A Case-Study in the Chinantla, Mexico, on Secondary Vegetation, Soils
CHINANTECSHIFTIN G CULTIVATION :InTERAcTIV ELANDUS E ACASE-STUD Y INTH ECHINANTLA ,MEXICO , ONSECONDAR YVEGETATION ,SOIL SAN DCRO PPERFORMANC E UNDERINDIGENOU SSHIFTIN GCULTIVATIO N Hansva nde rWa l \?r^ °) Promotor: Dr. Ir. R.A.A.Oldeman , Hoogleraar in de Bosteelt & Bosoecologie Proefschrift terverkrijgin gva nd egraa dva ndoctor , opgeza gva nd erecto rmagnificu sProf .Dr .CM .Karssen , inhe topenbaa rt everdedige no pdinsda g9 novembe r199 9 desnamiddag st evie ruu r ind eAul ava nd eWageninge n Universiteit. Treebook 3 Treebooks are freebooks. Theyar epublishe db yTreemai l accordingt oth ecriteri ao ffree, independent ,origina l thinkingan dhig hqualit ywarrante d byth escientifi c performance ofit sauthors . Earlier inth eseries : Struggleo flife ,o rth enatura lhistor yo fstres san dadaptatio nb yMartia lan dLin e Rossignol,Roelo fA.A .Oldema nan d SorayaBenzine-Tizroutine ;1998 . TreebookNo . 1, ISBN90-804443-1- 6 GreenGold :o nvariation so ftrut hi nplantatio n forestry byPau lRomeijn ; 1999. TreebookNo .2 ,ISB N90-804443-3- 2 (soft cover) TreebookNo .2 ,ISB N90-804443-2- 4 (hardcover ) H. vande r Wal TreebookNo .3 Chinantecshiftin g cultivation: InTERAcTIVE landuse Acase-stud y inth eChinantla ,Mexico ,o nsecondar y vegetation, soilsan dcro p performance underindigenou s shifting cultivation TreemailPublishers ,Heelsum ,Th eNetherland s Web:www.treemail.n l ISBN90-5808-131- 1 (thisversion ) ISBN90-804443-4- 0(trade ) Keywords:shiftin g cultivation,indigenou slandus esystems ,agroforestry , sustainable agriculture,Chinantla ,Mexic o © 1999,Copyrigh tb yAuthor . Alrightsl reserved .N opar to fthes ematerial s mayb ereproduced , orstore d ina retrieval system,o rtransmitted , inan y form, orb yan ymeans ,electronic ,mechanical , photocopying,recording ,o rotherwise ,withou tth eprio rwritte npermissio no fth e copyrightowner .
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