1 Minutes of meeting held on 4th July, 2018 3 - 6

2 Electric vehicle charging for residents of terraced houses or apartments - verbal update.

3 HGV Management Strategy and 4-axle Vehicles 7 - 12

4 Public Realm Strategy implementation - update on projects 13 - 16

5 Draft Dublin City Council Special Speed Limit Bye-Laws 2018 - report on public 17 - 60 consultation

6 Draft Dublin City Council Control of On-Street Sustainable Deliveries Eco Hub 61 - 70 Bye-Laws 2018 - report on public consultation

7 Dublin City Council Horse Drawn Carriage Bye-Laws - verbal update

8 Smart Phone usage in public (deferred from April/July 2018 meetings) 71 - 74

9 Review of papal transport/travel arrangements - presentation

10 Minutes of Cycling and Walking Sub-Committee meeting held on 7th March, 2018 75 - 80 (deferred from July 2018 meeting)

11 Motion in the name of Councillor Damian O'Farrell: That this Transport SPC agrees that all DCC 'Parking Tag' charging anomalies should be fixed as a matter of urgency and a report brought back to the next Transport SPC."

12 Motion in the name of Councillor Patrick Costello: "That this committee agrees to undertake a pilot study, including broad public consultation, of "School Streets" where the streets around a school temporarily become pedestrians and cycles only at set times in the morning and afternoon around opening and closing of the school. Vehicles, with some exemptions, are not permitted to enter the street between these times. Such School streets have been trialed in other countries and would help ensure safe and sustainable routes to schools."

13 Motion in the name of Councillor Ciarán Cuffe: "That the 'green man' period at pedestrian signals throughout the city centre be increased by one second in order to better facilitate more vulnerable road users who would benefit from additional crossing time."

14 Motion in the name of Councillor Deirdre Heney (regarding part 1): "Following a recent successful prosecution by Gardaí in a court case involving animal cruelty against a carriage horse owner in Dublin, and in order to reduce/eliminate cruelty to horses in our city, that Dublin City Council: 1. Review its Horse Drawn Carriages bye-laws 2. Work with An Garda Síochána, the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, the DSPCA, the Control of Horses Act 1996, Dublin City Council's Control of Horses Bye-laws 2014 in order to bring about greater enforcement of existing legislation and 3. Arrange the introduction of routine welfare checks of horses (including checks on harnessing etc) by a qualified equine veterinarian or suitably qualified authorised officer." (The Motion was referred to the Arts, Culture and Recreation SPC in relation to parts 2 and 3.

15 Motion in the name of Councillor Paddy Smyth: "This committee calls on the Minister for Transport to amend the Road Traffic Act to allow for the introduction of 'Living Streets' i.e. traffic restrictions on urban residential streets similar to those used in Germany (Spielstraße) and the Netherlands (Woonerf) in which pedestrians/cyclists are prioritised over motor vehicles."

“(Background: A living street is a street designed primarily with the interests of pedestrians and cyclists in mind and as a social space where people can meet and where children may also be able to play legally and safely. These roads are still available for use by motor vehicles, however their design aims to reduce both the speed and dominance of motorised transport. This is often achieved using the shared space approach, with greatly reduced demarcations between vehicle traffic and pedestrians. Vehicle parking may also be restricted to designated bays.

Living street - Wikipedia”

16 Motion in the name of Councillor Ray McHugh "This Committee agree, to write to the NTA or whoever is responsible to address the signing on Motorways entering Dublin directing motorists to the ferry in Dun Laoghaire, There is no ferry service in Dun Laoghaire and is causing difficulties for tourists and motorists."



SPC Members:

Cllr Ciarán Cuffe, Chairperson; Cllr Kieran Binchy; Cllr Tom Brabazon; Cllr Mannix Flynn; Cllr Paul Hand; Cllr Jane Horgan-Jones; Cllr Teresa Keegan, Cllr Frank Kennedy; Cllr Paddy McCartan; Cllr Ruairí McGinley; Cllr Ray McHugh; Cllr Ciarán O’Moore, Cllr Larry O’Toole.

Mr Martin Hoey, Public Participation Network; Mr Colm Ryder, Dublin Cycling Campaign; Mr Barry Aldworth, AA Ireland Ltd.

Apologies: Ms Fiona Kelty, National Council for the Blind of Ireland; Mr Richard Guiney, Dublin City Business Improvement District t/a Dublin Town; Mr Keith Gavin, Irish Parking Association;

Members of the City Council:

Lord Mayor Nial Ring; Deputy Lord Mayor Cathleen Carney Boud; Cllr Dermot Lacey; Cllr Patrick Costello; Cllr Paddy Burke; Cllr Anne Feeney; Cllr Paul McAuliffe; Cllr Michael Mullooly; Cllr Micheál MacDonncha; Cllr Deirdre Heney; Cllr Claire Byrne

Dublin City Council Staff:

Mr Dick Brady, Assistant Chief Executive; Mr Brendan O’Brien, Acting Executive Manager (Traffic); Mr Kevin Meade, Senior Executive Officer;

Ms Esther Hickey, Administrative Officer; Mr Stephen Hickey, Senior Staff Officer; Ms Mary Boyle, Staff Officer; Mr Michael Mann, Staff Officer; Mr Fergal McKay, Assistant Staff Officer

National Transport Authority: Mr Hugh Creegan, Director of Transport Investment and Taxi Regulation

Jarrett Walker and Associates, Public Transit Planning and Policy Consultants: Mr Jarrett Walker.

Item No.

1 Minutes of meeting held on 19th April, 2018

Minutes agreed

1 Page 3 Regarding Item No. 8, it was agreed to defer the Motion in the name of Cllr Damian O’Farrell to the next meeting of the Transportation SPC.

Regarding Item No. 14, it was agreed to move the Motion in the name of Councillor Dermot Lacey for a report.

2 BusConnects - presentation by Mr Jarrett Walker, Jarrett Walker and Associates, Public Transit Planning and Policy Consultants.

Mr Jarrett Walker gave a presentation on Bus Connects and details of the public consultation starting on 16th July, 2018. A full report setting out all details, and a summary report, and maps are available at The findings of the public consultation will be published towards the end of 2018. Mr Walker and Mr Hugh Creegan, Director of Transport Investment and Taxi Regulation, NTA, replied in detail to Members’ questions. In response to Members’ concerns on holding a public consultation over the summer, Mr Creegan said that the public consultation period will be extended to the end of September. A separate major public consultation will be held then on the bus lanes, which will involve further more detailed discussions. The Chairperson and Members thanked Mr Walker and Mr Creegan.


3 National Transport Authority Capital Project funding 2018 (deferred from April 2018 meeting)

Mr Brendan O’Brien said that the list represented the initial funding allocation from the NTA from the sustainable transport measure grants. Mr O’Brien replied to Members questions.

Report Noted.

4 Electric Vehicle Charging for residents of terraced houses or apartments (deferred from April 2018 meeting)

Mr Kevin Meade outlined details of the report. Following discussion, the Chairperson requested that discussions be held with Public Lighting on a pilot scheme for charging vehicles from public lighting standards, as is happening in the Dun Laoghaire Rathdown area.

It was agreed to submit a further report to the September meeting of the Transportation SPC on how to progress the provision of electric vehicle charging points.

5 Public Realm projects report (deferred from April 2018 meeting)

Deferred to a future date

6 Smart Phone usage in public (deferred from April 2018 meeting)

Deferred to a future date

7 Minutes of Cycling and Walking Sub-Committee meeting held on 7th March, 2018

Deferred to a future date

2 Page 4 8 Motion in the name of Councillor Damian O'Farrell: "That this Transport SPC agrees that all DCC 'Parking Tag' charging anomalies should be fixed as a matter of urgency and a report brought back to the next Transport SPC."

Agreed to defer the Motion in the name of Cllr Damian O’Farrell to the next meeting of the Transportation SPC.

9 Motion in the name of Councillor Patrick Costello: "That this committee agrees to undertake a pilot study, including broad public consultation, of "School Streets" where the streets around a school temporarily become pedestrians and cycles only at set times in the morning and afternoon around opening and closing of the school. Vehicles, with some exemptions, are not permitted to enter the street between these times. Such School streets have been trialed in other countries and would help ensure safe and sustainable routes to schools."

Deferred to a future date

10 Motion in the name of Councillor Ciaran O' Moore, Councillor Larry O'Toole and Councillor Ray McHugh: "In light of the recent revelations in the media in relation to rickshaws, I would propose that this transport SPC request that Minster Shane Ross carries out a immediate safety review with the view to implementing and introduce robust regulations for rickshaws within a short timeframe."

As requested by Councillor Ciarán O’Moore, Motion agreed without debate

11 Motion in the name of Councillor Ciarán Cuffe: "That the 'green man' period at pedestrian signals throughout the city centre be increased by one second in order to better facilitate more vulnerable road users who would benefit from additional crossing time."

Deferred to a future date

12 Motion in the name of Councillor Deirdre Heney (regarding part 1): "Following a recent successful prosecution by Gardaí in a court case involving animal cruelty against a carriage horse owner in Dublin, and in order to reduce/eliminate cruelty to horses in our city, that Dublin City Council: 1. Review its Horse Drawn Carriages bye-laws, 2. Work with An Garda Síochána, the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, the DSPCA, the Control of Horses Act 1996, Dublin City Council's Control of Horses Bye-laws 2014 in order to bring about greater enforcement of existing legislation and 3. Arrange the introduction of routine welfare checks of horses (including checks on harnessing etc) by a qualified equine veterinarian or suitably qualified authorised officer." (The Motion was referred to the Arts, Culture and Recreation SPC in relation to parts 2 and 3).

Deferred to a future date

13 Motion in the name of Councillor Paddy Smyth: "This committee calls on the Minister for Transport to amend the Road Traffic Act to allow for the introduction of 'Living Streets' i.e. traffic restrictions on urban residential streets similar to those used in Germany (Spielstraße) and the Netherlands (Woonerf) in which pedestrians/cyclists are prioritised over motor vehicles." (Background: A living street is a street designed primarily with the interests of pedestrians and cyclists in mind and as a social space where people can meet and where children may also be able to play legally and safely. These roads are still available for use by motor vehicles, however their design aims to reduce both the speed and dominance of motorised transport. This is often achieved using the shared space 3 Page 5 approach, with greatly reduced demarcations between vehicle traffic and pedestrians. Vehicle parking may also be restricted to designated bays

Deferred to a future date

14 Motion in the name of Councillor Dermot Lacey: "To request management to prepare a report on the possibility of installing Disabled Cycle Parking facilities."

it was agreed to move the Motion in the name of Councillor Dermot Lacey for a report.

Councillor Ciaran Cuffe Chairperson Wednesday 4 July 2018

4 Page 6 HGV Management system

Item No. 3

Report to Chairperson and Members of the Transportation Strategic Policy Committee

HGV management system and 4 axle vehicles

Brendan O’Brien a/Executive Manager (Traffic)

Page- 71 - HGV Management system


The Dublin Port tunnel is designed to remove Port related vehicles, especially large trucks from the city centre and suburban roads leading to the Port area. In conjunction with the Dublin Port Tunnel project, a HGV management plan was required to be put in place. This was to ensure that the benefits of the tunnel were maximised while at the same time ensuring that the economic activity of the city could continue to grow.

In April 2006, implementation of a HGV cordon was proposed which would allow for the City Council to ban large trucks based on the number of axles from a wide area of the city. The original proposal was to allow trucks to still access the port area from East Wall Road and from Strand Road; however, the Council decision was that there should not be any surface access to the port tunnel during the hours of the HGV ban.

The HGV management strategy that was then put in place was to ban all 5+ axle vehicles during the hours of 07.00-19.00 seven days a week from a designated cordon area and so ensure that all 5+ axle truck access to Dublin Port was via the Port Tunnel and not the city streets.

However, in order to ensure that necessary commercial activity could continue in the city a permit scheme for 5+ axle vehicles that need to load/unload within the city centre area needed to be put in place.

As a consequence of the HGV cordon now being a closed cordon around the port area, Dublin City Council were required to put in place a scheme whereby the hauliers who used the Eastlink toll bridge during the hours of the ban, would have their tolls refunded, provided they met certain criteria.

The objectives of the HGV management strategy as set out in 2006 and accepted by the City Council are:

Maximising the use of the DPT and minimising use of the city streets by HGVs travelling to/from Dublin Port,

To minimize the conflicts between delivery and service requirements of businesses and the needs of all other road users.

Managing diverted HGVs under partial or full DPT closure conditions.

The operation of an East Link rebate scheme for affected hauliers.

The HGV management strategy comprises three main elements: -

1. The implementation and operation of the ban on 5+ axle vehicles within a cordon area and its associated systems.

2. The HGV Permit scheme

3. The implementation and operation of an Eastlink toll rebate scheme.

Page- 2 -8 HGV Management system

The ban on 5+ axle vehicles between 07:00 - 19:00 came into effect on the 19th of February 2007. The ban has been outstandingly successful in reducing the numbers of trucks in the city centre and especially on the North and South Quays.

HGV permit Scheme

A dedicated multilingual all electronic permit scheme was put in place to allow 5+ axle vehicles that were necessary for the economic activity in the city, to still be allowed to access premises within the city centre.

The permit scheme is a two-part process with premises who wish to use 5+ axle vehicles during the cordon hours being required to register on the system. The haulage company can then apply to deliver to premises, once it is registered; in their application they must give their entry and exit points to the cordon and their destination. The permits are a day permit costing 10 euros which allows for up to five separate entries and exits to the cordon in one day.

A transit permit class was also created which provided a route for vehicles, that were excluded from using the Port Tunnel, in order to exit/ access the port. With the introduction of the maximum height legislation in 2013 over height vehicles are no longer allowed to request a transit permit. Transit permits can now only be applied for when vehicles are not allowed to use the Port Tunnel under the Tunnel regulations. There is no charge for this permit.

Page- 93 - HGV Management system

HGV rebate scheme Eastlink (Tom Clarke) Toll Bridge

The rebate scheme on the toll bridge applies during the hours of the 5+ HGV ban in the city centre and a haulier who uses the bridge can claim a rebate on their toll provided they meet set criteria. This currently means that around one million of toll income is foregone by the City Council with this measure.

Extension of 5+ axle ban to 4 axle vehicles.

The intention of the original ban was to maximise the use of the Dublin Port Tunnel and to minimise use of city streets by Port traffic and at the time an analysis of the traffic volumes in the Port showed that over 65% of all vehicle movements at the port were 5+ axle vehicles.

The number of axles was therefore set at 5 or over and this has remained the same since 2007.

When we now look at the volume of trucks using the North Wall Quay we can see that the daily numbers of 4 axle vehicles on the Quay is substantially less than the numbers of 5+ axle vehicle.

5+Axle vehicles Nth Wall Quay 4 Axle Vehicles Nth Wall Quay

At East Wall Road at the Alexandra Road the total volume of 4 and 5+ axle vehicles during the hours of the ban are 2,569 of which 4 axle vehicles are 433 or 16% of the total.

4 axle port related traffic is quite light and the extension of the ban to 4 axle vehicles will result in banning substantial numbers of non-port related movements.

Page- 4 10 - HGV Management system

Legislative context.

S.I. 638/2006 sets out the description of axles and how to determine which axles are included in the definition of excluded vehicles.

“total number of axles” in relation to a mechanically propelled vehicle, means that all the wheels of the vehicle, the centres of which lie in a vertical plane extending across the full width of the vehicle at right angles to its longitudinal axis is to be regarded as forming a single axle and in determining the total number of axles, any axle attached to a vehicle or attached to any trailer drawn by the vehicle which is capable of transmitting any part of the weight of the vehicle or trailer to the surface of a road is included in the total.

The legislation makes no difference between a 4 axle ridged or 4 axle articulated vehicle and this is an issue when we consider extending the ban to 4 axle vehicles as 5 axle vehicles are almost exclusively articulated whereas 4 axles are not.

Restrictions of current strategy.

The HGV permit system is currently based on a two stage process with premises who want to receive a delivery from a 5+ axle vehicle being required to register in the HGV system. When a premises registers they must submit the Company Registration number in order to complete their registration.

A 5+ axle vehicle can only deliver to a premises registered on the HGV system and a non-commercial premises cannot register at present on the current system to use a 5+ axle truck. Once a premises is correctly registered the system will automatically allow a haulier to obtain a permit to deliver to that premises. The system is a 24+7 multilingual system designed to allow hauliers throughout Europe to obtain permits and so not operate at any disadvantage to Irish based hauliers.

4 axle trucks are spoil removal trucks, concrete trucks and waste removal trucks and all of these vehicles may be required to load/unload at private premises, for example construction works such as extensions or new build on existing sites.

This was not envisaged in the original HGV scheme and the current permit system would need upgrading before any change to the scheme can be made but more importantly the HGV strategy will have to be revised and modified to take account of new requirements.

An assessment is needed to determine if the removal of 4 axle vehicles adds to the strategy versus the costs of implementing both on the City Council, industry and private residences. Also this assessment should determine if the ban should extend to three axle trucks at the same time.

Page- 115 - HGV Management system


The extension of the HGV management system to 4 axle vehicles would require the following :-

1. An assessment is needed to determine the impact of the proposed extension and if it is warranted.

2. A period of industry and public consultation would be needed to determine potential issues.

3. A revised HGV management strategy would then be required to set out the objectives for a HGV management strategy which includes 4 axle vehicles. This strategy would no longer just focus on Port Traffic and the Port Tunnel but rather on how the strategy works in the context of the whole city.

4. Strategy would also assess the current cordon and determine if any changes are required.

5. Strategy needs to address how non-commercial premises can register for 4 axle use and whether this is practical.

6. New strategy should also take account of items such as Euro class of vehicles allowed into cordon and if additional truck safety requirements can be legally added to permit application.

7. The existing HGV permit issuing system was put in place in 2007 and needs to be upgraded and replaced and this work is commencing.

Page- 6 12 - Item No. 4

To Members of the Transportation Strategic Policy Committee

Public Realm Projects Report September 2018

Dick Brady Assistant Chief Executive

Page 13

The City Council is continuing work on a number of Public Realm Projects which were identified in the 2016 City Centre Public Realm Masterplan or nominated under the 2012 Public Realm Strategy. These works may be joint projects in association with other city stakeholders such as Transport Infrastructure Ireland, Irish Water, National Transport Authority or may sit within the internal Departments of Dublin City Council.

The recently established Strategic Public Realm Group which is comprised of the heads of Departments in each of the strategic areas delivering or managing public realm is chaired by Mr. Dick Brady Assistant Chief Executive and has oversight of these projects.

A multi-disciplinary working group initiates projects and inputs into the projects through to delivery. The Group bring forward policy documents to assist in implementing standards and improving Project delivery. The Working Group advocate for quality public realm and design in other projects outside the remit of the Strategy in addition to promoting compliance with the objectives of the Public Realm Strategy and Universal Design Principles. All projects are assigned to the appropriate Department with the Public Realm Working Group providing initial briefs, guidance and policy documents. The intention is to deliver a number of key projects to act as exemplars to other agencies, departments and individuals delivering public realm in the first instance. The projects identified are considered to have the greatest potential for improving the individuals experience of the city.

Phase 1 of the City Centre Master-plan 2016 to 2022 has 21 named projects and two larger Public Realm Plans – The Grafton Street Quarter Public Realm Plan and the Docklands SDZ Public Realm Plan. The PR Plans have a number of projects within them and will run for a longer period than 6 years. The other projects will all come through Part 8 process and undertake detailed consultation with city stakeholders before moving forward.

1. Projects under the Public Realm Strategy

Projects Progress in Previous Quarter Next Stage

Grafton Street Quarter Public Realm Chatham Street, Harry Street and Balfe Street area - On site to be completed . Plan Works ongoing and are scheduled for completion by the end of 2018

Clarendon Street / Clarendon Row – Part 8 planning Procurement and Design approval in place Detailed design and tender process to process in train. be conducted in 2018 with works scheduled to commence in late 2018 / early 2019

South Anne Street / Duke Street Area -Preliminary design Initiate projects taking account works underway with Part 8 planning application to be of works by others in the area lodged in 2018 and timelines

Parnell Square Public Realm Project Preparation of Environmental Impact Assessment report Application to Bord Pleanale. ongoing and application due to be lodged Q3 2018

Dubline Ongoing Project under South Central Area, which Ongoing engagement with includes greening and seating strategy, shopfront Stakeholders and identifying

competition, lighting and animation in the Public Realm appropriate projects for funding funded by Fáilte Ireland. Delivery includes information approval. panels, greening of High Street and lighting of the City Walls at Cook St., upgrade of Crane Street Currently tech project running on tourist wayfinding.

Page 14

Dublin Docklands SDZ Public Realm Public Realm Plan produced. Palette of materials Ongoing engagement in Plan produced as guidance to developers and stakeholders in Community Forum and with the public realm. water animation strategy produced as developers for delivery of guidance document for consultation. Ongoing liaison objectives including trials and with Developers, the Port, Waterways Ireland in private public realm.. delivering spaces/animation in the public realm. A number of Part 8 to be brought forward in 2019..

2. Public Realm Master Plan Projects

Project Progress in Previous Quarter Next Stage

College Green Oral Hearing concluded on 28th March, 2018. Application with An Bord Pleanála for decision due 5th Oct Decision anticipated

Liffey Street Upper Both Upper and Lower are included in the project although At design detail to bring to Part Liffey Street Lower they have very different uses and issues. Design Team in 8 Q4 place carrying out stakeholder engagements to bring to Part 8 in 2018 workshop with business groups on Sept 5th.

Works will be balanced with Mary St West At Tender for Design Team works on

and traffic management Part 8 in place. Two phases to project Castle Street/ Cork Hill requirements. 1.Accessibility of City Hall at design detail to go to tender for construction in Oct 2018 Works currently underway in Dublin Castle by OPW,

logistically issue to be agreed. Roads Construction tender to Design detail and procurement. issue for Castle St shortly.

Barnardos Sq/ Exchange Street Exchange Street has Part 8 and will be the next stage of the project Q4 2018

Tender for Construction Q3 which will include significant Construction tender review and Temple Bar Public Realm Plan rehabilitation works on behalf of Irish Water and ground procurement. excavations which mean a longer project timeline than anticipated

Not Commenced Existing Planning permissions Little Mary Street Not commenced and anticipated private Talbot Street West Not Commenced development works mean these projects are contraindicated Talbot Street East currently and will be advanced as soon as feasible.

Luas Associated Projects

Cathal Brugha Street Consultations held with local Stakeholders and internal Outline design being drafted for Departments with a view to commencing Part 8 Q4 2018 agency/ stakeholder agreement.

Sackville Place /Cathedral Cathedral Street and Sackville Place Part 8 to May City Street Council Meeting. Part 8 not adopted. Design review being undertaken with relevant accessibility experts No current action. St Stephens Green North Remedial works complete. Impacted by Rail Order and awaiting outcome of consultations on Metro and Luas

Page 15 running Westmoreland Street (West) Not commenced Suffolk Street / Not commenced North Earl Street Not Commenced. Impacted by live planning permissions and build project City Centre Transport Plan Projects Dame Street East Included in College Green Application to An Bord Pleanála and awaiting decision. Eden Quay Part implementation with new road layout signage and lines Spaces Peace Garden Part 8 not agreed. Minor works proposed to address Parks Department Progressing foliage and make the garden more accessible to include hours of opening Tender doc under review prior Part 8 Agreed, Design detail complete. At procurement to issuing Q3 Wolfe Tone Park for construction which will issue within next few weeks.

3 Animation Projects and Pilots

Items of Interest Next Stage

Open Call for artist complete for 2018. Submissions Dublin Canvas Project were adjudicated in April and installation will be Implementation and painting of substantively complete by ends Sept. DCC have circa 70 Traffic Light control collaborated with South Dublin and Fingal who are now Boxes and rejuvenation of engaged in the project . represents a cost saving in others already within the project. terms of graffiti removal and an animation in public space. Crinniu na nÓg A number of events were supported by the Project National Day 23rd June2018 Manager as an animation in the Public realm and a mechanism for trialing new approaches

PM supported a temporary installation at Spencer Dock Playful City Installation in line with objective to trial and pilot initiatives which ongoing. would enhance the experience of the Public realm..

Willow Weaving Project and event delivered in Great Greening Western Square in partnership with School of Urban The Public Realm Group Design UCD. 500 children from local schools took part continues to work with the Areas over a week in June and the project produced an and Parks Department to exhibition for the Riai opening Sept 11th . identify small spaces and

Pilot Project being undertaken in partnership with lingering opportunities in the city Grangegorman Development Agency and Urban Farm for animation or playful to deliver n Urban Mushroom Farm. engagement. A number of Community gardens receive assistance and advice Love the Lanes (Temple Bar) and The Project Manager for Public Realm is a member of the Working Group and assists with installations and Reimagining Dublin 1 permissions for various interventions to improve the environment and usability of the Cities Laneways. Flow in Bedford Lane D2 Colour Canopy in Adair Lane, Street Art in Crampton Court

Page 16 Item No. 5

Report to Chairperson and Members of the Transportation Strategic Policy Committee

Report on the Public Consultation on the proposed Dublin City Council Special Speed Limit Bye-Laws 2018

Dermot Stevenson A/Senior Executive Engineer Transportation Division September 2018

Page 17 Introduction

Dublin City Council has undertaken a review of speed limits within its administrative area and has engaged through consultation with members of the public, with particular regard to the extension of the 30 km/h speed limit into further residential areas of our city.

The review of current speed limits is being undertaken in accordance with the publication of the ‘Guidelines for Setting & Managing Speed Limits in Ireland’ (March 2015) published by the Department of Transport Tourism and Sport. The principle objective of assessing the appropriate speed limits for our roads and streets is to ensure that the set speed limits are as safe and appropriate as possible for vulnerable road users, including children.

The Road Traffic Act of 2004 (Section 9) sets out the current legislative basis for the setting of speed limits. The setting of special speed limits is a function of the elected Members of the Council. The current speed limits were last reviewed and updated in 2016. The default speed limit in Dublin City is 50 km/h with a selection of areas, roads and streets where a special speed limit of 30, 60 or 80 km/h are also in place (Please see link below for a map of the current Speed Limits in Dublin City Council area).

This Public Consultation has two purposes:

 Seek public acceptance for the introduction of the proposed revised Dublin City Council Special Speed Limits Bye-Laws 2018 which include additional 30 km/h zones in the Dublin City Council administrative area.  Seek public feedback in relation to the proposed Periodic Speed Limit on Arterial Routes outside Schools.

The proposed public consultation documentation was presented to both the Transportation Strategic Policy Committee and the full Dublin City Council at their meetings on 19th April and 14th May 2018, respectively. Approval to proceed to public consultation was received from the Elected Representatives at that time.

In all 63 responses were received with 51 respondents wishing to comment on the proposed Bye-Laws and 2 making formal submissions.

Page 18 Public Consultation Details

The Public Consultation on the draft Speed Limit Bye-Laws 2018 was carried out from the 11th June to the 24th of July 2018 inclusive.

The Public Consultation was a statutory process carried out in accordance with the stipulations set out by the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport. The statutory requirements of this public consultation which we complied with were set out in the document ‘Guidelines to Setting & Managing Speed Limits in Ireland’:

The public notice opposite was published in both the Irish Independent and Irish Star on Wednesday, June 6th 2018.

The proposed draft Special Speed Limit Bye-Laws were on display in the Dublin City Council offices and libraries as listed on the public notice.

Public consultation documents and information were put on the website, where they are still accessible for information, (see Appendix A). Submissions were also accepted online at transport/public-consultation-proposed-special- sp/

Submissions could have been made online, on or before 5pm on Tuesday 24th July 2018. Submissions could have also been made in writing marked “Speed Limit Review” to the Senior Engineer, Transport Operations, Environment and Transportation Department, Dublin City Council, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, D08 RF3F, or online at

A hard copy of the proposed Special Speed Limit Bye-Laws 2018 was available for inspection at all Dublin City Council Libraries, Civic Offices and Local Area Offices for the duration of the public consultation.

Page 19 Submissions from the Public Consultation

Two sources presented submissions from the public, namely;

Emails were received at [email protected]

Comments were received through the online survey at

2 Email submissions were received.

51 Comments were received via

In addition 63 respondents completed the online survey included on

The 51 submissions conveyed the following general comments

Item Comment No.

1. Submission was generally supportive of expanding the 30 km/h speed limit as 15 per proposal, (no specific additional comment).

Response: Noted.

2. Support for expanding 30 km/h speed limits expressed. This was accompanied 27 with additional roads and streets suggested for future considerations for both 30 km/h and 40 km/h speed limit areas.

Response: Noted. Suggested roads and streets have been retained for consideration as part of the Phase 4 review of special speed limit bye laws.

3. Difficulty maintaining 30 km/h speed whist driving unless in traffic. 1

Response: Noted

Page 20

The 51 submissions conveyed the following general comments

Item Comment No.

4. All areas around Schools should be 30 km/h Zones 2

Response: Noted. There is a pilot scheme proposed to have a periodic speed limit outside schools; this will be monitored and expanded if successful.

5. Support for the expansion with a requirement for further enforcement and / or 6 Engineering interventions

Response: Noted

Total number of submissions received 51

Questionnaire Responses:

Included in the online public consultation were a number of questions on the expansion of the 30 km/h zones and driver behaviour and attitudes towards the introduction. Included as Appendix A are the responses submitted as well as the statistics report.

Looking at the responses submitted, it is clear that there is very strong support for the expansion of the zones and the pilot scheme outside the schools.

Project Cost Estimate:

The capital cost to implement this phase requires the installation of road signs and poles at each point where a speed limit changes as a result of this proposal being implemented.

The Environment and Transportation Department has carried out an assessment of the works required so as to prepare a best estimate for the work.

In preparing the cost estimate, we have endeavoured to ensure existing signage poles are utilised where appropriately located to minimise costs.

Page 21 The following is the cost estimate for the 3rd phase of the slow zones and the periodic speed limit at schools pilot to be implemented

3rd Phase: €160,000

Periodic Pilot: €75,000


The principle of giving the elected Members of Local Authorities the power to make bye-laws (as a reserved function) for the purpose of applying Special Speed Limits which was established in 1994, is retained in the Road Traffic Act 2004 and introduced fundamental changes to the process of making bye-laws and the range of powers available to Local Authorities.

As originally set out in the Road Traffic Act 1994, bye-laws should generally be made in respect of a Local Authority area as a whole. Dealing with proposals for specific areas or roads on an independent basis should be avoided unless it is deemed necessary or appropriate to do so, particularly on the grounds of safety.

These proposed Dublin City Council Special Speed Limit Bye-Laws 2018, copy attached, set out the expansion of the existing 30 km/h speed limit zones in predominantly residential areas and in proximity to schools. Should these new Bye-Laws be adopted, the intention of Dublin City Council’s Transportation Department is to continue with the roll out of 30 km/h speed limits in all residential areas across the local authority as a whole. This would be a phased implementation programme and would be with the required public consultations and in due course complying with the Road Traffic Act 1994.

The overriding principle that must inform any decision to change a default speed limit should be Road Safety, in particular, the reduction of fatal and serious road collisions. From our examination of international experiences and from an assessment of the existing 30 km/h speed limit areas in Dublin City, all have recorded only positive outcomes in terms of this road safety objective. Other environmental benefits have also been recorded, such as positive feedback from residents who live within a designated 30 km/h area, and their continued support for 30 km/h speed limits post introduction. There is also a strong demand from residents in other areas not included in this phase to have their area included in future phases.

Recommendation: Based on the responses and submissions received and the strong support for the proposed new Bye-Laws, it is the recommendation of the Environment and Transportation Department that the Transportation Strategic Policy Committee recommend the proposed Dublin City Council Special Speed Limit Bye-Laws 2018 to the City Council for adoption.

Page 22

Appendix A

Page 23 Special Speed Limit Bye-Laws 2018 - Public Consultation: Summary report

This report was created on Wednesday 25 July 2018 at 08:27.

The consultation ran from 11/06/2018 to 24/07/2018.


Question 1: I wish to comment as follows 1 I wish to comment as follows 1 Question 2: Levels of Support & Opposition 2 Levels of Support & Opposition - How strongly do you support or oppose the proposal to extend the 30km/hr speed limit to 2 residential areas? Levels of Support & Opposition - How strongly do you support or oppose the proposal to introduce a periodic 30km/hr 2 speed limit to school areas? Question 3: How will people drive in 30km/hr zones 3 How will people drive in 30km/hr zones - I will be careful to observe new 30km/hr limits wherever they are. 3 How will people drive in 30km/hr zones - 30km/hr speed limits in residential areas is a positive thing for the community and 3 its environment. How will people drive in 30km/hr zones - Our residential areas are safe for vulnerable road users and do not need the 4 speed limits to be lowered. Question 4: Thoughts on others: 4 Thoughts on others - Most people drive too quickly 4 Thoughts on others - I wish everyone would slow down a bit on the roads. 5 Thoughts on others - Breaking speed limits is not acceptable in most circumstances. 5 Thoughts on others - People will ignore 30km/hr limits because they don’t see themselves getting caught by the police. 6 Question 5: Thoughts of themselves: 6 Thoughts of themselves: - If the 30km/hr speed limit is extended into other areas, I may not stick to it. 6 Thoughts of themselves: - I use my own judgement, not speed limits, to decide on my speed on the road. 7 Question 6: Ability & Confidence 7 Ability & Confidence - Most people who break 30km/hr speed limits don’t mean to, they simply didn’t notice the limit was 7 30km/hr. Ability & Confidence - I tend to unconsciously drive faster than speed limits quite often. 8 Ability & Confidence - I tend to drive at the speed of other people on the road. 8 Ability & Confidence - I don’t much engage with speed limits, I just go with the flow. 9 Question 7: Which areas of the city do you mostly drive through? 10 Dublin Areas 10

Question 1: I wish to comment as follows

I wish to comment as follows

There were 51 responses to this part of the question.

Page 24

Page 1 Question 2: Levels of Support & Opposition

Levels of Support & Opposition - How strongly do you support or oppose the proposal to extend the 30km/hr speed limit to residential areas?

Strongly Oppose


Neither Oppose nor Support


Strongly Support

Not Answered

0 54 Option Total Percent Strongly Oppose 3 4.76% Oppose 0 0% Neither Oppose nor Support 0 0% Support 6 9.52% Strongly Support 54 85.71% Not Answered 0 0%

Levels of Support & Opposition - How strongly do you support or oppose the proposal to introduce a periodic 30km/hr speed limit to school areas?

Strongly Oppose


Neither Oppose nor Support


Strongly Support

Not Answered

0 55

Page 25

Page 2 Option Total Percent Strongly Oppose 0 0% Oppose 1 1.59% Neither Oppose nor Support 1 1.59% Support 6 9.52% Strongly Support 55 87.30% Not Answered 0 0%

Question 3: How will people drive in 30km/hr zones

How will people drive in 30km/hr zones - I will be careful to observe new 30km/hr limits wherever they are.

Strongly Disagree


Neither Agree nor Disagree


Strongly Agree

Not Answered

0 48 Option Total Percent Strongly Disagree 1 1.59% Disagree 2 3.17% Neither Agree nor Disagree 0 0% Agree 12 19.05% Strongly Agree 48 76.19% Not Answered 0 0%

How will people drive in 30km/hr zones - 30km/hr speed limits in residential areas is a positive thing for the community and its environment.

Strongly Disagree


Neither Agree nor Disagree


Strongly Agree

Not Answered

0 54

Page 26

Page 3 Option Total Percent Strongly Disagree 2 3.17% Disagree 1 1.59% Neither Agree nor Disagree 0 0% Agree 6 9.52% Strongly Agree 54 85.71% Not Answered 0 0%

How will people drive in 30km/hr zones - Our residential areas are safe for vulnerable road users and do not need the speed limits to be lowered.

Strongly Disagree


Neither Agree nor Disagree


Strongly Agree

Not Answered

0 47 Option Total Percent Strongly Disagree 47 74.60% Disagree 11 17.46% Neither Agree nor Disagree 0 0% Agree 1 1.59% Strongly Agree 4 6.35% Not Answered 0 0%

Question 4: Thoughts on others:

Thoughts on others - Most people drive too quickly

Strongly Disagree


Neither Agree nor Disagree


Strongly Agree

Not Answered

0 31

Page 27

Page 4 Option Total Percent Strongly Disagree 1 1.59% Disagree 4 6.35% Neither Agree nor Disagree 1 1.59% Agree 26 41.27% Strongly Agree 31 49.21% Not Answered 0 0%

Thoughts on others - I wish everyone would slow down a bit on the roads.

Strongly Disagree


Neither Agree nor Disagree


Strongly Agree

Not Answered

0 41 Option Total Percent Strongly Disagree 0 0% Disagree 0 0% Neither Agree nor Disagree 1 1.59% Agree 21 33.33% Strongly Agree 41 65.08% Not Answered 0 0%

Thoughts on others - Breaking speed limits is not acceptable in most circumstances.

Strongly Disagree


Neither Agree nor Disagree


Strongly Agree

Not Answered

0 47

Page 28

Page 5 Option Total Percent Strongly Disagree 1 1.59% Disagree 1 1.59% Neither Agree nor Disagree 0 0% Agree 14 22.22% Strongly Agree 47 74.60% Not Answered 0 0%

Thoughts on others - People will ignore 30km/hr limits because they don’t see themselves getting caught by the police.

Strongly Disagree


Neither Agree nor Disagree


Strongly Agree

Not Answered

0 23 Option Total Percent Strongly Disagree 3 4.76% Disagree 7 11.11% Neither Agree nor Disagree 12 19.05% Agree 23 36.51% Strongly Agree 18 28.57% Not Answered 0 0%

Question 5: Thoughts of themselves:

Thoughts of themselves: - If the 30km/hr speed limit is extended into other areas, I may not stick to it.

Strongly Disagree


Neither Agree nor Disagree


Strongly Agree

Not Answered

0 37

Page 29

Page 6 Option Total Percent Strongly Disagree 37 58.73% Disagree 19 30.16% Neither Agree nor Disagree 5 7.94% Agree 2 3.17% Strongly Agree 0 0% Not Answered 0 0%

Thoughts of themselves: - I use my own judgement, not speed limits, to decide on my speed on the road.

Strongly Disagree


Neither Agree nor Disagree


Strongly Agree

Not Answered

0 31 Option Total Percent Strongly Disagree 31 49.21% Disagree 22 34.92% Neither Agree nor Disagree 7 11.11% Agree 3 4.76% Strongly Agree 0 0% Not Answered 0 0%

Question 6: Ability & Confidence

Ability & Confidence - Most people who break 30km/hr speed limits don’t mean to, they simply didn’t notice the limit was 30km/hr.

Strongly Disagree


Neither Agree nor Disagree


Strongly Agree

Not Answered

0 19

Page 30

Page 7 Option Total Percent Strongly Disagree 4 6.35% Disagree 18 28.57% Neither Agree nor Disagree 19 30.16% Agree 19 30.16% Strongly Agree 2 3.17% Not Answered 1 1.59%

Ability & Confidence - I tend to unconsciously drive faster than speed limits quite often.

Strongly Disagree


Neither Agree nor Disagree


Strongly Agree

Not Answered

0 21 Option Total Percent Strongly Disagree 17 26.98% Disagree 21 33.33% Neither Agree nor Disagree 13 20.63% Agree 11 17.46% Strongly Agree 1 1.59% Not Answered 0 0%

Ability & Confidence - I tend to drive at the speed of other people on the road.

Strongly Disagree


Neither Agree nor Disagree


Strongly Agree

Not Answered

0 25

Page 31

Page 8 Option Total Percent Strongly Disagree 10 15.87% Disagree 25 39.68% Neither Agree nor Disagree 9 14.29% Agree 19 30.16% Strongly Agree 0 0% Not Answered 0 0%

Ability & Confidence - I don’t much engage with speed limits, I just go with the flow.

Strongly Disagree


Neither Agree nor Disagree


Strongly Agree

Not Answered

0 32

Page 32

Page 9 Option Total Percent Strongly Disagree 25 39.68% Disagree 32 50.79% Neither Agree nor Disagree 6 9.52% Agree 0 0% Strongly Agree 0 0% Not Answered 0 0%

Question 7: Which areas of the city do you mostly drive through?

Dublin Areas

Dublin 1

Dublin 2

Dublin 3

Dublin 4

Dublin 5

Dublin 6

Dublin 7

Dublin 8

Dublin 9

Dublin 10

Dublin 11

Dublin 12

Dublin 13

Dublin 14

Dublin 15

Dublin 16

Dublin 17

Dublin 18

Dublin 19

Dublin 20

Dublin 21

Dublin 22 Page 33

Page 10 Dublin 23

Dublin 24

Not Answered

0 38 Option Total Percent Dublin 1 13 20.63% Dublin 2 18 28.57% Dublin 3 9 14.29% Dublin 4 14 22.22% Dublin 5 6 9.52% Dublin 6 26 41.27% Dublin 7 8 12.70% Dublin 8 38 60.32% Dublin 9 3 4.76% Dublin 10 5 7.94% Dublin 11 1 1.59% Dublin 12 18 28.57% Dublin 13 1 1.59% Dublin 14 5 7.94% Dublin 15 3 4.76% Dublin 16 6 9.52% Dublin 17 0 0% Dublin 18 2 3.17% Dublin 19 0 0% Dublin 20 3 4.76% Dublin 21 0 0% Dublin 22 5 7.94% Dublin 23 0 0% Dublin 24 4 6.35% Not Answered 1 1.59%

Page 34

Page 11


Environment and Transportation Department Block 2, Floor 7, Civic Offices Wood Quay, Dublin 8

Page 35


Dublin City Council in exercise of the powers conferred on it by Section 9 of the Road Traffic Act, 2004, and with the consent of Transport Infrastructure Ireland, hereby makes the following bye-laws in respect of certain roads within the area comprising Dublin City.

1. These bye-laws may be cited as the Dublin City Council Special Speed Limit Bye-Laws, 2018.

2. These bye-laws shall come into operation on the 5th November, 2018.

3. Eighty kilometres per hour shall be the special speed limit for mechanically propelled vehicles on each of the roads specified in the First Schedule to these bye-laws.

4. Sixty kilometres per hour shall be the special speed limit for mechanically propelled vehicles on each of the roads specified in the Second Schedule to these bye-laws.

5. Thirty kilometres per hour shall be the special speed limit for mechanically propelled vehicles on each of the roads specified in the Third Schedule to these bye-laws.

6. Eighty kilometres per hour shall be the special speed limit for mechanically propelled vehicles on each of the roads specified in the Fourth Schedule to these bye-laws except when the circumstances set out in Article 7 of these bye-laws apply. This speed limit to be indicated by variable message sign.

7. Fifty kilometres per hour shall be the special speed limit for mechanically propelled vehicles on each of the roads specified in the Fourth Schedule to these bye-laws in the event of an incident or maintenance works causing an obstruction or when there is a risk of congestion on the roads. This speed limit to be indicated by variable message sign.

8. Thirty kilometres per hour shall be the special speed limit for mechanically propelled vehicles on each of the roads specified in the Fifth Schedule during the dates and times specified in the schedule. At all other times the speed limit on these roads shall revert to fifty kilometres per hour.

9. Dublin City Special Council Speed Limit Bye-Laws 2016 are hereby revoked.

10. The built up area speed limit of 50 kilometres per hour shall apply to all roads in the Dublin City Council administrative area except those roads and sections of roads listed in the first, second, third, and fourth schedules and as specified in the fifth schedule, to these bye-laws.

Page 37


Eighty kilometres per hour shall be the speed limit for mechanically propelled vehicles on the roads specified within this schedule:

1. Chapelizod Bypass from the South Dublin County Council / Dublin City boundary to its junction with Con Colbert Road.

2. Santry Bypass northbound, from a point 135 metres south of the south face of the west abutment of the southern bridge of the Coolock Lane Interchange northwards to the Fingal County Council / Dublin City boundary.


Sixty kilometres per hour shall be the speed limit for mechanically propelled vehicles on the roads specified within this schedule:

1. James Larkin Road (from Watermill Road junction to Howth Road junction).

2. Howth Road between a point 32 metres east of its junction with St. Assam’s Road East and its junction with Kilbarrack Road.

3. Oscar Traynor Road between a point 65 metres west of its junction with Dundaniel Road and a point 74 metres north-west of its junction with the Malahide Road.

4. Finglas Road from a point 90 metres west of junction of Finglas Road and Tower View Cottages (adjacent to Glasnevin Cemetery) to the Finglas By Pass.

5. Finglas By Pass from Finglas Road to North Road.

6. North Road from the junction of North Road and Finglas By Pass to Fingal County Council / Dublin City boundary.

7. Kylemore Road between its junction with Naas Road and a point 46 metres south of Kylemore Road railway bridge.

8. Walkinstown Avenue between its junction with Naas Road and its junction with Long Mile Road.

9. Long Mile Road between the South Dublin County Council / Dublin City boundary and a point 46 metres west of its junction with Walkinstown Parade.

10. Stillorgan Road between the Dún Laoghaire- Rathdown County Council / Dublin City boundary and a point 180 metres south of its junction with Anglesea Road.,

11. Chapelizod Road between a point 100 metres west of its junction with access at Islandbridge Gate and a point 100 metres east of its junction with Phoenix Park access at Chapelizod Gate.

Page 39 12. Griffith Avenue between a point 100 metres west of its junction with Ballymun Road and a point 100 metres east of its junction with Ballygall Road East.

13. Con Colbert Road, from Con Colbert Road – Chapelizod By Pass junction to a point 150 metres west of its junction with South Circular Road.

14. Malahide Road between a point 50 metres north-east of its junction with the roundabout at Artane to a point 50 metres south west of its junction with the Northern Cross Extension and Clare Hall Avenue.

15. Northern Cross Extension, from its junction with M1 motorway to a point 50 metres west of it’s junction with Malahide Road

16. Clare Hall Avenue from a point 50 metres east of its junction with Malahide Road to a point 106m west of its junction with Grange Road.

17. Malahide Road from a point 50 metres north of its junction with N32 and Clare Hall Avenue to the Fingal County Council / Dublin City boundary.

18. St. John’s Road West from its junction with Military Road to its junction with South Circular Road.

19. Naas Road from the South Dublin County Council / Dublin City boundary to its junction with Kylemore Road.

20. Grange Road from a point 57m east of its junction with Clare Hall Avenue to the Fingal County Council / Dublin City boundary.

21. Santry By Pass northbound from the north face of the east abutment of the Shantalla Road over bridge to a point 135m south of the south face of the west abutment of the southern bridge of the Coolock Lane Interchange.

22. The northbound diverging lane (exit ramp) of the Santry By Pass at the Coolock Lane Interchange, from a point 165m from the line of the south face of the west abutment of southern bridge at interchange northwards to a point 87m from this line.

23. Santry By Pass southbound from a point 127m south of the south face of the east abutment of the southern bridge at interchange to the north face of the east abutment of the Shantalla Road over bridge.

Page 40 24. Southbound converging lane (entry ramp) at the Coolock Lane Interchange, from a point 5m from the line of the south face of the east abutment of the southern bridge at interchange, to junction with Santry By Pass.

25. R148 Chapelizod Bypass outbound carriageway, from a point 105m east, of the intersection of the Kylemore Road with the R148 Chapelizod Bypass, westbound to the City/ County Boundary at Palmerstown.


Thirty kilometres per hour shall be the speed limit for mechanically propelled vehicles on the roads specified in this schedule.

Phase 1


Abbey Cottages, Abbey Street Lower, Abbey Street Middle, Abbey Street Upper, Anglesea Row, Anne Street North, Arran Street East, Bachelors Walk , Bachelors Way, Balls Lane, Bath Lane, Beresford Lane, Beresford Street, Bethesda Place, Bladder Alley, Bloom Lane, Britain Place , Byrnes Lane West, Campbell's Court, Capel Street ,Cathal Brugha Street , Cathedral Street, Cavendish Row, Champions Avenue, Chancery Place, Chancery Street, Chapel Lane, Charles Street West, Church Avenue, Church Terrace, Coles Lane, Cuckoo Lane, Cumberland Street North, Denmark Street Great, Deverell Place, Dominick Lane, Dominick Place, Earl Place, Earl Street North, Eden Quay, Father Matthew Square, Findlater Place, Frederick Court, Frederick Lane North, Frederick Street North, Gardiner Place, Gardiner Row, George's Hill, George's Place, Graham's Court, Granby Lane, Granby Place, Granby Row, Grattan Bridge, Greek Street, Green Street, Grenville Lane, Grenville Street, Halston Street, Hamilton Court, Harbour Court, Hardwicke Lane, Hardwicke Place, Hardwicke Street, Henry Place, Henry Street, Hill Street, Hotel Yard, Jervis Lane Lower, Jervis Lane Upper, Jervis Street, Kanes Court, Kellys Row, King Street North, King's Inns Street, Liffey Street Lower, Liffey Street Upper, Little Britain Street, Little Green Street, Litton Lane, Loftus Lane, Marlborough Place, Marlborough Street, Mary Street, Mary Street Little, Mary's Abbey, Mary's Lane, Meetinghouse Lane, Millennium Walkway, Moore Lane, Moore Street, Morgan Place, Nerney's Court, New Street North, North Great George's Street, North Lotts, Northumberland Square, O'Connell Bridge, O'Connell Street Lower, O'Connell Street Upper , Old Abbey Street, O'rahilly Parade, Ormond Place, Ormond Quay Lower, Ormond Quay Upper, Ormond Square, Parnell Place, East, Parnell Square North, Parnell Square West, Parnell Street, Prince's Street North, Proby's Lane, Rosie Hackett Bridge, Rutland Place, Ryder's Row, Sackville Place Saint Anthony's Place, Saint Michan's Place Saint Michan's Street, Sampsons Lane, Sean MacDermott Street Lower, Sean MacDermott Street Upper, Stirrup Lane, Strand Street Great, Strand Street Little, Strong's Court, Swift's Row , Talbot Arch, Talbot Lane, Talbot Street, Temple Lane North, Temple Street, Thomas Lane, Tinkers Court, Williams Lane, Wolfe Tone Street.

Page 42 Phase 1


Adair Lane, Adam Court, Anglesea Street, Anne Street South, Anne's Lane, Asdill's Row, Aston Place, Aston Quay, Aungier Lane, Aungier Place, Aungier Street, Baggot Street Lower, Balfe Street, Bedford Lane, Bedford Row, Bishop Street, Borris Court, Bow Lane East, Bride Close, Bride Street, Burgh Quay, Carlisle Court, Castle Market, Castle Street, Cecilia Street, Chancery Lane, Chatham Lane, Chatham Row, Chatham Street, Christchurch Place, Church Lane, Clare Lane, Clare Street, Clarendon Market, Clarendon Row, Clarendon Street, Coggle's Court, College Green, College Street, Cook Street, Cope Street, Copper Alley, Coppinger Row, Cork Hill, Corn Exchange Place, Cows Lane, Crampton Court, Crampton Quay, Crane Lane, Cross Lane South , Crow Street, Crown Alley, Cuffe Lane, Cuffe Street, Curved Street, Dame Court, Dame Lane, Dame Street, Dawson Court, Dawson Lane, Dawson Street, Digges Lane, Digges Street Upper, D'Olier Street, Drury Street, Duke Lane Lower, Duke Lane Upper, Duke Street, Essex Gate, Essex Street East, Essex Street West, Eustace Street, Exchange Court, Exchange Street Lower, Exchange Street Upper, Exchequer Street, Fade Street, Fishamble Street, Fleet Street, Foster Place, Fownes Street Lower, Fownes Street Upper, Frederick Street South, Frederick Walk, Garter Court, George's Quay, Glendinning Lane, Glover's Alley, Golden Lane, Grafton Street, Harry Street, Hawkins Street, Hoey's Court, John Field Road, Johns Lane East, Johnson Place, Johnson's Court, Joshua Lane, Kevin Street Lower, Kildare Place, Kildare Street, King Street South, Leinster Lane, Leinster Market, Leinster Street South, Lemon Street, Longford Lane, Longford Street Great, Longford Street Little, Lord Edward Street, Lord Mayors Walk, Meeting House Square, Mercer Street Lower, Mercer Street Upper, Merchant's Arch, Merchant's Quay, Merrion Row, West, Merrion Street Upper, Molesworth Place, Molesworth Street, Nassau Street, New Bride Street, Noel Purcell Walk, Oliver Alley, Palace Street, Parliament Row, Parliament Street, Peter Row, Peter Street, Poolbeg Street, Price's Lane, Proud's Lane, Redmond's Hill, Ross Road, Royal Hibernian Way, Saint Andrew Street, Saint Andrew's Lane, Saint Audoens Arch, Saint Audoen's Terrace, Saint Michael's Close, Saint Michaels Hill, Saint Stephens Green East, Saint Stephens Green North, Saint Stephens Green West, School House Lane East, Schoolhouse Lane West, Setanta Place, Ship Street Great, Ship Street Little, South Great George's Street, Stephen Street Lower, Stephen Street Upper, Suffolk Street, Swan Yard, Sycamore Street, Tangier Lane, Temple Bar, Temple Bar Square, Temple Lane South, Townsend Street, Trinity Street, Wellington Quay, Werburgh Street, Westmoreland Street, Whitefriar Place, Whitefriar Street, Wicklow Lane, Wicklow Street, Wood Street, York Street

Page 43 Phase 2


Abbey Cottages, Abbey Street Lower, Abbey Street Middle, Abbey Street Upper, Aberdeen Street, Adair Court, Adair Lane, Adam Court, Adelaide Court, Albert Court East, Albert Place East, Albert Place West, Albert Terrace, Aldborough Parade,Aldborough Place, Aldborough Square, Alexandra Terrace, Allingham Street, Almeida Avenue, Anglesea Row, Anglesea Street, Annaly Road, Annamoe Drive, Annamoe Parade, Annamoe Park, Annamoe Road, Annamoe Terrace, Anne Street North, Anne Street South, Anne's Lane, Arbour Hill, Arbour Place, Arbour Terrace, Arbutus Place, Ard Righ Place, Ard Righ Road, Ardee Street, Ardmore Avenue, Arklow Street, Arnott Street, Aikenhead Avenue, Arran Quay Terrace, Arran Street East, Arran Street West, Arranmore Avenue, Asdill's Row, Asgard Road, Ash Grove, Ash Street, Ashford Cottages, Ashford Place, Ashford Street, Ashmount Court, Aston Place, Aston Quay, Auburn Street, Auburn Walk, Aughrim Court, Aughrim Lane, Aughrim Place, Aughrim Street, Aungier Lane, Aungier Place, Aungier Street, Ave Maria Road, Avenue Road, Avondale Avenue, Avondale Road, Bachelors Walk, Bachelors Way, Back Lane, Baggot Close, Baggot Court, Baggot Street Lower, Baggotrath Place, Bailey's Row, Balfe Street, Balls Lane, Basin Street Lower, Basin View, Bass Place, Bath Lane, Beaver Close, Beaver Street, Bedford Lane, Bedford Row, Bella Avenue, Bella Place, Bella Street, Bellmans Walk, Bells Lane, Belmont Place, Belvedere Avenue, Belvedere Court, Belvedere Place, Belvedere Road, Belvedere Square, Belview, Ben Edair Road, Benburb Street, Benson Street, Beresford Lane, Beresford Street, Berkeley Avenue, Berkeley Place, Berkeley Road, Berkeley Street, Bethesda Place, Bishop Street, Black Street, Blackhall Court, Blackhall Parade, Blackhall Place, Blackhall Street, Blackhall Walk, Blackhorse Grove, Blackpitts, Bladder Alley, Blessington Court, Blessington Lane, Blessington Place, Blessington Street, Bloom Lane, Bloomfield Avenue, Bloomfield Cottages, Bloomfield Park, Boardmans Lane, Bolton Street, Bond Street, Bonham Street, Borris Court, Bow Bridge, Bow Bridge Place, Bow Lane East, Bow Lane West, Bow Street, Boyne Lane, Boyne Street, Brabazon Place, Brabazon Row, Brabazon Square, Brabazon Street, Bracken's Lane, Bradogue Court, Brainboro Terrace, Braithwaite Street, Branavilla, Brandon Terrace, Bregia Road, Brickfield Lane, Bride Close, Bride Road, Bride Street Bridge Water Quay, Bridgefoot Street, Britain Place, Britain Quay, Broadstone, Broadstone Avenue, Broadstone Place, Brodir Row, Brookfield Road, Brookfield Street, Brown Street North, Brown Street South, Brunswick Place, Brunswick Street North, Brunswick Villas, Buckingham Street Lower, Buckingham Street Upper, Bulfin Road, Bull Alley Street, Burgess Lane, Burgh Quay, Burke Place, Butler's Peir, Byrne's Lane, Byrnes Lane West, Cabra Drive, Cabra Grove, Cabra Mews, Cabra Park, Camden Court, Camden Market, Camden Place, Camden Row, Camden Street Lower, Camden Street Upper, Camden Villas, Cameron Square, Cameron Street, Campbell's Court, Campbell's Lane, Campbell's Place, Campbells Row, Canon Lillis Avenue, Capel Street, Cards Lane, Carlingford Parade, Carlisle Court, Carlisle Street, Carman's Hall, Carnew Street, Carrick Terrace, Carrickfoyle Terrace, Carrolls Court, Castle Market, Castle Street, Castle Terrace, Cathal Brugha Street, Cathedral Lane, Cathedral Street, Cathedral View Court, Cathedral View Walk, Catherine Court, Catherine Lane East, Catherine Street, Catherine's Lane, Cavalry Row, Cavendish Row, Celstine Avenue, Ceannt Fort, Cecilia Street, Chamber Street, Champions Avenue, Chancery Lane, Chancery Place, Chancery Street, Chapel Lane, Charlemont Bridge, Charlemont Mall, Charlemont Place, Charles Lane, Charles Street Great, Charles Street West, Charleville Mall, Charleville Road, Charlotte Way, Chatham Lane, Chatham Row, Chatham Street,

Page 44 Cheltenham Place, Cherrymount Park, Christchurch Place, Church Avenue, Church Avenue South, Church Lane, Church Lane South, Church Terrace, City Quay, Clanbrassil Close, Clanbrassil Terrace, Clanwilliam Place, Clanwilliam Square, Clare Lane, Clare Street, Clarence Mangan Road, Clarence Mangan Square, Clarence Place Great, Clarence Street Great North, Clarendon Market, Clarendon Row, Clarendon Street, Clarion Quay, Clarke's Terrace, Clonmel Street, Coburg Place, Coggle's Court, Coke Lane, Colbert's Fort, Coleraine Street, Coles Lane, College Green, College Street, Collins Square, Commons Street, Connaught Parade, Convent Close, Convent Place, Cook Street, Coolevin Road, Coombe Court, Cope Street, Copper Alley, Coppinger Row, Cork Hill, Corn Exchange Place, Costello's Cottages, Cow Parlour, Cowper Street, Cows Lane, Crampton Court, Crampton Quay, Crane Lane, Crane Street, Creighton Street, Crinan Strand, Cromwells Quarters, Cross Lane South, Crosstick Alley, Crow Street, Crown Alley, Cuala Road, Cuckoo Lane, Cuffe Lane, Cuffe Street, Cumberland Court, Cumberland Road, Cumberland Street North, Cumberland Street South, Curved Street, Curzon Street, Dakota Court, Dalymount, Dalymount Lane, Dame Court, Dame Lane, Dame Street, Daniel Street, Darley Terrace, Dartmouth Walk, Davis Place, Dawson Court, Dawson Lane, Dawson Street, Dermot O’ Hurley Avenue, De Burgh Road, De Valera Place, Dean Swift Square, Delvin Road, Denmark Street Great, Denzille Lane, Derrynane Parade, Derrynane Square, Desmond Street, Deverell Place, Devery's Lane, Devlin's Place, Digges Lane, Digges Street Upper, Dillon Place South, D'olier Street, Dolphin Avenue, Dolphin House, Dolphin Park, Dolphins Barn Bridge, Dominick Lane, Dominick Place, Dominick Street Lower, Dominick Street Upper, Donnellan Avenue, Donore Avenue (North Of The Junction South Circular Road)F, Donore Road, Donore Terrace, Donovan Lane, Doon Avenue, Dorset Lane, Dorset Place, Dowling's Court, Dowth Avenue, Drumalee Avenue, Drumalee Court, Drumalee Drive, Drumalee Grove, Drumalee Park, Drumalee Road, Drumcondra Road Lower, Drury Street, Duck Lane, Dufferin Avenue, Duke Lane Lower, Duke Lane Upper, Duke Street, Dunne Street, Doris Street, Earl Place, Earl Street North, Earl Street South, Earlsfort Terrace, Ebenezer Terrace, Eblana Villas, Eccles Court, Eccles Place, Eccles Street, Echlin Street, Eden Quay, Ellesmere Avenue, Ellis Court, Ellis Street, Ely Place, Ely Place Upper, Emerald Plac, Emerald Square, Emerald Street, Emerald Terrace, Emmet Street, Emor Street, Emorville Avenue, Empress Plac, Engine Alley, Enniskerry Road, Erne Place, Erne Place Little,Erne Place Lower,Erne Street Lower, Erne Street Upper, Erne Terrace (Front), Erne Terrace (Rear), Erris Road, Essex Gate, Essex Street East, Essex Street West, Eugene Street, Eustace Bridge, Eustace Street, Everton Avenue, Ewington Lane, Exchange Court, Exchange Plac, Exchange Street Lower, Exchange Street Upper, Exchequer Street, Fade Street, Farrell's Lane, Fassagh Road, Father Matthew Square, Faussagh Avenue, Fenian Street, Ferrymans Crossing, Fertullagh Road, Findlater Place, Findlater Street, Fingal Place, Fingal Street, Finn Street, First Avenue, Fishamble Street, Fitzgibbon Lane, Fitzgibbon Street, Fitzwilliam Quay, Fitzwilliam Court, Fitzwilliam Lane, Fitzwilliam Place North, North, Fitzwilliam Square South, Fitzwilliam Square West, Fleet Street, Florence Street, Foley Street, Fontenoy Street, Forbes Lane, Forbes Street, Foster Place, Fountain Place, Fourth Avenue, Fownes Street Lower, Fownes Street Upper, Francis Street, Frankfort Cottages, Frederick Court, Frederick Lane North, Frederick Street North, Frederick Street South, Frederick Walk, Frenchman's Lane, Friary Avenue, Friary Grove, Fumbally Lane, Galmoy Road, Garden Lane, Garden Terrace, Gardiner Lane, Gardiner Place, Gardiner Row, Garter Court, Geoffrey Keating Road, Gerald Street, George's Dock, George's Hill, George's Lane, George's Place, George's Wharf, Geraldine Street, Gilbert Road, Glenard Avenue, Glendinning Lane, Glengarriff Crescent, Glengarriff Parade, Glenmalure Park, Gloucester Lane, Gloucester Place, Gloucester Place Lower, Gloucester Place Upper, Gloucester Street South, Glover's Alley, Godfrey Place, Golden Lane, Goldsmith Street, Gorodn Street, Gordon Place, Grafton Street,

Page 45 Graham's Court, Graham's Row, Granby Lane, Granby Place, Granby Row, Grand Canal Bank, Grand Canal Street Lower ( Westwards After The Junction With Macken Street) Grand Canal Place, Grand Canal Quay,Grand Canal View, Grangegorman Lower, Grangegorman Upper, Grantham Place, Grantham Street, Grant's Row, Grattan Court East, Grattan Court West, Grattan Place, Grattan Street, Gray Square, Gray Street, Great Western Avenue, Great Western Square East, Great Western Square North, Great Western Square South, Great Western Square West, Great Western Villas, Greek Street, Green Street, Green Street East, Greenore Court, Greenore Terrace, Greenville Avenue, Greenville Parade, Greenville Terrace, Grenville Lane, Grenville Street, Grove Mews, Guildford Place, Hagan's Court, Halliday Road, Halliday Square, Halpin's Row, Halston Street, Hamilton Court, Hamilton Row, Hamilton Street, Hammond Lane, Hammond Street, Hanbury Lane, Hanover Lane, Hanover Quay, Hanover Square, Hanover Street East, Hanover Street West, Harbour Court, Harbour Master Place, Harbourmaster Street, Harcourt Lane, Harcourt Row, Harcourt Street, Harcourt Terrace, Harcourt Terrace Lane, Hardwicke Lane, Hardwicke Place, Hardwicke Street, Harman Street, Harmony Row, Harold Road, Haroldville Avenue, Harrington Court, Harry Street, Harty Court, Harty Place, Hatch Lane, Hatch Place, Hatch Street Lower, Hatch Street Upper, Hasting Street, Hawkins Street, Haymarket, Healy Street, Hendrick Lane, Hendrick Place, Hendrick Street, Henrietta Lane, Henrietta Place, Henrietta Street, Henry Place, Henry Street, Herbert Lane, Herbert Place, Herbert Street, Herberton Bridge, Herberton Park, Heytesbury Street, Hill Street, Hoey's Court, Hogan Avenue, Hogan Court, Hogan Place, Holles Place, Holles Row, Holles Street, Hospital Lane, Hotel Yard, Hope Street, Huband Bridge, Hume Street, Huxley Crescent, Howard Street, Imaal Road, Ingram Road, Innisfallen Parade, Inn's Quay, Irwin Court, Irwin Street, Island Bridge, Island Street, Island Villa, Ivar Street, Ivy Terrace, James Joyce Street, James Street East, James's Place East, Jane Ville, Jerome Connor Place, Jervis Lane Lower, Jervis Lane Upper, Jervis Street, John Dillon Street, John Field Road, John Street North, John Street South, John Street West, Johns Lane East, John's Lane West, Johnson Place, Johnson's Court, Josephine Avenue, Joshua Lane, Joy Street, Kanes Court, Kearns Court, Kearn's Place, Kelly's Lane, Kellys Row, Kenmare Parade, Kevin Street Lower, Kevin Street Upper, Kildare Place, Kildare Street, Killarney Avenue, Killarney Parade, Killarney Street, Kilmainham Lane, Kinahan Street, King Street North (Westbound After The Junction With Church Street), King Street South, Kingram Place, King's Inn's Court, King's Inns Street, Kingsbridge, Kingsland Lane, Kingsland Parade, Kingsland Park Avenue , Kirwan Street, Kirwan Street Cottages, La Touche Bridge, Lad Lane, Lad Lane Upper, Lady's Lane, Lamb Alley, Langrishe Place, Laverty Court, Leeson Close, Leeson Lane, Leeson Place, Leeson Street Lower (From The Grand Canal To The Junction With Fitzwilliam Place), Leinster Lane, Leinster Market, Leinster Street North, Leinster Street South, Leix Road, Lemon Street, Lennox Place, Lennox Street, Lennox Terrace, Leo Avenue, Leo Street, Leslie's Buildings, Liberty Lane, Liberty Square, Liffey Street Lower, Liffey Street Upper, Liffey Street West, Lime Street, Lincoln Lane, Lincoln Place, Linenhall Parade, Linenhall Street, Linenhall Terrace, Lisburn Street, Little Britain Street, Little Fitzwilliam Place, Little Green Street, Litton Lane, Loftus Lane, Lombard Court, Lombard Street East, Lombard Street West, Long Lane, Long Lane, Long Lane Close, Longford Lane, Longford Street Great, Longford Street Little, Long's Place, Longwood Avenue, Lord Edward Street, Lord Mayors Walk, Loreto Road, Lourdes Road, Love Lane East, Lucky Lane, Luke Street, Lullymore Terrace, Lurgan Street, Lynch's Place, Mabbot Lane, Macartney Bridge, Mackies Place, Madden Road, Maddens Court, Madison Road, Magennis Place, Magennis Square, Malachi Road, Mallin Avenue, Malpas Place, Malpas Street, Malpas Terrace, Manor Place, Manor Street Business Park, Maquay Bridge, Mariners Port, Marion Villas, Mark Street, Market Street South, Mark's Alley West, Mark's Lane, Marlborough Mews, Marlborough Place, Marlborough Road,

Page 46 Marlborough Street, Marmion Court, Marne Villas, Marrowbone Lane, Marrowbone Lane Close, Marshal Lane, Marshalsea Lane, Martin Street, Mary Street, Mary Street Little, Mary's Abbey, Mary's Lane, Maunsell Place, Maxwell Street, May Lane, Mayfield Road, Mayor Street Lower, Mc Kenny Bridge, Mc Mahon Street , Mcdowell Avenue, Mcguinness Cottages, Meade's Terrace, Meath Market, Meath Place, Meath Square, Meath Street, Meeting House Square, Meetinghouse Lane, Mercer Street Lower, Mercer Street Upper, Merchant's Arch, Merchant's Quay, Merrion Close, Merrion Court, Merrion Place, Merrion Row, Merrion Square East, Merrion Square South, Merrion Square West, Merrion Street Lower, Merrion Street Upper, Merton Avenue, Merton Park, Military Road, Mill Lane , Mill Street, Millbrook Terrace, Millennium Walkway, Misery Hill, Moira Road, Moland Place, Molesworth Place, Molesworth Street, Molyneux Yard, Monck Place, Montague Court, Montague Lane, Montague Place, Montague Street, Montpelier Court, Montpelier Drive, Montpelier Gardens, Montpelier Hill, Montpelier Park, Moore Lane, Moore Street, Morgan Place, Morning Star Avenue, Morning Star Road, Moss Street, Mount Street Crescent,Mount Street Upper, Mount Temple Road, Mountjoy Lane, Mountjoy Parade, Mountjoy Place, Mountjoy Prision Access Road, Mountjoy Prision Entrance Road, East, Mountjoy Square North, Mountjoy Square South, Mountjoy Street, Mountjoy Street Middle, Mountshannon Road, Muckross Parade, Mullinahack, Munster Street, Murphy's Lane, Murtagh Road, Myrtle Street, Nassau Street, Nelson Street, Nerney's Court, New Bride Street, New Ireland Road, New Row South, New Row Square, New Street Gardens, New Street North, Newgrange Road, Newmarket, Newmarket Street, Newport Street, Niall Street, Nicholas Avenue, Noel Purcell Walk, Norfolk Road, Norseman Place, North Great Clarence Street, North Great George's Street, North Lotts, Northumberland Square, Norton's Avenue, Oakfield Place, O'carolan Road, O'connell Avenue, O'connell Street Lower, O'connell Street Upper, O'curry Avenue, O'curry Road, O'devaney Gardens, O'donovan Road, Offaly Road, Olaf Road, Old Abbey Street, Village, Old Mill Court, Oliver Alley, Oliver Plunkett Avenue, Oliver Bond Street, O'neill's Buildings, O'rahilly Parade, O'reilly Avenue, Oriel Hall, Oriel Street Lower, Oriel Street Upper, Ormond Place, Ormond Quay Lower, Ormond Square, Ormond Street, Orr's Terrace, Oscar Square, Ostman Place, Our Lady's Close, Our Lady's Road, Ovoca Road, Owen's Avenue, Oxmantown Lane, Oxmantown Road, Ormeau Street, Palace Street, Palmerston Place, Paradise Place, Park Avenue West, Park Lane East, Park Terrace, Park View West, Parkgate Place, Parkgate Street, Parliament Row, Parliament Street, Parnell Bridge, Parnell Place, Parnell Square East, Parnell Square North, Parnell Square West, Parnell Street, Paul Street, Pearse Grove, , Pembroke Lane, Pembroke Place, Pembroke Row, Pembroke Street Lower, Pembroke Street Upper, Peter Place, Peter Row , Peter Street, Peterson's Court, Petrie Road, Phibsborough Avenue, Philomena Terrace, Phibsborough Place, Phoenix Court, Phoenix Manor, Phoenix Street North, Pig Lane, Pim Street, Pimlico, Pimlico Cottages, Pleasants Lane, Pleasants Place, Pleasants Street, Poolbeg Street, Poole Street, Portland Close, Portland Court, Portland Place, Portland Square, Portland Street North, Portland Street West, Portmahon Drive, Portobello, Portobello Harbour, Portobello Place, Portobello Road, Portobello Square, Power's Court, Power's Square, Prebend Street, Preston Street, Price's Lane, Priestfield Cottages, Priestfield Drive, Primrose Avenue, Primrose Street, Prince's Street North, Prince's Street South, Proby's Lane, Protestant Row, Proud's Lane, Provost Row, Pump Alley, Pyro Villas, Penrose Street, Quarry Road, Queen Street, Quinn Avenue, Quinns Lane, Railway Street, Railway Terrace, Rainsford Avenue, Rainsford Street, Rathdown Road Rathdown Square, Raymond Street, Red Cow Lane, Redmond's Hill, Reginald Square, Reginald Street, Rehoboth Avenue, Rehoboth Place, Reilly's Avenue, Reillys Cottages, Reuben Avenue, Reuben Square, Reuben Street, Rialto Buildings, Rialto Cottages, Rialto Drive, Rialto Park, Rialto Street, Richmond Cottages,

Page 47 Richmond Cottages North, Richmond Crescent, Richmond Lane, Richmond Parade, Richmond Place South, Richmond Row, Richmond Street North, Richmond Villas, Robert Street, Robert Street South, Robinson's Court, Rock Lane, Roe Lane, Roger's Lane, Rosary Terrace, Rosary Road, Rosedale Terrace, Rosemount Road, Ross Road, Ross Street, Rostrevor Terrace, Rothe Abbey, Rowserstown Lane, Royal Canal Bank, Royal Canal Court, Royal Canal Terrace, Royal Hibernian Way, Royse Road, Rutland Cottages, Rutland Court, Rutland Place, Rutland Place North, Rutland Row, Rutland Street Lower, Rutledge Cottages, Rutledge Terrace, Ryder's Row, Sackville Place, Saint Albans Road, Saint Andrew Street, Saint Andrew's Lane, Saint Anne's Road South, Saint Anthony's Place, Saint Anthony's Road, Saint Attracta Road , Saint Audoens Arch, Saint Audoen's Terrace, Saint Augustine Street, Saint Benedict's Gardens, Saint Bricin's Park, Saint Catherine's Avenue, Saint Catherine's Lane West, Saint David's Terrace, Saint Eithne Road, Saint Fintan Road, Saint Fintan Terrace, Saint Francis' Square, Saint Ignatius Avenue, Saint Ignatius Road, Saint James Avenue, Saint James's Terrace, Saint Jarlath Road, Saint John's Avenue, Saint John's Road West (East Of Its Junction With Military Road), Saint John's Street,Saint John's Terrace, Saint Joseph Street, Saint Joseph's Parade, Saint Joseph's Place, Saint Joseph's Road, Saint Joseph's Terrace, Saint Josephs Villas, Saint Kevin's Avenue, Saint Kevin's Cottages, Saint Kevin's Parade, Saint Kevin's Road, Saint Laurence Place East, Saint Laurence Place West, Saint Margaret's Avenue, Saint Margaret's Avenue, Saint Margaret's Terrace, Saint Mary's Avenue North, Saint Mary's Place North, Saint Magdalen Terrace, Saint Mary's Terrace, Saint Michael's Close, Saint Michaels Hill, Saint Michaels Place, Saint Michaels Terrace, Saint Michan's Place, Saint Michan's Street, Saint Nicholas Place, Saint Patrick's Close, Saint Patrick's Place, Saint Patrick's Terrace, Saint Peter's Avenue, Saint Peter's Close, Saint Peters Court, Saint Peters Lane, Saint Peter's Road, Saint Peters Square, Saint Stephens Green East, Saint Stephens Green North, Saint Stephens Green South, Saint Stephens Green West, Saint Teresa's Gardens , Saint Thomas Road, Saint Vincent Street North, Saint Vincent Street South, Sampsons Lane, Sandford Avenue, Sandford Garden, Sandford Park, Sandwith Street Lower, Sandwith Street Upper, Sarsfield Street, School House Lane East, School Street, Schoolhouse Lane West, Sean Macdermott Street Lower, Sean Macdermott Street Upper, Sean O'casey Avenue, Sean Tracey House, Second Avenue, Setanta Place, Seville Terrace, Shamrock Cottages, Shamrock Place, Shamrock Street, Shamrock Terrace, Shandon Crescent, Shandon Drive, Shandon Gardens, Shandon Green, Shandon Mill, Shandon Park, Shandon Road, Shannon Terrace, Shaw Street, Shea's Court, Shea's Lane, Sheriff Street Lower, Sherrard Avenue, Sherrard Court, Sherrard Street Lower, Sherrard Street Upper, Ship Street Great, Ship Street Little, Sigurd Road, Simmons Place, Sir John Rogerson's Quay (Between The Junctions With Cardiff Lane And The Samuel Beckett Bridge), Sitric Place, Sitric Road, Slade Row, Smithfield, South Great George's Street, Southfield, Spencer Dock, Spencer Row, Spencer Street South, Spire View, Spitalfields, Spring Garden Lane, Stable Lane, Stable Lane, Stamer Street, Stanhope Green, Stanhope Street, Stanley Street, Steeven's Lane, Stephen Street Lower, Stephen Street Upper, Stephen's Lane, Stephen's Place, Stirrup Lane, Stokes Place, Store Street, Strand Street Great, Strand Street Little, Stratford Row, Strong's Court, Suffolk Street, Sugar House Lane, Suir Bridge, Sullivan Street, Summer Arch, Summer Place, Summer Street North, Summer Street South, Summerhill Place, Susan Terrace, Somerset Street, South Dock Place, Swan Alley, Swan Yard, Sweeney's Terrace, Swift's Alley, Swift's Row, Swords Street, Sycamore Street, Synge Lane, Synge Place, Synge Street, Synnott Place, Synnott Row, Talbot Arch, Talbot Lane, Talbot Place, Talbot Street, Tangier Lane, Taylor's Lane, Temple Bar, Temple Bar Square, Temple Cottages, Temple Court, Temple Lane, Temple Lane North, Temple Lane South, Temple Street, Temple Street West, Temple Villas, Tenterfields, Terrace Place, The Coombe (West Of St Luke’s Avenue), The Courtyard, The Lawns, The

Page 48 Paddocks, The Richmond Apartments, The Windmill, Third Avenue, Thomas Court, Thomas Davis Street South, Thomas Lane, Thompson Cottages, Thor Place, Tinkers Court, Tom Kelly Road, Tomar Court, Townsend Street, Tramway Cottages, Traynor Place, Trinity Street, Tyrrell Place, Ulster Street, Upper Cross Road, Usher Street, Ushers Lane, Valentia Parade, Vauxhall Avenue, Veronica Terrace, Vernon Street, Verschoyle Court, Verschoyle Place, Vicar Street , Victoria Street, Viking Place, Viking Road, Vintage Court, Walworth Road, Ward's Hill, Warren Street, Warrenmount, Warrenmount Place, Warrington Lane, Warrington Place, Washington Street, Watkin's Square, Watling Street, Weaver Lane, Weaver's Close, Weaver's Square, Weaver's Street, Wellesley Place, Wellington Place North, Wellington Quay, Wellington Street Lower, Wellington Street Upper, Werburgh Street, Wesley Place, Western Way, Westland Court, Westland Row, Westmoreland Street, Wexford Street, Whitefriar Place, Whitefriar Street, White's Lane, Wicklow Lane, Wicklow Street, William Street North, William Street South, Williams Lane, Williams Place Lower, Williams Place South, William's Place Upper, Willie Bermingham Place, Wilson's Place, Wilson's Terrace, Wilton Place, Wilton Terrace, Windmill Lane, Windsor Place, Windsor Terrace, Wolseley Street, Wood Lane, Wood Street, Wormwood Gate, Yarnhall Street, York Street.


Adelaide, Ailesbury Gardens, Ailesbury Mews, Ailesbury Park, Ailesbury Road, Ballsbridge Avenue, Ballsbridge Park, Ballsbridge Wood, Beach Avenue, Beach Drive, Beatty's Avenue, Churchill Terrace, Claremont Park, Claremont Road, Crampton Avenue, Cranfield Place, Dodder View Cottages, Dromard Terrace, Durham Road, Estate Cottages, Fairfield Court, Farney Park, Gilford Avenue, Gilford Court, Gilford Drive, Gilford Park, Gilford Pines, Gilford Road, Gilford Terrace, Granite Place, Havelock Place, Havelock Square, Havelock Terrace, Herbert Cottages, Herbert Road, Holyrood Park, Homelee, Iveragh Court, Keegans Cottages, Kirkwood, Lansdowne Hall, Lansdowne Lane, Lansdowne Road, Lansdowne Square, Lansdowne Village, Lea Crescent, Lea Road, Leahy's Terrace, Lennon's Cottages, Londonbridge Drive, Marine Drive, Martello Mews, Martello View, Martello Wood, Merlyn Drive, Merlyn Park, Merlyn Road, Merrion Strand, Merrion Village, Moyross, Newbridge Avenue, Newbridge Drive, Newbridge Mews, Newgrove Avenue, Oaklands Drive, Oaklands Park, O'connell Gardens, Oswald Road, Park Avenue, Park Court, Park Lane, Prince Of Wales Terrace, Radcliff Hall, Railway Cottages, Richelieu Park, Saint Alban's Park, Saint John's, Saint John's Road, Sandymount Avenue, Sandymount Castle Drive, Sandymount Castle Park, Sandymount Castle Road, Sandymount Court, Sandymount Green, Sandymount Road, Seabury, Seafort Avenue, Seafort Cottages, Seafort Gardens, Seafort Terrace, Seafort Villas, Serpentine Avenue, Serpentine Park, Serpentine Road, Serpentine Terrace, Shaws Lane, Shelbourne Avenue, Shrewsbury, Shrewsbury Park, Spafield Terrace, Strand Mews, Sydenham Court, Sydenham Road, Sydney Parade Avenue, The Grove, The Sweepstakes, Tritonville Avenue, Tritonville Close, Tritonville Court, Tritonville Crescent, Tritonville Road, Vavasour Square, Wilfield, Wilfield Park, Wilfield Road, Willow Field, Willow Mews.


Ardagh Road, Armagh Road, Ashling Close, Balfe Avenue, Balfe Road, Balfe Road East, Bangor Drive, Bangor Road, Benbulbin Avenue, Benbulbin Road, Benmadigan Road, Bigger Lane, Bigger Road, Blarney Park, Brandon Road, Brickfield Drive, Brookfield, Brookfield Green , Bunting Road, Captain's Avenue, Captain's Drive, Captain's Road, Carrow Road, Cashel Avenue, Cashel Road, Clogher Road, Clonard Road, Clonfert Road, Clonmacnoise Grove, Clonmacnoise Road, Cloyne Road, Comeragh Road, Cooley Road, Crotty Avenue, Crumlin Park, Curlew Road, Davitt House, Derry Drive, Derry Park, Derry Road, Devenish Road, Dolphin Court, Donard Road, Dowland Road, Downpatrick Road, Dromard Road, Dromore Road, Durrow Road, Errigal Gardens, Errigal Road, Esposito Road, Father Kitt Court, Faughart Road, Ferns Road, Fernvale Drive, Field Avenue, Fort Ostman, Fortfield Road, Galtymore Close, Galtymore Drive, Galtymore Park, Galtymore Road, Grove Court, Hardebeck Avenue, Harty Avenue, Harty Court, Hazel Park, Herberton Bridge, Herberton Drive, Hughes Road East, Hughes Road North, Hughes Road South, Innismore, , John Mccormack Avenue, Keeper Road, Kells Road, Kildare Park, Kilfenora Road, Kilnamanagh Road, Kilworth Road, Knocknarea Avenue, Knocknarea Road, Kylemore Road, Landsdowne Valley Park, Lansdowne Valley, Leighlin Road, Lisle Road, Lismore Road, Lissadel Avenue, Lissadel Court, Lissadel Drive, Lissadel Green, Lissadel Road, Lorcan O'toole Court, Lorcan O'toole Park, Mangerton Road, Moeran Road, Monasterboice Road, Mourne Road, Muirfield Drive, O'brien Road, O'dwyer Road, Old County Glen, Old County Road, Park Crescent, Percy French Road, Poddle Close, Poddle Green, Poddle Park, Rafter's Avenue, Rafter's Lane, Rafters Road, Raleigh Square, Raphoe Road, Ravensdale Close, Ravensdale Drive, Ravensdale Park, Rockmeade Court, Royston, Royston Court, Royston Village, Saint Agnes Park, Saint Agnes Road, Saint Martin's Drive, Saint Martin's Park, Saint Mary's Crescent, Saint Mary's Drive, Saint Mary's Park, Saint Mary's Road, Saint Teresa's Lane, Saint Teresa's Road, Saul Road, Slane Road, Slievebloom Road, Slievemore Road, Slievenamon Road, Somerville Avenue, Somerville Drive, Somerville Green, Somerville Park, Sperrin Road, Stanford Green, Stannaway Avenue, Stannaway Court, Stannaway Drive, Stannaway Road, Thomas Moore Road, Tonguefield Road, Walkinstown Close, Walkinstown Drive, Walkinstown Green, Walkinstown Parade, Walkinstown Road, Walkinstown Crescent, Walkinstown Park, Wallace Road, Windmill Avenue, Windmill Crescent, Windmill Park, Windmill Road.


Brian Avenue, Brian Road, Brian Terrace, Carleton Road, Casino Road, Croydon Gardens, Croydon Green, Croydon Park Avenue, Croydon Terrace, Fairview Avenue Lower, Fairview Avenue Upper, Fairview Green, Fairview Terrace, Haverty Road, Marino Court, Marino Green, Marino Park, Marino Park Avenue, Melrose Court, Merville Avenue, Morrogh Terrace, Philipsburgh Terrace, Saint Aidan's Park, Saint Aidan's Park Avenue, Saint Aidan's Park Road, Saint Declan's Road, Saint Declan's Terrace, Saint Joseph's Terrace, Shelmartin Avenue, Shelmartin Terrace, Turlogh Parade, Windsor Avenue, Windsor Lane, Windsor Villas.


Barron Place, Botanic Avenue, College Manor , Comyn Place, Drumcondra Road Lower, Ferguson Road, Fleming Road, Hardiman Road, Joyce Road, Millbourne Avenue, Millmount Avenue, Millmount Place, Millmount Terrace, Millmount Villas, O'brien's Place, O'daly Road, O'neachtain Road, Walsh Road, Windele Road,Woodville Road.


West Park Drive, St. Canice’s Road, Hillcrest Park, Glasilawn Road, Glasnevin Park, Glasnevin Drive, Clonmel Road, Wadelai Road, Wadelai Green, St. Pappin Road, Dean Swift Road, Dean Swift Green, St. Pappin Green, St. Pappin Road, Drapier Road, Drapier Green, Clonmel Road, St. Canice’s Park, Stormanstown Road.


Artane Castle Service Road, Celtic Park Avenue, Celtic Park Road, Chestnut Court, Collins Avenue Extension, Collins Park, Collinswood, Coolatree Close, Coolatree Road, Dromawling Road, Drombawn Avenue, Dromeen Avenue, Dromlee Crescent, Dromnanane Park, Dromnanane Road, Elm Mount Avenue, Elm Mount Close, Elm Mount Court, Elm Mount Crescent, Elm Mount Drive, Elm Mount Grove, Elm Mount Heights, Elm Mount Lawn, Elm Mount Park, Elm Mount Rise, Elm Mount Road, Elm Mount View, Pinebrook Avenue, Pinebrook Crescent, Pinebrook Drive, Pinebrook Grove, Pinebrook Rise, Pinebrook Road, Saint David's, Saint David's Park, Saint David's Wood, Skelly's Lane, The Crescent, Thorndale Avenue, Thorndale Crescent, Thorndale Drive, Thorndale Grove, Thorndale Lawn, Thorndale Park, Whitethorn Avenue, Whitethorn Close, Whitethorn Crescent, Whitethorn Grove, Whitethorn Park, Whitethorn Rise, Whitethorn Road.


Ardara Avenue, Ayrfield Avenue, Ayrfield Court, Ayrfield Drive, Ayrfield Grove , Ayrfield Park, Ayrfield Place, Ayrfield Road, Beechbrook Grove, Beechbrook Lawn, Belcamp Lane, Carndonagh Drive, Carndonagh Lawn, Carndonagh Park, Carndonagh Road, Carraroe Avenue, Cedar Park, Clare Hall Avenue, Clare Hall Way, Clarehall Shopping Centre, Clonmellon Grove, Clonrosse Court, Clonrosse Drive, Clonrosse Park, Curracloe Drive, Donaghmede Avenue, Donaghmede Drive, Donaghmede Park, Donaghmede Road, Dunree Park, Elmfield Avenue, Elmfield Close, Elmfield Court, Elmfield Crescent, Elmfield Drive, Elmfield Green, Elmfield Grove, Elmfield Lawn, Elmfield Park, Elmfield Rise, Elmfield Vale, Elmfield Walk, Elmfield Way, Elton Court, Elton Drive, Elton Park, Elton Walk, Foxhill Avenue, Foxhill Close, Foxhill Court, Foxhill Crescent, Foxhill Drive, Foxhill Green, Foxhill Grove, Foxhill Lawn, Foxhill Park, Foxhill Way, Glentworth Park, Grange Abbey Crescent, Grange Abbey

Page 51 Drive, Grange Abbey Grove, Grange Abbey Road, Grangemore Avenue, Grangemore Court, Grangemore Crescent, Grangemore Drive, Grangemore Grove , Grangemore Lawn, Grangemore Park, Grangemore Rise, Grangemore Road, Greencastle Road, Greenwood Avenue, Greenwood Close, Greenwood Court, Greenwood Drive, Greenwood Lawn, Greenwood Park, Greenwood Walk, Greenwood Way, Grove Lane, Grove Park, Holywell Avenue, Holywell Crescent, Holywell Road, Howth View Park, Invermore Grove, Kilfenora Drive, Killary Grove, Kilmoroney Close, Laracor Gardens, Laragh Close, Laragh Grove, Lentisk Lawn, Limewood Avenue, Limewood Park, Limewood Road, Manor Drive, Millbrook Avenue, Millbrook Drive, Millbrook Grove, Newbrook Avenue, Newbrook Road, Newtown Drive, Nurney Lawn, Orchard Way, Rathvale Avenue, Rathvale Drive, Rathvale Grove, Rathvale Park, Saint Donagh's Crescent, Saint Donagh's Park, Saint Donagh's Road, Slademore Avenue, Slademore Close, Slademore Court, Slademore Drive, Streamville Road, Tara Lawn, Temple View Avenue, Temple View Close, Temple View Copse, Temple View Court, Temple View Crescent, Temple View Downs, Temple View Drive, Temple View Green, Temple View Grove, Temple View Lawn, Temple View Park, Temple View Place, Temple View Rise, Temple View Row, Temple View Square, Temple View Vale, Temple View Walk, Temple View Way, The Beeches, The Gables, The Hole In The Wall Road, Woodview Close, Woodview Park, Wyteleaf Grove.


All Saints Close, All Saints Drive, All Saints Park, All Saints Road,Avondale Park, Ballyhoy Avenue, Berach Lodge, Berehaven Place, Bettyglen, Bettystown Avenue, Briarfield Grove, Briarfield Road, Briarfield Villas, Briarfield Walk, Brookwood Avenue, Brookwood Glen, Cedar Walk, Cill Eanna, Ennafort Avenue, Ennafort Court, Ennafort Drive, Ennafort Grove, Ennafort Park, Ennafort Road, Foxfield Avenue, Foxfield Crescent, Foxfield Drive, Foxfield Green, Foxfield Grove, Foxfield Heights, Foxfield Lawn Foxfield Park, Foxfield Road, Foxfield Saint John, Fox's Lane, Greendale Avenue, Greendale Court, Greendale Road, Howth Junction Cottages, Island View, Island View Court, Kilbarrack Avenue, Kilbarrack Gardens, Kilbarrack Grove, Main Street, Manor House View, Maryville Road, Maywood Avenue, Maywood Close, Maywood Crescent, Maywood Drive, Maywood Grove, Maywood Lawn, Maywood Park, Maywood Road, Nanikin Avenue, Orchard Road, Raheny Court, Raheny Park, Rathmore Park, Redmond's Court, Rose Glen Manor, Roseglen Avenue, Roseglen Road, Rosevale Court, Saint Anne's Avenue, Saint Anne's Court, Saint Anne's Drive, Saint Anne's Terrace, Saint Assam's Avenue, Saint Assam's Drive, Saint Assam's Park, Saint Assam's Road East, Saint Assam's Road West, Saint Margaret's Avenue , Station Road, Sybil Hill Avenue, The Belfry, The Court, The Glen, The Grove, The Meadows, The Village, Thornville Avenue, Thornville Drive,Thornville Park, Thornville Road, Wade's Avenue, Waterfall Road, Watermill, Watermill Avenue, Watermill Drive, Watermill Lawn, Watermill Park.

Page 52 Phase 3


Ashcroft, Belmont Park, Belmont Square, Brookfield, Brookwood Crescent, Brookwood Grove, Brookwood Heights, Brookwood Lawn, Brookwood Rise, Edenmore Avenue, Edenmore Crescent, Edenmore Drive, Edenmore Gardens, Edenmore Green, Edenmore Grove, Edenmore Park, Ennel Avenue, Ennel Drive, Ennel Park, Glenayle Road, Glenfarne Road, Glenwood Road, Gorsefield Court, Gracefield Avenue, Gracefield Court, Gracefield Road, Grange Park Avenue, Grange Park Close, Grange Park Crescent, Grange Park Drive, Grange Park Green, Grange Park Grove, Grange Park Rise, Grange Park Road, Grange Park View, Grange Park Walk, Harmonstown Road, Lein Gardens, Lein Park, Lein Road, Lough Derg Road, Malahide Road, Mask Avenue, Mask Crescent, Mask Drive, Mask Green, Mask Road, Mcauley Avenue, Mcauley Drive, Mcauley Park, Mcauley Road, Millwood Court, Millwood Park, Millwood Villas, Moatfield Avenue, Moatfield Park, Moatfield Road, Mount Olive Grove, Mount Olive Park, Mount Olive Road, Ribh Avenue, Ribh Road, Rosemount Avenue, Saint Brendan's Avenue, Saint Brendan's Drive, Saint Brendan's Park, Station Road, Swan's Nest Avenue, Swan's Nest Road, The Mill, Tonlegee Avenue, Tonlegee Drive, Tuscany Downs, Westpark, Woodbine Close, Woodbine Drive, Woodbine Park, Woodbine Road, Abbey Court, Abbey Park, Abbeyfield, Abbeyfield Lawns, Alone Walk, Brookwood Avenue, Brookwood Drive, Brookwood Meadow, Brookwood Park, Brookwood Road, Clanawley Road, Clanboy Road, Clandonagh Road, Clanhugh Road, Clanmahon Road, Clanmaurice Road, Clanranald Road, Clanree Road, Craigford Avenue, Craigford Drive, Danieli Drive, Danieli Road, Kilbride Road, Killester Avenue, Killester Court, Killester Park, La Vista Avenue, Middle Third, Quarry Cottages, Saint Brigid's Close, Saint Brigids Court, Saint Brigid's Crescent, Saint Brigid's Drive, Saint Brigid's Green, Saint Brigid's Grove, Saint Brigid's Lawn, Saint Brigid's Road, School Avenue, The Bramblings, The Demesne, The Mews, The Orchard, The Pines, Venetian Hall.


Ashbrook, Baymount Park, Belgrove Park, Belgrove Road, Blackheath Avenue, Blackheath Court, Blackheath Drive, Blackheath Gardens, Blackheath Grove, Blackheath Park, Brian Boru Avenue, Brian Boru Street, Brighton Avenue, Brooklawn, Carlton Court, Castilla Park, Castle Grove, Castle Road, Castle View, Castlecourt, Cecil Avenue, Charlemont Lane, Charlemont Road, Chelsea Gardens, Churchgate Avenue, Clontarf Park, Conquer Hill Avenue, Conquer Hill Road, Copeland Grove, Crescent Place, Danes Court, Danesfort, Dollymount Avenue, Dollymount Grove, Dollymount Park, Dollymount Rise, Doyle's Lane, Dunluce Road, Dunseverick Road, Fortview Avenue, Furry Park Court, Furry Park Road, Grosvenor Court, Haddon Court, Haddon Park, Haddon Road, Hampton Court, Hazel Lane, Hollybrook Court, Hollybrook Court Drive, Hollybrook Grove, Hollybrook Park, Hollybrook Road, Kincora Avenue, Kincora Court, Kincora Drive, Kincora Grove, Kincora Park, Kincora Road, Knights Bridge, Lambourne Village, Lawrence Grove, Marino Avenue, , Merchamp, Moat Lane, Mount Prospect Avenue, Mount Prospect Drive, Mount Prospect Grove,

Page 53 Mount Prospect Lawns, Mount Prospect Park, Oakley Park, Oulton Road, Park Lawn, Park View, Saint Gabriels Court, Saint Gabriel's Road, Saint John's Wood, Saint Joseph's Square, Saint Lawrence Road, Sandon Cove, Seacourt, Seafield Avenue, Seafield Close, Seafield Downs, Seafield Grove, Seafield Road West, Seapark, Seapark Drive, Seapark Road, Seaview Avenue North, Stiles Court, Strandville Avenue East, Strandville House, Summerville, The Court, The Laurels, The Mews, The Oaks, The Paddocks, The Stiles Road, Thornhill Lane, Vernon Court, Vernon Drive, Vernon Gardens, Vernon Grove, Vernon Heath, Vernon Park, Vernon Rise, Vernon Wood, Verville Court, Victoria Road, Victoria Terrace, Victoria Villas, Woodside.


Abercorn Road, Alexander Terrace, Annesley Avenue, Annesley Close, Annesley Place, Ardilaun Road, Ardilaun Square, Austins Cottages, Ballybough Avenue Ballybough Cottages, Ballybough Court, Ballybough Lane, Ballybough Road, Bargy Road, Bayview Avenue, Bessborough Avenue, Blythe Avenue, Boolavogue Road, Caledon Court, Caledon Road, Castleforbes Road, Charlemont Parade, Charleville Avenue, Church Avenue, Church Place, Church Road, Church Row, Church Square, Church Street East, Clinch's Court, Clonliffe Avenue, Clonliffe Gardens, Clonliffe Square, Clonmore Road, Clonmore Terrace, Crawford Terrace, Crescent Gardens, Distillery Road, Docklands Innovation Park, East Road, Enaville Avenue, Enaville Road, Fairfield Avenue, Faith Avenue, Forth Road, Foster Place North, Foster Terrace, Gaelic Street, Hawthorn Avenue, Hawthorn Terrace, Hibernian Avenue, Hope Avenue, Hyacinth Street, Irvine Cottages, Irvine Terrace, James Street North, Killan Court, Killane Road, Kings Avenue, Leinster Avenue, Leinster Street East, Love Lane North, Malachi Place, Mayor Street Upper, Merchant Square, Merchants Road, Moy Elta Road, New Wapping Street, Newcomen Avenue, Newcomen Court, Northbrook Avenue Lower, Northbrook Avenue Upper, Northbrook Terrace, Nottingham Street, Orchard Road, Ossory Road, O'Sullivan Avenue, Portside Court, Ravensdale Road, Russell Avenue East, Sackville Avenue, Sackville Gardens, Saint Barnabas Gardens, Saint Brigid's Avenue, Saint Brigid's Cottages, Saint James's Avenue, Saint Joseph's Avenue, Saint Mary's Road, Saint Patrick's Avenue, Seaview Avenue East, Shelmalier Road, Spencer Place, Spencer Street North, Spring Garden Street, Stoney Road, Strandville Avenue, Strandville Place, Strangford Gardens, Strangford Road East, Susanville Road, Taaffes Place, Thomas Clarke House, Tolka Road, Trinity Terrace, Waterloo Avenue, West Road, Xavier Avenue.


Botanic Avenue, Botanic Avenue Flats, Botanic Park, Botanic Square, Carlingford Road, Claude Road, Cliftonville Road, Crawford Avenue, Crescent Villas, Daneswell Road, Dargle Road, David Park, David Road, Drumcondra Park, Eden Terrace, Elizabeth Street, Fairfield Road, Fitzroy Avenue, Gartan Avenue, Glen Arm Square, Glenarm Avenue, Glendalough Road, Grattan Parade, Hollybank Road, Iona Avenue, Iona Crescent, Iona Drive, Iona Park, Iona Road, Iona Villas, Lindsay Grove, Lindsay Road, Mabel Street, Mannix Road, Marguerite Road, May Street, O'Brien's Place, O'Briens Terrace,

Page 54 Robert Place, Robert Street, Russell Avenue, Saint Alphonsus' Avenue, Saint Alphonsus' Road Lower, Saint Alphonsus' Road Upper, Saint Anne's Road, Saint Brendan's Road, Saint Brigid's Road Lower, Saint Brigid's Road Upper, Saint Clement's Road, Saint Columba's Road Lower, Saint Columba's Road Upper, Saint George's Avenue, Saint Ita's Road, Saint Joseph's Avenue, Saint Malachy Road, Saint Michael's Road, Saint Patrick's Parade, Saint Patrick's Road, Saint Patrick's Terrace, Victoria Lane, Whitworth Avenue, Whitworth Parade, Whitworth Place, Whitworth Terrace, Wigan Road, Woodville Road.


Bannow Road, Broombridge Road, Carnlough Road, Claremont Close, Claremont Court, Claremont Crescent, Claremont Lawns, Clareville Court, Clareville Grove, Dingle Road, Drumcliffe Drive, Drumcliffe Road, Dunmanus Court, Dunmanus Road, Inver Road, Kilkieran Court, Kilkieran Road, Killala Road, Liscannor Road, Mulroy Road, Ratoath Estate, Finbar Road, Swilly Road, The Willows, Towerview Cottages, Ventry Drive, Ventry Park, Ventry Road.


Ardmore Avenue, Ardpatrick Road, Blackhorse Grove, Caragh Road, Croagh Patrick Road, Doon Avenue, Dunard Avenue, Dunard Court, Dunard Drive, Dunard Park, Dunard Road, Dunard Walk, Earls Court, Ellesmere Avenue, Everton Avenue, Glenard Avenue, Glenbeigh Park, Glenbeigh Road, Glencar Road, Glenmore Road, Hampton Green, Hampton Square, Mckee Park, Park View, Phoenix Manor, Rosecourt Way, Slemish Road, Springfield.


Ballygall Avenue, Ballygall Road West, Cedarwood Avenue, Cedarwood Close, Cedarwood Green, Cedarwood Grove, Cedarwood Park, Cedarwood Rise, Cedarwood Road, Clancy Avenue, Clancy Road, Clune Road, Finglas Park, Grove Avenue, Grove Park Avenue, Grove Park Crescent, Grove Park Drive, Grove Park Road, Grove Road, Grove Wood, Mckee Road, Oakwood Avenue, Oakwood Close, Oakwood Park, Oakwood Road, Pinewood Avenue, Pinewood Crescent, Pinewood Drive, Pinewood Green, Pinewood Grove, Pinewood Villas, Sycamore Park, Willow Park Avenue, Willow Park Close, Willow Park Drive, Willow Park Grove, Willow Park Lawn.


Page 55 Anner Road, Bulfin Court, Bulfin Gardens, Camac Close, Camac Court, Connolly Avenue, Connolly Gardens, Devoy Road, Emmet Court, Emmet Crescent, Goldenbridge Avenue, Goldenbridge Gardens, Goldenbridge Terrace, Goldenbridge Walk, Harcourt Lodge, Heuston Square, Kickham Road, Luby Road, Millview Cottages, Myra Close, O'leary Road, River Walk, Saint Helen's Terrace, Saint Michael's Estate, Saint Vincent Street West, Southern Cross Avenue, Spa Road, Stephens Road, Thomas Davis Street West, Tir Connell Grove, Turvey Avenue, Tyrconnell Street.


Adrian Avenue, Alma Court, Alma Terrace, Arbutus Avenue, Ardee Grove, Ardee Road, Armstrong Street, Ashworth Place, Athlumney Villas, Aughavannagh Road, Bannaville, Bessborough Parade, Blackberry Lane, Boyne Court, Casimir Avenue, Casimir Court, Casimir Road, Castlewood Terrace, Charleville Close, Charleville Road, Chester Road, Church Park Avenue, Church Park Court, Church Park Drive, Church Park Lawn, Church Park Way, Clifton Mews, Darley Street, Drummond Place, Effra Road, Emmet Street, Fitzgerald Street, Fitzpatrick's Cottages, Fortescue Lane, Gandon Close, Garden View, Glenealy Road, Greenfield Place, Greenmount Avenue, Greenmount Court, Greenmount Lane, Greenmount Square, Greenwich Court, Grosvenor Lane, Grosvenor Lodge, Grosvenor Park, Grosvenor Place, Grosvenor Square, Grove Avenue, Grove Park, Gulistan Cottages, Gulistan Place, Gulistan Terrace, Harold's Cross Cottages, Hatter's Lane, Kenilworth Lane, Kenilworth Park, La Touche Bridge, Larkfield Grove, Le Vere Terrace, Leinster Park, Leinster Place, Leinster Road, Leinster Road West, Leinster Square, Lime Kiln Lane, Lissenfield, Louis Lane, Mander's Terrace, Manor Villas, Military Road, Mount Anthony, Mount Argos Square, Mount Argus Avenue, Mount Argus Close, Mount Argus Court, Mount Argus Crescent, Mount Argus Green, Mount Argus Grove, Mount Argus Park, Mount Argus Road, Mount Argus Terrace, Mount Argus View, Mount Argus Way, Mount Drummond Avenue, Mount Drummond Court, Mount Drummond Square, Mountain View Avenue, Mountpleasant Avenue Lower, Mountpleasant Avenue Upper, Mountpleasant Parade, Mountpleasant Place, Mountpleasant Square, Mountpleasant Terrace, Mountpleasant Terrace Upper, Mountpleasant Villas, Observatory Lane, O'hara Avenue, Old Mountpleasant, Ontario Terrace, Oxford Road, Parker Hill, Parkview Avenue, Parnell Avenue, Parnell Court, Prices Lane, Prince Arthur Terrace, Priory Road, Ranelagh Mews, Rathdrum Road, Richmond Hill, Richmond Lane, Richmond Mews, Richmond Place, Rugby Road, Rugby Villas, Rutland Avenue, Rutland Grove, Ryans Cottages, Saddlers Court, Saint Clare's Avenue, Selskar Terrace, Shamrock Villas, Sion Hill Avenue, Sundrive Park, Swan Grove, Swanville Place, Swanward Court, Tivoli Avenue, Walker's Cottages, Westfield Road, Wharton Terrace, Wilfrid Road, Wilfrid Terrace, Williams Park, Wynnefield Road.


Page 56 Baggot Lane, Beggar's Bush Court, Berkeley Terrace, Berystede, Burleigh Court, Burlington Gardens, Burlington Road, Cambridge Terrace, Cannon Mews East, Cannon Mews West, Chelmsford Avenue, Chelmsford Close, Dartmouth Lane, Dartmouth Place, Dartmouth Road, East, Dartmouth Square North, Dartmouth Square South, Dartmouth Square West, Dartmouth Terrace, Dartmouth Walk, Dexter Terrace, Eastmoreland Lane, Eastmoreland Place, Elgin Road, Fleming's Place, Haddington Lane, Haddington Place, Heytesbury Lane, Lansdowne Park, Lansdowne Road, Leeson Park, Mespil House, Northbrook Avenue, Northbrook Lane, Northbrook Road, Northbrook Walk, Orchard Lane, Park View, Pembroke Gardens, Pembroke Lane, Percy Close, Percy Lane, Percy Place, Raglan Lane, Raglan Road, Ranelagh Avenue, Saint Mary's Lane, Saint Mary's Road, Shelbourne Lane, Sibthorpe Lane, Sullivan Cottages, Temple Place, The Square, Warner's Lane, Waterloo Lane, Waterloo Road, Wellington Lane, Wellington Road, Westmoreland Park, Winton Road.


Beech Hill Avenue, Beech Hill Court, Beech Hill Crescent, Beech Hill Drive, Beech Hill Terrace, Beech Hill Villas, Greenfield Crescent, Greenfield Park, Simmonscourt Terrace, Grand Canal, Barrow Street.

Ardcollum Avenue, Clancarthy Road, Glin Avenue, Glin Drive, Greencastle Road, Hazelwood Drive, Hazelwood Park, Riverside Avenue, Riverside Crescent, Riverside Drive, Riverside Grove, Riverside Park, Riverside Road.

Farnham Drive, Finn Eber Fort, Saint Helena's Road.

Page 57


1. Santry By-Pass, southbound between Fingal County Council /Dublin City Council boundary and a point 250m south or the north face of the east abutment of northern bridge at Coolock Lane Interchange.

2. The Dublin Port Tunnel (North Port Access Route), Southbound.

3. The Dublin Port Tunnel (North Port Access Route), Northbound.


Special Periodic Speed Limit 30 km/h in the vicinity of schools located adjacent to Long Mile Road and Chapelizod Road.

Thirty kilometres per hour shall be the special periodic speed limit applicable Monday to Friday on those roads specified below during the times and periods specified.

At all other times the speed limit on the public roads specified shall revert to 50km/h.

1. Long Mile Road ( both eastbound and westbound carriageways) from a point 10m east of its junction with Walkinstown Parade to a point 60m east of its junction with Slievebloom Park, between the hours 08.15 to 09.30 and 12.45 to 16.15.

2. Slievebloom Park between, the hours 08.15 to 09.30 and 12.45 to 16.15.

3. Chapelizod Road from a point opposite the common boundary of numbers 4 and 5 Mullingar Terrace for a distance of 140m in a westerly direction, between the hours 8.15 to 9.30 and 13.00 to 15.00.

4. Howth Road from a point at Public Lamp Standard 86 and heading West for 160m and East for 60m, between the hours of 08.20 to 9.20 and 13.00 to 15.00

5. Griffith Avenue from a point at Public Lamp Standard 11 and heading West for 373m and East for 67m, between the hours of 08.30 to 09.30 and 14.30 to 15.30.

6. Seamus Ennis Road from a point at Public Lamp Standard 70 and heading West for 78m and East for 92m, between the hours of 08.30 to 09.30 and 14.30 to 15.30.

7. Terenure Road East from a point at Public Lamp Standard 16 and heading East for 200m and West for 80m, between the hours of 08.30 to 09.30 and 14.30 to 15.30.

8. Clareville Road East from a point at Public Lamp Standard 11 and heading East for 79m and West for 100m, between the hours of 08.30 to 09.30 and 14.30 to 15.30

The thirty kilometres per hour special periodic speed limit will apply during the official term time that schools are convened.

Page 59 Present when the Seal of

Dublin City Council was affixed hereto

This day of 2018

Page 60 Item No. 6

Report to the Chairperson and Members of the Transportation Strategic Policy Committee

Draft Dublin City Council Control of On-Street Sustainable Deliveries Eco Hub Bye-Laws 2018 – report on public consultation

The Draft Dublin City Council Control of On-Street Sustainable Deliveries Eco Hub Bye-Laws 2018 went to public consultation from Monday 16th July to Tuesday 14th August 2018, with submissions accepted up to 28th August 2018. The Draft Bye-Laws were advertised in the Irish Independent, and made available at the offices of the Environment and Transportation Department and on the consultation page.

There were no submissions made by hand to the offices of the Environment and Transportation Department.

A total of nine submissions were made on-line to the consultation page as follows  7 supportive of the delivery hub initiative and Bye-Laws  1 supportive of the delivery hub initiative and suggesting improvements including local consultation  1 requesting the removal of the Wolfe Tone Street delivery hub

The submissions were reviewed and, following further consideration, a number of changes to the Draft Bye-Laws were made as follows:

 All references to “Sustainable Deliveries Eco Hub” have been shortened to “Delivery Hub”. The revised title of the proposed Bye-Laws is: Dublin City Council Control of On-Street Delivery Hub Bye-Laws 2018.

 Part I, Section 4 includes a clearer definition of a Delivery Hub and the requirement for it to use a mix of lower emission vehicles, electric vehicles, cycles and deliveries on foot.

 Part II, Section 5(b): “The period for which a Delivery Hub licence is issued will be an Executive Function. Right to tenure of the Delivery Hub site is excluded.”

 Regarding Part II, Section 5(i), restrictions on advertising and branding are added along with the need to complement the vicinity’s streetscape and take account of the sight lines of existing premises, protected structures and in areas of Architectural Conservation.

 Part II, Section 5(q) includes a requirement on the Operator of the Delivery Hub to share with Dublin City the Council, free of charge, data relating to the operation of the Hub.

Page 61  Part IV, Section 7(d) broadens the responsibility on Operators to comply with all bye-laws, licence and legislative requirements.

The amended Draft Dublin City Council Control of On-Street Delivery Hub Bye-Laws 2018 are attached. It is recommended that the Transportation Strategic Policy Committee propose the Draft Dublin City Council Control of On-Street Delivery Hub Bye-Laws 2018 to the City Council with a recommendation for their adoption.

The making or amending of Bye-Laws is a Reserved Function of the Members of the City Council.

Colm Ennis Senior Executive Engineer City Centre Transportation Projects September, 2018

Page 62

Draft Dublin City Council Control of On-Street Delivery Hub Bye-Laws 2018.

Page 63 Long title Dublin City Council Control of On-Street Delivery Hub Bye-Laws 2018

The Lord Mayor and Members of Dublin City Council (hereafter referred to as “The Council”) in exercise of the powers vested in them by the provisions of Part 19 of the Local Government Act, 2001 and all other enabling statutory powers hereby make the following Bye-Laws for the regulation of the operation of on-street Delivery Hubs in respect of the administrative area of Dublin City Council.

Preliminary Part I.

Short title 1 These Bye-Laws may be cited as the Dublin City Council Control of On-Street Delivery Hub Bye-Laws 2018.

Area of 2 These Bye-Laws apply to the administrative area of Dublin City application Council.

Commencement 3 These Bye-Laws shall come into effect on the 5th November, 2018 Date

Definitions 4 In these Bye-Laws:

“Agent of the Council” means any person employed by the Council or any other person authorised by the Council to carry out functions under these bye-laws.

“Authorised Person” has the meaning assigned to it by Section 103 (8) (inserted by the Road Traffic Act 1968) (No. 25 of 1968) of the Road Traffic Act, 1961.

“Council” means Dublin City Council.

“Delivery Hub” means an on-street area, the size and location of which will be determined solely by the Council, to facilitate the delivery of consolidated loads to the hub. Onward, last mile, distribution must be by means of a mix of low emission and electric vehicles, electric cycles, cycles or on foot in order to comply with the Delivery Hub License.

“Delivery Hub License” means a license issued by the Council to a Delivery Hub Operator to provide a Delivery Hub Service within the Council area and bearing a specific identification number.

“Delivery Hub Operator” means the operator providing the Delivery Hub Service within the Council area. The Operator shall be responsible for, but not limited to, the day-to-day running of the service including the provision of vehicles, bicycles, electric bicycles, management of the hub, health & safety, indemnity, insurance and marketing. Page1 64

“Delivery Hub Vehicle” means a vehicle provided for the use of a Delivery Hub. All vehicles must be Irish registered.

“Delivery Hub Vehicle Permit” means a permit issued by the Council to a Delivery Hub Operator in respect of a Delivery Hub Vehicle for the purposes of the Bye Laws and containing the particulars specified.

“Good Industry Practice” means the degree of skill, care, prudence, foresight and operating practice which would reasonably and ordinarily be expected from time to time of a skilled and experienced operator (engaged in the same type of undertaking as that of the Operator) or any sub-operator under the same or similar circumstances.

“Public Road” means a road over which a public right of way exists and the responsibility for the maintenance of which lies with the Council.

“Road Traffic Regulations” means the Road Traffic (Traffic and Parking) Regulations 1997 (S.I. No 182 of 1997) and Road Traffic (Signs) Regulations 1997 (S.I. No 181 of 1997).

“Service” means the provision of a Delivery Hub operation consistent with the requirements set out in these Bye-Laws.

“Vehicle” means a goods vehicle brought to the Delivery Hub location and used for the purpose of distributing goods. The vehicle may be removed in the evening for re-supply the following day.

Part II.

Delivery Hub 5 a) A Delivery Hub Operator shall apply to the Council for a Operator’s Licence to operate an on-street Delivery Hub prior to Licence commencing operation.

b) The period for which a Delivery Hub licence is issued will be determined by the Council. Right to tenure of the Delivery Hub site is excluded.

c) A Licence shall be granted only where -

i. The applicant for it has paid the license fee to the Council

ii. Where applicable, the applicant has agreed the method of payment for on-street parking with the Council Page2 65

iii. The Council is satisfied that the applicant will comply with the provisions of these Bye-Laws.

iv. The applicant provides evidence of Public Liability Insurance covering the operation of the Deliveries Hub, with an indemnity limit of not less than 7 million euro and noting an indemnity to the Council.

v. The applicant provides a Tax Clearance Certificate from the Revenue Commissioners on an annual basis. d) An Operator shall not operate or permit to be operated, his/her Delivery Hub Service without holding a current licence in respect of it. e) An Operator shall not operate or permit to be operated his/her Delivery Hub Service except in accordance with the terms of the licence applicable to it and the provisions of these Bye- Laws. f) The Operator shall ensure in its performance that wherever possible it uses working methods, equipment, materials and consumables which minimise environmental damage. g) The Operator shall ensure that vehicles are maintained to a legal and roadworthy standard, with the requisite vehicle tax and insurance in accordance with all applicable statutory requirements. h) The Operator shall ensure that all vehicles and the area occupied by the Delivery Hub are kept to a reasonable standard of cleanliness at all times. i) The Operator shall agree proposed livery, advertising and branding on all Delivery Hub vehicles and fixtures with the Council prior to commencing operation. The location of the Delivery Hub and all vehicles and fixtures associated with it, must complement the vicinity’s streetscape and take account of the sight lines of existing premises, protected structures and in areas of Architectural Conservation. j) Repair and cleaning of Delivery Hub Vehicles must not be carried out on-street. k) In providing the Delivery Hub Service the Operator shall ensure that it is complying with all applicable legislation and with Good Industry Practice. l) The Operator shall take all reasonable steps, in accordance with Good Industry Practice, to prevent any fraudulent, Page3 66 dishonest or corrupt activity by its staff, the Operator (including shareholders, members and directors) and/or any of the Operator’s suppliers. The Operator shall notify the Council immediately if it has reason to suspect that any fraud, dishonesty or corrupt practice has occurred or is occurring or is likely to occur that would adversely affect the Council or reputation of Deliveries Hubs services.

m) The Operator shall at all times comply with the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act 2005 and any other Acts, Regulations, Orders or Rules of Law pertaining to health and safety.

n) The Operator shall assist the Council by providing any relevant information and reasonable assistance in connection with any legal proceedings in which the Council has an interest relating to the operation of any Delivery Hub.

o) The Council shall in no circumstances be liable to the Operator for any indirect or consequential loss, loss of goodwill or loss of income arising from the provision of the Delivery Hub service.

p) The Operator shall keep and maintain throughout the duration of the licence full and accurate records of their Delivery Hub operation within the Dublin City Council jurisdiction and provide access at all reasonable times to the auditors or other duly authorised staff or agents of the Council to inspect its accounts, financial systems and other such documents as the Council considers necessary in connection with the issuing of the license.

q) The Operator of the Delivery Hub is obliged to share with the Council, free of charge, data relating to the operation of the Delivery Hub, including its environmental impact.

Part III.

a) Setting of the fee for the issue and renewal of a Delivery Hub 6 license shall be an Executive Function. The Council reserves the right to review the license fee.

b) A license granted in respect of a Delivery Hub shall be prominently displayed in a vehicle at the hub location.

c) A Delivery Hub license shall contain the following particulars:

1) The words “Comhairle Cathrach Bhaile Átha Cliath” and “Dublin City Council” 2) The date of expiry of the Delivery Hub license Page4 67

d) Where the Council are satisfied that a valid Delivery Hub license has been lost, destroyed or stolen, the Council or its agents shall issue a replacement to the Operator on payment of a fee of 10 euro and such replacement license shall be substituted for the original license and the original license shall be cancelled.

e) A vehicle displaying an invalid Delivery Hub license will be subject to parking enforcement.

Part IV.

a) The Council may limit the number of Delivery Hub licenses 7 which is at the absolute discretion of the Council.

b) In the interest of competition the Council may set an upper limit on the number of Delivery Hub licenses operated by any single Delivery Hub operator.

c) Delivery Hub Vehicles shall be subject to the relevant Road Traffic Regulations and vehicles shall be parked on-street in accordance with Dublin City Council Parking Control Bye- Laws.

d) Delivery Hub Operators shall be responsible for compliance with administrative and road traffic regulations and with all bye laws, licensing and legislative requirements at any and all delivery hub locations.

e) Delivery Hub Vehicles shall be of an approved standard and subject at all times to inspection from an authorised person/ agent of the Council.

f) An authorised person/agent of the Council may request any Delivery Hub Operator who appears to be contravening or to have contravened a provision of the Bye-Laws to refrain from that activity.

g) A Delivery Hub Operator who obstructs or impedes or refuses to comply with a request of an authorised person/agent of the Council acting in the exercise of the functions conferred on an authorised person/agent of the Council by these Bye-Laws is guilty of an offence and my have their licence revoked.

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h) The Council may cancel a Delivery Hub Operator’s Licence where it establishes that the Operator no longer meets the requirements for a license to be issued in accordance with these Bye-Laws, or where it establishes that the holder has obtained the licence by the submission of falsified documentation or where the Operator is seriously or persistently in breach of these Bye-Laws.

i) The Council may prescribe streets/areas where a Delivery Hub operation cannot be established and may limit the number of Delivery Hubs in operation in any specific street/area.

j) The Council may prescribe areas where Delivery Hubs operate.

Present when the Seal of Dublin City Council was affixed hereto

This day of 2018

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Item No. 8

Report to the Chairperson and Members of the Transportation Strategic Policy Committee

The following Motion submitted by Councillor Frank Kennedy was agreed at the Transportation Strategic Policy Committee meeting held on 7th February, 2018. It was agreed also that a report on the Motion would be submitted to a future meeting of the SPC:

“In light of the ever growing practice of people using smartphones while walking (in particular sending texts and reading emails and articles), which creates serious risks to health and safety including that oblivious smartphone users could step onto oncoming traffic, be hit by cars and bicycles, or walk into stationary objects, this Committee resolves that Dublin City Council conducts an assessment of the ways in which it could (a) encourage people not to engage in this practice and to be aware of the serious consequences that it can cause, and (b) introduce safety measures to prevent injuries and collisions.”

In view of the safety issues raised in the Motion, which are considered to be of national relevance, it is deemed appropriate to refer the Motion to the Road Safety Authority to request that the issues raised be highlighted in a nationwide safety campaign. The Environment and Transportation Department has written to the RSA in this regard and their response will be circulated to the Transportation SPC on receipt.

In addition, the City Council will design a web insert for the DCC website to highlight the dangers involved.

Kevin Meade Senior Executive Officer Environment and Transportation Department

22nd March, 2018


Copy of letter dated 23rd April, 2018, from the Road Safety Authority in relation to the use of Smart Phones while walking is attached and copy of the City Council’s reply to the letter.

19th June, 2018

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Cycling & Walking Sub-Committee

7th March 2018


Cllr Ciarán Cuffe, Chair of Cycling & Walking Sub Committee Stephen McManus, IBIKE Edel Kelly, DCC Orlaith Maguire, RSA Clive Ahern, DCC Damien Ó Tuama, Researcher/Consultant Colm Ennis, DCC Christopher K Manzira, DCC Kieran Ryan, Dublin Cycling Campaign

Nuala Kelly Dublin Cycling Campaign


Dick Brady, DCC

Barbara Connolly, Cycling Ireland

Fiona Kelty, National Council for the Blind of Ireland

Colm Ryder, Dublin Cycling Campaign

Alita Rivero, Dublin Cycling Campaign

Jane Hackett, An Taisce


Jenny Sweeney, DCC, Marian Cheevers, DCC


1 Minutes of Cycle & Walking Sub – Committee meeting held on 18/01/18

1 item raised: 30K Speed Limit needs to be brought out to the suburbs, there is a ‘Speed Limit Sub Committee’ being formed to look at issues.

January 2018 - Minutes agreed.

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2 Projects

Royal Canal Phase 2, tenders are due in today at 2.30pm (7th March) contract should be in the next 6 weeks.

Clontarf to City Centre, meeting with the NTA on Friday and construction works should commence this year.

Dodder/Herbert Park to Donnybrook, designer in now, DCC received notification from the NTA regarding the final budget.

Royal Canal phase 3, Nuala Kelly asked is there any movement on phase 3? Christopher K Manzira (CKM) says there is a 3rd quarter phase 3 plan for this year, the design is awaiting approval. DCC hope to complete the process within 4 weeks which will allow us to go to tender in April. Designs previously had been sent back hence the delay.

Cross Guns Bridge is in phase 3, a preliminary assessment has been done on Phibsboro Bridge, and something specifically is needed for the bridge.

Cllr Cuffe suggested if it’s possible to work with Waterways Ireland, CKM says they are very helpful with communication and that we are working with them regarding licences.

Orlaith Maguire asked if Clonskeagh project will resume, CKM says yes it’s to resume in May, it has been paused. DCC and the NTA made a decision to pause due to staff limitations and resources and also with the Dodder project.

Cllr Cuffe asked if there was a 3rd party review on the Clontarf to City Centre project and is this a reference to legal advice? CKM says no it’s our own view; it’s not covered in the cycle manual.

Cllr Cuffe wants it noted that all projects on the project list should be discussed.

3 ITS Report /Pedestrian Crossings

Edel Kelly updated committee regarding prioritizing requests from Green Schools, i.e. giving more ‘Green time’ on pedestrian lights requested by school kids.

Cllr Cuffe discussed the alignment of proposed bus traffic corridors ie Mountjoy Square/Parnell square, there’s no pedestrian crossing which is unfair on residents. Parnell Square put in improvements cheaply e.g. using tarmac instead of granite. The use of Zebra/Pelican crossings as a cheaper and quicker alternative to signalised crossings was discussed.

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4 Quick wins

Christopher K Manzira informed the committee that there is an allocation from the NTA to deliver quick wins. The NTA are open to ‘Quick Wins’. Edel Kelly stated that she has asked for an engineer to help in Sarah Scannell’s section in identifying difficulties.


Damian O Tuama gave a presentation of his Bypad audit of Dublin City Councils’ impact on cycling conditions and cycling numbers. The audit identifies the current strengths and weaknesses of Dublin City Councils’ cycling policy.

Cllr Cuffe asked how we move forward on the Greater Dublin Cycle network with other city councils.

Cllr Cuffe suggested that members may be interested in Rachael Aldret’s work; she did a good project on ‘near misses’ in London.

Orlaith Maguire spoke about the new ad campaign launched re the 1.5 metres motorized vehicles spacing from cyclists.

Cllr Cuffe suggested it will be useful to reflect on BYPAD and respond to it!

6 Velo City

Cllr Cuffe would like to see the record of the workshop meetings for Velo City held in 2017; Edel Kelly & Sarah Scannell wrote the report. Edel Kelly indicated that there should be no problem circulating the report. Cllr Cuffe suggested that our web site would be useful for reporting on it and on cycle issues.

7 Stationless Bikes

The launch date for Stationless bikes is intended to be April 19th. Kevin Meade will put an ad in the media next week. There will most likely be 2 companies in Dublin; it’s not a tender process but a willingness to comply with by-laws. We are looking for quality over quantity.


Stephen MacManus gave a report to the committee of the work that the lobby group do for cyclists. He stated that cyclists feel like second class citizens at times.

There have been 36 Actions by the group where they would physically prevent parking on cycle lanes in the city. There are 58 people on the IBIKE team and at least 275 volunteers who help with activities. Stephen says the IBIKE community is 4,827 strong.

Page 77 The action on South Andrew Street regarding the contraflow cycle lane was seen as a success as bollards went up to prevent motorists from parking on the lanes after the ‘Action’

Gardai claimed to have 417 fines issued to illegal parked motorists in 2017, whereas IBIKE claim to have identified 490 in one week.

IBIKE identified 61 TD’s that support the cyclist amendment of 1.5 metres. They would like to engage Councillors to promote change regarding issues like bad road surfaces, bad design, bad enforcement etc.

IBIKE propose that a project where, for example Georges/Camden/Aungier Street could be used as a trial area and road fixing, removing parking spots and loading bays, best practises would be applied with buses and pedestrians. Advisory cycle lanes could be turned into mandatory and loading bays used only at particular times. That cycling safety receives DSPS’ (Dublin Street Parking Services) equivalent attention that parking does.

South Great George’s Street is part of Clonskeagh 2016. The study will start again in May 2018. The real issue there is trucks parking in cycle lanes.

Cllr Cuffe stated that the frustration in the cycling community i.e. Stonybatter – is there is no motivation to catch people parking in cycle lanes. We should give a direction to the DSPS to enforce it. We should get a report back on it.

Stephen McManus suggests ‘community participation’ in reporting illegal parking.

9 Delivery & Logistics Working Group Report

A report was given by Colm Ennis Senior Executive Engineer on the 2016 City Centre Transport Study; the group is working its way through the study regarding the delivery of goods and how to improve it in an environmental and sustainable manner.

Timing arrangements are being looked at regarding possibly reducing the amount of delivery hours in the morning and to extend it in the evening to help illegal parking on cycle lanes.

SBIR Fund (Small Businesses Innovation Research) - a competition was funded with help from Enterprise Ireland to run a competition for innovative research into “Last Mile City Centre deliveries”. Small enterprises are invited to put forward solutions to making deliveries more efficient. There will be a launch on 26th April at the Lexicon Library in Dun Laoghaire inviting interested parties to send in their ideas.

10 Contra Flow Cycle Lanes (i.e Nassau Street)

No update for item 10

11 Update on Cycle Parking Provision

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Chris Adamson (Acting Executive Engineer) previously gave the committee a report to read regarding the amount of cycle stands in the city, it included a map and a table of batches.

2013- 2016 120 Sheffield Stands (Batches 1-3)

2017 193 Sheffield Stands (Batch 4)

2018 45 to date (through other projects) and 220 to be completed by March 2018 (Batch 5)

270 proposed installation by the end of May 2018 (Batch 6)

And approx 310 in another 8/9 weeks (Batch 7)

12 LUAS Cross City and Cyclist Safety

The above item was not discussed at this meeting; it will be referred to a future date.

13 November Cordon Counts

The above item was not discussed at this meeting; it will be referred to a future date.


A two way cycle path on a one way street was discussed regarding Kildare Street/ /Nassau Street, Christopher K Manzira has submitted a proposal project to the NTA, it may require a statutory Instrument by the Government, the meeting regarding this didn’t happen due to the snow!

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