September 18, 2019 – 7:10 p.m. John F. Kennedy High School

Presiding: Comm. Nakima Redmon, Vice President

Present: Ms. Eileen F. Shafer, State District Superintendent Ms. Susana Peron, Deputy Superintendent Robert Murray, Esq., General Counsel

Comm. Emanuel Capers Comm. Robinson Rondon Comm. Jonathan Hodges Comm. Kenneth Simmons Comm. Manuel Martinez *Comm. Oshin Castillo, President Comm. Joel Ramirez

Absent: Comm. Eddy Olivares

The Salute to the Flag and Posting of the Colors was led by the John F. Kennedy High School JROTC.

Comm. Ramirez read the Open Public Meetings Act:

The Open Public Meetings Act was enacted to insure the right of the public to have advance notice of, and to attend the meetings of the Paterson Public School District, as well as other public bodies at which any business affecting the interest of the public is discussed or acted upon.

In accordance with the provisions of this law, the Paterson Public School District has caused notice of this meeting:

Regular Meeting September 18, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. John F. Kennedy High School 61-127 Preakness Avenue Paterson, New Jersey

to be published by having the date, time and place posted in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Paterson, at the entrance of the Paterson Public School offices, on the district’s website, and by sending notice of the meeting to the Arab Voice, El Diario, the Italian Voice, the North Jersey Herald & News, and The Record.

*Comm. Castillo enters the meeting at 7:12 p.m.


Page 1 09/18/19 Ms. Shafer: Good evening. If we have any children in the audience, they can come forward and select a book. Are there any children? They’re all home doing their homework.


Ms. Shafer: Welcome to the 2019-2020 school year. We opened up rather smoothly, except for some bus situations and those situations were dealt with immediately. We continue to monitor the buses and the companies that are not fulfilling their contract the way in which they should be. I started on Monday visiting all of the freshmen throughout the district and spending a period with them in an assembly-type program talking about the importance of ninth grade and the transition from eighth grade to ninth grade, as well as some of the available opportunities for them. At this point, I’ve completed three and I have two more this week and the remainder next week. We did see some success in our Advance Placement courses from 2017 to 2018. We doubled the number of students who earned a score of three or higher. We went from 43 students to 86 students, and we also increased the number of AP courses that are available to our high school students. Fifty Paterson Public School teachers won a $200 spending spree in the dollar store to decorate and buy items for their students and this was a donation from Mike Adams who plays for the NFL. Cicely Warren, our assistant superintendent, oversaw the process and it was a success. In going back and forth over email with some of the teachers they were really thrilled to have that opportunity. I participated in the P>TECH Summer Bridge Program. Our P>TECH freshmen had a Summer Bridge Program for two weeks and they had an Interdisciplinary Project Presentation. I also attended the New Teacher Orientation. We prepared a video PowerPoint for all of the teachers to see from me on day one. I went to some of the schools where new principals were being introduced to parents and that was at Dr. Frank Napier, Dr. Hani Awadallah, and Young Men’s Leadership Academy. I participated in the city 911 Memorial Ceremony for Kenneth Lira who was killed during the 911 attack. Yesterday, Darryl Strawberry, from the New York Mets and the New York Yankees, was at Eastside High School talking about the effects of drugs and alcohol. We have been holding Mock Reviews for the HSPs, the Highly Skilled Professionals, in completing the scorecard, which is a report that will be going down to the State as to how we’re doing in transitioning to local control. As you know, we just completed our first year. There will be two more reports that will be sent this year and there is the actual scorecard that they keep track of. It will be presented at the November State Board of Education and right after that they will be presenting it to our Board right here. I visited over the first two weeks about 25 schools and will continue to visit the schools and meet with the principals and visit classrooms as time allows. We held our second All City Band meeting. This is an event that we’re trying to put on, on November 27, which is the Eastside High School/Kennedy High School Turkey Bowl at 6:00. We want the halftime show to be any alumni who participated in band or flag or dance when they went to schools, and also all of our students who play instruments in grades seven through twelve. Come out! It should be a great show. That concludes my report, Madam President.


Comm. Redmon: There is no Board President report at the moment.

Page 2 09/18/19 PUBLIC COMMENTS

It was moved by Comm. Martinez, seconded by Comm. Ramirez that the Public Comments portion of the meeting be opened. On roll call all members voted in the affirmative. The motion carried.

Comm. Redmon: Just keep in mind that each person has three minutes allotted to speak.

Ms. Rosie Grant: Good evening, Madam Chair, Commissioners, Madam Superintendent, Madam Deputy, staff, and community. I would like to present to you our Educated Voter’s Guide for the 2019 School Board election. There are some available on the table over there. As of Monday, they will be published on the Paterson Education Fund’s website in English and in Spanish at paterson-education.org. So, I invite you and I invite the community to log on and take a look at the voter’s guide so that you can make some informed choices for our School Board. Thank you to all the candidates for participating in this year's voter’s guide. I’ll also announce that the candidate’s forum will be on Monday, October 7th. We will gather at 5:30 and start filming soon after. So, we encourage people who are coming to be there at 5:30 here at the John F. Kennedy complex in the TV studio and I brought you copies. The second thing I would like to announce is that I've started a Go Fund Me because I believe in arts education and I love music and I would like to see 100 people march at the Thanksgiving game. I won't be here because I go away for Thanksgiving, but I’ll see the reports. It's on my Facebook page, Rosie Grant, it's on the Paterson Education Fund Facebook page, and I encourage everyone here and everyone hearing this to please give. I can't tell you how much to give, but I do know that if 100 people give $50 each, that’s our goal and the band can have all the instruments, uniforms, and supplies that they need for the day. Please give to the Facebook campaign. I gave the first $50 so that I could put my money where my mouth is. Thank you so much.

Ms. Denise Pelosi: Good evening everyone. My name is Denise Pelosi. I am a teacher at School No. 5. I've been in the district for 19 years and I love my job. I'm never out. I come every day and I do what I have to do. I follow the rules and I follow the procedures. But I had a situation this summer that completely frustrated me to the point of me being here. There was nowhere to turn, so I decided that I would tell everyone at once what the situation was. Bear with me while I go through exactly what happened. I will not name the people in the situation because for some of them it was part of their job description. Since I'm rarely out, I had to buy back my sick time. I have 180 sick days. Every summer, I buy back 10 of them so that I can use that as my summer pay. Here's what happened. On July 15th, you usually get your payment. For the last two years, I did not. This year, I called payroll first and I asked what happened. They said: “I can't find your name on the paperwork.” I said: “What do I need to do?” They said: “You can't do anything because the person who handles that is not here.” I said: “Who's above that person? When she's out, who does the job?” They said: “There isn't anybody but we’ll look into it.” The following day, I went down to HR and said that I wanted to speak to someone who could help me with this. A woman came out and said: “I really can't help you, but I don’t want you to go unattended. So, I’ll speak to you.” I explained the situation. I handed in my paperwork on June 28th, I saw her put in the envelope with everybody else’s, and lo and behold mine was gone. I said: “What do I do now?” She said: “You can get your principal to sign another form.” Go down to the school. The principals are off for the month of July. Thank god they need the time. However, no one was in the building. They wouldn’t let me in. I asked what I should do now. Security said: “Come back tomorrow. Maybe someone will be here.” It's only a twenty-minute ride to Paterson. I'm a Patersonian. I don’t mind. I love the

Page 3 09/18/19 falls and I love coming back to see everything. I came five days later. I figured maybe they were all out. Nobody was in the building again. I called HR and said: “Here's my dilemma. No one is here to sign for it.” She said: “Well you're just going to have to wait.” And then it hit me. I keep a copy of every single piece of paper that I send to the district. Give to my principal. Anywhere! Give to my public service company. I said: “Oh my God. It's in my desk.” But I can't get in the building. Security says there's no way I can come in the building. I waited. I saw a custodian and he knew me. I said I need something from my desk now. He said I can’t go on the second floor. I instructed him on where it was in my desk and he went and got it for me. I went down to 90 Delaware and the person who handles it was not there. I handed it in anyway and said: “Please give this to her when she comes back.” The following week she comes back and I don’t hear anything. I called and got voicemail. I said okay, I'm going to a workshop. July 31st, I don’t get anything in the mail either. So I said I'll go down on August 5th. I have a workshop there and I will stop in at HR. I stop in at HR. A young lady comes out and she says: “I can't do anything. My supervisor is not here.” We haven’t even looked at the paperwork to see if it's OK to approve. The principal approved it, the secretary sends you the form, and everybody has all the paperwork. What do you need to do? She said: “We need to verify it again.” I said: “How long will that take?” She said: “Nobody can do anything because my supervisor who's in charge of HR is not here. She’ll be back next Tuesday.” This is Wednesday. Now I know definitely I'm not getting it on August 15th. I wait until Tuesday and the supervisor calls me, which was a shock to me. She gives me a phone call and says: “You’ll get paid on September 15th when we verify everything.” I said: “Three months to get my money? That’s ridiculous. This is my summer money. This was part of my budget. I worked all year for it. Why do I have to wait three months to get a payment? I did not lose it.” She says: “Now it has to be Board approved and your Board meeting was on the 18th or 19th. I said: “Why does the Board have to approve a contractual payment? Why do you have to approve something that’s going to be paid anyway? And why did I have to suffer? I did nothing wrong. I'm coming back down to speak to someone.” She said: “You can't speak to Mr. Rojas. He's on vacation.” I said: “Who's above him?” At the time, Ms. Shafer was having an executive meeting upstairs. I said: “I'm going upstairs.” Lo and behold, there was no security there. I couldn’t even go through the doors. I was not about to break into the place. I said I'm not going to do that. But no one was there to even say I could talk to somebody. I had to borrow the money to pay my son's tuition. I shouldn’t have to do that. I come every day to do my job and I do a very good job at it for the last 19 years. I shouldn’t have to wait three months to get a payment for something that I'm due.

Comm. Redmon: Ma’am, I'm going to direct you to Human Resources, if you would like to step over to the side and talk to Mr. Rojas.

Ms. Pelosi: I've been to Human Resources. I got my money on the 15th of September. My problem is the procedure. If my principal is out, the school doesn’t shut down. If Ms. Shafer is out, the district doesn’t shut down. There has to be procedures. I also worked in business as an executive. I know what we do. If you're not there, someone else has to step in and do your job. That is my problem.

Comm. Castillo: Ma’am, we first wanted to make sure that the payment was there.

Ms. Pelosi: I got it on the 15th of September. That’s not the issue.

Comm. Castillo: Absolutely. I just wanted to make sure that was rectified at this point. That’s the first step. Madam Superintendent, it's usually our custom that we respond to all questions after the public comments just because we want to be respectful of

Page 4 09/18/19 everyone else's time. It's definitely something that we will take into consideration. Comm. Redmond is the chairperson now so we have to see where the breakage in the process was. I do apologize for it happening to you. We just want to make sure that doesn’t happen to anyone else again.

Ms. Pelosi: There were about 20 of us that this happened to. But my concern is that I should not get ‘the person is on vacation.’

Comm. Castillo: Absolutely. That’s our job now to have a conversation and figure out the process, what went wrong and where was the breakage because we definitely don’t want this to happen again to you and not to any other of our staff members. But I do appreciate you bringing this up to us. I personally wasn’t aware. I'm glad that you brought it to our attention. Now we have to figure out what we have to do in order to make sure that it doesn’t occur again. Thank you so much and I appreciate your service.

Mr. Abdul Ali: Abdul Ali. Back in the days when I use to come here, they used to have a five-minute period for groups. Am I right or wrong? Do they still have that? I'm part of the largest group in the world and it’s called the Human Beings. I want my five minutes. I heard you say something about Darryl Strawberry coming here and speaking about drug addiction. We need to do that in the grammar school. I speak in Hawthorne every year. I spoke to a person who said you need to have a resume to speak in the schools. I want to get in the Paterson School System. Young children need to know about this epidemic of drugs that’s going on out here. I have a medallion here. This medallion has three X's on there. The three X's represent what? 30 years. Is there a strong possibility that I can get in the school house and talk to our children about drug addiction? Whoever I have to sit down and talk with, you don’t even have to pay me because I'm going to get paid by Almighty God for carrying this message to save lives. Now let's go to another issue - the Amistad Act and the LGBT. Which one is more important? Our children have been suffering for 400 years trying to get some knowledge on who we are. They taught me that George was the father of the nation but they didn’t teach me that the African was the father of civilization. Stuff like that needs to be heard. And if the LGBT is more important than the Amistad, then we need to sit down and dialogue on that. I spoke to someone down in Trenton and they told me that the Amistad Act is a law now. If it's a law, why is it taking so long to put it out there so that our children can get some knowledge of themselves so that they’ll rise above that slavery ideology? When you teach a child that he is a slave, their value system is at a low level. When you teach them that they're kings and queens, their value rises to another level. Many times I watched this Board meeting. You had different nationalities coming up here talking about their history. We have the same thing. I remember saying this when we were on Delaware Avenue. You can't give an African American European knowledge and expect him to be himself. Somewhere down the line we’re about to work this out. I would like to sit down with some people. Capers, I don’t know what you're doing, but we are going to get a grassroots group that’s going to deal with this Amistad thing because you are not moving fast enough. Our children are dying out here. Do you know why we are shooting each other? Because we don’t love each other and because we don’t know each other! Thank you very much. This is something that needs to be put out there so we can let our children know there is a value there, there's a worthiness there, and there's a serious development that you need to do up in here so that you can learn to love somebody in here. Until we get the knowledge of who we are and start loving self, then we can stop killing ourselves. I think that’s what the education is all about - giving us education so we can have value of ourselves. And in this school district, we've never had Black history. If it was, it was coming in here with

Page 5 09/18/19 some shackles. Give us some history when we were kings and queens. That’s important. Thank you for letting me share this.

Ms. Desiree Pagan: Hi. Good afternoon everybody. Ms. Shafer, I know I spoke to you when I walked in, as well as Ms. Peron. But I would like to let everybody know my situation. I would like everybody to know that there are people and parents looking at me through the cameras. I would like to say something. I would like to say to the parents that if your child or you are going through any situation in school, speak up. Just speak up. It doesn’t matter what it is. If it's injustice, speak up. If your son or daughter is going through any situation, speak up. Your voices need to be heard. Right now, I'm going through an unjust situation. I know I spoke to you, Ms. Shafer, but no parent deserves this. I was in a meeting this Monday, the annual review for the IEP. I spoke to the Child Study Team. They started asking questions. My husband and I spoke to them and told them that my son has ADHD with ODD. He gets anxious and he gets nervous. I have a newborn child right there and we specified to them in the meeting that when my son plays with the baby he sometimes shakes the stroller. It's not harming the baby, it's just a shake. We specified to them and they called DYFS on me. I came here just to speak to Ms. Shafer and Ms. Peron and just walk away, but this needs to be heard. There's injustice in the schools. I think the parents should be heard. Most of you here are parents and you wouldn’t like that to happen to you. I'm here speaking like a parent. I'm not looking at you like a professional or a teacher. I'm looking at you guys like you are a parent like me. If your child has a condition and you want to open up to somebody regarding their condition asking for help in school, why do they have to call DYFS on you? I specified that my child was no harm to me or the baby or anybody else. This in unacceptable and I will take action for this. While you guys are in the office, the school is doing whatever they want. I'm not going to stay quiet anymore because the same way I'm going through this, they might do the same thing to another parent. I'm always involved in my child. I'm always at the meeting. Now, DYFS has to go to the pediatric. They went to school already to ask questions of my children and now they have to make another visit at my house. My heart is clean because I know how I take care of my child, but this is unacceptable. For those who don’t know, this happened at School No. 29 Child Study Team. This is unacceptable and I will take action. Thank you.

It was moved by Comm. Redmon, seconded by Comm. Ramirez that the Public Comments portion of the meeting be closed. On roll call all members voted in the affirmative. The motion carried.

Ms. Shafer: Thank you, Madam President. First, let thank Rosie Grant and Paterson Education Fund for going ahead and doing a GO Fund Me. We will probably have at least a hundred musicians out there at halftime. So, we certainly appreciate you moving forward on that. Thank you. As far as the payment for Ms. Pelosi, I too want to apologize. We will be looking into this. Regardless of vacation schedules, offices need to be covered at all times. I wish you had reached out to me as soon as you didn’t get an answer when you made one or two trips there, but again we apologize for that and assure you that something like that will not happen again because offices should be covered when folks are out. I am going to ask Comm. Capers. He was at a conference where the school district was recognized for the Amistad curriculum. Please say a few words about that conference and about the school district.

Comm. Capers: Thank you, Madam Superintendent. I attended the state meeting with the Commissioner of Education and the State Director over the Amistad Commission. They said that Paterson is the model district of the Amistad for how we implemented about a year or so ago. We started here. The Amistad Commission met community

Page 6 09/18/19 folks to talk about the definitions and where the district currently was and how we can better implement the Amistad curriculum. They all came here. The State Director came here to the district and met with the whole community and also met with the Superintendent and everyone who was in that meeting. Right now, they did say that Paterson is the model district in that it has fully implemented the Amistad curriculum.

Ms. Pelosi: (Comments made away from the microphone and were not heard on tape)

Comm. Capers: You can attest that I was the only Board member that was there throughout the whole state. We are making strides and we can always get better so we’re going to keep pushing. I just want to thank the Superintendent and her staff that’s taking the hard approach on this so that all of our kids learn about the Amistad curriculum and learn about the history. Paterson had the most teachers there as well at that conference that received free training over the summer and taking their own time to go learn and train themselves. I think we’re in a good place when it comes to Amistad, but we can always keep pushing and getting better and better. Thank you.

Mr. Ali: (Comments made away from the microphone and were not heard on tape)

Comm. Castillo: Sir, for the conversation, we want to make sure that you get all of your questions answered so I would appreciate it if you and Comm. Capers have a sidebar. Madam Superintendent had opened the floor for a staff member to speak and we can definitely do that, but we did close public portion. I would have a conversation with you at any point. We just want to make sure that we don’t break the procedure.

Mr. Ali: (Comments made away from the microphone and were not heard on tape)

Comm. Capers: We didn’t have one for quite some time.

Mr. Ali: (Comments made away from the microphone and were not heard on tape)

Comm. Capers: Correct.

Ms. Shafer: Lastly, just a comment about DCP&P coming to the school and into a home. Whenever a staff member or an administrator feels that anyone is being abused or endangered, they have to report it to DCP&P. Once they report it, DCP&P decides whether they will do an investigation or whether they will just make a note of it. At this point, I can't comment anymore because I was not there. But if someone called, it is because of the perception that they had when there was a conversation that went on. That concludes my remarks.

Ms. Peron: My remarks are more on an informational basis. In your packet at the table, you have a handout that speaks to the grade level expectation guides and as a part of this year's Board of Education district goals, the Board asked the district to take a look at the grade level expectation guides and to revise them. We want to have your input regarding the guides. The handout explains to you and gives you a link that you can follow. If you go onto this link, it will go to a Google doc and we have a sample form with certain questions. We want to make revisions and we want to review the information, but we would like input from the Board of Education on what types of changes you want to see, any additional comments you want to hear, or do the grade level expectation guides as they are right now cover all the areas that you deem necessary. This form is just giving you the link that you should go to, if you have any recommendations or you want any revisions to the grade level expectations so that we can have them and work alongside with you on the revisions of those guides. I also

Page 7 09/18/19 wanted to point out that you have a handout with colorful pictures of vape pens and cartridges. During one of our Board workshops, we talked about the epidemic of vape pens and cartridges and what's going on in the nation, in our city, and in our schools. We are putting together this vape campaign. We’re meeting with city officials and community police so that we can get together as a community to bring this awareness to parents and to teenagers and to kids the dangers of vaping. These are all the different types of vapes that we have had in our school at one time or another. We confiscate the vape cartridges.

Comm. Castillo: I'm sorry. One of the Board members is kicking the wire underneath the table and that’s what's making that sound. Madam Deputy, it might be you.

Ms. Peron: I barely reach the floor so you can’t blame that one on me.

Comm. Castillo: Just be mindful, please.

Ms. Peron: The work around the vaping campaign is ongoing. We’re going to go out to churches, we’re going to go out to the community, and we’re bringing it through parent workshops because we want to make the parents, the families, and even the youngsters aware of the dangers of vaping. This is what they look like. If you take a look at them, some of them look like a candy box. It looks like a Sour Patch candy. I want parents to be aware of what they see. We even have the ones that look like an asthma pump. It actually looks like the Albuterol pump that is given out from the pharmacy for kids with asthma. When we see these on children at a first glance, you think it's their asthma pump, but it's really a vape. These companies are getting very clever with how they package and market these cartridges. Just in awareness that this is going out. This is going to be at bodegas, at churches and everywhere because it's an epidemic and we want everyone to be aware. At the Full-Service Community Center at 512 Market Street, we have parent education around English as a second language. We are offering classes on Mondays and Wednesdays from 10:30 to 12:30 pm or Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 5:00 to 7:00 pm. These classes are for parents who are interested in learning English as a second language and they are free at 512 Market Street. We also have a Safe-Serve Food Handler’s Certification course from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm on October 15th, 16th, 17th, and 18th. Registration is free. This certification helps you with food preparation and job placements at restaurants. They help you to write a resume and they assist you with job placement. The only commitment is to attend four sessions. You must be 18 years or older and have the ability to communicate in English. On October 19th, we are having our annual parent forum at MLK and more information and details about that forum will be on our website and at our schools. Thank you.

Comm. Castillo: Madam Deputy, we also have the vapes that look like the USB thumb drives. You can actually even put them into the computer.

Ms. Peron: They actually serve as chargers and vapes.

Comm. Castillo: Correct. And then there's the one that goes on the cell phones and they get charged by the cell phone. They just go right inside. So, parents, be aware of that because you can order it online and it will be delivered to the house.


Items Requiring a Vote


Comm. Castillo presented the minutes of the August 14, 2019 Special Meeting, the August 14, 2019 Workshop Meeting, the August 21, 2019 Special Meeting, the August 21, 2019 Executive Session, the August 21, 2019 Regular Meeting, and the August 28, 2019 Special Meeting, and asked if there were any questions or comments on the minutes.

It was moved by Comm. Redmon, seconded by Comm. Ramirez that the minutes be accepted with any necessary corrections. On roll call all members voted in the affirmative. The motion carried.


Comm. Castillo: Instruction and program submitted their minutes during the workshop meeting.

Comm. Castillo reported that the Instruction and Program Committee met, reviewed and recommends approval for Resolution Nos. I&P-1 through I&P-87:

Resolution No. I&P-1

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District is committed to providing School Health Services for the 2019-2020 school year to all students in a safe and sanitary environment, and

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District recognized the need for School Health Services, for the 2019-2020 school year, district wide, and its positive impact on the health of our students and their ability to learn, and

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District requires the highest quality of School Health Services available for students in the 2019-2020 school year according to N.J.A.C. 6A:16-2.1(b), and

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District shall provide Nursing Services and additional Medical Services for the 2019-2020 school year to non-public schools pursuant to N.J.A.C.6A:16-2.1(b), and

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public School District adopts the Nursing Services Plan for 2019-2020 and remain committed to expanding the awareness of this plan and continue nursing care of all students in this community.

Resolution No. I&P-2

WHEREAS, the consolidated application for FY19/20, IDEA-B Basic funds, in the amount of $6,486,914 and IDEA Pre-school funds, in the amount of $184,141 is anticipated to be expended within the following categories;

CATEGORIES IDEA-B BASIC IDEA-B PRESCHOOL 1. Instructional salaries $ 0 $ 0 2. Instructional supplies and services 55,000.00 59,338.00 3. Tuition 5,000,000.00 0 4. Administrative support salaries 504,235.00 49,000.00

Page 9 09/18/19 5. Benefits 326,699.00 3,748.00 6. Travel/Transportation 4,000.00 0 7. Non-instructional supplies 94,213.00 64,555.00 8. Equipment 0 0 9. Purchased Services 500,267.00 7,500.00 10. Other Objects 2,500.00 0 TOTAL $ 6,486,914.00 $ 184,141.00

WHEREAS, there are no matching funds requirement within this grant, and

WHEREAS, the Chief Special Education Officer will be responsible for the district complying with the terms and conditions of the grant and will make every effort to target grant funds for the academic advancement and achievement of the students and expend the funds in the most effective manner,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education supports the submission of the consolidated FY 19/20 application and accepts the funds from IDEA-B Basic in the amount of $6,486,914 and IDEA Pre-school funds, in the amount of $184,141 for the purposes stated above.

Resolution No. I&P-3

WHEREAS, Priority 1, Goal 1 of the 2014-2019 Strategic Plan of the Paterson Public Schools provides for effective academic programs to increase student achievement;

WHEREAS, the district has been granted $14,517.00 by the State of New Jersey in Non-Public Textbook Aid for textbooks for nonpublic school students: and

WHEREAS, the grant funds will be used solely for students attending non-public schools within the district in accordance with applications filed by the individual schools within the State of New Jersey for Nonpublic Textbook Aid;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED. that the Paterson Board of Education accept the Nonpublic Textbook Aid Grant for the State of New Jersey in the amount of $18,185.00 to provide textbooks for students attending nonpublic schools within the district.

Compassion House Outreach Ministry $1,423.00 Dawn Treader Christian School $3,163.00 Gilmore Memorial Christian Academy $ 474.00 Madison Avenue Baptist Academy $5,113.00 Saint Gerard School $8,012.00

Resolution No. I&P-4

WHEREAS, The Nonpublic Security Aid supports the District Strategic Plan under Goal Area #1 Teaching & Learning: To create a student-centered learning environment to prepare students for career, college readiness and lifelong learning; and

WHEREAS, the district is eligible for the Nonpublic Security Aid Funds in the amount of $51,750.00 to provide nonpublic schools with security services, equipment, and technology; and

Page 10 09/18/19 WHEREAS, there is no matching fund requirement for this grant; and

WHEREAS, the district will comply with the terms and conditions of the grant, will target grant funds to help ensure a safe and secure school environment for nonpublic school students and will expend the funds in the most effective and efficient manner; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Board of Education approve the acceptance of the Nonpublic Security Aid funding in the amount of $51,750.00 to help ensure a safe and secure school environment for nonpublic school students at Gilmore Memorial Christian Academy, Compassion House Outreach Ministry, Dawn Treader Christian School, Madison Avenue Baptist Academy, and St Gerard school for the 2019-2020 School Year.

Resolution No. I&P-5

WHEREAS, The Nonpublic Technology Aid supports the District Strategic Plan under Goal Area #1 Teaching & Learning: To create a student-centered learning environment to prepare students for career, college readiness and lifelong learning; and

WHEREAS, the district is eligible for the Nonpublic School Technology Initiative funding in the amount of $12,420.00 to provide nonpublic school pupils with computers, educational software, distance learning equipment and other technologies that can improve their education by meeting their specific educational needs and give nonpublic school teachers the resources and incentives to use educational technologies effectively to improve teaching and learning in the classroom; and

WHEREAS, there is no matching fund requirement for this grant; and

WHEREAS, the district will comply with the terms and conditions of the grant, will target grant funds for the academic advancement and achievement of the students and will expend the funds in the most effective and efficient manner; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Paterson Board of Education approve the acceptance of the Nonpublic Technology Aid in the amount of $12,420.00 to provide Paterson students attending Compassion House Outreach, Dawn Treader Christian School, Gilmore Memorial Christian Academy, Madison Avenue Baptist Church and St. Gerard School with computers, educational software, distance learning, equipment and other technologies for the grant period of September 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020.

Resolution No. I&P-6

WHEREAS, the Strategic Plan for Paterson Public Schools, Paterson – A Promising Tomorrow, (Goal 1: Objectives 1- 5) reflects the District’s commitment to preparing all students for college and their future career via the implementation of a wide array of high impact interventions to accelerate student achievement. Additionally, (Goal 3: Objectives 2-3) reflects increased partnerships with faith-based organizations and other student resources and (Goal 4 Social-Emotional Learning: objectives 1-3) the District aims to create a culture which is inviting and responsive to the needs of our students, parents, and community, as all stakeholders are needed to help support our mission and to play an active role in its achievements; and

WHEREAS, under Title IV, Part B of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) are defined as centers that offer academic remediation and enrichment activities in tandem with a broad array of other

Page 11 09/18/19 enrichment activities in the areas of arts and culture, youth development, and physical activity to students and their adult family members when school is not in session. The purpose of the 21st CCLC program is to supplement the education of students in grades 3-12. The program aims to assist students in attaining the skills necessary to meet New Jersey’s Core Curriculum Content Standards and Student Learning Standards. Therefore, all 21st CCLC programs must provide participating students with academic enrichment opportunities that complement the regular school day; and

WHEREAS, the vision for New Jersey’s 21st CCLC Program is to develop high quality out-of-school time programs through community learning centers that provide services not just to the child but to the entire family. The provision of services through 21st CCLC Programs throughout the state will:

 Increase students’ career and college readiness by offering high-quality remediation activities in core academic areas such as reading and mathematics, enrichment activities including arts and culture, youth development experiences, and physical activity; and  Increase positive student behavior by infusing social, emotional, and character development into the program; and  Engage adult family members of participating students through participation in an array of parental involvement activities; and  Establish and maintain partnerships and collaborative relationships to ensure participants’ access to all available resources through coordinated efforts and to sustain programs; and

WHEREAS, Paterson Public Schools applied for and was awarded the competitive 21st CCLC grant for New Roberto Clemente Middle School/School 24 and Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr School to service approximately 255 students by extending the school day until 6pm beginning October 2019 and providing approximately 4 weeks of additional instruction and programming in the summer; and

WHEREAS, the 21st CCLC Program will be referred to as FOCUS 21 at each of the selected sites (Fostering Our Children’s Unique Strengths); and

WHEREAS, awards will be issued on an annual basis with the NJDOE reviewing program performance through on-site and desk monitoring, reports, local and state-level evaluations, adequate and efficient use of federal funds, and a continuation application to determine continued program funding. Based on the availability of federal resources, this five-year grant program began on September 1, 2017 and will end August 31, 2022; and

WHEREAS, the Year 3 award will be September 1, 2019 through August 31, 2020. The project periods for the subsequent award years are:

Year 4: September 1, 2020 – August 31, 2021 Year 5: September 1, 2021 – August 31, 2022; and

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Paterson Public Schools Board of Education approves the acceptance of the Grant award in the amount of $535,000.00 to be used by the Department of Full Service Community Schools on behalf of Paterson Public Schools, as the Local Education Authority, to provide comprehensive academic, social, and health services for students, students’ family members, and community members for the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program (FOCUS 21) for the funding period of September 1, 2019 through August 31, 2020, and authorize a contribution of

Page 12 09/18/19 matching of $27,300 from local District funds and in-kind services as required and available.

Resolution No. I&P-7

WHEREAS, providing performing art instruction for the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program at Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School and NRC/School 24 supports the Paterson – A Promising Tomorrow 5 Year Strategic Plan under Goal #1 Teaching & Learning which creates a student-centered learning environment to prepare students for career, college readiness, and lifelong learning; and; and

WHEREAS, the New Jersey Department of Education (NJ DOE) selected Paterson Public Schools (PPS) as a recipient of the competitive Cohort 13 21st Century Learning Centers Grant (21st CCLC) to provide afterschool and summer programing for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and NRC/School 24; and

WHEREAS, Arts for Kids will provide professional artists to facilitate performing arts units of study for students in the areas of drama, poetry, acting, African Dance, Modern Dance, World Drumming, music technology, Latin Dance, Capoeira, and songwriting; and

WHEREAS, Arts for Kids will provide performing arts instruction at each 21st Century site for two hours per day for forty-nine days at the pay rate of $125 per hour plus $500 in supplies and performance costumes. Students will participate in the performing arts component on a rotating basis approximately 1-2 times per week; and

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Board of Education approves vendor partnership with Arts for Kids, Inc. for the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant for $25,000.00.

Resolution No. I&P-8

Whereas, the Strategic Plan for Paterson Public Schools, Paterson – A Promising Tomorrow, supports this initiative under Goal Area #3 Communications and Connections: To establish and grow viable partnerships with parents, educational institutions and community organization to support Paterson Public Schools educational programs, advance student achievement and enhance communication; and Whereas, the Coalition for Community Schools, describes the work of a community school as both a place and a set of partnerships between the school and other community resources. Its integrated focus on academics, health and social services, youth and community development and community engagement leads to improved student learning, stronger families and healthier communities; and Whereas, Children’s Aid Society is a recognized leader in providing Full Service Community School (FSCS) services in New York City for over 20 years; and Whereas, Paterson Public Schools applied for and was approved for a Federal FSCS Grant that includes technical assistance from Children’s Aid Society to work with Paterson staff and community partner staff to provide services for our students, families, and community members that will have a greater impact on the academic achievement of our students and the prosperity of our community; and

Page 13 09/18/19 Whereas, the technical assistance will include participation at the monthly site coordinator meetings, individual mentoring of site coordinators, professional development for FSCS site coordinators, and meetings with school principals; and Therefore, Be It Resolved, that the Paterson Public School District Board of Education approves the partnership between the Paterson Public Schools District, and Children’s Aid Society in the amount up to and not to exceed $17,200.00 to be paid from The Full Service Community Schools Grant for Schools 15 and SFLS (6) for the grant period of October 1, 2019 – September 30, 2020, pending DOE grant approval.

Resolution No. I&P-9

Felician University as Program Partner and Dual Enrollment Course Provider for the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant

WHEREAS, the Strategic Plan for Paterson Public Schools, Paterson – A Promising Tomorrow, (Goal 1: Objectives 1, 2, 4 and Goal 3: Objective 1) reflects the District’s commitment to preparing all students for college and their future career via the implementation of a wide array of high impact interventions to accelerate student achievement and provides exposure to post-secondary institutions and mentoring opportunities; and

WHEREAS, Paterson Public Schools was awarded a 21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant which will be implemented at John F. Kennedy Educational Complex focusing on college and career readiness; and

WHEREAS, PPS proposed Felician University as the program partner and dual enrollment provider and Felicain University was approved by the NJ DOE as the partner and dual enrollment provider by approval of PPS’s 21st Century application; and

WHEREAS, Felician University agrees to provide a dual enrollment program, a work study/internship program, a summer bridge program, college and career related workshops and mentoring;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the District approves the partnership and contract to Felician University from the 21st Century Discretionary Grant funds, in an amount not to exceed $40,000.00 for services during the 2019-2020 School Year.

Resolution No. I&P-10

WHEREAS, the Strategic Plan for Paterson Public Schools, Paterson – A Promising Tomorrow, supports the Full Service Community Schools and the community-based partnership with New Destiny Family Success Center at the Senator Frank Lautenberg School (SFLS) under Goal Area #1 Teaching & Learning: To create a student-centered learning environment to prepare students for career, college readiness and lifelong learning and under Goal Area #3 Communications & Connections: To establish and grow viable partnerships with parents, educational institutions and community organizations to support Paterson Public Schools educational programs, advance student achievement and enhance communication; and

WHEREAS, the Full Service Community Schools Program is authorized by sections 4621-4623 and 4625 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESEA), supports the planning, implementation, and operation of full-service community schools that improve the coordination, integration,

Page 14 09/18/19 accessibility, and effectiveness of services for children and families, particularly for children attending high-poverty schools; and

WHEREAS, the purpose of this funding opportunity is to provide comprehensive academic, social, and health services for students, students' family members, and community members that will result in improved educational outcomes for children; and

WHEREAS, Paterson Public Schools applied for and was awarded by the Department of Education to receive the 2015 Full Service Community Schools Program Grant within which New Destiny was identified as the community partner for SFLS. New Destiny was selected as the community partner based on their capacity to deliver the approved grant activities and the existing partnerships and pipeline services; and

WHEREAS, New Destiny will work in partnership with administrators and staff at SFLS to provide programming including a site coordinator, after school and summer program, family engagement nights, parent education and workshops, college track opportunities, student assemblies, and opportunities for students to take field trips to PPS approved locations funded by the 2015 Full Service Community Schools Program Grant up to $142,325 and funded by required local match up to $30,800 for a combined total up to and not to exceed $173,125; and

WHEREAS, New Destiny will provide additional services or access to existing services funded by New Destiny including community education programs, access to social services, donations of school supplies, uniforms, season appropriate clothing, household and toiletry items; and

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Board of Education approves the partnership of New Destiny Family Success Center at the Senator Frank Lautenberg School to provide programs and services for up to and not to exceed $173,125 beginning October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2020 as approved and funded by the Department of Education through the award of the 2015 Full Service Community Schools Grant of $142,325, pending yearly grant availability and approval, and authorize a contribution of local cash match of $30,800 and in-kind services as required.

Resolution No. I&P-11

WHEREAS, the Strategic Plan for Paterson Public Schools, Paterson – A Promising Tomorrow, supports the Full Service Community Schools and the community-based partnership with New Jersey Community Development Corporation (NJCDC) at John F. Kennedy Educational Complex (JFK) under Goal Area #1 Teaching & Learning: To create a student-centered learning environment to prepare students for career, college readiness and lifelong learning and under Goal Area #3 Communications & Connections: To establish and grow viable partnerships with parents, educational institutions and community organizations to support Paterson Public Schools educational programs, advance student achievement and enhance communication; and

WHEREAS, the Full Service Community Schools Program is authorized by sections 4621-4623 and 4625 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESEA), supports the planning, implementation, and operation of full-service community schools that improve the coordination, integration, accessibility, and effectiveness of services for children and families, particularly for children attending high-poverty schools; and

Page 15 09/18/19 WHEREAS, the purpose of this funding opportunity is to provide comprehensive academic, social, and health services for students, students' family members, and community members that will result in improved educational outcomes for children; and

WHEREAS, Paterson Public Schools applied for and was awarded by the Department of Education to receive the 2018 Full Service Community Schools Program Grant within which NJCDC was identified as the community partner for JFK. NJCDC was selected as the community partner based on their capacity to deliver the approved grant activities and the existing partnerships and pipeline services in the immediate neighborhoods of JFK; and

WHEREAS, NJCDC will work in partnership with administrators and staff at JFK to provide programming including a site coordinator, mentorship program for college and career readiness, student advisory activities, anti-violence and gang prevention, family engagement workshops, healthy living program, tutoring of elementary students, internships, school advisory committee, and social emotional development and life skills, and opportunities for students to take field trips to PPS approved locations funded by the 2018 Full Service Community Schools Program Grant up to $79,550 and funded by required local match up to $68,000 for a combined total up to and not to exceed $147,550; and

WHEREAS, NJCDC will provide additional services or access to existing services funded by NJCDC including parent and community education programs, after school and summer programs for JFK and community-based students from neighboring schools, access to social services, donations of school supplies, uniforms, season appropriate clothing, household and toiletry items; and

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Board of Education approves the partnership of New Jersey Community Development Corporation (NJCDC) at John F. Kennedy Educational Complex to provide programs and services for up to and not to exceed $147,550 beginning October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2020 as approved and funded by the Department Education through the award of the 2018 Full Service Community Schools Grant of $79,550, pending yearly grant availability and approval, and authorize a contribution of local cash match of $68,000 and in-kind services as required.

Resolution No. I&P-12

Oasis – A Haven for Women and Children as the Community Partner for School 2 under the Full Service Community Schools Program Grant CFDA Number: 84.215J

WHEREAS, the Strategic Plan for Paterson Public Schools, Paterson – A Promising Tomorrow, supports the Full Service Community Schools and the community-based partnership with Oasis – A Haven for Women and Children at School 2 under Goal Area #1 Teaching & Learning: To create a student-centered learning environment to prepare students for career, college readiness and lifelong learning and under Goal Area #3 Communications & Connections: To establish and grow viable partnerships with parents, educational institutions and community organizations to support Paterson Public Schools educational programs, advance student achievement and enhance communication; and

WHEREAS, the Full Service Community Schools Program is authorized by sections 4621-4623 and 4625 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended by

Page 16 09/18/19 the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESEA), supports the planning, implementation, and operation of full-service community schools that improve the coordination, integration, accessibility, and effectiveness of services for children and families, particularly for children attending high-poverty schools; and

WHEREAS, the purpose of this funding opportunity is to provide comprehensive academic, social, and health services for students, students' family members, and community members that will result in improved educational outcomes for children; and

WHEREAS, Paterson Public Schools applied for and was awarded by the Department of Education to receive the 2018 Full Service Community Schools Program Grant within which Oasis – A Haven for Women and Children was identified as the community partner for School 2. Oasis was selected as the community partner based on their capacity to deliver the approved grant activities and the existing partnerships and pipeline services in the immediate neighborhoods of School 2; and

WHEREAS, Oasis will work in partnership with administrators and staff at School 2 to provide programming including a site coordinator, an afterschool and summer program, social workers for counseling, STEAM programming, family engagement nights, parent workshops, and opportunities for students to take field trips to PPS approved locations funded by the 2018 Full Service Community Schools Program Grant up to and not to exceed $160,000; and

WHEREAS, Oasis will provide additional services or access to existing services funded by Oasis including parent and community education programs, after school programs for School 2 and Community-based students from neighboring schools, access to social services, donations of school supplies, uniforms, season appropriate clothing, household and toiletry items; and

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Board of Education approves the partnership of Oasis – A Haven for Women and Children at School 2 to provide programs and services for up to and not to exceed $160,000 beginning October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2020 as approved and funded by the Department of Education through the award of the 2018 Full Service Community Schools Grant, pending yearly grant availability and approval, and authorize a contribution of in-kind services as required.

Resolution No. I&P-13

WHEREAS, the Strategic Plan for Paterson Public Schools, Paterson – A Promising Tomorrow, supports the Full Service Community Schools and the community-based partnership with St. Paul’s Community Development Corporation at School 15 under Goal Area #1 Teaching & Learning: To create a student-centered learning environment to prepare students for career, college readiness and lifelong learning and under Goal Area #3 Communications & Connections: To establish and grow viable partnerships with parents, educational institutions and community organizations to support Paterson Public Schools educational programs, advance student achievement and enhance communication; and

WHEREAS, the Full Service Community Schools Program is authorized by sections 4621-4623 and 4625 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESEA), supports the planning, implementation, and operation of full-service community schools that improve the coordination, integration,

Page 17 09/18/19 accessibility, and effectiveness of services for children and families, particularly for children attending high-poverty schools; and

WHEREAS, the purpose of this funding opportunity is to provide comprehensive academic, social, and health services for students, students' family members, and community members that will result in improved educational outcomes for children; and

WHEREAS, Paterson Public Schools applied for and was awarded by the Department of Education to receive the 2015 Full Service Community Schools Program Grant within which St. Paul’s was identified as the community partner for School 15. St. Paul’s was selected as the community partner based on their capacity to deliver the approved grant activities and the existing partnerships and pipeline services; and

WHEREAS, St. Paul’s will work in partnership with administrators and staff at School 15 to provide programming including a site coordinator, after school and summer program, family engagement nights, parent education and workshops, performing arts program, youth development specialists, student assemblies, and opportunities for students to take field trips to PPS approved locations funded by the 2015 Full Service Community Schools Program Grant up to $112,675 and funded by required local match up to $60,450 for a combined total up to and not to exceed $173,125; and

WHEREAS, St. Paul’s will provide additional services or access to existing services funded by St. Paul’s including community education programs, access to social services, donations of school supplies, uniforms, season appropriate clothing, household and toiletry items; and

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Board of Education approves the partnership of St. Paul’s Community Development Corporation at School 15 to provide programs and services for up to and not to exceed $173,125 beginning October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2020 as approved and funded by the Department of Education through the award of the 2015 Full Service Community Schools Grant of $112,675, pending yearly grant availability and approval, and authorize a contribution of local cash match of $60,450 and in-kind services as required.

Resolution No. I&P-14

Whereas, the Strategic Plan for Paterson Public Schools, Paterson – A Promising Tomorrow, (Goal 1: Teaching & Learning) creates a student-centered learning environment to prepare students for career, college readiness, and lifelong learning; and

Whereas, the Full Service Community Schools (FSCS) Program is authorized by sections 4621-4623 and 4625 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESEA), supports the planning, implementation, and operation of full-service community schools that improve the coordination, integration, accessibility, and effectiveness of services for children and families, particularly for children attending high-poverty schools with the maximum funding for each award year being capped at $500,000.00; and

Whereas, the purpose of this funding opportunity is to provide comprehensive academic, social, and health services for students, students' family members, and community members that will result in improved educational outcomes for children; and

Page 18 09/18/19 Whereas, the grant program requires the external evaluation from an established DOE approved grant evaluator to determine the progress and increased academic achievement of affected schools and students; and

Whereas, ActKnowledge was identified as Paterson’s FSCS Grant Evaluator through the grant applications submitted to and approved by the DOE; and

Whereas, ActKnowledge will provide evaluation services such as participation in monthly meetings, analysis of data (academic, attendance, behavior), development of the Theory of Change, provide professional development and recommendations on program improvements for the FSCS Grant Schools 2, SFLS (6), 15 and JFK; and

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Board of Education approves the external evaluation services for the grant beginning October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2020 for up to and not to exceed $40,000 for the school 15/SFLS Grant and up to and not to exceed $40,000 for the school 2/JFK Grant totaling up to and not to exceed $92,000 of which $80,000 is funded by Federal FSCS Grants (pending yearly grant approval), and $12,000 is local funded as part of Paterson’s required local grant match.

Resolution No. I&P-15

WHEREAS, the Strategic Plan for Paterson Public Schools, Paterson- A Promising Tomorrow, Goal 1: Teaching & Learning - to create a student-centered learning environment to prepare students for career, college readiness and lifelong learning; and

WHEREAS, Paterson Public Schools was awarded a 21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant which will be implemented at Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School and NRC/School 24 with the level of service at 255 students focusing on academic intervention, STEAM academic enrichment, youth development, recreation, behavioral health counseling, professional development for teachers, programs for families; and

WHEREAS, participation in the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant requires the services of an external evaluator. Management, Research, Evaluation, and Assessment, Inc. has partnered with PPS and the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant for the past four years and was approved by the NJ DOE as the grant evaluator by approval of PPS’s 21st Century application; and

WHEREAS, Management, Research, Evaluation, and Assessment, Inc. agrees to evaluate the 21st CCLC programs at Dr. Martin Luther King Jr School and NRC/School 24 and will include:

 Monthly visits to observe the program.  Mid-year and Summer reports  Work collaboratively with the Project Director in the preparation and submission of the Federal APR,AIR’s ETRS and the NJSACC Quality assessment instrument  Attend all required NJDOE workshops and meetings

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the District approves payment to Management Research Evaluation and Assessment, Inc. from the 21st Century Discretionary Grant funds, pending yearly grant approval, in an amount not to exceed $22,500.00 for services during the 2019-2020 School Year.

Page 19 09/18/19 Resolution No. I&P-16

WHEREAS, the Strategic Plan for Paterson Public Schools, Paterson – A Promising Tomorrow, Goal 3 Communications & Connections aims to establish and grow viable partnerships with parents, educational institutions and community organizations to support Paterson Public Schools educational programs, advance student achievement and enhance communication; and

WHEREAS, Paterson Public Schools was awarded a 21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant which will be implemented at Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School and New Roberto Clemente/School 24 with the level of service at 255 students focusing on academic intervention, STEAM academic enrichment, youth development, recreation, behavioral health counseling, professional development for teachers, programs for families; and

WHEREAS, PPS proposed partnering with Paterson Education Fund (PEF) to provide parent workshops on “The Right Question Project” and other relevant parental engagement topics to fulfill the component of the parent and family engagement grant requirement. PEF was approved by the NJ DOE as the parent workshop provider by approval of PPS’s 21st Century application; and

WHEREAS, Paterson Education Fund agrees to provide ten parent workshops (5 per school site) on their “Right Question Project” and other relevant parental engagement topics with the goals of:

 Strengthening the parent’s and families’ connection to the school and instructional staff  Providing strategies for parents to use in communicating with their child’s school  Offer opportunities for parents to participate in their child’s education and learning activities  Suggest activities that the parents can engage in at home to stay involved in their child’s education

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the District approves the partnership and contact to Paterson Education Fund from the 21st Century Discretionary Grant funds, in an amount not to exceed $6,000.00 for services from October 1, 2019 to August 31, 2020, pending yearly NJDOE approval.

Resolution No. I&P-17

WHEREAS, the participation of Full Service District and Community Partner Staff at the Promise Neighborhoods Conference 2019 supports the Paterson – A Promising Tomorrow District Strategic Plan in Goal Area #3 Communications and Connections: To establish and grow viable partnerships with parents, educational institutions and community organizations to support Paterson Public Schools educational programs, advance student achievement and enhance communication; and

WHEREAS, four Full Service District and seven community partner staff members will participate in a variety of workshops at the conference focused on implementing Full Service strategies including extended learning, parent and community education and engagement programs, strengthening school and community partnerships; and

Page 20 09/18/19 WHEREAS, the conference will provide attendees with the opportunity to network with other community schools, learn new skills, build new relationships, and return with tools and inspiration to increase equity and opportunity through community schools; and

WHEREAS, The Promise Neighborhoods Conference is located in Alexandria, VA and will take place November 13 – 15, 2019 with a travel day on November 12. The Full Service Federal Grants provide funding for attendance at conference and professional development opportunities, including the required Promise Neighborhoods Conference;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Board of Education approves of Full Service District and community partner staff members to attend the Promise Neighborhoods Conference 2019 funded by the Full Service Federal Grants and at no cost to the District up to and not to exceed $13,868.00, pending Full Service Federal Grant Approval.

Resolution No. I&P-18

WHEREAS, The Young Men’s Leadership Academy (YMLA) will provide the hosting site for the Alpha Performing Arts & Restoration Center Mentorship Program for students at The Young Men’s Leadership Academy (YMLA). This supports the 5 Year Strategic Plan Paterson – A Promising Tomorrow goal areas #3 Communications & Connections and #4 Social – Emotional Learning.

WHEREAS, The Young Men’s Leadership Academy has identified the need to address the social emotional development of a targeted population of students. This development includes the child's experience, expression, and management of emotions and the ability to establish positive and rewarding relationships with others (Cohen and others 2005). It encompasses both intra- and interpersonal processes. This development will include strategies and tactics to improve students’ self-esteem, ability to deal with anger and character building. This supports the 5 Year Strategic Plan Paterson – A Promising Tomorrow goal areas #3 Communications & Connections and #4 Social – Emotional Learning. And

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Board of Education approves Alpha Performing Arts & Restoration Center Mentorship Program to work with the students at The Young Men’s Leadership Academy to (1) Prevent and reduce anger related behaviors in children ages 10-15 through anger management exercises, counseling and workshops dealing with issues such as bullying and abuse (physical and mental). (2) Build community/parental capacity for the prevention of anger and anger related behaviors in The Young Men’s Leadership Academy (YMLA). (3) Help students take responsibility for their actions. Cost to the district: $4,000.

Resolution No. I&P-19

Whereas, the Paterson Public School District will participate in the College Board’s “Early Participation Program,” which is an initiative to support the involvement of all students in the college-going process at an earlier age while there is still time to inform instruction, learning and increase students’ readiness for college expectations.

Whereas, Students in grade 8, 9, 10 and 11 will participate in the PSAT assessment program, which will expose students to a wealth of college planning and preparation tools to get and keep them actively involved in the process.

Page 21 09/18/19 Whereas. College Board PSAT program deliverables include PSAT test materials (student guides and test booklets), PSAT Score Report Plus (two copies per student), Official Educator Guide to the PSAT/NMSQT (one per school), School-level Summary of Answers and Skills (SOAS) Reports, School-level AP Potential access, including My Road, for students taking the PSAT.

Whereas, the fee is calculated for Grade 8, 9, $12.00 for 10t & 11 Grade $17.00 for students with an total approximate enrollment of 4,937 students in grade 8, 9, 10 & 11 not to exceed $48,301.00 Be It Therefore Resolved, that the Paterson Public Schools Board of Education executes that attached contract between Paterson Public Schools and the College Board “Early Participation Program’ initiative for students in grade 8,9,10 &11 to support their involvement in the college-going process at an earlier age while there is still time to inform instruction and learning, and increase students’ readiness for college expectations. The contract is for the 2019-2020 school year.

Participating Grades Enrollment Pricing Discount Amount Total Cost 8 1,764 Unit Price $12.00 $ 7,056.00 $14,112.00 9 1,492 Unit Price $12.00 $ 5,968.00 $11,936.00 10 1,581 Unit Price $17.00 $ 6,324.00 $20,553.00 11 100 Unit Price $17.00 $ 0.00 $ 1,700.00

Subtotal: $67,649.00 Total Discount Cost: $19,348.00 Total Cost of Agreement: $48,301.00

Resolution No. I&P-20

Introduction: College Bound/GEAR-UP Program is a federally funded supplemental education program seeking to increase the number of low-income students who are prepared to enter and succeed in postsecondary education.

Whereas, the Paterson Public School District new mission states, “Recognizing our proud traditions and diverse community and partnerships, the mission of the Paterson Public School District is to provide an academically rigorous, safe and nurturing educational environment; by meeting the social, emotional and academic needs of our students as we prepare them for post-secondary education and career.” The proposed program appears to be aligned to our district’s core beliefs and mission.

Whereas, our 5-year Strategic Plan Goal Area 3: Communications & Connections states, “To establish viable partnerships with parents, educational institutions and community organizations to support Paterson Public Schools educational programs, advance student achievement and enhance communication.” The Paterson Public School District seeks to partner with New Jersey’s Office of the Secretary of Higher Education and Passaic County Community College to offer the College Bound/Gear-up Program to students in grades 7 and 8 attending School 2, 10 and Alexander Hamilton.

Whereas, College Bound/GEAR-UP Program is a year-round program with a potential 6-week summer session, if adequate resources are available. The year-round school- year session will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the recommended school sites, while the summer session will be held at Passaic County Community College.

Page 22 09/18/19

Whereas, the past sixteen years, the College Bound/Gear-UP Program has supported School #2, Alexander Hamilton and School#16 students, the program absorb all cost related to programming including teaching staff, textbooks, security and supplies except space at the school; and

Therefore, Be It Resolved, that College Bound/GEAR-UP Program will operate at Schools 2, 10 and Alexander Hamilton Academy and be sponsored by the partnership of Office of the Secretary for Higher Education, Passaic County Community College and Paterson Public Schools, and there will be no additional cost to the district including costs for personnel.

Resolution No. I&P-21

Goals of Disney Musicals in Schools: Goal #1 Obj.1 & 3 & Goal #3 Obj. 1 &4 of the District Strategic Plan

1. Create a sustainable musical theater programs in public elementary schools. 2. Provide school faculty with the training and tools necessary to support student performance and production, and to empower them to do so. 3. Develop a critical awareness and appreciation of the arts within schools. 4. Develop a strong community, students, parents, faculty, staff and neighbors. 5. Expose students and school teachers to the wide spectrum of skills that are developed when producing a piece of musical theater including: critical thinking, problem solving, ensemble building, communication, self-confidence and interpersonal skills.

Whereas, Disney Musicals in Schools at NJPAC presents a special opportunity to introduce the collaborative art of musical theater to NSW School, strengthen its arts programming and develop partnerships among students, faculty, staff and the greater community

Whereas, NJPAC selected NSW School as one of only five New Jersey public elementary schools (including charter schools) to participate in this year’s Disney Musicals in Schools program.

Whereas, NSW will receive: • A Free performance license to a 30-minute Disney KIDS musical (available shows include: 101 Dalmatians, Aladdin, The Artistocats, Cinderella, The Jungle Book, The Lion King and Winnie the Pooh). • Free performance rights (valid for one year) to a Disney KIDS musical of their choosing as well as a complimentary ShowKit. The ShowKit includes materials and resources to aid teachers in producing, directing and choreographing the show. • Free in-school support from a team of two NJPAC Teaching Artists (during a 90- minute after school visit each week).

Whereas, The Teaching Artists will serve as production and creative advisors who will train and empower the School Team to run the program themselves and guide the School Team through both production management (developing a rehearsal schedule, running auditions and addressing technical and physical production requirements) and the creative execution of the show (direction, choreography, acting and design).

Page 23 09/18/19 Whereas, The Teaching Artists will advise on cross-curricular connections and provide guidance on involving parents, the school community and the wider community in this project.

Whereas, the selected schools will participate in a culminating Disney Musicals in Schools Student Share Celebration where each school will share selections from its production in NJPAC’s Prudential Hall.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED; that the Paterson Public School District approves Disney Musicals in Schools at NJPAC at no cost to the District.

Resolution No. I&P-22

WHEREAS, Goal Area #1: Teaching & Learning of the Paterson School District’s Strategic Plan - A Promising Tomorrow is to create a student-centered learning environment to prepare students for career, college readiness and lifelong learning; Advanced Placement, Honors and Dual Enrollment courses serve the purpose of providing instruction that challenges high end learners and meets each student’s learning needs.

WHEREAS, the rigor of the Fairleigh Dickinson University Dual Enrollment at Eastside High School, John F. Kennedy High School, International High School, Rosa Parks High School, and the Academy of Earth and Space Science (PANTHER), offers students opportunities for articulated college credit, from Fairleigh Dickinson University Middle College Program, students in 9th-12th grade taking AP Literature & Composition, AP US History, Pre Calculus, Calculus, Chemistry, Psychology, AP Psychology, Honors English IV, Honors Biology, AP Language & Composition, Introduction to Drama, Master Production & Performance, IB Language and Literature II HL, IB Visual Arts II HL, IB Physics I SL, IB Physics II SL and IB World History I HL will be eligible to earn three (3) college credits per course.

WHEREAS, the proposed articulation agreement demonstrates the following relationship, between successful completion (grade of “C” of higher) of courses, and credits issued at Fairleigh Dickinson University upon enrollment (not including other requirements outlined within the Agreement):

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public Schools Board of Education approves the attached articulation agreement between Fairleigh Dickinson University and Paterson Public Schools at a cost to not exceed $267.00 per three credit course for a total not to exceed $108,000.00.

Resolution No. I&P-23

WHEREAS, the curriculum supports the Paterson- A Promising Tomorrow’s goal 1, Teaching & Learning: to create a student-centered learning environment to prepare students for career, college readiness and lifelong learning; and

WHEREAS, NJSO is a world-class orchestra with local roots, creative programming in concerts throughout the state and service to the community through education—these values have been the hallmark of the New Jersey Symphony Orchestra since its beginnings nearly 100 years ago. and,

Page 24 09/18/19 WHEREAS, NJSO will provide a concert to students in grades 3-8 at Kennedy High School for an hour in duration on November 14th 2019, and, BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that Paterson Public School approves New Jersey Symphony Orchestra (NJSO) performance at Kennedy High School on November 14th 2019 at no cost to the district.

Resolution No. I&P-24

WHEREAS, the curriculum supports the Paterson- A Promising Tomorrow’s goal 1, Teaching & Learning: to create a student-centered learning environment to prepare students for career, college readiness and lifelong learning; and

WHEREAS, Sharron Miller’s Academy for the Performing Arts (SMAPA) agrees to provide an 8-week dance residency in a total of 6 elementary schools grades K through 3 and one high school. The schools will be served from the months October to January and three beginning the last week in January to mid-March, And

WHEREAS, All classes will reinforce motor skills, stimulate creativity through use of the imagination and explore rhythm, space and time. The goal is for students to believe they can achieve through self-discipline and self-esteem. Most important, students will discover the joy of movement.

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that Paterson Public School approves the agreement with Sharon Miller’s Academy for the Performing Arts (SMAPA) in an amount not to exceed $12,000.00

Resolution No. I&P-25

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District recognizes the need for obtaining the most competitive and responsive proposal for goods and/or services; and

WHEREAS, on the authorization of the Business Administrator the competitive contracting process NJSA 18A:18A-4.5, using the request for proposal (RFP) document was solicited for Educational Services – Fine Arts, RFP-408-20RB for the 2019-2022 school year(s). Fourteen (14) potential vendors were mailed/e-mailed RFP specifications, the list of which can be reviewed in the Purchasing Department, out of which one (1) vendor(s) responded as follows:

Wharton Institute for the Performing Arts 60 Locust Avenue Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922

WHEREAS, this solicitation was made by advertised public notice appearing in The Record and The Herald News on April 25, 2019. Sealed proposals were opened and read aloud on May 14, 2019 at 11:00 am in the Conference Room, 4th floor, 90 Delaware Avenue, Paterson, NJ 07503 by the Purchasing Department; and

WHEREAS, the awarding of this contract is in line with the 5 Year Strategic Plan, Goal Area # 1: Have Art and Music in all schools; and

WHEREAS, based on the recommendation of the Evaluation Committee Members, it is recommended that this contract be awarded for Educational Services – Fine Arts, RFP- 408-20RB, to Wharton Institute, based on NJSA 18A:18A-4.5; and

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NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the District Superintendent supports the above mentioned recommendation that Wharton Institute be awarded a 3-year contract in the amount not to exceed $47,000.00 annually.

Resolution No. I&P-26

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District recognizes the need for obtaining the most competitive and responsive bid for goods and/or services; and

WHEREAS, on the Authorization of the Business Administrator formal public Request for Qualifications were solicited for, Family Intervention Services at P.S. #10, RFQ-942-20, for a twelve (12) month period, beginning September 2019 through August 2020; and

WHEREAS, this solicitation was made by advertised public notice appearing in The Bergen Record and The North Jersey Herald News on July 26, 2019. One (1) proposal was received on Friday, August 9, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. by the Purchasing Department, 4th Floor, 90 Delaware Avenue, Paterson, NJ 07503; and

WHEREAS, six (6) vendors were mailed/e-mailed bid specifications, in which the mailing list is on file in the Purchasing Department, one (1) vendor responded; and

WHEREAS, P.S.#10, along with the Purchasing Department, recommends that the sole, responsive and responsible vendor, Family Intervention Services, Inc., be awarded the contract respectively according to the attached RFQ Summary & Contract Award Recommendation; and

WHEREAS, the awarding of this contract is in line with the Brighter Futures Strategic Plan for Paterson Public Schools 2014-2019, Priority I; Effective Academic Programs, Goal 4: Create Student Centered Supports where all students are engaged in school; now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Superintendent supports the above mentioned recommendation that Family Intervention Services, Inc., 86 South Harrison Street, East Orange, New Jersey 07018 be deemed as the sole, responsive and responsible bidder and is awarded a contract for Family Intervention Services at P.S. #10, RFQ-942-20, for a twelve (12) month period, beginning September 2019 through August 2020, at an amount not to exceed $67,000.00.

Resolution No. I&P-27

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District is in favor of establishing and growing viable partnerships with parents, educational institutions and community organizations to support Paterson Public Schools educational programs, advance student achievement and enhance communication (5-Year Strategic Plan, Goal Area #1: Teaching & Learning; Goal Area #3: Communications & Connections).

WHEREAS, community-based organizations seek to improve academic achievement and parental involvement by providing resources to support educational activities and family and community engagement Goal Area #3: Communications & Connections.

WHEREAS, the Girls Scouts of Northern New Jersey troop will seek to mentor students in 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grades female students in Paterson Public Schools No. 10 ( Goal Area #3: Communications & Connections; Goal Area #4: Social – Emotional Learning).

Page 26 09/18/19

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of the District of Paterson will allow the Girls Scouts of Northern New Jersey troop to mentor female students in 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grades in Paterson Public Schools No. 10 (Goal Area #3: Communications & Connections).

Resolution No. I&P-28

WHEREAS, creating a student-centered learning environment to prepare students for career, college readiness, and lifelong learning through teaching and learning is Goal 1 of the Strategic Plan for Paterson Public Schools. The IB CP Programme serves the purpose of providing instruction that learners, engages students in career related education, and meets each student’s leaning needs. The Programme aims to enable students to participate in the IB Diploma Programme with a career component with opportunities for further/higher education, apprenticeship, and/or employment.

WHEREAS, the IB CP Programme’s emphasis on international mindedness and academic rigor will provide Paterson students with a unique set of skills, attitudes and perspectives for success in university and life in the 21st century. Paterson has identified IB as a renowned leader in education and is dedicated to becoming informed about best practices for IB and its role as an integral component of education in Paterson;

WHEREAS, Paterson Public Schools recognizes that the IB CP Programme is characterized by a demanding, two-year high school curriculum that leads to final exams and post-secondary credits that are accepted by universities worldwide. CP students undertake a minimum of two IB Diploma Programme (DP) courses, a core consisting of four components and a career-related study. For CP students, DP courses provide the theoretical underpinning and academic rigor of the programme; the career- related study further supports the programme’s academic strength and provides practical, real-world approaches to learning; and the CP core helps them to develop skills and competencies required for lifelong learning.

WHEREAS, Paterson Public Schools will work in conjunction with International Baccalaureate to support the district through the candidate phase/year of consideration, as the district works towards authorization, with a focus on designing goals, outcomes, professional development, plan for implementation, including a timeline and areas of responsibility for staff.

WHEREAS, Paterson Public Schools will gain access to the IB CP Curriculum resources and work in conjunction with an International Baccalaureate consultant for 10 remote hours with an IB authorization team visit in the Spring of the 2019-2020 school year. The remote consultation can be carried out via email, telephone or online conversations.

THEREFORE, IT BE RESOLVED that the Paterson Board of Education approves payment of the IB Career Related (CP)Programme candidacy/year of consideration fee to the International Baccalaureate Organization in the amount not to exceed $8500 for the school year 2019-2020.

Resolution No. I&P-29

WHEREAS, creating a student-centered learning environment to prepare students for career, college readiness, and lifelong learning through teaching and learning is Goal 1 of the Strategic Plan for Paterson Public Schools. The International High School First

Page 27 09/18/19 Robotics Team serves the purpose of providing enrichment activities that challenge highly motivated students and meets each student's learning needs.

WHEREAS, First Robotics, an international robotics competition for high school students, is an acronym that means "For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology." Its purpose is to encourage students to be science and technology leaders by providing programs and mentors that cultivate science, engineering and technology skills as well as inspire innovation, confidence, communication, and leadership. and

WHEREAS, The International High School Robotics Team seeks to establish a mentoring partnership with the Great Falls Youth Center. Students will work with their team coaches and Great Falls Youth Center to develop a robot for competion. This partnership is critical to the team’s success and will provide a build site with extended hours for the team for the 2019-2020 school year.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Board of Education approves the International High School Robotics Team and the Great Falls Youth Center a mentor partnership for the 2019-2020 school year at no cost to the district.

Resolution No. I&P-30

WHEREAS, the District’s Strategic Plan is designed to prepare each student to be successful as it relates to having Effective Academic Programs and expand partnerships with community organizations, agencies, and institutions and is aligned with the NJSLS and 21st Century Life and Careers;

WHEREAS, Michelle Larrahona BA, Psychology, Philip Berlier, BS CHES Samantha Schlossberg, MA would like to provide interpersonal problem-solving skills for students at PS 25. ICPS has been shown to impact positive thinking and behavior for students as young as kindergarten age at PS 25 for over 15 years; and

WHEREAS, PS 25 will convene weekly sessions that would allow students to think and problem solve on the following:

 Demonstrating characteristics of effective problem solvers  Learning how to think and how to create positive solutions  Learning how to cope with frustrations  Learning how to understand feelings involving one’s self and others  Learning how to get along with, share and cooperate with others

WHEREAS, Wayne Counseling and the Paterson Community have been chosen to receive the I Can Problem Solve (ICPS) program, funded through the grant I Can Problem at School 25 at no cost to the district, from September 2019 through June 2019.

Resolution No. I&P-31

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District recognizes the need to prepare our students academically for college and their future career. School 25 in receipt of SIA funds will purchase the iReady Program which supports the Paterson Schools a Promising Future mission and vision Goal Area #1 Teaching and Learning: To create a student-centered learning environment to prepare students for career, college readiness and lifelong learning; and

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WHEREAS, iReady will support the Reading program for Elementary School 25. It will indicate exactly where the students are and provides data to increase each student’s learning gains. i-Ready consists of two parts: Diagnostic and Instruction. The i-Ready Diagnostic is an adaptive assessment that adjusts its questions to suit each student’s academic need; and

WHEREAS, in addition, iReady Professional Development courses are designed to support the implementation, meeting the learning needs and interests of educators at each phase of their development: New, Practicing, and Advanced. The courses address a set of common learning outcomes, while the Tailored Support sessions deliver targeted outcomes specific to each teacher’s academic need; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education supports the purchase with SIA funds of the iReady Reading Diagnostic, resources, and Instruction Site License, including professional development services from Curriculum Associates in the amount of not to exceed $21,960.00 for 2019-2020 School Year. (PENDING BUDGET APPROVAL)

Resolution No. I&P-32

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District recognizes the need to prepare our students academically for college and their future career. The iReady Program supports the Paterson Schools Bright Futures Strategic Plan, Priority I: Effective Academic Programs, Goal 1: Increase Student Achievement levels; and

WHEREAS, iReady will support the Mathematics program for Elementary School 20. The iReady Reading and Math Diagnostic and Instruction Site License provided for the students at School No. 20 for one (1) year; and

WHEREAS, the iReady Program offers the teachers an opportunity of professional development via the iReady Diagnostic and Instruction and iReady Reading and Math Professional Development On Site New User Package: Getting Good Data, Using Data to Plan Instruction, and Tailored Support sessions to facilitate the use of the iReady materials; and

WHEREAS, the iReady copyrighted materials for Grades K through 8 in English will enhance the understanding and knowledge of our students in the content area of Reading and Mathematics; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education supports the purchase of the iReady Reading and Math Diagnostic and Instruction Site License, copyrighted materials, and obtain teacher professional development services from Curriculum Associates in the amount of not to exceed $37,140.00 for 2019-2020 school year. (Pending Budget Approval)

Resolution No. I&P-33

WHEREAS, The Paterson Public Schools District Strategic Plan, Goal #4, Objective 3 focuses on Developing “K-12 age appropriate mental health curriculum to empower students by increasing their self-esteem, confidence and character development,” and Goal 1, Objective 2 addresses the “Design, implement and monitor equitable, credible and rigorous assessments K-12 that are aligned to the curriculum and state academic standards that will inform students and educators of their progress.”

Page 29 09/18/19

WHEREAS, The Paterson Public School District and School 16 are committed to providing a safe and supervised environment for students in the early morning hours and assisting parents who need to leave early for work and need a secure location for their children.

WHEREAS, The Paterson Public School District and School 16 are committed to supporting students that struggle in Language Arts and Mathematics, as well as supporting students’ socio-emotional development in alignment with School 16’s Mission “to prepare learners for success using the skills of collaboration, communication, creativity and critical thinking while fostering positive character traits”

WHEREAS, Paterson Public School Number 16 has designated funds to implement a before-school program to provide tutoring to students that struggle in Language Arts and Math; and, to provide all students the opportunity to participate in morning activities that engage them in character development that will support their social-emotional development and increase their self-regulating and decision making skills in order to be the leaders in actualizing 21st century skills, in alignment with School 16 Mission and Paterson Public School District Goal 1 and Goal 3.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Board of Education approves the implementation of a Morning Mindfulness and Tutoring program at Public School Number 16 for the 2019-2020 school year for 180 days, not to exceed $12,600.00 which has been allocated to account 154211001013090530000000.

Resolution No. I&P-34

WHEREAS, the focus on implementing its programmatic plan by focusing on the priorities in “A Promising Tomorrow” for the Paterson Public School District, to create a student-centered learning environment to prepare students for career, college readiness and lifelong learning,

WHEREAS, the School-based Youth Services Program goal (SCSBYSP) at John F. Kennedy Educational Complex encourage youth to make positive choices towards a productive lifestyle, maintain good mental and physical health, complete high school, pursue post-secondary education and/or find employment.

WHEREAS, the program will operate July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020 Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Group activities based on calendar and scheduled events times.

WHEREAS, the program works with school staff/ community partners to provide additional support services: child care, working papers/employment applications, cultural events and internships to former school alumni.

WHEREAS, the City of Paterson Department of Health & Human Services will serve as the lead agency in the School-Based Youth Services Program at John F. Kennedy Educational Complex.

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District will provide $ 90,000 (In-Kind) support to the School Based Youth Program located at John F. Kennedy Educational Complex from July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020 in according with an agreement to be executed by the parties (see attached documentation).

Page 30 09/18/19 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Board of Education approved the School-based Youth Services Program at John F. Kennedy Educational Complex which the Paterson Public School District will provide $ 90,000 (In-kind) support.

Resolution No. I&P-35

Whereas, creating a student-centered learning environment to prepare students for career, college readiness, and lifelong learning through teaching and learning is Goal 1 of the Strategic Plan for Paterson Public Schools. The Garrett Morgan Academy STEM Enrichment Program serves the purpose of providing enrichment activities that challenge highly motivated students and meets each student's learning needs.

Whereas, Extracurricular programs provide a channel for reinforcing the lessons learned in the classroom, offering students the opportunity to apply academic skills in a real-world context, and are thus considered part of a well-rounded education. Recent research suggests that participation in extracurricular activities may increase students' sense of engagement or attachment to their school, and thereby decrease the likelihood of school failure and dropping out (Lamborn et al, 1992; Finn, 1993). And

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public School Board of Education approves the STEM Enrichment Program at Garrett Morgan Academy for the school year 2019-2020 at no cost to the district.

Resolution No. I&P-36

WHEREAS, the 5 Year Strategic Plan Paterson – “A Promising Tomorrow” Paterson Public School District recognizing our proud traditions and diverse community and partnerships, the mission of the Paterson Public School District is to provide an academically rigorous, safe and nurturing educational environment; by meeting the social, emotional, and academic needs of our students as we prepare them for post- secondary education and career.

WHEREAS, Goal Area #3: Communications & Connections to establish and grow viable partnerships with parents, educational institutions, and community organizations to support Paterson Public Schools educational programs, advance student achievement and enhance communication.

WHEREAS, the principal and staff of HARP Academy of Health Science work in collaboration with Vitalant to ensure that students are exposed to health science learning experiences and engagement activities.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public School District grants permission for the Academy of Health Science to continue to establish partnerships with Vitalant in order for the Academy of Health Science to host three community blood drives at 5 Colt Street, Paterson, New Jersey on October 11, 2019, February 7, 2020, and June 5, 2020.

Resolution No. I&P-37

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District is in favor of supporting the Partnership between William Paterson University and Paterson Public Schools, Turnaround Partnerships-NJ (TAP-NJ), for the purpose of improving the academic achievement of students and increasing educators’ capacity to utilize technological resources and

Page 31 09/18/19 strategies to prepare students to become future ready leaders(Goal Area #1: Teaching & Learning).

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District is in favor of the use of technology (i.e. Lenova Think Pads), as a tool to enhance instruction, so students will be able to conduct research and complete Project-Based Learning STEM projects(Goal Area #1: Teaching & Learning), .

WHEREAS, William Paterson University seeks to partner with Paterson Public Schools to improve academic achievement by providing resources to support educational activities and STEM in SIG-eligible schools(Goal Area #1: Teaching & Learning; Goal Area #3: Communications & Connections ),

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public School District Board of Education will allow William Paterson University to provide sixteen Lenova Think Pads to Paterson Public School No. 10 for students’ use.

Resolution No. I&P-38

School 18 AND Bromley Productions, LLC: Yojo “Bully No More” Program

WHEREAS, the mission of the Paterson Public School District is to provide an academically rigorous, safe and nurturing education environment; by meeting the social, emotional, and academic needs of our students as we prepare them for post-secondary education and career. The district will be the leader of 21st Century innovation where students develop habits oflifelong learning and excel academically to become future ready learners.

WHEREAS, the goal of the Paterson School District 5 Year Strategic Plan, A Promising Tomorrow, Goal Area #1: Teaching & Learning, is to create a student-centered learning environment to prepare students for career, college readinessa nd lifelong learning. The objective is to crate high quality opportunities for educators to deliver research- based strategies that will ignite motivation and promote life-long learning.

WHEREAS, the intent of his action si to expose studetns of School 18 to an assembly program that focuses on instructing students on what to do if children are a bully target, a witness to bullying and adddress those who are doing the bullying. This assembly program supports the aforementioned 5 Year Strategic Plan Goal #1: Teaching & Learning.

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Board of Educaiton approv the assembly program, Yojo “Bully No More” for the Paterson Public School 18, not to exceed $ 1,000.

Resolution No. I&P-39

WHEREAS, increasing student achievement through the effective academic programs is Goal 1 of Priority 1 of the Strategic Plan for Paterson Public Schools and creating and sustaining partnerships with community organizations, agencies, and institutions is Goal 3 of Priority 3; and,

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District – The Academy of Earth and Space Science (PANTHER) seeks to continue its partnership with the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History: Hamilton Education Program. The Hamilton Education Program is an educational partnership that provides an eleventh-grade American history class

Page 32 09/18/19 exclusive participation in the program, which combines Founding Era classroom resources, document-based student projects, and a special student matinee of the play Hamilton at the Richard Rodgers Theatre.

WHEREAS the partnership between Paterson Public Schools and the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History will take place at the Richard Rodgers Theater in New York City on October 16, 2019. The program will be open to male and female students in the 11th grade.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Board of Education approves the Paterson Public School’s partnership with the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History to participate in the Hamilton Education Program. The program provides an eleventh-grade American history class exclusive participation in the program, which combines Founding Era classroom resources, document-based student projects, and a special student matinee of the play Hamilton at the Richard Rodgers Theatre. Thanks to generous funding from local and national donors, and the producers of Hamilton, the ticket price for this event is the discounted price of $10.00/ticket which will be paid through the Student Activity Account. The transportation cost and compensation for (3) teachers for (2) hours will be obtained from budgeted funds.

Resolution No. I&P-40

WHEREAS, the mission, vision and goals and objectives of Strategic Plan Paterson-A Promising Tomorrow. Goal Area #1: Teaching & Learning to create a student-centered learning environment to prepare students for career, college readiness and lifelong learning. Goal Area #3: Communication & Connections: to establish and grow viable partnerships with parents, educational institutions and community organizations to support Paterson Public Schools educational program, advance student achievement and enhance communication.

WHEREAS, EdCamp Foundation, 200 Barr Harbor Drive, Suite 400, West Conshohocken, PA 19428 will provide a conference approach to teachers. EdCamp was organized by a group of teachers in Philadelphia who met for a “un-conference” (self-organizing) approach to conference for professionals. EdCamp collaborated with others to crate discussion sessions based on the interests of the people in the room. The entire day was personalized and learner driven with those in the room sharing their experiences and expertise.

WHEREAS, EdCamp goal and objectives are for educators to share best practices utilizing the Universal Design for Learning to improve and building teacher capacity in teacher student outcomes. The strength of EdCamp is for educators to collaborate about best practices and cultural relevancy in the classroom.

WHEREAS, (1)-One Saturday in the month of December 2019 will be selected for the conference for 6 hours at International High School 200 Grand Street, Paterson, New Jersey 07501.

WHEREAS, the program population will be approximately 200 male and female educators from various districts throughout the United States.

WHEREAS, EdCamp will focus on building communities that empower educators worldwide. EdCamps are free and open to educators of all levels and subject.

Page 33 09/18/19 BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Paterson Board of Education approves the EdCamp conference (1)-One Saturday in the month of December 2019 (At no cost to the district)

Resolution No. I&P-41

WHEREAS, the District’s priority is effective academic programs under the 2014-2019 Strategic Plan. The Department of Special Education has aligned programs to meet this priority. The placement of this student will achieve this priority through implementation of his/her IEP; and

WHEREAS, the District is eligible for State Aid-Chapter 193 Non-public and IDEA Federal funding to provide services to Paterson students attending non-public schools; and

WHEREAS, the District will comply with the terms and conditions of the grants and target grant funds for the academic advancement and achievement of the students and expend the funds in the most effective and efficient manner; and

WHEREAS, the District Legal Counsel has reviewed the contract with Catapult Learning and found the terms to be acceptable as written;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the District accepts the Chapter 193 Funding and approve Catapult Learning to provide services for Paterson students attending Non-public schools for the 2019-2020 school year, as listed below, at a total cost not to exceed $179,062.68

September 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020 Chapter 193 Services: Initial Exam & Classification * $1,299.64 per pupil x 3 pupils = $ 3,898.92 (rounding +..08) = $ 3,899.00 Annual Exam & Classification * $ 372.40 per pupil x 17 pupils = $ 6,330.80 (rounding + .20) = $ 6,331.00 Corrective Speech Evaluations * $ 930.00 per pupil x 10 pupils = $ 9,114.00 Supplementary Instruction * $ 809.48 per pupil x 22 pupils = $17,808.56 (rounding +.44) = $17,809.00 *prorated at 98%

IDEA Services: Counseling Services $ 95.48 x 216 hrs. = $20,623.68 Speech Services $134.18 x 400 hrs. = $53,672.00 In-Class Support Teacher $ 80.07 x 600 hrs. = $48,042.00 In-Class Support Paraprofessional $ 32.62 x 600 hrs. = $19,572.00

Resolution No. I&P-42

WHEREAS, the District’s priority is effective academic programs under the 2014-2019 Strategic Plan. The Department of Special Education has aligned programs to meet this priority. The placement of this student will achieve this priority through implementation of his/her IEP; and

WHEREAS, the Department of Special Education has aligned its education goals and efforts to accomplish and promote high standards of academic achievement for all students; and

WHEREAS, the District is required under N.J.A.C. 6A:14 to ensure that the services and placement needed by each student with a disability in order to receive a free, appropriate public education are based on the student’s unique needs; and

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WHEREAS, the State District Superintendent has determined that the District is in need of instructional services for a student in accordance with the student’s Individualized Education Program; and WHEREAS, Speech & Hearing Associates represents that it is fully qualified to provide the services hereunder and has and will maintain all required licenses, approvals and certifications; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the District approve agreements to provide reimbursement to Speech & Hearing Associates for a total cost not to exceed $44,250.00 during the 2019-2020 school year. September 5, 2019 – June 30, 2020 Central Auditory Processing Evaluation w/Report - $585 x 10 = $5,850.00 (includes Comprehensive Peripheral Audiological Eval.) Comprehensive Audiological Evaluation w/Report - $280 x 10 = $2,800.00 Hearing Aid Evaluation w/Report - $400 x 10 = $4,000.00 (includes Comprehensive Peripheral Audiological Eval.) Speech-Language Evaluation w/Report - $600 x 10 = $6,000.00 Bilingual Speech-Language Evaluation w/Report - $775 x 10 = $7,750.00 Language Processing Evaluation w/Report - $775 x 10 = $7,750.00 Speech and Language Therapy/per (30 min.) session - $85 x 10 = $850.00 AAC Evaluation - $775 x 10 = $7,750.00 In-School Consultation (2 Hr. Min.) per hr. - $150 x 10 = $1,500.00 Unlimited communication with school staff (N/C)

Resolution No. I&P-43

WHEREAS, the District’s first priority is effective academic programs under the 2019- 2024 Strategic Plan. The Department of Special Education Programs has aligned programs to meet this priority. The placement of this student will achieve this priority through implementation of his/her IEP.

WHEREAS, the Department of Special Education has aligned its education goals and efforts to accomplish and promote high standards of academic achievement for all students; and

WHEREAS, the District is required under N.J.A.C. 6A:14 to ensure that the services and placement needed by each student with a disability in order to receive a free, appropriate public education are based on the student’s unique needs; and

WHEREAS, the State District Superintendent has determined that the District is in need of instructional services for a student in accordance with the student’s Individualized Education Program; and

WHEREAS, Banyan School represents that it is fully qualified to provide the services hereunder and has and will maintain all required licenses, approvals and certifications;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the District approve an agreement to provide tuition reimbursement to Banyan School for a total cost not to exceed $63,102.60 during the 2019-2020 school year.

September 4, 2019 - June 30, 2020 (RSY 180 days) D.C. 2024393 SLD $350.57 per diem x 180 days = $63,102.60

Page 35 09/18/19 Resolution No. I&P-44

WHEREAS, the District’s priority is effective academic programs under the 2014-2019 Strategic Plan. The Department of Special Education has aligned programs to meet this priority. The placement of this student will achieve this priority through implementation of his/her IEP; and

WHEREAS, the Department of Special Education has aligned its education goals and efforts to accomplish and promote high standards of academic achievement for all students; and

WHEREAS, the District is required under N.J.A.C. 6A:14 to ensure that the services and placement needed by each student with a disability in order to receive a free, appropriate public education are based on the student’s unique needs; and

WHEREAS, the State District Superintendent has determined that the District is in need of instructional services for a student in accordance with the student’s Individualized Education Program; and

WHEREAS, Bayada Home Health Care represents that it is fully qualified to provide the services hereunder and has and will maintain all required licenses, approvals and certifications;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the District approve agreements to provide reimbursement to Bayada Home Health Care for a total cost not to exceed $78,864.00 during the 2019-2020 school year.

September 4, 2019 – June 30, 2020 (RSY 186 days) D.W. 5245497 MD $424.00 per diem x 186 days = $78,864.00 (NJEDDA Elem.) (If an LPN is not available then an RN will be substituted at a rate of $53 per hour)

Resolution No. I&P-45

WHEREAS, the District’s priority is effective academic programs under the 2019-2024 Strategic Plan. The Department of Special Education Program has aligned programs to meet this priority. The placement of this student will achieve this priority through implementation of his/her IEP.

WHEREAS, the Department of Special Education Program has aligned its education goals and efforts to accomplish and promote high standards of academic achievement for all students; and

WHEREAS, the District is required under N.J.A.C. 6A:14 to ensure that the services and placement needed by each student with a disability in order to receive a free, appropriate public education are based on the student’s unique needs; and

WHEREAS, the District Superintendent has determined that the District is in need of instructional services for a student in accordance with the student’s Individualized Education Program; and

WHEREAS, Benway School represents that it is fully qualified to provide the services hereunder and has and will maintain all required licenses, approvals and certifications;

Page 36 09/18/19 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the District approve an agreement to provide tuition reimbursement to Benway School for a total cost not to exceed $73,046.16 during the 2019-2020 school year.

September 4, 2019 – June 30, 2020 (RSY 184 days) $396.99 per diem x 184 = $73,046.16 C.R.W. 5224562 ED

Resolution No. I&P-46

WHEREAS, the District’s first priority is effective academic programs under the 2019- 2024 Strategic Plan. The Department of Special Education has aligned programs to meet this priority; and

WHEREAS, the Department of Special Education has aligned its education goals and efforts to accomplish and promote high standards of academic achievement for all students; and

WHEREAS, the District is required under N.J.A.C. 6A:14 to ensure that the services and placement needed by each student with a disability in order to receive a free, appropriate public education are based on the student’s unique needs; and

WHEREAS, the District Superintendent has determined that the District is in need of instructional services for a student in accordance with the student’s Individualized Education Program; and

WHEREAS, The Children’s Therapy Center represents that it is fully qualified to provide the services hereunder and has and will maintain all required licenses, approvals and certifications;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the District approve an agreement to provide tuition reimbursement to Children’s Therapy Center for a total cost not to exceed $79,980.00 during the 2019-2020 school year.

September 5, 2019 - June 30, 2020 (RSY 186 days) Fairlawn Campus: $430.00 per diem x 186 days = $79,980.00 L.D. 5244230 PD

Resolution No. I&P-47

WHEREAS, the District’s first priority is effective academic programs under the 2019- 2024 Strategic Plan. The Department of Special Education has aligned programs to meet this priority; and

WHEREAS, the Department of Special Education has aligned its education goals and efforts to accomplish and promote high standards of academic achievement for all students; and

WHEREAS, the District is required under N.J.A.C. 6A:14 to ensure that the services and placement needed by each student with a disability in order to receive a free, appropriate public education are based on the student’s unique needs; and

Page 37 09/18/19 WHEREAS, the District Superintendent has determined that the District is in need of instructional services for a student in accordance with the student’s Individualized Education Program; and

WHEREAS, The Children’s Therapy Center represents that it is fully qualified to provide the services hereunder and has and will maintain all required licenses, approvals and certifications;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the District approve an agreement to provide tuition reimbursement to Children’s Therapy Center for a total cost not to exceed $22,660.00 during the 2019-2020 school year.

July 8, 2019 - June 30, 2020 (ESY 20 days/RSY 186 days) Fairlawn Campus: $110.00 per diem x 206 days = $22,660.00 (1.1 AIDE ONLY) L.R. 5235702 MD

Resolution No. I&P-48

WHEREAS, the District’s priority is effective academic programs under the 2019-2024 Strategic Plan. The Department of Special Education has aligned programs to meet this priority. The placement of this student will achieve this priority through implementation of his/her IEP; and

WHEREAS, the Department of Special Education has aligned its education goals and efforts to accomplish and promote high standards of academic achievement for all students; and

WHEREAS, the District is required under N.J.A.C. 6A:14 to ensure that the services and placement needed by each student with a disability in order to receive a free, appropriate public education are based on the student’s unique needs; and

WHEREAS, the State District Superintendent has determined that the District is in need of instructional services for a student in accordance with the student’s Individualized Education Program; and

WHEREAS, Essex Valley School represents that it is fully qualified to provide the services hereunder and has and will maintain all required licenses, approvals and certifications;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the District approve agreements to provide tuition reimbursement to Essex Valley School for a total cost not to exceed $68,063.40 during the 2019-2020 school year.

September 4, 2019 – June 30, 2020 (RSY 180 days) $378.13 per diem x 180 days = $68,063.40 J.R.S. 2061049 OHI

Resolution No. I&P-49

WHEREAS, the District’s priority is effective academic programs under the 2019-2024 Strategic Plan. The Department of Special Education Programs has aligned programs to meet this priority. The placement of this student will achieve this priority through implementation of his/her IEP

Page 38 09/18/19 WHEREAS, the Department of Special Education Services has aligned its education goals and efforts to accomplish and promote high standards of academic achievement for all students; and

WHEREAS, the District is required under N.J.A.C. 6A:14 to ensure that the services and placement needed by each student with a disability in order to receive a free, appropriate public education are based on the student’s unique needs; and

WHEREAS, the District Superintendent has determined that the District is in need of instructional services for a student in accordance with the student’s Individualized Education Program; and

WHEREAS, Fedcap School represents that it is fully qualified to provide the services hereunder and has and will maintain all required licenses, approvals and certifications;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the District approve an agreement to provide tuition reimbursement to Fedcap School for a total cost not to exceed $13,825.00 during the 2019-2020 school year.

July 5, 2019 – August 22, 2019 (RSY 35 days) Z.P. 2035044 ED $395.00 per diem x 35 days = $13,825.00

Resolution No. I&P-50

WHEREAS, the District’s priority is effective academic programs under the 2019-2024 Strategic Plan. The Department of Special Education has aligned programs to meet this priority; and

WHEREAS, the Department of Special Education has aligned its education goals and efforts to accomplish and promote high standards of academic achievement for all students; and

WHEREAS, the District is required under N.J.A.C. 6A:14 to ensure that the services and placement needed by each student with a disability in order to receive a free, appropriate public education are based on the student’s unique needs; and

WHEREAS, the District Superintendent has determined that the District is in need of instructional services for a student in accordance with the student’s Individualized Education Program; and

WHEREAS, The High Point School represents that it is fully qualified to provide the services hereunder and has and will maintain all required licenses, approvals and certifications;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the District approve agreements to provide tuition reimbursement to The High Point School for a total cost not to exceed $70,568.16 during the 2019-2020 school year.

July 5, 2019 – June 30, 2020 (ESY 23 days/RSY 185 days) $339.27 per diem x 208 days = $70,568.16 D.H. 5245322 OHI

Page 39 09/18/19 Resolution No. I&P-51

WHEREAS, the District’s priority is effective academic programs under the 2014-2019 Strategic Plan. The Department of Special Education has aligned programs to meet this priority. The placement of this student will achieve this priority through implementation of his/her IEP; and

WHEREAS, the Department of Special Education has aligned its education goals and efforts to accomplish and promote high standards of academic achievement for all students; and

WHEREAS, the District is required under N.J.A.C. 6A:14 to ensure that the services and placement needed by each student with a disability in order to receive a free, appropriate public education are based on the student’s unique needs; and

WHEREAS, the State District Superintendent has determined that the District is in need of instructional services for a student in accordance with the student’s Individualized Education Program; and

WHEREAS, Jammin’ Jenn Music Therapy represents that it is fully qualified to provide the services hereunder and has and will maintain all required licenses, approvals and certifications;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the District approve agreements to provide reimbursement to Jammin’ Jenn Music Therapy for a total cost not to exceed $281.25 during the 2018-2019 school year.

April 16, 2019 – June 28, 2019 A.G. 5209713 OHI $62.50 x 4.5 (30 min. sessions) = $281.25

Resolution No. I&P-52

WHEREAS, the District’s priority is effective academic programs under the 2019-2024 Strategic Plan. The Department of Special Education has aligned programs to meet this priority. The placement of this student will achieve this priority through implementation of his/her IEP.

WHEREAS, the Department of Special Education has aligned its education goals and efforts to create schools with healthy school cultures and climates; and

WHEREAS, the District is required under N.J.A.C. 6A:14 to ensure that the services and placement needed by each student with a disability in order to receive a free, appropriate public education are based on the student’s unique needs; and

WHEREAS, the District Superintendent has determined that the District is in need of instructional services for a student in accordance with the student’s Individualized Education Program; and

WHEREAS, Lord Stirling School represents that it is fully qualified to provide the services hereunder and has and will maintain all required licenses, approvals and certifications;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the District approve agreements to provide tuition reimbursement to Lord Stirling School for a total cost not to exceed $177,760.80 during the 2019-2020 school year.

Page 40 09/18/19 September 5, 2019 - June 30, 2020 ( RSY 180 days) $493.78 per diem x 180 days = $88,880.40 x 2 students = $177,760.80 J.A. 2058434 OHI O.D. 2030186 OHI

Resolution No. I&P-53

WHEREAS, the District’s priority is effective academic programs under the 2019-2024 Strategic Plan. The Department of Special Education has aligned programs to meet this priority. The placement of this student will achieve this priority through implementation of his/her IEP.

WHEREAS, the Department of Special Education has aligned its education goals and efforts to create schools with healthy school cultures and climates; and

WHEREAS, the District is required under N.J.A.C. 6A:14 to ensure that the services and placement needed by each student with a disability in order to receive a free, appropriate public education are based on the student’s unique needs; and

WHEREAS, the District Superintendent has determined that the District is in need of instructional services for a student in accordance with the student’s Individualized Education Program; and

WHEREAS, Lord Stirling School represents that it is fully qualified to provide the services hereunder and has and will maintain all required licenses, approvals and certifications;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the District approve agreements to provide tuition reimbursement to Lord Stirling School for a total cost not to exceed $88,880.40 during the 2019-2020 school year.

September 5, 2019 - June 30, 2020 ( RSY 180 days) $493.78 per diem x 180 days = $88,880.40 D.P. 2045317 ED

Resolution No. I&P-54

WHEREAS, the District’s priority is effective academic programs under the 2019-2024 Strategic Plan. The Department of Special Education has aligned programs to meet this priority. The placement of this student will achieve this priority through implementation of his/her IEP.

WHEREAS, the Department of Special Education has aligned its education goals and efforts to create schools with healthy school cultures and climates; and

WHEREAS, the District is required under N.J.A.C. 6A:14 to ensure that the services and placement needed by each student with a disability in order to receive a free, appropriate public education are based on the student’s unique needs; and

WHEREAS, the District Superintendent has determined that the District is in need of instructional services for a student in accordance with the student’s Individualized Education Program; and

WHEREAS, Lord Stirling School represents that it is fully qualified to provide the services hereunder and has and will maintain all required licenses, approvals and certifications;

Page 41 09/18/19 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the District approve agreements to provide tuition reimbursement to Lord Stirling School for a total cost not to exceed $14,813.40 during the 2019-2020 school year.

July 8, 2019 – August 16, 2019 ( ESY 30 days) $493.78 per diem x 30 days = $14,813.40 (ESY ONLY) O.D. 2030186 OHI

Resolution No. I&P-55

WHEREAS, the District’s priority is effective academic programs under the 2019-2024 Strategic Plan. The Department of Special Education has aligned programs to meet this priority. The placement of this student will achieve this priority through implementation of his/her IEP; and

WHEREAS, the Department of Special Education has aligned its education goals and efforts to accomplish and promote high standards of academic achievement for all students; and

WHEREAS, the District is required under N.J.A.C. 6A:14 to ensure that the services and placement needed by each student with a disability in order to receive a free, appropriate public education are based on the student’s unique needs; and

WHEREAS, the State District Superintendent has determined that the District is in need of instructional services for a student in accordance with the student’s Individualized Education Program; and

WHEREAS, New Beginnings School represents that it is fully qualified to provide the services hereunder and has and will maintain all required licenses, approvals and certifications;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the District approve agreements to provide tuition reimbursement to New Beginnings School for a total cost not to exceed $1,757,921.28 during the 2019-2020 school year.

July 8, 2019 – June 30, 2020 (ESY 30 days/RSY 182 days) $362.87 per diem x 212 days = $76,928.44 x 15 students = $1,153,926.60(AUT-Program) 1.1 AIDE $205.00 per diem x 212 days = $43,460.00 x 10 students = $434,600.00 M.B. 5208210 AUT (1.1 aide) J.C. 5226240 AUT (1.1 aide) H.C. 5203333 AUT E.C. 5214546 AUT E.C. 5214545 AUT Y.F. 5203372 AUT (1.1 aide) M.H. 5216019 AUT (1.1 aide) I.I. 5203238 AUT (1.1 aide) E.J. 5209569 AUT (1.1 aide) S.L. 5208431 AUT (1.1 aide) R.M. 5209716 AUT (1.1 aide) C.P. 2030024 AUT K.R. 5212024 AUT F.S. 5207300 AUT (1.1 aide) S.V. 2060450 AUT (1:1 aide) September 5 ,2019 – June 30, 2020 (RSY 182 days) $362.87 per diem x 182 = $66,042.34 x 2 students = $132,084.68 $205.00 per diem 182 = $37,310.00 A.A. 2052419 AUT (1:1 aide) Y.E. 2057560 AUT

Resolution No. I&P-56

WHEREAS, the District’s priority is effective academic programs under the 2019-2024 Strategic Plan. The Department of Special Education has aligned programs to meet this priority. The placement of this student will achieve this priority through implementation of his/her IEP; and

Page 42 09/18/19 WHEREAS, the Department of Special Education has aligned its education goals and efforts to accomplish and promote high standards of academic achievement for all students; and

WHEREAS, the District is required under N.J.A.C. 6A:14 to ensure that the services and placement needed by each student with a disability in order to receive a free, appropriate public education are based on the student’s unique needs; and

WHEREAS, the State District Superintendent has determined that the District is in need of instructional services for a student in accordance with the student’s Individualized Education Program; and

WHEREAS, New Beginnings School represents that it is fully qualified to provide the services hereunder and has and will maintain all required licenses, approvals and certifications;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the District approve agreements to provide tuition reimbursement to New Beginnings School for a total cost not to exceed $17,036.10 during the 2019-2020 school year.

July 8, 2019 – August 16, 2019 (ESY ONLY) $362.87 per diem x 30 days = $10,886.10 1.1 Aide $205.00 per diem x 30 days = $6,150.00 A.A. 2052419 AUT

Resolution No. I&P-57

WHEREAS, the District’s priority is effective academic programs under the 2019-2024 Strategic Plan. The Department of Special Education has aligned programs to meet this priority. The placement of this student will achieve this priority through implementation of his/her IEP; and

WHEREAS, the Department of Special Education has aligned its education goals and efforts to accomplish and promote high standards of academic achievement for all students; and

WHEREAS, the District is required under N.J.A.C. 6A:14 to ensure that the services and placement needed by each student with a disability in order to receive a free, appropriate public education are based on the student’s unique needs; and

WHEREAS, the State District Superintendent has determined that the District is in need of instructional services for a student in accordance with the student’s Individualized Education Program; and

WHEREAS, NJEDDA represents that it is fully qualified to provide the services hereunder and has and will maintain all required licenses, approvals and certifications;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the District approve agreements to provide tuition reimbursement to NJEDDA for a total cost not to exceed $953,977.65 during the 2019-2020 school year.

July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020 (ESY 23 days/RSY 186 days) $402.04 per diem x 209 days = $84,026.36 x 7 students = $588,184.52

Page 43 09/18/19 Y.P.R. 5242841 OHI C.T. 5205130 MD J.F. 5200116 MD A.G. 5208345 MD J.H. 5242888 PD J.R. 5213053 MD C.R. 5227995 MD 1.1 Aide $175.69 per diem x 209 = $36,719.21 Y.P.R 5242841 1.1 Aide $221.67 per diem x 209 = $46,329.03 C.T. 5205130 1.1 Aide $213.95 per diem x 209 = $44,715.55 J.F. 5200116 1.1 Aide $195.29 per diem x 209 = $40,815.61 A.G. 5208345 1.1 Aide $145.71 per diem x 209 = $30,453.39 J.H. 5242888 1.1 Aide $164.23 per diem x 209 = $34,324.07 J.R 5213053 1.1 Aide $275.87 per diem x 209 = $57,656.83 C.R. 5227995 September 4, 2019 – June 30, 2020 (RSY 186 days) $402.04 per diem x 186 = $74,779.44 K.H. 2061382 MD

Resolution No. I&P-58

WHEREAS, the District’s priority is effective academic programs under the 2019-2024 Strategic Plan. The Department of Special Education has aligned programs to meet this priority. The placement of this student will achieve this priority through implementation of his/her IEP; and

WHEREAS, the Department of Special Education has aligned its education goals and efforts to accomplish and promote high standards of academic achievement for all students; and

WHEREAS, the District is required under N.J.A.C. 6A:14 to ensure that the services and placement needed by each student with a disability in order to receive a free, appropriate public education are based on the student’s unique needs; and

WHEREAS, the State District Superintendent has determined that the District is in need of instructional services for a student in accordance with the student’s Individualized Education Program; and

WHEREAS, NJEDDA represents that it is fully qualified to provide the services hereunder and has and will maintain all required licenses, approvals and certifications;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the District approve agreements to provide tuition reimbursement to NJEDDA for a total cost not to exceed $351,217.10 during the 2019-2020 school year.

July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020 (ESY 23 days RSY 186 days) $359.74 per diem x 209 = $75,185.66 x 2 students = $150,371.32 Y.Z. 5214531 MD K.M. 2036730 MD 1.1 Aide $275.87 per diem x 209 = $57,656.83 Y.Z. 521531 1.1 Aide $145.59 per diem x 209 = $30,428.31 K.M. 2036730 September 4, 2019 – June 30, 2020 (RSY 186 days) $359.74 per diem x 186 = $66,911.64 Y.C. 2036032 MD 1.1 Aide $246.50 per diem x 186 = $45,849.00 Y.C 2036032

Resolution No. I&P-59

WHEREAS, the District’s priority is effective academic programs under the 2014-2019 Strategic Plan. The Department of Special Education has aligned programs to meet this priority. The placement of this student will achieve this priority through implementation of his/her IEP; and

WHEREAS, the Department of Special Education has aligned its education goals and efforts to accomplish and promote high standards of academic achievement for all students; and

Page 44 09/18/19 WHEREAS, the District is required under N.J.A.C. 6A:14 to ensure that the services and placement needed by each student with a disability in order to receive a free, appropriate public education are based on the student’s unique needs; and

WHEREAS, the State District Superintendent has determined that the District is in need of instructional services for a student in accordance with the student’s Individualized Education Program; and

WHEREAS, Preferred Home Health Care represents that it is fully qualified to provide the services hereunder and has and will maintain all required licenses, approvals and certifications;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the District approve agreements to provide reimbursement to Preferred Home Health Care for a total cost not to exceed $86,848.00 during the 2019-2020 school year.

September 5, 2019 – June 30, 2020 B.F. 5243840 PD (BCSS-Norman Bleshman) $472.00 per diem x 184 days = $ 86,848.00

Resolution No. I&P-60

WHEREAS, the District’s priority is effective academic programs under the 2019-2024 Strategic Plan. The Department of Special Education has aligned programs to meet this priority. The placement of this student will achieve this priority through implementation of his/her IEP; and

WHEREAS, the Department of Special Education has aligned its education goals and efforts to accomplish and promote high standards of academic achievement for all students; and

WHEREAS, the District is required under N.J.A.C. 6A:14 to ensure that the services and placement needed by each student with a disability in order to receive a free, appropriate public education are based on the student’s unique needs; and

WHEREAS, the State District Superintendent has determined that the District is in need of instructional services for a student in accordance with the student’s Individualized Education Program; and

WHEREAS, Sage Day School represents that it is fully qualified to provide the services hereunder and has and will maintain all required licenses, approvals and certifications;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the District approve agreements to provide tuition reimbursement to Sage Day School for a total cost not to exceed $3,440.00 during the 2019-2020 school year.

June 24, 2019 – July 26, 2019 (ESY ONLY 22 days) C.R. 2055501 ED $156.36 per diem x 22 days = $3,439.92 (Rounding + $.08 = $3,440.00)

Resolution No. I&P-61

WHEREAS, the District’s priority is effective academic programs under the 2014-2019 Strategic Plan. The Department of Special Education has aligned programs to meet this priority. The placement of this student will achieve this priority through implementation of his/her IEP; and

Page 45 09/18/19

WHEREAS, the Department of Special Education has aligned its education goals and efforts to accomplish and promote high standards of academic achievement for all students; and

WHEREAS, the District is required under N.J.A.C. 6A:14 to ensure that the services and placement needed by each student with a disability in order to receive a free, appropriate public education are based on the student’s unique needs; and

WHEREAS, the State District Superintendent has determined that the District is in need of instructional services for a student in accordance with the student’s Individualized Education Program; and

WHEREAS, Visions and Pathways represents that it is fully qualified to provide the services hereunder and has and will maintain all required licenses, approvals and certifications;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the District approve agreements to provide reimbursement to Visions and Pathways for a total cost not to exceed $2,150.00 during the 2018-2019 school year.

February 20, 2019 – March 31, 2019 Educational Instruction - $43.00 per hr. x 50 hours = $2,150.00 Q.J. 5210157 N/C

Resolution No. I&P-62

WHEREAS, the District’s priority is effective academic programs under the 2014-2019 Strategic Plan. The Department of Special Education has aligned programs to meet this priority. The placement of this student will achieve this priority through implementation of his/her IEP; and

WHEREAS, the Department of Special Education has aligned its education goals and efforts to accomplish and promote high standards of academic achievement for all students; and

WHEREAS, the District is required under N.J.A.C. 6A:14 to ensure that the services and placement needed by each student with a disability in order to receive a free, appropriate public education are based on the student’s unique needs; and

WHEREAS, the State District Superintendent has determined that the District is in need of instructional services for a student in accordance with the student’s Individualized Education Program; and

WHEREAS, Walsh Legacy, LLC represents that it is fully qualified to provide the services hereunder and has and will maintain all required licenses, approvals and certifications;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the District approve agreements to provide reimbursement to Walsh Legacy, LLC for daytime instruction for a total cost not to exceed $1,332.50 during the 2019-2020 school year.

July 1, 2019 – July 31, 2019 M.L. 2025188 AUT $65 per hour x 2 hrs. = $130 x 10 days = $1,300.00 $32.50 per ½ hr. = $32.50

Page 46 09/18/19 Resolution No. I&P-63

WHEREAS, the District’s priority is effective academic programs under the 2019-2024 Strategic Plan. The Department of Special Education has aligned programs to meet this priority. The placement of this student will achieve this priority through implementation of his/her IEP; and

WHEREAS, the Department of Special Education has aligned its education goals and efforts to accomplish and promote high standards of academic achievement for all students; and

WHEREAS, the District is required under N.J.A.C. 6A:14 to ensure that the services and placement needed by each student with a disability in order to receive a free, appropriate public education are based on the student’s unique needs; and

WHEREAS, the State District Superintendent has determined that the District is in need of instructional services for a student in accordance with the student’s Individualized Education Program; and

WHEREAS, Windsor Bergen Academy represents that it is fully qualified to provide the services hereunder and has and will maintain all required licenses, approvals and certifications;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the District approve agreements to provide tuition reimbursement to Windsor Bergen Academy for a total cost not to exceed $9,187.80 during the 2019-2020 school year.

July 1, 2019 – August 9, 2019 (ESY ONLY 30 days) $306.26 per diem x 30 days = $9,187.80 T.G. 5242273 OHI

Resolution No. I&P-64

WHEREAS, the District’s priority is effective academic programs under the 2019-2024 Strategic Plan. The Department of Special Education has aligned programs to meet this priority. The placement of this student will achieve this priority through implementation of his/her IEP; and

WHEREAS, the Department of Special Education has aligned its education goals and efforts to accomplish and promote high standards of academic achievement for all students; and

WHEREAS, the District is required under N.J.A.C. 6A:14 to ensure that the services and placement needed by each student with a disability in order to receive a free, appropriate public education are based on the student’s unique needs; and

WHEREAS, the State District Superintendent has determined that the District is in need of instructional services for a student in accordance with the student’s Individualized Education Program; and

WHEREAS, Windsor Preparatory High School represents that it is fully qualified to provide the services hereunder and has and will maintain all required licenses, approvals and certifications;

Page 47 09/18/19

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the District approve agreements to provide tuition reimbursement to Windsor Preparatory High School for a total cost not to exceed $558,385.77 during the 2019-2020 school year.

July 01, 2019-June 30, 2020 (ESY 30 days/RSY 183 days) $303.54 per diem x 213 days= $64,654.02 x 3 students = $193,962.06 A.C. 2031205 MD S.P. 2050578 OHI J.S. 2052181 OHI September 3, 2019 – June 30, 2020 (RSY 183 days) $303.54 per diem x 183 days=$55,547.82 x 5 students=$277,739.10 A.Y. 2044499 MD T.G. 5242273 OHI D.W. 2043855 ED Y.C. 5202819 OHI A.C. 2040571 MD 1:1 AIDE ONLY: $142.38 per diem x 213 day s= $30,326.94 A.C. 2031205 $124.92 per diem x 213 days = $26,607.96 S.P. 2050578 $139.67 per diem x 213 days = $29,749.71 J.S.

Resolution No. I&P-65

WHEREAS, the District’s priority is effective academic programs under the 2019-2024 Strategic Plan. The Department of Special Education has aligned programs to meet this priority. The placement of this student will achieve this priority through implementation of his/her IEP; and

WHEREAS, the Department of Special Education has aligned its education goals and efforts to accomplish and promote high standards of academic achievement for all students; and

WHEREAS, the District is required under N.J.A.C. 6A:14 to ensure that the services and placement needed by each student with a disability in order to receive a free, appropriate public education are based on the student’s unique needs; and

WHEREAS, the State District Superintendent has determined that the District is in need of instructional services for a student in accordance with the student’s Individualized Education Program; and

WHEREAS, Youth Consulting Services represents that it is fully qualified to provide the services hereunder and has and will maintain all required licenses, approvals and certifications;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the District approve agreements to provide tuition reimbursement to Youth Consulting Services for a total cost not to exceed $66,706.79 during the 2019-2020 school year.

July 1, 2019 – June 30,2020 (ESY 19 days/ RSY 180 days) $335.21 per diem x 199 days = $66,706.79 K.M. 2049659 AUT

Resolution No. I&P-66

WHEREAS, the Peer Group Connection (PGC) Student Overnight Retreat supports the District Strategic Plan, Paterson – A Promising Tomorrow, in Goal Area #4: Social – Emotional Learning under Objective 1. Create a culture that recognizes the need to educate the whole child by meeting their social emotional, academic and physical needs; and

WHEREAS, the PGC Program through the Center for Supportive Schools at NRC was previously board approved at the January 3, 2018 meeting under Resolution No. I&P-4.

Page 48 09/18/19 The goal of the PGC program is to provide training for developing and leveraging leadership skills for middle school students and staff advisors to facilitate a peer leadership training program; and

WHEREAS, selected NRC staff members attended a training in the Summer of 2019 to prepare to implement the evidence-based peer leadership program including the effective utilization of facilitation techniques and the evidence-based PGC program materials; and

WHEREAS, the second component of training for this program requires students, along with the faculty advisors, to attend a 2-day overnight training retreat located at the YMCA Camp Bernie in Port Murray, NJ that will provide students with leadership skill training, an overview of the PGC program, and mock peer group facilitation practice. Three of four of the faculty advisors will receive a $100 stipend as per PEA contract for the overnight supervision of students. The Center will provide the funding for the retreat at Camp Bernie in the amount of $2369.00 and up to an additional $500 for transportation costs; and

WHEREAS, up to 20 8th grade students were selected to be peer leaders to participate in the PGC program. Interested students were encouraged to apply for the PGC program that included an essay component and teacher recommendation, as needed; and

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Board of Education approves the New Roberto Clemente Peer Group Connection overnight retreat for twenty (20) students and four (4) chaperones on September 26-27, 2019, at no cost to the District, and approves payment of stipends to chaperones in accordance with the PEA Contract, in an amount not to exceed $300.

Resolution No. I&P-67

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District is in favor of supporting quality community services for its students, and

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District received a request to participate in an after-school basketball program in collaboration with the Taub Foundation and the City of Paterson, Division of Recreation for the 2019–2020 school year with a total cost for operation of $165,607.00:

Taub Foundation $ 61,600.00 Paterson Public Schools $ 74,150.00 Paterson Recreation $ 29,857.00

WHEREAS, the Paterson School District costs are stipends for staff, transportation, and busses to transport students to basketball games for the Taub Doby Foundation Basketball League is as follows:

Position Salary Responsibilities Coordinator $4,000 (1) Coordinate League Site Director $2,500 (3) Supervise Sites Official Assignor $1,000 (1) Assign Officials Basketball Coaches $1,000 (22) Team Coach Cheerleading Coaches $1,000 (22) Squad Coach Van Drivers $14 per hour-(2) $7,600 Transportation

Page 49 09/18/19 Buses $2,450 Transportation

TOTAL $74,150.00

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public Schools as an active partner with the Taub Foundation and the City of Paterson, Division of Recreation would like all students who wish to participate in the Taub/Doby Basketball League to meet the following criteria:

1. All students unless his/her IEP states otherwise, should have at least a “C” average. 2. All students must be in good standing in his/her school, i.e.: any student who is placed on suspension will not be able to participate in the league while on suspension.

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District will administer the funds for staff stipends, now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Board of Education approves entering into an agreement with the Taub Foundation and the City of Paterson Division of Recreation to participate in an after school basketball program during the 2019-2020 school year, at an amount not to exceed $165,607.00, with the district’s share for the program being $74,150.00.

Resolution No. I&P-68

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District recognizes the need to prepare our students academically for college and their future career. School 10 in receipt of SIA funds will purchase the iReady Program which supports the Paterson Schools a Promising Future mission and vision Goal Area #1 Teaching and Learning: To create a student-centered learning environment to prepare students for career, college readiness and lifelong learning; and

WHEREAS, iReady will support the Reading and Mathematics program for Elementary School 10. It will indicate exactly where the students are and provides data to increase each student’s learning gains. i-Ready consists of two parts: Diagnostic and Instruction. The i-Ready Diagnostic is an adaptive assessment that adjusts its questions to suit each student’s academic need; and

WHEREAS, in addition, iReady Professional Development courses are designed to support the implementation, meeting the learning needs and interests of educators at each phase of their development: New, Practicing, and Advanced. The courses address a set of common learning outcomes, while the Tailored Support sessions deliver targeted outcomes specific to each teacher’s academic need ; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education supports the purchase with SIA funds of the iReady Mathematics and Reading Diagnostic, resources, and Instruction Site License, including professional development services from Curriculum Associates in the amount of not to exceed $ $33,730.00 for 2019-2020 School Year. (PENDING BUDGET APPROVAL)

Resolution No. I&P-69

WHEREAS, the curriculum supports the Paterson-A Promising Tomorrow’s goal 1, Teaching & Learning: to create a student-centered learning environment to prepare students for career, college readiness and lifelong learning; and

Page 50 09/18/19 WHEREAS, students must earn a minimum of 125 credits to meet the state requirement for graduation, and the Paterson School District is committed to improving graduation rates, and

WHEREAS, Edgenuity serves as a pathway to graduation since 90+ standards-based core and elective courses are available for credit recovery implementation, thus allowing students the opportunity to meet graduation requirements, and

WHEREAS, meeting students’ individual needs via differentiated instruction is strongly encouraged as a strategy that leads to students’ academic growth, and

WHEREAS, Edgenuity courses offer opportunities for in-class intervention and enrichment in credit-bearing courses, and

WHEREAS, the mission of the Paterson Public Schools is to prepare students for success in college and in the career of their choosing, and

WHEREAS. Edgenuity’s courseware offers 60+ CTE courses that prepare students for college and career readiness,

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Board of Education approves the renewal of the contract for the Edgenuity learning system for one (1) year, at a $75,020 renewal cost.

Resolution No. I&P-70

WHEREAS, the District’s first priority is effective academic programs under the 2019- 2024 Strategic Plan. The Department of Special Education has aligned programs to meet this priority. The placement of this student will achieve this priority through implementation of his/her IEP.

WHEREAS, the Department of Special Education has aligned its education goals and efforts to create schools with healthy school cultures and climates; and

WHEREAS, the District is required under N.J.A.C. 6A:14 to ensure that the services and placement needed by each student with a disability in order to receive a free, appropriate public education are based on the student’s unique needs; and

WHEREAS, the State District Superintendent has determined that the District is in need of instructional services for student in accordance with the student’s Individualized Education Program; and

WHEREAS, Bancroft School represents that it is fully qualified to provide the services hereunder and has and will maintain all required licenses, approvals and certifications;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the District approve an agreement to provide tuition reimbursement to Bancroft School for a total cost not to exceed $78,955.44 during the 2019-2020 school year.

July 3, 2019 - June 30, 2020 (ESY 32 days/RSY 180 days) M.L. 2025188 AUT $372.62 per diem x 212 days = $78,995.44

Page 51 09/18/19 Resolution No. I&P-71

WHEREAS, the District’s priority is effective academic programs under the 2019-2024 Strategic Plan. The Department of Special Education has aligned programs to meet this priority; and

WHEREAS, the Department of Special Education has aligned its education goals and efforts to accomplish and promote high standards of academic achievement for all students; and

WHEREAS, the District is required under N.J.A.C. 6A:14 to ensure that the services and placement needed by each student with a disability in order to receive a free, appropriate public education are based on the student’s unique needs; and

WHEREAS, the State District Superintendent has determined that the District is in need of instructional services for a student in accordance with the student’s Individualized Education Program; and

WHEREAS, Bergen County Special Services represents that it is fully qualified to provide the services hereunder and has and will maintain all required licenses, approvals and certifications;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the District approve agreements to provide tuition reimbursement to Bergen County Special Services for a total cost not to exceed $134,400.00 during the 2019-2020 school year.

July 1, 2019 – July 26, 2019 (ESY – One Month) $5,300.00 per student x 13 students = $68,900.00 BCSS Progams (Union Street, Ship, Springboard, Woodbrige Transition Ctr., & Visions) Y.P. 5226685 MD T.G. 5228579 MD I.A. 5236752 PD M.H. 5219478 DB D.G.M. 5221788 AI A.J. 5210223 MD E.M.R. 5209120 OHI J.M. 5222337 AI D.N. 2031196 MD A.P. 5203981 OI L.R.T. 5228400 OHI A.S.P. 5212565 AI M.S. 5208848 AI BCSS Bleshman Regional Day School - $5,300.00 per student x 5 students = $26,500.00 W.F. 2035802 MD Z.F. 5243108 PD C.H. 2023316 MD A.R. 5209195 MD J.A.M. 5242870 PD BCSS Autism Continnum (Washington School(s) and New Bridges) $7,800.00 per student x 5 students = $39,000.00 S.C. 2053911 AUT F.M.A. 2057539 MD K.R. 2046413 MD H.S. 2054216 AUT L.M. 2032450 AUT

Resolution No. I&P-72

WHEREAS, the District’s first priority is effective academic programs under the 2019-2024 Strategic Plan. The Department of Special Education has aligned programs to meet this priority. The placement of this student will achieve this priority through implementation of his/her IEP.

WHEREAS, the Department of Special Education has aligned its education goals and efforts to create schools with healthy school cultures and climates; and

WHEREAS, the District is required under N.J.A.C. 6A:14 to ensure that the services and placement needed by each student with a disability in order to receive a free, appropriate public education are based on the student’s unique needs; and

WHEREAS, the State District Superintendent has determined that the District is in need of instructional services for student in accordance with the student’s Individualized Education Program; and

Page 52 09/18/19

WHEREAS, Bonnie Brae School represents that it is fully qualified to provide the services hereunder and has and will maintain all required licenses, approvals and certifications;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the District approve an agreement to provide tuition reimbursement to Bonnie Brae School for a total cost not to exceed $251,330.00 during the 2019-2020 school year.

July 8, 2019 - September 5, 2019 (ESY/RSY 25 DAYS) Y.C. 5202819 OHI $410.00 per diem x 25 days = $10,250.00

July 8, 2019 – June 30, 2020 (ESY 24 days/RSY 180 days) $410.00 per diem x 204 days = $83,640.00 x 2 students = $167,280.00 W.J. 2051575 OHI E.F. 5209415 OHI

September 5, 2019 – June 30, 2020 ( RSY 180 days ) J.G. 5200051 N/C $410.00 per diem x 180 days = $73,800.00

Resolution No. I&P-73

WHEREAS, the District’s priority is effective academic programs under the 2019-2024 Strategic Plan. The Department of Special Education Programs has aligned programs to meet this priority. The placement of this student will achieve this priority through implementation of his/her IEP.

WHEREAS, the Department of Special Education Programs has aligned its education goals and efforts to create schools with healthy school cultures and climates; and

WHEREAS, the District is required under N.J.A.C. 6A:14 to ensure that the services and placement needed by each student with a disability in order to receive a free, appropriate public education are based on the student’s unique needs; and

WHEREAS, the District Superintendent has determined that the District is in need of instructional services for a student in accordance with the student’s Individualized Education Program; and

WHEREAS, Deron Schools represents that it is fully qualified to provide the services hereunder and has and will maintain all required licenses, approvals and certifications;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the District approve an agreement to provide tuition reimbursement to Deron Schools for a total cost not to exceed $94,384.50 during the 2019-2020 school year.

July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2020 (ESY 30/RSY 180 days) $309.45 per diem x 210 days = $64,984.50 1.1 Aide $140.00 per diem x 210 = $29,400.00 E.V. 2039043 CMO

Resolution No. I&P-74

WHEREAS, the District’s first priority is effective academic programs under the 2019- 2024 Strategic Plan. The Department of Special Education Services has aligned programs

Page 53 09/18/19 to meet this priority. The placement of this student will achieve this priority through implementation of his/her IEP.

WHEREAS, the Department of Special Education Services has aligned its education goals and efforts to create schools with healthy school cultures and climates; and

WHEREAS, the District is required under N.J.A.C. 6A:14 to ensure that the services and placement needed by each student with a disability in order to receive a free, appropriate public education are based on the student’s unique needs; and

WHEREAS, the District Superintendent has determined that the District is in need of instructional services for a student in accordance with the student’s Individualized Education Program; and

WHEREAS, Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired represents that it is fully qualified to provide the services hereunder and has and will maintain all required licenses, approvals and certifications;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the District approves an agreement to provide payment to the Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired for a total not to exceed $20,900.00 during 2019-2020 the school year.

Level 1 – 11 x $1,900.00 = $20,900.00 Y.A. 2057559 L. A. 5216944 J.B. 2058268 I.Z. 2061204 A.C. 5225644 N.G. 5219065 Z.O. 5212404 A.R. 2055706 J.S. 5219548 D.T. 5215908 A.M.D. 5243649

Resolution No. I&P-75

WHEREAS, the District’s priority is effective academic programs under the 2019-2024 Strategic Plan. The Department of Special Education has aligned programs to meet this priority. The placement of this student will achieve this priority through implementation of his/her IEP.

WHEREAS, the Department of Special Education has aligned its education goals and efforts to create schools with healthy school cultures and climates; and

WHEREAS, the District is required under N.J.A.C. 6A:14 to ensure that the services and placement needed by each student with a disability in order to receive a free, appropriate public education are based on the student’s unique needs; and

WHEREAS, the State District Superintendent has determined that the District is in need of instructional services for a student in accordance with the student’s Individualized Education Program; and

WHEREAS, East Mountain School represents that it is fully qualified to provide the services hereunder and has and will maintain all required licenses, approvals and certifications;

Page 54 09/18/19 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the District approve an agreement to provide tuition reimbursement to East Mountain School for a total cost not to exceed $155,270.70 during the 2019-2020 school year.

July 8, 2019– June 30, 2020 M.T. 2047273 SLD $398.13 per diem x 210 days = $83,607.30 September 5, 2019 – June 30, 2020 E.D. 2054118 OHI $398.13 per diem x 180 days = $71,663.40

Resolution No. I&P-76

WHEREAS, the District’s priority is effective academic programs under the 2019-2024 Strategic Plan. The Department of Special Education has aligned programs to meet this priority. The placement of this student will achieve this priority through implementation of his/her IEP.

WHEREAS, the Department of Special Education has aligned its education goals and efforts to create schools with healthy school cultures and climates; and

WHEREAS, the District is required under N.J.A.C. 6A:14 to ensure that the services and placement needed by each student with a disability in order to receive a free, appropriate public education are based on the student’s unique needs; and

WHEREAS, the District Superintendent has determined that the District is in need of instructional services for students in accordance with the student’s Individualized Education Program; and

WHEREAS, Felician School represents that it is fully qualified to provide the services hereunder and has and will maintain all required licenses, approvals and certifications;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the District approve an agreement to provide tuition reimbursement to Felician School for a total cost not to exceed $56,960.58 during the 2019-2020 school year.

September 4, 2019 – June 30, 2020 ( RSY 183 days ) X.S. 5228285 AUT $311.26 per diem x 183 days = 56,960.58

Resolution No. I&P-77

WHEREAS, the District’s first priority under the 2019-2024 Strategic Plan is effective academic programs; and

WHEREAS, the Department of Special Education has aligned its education goals and efforts to accomplish and promote high standards of academic achievement for all students; and

WHEREAS, homeless children who temporarily reside in the City of Paterson are eligible for enrollment in District schools pursuant to the Stewart B. McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, which is codified at 42 U.S.C. §§ 11431, et seq.;

WHEREAS, the District is entitled to receive tuition reimbursement for the education of homeless children from other school districts pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:7B-12 and N.J.A.C. 6A:17-2.3;

Page 55 09/18/19 WHEREAS, it has been determined that students AA and CA, are homeless children who attend school in our District, and whose school district of origin is the North Bergen school district;

WHEREAS, the North Bergen school district is required to pay tuition reimbursement and provide transportation for the students in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:17-2.8.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the District approves entering into an agreement with the North Bergen school district to receive tuition reimbursement payments, in an approximate sum of $44,234.59 during the 2019-2020 school year.

September 5, 2019 – June 30, 2020 AA 5246253 (NC) GRADE: 8 SCHOOL #24, $122.99 PER DIEM @ 181 DAYS = $22,261.19 CA 5246255 (NC) GRADE: PRE-K4, $121.40 PER DIEM @ 181 DAYS = $21,973.40 =$44,234.59

Resolution No. I&P-78

WHEREAS, the District’s priority is effective academic programs under the 2019-2024 Strategic Plan. The Department of Special Education has aligned programs to meet this priority. The placement of this student will achieve this priority through implementation of his/her IEP.

WHEREAS, the Department of Special Education has aligned its education goals and efforts to create schools with healthy school cultures and climates; and

WHEREAS, the District is required under N.J.A.C. 6A:14 to ensure that the services and placement needed by each student with a disability in order to receive a free, appropriate public education are based on the student’s unique needs; and

WHEREAS, the State District Superintendent has determined that the District is in need of instructional services for a student in accordance with the student’s Individualized Education Program; and

WHEREAS, Ridgefield Public Schools represents that it is fully qualified to provide the services hereunder and has and will maintain all required licenses, approvals and certifications;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the District approve an agreement to provide tuition reimbursement to Ridgefield Public Schools for a total cost not to exceed $207,158.10 during the 2019-2020 school year.

July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020 $8,377.00 for one month x 2 students = $16,754.00 (ESY) $6,210.10 x 10 months = $62,101.00 x 2 students = $124,202.00 (RSY) J.A. 5209909 MD K.B. 2014653 AUT (1:1 aide) Occupational Therapy $90.00 per hour x 150 hours = $13,500.00 J.A. 5209909 1:1 Aide $4,791.10 per month x 11 mos. = $52,702.10

Resolution No. I&P-79

WHEREAS, the District’s priority is effective academic programs under the 2019-2024 Strategic Plan. The Department of Special Education has aligned programs to meet

Page 56 09/18/19 this priority. The placement of this student will achieve this priority through implementation of his/her IEP; and

WHEREAS, the Department of Special Education has aligned its education goals and efforts to accomplish and promote high standards of academic achievement for all students; and

WHEREAS, the District is required under N.J.A.C. 6A:14 to ensure that the services and placement needed by each student with a disability in order to receive a free, appropriate public education are based on the student’s unique needs; and

WHEREAS, the State District Superintendent has determined that the District is in need of instructional services for a student in accordance with the student’s Individualized Education Program; and

WHEREAS, Sage Day School represents that it is fully qualified to provide the services hereunder and has and will maintain all required licenses, approvals and certifications;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the District approve agreements to provide tuition reimbursement to Sage Day School for a total cost not to exceed $62,415.00 during the 2019-2020 school year.

September 3, 2019 – June 30, 2020 (RSY 180 days) C.R. 2055501 ED $346.75 per diem x 180 days = $62,415.00

Resolution No. I&P-80

WHEREAS, the District’s priority is effective academic programs under the 2019-2024 Strategic Plan. The Department of Special Education has aligned programs to meet this priority. The placement of this student will achieve this priority through implementation of his/her IEP; and

WHEREAS, the Department of Special Education has aligned its education goals and efforts to accomplish and promote high standards of academic achievement for all students; and

WHEREAS, the District is required under N.J.A.C. 6A:14 to ensure that the services and placement needed by each student with a disability in order to receive a free, appropriate public education are based on the student’s unique needs; and

WHEREAS, the State District Superintendent has determined that the District is in need of instructional services for a student in accordance with the student’s Individualized Education Program; and

WHEREAS, Union County Educational Services Commission represents that it is fully qualified to provide the services hereunder and has and will maintain all required licenses, approvals and certifications;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the District approve agreements to provide tuition reimbursement to Union County Educational Services Commission for a total cost not to exceed $129,880.00 during the 2019-2020 school year.

July 1, 2019 – August 12, 2019 (ESY 30 days) (Lamberts Mill Academy/New Point Specialty Program) D.W. 2043855 ED $307.00 per diem x 30 days = $9,210.00 + rounding $10.00 = $9,220.00

Page 57 09/18/19 July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020 (ESY 30 days/RSY 180 days) A.D. 2058467 OHI $307.00 per diem x 30 days = $9,210.00 + rounding $10.00 = $9,220.00 A.D. 2058467 OHI $309.00 per diem x 180 days = $55,620.00 + rounding $100.00 = $55,720.00

September 5, 2019 – June 24, 2020 (RSY 180 days) L.C.P. 2063695 ED $309.00 per diem x 180 days = $55,620.00 + rounding $100.00 = $55,720.00

Resolution No. I&P-81

WHEREAS, the District’s priority is effective academic programs under the 2019-2024 Strategic Plan. The Department of Special Education has aligned programs to meet this priority. The placement of this student will achieve this priority through implementation of his/her IEP; and

WHEREAS, the Department of Special Education has aligned its education goals and efforts to accomplish and promote high standards of academic achievement for all students; and

WHEREAS, the District is required under N.J.A.C. 6A:14 to ensure that the services and placement needed by each student with a disability in order to receive a free, appropriate public education are based on the student’s unique needs; and

WHEREAS, the State District Superintendent has determined that the District is in need of instructional services for a student in accordance with the student’s Individualized Education Program; and

WHEREAS, Windsor Bergen Academy represents that it is fully qualified to provide the services hereunder and has and will maintain all required licenses, approvals and certifications;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the District approve agreements to provide tuition reimbursement to Windsor Bergen Academy for a total cost not to exceed $98,491.20 during the 2019-2020 school year.

July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020 (ESY 30 days/RSY 183 days) $306.26 per diem x 213 days = $65,233.38 1.1 Aide $156.14 per diem x 213 = $33,257.82 M.T. 2060541 MD

Resolution No. I&P-82

WHEREAS, the District’s priority is effective academic programs under the 2019-2024 Strategic Plan. The Department of Special Education has aligned programs to meet this priority. The placement of this student will achieve this priority through implementation of his/her IEP; and

WHEREAS, the Department of Special Education has aligned its education goals and efforts to accomplish and promote high standards of academic achievement for all students; and

WHEREAS, the District is required under N.J.A.C. 6A:14 to ensure that the services and placement needed by each student with a disability in order to receive a free, appropriate public education are based on the student’s unique needs; and

Page 58 09/18/19 WHEREAS, the State District Superintendent has determined that the District is in need of instructional services for a student in accordance with the student’s Individualized Education Program; and

WHEREAS, Windsor Preparatory High School represents that it is fully qualified to provide the services hereunder and has and will maintain all required licenses, approvals and certifications;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the District approve agreements to provide tuition reimbursement to Windsor Preparatory High School for a total cost not to exceed $111,095.64 during the 2019-2020 school year.

September 3, 2019 – June 30, 2020 (RSY 183 days) $303.54 per diem x 183 days=$111,095.64 O.P. 2034655 OHI E.P.B. 5226169 MD

Resolution No. I&P-83

WHEREAS, The Department of Family & Community Engagement /Full Service Schools is concert with the District Five Year Strategic Plans whose mission is: Recognizing our proud traditions and diverse community and partnerships, the mission of the Paterson Public School District is to provide an academically rigorous, safe and nurturing educational environment; by meeting the social, emotional and academic needs of our students as we prepare them for post- secondary education and career; and

WHEREAS, The Department of Family & Community Engagement /Full Service Schools and the District culture must be inviting and responsive to the needs of our students, parents and community, as all stakeholders are needed to help support our district Five Year Strategic Plans mission and to play an active role in its achievement ;and

WHEREAS, this event supports District Strategic Five Year plan’s Goal Area # 3 Communication & Connections: To establish viable partnerships with parents, educational instruction and community organizations to support Paterson Public Schools educational programs, advance student achievement and enhance communication. Objective # 5. Continue to improve clear and accurate internal and external communication with all stakeholders. Goal Area #4: Social – Emotional Learning. Goal Statement: Build the capacity of all stakeholders to address the social and emotional needs of the students and staff through professional development, instruction and support services. Objectives: 1. Create a culture that recognizes the need to educate the whole child by meeting their social emotional, academic and physical needs. Title I Parental Involvement requirement to education parents on ESSA funding requirements. and

WHEREAS, the total budget of this event is $6,123.00, which includes guest speakers, facilities, food, bus, teacher’s stipend, child care/workshops and supplies. Given the scope of this Parent Conference and the success we anticipate remarkable success, and;

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the District approves payment of transportation ($600), Parent/Children Science workshop ($750), Shoprite Food ($2,600), guest Speak Yvonne Harvey Williams ($1,000), teachers stipend ($170), building security ($500) and parent materials ($550) in an amount not to exceed $

Page 59 09/18/19 6,170 during the 2019-2020 school year, and authorizes all action necessary to effectuated same.

Attached vendor agent for speaker attached invoices for everything.

Resolution No. I&P-84

WHEREAS, The Department of Family & Community Engagement /Full Service Community Schools is concert with Priority III: Family and Community Engagement – Paterson schools and district culture must be inviting and responsive to the needs of our students, parents and community, as all stakeholders are needed to help support our district mission and to play an active role in its achievement.

Goal 3: Expand partnerships with Community Organizations, Agencies, and Institutions, Goal 4: Provide professional development regarding mental health for all stakeholders/parent’s needs; and

WHEREAS, the Department of Family and Community Engagement/Full Service Community Schools will partner with Growing In Grace Counseling Group on their Mental Health Care Fair Oktoberfest at PPS Martin L. King 851 East 28th Street, Paterson, NJ ; and

WHEREAS, the Department of Family and Community Engagement/Full Service Community Schools will support the facilities request, preparation, commencing on October 12th 2019 at 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM; and

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the District approves entering into an agreement with Growing in Grace Counseling Group, for the provision of workshops for parents and children, at no cost to the District.

Resolution No. I&P-85

WHEREAS, Paterson Public Schools has adopted the Strategic Plan for 2019-2024, Paterson – A Promising Tomorrow and Goal # 3 of the Strategic Plan is to establish viable partnerships with parents, educational institutions and community organizations to support Paterson Public Schools educational programs, advance student achievement and enhance communication; and

WHEREAS, it is the mission of Paterson Public Schools to provide an academically rigorous, safe and nurturing educational environment by meeting the social emotional and academic needs of our students; and

WHEREAS, Eastside High School Campus, John F. Kennedy Educational Complex and HARP Academy and , have identified the Ramapo Upward Bound Program at Ramapo College as a program that targets low income/first generation students to go to college; and

WHEREAS, the Upward Bound Program ensures its participants graduate from high school and enroll in an institution of post-secondary education with the skills to succeed in earning a degree in a STEM field; and

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Eastside High School Campus, John F. Kennedy Educational Complex and HARP Academy and Panther Academy, shall participate in the Upward Bound Program with no cost to the district.

Page 60 09/18/19 Resolution No. I&P-86

Participate in SNHU-MLS Hispanic Heritage Month, Rompe Los Barreras – Shadowing Programs

WHEREAS, the Board is committed to create a student-centered learning environment to prepare students for career, college readiness and lifelong learning; and

WHEREAS, the District is committed to exposing student-athletes to opportunities that can further their personal, athletic and social development in various areas: therefore, the inclusion in allowing student-athletes to participate in the student shadowing program sponsored by Southern New Hampshire University during Hispanic Heritage Month (September-October 15), which will be instrumental in implementing core principles to fundamentally mold and shape each participating athlete,

WHEREAS, through SNHU-MLS the New York Red Bulls will host (1) shadowing day for 10-16 students on an agreed upon date with SNHU, including the opportunity to be photographed and/or filmed; and

WHEREAS, SNHU-MLS has proposed the one day shadowing event at no cost to Paterson Public Schools, and

BE IT RESOLVED, which the Board of Education approves the shadowing event for Eastside High School Educational Campus soccer athletes. It is affirmed that the coaching staff will chaperone the athletes.

Resolution No. I&P-87

WHEREAS, the District’s priority is effective academic programs under the 2019-2024 Strategic Plan. The Department of Early Childhood Education has aligned programs to meet this priority. The placement of this student will achieve this priority through implementation of his 504 Plan; and

WHEREAS, the Department of Early Childhood Education has aligned its education goals and efforts to accomplish and promote high standards of academic achievement for all students; and

WHEREAS, the District is required under N.J.A.C. 6A:14 to ensure that the services and placement needed by each student with a disability in order to receive a free, appropriate public education are based on the student’s unique needs; and

WHEREAS, the State District Superintendent has determined that the District is in need of instructional services for a student in accordance with the student’s 504 Plan; and

WHEREAS, Bayada Home Health Care represents that it is fully qualified to provide the services hereunder and has and will maintain all required licenses, approvals and certifications;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the District approve agreements to provide reimbursement to Bayada Home Health Care for a total cost not to exceed $64,183.00 during the 2019-2020 school year.

October 17, 2019 – June 30, 2020 (155 days) L.H.L 5243794 MD $371.00 per diem x 173 days = $64,183.00 (Gilmore Memorial Preschool 1.)

Page 61 09/18/19 (If an LPN is not available then an RN will be substituted at a rate of $53 per hour)

It was moved by Comm. Redmon, seconded by Comm. Ramirez that Resolution Nos. I&P-1 through I&P-87 be adopted. On roll call all members voted in the affirmative, except Comm. Castillo who recused herself from I&P-34. The motion carried.

Paterson Board of Education Standing Abstentions

Comm. Capers  Self  4th and Inches  Westside Park Group  Florio Management Company (ACES Program receives donations)

Comm. Castillo  Self  Passaic County  Transportation

Comm. Hodges  Self  Jumpstart  City of Paterson

Comm. Martinez  Self  New Jersey Community Development Corporation (NJCDC)

Comm. Olivares  Self

Comm. Ramirez  Self  Berkeley College

Comm. Redmon  Self  Historic Preservation of the City of Paterson  County of Passaic

Comm. Rondon  Self

Comm. Simmons  Self  Family


Comm. Ramirez: Operations met September 16 at 5:30 p.m. Member present was Comm. Rondon. Staff present was Ms. Powell, Ms. Vainieri-Marshall, Ms. Payne, Ms. Frasier, and Mr. Traina by phone. We went over the agenda items that will be

Page 62 09/18/19 presented tonight. We also brought up some concerns the School No. 25 community had in regards to double parking and driveway blocking when students are being dropped off and picked up, as well as some security concerns. Mr. Traina met with the principal at the school yesterday and they are working on putting together a plan in order to alleviate the situation around School No. 25. Ms. Powell also gave a presentation on the chronic absenteeism specialists. She presented some data in regards to how they are doing so far and the work that was done during the last academic year. She uploaded all of the documents to the Google drive so the Commissioners have access to that. I encourage you to review the information and ask questions in regards to this endeavor that the district has taken to reduce chronic absenteeism. Ms. Vainieri also went over the transportation items. Again, the minutes are up on the drive and if any Commissioners have questions please feel free to let me know or any of the staff members that were present.

Comm. Ramirez reported that the Operations Committee met, reviewed and recommends approval for Resolution Nos. O-1 through O-16:

Resolution No. O-1

WHEREAS, the Strategic Plan for Paterson Public Schools, Paterson – A Promising Tomorrow, Goal 1: Teaching & Learning creates a student-centered learning environment to prepare students for career, college readiness, and lifelong learning; and

WHEREAS, Paterson Public Schools was awarded a 21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant which will be implemented at Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School and New Roberto Clemente/School 24 with the level of service at 255 students focusing on academic intervention, STEAM academic enrichment, youth development, recreation, behavioral health counseling, professional development for teachers, programs for families; and

WHEREAS, PPS proposed William Paterson University (WPU) as the program partner and professional development provider and WPU was approved by the NJ DOE as the partner and professional development provider by approval of PPS’s 21st Century application; and

WHEREAS, William Paterson University agrees to provide job-embedded coaching and support to our instructional staff implementing the STEAM theme at one session per week to each of the two school sites and two half-days of professional development with the goals of:  Increasing the instructional capacity of our teachers and staff  Reinforcing STEAM-based instruction to engage our students in 21st Century learning, skills, and preparation for college and career  Connecting the school day to the 21st Century Afterschool Program

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the District approves the partnership and contract to William Paterson University from the 21st Century Discretionary Grant funds, in an amount not to exceed $25,800.00, pending yearly NJDOE grant approval, for services during the 2019-2020 School Year.

Resolution No. O-2

WHEREAS, the Strategic Plan for Paterson Public Schools, Paterson – A Promising Tomorrow, Goal 4 Social – Emotional Learning aims to build the capacity of all

Page 63 09/18/19 stakeholders to address the social and emotional needs of the staff through professional development, instruction, and support services; and

WHEREAS, Paterson Public Schools was awarded the 2018 Full Service Community Schools Grant which will be implemented at John F. Kennedy Educational Campus and School 2 focusing on professional development and support in implementing Restorative Justice Programming; and

WHEREAS, PPS proposed partnering with Paterson Education Fund (PEF) to provide professional development, coaching, and access to best practices, and PEF was approved by the DOE as the professional development provider by approval of PPS’s Full Service Grant application; and

WHEREAS, Paterson Education Fund agrees to provide Restorative Justice training for two cohorts of school administrators and pertinent staff, provide coaching and support, and provide visits to community schools with effective restorative justice programs;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the District approves the partnership and contract to Paterson Education Fund from the Full Service Discretionary Grant funds, pending yearly DOE grant approval, in an amount not to exceed $15,000.00 for services from October 1, 2019 – September 30, 2020.

Resolution No. O-3

WHEREAS, Full Service Community Schools (FSCS) Professional Development for Principals supports the District Strategic Plan under Goal Area #1 Teaching & Learning: To create a student-centered learning environment to prepare students for career, college readiness and lifelong learning; and

Whereas, the Full Service Community Schools Program is authorized by sections 4621- 4623 and 4625 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESEA), supports the planning, implementation, and operation of full-service community schools that improve the coordination, integration, accessibility, and effectiveness of services for children and families, particularly for children attending high-poverty schools; and

Whereas, the purpose of this funding opportunity is to provide comprehensive academic, social, and health services for students, students' family members, and community members that will result in improved educational outcomes for children. Paterson Public Schools identified in the application the need for professional development for the six FSCS Principals at School 2 and JFK Educational Complex, along with Full Service staff, to acclimate them to the potential of services that are part of the FSCS initiative; and

WHEREAS, Paterson Public Schools has selected to partner with Ms. Maria Santa, a retired administrator who was our first FSCS Principal at School 5 and experienced substantial success in implementing the model to provide ten (10) professional development sessions; and

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Board of Education approves for Ms. Maria Santa to provide ten (10) professional development sessions to the FSCS Principals at Schools 2 and JFK Educational Complex from October 1, 2019 to September 30, 2020 at $350/session for up to and to not exceed $3,500 to be paid out of the FSCS 2018 Grant Budget, pending yearly DOE grant budget approval.

Page 64 09/18/19 Resolution No. O-4

WHEREAS, Dr. Hani Awadallah School will utilize SIA to fund Inspired Instruction LLC, which is aligned with Paterson Public Schools Five Year Strategic Plan, A Promising Future, Mission, and Vision Goal Area 1: Teaching & Learning, Goal Statement: To create a student-centered learning environment to prepare students for career, college readiness and lifelong learning; and

WHEREAS, Inspired Instruction, LLC, will provide the teachers at Dr. Hani Awadallah School workshops to align teaching practices with NJSLS and build the teacher teaching capacity during the 2019-2020 School Year; and

WHEREAS, Inspired Instruction, LLC, will provide professional development coaching to teachers who work with Grades 3-5 in the subjects of Mathematics and English Language Arts; and

WHEREAS, Inspired Instruction, LLC, will provide ten (10) days to each subject in Grades 3-5 throughout the 2019-2020 School Year as per the building administration purposed dates; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the agreement with Inspired Instruction, LLC for professional development in an amount not to exceed $40,000.00, SIA Fund, for 2019/2020 School Year. (PENDING BUDGET APPROVAL)

Resolution No. O-5

WHEREAS, it is the mission of the District, as per the 2019-2024 Strategic Plan, A Promising Tomorrow, to provide an academically rigorous, safe, and nurturing educational environment by meeting the social, emotional, and academic needs of our students as we prepare them for post-secondary education and career; and

WHEREAS, building capacity of all stakeholders to address the social and emotional needs of the students and staff through professional development, instruction and support services is Goal # 4: Social – Emotional Learning of the Strategic Plan; and

WHEREAS, the District will contract with Mental Health First Aid USA, whom represents that it is fully licensed and qualified to provide professional development services on Mental Health First Aid in Youth and Adults, to certify District Administration, Child Study Teams, Guidance Counselors, Teachers, Personal Aides, and Security as instructors, and will maintain all necessary licenses, approvals, and certifications. The training is not to teach stakeholders how to treat or diagnose mental illness and addictions, instead it will train stakeholders how to offer initial supports until the appropriate professional help is received; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the District approves an agreement to provide payment to Mental Health First Aid USA for providing professional development to certify 30 District staff members to certify District Stakeholders as instructors in recognizing the existence of mental illness and addictions and develop Mental Health Action Plans to support individual(s) who may be in crisis toward resources that can support treatment and recovery. Staff will participate in a 5-day training series that will support in understanding different types of mental illnesses and addictions, educating on the negative stigma of mental health, and how to support someone in crisis. The District Instructors will provide training throughout the District and Community.

Page 65 09/18/19 September 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020 Mental Health First Aid USA - $38,000

Resolution No. O-6

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District is committed to providing Professional Development to certificated staff members.

WHEREAS, the Professor-In-Residence Program meets the criteria for the Five-Year Strategic Plan: Goal # 1 Teaching and Learning: Goal statement to create a student- centered learning environment to prepare students for career, college readiness and lifelong learning.

WHEREAS, the district initiative, that includes modeling of instruction to meet the needs of faculty and students and to provide a combination of professional development programs and student activities to improve content knowledge and pedagogical skills of experiences and novice teachers.

WHEREAS, the Professor-In-Residence Program from William Paterson University will increase the knowledge of middle school best practices and provide professional development to teachers in the classroom setting at DBTA.

WHEREAS, the program will satisfy the following objectives:

 To build academic capacity at DBTA.  To implement the New Jersey Student Learning Standards into daily lesson planning.  To improve teacher practices this will embrace critical thinking skills and promote academic achievement.

WHEREAS, the Teacher Evaluation process will require faculty to gain a clear understanding of an evidenced based evaluation system. Job-embedded professional development will be provided to the DBTA staff by the Professor-In- Residence from William Paterson University.

BE IT RESOLVED, the Paterson Public School district will provide DBTA 1 day a week beginning September 2019 to June 2020 in the amount not to exceed $10,000.00. Funding from Account # 15-000-221-320-068-000-0000-000

Resolution No. O-7

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District is committed to providing academic programs for students in grades 9-12 in the School of Education and Training. The parties desire to designate SET - JFK as a Professional Development School (“PDS”) and member of the WPU College of Education Professional Development School Network (“PDS Network”);for the fifth year and

WHEREAS, the program will satisfy the following objectives:

 To build academic capacity of careers in Education at the School of Education and Training.  To assist with the implementation of the Common Core standards and differentiation of instruction.  To improve teacher practices.  Enhance students' 21st Century skills of creativity, communication, analyzing data,

Page 66 09/18/19 collaboration, and critical thinking.  PDS representatives will actively participate in the governance of the College’s PDS Network.  The University will provide free training for PDS faculty on various topics.  The University will provide priority consideration for PDS faculty to participate in paid student teaching experiences and grant-funded initiatives in the University.

WHEREAS, in recognition of the Schools’ membership in the WPU College of Education Professional Development School Network (“PDS Network”), the parties desire to jointly support specified personnel in the School of Education and Training and activities at the PDS in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth herein;

WHEREAS, the Professor In Residence includes modeling of instruction to meet the needs of faculty and students to provide a combination of professional development programs for students and staff that will improve the content knowledge and pedagogical skills of experiences.

WHEREAS, the Professor-In-Residence Program provides Professional Development and priority for the academic programs to assist with increasing the rigor, differentiated instruction, disaggregate and analyze data.

THERFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Paterson Public School district will provide the School of Education and Training the opportunity to accept Professor-In-Residence for the school year of 2019-2020. During the year of this Agreement, the District agrees to remit to the University the sum of Ten Thousand ($10,000.00) Dollars for network personnel, supplies and services. ($9,000.00 will be for personnel expenses and $1000.00 for supplies and services).

Resolution No. O-8

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District is committed to providing Professional Development to certificated staff members.

WHEREAS, the Professor-In-Residence Program, as one part of the Partnership in the Professional Development School Network, meets the criteria for the District Brighter Futures Strategic Plan, Priority #2 (Creating and Maintaining Healthy School Cultures), Goal #1 (Paterson Effective Schools Model); Priority #1 (Effective Academic Programs), Goal #3 (College Preparedness) and Goal#4 (Creating Student-Centered Support).

WHEREAS, the program will satisfy the following objective: support to teachers, prepare grades K-5 certified teachers to be content specialists, increase student achievement, create and maintain a healthy school culture, and provide support in implementing collaborative courses amongst grade levels.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public School District will approve the partnership membership in the professional development network for 1 day a week at Renaissance One School of Humanities from September 1, 2019, to June 30, 2020, as well as numerous professional development opportunities for staff and STEM/STEAM learning opportunities for student, in the amount of $5,000.00.

Page 67 09/18/19 Resolution No. O-9

WHEREAS, the District’s 2019-2024 Strategic Plan, Paterson – A Promising Tomorrow’s Goal Area #1 (Teaching and Learning) is to create student-centered learning environment to prepare students for career, college readiness and lifelong learning, and Objective #4 is to provide students the opportunities to have real world experiences via internships, work/independent studies and exposure to a variety of post-secondary institutions; and

WHEREAS, Pathways in Technology Early College High School (P-TECH) is a new type of school that combines the elements of high school, college and the professional world. P-TECH enables students to begin their college and professional lives more quickly with more support than the typical school-to-work pathway. Graduates of P- TECH earn an associate degree from Passaic County Community College (PCCC) and leave the school with the skills and knowledge they need in order to continue their studies or step seamlessly into competitive jobs within the STEM industry, and

WHEREAS, the P-TECH grant was approved on December 19, 2018 as resolution I&P 10 for the two-year grant (SY1819 & SY1920), and

WHEREAS, Phase I of the P-TECH grant, to the tune of $100,000, was accepted and approved as a resolution I&P 14 on February 20, 2019, and

WHEREAS, this resolution is to accept Phase II of the grant, and

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, the Paterson Board of Education accepts that Paterson Public Schools partner with PCCC and IBM Corporation to implement the P- TECH grant and accept Phase II of the P-TECH grant in the amount of $200,000.

Resolution No. O-10

WHEREAS, approving the following quoted routes for student transportation service will support Priority 4, efficient and responsive operation Goal 1, increasing accountability for performance, and

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District has identified a need to provide transportation for the 2019 - 2020 school year;

BE IT RESOLVED, the Superintendent supports the Department of Transportation recommendation in awarding the route to the lowest quote submitted for the transportation; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the vendor has been notified that no goods or services will be provided to the District without first receiving a fully executed purchase order; and that the terms on the purchase will be honored completely; if the vendor does not agree with the terms on the purchase order, the vendor will not provide any goods or services to the District until such time a new purchase order is completed and delivered with terms the vendor will honor; and the vendor being awarded this contract, has complied with all Affirmative Action requirements.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this resolution, to provide quoted transportation to various schools in district & out of district students, as per their IEPs. This shall take effect for the 2019 – 2020 school year with the approval signature of the Superintendent.

Page 68 09/18/19 Various Contractors – See Attached List Total Cost - $113,252.19 $ 88,056.19 $ 25,196.00

Resolution No. O-11

WHEREAS, approving the following quoted routes for student transportation service will support Priority 4, efficient and responsive operation Goal 1, increasing accountability for performance, and

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District has identified a need to provide transportation for the 2019 - 2020 school year;

BE IT RESOLVED, the Superintendent supports the Department of Transportation recommendation in awarding the route to the lowest quote submitted for the transportation; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the vendor has been notified that no goods or services will be provided to the District without first receiving a fully executed purchase order; and that the terms on the purchase will be honored completely; if the vendor does not agree with the terms on the purchase order, the vendor will not provide any goods or services to the District until such time a new purchase order is completed and delivered with terms the vendor will honor; and the vendor being awarded this contract, has complied with all Affirmative Action requirements.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this resolution, to provide quoted transportation to various schools in district & out of district students, as per their IEPs. This shall take effect for the 2019 – 2020 school year with the approval signature of the Superintendent.

Contractor Route # Per Diem Cost # of Days Total Cost Various Contractors – See Attached List $ 57,824.46

Resolution No. O-12

WHEREAS, approving the following route for student transportation service will support Priority 4, efficient and responsive operation Goal 1, increasing accountability for performance, and

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District has identified a need to provide transportation for Paterson pupils to in district schools and to various out of district schools for the 2019 Extended School Year and 2019-2020 school year, and

WHEREAS, current contracts shall be renewed at 0% &/or 1.45% increase for the 2019 Extended School Year and 2019-2020 school year, now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public School District ratifies the action of the Superintendent in renewing the following contracts for the 2019 Extended School Year and 2019-2020 school year with 0% &/or 1.45% increase as follows:

Route # Destination Per Diem Cost # days Total Cost ELCS19 EARLY LEARNING CENTER $252.00 181 $45,612.00

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, each vendor has been notified that no goods or services will be provided to the District without first receiving a fully executed purchase order;

Page 69 09/18/19 and that the terms on the purchase will be honored completely; if the vendor does not agree with the terms on the purchase order, the vendor will not provide any goods or services to the District until such time a new purchase order is completed and delivered with terms the vendor will honor; and the vendor being awarded renewal of these contracts have complied with all Affirmative Action requirements.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, this resolution to renew current contracts at 0% &/or 1.45% increase, with attached vendors, shall take effect with the approval signature of the Superintendent and is being provided to the Board for advisory purposes. Special Education Account # 110002705146850000000000 $ 45,612.00

Resolution No. O-13

WHEREAS, on March 15, 2007, the State of New Jersey adopted P.L.2007, c.53, An Act Concerning School District Accountability, also known as Assembly Bill 5 (A5), and

WHEREAS, Bill A5, N.J.S.A. 18A:11-12(3)f, requires that conferences/workshops have prior approval by a majority of the full voting membership of the board of education, and

WHEREAS, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:11-12(2)s, an employee or member of the board of education who travels in violation of the school district’s policy or this section shall be required to reimburse the school district in an amount equal to three times the cost associated with attending the event, now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves attendance of conferences/workshops for the dates and amounts listed for staff members and/or Board members on the attached and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that final authorization for attendance at conferences/ workshops will be confirmed at the time a purchase order is issued. CONFERENCE/WORKSHOP REQUESTS

STAFF MEMBER CONFERENCE DATE AMOUNT *KatoriDaisy Walton NJASBO Core September 14, 2019 $1,260.00 Curriculum thru (registration) Assistant Comptroller Robbinsville, NJ May 2020

*CherylDaisy D. Coy Hill Day 2019 September 17-18, $1016.25 Chief Special Education Washington, DC 2019 (registration, Officer transportation, lodging, meals) *GailDaisy Nolton Hill Day 2019 September 17-18, $1016.25 Teacher Intervention & Washington, DC 2019 (registration, Referral Specialist/Special transportation, Services lodging, meals) RebeccaDaisy Cecala Northern Regional September 20, 2019 $75.00 (registration) Educational Services Commission Principal/School 7 Wayne, NJ


Page 70 09/18/19 Sandra Diodonet Rutgers Institute for September 23, 2019 $777.63 (registration, Improving Student October 14, 2019 transportation) Achievement – Equity December 3, 2019 Leadership Network January 14, 2020 Assistant Superintendent Piscataway, NJ March 3, 2020

SusanaDaisy Peron Rutgers Institute for September 23, 2019 $777.63 (registration, Improving Student October 14, 2019 transportation) Achievement – Equity December 3, 2019 Leadership Network January 14, 2020 Deputy Superintendent Piscataway, NJ March 3, 2020

JoannaDaisy Tsimpedes Rutgers Institute for September 23, 2019 $777.63 (registration, Improving Student October 14, 2019 transportation) Achievement – Equity December 3, 2019 Leadership Network January 14, 2020 Associate Chief Academic Piscataway, NJ March 3, 2020 Officer

Cicely Warren Rutgers Institute for September 23, $777.63 (registration, Improving Student 2019 transportation) Achievement – Equity October 14, 2019 Leadership Network December 3, 2019 Assistant Superintendent Piscataway, NJ January 14, 2020 March 3, 2020

RebeccaDaisy Cecala Northern Regional September 27, $75.00 (registration) Services Commission 2019 Principal/School 7 Wayne, NJ

AlessandraDaisy Caple Hot Issues in Special October 4, 2019 $75.00 (registration) Education Law/Northern Regional Services Commission Teacher/HARP Academy Wayne, NJ

KelliDaisy White Hot Issues in Special October 4, 2019 $75.00 (registration) Education Law/Northern Regional Services Commission Principal/HARP Academy Wayne, NJ

ElizabethDaisy Nunez HEEA Environmental October 7-9, 2019 $0 Education Alliance/ Symposium

Page 71 09/18/19 Teacher Coordinator of Maui, HI Science/ Academic Services RichardDaisy L. Matthews Public School October 9 & 16, $453.00 (registration) Purchasing/Rutgers 2019 Continuing Studies Business Administrator New Brunswick, NJ

SusanaDaisy Peron NJ Leadership Academy October 11, 2019 $480.00 (registration, Series 6/NJPSA November 19, 2019 transportation) Deputy Superintendent Mahwah, NJ December 16, 2019

Joanna Tsimpedes NJ Leadership Academy October 11, 2019 $480.00 (registration, Series 6/NJPSA November 19, 2019 transportation) Supervisor of Science Lexington, KY December 16, 2019

LakishaDaisy Kincherlow- North American October 16-19, $500.00 (registration) Warren Association for 2019 Environmental Education Conference Supervisor of Science Lexington, KY

ElizabethDaisy Nunez North American October 16-19, $560.00 (registration) Association for 2019 Environmental Education Conference Teacher Coordinator of Lexington, KY Science/ Academic Services Nakeia Wimberly North American October 16-19, $560.00 (registration) Association for 2019 Environmental Education Conference Teacher/School 2 Lexington, KY

BorisDaisy Zaydel NJSBA Workshop 2019 October 21-24, $818.73 (registration, General Counsel Atlantic City, NJ 2019 transportation, meals, lodging)

Irene DelRosso Rutgers University – October 25, 2019 $234.80 (registration, Center for Literacy transportation) Development Supervisor of Federal New Brunswick, NJ Programs

Marguerite Sullivan Rutgers University – October 25, 2019 $180.00 (registration) Center for Literacy Development

Page 72 09/18/19 Director of Federal New Brunswick, NJ Programs

BorisDaisy Zaydel Hot Topics in Special October 30, 2019 $160.00 (registration) Education Law 2019/ New Jersey Law Center General Counsel New Brunswick, NJ

Cheryl D. Coy National Association for November 1-5, $2,024.75 the Education of 2019 (registration, Homeless Children and transportation, Youth (NAEHCY) lodging, meals) Chief Special Education Washington, DC Officer

KelDaisyly Anderson NAEHCY November 1-5, $2,024.75 McKinney Vento Washington, DC 2019 (registration, Coordinator transportation, lodging, meals) TanyaDaisy Cain NAEHCY November 1-5, $1,987.53 McKinney Vento Washington, DC 2019 (registration, Coordinator transportation, lodging, meals) LisaDaisy Ellerbee NAEHCY November 1-5, $1,987.53 Coordinator/Special Washington, DC 2019 (registration, Education transportation, lodging, meals) CicelyDaisy Warren National Association for November 1-5, $2,024.75 the Education of 2019 (registration, Homeless Children and transportation, Youth (NAEHCY) lodging, meals) Assistant Superintendent Washington, DC

BorisDaisy Zaydel OPMA and OPRA: An December 5, 2019 $172.00 (registration) Important 2020 Update General Counsel Fairfield, NJ

KenniaDaisy Fulgencio NJASBO Risk December 14, 2019 $560.00 (registration) Management & School thru February 29, Law 2020 Supervisor of Accounting Robbinsville, NJ

BorisDaisy Zaydel Representing School December 18, 2019 $188.00 (registration) Employees & Boards of Education in Employment Law Cases/New Jersey Law Center General Counsel New Brunswick, NJ


Resolution No. O-14

WHEREAS, The Paterson Public Schools District Strategic Plan Goal 1, Objective 1 addresses the Creation of “high quality opportunities for educators to deliver research- based strategies that will ignite motivation and promote life-long learning” and Goal 4, Objective states “Create a culture that recognizes the need to educate the whole child by meeting their social emotional, academic and physical needs”

WHEREAS, The Paterson Public School District and School 16 are committed to providing staff with ongoing professional development that focus on Teaching Standard 4 – Implementing effective differentiation strategies and supporting special needs students; and School 16 has a growing population of special needs students (EL, 504, IEP) who will be in a co-teaching setting in the SY 2019-2020

WHEREAS, Rick Welsh has provided effective professional development to various schools (PS#5, PS#7, PS#2) in the district that have benefited by the implementation of co-teaching and differentiation strategies supported by Rick Welsh’s professional development

WHEREAS, Paterson Public School Number 16 has designated funds to provide teachers in co-teaching setting in grades 3-8 with on-going professional development that focuses on co-teaching, differentiation and supporting special needs students

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Board of Education approves the purchasing of professional development services provided by Rick Welsh to Public School Number 16 for the SY 2019-2020 not to exceed $12,900 which has been allocated to account 15-000-223-320-309-309-0000-000.

Resolution No. O-15

WHEREAS, approving the following quoted routes for student transportation service will support Priority 4, efficient and responsive operation Goal 1, increasing accountability for performance, and

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District has identified a need to provide transportation for the 2019 - 2020 school year;

BE IT RESOLVED, the Superintendent supports the Department of Transportation recommendation in awarding the route to the lowest quote submitted for the transportation; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the vendor has been notified that no goods or services will be provided to the District without first receiving a fully executed purchase order; and that the terms on the purchase will be honored completely; if the vendor does not agree with the terms on the purchase order, the vendor will not provide any goods or services to the District until such time a new purchase order is completed and delivered with terms the vendor will honor; and the vendor being awarded this contract, has complied with all Affirmative Action requirements.

Page 74 09/18/19 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this resolution, to provide quoted transportation to various schools in district & out of district students, as per their IEPs. This shall take effect for the 2019 – 2020 school year with the approval signature of the Superintendent.

Various Contractors – See Attached List Total Cost - $ 81,610.00 $ 63,670.00 $ 17,940.00

Resolution No. O-16

WHEREAS, the Board of Education and the State District Superintendent support N.J.S.A. 18A:37- et. Seq. by prohibiting acts of harassment, intimidation, or bullying of our students grades Pre-K thru 12, and

WHEREAS, Harassment, Intimidation, or Bullying (HIB) means any gesture, any written, verbal or physical act, or any electronic communication, as defined in N.J.S.A. 18A:37- 14, whether it be a single incident or a series of incidents, and

WHEREAS, the law requires a thorough and complete investigation to be conducted for each report of an alleged incident of harassment, intimidation, or bullying, and

WHEREAS, the chief school administrator is required to report the results of each HIB investigation to the Board of Education for review and approval of any consequences imposed under the student code of conduct, intervention services provided, counseling ordered, training established or other action taken or recommended by the chief school administrator, and

WHEREAS, the board is required to issue a written decision affirming, rejecting, or modifying the chief school administrator’s decisions and recommendations at the regularly scheduled board meeting following its receipt of the report or following a hearing in executive session; and

WHEREAS, the parent of D.A. requested and was given a HIB hearing in executive session before the board on August 21st regarding the chief school administrator’s findings, and

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education, after reviewing the chief school administrator’s HIB report and conducting a HIB hearing, modifies the chief school administrator’s decision of founded HIB to unfounded HIB in the case involving D.A. as the target in accordance with the New Jersey Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act.

It was moved by Comm. Redmon, seconded by Comm. Martinez that Resolution Nos. O-1 through O-16 be adopted, except Comm. Hodges who voted no on O-6, O-7 and O-8. On roll call all members voted in the affirmative. The motion carried.

Paterson Board of Education Standing Abstentions

Comm. Capers  Self  4th and Inches  Westside Park Group  Florio Management Company (ACES Program receives donations)

Page 75 09/18/19 Comm. Castillo  Self  Passaic County  Transportation

Comm. Hodges  Self  Jumpstart  City of Paterson

Comm. Martinez  Self  New Jersey Community Development Corporation (NJCDC)

Comm. Olivares  Self

Comm. Ramirez  Self  Berkeley College

Comm. Redmon  Self  Historic Preservation of the City of Paterson  County of Passaic

Comm. Rondon  Self

Comm. Simmons  Self  Family


Comm. Martinez: The fiscal committee met on September 9th and 12th respectively.

Comm. Martinez reported that the Fiscal Management Committee met, reviewed and recommends approval for Resolution Nos. F-1 through F-21:

Resolution No. F-1

BE IT RESOLVED, that the list of bills and claims dated September 19, 2019, beginning with check number 219204 and ending with check number 219482, in the amount of $16,224,156.06; and

BE IT RESOLVED, that each claim or demand has been fully itemized verified, has been duly audited as required by law in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:19-2.

Resolution No. F-2

WHEREAS, the School Business Administrator, pursuant to 18A:22-8.1, has prepared and presented for approval the monthly transfer report 1701, for the month of July 2019, and

Page 76 09/18/19

WHEREAS, the New Jersey Administrative Code 6A:23A-13.3 requires the Board Secretary and the Board of Education to certify that no budgetary line item account has been over-expended and that sufficient funds are available to meet the District’s financial obligations, all transfers were fully executed consistent with code and policy prior to obligating funds.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve transfer of funds within the 2018-2019 school year budget, for the month of July 2019, so that no budgetary line item account has been over-expended and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations, as requested by various budget managers, and as identified in the list of transfers attached hereto and shall be made part of the minutes. Furthermore, the transfers were approved by the Department of Education.

Resolution No. F-3

WHEREAS, the School Business Administrator, pursuant to 18A:17-9, has prepared and presented the Board Secretary Report, A-148, for the month of July 2019, and

WHEREAS, the School Board Administrator certifies, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A-23A- 16.10(c)(3), that no line item or program category account has been over expended, and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligation for the remainder of the fiscal year, and

WHEREAS, the Board Secretary’s Report is in agreement with the Treasurer’s Report, A-149, and

WHEREAS, the Board Secretary’s Report is subject to adjustments following annual audit and Department of Education directions regarding Fund 15’s School Based Budgets, and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Paterson Public Schools acknowledges receipt and certifies the Board Secretary Report for July 2019 pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A- 23A-16.10(c)(4), acknowledging no line items or program category account has been over expended and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligation for the remainder of the fiscal year, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public Schools hereby incorporates the Board Secretary’s Report for the fiscal period ending July 2019, as part of the minutes of this meeting and note the public discussion of same for the minutes; and, that the School Business Administrator be directed to forward to the County Superintendent the minutes together with Treasurer’s Report, and,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect upon its adoption.

Resolution No. F-4

WHEREAS, the Treasurer of School Monies, pursuant to 18A:17-36, has prepared and presented the Treasurer’s Report, A-149, for the month of July 2019, and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Paterson Public Schools acknowledges receipt of the Treasurer’s Report for July 2019 and acknowledges agreement with the July 2019 Board Secretary’s Report, and

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BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public Schools hereby incorporates the Treasurer’s Report for the fiscal period ending July 2019, as part of the minutes of this meeting and note the public discussion of same for the minutes; and, that the School Business Administrator be directed to forward to the County Superintendent the minutes together with Treasurer’s Report, and,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect upon its adoption.

Resolution No. F-5

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School approves payment for the gross payroll checks and direct deposits dated 8/15/19 for in the grand sum of $3,141,334.37 beginning with check number 1011339 and ending with check number 1011347 and direct deposit number D003140481 and ending with D003141980.

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School approves payment for the gross payroll checks and direct deposits dated 8/30/19 for in the grand sum of $2,897,479.80 beginning with check number 1011348 and ending with check number 1011370 and direct deposit number D003142025 and ending with D003143526.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that each claim or demand has been fully itemized, verified and has been duly audited as required by law in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:19-2.

Resolution No. F-6

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School approves payment for the gross direct deposits dated 8/15/19 in the grand sum of $66,151.05 beginning with direct deposit number D003141981 and ending with D003142024 for Summer Savings Payments.

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School approves payment for the gross payroll checks dated 8/30/2019 in the grand sum of $66,150.64 beginning with direct deposit number D003143527 and ending with D003143570 Summer Savings Payments.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that each claim or demand has been fully itemized, verified and has been duly audited as required by law in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:19-2.

Resolution No. F-7

WHEREAS, the students of Senator Frank Lautenberg School in Paterson, NJ want to participate in student activities that will be student-directed, funded through student- generated events and expended on behalf of the students; and

WHEREAS, these activities require the establishment of a Student Activity Account to be held at TD Bank in Paterson, NJ; and

WHEREAS; the principal of Senator Frank Lautenberg will be responsible for working with the students and professional staff in implementing the policies adopted by the Board and providing guidance to the students;

Page 78 09/18/19 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public School is approved to establish a Student Activities Account; and

BE IT FURTHUR RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect with the approval signature of the State District Superintendent and is being provided to the Board for advisory purposes.

Resolution No. F-8

Introduction: The Paterson Public School District Scholarship Committee wish to recognize five 2019 graduating high school seniors who have attained academic excellence and disburse the 2019 scholarship appropriation.

Whereas, the Paterson Public School District new mission states, “Recognizing our proud traditions and diverse community and partnerships, the mission of the Paterson Public School District is to provide an academically rigorous, safe and nurturing educational environment; by meeting the social, emotional and academic needs of our students as we prepare them for post-secondary education and career.” The District Scholarship Committee met and reviewed student’s applications to determine eligibility for the scholarship as per the Board of Education Policy.

Whereas, our 5-year strategic plan goal area 1, teaching and learning states, “To create a student centered learning environment to prepare students for career, college readiness and lifelong learning.” The Paterson Public School District Committee wish to congratulate the following high school students: Ms. Khadija Moody, Ms. Maliha Yeasmin, Ms. Lisaac Perez-Gonzalez, Mr. Anthony Rodriquez, and Ms. Sayeda Choudhury students from the class of 2019

Whereas, in recognition of their accomplishments and to encourage them to continue pursuing academic excellence, students will receive their $500.00 one-time scholarship award upon providing proof of enrollment and registration at a four-year college or university.

Therefore, Be It Resolved that the Paterson Public Schools District Board of Education approve the disbursement of the Paterson Public School Scholarship-Class of 2019 for $500 for each recipient. All funds will be drawn from the Paterson Public School Scholarship Bank Account.

Resolution No. F-9

WHEREAS, An Act concerning the emergency administration of epinephrine to students for anaphylaxis, P.L. 2015, C.13 was signed into law on February 5, 2015, and this law requires each public school to maintain in a secure but unlocked and easily accessible location a supply of epinephrine auto-injectors that is prescribed under a standing protocol by a licensed physician and is accessible to the school nurse and trained designees for administration to a student having an anaphylactic reaction.

WHEREAS, BIORIDGE Pharma has offered the following Epinephrine auto-injectors EpiPen Jr.2-Pack Cartons (51 double units = 102 individual epinephrine injectable) $676.23 per 2-Pak Carton X 51 Cartons = $34,487.73 as a donation to the Paterson Public School District.

Page 79 09/18/19 WHEREAS, BIORIDGE Pharma has offered the following Epinephrine auto-injectors EpiPen 2-Pack Cartons (51 double units = 102 individual epinephrine injectable) $676.23 per 2-Pak Carton X 51 Cartons = $34,487.73 as a donation to the Paterson Public School District. Total Donation of $68,975.46

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Board of Education accepts the donation from BIORIDGE Pharma of 102, EpiPen 2-Pak and EpiPen Jr. 2-Pak Cartons, for equal distribution to school locations, at no cost to the Paterson Public School District.

Resolution No. F-10

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District is in favor of establishing and growing viable partnerships with parents, educational institutions and community organizations to support Paterson Public Schools educational programs, advance student achievement and enhance communication (5-Year Strategic Plan, Goal Area #3: Communications & Connections).

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District is in favor of developing and supporting relationship with community-based organizations engaged in activities that support and enhance healthy educational, social and emotional development of the children in the Paterson Public Schools (Goal Area #4: Social – Emotional Learning).

WHEREAS, the community-based organizations seeks to increase the ability of schools to provide educational resources to enhance students’ success and family and community engagement.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of the District of Paterson will allow the following community organizations: Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, School Craft Studios, Costco Wholesale, Grand Chapter of the Eastern Star of New Jersey-Paterson Chapter, and Larden Corporation to partner with Paterson Public School No. 10 by donating various school supplies / giveaway items for student incentives and to increase family and community engagement; at no cost to the Paterson Public School District (Goal Area #3: Communications & Connections).

Resolution No. F-11

WHEREAS, the mission and vision of Paterson Public School District is to provide an academically rigorous, safe, and nurturing educational environment; be meeting the social, emotional and academic needs of our students as we prepare them for post- secondary education and career. The district will be a leader of 21st Century innovation where students develop habits of lifelong learning and excel academically to become future ready leaders. Goal I: Teaching and Learning: To create a student=centered learning environment to prepare students for career, college readiness and life-long learning.

WHEREAS, the Wolfe family would like to donate $100.00 to the John F. Kennedy Educational Complex in memory of their aunt, Ms. Phyllis Hamer.

WHEREAS, the $100.00 donation would be used towards the dedication of the Phyllis Hamer Peace Room.

Page 80 09/18/19

WHEREAS, the funds will be used to purchase supplies for Restorative Justice Practices at John F. Kennedy Educational Complex by the Principal of Operations.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the funds donated by the Wolfe family will be used to assist the Restorative Justice Practices at John F. Kennedy Educational Complex at no cost to the district.

Resolution No. F-12

WHEREAS, the curriculum supports the Paterson- A Promising Tomorrow’s goal 1, Teaching & Learning: to create a student-centered learning environment to prepare students for career, college readiness and lifelong learning; and

WHEREAS, VH1 Save the Music Foundation will donate instruments, music technology and other equipment to support Paterson Public Schools music programs. The donation will include: over 50 instruments, method books, music stands, and,

WHEREAS, VH1 Save the Music Foundation will support music teachers with a professional development session in order to support the implementation of the donated materials, and,

WHEREAS, Schools 8, 12 and 15 will receive the General Music grant in order to build a well-rounded music program, and,

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that Paterson Public School approves donation of Music materials from VH1 Save the Music Foundation at no cost to the district.

Resolution No. F-13

Purpose: Resolution of the Paterson Public School District in the City of Paterson, County of Passaic, State of New Jersey, for the replacement of the deteriorated and unserviceable auditorium seats at PS #8 located at 35 Chadwick Street, Paterson, NJ; for the 2019-2020 school fiscal year.

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District formulated a need based Long-Range Facility Plan which included much needed renovation, alterations, additions and new school buildings; and

WHEREAS, the existing Auditorium Seats are missing and in a state of disrepair requiring replacement to ensure the health and safety of all occupants which is of paramount importance, and

WHEREAS, the awarding of this contract is in line with the “Brighter Futures Strategic Plan 2014-2019”, Priority II– “Creating and Maintaining Healthy School Cultures”, goal 4 – “Create/maintain clean and safe schools that meet 21st century learning standards.” And

WHEREAS, The Paterson School District has not budgeted funds in a Capital Account for this project, and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, that the Paterson Board of Education is requesting that the New Jersey Department of Education accepts this resolution as an amendment to the District’s Long-Range Facility Plan. The Paterson Board of Education

Page 81 09/18/19 approves the submission of the (PS 8 Auditorium Seats) replacement project , located at 35 Chadwick Street, Project # 4010-120-20-1000, to the State of New Jersey, Department of Education. The Board will not be seeking an SDA Grant. The Project was not included in the 2018 Long Range Facilities Plan (LRFP) and is therefore an “Other Capital Project” The Board of Education authorizes submission of a LRFP amendment request to include this project.

Resolution No. F-14

Whereas, NJAC 6A:26-8.1 establishes the rules for the use of substandard-offsite facilities for public school students;

Whereas, all facilities that are leased by a public-school district are considered to be substandard-offsite facilities;

Whereas, the Paterson School District wishes to use substandard-offsite facilities as follows:

YMLA St. Paul’s School #13 Wagaraw Road, Prospect, Park, NJ STARS Academy St. Theresa School ,765 14th Ave, Paterson, NJ 07504 Alexander Hamilton Academy 11-27 16th Avenue Paterson, NJ 07501 PS 29 St. Bonaventure School, 88 Danforth Avenue, Paterson, NJ 07501 HARP Academy, 5-7 Colt Street Paterson, NJ 07501 PS 18 TCU’s 3 & 4 51 E 18th Street Paterson, NJ 07524

Whereas, the awarding of these applications for renewal of Use for Leased Classrooms Facilities is in line with the “A Promising Tomorrow” Strategic Plan 2019-2024, Goal 2: Facilities- Creating and Maintaining Healthy School Cultures and addresses facilities issues that impact student achievement by including this in the 5 Year Long Range Facilities Plan.

Whereas, NJAC 6A:26-8.1 requires the approval of the County Superintendent prior to the use of substandard-offsite facilities as well as the annual renewal of said approval; now therefore be it

Resolved, that the Paterson Board of Education authorizes the State-District Superintendent to submit applications to the County Superintendent of Schools for approval to use substandard-offsite facilities for the 2019-2020 school year as listed above which are consistent with the Board approved Corrective Action Plan.

Resolution No. F-15

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District recognizes the need for complying with the New Jersey purchasing laws for obtaining the most competitive and responsive bid for goods and/or services; and WHEREAS, the Acting Director of Facilities Department determined that the district has a need for Lumber Supplies and Related, PPS 209-20 during the 2019-2020 and 2020- 2021 school years and provided the specifications for this formal public bid process; and WHEREAS, Approximately, twenty-five (25) vendors were mailed/e-mailed bid specifications, of which two (2) responded to the district’s solicitation; and WHEREAS, this solicitation was made by advertised public notice appearing in The North Jersey Herald News on June 14, 2019. Sealed bids were opened and read aloud

Page 82 09/18/19 on June 26, 2019 at 10:00 am in the Conference Room, 4th Floor, 90 Delaware Avenue, Paterson, NJ 07503 by the Purchasing Department; and WHEREAS, as per the attached bid summary, the Department Facilities along with the Department of Purchasing recommend that the bid for Lumber Supplies and Related, PPS 209-20 be awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder(s) for the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 school years to the following vendor(s):

Feldman Lumber - US LBM Continental Hardware, Inc. 1281 Metropolitan Ave 400 Delancy Street Brooklyn, NY 11237 Bloomfield, NJ 07003

WHEREAS, the awarding of this contract is in line with the “A Promising Tomorrow Strategic Plan 2019-2024”, Priority II– “Creating and Maintaining Healthy School Cultures”, goal 4 – “Create/maintain clean and safe schools that meet 21st century learning standards.” And

WHEREAS, the awarding of this contract is in line with the “A Promising Tomorrow Strategic Plan 2019-2024”. Goal Area #2: Facilities, Objective 4.

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the State District Superintendent supports the abovementioned recommendation that Feldman Lumber, Park Union Co. and Garden State Building Supply be awarded contract(s) for Lumber Supplies and Related, PPS 209-20 for the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 school years in the amount of not to exceed $240,000.00 annually.

Resolution No. F-16

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District recognizes the need for obtaining the most competitive and responsive bid for goods and/or services;

WHEREAS, on the Authorization of the Business Administrator formal public bids were solicited for, HVAC Supplies and Related, PPS 213-20 for the 2019-2020 and 2020- 2021 school years. Bid notices were mailed to approximately Thirty-five (35) vendors, four (4) responded; and

WHEREAS, this solicitation was made by advertised public notice appearing in The North Jersey Herald News on June 13, 2019. Sealed bids were opened and read aloud on June 28, 2019 at 10:00 am in the Conference Room, 4th floor, 90 Delaware Ave, Paterson, NJ 07503 by the Purchasing Department; and

WHEREAS, the Department of Facilities recommends that White & Shauger, Inc., located at 433-439 Straight Street, Paterson, NJ 07501 and D&B Parts Corp., located at 444 JFK Drive North, Bloomfield, NJ 07003 are deemed to be the most responsive and responsible, and be awarded a contract for, HVAC Supplies and Related, pursuant to bid specifications PPS 213-20 for the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 school years, not to exceed $ 150,000.00, according to the attached analysis.

WHEREAS, the awarding of this contract is in line with the “A Promising Tomorrow Strategic Plan 2019-2024”, Priority II– “Creating and Maintaining Healthy School Cultures”, goal 4 – “Create/maintain clean and safe schools that meet 21st century learning standards.” And

Page 83 09/18/19 WHEREAS, the awarding of this contract is in line with the “A Promising Tomorrow Strategic Plan 2019-2024”. Goal Area #2: Facilities, Objective 4.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the bid for HVAC Supplies and Related, PPS-213- 20 be awarded to the lowest responsible bidders, for the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 school years, as follows:

White & Shauger, Inc. D&B Parts, Corp. 433-439 Straight St. 444 JFK Drive North Paterson, 07501 Bloomfield, NJ 07003 (Primary) (Secondary)

This resolution shall take effect with the approval signature of the State District Superintendent.

Resolution No. F-17

Contract Renewal: Security Alarm Services District Wide, PPS 225-17RB during the 2019-2020 school(s) year in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-42

WHEREAS, the District awarded a contract to Vanwell Electronics, Stirling, NJ, during the 2018-2019 school year; and

WHEREAS, The Paterson Public School District is allowed to renew contracts according to N.J.S.A.18A: 18A-42, and

WHEREAS, based on the vendor’s satisfactory performance during the 2018-2019 school year, the Director of Facilities recommends that the bid for Security Alarm Services District Wide, PPS 225-17RB, be renewed during the 2019-2020 school year(s) at no price increase in rates; and

WHEREAS, the vendor has agreed to extend the contract at no increase in rates over the previous contract during the 2019-2020 school year(s); and

WHEREAS, the awarding of this contract is in line with the “A Promising Tomorrow” Strategic Plan 2019-2024, Goal 2: Facilities.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public School District approves the renewal of the contract for Security Alarm Services District Wide, PPS 225-17RB, to Vanwell Electronics of Stirling, NJ, during the 2019-2020 school year(s) at an amount not to exceed $75,000.00.

VANWELL ELECTRONICS 320 Essex Street, Suite 3 Stirling, NJ 07980

Resolution No. F-18

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District recognizes the need for obtaining the most competitive and responsive bid for goods and/or services;

WHEREAS, on the Authorization of the Business Administrator formal public bids were solicited for, Fencing Services District Wide (T & M), PPS 226-20 for the 2019-2020 and

Page 84 09/18/19 2020-2021 school years. Bid notices were mailed to approximately Twenty-four (24) vendors, four (5) responded; and

WHEREAS, this solicitation was made by advertised public notice appearing in The North Jersey Herald News on June 14, 2019. Sealed bids were opened and read aloud on June 26, 2019 at 11:00 am in the Conference Room, 4th floor, 90 Delaware Ave, Paterson, NJ 07503 by the Purchasing Department; and

WHEREAS, the Department of Facilities recommends that Senco Metals, LLC, located at 90 Dayton Avenue, Passaic, NJ 07055 and Guardian Fence Co., located at 180 Wright Street, Newark, NJ 07114 are deemed to be the most responsive and responsible, and be awarded a contract for, Fencing Services District Wide (T & M), pursuant to bid specifications PPS 226-20 for the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 school years, not to exceed $ 100,000.00, according to the attached analysis. WHEREAS, the awarding of this contract is in line with the “A Promising Tomorrow Strategic Plan 2019-2024”, Priority II– “Creating and Maintaining Healthy School Cultures”, goal 4 – “Create/maintain clean and safe schools that meet 21st century learning standards.” And

WHEREAS, the awarding of this contract is in line with the “A Promising Tomorrow Strategic Plan 2019-2024”. Goal Area #2: Facilities, Objective 4.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the bid for Fencing Services District Wide (T & M), PPS-226-20 be awarded to the lowest responsible bidders, for the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 school years, as follows:

Senco Metals, LLC Guardian Fence Co., 90 Dayton Avenue 180 Wright Street Passaic, NJ 07055 Newark, NJ 07114 (Primary) (Secondary)

This resolution shall take effect with the approval signature of the State District Superintendent.

Resolution No. F-19

Contract Renewal: Elevator Services and Repairs District Wide (T&M), PPS-263-18 during the 2019-2020 school(s) year in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-42

WHEREAS, the District awarded a contract to KONE, Inc., Warren, New Jersey, during the 2018-2019 school year; and

WHEREAS, The Paterson Public School District is allowed to renew contracts according to N.J.S.A.18A: 18A-42, and

WHEREAS, based on the vendor’s satisfactory performance during the 2018-2019 school year, the Acting Director of Facilities recommends that the bid for Elevator Services and Repairs District Wide (T&M), PPS-263-18, be renewed during the 2019- 2020 school year(s) at no price increase in rates; and

WHEREAS, the vendor has agreed to extend the contract at no increase in rates over the previous contract during the 2019-2020 school year(s); and

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WHEREAS, the awarding of this contract is in line with the “A Promising Tomorrow Strategic Plan 2019-2024”, Priority II– “Creating and Maintaining Healthy School Cultures”, goal 4 – “Create/maintain clean and safe schools that meet 21st century learning standards.” And

WHEREAS, the awarding of this contract is in line with the “A Promising Tomorrow Strategic Plan 2019-2024”. Goal Area #2: Facilities, Objective 4.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public School District approves the renewal of the contract for Elevator Services and Repairs District Wide (T&M), PPS-263-18, to KONE, Inc., Warren, New Jersey, during the 2019-2020 school year(s) at an amount not to exceed $125,000.00.

KONE, Inc. 150 Mt. Bethel Road Building 2 Suite 205 Warren, New Jersey 07059

Resolution No. F-20

Contract Renewal: Integrated Pest Control & Management District Wide, PPS 296-18 during the 2019-2020 school year(s) in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-42

WHEREAS, the District awarded a contract to Bowco Laboratories, Woodridge, NJ during the 2018-2019 school year; and

WHEREAS, the Paterson Public School District is allowed to renew contracts according to N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-42; and

WHEREAS, based on the vendor’s satisfactory performance during the 2018-2019 school year, the Director of Facilities recommends that the bid for Integrated Pest Control & Management District Wide, PPS 296-18, be renewed during the 2019-2020 school year(s); and

WHEREAS, the vendor has agreed to extend the contract at no increase in rates over the previous contract during the 2019-2020 school year(s); and

WHEREAS, the awarding of this contract is in line with the “A Promising Tomorrow” Strategic Plan 2019-2020, Goal 2: Facilities, Objective 4.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Paterson Public School District approves the renewal of the contract for Integrated Pest Control & Management District Wide, PPS 296-18 t0 Bowco Laboratories of Woodridge, NJ during the 2019-2020 school year at an amount not to exceed $150,000.00.

Resolution No. F-21

WHEREAS, for all contracts that in the aggregate are less than the bid threshold but 15 percent or more of that amount, and for those contracts that are for subject matter enumerated in subsection a. of N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-5, except for paragraph (1) of that subsection concerning professional services and paragraph (3) of that subsection concerning work by employees of the board of education, the purchasing agent shall

Page 86 09/18/19 award the contract after soliciting at least two competitive quotations, if practicable. The award shall be made to a vendor whose response is most advantageous, price and other factors considered. The purchasing agent shall retain the record of the quotation solicitation and shall include a copy of the record with the voucher used to pay the vendor; and WHEREAS, the Education for Homeless Children and Youth (EHCY) program is authorized under Title VII-B of the MCKINNEY-VENTO HOMELESS ASSISTANCE ACT (42 U.S.C. 11431 ET SEQ.) (MCKINNEY-VENTO ACT). The MCKINNEY- VENTO ACT was originally authorized in 1987 and was most recently re-authorized in December 2015 by the EVERY STUDENT SUCCEEDS ACt (ESSA).; and WHEREAS, Title I funds are allocated to purchase uniforms for homeless students under the McKinney Vento Law; and

WHEREAS, through solicitation of quotes, the below vendors submitted proposals in which services will be provided to the District as follows:

United School Belle Uniforms Marios Uniforms Uniform See attached Do not carry Do not carry quote school uniforms school uniforms

WHEREAS, the awarding of this contract is in line with the 5 Year Strategic Plan, Paterson- A Promising Tomorrow. Goal Area #1: Teaching & Learning: To create a student-centered learning environment to prepare students for career, college readiness and lifelong learning, now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the State Operated School District of the City of Paterson approves this resolution to award a contract to United School Uniform located at 301 Main St, Paterson, NJ 07505 to provide uniforms to homeless students.

Not To Exceed 37,500.00 Annually School Year 2019-2020

It was moved by Comm. Redmon, seconded by Comm. Simmons that Resolution Nos. F-1 through F-21 be adopted. On roll call all members voted in the affirmative. The motion carried.

Paterson Board of Education Standing Abstentions

Comm. Capers  Self  4th and Inches  Westside Park Group  Florio Management Company (ACES Program receives donations)

Comm. Castillo  Self  Passaic County  Transportation

Comm. Hodges

Page 87 09/18/19  Self  Jumpstart  City of Paterson

Comm. Martinez  Self  New Jersey Community Development Corporation (NJCDC)

Comm. Olivares  Self

Comm. Ramirez  Self  Berkeley College

Comm. Redmon  Self  Historic Preservation of the City of Paterson  County of Passaic

Comm. Rondon  Self

Comm. Simmons  Self  Family


Comm. Redmon: The personnel committee minutes were submitted at workshop.

Comm. Redmon reported that the Personnel Committee met, reviewed and recommends approval for Resolution No. P-1:

Resolution No. P-1

WHEREAS, the State District Superintendent recommends the appointment, salary adjustments, transfers, leave of absence approvals, dismissals, contract renewals of tenured and non-tenured employees which supports the Bright Futures Strategies Plan for 2009-2014 which amongst its strategies goals is Priority I – Effective Academic Programs – Goal I – Increase Student Achievement; and

WHEREAS, the advisory Board of the Paterson Public School District has reviewed the recommendation of the State District Superintendent; and

WHEREAS, the advisory Board of the Paterson Board of Education has made comments as appropriate; and

WHEREAS, the advisory Board of the Paterson Board of Education communicated its expectations that such recommendations are made on a timely basis and include the proposed appointment, transfer, removal or renewal of tenured and non-tenured, certificated and non-certificated personnel in compliance with contractual and/or statutory requirements;

Page 88 09/18/19 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the advisory Board of the Paterson Board of Education acknowledges reviewing and making comments based on the personnel recommendations of the State District Superintendent adopted in the September 18, 2019 Board Meeting.

PERSONNEL F.1 Motion to take action on personnel matters, as listed below; and appoint and submit to the County Superintendent applications for emergent hiring and the applicant’s attestation that he/she has not been convicted of any disqualifying crime pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 18A:6-7.1 et. Seq., N.J.S.A. 18A:39-17 et. seq., or N.J.S.A. 18A:6-4.13 et. seq. for those employees listed below: (All appointments are contingent upon receipt of proper teaching certification and all salary placements are pending receipt of college transcripts verifying degree status and letter stating years of service in other districts).

A. POSITION CONTROL ABOLISH/CREATE NATURE OF POSITION LOCATION DISCUSSION ACTION To reclassify LDTC Special Justification: To reclassify from pc# 6704 Education LDTC to Social Worker. Additional team support is needed in the capacity of Social Worker. Funding Source: No Change To reclassify Justification: To reclassify from PC # 55 Teacher Dance School # 6 Teacher Dance to Teacher Performing Arts at School #6 Funding Source: No change

To reclassify Director of High Academic Justification: To reclassify from pc# 2156 Schools Services Director of High Schools to Director of Secondary Education effective November 1, 2019.

Action is requested to assign Sub PC # 10162 to student J.B. 5244830 at PS # 28 as per IEP compliance. Female Aide requested. The following students need Personal Aides or Substitute Personal Aides are needed as per their 504 plans. NM (5211619), JRM (5229829), RC (5222697), AR (5215649) Insight Subs.

Action is requested to assign PC # 1028 to student SLB 5203222 at NSW as per IEP compliance. Moving with PC. Action to transfer PC # 10047 to Garret Morgan as Substitute Personal Aide PC for Student SC 2047854. PC # 10047 currently assigned to student who no longer is in district. Action is requested to assign sub PC # 10052 to student ZR 5207700 at Don Bosco as per IEP compliance.

Page 89 09/18/19 A. POSITION CONTROL ABOLISH/CREATE (CONT) Action is requested to assign Sub PC # 10186 to student SS 5232976 at PS # 1 as per IEP compliance. Female Aide requested. Previous student assigned to this PC # (JW 5216193) transferred out of the district. Insight Position.

To create eight (8) special education PC #s according to approved board resolution number 2 on August 28, 2019 as follows:  One (1) Special Education Pre-K Teacher at School 25 (PC # 6741) & One (1) Special Education Pre-K Teacher at School 28 (PC # 6742)  One (1) Special Education LLD Teacher at School 7 (PC # 6743) & One (1) Special Education LLD Teacher at DBA (PC # 6744)  One (1) Special Education SLLD Teacher at School 27 (PC # 6745) & Two (2) Special Education SLLD Teachers at School 13 (PC # 6746 & 6747)  One Instructional Coach at STARS Academy (PC # 6748)

Action is requested to assign PC #’s as per below list. School # 6 Sub PC # 10101 – Student NMD 5207500 from School # 6 to School # 2 PPS PC # 2472 – Student RM 2050197 from School # 6 to School # 2 School # 8 Sub PC # 10183 – Student AW 5215996 from School # 8 to School # 20 School # 9 PPS PC# 2438 – Student JQ 2050172 from School # 9 to EHS-SOIT School # 20 Sub PC #10086 – Student DOF 5238034 from School # 20 to MLK School #28 Sub PC # 10159 – Student DS 5239357 from School # 28 to MLK School # 29 PPS PC #3104 – Student DR 5223764 from School # 29 to PS # 7 EWK Sub PC #10006 – Student IM 5234544 from EWK to PS # 28 Dale Avenue Sub PC # 10009 – Student JV 5229427 from Dale Avenue to PS # 18 SOIT PPS PC # 2774 – Student ZJ 2045986 from SOIT to CAHT


Action is requested to assign Personal Aides to the below list of 504 students that require substitute Personal Aides. Effective 9/01/2019 Required by Code: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 STUDENT INITIALS STUDENTS ID # STUDENT’S SCHOOL STUDENT’S DIAGNOSIS D.F. 5215004 Martin Luther King Impulse Disorder/Adjustment disorder with disturbance of conduct E.G. 5211600 #7 Violent towards others, danger to self N.M. 5217593 #12 ADHD/ODD

Page 90 09/18/19 Y.M-M. 5229920 EHS-CAHTS Scoliosis A.R. 5222467 #21 Arthrogryposis I.R. 5213227 #19 Holt Orom Syndrome J.G. 5200495 #13 Diabetes Type I

B. SUSPENSIONS- N/A C.RESIGNATION/ RETIREMENT Boris Simon resignation effective September 10, 2019.


G. APPOINTMENT First Last Name Name School/Location Title Salary Reason Anania Lauren School #12 Teacher Special $57,605.00 filing Ed. Resource vacancy Baca Amanda School #16 Teacher $65,105 filling Kindergarten vacancy Bilingual Barksdale Heather School #12 Teacher $57,605.00 filling Guidance vacancy Bautista Johanna AHA Teacher Special $63, 105.00 filling Ed LLD vacancy Cardona Hector School #8 Teacher Bilingual $74,080 filling Peter vacancy Castillo Yvelka Food Services Food Service $10.00/hr filling Sub vacancy Castro Violeta Food Services Food Service $10.00/hr filling Sub vacancy Chappel Sherry AHA Cafeteria Monitor $10.00/hr filling vacancy Delvalle Gabriel EHS-GOPA Teacher Special $22,000 filling Ed. Resource vacancy Forfia-Dion Catherine Principal International $108,887 filling Baccalaureate vacancy Program Gerges Diana School# 7 Special $ 58, 105.00 filling Education LLD vacancy Hards Steve NRC Teacher Grade $63,105 filling 6-8 Science vacancy Harrell Tammie School 4/Napier Teacher $83,116.00 filling Coordinator vacancy

Page 91 09/18/19 Huang Wenjing International HS Teacher Chinese $59,605 filling vacancy Johnson Theresa School #10 Instructional Aide $28,345 filling Kindergarten vacancy Jones-Robinson Myeshia School #5 Leave $53,555 filling Replacement vacancy Special Ed Mahon Patrick School #2 Teacher Grade $63,105 filling 5-6 Science/Math vacancy Martinello Pauline School #5 Leave $22,000 filling Replacement vacancy Teacher Bilingual Mc Cabe-Nurce Ornelda School #25 Teacher $53,855 filling Preschool vacancy Special Ed. Medina Cinthia Food Services Food Service $10.00/hr filling Sub vacancy Morgan Veronika School # 5 Teacher ESL $58,605 filling vacancy Nalavany-Kane Jeana School #10 Teacher Grade 5 $53,555.00 filling vacancy Nicholson KeraAnn School #26 Teacher Grade 1 $53,855 filling vacancy Polanco-Bisomos Emely Nursing Services School Nurse $63,105.00 filling vacancy Pollock Bari School # 27 Teacher Pre-K $53,855 filling Sped. vacancy Reyes Nyerma GFA/Silk School Nurse $58k-$65k filling vacancy Schroeder Edward School #12 Teacher Grade 6 $58,105 filling Math vacancy Smith Ryan EHS-GOPA Teacher English $69,105 filling vacancy Stewart Deyanira Central Office- Teacher Social $63,105 filling Sped Services Worker vacancy Toribio Alexandra Food Services Food Service $10.00/hr filling Sub vacancy Urbaez Jeimy Food Services Food Service $10.00/hr filling Sub vacancy Vaquero Erica Edward Kilpatrick Teacher Dual $53,555 filling Language vacancy Zamot Carmen Food Services Food Service $10.00/hr filling Sub vacancy

Page 92 09/18/19 H. TRANSFERS Last Name First Name School/Location Title Salary Reason Abugosh Haifa EHS-SOIT Personal Aide no change transfer with student Aguirre Sandra School# 20 Instructional Aide no change transfer Special Ed/Autism Allan Rocio School #7 Personal Aide no change transfer with student Benjamin Quatarra EHS (.8) & Silk Teacher no change transfer (.2) Guidance Bowen-Williams Cheryl Norman S. Weir Personal Aide no change transfer with student Chestnut Carmelita School #20 Personal Aide no change transfer with student Collucci Aileen School #26 (.51) Teacher Speech no change transfer & #1 (.49) Corzo Monica School #12 Teacher no change transfer Bilingual/ESL Del Arca Cecelia School #16 Teacher Grade 1 no change transfer Bilingual/ESL Garam Katib Rosa Parks HS Personal Aide no change transfer with student Hall Cathie Dr. Napier District Security no change transfer Guard Howe Michelle JFK (.8) & Silk Teacher no change transfer (.2) Guidance Ingram Shontaine Great Falls Security Guard no change transfer Academy Keppler Patricia School #15 Reading no change transfer due Specialist to ADA Meiseles Randi School #29 (.51) Teacher no change location and School #27 Guidance change (.49) Counselor Mickens Lonnie EHS-SOIT Teacher Special no change internal Ed. MD transfer Mootoo Heidi School #16 Teacher Speech no change transfer Petrella David EHS-SOIT Teacher Special no change internal Ed. Resource transfer Ramirez Hempthe School #16 Personal Aide no change transfer with student Recca Michael Silk City Security Guard no change transfer Restoration Center Reyna Ashley School #18 Teacher Grade 4 no change title change

Rubolino Barbara HR Human no change internal

Page 93 09/18/19 Resources Rep transfer Sanchez Cayetana School #15 Teacher Grade 3 no change transfer Bilingual Scott LaToria JFK-SET Teacher Special no change transfer Ed. Resource Simon Letitia School# 6 Instructional Aide no change transfer Special Ed/Autism Stephens Alicia EHS-CAHTS Personal Aide no change transfer with student Stephens Alicia Martin Luther Personal Aide no change transfer with King student Urgovitch Anne Marie School #21 Teacher Grade 2 no change transfer Washington Angela School #20 Personal Aide no change transfer with student Zisa Dayna Marie YMA (.5) & #29 Reading no change transfer due (.5) Specialist to ADA

I. RECALL FROM RIF Last Name First School/Locatio Title Salary Reason Name n Almanzar Rosemary School #10 Teacher Grade 4-5 no Recall from RIF Bilingual change Andreanidis Elenh Don Bosco Interim Vice Principal no Recall from RIF change Annaguey Angela Don Bosco Teacher Grade 6 no Recall from RIF Social Studies change Chadderton Cheryl Academic Interim Supervisor of no Recall from RIF Services ELA change Dominique Jean School #21 Teacher Grade 5 no Recall from RIF Math change Gary-Maple Pamela Academic Interim Supervisor of no Recall from RIF Services Math change Harris Stanley NRC Teacher Music $53,555 Recall from RIF Krankel Daniel School #24 Vice Principal $106,801 Recall from RIF +$3,200 long = $110,001 total Morales Wanda NRC Teacher World $53,555 Recall from RIF Language

J. LEAVE REPLACEMENT Last Name First Name School/Location Title Salary Reason Bustios Silvana School #18 Teacher Grade 4 LR $22,000.00 leave Perm Sub replacement

Page 94 09/18/19 Grant Merna School # 27 Leave Replacement $59,605 leave Marshall Preschool Teacher replacement Johnson Darlene School #18 Tchr Sped Resource - $22,000 leave LR Perm Sub replacement Peixoto Ellen School # 15 Teacher Grade 4 $53,855 leave Leave Replacement replacement Route Rita Acting Principal International $750/day covering LOA Baccalaureate Program Santa Maria E. Assistant Interim Assistant $500/day Covering LOA Superintendent's Superintendent Office

K. DISTRICT/SCHOOL PROGRAM HIRING - N/A (CONT.) NAME POSITION LOCATION DISCUSSION Mikhailovsky, Tatiana Staff Member PACE To Hire: One Part-Time Certified Nursing Assistant/Medical Terminology/ Billing & Coding Instructor for 3 hrs a weel, for 16 weeks (hrs and days will vary) according to the guidelines and procedures of the Paterson Adult School for 2019-2020 continuation of program. Dates: 9/01/2019 – 6/30/2020 Rate of pay: $35/HR Not to Exceed: $1,680.00 Funding Source: 20.606.100.101.410.053.000.0000.00 0 Wood, Benjamin Staff Member PACE To Place: One substitute teacher for the evening programs to be available if one or more of the current teachers are unavailable to work, for up to 3 hrs/day (hrs and days will vary) according to the guidelines Dates: 2019-2020 School Year Rate of pay: $35/HR Not to Exceed: $209,280.00 Funding Source: 13.601.100.101.410.053.000.0000.00 0 – Not to exceed $104,440.00 13.602.100.101.410.053.000.0000.00 0 – Not to exceed $104,840.00


Page 95 09/18/19 NAME POSITION LOCATION DISCUSSION Schimpf, Kathleen To Hire: One Teacher to supervise Staff Members Alexander students 30 minutes before and after Alternates: Hamilton school due to the lack of playground. Elsamra, Fatma Academy Dates: 2019-2020 School Year McKiernan, Vicki Rate of pay: $35/HR Zarpaylic, Caprese Not to Exceed: $6,335.00 Radunovic, Natalija Justification: There is no playground at Kattaya, Amani AHA and the students are dismissed Granata, Teresa directly onto Straight St. and 16th Ave. Elsayed, Safaa which are major roadway in the center of DeNaples, Gina downtown of Paterson. This is unsafe for Rudd, Diane children. Funding Source: 11.421.100.101.703.053.0000.000 Reed, Janet To Hire: One Instructional Aide to Staff Members Alexander supervise students 30 minutes before Alternates: Hamilton and after school due to the lack of Figueroa, Abraham Academy playground. Eason, Felicia Dates: 2019-2020 School Year Sutera, Monique Rate of pay: $25/HR Norris, Jenine Not to Exceed: $4,525.00 Justification: There is no playground at AHA and the students are dismissed directly onto Straight St. and 16th Ave. which are major roadway in the center of downtown of Paterson. This is unsafe for children. Funding Source: 11.421.100.106.703.056.0000.000 Thompson, Cathy To Hire: One Personal Aide to supervise Staff Members Alexander students 30 minutes before and after Hamilton school due to the lack of playground. Alternates: Academy Dates: 2019-2020 School Year Figueroa, Abraham Rate of pay: $25/HR Eason, Felicia Not to Exceed: $4,525.00 Sutera, Monique Justification: There is no playground at Norris, Jenine AHA and the students are dismissed directly onto Straight St. and 16th Ave. which are major roadway in the center of downtown of Paterson. This is unsafe for children. Funding Source: 11.421.106.101.703.056.0000.000 Galizia, Virginia To Hire: One administrator for Saturday detention program for 4 hours for 10

Page 96 09/18/19 Staff Members Alexander Saturdays. Alternates: Hamilton Dates: 2019-2020 SY (10 Saturdays) Acevedo, Edwyn Academy Rate of pay: $40/HR Elsamra, Fatma Not to Exceed: $1,600.00 Funding Source: 15.421. K. DISTRICT/SCHOOL PROGRAM HIRING - N/A (CONT.) NAME POSITION LOCATION DISCUSSION Compitello, Joseph To Hire: One Teacher to supervise students 30 Staff Alexander minutes before and after school due to the lack Alternates: Members Hamilton of playground. Elsamra, Fatma Academy Dates: 2019-2020 School Year McKiernan, Vicki Rate of pay: $35/HR Zarpaylic, Caprese Not to Exceed: $6,335.00 Radunovic, Natalija Justification: There is no playground at AHA Kattaya, Amani and the students are dismissed directly onto Granata, Teresa Straight St. and 16th Ave. which are major Elsayed, Safaa roadway in the center of downtown of Paterson. DeNaples, Gina This is unsafe for children. Rudd, Diane Funding Source: 11.421.100.101.703.053.0000.000 McKiernan, Vicki To Hire: One after school/Saturday detention Alternates: Staff Alexander teacher for 1 hour 1 day a week for 40 weeks. Elsamra, Fatma Members Hamilton Dates: 2019-2020 SY (40 Saturdays) Radunovic, Natalija Academy Rate of pay: $35/HR Gagliardo, Stefanie Not to Exceed: $2,800.00 Grevensen, Justification: To implement Code of Conduct Michelle at the school and consequences for James, Jayme inappropriate behavior. Peltzer, Stephanie Funding Source: Mason, Cheryl 15.421. Dimitrion, Debra Schimpf, Kathy Compitello, Joseph Crincoli, Carmellina Husein, Taseem Elsayed, Safaa Astol, Jennifer To Hire: Three part-time evening secretaries Falu, Xiomara Staff PACE for up to 6hrs/week (hrs & days will vary) for Scott, Josephine Members Paterson approximately 40 weeks. According to the Adult guidelines & procedures of the Adult Education Continuing funds for 2019-2020 continuation of program. Education Dates: 9/01/2019-6/30/2020 Rate of pay: $17.50/HR Not to Exceed: $6,350.00 Funding Source:

Page 97 09/18/19 13.601.200.105.410.053.000.0000 Crawford, Wendell Eastside HS To Hire: One Administrator for After School & Saturday Detention during the 2019-2020 School Year, as needed Monday - Saturday, 2 hrs per day. Dates: 9/16/2019 – 6/12/2020 Rate of pay: $40/HR Not to Exceed: $11,480.00 Funding Source: 15.421. K. DISTRICT/SCHOOL PROGRAM HIRING - N/A (CONT.) NAME POSITION LOCATION DISCUSSION Route, Rita Teacher Central Office To Hire: One Teacher to develop curriculum for the Census Program Gr. K-12 Dates: 8/01/2019 – 8/30/2019 Rate of pay: $35/HR Not to Exceed: $1,925.00 Funding Source: Cash, William Staff Members Eastside HS To Hire: Three (3) Para Professionals Rojas, Jose R. for After School and Saturday Detention Sangster, Roger during the 2019-2020 School Year, as needed Monday through Saturday, 2 hours per day. Dates: 9/16/2019-6/12/2020 Rate of pay: $24/HR Not to Exceed: $6,120.00 Funding Source: 15.421. To Re-Employ: One Part-Time Hi-Set Chowdhury, Staff Member PACE Examiner for 40 weeks 5hrs/day (hrs Farzana and days will vary) according to the guidelines & procedures of funded programs FY 2019-2020. Dates: 9/01/2019-6/30/2020 Rate of pay: $17.50/HR Not to Exceed: $22,784.00 Funding Source: 13.640.200.110.410.053 = $8,784.00 20.621.200.105.410.053 =$14,000.00 Minier, Giovanna To Hire: Three Teachers for After Lyde Jr., Ray Staff Members Eastside HS School and Saturday Detention during Kennedy, Jasmine the 2019-2020 School Year, as needed Monday through Saturday, 2 hours per day. Not to exceed 262 hours.

Page 98 09/18/19 Dates: 9/16/2019 -06/12/2020 Rate of pay: $34/HR Not to Exceed: $8,908.00 Funding Source: 15.421.


Last Name First Name School/Location Title Salary Reason Gibbs Nicole School #20 Interim Principal $750/month while interim

To compensate Lecia Williamson for teaching four different preparations for the 2019- 2020 school year. Mrs. Williamson is the only teacher on staff with the Allied Health Teacher certification. Her course load is as follows: Patient Care I, Patient Care II (two periods), Medical Assisting, and Fundamentals of Health and Wellness Rutgers(DE). Mrs. Williamson received a stipend for the 2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2017-2018, and 2018-2019 school years. Funding Source:

To compensate Tatiana Mikhailovsky for teaching six periods for the 2019-2020 school year. Dr. Mikhailovsky is teaching an additional Dynamics of Healthcare in Society/Rutgers(DE). Her schedule is ECC/Medical Terminology/Rutgers(DE), Dynamics of Healthcare in Society,Rutgers(DE) (two periods), Medical Terminology (3 periods) Funding Source:

To compensate Edwin Camacho for teaching an additional class. Mr. Camacho is teaching an additional class and serving as the senior class adviser. According to contract (Page 182), Mr. Camacho is supposed to have a reduction of one class period as the Senior Class Adviser. This is not possible with his 19-20 schedule. Funding Source:

To compensate Patricia Spiliotopoulos for teaching an additional class. According to contract (Page 182), Mrs. Spiliotopoulos is entitled a reduction in two class periods for being the yearbook adviser. Her schedule of four classes for the 2019-2020 school year necessitates additional compensation. Funding Source: To compensate Jin-Young Ahn for teaching an additional class. According to contract (Page 182), as the newspaper adviser, Ms. Ahn is entitled a reduction in two class periods. She has five teaching periods instead of three for the 2019-2020 school year. Funding Source:

To compensate Louis Sayad for teaching six periods for the 2019-2020 school year. Mr. Sayad is teaching an additional Biology class. His class schedule consists of Clinical Research(DE/Rutgers), Anatomy and Physiology II/DE Rutgers (two periods), Honors Biology (2 Periods), and Biology/Lab. The remaining science teachers at HARP have full schedules. Funding Source:

Page 99 09/18/19 To compensate Kimberly Liskay-Fedo, Teacher Coordinator of Scheduling an additional 50 hours for scheduling at John F. Kennedy HS, Panther, & Stars Academy at the rate of $35.00 an hour. Hours can be worked on weekday evenings, weekends, and holidays. Effective immediately until August 30, 2019. Not to exceed: $1,750.00 Funding Source: L. STIPENDS / CONT. To compensate Arthur Carpenter, Teacher Coordinator of Scheduling an additional 50 hours for scheduling at EHS, Great Falls, and Silk City at the rate of $35.00 an hour. Hours can be worked on weekday evenings, weekends, and holidays. Effective immediately until August 30, 2019. Not to exceed: $1,750.00 Funding Source:

To compensate Mary Fierro, Teacher Coordinator of Scheduling an additional 50 hours for scheduling at GMA, Harp, I.H.S. & Rosa Parks at the rate of $35.00 an hour. Hours can be worked on weekday evenings, weekends, and holidays. Effective immediately until August 30, 2019. Not to exceed: $1,750.00 Funding Source:

To compensate one (1) Spanish teacher Digna Perez to teach a 6th period at International High School The addition of 6th class for one Spanish teacher will enable more students to take Spanish at International HS. Three years of Spanish are prerequisites for Advanced Placement and IB Spanish. Not to exceed: $4,500.00 Funding Source: To compensate the following employees for lunch supervision at School # 16 for the 2019-2020 School Year. Not to exceed: $10,000.00

Last Name First Name 1 Bodnar Edward 2 Cruz (Sub) Melany 3 Gondelman Saul 4 Leslie Kara 5 Niwash (sub) Mohamed 6 Rezzonico (sub) Gabriela 7 Velasco-Rosado Cynthia 8 Weissman Kathleen

Funding Source:

To compensate Kelly Ann Charles, Teacher Special Ed. Resource at School # 21 for a hard to fill needs stipend of $750. Ms. Charles was hired back in 2016 when the District offered a hard to fill needs stipend as a recruitment tool. Ms. Charles never received the stipend at the end of the 16-17 school year even though she had an effective rating. The original PTF hiring her was PTF 17-153. Funding Source:

Page 100 09/18/19 To compensate Jin-Young Ahn for coordinating and the organization of School IDs for HARP Academy’s ninth grade students. Ms. Ahn will work 14 hours from August 22- August 30, 2019. The total amount will not exceed $490.00. The rate will be $35.00 an hour. Funding Source: 15.421. Not to exceed: $490.00

L. STIPENDS / CONT. To hire Janet Reed as staff to cover one student lunch period. A back up staff member will be Cathy Thompson, Jenine Norris, and Monique Sutera at Alexander Hamilton Academy. Not to exceed: $2,000.00 Funding Source:

Request to hire Edwin Camacho and Alessandra M. Caple as lunch supervision teachers for the 2019-2020 school year. The teachers will receive $2,000.00 each in accordance with the PEA Contract. Not to exceed $4,000.00 Funding Source:

Reassign two (2) Chief Custodians: Daniel Rodriguez, PC # 2510 and Yesid Campo, PC # 3205 temporarily to Sector Supervisors for a three month period; September 3, 2019 – December 3, 2019. The reassignment is being done in preparation for required QSAC facilities inspections, due to the fact that the facilities staffing has been diminished as a result of recent retirement in the department. The reassignment will also include a monthly stipend in the amount of $500.00 per month. Funding Source:

Action is requested to pay lunch stipend to the following teachers for lunch supervision at School # 5 for the 2019-2020 school year at the contractual rate and considering that that rate will be adjusted to pay the teachers listed as substitutes.

Lunch Supervisors Substitute Lunch Supervisors Joyce, Adela Kelly, Coleen Perez, Mary E. Mooring, Jessica Ring, Daniel Myron, Kirsten Smith, Dilenia Renn, Michael

Funding Source: Not to exceed: $2,000 per lunch supervisors ($8,000 total for 4) and considering District Procedure for paying substitutes

To compensate Darleen Rankin 100 days at Dr. Hani Awadallah School @ 350.00 a day. 100 days at $350 a day. 100 x 350.00 = $35,000.00 Funding Source: Not to Exceed: $35,000.00

Page 101 09/18/19 To compensate ten (10) teachers who have volunteered to teach 6 periods during their supervisory period. Teacher will be compensated according to the PEA Contract. This is needed due to increase of student population at the School of Information Technology at Eastside High School.

Social Studies: Salvatore Balsamo; Diana Scimeca (as per PEA Contract) Social Studies: Craig Curley; Hiren Shah (as per PEA Contract) English: James Avino; Jeffrey Gutt (as per PEA Contract) Science: Lillian Lug; Ronald Torres; Gustave Ado (as per PEA Contract) Business: Shivangi Patel (as per PEA Contract) Funding Source: $4,500 each


Action is requested to remove Mr. Lance Jones from the 2019-2020 lunch stipend at the Senator Frank R. Lautenberg School and add Mr. Jason Cornish as the volunteer to receive stipend. Not to exceed: $2,000.00.

Personnel transaction is requesting to fill vacancy for lunch supervision position with Shaye Brown-Crandol at School # 4 for 2019-2020 School year. Fill vacancy of PC # 200061 Coverage for grade level K-5th. Not to exceed: $2,000.00 Funding Source:

Action to compensate Shelly Black with the one-time amount of $750.00 minus all appropriate deductions in full and final settlement of grievance 18-18. Funding Source:


To amend PTF # 20-004 to add Michelle Martinez to work evenings in Central Registration from March 25, 2019 through June 7, 2020 at the rate of $17.50 an hour. Not to exceed $18,112.50. Days and times may vary. Funding Source:

To amend action # 20-230 to replace a previously approved teacher with a teacher substitute and pay an hourly stipend for SFLS’s School Improvement Grant Extended Year August 26-29 for up to and not to exceed thirty-two (32) hours at $40/hour. 1 Teacher x 32 hours x $40/hour = $1,280.00 No additional funds needed. Thomas-Smith, Bridget Funding Source: 2A.455.200.100.653.053.0000.001

To amend Action # 20-683 to replace previously approved teacher with a teacher substitute and pay an hourly stipend for the School 2 Kindergarten Bridge Program for up to an not to exceed twenty-five and a quarter (25.25) hours at $35/hour per teacher from August 19, 2019 – August 30, 2019. Posting #6803.

Page 102 09/18/19 1 Teacher x 25.5 hours x $35/hour = $883.75 No additional funds needed. Jones, Tristan Funding Source: 2A.472.100.101.815.051.0000.001


Request to addendum PTA# 20-814, due to hourly increase from $34/hr to $35/hr. To hire two (2) Teachers for After School and Saturday Detention during the 2019-2020 School Year, beginning September 16, 2019 through June 12, 2020, as needed Monday through Saturday. Not to exceed 2 hours per day, approximately 255 hours x $35/hr = $8,925. 1. Kennedy, Jasmine 2. Lyde Jr., Ray 3. Minier, Giovanna Funding Source: 15.421. Not to exceed: $8,925.

Request to addendum PTA# 20-813, due to hourly increase from $24/hr to $25/hr. To hire three (3) Para Professionals for After School and Saturday Detention during the 2019-2020 School Year, beginning September 16, 2019 through June 12, 2020, as needed Monday through Saturday. Not to exceed 2 hours per day, approximately 245 hours x $25/hr = $6,125. 1. Cash, William 2. Rojas, Jose R. 3. Sangster, Roger Funding Source: 15.421. Not to exceed: $6,125.


O. SICK/VACATION DAY PAY OUT Request to process payment for seven (7) employees for sick/vacation days due to: Resignation/retirement/deceased/termination effective 9/01/19. As per contractual agreement. Please see below list. Funding Source: Not to exceed: $120,435.38 NEW HIRES ON OR AFTER JUNE 8, 2007 WOULD BE HELD TO THE $15,000.00 CAP FOR SICK DAYS PAYMENTS FOR ALL GROUPS


ABBOOD DEBORAH 9/1/1984 9/1/2019 RET. 90 $ 509.12 $45,820.08 BLACK EDWARD 9/1/1980 9/1/2019 RET. 56 $28,510.72 $ 509.12 PATTERSON RENEE 10/5/1998 9/1/2019 RET. 18 $ 9,812.88


MATTSON JONATHAN 7/23/2018 9/6/2019 RESIGN 21 $ 4,964.40 $ 236.04

TOTAL $120,435.38

P.WITHHOLDING OF INCREMENTS For the approval of the State District Superintendent Eileen F. Shafer, to restore increment withhold for one (1) employee Dina Fashed; for the 2019-2020 school year. Ms. Fashed did fulfill the 120 days requirement due to corrections on her attendance calendar.



Personnel transaction is requesting to fill vacancy for lunch supervision position with Angelite Edwards-McClam at School #14 for 2018-2019 School Year. Fill vacancy of PC# 200061. Coverage for grade level K-5th. PTF was never received. Funding Source: Not to exceed: $2,000

Action is requested to place Andrea Guerriero, Maintenance Worker Painter, PC # 1643 on the correct salary guide. The adjustment is as follows:  Effective January 1, 2018 – From Chief C, Step 11 @ $59,925 + 750 Longevity + 700 Chief Stipend = $61,375 To Maintenance Worker guide, Step 11 @ $61,475 + 750 Longevity = $62,225.  Effective July 1, 2018 – From Chief C, Step 11 @ $60,775 + 750 Longevity + 700 Chief Stipend = $62,225

Page 104 09/18/19 To Maintenance Worker guide, Step 11 @ $62,325 + 750 Longevity = $63,075  Effective July 1, 2019 – From Chief C, Step 11 @$60,775 + 750 Longevity + 700 Chief Stipend = $62,225 To Maintenance Worker guide, Step 11 @ $62,325 + 750 Longevity = $63,075 Funding Source:



U. Administrative Longevity



X. JOB DESCRIPTIONS DIRECTORS AND MANAGERS 1919 Director of Secondary Education

Y. Grievance Settlements As a result of the March 12, 2019 Level II Meeting between the Paterson Education Association and the District; the parties agreed to settle a dispute covering Class Coverage Compensation. Accordingly, the District agreed to compensate Lenore Maine $368.00 and Petronila Espinal $384.00 minus all appropriate deductions for covering classes when no substitutes were assigned. Funding Source: – L. Maine Funding Source: – P. Espina

ADDENDUM A. SEPT 16, 2019 (TO BE APPROVED 9/18/19)

PERSONNEL F.1 Motion to take action on personnel matters, as listed below; and appoint and submit to the County Superintendent applications for emergent hiring and the applicant’s attestation that he/she has not been convicted of any disqualifying crime pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 18A:6-7.1 et. Seq., N.J.S.A. 18A:39-17 et. seq., or N.J.S.A. 18A:6-4.13 et. seq. for those employees listed below: (All appointments are contingent upon receipt of proper teaching certification and all salary placements are pending receipt of college transcripts verifying degree status and letter stating years of service in other districts).

C. POSITION CONTROL ABOLISH/CREATE Action is requested to create and fund a Substitute Personal Aide for student A.C., ID# 5215663. Student attends Alexander Hamilton Academy. Effective immediately. Required by Code: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Insight Sub PC.

Page 105 09/18/19

Action is requested to transfer PC# 10116 (Instructional Aide Sped MD) from School #1 to MD class at School #26. Insight PC.

Action is requested to assign Sub PC# 10015 to student SA 5237864 at PS #25 as per IEP compliance. Previous student assigned to this PC # (SS 5232431 moved to Passaic) Male Aide requested.

Action is requested to assign Sub PC # 10054 to student J.M. 5243926 at Dale Avenue as per IEP compliance. Previous student assigned to this PC # (DA 5209985 left the country).


G. APPOINTMENT First Last Name Name School/Location Title Salary Reason Abbate Brittany School # 20 Teacher Sped. Autism $53,555 Fill Vacancy Areadela Yolanda School #29 Cafeteria Monitor $10.00/hr Fill Vacancy Beatty Kathryn JFK-STEM Teacher Science $53,855.00 Fill Vacancy Burns Saleemah School # 6 Teacher Grade 2 $59,605 Fill Vacancy Choque Ana School #3 Cafeteria Monitor 10.00/hr Fill Vacancy Colella Alyssa School #28 Teacher Grade 4 G&T $53,555.00 Fill Vacancy Coleman Kaala School #4 Cafeteria Monitor $10.00/hr Fill Vacancy Doud Kathryn School #9 Teacher Grade 5 $53,855.00 Fill Vacancy Jiminez Cynthia Part-Time Secretary Central Registration $17/hr Fill Vacancy Liriano Agueda School #3 Cafeteria Monitor 10.00/hr Fill Vacancy Malzone Alphonso Facilities Supervisor of Trade No change Filling vacancy Patel Jennie School # 16 Teacher Bilingual $63,105 Fill Vacancy Rodriguez Carlos School #27 Teacher Phys Ed/Health no change Reinstate Schroder Martyne School #2 Teacher Behaviorsit $81,025 Fill Vacancy Assessment, Planning, Supervisor of Valentin Luis and Evaluation Assessment $90,000 Fill Vacancy

H. TRANSFERS Last Name First Name School/Location Title Salary Reason Alburquerque Chris STARS Personal Aide no change Student Trans. Central $54,226 + Alessio Nancy Registration Admissions Rep Longevity Transfer

Page 106 09/18/19 Alvarez-Farraye Nilza Dr. Hani Awadallah Teacher Bilingual/ESL no change Accommodation Barrise Monique Eastside GOPA Teacher English No change Internal transfer Fadel George STARS Personal Aide no change Student Trans Employee Services Faradin Lillian Human Resources Rep no change Transfer McClam Sara Denise STARS Personal Aide no change Student Trans Muhammad Dawud EHS Personal Aide no change Transfer Pujols Yoany Adult School School Secretary no change Transfer Undiano- Instructional Aide Bennetts Lorena School #8 Kindergarten no change Transfer



NAME POSITION LOCATION DISCUSSION Malik, Maria Staff Member PACE To Hire: One Part-Time Instructional Staff for 4hrs/day, 5days/week (hrs & days will vary) according to the guidelines and procedures of the Paterson Adult School for 2019-2020 continuation of program, for approximately 87 days. Dates: 9/01/2019-6/30-2020 Rate of pay: $35/HR Not to Exceed: $19,050.00 Funding Source: 20.604.100.101.410.053 - $8,900.00 20.621.100.101.410.053 - $10,150.00 Cooney, Cindy To Hire: Six part-time teachers/crew Crenshaw, Erica Staff Members PACE leaders for the New Jersey Youth Corps McMahon, Michael after hours program, for 4hrs/day (hrs & Reilly, Kenneth days will vary) according to the Sadiku, Mirdita guidelines and procedures of the State Saleh, Randa grant program 2019-2020 continuation of funds for the New Jersey Youth Corps Program. Dates: 9/01/2019 - 6/30/2020 Rate of pay: $35/HR Not to Exceed: $11,322.50 Funding Source: 20.451.100.101.410.053 = $4,725.00 20.606.100.101.410.053 = $6,597.50

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Action to pay the following speech therapists for summer evaluations in July and August. To pay additional hours worked:

Collucci, Aileen 35 hours x $75 = $2,625.00 McCauley, Carolyn 19.5 hours x $75 = $1,462.50 Romano, Fiordaliza 6 hours x $75 = $450

Funding Source: Not to exceed: $4,537.50

To hire certified staff Melissa Vogel to supervise grades 3-5 students during lunch as per PEA Article 10:4-2.2-1 Funding Source:


Action is requested to pay stipend to Emma Stoball for Lunch Coverage at PPS No. 26 for School Year 2019-2020. Not to exceed; $2,000.00 Funding Source:

To compensate the following certified employees for the “Morning Mindful Program” to supervise and/or provide tutoring for students before school at PS # 16 from, 7:45am- 8:15am, Monday through Friday. From 9/10/19–6/26/20 = 178 days (Not to exceed $12,000.00)

1. Bodnar, Edward (Tutoring Only) 5. Leon, Sulay (Tutoring Only) 2. Campos, Vanessa (Sub for 6. Leslie, Kara (Tutoring Only) Morning Mindfulness Program) 3. Felty, Tara (Sub for Morning 7. Velasco-Rosado, Cinthya (Tutoring and Mindfulness Program) is a Sub for Morning Mindfulness Program) 4. Hazelman, Lynn (Morning 8. Weissman, Kathleen (Morning Mindfulness Program) Mindfulness Program)

Ms. Velasco, Edward Bodnar, Sulay Leon and Kara Leslie will be tutoring until funds are exhausted. Dates are from 10/10/19 – 6/26/20 @ $35 per hour. Funding Source: 15.421.100.101.309.053.0000.000 Not to exceed: $12,000.00

To provide a sixth period assignment to the following teacher: Marcela Dow: Teacher of Science, Biology. The current Biology Honors class held in STEM has 38 students, this class will be divided and all BTMF and SET students taking Bilogy Honors will move to the new course. Funding Source:

In accordance to Article XV of the PCMA contract effect 7/01/2017, the District shall supply a$450.00 uniform allowance to each applicable employee at the start of every

Page 108 09/18/19 school year so they may purchase uniforms. Below is a list of six (6) Food Service Warehouse employees who are entitled to this allowance. Not to exceed: $2,700.00

PC # Name Title Class Status Stipend Amount 6037 Diaz, Rafael A. Foreman 06/Chief Cust. Active $450.00 6034 De Leon, Daniel Truck Driver 06/Chief Cust. Active $450.00 A. 6045 Donald, Naqwan Truck Driver 06/Chief Cust. Active $450.00 6092 Lugo, Juan Truck Driver 06/Chief Cust. Active $450.00 6210 West Jr., John J. Truck Driver 06/Chief Cust. Active $450.00 6141 Williams, Wilton Truck Driver 06/Chief Cust. Active $450.00 T. Total $2,700.00 Funding Source: 60.910.310.110.310.053.0000.000


Action is requested to pay stipend to Grace Alcade for Lunch Coverage at PPS No. 26 for School Year 2019-2020. Not to exceed; $2,000.00 Funding Source:

To compensate the following teachers for Cafeteria Lunch Coverage for the 2019-2020 school year: Arleen Echevarria and Jason Doerr. Not to exceed: $2,000.00 each Funding Source:

To hire Ms. Katherine Vizcaino and Ms. Samantha Emery for Lunch Supervisor Teacher at School #24 for the 19-20 SY. Funding Source: - $2,000.00 Funding Source: - $2,000.00

This action is to correct the error made for the 2018-2019 school year to pay all of the staff members who split the one $2,000 lunch stipend at Great Falls Academy. Each of the 6 staff members on the action should receive $333 each with zero deductions for their absences. Please correct and pay each staff member their rightfully earned $333 stipend. Brown, Rahmann Johnson, Michael Veal, Brian Whitaker, Donald Funding Source: Not to exceed: $2,000.00

Request to hire Dana DePeri and Lindsay Scianna for the lunch supervision. Justification: Proper lunch supervision is required to ensure the safety of all the students. Funding Source:

Page 109 09/18/19 Request to hire Yvonne Gonzalez, Sara Ducos, and Yris Nizama-Borges for the breakfast supervision. Justification: Dale Avenue School is a unique school where more than 85% of the students are brought to school on the bus. The buses arrive at Dale Avenue School before 8:20am. Therefore, proper breakfast supervision is required to ensure the safety of all students. ½ hour per day in absence of original approved staff not to exceed $6,552.00 Funding Source: 15.421.

DBTA needs to fill vacancy for a teacher to conduct lunch supervision. Patricia Kaminski Funding Source: Not to exceed: $2,000.

DBTA needs to fill vacancy for a teacher to conduct lunch supervision. Daniel Mangani Funding Source: Not to exceed: $2,000.

M. AMENDMENTS Action to amend PTF Action # 20-275 to add a substitute nurse. Add Kimler Williamson to the substitute list. NO FUNDING NEEDED. Funding Source:





Request salary adjustment for Kevin Hooper, Supervisor of Trades (Carpentry) PC # 2230; an increase of $8,000. PC # 2742 will be reduced by $8,000.00 to fund the increase. Justification: A salary increase is being requested to bring Kevin Hooper’s salary in-line with the other department Supervisors of Trade. He has taken on additional supervisory responsibilities which include: managing the lock shop, masonry department, and glazier department. Notwithstanding the fact that he has an increased responsibility managing four additional FTE’s. Not to exceed: $73,948.00 Funding Source:






Page 110 09/18/19 X. JOB DESCRIPTIONS


It was moved by Comm. Martinez, seconded by Comm. Castillo that Resolution No. P-1 be adopted. On roll call all members voted in the affirmative, except Comm. Hodges who voted no. The motion carried.

Paterson Board of Education Standing Abstentions

Comm. Capers  Self  4th and Inches  Westside Park Group  Florio Management Company (ACES Program receives donations)

Comm. Castillo  Self  Passaic County  Transportation

Comm. Hodges  Self  Jumpstart  City of Paterson

Comm. Martinez  Self  New Jersey Community Development Corporation (NJCDC)

Comm. Olivares  Self

Comm. Ramirez  Self  Berkeley College

Comm. Redmon  Self  Historic Preservation of the City of Paterson  County of Passaic

Comm. Rondon  Self

Comm. Simmons  Self  Family


Comm. Martinez: The governance committee met on September 10th.

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Comm. Martinez reported that the Governance Committee met, reviewed and recommends approval for Resolution Nos. G-1 through G-4:

Resolution No. G-1

WHEREAS, the intention of the New Jersey Quality Single Accountability Continuum (NJQSAC) is to assure compliance with the statutes and regulations that govern schools and districts in New Jersey and to lead the school community into reflection on the performance of its students and revisions of its practices, and

WHEREAS, the vision and mission of the Paterson Public School District is to be a leader in educating New Jersey’s urban youth, and to prepare each student to be successful in the institution of higher education of their choosing and in their chosen career, and

WHEREAS, in accordance with NJQSAC, the board’s annual review of the Chief School Administrator is based on the adoption of goals and performance measurement that reflect that highest priority is given to student achievement and attention to subgroup achievement, and

WHEREAS, the four (4) major District Goals formulated in collaboration with the Board of Education and New Jersey School Boards Association will be:

Goal 1: Cabinet level administrators will develop a plan to redesign district high schools to operate more efficient and effective. The redesign will include a guidance plan to expose elementary students of possible career opportunities and high school program offerings. The plan may require the recruitment of “non-traditional” teachers. Pathway recommendations of the high school redesign plan will be presented to the Board by June 2020.

Goal 2: Grade spans 3-5 will increase Level 4 & 5 scores in ELA and Math percentage points as measured by NJSLA.

Goal 3: The district will complete the 5-Year Long Range Facility Plan inclusive of enrollment projections and academic programing for the “old Paterson Catholic site” and present to the Board by June 2020.

Goal 4: The district will update and disseminate Grade Level Expectation guides for PreK-8 inclusive of age appropriate learning skills and present to the Board of Education by June 2020.

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education adopts the amended District Goals for the 2019-2020 school year which include goals/strategies, the person(s) accountable to complete the goal, and indicators of success in completing the goals as outlined in the attached charts.

Resolution No. G-2

WHEREAS, the Paterson Board of Education (“Board”) has negotiated a Stipulation of Settlement (“Agreement”) in connection with the Due Process Petition filed by A.C. and S.A. o/b/o S.C. before the Office of Administrative Law, OAL Dkt. No. EDU 03877-18; Agency Ref. No. 2018-27503; and

Page 112 09/18/19 WHEREAS, the Board agrees, by way of this Agreement, to resolve the above- referenced litigation; and

WHEREAS, the Board has reviewed the Agreement and determined that it is in its best interest for cost efficiency to settle this matter without further litigation.

BE IT RESOLVED that the Board hereby approves the attached Agreement and authorizes the Board President and the Business Administrator/Board Secretary to execute the Agreement on behalf of the Board; and to take such further steps as may be necessary to effectuate the within Agreement and carry out this action of the Board.

Resolution No. G-3

WHEREAS, the Paterson Board of Education (“Board”) has negotiated a Stipulation of Settlement (“Agreement”) in connection with the Due Process Petition filed by M.B. o/b/o J.B. before the Office of Administrative Law, OAL Dkt. No. EDU 04491-2019; Agency Ref. No. 2019-29600; and

WHEREAS, the Board agrees, by way of this Agreement, to resolve the above- referenced litigation; and

WHEREAS, the Board has reviewed the Agreement and determined that it is in its best interest for cost efficiency to settle this matter without further litigation;

BE IT RESOLVED that the Board hereby approves the attached Agreement and authorizes the completion of stipulated independent educational evaluations at the Board’s expense, and the payment of $6,500.00 for Petitioner’s legal cost and fees to Phillip T. Taylor, Esq., as set forth in the Agreement; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board authorizes the Board President and the Business Administrator/Board Secretary to execute the Agreement on behalf of the Board; and to take such further steps as may be necessary to effectuate the within Agreement and carry out this action of the Board.

Resolution No. G-4

WHEREAS, the Executive County Superintendent (ECS) shall approve or disapprove the selection of quantitative merit criteria and/or qualitative merit criteria, as well as, the data that forms the basis of measuring the achievement of the merit criteria, and

WHEREAS, the merit goals were formulated in collaboration with the ECS and consist of:

Quantitative Merit Goals:

1. Forty-Three percent (43%) of the 2018-2019 graduates met the graduation assessment requirement via the portfolio appeals process. By June 2020, the number of students graduating through the use of portfolio appeals will decrease 5 percentage points from 43% to 38%. 2. By June 2020, the number of students reading on grade level will increase by a total of 5 percentage points in grades K-5 from 42% to 47%. 3. By June 2020, inclusive of grades 6-8 and 9-12 will increase their September 2019 baseline score on the Assessment and Learning in Knowledge Spaces (ALEKS) by 10 percentage points.

Page 113 09/18/19

Qualitative Merit Goals:

4. The Superintendent will schedule a community forum in each of the six wards to review the 5-Year Strategic Plan and the action steps for this year by June 2020. 5. The Superintendent will schedule roundtables with middle school and high school students, teachers, paraprofessionals, parents, and clergy to discuss the HIB Resource Guide and educate them on the policies, procedures and resources available.

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board approves the Superintendent’s quantitative and qualitative merit goals for school year 2019-2020; and further, that the Board approve the submission of the Superintendent’s quantitative and qualitative merit goals for the school year 2019-2020 to the Executive County Superintendent.

It was moved by Comm. Redmon, seconded by Comm. Simmons that Resolution Nos. G-1 through G-4 be adopted. On roll call all members voted in the affirmative. The motion carried.

Paterson Board of Education Standing Abstentions

Comm. Capers  Self  4th and Inches  Westside Park Group  Florio Management Company (ACES Program receives donations)

Comm. Castillo  Self  Passaic County  Transportation

Comm. Hodges  Self  Jumpstart  City of Paterson

Comm. Martinez  Self  New Jersey Community Development Corporation (NJCDC)

Comm. Olivares  Self

Comm. Ramirez  Self  Berkeley College

Comm. Redmon  Self  Historic Preservation of the City of Paterson  County of Passaic

Page 114 09/18/19 Comm. Rondon  Self

Comm. Simmons  Self  Family


No submission

Committee Reports

Facilities Committee

Comm. Castillo: I don’t know if any of these committees met since our last workshop. Comm. Capers, did facilities meet again?

Comm. Capers: No. The last time we met was August 27th, 2019. Time was 5:00 pm. I didn't share these minutes at the last workshop. I said that I don’t have them here for the Board meeting. The meeting was on the 27th of August. The time was 5:00 pm. Members present were myself and Dr. Hodges. Absent were Comm. Olivares and Comm. Ramirez. Also, Assistant Superintendent Dave Cozart was there and also Director Neil Mapp. We went over and covered the summer cleaning update where we got a great update and a very detailed report on school opening. All the classrooms were being cleaned. Also, we talked about the 33-35 Church Street reuse or sale of the property. Also, Mr. Matthews was also in attendance for the meeting. We discussed whether we should reuse the building or sell. We’ve got to get more details and more discussions over that. The meeting adjourned at 5:45 pm. Are there any questions?

Parent/Community Engagement Committee

Comm. Castillo: Parent and Community Engagement met as well. Were those the reports that you shared with us at the last meeting?

Comm. Capers: Yes.

Comm. Castillo: Awesome.

Government Joint Education Committee

Comm. Redmond: Just to update you - the meeting that was scheduled for Monday is going to be rescheduled for September 7th at 5:30.

Policy Committee

Comm. Simmons: Policy did not meet. It's being rescheduled. We are waiting for the latest policy update from our policy consultant, as well as the Student Code of Conduct which we will be revisiting for updates.

Page 115 09/18/19 Technology Committee

Comm. Simmons: Technology did not meet either. It was rescheduled for this upcoming month.

Transition Committee

Comm. Redmon: Transition did not meet.


Comm. Castillo: Just before we move on into Other Business, Madam Deputy, I know you wanted our input for the expectation guides. Is there a due date?

Ms. Peron: I didn’t think of a due date, but as soon as possible. I would say within the next two weeks. The sooner, the better! October 1st.

Comm. Castillo: Board members, if we can have all comments about the grade level expectation guides by October 1st, you can just go on the Google doc and make sure there's any feedback of what we’re looking into. It's in there so that the administration has ample time give us a document for our review. Is there any Other Business?

Comm. Hodges: I'd like to have a report about how Great Falls and Silk City are getting along. I think that they’ve been there a while and I'm hearing things. I don’t see any SIR reports so I'd like to know what's going on there and how they're doing.

Comm. Castillo: If you could just give us a report on how they’re working and how the transition has gone because there haven’t been any SIR reports, but there's been some conversation.

Ms. Shafer: An incident you may have heard about was a student from Eastside went down to Silk City/Great Falls and there was an altercation. I can ask Sandra Diodonet to give more of the specifics. That was one incident. We just worked out today additional time for Great Falls and Silk City to go and use Bauerle Field for physical education in addition to going to the Boys and Girls Club. Sandra, do you have any additional comments?

Ms. Sandra Diodonet: Good evening, Commissioners. Those are the only two issues that I would bring up at this time. This is the tenth day of school. I did go the first two days there and there was teaching and learning going on. Teachers were in their classrooms. In terms of teachers unpacking their stuff, those things were done as well. Our action plan is pretty much up to date. There's nothing outstanding that I can say is a problem at this time or a concern. Like Madam Superintendent said, we got them on the field and the schedule worked out. Kids are participating in physical education. I can do a full report and I can do walkthroughs, unless there's anything specific that you want to talk about.

Comm. Hodges: None of those incidents were in SIR so that’s why I was concerned.

Ms. Diodonet: That one was a child that had come from Eastside. So it wasn’t necessarily within the school.

Comm. Capers: Do they have use of that basketball court at Bauerle Field? I know they were using that before.

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Ms. Diodonet: You're referring to the basketball court at School No. 15? No, there is a court there and there was a backboard that was broken. There weren’t any nets there so that was taken apart. Madam Superintendent and I did have a conversation yesterday in trying to get a work order up so that we can make that functional again. Even the poles were taken out and filled so we’ll be working on trying to get something there again for them. But they are on the field and we’re working on getting them physical education on the field, not the fieldhouse.

Comm. Capers: (Comments were made away from the microphone and were not heard on tape)

Ms. Diodonet: Yes, the Boys and Girls Club.

Comm. Capers: (Comments were made away from the microphone and were not heard on tape)

Ms. Diodonet: That was contractual money.

Comm. Capers: (Comments were made away from the microphone and were not heard on tape)

Ms. Diodonet: More or less. That’s done through our physical education department and Mr. Matthews worked out that deal.

Comm. Capers: The Boys and Girls Club, how does that work out in the schedule?

Ms. Diodonet: That is at the end of day, Monday through Friday, from 1:00 to 3:15.

Comm. Capers: But how does that work? Does everybody go in at one time?

Ms. Diodonet: No, it's a schedule.

Comm. Castillo: I would like to follow up on Dr. Hodges’ discussion. I know that once our workshop comes there will be a few more days in between. So, if at the workshop we can have a report on the transition, I think that would be a great idea. The fact that you told us right now is fine, but at least in the next two weeks we’ll have another report just to update.

Comm. Hodges: There was a concern before they moved into the building and I wanted to make sure that there was continuity and there weren’t any different problems. I was informed recently of some situations that did not appear in the SIR and I was a little concerned. I didn’t know why we didn’t know that. There were these other issues so that’s why I'm looking to make sure that transition is going the way we anticipated at this point.

Ms. Diodonet: Sure, I’ll give a full report. I think I need more specifics when you said that they weren’t in the SIR. The only incident that occurred was the one that we reported out which was the child that came from eastside over. We’ve done a lot of team building activities among the staff as well as students to ensure that that was a smooth transition. We did it in June and then again opening day. There was another child that I believe got arrested, but that was also done in the SIR.

Page 117 09/18/19 Comm. Castillo: Just to make sure, if you could just reach out to the principals of the building and make sure that there is not anything that we are unaware of because obviously you report the information that you have. If there is any other information that is being shared, we just want to make sure that everyone is on the same page on that.

Ms. Diodonet: Noted. Thank you.

School Naming Ad Hoc Committee

Comm. Castillo: Are there any other questions? We did skip a committee. Comm. Simmons, the naming ad hoc committee?

Comm. Simmons: We met on the 16th. There were two presentations and we basically had a discussion about those presentations or listened to those presentations. The first was a presentation to rename the basketball courts at School No. 13 after Robert “Tootie” Harrell, who is a longtime coach and involved for a long time with athletics education. His wife was a longtime employee of the district as well. He passed away a couple of years ago so the committee has recommended that the court be named after him. A resolution will come forward later. There is a committee that is working on the funding for the signage, the ground breaking. They will contact the Superintendent's office to work on the resolution that will be presented at a future meeting. We also heard a presentation on the naming of Great Falls Academy to Al “Tambua” Moody Academy for Social Change. The committee is waiting currently. We put it on hold. We’re waiting further clarification on the intent of the policy and past practice for naming buildings. So, we’re waiting for clarification on that. The committee will convene again and after we convene the next time we will come back with a recommendation.

Comm. Castillo: Thank you, Commissioner.

Comm. Capers: Which clarification are you waiting for?

Comm. Redmond: He asked what clarification you’re waiting for.

Comm. Simmons: That was clarification on the intent of the policy. We’re waiting for that and we will convene again. Once we get that clarification, we’ll have a recommendation.

Comm. Capers: What part of the policy? I didn’t hear that clearly.

Comm. Simmons: The intent of the policy. Period! Once we get clarification, we’ll come back with a recommendation. I don’t know any other way to say it.

Comm. Capers: Thank you.

It was moved by Comm. Redmon, seconded by Comm. Ramirez that the meeting be adjourned. On roll call all members voted in the affirmative. The motion carried.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:16 p.m.

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