A Good Send Off: Local, regional & national variations in how the British dispose of their dead. CDAS Conference. Bath Royal Literary & Scientific Institute, 19th June 2010. Number 25 NEWSLETTER Spring 2010
[email protected] for further information. Rural History Conference, University of Sussex13 – 16 September 2010.Please refer to website www.ruralhistory2010.org for further information. _________________________________________ The National Electronic and Video Archive of the Crafts (NEVAC) has changed its name to ‘Recording the Crafts’. The new web address is www.uwe.ac.uk/recordingthecrafts _________________________________________ Take a look at your Society’s website www.folklifestudies.org.uk The contents of all issues ofFolk Life are listed as well as core information about the Society, including a membership form along with notices of Society meetings and conferences and the text of the Newsletter. The site is also available for members to post relevant information. Please send text as e-mail West Dean House, Chichester Museum, with its collection of nearly 50 historic attachments to the website officer buildings dating from the 13th to the 19th century,
[email protected] The Annual Conference for 2010 and an extensive programme of live interpretation _________________________________________ and demonstrations of traditional skills. Sussex, England 16th - 19th September The conference will explore a number of themes Contributions/comments should be forwarded to relating to vernacular culture and rural society, _________________________________________ newsletter editor (
[email protected]) including interpreting agriculture and rural skills for contemporary audiences, the representation of The Society’s annual conference in 2010 will be Printed & published by the Society for Folk Life recent agriculture in museum collections, and rural held in West Sussex in the south of England and Studies, spring 2010.