eaie.org/seville CONFERENCE COMPANION WELCOME TO EAIE SEVILLE 2017 With its beautiful, multicultural influences and colourful tiled walls, Seville makes for a fitting metaphor of the work done by international educators. As a field, international higher edu- cation is the craft of bringing different perspectives together. In exposing our universities, our faculty, our students and our efforts to the world, we nurture critical thinking and fruitful collaboration. With the fitting theme of ‘a mosaic of cultures’, welcome to the 29th Annual EAIE Conference & Exhibition in Seville! The EAIE wishes you a productive and inspiring week ahead. #EAIE2017 CONTENTS 06 Schedule at a glance Plan your day 09 New to the EAIE Conference? Make the most of your experience 10 Transportation & venue services This is a special issue of EAIE Forum. Conference essentials Copyright © 2017 by the EAIE. ISSN 1389-0808 12 Campus Experiences A close up of Spanish higher education European Association for International Education (EAIE) PO Box 11189, 1001 GD, Amsterdam, the 14 Workshops Netherlands Develop your expertise TEL +31-20-344 51 00 E-MAIL
[email protected], www.eaie.org Expert Communities CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 40536784 16 Meet and mingle with your community PRINTED BY Drukkerij Raddraaier, Amsterdam. 18 Sessions All EAIE publications are printed on Timely topics chlorine-free paper. PHOTOGRAPHY 38 Poster sessions Daniel Vegel Best practices in the field WITH THANKS TO THE CONFERENCE 42 Plenary sessions PROGRAMME COMMITTEE: Get inspired Michelle Stewart (Chair),