATI VYJAYANTHIMALA BALI on account of overhead charges in future. (Madras South). About 100 IoadenHun- packers were employed by Ail Freight (P) (vi) Demand for seUing up a 100 MW Ltd. at Madras Airport Cargo Complex from - Thermal Plant near Cochin 1978 to November 1985. ~ aI of a sud- Refinery to meet the power needs den. the IAAI terminated the COl «tid will Ail of the area Freight (P) Ltd., and et'l'lpk:¥Jd these loaders as casual labourers. They were worIOOg for SHAI THAMPAN THOMAS (Mavelikara) eight months in ayear as aB IalIatxuers. There is acute shortage of power in Kerala upto June 1986. They were then acMsed to There is no likelihood of any heavy rain and form a cooperative society Sld enter into getting power from hyde' project. in the near contract with IMI to perform the job of future. The Cochin Oil Refinery has got oil, loaders and packers, which has accorcII VI and a one hundred MGW Thermal Plant can been done. 271 Regional Rural Banks NOVEMBER 25, 1987 (Amdt) Bill 272

[Shrimati Vyjanthimala Bali] and the public. Several Committees. includ_" ,. As they were the affected employees of ing the Dantewala Committee. Kamath .' IAAI. there was a direction from the Hon. Min- Committee. and now the Kelkar Co."mittee ister of Civil Aviation that the contract work have gone into this question; and they had would be given only to the society. As per given a number 'Of recommendations. this direction. the contract work of loading and unloading was given to the society upto Before I go into the various aspects of the January 1987. HOY/ever, the contract has amendments which have been passed on not yet been renewed. the Kelkar Committee Report. I would like to mention one thing. With regard to the Annual Now the General Manager. IMI. Madras Reports of the Banks. under the recommen- Airport Cargo ~omplex has called for dations of the Estimates Committee - I think tenders, in contravention of the oral agree- it was 62nd - it was suggested that fNery An- ment with the society, which would render nual Report of a Bank, consolidated report the affected employees jobless. It is felt that of a bank should be placed on the Table of the IMI should have absorbed all the af- the House. Except one report which came fected 100 employees. in 1983. subsequently no report was placed on the Table of the House so that we may I, therefore. urge the hon. Minister for Civil know the actual working. the deficiencies in Aviation to arrange for absorbing them into the working of the regional rural banks. It IAAI on a permanent basis. was started with a great fan-fare in 1975 on the basis of an Ordinance which was sub- sequently passed into an Act. At that time. 12.19 hrs when the 20 point programme was launched. this was one of the 20-point REGIONAL RURAL BANKS programme to remove rural indebtedness (AMENDMENT) BILL - Contd. that this Bill was brought. The whole concept of this Bill was that there should be a multi- [English] agency credit system to be introduced in this particular field. We had commercial banks MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: The House will which were mostly urban oriented; no com- now take up further consideration of the fol- mercial bank was prepared to set up a lowing motion moved by Shri Janardhana branch in the rural areas; and every time the

Poojary on the 23rd November I 1987 I Reserve Bank had to force these banks to namey:- go to rural areas and set up branches there. At one time the ratio was fixed that if a bank aThat the Bill further to amend the wants to open a branch in the urban areas, Regional Rural Banks Act, 1976. be they have to open five branches in the rural taken into consideration.· areas; then only the permission will be granted for an urban branch. Every com- Mr. Madhav Reddi. mercial bank wanted to set up branches, a number of branches only in the urban areas; SHRI C. MADHAV REDOI (Adilabad): The proposals for setting up branches in the Regional Rural Bank Bill which is before us, urban areas were pending with the Reserve as I said earlier. is a very important Bill. and Bank. Urban branches are very popular; a thorough discussion on this Bill is needed. they are able to mobilise resources. Rural We have allotted only three hours. I would banks have to suffer; there are no resources like that this BiD is discussed for a longer time, to mobilise in the rural areas. The outgoing because during the last twelve years. during is more than the deposit; and no bank was the operation of this Bill. severaJ develop- in a position to certify the profit which they are ments have taken place. several problems getting in urban areas to set up branches in have come to the notice of the Government the rural areas. This was the condition. 273 Regional Rum/BanKs AGRAHAYANA 4,1909 (SAKA) (Arndt.) Bill 274

Similarly. cooperatives were in existence deposits are of the order of As. 1600 crores for a very long time and it was mainly the field as against the outgoings of about As. 1800 of the cooperatives. But the cooperatives crores. The advances are As. 1700 or As. had their own disadvantages; they were not 1800 crores and the deposits are less than in a position to organise the deposits in the the advances. May be, the funds are com- villages and their resources also were main- ing from the NABARD and from the sponsor ly based on re-finance from the Reserve banks, because we have created these in- Bank of India and now the NABARD It is be- stitutions and we have given this baby to the cause of these two factors that the idea was sponsor banks. a new concept of sponsor to combine certain good aspects of the com- bank has been thought of and every com- mercial banks and also of the cooperative mercial bank was supposed to sponsor banks that the idea of the setting up of the some regional rural banks in the notified regional rural banks was mooted. It is a very areas Has the concept succeeded today? revolutionary idea I fully support the con- It was a very good concept but the losses or cept of the rural banking system and I am the non-viability of these regional rural banks very happy that it has spread throughout the was in-built in the whole system The non- length and breadth of the country with about viability in the whole system came first of all 13,000 branches I welcome this But I am because of the low capital base, or low share aware of the propaganda which is going on capital base Secondly. it had to depend particularly in the commercial banks circle upon the resources of NABARD and the that these banks are no good; they are Incur- Sponsor Banks. and the Sponsor Banks had nng losses, these banks have to be wound not bothered to finance these institutions at up, they should work as a subsidiary of the all The NABARD has fixed a percentage of sponsored banks and so on 30 Thirty per cent of the funds have to come The share has been fixed at 30 per Now if the regIOnal rural areas are non-vi- cent for the re-finance On how much? able today, who is responsible? This point There are many banks in which the share of was raised even in 1976 when the Bill was the sponsor bank in the re-finance capital is being discussed and at that tim~ the Finance hardly 20 per cent There are some banks in Minister, Shn Pranab Mukherjee said that which not even one per cent is there. And simply because the base capital IS low, it what IS the rate of interest they are charging? should not be taken that they are going to be They are charging 8 1/2 per cent for the re- non-viable The main reason for the non- finance for which the regional rural banks are Viability of these banks is that these banks getting from the sponsor bank whereas the are suffering losses Certainly, these banks NABARD IS charging only 7 per cent The are suffering losses and the losses have rate of funding and the actual rate of borrOYl- gone to the extent of not only wiping out of In9 and the rate of return on the banks is so the entire share capital because the share low that it is extremely diffIcult for these banks capital of all these banks is Rs. 49 crores In to operate VIably with thiS small margin. This As 49 crores the Government of India has IS an aspect which has been missed when got 50 per cent of the shares, out of the rest the Bill was being introduced and certain 15 per cent are with the State Governments safeguards have not been provided. and 35 per cent with the sponsor banks I am very happy now that on the recom- The entire share capital of these 196 mendations of the Kelkar Committee. the banks is today wiped out The losses are Government has come to the conclusion that more than the share capital So, if you look the share capital has to be increased. But I at it, this is an alarming situation It IS an do not see any signs of the paid up capital alarming situation because. these banks being increased in spite of the fact that the today are not in a position to mobilise more Minister has made a statement on the floor resources than they actually wanted to lend of the House the other day that the issued to the people. We have been told that the capital will be increased from As. 25 lakhs to 275 Regional Rural Banks NOVEMBER 25,_1987 (Amdt.) Bill 276

[Shri C. Madhav Aeddij going to be ultimately? Out of As. 1 crore if you have 196 banks today, it is a simple arith- As. 1 erore. But I do not see that in the Bill. metic and you can easily calculate and know In the Bill what you are doing is only enhanc- how much your share is going to be. Then ing the authorised capital from As. 1 erore to why do you sat in the financial memorandum As. 5 crores. Now, where is the increase in that it cannot be assessed? I just cannot un- the paid up capital? Afterall what all the capi- derstand. It could be clearly assessed. You tC\f is? It is nothing. The real thing is how have to calculate and say that on the basis much is paid up capital; how much money of the existing number of banks, I am not talk- you are giving. The issued and paid up capi- ing of the banks which are going to come in tal, you said is going to be Rs. 1 crore for future, may be you may have to start some each bank but it is not mentioned in the Bill. more branches, what your capital is.going to I was going through the financial memoran- be. dum and it speaks of nothing. It says that, ·It cannot be estimated-. Today, you say that Coming to the question of viability, as I the financial commitment of Government of said earlier, viability is mainly dependent on India cannot be estimated at this stage. So, the policies, particularly the financial you are silent about it and Bill speaks that the management of the banks. Now, what is the issued capital is going to be between Rs. 25 present management, the financial manage- lakh and As. 1 crore. For all we know it could ment of the banks? The Financial manage- be only Rs. 25 or As. 35lakh. In spite of your ment is so poor that the Managers do not commitment, I take it as a commitment, as have any trainee. They do not know how to an assurance on the floor of the House, that invest their funds. The sponsored banks are your are going to increase the paid up capi- not interested in these banks. They are treat- tal to As 1 crore and there is no going back ing them like their step children. They do not on this the present proportion of the three want these banks to exist because they think shareholders, i.e. the State Government, the that we have thrust these banks on them. Central Government and the Sponsored They do not have any commitment at all ex- Banks is going to remain. I do not know cept sending their officers on deputation to whether you have consulted the State banks these banks they have done nothing to in this matter because it is going to be a com- develop these banks and nurture these in- mitment on them also. If you are going to in- stitutions which was very very essential. That crease the paid up capital to As. 1 crore, the was the whole idea. The idea was that these commitment of the State Government is commercial banks must nurture these institu- going to be about As. 22 crores and your tions, develop them so that they can dis- aNn commitment will come to about Rs. 49 charge the functions of meeting the rural or 79 crores. My point is that when you are credit; meeting the credit requirements of the not in a position to assess as to what would poorest of the poor and the target groups be the financial commitment of the Govern- ment of India with regard to the paid up capi- I understand that there were certain tal of these banks, then how can you say that Banks which had not taken very keen inter- we are going to increase the paid up capital est in financing the target groups. I am not of these banks? There is no such indication going into that question at all, but the facts in this. Nevertheless, I think that because of show that these Banks had a large number your commitment, while speaking you said of borrowal accounts and a large number of that it is going to be enhanced to As. 1 crore, deposit accounts. Their deposit accounts I take it that there is no going back. By con- are as high as about one crore and fifty lakhs. vincing the State Government, by convincing Their deposits are small deposits and they the sponsored banks and by committing could mobilise these deposits from small yourself you are going to increase the paid people. Similarly, their borrowal accounts up capital to As. 1 crore and the total capital are also very large, about Rupees seventy that you are going to increase. what is it lakhs or so. If seventy lakhs are their bcr- 277 Regional Rural Banks AGRAHAYANA 4, 1909 (SAKA) CArndt.) Bill 278 rowal account, then the average loan ac- jointly take a decision that all these losses count comes to about eighteen hundred have to be wiped out by giving a subsidy and rupees or so, which means I presume based by giving some sort of a grant, I am atraiq on these facts that they have been financing many of these banks are going to continue to the weaker sections of the people. If there as non viable units This has been recom- had been any discrepancy. certainly they mended by the Committee The Committee may be because of the individual deficiency has clearly said even as early as 1975 when of the local Managers But by and large actually the Bill was not introduced in this these Regional Rural Banks had done a House The Narasimhan Committee said' tremendous job and created a good impact on the rural area and there should be no talk 'The viability has also a time dimen- of winding up these banks or dispensing sion The discussion on viability them because they are incurring loss tends generally to be in financial terms for a financial institution It is in- Regarding viability. I was mentioning deed appropriate that this should be about the refinance. Why should not they be so However, where the objective of given refinance facility by the sponsored the type of the financial Institution is banks on the basis of the NABARD rate? The socia economic, an initial period of NABARD is giving at the rate of seven per financial loss may well be the price cent interest If NABARD is able to give the worth paying for the achievements of refinance facility at the rate of seven per cent the larger social objectIVes of widen- Interest, then why not the commercial banks ing the area of credit coverage' give at the same rate and why should they charge more? Similarly, when the funds of This was said in 1975 itself before actual- these banks are deposited with the spon- ly the RRBs had been launched It has been sored banks, what is it they are getting? foreseen that there is going to be a loss Today they are getting hardly about eight per period, may be for fIVe years or so cent Why should they not give ten per cent? When their surplus funds are deposited with I do not know of any commercial bank, the sponsored banks, they are getting only which has opened a branch in the rural area, eight per cent These are the matters which having made any profit These profits which had been gone into by the Kelkar Commit- are coming from the urban areas are going tee and these should be incorporated to meet the losses which these banks are suffering In the rural areas This is so be- I know that there are certain matters which cause you wanted these banks not to give need not be brought into the Bill But while loans to anybody except the target groups administering the Act, you have to take these When you want these banks not to operate things into consideration and see that in the urban areas or semi-urban areas, suitable instructions are given to the com- when you want these banks to go and set up mercial banks sponsored banks and branches in the hilly areas, In the backward NABARD, so that there may be no difficulty areas, in the Intenor areas, In the tribal areas, in bridging the gap between the cost of the when you want them to give loans only to the funds and also the rate of return on the lend- target groups, how do you expect these Ings by these ARBs banks to make profits and that too within five years? You cannot judge the viability of these I would like to mention another factor RRBs in such a short period I feel that the which is disturbing is with regard to the loss loss was inevitable, it is in-built It is because The total losses today are of the order of of certain wrong poliCies pursued by the about Rupees ninety crores Now what are NABARD, by the sponsored banks that they you going to do with it? Unless the have suffered these heavy losses These shareholders- the Government of India, the losses will have to be covered by gIVing them State Government and the Sponsored Bank grants from the share-holders, that is, the 279 Regional Rural Banks NOVEMBER 25, 1987 (Amdt.) Bill 280

[Shri C. Madhav Reddi] RRBs are more in number. But there are car- tain States where the cooperative movement State Governments, the Central Government has not made any dent in rural areas be- and the sponsored banks. The sponsored cause they are in defaulting position. Be- banks may grudge but they have to be told cause they have becorne overdue. they are that what they are giving is only a portion of not able to get anything from NABARD and the loss which they would have themselves hence they are not able to give anything to suffered had they opened the branches in the farmer. The branches have to be spread the rural areas. We have prevented them in certain areas so that the regional im- from opening the branches in the rural balance which has crept in is removed. - areas ... (Interruptions) Similarly. as Tar as the Credit-Deposit ratio MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Please con- is concerned, the recent instructions from the cludenow. NABAAD show that they have advised these banks to see that their CD ratio is brought SHRt C. MADHAV REDDI: Sir, I will take down to one hundred. Is it possible to bring another ten minutes. I am not saying some- down the CD ratio to one hundred? In other thing which is irrelevant. It is a releyant sub- words. what they are telling is that they ject and I am speaking on a very very should lend only to the extent they are receiv- important Bill. In this Bill, some important ing the deposits. Whatever deposits they decisions have to be taken. The amend- receive. to that extent only they should lend ments which have been moved are not suf- to the people. ficient. We want that more amendments are moved and a comprehensive Bill is brought To-day the average C.D. ratio is said to before this House, in which all these defects be about 130 and the A.R.B.s are having are removed and these ARBs become ;::t about 200 or even more. This cannot be great vehicle for the development of the brought down. There is need to bring it economy in the rural areas. down because if this is brought down then the programme win suffer. The programme In this connection, I would further like to of finance reconstruction in the villages is mention that the RRBs have spread their definitely going to suffer if C.D. ratio. as ad- branches in the rural areas, but there are cer- vised by NABARD is brought down. Instruc- tain areas which have been left out. I am not tions have been given. These instructions in favour of opening new branches in certain have to be withdrawn. Please see that areas where already lot of branches are ex- NABARD does not insist on C. D. ratio of Rs. isting. But there are certain districts where 100. there are no banks at all. All the districts have not been covered. There are eighty districts Coming to the question of the role of the which have been left out. These have to be sponsored banks, I am happy that the spon- cC?vered. Similarly, in the spread of these sored banks to-day have been given a big- banks. there is some sort of a regional im- ger role in this Bill. The Chairman is going to balance. If you see the banks which .are be appointed by them and not by the operating in the East. particularly in the Government. It is good that the Chairman North-East, we find that their percentage is may appoint their own Chal~man as they feel very negligitAe. In the South also they do not more responsible. At the same time certain have the same percentage as in the North or more powers have been given - that they can in the Central India. In the West also: where inspect. that they can give training to the the cooperative movement ;s very well employees and they can take up the internal developed. where the entire funds of the audit and so on and so forth. These are NABARD and other institutions aregoing be- good steps and the steps in the right direc- cause of a very developed cooperative tion. I support these steps. At the same time

.movement in Maharashtra and Gujarat, the you have to insist that if any ARB suffers loss' # 281 Regional Rural Banks AGRAHAYANA 4.1909 (SAKA) (Amc:Jt.) Bill 282 under a particular bank i.e. the sponsored in the Villages - such as Panchayat institu- bank, that bank must be held responsible. tions. These institutions can be financed be- When you assess the performance of that cause their rate of return is more and it will be particular commercial bank, you have to see remunerative for the Regional Rural Banks to the performance in relation - regional bank take up the finance of these institutions and under that particular bank. The performance this has not been mentioned in the Bill Ex of that Bank should not be judged merely on ecutive instructions could be given to seE the basis of their own performance The per- that this business is transferred to them so formance of the Regional Rural Bank under that they become more viable. that particular bank also must be taken into account while judging the performance of Sir, coming to the question of staff, about that particular bank. Unless you do that the the staff you said that about 46.000 people bank is not going to take that much of Inter- are working today in officers' grade. Clerks' est as they should take and I am afraid, in grade and the subordinate staff. There are spite of the amendments brought, the about 46.000 or 47.000 people working in amendments are not going too far to make this organisation. They require training. We them more responsible and to make them could give training to about 28,000 or 29,000 accountable for the functioning of the staff and the rest of them remained un- Regional Rural Bank under their control trained When such a stupendous task is given to them, of financing the rural With regard to short term credit, the entire economy, particularly the weaker sections, short term credit to-day is being controlled those officers who work there require motiva- by the co-operative institutions in the villages tion They should be properly motivated The short term credit in the villages IS essen- today so that they give loans to people who tially the credit to the farmers There is no are In need of money because when I have other short term credit There are Industries found out that they are gMng consumption where working capital is given. When we say loans in the drought affected areas to the short term credit in a village, it is essentially a small people, I was really surprised Their short term credit, a crop loan - something to main objection was that the loan can be the farmers Now that is a thing which has given on the basis of group guarantee been entirely taken OtIer by the co-operatives Some consumption loans can be given. say because they are getting the funds from Rs 500 or As 700 or Rs 1()()() can be given NABARD at the lower rate of interest They on group guarantee basis to the people so are able to extend the short term credit to the that they may eke out their living. they may farmers and this bUSiness is not available to live for some time and that is not being done. the Regional Rural Banks We have to see Actually. the same mentality of the banks is that the business activity of the Regional still there. who insist on security. So. Sir, Rural Banks is increased so that their Viability these people require training. they should be is increased properly motivated They do not have any facilities for training. If the facilities are not How are you going to do it? You can do there, the NABARD should be given the so I am not suggesting that they should per- responsibility for giving the training mit these banks to open lending to anybody including the richer farmers and so on and Coming to the question of their emolu- so forth I am against that The image of this ments, their salaries, etc I am going to sug- bank as a poor man's bank must remain gest that they should be on par with the That should not be tarnished But at the salaries of the Commercial Bank employees same time you can instruct these banks to No If that is done, then naturally it is not going to be a low cost banking According see that they finance institutions such as the to today's information, their salaries are on House Building Institutions for weaker sec- par with the State Government employees tions, such as Scheduled Caste Finance Their salaries are on par with the local bodies' Corporation which has got various activitIes employees in that particular district But wh- 283 Regional Rural Banks NOVEMBER 25.1987 (Arndt.) Bill 284

(Shri C. Madhav Reddij progress it has made there and in what way. the people have been benefited. But about iIe I agree to this, I can't concede that there Jammu and Kashmir, I can sat with all the should be disparity from one bank to an- emphasis at my command that there has not other; there should be disparity from one been any impact of this Bank there. There State to another State. There could be some are several reasons for this. I appreciate the U'lanimity within the ambit of the law so that purpose for which this Bank was set up. Its there should not be a situation that in one dis- object was laudable and it had been set up trict, the salaries are more and in another the with good intentions. But, the Mini- salaries are less. That should not be the as hon. position because that will cause a lot of heart ster has said - I do not remember the correct burning to employees. figures - this Bank is functioning in one hun- dred and odd districts out of about 300 dis- Sir, I am very happy that the NABAAD has tricts in the country. Still this Bank's taken a decision to set up forums in each coverage falls short of expectations. It is State and these forums are going to work in generally complained that its financial posti- each Bank and they are going to sort out tion is not sound. The aim of this Bank is to t~.e lSSUeS. It is very good. But this is not provide assistance to the poor and the poor mentioned in the Bill. who seek loan from the Bank are not edu- cated and do not know about banking. They Finally. coming to the question of promo- do not know about the procedure of Banks. tional chances. the promotional chances are Secondly. Bank does not have capital also, not there fore them. It is a genuine demand because due to poverty among the people, that they should be considered for officers' cadre for a group of banks, like some man- less deposits are received in the Bank. Gen- agers, area-managers or group managers erally it has been reported that this Bank is whatever you call them, but the posts should not viable. Therefore, many times it happens be created so that they may go and super- that despite willingness on the part of Bank vise the operations of the Regional Aural to help the poor, they do not get loan as the Banks. These managers have to come from Bank does not have capital. Due to unsound the lower cadre to the officer cadre so that financial position. the Bank is not in a posi- they may have some promotional changes tion to advance even small loans of Rs. 5000 and that way we can satisfy their aspirations or Rs. 6000 which the Bank generally advan- and we can see that these banks work effi- ces. As the poor are not able to get loan, ciently and discharge their duties properly. they feel frustrated and abandon the idea of getting loan from the Bank. [Translation] 13.00 hrs. SHAI P. NAMGYAL (Ladakh): Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. Regional Rural Bank was es- tablished in 1976 and to make further ame- Secondly, it is also alleged that there is ndment in it, this Bill has been brought large scale corruption in these banks. forward. While supporting this Bill. Lwant to Sometimes even one third of the loan thrON light on certain points. amount is eaten away by corruptiOn in Bank or on conveyance. In the beginning, its aim was to give fillip to the rural economy such as agricultural Ultimately, the loan amount cannot be sector, rural trade, commerce, industry etc. fully utilised and the purpose for which loan so that economic conditions of small far- is granted remains unfulfilled. mers' poor farm labourers living in rural areas could be ameliorated and their poverty could 13.0111rs. be removed. For this purpose this Bank had been established. The Lok Sabha adjourned for Lunch till Fourteen of the Clock. I do not know as to how its activities are being carried on at other places, how much 285 Regional Rural Banks AGAAHAYANA 4. 1909 (SAKA) (Amdt.) Bill 286

The Lok Sabha reassembled after Lunch at tion, guarantees etc.. they are harassed a five minutes past FouTteen of the Clock great deal Mostly the financing is done bt the Jammu & Kashmit bank, but there is so [MR. DEPUlY-SPEAKER in the Chair1 much corruption in that bank that if you cam- plain against an officer. he is promoted. REGIONAL RURAL BANKS There are several cases in which one-third or (AMENDMENT) BILL - Contd. even half of the loan amount was lost in cor- ruption. The rural banks have been set up [English] for the poor people. but these people are not getting benefits from lhese banks. G0vern- MR. DEPUlY SPEAKER' Mr. Namgyal to ment should open its branches in the distant. continue his speech. Be brief. hill. deserted and tribal areas so that the people of these areas are able to reap the benefits. Provision should be made for c0m- [Tmnsiation ] mercial banking also so that these banks may be viable. Two amendments have been SHRI P.NAMGYAL (Ladakh)' Mr Deputy made in this Bill Firstly. the authorised capi- Speaker. Sir. I was referring to the corruption tal has been enhanced from Rs 1 crore to prevalent in the banks. The loan amount ad- As 5 crores. Secondly. issued capital vanced to the people is very less and a major should not be less than Rs 25 Iakhs and portion of it is misappropriated more than As. 1 crore Both these amend- ments are welcome Alongwith it, while sup- porting this Bill. I want to suggest that Similarly. the poorer sections of our permission should be granted to allaN c0m- society living in the rural areas are not willing mercial transactions in the banks. They to go to the banks They should be edu- should be converted into commercial or- cated in this regard. It is essential to en- ganisations so that they become viable. courage them. Instead of getting With these words. I support this Bill. encouragement. they are harassed and. therefore. they avoid going to the banks This reduces the business of these branches [English] and their viability is lost. Unless commercial transactions are alloYled in these rural banks. SHRI K S.RAO(Machilipatnam): Mr. they cannot be viable Therefore. in order to Deputy-~peaker. Sir. I only rise to support the maintain their viability. rural banks should un- Bill for ap-tending the Rural Bank Act 1976. dertake commercial transactions as well The principle and the intention underlying in This will improve their financial position also. bringing this Act in 1976 is really good and with a ~ to serve the needs of the people in rural ~reas When we see the functioning Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. I am not aware of the rural banks. we feel. rather the cir- of the number of branches of rural banks in cumstances tell us that the rural banks must the State of Jammu and Kashmir. but I know also be made an instrument for implementa- that generally people have to face difficulties tion of this 20 Point Programme. In fact. now in getting loans. In the hill areas and par- when we see the Cooperative banks ticuary in Ladakh. people are afraid of going functioning in different parts of the COtriry. to banks because in the first instance. we find entirely the politics playing in the people have to travel for several days to cooperative banks. whereas in nationalised reach the banks and secondly. they are re- banks or the rural banks. it is- not so. And quired to fuHili a good number of formalities when we see the present condition of the for getting loans. Besides, corruption in the credit cooperative institutions in the various banks is another factor inhibiting people in parts, most of them are shallow because this regard. In the matter of property verifica- there are no funds, most of them are 287 Regional RutaI Banks NOVEMBER 25. 1987 (Arndt.) Bill 288

(Shri K.S. Rao] economy will not be growing. I wish the Min- ister to take into account this aspect and see siphoned by some vested interests and all that the rural banks function in mUGh bi~ger that. Today, the real poor people who are way with more capital support and more law abiding who have repaid loans either in lending support from the NABARD. time or delayed, they are not being given loans on the plea that the bad debts are too many. Many of the defaulters are either wil- Today when we see the rural banks. most ful or are because of the natural calamities of them are suffering for want of money. and loss incurred by the various people. There are no funda:at all. For name's sake. it is rural bank. But there are no funds. I wish the Minister to take this aspect into account. In regard to implemer... ation of 20 Point When recruiting people for rural banks they Programme. particularly in my Stale Andhra rnust check up whether the particular Pradesh. it is entirely limited to a particular employee has got a commitment to the pcx>r. party. Lot of partiality and bias is being has got a commitment to the rural areas.He shown in giving these bans and the subsidy must also have the rural background and get which entirely goes only to a particular sec- himself identified wit'n the rural masses. If tion of the people who are either surveillant that is not so. when a person who is or in their fold. employed comes to the rural areas today. the very next day he would be asking for a SHAI BASUDEB ACHAAIA (8ankura): transfer to Hyderabad or to the nearest city. How do you identify beneficiaries there? He never keeps his mind and would not be interested in going to the village and put his heart and soul in identifying the right bar- SHAI K.S RAO: I can tell you that in regard rowers. Unless the people who are to identifying the borrOYlel's. the method that employed in rural banks have the motive to is adopted as per the guidelines is that they help the rural foe. to help the rural people. must conduct a credit camp openly coming nothing can be done. to the villages and giving extensive publicity that on such and such date. the committee is coming to identify borrowers. But they I also wish that the rural banks of the donlt do so. They only sit. They donlt inform GO'/ernment of India must take initiative to even. They sit in a particular office of a par- start rural training centres particularly to im- ticuar party and talk to local partyman and prove the skill of the people I depending take a list from him and give the entire credit upon their needs. Unless the poor bor- to them only. Ultimately. the bank manager rowers acquire the proper skiD in their own who is a partY to it cannot help because the professions. this amount will not help them. list is filled up only with one set of people. Keeping this in vieYI. I am of the opinion. that this implementation of lhe 20 Point This must be restricted only to agricultural Programme can a!so be done through and rural sector •only to give small loans regional rural banks which ~e particularly which are simultaneously being given by the wedded to this section. In a village. what all nationalised commercial banks. Let there be is required is that the right borrower should a demarcation between the commercial be identified. Then only the entire principle banks and the rural banks and let the com- of banking system can function well. In iden- mercial banks restrict only to major bor- tifying the right borrower, no amount of rowers- whether they are industrialists. money will go waste. If thousands and traders or major businessmen - and let the thousands of crcres are given to a wrong rural banks be confined only to small sector. manl not only the bank is spoiled and is be- This requires strengthening of the staff also coming bankrupt but even the society or the in the rural banks. There is a shortage of staff 289 Regional Rural Banks AGRAHAYANA 4,1909 (SAKA) (Amdt) B,I/ 290 in rural banks When the major commercial gap between the principles and the im- banks are handling thousands of crores of plementation of the programmes rupees, they never pay attention to the poor people. Their interest is only in dealing with a few number of people with major transac- Of course, I know that particularly Mr. tions running in lakhs or crores When a poor Poojafy is working hard to see that these man comes to them, they are not interested programmes are implemented particularly in him The reason is that they are not only with the poorer sections of the society - by not committed, but they think that transact- which, perhaps, he must have been con- ing with a rich man or a major borrower is sidered by many of the senior management more easy and more secure But it is not so people of different banks as an enemy to Statistics also reveal that the loss is more them, But I would support him and suggest from the major borrowers, traders, in- to him not to be perturbed by this He must dustrialists than it is so from the poor men go vigorously in this direction and see that Many of them are making extensive publicity the poor people are helped that the loans that are given to the poor people are not being paid back It is ab- Regular surveys also must be conducted solutely incorrect Even some of the surveys so that we will know how the banks are reveal that the repayments from the poorer functioning and how the programmes are sections of the borrowing community is being implemented In regard to giving cash much more compared to the richer sections subsidies, I would S8¥ that the money that is or from the industrialists So, let not the Min- being pumped through the 20 Point istry or the people be carried away that the Programme is not being utilised properly. I amount lent in rural areas to the poorer sec- don't understand what is the diffiCUlty in tions is going to be written off It IS absolute- passing on the subsidy to the people ly not so through the rural banks. so that the money that is given as loan can motIVate the people to work hard,to generate wealth, share the Economic viability is another aspect of wealth and repay their loan also By repay- the rural branches As it is, the present statis- ing. they will be increaSing their chances of tics reveal that each branch is handling on an taking more and more bigger loans I wish average about As 6/-lakhs or As 7/-lakhs the rural people must be enlightened about Certainly it IS not enough When the number the good that will be done by prompt repay- of people are more, when we want to con- ment rather than by writing off centrate on preventing urban migration, when we want to strenghthen the rural economy, we must give more money. more Some of the State Governments are committed and trained people not only from resorting to writing off hundreds of crores of the bank side but also from the borrowers' rupees. By this, even the genuine people, side to the rural banks who are repaying, will be motivated not to repay. This will be destroying the entlfe lend- ing structure and the financial institutions I We have been discussing about it on wish responsible public men should not several occasions with every Ministry also, resort to writing off in a big way unless but not enough is being done to train the rural specific instances are there where a par- people, particularly to improve the skill of the ticular individual has suffered a loss not be- unemployed generation Till such time we cause of his mistake but because of the don't train them to improve their skills. we will natural calamity or some genuine reasons not achieve the desired results It will only lie let it not be a common feature If it is in our papers or discussions in the Parlia- repeated, the entire banking system will col- ment or in the State Legislatures and it will lapse and nothingwill be dpne to improve not be translated into action We find a lot of the economy or the poor people 291 Regional Rural Banks NCVEMBER 25. 1987 (Arndt.) Bill 292

[Shri K.S. Rao] on the increase. What was observed by this Committee while recommending for setting Basically, banks require recycling of up of rural banks? Why could not the com- funds. The success and efficiency depends mercial banks and co-operative banks dis- only on recycling. If hundreds of crores of charge the responsibility or the task which. rupees were to be either sick or become bad was entrusted to them? The main disabilities debt or even not to be circulated fast. once cao be summed up as arising from their in- again, the purpose is not served. So, the ability to mobilise adequate deposit resour- more the recycling of the funds, the mor~ the ces, managerial weaknesses, their success of the system. So, I request the functioning marked sometimes by Hon'ble Minister to strengthen the rural bank- dominance of vested interests which have , ing. spread it, increase its functions and come in the waf of their efficient functioning, achieve the target. J • especially effective supervision of credit and the inadequate coverage of the small and SHRI BASUOEB ACHARIA (Bankura): Mr marginal farmers. Another weakness has Deputy Speaker, Sir, we expected that this been the limited absorptive capacity of amending bill would incorporate all the im- refinance from the higher tiers because of the portant recommendations of the Working inadequate non-overdue cover. As a result Group, known as Kelkar Committee, ap- the scale of finance actually disbursed by the pointed by the Ministry of Finance But I am co-operatives has not been in conformity disappointed to find that some of the impor- with the requirements of technology inten- tant recommendations are not there. Had sive agriculture. Some of the commercial those recommendadons been also in- banks also failed to serve the rural poor. cluded, that would have made the regional What was the objective of these rural banks? rural banks more viable. I doubt whether the The objective is to take the banking services regional rural banks, even after this amend- to the doorsteps of the rural poor, rural mas- ment, would be able to serve the purpose for ses, particularly, in unbanked areas to make which they wp-re set up in 1975. available the institutional credit to the weaker sections of the society who have no access In 1954, the All-India Rural Credit Survey to cheaper loans and forced to depend upon Committee had envisaged a well-defined the private money lenders. to mobilise rural role of commercial banks. Thus, the Imperial savings and channelise them for starting Bank of India was converted into State Bank production activities in the rural areas, to of India in that year. But what was our ex- create supplementary channel for flow of perience? The State Bank of India was credit from the central money market to the entrusted with the task of helping the rural rural areas through refinance, generate poor. The commercial banks, because of employment opportunity in rural areas, to their urban culture, have really shirked in bring down the cost of purveying credit in helping the rural-folk-agricultural workers, rural areas. After so many years of ex- poor peasants, rural artisans, etc. perience, we have to see whether these ob- jectives have been fuHil1ed or not. What is the condition of the rural poor in our country? In 1960s, the cooperative banks started Government claims that with the help of helping the rural poor. But the structure various schemes and a number of poverty which was the main stay in that decade was elevation schemes like NREP, RLEGP and not requisite enough to meet the new chal- IROP, the rural poor are looked after, that a lenges, both organisationally and oPeration- percentage of the population which was ally. Thus Government decided to set up below the poverty line is now above the Narasimhan Committee and this Committee poverty line. But this is not the fact. Even recommended the setting up of rural banks after 40 years of independence, more than to help the rural poor who were in indebted- 50 per cent. of the population is below the ness and the poverty of the rural poor was poverty line. Percentage is more in the rural 293 Regional RUtBI Banks AGRAHAYANA 4, 1909 (SAKA) LAmdt.) Bill 294 areas particularly the agricultural labourers. This Bill seeks to strengthen the structure poor peasants and rural artisans. of the Regional Rural Banks Now. there is a rural banI( for one district. or in some cases one regional rural bank for three or more dis- The rural indebtedness has also in- tricts. And now there are about 183 regional creased. The institutional credit which was 7 rural banks throughout the country. There per cent earlier is now 40 per cent of the total are a number of districts Out of 433 districts, rural credit which is about Rs. 5500 crores. there are rural banks in 356 districts. Now, But still it is 40 per cent of the total rural credit. there is a provision that these 1,2 or 3 rural The rural indebtedness is now about banks can be amalgamated. So, what is the As. 13.500 crores and after forty years of in- experience of these long 10 years? Why dependence still the rural poor. the agricul- there should not be one rural bank for one tural workers. the poor peasants, the rural State? Regarding the task of helping the artisans have to depend on the un- poor. giving them loan. assisting the rural ar- scrupulous money-lenders. This is because tisan' assisting and helping the agricultural of the class character of the Government; all workers and poor peasants, wt-f.j it is done the planning and programmes are to serve only by the rural bank? So, I would say that the purpose of capitalist class and landlords. in rural areas rural bank should operate and Though we abolished zamindari a long time there should be one rural bank for one State. back, the zamindari system is still in exist- ence in a number of States. The land ceiling When this rural bank was set up, laws have not been implemented properly, NABARD was not there. It came into exist- in many of the States all the surplus land has ence in the year 1982 or perhaps 1981. not been acquired and the land which has Now, one commercial bank is to be the been acquired has not been distributed to sponsor bank of the rural bank NABARD is the landless. The main problem is the there and it can be the sponsor bank of these problem of land reforms. Unless there are rural banks land reforms in the true sense of the term, un- less the 40 per cent land which is in the hands MR DEPU1Y -SPEAKER' Please wind of 5 per cent of the people who are not real up peasants is distributed among the landless agricultural labourers. the purchasing power SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA: There are of the rural people. agricultural workers can- more than 44,000 employees and it has not be increased. That problem is not being been stated in the Report that about 29,000 solved by the Government. employees were trained. In 10 years out of 44,000 employees only 29,OClO emptoyees were trained This aspect is very important Then, the IRDP programme. The Public because these rural banks are entrusted with Accounts Committee has gone in depth into special task They are entrusted with the the working of the IRDP programme and they task of helping the rural poor. assisting the found that the beneficiaries were not being agricultural workers So, the training, their properly selected. The State Bank of India motivation as the commercial banks and also appointed a Committee. They con- cooperative banks also failed. When these ducted a survey and it was found that most special tasks have been entrusted with the of the beneficiaries were not genuine, the rural banks, the training aspect is very IflJPOf'- loans and subsidies given by the Regional tant The motivation aspect is very impor- Rural Banks were not found in tact. and in tant many cases it was found that the assets were not existing at all and had been sold. The Regarding the pay structure, it has been loan is being given. subsidy is being given, stated that the pay scales of the rural bank but there is no proper infrastructure. IRDP employees will be the same as that of the programme has failed in most of the cases State Government employees. Why there 295 RegIonal Rural Banks NOVEMBER 25. 1987 (Arndt.) Bill 296

[Shri Basudeb Acharia] portunity to speak. I support the Regional Rural Banks{Amendment) Bill brought for- should not be a uniform pay scale through- _ ward by the han. Minister for discussion in out India? Why there should not be equal the House. pay for equal work? If the employees of the rural banks are discharging the same func- Along with the amendments. I waht to tion as that of the commercial bank make some suggestions. I want to do so be- employees, then why should not the pay and cause I belong to the rural areas. I am aware allowances of the rural banks employee be of the day-to-day problems which the at at par with the commercial bank farmers are facing. This bank has been employees? The case regarding the pay named as Rural Bank which means that the and allowances is now with the tribunals. It people IMng in the rural areas will get finan- violates Article 14 of our Constitution, which cial assistance from these banks. Earlier contains the provision on right to equality. there were moneylenders who lent money to Therefore, there should at least be uniform the farmers but now that system has been pay scales throughout Indta. Now. there will done away with. Now the banks advance be some change in the Board of Directors. loans 10 the farmers but the situation still is There will be two non-official nominees from very miserable. The leaders of the opposi- the Central Government. The State Govern- • tion have great sympathy for the employees ment can nominate only two officers. When of the banks but these employees and of- there is a provision for the Central Govern- ficers pay little attention to the farmers when ment to nominate two non-official members, the latter approach the former for loans. why should there not be the same provision These bank officers think that the farmers are for the State Government also? poverty-stricken and have come to them with a begging bowl. They never feel sym- We are talking about participation of pathetic for them but treat them as beggars. workers in the management. There should be some provision for the representation of Secondly, this bank was ~t up for ad- the employees in the Board of Directors. vancing loans to the farmers when they need

Secondly I there is no negotiating channel in it so that they may improve their agricultural the rural banks. The employees have their production. Funds are required during the own association. Though this Association sowing period but banks would give them represents the majority of the employees. it loans when that period is over. The for- is not recognised by the rural bank manage- maities are not completed and that causes ment. There should be some negotiating delay. I request the hon. Minister to conduct channel so that the grievances of the a survey to find out the percentage of the employees, their demands, etc. can be dis- farmers who are able to get loans from these cussed in that forum. But this provision is rural banks Actually speaking, the farmer is also not there. Without incorporating some unable to get loans from these banks. He of the important recommendations made by runs from pillar to post for 15 or 20 days and the Kelkar Committee, I doubt if the Rural draws a blank. Only those people are able Banks can carry out the task entrusted to to get loans who have some connection with them. They would not be able to play arftJ the bank employees but it is very difficult for important role in future, unless these aspects others to get it. Sir, we have seen that such are looked into. people are also able to get loans whose names are not found in the patwari's register. [Trans/ation 1. They do not have any land in their name. They get false certificates form the village ac- SHAI RAM NAGINA MISHRA(Salempur): countant and on the basis of that get loans Mr. Deputy Speaker. Sir. first of all I want to in collusion with the employees of the banks. thank the han. Minister of State in the Ministry I am prepared to give the names also. There of Parliamentary Affairs for giving me an op- is one man in my village. He does not have 297 Regional Rural Banks AGAAHAYANA 4, 1909 (SAKA) (Arndt.) Bill 298 artf holding anywhere in the village but you today. More rural banks are being opened. will be surprised to know that he has got As You find out correctly as to how many 30,000 as loan from various banks and he farmers have got loans through these banks. has left the village Therefore, I want to sub- How many small farmers with two or four mit that the intention with which you had es- acres of land have got loans? They have not tablished this bank for granting klans to got the loans The big farmers have got needy people is not being fulfilled One loans to buy tractors You may ask those problem is this that INo-Dues' certificate has farmers and they will tell you how much to be obtained from everywhere in order to trouble they had to undergo and how many get a fresh loan. He has to get a 'no dues' recommendations had to be brought and certificate from the Tehsildar after having how much commission had to be paid. I paid all his outstanding dues In case he has would like to know whether these banks were not paid the ground rent and As 100 or As set up for the welfare of the farmers or for 200 are outstanding, he has to pay it back some other purposes Who are the real with interest A 'no-dues' certificate IS ISSUed benefiCiaries? The people working in the to him only after he has got his dues cleared banks were reaping the maximum benefits. These are some of the problems due to If you get a survey conducted of the which the people at large are not able to get managers who have been in the same bank loans If he has to buy a pair of oxen he has for 5 to 7 years, you Will find a noticeable to run ten times to the bank for it These days change in their standard of lIVing In spite of bribes taken for such purposes are not called being in the ruling party, I am criticising the bribes -but are called commission Until the Government for thiS malady of bribe-taking, person is able to give the commiSSion, he so that the Government becomes more effi- does not get the loans There are certain cient In checking it norms evolved in thiS respect The amount of commission varies according to the amount of loan It IS not bribe In their View . I was submitting that you should conduct You will rarely find a bank where the a survey to know the standard of living of employees are not In collusion with some those bank managers who have been oc- agents This is the kind of harassment which cupying thiS poSition for tne last 5, 10 or 15 the people have to face, for getting a loan years It IS alright that raids are being con- and about it, the less said, the better So far, ducted today But you should get the we have been talking about rural banks The houses raided of the high ranking officers in situation in other banks is also the same I the lAS and other services Government can say without any hesitation that the un- should find out what their standard of living employed or the educated unemployed are was prior to their JOlntng the service and hO\Y not able to get loans without paying commis- much has It Improved now You will find sion to the employees of the bank I am talk- Items worth Rs 50, Rs, 20 or As 10 lakhs in Ing about my area When I was on tour there, their bungalows Sir. what IS this? An ordinary I saw that a man was not able to get the loan man IS apprehended and actIOn is taken even after completing all formalities I had against him but these senior officers are also given my recommendations and when spared the applicant approached the bank with my recommendations the bank manager told him to go to the M P instead of going to him I want to Inform the han Minister that I I told the S.P about it. He said that he could belong to the rural areas I want to suggest not do anything about it, and added that If it that a survey should be conducted to find out was a case of vigilance and he was caught as to how much fertiliser is required during red-handed while taking bribes then some- the Kharif season and how much is required thing could be done. It is a malady of a great dunng the Rabi season ThiS survey should magnitude and nothing is being done about be conducted by the banks Bank it. The farmers are greatly harassed even employees should make an assessment of 299 NOVEMBER 25. 1987 (Arndt.) Bili 300

[Shi Ram Nagina Mishra] work. After the passage of this Btl'. these banks will be able to provide financial help to their l'8CJ*ernenls for fertizers and seeds the farmers, labourers and petty traders and a1d kals should be advanced to them ac- it will ensure expansion of these banks and corclngly. If such ., action is not taken then as a result there will be more development in the scheme of giving loans wi not serve any rural aress. purpose. I think that perhaps. this will pl7Iide same bel efits. The bel Iefits of this scheme wiI then reach the people at large Sir, I want to make two or three sugges- and the farmer wi no longer have to keep tions. These banks were established with a his land mortgaged to get Ioan1:' und he Will view to free the poor people and farmers be able to i aease the agricultural produc- from the exploitation of money lenders. tion. Whatever the poor villagers used to earn throughout the year, went to the money lenders. The intention of the Government Sir. I belong to the Gorakhpur. Deoria dis- was that no poor person should be exploited tricts of Uttar Pradesh. The districts from and that he should get all those fllCilities which I hail have 20 to 25 Sugar mills. The which are normally available in the urban farmers there are engaged in sugarcane areas. But we have been able to achieve this pIarUtions and supply the produce to the objective only partially. In this august House sugar mils. H some branches of the rural also we always talk of extending this facility bank are set up in the vicinity of the sugar to eighty percent of the people living in rural mIs and if the farmers get the cost of sugar- areas. cane through these branches then they will be relieved and the mills will also be beI.afited. H banks advance loans for meet- 14.56 hrs. ing the cost of sugarcane supply to the mills then it wi also be bell8ficiaI for both. This [SHRI ZAINUL BASHER in the Chair] wiI increase the runber of branches of the rwal banks and benefit the farmers as well But only a very small portion of the benefit as the mils. I want to reqt leSt the hon. Mini- which we talk of, reaches those people. One ster that the requirements of the farmers for reason for this is that the poor person does buying fertilizers. tractors. pumping sets etc. not get full loan. There are many difficulties should be met bf issuing loans to t~ in this. The procedure of advancing loan is hough the nxal banks and for this purpose so complex that it is beyond the comprehen- the number of branches should be in- sion of common man and majority of the aeased. people are ignorant of various schemes in- troduced by Government. So in the local I want to reqlleSl that in addition to the fairs, markets and through press and radio, cirectors whom you are going to appoint at information about those schemes, about the Central and State levels, you should ap- functions and objects of these banks and point two farmers also so that they can also various laws meant for poor people should assist in the investigation and the people be disseminated. Through this only can we living in the RM'aI areas can be relieved. ensure benefit to them in real sense.

Wdl these words. I support this Bill. Secondly, these people know only that they can get loan from the banks. but they SHRI DHARAM PAL SINGH MALIK are not able to get its benefit because the (SOIepat): Mr. Dep.4y SpeW-. Sir. I sup- procedure and the form, etc. are so compli- port the RegioIISI Rural Bank (Amendment) cated that the bank employees and the mid- a.. 1987. Everyone feels that this amend- dlemen sitting outside banks exploit them. If ~ ~ wiI strenglhen the Mal bank net- one is to get a loan of rupees ten thousand, 301 Regional Rural Banks AGRAHAYANA 4, 1909 (SAKA) Arndt) Bill he has to fi,. spend two to two and a half tent of rupees ten thousand. We tal to c0m- thousand of rupees in completing the initial prehend such t.aerances. The resul is thal process and then has to repay rupees fifteen today the whole economy of Haryana isshat- thoUsand for a loan of ten thousand. Thus, teredo It wiH not be a surprise if our for a loan of fifteen thousand, he gets only nationalised banks may also tal. The Chief seven thousand five hundred, which he is not Minister openly says that 'nobody would able to repay in time. His condition remains come to you to take the loan back from you. the same. Earlier, he was in the clutches of If I do not remit... even then the po&ce is mine, money-lenclers and naN he is in the clutches you need not repay the loan. H some of banks. So, the intention of the Govern- employee comes to the viIage to reccNer i, ment is not fulfilled. you beat him with shoes.· Should we mutely • go on watching it? This is what we have to see. Ther~ is a proper legislation as to in For this. my suggestion is that the poor which cases we can remit loan and in which person should be given the same facility of case we can extend such help. But some maximum credit limit which is given to the people are taking undue advantage of their traders. Supposing you fix a credit limit of poverty. My suggestion is that, in this mat- rupees five Iakh for a factory owner. He can ter. the Central Government should enact a draw that money by giving a cheque at one law which should create a feeling in every time. Similarly. for the common man who is State that we should work for the dENeIop- either a farmer or a labourer, a credit limit of ment of the people and not to.vards their rupees ten to fifteen thousand can be fixed. destruction. You can look at the deposit He can be given a pass bock and he can figures of Haryana. People have lost their carry on his work by issuing a cheque as and faith in banks. The feeling is that if loans are when necessary. Does a big trader alone remitted. they will be remitted at the cost of works honestly, does not a rural labourer. or depositors. The bans wi be given against farmer work honestly? I would rather like to their deposits. You can get this verified. S8f that he is more honest. The poor is ex- There is a fall in bank deposits in Haryana. ploited and there is none to hear his People have started withdrawing their grievance. The laws which are passed here. money from banks. I agree that this was a do not prove beneficial for them. This is my political and election slogan. With this elec- strong suggestion that a survey be con- toral slogan the economic condition of the ducted of all the families of these people and common man of the state is getting worse a C{edit limit be fixed for them and copies instead of getting better. The bad effects of thereof be distributed among them. I do not this would be felt by us after ten years. After SBf of my State Haryana only, you can see that, it Will be known that those poor people in any State today the loan-politics is going will have to pay interest, penaly fees and on. We sat that we will give yau maximum fines on their debts. I SBf that they wi be loan and the opposition party members tell '"' entrapped as before when a farmer's thumb- them, 'you take loan from them and we will impression used to be studied in the money write off your loan.' It means that a poor lenders' cash books and he could not sleep person's right to vota.i-being purchased. in peace. This happens in fNefY State. So This is exploitation of that poor person. For the hen. Minister must make a statenwt in this. rules and regulations are there. this regard. The benefits that we are giving to farmers for their development and upIft- ment are proving tp be _ to 15.OOhrs them. One thing more which I would Ike to S8lf is that bank loans are given for buying In our State our present Chief Minister pumping sets, tractors and other agricuIUaI gave the slogan during elections. -You take implements and to start a busilleSS. UsuaIy. . loans and I wi write them off.· But later. he there are listed &gel des for sale of pumping said that he would remit loans only to the ex- sets. Banks issue cIleq.es in favour of those 303 Regional Rural Banks NOVEMBER 25. 1987 (Arndt.) Bill 304

[Shri Dharam Pal Singh Malik] that is there may be an opportunity for the conflict between the Cooperative Banks, agencies only and ask the loanee to pur- which is now serving the rural masses in cer- chase pump sets only from them. In this tain parts of the country very effectively by Wat, they too exploit the farmers. Is there any way of Service Cooperative Banks, which is farmer whom we cannot trust? The farmer is coordinated by the District Cooperative the most trustable community. He sows his Banks and also the State Cooperative Banks foodgrains with faith in God. If we still do not which by and large comes under the State trust him and say that if we give him loan, he jurisdiction, and which is ultimately controlled will misuse it for domestic purposes like mar- by the NABARD and the Reserve Bank of riage. etc., then we are not fair to him We India. Some studies will have to be made to aIfow benefits to shopkeepers. middlemen. find our whether it will conflict in any but not to farmers. fv'~ suggestio:1 is that manner and if so, how to avoid and how when a farmer is given loan, there should be to coordinate this matter. This is the one no stipulation that he should buy a thing from point which I would like to make very a particular shopkeeper so that he is not ex- emphatically because the coordination ploited. In the fields. his pump set is left to between the cooperative movement and the mercy of God. Then how will he misuse the Reoional RlJral Banks is very much imperative and necessary and that should this money. Only the purpdse for which he be made. The second thing is on the point takes the loan should be fulfilled. of jurisdiction. It seems that in these banks there is no uniformity in the matter of jurisdiction It is according to the There are many other things to be said convenience of the sponsor banks. From but I will only say that more and more benefits the sponsor banks. what is intended is to be given to farmers. Whatever suggestions get some money from commercial banks I have given should be considered and the for the purpose of distributing it to the rural condition of farmers ameliorated. The public. The idea is good. It can also be farmer is our back-bone and he is the foun- channelised by the Government in certain dation of our economy. other matters Unless there is uniformity in the matter of jurisdiction and also in manag- With these words I conclude and support ing the administration, it may give rise to the Bill. many other points. Therefore, in that matter also. some enquiry has to be made and something has to be done in that manner. [Eng/ish] Then, hO\N the State Governments are SHRI THAMPAN THOMAS(Mavelikara}: going to be associated with this? It is Sir. I find not much enthusiasm either in sup- another problem. How NABARD and the porting this Bill or in opposing this Bill be- Central Government are going to be in- cause it is very innocent. ineffective and volved? How the State Governments are innocuou9. The han. Minister seeks only to going to be involved in this matter and enhance the share capital to five crores for whether there is any provision for that pur- reshaping the Board and also some facilities pose and in what manner you are going to- for training the staff, inspection and some- have it either in the Board of Directors or in thing like that. the administration. Two nominees in the Board is suggested therein. In regard to capital augmentation also, how the State I would like to suggest that there should Government can cooperate much more? I be an indepth study of the problem on very would like to know if there is any suggestion many" questions which have already been for that also. AnyNat I would like to suggest raised on this floor such as overlapping of that much more involvement should be given jurisdiction and also ov~rlapping of interest, in this. 305 Regional Rural Banks AGRAHAYANA 4. 1909 (SAM) (Arndt.) Bill 306

I support the suggestion of my previous you know that an agriculturist has to pledge speaker that there should be a repre- his crops to the person who is lending money sentative of the farmer in the Board of Direc- in the village He is the king still. He still con- tors and farmer cooperators have to be trols the life of the village in the country. How invofved in this matter very much With regard are we going to take away the importance of to staff, there is already a very big complaint such people? among the staff working in Regional Rural Banks When they see that they are being discriminated against the people who are Recently very sad Incidents have taken working in LlC, GIC and other banks, there is place In my State The private money- a heart burning They are doing the same lenders have flourished all of a sudden. They type of work in hazardous conditions But started constructing big buildings in the they are not given the same salary as is given name of Aditya Finance, Muttoo Brothers to the staff of the sponsoring bank I think, and all that These people take money from they should be given some incentive so that the poor people as deposits They give it they are attracted to do the work in rural away to industrialists and finally the poor banks and give service to the rural people people, who have deposited the money are In that aspect also a study has to be made suffering very much How are you going to I think, the han. Minister will have to bring regulate private money-lending business? some amendment after evaluation is made No effective steps have been taken either by on this aspect I hope, he will bring the the Reserve Bank or the Government of India amendment very soon because the problem In this regard I have raised this issue before is really serious the hon Minister I have pointed out certain cases of Aditya Finance He has pointed out to me that certain people have been arrested Coming to the rural indebtedness. how by the State Government and that he cannot far we have been able to free the rural people do anything else. In this way he has ex- from indebtedness? By taking all sorts of pressed hiS Inability to do something in this measures how does the picture of the nation- matter when crores of rupees have been al economy stand today and how much we swindled by these people. One fine morn- could increase the per capita income of rural ing they liquidate their' shop and the poor population? Yesterday, I also pointed out depositors are at their mercy There is no that in my State, in spite of the fact that the central law for regulating this business. people are more educated and are having Some effective steps should be taken by the some other facilities for their livelihood by Central Government in this regard. State getting money from abroad. etc the per Government may be arresting some people. capita average increase in income is .06 per- But that is not an effective step. There cent When a State like Kerala is having the should be coordination between the State per capita average income of 06 per cent, and Central Government in such matters when are we going to come upto the level of where people are misusing the money of the our neighbouring countries? I think. we may public and going away scotfree. In this con-. even go below Bangia Desh in povery line neetion, I would like to support the estab- We mus.make earnest attempts to increase lishment of Regional Rural Banks. There the per capita income of the people in the should be involvement of the people in such rural areas by providing them loans and banks so that they have belief in such banks other agricultural facilities. For the purpose which are sponsored by the Government or of development of the nation much has to be by the cooperatives rather than going to be done. Rural indebtedness is a very serious slaves of money-lenders. I earnestly request problem of this country. This has been em- the Central Government to take steps for this phatically said in this House and also a private money-lending businesS. Those Government study which has- been con- people who cheat the public should be given ducted in this matter I has revealed that. Still maximum punishment. Government should 307 Regional Rural Banks NOVEMBER 25, 1987 (Arndt.) Bill 308

[Shri Tampan Thomas] also welcomed this Bill. All these days they were very much critical of the Loan Melas. At see that a legisl~tion is brought on these least today I am very happy that they have lines. given a very constructive suggestion about this Bill. Another thing which I would like to point out is the survey which was recently con- Sir, Madam ·Indira Gandhi was a very ducted in Gujarat and which was published revolutionary lady who had nationalised all in India Today. The survey pointed out that the banks. At the time of introducing the 20- benami loans were availed. In the name of Point Programme, she started these Rural hundred persons, one person will put the sig- Banks throughout India. She was bold natures and he will collect all the money and enough to start these branches in the rural he will use that money for some other pur- sector. She had also given a slogan ·Garibi poses. Mostly they will not use that money Hatao· To overcome this, she was kind in the Villages. Whereas we are intending to enough to start many branches in the rural develop the villages and to build up the vil- sector. The main object of these branches lage economy, but here the money which is is to develop the rural economy by providing intended for that purpose will be taken away development loans to the agriculturists, ar- by people for some other purposes using the tisans' trade, commerce. industry, etc. Also, names of poor people and poor villagers. she wanted to see that the rural areas get Finally, you are not.getting that money back. credit and other facilities for the small and Somebody may say that there are write ofts. marginal farmers and agricultural labourers. In this connection, I would like to point out She wanted to lift them above the poverty certain things. Take, for example, agricul- line. With this object in view. many branches tural loans taken by the agriculturists during have been started throughout India. drought situation from the cooperative banks. 'know that because the cooperative banks had sufficient funds, they could write- As per the statistics, about 341 districts off the interest. My State did it and about Rs. have been covered by the end 011986 and Six crores were spent from the State 8,213 branches have been started. As far as cooperative banks for writing off the interest disbursement is concerned, they have al- portion of the agriculturists who had taken ready disbursed As. 1.408 crores. Advan ... loans from the cooperative banks Such ces outstanding up to the year 1985 have things we could do. Why? Because a body amounted to As. 70,62,89.300 and borrow- which is there, had the money with them. So, ings have amounted to As. 4',70,40,200. they could give it. They were earning the This shows that there is a lot of improvement money. so, they could take a decision. in the rural banking system. Many people Therefore, I welcome the establishing of rural have criticised the viability, the recovery posi- banks under an organised forum, under the tion and so on. When we compare the control of the Government which should see cooperative sector and the commercial that such helps are also given in times of dis- banks, I feel that the borrowings as well as tress and difficulties. With these words. I say payments of these rural banks are very much that I am not at all opposing this Bill. I say healthy. There are some difficulties which we that you should bring, as early as possible, are facing to-day - after ten years of our ex- better and coordinated amendments in this perience. There is lot of regional imbalance. manner, looking into the whole picture There is lack of personnel training. Most of the AABs are incurring heavy '~~ses and most of them are non-viable. To overcome SHRIMATt BASA~ARAJESWARI(Beflary): them, many committees have been set up Mr. Chairman, Sir, I welcome this Bill whole- and various reports are before the Govern- heartedly I am very happY that most of the ment. To overcome difficulties the hon. Min- members from the Opposition benches have ister has brought forward this Amending Bill. 309 Regional Rutal Banks AGRAHAYANA'4, 1909 (SAKA) (Amdt.) Bill 310

He wanted to increase Authorised Capital that they get proper facilities also. Many of from Rs. 1 crore to As. 5 crores and Initial them refuse to go and work in the villages be- Capital from As. 25 lakhs to Rs. 1 crore. I cause they have no house to live and proper welcome this measure because many many facilities to live there. Even the Banks some- new schemes are coming and regional times are finding it very difficult to locate their population is growing very fast To over- Branch Offices How to overcome these dif- come difficulties we should have sufficient ficulties, we should think seriously. We amount for the working of the Bank. should try to overcome them We should try to provide them with better shelter to live in At the time of working, there is lot of and to work in the rural areas. Hon Minister criticism. I do understand, we are facing a suggested that the Branch Manager and lot of difficulty because we are dealing with sometimes the Chairman too should visit the the most unorganised sector. They are not rural areas. educated, mostly the farmers. I think we have to take it, whatever may be the incon- In order to visit rural area, we should venience that we are facing, in a very good provide them some vehicle to go from village manner. I do understand that the Branch to village and to understand the problem. So, Managers, some of them, are a little bit cor- also there should be proper follow-up. After rupt and there are some agents who ar~ in- the loans are sanctioned we should have volved at the time of sanction of loan There proper programme, so that the beneficiaries are some Branch Managers who do not in- can be kept in mind and follow-up action can volve themselves in anti-poverty program- be taken to overcome some such incon- mes There are managers who do not venience. So, these facilities should be behave property with the poor when they provided for the staff. come to the bank. There are managers who refuse to give loan to the poor people There Sir, in some of the banks, very recently are some Branch Managers who do not fol. widow pensions are being distributed by the low the guidelines given by the superior of- bank Now this work is being entrusted to ficers There are so many Managers who are the banks ,nstead of post offices because ignorant of the schemes which are very much there were criticisms here and there about beneficial to the weaker sections of society. disbursal of pensions But I find that there is All these things are being seen every day not much efficient staff to take care of the But how to overcome this, is a question? pension disbursement as far as the widow pension is concerned So also in regard ~o Hon MInister has brought forward -that insurance, now very recently we have intro- training should be given hereafter by the duced crop insurance scheme and various sponsoring branch. I welcome it. Han. Min- crops have been covered under such ister has also stated that the promotion of scheme. But the premium has been such officers is dependent upon their perfor- deducted at the rate of 2% from the farmers mance. He has advised them to go to the who take the loan. But whenever there is village and conduct credit camps two days natural calamity like pests, floods, droughts in a week. Also they should go from village or any epidemic when the farmers ask for the to village and understand their problem. If compensation from the Insurance Com- such measures are taken,1 think, the perfor- panies, I have been told that they have not mance and lending system will improve been given compensation by the Insurance Companies. This should not have hap- Regarding the staff, there are ~5,OOO pened. Once the premium is deducted from employees who are working in the various those who borrowed. whatever is due to the branches. We shoutd also look into the mat- farmers, it should be paid imm~iately. I ters of their weHare. After all, they have to go would like to refer here one example. to the villages. They should work in the inte- Whenever there is epidemic, there is dis- rior villages. If such is the case, we must see ease, there is natural calamity I it is very dif- 311 Regional Rural Banks NOVEMBER 25,1987 (Arndt.) Bill 312

[Shrimati 8asavarajeswarij Finally, Sir. regarding the loan melas whatever has been stated in this Bill. is in the ficult for the farmer to repay the loan which interest of the poor people and the loan he has borrowed under short-term loan. On melas are also for the same people. In this account of this difficulty, the bank is not in a connection, I would like to ask the han. Mem- position to give loan to the farmer for the next bers. whether they are Interested in anti- crop, as they become defaulters. But it is not poverty programmes. If so, why are they their fault. It is because of the natural criticising so much about the loan melas? It calamities they have become defaulters. has been mentioned that they would dis- Mostly they have to depend on the certificate burse loans as early as possible. Then, what from the Departments. They find it very dif- else are we to do here? I don't think any ficult to get the certificates from the Agricul- Member of this House should criticise loan ture Department in the State or from the melas if they are really interested in the anti- Revenue Department. They are not willing to poverty programmes in the rural areas. If give the certificates. Under such cir- not, they could have given some construc- cumstances, bank should come forward to tive suggestion as to how we should over- give further loans to the farmers for the next come such inconvenience, how the loans crop season. Moreover all the short-term should reach the poor properly and what loans should be converted into the long term best we can do to see that most of the loans loans without insisting on them to produce which we are giving go for productive things, certificates. This should be taken care of by and the borrowing power of the person who the Government. is living in the remote village will be increased so forth. These suggestions, if they give, I Sir, all these national programmes are think it will be more useful and I hope that there. I understand that there is a Jot of Members wit! give such suggestions misuse of funds and the money earmarked hereafter. for this purpose does not reach the beneficiary and so many criticisms are With these remarks, I conclude. made. Now, the point is how to overcome these difficulties. I would like to give some PROF. NARAIN CHAND PARASHAR concrete suggestions for this I was chairing (Hamirpur): Sir, I support the Regional Rural on some other day in the past when the pre- Banks (Amendment) Bill, 1987. The Minister vious Finance Minister, Mr. V.P. Singh was of State who has introduced this Bill in the also in the meeting. He had made a name of the Minister of Finance has given the categorical statement on the floor of the Statement of Objects and Reasons. It par- House that to overcome the difficulties,we tiay fulfils some of the aspirations and may set up a Committee to look after all demands that have been made on the RRB. these schemes like IRDP, NREP, RLEGP, The ARB IS a very good tnstitution and it SEUP. SC & ST developr lent etc. and the caters primarily to the rural areas. After the concerned MP will be made as Chairman of nationalisation of banks on 19th July, 1969, the Committee. That is what he had stated the coming of the RRBs was another useful and I do not know how far the proposals are step for rural development and similarly. the implemented and working in various Depart- setting up of NABARD was also a step in the ments. I have been told that the Ministry of right direction in July, 1982. Finance had one or two meetings with the Rural Development Ministry and a decision Sir, with the functioning of the RRBs for is yet to come out. If the responsibility of over a decade now, some lacunae have monitoring all these schemes is given to one been detected, some shortcomings have person. I think to some extent we can solve been found out and the first thing that comes these difficulties. This is my suggestion as to my mind is that the ARBs were meant to far as the rural anti-poverty programmes are cover the entire country especially the rural concerned. areas. But it is unfortunate aspect of the 313 Regional Rural.Banks AGRAHAYANA 4,1909 (SAKA) (Arndt.) Bill 314 situation that even now all the districts are not rather entitled to more advantages because covered by the RRBs. Some districts are they are banks which refuse to open covered by the ARBs and others are left out branches in the rural areas. Sir. the Minister and whenever this matter is brought to the of State, Shri Poojary, knows that the United notice of the Ministry, they give the argument Commercial Bank refused to open 19 that other areas are being looked after by the branches for which the licences were nationalised banks. So, the nationalised granted by the Reserve Bank of India to this banks are also looking after those areas Bank in Himachal Pradesh. They refused to which are being covered by the RRBs. So, open a single branch saying that they have there are two types of districts now In my enough rural branches now and they are not humble opinion this is discrimination There in a position to open any branch. The Mini- are districts covered by the nationalised ster instead of taking any action against the banks as also by the RRBs; there are dis- bank, allowed the Reserve Bank of India to tricts which are covered by the nationalised give the licence to other banks which will take banks and not by the RRBs So, this is a posi- their own time So, the result is that the very tive discrimination against certain districts purpose of rural development for which the which should be brought to an end and I branch licensing policy, for which the rural would plead with the Minister of State for credit system are all being launched by the FInance, Shri Poojary, to look into this Central Government is defeated in the aspect process So, in all fairness, if there are cer- tain commerciaf banks which are Secondly, it has been said that they are nationalised which refuse to open their supposed to serve the rural areas and it is branches in the rural areas, then those banks some sort of a banking system which is which are opening their branches in the rural called the low-cost banking system. Now, areas should be given some encourage- low-cost banking system at what cost? Is it ment and those employees who are working at the cost of the employers only, that you in the conditions which are not fit for the well- pay the employees less then you pay the paid employees or probationers, whatever employees of the nationalised banks? So, you call them, should be given more credit. who are these? How do we compare? The They should be given some encouragement. All India Associations of ARB employees They should be given appreciation I plead have been time and again demanding that for giving better emoluments and uniform there should be a parity of payment of emoluments to the employees of the ARBs salaries and other emoluments, facilities etc at par with the employees of the nationalised with the other employees who are employed banks. I want stringent action against such by the nationalised banks. Sir, to my mind banks which are nationalised and which there is no valid reason as to why there refuse to open their branches in the rural should be discrimination between the areas, after having obtained their licence. emoluments of the RRB employees and They know that they are to open their those of the nationalised banks. There branches at the time of survey, at the time of should be uniformity, though there is one applying licence to the Reserve Bank of India good thing that the ARB employees are and there is no valid reason for not opening treated on a regional basis. They are the branches after certain formalities have recruited from the same place So they are been fulfilled and after a period of one or two nearer to the people than those who are years have passed. So, the Ministry should brought through all India competition. But look into this also that is no reason why they should be paid less. So, this principle of having low-cost Secondly the control of the RRBs was banking system at the cost of employees formerly with the NABARD. This is some sort only by paying them less is a very dis- of diarchy. It;s very interesting that the criminatory sort of system which should be Branch Licensing Policy of the RBI governs ended forthwith. The ARB employees are the opening of the branches of the rural 315 Regional Rural Banks NOVEMBER 25,1987 (Arndt.) Bill 316

(Prof. Narain Chand Prashar] Similarly, I would also welcome the other suggestion, regarding nomination of direc- banks. The rural banks also have to get their tors. But I fail to understand one thing. In licences under this policy from the RBI. But the banking system, the people's repre- the control was so far with the NABARD. sentatives find no place. The MLAs, MPs Now. through this Bill, it is being proposed and the Panchayats. Panchayat Samitis and that the sponsoring bank may be in a posi- the Zila Parishads are beyond the ken of the tion to monitor the functioning of these banking system and they do not have any branches. So, there is going to be further recognition. Perhaps, the banking people deterioration in the monitoring system. It is with too much of money with them do not beQause, if a bank is sponsoring the rural recognise the fate of the people who are bank in the rural areas, i.e .. , Gra"1in Bank, having sweat on their brow and who are then the same bank is being asked to super- earning their livelihood by working for the vise now. Formerly it was the RBI which used rura; people There should be a stipulation. to exercise that control and mbnitoring. The State Government is paying some Then it was for the NABARD to exercise con- money for the setting up of these banks. The trol over its functioning. Now, lastly the Mini- Central Government is paying some money. ster is very generous and he has passed on The sponsoring bank is only paying a little. the baby right to the father or the parent of 50 % is being paId by the Central Govern- the Gramin Bank. Whosoever sponsors the ment So, why can't the Central repre- bank let him also exercise control and sentatives of the people in Parliament, have monitoring, inspection and all that. So, to my a say in it? Similarty, the State Government mind. this is not a very healthy practice. It will is paying 30 % or 15 % or whatever it is. further deteriorate the functioning. There should be a representative at the State level also So, I plead for this. If the banks I would welcome the various points that are to deliver the goods and if the system have been made here. One stipulation is which you have started and initiated is to that the authorised capital is being raised come up to the expectations which were in from Rs. one erore to Rs. 5 crores When you the mind of Shrimati Indira Gandhi when she are raising the authorised capital and also nationalised the banks, when she set up the you are raising the issue capital from As. 25 ARBs, when she set up the NABAAD, then takhs to As. 1 crore, the only thing that you those aspirations can only be fulfilled if the are not raising is the salary of the employees cooperation of the people at the grassroot so that they may function properly. What is level, at the level of the representatives of the the reason,l do not understand. We should people is involved. I would not like to say be in a position to provide various facilities. anything about other aspects. But I would Vou are making the banks more powerful by certainly say that these various activities or- giving them additional powers and all that. ganised by the banking system in the past So, you should also be in a poSition to give year have yielded good results and the loan better training and better emoluments to the melas may be criticised by people but they people who are sweating in the rural areas I have done positive good to the people of the can say. working in the dust and din of the rural areas. The Minister of State in the Min- soil rather than to those people who are istry of Finance Shri Janardhana Poojary has threatening you every day launching this type taken personal pains. I would appreciate his of agitation, that type of agitation, declaring efforts in toning up the banking system and bank holidays, closing down banks in the in extending the credit to the needs of the cities. They are doing all the mischief here in rural people who are far away from the din the cities and you are not giving any en- and noise of the city. He has saved the couragement to the people who are working people from commercial shops but what in the villages, in the rural areas. Please look needs to be done is that for those employees after them. They are also serving the nation who are working in this system and who are and at difficult places. to run the system - because the rural bank 317 Regional Rural Banks AGRAHAYANA 4, 1909 (SAKA) ( Amdt.) Bill 318 cannot be run by a MP or MLA or a Director expressed with regard to the improvement of or Chairman and it has actually to be run by this system. the personnel working in the field - better facilities have to be suggested like transport, The Government accepts as a matter of office accommodation 8(ld all that. For this policy that it is not possible to operate any in- purpose, I have said earlier and I say now stitution in a better way without the co-opera- also that the lead bank scheme should be tion of workers and therefore, the looked into properly and examined and in- Government have adopted the policy that stead of lead bank for a district, we should there should be workers' participation in have lead bank for a block. Unless we management. After the experience of the decentralise the banking structure of the last 10 or 11 years, it has been proposed to country further to the block level bec:ause amend this Act. Then there is no reason that each block in the country has now roughly a the representatives of Workers' Union having population of a lakh or more, till then justice support of majority of workers should not be will not be done. For example, there is a lead nominated on the Board of Directors. I bank in a district but there are only one or two would, therefore, like to suggest that the han. branches and in certain blocks, there is no Minister should consider this matter. branch at all. Therefore, it is not expected to do justice to the needs of the people in each You have said that two non-official repre- block if it has not even a single branch. sentatives shall be included in the Board. If Therefore, the lead bank needs have to be you include the representatives of farmers or looked into though it does not come under farm labour who are closely connected with the provisions of the rural bank. Yet the the rural banks, there could not be any ob- sponsoring banks and the nationalised jection to It, but ;f the Members of ruling party banks would be able to serve the people bet- are nominated on the Board of Directors. ter in case the lead bank is further then it is meaningless to have non-official decentralised and at least one branch of the representatives on the Board. It would be lead bank of the district should be estab- better if there are no non-official repre- lished in the Headquarters of each block of sentatives on the Board. the district so that responsibility is fixed and there should be a further review. Review by Many han. Members have said that the NABARD, by sponsoring bank and by financial position of the employees of these Reserve Bank is no review at all because it is banks is miserable and the employees of only financial review. What we need is per- these banks should also be paid wages formarice review. We need to know frolT' the available to the employees of nationalised people whether a panchayat, zilla parished, banks. The employees of RRB have to work panchayat samithi, MLA or MP or a certain in far flung areas and under the same condi- Branch has been able to deliver the goods tions in which the workers of the other com- in the area in which it is set up or not. There- mercial banks have to work and the fore, the performance review is a must if Government have accepted the principle of these banks are to deliver the goods and if equal wages for equal work. Therefore, the they are to fulfil the hopes with which Shrimati employees of Rural Banks should also be Indira Gandhi launched this scheme of bank- paid equal wages and given similar facilities ing system in the country. This is the demand of the employees of the RRB. but the Government refuses to accept the demand on the plea that a very huge [Ttans/ation] amount is involved in it. I would like to say that Government itself encourages the employees to indulge in agitations. strikes SHRI VIJOY KUMAR YADAY (Nalanda)' and work to rule agitations. The policy of the Mr. Chairman, Sir, while speaking on this Bill, Government encourages them to indulge in first of all, I would like to speak on the views such things. I think that the Government 319 Regional Rural Banks NOVEMBER 25. 1987 . (Arndt.) Bill 320

(Shri Vijoy Kumar Yadav] children. house building etc. for which banks do not provide loan to the poor workers should improve the situation before it is too Some method can be devised for realising late and accept their demand for equal pay such loan If you want to achieve the aims scale. for which you have opened these banks, you must make arrangements for providing such Mr. Chairman. Sir. I want to raise a basic loans. Earlier. the money lenders used to issue and it is about the nationalisation of charge compound interest and the people banks. Nationalisation of banks was done were exploited and. today, the banks have due to tremendous public pressure The taken theIr place. If a poor man has once money of the common man was depostted taken loan from the bank. then interest goes in the banks and benefit from it was derived on mounting. You should give thought to this by a handful of persons or the industrialists. problem. Today the peopJe are afraid of Keeping in view these conditions. the these Rural Banks as they were afraid of nationalisation was done on popular money lenders earlier because these banks demand and I think that the Government had indulge in exploitation of the people in the taken a correct step. With a vie\\' to remove same way I think that for any welfare poverty and to open the doors of banks for Government. it is not good to misuse this the poor to make them self-sufficient and for policy the progress of farmers. banks were nationalised. but people could not get full With these words. I support this Bill. benefit out of the nationalisation of banks There was basic change. there was a basic change in policies on paper. but we could 15.53 hrs. not get hundred percent success in achiev- ing the aim for which banks were [~HRI SHARAD DIGHE, in the Chair] nationalised. RRBs were set up so that com- mon man could get full benefit thereof. but [English] the way money lenders were exploiting the people on a large scale and the people of SHRIVIJAYN PATIL(Erandol). Mr. Chair- the country were harassed by them is still man.Sir. I wonder why this Amendment has continuing. Even after the establishment of been brought forward at this juncture. Is it Rural Banks. the rural people are still in the only for accommodating one Director from clutches of money lenders We would have among the officers of the Reserve Bank? I to give a serious thought to it. What is the would like to know this from the han. Minister. reason? Just now an han. Member was because the other provisions are more or ~ying that persons who possess land less the same, but there is lot of restructur- should be sanctioned loan and he was also ing in the constitution of the Board of Direc- giving an example that certain people who tors Not only that. earlier the State do not 0Nn any land are being sanctioned Government could nominate even non-offi- loan. 1would like to say that it Is the policy of cials as Directors. but now. because of the the Government. It;s the policy of the Amendment. only the officers will be Government that the landless people should nominated on the Board of Directors of the be provided loan from the banks. I would like Regional Rural Bank. I would like to suggest to submit that the hone Minister should give that. at the State level, also non-officials a thought to this. It would be better if a Com- should be appointed on the Board; especial- mission is set up to find out the lacunae in ly. one Director nominated by the Central the banking policy due to which the money Government and one Diredor nominated by lenders still have an upper hand and they are the State Government should be from Btl functioning as money lending agencies. agriculturists. progressive agriculturists, be- Ttae are RB1V items of expenditure such as cause in the name of Regional Rural Banks I1'Briage ceremonies, sickness. studies of if we are going to control these Banks 321 Regional Rural 8at)ks AGRAHAYANA 4. 1909 (SAKA) ( Arndt.) Bill 322 ... through officers only. then there will .not be giving less priees to the farm commodities. ant progressive thinking or favour done to Just like measures adopted, by the Central the farmers. Government in case of sickness in industry. here also in some areas because of the repeated drought year after year, some One good feature in this Amendment is method of giving relief in the rate of interest, aboUt the amalgamation of two or more relief in the instalment should be found out Regional Rural Banks if it is found necessary. by the Central Government. This should be I would like ~o suggest that as the implemented through the branches of the nationalised banks are having many nationalised bank and this sickness should branches in the rural areas, now we should be reduced. not extend network of this regional rural banks in other areas specially where the dis- trict cooperative banks are functioning well. Mr. Chairman •. Sir, the nationalised banks We should allow them to advance loans to in the rural areas are not functioning proper- the farmers. to the artisans and to other rural 1y and nowadays they have evolved a industrial entrepreneurs. In such areas, method of simplified working procedure. these rural banks should not encroach upon What is this simplified working procedure? In What we find is that after the establishment a city area if the working hours of a branch is of NABARD, many times the advancing of 11 .00 to 3.00P.M .• in rural areas. the working loans to the rural institutions is delayed, be- hours may be only from 11.00 to 12.00 or cause there is one more supervising 11.00 to 1.00 for four to five days in a week authority. one more approving authority and in one working day it will be 11.00 to before the loan is disbursed by the State level 3.00. That is called simplified method of bank. for example. by the Land Develop- working. It is adopted by some of the ment Bank in a State. The NABARD takes branches in rural areas. That means, if a more time. Its regional office also requires farmer or a labourer comes from a distance some time to clear the files and the proce- of six to seven miles to a village branch at dure for allotment of loan is delayed Our ob- 1.30 P. M., he will be told that the branch is jective in establishing such banks is to closed. The financial transaction can" be increase the facility for giving more loans, done only tomorrow. That is the simplified giving loans in the quickest possible time. working procedure On the contrary. what But that is not being achieved. we find is that the amount of salary we give to the employees in that particular branch the Sir. with the decrease in the rate of iAter- amount of rent given for accommodation of est on the deposits in the nationalised banks. that particular branch is not all. "we calcu- I would like the Government to make a sur- late the yearly expenditure for the accom- vf!!!ItJ as to how much deposits have been modation of that particular branch and the reduced because of the decrease in the rate amount of loan disbursement in that area, we of interest. Private people, private institu- won't find a proper proportion. That means tions are giving more interest and depositors the branch is not functioning properly are now turning to private small institutions and moneylenders fC)r'depositing their small amount. In rural areas. what we find is that 16.00 hrs just like sick industries. the farming profes- sion in some areas is also becoming sick and If a farmer gets a loan of Rs. 20000 or Rs. we should try to evolve method to r~move 30000. the manager will insist upon him to this sickness in the farming profession. make some deposit of As. 5000 or As. 10000 Otherwise. Kisan Sangathan led by Sharad in that bank. That means. for the deposit of Jost;M and other leaders will try to spread their As. 10000, he will get 10 % interest and on tentacles in other States in the name of sick- the contrary he will have to pay 15 " interest !leSS in the farming profession and thus on the amount that he has borrOYled. 323 Regional Rural Banks NOVEMBER 25, 1987 (Amdt.) Bill 324

(Shri Vtjay N. Patil] [Ttans/ation]

So also, in the case of charitable institu- SHRI UMAKANT MISHRA (Mirzapur): Mr. tions what we find is that if a loan of Rs. 5 Chairman, Sir, I rise to support the Regional lakhs is advanced to an institution for con- Rural Banks {Amendment) Bill which has struction of a school building. the school been introduced in the House. The farmers, management Will have to pay a stamp duty workers and the people of the rural areas of Rs. 15000 for taking that loan. That wfIf would r~member Shrimati Indira Gandhi for they bind the borrowers. The bank people many ages, who had opened doors of the make such agreements with the borrOYlers banks for the farmers. the poor and the that their properties are attached, even if the workers. As a result, the economy of the vil- institution is repaying properly. Even if it is lages is changing at a very fast pace. Today, having a sound management, they have to 3 to 5 branches.of banks are functioning in pay unnecessarily the stamp duty and other each Development Block and banks are overhead charges. reaching villages. Our present Prime Mini- ster is visiting villages and asking Harijans and Adivasis if they are getting loan or assis- In the case of banking business, the tance from the banks as also what steps are agreements are such that they do not serve required to be taken to streamline the proce- the borrowers' interest: they only serve the dure so that all the people could derive the lenders' interest. The agreements for giving benefit from the banks. loans to the borl'CMfel's specially in the rural areas should be simplified and the proce- Our Prime Minister, Shri Rajiv Gandhi is dures should also be simplified. Otherwise, also very keen to bring about rural develop- what my friends have earlier mentioned that ment. Our Minister of State for Banking, Shri there is a term called Dastoori to be given for Poojary ji, is also taking keen interest in it. taking loan from the banks or for taking other Loan Melas are being organised in his State subsidies, that system win go on and it will and other States. He himseH goes there and rather increase day by day. finds out as to what are the defects or shortcomings in the procedure and hOYl Lastly, while supporting this amendment. these defects could be removed. I welcome I would like to mention that as you allaN the this programme. With the opening of urban cooperative banks to be registered in branches of banks in rural areas, the farmers urban areas with a population of 15000 are purchasing tractors, pump sets, buf- people where there are no other urban faloes, caws and opening shops and as a banks, likewise, I would request the Govern- result, the economic development of villages ment to sanction rural cooperative banks is taking place at a faster pace. The Ganga also in smaller pockets, in rural areas where of development is flowing in the villages. small rural people, labourers and agricultural People sitting here may indulge in criticism, workers come together and oontribute their but the fact is that whereas 90 per cent of the shares. Just Ike in the urban cooperative people had thatched huts, they have nOYl banks where the limit of As. 400,000 as the tiled roof and the tribal and Harijan women transaction to be done in one year, the ad- who could not afford to purchase even a vancement of loan to be made in one year in single pair of dhotis are now able to pur- order to qualify for the aedit cooperative chase four pairs of dhotis. Similarly, Harijans society to be converted i~to an urban • and Tribats who had kuchcha houses are cooperative bank is there, in the same way nOYl constructing houses havif"lg one or two you should sanction rural cooperative banks pucca rooms. We do not claim that our with less crec:it limitations to encourage the country has turned into a paradise or atl the rural people to develop cooperative banking. poor have become rich or the poverty has been removed altogether. but the process of With these words. I s.1ppOrt the Bill. removing the poverty is in progress. 325 Regional RUtai. f3anks AGAAHAYANA 4, 1909 (SAKA) . (Arndt.) BiN 326

The Rural Banks are of course, functiOn- My third submission ~ that the Joan which ing in the rural areas, but there are certain is given through these banks, is utilised by defects in their functioning. There is need to the villagers for different purposes, but they bring about improvement in them. I would, do not deposit their savings in the rural therefore, like to give some suggestions banks. They deposit their savings in the about it. urban banks. Wtrt not deposit those savings in rural branches. In this case, the district My first submission is that there is corrup- workers and employees should help them. tion in the matter of grant of loan under With their help. the functioning of rural bank I,R.D.P. or under self-employment can improve and whatever flaw has come in programme. There is pilferage. Full amount their working Wll get reduced. Afr.J popular of loan is never released. Something is programme, whether in rural areas or in deducted from it. The loan is not given in urban areas. can succeed only with the time. The farmers, labourers, and traders cooperation of public and for enlisting public never get in time and they have to shell out cooperation, a committee of two or three the so called share due to which they do not local educated persons or of those inter- get the benefit which they should have got. ested in public service, can be formed who Therefore, in order to check this, the ARBs shall help in implementing the programme. must have a branch after every ten kilometers. This will expand the banking Sir, rTf11ast suggestion is that a Member facility and the villagers will not have to go of Parliament or his representative should be very far to get loan. included in the district level board of direc- tors, so that we are able to see how the rural banks function, and what deficiencies they My second suggestion is that a IJan have. We can also give our suggestions to Sewakl should be appointed to assist the them and if we are not there, one of our rep- bank manager and field officer. Normally, resentatives can sit there. the bank manager looks after the work of the bank and the field officer processes the loan With these words, I support ~ Bill and applications and sees as to which industry reiterate that with the opening of rural banks, the applicant is bringing up, whether he has rural development is taking place at faster the capacity or not, etc., but still in order to pace and will continue to develop even more check corruption and to assist the bank with greater speed. For the improvement in manager and the field officer, a Jan Sewak functioning of these banks, people's should be appointed. At the district level cooperation should be enlisted. This will en- also, two non-official part-time directors are sure speedy implementation of your appointed in the rural banks and on the same programme. analogy in eNery rural bank branch, a noo-of- ficial Jan Sewak, who is educated and [English] honest, be appointed for helping the manager and the field officer. He should sit SHRl BHADRESWAR TANTl (Kaliabor) once in a week in eNery branch and examine Sir, no doubt our country has fuHilled the all the loan applications from the angle of desire of the people for which the banks were purpose of the loan applied for; how much nationaUsed. I must admit it. Banks have loan is asked; if the loan is given in time or come very close to the people of the country not and whether the applicant had to give for which they are meant and that is how it bribe in securing the loan, etc. He. should should be in a democratic country like ours. also see whether the work for which loan was given has started or not, and whether the loan is being repaid. The aspect of repay- Now, we are discussing the Regional ment of loan should also be kept in view to Rural Bank (Amendment) Bill of 1987. You ensure timely recovery. have brought certain amendments in the 327 Regional Rutal Banks NOVEMBER 25.1987 (Arndt.) Bill

[Shri Bhadreswar Tantij the demands of the people for the deve1op- ment of that particular region. I do not know Regional Rural Banks Act, 1976 relating to why. the powers of directors concerned and rais- ing the quantum of money from one crore to five crores. The objective of the em is very There are not many organizations such as good. People will be benefited for which the banks, where the poor people can go very Government is committed to do so. But you easily and get loans etc. Even if there are must see that the difficulties faced by the some banks or organizations like that, there public are completely eliminated in season is nobody to help the poor people to make and out of season. At present, agricultural ·them aware of the faCilities available as also farmers have been harassed and exploited how to avail of them. There must, therefore, by certain bank employees and certain mid- be some agency who can help these people, dlemen are also involved in it. The poor the poor farmer. the poor worker and make farmers have to go to the doors of the bank him understand of the facilities available. For employees and middlemen. They are at the that purpose, there must be a liaison officer, mercy of the middlemen and the bank who can render necessary help. I do not employees. This should be completely think any such arrangement exists at avoided, otherwise we will not be able to ful- present. fil the purpose that we have in view. Though there should be some requirements to be ful- filled by the farmers, in order to enable them Then, corruption has taken roots to get the loan, there should be reasonable. everywhere Nobody can deny that. The Otherwise, it will not serve our purpose. Government .must take ,all possible measures to eliminate corruption. At present, it is the middlemen who are getting There must be an agency to look into the the real benefits. Poor people do not get any difficulties of poor people and to help them benefits If a farmer applies for a loan, he in the matter of getting loan so that the mid- cannot get the same unless he is backed by dlemen do not fleece them. There are cer- someone even if he fulfils all the require- tain banks and I have myself seen where ments under the rules. Why is it so? 'WtTtJ can even the Members of Parliament cannot go he not get that loan easily if he fulfils all the and meet the Managing Director or the requirements? He must be backed by a Manager. They do not entertain. On one oc- politician or officials or middlemen. Only casion, I was abused by the Manager of a then he gets the loan, not otherwise. That is State Bank of India Guwahati Branch. I told what is happening. We must see that the him that I was an M.P., but he did not listen man who fulfils all the requirements gets the to the grievances that I wanted to bring to his loan very easily. Only then the real purpose notice. If that is the fate of an M. P., and if that will be served is how an MP is treated by the Manager, I doubt very much if an ordinary worker of the Bank would render 8fY1 assistance to the There is a dictum that bad money turns poor farmer. poor worker. Therefore, a man out good money out of circulation. That is who is committed to the service of the what is happening. My suggestion is that people. who is committed to help the poor there mu~t be some agency to help the poor farmer and poor worker, should ~ essigned farmers in the regional banks etc. so that they such jobs. can get the loan very easily if they fuHU the re- quirements.

I come from the North-eastern State Though t have many more points to which is very much backward industrially and make, yet-due to paucity of time I conclude the Gov~rnment is not paying any heed to here and I support the Bill. 329 Regional Rural Banks . AGRAHAYANA 4, 1909 (SAKA) \Amdt.} Bill 330

[Ttans/ation] branch of the bank. If the panchayat is big- ger in size then there can be two or dYee branches of the bank. Then only the rural ·SHRI V. KRISHNA RAO (Chikballapur): farmers and other poor artisans can Mr Chairman, Sir, I wholeheartedly welcome progress. the Regional Rural Banks (Amendment) Bi", 1987 One of the main objectives of this amend- ment bill is to increase the capital amount It is our late lamented leader Smt. Indira from one crore to five crores of rupees. I wel- Gandhi who took bold and progressive come this step and congratulate the hen. steps to root out poverty from our country. Minister Shri Poojary. I shall go one step fur- One of the major steps was to nationar~ the ther and request him to increase this capital banks. The main aim of this nationalisation amount further in the near future. was to reduce the glaring disparity between the rich and the poor. Immediately after The increase in the capital amount is V8IY nationalisation, branches of various banks essential because the present amount is not were set up in every nook and corner of the sufficient for the various programmes like country to help the poor masses living in the IROP, RLEGP. NREP, ANTYODAYA etc. rural areas. NABARD is also helping rural farmers. But its help is like giving a cup of butter milk to Our present Prime Minister Shri Rajiv an elephant The money is not even 1/10 of Gandhi is also moving in the same direction the requirement of the people. The farmers for the amelioration of the poor farmers The have some problems about the agricuhwal programmes of the loan melas of the loans. They can get only between fIVe and Government of India are widefy acclaimed by ten thousand rupees and the same is often the people of this country. Our hon. Minister granted after the need is CNer. The loan of State for Finance Shr; Janardhana would be of no use after the season. HelICe Poojary has inspired and accelerated these I request the han Minister to liberalise the programmes of loan melas. It is only through conditions of banks to help the farmers to banks and such programmes that the poor avail agricultural loans For this purpose I re- people can be brought above the poverty quest him to bring another amendment bill line. to the Regional Rural Banks Act. 1976.

The services rendered by Regional Rural Another important fact that I want to Banks to help the poor farmers are not at all stress upon is the adoption of villages by the to the expected level. We, the people of this banks. Unless this is done, there will be no country and the Government of India expect pr09ress of farmers The major chunk of the these banks to function more effici.:.ntly so amount would remain in the urban areas and that more and more rural people can get help it will not reach the remote areas. Hence f re- from these banks. quest the hen Minister to take suitable steps to see that each bank in rural areas adopts The capital of these banks is not at all suf- at least two or three villages ficient to help large number of persons The requirement is very high but the availability of There are some Criticisms about corrup- fund is very low Setting up of one bank for tion in the banking service Our hon Minister 17,500 persons is not sufficient More and is a sincere and hardworking person. His more branches of banks have to be set up if goal is the amelioration of the poor of this we want more people to get the benefit of country If all the persons concerned work loans and other assistance In each group sincerely like our hen Minister I am sure that panchayat there should be at teast one poverty can be rooted out from this COlI1try.

• The speech was originally delivered in Kannada. 331 Regional Rutal Banks NOVEMBER 25, 1987 (Arndt.) Bill

[Shri V. Krishna Rae] areas. In this connection. I must convey my hearty gratitude to the then hone Prime Mini- ster Smt. Indira Gandhi, who is nOV' in the Various loan melas are held -by the Heaven. It is because of her initiative this Government of India in the nook and corners idea of setting up a Regional Rural Bank of this country. Loan melas are also held to could come into existence. Even the help the widows and other helpless women. nationalised commercial banks were there, Unfortunately there are some hurdles for but they continued to have the urban bias. such programmes. For example .in Kar- nataka the hone Chief Minister Shri Rama Similarly, in the case of cooperative banks Krishna Hegde is not at all extending his also they could not provide any change in the cooperation for the success of these socia-economy which the then Prime Mini- programmes on the other hand he is posing ster Mrs. Indira Gandhi was thinking of. So, problems for such progressive steps taken the intention of setting up the ARBs was tM! by the Government of India. Instead of as- these banks would be sympathetic towards sisting the organisers the police force in Kar- the weaker sections in the rural areas. The nataka Government disperse the people Kamath Study Group of 1976 and also Shri who intend to attend such programmes. I Dantwalla Committee of 1977 had ap- therefore urge upon the hone Minister to take preciated the role of the RRBs in the rural suitable steps in this regard for the smooth economy. Its progress in the expansion, the functioning of loan melas programmes mobilisation of deposits, credit deployment which are meant to bring poor masses of this and recovery of advances is really very com- country above the poVerty line. mendable and noteworthy. The RRBs have about 13000 branches all over the country. I also hope that the hone Mtnister's sincere These branches have come up in a span of efforts and hard work would enable the poor 10 to 12 years of its existence. In the area of people of the country to usher in a new era deposit mobilisation, the RABs have done a of progress and prosperity. Sir, I thank you commendable work, even though the rural for giving me this opportunity and with these capital was not bright like the urban capital. words I conclude my speech. Upto December 1985 I have got the figures The deposit was Rs. 1286 crores. It is really [English] very praiseworthy. Of course, the credit deployment by the ARBs is more than that of SHAI CHINTAMANI JENA (Balasore): their deposit mobilisation. Here we should Hon. Chairman, I am very grateful to you for also think more carefully that these deposits giving me an opportunity to say a few words are coming from the fural poor. from the on thiS very small but a very useful Bill for the agriculturists, the lower middle class people, rural poor. While supporting the amending who are living in the rural areas. In this con- Bil" I would like to point out two or three nection I would only like to point out two or things for the kind consideration of the han. three figures, here. The advances of 188 rural Minister. banks were of the order of Rs. 1408 crores, as against the deposit of As. 1286 crores. The problems of Regional Aural Banks Here I would say that the question of deploy- may be grouped into four categories, (a) ment of credit should not be considered as Regional disparities in the growth of RRBs, also the amount of deposit which have come (b) their viability. (c) overdue problem, and to the RRBs. If we take it as a condition that Cd) problems of employees serving in ARBs. the deposits should be considered while financing for the deployment of advance, In 1975. the idea of setting up RRBs was then the whole purpose of setting up these strongly recommended by the Narasimhan RRBs cannot be served. A very commen- Committee for providing better banking -ser- dable work has been done by the ARBs on vice to the weakest of the weak in the rural the recovery side. While cooperatives and 333 Regional Rural Banks AGRAHAY ANA 4. 1909 (SAKA) (Amdt.) Bill 334 the nationalised banks are finding it difficult cepted, and they are going to implement all even to cover 50 % of their advances in the of them. priority sector, ARBs could recover about 75% of their deployment on advances. Upto Coming to the amendment, t must con- December, 1983. there were outstandings to gratulate Shri Poojari that they have decided. the extent of As. 18 odd lakhs, against or are going to decide, that two non-offlCial 14,01,665 accounts - which is about 25% of representatives would be nominated by the the total outstanding advances. If we take Central Government as DJrectors. In this the deposit-adV,ance ratio as 100: 180, in connection. I would like to submit that those 1987-88 it is higher compared to any finan- two non-official representatives must be cial institution. Besides, a reca.lery of about from the rural areas. They must also have 75% of advances also gives a very impres- commitment, and should be dedicated sive functioning of the RRBs, especially when towards rural masses, rural economy and ARBs are lending to agriculturists. Agricul- agriculture. Besides, I would request that turists and the rural poor mainly depend on one of the representatives should be from agriculture which is exposed to natural the farmers' side, because ARBs are meant calamities, and several types of odds. for rural areas which are mainly dependent on agriculture. The area of concern is the losses incurred by RRBs year after year. This is really to be Furthermore\ I would like to submit that thought of, and there should be some there should not be overlapping of jurisdic- remedial measures taken, for which I am tion. While suggesting this proposal before suggesting a few points for the consideration the han. Minister for his consideration, I of the Ministry. The figures available from would only request him that RRBs should be NABARD upto December 1986 indicate that empowered to finance whatever amount is out of 191 RRBs, 141 RRBs have incurred required for its jurisdiction either for setting losses of Rs. 89.6 crores. Some of the im- up of small scale industries or for agriculture portant factors responsible for such losses purpose or anything of that sort, so that other are: extensive branch expansion, low busi- nationalised banks should not enter into that ness in branches and similarly, increase in jurisdiction establishment costs and misappropriation of funds. Lastly, regarding the problems of the employees who are very poorly paid in ARBs. In this €onnection, I can cite two ex- I am not going to compare them with the amples. In my area, two branch managers employees serving in other nationalised of RRBs, that is, Grameen Banks, by banks. But they should be given salary and manipulating records had drawn some other benefits as are given to the Central thousands of rupees. When it was detected, Government Employees because it is purely both of them fled. It was noticed that they a contradiction of the norm of -equal pay for had no property and nothing of that sort to equal work·. One of the factors for corrup- realise the mis-appropriated amount. They tion is the klw payment of salary and other have expropriated the entire amount. These benefits to the bank employees. This should are the factors mainly responsible for such be taken into consideration. This disparity is losses incurred by these RRBs. inviting such type of corruption etc. which should be removed. In connection with the Of course. I must congratulate the setting up of ARBs, if you look to the area of Government and the Finance Ministry, spe- north eastern region, you wiD find that in com- cially the Minister of State for Finance, Mr. parison to other areas of the country. the Poojari that the recommendations of the north eastern region is lagging behind in the Working Group set up for RRBs to monitor question of setting up of more RRBs. In and also to suggest areas in which we can States like Orissa, Madhya Pradesh and make some improvements, have been ac- Bihar where the percentage of people who 335 Regional Rural Banks NOVEMBER 25. 1987 (Arndt.) Bill 336

[Shri Chintamani Jena} and have become farmers. Leaving apart the cases pending with the Punjab and are beIo\¥ the poverty line is high, more rural Haryana High Courts. harijans have- been banks should be set up. distributed land out of the surplus area that became available on enforcing land reforms. With ~ words, 1thank you very much This land reform law was passed during the for giving me this opportunity to speak and I time of Sardar Pratap Singh Kairon and was wholeheartedly support this Bill. implemented in Punjab. Therefore. there should be two representatives of farmers' in [Tnmslation] the Board so that they may take up the grievances of farmers with the M.D., Dlrec.. SHRI RAM NARAIN SINGH (Bhiwanij: Mr. tor. The bank employees are public ser- Chairman. Sir. India is a land of farmers and vants. Today, they do not deserve any l is good that rural banks have been opened. sympathy. There is no need to sympathise When these banks were opened. people with the bank employees of Haryana. If you had it\8ny hopes that villagers would be make inquiries Into the assets of the clerical freed from the clutches of money-lenders and managerial personnel of banks, you will and they would enjoy greater benefits. All find that they have amassed a lot. of wealth. those hone Members who are closely COI'l- Many hon. Members have said that corrup- . nected with rural areas may be aware and tion should be stopped But nobody has martf members have told us of the large- suggested what action must be taken. I scale corruption existing in these banks. would suggest that Anti-Corruption Board or That is why the illiterate villagers do not get Vigilance Board should be set up in the bank loan until they give bribes. Some han. banks which should deal with complaints of Members have said that twenty-five percent corruption. go to villages to make an on-the- of the loan is given as bribe and some have spot study of the complaint. It is said that said that certain amount as a commission nobody is willing to work in villages. That is has to be given. In order to get Rs 4.000 not true. If you give attractive salaries. you payment of Rs. 1000 has to be made. So can get many well-educated people. There the farmers do not get the benefit which they is no dearth of workers willing to serve in rural should have got. Regarding subsidies. the areas If you bring a particular case of cor- bank manager tells them that it does not con- ruption to the notice of a senior official. he will cern them because the subsidy belongs to depute his subordinate to look into it. People the Government. All those who have come have given many affidavits, that so many from villages know that illiterate villagers get people have embezzled public money. no benefit from banks. Bribes cannot be There are also cases where a person applied taken from those villagers who are educated, for loan of Rs 10,000 and was not paid a are employed. or are affiliated to 8TftJ political single paisa Instead, the bank officials swal- party. The remaining 90% people do not get lowed the entire amounts and ~ter he got credit without giving bribes. The greatest notice from the bank asking him to repay the disease is this corruption. I know this per- loan. Then he came to know that bank offi- sonally and if the hon. Minister wants. I can cials had drawn the entire amount against his r;jve examples. It is a good thing that these application So, large scale corruption is banks have been opened. It is also good prevalent in banks. Therefore, only those thai an amendment has been made. But it people. who are honest, capable and have is extremely necessary that corruption is a rural background should be appointed as removed. As far as the Board of Directors is directors. Today the position is that concerned, you said that there would be two wherever you go. you find corruption. It is representatives in that Bank. But these two very necessary to root it out. The Govern- cirectors should be from among the farmers ment gets a bad name because of this. or from among the Harijans. In Punjab and These banks were opened for the benefit of Haryana. even Harijans have acquired land poor people and farmers. But Government 337 Region8IIba1 Banks AGRAHAYNU4. 4, 1909 (SAKAl (Arndt.) Bill 338

empkjJees are taking brbe and government Regional Rural Banks (Amendment) is getting a bad name. 8i11,1987 which has been introduced in the House. The date of 19th July. 1969 will be Just roll an han.Member said that a law written in golden letters in the history of India should be pas sed to prevent remission of because on this date our late Prime Minister. loanS. Loans used to be remitted during Shrimati Indira Gandhi nationalised the British time also. For mIionaires and bil- banks without caring for many odds. there- lionaires arnot6IIs to the extent of Rs. 300 after, the Congress Party was divided and crores to As. 400 acres are written off treat- she bore this also. She took the couragea IS ing them as bad debts. But in respect of a step of nationalising the banks and provided poor farmer objection is being raised for the opportunity of availing facilities of bank remitting a loan of As. 2000 or As. 3000. In loan to the people living in urban and rural the United Punjab. there was a government areas of the country. Prior to that, bank loans whose C.M. was Sir Khizer Hyat Khan TlWana were made available only to capitalists and Sahib. During his time Sir Chhotu Aam was industrialists. Under the provisions of the the representative of the farmers. He had present Bill to be passed by us, bank loans brought a bill to remt loans of farmers and will be made available to rural areas also. It to extend several calCeSSions to them in the was very necessary because people in rural grant of loan. DlDlg British rule, Sir Chhotu areas were not getting loa.... easily. Second- Ram had got farmers· loan written off and ly, there are certain areas in the country which today Ch. Devi LaI has remitted loans of have been affected by successive droughts small farmers and workers to the tune of As. for many years and the people of the area 227 crores which benefited Iakhs of people. are not in a position to repay the loan. For One of the hon. Members here said that mal- example, there has been a famine-like con- practives were adopted in recent elections in dition in our area for the last four successive Haryana to get votes. But after five months, years. The farmers have taken loans from elections were held' in Haryana for three Cooperative Banks. Rural Banks and seats, the results are before you. We won Regional Banks. but due to severe drought, with convincing majority. Loans below As. they are not in a position to make repayment 10.000 in respect of smaI farmers, workers of the loan amounts. On the other hand, and shop-keepers have been remitted there. amount of interest goes on increasing while If the Government at the Centre enacts a law the crop get destroyed due to drought. The that loans of smaI farmers. ~kers and interest is not suspended even during petty ~ wiI not be written off. it drought conditions. So, there is need to will have very adverse consequences. The ponder seriously as to what steps should question of enacting such a law does not at really be taken to ensure weHare of the all arise. Instead. a provision should be farmers in these circumstances. I have made that loans of those who are not in a come across some cases in which the position to make repayment shall be amount including interest has increased 3 to remitted. Ch. nevi lsi has flMk:j 90% of the 4 times of the principal amount and the promises be made in the etection mani- loanees are being pressurised to make festo. If you folloW his foot-pnnts. it wi" repayment of the loan. Previously we had a bear very good resuts. snce one of the law in Rajasthan for the money lenders which hen. Members raised this issue here, I was is called Principle of Dambupat· which constrained to sat this. I want that in creer provided that not more than two times of the to eliminate corruption in banks, an amount of loan taken by the farmer shall be Anti-Corruption Board should be $at-up recovered from him. The bank laws, whether early and action should be taken to root it is a co-operative bank or a commercial out corruption so that the people may bank provide f9l' the recx:N8IY of the arTlCUlt praise you also. to the extent of four times of the original loan. • SHRI VRlH CHANOER JAIN (Barmer) Such a provision must be withdrawn. It Mr. Channan. Sir. I rise to support the should be provided that the amount to be 339 Regional RutaJ Banks NOVEMBER 25, 1987 (Amdt.) Bill

[Shri Virdhi Chander Jain] 17.00 hrs. repaid should not be more than two times of [English] the original loan amount under any cir- cumstances. If this provision has been SHRI G.M. BANAlWALLA (pomana): Mr. made for money lenders. it should also be Chairman. Sir, J support the Bill. The made applicable to banks provisions of the Bill reflect the concern that the Government has for improvemelll: of the According to this Bill, the sponsor banks Regional Rural Banks and for the deve1op- will be made chairman of the Regional ment of rural and backward areas. Indeed. Banks. I do not accept this vieYI. The banks play a very vital role in the deve1op- Central Government has the right to make ment of rural and backward areas. With the sponsor bank the chairman, but it will not greater realisation of this particular fact. we look to the interest of rural areas, because all have so many milestones in the history of the sponsor banks are commercial banks. banking in our cOl1ntry. for example, the con- They will keep the urban interest in view and version of the Imperial Bank into the State ignore the interest of rural people. I would Bank of India in 1955, the social control ewer like that the NABARD should be entrusted. banks, and lastly, the nationalisation of car- with this job in place of the sponsor bank tain major banks in our country. Specially The commercial banks are urban oriented. after the nationalisation, there has been a phenomenal expansion in banks and bank It has been decided that the managers branches. For all this, the Government and employees working in rural banks deserves every congratulation. There is no should be paid less pay than the persons doubt about it working in commercial banks in the cities, al- though they work in difficult areas, viz, the Sir, I rise briefly to point out a few impor- desert areas, etc. How is it possible for them tant aspects that must be taken into con- to work there with less pay. Under no cir- sideration. In the first place. there is a great cumstances should they be paid less pay. It need for further relaxation in the various is not the right attitude that the people work- norms that we have in the matter of opening ing in difficult areas should get less pay and of branches According to the 1981 Census. the people working in the ~1eS more. 80 per we have a population of 68.4 crcres. Out of cent of country's population lives in rural the total 1981 population. 76.3 per cent or areas and the Government wants them to 52.2 crores live in 5.76 Iakh villages. Out of progress. Therefore, the managers working 5.761akh villages, around 78.5 per cent vil- in rural areas should not be paid less, rather lages have a population of less than 1.CXX> they should be paid more so that they do not each. and it is these tiny villages which are indulge in corruption. If somebody gets less ecoOOmical1y extremely weak. The present pay it is natural that he will indulge in corrup- norm"adopted during 1982 - 85 is that Rural tion. If he is given full payment he will not Banks could expand branches on the basis think of corruption at all. of a population of 17,000. I know. for the hilly areas there are certain relaxations. But a 1ur- If at all we want to strengthen the rural ther expansion to serve the rural areas. to economy. we must strengthen rural banks. serve these tiny villages. irresjstibly Even now a situation prevails in the country demands a further relaxation and a substan- where people take loan from ITlOI'leY lenders tial relaxation in the matter of opening of the and repay to banks. because the banks put branches. I hope, the Government win give pressure on them to make repayment of the this point due consideration. loan they have taken. It should be our effort to strengthen the rural economy and to en- In the opening of branches also. I must sure that the banks play an important role in point out the regional and glaring regional it. With this I conclude. disparities even in the rural areas. We have. 341 Regional RutaI Banks AGRAHAYANA 4, 1909 (SAKA) (Arndt.) Bill 342

for example. a total number of 5,059 Blocks that the trend is for opening of new Regional in the country. and the deficit Blocks, that is, Rural Banks in more developed States and Blocks deficit in the matter of bank branches developed parts. This is, therefore, an un- as per the norms I have just spoken. ar~ healthy trend which must be reversed. You 1.936. The runber of additional bank of- are in a hurry to pass the Bill and. of course, fices required are 4,033. the rural area is also in a hurry to have greater and greater facilities. I may, therefore. only Now. look at the present pace in the briefly touch upon one or two points and con- development and the expansion of clude. . branches. f do not know how many more decades wII be required in order to cover I must emphasise upon proper man- these deficIs. I must, therefore, say that power with required.sJ

'{Shri G.M. 8anatwqIa] also credI faciiIies. the system. the ARBs have realy achieved good ~ and their rural areas are provided to the banks without performance is comrrteI dabIe. I Ml not 8l'If delay. So, necessary steps should be gc*lg no the dads and the st_istics as to taken in this regard. how they have expalded to just only in one ~ence I would aut to S<hat in 1980there Finally. Sir, the present incentives for were 87 ARBs coverilg 141 dstricts and by workiI tg in rural areas are also not adequate. the end oftheSixlh FIVe Year Plan. therewere I do not want to dENeIop this point because 193 R~ coverilg 341 dstIicts of pBucity of time. &4 I wi ...ge upon the GcNemment to see that due incentives are Again. Sir. the targets fixed. i.e., 170 provided. These are certain observations. ARBs coverilg 270 c:isbicts were exceeded. But indeed Government is alive to the needs The targets were aceeded in terms of ex- of the rt6a1 areas. backward areas. That is pansion of ARBs and depost mobEation. wtrt this Bil has been brought forward for In respect of depost mobisation•• was rriI which I oongratulate the Government. and As.40 Iakhs in 1976. to: I rose to As.30.7 Government should take necessary stepson acres in 1971 and now it is As.. 1.286 crcres the observations that have been made by in 1985. me. Thank you. As regards credit. the credit given has al- MR. CHAIRMAN: I would like to inform the ways exceeded the deposit amount. hon.Members that this debate wil conclude Naturally. the Minister has come before the at 5.~ P.M. I would therefore request the House with amalldrnel ds. They have felt the Members to be brief in their submission. The necessity from their own expeIiellCe of the han. Minister wiD reply to the debate tomor- administration of the banks and the functi0n- row. ing of the banks. ~ SHAI SAIBAlLAV PANIGRAHI There are I'1'18WIIy fCU' pons with regard (Deogarh): Mr. Chairman. I nse to ~ IpfJOrt to this ArnendrnErt. One is. they have the is- the'RegionaI Rural Bank (Amendment) 81. sued capital which was increased from Sk'. the Regional Rural Banks. by and large. As.25 Iakhs to As. one aore. About the have done a commendable job in our authorised capital. it has increased from As. COtrtry. in catering to the banking needs of one acre to As. five acres. There can be no the rural people. Sir. long after the objection Of course. the Bill has the natioIl8IiSation of the Banks. it ~ fet that wholehearted ~ IpfJOrt from aI sectioIts of the the oommerciaJ banks were not interested. House. were nQt in a mood to mc:M! to the rwal 1n8S.' the irterior areas and therefore. the About the Board of Directors. the Central idea or concept of having Regional Rwal Government wi be nominating two Direc- Banks was entertained and it was rightly tors. Hitherto they were nominated by the done. It is a customary in our cartry. in cu Bank, but now the Central Government can system that"8lthough India is predominently nominate them. ~ I would sat that about a ual COtrtry. a COU1by of villages, the ad- the Chairman, hitherto the Chairman is ap- mi _alive set "4>. the administrative system pointed ~ the Central Government, but now is Lriortunately 1Mban-oriented and unless the spell asor bank wiI have the powers to ap- compeled, no administrator. no people in point its Chairman. There are certain c0n- authority. will move to the viIIages.to attend tradictions. As you kncMt. yesterday there to the pobIen:8 Wld grievances of the nM'aI was huIIa-guila cbing the Zero Holw be- people. So. irrthat background, it was a YelY cause there was a demOIIlStralion or cIlarna happy a'ld ~.eICOme development over the staged by the INTUC including same M.P.s years in fN81IY field. in the ~ of expansion protesting against the lftHabc:u and anti- m.. welfare etc., deposit mobilisation and people aItlude 01 the Bar* Management 345 Regional Rural Banks AGRAHAY ANA 4. 1909 (SAKA) (Arndt.) Bill and if the Chairman is not appointed by the SHRI SRIBALLAV PANIGRAHI: BoIangir Government. I feel that the banking policy of AnchaJika Gramin Bank which is naN cc:Net- the Government may not be properly imple- ing three districts is quite unwieldy and there- mented. The right type of people should be fore. it should be bifurcated. There should placed in the right type of jobs. It is a very be a separate Gramin Bank for SambaIplw very important thing. It is often alleged on the district and Sundargarh district. floor of this House that the Government's poJicies are not being property implemented by the bank officials. Of course. Mr. Poojary straightaway scolds bank officials and takes MR. CHAIRMAN: Shri Piyus Tiraky. the erring officials to task openly. (Interrup- tions) [Ttans/arion]

Sir. I beg of you to give me some more SHAI RAJ KUMAR RAI (Ghosi): Mr. Chair- time. man, Sir. I would request you to give a chance to me also to speak. It is very important to note that the Government policies are not being properly [Eng/ish] implemented. properly pursued by the bank officials and therefore, cautious approach is MR. CHAIRMAN: There is no time. It is necessary for appointment of Chairman and too late now. other Directors. SHAI RAJ KUMAR RAI: I have already re- With regard to non-officials I am telling quested you you that I had my peculiar experience A non-official Director of Batangir Anchalika Gramya Bank in Orrisa has written to me a 17.21 hrs. letter that since he IS exposing the misdeeds of the Management, he is being threatened SHAI PIYUS TIRAKY (Alipurduars): Mr. to be thrown out of the Board of Directors. Chairman, there is no mention in the state- Look at the state of affairs. Further, as ment of Objects and Aeasons of the Bitt that regards the appointment of staff, we are no security would be taken from the loanee. entrusting the work to the Bank Service Com- Everywhere. if a person is with little land mission It is a contradiction because that property or something like that, on the basis would mean recruitment of people to dif- of that security. you give loan. Nobody ferent banks with different grades of salaries. wants to grant loan to the poor man, if he has The same Board will recruit staff for different nothing to offer as security. HaN will you give banks at different salaries. But the rural bias. this money to the poor as loan, when you in- rural attitude, rural approach will not be there sist on security and he has no such thing. with the staff. Therefore, we cannot say that Majority of the people in the rural areas are the RRB staff have developed the requisite poor people and the exploited people. rural approach or rural attitude. Therefore, I Many exploiters are there to exploit him. would say that there should be proper train- How will you proceed to give him some relief ing for the staff. These rural banks should be with your loan? Nothing has been said in the given an increasing role in the 20-point Bill. programme, anti-poverty programmes and other such programmes with a provision to I will first give -some suggestions. The give loans to the rural poor with a low rate of Government of India is also taking loans 'rom interest. outside. A number of countries have given loans with a very small rale of interest on MR. CHAIRMAN: Hen. Member's time is long-term basis to help the development of up. India. You are taking loans from the World 347 Regional Rural Banks NOVEMBER 25. 1987 (Arndt.) &11 348

(Shri Piyus TlI'aky] 17.25 t.s:

Bank and other international financial or- (MR. DEPUlY SPEAKER in the Chc/r1 ganisations. They have given you loan without interest for 10 or 20 years and after- My suggestion is that you should give wards you are giving only 2% or 1 % interest. them loan. But you should make the man Wtrt donlt you apply this system to the rural understand that the loan is not bakshish and poor people also? ~ don't you tell them that he has to repay the loan within a that for 10 years or 5 years, there will be no specified period and that if he cannot repay interest. Then, when the farmers will get the the loan, he will have to pay interest on it and resources, then you can have a marginal in- the entire amount will have to be repaid within terest so that the Government mor._y is also a specified period and if he cannot repay the not lost. The money will be refunded or loan within the specified period, his landed repaid or the recovery will be made, when the property or whatever property he has will be Ioanee has got some resources to refund it. confiscated by the bank. You must make Your Bill should mention it clearty. Then the him understand this first, before giving the rural people would thank you and the loan. If you S8tf that it is bakshis, that loan Government also very much. will go 8YIBf. That is Government money. You do not bother if the farmer eats away the Nobody understands your Loan Mela money. and all these things and all these clauses and sections. I have experienced it. People ask My suggestion is that the farmers must for loan. Some bank is giving loan for poultry have a scheme under which those who want purpose. Farmers are in need of money. piggery or poultry or some artisanship in any But he has no idea of poultry. But only those block can get training. They can get training who are interested in poultry will get the on what is husbandry. how to rear the cattle money. So. the bank people will say, you just and how artisans work in cottage industry. write down, ·Poultry-, whether you are inter- People in every block must be given that kind esteel or not. So, he obliges them and 50% of training. You must give loan only after money has gone there. To buy a goat also, giving them the training and then only you there is an agent. He will SBtJ, I will arrange can get back your loan and thus the purpose it. Since the farmer is getting it for nothing. of the rural bank will be served. l he says. "Yes • The loan is granted with the involvement of middleman and the goat has Otherwise. what the rural people do is that come from the market. The farmer is happy they go out when election is coming. They . because, he has got it. though he has paid want to get some money. The Central nothing. He is quite happy that IBabu· has Government Officers come and they dis- done a great service for him out of love. But tribute money. The rural peopte think that the when he has to pay the amount. wheo the money is being freely distributed to them. reccNefY of principal and interest started, This is what you have done in Tripura. This when bank people come to him. he would is very bad because it is Government money. S8tf.What happened, I have not taken so It is not your personal money. Government much~ I want only As. 100/-. Butthe money must be recovered with interest. Babu says that Rs. 5,000/- is available. This amendment of the Rural Bank will exploit the SHRI BIPIN PAL DAS (Tezpur): Same rural people who have legal money. They thing has happened in Bengal. finish the rural people there. They have noth- ing to give. So, the rural people would also MR. DEPUTYSPEAKER: Please wind up. feel uneasy to live in the rural areas. The bank win give more money and they will get SHRI P1YUS TlRAKY: If you really love the fat. This amendment will not serve the rural poor and if you want to develop the rural people. areas, then you should give long-term loans. 349 AGRAHAYANA 4. 1909 (SAKA) H.A.H. re: Training 350 of Senior Officers For 5 to 10 years, there should be na inter- MR. DEPUlY-SPEAKER: Mr. Banatwalla, est. Afterwards. 1 "or 2" interest should he has already made the request and you be there. If the person has no resources to also accepted it. paf the interest and if he can pay back only the loan. you should not take interest. I hope (Interruptions) that you will heed my suggestion. MR. DEPUTY -SPEAKER: He has already MR. DEPUlY SPEAKER: The han. Mini- made the request regarding that. ster will reply tomorrON. SHRIG.M. BANATWALLA: Onapromise that he will give a good reply tomorrow .. .(/n- terruptions) This may not be expunged from the records. 17.30 hrs. MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: You should not PAPERS LAID ON THE TABlE - Contd. ask for expunction of even his reply at that time. [English] (Interruptions)

Notification under Central Exci.w Rules

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- TRY OF FINANCE (SHRI JANARDHANA 17.31 hrs .. POOJARy): I beg to lay on the Table a copy of Notification No. 2541B7-Central Excises HALF-AN-HOUR DISCUSSION (Hindi and English versions) published in the Gazette of India dated the 25th November, Training of Senior Officers Abroad 1987 issued under the Central Excise Rules, 1944 together with an explanatory memoran- [English] dum seeking to prescribe effective rates of additional excise duty in lieu of Sales Tax 0'1 MR DEPUTY-SPEAKER: The House will man-made fabrics falling under Chapters 54 now take up half-an-hour discussion. Dr. and 55 of the Central Excise Tariff on the G.S. Rajhans to speak. , am allowing you 10 basis of the width of the fabrics in superses- minutes. Please be brief. sion of Notification No. 60187-Central Ex- cises, dated the 1st March, 1987. [Placed in [Trans/alion J Library. See No. L.T.-51 05/87]. DR. G.5. RAJHANS(Jhanjharpur): SHRIG.M. BANATWALlA{Ponnani)' Sir, Mr.Deputy Speaker, Sir, the subject which this whole thing must be expunged from the we are discussing has attracted the attention record because this Paper has to be laid on of whole country. It is being discussed in all the Table of the House immediately before the leading newspapers of the country for the the House adjourns. How did you anow this? last 3 to 4 months that the I.A.S. and the I.P.S. Officers are being sent to the U.S.A. and England for training. When this matter was (Interruptions) being discussed in the House on 11 th November. you might have seen that almost MR. DEPUlY-SPEAKER: Na, no. He an the han.Members were on their legs and has already made a request. they were so agitated that the hon.Speaker had to allow a separate debate on the sub- SHRI G.M. BANA1WALLA: The point is, ject. tn this connection, \ would like to make now we have got Half-an-Hour discussion a specific point. In his reply the hon:Minister 351 H.AH. Ie: Training NOVEMBER 25. 1987 of Senior Officers Abroad

[Or. G.S. Rajhans] resemble. It was a coincidence that I reached there. The Pakistani students also has stated that it is not that the tA.S. and could not distinguish between Indians Pakis- I.P.S. Officers are being sent for training to tanis. In that meeting, the Dean abused ' the U.S.A., England or any other western India profusedly and exhorted Pakistani stu- countries, but it is the trainers, teachers and dents to raise their voice against India. lleft Faculty Members who are being sent for the meeting quietly. I was just giving an in- training. Now two things arise out of it. The stance as to what goes on there. There is first thing is that 3/4 of the Faculty Members not a single foundation in the U.S.A. which is who have come on deputation are I.A.S. and outside the influence of C.I.A. Our officers I.P.S. Officers. The hon.Minister did not who go there for higher studies or training in- mention this aspect. They come on deputa- dulge in extra curricular activities ... tion for 3 to 4 years as Faculty Members and rewrt to their parent departments. So, the SHRI RAJ KUMAR RAJ(Ghosi): I hope fact remains that the Government wants to . you don't have the same opinion about our send the I.A.S. and I.P .S. Officers for training hone Minister abroad. In this connection. I shall cite an anecdote. Shahjahan was made a prisoner DR. G S RAJHANS: The hone Minister is by his son Auranghjeb. In order to keep his very well known to me. You may be talking heart and soul together, Shahjahan begged of Jan Morcha types (Interruptions) his son of granting him two things, one cereal to eat and second some work to do Shah- The matter is very serious. You may not jahan asked for gram or any preparation of accept it but the future generation will say gram to eat and said that in lieu thereof he that your decision was not in the best inter- would teach Auranghjeb's son. Auranghjeb est of the country. You should accept what I agreed to his first proposal but did not agree have said about the activities of people who to the second one because he said that he go there I have read about it. Not even 10 (Shahjahan) would teach his son against him percent of the people who receive training and his son would make him a prisoner at an abroao go back to work in their institutions early age, although he made him a (Shah- We would like to be enlightened as to how jahan) prisoner at an old age. This training much expenditure has been incurred. the ex- implies that you mixing intoxicant in the en- tent of losses of resources suffered and how tire water of the wen which will pollute all the far the country has been really benefited so trained persons. There is no doubt that im- far as this training is concerned. parting training to a number of people will have multiptying effect, as has been said by You may have also read that when Shri the hen. Minister , but it will be in the reverse Y.B Chavan was the Minister of Defence, an direction. I would like to share with you my I.A.S. Officer in his Department was sent to experience of those universities. I have Harvard for training. During an informal dis- stucfled in rena.vned university of the U.S.A cussion he told his Professor that India pos- As a student and quite new to that place. I sessed the capability of making a time was called for orientation. There are small bomb. Within two months we had the apartments. The hon.Minister has also Pokaran test. That Professor informed studied in an US University. A Pakistani lad Washington at once about the information was putting up adjacent to my apartment. which he had received from our officer. Sometimes. his mail was delivered to my apartment and sometimes my mail to his The officer was called back and discipli- apartment. The Dean had through a circular nary action was taken against him. But the invited the students from Pakistan tor a meet- country suffers considerable losses. It is al- ing. 'was also asked to attend the meeting. right that our defence personnel are not perhaps mistaking me to be a Pakistani stu- being sent there, but if I.A.S. and I.P .S. Of- dent because the Indians and the Pakistanis ficers are sent abroad and they work on 353 H.AH. 1'8: Training AGRAHAYANA 4, 1909 (SAKA) of Senior Officers Abroad 35 4 strategic points than it may be damagingfor the name of training abroad. So, I want to us. H they are imparted orientation training suggest that if you still want to impart train- to speak against minorities and to organise ing to our people you should give them train- riots. what w!11 happen of this country. Do ing here or send them to Japan. Today. you want to convert I.A.S. Officers into Japan has overtaken the U.S. in technical 'BhasmaSurs'? Bhasmasur. In Hindu mythol- capability and it is going ahead in every field. 0IJf Bhasmasur was created by gods and The management techniques of the granted the boon that whomever he would Japanese are considered to be the best in put his hand on would be turned into ashes. the world. You say that in Japan we face the He start~ putting his hand on gods. problem of language, but they have the working knowledge of English and working Now I will relate an incident about rrTf con- knowlEdge of English is enough. The ex- stituency. The floods which occurred in our ample of China can be cited from where I State have been unprecedented. Floods of have returned recently, China has advanced such magnitude have not occurred during to the extent today that it has beCome an ex- the last 150 years. It is on record that the DIs- ample for others to emulate. We do not find trict Magistrate did not come out of his house any disease there, not a single fly is noticed. and when we protested, he was given So, if you want to send officials abroad for promotion. There is another such incident in training, you should send them to China and which the hous.e of a Commissioner was to Japan. With these words, t will say that let raided by the CBI and Rs. 40 lakhs received India remain India, do not make it into an by him in bribe were recovered. The Com- England or an America. missioner was released on anticipatory bail. Now the same Commissioner reprimands [English] I.A.S. Officers and treats them like dirt. If you give him training abroad then you can im- MR. DEPUlYSPEAKER: You reply to him agine how he will be treating people. In this and then afterwards they will put questions. wf*/. we are creating brown 'Sahibs' in our country. We talk of aparthied in the world. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- but we are not paying attention to the apar- TRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBUC GRIEVAN- thiedthat is coming in our country. The situa- CES AND PENSIONS AND MINISTER OF tion today is such that the sons of I.A.S. STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HOME AF- become I.A.S. the sons of I.P.S. Officers be- FAIRS (SHRI P. CHIDAMBARAM): Sir. I am come I.P.S. Officers but can you cite an in- grateful to Hon. Member Dr. Rajhans for rais- stance where the son of a farmer has ing this discussion. In retrospect, , realise become an I.A.S. or an I.P.S.' Officer? Not a that we should have discussed training single person from the poorer section of policy soon after the Prime Minister made his society reach that level because he is not first broadcast on 5th January, 1985 and the educated in public schools. Therefore1 I training plans were worked out for the various want to tell you that there is feeling among cadres. I.A.S. Officers that they are superior to others and if they get training abroad then they will Sir, if you will permit me, I would like to go become more arrogant in their behaviour. back to the answer which I gave on the 11 th After all. what is wrong with our own manage- of November. The question was:'Whether ment institutes? We have the best manage- Government propose to send some senior ment institutes in our country. Is there any lAS or police officers to Britain and USA for skin which our countrymen are incapable of training.· acquiring? Today, we are in a pos1tion to make our own super computer, we have all I answered quite candidly that:IApart the necessary capabilities. So, are we not in from the on-going programmes for training a position to impart training .to our own of administrators and trainers under the people? We all IVloW what goes on here in Colombo Plan, UNDP and other program- 355 HAH. 18: Training NOVEMBER 25, 1987 of Senior Officets Abroad' 356

(Shri P. Chidambaram] There are sixty institutions which we have identified as national and central trai(ling in- mea, only a proposal for faculty development stitutions. There are 25 institutioos run by is in the initial stages of coflsideration.· State Governments - some of which ar~ very good and some of which are being upgraded. These eighty five instit.fens Sir. I wish to assure this House that there have faculty. There is always, in any ~em is no shift in policy as far as training of ad- of education and continuing edu~ion, a ministrators is concerned. There is no shift 'principle known as faculty improvement or in policy as far as training of faculty members faculty development. The UGC calls it facul- is concerned. In fact. there has been no ad- ty improvement; we call it faculty develop- citionaIity whatsoever and what is being con- ment. In 1983-84. please mark the year, sidered and at a Wlry preHminary exploratory when Indiraji was the Prime Minister, Govern- stage is whether we could have availed mentaccepted a Colombo Plan offer to send some more (IppOrtunities for faculty develop- 30 Faculty members for short-term courses ment. to five institutions in the United Kingdom for training in methodology. This is where I Sir. as far as training of administrators is would request the Han. House to bear with concerned because Hon. Member Dr Raj- me - there is a vast difference between what hans made an extensive reference to lAS is to be taught and how it is to be taught. We and IPS officers. I would only wish to make a are talking about methodology Methodol- statement of facts It is not only lAS or IPS ogy is no longer delivering straight lectures who have been going abroad. Long before There are very many new methods of teach- this Government is formed. long before I be- ing which have come about and our major came Minister, many other services and universities are experimenting with various departments have been sending their of- methods facers- I am stating facts - for short-term, medium-term and long-term courses Over For the last five years, 30 faculty members the last two decades, the Department of Per- have been going and this is something which sonnel, as the nodal authority has been started before this Government came and sponsoring about 150 officers on an average before I became a Minister 30 faculty mem- every year ./This is only a small proportion, bers have been going elery year to five in- about 1/6 or so, of the officers who are going stitutions. As a result. we have internalised abroad. Officers are going from Finance the gains that we have got out of this ex- Ministry. Steel. Coal. Tele-communication perience Today as a result of that - one of and from very many other Ministries We the five institutions is Slough College of have f'lOthing to do with that. They are going Higher Education - thanks to the faculty for shcwt-term.courses of two weeks. three members having gone to the Slough College ~ prpgrammes, four months program- of Higher E:..ducation ... we have been able to mes and sbnnonths programmes. prepare training materials an(fthr~ institu- ... J tions in India, please mark my words - ISTM. l Whatwe·~ think is 'should we not inter- New Delhi, ATI. Calcutta, and ATI. MYsore- nalise the'r experienc.e within the country? have been able to develop training pack- _What has ~ in two years is, thanks ages for running their. o.wn trainer to the fWf!NI initiative taken in training. institu- development courses within these three in- tions which Were in moth-balls, institutions ·stitOtibns. which were .negaected, faculty which was neglected in India by not getting equipment. HoW diq this happen? ll.;s has hap- not getting money. not getting status arld in- pened because their faclJlty members went certives have now- 8\Yakened to a new life. . abroad. came back and internalised the to a new massive effort of training in the . . strengths. Again, two faculty members of ~I IMG, Tr,ivandrum and two faculty members · 357 H.A.H. re: Training AGRAHAYANA 4, 1909 (SAKA) of Senior Off;cersAbroad 358

of the Harlschandra Mathur RIPA, Jaipur lavia, what is available in Scandinavian haVe tJeen trained as trainers. It is because countries. I cannot sit in rrrt room and of their exposure to new methodology, new visualise what is available there. I have to eK- pedagogy, curriculum development and plore. development of course material that they have been able to come back and internalise Sir, I respectfully submit Dr. Aajhans is not the strengths and develop their 0YIn training suggesting that I should reverse the policies materials within the country. and programmes which were started in Pan- dit Jawahartal Nehru's time and expanded We said these facu~ members are going and continued in Indiraji's time. In 1983-84, to only five institutions in the UK, can we look the Colombo Plan was started. I think at for other institutions where we can have, least Dr. Chinta Mohan won't object to the more numbers for training in methodology programme. The acronyM of the and pedagogy. We sent out two teams to programme is Trainers Development explore. please underline the word explore, Programme (TOP). At least you Will agree what are available. No funds are committed that TOP is not a bad acronym. We are only no decision has been taken and nobody has trying to say that there are now .five institu- been sent. tions. Should they go to the same five institu- .. , "". tions? About training of administrators. This started in 1952 under the CoiofflbO Plan and QR. G.S. RAJHANS: .No, 00. in 1966 under UNDP. We ~ Y8!Y many countries. I made a quick list. There are SHAI P. CHIDAMBARAM: Can we I')Ot use about 150 slots available in the UK, 35 slots the money and -send them SQfI'leWhere else? in USA, four in Japan - and I am not saying Can we not send them to some other institu- that we cannot send them to Japan; we have tions to learn methodology? My respectful and we can. We have four slots and we have submission is that we are sendng them to got to look for more. 5 in Sweden, 16 in learn only in three areas - pedagogy, cur- France and 12 to 18 in Netherlands. I have riculum development and d~ of no bias. Dr. Aajhans went to North Carolina course material. They will come baok after university and I went to another university. gaining training in these techniques for 3 But I have no bias. Today, we are sending weeks, 4 weeks, 5 weeks or 6 weeks. I think, them to various countries. The point is: Do I it is unfair to say that in 4-6 weeks, they wilt have a mandate now to reverse these be infiltrated, they wilt be subverted .,' programmes which were started in 1952 when Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was the Prime (Interruptions) Minister, expanded during Indiraji's period under Colombo Plan and UNOP and other SHRI SURESH KURUP (Kottayam): aid programme from Sweden, France, Financed by Ford Foundation... . . Japan and Netherlands? Do I have a man- date to reverse all that? I do not have a man- SHAI P. CHIDAMBARAM: I will enswet' date to reverse all that. These programmes that. I am not denying. I am not hiding that. are going on. Do you think that we shoukt The fact is that Ford Foundation is funding not send them to England? Well, we won't some of these programmes already. It send them to England. If you think that we started much before this Government came.' should send more to Japan, we will send I found that thia money was being wasted by them to Japan. But even if we send them to sending indivicfu.als for training. So, I said: Japan, if we send them to the UN Institution Why do I waste this money by sending in- at Nagoya Japan, , have to send somebody dividuals for traifting? 'f some money is avail- first to find out what is available in Japan, able, let us send out two teams to some what is available in Sweden, what is available institutions and univf3rsities and find out what in Netherlands, what is available in Yugos- is available. They will come back, 359 H.AH. 18: Ttaining NOVEMBER 25, 1987 of Senior Officers.Abroad 360

SHRI SURESH KURUP: What has Ford MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: You can't inter- Foundations to do with it. vene. You can't interrupt.

SHRI P. CHIDAMBARAM: I don't take SHRI P. CHIDAMBARAM: Money is money. The Department of Economic Af- money. What DEA gives me is money. I am fairs has already taken this money. This a consumer. DEA gives me. As far as I.am money was being used for funding Individual concerned. they say: Money is available; training programmes. I said: This is a waste send two teams. So. I send two teams. As of money. The money should be used to ex- far as I am concerned, I am a user of money. plore what is available in institutions and then I will keep this in mind. We will try to expand you must decide where we should go. the opportunities in Sweden, in France, in Japan and in other countries. This caution. I PROF. N.G. RANGA ( Guntur): They will am willing to keep in mind. But believe me come back and train our people. that Government has no intention of western- ising or Americanising or doing anything to SHAr P. CHIOAMBARAM: They will come our service. members of our service are back and train our people. This is precisely strong enough. When they go for a short what I am trying to saY. My object is exactly term, I am sure they will uphold the traditions the object which you have in mind. We must of this country rather than absorbing in any quickly internalise; we must quickly develop pernicious Influence into that country. I hope our own strength. 1 have already done it in this will clarify the matter. I am grateful to Dr. fave institutions in two years. I will read out Rajhans for having to have given me this 0p- the names of those institutions: ISIM, ATI, portunity to clarify this matter. Calcutta -I wish Shri Basudeb Acharia will go to ATI. Calcutta; ATI, Mysore. HCMRIPA, SHAI BASUDEB ACHARIA (8ankura): Jaipur and I.M.G. Trivandrum. The Minister has admitted that sending of trainers 10r training is under consideration. We have to internalise. But we have 85 Though he has said that it is in the initial institutions. We have to internalise there. We stages, Government is considering to send have to expose one or two faculty members our trainers to a country like United States. to this methodology for 4-6 weeks. They will We all know the United States is doing. what come back. I cannot imagine why. for ex- its CIA is doing in destabilising our country ample, hon·ble Dr. Chinta Mohan. is upset. The forces are very much active there. They When I spoke to your Chief Minister. he said: are also active in our country and we are I will give As. 25 lakhs. He has invited me to sending our trainers to get training there. come and inaugurate a new building under They will come back and train other ad- the chairmanship of the Chief Minister. I sat ministrative officers here. We are capable that some of our faculty members should be enough for this training. The task of select- sent abroad tor short programme. They can ing the institute is entrusted to the Ford Foun- come and fertilise and enrich our faculty. dation and everybody knows that it is linked When I go to Jaipur, the Chief Minister wants with CIA. The consultant of this Ford Foun- it. When I go anywhere the Chief Minister dation has giv~n a report which was wants it. published in the newspaper. He has been entrusted with the preparation of syllabus I personally think that while I have no man- and cu.rriculum. This is very alarming. He date and I would respectfutly submit that 1 referred to Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru who always have no mandate to reverse what was talked of self-reliance. WtTy can·t we rely on started in Panditji's time and in Indiraji's our institutes? We are capable enough to time... Qnterruptions) ... I wiD only keep your train our trainers. Wtr-J should we train our of- words of caution in mind. I will try. ficers outside our country? If there is any agreement, scrap it. Why should our ad- (Interruptions) ministrative officers and police officers be 361 H.A.H. re: Training AGRAHAYANA 4,1909 (SAKA) of Senior Officers Abroad 362 sent to USA and UK for training? Even Sometime ago, the hon. Mi~ister at the though the agreement is there since 1952, ASEAN countries seminar.. administrative you scrap it. These US imperialists are very reforms workshop--said--and I admire the much active as also the CIA. They are help- idea of the hon. Minister--that there should ing and awaiting to create secessionist and be a change from the top. I accept it; there divisive forces within our country. He should should' definitely be a change from the top stop sending our trainers there. He should and only then there would be some change tell the House what report the consultant of down below also. the Ford Foundation has submiKed to the Government and whether this task of select- I am not able to appreciate the idea of the ing different institutes in USA and UK has han. Minister that we can bring the social been entrusted to Ford Foundation. The reforms easily and he compared the social minister should clarify whether he will scrap reforms as changing of an engine. I am not the agreement of sending our officers to US able to appreciate the attitude of the Minister. and UK or not. Probably he thought that changing of an en- gine was just like changing of a uniform or something like that. if that is the attitude of 18.00 hrs. the hon. Minister, I am not able to appreciate it. MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Dr. Chinta Mohan. Then, the Union Public Service Commis- sion is conducting so many examinations SHRI G. M. BANATWALLA (Ponnani): Are and the candidates are nominated to the the Ministers also sent for training? various serVices on the basis of the marks they obtain With a gap of one or two marks, MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Yes, even op- so many classes, cadres etc. are being position Members can go. created. They are put in lAS, IPS, IOAS, tFS etc. and those people are fighting for their emoluments, for their promotions and so DR. CHINTA MOHAN (Tirupati) Mr many other things as also for going abroad Deputy-Speaker. Sir, while I admire the ad- for training. The result is that it is leading to ministrative ability of the Minister, I cannot at frustration among the civil servants and they the same time appreciate his right romantic are not able to perform their duties property. views on sending the officers abroad for training. However.·1 do not want to go deep About the training programmes, I accept into it. the Minister's contention that we started this programme in 1952 and it has actually come to the implementation stage in 1983, 1984 or Right from the Cabinet Secretary to the 1985, and so many officers went abroad, Chief Secretary and others, the Collector to and they have undergone training and a clerk, everybody is under the influence of brought new ideas. I would like to know what bureaucracy. Though the Parliament is sort of training is there in other countries. You supreme and we are passing so many legis- said that they went for training to Nether- lations, these are the people who are im- lands, West Germany, France and so many plementing them. Even after forty years of other countries, and they have taken an sorts independence we find that there is a gap"be- of training from those countries. I would like tween the words and the deeds, there is a to know what proposals they have brought gap between the bombast and bamboo- and what sort of schemes you have zling. All the Plans of the Government have prepared after Qetting information from been paper tigers only and today the them If he does not have that information Government orders are just like water bub- now, he can place it on the Table of the bles. House later 363 H.AH. 18: TlSining NOVEMBER 25, 1987

{Dr. Chinta Mohan] be it of methodology or of other substantive point. As iar as Goa is concerned, I know Today. these lAS, IPS and other officers that during the last 25 years so many IAS~d need not go for training abroad; in fact. they IPS officers have gone for training but after should go to the tribal bastis, harijan bastis coming from there I have never seen 8ny of and should kOO\Y the sufferings of the people the lAS or IPS officer applyina" the foreign living there. They should know what ;s star- methodology or any substantive knowledge vation. what is bonded labour and what is un- which he has acquired dOring his stay in the touchability. If they know all these things, foreign country for the benefit of the then they can implement certain programmes Union Territory of Goa, Daman and Diu. So, and the poor and the needy can prosper in what is the use of their getting training in this country. foreign country? What is the use of IRDP, NREP, the 20 Point Programme or for that I request the Government to stop send- matter any other such programme. I would ing these lAS, IPS and other officers abroad like to know whether any individual assess- for training and instead, they should be sent ment has been made? If there is even 10 to the tribal and harijan bastis to have a first- percent improvement in their performance, I hand knowledge ef the sufferings of the would say that all officers should be sent for people. bonded labour and others. Only the training I'would like to ask two ques· then, they can implement the programmes. tions. Firstly, how will you evaluate their per- I know the Minister will not accept this idea formance with respect to the schemes that they should go to these bastis. But at prepared by the Government of India from least. he should keep in mind and do some- time to time with special reference to our 20 thing in this connection how or later. Point Programme? And then, whether there is any methodology acquired from the SHAI SHANTARAM NAIK (Panaji): Mr. foreign country while their training which has Deputy Speaker, Sir, the Hon Minister helped in the implementation of any of the should not take it in that way that it is some- Central Government's scheme? thing which he has started because he was at Harvard. Two times he has repeated it. It SHRI V SOBHANADREESWARA RAO was started much before he became a Min- (Vijayawada): Mr. Deputy-Speaker, Sir, I feel ister. We as members of Parliament are that we should not be allergic to this issue reviewing the situatiQn and we find that this When we are recognising the need to ac- training is of no use. J differ slightly from Hon. quire better knowledge and skills we should colleague to the extent that I do not like our not condemn if they receive training in some officers to go to even Japan or China. If there country and praise that they have received is t!nf place for such training it is here in India, such a training in some other country. You which is the biggest democratic country of must view it with objectivity. Sir, I feel that the world. I will give you an example and I apart from countries like USA and UK. there can assure you that I will not exaggerate. If are countries like China which is making very you as a Minister in the Department of Per- rapid progress in the field of agriculture. rural sonne and Public Grievances have to act on development, bio-energy, in rendering the some matter. you will act thousand times medical service to the vast millions of people better than a Secretary of the Home Affairs in the rural areas and all the more a small of Britain. This is because in a short period scale technology in the field of industrial sec- of 2 to 3 years you have faced much com- tor through which it is able to give lot of pIeK problems which no Home Minister or employment to the millions of people Foreign Minister of any other developing throughout the country which has more country would have faced. Similar is the population than our own country. case with our officers. Within one year an of- ficer in this country becomes expert and I do So. in these circumstances, I want to not think that he requires any sort of training know from the hon. Minister as to what steps ~ HAH. te:TI8ining AGRAHAYANA 4, 1909 (SMA) of Senior Officers Abroad, 368

the Government is going to take in respect Countries either with capitalistic system or of two fields which are very vital for the with socialistic system are making very rapid progress and better administration of this progress. But what ;s wrong with our sys- country. tem?

As you know, the present administr~ive AN HON. MEMBER: Because we have no system was introduced by the British peo~e. system here' When they were ruling our country, they had evolved the system in such a w8!l that on al- SHRI V. SOBHANADREESWARA RAO: most all the things, the file had to go to the Many a time we find that people do not do highest level, where there would be an any work at all. Unless every person works European to take the decision. They always hard in this country, the country will not make SI!NI to it that things move at a slow pace. any rapid progress. What steps are the Their main concern was to see that there Government going to take in this direction? would not be any scope for rebellion and at The persons sent on training should find out the same time to save as much money as the facto~s that motivate people in those possible at the cost of our country, divert it to countries to put in their best in every thing improve industrialisation in their country, to they do. Because, in this way they not only bring their produce to our country and sell it do their job and work for their family in the and again make a big pro1it out 01 it. It is very tiest way possible. but at the same time, they sad to see the same sort of slow functioning help their country's overall development. \ in our secretariats both at State and Central VVhat are the ways and means adopted by levels. Many of these lAS officers as well as both the capitalistic and socialist countries to officers down the grade always act only with achieve this objective? What motivates the a negative attitude. people in those countries to work at a faster pace. 'Are our Government going to take any Even if the problem concerns a large steps in these two important fields which number of people and even if the issue is concern a large number of our masses? " very genuine and reasonable, when it goes the Government are not taking any such to an officer, he searches for such a minor steps at pres~nt, I request them to take the point on the basis of which, he can return the necessary steps now, so that there will be a file to the lowest level. And thus, a lot of valu- drastic change in the years to come. able time is lost. What is the hon Minister's thinking on this aspect? PROF. SAIFUODIN SOZ (Baramulla): Mr. We are sending these officers on training Oeputy-Speaker Sir, I would take just one and they have to act as collectors of a dis- minute. trict or at a later date they would occupy a very senior administrative position. These MR. OEPUTY-SPEAKER: No please. officers should ~the changes that have canl")Pt allow you. Let the Minister reply first. been _opted in other countries which We wiU see afterwards. enable things to move at a faster pace. It is the sad experience of f!!Nery people's repre- PROF. SAIFUDDIN SOZ: I will not take sentative -- it must be your experience too -- more than a minute. The Minister has that even when it concerns a very small yielded Sir. farmer or a poor man or the weaker sections, one has to make 20 to 25 trips to an office to MR. DEPUiY-SPEAKER: I ~ allow solve the problem. What steps are the you ~ause the rules do not permit me. You Government taking to solve this problem of change the rules and then I will allow. making unnecessary trips? Mr Minister, you may answer please. There is another imbortant aspect. Otherwise I will adjourn the House. 367 H.AH. re: Training NOVEMBER 25, '987 of Senior Officers Abroad 368

PROF. SAlFUODlN SOZ: Just one minute stitutions of this country... (Interruptions) Sir. You must be patient with punctuating MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: You don't every time. The report was a report com- answer him. mentir,g on the training programmes launched by us within the country and to SHAI P. CHIDAMBARAM: No Sir. I am identify whether there are any weaknesses. not answering. (Interruptions)

(/ntenuptions) If you listen, I will answer. You will have to wait tUlI complete at least three sentences, MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER You cannot Achariaji. Maybe this is the way you have answer that point. been trained by your party~

SHAI P. CHIDAMBARAM: I am not We have on going evaluations within the answenng that point. country. Shri Haldipur did an evaluation for us. Prof. Ishwar Dayal did an evaluation for (Interruptions) us. We wanted the evaluation of only one element, namely, whether the faculty im- PROF. SAIFUDDIN SOZ: It is not i~ good provement programmes are commensurate taste. with the expectations that have been raised as a result of .the massive training effort. Let (Interruptions) me at the risk of repetition say, training is not confined to lAS and IPS alone. We have set- MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: It;s not in a tled tr~ning programmes for Foreign Ser- good taste, what you are saying. You have vice, for Postal and Telecommunication to cooperate with us. Service, for the Indian Ordnance Factory Ser- vice, for the Forest Service and for other ser- (Interruptions) vices and other cadres in the country.

SHRI P. CHIDAMBARAM: Mr. Deputy There were five workshops. In those Speaker Sir, I am grateful to han. Members workshops, Ministers and Senior Secretaries for putting questions to me on the sugges- to the Government also attended. It is be- tions which I have made. cause we have an open mind. We are will- ing to experiment with the new ideas. Our I am grateful that the matter has been Ministers, our Secretaries are willing to sit able to come into little focus, although I must across the table and ask themselves the sst Mr. Acharia either remains out .of focus question what is the problem of interface. when he raised questions which I do not think How do you work together? If some Mini- faU within the scope of this Half-an-Hour dis- sters and some Secretaries in some Govern- cussion. ments dominated by some other ideology are not willing to have this face to face ap- SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA: You are proach, I am sorry for them. We are willing evading... to do that now. Now the conclusion ;s that the training programmes in this country have SHRt P. CHIDAMBARAM: I am not evad- toned up the quality of our training institutions ing. You listen to me.. Your problem is you including State Administrative Training In- don't listen ... (/nterruptions) stitutes run by the State Government. That is the conclusion. He asked me what are the conclusions of the Consultant's report. Let me assure you, The second conclusion is that the training the report was not a report on the training in- resources are severely strained because 369 H.AH. re:,Training AGRAHAYANA 4.1909 (SAKA) of Senior Officers Abroad 370

suddenly we asked them to take on a SHRI P. CHIOAMBARAM: I have replied; workload which is 10 times more than the if he cannot understand it. I cannot help it. workload that they have ever taken on includ- ing the ATi, Calcutta. I wish you will go back SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA: You have not and visit that Institute at least once. replied.

The third conclusion is that in view of the SHRI P. CHi~AMBARAM: I have replied, augmented training effort, you must improve and I can repeat it to him. the resources of your trainers. How do you do it is your business. But please impcove SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA: About the the resources of your trainers because the question, why Ford Foundation, the Minister augmented effort has raised expectations has not replied. Let me quote what the han. Prime Minister said when he met the Heads of Institutions SHRIP.CHIDAMBARAM: Okay. Nowas He made a very pertinent point. He said, ·in far as Mr. Shantaram Naik is concerned. he the first year. it is the officer who undergoes asked me: 'Have you made a performance training who is on test. In the second year, it assec'~ment?' Let me very candidly say this: is the institution which will be on test. It is the I have made a performance assessment to faculty which will be on test. Because the a certain extent, and I have not made a per- faculty must be able to provide him a better formance assessment to a certain extent. To and improved course in the second year and the extent that I indicated, i.e., in three In- as even better and improved course in the stitutes based on the Slough School and the third year.· Therefore, the faculty improve- two other Institutes, we have internalised the ment is a part of the continuing education. training strengths and we have developed Every University in this country today has a training materials. To that extent we have Department of Adult and Continuing Educa- made an assessment. We have made a tion. Wtr{? It is because continuing educa- good beginning. ATI Calcutta. ARI Mysore. tion is a part of one's life. Education does IMG Trivandrum - these have developed not stop. the moment you leave the college. adequate training rnaterial. The bulk of the Education does not stop when you take a 150 people who have gone under the Facul- degree. And our officers must also have a ty Development Programme in the last five continuing education. This Government· is years have gone back to the Training In- committed to the principle that continuing stitutes. But I have not made an assessment education must be within India. This Govern- of the 150 lAS and other officers who go ment is committed to the principle that we abroad fINery year under the aegis of the must upgrade and enhance the quality of our Department of Personnel or several training institutions, and our faculty ... hundreds of officers who go abroad from Coal, from Steel, from Science. from SHAt BASUDEB ACHARIA: With the aid Finance. from Commerce and Industry. I of Ford Foundation? have not made such an assessment.

SHRt P. CHIDAMBARAM: ... so that they SHRI G.M. BANAlWAUA (Ponnan~: Do can take on the increased workload which you propose to do it? has been thrown. on them because of the training programmes which have been set- SHRI P. CHIDAMBARAM: I am coming tled for all cadres in this country. So, these to it. But I think we should make an assess- are the conclusions of the report, and -this is ment of two things; one, have these officers what... come back; do we have a sound placement policy which takes note of the training they SHRIBASUDEBACHAAIA: Youhavenot have acquired? Number two: have they replied to the question: Why Ford Founda- been able to intemalise the strength they tion? have gained. and have they been able to 371 H.AH. re: Training NOVEMBER 25, 1987 of Senior Officers Abroad 372

~ [Shri P. Chidambaram] culture or anything else. I dislike nothing so much as the narrowly nationalistic ap- pass it on to their peers and to their col- proach which makes us think that we have leagues? The assessment has to be made. attained the summit of wisdom and that We will make an assessment. I am grateful we need not learn anything more. That for the. suggestion. kind of attitude denotes a static condition. I am grateful to Mr Chinta Mohan. He did And anything that is static becomes stag- not really ask me any question. He merely nant and gradually leads to death. I am said that we should send our officers to bas- all for opening our minds to every kind of tis etc. I think the officers do go to the dis- knowledge or information that can be at> tricts, and may be, they should go more to tained. I am all for free intercourse with the districts. It is a very:c:complex problem. It the rest of the world; I am all for inviting is not entirely in my hands. We should com- people from other countries to come here pletely revise our system of district ad- to learn from us and to teach us. I want ministration. Our senior officers must go to no barriers.- the districts. But this is a tong term exercise. Sir, may I conclude by saying: 'We are not In fact, you know tJ1at this is also a matter only learning; we are also teaching. - Under which I outlined for the first time in the ITEC Programme, India takes scholars Hyderabad. I said: 'Yes; we must revamp from 53 developing countries. ranging from our district administration, whereby senior of- Afghanistan to Zimbabwe. We have been ficers go to tho districts.' The Consultative taking them for the last several years. We Committee attached to this Ministry knows it. take them under that programme. We teach We are working on a paper on district ad- them. We learn and we teach. Even China ministration; we placed some ideas before sends 15,000 scholars every year abroad. the Chief Secretaries Conference. We hope The point really is: Are we going to become to continue the work on the paper. We will a closed society; are we going to close our- place it before the next conference. selves? SHRI VI,1DHI CHANDRA JAIN (Barmer): But they are 'Jot doing anything. The words of caution that ~ been ut- tered, are well taken: but the paint is that we SHRI P. CHtOAMBARAM: I know they are must. .. not. We placed these ideas before the Chief Secretaries. We asked them to look into SHRI SAIFUDDIN CHOWDHARY these ideas, and respond to us. We haVe (Kalwa): But about the question regarding made a suggestion that senior officers must Ford Foundation, he has not replied. be deputed to the districts. This is some- thing which I cannot do, sitting in Delhi. We SHRI P. CHIDAMBARAM: We must have to have the cooperation of all the State learn. we must teach and we must grCMI; and Governments. But here, no party can say: this is the philosophy behind this This is, after all, your party's affair', because programme. every party is a ruling party in one state or the other MR. DEPUlY-SPEAKER: The House now stands adjourned to meet tomorrow at As far as Mr Rao is concerned, I am 11 a.m. grateful to him for broadly supporting the idea that we must expose our people and in- 18.25 hrs. ternalise. May I conclude, by quoting what Pancftt Jawaharlal Nehru said a long time The Laic Sabha then adjourned till Eleven ago? I quote: of the Clock on 1hutsday, November, 26, .1987IAgrahayana 5, (Saka). ·'n f!N8fY matter. be it education. science,

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