Thomas Aquinas College Newsletter Summer 2007 Volume 35, Issue 4

“Be the Manifestation of His Light and Truth” His Excellency Archbishop Malcom Ranjith Addresses the Class of 2007

n Saturday, May 12, 2007, seventy-four young loves you, and He has chosen you for whatever is Omen and women graduated from Thomas your portion in His plan. What would happen in Aquinas College and were awarded a bachelor’s your lives if you allow Him to guide you, would degree in liberal arts. Presiding over the day’s thus never be an accident or one of pure chance, events was His Excellency the Most Reverend Albert but what He would accomplish. That, too, is a sign Malcolm Ranjith, Secretary of the Congregation of His love. It is this love and trust that makes you for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the experience how much He values you. Sacraments. Besides, His plan for you is something that is Born in , Archbishop Ranjith was also mysterious. You do not see it now. But if you ordained to the priesthood in 1975, and for more allow Him, He would make things happen in your than 25 years, served the Church in his native land, life. When you walk away from this ceremony eventually becoming the first bishop of a newly- formed diocese in in 1995. In 2001, today, you will still not know what your future Archbishop Ranjith was called to Rome to serve in will be. It will be full of possibilities. But, you can the Congregation for Evangelization and, in 2004, be sure that what He will finally realize in you will he was named apostolic to Indonesia and be something great—if you only allow Him. East Timor. He was appointed to the Congregation Maybe, when you are older, when you are in for Divine Worship by Pope Benedict XVI in 2005. your 50s or 60s, each time you look back, you His Eminence Francis Cardinal Arinze, the College’s would see that inter-connecting string that runs Commencement Speaker in 2004, kindly spared than the angels and crowned him with glory and through your life—the way He was preparing you Archbishop Ranjith from the important work of the honor.” (Psalm 8) This dignity is not something for what comes later. You will look back and say, Congregation in order to give the Commencement that human society gives us or the United Nations “Well, I was prepared by the Lord for this in that Address this year. His remarks are printed below. confers on us. It is something that is already within fashion, at times even in ways that surprised me.” us, given by God. The United Nations did proclaim You will understand it better and better as life r. President, members of the Board of the Charter on Human Rights and Human Dignity, moves on. That is the way a servant of God would MGovernors, members of the academic staff but that charter is only a recognition of what we understand and value his or her life. and the administrative staff, dear graduates of this intrinsically are and not something the United Obedience is the Key most noble institution, dear parents, friends, and Nations conferred on us. Thus, no one can take my dear brothers and sisters, I thank you, first away from us this dignity which is inborn within hat, then, is it that is required of you and of all, for the kind invitation extended to me to us, which is God-given. No political or economic Wme? We are required to be obedient and participate in this important ceremony today, and force can take it away from us. faithful to Him, and to say, like Mary, “I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be done unto me as I thank the Board of Governors of this institution A Unique Place in God’s Plan for having decided to confer on me the Medallion you will.” (Lk 1: 38) If we obey Him, it is possible of Saint Thomas Aquinas. Thank you very much or every one of us, therefore, there is one, single, for God to achieve great things in our lives. If we for your kindness. Funique vocation. It is something planned for turn our lives to Him, then He will achieve what He us from eternity, not due to our own worthiness, has planned for us, and we will become miraculous The Basis of Human Dignity but given to us freely on God’s part, as a gift. As manifestations of His love for humanity. tatistics show that there are more than six the Lord said to Jeremiah the prophet, “Before I Jesus was always conscious of that call to Sbillion people on earth. Yet, none of them is formed you in your mother’s womb, I knew you. obedience to the Father in His mission. In that equal to the other. That is the wonder of creation. Before you came to birth, I consecrated you. I episode of His being lost in the temple, answering Even twin brothers or sisters who may appear appointed you as prophet to the nations.” (Jer 1:5) the anxious question of His parents, “Why have similar, are different in their character traits. They Even before he was formed, God knew that he was you done this to us?” (Lk 1: 48), Jesus replied, “Did may not think and act the same way. That is how important for that mission. you not know that I have to be attending to my life is: difference is part of life. When Jeremiah was called, the young Jeremiah father’s work?” (Lk 1: 49) He was, thus, forthright Difference is also beauty. If we walk in a nice said, “Lord, I do not know how to speak; I am a in claiming that His mission was to fulfill the will garden (and here you have such a beautiful one), young man.” But the Lord said, “Do not worry; I of God faithfully. Obedience to the Father was we see flowers, but they are not of the same color will give you the words.” (Jer 1: 1-9) Similarly, when what mattered most for Jesus. You, too, ought to or beauty. There are flowers of different colors Moses fled from Egypt out of fear and did not want feel that way. Through obedience, you will become and hues, each one so unique, and that makes any to go back, the Lord wanted him to return in order open to God’s action in your life. garden look so beautiful. to deliver Israel from Pharaoh. Moses protested In fact, St. Paul calls Jesus’ salvific death his That is the way we humans saying, “Who am I to bring greatest act of obedience: He obeyed even until are made, and that, too, adds Israel out of Egypt?” (Ex 3: 11) death, death on the Cross. That is how He became to that unique dignity which Thus, often enough God’s plan the Savior of the world. Now, this is what is the Creator confers on you for us is something for which expected from us: full and total obedience to the and me, a dignity that is we do not feel competent by Father in Jesus, His Son. This obedience is like unfathomably precious. The ourselves. But, He calls us. It a process of “tuning in,” like tuning in to a radio book of Genesis states that He is a gift, often a surprise in our or television station. You may have a radio with created us “in His own image lives. you, but if you do not tune in, you cannot hear the and likeness.” (Gen 1: 27) A question people music. If you do not “tune in” your life to God, He What is more, we know that frequently ask is, “Why me, Continued on page 6 He redeemed us by His own and not the other one?” That precious blood. Besides, He is always the situation in our has a unique project for each lives. But we should never In This Issue one of us, even if it looks so forget what Jesus said about tiny in the great mosaic of His this, “You did not choose me. u President’s Message to the Graduates.... 2 eternal plan of salvation; we No, I chose you. I commissioned may be a small pebble stone in you.” (Jn 15: 16) The plan He u Senior Speaker’s Address...... 3 that great mosaic, but we have has for each one of us, our a place that is important. Christian vocation, is a sign of u “God Will Do Great Things in You” As the Psalmist said, Mr. James Barrett, Vice-Chairman of the Board of His love and appreciation of Baccalaureate Homily...... 4 “What is man that you are Governors, presents to Archbishop Ranjith the St. us. It is a sign of trust. mindful of him, or of the son Thomas Aquinas Medallion, the College’s highest My dear students be u Three Alumni Priests Ordained...... 7 honor, in recognition of his faithful service to Christ of man that you care for him? and His Church. therefore happy, for you have a You have made him a little less unique place in God’s plan. God u The Class of 2007...... 8-11 From the Desk of the President Standing by Christ’s Side

t is my privi- that what you have learned here will, if you nurture That’s the entire gospel on your commencement Ilege to be able it, continue to grow in your souls and blossom day. So take heart. You know that if you truly to congratulate beautifully. You have undertaken your education endeavor to live your faith and to uphold truth and you, the Class of under the light of the Faith, and your class quote, goodness, you are standing by Christ’s side. And 2007, on behalf taken from St. Anselm, reflects that: “For I do not as St. Paul tells us, that is the winning side. There of the entire fac- seek to understand so that I may believe, but I is, in reality, no other alternative. So you must ulty and staff, believe that I may understand.” proceed with courage and make efforts to help for having for- Let me urge you not to stop your seeking spread the Faith and to help bring others, as you mally completed of understanding. Don’t presume that because can, to the knowledge of God. your studies at you have spent four years here, you now have Remain in Christ Thomas Aquinas things all figured out or that your judgments and College. Your ac- opinions are likely to be better than those of others ow, how are you to do this? How are you to be sustained in upholding faith, truth, Dr. Dillon, complishment is because, after all, you have had a genuine Catholic N 2007 President’s Dinner noteworthy. Af- liberal education. Imitate, instead, our patron, and goodness in a world increasingly hostile to ter four years of serious work in Plato, Aristotle, who was inquiring for his whole life and who was rationality and moral rectitude, let alone to any St. Augustine, St. Thomas, Euclid, Galileo, Newton, willing to learn from any source, since the truth subordination to the divine? and Einstein, among so many other difficult but is independent of the minds that discover it. His The gospel for the Mass of today, this very day important authors, we say that you are now ready willingness to abandon himself to the truth, submit on which you have formally completed your studies to make a beginning, to have a commencement. himself to the Faith, and not be dazzled by his own at the College, provides the answer. This is the Nevertheless, this is a time to pause and reflect on brilliance is a model for us, whose intellectual gifts gospel where Christ calls Himself the vine and us how far you have come since you entered our halls pale by comparison. Like St. Thomas, nourish the branches. We have been pruned by His word, in August of 2003. your Catholic faith and continue humbly seeking says Our Lord, and we must remain in Him. Listen This is also time for gratitude to all those who understanding. Do not squander your intellectual again to His words: “Whoever remains in me and have made possible your immersion in Catholic gifts, nor “hide your light under a bushel,” as Our I in him will bear much fruit, because without me liberal education. Thanks are due to your parents, Lord says. You offer great hope for our Church you can do nothing.” What a wonderful assurance: of course, to whom you owe gratitude beyond and for our country. Time and again I hear this If we remain in Christ, we shall indeed bear much measure; to your tutors, who have made many from admirers of the College and admirers of fruit. But we should especially remember these personal sacrifices in order to educate you well; you. You must, in turn, take seriously your words, “without me you can do nothing.” to the College’s benefactors, without whom the responsibility to grow in your knowledge and love Lives of Love, Patience, College simply would not exist; and to God Himself, of God and to evangelize; in this way those hopes Humility and Obedience upon whom you depend for everything and whose can be realized—but the good news is that you e on the faculty of the College have, on the provident care has led you here. are prepared to bring faith and reason to a needy side of nature, attempted to help develop world. W Give Back to Him well your intellectual habits and your dispositions ow that you have completed a formative phase to moral virtue. Pray continually that God will give Nof your lives and must determine what you you the grace to help you in your quest to know are to do henceforth, one thing is absolutely clear: and love Him better, to do His will, and to bring You are not the authors of your own existence or You know that if you truly Christ to a world so desperately in need of Him. the sources of the goods you possess. You owe endeavor to live your faith and Each year at this dinner I exhort the graduating your entire lives to the goodness of God, and to uphold truth and goodness, seniors, and now you, to reflect on St. Thomas’ whatever else you do, you must reflect on this and prayer for after Communion, in which he petitions order your lives to giving back to Him, as small as you are standing by Christ’s that the Holy Eucharist perfect him in charity and that may be in comparison to what He has done side. And as St. Paul tells us, patience, in humility and obedience. It is my hope for you. that is the winning side. that these four virtues will especially be the marks Of course, one of God’s great gifts to you is of graduates of Thomas Aquinas College and that your Catholic faith and now, with your education your lives will be characterized by an intense love here, something of an advanced understanding of of God and selfless concern for the good of your neighbor, patience with the failings of others as that faith. Remember that each of us has the Faith Proceed with Courage first through the grace of God, but also because Christ is patient with ours, humility in all your it was passed on from the Apostles to generation ow the bad news: This world, by and large, activities, recognizing that your excellences are not after generation of Christians down through the Nwill not be receptive to your efforts, and you of your own making but are gifts from God, and centuries, often at the cost of the blood of martyrs. will be ridiculed and scorned by many. It seems obedience to God’s will, the true test of humility, Now it is your turn to step up; it is your turn to help to me that with each passing year Christianity is so well-demonstrated to us by Our Lord Himself. pass on the Faith. This must be done prayerfully more and more despised by a post-modern world Please keep your alma mater in your prayers— and with charity and humility, but it must be that seems intent on cutting itself away from its that we always stay true to the teaching Church done. moorings and drifting aimlessly into dangerous and to the will of God, who is the source and end waters. A world intoxicated with pleasure will of all that is, including this college. May Our Be Agents in Effecting Good laugh at calls for restraint and sober action. A Lady of Perpetual Help watch over you, may your cannot help but think of that wonderful passage world awash in relativism and cynicism will not future be resplendent with good things, and may Iin St. Thomas’ treatise On the Teacher, which heed reason. A world bound to the material will the friendships you have forged here continue to you read in sophomore year, where St. Thomas not rise up to the spiritual. The cure for so many of grow, especially your friendship with Christ. considers two opposed and extreme views the world’s ills can be found in the moral teachings God bless you all! about the bringing into being of natural forms, of our Faith, even leaving aside our transcendent the acquisition of virtues, and the acquiring of destiny. However, what is the solution is seen as scientific knowledge. Without my rehearsing the a problem in a world that is willfully turning itself details of his argument, let me remind you that upside-down and rejecting both nature and God. St. Thomas observes that both extreme positions Yet there remains some good news, and that lack a reasonable basis. “For the first opinion,” is that you are not alone. If we look at the gospel he says, “excludes proximate causes, attributing for this coming Saturday—not the one that will solely to first causes all effects which happen in be read in our Baccalaureate Mass, which will lower natures, and this derogates from the order be a special Mass of the Holy Spirit, but the one of the universe, which is made up of the order read in churches throughout the world on the day and connection of causes, since the first cause by of your commencement—we see the following preeminence of its goodness gives other beings words of Our Lord to His disciples: “If the world not only their existence but also their existence hates you, realize that it hated me first. If you as causes. The second position, too, falls into belonged to the world, the world would love its practically the same difficulty.” What is wonderful own; but because you do not belong to the world, here—what St. Thomas is saying by implication— and I have chosen you out of the world, the world is that out of God’s sheer goodness, He shares His hates you. Remember the word I spoke to you, ‘No Senior Erin Wolfe from Saskatchewan, Canada, presented Dr. causality. He allows us, in fact, to take part in His slave is greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Dillon with a rendering of the Senior Class Gift at the President’s providence, to be agents in effecting good. me, they will also persecute you. If they kept my Dinner prior to Commencement. Their gift was a contribution to the College’s fund for a new visitor entrance to the campus, Now as you ponder making your way into the word, they will also keep yours. And they will do to be represented by the large bronze lettering of the College’s larger world and being agents of good, I have for all these things to you on account of my name, name in the property’s original arched gateway. you good news and bad news. The good news is because they do not know the one who sent me.” – 2 – Faith is our Sure and Necessary Guide Class Speaker, David Grothoff our parents, who not only gave us life, but also our Excellency, Reverend Fathers, President were our first educators in the order of nature and YDillon, members of the Board of Governors, in the order of faith. faculty and staff, parents, loved ones, and my Our Two-Fold Duty brothers and sisters of the Class of 2007: aving received so much, we have now a The Need for a Teacher Htwo-fold duty: as Pope Leo XIII says in his hen we arrived at Thomas Aquinas College encyclical letter Rerum Novarum, “Whoever has Was freshmen, our wonder was first aroused received from the divine bounty a large share of by reading the Platonic dialogues, in which temporal blessings, whether they be external and Socrates, often to our amusement, dismantled his material, or gifts of the mind, has received them opponents’ arguments, all the while claiming to for the purpose of using them for the perfecting of know nothing. We, the readers, became ourselves his own nature, and, at the same time, that he may convinced that what we thought we knew was not employ them, as the steward of God’s providence, knowledge but opinion. He points out a difficulty for the benefit of others.” in the pursuit of wisdom: how can one who doesn’t David Grothoff of Jefferson City, , was elected by his First, having received gifts of the mind, we already know something know how to find what classmates to speak on their behalf at Commencement. Mr. have a duty to use them to perfect ourselves. Let Grothoff came to the College with a B.S. in mechanical engineering he is looking for or recognize it when he finds it? already in hand and is now working as an engineer for a large us remember that the education here is a good This difficulty points to the need for a teacher, home development company in Southern California. He intends beginning, but still just a beginning. We are someone who already has the knowledge we seek, in the not-too-distant-future to pursue a doctoral program at the about to be admitted to the community of those University of Notre Dame in the philosophy of science, focusing or has it in a clearer way than we do, who can, if we especially on medieval thought. He is pictured above with the 2007 who know, but only to the degree of bachelor of humbly submit to his guidance, help us order our Commencement Speaker, His Excellency the Most Reverend Albert arts. We will not all formally devote ourselves thought and safely navigate the streams leading to Malcolm Ranjith. to the intellectual life after we leave here. But, wisdom. Furthermore, because Faith allows us to have following the Pope’s exhortation, let us never We read Aristotle, who, with remarkable a science concerning our final end and supreme stop progressing, using the foundations we have piety, considers carefully even the seemingly most happiness, we can more clearly see the proper role received here to perfect ourselves; let us never stop absurd positions of the Pre-Socratics, and learns of the lower sciences as handmaidens to Sacred wondering and asking questions; let us never stop from them. Furthermore, he modestly accepts the Theology. The Christian studies all things, even deepening our understanding of nature and our love limitations of his own reason, and follows a natural the lowest, because knowledge is good in itself; of wisdom and beauty; and, above all, let us never course of learning, even when he recognizes that but he studies them even more so because they aid stop being nourished at the fount of Holy Mother the human mode is not the most perfect. in understanding God, the Author of nature and Church’s doctrine and sacraments. The liberal arts How futile, in comparison, were the attempts of ultimate fulfillment of man’s desires. and all natural knowledge are never used more excellently than when employed to those modern philosophers who made themselves St. Thomas Aquinas, a Master the first principles and primary objects of their understand God’s revelation. Even knowledge. Without realizing it, they, too, were either have God and His Church if some of us should seldom study indebted to others, if for no other reason than they Nleft us without human guides in the great books again, we should all could not have formulated their doctrine so clearly whom we can trust. Socrates raised at least use what we have learned had it not been in reaction to their teachers. the question of how we, the learners, here to grow continually in our Practically every author of the whole curriculum are qualified to select good teachers. understanding and appreciation for leads us to see that we are not the primary authors Holy Mother Church has supplied Holy Scripture. of truth. Even those who would disagree with that her children with teachers who hold Second, the Pope reminds us that claim ultimately testify to it by the fruitlessness principles from the Faith and have we, as stewards of God’s providence, of their efforts. We progress toward fulfilling our successfully applied those principles are to use our intellectual goods for natural yearning to know by receiving truth from to make progress in wisdom. the benefit of others. Contemplation Senior Benjamin Almeida from outside of ourselves, both from nature directly and Thus, we recognize the authority is indeed a noble activity of man. of the Doctors of the Church, pre- Steubenville, Ohio, led the Pledge of intermediately through teachers. Allegiance at Commencement. Because it is desirable in itself, and not eminently St. Thomas, who, though for some further end, contemplative Faith Is the Gateway to Certain Knowledge not infallible, is a master to whom we can safely activity is higher than practical. Nevertheless, St. ur thirst for wisdom, however, cannot be entrust ourselves. With these supports given us, Thomas points out that contemplation reaches its satisfied with mere knowledge of natural we become more confident, and are not afraid to highest perfection in teaching. “Even as it is better O look for truth wherever it may be found, without things; we desire to know first causes in themselves. to enlighten than merely to shine,” says the Angelic ever losing sight of the fact that not all truths have When we see how limited we are in understanding Doctor, “so is it better to give to others the fruits of the same certainty and not all teachers are equal. the first cause, we see also how necessary itis one’s contemplation than merely to contemplate.” that we humble ourselves and submit to God’s This is the manner in which we have proceeded Revelation, as passed on through Tradition and over the past four years: receptive to nature as we Knowledge, Humility, and Charity interpreted by the God-given authority of the find it, we submit ourselves to the difficult and slow f humility is necessary to make progress in an Apostles and their successors. Faith is the gateway human mode of learning; humbling ourselves, we Iindividual’s intellectual life, how much more to certain knowledge about the highest things, seek help and guidance from the great authors, so is humility necessary to teach others. For we knowledge which is most ennobling and most from our tutors, and from our classmates; under must remember from where the truth is derived. desirable in itself. But faith cannot spring up from the light of Faith, we seek to satisfy our wonder. The truth is not your possession nor mine, but is It is fitting, then, that we chose as our class quote our own nature; it must be received humbly as a by nature a common good. And, again, it must the declaration of St. Anselm: “I do not seek to free gift from God. be remembered how little it is that we know, and understand so that I may believe; but I believe so Even concerning how much we can learn from those we encounter. that I may understand.” those things which Neither can we ignore or look down upon those men can know Gratitude whom we can help intellectually or spiritually; naturally, we e do well, at the end of our studies here, the goal is a friendship where truth is held in must realize our Wto reflect on the contributions we have common. limitations and received in our intellectual formation, and give In our time here, we have attempted to defer to accept Faith as a thanks to those here who have contributed them. one another and form intellectual friendships in our sure and necessary First of all to God, who made us like Himself so that pursuit of wisdom. As friendship is also a perfection of guide. From the we can know and love Him, and Who enlightens the intellectual life, let us maintain the friendships we disagreements of us with revelation; to the Apostolic teachers of the have made. As the Apostle writes to the Corinthians, philosophers, we see Faith, represented here today by His Excellency “Knowledge breeds self-conceit, but charity edifies.” Bailey Fator of Redding, California, how difficult and Archbishop Ranjith; the tutors, who through Knowledge, if appropriated to oneself, tends to sang the National Anthem. murky are the paths their experience and intelligence were immediate pride; but knowledge received in humility, and with of the human mind principles of our learning; the chaplains, who the same humility shared with others, tends to the darkened by . In fact, these difficulties nourished us with the sacraments and spiritual building up of the Body of Christ. have driven many to skepticism, giving up on guidance (and we remember especially Fr. Borden, As we leave here, on our Commencement Day, the whole project of intellectual activity. If we whose contribution to the College is only now, in in the spirit of the Resurrected Christ, we repeat submit humbly to Faith as a sure judge, however, it his absence, being fully realized and appreciated); honestly and humbly the declaration of St. Francis corrects errors into which we are prone to fall, and the benefactors and staff of the College, whose of Assisi toward the end of his earthly life: “We it allows us to partake of the knowledge of the One generosity and hard work make it possible for us have accomplished very little, brothers; let us begin who can neither deceive nor be deceived. Thus we to spend leisure time contemplating the highest again, anew.” can proceed more confidently. things; and in an eminent and fundamental way, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, pray for us.

– 3 – “God will do Great Things in You” Baccalaureate Mass Homily of His Excellency Archbishop Malcolm Ranjith eloved brethren in the Lord and beloved students: The Church Exists to Evangelize BOnce I was traveling in a train from Lyons to o, the Church, in its very essence, is missionary. Paris, and the seat next to me was empty. All of a SPope Paul VI stated that “The Church exists to sudden, a lady came and sat next to me. Of course, I evangelize” (Evangelii Nuntiandi), that is to say, in was dressed in my clergy collar, with a crucifix on the order to teach and to preach. If the Church exists lapel of the coat, and I was reading a book. This lady to evangelize, then if it does not evangelize, it does turned to me and asked, “Do you believe in Jesus?” I not exist. It is so crystal clear. Consequently, if I was surprised—amused even—that she asked me this am a Christian and I do not evangelize, I am not question. So I said, “Of course, don’t you see, I am a a Christian either. I am not part of the Church, priest.” “Yes, father,” she said, “but still, for all, do you because the Church exists to evangelize. Therefore, believe in Jesus?” I was even further amused and—I by the very meaning of its existence, the Church must be very sincere—even a little bit offended. has to evangelize and seek to liberate humanity in She left me, and I saw her as she went a few paces Christ. This is a very noble calling. Yet, we often forward. Seeing a gentleman reading a newspaper, underestimate it thinking of it in rather worldly she spoke to him. He was not pleased at all, and I terms. There lies the cause of the lethargy and saw him cover his face with the newspaper he was sense of pessimism that often tends to overtake reading. She went to another person, and I saw that us. person staring at her. On she went, and I saw her mission. Since we are members of His body, since Jesus told us not only to evangelize but also talking to different people. After some time, I saw we are part of His life-giving body, we ourselves to do so by loving the way He loved us. On the her coming back. So, I said, “Please, come and sit share in that mission. Therefore, we have got to one hand, before He ascended to the Father, here; I want to talk to you.” I asked her “What are you evangelize; we have to share the sense of joy He called the disciples together and gave them doing?” She said, “You know, Father, I am a Catholic, inherent in our faith. We have to carry on, to the missionary mandate: “Go out to the whole become the instrument and the voice of Jesus in but for some time I had been feeling bored in my world; proclaim the Gospel to all creation.” modern-day times, because we know that Jesus faith. So, I went to the priest and asked him, (Mk 16:15) But He also showed the way when at Himself is the Missionary of God. He was sent by `How can I get back the joy of my faith?’ And he told the Last Supper He washed the feet of His disciples God. He always stated so. me, `Get into a train once a week and start talking to telling them, “Love one another as I have loved In the Gospel of St. John, there are several the people about what you know about Jesus.’ And so you. By this everyone will know that you are my chapters where Jesus speaks about His being I began, and here I am. I’m doing it almost every day, disciples.” (Jn 13:34-35) The Church, then, has to sent by the Father; He is the Missionary. St. because I find that as I share what I know about Jesus, be the manifestation of the love of God and the John announced the purpose of His being sent: I begin to grow in my faith, and I begin to understand expression of true love to humanity as the most “God so loved the world that He gave His only it better. I enjoy my faith now.” effective way to evangelize. All of us must become Son so that everyone who believed in Him would Her words reminded me of a phrase that I found the living-out of the commandment of love. Thus, not perish but would have eternal life.” (Jn 3:16) in the encyclical letter of Pope John Paul II of fond our mission to evangelize would take the form of Jesus became the Incarnation of this love of God memories, entitled Redemptoris Missio, which was and would be motivated by love. about the missionary mandate of the Church. It went manifested to the full when, laying down His like this: “Faith is strengthened when it is shared.” life for us, He wished that all mankind might be We Must Love the Way He Loved Yes, faith indeed becomes stronger when you and saved and receive the good news of salvation. e is not speaking here of just a simple, human I share it with others. There lies the secret of our Therefore, Jesus’ death on the Cross is the final Hlove but of something much more noble. deepest identity and sense of joy. and the climaxing moment of the expression, the We ought to love one another following His own manifestation, of the love of God for man. In and The Missionary Sense example, the way He loved us. How did Jesus love from that Cross reverberates the announcement us? Indeed He fed the hungry, healed the sick, and y dear brothers and sisters and dear students: of that joy-giving love. raised the dead. But was that all? No. Bringing If you ever experience a sense of loss or M The Church is the Continuation that love to its utmost limit, He died on the Cross, tastelessness in your faith in Jesus, it is almost of the Life of Christ laying down His life, in order to free us from sin. certainly a result of a loss of the missionary sense, That was the apex of His love. It is that way that He the enthusiasm and joy that normally should his death and resurrection of Jesus has got to wanted us to love our brothers and sisters, loving accompany it. The loss of missionary sense, in be lived by each and every one of us down the T them so much that we, too, yearn like Him for turn, is symptomatic of a deep misunderstanding centuries making that love of God become tangible their salvation. Yes, love them as He did, yearning or confusion regarding this infinite treasure— to humanity. This is our mission. This is the to save them and ready to even lay down our life, our faith—and the inherent call to proclaim it, a continuation of the life of Christ in the world. He for that is our vocation. Every single brother and treasure which has been entrusted to us individually founded His Church on the apostles and entrusted sister we meet, we ought to then try and bring to as disciples of Christ and collectively as members to the Church the mission of announcing this good salvation in Jesus. of the Church. Distractions and elements of a news to everyone, calling them to repentance, Jesus showed us this, the ultimate limits of this transitory nature often tempt us and tend to kill to faith in Him, and to a life that is noble. That love. The tragedies that often happen in the lives the call to freedom, nobility, and transcendence mission would liberate of human beings as well directed to us by Christ Himself, who invites us to the whole of creation, the join Him in creating the new heavens and the new cosmos, and man from the as of entire nations are earth. The result is a loss of clarity on the intimate shackles of sin and death, caused not because there connection that exists between what we celebrate and create them anew, is no love, but because and what we live, most especially in the most Holy making them become the we don’t know how to Eucharist. new heavens and the new love. Very often, the love Now, if we ever find that our faith is dull, then earth. that we express towards it is due to confusion in our minds concerning In any page you read others is motivated what our faith truly means for us. Therefore, we from the Scriptures, by considerations of have to eradicate that confusion first. We have to especially in the writings selfishness; it is not self- understand what the meaning of our faith is and of St. Paul, you will find donating in the manner of why it is so important for our lives. We also have this cosmic extension Jesus, bringing mankind to look at the strongly outgoing and missionary of Jesus’ mission, that Jesus came on earth not to God, reconciling each person with Him, and nature of that faith. only to save mankind, but, through mankind, giving joyfully everything we have and are, for this When we talk about faith and mission it is also what God created, because at the beginning, is love in its finest expression. It is Mission. clear that in the first place the Church understands in the Book of Genesis, it was said that God “Men Have Forgotten God” itself as the instrument, specially chosen by God, created everything, and rejoiced in them saying for the salvation of the world. Thus, anyone who “It is good.” (Gen 1:25) It is man’s sinfulness that he world yearns for God and suffers because it by virtue of baptism has been incorporated into tarnished the splendor of that creation, broke it, Thas gone away from Him. Some years ago, the the Church becomes, ipso facto, a missionary— and made it become a slave of a dichotomy visible Russian poet Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn who won the someone who participates in the salvific mission in us. Jesus came on earth to bring back that Nobel Prize for literature in 1970, wrote a beautiful of Jesus—because the Church is a continuation of original purity of creation, to restore that purity, article in a magazine called The National Review. Jesus in history. the divine purity, into creation and into man, to He wrote like this: bring back that wholeness. We Christians, as part Jesus Is the Missionary of God of His body, must live that call to purify our life When I started going to school in n the Church, which is the Mystical Body of and the life of the world from sin and from its Rostov-on-Don [a city in Russia], other IChrist, Christ then continues to live through the inherent brokenness. This is the essence of our children, pushed on by members of the centuries and continues to bring to fulfillment His vocation as Christians. Komsomol [that, is the Communist Youth Continued on next page – 4 – League], taunted me for accompanying also studied St. Augustine; you have studied the my mother to the last remaining church old classics, the Latin classics. You understand the in town and tore the cross from around yearning of the human spirit for truth and beauty, my neck. and freedom. Over there where you will be, hu- A few years later, I heard a number manity is calling upon the Church, that is you and of older people offer this explanation for me, disciples of Christ, for answers. the great disaster that had befallen Rus- The Church is not just the bishops, the priests, sia: ‘Men have forgotten God; that is why or the sisters. No. The Church is you—every one all this has happened.’ The older people of you. As members of the Body of Christ, as those used to say, ‘Why is all this catastrophe baptized in His name, you are called to participate in Russia, so many people killed and mur- in that great mission outside, to announce that dered?’ And they would say, ‘It is because men have forgotten God.’ God loves the world, that He wants to save it, and Since then I have spent well nigh 50 He wants to bring back mankind and the world to years working on the history of the Rus- their pristine glory with which He created them. sian Revolution. In the process I have col- The Scriptures say, “Man and woman He lected hundreds of personal testimonies, created them....He created them in His own read hundreds of books, and contributed image and likeness.” (Gen 1:27) What a great eight volumes of my own. But if I were consideration! Do you imagine the greatness of the asked today to formulate as concisely as treasure you have inside yourselves, that you have possible the main cause for the ruinous been created in God’s own image and likeness? revolution that swallowed up some 60 And then, not only that: He invites you to join million of our people, I could not put it Him in His mission. He wants you to be part of more accurately than to repeat, ‘Men have that great story of love. He sends you out today forgotten God.’ into the world to speak about it. Even through the What is more, if I were called upon smallest things you do, He wants you to be the to identify the principal trait of the entire expression of His love all around, aiming at your th 20 century, I would be unable to find an- best always. talents become opportunities. We ought to use not ything more precise than to reflect once I would say, dear students, the sky is the limit only these but also the other talents that we are able again on how we have lost touch with our to what you can achieve outside. Yes, you will to gain for Him in the service of His great mission, Creator. The failings of human conscious- surely do well in life, after being formed in such an that of redeeming humanity and creation from ness, deprived of its divine dimension, eminent institution; be well employed and happy their brokenness in sin through the manifestation have been a determining factor in all the at your success. But that is not enough. You have of the love of God. It is one great opportunity that major crimes of this century. to do even greater things. It is a personal call. Pope is offered to us, His servants. This was written by a Russian poet. He lived John Paul II says, “Every disciple is personally Dear brothers and sisters, let us pray for these in a country where atheism was the official state called by name; no disciple can withhold making young people today. You parents, be grateful to ideology. Yet he is so categorical in stating that, a response.” (Christifideles Laici ) 33 As St. Paul God that He has given you such beautiful treasures “All the major crimes in this century” have been said, “Woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel.” in these youngsters. It is a pity that today people caused by people who say there is no God. This (1 Cor 9:16) do not appreciate the gift of children. Every time is truly a sad situation. But it also means that a child is born, and the cry of that child is heard, Place Your Talents in His Service there is a need for the search for something more when it comes out of the mother’s womb, it is a noble in human life—the search for infinity in the eloved brothers and sisters, the reading cry of hope, not of despair or of pessimism. Hence, midst of so much of finiteness, for true freedom Btoday (Parable of the Talents, Matthew it is a sin to refuse God’s mercy saying, “Children in the midst of so much of slavery, for truth in the 25:14-30) speaks to us about the call to creativity, are a burden for us. We will have to make many midst of so much of falsehood, intellectual self- accountability, and responsibility as important sacrifices for them.” Such considerations are aggrandizement and relativism, for gentleness orientations in our relationship with God and basically selfish, and as Pope John Paul II termed, and humility in the midst of so much of pride commitment to His mission. The difference in the “manifestations of a culture of death.” and arrogance, and for communion with God and number of talents received by each servant, as you Once I was walking along Rue du Bac in Paris, one’s own brother and sister in the midst of so heard in the Gospel, is all for the benefit of the and I saw a car coming along with an elderly couple much of individualism and selfishness. Lord and of His mission. As the Gospel indicates, in it. The car stopped right next to me because I these talents are not of their own making, but There Is No Limit to What You Can Do was waiting to cross the road. I saw this old couple, given to them by God. The servants receive the husband and wife, and then behind them, two ear young people: You are going out talents from the Lord Himself. dogs. The couple looked so sad and lonely. I could Dtoday. This is supposed to be the day of Using one’s God-given intelligence, you are to understand that there is loneliness around because your “commencement.” At first I thought this place these talents in His service. For the talents humanity refuses life and embraces the culture “commencement” meant the beginning of your do not belong to you, but they belong to Him who of death. Maybe we would prefer to have some studies; later on, I was told that it was not so, gave them to you. He gave them to you. Multiply animals to pet and caress, but not children. Yet, but rather the beginning of your life outside. them. One day, be able to tell Him, “Lord, you what a great treasure children are. As the What a wonderful day. I think you’ll remember gave me five talents, here are five more”—or ten says, they are a blessing indeed. this day very much, not because I preached to more and, maybe, even Let Us Pray for These Young People you, but because God is a greater number if you going to work a miracle are willing to risk more mong these your children, these young people inside you, because He for Him. But remember, Awho are now leaving this college and going is calling you to His He gives them to you; out into the world, I am sure there will be many mission outside. You He will also help you to great citizens of the world—doctors, lawyers, have been secure in this multiply them, if you use accountants, architects, sisters, nuns, priests, beautiful set-up here, like them for His glory. bishops, cardinals, and maybe even a Pope. How the apostles on Mount do we know? Best of all, there can be another He Will Be With You Tabor. But now, you are Thomas Aquinas, too. How do we know what God going out to the world, t is not a journey that can achieve in these young people? They can all and that is where the Iyou go all alone, He become potential miracles of God’s greatness, if challenge lies. But that will be with you, He will you help them. should not terrify you. accompany you always. You parents, you took that wise decision of As Christians, remember, Remember, if you are sending them to this great institution because it there is no limit to what faithful to Him, He will offers a wholesome Catholic education—not just Then-Deacon John Mellein, O.P., a graduate of the College’s Class of you can do, if you place 1999, served as deacon for Archbishop Ranjith at the Baccalaureate guide you to make you science and knowledge, but faith, commitment, yourself, ready for the Mass. His sister, Maria, was among those who graduated from the bear much fruit. Great courage, heroism, readiness to risk in order to College later in the morning. Deacon Mellein was ordained to the things He will do through mission in the hands of priesthood in San Francisco the following month. (See story, page 5.) grow, readiness to hold onto the hands of Jesus Jesus. He will do great you, and the talents will in order to walk with Him and become useful to things in you. keep on increasing, and you will be able to lay Him in this life. Be happy about your choice. Help There is so much of arrogance, indifferent- them at His feet, making Him entrust you with them. Pray for them. Accompany them lovingly. ism, confusion, such a sense of loss in the world greater gifts. All of us today at this Mass will pray for you, outside. You have this beautiful treasure. Your At the same time the Gospel posits that one dear young people, that one day—one day—God faith and the joyful conviction that Jesus has need could also take the attitude of the lazy one who will speak to you those beautiful words, “Well done, of you and a place for you. I am told you have preferred to hide them. That is the sense of freedom good and faithful servant. Come and enter into my been taught in the classics and in theology. You which the Lord accords His servants. He does not Father’s glory.” (Mt 25:21) What beautiful words have studied St. Thomas Aquinas, of course, be- impose. The reading from the Acts of the Apostles they would be, like music to our ears. Therefore, cause the College is consecrated to him. You have (Acts 1:3-8) shows us the context in which such let us pray today, in a very special way plead with Continued on page 7 – 5 – rd will. He was aware of the nature of His mission 33 Commencement, continued from page 1 Catholic Education Suffers from Modern Trends and prepared Himself for it consciously. Thus, He will not be allowed to realize what He wants to is not so much the object of education as much as he danger facing education today is that realize in you. its subject. of visualizing itself as a servant of a given If I were to explain through another example, it T This understanding is something very economic or socio-political system with goals is like the lotus flowers that bloom important for us so that we do not consider which are purely earthly, just in our part of the world. Outside of ourselves as just objects at the receiving end placing the accent only on some the cities there are these swampy I congratulate listening to lectures, being drilled to accept shades of the externals. Education, areas, and if you take a walk in the Thomas Aquinas uncritically everything that is taught. On the however, is not an appendix of an early hours of the morning, you see contrary, education should stimulate us to start College for the great economic or socio-political system. these small flower buds opening thinking about ourselves, our noble vocation, service it renders to Its aim is not that of producing a out little by little when they see our higher relationship to God, and to feel man or a woman who will serve a the sun. If you go around 10:30 or these young people stimulated to achieve great things in Him, not given political or economic system 11:00 a.m., you see that they have especially helping just ordinary immanentist goals. Like Jesus, we blindly. Hitler, for example, opened up fully, and the whole should recognize the nobility of our vocation and them to discern sought to orient the schools and marsh is one full carpet of flowers. its divine origins. truth through faith universities in Germany during It becomes so beautiful. The lesson An education that does not take into his time towards an idolization is that our lives, if they are turned and reason as its consideration the transcendental nature of our of himself and the system he towards the light of the Lord, will handmaid. vocation and the need to orient our life towards the introduced. This is not education. blossom and become so beautiful, noble aspirations which go along with it cannot be So it was also in the countries that beautiful beyond description. Catholic education. Says the letter to the Ephesians, were hidden behind the Iron Curtain. If we turn our life to God and allow Him to “And you, parents, provoke not your children to Now, there is a new ideology today which tends do what He wants, our lives will shine brightly. wrath, but nurture them in the discipline and the to dominate humanity—secularization—which in It is also like the sunlight reflected on a mirror: if admonishment of the Lord.” (Eph 6: 4) its extreme form is atheistic and materialistic. This you wish to turn the sunlight in any direction, the The Scriptures recount to us how before his ideology in some of its milder forms at times seems mirror will help you to reflect the light where you death Tobit advised Tobias, his son, on the way to have adherents even among good Catholics. It wish to. Just so, if the mirror of your life is turned he should bring up his children: “Bring up your seeks to marginalize faith and the Church from to God, His brightness will fall on you, and you children to do what is right. Teach them that they public life. Even good Catholics adhere to this will be able to reflect it to others. Thus, you will must give to the poor and must always remember ideology that the Church should stay away from become a cause of strength and blessing on your to praise God with all sincerity.” (Tob 14: 9) public life. They posit a strict separation between brothers and sisters, too. St. John Chrysostom, a 4th-Century Father the Church and the state, and between faith and of the Church, in his sermon on the Letter to the Genuine Catholic Education life. Ephesians, spoke about the example of Hannah, ducation today, if it is to be wholesome, has To make matters worse, there is an economic the mother of Samuel, who, after the Lord had Eto help young people to come closer to God, to free-for-all without any spiritual or moral content, removed the shame of her barrenness, conceived feel challenged, strengthened, and called by Him, which in matters personal places accent on the and bore him. He stated, “Imitate Hannah’s and to be able to respond generously to Him. In freedom of the individual so much so that the example. Look at what she did. She brought other words, it must facilitate a young man or individual sees all binding structures of religion, Samuel up at once to the temple. Who amongst morality, and discipline as impediments to his woman to “tune in” to God’s wavelength so that you would not rather that his son should become freedom. He seeks to free himself from these he or she may achieve what has been planned for a Samuel than that he should be king of the whole either through an attitude of indifferentism or by him or her. relegating these strictly to the realm of the private Jesus told us, “Let the children come to and personal. In matters social, this ideology seeks me; do not hinder them.” (Lk 18: 16) That is to suffocate or kill religious and moral values the invitation addressed to the Catholic school through a philosophy of strict separation of the and to Catholic teachers. The most important spiritual and the secular. consideration is to let the Eternal Truth shine on Then there is the substitution of religion in these young people. Jesus did claim that He was its communitarian expression with mass scale “the way, the truth and the life,” (Jn 14: 6) and He social gatherings or distractions, especially those did assure us that “the Truth will make us free.” that demean the sense of the sacred in human life. (Jn 8: 32) It is to reflect that truth, which brings By this I mean the use of Sundays and holy days true freedom, that a good Catholic education for mass-scale cultural events, sports events, or should assist young people. other distractions. Nowadays, for example, I know The ’s document on where I live in Italy, more people go to the stadium education says this: “Beautiful, therefore, and to watch football than do for Sunday Mass. More truly solemn is the vocation of all those who assist people go to the supermarket on Sundays than to parents in fulfilling their task, and who represent church. human society as well by undertaking the role of As Pope John Paul II stated, “Unfortunately, school teacher.”(Gravissimum Educationis n.5) It when Sunday loses its fundamental meaning and is a beautiful vocation to be a teacher, but what is becomes merely part of a weekend, it can happen most important is that the school teacher empower that people stay locked within a horizon so limited himself so that he works with the young people that they can no longer see the heavens.” (Dies who come to him or her, and helps them, along Domini 4) What beautiful words! Even the day with the parents, to discover their supernatural which should have been a day of rest and quiet has vocation and to respond generously to that. It is a now become, for many, yet another noisy affair. most noble task. Teaching is thus a vocation, not This is the type of society that is being advocated— merely a profession. man becoming its slave—doing exactly what it Jesus Himself should be the example of wants. All of this is a result of a utilitarian outlook on those who take up teaching or those who run world ten thousand times over? She offered him human life which affects education too. Education Catholic schools and colleges. He turned, within up to God, and then she left him.” (Homilies on becomes a process by which only the personnel a brief period of time, a rag-tag band of illiterate, Ephesians XXI, 4) Let everything else, therefore, that are needed for the progress of the market confused, and ambitious men into committed be secondary for us, when compared to the need to apostles. They were ambitious; they were doubtful; economy are formed. Schools and universities are more oriented to the empirical and rational take provident care of our children, raising them there was one who was very close to Him and yet sciences which concern the intellect, rather than up and orienting them in the first place to know, denied Him three times and, worse still, one who to the ethical, moral, and disciplinary aspects of love, and serve God. even betrayed him. But within a short period of formation. Thus, the best education we can give a child is time, because Jesus was so powerful and His light Catholic Education Is Ordered to place him or her in the closest possible mode of shone on them so much, He turned them into relationship with God, because God’s light will then to the Transcendent apostles who were ready to proclaim and fulfill fall on them and help them to see, understand, and the mission that was entrusted to them, and even n the life and formation of Jesus, however, the respond to truth in the most noble way. The best to lay down their lives for Him. That is what the Ifocus of attention is different. For even Jesus had in their characters will then shine out naturally. school and the teacher should empower their His own formation. Yet He is not considered the Some of us still recall with great awe and students to do. object of education, but is very much its subject. He reverence teachers who not only taught us but I know Mr. Dillon has always said that Thomas is always conscious of his ontological relationship allowed that which was happening in the intimacy Aquinas College has to be like another Christ who with the Father: “I and the Father are one,” of our hearts at the behest of God’s mysterious forms the best in these students. And I think the (Jn 10: 30) He stated. He is, in fact, from God and hand to realize itself. They did not stop or impede College does this, so I can only compliment it. has been sent by Him so that He may fulfill God’s that. That is what the famous educator Maria Continued on page 11 – 6 – “Thou Art a Priest Forever” Three from the Class of 1999 Ordained to the Priesthood

mong the many good fruits with which Thomas Aquinas College has been intellectual character and its emphasis Ablessed over the years is the relatively large number of vocations to the on preaching, Fr. Hurley, like his priesthood and religious life among its alumni. This past spring, three graduates classmate, Fr. Mellein, entered the from one class were ordained to the priesthood, bringing the total number of Western Province of the Dominicans Thomas Aquinas College priests to 47. At the same time, there are 35 young in the summer of 1999, just after his men in seminaries around the country and abroad, and 20 fully professed nuns graduation from the College. and brothers in a variety of religious orders. His formation since then has Our three new priests all met at Thomas Aquinas College as members of the included a number of years of study Class of 1999. Two of them spent four years together at the College, and both in philosophy and theology. In discerned vocations to the Order of Preachers. Fittingly, on June 2, 2007, they addition, during the summer of 2003, were also ordained to the priesthood together, with a number of alumni and he studied Spanish while living in faculty of the College in attendance. Oaxaca, Mexico, with the Dominican friars located there. Rev. John Thomas Mellein, O.P. (’99) Fr. Hurley was ordained to the he son of the College’s administrative facilities manager, Mr. Thomas diaconate at the Dominican Order’s TMellein, Father John Thomas Mellein came to the College in 1995 having Holy Rosary Parish in Antioch, California, by the Most Reverend Allen been raised with his nine Vigneron on January 21, 2006. On the first weekend of this past June, he was brothers and sisters in the ordained to the priesthood at St. Dominic’s Church, also by Bishop Vigneron. nearby city of Ventura, Fr. Hurley’s first assignment is Parochial Vicar at this San Francisco parish California. At the College, named for the Order’s saintly founder. he was introduced to the Rev. Matthew McNeely, F.S.S.P. (’99) Dominican Order and was drawn to it by their orn in British Columbia, Canada, Fr. Matthew McNeely is the second of community life, their Btwelve children. Though he grew up in Ottawa, his family eventually devotion to the choral settled in Lincoln, Nebraska. office, their attention Upon graduating high school, Fr. McNeely came to Thomas Aquinas to preaching, and their College. After completing his second year at the College, the strong desire emphasis on the works of to follow in his father’s footsteps and become a doctor took hold of him. So, St. Thomas Aquinas, which he left the College and for the next three years took up pre-med studies at the he was eager to continue studying. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Thus, the summer after his graduation from the College, he entered the His plans for a medical career were interrupted, however, when the Priestly Western Province of the Order of Preachers. He took his solemn vows on May Fraternity of St. Peter opened its North American seminary dedicated to Our 28, 2005, and was ordained to the deaconate at the Lady of Guadalupe in Denton, Nebraska, in 2000. Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Not long after, Fr. McNeely was drawn to discern Conception on January 7, 2006, in Washington, a vocation at the new seminary. On May 12, 2007, D.C. This past June, a year and a half later, he was “Let us ask for the gift of perseverance he was ordained to the priesthood by the Most ordained to the priesthood by the Most Reverend for all priests: may they stay faithful to Reverend , Bishop of Lincoln, with his fellow Thomas Aquinas College alumnus, Allan Vigneron at St. Dominic’s Church in San prayer, celebrate Holy Mass with ever- Francisco. the Rev. John Berg (’93), now the Superior General Fr. Mellein’s formation has included a wide renewed devotion, live listening to the of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter, assisting. variety of studies and ministries that have taken Word of God, and day after day assimilate During his years as a seminarian, Fr. McNeely him to the San Francisco Bay Area, Alaska, Utah, the same sentiments and attitudes as assisted several times at Sacred Heart summer camp at St. Stephen the First Martyr parish in Oregon, Washington, D. C., and Peru. He says of those of Jesus, the Good Shepherd.” his preparation, “I find that ministry, study, and Sacramento, prayer mutually enrich each other in our life. C a l i f o r n i a , Study informs our ministry, and ministry gives Pope Benedict XVI which is served direction to study. The whole is supported and World Day of Prayer for Vocations by priests of the in turn deepens our life of prayer.” Fr. Mellein’s Sunday, April 29, 2007 Fraternity. Fr. first assignment is Parochial Vicar at Holy Family McNeely’s first Cathedral in Anchorage, Alaska, where he served assignment is for a time during his formation. at this parish where he is Rev. Michael Hurley, O.P. (’99) serving both as Parochial Vicar and an r. Mellein’s classmate Fr. Michael Hurley is the first of five siblings. Born instructor in the parish’s 7th-12th grade Fand raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, he attended St. Peter’s parish in academy. He will be working under Pacifica and graduated from Alma Height Christian Academy there. another Thomas Aquinas College alumnus, While attending Thomas Aquinas College, he discerned a call from Our Rev. Robert Novokowsky, F.S.S.P. (‘93), the Lord to enter the Dominican Order with the help of Fr. Bart de la Torre, director of St. Stephen Academy and pastor one of the College’s chaplains at the time. Attracted to the Order for its of the parish.

Homily, continued from page 5 the Lord—that these young people be protected, strengthened in their resolve They were so discouraging. But then I heard about this particular religious to serve Him and to be part of His great mission, to understand the greatness family, and I called their Father Superior, and he said to me over the phone, for which they are called. ‘Gee, what an idea! Come immediately.’ When I heard that I told myself, ‘That I just want to conclude by recounting to you another little incident. When is where I am going because there is hope, there is joy, there is purpose.’” I was a parish priest, I went to see a friend of mine, a bit of a senior priest. Go on the Mission of Christ While I was talking to him, the bell rang, and he went outside, and I heard him converse. I overheard because there were no walls really, only partial earest young people, the sky is the limit. With Jesus, you can achieve great separations. I heard someone say, “Father, I want to become a priest.” Then I Dthings. The mission is there, outside. Your brothers and sisters are waiting heard the priest say, “What?! Are you mad? Don’t you see that I am suffering? to hear from you, not only words of science and philosophy and theology, but Get out! Get out!” When he came back, all red, I said to him, “Father, I could they are waiting to see in you another Christ, to see the fullness of your faith. not help it, but I overheard what you said. Father, don’t you understand that Go and live that faith, and God will let you do great things. Be His courageous yours and mine is a great vocation, the greatest of them all? Then why this and heroic missionaries. Heroism will make you live and live well. pessimism?” You know what? I am sure Dr. Dillon, in his report, would like to say one Some years ago, I was addressing a group of seminarians of the Legionaries day—of course, I do not know whether he will be in the land of the living, or of Christ, and afterwards we had dinner together. Seated with me, there was a whether I will be in the land of the living at that time—but he will be surely young man who had earlier been a dentist. He was practicing, but gave it up. I happy to say, “One of our students has become Saint So-and-So or Saint So- asked him, “How did you get your vocation?” He said, “I don’t know. I cannot and-So.” Wouldn’t that be a most exhilarating experience? I am sure you, Dr. explain.” And then he said, “I went looking for a community, and the father in Dillon, would be the happiest. You see, he says yes. charge told me, ‘Well, take your time; not now; grow a little older and come.’ So, go on the mission of Christ. Be courageous. He will do great things in And then another one said, ‘You have a good profession. Continue doing God’s you. And may He always be your light and your salvation. work in that profession. What is the use of coming here to become a priest?’ In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

– 7 – The Class of 2007 and Senior Theses

The Case for Contingency: A Consideration of Aristotle’s and St. Thomas Aquinas’s Defense of How and When to Tragedy: The Manifestation Indeterminacy in Nature Bite the Hand That Feeds You of Man’s Fallen Condition Pa u l Au g u s t o Al a r c ó n Pa t r i c k Ra e Al l e n Be n j a m i n An d r e w Al m e i d a Lake Forest, California Calgary, Alberta, Canada Steubenville, Ohio

Through a Poet’s Eyes: Pursuing Good: An Investigation What Does X Mean? John Milton and into Absolute and Universal A Discussion of the Symbols Eternal Providence Precepts of Natural Law in Descartes’ Geometry St e p h a n i e Kr i s t i n Ph i l i p Ja m e s Ba r r e t t Jo h n Hu n n e w e l l Bo y e r Bu j n a k Montreal, Québec, Canada Hanford, California Oak View, California

“This Is My Beloved, This Is My Friend:” An Essay on the Possibility Mercy: of True Friendship between Politics and History in The Perfection of Justice Husband and Wife Thucydides An n Ma r i e Bu l c h e r Sa r a h Ro s e Ca r p e n t i e r Pe t e r Da v i d Ch i r d o n Necedah, Huntington Beach, California Lakewood, Ohio

“As the Living Father Sent Me “What’s in a Name?” and I Live through Him, So He An Examination of the Relation Am I My Brother’s Keeper? Who Eats Me Lives through Me:” between the Meanings of A Reflection on Christian Charity Christ, Our Eucharistic Life Names and Definitions towards One’s Neighbor Jo s e p h Pa t r i c k Ma r y -Sa r a h Co u g h l i n An n a Ma r i e Cu n n i n g h a m Cu n n i n g h a m Santa Paula, California Poway, California Schoolcraft, Michigan

“Fiat Mihi secundum A Proof That Reliance on the Verbum Tuum:” Humility and Accepting One’s Evanescent Secant Makes Why Our Lady is the Exemplar Imperfections: A Comparison of the Calculus of Descartes and and Type of the Church St. Thérèse of Lisieux Newton the Same in Essence and St. Thomas Aquinas Do m i n i q u e Ma r i e Al d e n Ro b e r t Da l e De a r d u r f f Cl a r a Th é r è s e De f i l i pp i s Magalia, California Front Royal, Virginia Ridgefield, Washington

“Come to Me, All Who Labor and Are Heavy Laden, and I Will Give You Rest:” An Examination The Fruit of the Vine and the Drawing a Fine Line: of Man’s Work and Leisure As Work of Our Hands: A Discussion of Beauty Known from His End An Essay on in the Fine Arts Man’s Relationship to Food as Applicable to Paintings Sa r a h No h e a l a n i DeRe g o Ad a Ma r i e Do i An n a Ma r i a Do y l e n d Mountain View, Hawai’i Snowflake, Arizona Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

“Let Me Hear Your Voice, For Your Voice Is Sweet:” A Consideration of the “Ad Divinitatis Celsa Conscendere:” A Seed Fallen on Good Soil: Superiority of Song On the Use of the Category of Pascal’s Wager and the in Vocal Prayer Relation in Trinitarian Predication Preparation for Faith Ni c o l e An n Du n n Bo n n i e Ca t h e r i n e Fa c h Ba i l e y Al a y n a Fa t o r Shawnee, Kansas Poway, California Redding, California

–– 48 –– The Class of 2007 and Senior Theses

“Before I Formed You in the That We Might Hear: Womb I Knew You:” Why Virgil? An Examination The Role of Silence A Philosophical and Anatomical of Virgil’s Guidance of Dante in Human Fulfillment Exposition of the Rational in the Commedia La u r e n El i z a b e t h Ensoulment at Conception Ma r i a Fo r s h a w Ga l l a g h e r Da v i d Ea r l Gi s l a St. Louis, Missouri Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Sacramento, California

The Virtue of a State: Friends, Food or Both? An Examination of Livy’s A Consideration of the Proper Ab Urbe Condita and The Division of Sciences Treatment of Animals De Motu Locali Machiavelli’s Discourses on Livy and Galileo’s Be r n a d e t t e Ma r i e Da v i d Mi c h a e l Sa r a h Ro s e Go l d b e r g Gr i s m e r Gr o t h o f f Camarillo, California Santa Rosa, California Jefferson City, Missouri

Was the Crucifixion in Vain? “You? What Happiness!” An Explanation of A Consideration of the Veritas Sum: An Argument St. Matthew’s Text, Nature of Divine Love in against Philosophical “I Desire Mercy, and Not Sacrifice” War and Peace Relativism Mo i r a El i z a b e t h Ch r i s t i n a Je a n Em i l y An n e Ha r r i s o n He f f e r n a n Ho l c o m b Kansas City, Missouri Springfield, Manassas, Virginia

“This Is My Beloved and “Governments Are Instituted My Friend:” Concerning the Understanding the Relationship among Men, Deriving Their Just Friendship between Newton’s Principia Powers from the between God and Man and Natural Philosophy Consent of the Governed” Ka t h l e e n Ma r i e Ka t h e r i n e Ew a Mi c h e l l e Fr a n c e s Ma r i e Ho l c o m b Iw a n i c k i Jo h n s o n Manassas, Virginia Calgary, Alberta, Canada Glen Ellyn, Illinois

“With Christ I Am Nailed to the “Crowned with a Wreath Cross:” On God’s Salvific Love of Sacred Olive:” and the Meaning On the Value of the What Makes a Good Jester? of Human Suffering Comedies of Aristophanes Ma t t h e w Be n o i t Je a n n e Th é r è s e Jo l i a t El i Al e x a n d e r Ju s t m a n Ku e m m e r l e i n Waterbury, Connecticut Myrtle Creek, Oregon Kansas City, Missouri

“Whose Sins Shall You Forgive, They Are Forgiven Them; and Whose Sins You Shall Retain, Should Man Obey Civil Laws? “Vos Amici Mei Estis:” They Are Retained:” (John 20:23) An Inquiry concerning Law An Examination of Divine An Exposition on the and Happiness Friendship Sacrament of Confession Ma r i e An g e l a La y Ch a r l e La r s o n La u r a An n e La u b a c h e r San Fernando, Pampanga, Newport Beach, California Sacramento, California Philippines

When the Going Gets Tough, “The Cup of Salvation How Does It All Keep Going? I Will Take Up:” A Consideration of Whether An Examination of Holy Inertia Is Compatible with On the Formal Cause of Communion and Its Part in Aristotle the Kingship of Christ Man’s Salvation Aa r o n Ch r i s t o p h e r Le e De a n Ro b e r t Lo e w Ma r i e Ro s e Ly o n s Simi Valley, California Racine, Wisconsin Battleground, Washington

– 9 – The Class of 2007 and Senior Theses

“You Have Forgotten The Tents of Kedar and the What You Are:” Litter of Solomon: An Analysis of the Remedies Friendship: Giving One’s Self A Nuptial Analogy Used to Remind Boethius to Find One’s Self Fr a n c i s An t h o n y of the Nature of Man Sa r a h Ki m b e r l y Ma r o t t i Er i n Ma u r e e n McCa r t h y McEa c h e r n Ann Arbor, Michigan Gallup, New Mexico Vilna, Alberta, Canada

An Inquiry concerning Whether the Relationship “No Man Is an Island:” An between Society and Man’s Bacon, Aristotle, Examination of the Role of Individuality Is One of Dialectic and Truth Friendship in Contemplation Detriment or Necessity Ma r t i n Pa t r i c k McNe e l a Je a n n e Ma r i e Me e h a n Ma r i a Gr a c e Me l l e i n Yardley, Pennsylvania Woodbridge, Virginia Ventura, California

“Hosanna” and the “Crucible of Doubt:” An Inquiry into Music: An Expression the Dynamics of Guilt in of the Inexpressible Ivan Karamazov The Gifts of the Holy Spirit Ka t h e r i n e La b o u r e An t h o n y Ro b e r t Pe t e r Mi c h a e l Mi l l e r Mi l t o n Jo s e p h Na v a r r a Sarasota, Hillsboro, Oregon Napa, California

A Freedom That Does Not Exist, a Dependence of Which We Are Who Shall Know Thy Thought, Not Conscious: Free Will and A Good Atheist O Lord? On the Gift of Wisdom Fate in the Fiction of in the Study of Theology Ma t t h e w Cu l l i g a n War and Peace Ne l s o n Ro b e r t Au g u s t i n e Ne s b i t Ra f a e l Jo s e p h Or e l l a n a Overland Park, Kansas Des Moines, Iowa Santa Paula, California

“My Cup Overflows:” A Consideration of Man’s Relation to God The Light of Sacred Doctrine in Response to Nietzsche Whether Algebra Is an Aristotelian Science Me g h a n Dr e w Am y El i z a b e t h Ru b y Pa t t e r s o n Ri n g l e Mi c h e l l e Ma r i e Ri o u x Hulbert, Oklahoma Milton, Louisiana Cummings, Kansas

The Work of Human Hands: The Usury Problem: Why Work in the Family Is An Essay Concerning the Reality Has the Necessary for Society of the Objects of Geometry Changed Its Teaching? Am y Jo s e p h i n e Sa l e De n n i s Mi c h a e l Sa n c h e Da n i e l Pe t e r Se a t o n Red Bluff, California Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada Corrales, New Mexico

“The Wrath of Achilleus” versus “Pious Aeneas:” A Look at You Shall Be Gods: True Heroism in Light of the An Explication of St. Thomas Nicomachean Ethics Aquinas’s Doctrine of the Do m i n i q u e Ma r i e Gw e n Imago Dei The Virtue of the Artist Sh e m a Pa u l Ke v i n Sh i e l d s Mu i r e a n n Si m p s o n Belton, Missouri Turlock, California Los Angeles, California

– 10 – The Class of 2007 and Senior Theses

The Art of God: An Account of the Dialectical Inertial Motion: An Investigation into the Method and the Establishing of An Aristotelian Problem Divine Reflection in Music First Principles Explicated and Solved Ma x i m i l i a n Da v i d Co n a l Ga l l a g h e r El i Wi l l i a m So c k e y IV Su m m e Ta n n e r Venus, Pennsylvania Covington, Kentucky Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

It Is Not Good that Man Should Be Alone: An Essay on Rousseau’s The Importance of Silence Social Contract Dimensions of Experience in as a Consequence of Our and the Nature of Man the Critique of Pure Reason Inability to Form a Concept of Me g a n Fl o r e n c e Ju l i a n a Va l e n t i n e God’s Essence Th o m a s Va z q u e z Ke l l y An n e Wa l d m a n Corcoran, Minnesota Lombard, Illinois Valencia, California

A Bridge between God and Man: Turning the Hearts of The Argument for the Ellipse: An Essay on the Good of Sons to Their Father: An Exposition of Kepler’s Mathematics in Theoretical A Biblical Anthropology New Astronomy Philosophy Ar t h u r Ky l e Al e x a n d e r Do m i n i c Er i n Ca r i n a Wo l f e Wa s h u t Wi s e m a n Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Casper, Wyoming Post Falls, Idaho Canada

Art As Iconic: An Exploration of Patroness of the Class of 2007: the Kind of Knowledge Fine Art Our Lady of Perpetual Help. Gives Man, and of How Fine Art In Their Midst: Nourishes the Faith Class Quotation: Private Prayer and the Liturgy “For I do not seek to understand Am e l i a Cl a i r e Ga b r i e l l e so that I may believe; Ev a n Ja c o b Za l e s a k Zi e g e r t but I believe so that I may understand.” Clarissa, Minnesota Wichita, Kansas - St Anselm

Commencement Address Continued from page 6

Montessori affirmed, “We teachers can only help that is defined as it is given. It is a gift of God. It is a He will lead you to the truth which He himself the work that is going on, as servants wait upon a person. It is God Himself, Truth eternal. And Pilate is. That is what we all wish for you, dear young master.” (The Absorbent Mind Ch. 1) Each teacher failed to recognize Jesus, the very incarnation of people, today. Take with you this great optimism before a student is like someone approaching Truth. of life which comes from your faith. Never give up. something sacred saying, “Something is happening Truth. We only have to seek Jesus, and if we Be courageous. in this young person; let me help as much as I genuinely seek Him, and if we open our hearts I wish to conclude my reflection by thanking can.” to Him, He will reveal Himself and His plan for all of you, dear members of the staff and my dear us which will help us free ourselves from slavery students. I wish you God’s blessings in the years to to untruth. Otherwise, we are like the five blind men who were taken to a big elephant and told to define what it looked like. One went and touched the trunk and said, “An elephant is like a tree.” Another touched the tail and said, “An elephant is a creeper.” But that, everyone knew, was not the truth. We cannot go looking for truth if we are blind to God’s light. The eye of faith is that which leads us to that personal expression of truth, which is the understanding of God. That is why it is important that we allow the Lord to shine on us Truth is a Gift and let His light guide us. This is very important, and I congratulate hat I am pinpointing here is that there is Thomas Aquinas College for the great service it Wa deeply divine dimension to Catholic renders to these young people, especially helping come. As St. Paul states, “No eye has seen, no ear education which must be understood. That is the them to discern truth through faith and reason as has heard, no mind has conceived what God has only way in which a proper Catholic education can its handmaid. I was edified to hear yesterday, when prepared for those who love Him.” (1 Cor 2: 9) be given to young people. I was with a group of these graduates at breakfast, God loves each and every one of you, my dear I was edified to listen to the presentation just how they presented their lives and their dreams of students. That is why He created you so differently now by the Senior Class Speaker, as he talked about the future. and gave you so many different talents. That is why that divine aspect of theology, of knowledge, and He has a special plan for you. If you allow him, you of truth. As Jesus stood in front of Pilate, there was Dream in the Lord will shine and be yourselves the manifestation of a very intriguing question asked. Pilate asked Him, ream. It’s a good thing to dream. But dream His light and truth. Let Him then be always the “What is truth?” Jesus never answered. He did not Din the Lord. Dream for Him. Dream with Him. cause of your brightness and grandeur. answer because truth is not so much something Hold His hand, walk in the search for truth, and Thank you.

– 11 – Advent Concert Feast ofAllSaints,NoClasses Lecture: YuvalLevinonEarlyModernPhilosophyandNaturalScience Columbus Day,NoClasses. Alumni Day. Lecture: RandallSmithontheOldLaw Dramatic Presentationofthe Lecture: EvaBrannonthe Lecture: BrianKelly,Tutor Convocation Day. Freshman Orientation

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