April 19, 2020 Second Sunday of Easter

 SZR    Q  RTZZS  T  FOOD DONATIONS Food for Assumption may be dropped off at the rec- tory Monday- Friday from 9 a.m. – 1p.m.

JONNYCAKE CENTER There are several ways you can help your neighbors get HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS through this public health crisis. The Parrillo Family Scholarship. Two $500 awards Financial donations allow us to purchase nutritious food are given to a boy and a girl who belong to CTK and are for our shoppers including fresh produce, milk and eggs, graduating from a state certified high school. Gather your meats and poultry, and other essential items. marks, school activities, community activities, and espe- Visit www.johnnycakecenter.org to donate. cially activities involving CTK. Applications are available in the rectory or by email on request, and must be re- FOOD ITEMS turned by April 20. Donations of cereal and snacks are impor- tant for our out of school meals program. STEPHEN MINISTRY MESSAGE Canned fruits, soups, and vegetables are also This time of Stay at Home orders and many layoffs, can welcome. Donations can be dropped off outside our be frustrating and worrisome. It is hard to talk to your pantry during normal business hours at 1183B Kings- family about your feelings of loss and maybe even self- town Road, Peace Dale worth. You try to put on a happy face for them, but in- side you are filled with worry about the immediate fu- ONLINE GIVING ture. This is the time talking with a Stephen Minister can Christ the King Church utilizes Online Giving through help. Someone who will listen with an open heart and Our Sunday Visitor. It can be accessed from our website, share your concerns and help lift your spirits. Call Larry www.ctkri.org Bartley at 965-7276 (e-mail: [email protected]). Carol Hartley at 783-4036 (e- Donor Benefits mail: [email protected]) or call the  Convenient: access your account anytime. office at 783-7459 for more information.  Secure & Confidential: adheres to banking security standards  Flexible: start, stop, change contributions at any time FRIENDLY VISITOR MESSAGE  Simple: no need to contact your bank or office Would it lighten your day to have a friendly phone call  Contribute using direct withdrawal from checking, on a day when you are confined to home just as nearly savings, or by credit card. everyone else is? No visitors at your door! But a visitor by the phone is possible and can help pass the long Church Benefits hours. Call Bonnie Feeney at 391-9460 and tell her you'd  Stabilize contributions: Regularly scheduled gifts oc- like to have a Friendly Visitor call you. We would love to cur automatically, allowing us to effectively manage hear from you. monthly expenses.  Secure & Confidential: no need to store parishioner information BOOKS BEYOND  Current: Good tool for people who prefer electronic It seems so long ago, but on the weekends of March 14 services. and 21, the Social Action Committee of the parish spear- If you need help setting up an account, please call Beth in headed a collection of children’s books for the Books the parish office. Beyond program at the RI Department of Corrections. Although the collection was cut short due to the Coro- navirus, a total of over 70 beautiful, new children’s books were donated. A special thanks to the Wakefield Rotari- ans who joined with Christ the King in this effort to strengthen the bond between incarcerated parents and their children. Your generosity will help to make a large difference in the lives of inmates and their children. God bless you REFLECTION Quotes of the Week A person was going through a very dark time, question- ing the meaning of life, not feeling very purposeful or worthwhile, and feeling disconnected and unappreciated. “The Church teaches the value of a ‘Baptism of Desire.’ Suddenly, they gazed up at the night sky, found them- That is, one who wishes to be baptized but can’t, still re- selves in awe of all the stars and constellations, and ex- ceives the grace of the sacrament. This weekend I guess claimed, “I am here on purpose and I am loved!” Having we’re practicing ‘Forgiveness of Desire’ and ‘Eucharist of been brought by God to this moment of intense connec- Desire.’ God can save outside of the sacraments.” tion and awareness, his life changed from that moment Bishop Thomas Tobin, Twitter. April 10, 2020. on.

“As fearful and fearless Christians, we are called to lov- If we are always preoccupied with the challenges, obli- ingly and cautiously care for our own lives and those of gations, and stuff of daily life, we can easily miss the others, acknowledging the startling beauty and value of wonderful opportunities when the resurrected Christ is human life in all stages. At the same time, we are also knocking at our door. If we open ourselves to the full- called to live virtuously and courageously in response to ness of experience, we will find ourselves listening and God’s will for us. Humbly acknowledging our fear while embracing all that is around us, being caught up in the affirming the power of faith, we recognize that faith in magnificence of creation’s grandeur and knowing in our the midst of fear is precisely what makes our faith a gift heart and soul that God is and I am. in times of tribulation and struggle. When we deny the reality of fear, we deny the gift of faith. Therefore, with While that sounds like a simple, tell-me-something-I the grace of God, may we move forward feeling both don’t-know kind of revelation, it is life changing when it fearful and fearless in the face of death, confident that takes root in the depth of a person’s soul. Stumbling our Savior has conquered even this greatest evil.” upon this awesome truth and internalizing it doesn’t re- “Why faith and fear of death are not incompatible.” quire an assent of the mind. It beckons for a claim on America. April 10, 2020. our soul. We find ourselves knowing something pro- found that cannot be explained or reasoned, but purely “Last year, some misguided youths attacked us and we as is. When we are caught up in an experience and encoun- humans could have given a human and selfish response. ter the truth, it doesn’t matter how all of the pieces got But we meditated on Christ's teachings and loved them, put together. Truth is simply truth. The “my Lord and forgave them and had pity on them. We did not hate my God” responses we utter are not evoked because all them and return them the violence. Resurrection is the of the pieces of faith and life make reasonable sense. The complete rejection of selfishness.” “my Lord and my God” affirmations come when we are Sri Lankan Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith, Archbishop of Co- lifted up out of our preoccupations and silliness and are lombo, speaking on Easter Sunday about terrorist attacks in the presence of mystery and mercy. last Easter that killed 279 people. “Sri Lankan Christians forgive Easter suicide bombers, says cardinal.” Vatican God is mystery, one who is beyond our grasp but at the News. April 13, 2020. same time within our reach, knowable yet unknowable. And when in the presence of mystery, there comes an “Australia’s highest court acquitted former Vatican treas- intense experience of mercy. We know deep within the urer on Tuesday of sexually assaulting two essence of ourselves — and in the very life of creation — teenaged choirboys in the 1990s, freeing the 78-year-old this beating, unconditionally accepting, life-sustaining, cardinal after 404 days in jail… The High Court, ruling profound, mysterious yet familiar presence of love. We from Brisbane, ordered Pell’s convictions be quashed have found our peace. “Peace be with you.” Breathe in and verdicts of acquittal be entered in their place, ending and breathe out. Peace. the most high-profile case of alleged historical sex abuse to rock the Roman … The seven judges of the High Court agreed unanimously that the jury in the cardinal’s trial ‘ought to have entertained a doubt’ about his guilt.” “Ex-Vatican treasurer Cardinal Pell acquitted of sex of- fences, leaves jail.” Reuters. April 6, 2020.  _   Sb    c

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Parish Office Hours BAPTISM Monday - Thursday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. The celebration of baptism takes place either during a Phone: (401) 783-7459 weekend Mass or a Sunday afternoon liturgy. Parents Fax: (401) 789-3671 should speak to Jennifer Marran to make arrangements. Religious Formation Office: (401) 789-0417

Rev. Jared Costanza ([email protected]) ADULT INITIATION Pastor Adults wishing to receive the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and/or Confirmation should speak to Jennifer Rev. Joseph Creedon ([email protected]) Marran. Parish Priest Emeritus CONFIRMATION Jennifer Marran ([email protected]) Eighth graders receive Confirmation in Lent. Please Pastoral Associate speak to Eva Mancuso for more information. Tom Kendzia ([email protected]) Director of Music Ministry MARRIAGE

Heather Skidds ([email protected]) Engaged couples should speak to Fr. Jared at least nine Associate Director of Music Ministry months prior to the wedding.

Georgann Lardaro ([email protected]) RECONCILIATION Director of Religious Formation Saturdays at 4:30 p.m. or by appointment. Eva Mancuso ([email protected]) Director of Confirmation & Youth Ministry ANOINTING OF THE SICK

Beth Hogan ([email protected]) Please call the parish office to make arrangements. Parish Office Manager MINISTRY TO THE SICK & HOMEBOUND Ron Bernier ([email protected]) If you or someone you know is unable to attend Mass Fiscal Manager and would like to receive Holy Communion regularly,

Doug Paquin ([email protected]) please speak to Jennifer Marran to make arrangements. Custodian On the third Tuesday of each month, Mass is celebrated at South Kingstown Nursing & Rehabilitation Center at Mike Mitchell Website Administrator (ctkri.org) 10:30 a.m., and at Brookdale South Bay Assisted Living at 1:30 p.m. Trustees: Mark Noble & Phil Tracy Auditors: Richard Gervais & Carol Hartley STUDY: The Book of Ruth (Fr. Jared)

Prayer Chain ([email protected]) 1 &7pm ______Sessions will resume in the fall.

URI Catholic Center BIBLE STUDY (Shared/Group) 7:00 p.m. 90 Chapel Way, Kingston, RI 02881 Sessions will resume in the fall. Office: (401) 874-2324 [email protected] GODPARENTS & SPONSORS Please see one of the priests for a sponsor form, or visit Rev. Carl Fisette ([email protected]) ctkri.org/sponsor. Chaplain BELONG TO CHRIST THE KING! Doug Carr Welcome to our growing family of faith! Call the parish Facilities Director office or visit ctkri.org for more information.

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Joanne M. Daly, CDFA® First Vice President / Financial Advisor / Family Wealth Advisor Morgan Stanley One Financial Plaza, 19th Floor, Providence, RI Michael Interlini Jr. 401-863-8467 401.231.2247 [email protected] • www.morganstanleyfa.com/joanne.daly [email protected] The use of the CDFA® designation does not permit the rendering of legal advice by Morgan Stanley or its Financial Advisors which 233R George Waterman Rd., Johnston may only be done by a licensed attorney. © 2019 Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC. Member SIPC. NMLS ID: 1510426 CRC2444109 03/19

Ad info. 1-800-477-4574 • Publication Support 1-800-888-4574 • www.4lpi.com Christ the King Church, Kingston, RI 03-1102