Oriens Journal of the Oriens Foundation January-March 2008 Volume 13, Number 1 $4.00 After the aftermath As Oriens went to press, reports As of writing, we do not know when from Rome indicated that the the new directive will be published. Vatican will issue a new document clarifying the terms of Summorum The jugglers This Issue Pontificum in which Pope Benedict A few weeks before Christmas, XVI liberated the traditional Latin a close observer of current Church Page 1 . affairs, and one well informed about Editorial The Vatican Secretary of State, the quality of ecclesiastical manpower, Page 2 Cardinal , told Italian suggested to Oriens that, when it Here and there magazine Famiglia Cristiana that the came to implementing a liturgical By Oriens staff Commission will issue “reform of the reform,” bishops had to instructions to “clarify the criteria for confront the fact that many, perhaps Page 6 Some Catholics just don’t get it the application of the .” the majority, of their clergy were By David Kehoe The reason for the new document, “ecclesiologically challenged.” Page 9 Cardinal Bertone said, was “confused This was a kindly way of saying that The Old Mass: news from France reactions” by the bishops to the much of present generation of clergy, for the most part trained in the period Page 10 1965 to 1995, is so compromised by The return of the tonsure, contemporary styles of manhood and wimple and soutane Catholic priesthood, that it lacks the cultural By Elisabeth von Thurn und Taxis aptitude for a sympathetic response Page 13 cultural to Pope Benedict XVI and his call for In search of a merciful God teaching and worship to be anchored By Fr Paul Stenhouse MSC literacy in in the whole tradition of the Church. This analysis includes “papal liners” as Page 15 it does “liberals”. Land prices and the moral short supply law It is the “pope’s men” who interest By John Young us here. During the John Paul II motu proprio. Contrary to the claims years, it was easy to be a “papalist”. Page 17 made by critics, Bertone said that In those days one could declaim “That you should sing My the Pope neither rejected Vatican against the culture of death while praise and glory” II, nor planned to replace the new liturgically celebrating the culture of By R. J. Stove Mass with the old. Less diplomatic banality. One could proclaim human than Bertone, Archbishop Malcolm Page 20 Ranjith, secretary of the Congregation rights, and bemoan the marginalised, Book reviews for Divine Worship, charged that while kicking traditional Catholics in By Martin Sheehan and some bishops have imposed arbitrary the pants and banishing them to the Gary Scarrabelotti interpretations on the motu proprio in outlands. One could condescend to Page 24 order to render its terms null and void Catholic pieties while paying reverence The sacred liturgy in their dioceses. to the shaman’s humbug. One could By Fr Duncan Wong FSSP kiss the papal hand and Mr Mahomet’s continued page 3

January-March 2008  Oriens News and comment Oriens Volume 13, Number 1 January-March 2008 Here and there Published by the Oriens Foundation Oriens staff report and comment on Catholic GPO Box 2021, Canberra ACT 2601 events. www.oriensjournal.com Editor Gary Scarrabelotti The move by Pope Benedict XVI to free the traditional Executive Editor Latin Mass for a return to Catholic altars has met with both magnanimous and pusillanimous responses. R.J. Stove In recognition of the publication by the Pope of his motu Contributing Editors proprio, , three Australian archbishops Gerard McManus publicly celebrated the traditional Mass during recent months. Stephen McInerney Summorum Pontificum was issued on 7 July 2007 and came into Martin Sheehan force on 14 September 2007, the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. The first Australian bishop to give major public recognition to the new legislation was Archbishop Denis Hart who celebrated, on Oriens is the journal of the Oriens Foundation. The 28 August 2007, a Solemn Pontifical Mass according to the 1962 Oriens Foundation promotes appreciation for, and missal in St Patrick’s Cathedral, Melbourne. Next was Archbishop understanding of, the traditional Latin liturgy as one of Barry Hickey, who celebrated Mass in the same form in the Chapel the foundations of Western civilisation. Oriens traces in of St Michael the Archangel in Leaderville, Western Australia, history and culture, in language, art and aesthetics, in on 20 October. of Melbourne, Peter J. Elliott, religious and moral norms, the influence of the classical Western liturgy, and examines its interactions with followed on 28 October by celebrating Solemn Pontifical Mass at private life and public affairs. Sacred Heart Cathedral, Bendigo, at the conclusion of the Christus Rex pilgrimage. I wish to subscribe to Oriens for: Finally, on 3 November 2007, and at the request of the Oriens 1 year $30 Foundation, George Cardinal Pell celebrated Solemn Pontifical 2 years $55 Mass in St Mary’s Cathedral, Sydney. (At the last-named event a 3 years $80 stunning 2,000 people turned out for the Mass and afterwards the Cardinal joined the Oriens Foundation, and a group of its and I would like to make a donation of $______supporters, as guest-of-honour at a luncheon to celebrate the ($20.00 minimum) occasion.) Please send your cheque and this form to: As we look abroad, similar events were taking place in Oriens Foundation Cathedrals here and there, sometimes with the local ordinary fully GPO Box 2021 on board, in other places, such as in Westminister and Southwark Canberra ACT 2601 cathedrals in the UK, without the presence of the local bishop. AUSTRALIA Dutch robust Name Much more robust, and surprisingly so, was the reaction of Address the Dutch bishops. In response to Summorum Pontificum, they published Het Heilig Misoffer, a handsome book containing the text of the motu proprio, its accompanying letter from the Pope to Telephone the Bishops, plus the text of the traditional Missale Romanum (the Email Ordinary) in Latin and Dutch. To top it off, the Bishops indicated continued page 4

 January-March 2008 Oriens Editorial continued from page 1 book with nearly equal respect. For be sufficiently clarified. Similarly, there will need to insist upon certain things a certain type, combining ornery is no problem to fathom in a university to lay the ground for work that others attachment to some tough Catholic with a jaunty Catholic swagger like after him must do. doctrines with obeisance to the most Ave Maria (Florida) waging an internal • Latin must be a compulsory respectable fads was a cakewalk. But war against the Latin liturgical and seminary subject, and seminarians suddenly it is not so easy to juggle musical tradition. These are symptoms must meet minimum standards of incompatibles. of a well-understood syndrome. When competency in it before ordination First, we have a motu proprio men and women have kept a long- to the diaconate. that rejects discarding the historical established peace with the culture, it • Seminarians must be trained in forms of worship, and calls for the is not realistic to expect that overnight the Church’s liturgical music, new liturgy to be reformed by re- they should become advocates for a and must attain minimum levels establishing contact with the liturgical Catholic world-view and sensibility of competency in the singing of tradition. now foreign to them. Even among the Mass before ordination to the Secondly, we have an encyclical, Spe Benedict XVI’s episcopal supporters, diaconate. Salvi, dated 30 November 2007, that there would be quite a few for whom • The traditional Latin Mass and contains not a single direct reference his liturgical thought as a cardinal, the art of celebrating it must be to the documents of Vatican II. And, thirdly, we find in this same encyclical, contrary to the separation of Church and society often credited to One could declaim against the Vatican II, a rejection of private holiness in favour of one that transforms and challenges the pretended autonomy of culture of death while liturgically things that are doomed to pass away. celebrating the culture of Strange country We have insufficient space to banality. expand on each of these points. Taken together, however, they signal that we have entered the post post- and now his teaching and legislation a compulsory seminary subject conciliar world where the landscape is as pontiff, would pose marked alongside teaching about the new disconcertingly unfamiliar. That is why discomfort. liturgy. Rome is contemplating – and perhaps • Apart from any other church or might have published by the time you A burst of “reform of the reform” chapel in which the traditional read this – “a new document clarifying activity by the bishops, predicated on a the terms of Summorum Pontificum.” Latin Mass might be celebrated in “dialogue” between old and new Masses any diocese, the traditional liturgy When the Church’s leadership envisaged in Summorum Pontificum, is should be celebrated every Sunday group falls short of the required level not, therefore, going to develop easily. in every cathedral backed by the of catholic cultural literacy, a document Even where bishops might be willing, full liturgical and musical resources like Summorum Pontificum will pose their clergy and diocesan liturgical available. some comprehension problems. It is apparatus will mostly prove inapt to completely understandable that the It is only by obliging the bishops the task. Consequently, the liturgical apostolic administrator of the diocese to implement such measures that of Savona-Noli in Italy, for example, reform indicated by Pope Ratzinger the harmonious discourse between should have banned the celebration will have to be the work of future liturgies old and new can ever take of the traditional Latin Mass (see our generations. So, when making further place. If such be the Pope’s objective, story “Here and there”, page 2) until “clarifications” about how his motu then he must take measures fitted to the terms of the motu proprio should proprio should be implemented, he the purpose.

January-March 2008  Oriens News and comment continued from page 2 – Here and there that Dutch seminaries henceforth 2007 came and went and no nice At this event the Cardinal received would train seminarians to celebrate counter was poised against the Pauline delegations from about a dozen lay both the traditional and modern forms liturgical revolution – but, then, that associations petitioning for the motu of the Mass. had already taken place on 7 July proprio to be implemented in their 2007. dioceses. The French bishops have a Interestingly, the National American well-established reputation of being College in Rome, also has begun to Other things, however, were taking among the Church’s most stubborn implement a plan to train seminarians place in Rome: some lower-key, others opponents of the traditional Mass. studying there in both forms of the higher. liturgy – a decision that reflects a Ranjith red On the low end of the keyboard, shift in the mentality of the American and on the Feast of St Cecilia, patroness Back in Rome, and on the higher church leadership and the fact that, of music (22 November), Dario end of the scale, Archbishop Albert on the ground in the USA, a growing Cardinal Castrillón Hoyos celebrated Malcolm Ranjith Patabendige Don, number of bishops have decided Solemn Pontifical Mass in the Church Secretary for the Congregation for that they, and not the United States of Sant’Ivo alla Sapienza, a church Divine Worship and the Sacraments, Conference of Catholic Bishops, will discreetly tucked away in the courtyard was banging out some forceful notes. rule their dioceses and direct their of the former Sapienza University. The On 5 November he gave an interview seminaries. celebration was supported by two to the Italian Internet website Petrus. In it Archbishop Ranjith let fly at bishops who sought to whittle away The French bishops have a at the plain meaning of Summorum Pontificum. well-established reputation of He found it difficult to understand the action “and even rebellion” of being among the Church’s most bishops who have sought to limit the access of lay people and priests to the stubborn opponents of the traditional Mass. “On the part of some dioceses, traditional Mass. there have been interpretive documents that inexplicably aim to limit the motu proprio of About the next move in Rome, choirs: a Schola Gregoriana carried the Pope … I invite everyone to there has been much speculation, with the chant, while Festina Lente, a obey the Pope. If the Holy Father many a traditionalist blogger trying professional Roman group, sang the thought it was his obligation to to predict the date in the liturgical polyphony in the shape of Palestrina’s issue the motu proprio, he had calendar when Pope Benedict XVI Missa “Regina Coeli”. his reasons and I share them might publicly celebrate the traditional Not long afterwards, on 8 fully. Latin Mass. December, Cardinal Castrillón Hoyos “The bishops, in particular, have Some of the shiniest optimists was in Versailles, France, for the Feast sworn fidelity to the pontiff; may predicted the First Sunday of Advent of the Immaculate Conception and they be coherent and faithful to on the grounds that it would offer a another Pontifical Mass, this one on the their commitment.” nice counter-poise to the introduction occasion of the Journée de Chrétienté, of the Paul VI Missal which came into which celebrated twenty-five years of Ranjith went to say, in even more force on the First Sunday in Advent the re-establishment of the famous forceful language, that if discussion 1969. The First Sunday of Advent Chartres pilgrimage. and debate

 January-March 2008 Oriens News and comment

“does not in the end lead to a Latin Mass, and to ensure in no church “liberals”. The case of Ave Maria spirit of obedience in the service in diocesan territory should Masses University in the USA provides a of unity, then it divides and “according to the pre-conciliar rite” be relevant cautionary tale. celebrated. can only be interpreted as a Founded by the pizza billionaire, manifestation of the intent of He alleged as the grounds for his Tom Monaghan, Ave Maria University the Evil One to disturb and decision, the absence of a bishop and aspires to be not only a model Catholic retard the noble mission of a lack of clarity about the conditions university but also a model Catholic Christ. Even those wearing under which the traditional Missal town. But the model Catholic university ecclesiastical purple or red are might be celebrated. Italia and would-be model town has been not exempt from the tempter’s responded to Monsignor Giusto’s decree finding it tough to accommodate enchantments.” by an appeal to Cardinal Castrillón Catholic culture and the Catholics Hoyos, President of the Ecclesia Dei who love it: its founding president, Fr Rome’s tougher line Commission. Joseph Fessio SJ, among them. A few weeks later a crisi over the Just four days after Monsignor The university’s new president, traditional Mass in the Italian diocese Giusto’s decree, Rome announced that of Savona-Noli illustrated the kind of it had selected Monsignor Vittorio Nick Healy, has followed up the problem that Archbishop Ranjith may Lupi, vicar-general of the diocese of “doing over” of Fr Fessio, by, among have had in mind and the tougher line Ventimiglia, as the new Bishop of other things, waging a campaign being taken by Rome. Savona-Noli. within the university against the use Savona-Noli is a diocese in the Liguria region of north-west Italy, and the see had been vacant pending the appointment of a new bishop. Meantime, in the chair as diocesan Being “Captain Catholic” does administrator, was Monsignor Andrea Giusto. not guarantee sympathy with the During the interregnum, a traditional Latin Mass was celebrated at policies of Benedict XVI. a place called Celle Ligure in the of St Michael the Archangel. The Mass was organised by locals with the half- hearted approval of the parish priest, In December Monsignor Lupi went of Latin in the celebration of Mass on and with the help, it seems, of people to Rome to swear his oath of office campus, against the introduction of outside the diocese. The celebrant – and in circumstances that sent a the traditional Mass, against kneeling came from Verona. About 150-200 message to every bishop in the world. for communion, against the use of the people turned up, and the good priest On the morning of 12 December, Church’s traditional music in campus expressed during his sermon the view Monsignor Lupi took his oath of office liturgy; and, finally, his interventions that “Italy, the garden of the Catholic at the Ecclesia Dei Commission and into the university’s music department Church, may become the garden of before Cardinal Castrillón Hoyos. over teaching of the liturgical music pagans, of Muslims …” which sounds tradition has led to the resignation of not far from the mark. It’s hard to imagine how a point could have been made more the department’s founding head. A few days later, on 26 November forcefully. Being “Captain Catholic” does 2007, Monsignor Giusto issued, not guarantee sympathy with, or via the diocesan website, an order Message for “Pope’s men” comprehension of, the “agenda” for directing that priests of the diocese This is a message with import as the Church being set by Pope Benedict do not give permission to groups that much for “Pope’s men” and “pillars of XVI. request celebration of the traditional orthodoxy” as for the over-demonised

January-March 2008  Oriens Australia Some Catholics just don’t get it

David Kehoe* on the latest exercise in Australian public dissent from the Church’s teaching.

“What is it about the above Of course, the dissenters aren’t Church ministry and the life of the that you don’t get?” is a colloquial really interested in numbers – they Church.” question popular at present when want married male and female clergy He went on to say that “during someone has explained a point whether it adds to congregations or the discussion it was clear that several times but the listener is still not. The fact that those Protestant the bishops continue to be deeply congregations with women bamboozled. concerned to make adequate pastoral masquerading as priests and bishops It is pertinent in the case of the and sacramental provision for the are in spectacular decline does not promoters of the petition to the Church in Australia. We intend to seem to bother their analysis. Australian bishops urging them to pursue discussions at future plenary allow priests to marry, to allow laicised Petition & counter-petition meetings of those aspects of Church married priests to return to priestly life which are within our competency Meanwhile the John XXIII Co- ministry and to consider ordaining as a conference of bishops in the operative’s Fidelity website organised (sic) women to provide more priests Universal Church.” a counter-petition to show Australia ’s to boost a dwindling supply of local bishops that there were still Australian clergy. On the latter, read “consider” as Continuing in confusion Catholics who believed in the life- meaning “allow”. At one level, the dissenters could giving teaching of the Church on these be forgiven for continuing in their To anyone who follows and studies matter. confusion, since the bishops as a group the theological and spiritual life of the The Collins-Purcell petition was said nothing publicly to relieve them, , it is clear the Church delivered to the Australian bishops and the wider Australian Catholic is not going to change its mind and in time for their meeting in Sydney and non-Catholic population, of their practice on these matters – to accept between 27 and 30 November. confusion. It could also be asked of the demands would mean trying to the bishops as a conference: what is it change the nature of the Church as Despite some early enthusiastic wishful thinking from the petition’s that you don’t get about your role as the Mystical Body of Christ in which teachers? its celibate male high priest and Son of organisers that the bishops had God, Jesus Christ, is the mould from accepted their petition as part of the The bishops were telling the which its priests come and on which bishop’s agenda for their meeting, the dissenters and the rest of Australia’s reply of Australian Catholic Bishops its fruitfulness lies. Catholics that a decision to change Conference president Archbishop the teaching and practice on the issues The petition – organised by the Philip Wilson of Adelaide to the raised was not in the job description of laicised priest, Dr Paul Collins, and petition revealed that the bishops had a bishops’ conference. layman Frank Purcell under the only “received” the petition, which is True, it’s not. But who in the umbrella of Catholics for Ministry not official recognition. Church from the Pope down and from and with the enthusiastic support of Archbishop Wilson said delicately ages past until the end of the world website Catholica Australia – had, by that the bishops referred to “the also said that a bishops’ conference 30 November 2007, gathered 16,746 issues mentioned in the petition” in a couldn’t clear up confusion among the signatures online and on paper. “wide-ranging discussion of vocations, faithful in their flock?

 January-March 2008 Oriens Australia

In fact the very Code of Canon who reject Catholic teaching on these Combine this state of affairs with the Law that describes the limits for a matters, or who are wavering in favour fact that many of the orthodox clergy national conference of bishops in of the dissenting petition, that has are not confident about explaining the issuing decrees (Canon 455), and emboldened the petitioners. life-giving truths of the faith about upon which, presumably, Archbishop a male priesthood – and so fall back The Age reported, on 24 November, Wilson’s letter drew for the “within on simply stating it’s true and that petition spokesman Collins as having our competency” distinction, sets out you have to believe it on the basis of said: “We think about 28 of the the conference’s responsibilities in ensuring the Catholic faith is taught in their territory (Canon 753). That the ACBC could not issue Many of the orthodox clergy are a clear statement on behalf of all Australian bishops setting out the not confident about explaining teaching of the Church on these matters implies that there are bishops the life-giving truths of the faith. within the conference who agree with the petitioners, and not just on the question of married clergy but also 42 Australian bishops are pastoral magisterial authority – then the Church that the Church should attempt to bishops.” For “pastoral”, read: agreeing in Australia is definitely in a crisis of ordain women as priests. The correct with married clergy at the least and faith. verb here is “attempt”, as the matter almost certainly on women priests and Thankfully, one archbishop has for ordination includes male biology a range of other heterodox beliefs that publicly disowned the petitioners and any ordination rite naturally fails go with the theological job lot. directly and rejected the writings of with women. Potent minority the former auxiliary bishop of Sydney, If all the bishops not only agreed Bishop Geoffrey Robinson, from which with Church teaching on these matters, Even if the woolly-minded Collins the petitioners draw comfort. but also understood how to explain the is half-accurate, there must be at least life-giving and liberating truth of these a small and potent minority within the Hart address Australian episcopacy that does not matters for both men and women, The Archbishop of Melbourne, think with the mind of the Church. then the conference would have had Denis Hart, saw to it that his no problem in proclaiming the truth Any orthodox Catholic with regular 11 December address to the Melbourne through a public statement. contact with the life of the Church Archdiocesan Council of Priests Voices at variance in Australia outside of Sunday Mass was published on the archdiocese’s knows that anything up to one-third website. That the ACBC could not speak of the clergy are effectively Protestant After declaring to the Council with one voice, when the evangelical in belief, and the rest split between of Priests, and through them to the and catechetical opportunity was clergy who hold to the teaching of Melbourne clergy, that the spiritual presented, shows that the crisis of the magisterium as it is understood fruitfulness of their ministry as “priests faith gripping the Catholic Church by the Pope and those bishops in of the Church and other Christs” lay in in Australia, which was explicitly communion with him, and a section “our unity in Christ, with the Church identified in the 1998 Statement of in the middle who can be one way or and with each other”, he addressed Conclusions between the and the other in belief, but are effectively the issue of the petition and Bishop the Australian bishops, still exists. In with the dissenters as long as no-one Robinson’s book, Confronting Power fact, it is the presence of a significant in authority forces them to make a and Sex in the Catholic Church: number of bishops within the ACBC choice. Reclaiming the Spirit of Jesus.

January-March 2008  Oriens Australia

Archbishop Hart referred to the to the dispositions of the Holy See their diocesan papers to teach on petitioners and Bishop Robinson as concerning who may be ordained to the spiritually life-giving practice of “discordant voices pleading for a vision the priesthood.” celibacy for priests as the way to of the Church, which is not that of On Bishop Robinson, Archbishop maintain and expand the Church. Jesus Christ and not that of our Holy Hart said that a “number of assertions” Father and the Bishops.” “Reforms” rejected in the bishop’s book would “in due “I believe you need to be one with time, I am sure, be judged by the Bishop Geoffrey Jarrett of Lismore, me in promoting only those things, Church.” What can this mean if not in the Christmas issue of his diocesan paper, Catholic Life, rejected the solutions of those Catholics who were “trying to pressure the Church into “Grave harm is caused if an making changes she has no power to make, or calling for ‘reforms’ that have impression is created among been repeatedly and with good reason rejected by longstanding and proven the faithful that the Church tradition.” teaching in these serious “Catholic means Catholic and we honour that title when we remain matters is in a state of flux or faithful to the universal teaching and practice of the Church, even if at times under review.” it might challenge our capacity to understand some particular point.” – Denis Hart, Archbishop of Melbourne Messages of support The messages of support that Archbishop Hart’s office received, which are consonant with the teaching that the Vatican is investigating the after his teaching was made public, and discipline of the Church, not book? allowing to be promoted in anyway show that Catholics are eager to hear in parishes or in bulletins anything Archbishop Hart continued: “Grave the successors of the apostles defend which is contrary to that,” Archbishop harm is caused if an impression is the life-giving message of Jesus when Hart told the council, clearly having created among the faithful that the other Catholics attack it. Insofar as in mind the promotion of the petition Church teaching in these serious other bishops don’t honour their first from the pulpit in some Melbourne matters is in a state of flux or under responsibility to preach, then their parishes. He also refused to endorse review. Our mission is to teach and flocks will continue to be as the biblical the public meeting held to promote the live constantly what the Magisterium flocks without shepherds – prone to petition at Melbourne’s Camberwell teaches.” the wolves in sheep’s clothing that Civic Centre on 22 November. He was not alone in teaching his dissenting bishops, priests, religious Epistle in writing flock on how to be a Catholic in and represent. the wake of the dissenting petition. The Archbishop said he had told Both Archbishop Mark Coleridge of * David Kehoe is a Melbourne journalist. the petitioners in writing that the “Archdiocese of Melbourne now and in Canberra and Goulburn and Bishop the future, will remain totally faithful Kevin Manning of Parramatta used

 January-March 2008 Oriens Europe The Old Mass: news from France

Traditional Catholics in France No French Catholic can be long Brieuc (pictured), in France’s north- – despite obstruction, or worse, unaware of the ecclesial problems west, the local bishop has granted from numerous bishops in their specific to his country. Mass attendance permission for the Old Mass to be land – are increasingly benefiting is dismally low, even by Australian celebrated each Sunday. standards (5 per cent, according to a from the motu proprio. They are Meanwhile the recently founded 2007 article in America’s Newsweek), also increasingly vocal on the topic Institute of the Good Shepherd although the media presence of of the old rite. (Institut du Bon Pasteur) continues its Catholicism in high-quality French work. The Institute’s Fr Recently the newsletter of a magazines would be the envy of many – formerly of the Society of St Pius X – French organisation called Paix an Anglo-Saxon. Episcopal paranoia at released on 30 December last year an Liturgique included an interview with the thought of propitiating “Lefebvrists” open letter to Benedict XVI, urging that Louis Renaudin, co-founder of the seems much more evident in France traditionalist group Oremus. Renaudin answered various questions regarding Summorum Pontificum, and what impact he thought it would have on liturgical life in France generally. “We wish that liturgical peace may be established in France in 2008”, Renaudin said. “We wish that the year 2008 may bring about in reality, in our dioceses, the end of liturgical apartheid. ... The holy words of the Pope have confirmed that what we insistently ask is perfectly legitimate.” He went on: “In theory, the motu proprio of 7 July 2007 changes everything! No, the Mass of St Pius V isn’t ‘forbidden’, it isn’t ‘integrist’, it isn’t ‘marginal’, it isn’t ‘obsolete’, it’s no than does any official concern for the the dossier on Archbishop Lefebvre longer ‘merely tolerated’ as a ‘merciful laity’s overall spiritual welfare. Against be reopened. “Please, Most Holy parenthesis’ for some senile dotards. these discouraging odds, green shoots Father,” Fr Aulagnier writes therein, The Mass of St Pius V was never of promise are sprouting forth. “restore justice, repair injustice.” He abrogated or forbidden. This reminder notes in his open letter that even has considerable consequences, Latin Masses with official approval Archbishop Lefebvre’s criticisms of the were offered on 13 January at because the religious segregation to Novus Ordo were not as astringent as Rambouillet (south-west of Paris), and which the faithful attached to the those of Monsignor Klaus Gamber, on 16 January in Paris proper, the Church’s traditional liturgy have been whose book The Reform of the Roman latter as part of a Marian pilgrimage subjected, was long justified by these Liturgy bears the honour of a preface within the parish of Saint-Eugène- falsehoods now swept away by the by the then Cardinal Ratzinger. Holy Father himself.” Sainte-Cécile. At the cathedral of St

January-March 2008  Oriens Religious life The return of the tonsure, wimple and soutane

With the quiet support of the Pope, France is seeing an explosion of traditional religious communities, says Elisabeth von Thurn und Taxis*. This article originally appeared in Britain’s Catholic Herald.

We are often told that the Church Council, and on publications of If the photographs in Les has to modernise, because the young, professional theologians and pastoral communautés traditionnelles en especially, can no longer relate experts.” France are anything to go by, then just to its teachings. It is sometimes Did the across the Channel there lies a whole even suggested that we should be really say that? Are we really supposed rich seam of Catholic religious life that grateful for a decline in vocations to believe that the Holy Spirit is young, vibrant and growing. to priesthood: could this not be a deliberately manufactured a crisis in sign from the Holy Spirit that the vocations, just to make way for the Ratzinger’s support age of the laity is finally dawning? establishment of a new age of laity? In addition______to youthfulness and This eagerness to make a virtue out success, there are two other common of a necessity finds its most radical Laity’s essential role features that unite the communities conclusion in a booklet entitled Of course, we laity have an essential featured in this book. One is that they Church and Ministry published role in the Church’s evangelisation. all have the extraordinary form of in the Netherlands by a group We have the awesome responsibility the Roman liturgy – the “traditional” of Dominican academics. One of of carrying the message of Jesus rites liberated by Pope Benedict XVI’s them, Fr André Lascaris, recently Christ to our contemporaries who are recent Motu Proprio – as the heart and explained his thesis in The Tablet. searching. If falling vocations force us foundation of their spirituality. The Numbers of vocations to the to acknowledge this, and to act on it, other is that many of them long enjoyed then the Holy Spirit will indeed have priesthood in Holland are plummeting, the steadfast, if unofficial support, of a brought much fruit from any current and according to Fr Lascaris there certain well-placed cardinal in Rome. crisis. is “no hope of a remedy for this His name was Joseph Ratzinger. But perhaps Fr Lascaris’s Brave New situation.” Apart from his own remedy, There is no gain without pain and Church of feminists concelebrating of course. His proposal is clear and most of these eighteen communities Mass in rainbow-coloured jilabas is simple: “In the absence of ordained have at some stage suffered from priests, lay persons should be allowed not the only remedy to declining numbers of priests. A beautifully misunderstanding and prejudice. to celebrate the Eucharist.” He adds: Before the Motu Proprio there was often “Whether they be men or women, illustrated new book on the religious life in France suggests that there might intense pressure from unsympathetic homo or heterosexual, married or be another solution. Reading the two ecclesiastical authorities to abandon unmarried, is irrelevant.” books side by side you might be all adherence to the “old rite”. But The beauty of all this, according forgiven for assuming that the authors when the going was particularly rough, to Fr Lascaris, is that it is “based on belong to two completely different the abbots, prioresses and rectors of the statements of the Second Vatican religions. these institutes were sustained by the

10 January-March 2008 Oriens Religious life knowledge that they had an influential Jesus said to His disciples; in order communities look remarkably happy. friend in Rome – a friend who is now to do this effectively in the modern The text often talks of sacrifice and reigning as Pope Benedict XVI. world, says the Cardinal, we need to self-surrender, but the pictures show make good use of images. young faces that are smiling and Cardinal’s preface laughing. Looking at these particular images Every pope has to be father to the it is not difficult to understand just It would be foolish to allow glossy whole Church. But looking through why the Pope and his right-hand photographs to carry us into the realm this book it does appear that the current cardinal have invested so much hope of romanticism. No doubt the world, incumbent of the See of Peter has a in these communities. Whether it is the flesh and the devil pose as many particular affection for his children Solemn Vespers in a great baroque challenges to the religious life as they of the traditionalist movement. On abbey, or Low Mass celebrated on ever did. But there are no signs in one page there is Cardinal Ratzinger a rock in a clearing for scouts, the this book of any of those particularly swathed in full Tridentine pontificals, liturgical celebrations depicted in this modern crises that seem to have processing into a traditionalist book are all beautiful and dignified. dogged Catholic religious life in recent seminary in Bavaria; on another he The average age of the monks, nuns, decades. poses with tonsured monks in their friars and priests and seminarians is cloister in Provence; elsewhere, we also remarkably young. No identity crisis find him presiding at a conference According to Cardinal Castrillón, There is certainly no hint of any promoting the traditional liturgy at the this should not surprise us. The crisis of clerical identity. These young Benedictine Abbey of Fontgombault. message that these communities clerics do not rely on jeans or Che Another indication of papal approval pursue is the message of Jesus Christ. Guevara T-shirts to make them feel can be found in this book’s enthusiastic This message is eternal, and therefore connected to the youth; rather, it preface by Cardinal Dario Castrillón forever young. is the authenticity of their life that Hoyos, one of the Pope’s most loyal seems to make that connection. We see collaborators and head of the Vatican’s Entering another world seminarians effortlessly skiing through Ecclesia Dei commission, which is the alps in long black soutanes, while charged with looking after traditionalist These intriguing photographs invite nuns in crisply starched wimples gather communities in communion with us to enter into another world. Despite hay in the fields outside Marseilles. At Rome. Cardinal Castrillón makes no the obvious challenges implicit in the high point of the traditionalist excuse for this book’s coffee-table a daily life circumscribed by rules calendar – the annual format. “Go and teach all people,” and traditions, the subjects of these pilgrimage to Chartres – thousands of young pilgrims walk behind priests, monks and friars on the three-day march from Paris. Carrying crosses and banners, they all look very glad, and proud, to be Catholic. Neither is there any evidence of a decline in vocations. The story of the Benedictine convent of Jouques is typical. Since its foundation near Aix- en-Provence in 1967 this community has attracted so many vocations to its novitiate that it has been necessary to open daughter houses elsewhere in France and in Africa to house the overspill. Two of the Jouques nuns have also been commandeered to live in a convent in the grounds of the Vatican, as a result of a request made by

January-March 2008 11 Oriens Religious life

Cardinal Ratzinger before his election The Regular Canonesses of the found in it a form of encounter with the to the papacy. The fifty-five young Mother of God, meanwhile, maintain Mysteries of the Most Holy Eucharist nuns who remain in the mother house a fine balance between the vocations particularly suited to them.” of Mary and Martha. It is through in Provence have become famous for Perhaps Pope Benedict had a contemplative adoration of the Blessed their angelic singing of the daily office copy of this book open on his desk Sacrament that they gain the spiritual in Latin. At harvest time they can be while he composed this letter. A huge energy required in their work of found negotiating combines around percentage of those in these pictures the stony fields of their farm. Monastic corona The monks of Le Barroux, north of Avignon, still wear the corona – All of the new French institutes the full monastic tonsure depicted in mediaeval woodcuts and books of are run on strictly traditional hours. After humble beginnings in a principles. But this does not caravan in 1970 this community now worships in a mighty abbey church make them old-fashioned. Rather, which the monks built themselves in the form of a Romanesque basilica. In it gives them a timelessness that the early hours of the morning, this building hums like a holy beehive as many young people are finding the many priest-monks celebrate their private Mass at side altars, served increasingly attractive. by novices and lay brothers. The extensive choir-stalls here are now so full that this monastery has been able to spare a detachment of young educating young girls and tending the look as if they would be far too young monks to found a daughter house not old and the sick. Their convent at Gap to remember anything of the liturgical far from Toulouse. has grown rapidly in numbers in the upheavals of the 1960s and 1970s. last couple of years, attracting young Most of them look as if they were born All of the institutes featured in the girls from all over France. after the introduction of the Missal of book are run on strictly traditional Pope Paul VI in 1970. principles. But this does not make No ban them old-fashioned. Rather, it gives The recent Motu Proprio confirms Venez et voyez says the cover of them a timelessness that many young what these communities have known this fascinating book, quoting the people are finding increasingly all along: that the traditional Mass words of Our Lord: “Come and see.” attractive. Some of the communities never was, and never really could be, It is an invitation not to be declined. If are contemplative, but many abrogated. In his explanatory letter there is really a crisis in vocations, Les are active. A good example is the accompanying this decree the Holy communautés traditionelles en France Institute of Christ the King. From its Father stated that the extraordinary might contain the seeds of a solution picturesque Renaissance villa outside form of the liturgy is not just for an that is challenging, attractive and, in Florence, “The Institute” has gradually older generation that found innovation its own way, really rather radical. grown into a global conglomerate. In difficult to cope with. He wrote: “It has addition to serving parishes in France been clearly demonstrated that young * Elisabeth von Thurn und Taxis is a writer and journalist. La Nef, Hors-série 20, Av: and America, it also runs several persons, too, have discovered this Les communautés traditionnelles en France is missionary stations in Africa. liturgical form, felt its attraction and available from www.amazon.fr.

12 January-March 2008 Oriens Islam In search of a merciful God

Fr Paul Stenhouse MSC* provides a sobering analysis of Qu’ranic teachings.

Non-Muslims are perplexed by practice of making the sign of the The rub is that, according to the many Western TV productions and Cross. Tertullian,1 Minucius Felix,2 Qur’an, Allah loves only Muslims, radio interviews that treat of Islam. St Ambrose,3 St Augustine,4 St John he does not love the unbelievers and Such programmes usually include Chrysostom5 et alii hundreds of years unrighteous (Suras: 2,276; 3,32, segments of melodious Qur’anic before Islam arose, remind Christians 57,140; 4,107). He is the “enemy” of chants, accompanied by images of that from the moment of rising until the unbelievers (Sura 2,98). He does smiling young people, and references they retire at night everything they do not extend mercy towards infidels, to Islam as a merciful and peaceful should be done “In the Name of the and even forbids Muslims to pray for religion – despite innumerable Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.” them or to ask pardon for them (Sura world-wide and continuing Ambiguities & contradictions 9,84,113-114). instances of barbarism, cruelty and Allah’s mercy is reserved for Muslims mercilessness. The Islamist suicide- To understand what follows – which – it doesn’t extend to those who refuse bombers, kidnappers and murderers is mainly concerned with what Islam to accept the “da’wa” or “invitation carry out their deadly campaigns teaches about mercy and forgiveness, to submit to Allah as Muslims.” God against non-Muslims and their and not just what the spin-doctors will not forgive those who reject faith fellow-Muslims while holding aloft would have us believe Islam teaches (Suras: 4,168; 9,80; 63,5-6) and who copies of the Qur’an, and shouting – one must appreciate the degree of persist in doing evil (Sura 4,18). He verses from it to justify their alleged equivocation not to say confusion that shows no mercy to those who worship fidelity to its tenets. Tony Blair, exists in the Qur’an and the Islamic any god but himself (Sura 4,48, 116). echoing the constant politically- Tradition (Sunna). Ambiguities, Muslims are to be “hard of heart” correct refrain of most Western anachronisms and contradictions towards unbelievers, but “merciful” leaders, recently described such abound. towards one another (Sura 48,29; Islamists as following a “distorted” When Islamists say that the Qur’an 16,88). God will not accept death-bed repentance (Suras: 4,18; 6,158; 23,63- view of Orthodox Islam. reveals a merciful God they are telling 67, 99-101; 38,3; etc etc). Nor will he How distorted is this view of the the truth; one of Allah’s names is accept angelic or human intercession Islamists? The concepts of Forgiveness “Merciful” (Sura 17,110). But Allah (Suras: 2,123; 3,192; 4,109; 10,27; and Mercy are kept to the forefront can also be merciless (Sura 4,48). They 39,54; etc). of Islamic consciousness by the also speak the truth when they say, repetition of the familiar mantra Bi- for example, that Muslims and non- Doctrine of fate Muslims have equal rights in Islamic smillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim, “In the All this has to be filtered through Name of Allah the Merciful and the countries. But the truth is not what it the Islamic and Qur’anic doctrine of Compassionate”, at the beginning of all seems. predestination and fate (Suras: 15,4-5; correspondence, all public and private Allah is merciful and compassionate, 16,35; 18, 57-58; etc). And also God’s functions and especially all prayer. and Muslims believe that he is “the alleged fostering a predisposition to Known as the Bismala, this formula most merciful of those who show evil among sinners (Sura 2, 7, 10, occurs 114 times in the Qur’an at the mercy” (Suras: 7, 151; 12,64; 21,83; 15) and the fact that, according to beginning of every Sura except the etc). But, according to the Qur’an, the Qur’an, God is not impartial, ninth. God’s mercy is not bestowed upon he favours (and, implicitly, forgives) The nature of the invocation all his creatures indiscriminately. whomever he chooses to favour and and the form it takes is modelled Not everyone, according to Islamic forgive (Suras: 2,105, 4,48-49; 6,83- on and reminiscent of the Catholic teaching, is worthy of his mercy.6 88; 10,107; 33,17; etc).

January-March 2008 13 Oriens Islam

Muddying the water for Christians In practice, however, Qur’anic This has been noted recently by and Jews who may be inclined to think looseness of phraseology and ambiguity a commentator on the killing-fields that Islamic Law considers them to exposes Muslims to inequality even of the Sudan: “The pure Islamist be acceptable objects of God’s mercy, amongst themselves. Such equality as theory of transcendental struggle and is the widespread and ineradicable divinely sanctioned violence to achieve association in Islamic consciousness of the Kingdom of God is theoretically the terms “mushrikun” (polytheists), bankrupt, and politically impossible.”10 “kafirun, kuffar” (infidels, unbelievers), Non-Muslims All the more so, because, despite its with Christians and Jews – despite the rhetoric, the Qur’an leaves no room for Meccan Suras that allegedly bestow take no a God who genuinely has mercy and privileged status on the “People of the compassion for his creation. Book”. This is because the few verses satisfaction in Non-Muslims take no satisfaction favourable to Christians and Jews in in pointing out these flaws inherent in the Qur’an (much quoted by Islamist pointing out the Qur’an, which many good people sympathisers and beguiled Western these flaws take to be God’s word and use as commentators) have been abrogated, the touchstone for their conduct and annulled, by Sura 9,5, the so-called inherent in the beliefs. But unhappy experience from Verse of the Sword,7 and other Suras the time of Muhammad’s many bloody like 2,216 and 47,4. Qur’an, which raids on his non-Muslim neighbours In fact, the Qur’an says, heaping many good to the time of writing, has shown insult upon insult, “God will destroy” that to ignore these flaws, as many the Christians who say the Messiah is people take to Westerners prominent in politics and God’s Son, and the Jews who worship the media seem to ignore them, will Usair (Ezra?) as God’s Son (Sura be God’s word. inevitably have fatal consequences for 9,30). those who do so. Islamic literature is full of bellicose terms like these, especially when exists depends on the race, colour, NOTES describing Jihads.8 It has persisted sect, tribe, wealth and language of 1. De Cor Mil. c.iii. the Muslims in question. Hence the down to today – with consequences 2. See Justin Martyr, Apol. 2 lack of mercy and forgiveness shown like September 11, 2001, and 3. Sermones, 43, 56. continuing radical Islamist terror to fellow Muslims in the continuing 4. Serm.53, “De Verbo Dei”. against the much-mocked “People of Iraqi so-called insurgency in which 5. Contra Judaeos et Gentiles quod Christus sit Deus; Hom. 50 “In S. Matthaeum”; etc. the Book,” on the grounds of their Sunni murder Shi’a (and vice-versa) 6. For this, and for much of the following comment on the Qur’anic alleged faithlessness and polytheism. and Arabs murder Persians, apparently suras, see two articles by Daniel C. Petersen: “Mercy”, Encyclopaedia of the Qur’an, vol 3, Brill, 2003, pp.277-280; and “Forgiveness”, There is an all-out war declared on without a qualm. In Darfur, Arab op.cit., vol 2, pp.244-245. “unbelievers”, (Suras: 2,216; 8,39; Muslims murder their poorer black 7. See also verse 29. 8. See Furuk al-Habasha, The Conquest of Abyssinia [Sixteenth 47,4) and this term includes Christians African coreligionists mercilessly. Century] by Shihab ad-Din Ahmad bin ’Abd al-Qader bin Salem bin ’Uthman, translated by Paul Stenhouse, Tsehai Press, California, and Jews (Sura 9,29). To comprehend this “anomaly”, 2003, passim. Of course there are Equal Rights in non-Muslims must realise that even in 9. Muhammad al-Chazali (died 1111AD). 10. Islamism and its Enemies in the Horn of Africa, Alex de Wohl ed., Islamic countries for all the citizens: the time of the greatest of the Islamic Shama Books, Addis Ababa 2004, p.22. Muslims are equal with other Muslims; intellectuals,9 Islamic Law (Shari’a) and Christians are equal with other whose foundation is the Qur’an, and Christians, but Muslims and Christians whose ostensible purpose is to direct * Fr Paul Stenhouse MSC PhD is Editor of are not equal. That is impossible, the body politic and regulate every Annals Australasia, and this article originally appeared in that magazine’s March 2007 issue. because God hates infidels, and he is aspect of the life of believers, was their “enemy” (Sura 2,98). clearly not doing so.

14 January-March 2008 Oriens Economics Land prices and the moral law

John Young* discusses land-based principles that need to be borne in mind for lasting economic health.

How can young people afford Add to this the fact that land can’t be or a beautiful view, the recipient to buy a house in the suburbs of manufactured and we see how fortunes should be society – not the individual our capital cities? Often they can’t, can be made without the landowner landowner. particularly in Melbourne and, doing a single day’s work on his piece The government should levy the especially, Sydney. Does this situ- of real estate. If, say, tables and chairs owner on an annual basis, the amount ation signify some radical deformity were in unusual demand, their price depending on the value of the site. Of in the economic system, some would rise – but not for long. A greater course we do have land taxes now, but violation of natural moral laws? A deeper question underlies that one: the question of the extent to which there are natural moral laws in the economic sphere. Just as the Ten Just as the Ten Commandments Commandments express natural moral laws by which we should live, there express natural moral laws by are, I maintain, principles specific to the economic order which must be which we should live, there observed if economic society is to be healthy. are principles specific to the A study of that generally overlooked economic order which must be subject would view society from the standpoint of the free person and observed if economic society is the common good, it would analyse the price system and the nature of to be healthy. competition, it would consider the place of the government in relation to the economy, it would ask whether economics at its deepest level is actually quantity of tables and chairs would be often of a very clumsy kind. Let us a part of moral philosophy. manufactured to meet the demand, note some advantages of the system I and the competition would reduce the am advocating. In this article I just want to look at price to its previous level. the question introduced above: land 1. The amount taken by the government prices. I will argue that the current That can’t happen with land. So is determined by the market, not dilemma comes from violating the there is an inherent monopoly element by arbitrary government decree, rational order pertaining to the wealth for scarce real estate. because the selling price of the land that arises from land. depends on the market. Why is a block of land in the A solution 2. Whereas taxes increase prices, land city more valuable than a physically So what should be done? We are revenue taken by the government identical block in the country? speaking only of the “unimproved decreases the price of land. This Clearly because of the population capital value” as it is called, not of happens because the price I pay surrounding it and the improvements improvements. Since the value of the when I buy a piece of real estate in the vicinity, such as roads and other site, disregarding improvements, arises is a capitalisation of the benefits I amenities. There are more social and from benefits bestowed by society and, expect over the years: the greater cultural advantages, greater business usually to a lesser extent, from physical the benefits I anticipate the more I opportunities and so on. features such as valuable minerals will be willing to pay for the land.

January-March 2008 15 Oriens Economics

But if I know I will have to pay site 1. Boom and bust conditions would rare, for it is the land price, not the revenue to the government each be greatly reduced. Under present house price, that imposes the major year, this must cause a drop in the conditions, with land revenue burden on buyers. Young families price. Land usually increases in remaining almost entirely in private would be free from financial slavery value, and the buying price reflects hands, speculation in land is a to the banks. As things are today the anticipated increase. But if I major cause of recessions. People the total interest payments over the years are usually more than the know I will not benefit, because buy property with a large land combined price of house and land. the government will take more, the component, usually borrowing a lot to help pay for it, then wait for it speculative element in land prices to rise in price. Prices go up, fuelled Historical background will vanish. by the gambling urge to make a The special place of land was clearer 3. This payment can’t be evaded. I profit. The market finally sees that to the ancient Israelites than to modern can’t hide my land; I can’t send it prices are too high; a crash and societies. In the Old Testament the offshore. bankruptcies follow. But if the state book of Leviticus sets out legislation appropriated the increased value, to provide against exploitation of land 4. The taking of site revenue by the land speculation would cease, thus ownership. Permanent alienation of a government causes no distortion eliminating this major cause of family’s land was not allowed. If sold, of production. As economists economic disruption. it was to be restored to the family Samuelson and Nordhaus say: “A 2. Privilege and corruption would be within fifty years, at the Jubilee, and tax on pure economic rent will lead greatly lessened. Those who reap the sale price took into consideration to no distortions or inefficiencies” benefits to which they have no the number of years remaining before (Economics, New York, McGraw- right are in a privileged position restoration had to be made. In the Hill, 1995, p. 244). There is no compared with other people. Jubilee year, “all that is sold shall return to the owner, and to the ancient possessor” (Leviticus 25:28). In the Middle Ages land owners Under present conditions, had special responsibilities to society, as in being obliged to provide fully with land revenue remaining equipped soldiers when the sovereign needed them, and to maintain roads. almost entirely in private hands, Revenue from Church lands provided for education and gave help to the speculation in land is a major poor. There were extensive common cause of recessions. Prices go lands for the use of all. St Thomas Aquinas was asked about up, fuelled by the gambling urge the morality of forms of taxation. The matter was put to him by the Duchess to make a profit. of Brabant, who was the daughter of the King of France, St Louis IX. St Thomas replied that a sovereign’s own lands should be the primary source of decrease in the supply of land, Further, possession of land confers revenue. If there was still insufficient and the demand remains; but now power over the landless. Then there revenue, taxes having the sanction of instead of going into private hands, is the corruption associated with established custom should be levied. the revenue replaces taxation. rezoning: those in the know can Other taxes should only be resorted to often make a fortune by buying if these proved inadequate. (St Thomas The four considerations above early. Aquinas, Ad Ducissam Brabantiae, show advantages of site revenue over 3. With the proposed system in full Marietta [1954], Opuscula Phil., pp. taxation. Now let us glance at some operation, land prices would be 249-252). benefits apart from those pertaining to low. Crippling mortgages would be continued page 23 taxation.

16 January-March 2008 Oriens Music “That you should sing My praise and glory”

R. J. Stove on the life and legacy of a great nineteenth-century Catholic composer, Anton Bruckner.

One of Sir Isaiah Berlin’s best- his knees and pray. None of his chief a German musicologist writing in the known essays is “The Hedgehog and musical contemporaries, except for the 1920s, remarked: “Bruckner will be the Fox”, which takes its title from a Walloon-born but French-domiciled ready for the world when the world maxim by an obscure ancient Greek César Franck, possessed anything has to flee to him for refuge.” poet, Archilochus: “The fox knows like Bruckner’s uncomplicated pietas. Moreover, Bruckner’s most severe many things, but the hedgehog Against, in particular, most leading antagonists tend to be persons who knows one big thing.” Berlin used Teutonic composers of his time, he cut find his religion uncongenial. To such this dichotomy to classify two sorts an incongruous figure indeed: against of writer (without attempting to Wagner the mythic pagan; Brahms the suggest the superiority of one sort tepid Protestant who often seemed over the other). Foxes are eclectic, no more than a deist; Johann Strauss “scattered or diffused” in thought, the suave, euphoric and matrimonially “pursu[ing] many ends, often eventful entertainer. Unlike all three unrelated and even contradictory”; of these men (even Brahms), Bruckner hedgehogs, on the other hand, have had no gift for self-promotion. He an “unchanging, all-embracing ... needed to be sought out. So he does unitary inner vision”. Among foxes, even now, well over a century after his Berlin listed Shakespeare, Montaigne, Pushkin, Goethe, and Balzac; among death. hedgehogs, he listed Dante, Pascal, There are those who instinctively Dostoyevsky, Nietzsche and Proust. recoil against Bruckner’s music, Berlin concentrated on authors, finding it dull and enervating. Above individuals one can only say, as Richard but his classification is equally all, his nine canonical symphonies – Strauss once teasingly said to someone appropriate to the other arts. two other symphonies, student pieces who admitted a failure to appreciate both, appeared only posthumously Anton Bruckner might be called Der Rosenkavalier: “What a shame for the hedgehog’s hedgehog, because – have been often censured for their you!” he refracted his entire creative life length, thickness of texture, and through the sensibility of his changeless sameness of emotion. But for anyone Working as organist Catholic devotion. The phrase ascribed temperamentally attuned to coming Although Bruckner spent the last to Pasteur – “I have the faith of a Breton under the spell of Bruckner’s majestic three decades of his life in Vienna, peasant, and I hope, before I die, to art, such criticisms soon seem mere he came originally from Ansfelden in have the faith of a Breton peasant’s wife” glib excuses. Those on whom this spell northern Austria (the home where he – could equally well have been said by operates find that his most characteristic was born on 4 September 1824 is now a Bruckner. If he heard church bells utterances have not only a powerful museum in his honour), and never lost while giving a lecture, he would fall to appeal, but a lasting one. Ernst Kurth, his rustic bluntness. His black, baggy

January-March 2008 17 Oriens Music peasant attire, worn in all weathers, or for Pius XII, the subsequent belief – particularly the Seventh Symphony, made him stand out among the elegant among certain American ultra-tradi- written as a Wagner memorial – yet in Viennese even more than did his tionalists that Catholics must shun no sense a direct imitation. thickset build, crew-cut coiffure, and Wagner like the devil); after finishing bullet head. Before arriving in Vienna his Second and Third Symphonies, he Admirers and detractors he had worked as organist at St Florian took both scores along to Wagner, hop- Always Bruckner had admirers, – an Augustinian monastery near Linz ing to be able to dedicate to his hero especially after he became professor – and he continued to play the organ whichever piece Wagner preferred. of organ and music theory at the thereafter, occasionally giving recitals Unfortunately the sheer excitement of in Paris and London as well as nearer meeting Wagner caused Bruckner to Vienna Conservatorium. Some of home. (When accorded an honorary drink so much beer that he promptly these admirers overtly championed doctorate, he responded with eloquent forgot which symphony the great man him, including the conductor Hans Richter, whose rehearsals of the Fourth Symphony pleased Bruckner so much that he insisted on giving Richter “Bruckner will be ready for the world a silver coin: “Take this, and drink a mug of beer to my health.” (The when the world has to flee to him for gesture so touched Richter that instead of spending the coin, he kept it on his refuge.” watch-chain.) Bruckner’s retirement from the professorship, in 1891, – Ernst Kurth, German musicologist occasioned an official eulogy to his powers as a teacher. In contrast to César Franck, who naïveté: “I cannot find the words to liked better. On realising this lapse, he managed to train almost the entire thank you as I would wish, but if there frantically scribbled a note to Wagner, officer caste of late nineteenth-century were an organ here, I could tell you.”) who replied by saying that it was the French music, Bruckner did not have Third which he especially admired. Punitive instruction a whole group of brilliant protégés. Even this favourable verdict could Mahler and Hugo Wolf never formally Meanwhile he submitted himself not prevent Bruckner from incessantly studied with Bruckner, though they to punitive compositional instruction revising most of his symphonies, these eagerly defended him. Nonetheless – mostly by correspondence – from an revisions being a minefield for sub- his students continued to cherish his appallingly prolific Viennese pedagogue sequent editors, who have bitterly memory long afterwards. One of them, named Simon Sechter, who wrote no quarrelled with one another as to the subsequent Viennese journalist fewer than five thousand fugues, and which amendments are justified in Max Graf, reported: who inculcated in his charge a similar musical terms and which were forced diligence, albeit with less spectacularly on him by outside opinion. In his doz- “When Bruckner left the abundant results. Sechter’s teaching ens of wonderful sacred compositions, lecturer’s table and sat at the old accentuated Bruckner’s natural mod- strangely enough, he avoided such piano which stood beside it, to esty, which made him continue under- tinkering. He seemed to gain fortitude play one of his symphonies, one going lessons and exams long after he from the sixteenth-century heritage could understand the religious might have been expected to start tak- of choral polyphony, which – thanks background of his music. In ing some pride in what he had already in part to Sechter’s example – meant its highest climaxes the themes done. Following his splendid playing so much to him. Paradoxically, the are transformed into hymns. in one organ test, a judge commented: sacred works derive from recognis- Sometimes the music sounds ... “This man should be examining us.” ably the same pen as the sympho- like the organ – and what are the There was always something for nies. All are grave, solemn, short on abrupt pauses of his symphonic Bruckner to be diffident about, partic- vivacity (Vienna’s wits called Bruckner music if not the of ularly after he had discovered Wagner’s “der Adagio-Komponist”, “the Adagio the Host in the Mass, when work. Wagner left Bruckner flabbergast- composer”), apt to halt in portentous the priest lifts up the chalice, ed with admiration (not for Bruckner, silences, clearly influenced by Wagner the bell is rung thrice, and the

18 January-March 2008 Oriens Music

worshipper kneels and bows It is to Bruckner’s credit that his his head? ... He pondered over output, even at its most agitated, con- chords and chord associations veys a fundamental serenity of aim A (very) selective as a mediaeval architect must which suggests a kind of inspired Bruckner discography have contemplated the mysteries somnambulism. In accordance with of arches, rose windows, and his unworldly detachment, he talked buttresses. They were his path of his Maker with a frankness more Each of Bruckner’s symphonies to the Kingdom of God.” mediaeval than modern. Not long (including the long-suppressed before his death he informed an aston- student works latterly known as Alas for Bruckner, his detractors ished well-wisher: “He [God] will say: “No. 0” and “No. 00”) is now included Brahms – who referred with ‘Why else have I given you talent, you accessible, several times over, scorn to Bruckner’s “symphonic boa- on Compact Disc. Two notable constrictors” – and Vienna’s leading series – both at bargain price music critic, Eduard Hanslick, whose – are conducted by, respectively, invective terrified Bruckner into beg- Georg Tintner (eleven discs, only ging the Emperor Franz Josef: “Oh, available separately, produced Your Majesty, please stop that man by Naxos) and Eugen Jochum Hanslick from writing horrible things (nine discs, only available as a about me.” boxed set, produced by EMI, Excruciating loneliness and omitting 0 and 00). Herbert von Karajan, Otto Klemperer, Some composers can console and Carl Schuricht recorded themselves for public humiliations outstanding interpretations of by a comfortable domestic life. Not specific symphonies, all available Bruckner, who spent most of his days in stereo (and thus without in excruciating loneliness. Awkward the sonic limitations of older, by any standards (let alone Viennese much-admired versions such as standards) with women, he had a habit Wilhelm Furtwängler’s). Since of proposing marriage to ladies whom Bruckner conducting: conductors seldom agree on he scarcely knew. The one time where a silhouette by Otto Böhler which editions to use, Bruckner matrimony might have resulted, it symphony recordings differ from came to nothing; the woman’s father, one another not solely in their a Lutheran, forbade it on religious son of a bitch, than that you should modes of performance but also in grounds. Bruckner’s nerves periodical- sing My praise and glory? But you the actual music they contain. ly overcame him, a severe breakdown have accomplished much too little’.” in 1867 having confined him to hos- As for his compositional worries, let us The only complete edition of pital for three months; and he never note that he insisted on depositing in Bruckner’s sacred music currently lost an obsession with numbers, which Vienna’s Court Library (Hofbibliothek) available is another Jochum set, led him not only to write down the his original manuscripts – howev- this one released by Deutsche prayers he said each day, but to count er comprehensively they had been Grammophon in a four-CD box. the turrets on buildings, the leaves on worked over at others’ behest – for Two single-disc selections from trees, windows, weather-vanes, church future generations to scrutinise. He Bruckner’s liturgical corpus have crosses, even buttons. Which makes deserves to have the last word: been issued on the Hyperion it all the sadder that he should have label: one consisting solely of “They want me to compose in a short pieces, with the Corydon died, apparently, without a priest pres- different way. I could, but I must ent. On the last afternoon of his life, Singers conducted by Matthew not. Out of thousands, God Best; and the other combining 11 October 1896 (during the morn- gave talent to me … One day, I ing he had worked on his Ninth seven miniatures with the shall have to give an account of expansive Mass in E Minor, this Symphony’s finale), he suddenly felt myself. How would the Father ill, asked his housekeeper for some disc performed by the Polyphony in Heaven judge me if I followed Ensemble and Britten Sinfonia hot tea, went to bed, and there passed others and not Him?” away. under Stephen Layton. – RJS

January-March 2008 19 Oriens Books The right man for the job

Prince of the Church: Patrick Francis Moran, 1830- 1911, by Philip Ayres; Melbourne, Miegunyah Press, 2007; 384 pp.

Reviewed by Martin Sheehan

Philip Ayres’ new book, Prince of Church. Ayres’ Moran is a far more the Church, is a vivid portrait of the pugnacious and combative character, man who was, arguably, Australia’s quite prepared to poke the local greatest churchman, Patrick Francis Protestant Establishment in the eye Moran. Ayres’ book uncovers many and offend their sensibilities Booksif he felt interesting and intriguing facts Catholic Truth needed defence. Far about Moran, particularly his early life in Ireland and in Rome, from being the consummate diplomat, and his relationship to the Irish Moran comes across in Ayres’ book as a Church and the Irish nationalist prelate with little feel for the opinions movement, as well as his huge of others, certainly not for the beliefs influence on the development of the and culture of local Protestants. Australian Catholic Church in the Indeed, he comes across as someone late nineteenth and early twentieth Reinforcing difference centuries. who, it could be argued, contributed to the ghettoisation of Australian But Ayres makes a strong case for I first encountered Moran as Catholics by his intransigence and his understanding Moran’s approach in a teenager in the pages of Vance unwillingness to allow Catholics to the context of the political and social Palmer’s excellent little book, National realities of life for most Catholics Portraits, originally published in 1940. integrate into the wider non-Catholic of Irish origin in Australia. Facing a Palmer’s Moran was a cosmopolitan, community of New South Wales. dominant Anglo-Protestant culture in cultured figure, a man whose long Moran also had a somewhat baleful years at various posts inside the influence on the nascent Catholic the colony, and increasing pressure Vatican bureaucracy had mellowed culture of the Australian colonies. from a political class wishing to implement compulsory secular his allegiance to Irish nationalism. The Under his predecessor – the English education for all Australian children Moran described in Palmer’s essay was Benedictine, Archbishop Roger highly suited to the largely Protestant- regardless of denomination, Moran Vaughan – the Church in New South felt obliged to reinforce what made secular culture of the early colony of Wales was influenced by English New South Wales. Refraining from Catholics different from other Catholicism, with its cultured and partisan polemic, he wooed the local Australians. aristocratic forms of worship, its political and social Establishment with To that end, Moran set out to attachment to the Church’s ancient his refined intellect and his diplomatic build a distinctly Australian Church, approach to Church-State relations. liturgical musical tradition. Moran though one dominated and guided by changed all that, replacing English Irish Catholic forms of worship and Combative character with Irish clergy where he could, and culture. One way in which he achieved This is not a portrait that accords doing away with much of the English this was through the establishment with Philip Ayres’ view of Moran, liturgical forms that had thrived under of an Australian seminary at St however, and his role in the Australian Vaughan. Patrick’s, Manly, for the training of an continued on Page 22

20 January-March 2008 Oriens Books Genuine Catholic liturgical sense

The Heresy of Formlessness: The Roman Liturgy and its Enemy, by Martin Mosebach (translated from the German by Graham Harrison); San Francisco, Ignatius Press, 2006; 210 pp.

Reviewed by Gary Scarrabelotti

This is a remarkable book and its to form is a liturgy that can sustain author has a remarkable gift. no meaning however much we might want it to signify one thing or another. This is the power of penetrating One cannot take a form and declare our ordinary – and sometimes out-of- it to have any meaning. Forms only the-ordinary – actions to the meanings bear the meanings native to them. that lie behind them. Such is the work To force the issue destroys the form especially of the novelist, the essayist, and loosens our connection with the liturgical question properly speaking. and the poet. Martin Mosebach is all meanings it once contained. of these, and, after having read and God is not confined to some valid then re-read this book, I lamented my For an artist who deals with minimum formula beyond which He ignorance of his native German and concrete things – “I am a Stone Age does not act in, or is not present in, the the fact that his other work is closed man” – and who reads their surface liturgy – a misconceived notion which to me. for the meanings they contain – “all has led people to conclude that beyond matter is so full of spirit and life the “essential core” of the Mass lies a Outwardly The Heresy of that they simply pour from it” – the field of non-essential, changeable, and Formlessness appears to be a set of abstract dividing of form and content ultimately disposable elements. If God stand-alone essays strung together makes it impossible to understand is present in liturgy at all, He is present more or less loosely by the theme of what the senses experience. This is in the whole liturgy, and He is present liturgy. At first, I thought, there are not a problem just for artists. It is a wholly in that liturgy. To participate some brilliant pieces here, but the problem for theologians, philosophers, in the liturgy is not to be present in whole lacks sufficient unity, the later and scientists. To insist upon knowing some abstract way with the Word. It essays appear to tail-off toward the things strictly at the abstract level is not to intersect immaterially with end. On a second reading I took a – which is what is involved in saying it, so to say, at some fine geometrical different view. This is a work of art. that form is inferior and disposable point at the centre of the consecration The trailing essays with their apparent while only content matters – is an formula. It is, rather, to encounter the repetitions and superfluities restate and implicit denial of sensory experience historical Jesus in the flesh, to reach reinforce while, with the introduction as the basis of human knowledge and out from the crowd and to touch the of a new subject, the Missal as icon, of the materiality with which truth, hem of His cloak, just as really as if the book closes with a magnificent both natural and supernatural, has we were stretching out a hand from recapitulation and finale. been embodied: “He who sees me sees the jostling crowd as He passed us by Second time around, I was bowled the Father.” We do not rely on pure down some dusty lane in Galilee. We over. abstraction to know God. We have a see Him, we hear Him, we receive Him flesh and blood Christ to deal with in a single, completed liturgical action Mosebach’s central proposition is – and one who is still among us, and – which brings us to the question of that a liturgy in which we separate can be seen in the liturgy. the rubrics. form from content is a liturgy that, ultimately, disintegrates. A liturgy that Extending the implications of this, The purpose of the rubrics is to changes form changes meaning; and a Mosebach argues that the question form the priest as a human personality liturgy in which we deny significance What constitutes a valid Mass? is not a to become invisible within – or

January-March 2008 21 Oriens Books continued from previous page - Genuine Catholic lirurgical sense perhaps one should say “transparent understanding of our liturgy. It is not at the start of the twentieth century, to” – the liturgical action in order an idea that most Western Catholics dedicated to eradicating religion from that the persona who acts in, and – whether liberal, conservative, or tra- society and potentially turning many through, him becomes visible to the ditionalist – can easily accommodate. working-class Irish Catholics away worshippers: hence the vestments, Embedded, nevertheless, in this book from their Church. the sacred furnishings, the highly disciplined orchestration of the ritual Reformism and ameliorism actions. The person of the celebrant disappears and the Son walks among We do not Despite his own conservative us again. How wonderful! and aristocratic inclinations, Moran And, finally, the great point. If it rely on pure had the foresight to see that most is God who acts in the liturgy then of his working-class, trade-unionist those actions are His and not ours, and abstraction to flock viewed the ALP as their natural consequently they cannot be changed, political home and as the champion at least not changed arbitrarily. Liturgy know God. of their values. Moran therefore threw comes to us not as the “work of human the moral weight of the Church hands” but from God himself. Liturgy – as also in Joseph Ratzinger’s Spirit behind the developing a trade union is, in fact, a revelation of God no less of the Liturgy – is the conviction that movement and the early ALP, guiding than that contained in Scripture. to recover in the West the genuine them away from more radical forms “Jesus and his disciples, and the Catholic liturgical sense will require a of socialism and towards a reformist first Christians, were aware of turning to the East that is both ritual and ameliorist commitment to social the fact that if they were fully to and theological. justice. In doing this, Australia owes a grasp Jesus’ message, it was not The Heresy of Formlessness is, to great debt to Moran for restraining the enough to hand on his teachings my mind, one of the most powerful, more radical and extremist tendencies faithfully … If these teachings accessible, and effective books written in the Australian labour movement, were to have their effect, it was on the liturgical question. If you want thus probably avoiding the kind of essential for the disciples to to understand it, you cannot ignore violent class conflict that existed in have the experience and know this book. Europe at that time and later. the influence of Jesus, bodily present. And if the liturgy Moran emerges from Ayres’ fine is to be this manifestation of book as a giant not only of the early the bodily Jesus, essential for continued from page 20 - Australian Church, but also of the the Christian life, it must be The right man for the job wider Roman Catholic Church at the possible to experience it as indigenous clergy to serve the needs end of the nineteenth century. Despite something that is not a human of the local Church. His elevation to his many faults, Moran was the right artifact but something given, Cardinal also proved a boost for the man for the job, gaining greater respect something revealed. Thus Basil Australian Church, and was even seen for Australia’s Catholics at a time when the Great … regarded the Mass by many local Protestants as a mark they were struggling against a largely as a revelation that is just as of distinction and a sign of maturity hostile and alien Australian community. great as Holy Scripture, and More than any other early prelate, consequently he strictly forbade for the rapidly developing society of colonial Sydney. Moran established the Australian anyone to alter or refashion it.” Church, giving it a distinctly Australian To the modern, ratiocinating Perhaps Moran’s greatest triumph outlook and directing it outwards Western Catholic this idea, central to was the influence he gained over the towards Asia. Ayres’s highly readable the liturgical thinking of the Eastern development of the early Australian and scholarly account of Moran’s life Church, would come as a shock. The Labor Party and the broader trade should contribute greatly to a deeper greater the shock, the more powerful union movement. With its ideological understanding of Moran’s highly the instinct to reject it, and, I suggest, roots in English secularism and significant and unique contribution the more powerful the instinct, the socialism, the early ALP could easily to the establishment of Catholicism in greater the measure of how far we have have become an anti-Catholic force in Australia. travelled in the West from a proper the new Australian Commonwealth

22 January-March 2008 Oriens Economics continued from page 16 - Land prices

In the eighteenth century the land The concept I have outlined was It is no longer fashionable; but question was central to the thinking developed especially by the American neither are a lot of other good ideas. of the Physiocrats and of Thomas economist Henry George (1839-1897). With the present awareness of the Spence, William Ogilvie and Thomas His book Progress and Poverty became critical, and worsening, plight of Paine. Adam Smith pointed out that an outstanding best-seller, and is still people with mortgages and those land revenue taken by the government in print today. He contended that land desperate to own a home, it is urgent should be left in private hands, but that does not raise the rent of houses and that this proposed solution be studied the ground rent (an economic term does not discourage industry. “Nothing – and implemented. The amassing of for the wealth arising from natural can be more reasonable than that a unearned wealth from mere possession advantages and the activity of society) of land is, I contend, a first cousin of fund which owes its existence to good should be taken by the government in usury. government of the state should be place of taxation. taxed peculiarly, or should contribute The idea became very popular in * John Young, of Melbourne, has written something more than the greater part the late nineteenth and early twentieth and lectured extensively on philosophy and of other funds towards the support centuries, with support from Winston theology. His book The Natural Economy of that government” (Adam Smith, explores the question of natural moral laws in Churchill in England, Sun Yat-sen the economic sphere. His booklet Economics is The Wealth of Nations, London, Dent in China, and many other political for Everyone deals more briefly with the same [1960 reprint], book V, chapter 2, p. leaders. It was a plank of the Australian topics. 325 [volume 2]. Labor Party platform for many years. continued from page 24 - The sacred liturgy undergo personal sacrifice is one of Magnanimity is likewise demanded the faithful realised how much their the marks of a magnanimous man or of both the priest and faithful. Time services are appreciated by the priests woman. and labour are needed in order to make and the abundant graces that God The importance of sacrifice, indeed the necessary preparations of the Holy would bedew them with for their of the sacrifice, is manifested in the Liturgy, especially for the great feast dedication to the material preparation care taken in the preparation of days of the Church. The maintenance for the holy liturgy! the altar in many places where the of the altar antependia (frontals), Magnanimity and humility are traditional Mass is celebrated. The candlesticks and sacred linens takes Altar plays an extremely pivotal role in time and sacrifice. The generosity of two virtues very much needed in the the life of Catholics. The Altar is where the faithful who maintain the material Church today. The generosity we give the unbloody Sacrifice of Calvary is needs of the Church building and its to God should reflect the gratitude we offered and the sacrifice is directed furnishings allows the Holy Sacrifice owe Him for His manifold benefits to God. As such the Altar symbolises of the Mass to be offered with dignity to us especially for the gift of the God. Magnanimity is demanded with and with fittingness. The Saints took traditional rite of the Mass. Let us regards to the construction of the particular delight in rendering their recall also His promise to us: “Be thou altar itself (and especially so in the service to the service of the sanctuaries faithful until death: and I will give thee traditional rite). The altar should be of Churches. It is related in the life the crown of life” (Apoc. 2:10). made of worthy material and should of St Clare of Assisi that she spent be objectively beautiful. Something is much time embroidering sacred linens objectively beautiful which possesses for the use of the different churches * Fr Duncan Wong, of the Priestly Fraternity order, proportion, integrity and clarity. in the surrounding region of Assisi of St Peter, is currently the director of Ezechiel St John Vianney never spared expense and it gave her great consolation House Novitiate – located at Petersham, Sydney nor labour in beautifying his parish – for men who feel called to be sanctified in a to have been able to contribute her Society of Apostolic Life rooted in the age-old church at Ars for the worship of services which directly related to the traditions of the Church. Almighty God. Divine Liturgy. Would that more of

January-March 2008 23 Oriens Liturgy The sacred liturgy and the practice of virtue

Fr Duncan Wong FSSP* discusses the connection between the virtue of magnanimity and the traditional rite of Mass.

Judge me, O God, and distinguish my cause from the nation that is not holy: deliver me from the unjust and deceitful man. (Psalm 42)

The spiritual life of every words said by him, in the Name when they willingly comply with those Catholic is necessarily linked to the of Christ and which Christ says rubrics which relate to them. However, Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, for by by him. You have to associate this precise attention to the rubrics it we receive the graces necessary your heart with the holy feelings must be a reflection of a true internal to live virtuously and to grow in which are contained in these humility and of an abiding charity. holiness, especially when we receive words and in this manner you A rigid over-emphasis on certain Holy Communion. Indeed, Holy ought to follow all that happens aesthetical aspects of the liturgy, or Communion is the best means we on the Altar. When acting in worse, on small matters of minor have of preparing ourselves for the this way you have prayed Holy significance, can sometimes engender spiritual combat which we wage Mass.” a spirit of pride which is contrary to daily. true piety. When one falls victim to The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass leads Humility & magnanimity this subtle trap of the Devil, one does to a deepening of our interior lives In order to better understand the not reap the full benefits of Holy Mass, and in turn this deepening assists us spirit of the sacred liturgy, it is helpful for “God resists the proud but gives to enter more profoundly deeply into to consider the virtues of humility and grace to the humble” (1 Peter 5:5). the mystery of Liturgy itself. As such, magnanimity. In this discussion I will The virtue of magnanimity “by its one’s personal piety must be rooted in relate my comments to the traditional very name denotes a stretching forth of true devotion to the Mass and to the Latin Mass, especially in regard to the the mind to great things” [St Thomas traditions and liturgical rites of the challenges faced by Catholics who Aquinas: ST, IIa IIae, Q. 129, Art. 1]. Church. As His Holiness Pope St Pius attend the traditional rite. Many Catholic faithful who attend X taught: In many ways, the traditional the traditional Latin Mass manifest a “The Holy Mass is a prayer rite of Mass demands the exercise of high degree of magnanimity. Often itself, even the highest prayer humility. This is most noticeable in the they travel long distances to assist that exists. It is the Sacrifice, many external gestures of reverence it at the traditional Mass, often with dedicated by our Redeemer at requires, emphasising the submission large numbers of children in tow. the Cross, and repeated every we owe to Almighty God. This humble Indeed, there is an ever-growing day on the Altar. If you wish to submission is reflected in the obedience number of faithful who have moved hear Mass as it should be heard, a priest exercises when celebrating the house and home, some even changing you must follow with eye, heart, traditional Mass by adhering to the their country of residence, in order and mouth all that happens at extensive body of rubrics given by to be able to be able to assist at the the Altar. Further, you must the Church. The faithful manifest this traditional liturgy. The willingness to pray with the Priest the holy same humble obedience at Holy Mass continued page 23

24 January-March 2008