
Shallow laccolithic emplacement of the Land’s End and Tregonning , , UK: Evidence from aureole fi eld relations and P-T modeling of -anthophyllite

Jonathan M. Pownall1,*, David J. Waters1, Michael P. Searle1, Robin K. Shail2, and Laurence J. Robb1 1Department of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3AN, UK 2Camborne School of Mines, College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences, University of Exeter, Cornwall Campus, Penryn TR10 9EZ, UK

ABSTRACT evidence for stoping of the country rocks by end-member concepts for genesis: an outward-migrated and dyke network, (1) the diapiric emplacement of igneous-derived The Land’s End and Tregonning-Godol- and uplift and doming of the host rocks can “I-type” granites typifi ed by the Andean batho- phin granites of the >250 km-long Perm- be partially attributed to laccolith infl ation. liths (e.g., Pitcher, 1979; Petford and Atherton, ian Cornubian are heterogeneous Host meta-siltstones of the Devonian Mylor 1996); and (2) the emplacement of sheeted medium- to coarse-grained peraluminous Formation formed a aureole complexes of crustal-melt- (or sedimentary-) -, -, and - gran- of cordierite + biotite + chlorite ± derived “S-type” granites typifi ed by the Hima- ites traditionally thought to be emplaced as “spotted .” Several interspersed pillow layan leucogranites (e.g., Harris and Massey, massive magmatic diapirs. Although S-type and dolerites, previously affected 1994; Harris et al., 1995; Searle, 1999; Searle et characteristics are dominant ( + by hydrothermal alteration, underwent iso- al., 2009). The I- and S-type distinction was ini- biotite + + tourmaline ± ± chemical contact to form tially proposed by Chappell and White (1974) lithium- in the melt, numerous cordierite- and orthoamphibole-bearing and is still widely utilized. Andean-type gran- and veins, Sn-W mineralization), hornfels, including cordierite-anthophyllite ites are characterized by long, linear granites some characteristics of evolved I-type gran- rocks that are present in Kenidjack cliff, of batholitic proportions, intrusive - ites are also exhibited (hornblende-bearing NW Land’s End aureole. THERMOCALC and biotite-bearing -- granite- ε enclaves, elevated Nd, Cu mineralization, P-T modeling and pseudosection construc- tonalite fractionation sequences with extru-

batholithic dimensions). Here, we present an tion for these rocks in the large Na2O-CaO- sive -- volcanics, and

investigation focusing on the contact meta- K2O-FeO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O-TiO2-Fe2O3 abundant Cu-Mo(-Pb-Zn-Au) mineralization. morphism and deformation of the aureole (NCKFMASHTO) chemical system indicates Crustal-derived Himalayan-type leucogranites rocks adjacent to the Land’s End and Tregon- contact metamorphism occurred at 1.5 ± are less voluminous, tend to be peraluminous ning granites as an approach to better deter- 1.0 kbar and 615 ± 50 °C. This ultra-low (containing , muscovite, biotite, and tour- mine the method of granite emplacement and pressure metamorphism equates to a likely maline), are associated with regional high-grade the depth at which it occurred. New 1:5000- emplacement depth of 5–6 km for the adja- metamorphic- belts, have no extru- scale geological maps are presented for cent granite sheets. The Cornubian Batho- sive volcanic component, and are in many cases ~15 km of coastal exposure of the granites and lith is highly composite and likely comprises associated with Sn-W mineralization. However, their aureoles. We propose that the granites an amalgamation of discrete shallow-seated there are increasing numbers of granitoid bodies were emplaced non-diapirically by intrusion sheeted laccoliths that are dyke-fed from a that have been found, compositionally, to fi t nei- of sills that amalgamated to form a sheeted common lower-crustal/upper-mantle melt ther of these examples or that represent a hybrid laccolith-type body. Granite contacts cleanly region to result in the batholith’s mixed between the two types. Examples include the truncate all faults, folds, and cleavages gen- S-type/I-type character. Baltoro Batholith in the Pakistani Karakoram, erated during both Variscan convergence which comprises -related I-type and subsequent latest –Early INTRODUCTION , and granites intruded by Permian (end-Variscan) extension, and it is large-scale post-collision S-type two-mica ± likely that granite was emplaced during con- Hypotheses for the emplacement of granit- garnet leucogranites (Searle et al., 2010), and tinuation of this extensional episode. There is oids have been frequently led by the two extreme the Main Range granites of the Malay

*Present address: Southeast Asia Research Group, Department of Earth Sciences, Royal Holloway University of , Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX, UK; Email: [email protected].

Geosphere; December 2012; v. 8; no. 6; p. 1467–1504; doi:10.1130/GES00802.1; 29 fi gures; 4 tables; 1 plate. Received 8 March 2012 ♦ Revision received 10 August 2012 ♦ Accepted 12 August 2012 ♦ Published online 16 November 2012

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Peninsula, which include both I-type grano- et al. (1993), have essentially assumed “large- tinental fragments after closure of the Rheic diorites and S-type biotite granites (Searle et tank” magmatism and the forceful emplacement (Late Devonian to Early Carboniferous) al., 2012). Furthermore, the concept of granite of individual plutons as massive “hot Stokes” and are represented in several large massifs diapirism has, in recent years, faced increasing diapirs (e.g., Pitcher, 1979; Marsh, 1982; Bate- stretching from Iberia to Bohemia (Fig. 1A). scrutiny (Petford, 1996; Clemens, 1998; Pet- man, 1984; Mahon et al., 1988; , 1990; Remnants of Rheic oceanic crust and mantle, ford and Clemens, 2000; Petford et al., 2000), Paterson and Vernon, 1995). However, as previ- or that of associated marginal ocean basins to and several plutons traditionally viewed as dia- ously mentioned, a paradigm shift (summarized the north, are only sporadically preserved (e.g., piric—including both S-type bodies such as the by Petford et al., 2000) from diapiric ascent the Mid-Devonian Lizard complex in Corn- Monte Capanne granite on Elba, Italy (Farina et processes (c.f. Ramberg, 1981; Weinberg and wall; Kirby, 1979; Shail and Leveridge, 2009). al., 2010; Rocchi et al., 2010) and I-type bodies Podladchikov, 1994) to dyke-controlled ascent The orogen comprises distinct E–W trending such as the Mount Kinabalu granite in Borneo and emplacement mechanisms has largely tectonostratigraphic terranes of the Rhenoher- (Cottam et al., 2010)—have been re-interpreted, taken place, and the more recent interpretations cynian, Saxothuringian, and Moldanubian rift- often as incrementally emplaced laccoliths or for Cornubian Batholith emplacement do not oceanic basins separated by Palaeozoic and lopoliths (cf. Pollard and Johnson, 1973; Jack- invoke granite diapirism as the primary process Precambrian (Kossmat, 1927; Matte, son and Pollard, 1988; Cruden, 1998). (Salmon and Powell, 1998; Powell et al., 1999; 1986; Franke, 1989; Nance et al., 2010). Early Most approaches in determining emplace- Kratinová et al., 2003, 2010; Bouchez et al., Devonian to Early Carboniferous passive mar- ment style have been concerned with mapping 2006; Taylor, 2007; Hughes et al., 2009). gin sedimentary rocks were affected by Car- internal granite fabrics as defi ned by We fi rstly describe fi eld relations observed boniferous inversion and crustal shortening and alignment, anisotropy of magnetic suscepti- during detailed (1:5000) mapping along coastal thickening involving folding and NNW-vergent bility (AMS), or geochemical trends, and the sections of the margins of the Land’s End and thrusting (Shackleton et al., 1982; Coward and systematic dating of different granite facies. Tregonning granites and their aureole; secondly, McClay, 1983; Leveridge et al., 1984). In the These methods have proved very successful in we discuss a petrological and structural study of Early Permian, widespread lower crustal ana- unraveling the emplacement history for many the aureole rocks; and thirdly we present P-T texis led to ascent and emplacement of granites sheeted, composite or laccolith-type bodies estimates of three cordierite- anthophyllite horn- into the upper crust. Published emplacement (e.g., Morgan et al., 1998; de Saint-Blanquat felses from Kenidjack, NW Land’s End aureole. depths for granitoids along the orogen are far et al., 2001; Michel et al., 2008; Clemens and We use the fi eld relationships and P-T estimates from uniform (Table 1), although Vigneresse Benn, 2010; Cottam et al., 2010; Farina et al., of the aureole rocks to determine the style of (1999), using gravity surveys conducted across 2010; Rocchi et al., 2010; Leuthold et al., 2012). granite emplacement and the depth at which the whole Variscan belt, estimated that a con- However, the effect of pluton emplacement on it occurred. P-T pseudosections are calculated sistent 6–8 km of erosion has occurred since host rocks—specifi cally contact metamor- using the computer program THERMOCALC their emplacement. phism and deformation (or lack thereof)—has (Powell and Holland, 1988, 2008) in the recently Southwest England represents part of the

sometimes received less attention. The study of enhanced Na2O-CaO-K2O-FeO-MgO-Al2O3- western Rhenohercynian passive margin of

aureole rocks can provide great insight into the SiO2-H2O-TiO2-Fe2O3 (NCKFMASHTO) sys- the Variscan Orogen (Warr, 2000; Shail and details of pluton emplacement that cannot easily tem for cordierite- orthoamphibole assemblages Leveridge, 2009) and comprises a series of rift- be discerned from focusing exclusively on the (Diener et al., 2007, 2008). An additional aim of generated basins (Culm, North , Tavy, granite itself (as demonstrated by Paterson et al., this study is therefore to contribute to the under- South Devon, , and Gramscatho basins) 1991; Pattison and Harte, 1997; Ciavarella and standing of cordierite-anthophyllite petro- infi lled with deep-marine argillaceous sedimen- Wyld, 2008). In particular, the depth of granite genesis by determining the peak P-T conditions tary and rift-related igneous rocks (Fig. 1B). emplacement can be determined by calculating of their formation in this classic locality (Til- The southernmost of these basins, the Grams- the pressure of peak aureole metamorphism. ley and Flett, 1929; Tilley, 1935; Chinner and catho Basin, includes the Mylor Slate Forma- Also, the timing of emplacement relative to Fox, 1974). tion; this is composed of Famennian (375– host-rock deformation can be inferred so that, Although this study is primarily concerned 359 Ma; Turner et al., 1979) deep marine mud/ for instance, it can be determined whether gran- with the Land’s End and Tregonning granites, siltstones with occasional pillow- hori- ite emplacement was a cause, an effect, or of no the ideas and approach detailed herein could be zons and dolerite sills that underwent Variscan consequence to a specifi c tectonic episode. applied to all granites of the Cornubian Batho- sub- facies regional metamorphism Here, we present an investigation of the meta- lith. We hope to further clarify the petrogenesis (Warr et al., 1991) and later contact metamor- morphic aureoles of the Land’s End and Tregon- and emplacement of the Land’s End and Tregon- phism by Permian granite intrusions (Goode et ning granites of the Cornubian Batholith, South- ning Granites in relation to Variscan orogenesis. al., 1984; Goode and Taylor, 1988). west England (Fig. 1). Despite the Cornubian In a wider sense, we hope to (1) illustrate the use Variscan orogenesis subjected the region to granites being a prominent component of Brit- of aureole geobarometry in deciphering granite an overall NNW–SSE shortening accompa- ain’s geological history, relatively little has been emplacement depth, and (2) further demonstrate nied by modest crustal thickening and largely published on the fi eld relations with their aure- some of the insights that can be drawn from the sub-greenschist facies regional metamorphism ole rocks (Rattey and Sanderson, 1984; Hughes study of metamorphic aureole deformation and (Warr et al., 1991). The major deformational et al., 2009), and the majority of recent studies aureole-granite contact relations. events have been categorized in the literature as

have instead focused on the granites’ - follows (also, see Fig. 2): D1 recumbent folding ogical and geochemical characteristics and GEOLOGICAL SETTING: and slaty cleavage development, possibly asso- genesis (e.g., Floyd et al., 1993; Chappell and THE VARISCAN OROGEN ciated with northwestward emplacement of Liz- Hine, 2006; Müller et al., 2006). Some of the ard Complex mantle and underlying

older interpretations for the formation of the The European Variscides formed through the thrust sheets; D2 NNW-verging folding (F2) with

Cornubian Batholith, as summarized in Floyd collision of Laurussian and Gondwanan con- prominent S2 axial planar cleavage development;

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A Trans-European Sut ure Zone Harz

CornubianCornubian Bohemian MassifMassif Massif Rheinisches Schiefergebirge Fig. 1B B Amorican Vosges Massif Schwarz- wald Alpine Front North Devon Basin

Massif Central

Culm Basin Iberian Permo- Massif Triassic Moor Granite Tavy Granite Basin N Looe Basin South Devon Basin

Fig. 1C Gramscatho Basin St. Austell Granite 30 km

Land’s End Granite Granite KEY Granite Tregonning- Godolphin LIZARD metasedimentary Ms rocks Granite metabasic Mb rocks

Ms DEVONIAN C St. Ives biotite granite: G coarse grained Porthmeor Cove Mb ′ biotite granite: G fine grained Great Zawn lithium-mica PERMIAN Watch GL granite G′ Pendeen G reole” G CARNMENELLIS limit of metamorphic GRANITE aureole Ms GODOLPHIN town “St. Just Au GRANITE St. Just area mapped as part of this study: G see Plate 1. G′ St. Michael’s GL Mount (granite) LAND’S END N Pedn-mên-du GRANITE

Land’s End G TREGONNING M o u n t ‘ s B a y GRANITE 5 km Chair Ladder Tater-du

Figure 1. Geological setting of the Cornubian granites within the European Variscides. (A) The Variscan belt of Europe during the Early Carboniferous, modifi ed from Matte (1986) and Franke (1989). (B) The Western Rhenohercynian of SW England, after Shail and Leveridge (2009). (C) Geological map of SW Cornwall, simplifi ed from Goode et al. (1984) (British Geological Survey; 1:50,000). Yellow boxes indicate areas mapped—see Plate 1.

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and D3 SSE-verging folding (F3) and axial pla- event spanning some 20 m.y. during the Early

nar cleavage development (S3), which are vari- Permian (from 294 to 274 Ma) with assembly ably associated with low-angle detachments, that times for individual plutons lasting up to 4.5 developed during post-convergence extensional m.y. (Chen et al., 1993; Chesley et al., 1993).

) of eroded reactivation of Variscan thrusts (Alexander and The Land’s End granite (Fig. 3) is the youngest −3 Shail, 1995; Shail and Leveridge, 2009; Fig. 2). of the major plutons, emplaced between 277 ± 2 and 274.5 ± 2 Ma (Chen et al., 1993; Clark et A SYNOPSIS OF PREVIOUS WORK al., 1993, 1994). The Cornubian Batholith was originally mod- Cornubian Batholith Morphology eled as a fl at-bottomed body that occupies the metamorphism assumed upper 12 km of a 27-km-thick crustal section The Cornubian Batholith is exposed in south- based on interpretation of a −50 mGal Bouguer

regional west England over a distance of ~200 km in anomaly and seismic refraction data (Bott et al., Method seven large unroofed plutons (from west to east, 1958, 1970). The batholith was also interpreted the Isles of Scilly, Land’s End, Tregonning- to widen with depth (e.g., Willis-Richards and Godolphin, Carnmenellis, St. Austell, Bodmin Jackson, 1989), whereupon its base is pos- Moor, and Dartmoor granites) that are hosted by sibly bound by a major late-Variscan thrust at Devonian and Carboniferous sedimentary and 10–15 km depth (Brooks et al., 1984). High- igneous rocks of the Rhenohercynian passive resolution gravity modeling by Taylor (2007) margin. Granite magmatism was a protracted recently showed that the individual plutons sedimentary cover. Temp. of 350°C calculated at 5 km dist. Temp. sedimentary cover. thermobarometry of granite synchronous to granite emplacement “Tentative estimate” of thickness (3–4 km) and density (2800 kg m of thickness estimate” “Tentative Blundy and Holland (1990) geothermometry and Schmidt (1992) Al-in-hornblende THERMOCALC P-T pseudosections of P-T range indicated by stability of aureole mineral assemblages (km) Depth P (kbar) T (°C) TABLE 1. PUBLISHED P-T CONDITIONS FOR VARISCAN GRANITES DURING THEIR EMPLACEMENT GRANITES DURING VARISCAN PUBLISHED P-T CONDITIONS FOR 1. TABLE

Figure 2. Summary of deformational episodes (D1 to D3) for the rocks of the SW Grams- catho Basin. Schematic diagrams illustrate the fi eld relations between different gen-

erations (F1 to F3) and associated cleavages (S1 to S3). S2 and S3 are axial-planar to F2 and

F3, respectively. S1 has developed parallel to original bedding. The limbs of the isoclinal

*n.d. = No data reported. *n.d. F1 folds are roughly parallel to S1 and thus diffi cult to identify in the fi eld. Modifi ed after Bradshaw and Stoyel (1968) and Stoyel Bradshaw (1971)Floyd (whole batholith) Cornubian (whole batholith) n.d.* 1 Cornubian 580 3 1 in granites. uorite veins Fluid inclusion studies of quartz and fl 3 Author(s) Pluton Massif Charoy (1986)Charoy Wilkinson (1994)Shail and Chappell and Hine (2006) (2008)Klein et al. Granite Tregonning and Zulauf (2000)Scheuvens (whole batholith) Granite Klatovy Carnmenellis Granite Cornubian Granite Hauzenberg Cornubian Cornubian n.d.* Bohemian Bohemian 0.5–1.0 770 650 500–770 0.8–5.2 n.d.* 1.5–3.0 2.0–2.5 0.5uid equilibration in aureole 2.5–17.5 Conditions of fl 4.3–4.9 6.0–7.5 1.75 16–18 Calculation of phase equilibria during crystalisation Pressure is assumed. from saturation. Temperature Si-in-phengite geobarometry of white mica from granite Pitra et al. (1999)Pitra et al. Central Bohemian Complex Bohemian 620–670 3.8–4.2 12–13 Žák et al. (2011)Žák et al. (2010) and Boulvais Tartèse (2010) and Boulvais Tartèse Lizio Granite Questembert GraniteRattey granite Mrákotía Amorican and Amorican n.d.*Sanderson Bohemian n.d.* 1–2 n.d.* (1984) 3–4 < 2.5 3–6 and 9–12 Hughes < 9 P-T range indicated by stability of aureole mineral assemblages et presence of magmatic andalusite Indicated by al. (2009).

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have pronounced tabular forms in cross sec- tion, but that they are far thinner than originally envisaged, in some cases just 3–4 km top to bottom (one-third that previously predicted). Furthermore, these smaller estimates for Cor- nubian pluton thicknesses would make their aspect-ratio closely comparable to several well- documented sheeted (laccolithic or lopolithic) granitoid bodies (McCaffrey and Petford, 1997; Cruden and McCaffrey, 2001). Vertical or steep conduits have also been identifi ed, which would feed such laccolith-type plutons (Taylor, 2007).

Cornubian Batholith Petrogenesis

The Cornubian biotite granite suites have a typical S-type geochemical signature indicating derivation from a (meta-)sedimentary protolith (cf. Chappell and White, 1974, 2001; Chap- pell and Hine, 2006). However, there is also a mantle (I-type) component, notably preva- lent in the Dartmoor granite, as inferred from whole rock geochemistry (Stone, 1997, 2000a, ε Figure 3. The Land’s End granite at (A) Pedn-mên-du, Cove, looking north across 2000b), Sm-Nd isotopes (elevated Nd; Dar- Whitesands Bay to Cape Cornwall (6 km in the distance). The approximate trace of the byshire and Shepherd, 1994), and the presence granite–aureole contact is marked; the rocks in the sea are metapelites. Climbers for scale. of hornblende-bearing microgranite enclaves (B) Chair Ladder crag, Gwennap Head, showing vertical and horizontal jointing, and (Stimac et al., 1995). Alongside peraluminous alignment of megacrysts in the foreground. See Fig. 1C for locations. coarse-grained porphyritic biotite granites and two-mica granites, there is a cogenetic suite of lithium mica granites (Stone, 1992) and tourma- line granites (Lister, 1978a, 1978b) that shows B enrichment, and late stage, chemically distinct W E topaz and fl uorite granites that show enrichment

in F, Li, and P2O5 (Floyd et al., 1993; Manning, 1981; Manning et al., 1996; Williamson et al., Type B metasediments Magmatic multiphase 2010). The Cornubian Batholith is remarkably Mostly coarse megacrystic Type B heterogeneous, and even within individual plu- Magmatic oligoclase biotite tons there is a great deal of chemical and tex- Coarse megacrystic Type D tural variation resulting from successive intru- Ca Part metasomatic Fe Part mobilised sive phases and mingling (e.g., Knox Mostly coarse megacrystic and Jackson, 1990; Salmon, 1994; Manning tourmaline fine et al., 1996; Salmon and Powell, 1998). Exley An7 et al. (1983) and Floyd et al. (1993) set out a F granite classifi cation scheme, types A to F, of Ca OH Li which “Type-B”—coarse-grained megacrys- albite Type E An (with some biotite granite) tic biotite granite—comprises over 90% of the 4 Magmatic Medium non-megacrystic suite. “Type-E” granite—equigranular lithium- Ca mica (zinnwaldite and ) granite— F Li OH represents the second most voluminous granite F and is largely confi ned to the Tregonning and Type F St. Austell plutons and the Meldon dyke topaz zinnwaldite along the northwestern margin of the Dartmoor granite (Stone, 1984). To explain the petrogen- esis of these different granite facies, Floyd et 3rd intrusion 1st intrusion al. (1993) proposed what is now known as the 2nd intrusion “St. Austell Model,” which shows the internal composition and zonation of a typical Cornish Figure 4. The “St. Austell model” of granite petrogenesis, redrawn from Floyd et al. (1993). granite (Fig. 4). In this model, the early Type-B coarse megacrystic granite was intruded fi rst by biotite granite and then by Type-E equigranular

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Li-mica granite with a metasomatic halo form- 1968; Chinner and Fox, 1974), as they are instead related to the latest Carboniferous-Early ing “Type-D” megacrystic Li-mica and tourma- considered some of the best examples of this Permian extensional reactivation of Variscan line granite. Alternatively, the so-called “1980s assemblage, aside from the classic cordierite- thrusts (Shail and Wilkinson, 1994; Alexander model” (Floyd et al., 1993; Fig. 5) considered anthophyllite (COGs) of Orijärvi, Fin- and Shail, 1995, 1996; Shail and Alexander, that granitic magma was generated in the lower land (Eskola, 1914; Schneiderman and Tracy, 1997; LeBoutillier, 2003; Hughes et al., 2009; crust by heat derived from the mantle and later 1991). We targeted these rocks for P-T determi- Shail and Leveridge, 2009). Such an extensional evolved by assimilation of upper-crustal com- nation of peak aureole metamorphism (owing episode may have been the cause, rather than ponents and differentiation of Li-mica granites, to their useful low-variance multiphase mineral an effect, of granite generation and emplace- becoming increasingly more hydrated during assemblages, and to the unsuitability, com- ment (Shail et al., 2003). The concept of dia- the late stages until mineralized veins intrude monly through late hydrothermal alteration, of piric emplacement may also be negated by more through the carapace. pelitic ) as a way to quantify granite recent fi eld studies of relationships between emplacement depth. Therefore, it is important different granite types, which suggest the gran- The Metamorphic Aureole to better understand how the petrogenesis of ites are largely composite bodies comprising the Land’s End cordierite-anthophyllite rocks discrete sheetlike intrusions often with sharp Emplacement of the Cornubian granites relates to granite emplacement. planar contacts (Salmon, 1994; Salmon and caused contact metamorphism of the envel- Tilley and Flett (1929) fi rst proposed that Powell, 1998; Powell et al., 1999; Müller et al., oping Mylor Slate Formation. Early work by the Kenidjack cordierite-anthophyllite rocks 2006). Nevertheless, examples of small-scale de la Beche (1839), Allport (1876), Phillips formed by of parental basalts; how- diapiric structures have been reported (Powell (1876), and Reid and Flett (1907) described the ever, Tilley (1935) later revised this theory in et al., 1999), and attributed to instances when a metasedimentary rocks (“”) and concor- order to account for Fe and Mg enrichment by fl uid magma has been injected into a similarly dant metabasic igneous rocks (“greenstones”) invoking . However, both these fl uid granite host. that form the aureole, and outlined the respec- interpretations were later dismissed by Val- Previous P-T estimates of the Cornubian tive increases in metamorphic grade toward lance (1967) and Chinner and Fox (1974), who granites upon emplacement are wide ranging the granite contact, thus identifying the effect argued for formation by isochemical thermal and often poorly constrained (see Table 1). of contact metamorphism. A certain group of metamorphism of pre-altered basalts. Floyd Here, we present the fi rst THERMOCALC P-T greenstones, the cordierite-anthophyllite horn- (1975) described Ca2+ mobility as being a key estimate for Cornubian granite aureole rocks in felses of Kenidjack, just north of Cape Corn- control on formation of the more “exotic” horn- order to determine the depth of granite emplace- wall, have long been discussed (Tilley and felses from variably altered parental basalts, ment to better evaluate the emplacement mecha- Flett, 1929; Tilley, 1935; Vallance, 1967; Floyd, with chlorite-rich basalts metamorphosing to nism. First, we present the fi eld relationships of anthophyllite-bearing hornfelses, -rich each region mapped in detail. basalts forming hornblende- horn- UPPER CRUST DIAPIRIC ASCENT felses, and mobilised Ca later forming calc- FIELD RELATIONSHIPS AND F3 through metasomatism. AUREOLE PETROGRAPHY pelite + metabasite S3 Previous Theories Linking Cornubian Four coastal sections were selected for + Granite Emplacement to Host-Rock mapping on the basis that they clearly display H O (low δ18O, Type E 2 + Deformation and Metamorphism granite contact relations and aureole litholo- more with time) Li-mica + + albite + gies. Mapping was conducted at 1:5000 during K Type B topaz There has likewise been debate over the June–August 2009 by JMP. As shown in Figure biotite + fluorite emplacement mechanisms and emplacement 1C, they are the: (1) 7-km-long “St. Just aure- + oligoclase + tourmaline depths of the granites and the relationship ole,” from Cape Cornwall to Portheras Cove, + between emplacement and host-rock defor- encompassing both metapelites and metaba- mation. Several early emplacement models sites, including pillow basalts, calc-, + + assumed forceful diapiric intrusion of massive and the cordierite-anthophyllite hornfelses LOWER CRUST + + granitoid plutons (e.g., Booth, 1966; Rattey, of Kenidjack and ; (2) areas around 1980; Rattey and Sanderson, 1984; Goode and the Porthmeor granite cupolas and Land’s End ?garnet hornblende ?crd-sil-bt- oligoclase / andesine Taylor, 1988; Floyd et al., 1993), leading some granite contact in the vicinity of Great Zawn; to argue that S3 and F3 structures “are attributed (3) Tater-du peninsula, south Land’s End gran- to the same deformation event associated with ite; and (4) Tregonning granite coastal expo- Si, Al, Mg, Fe, Ca, K, Na, the diapiric rise of the batholith” (Rattey and sure from Praa to the granite sheets at ?B, Zr, Y, Nb, Cu, OH, etc... Sanderson, 1984, p. 91). Following this hypoth- Megiliggar Rocks. MANTLE esis, Rattey and Sanderson (1984) argued that In this section, we present an account of F, Cl, U, Th, Rb, Sn, Pb ductile host-rock deformation, occurring in the key fi eld relations for both the Land’s End H O (high δ18O, less with time) 2 response to forceful en masse intrusion of hot and Tregonning aureoles. In addition to this, H E A T buoyant granite, caused an S3 cleavage devel- a more comprehensive area-by-area report on

opment parallel to the diapir roof, and F3 folds the mapped regions can be found in Appen- Figure 5. The “1980s model” of granite pet- that verge away from the granite margins with dix 1. For our new geological map, see Plate rogenesis and emplacement, modifi ed from a “Christmas tree” profi le (Fig. 5). However, 1, which is available at its full size (1:5000) Floyd et al. (1993) and Rattey and Sander- more recent work concludes that the regional online. A schematic vertical section summariz-

son (1984). D3 event predated granite emplacement and is ing aureole stratigraphy, which can be used as

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Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/geosphere/article-pdf/8/6/1467/3346533/1467.pdf by guest on 25 September 2021 135000 m 136000 m 137000 m 138000 m Land’s End and Tregonning granites Pownall et al. ‘St Just Aureole’ 1 : 5000 KEY Pendeen Watch SCHEMATIC VERTICAL SECTION 20D The metamorphic aureole of displaying cross-cutting relations LOCATION MAP

0 Mp Metapelite 36 Spotted Hornfels. crd+ms+bt+pl+qtz±and±chl±ilm 000 m a 036000 m 000 m Mp Adinoled Metapelite 36 Mp 0 Pink-grey metapellite, undergone metasomatism Pendeen New Cliff during basalt emplacement. Crd poikiloblasts; qtz veins Mp The Land’s End Granite Mb Metabasalt Intrusive. Evidence of sill-like structures at Cape Cornwall - Portheras Cove; Great Zawn; Porthmeor Cove; Tater-du Mbp Pillow Basalt (meta-) ) Lighthouse Extrusive. Pillow structures; hydrothermal qtz veins † Cs Cs Calc-silicate Portheras Cove Mb Banded gt-mt-sph-chl- skarn; gt-ap 19C skarn; hbl-di-sph-axinite-py skarn

CAh CAh Cordierite-Anthophyllite Hornfels E

Large crd poikiloblasts within an anth+bt+plag+qtz+ilm R 20Q

U Mp

matrix. Banded varieties present in marginal zones S LE . G

The Tregonning Granite O Metabasics P

p X

Mb E F

DEVONIAN at - Megiliggar Rocks O

Hp Hornblende-Plagioclase Hornfels IT M

Banded hbl-plag hornfels with aligned trains I L FAMENNIAN* (375-359 Ma) FAMENNIAN* Hp Mpa Mg The Enys Peninsula, Cornwall, England (MrSl Formation Slate Mylor

Mp Mg Mg Metagabbro Jonathan Pownall Pendeen Old Cliff Stoped Contact Pg Pg Pegmatite Hertford College, Oxford roof facies Sl Sl Schorl (qtz+tourm) Mp 28th June - 9th August 2009 LE LE RE G G Land’s End Granite SU Coarse-grained megacrystic bt granite (Type-B‡) O EXP or SOLID GEOLOGY MAP T OF MI T T Tregonning Granite LI PERMIAN G G Equigranular lithium-mica granite (Type-E ‡) The Avarack 1 : 5000 Cornubian Batholith Boscaswell North Cliff 0 500 m *Turner et al., 1979 †BGS, 1984 Portheras Cove ‡Exley et al., 1983 Mp

Mbp 000 m 37 1 13B SCHEMATIC FIELD RELATIONS KEY TO MAP SYMBOLS Hp GLE Boscaswell South Cliff S1 cleavage (original bedding)

0 strike and dip, angle in degrees 35 000 m 035000 m 000 m 35 Mb S3 cleavage 0 strike and dip, angle in degrees Zawn

RE F3 fold axis POSU True north is 2°44’ east of grid north (Ordnance Survey) OF EX arrow points down plunge; tick LIMIT indicates vergence; angles in degrees Magnetic north is estimated at 0°52’ west of grid north for Jan 2010 (IGRF) British national grid reference system - SW grid square: Fault Transverse mercator projection, Airy spheroid, based on OSGB36 datum Hp p tick on downthrown side Topographic basemap modified from Ordnance Survey Mb Geevor Mine ‘Land-form PROFILE’ provided by ‘EDINA Digimap’ Trewellard North Cliff Contact known Mapped 28th June - 9th August 2009 by Jon Pownall as part of an MEarthSci research project at the University of Oxford Hp Mp Contact GLE inferred

Granite (or aplite) dyke narrower than 50 cm are not to scale Mbp

CAh Litology Lable see key (above) 12X Sample Locality Boscregan Zawn with rock name Levant Zawn Mp

E Line of section see cross-sections Levant Mine p Carn Du Mb No outcrop found Levant Mean High (from BGS 1984) CROSS-SECTIONS Mean low water marked by limit of land; 1:5000; no vertical exaggeration. intertidal zone is shaded paler iff h Cl out S ard WNW ESE Limit of general exposure ell The North Inn All mapping beyond this boundary Trew Carn Vellan Hp 100 is from BGS 1:50,000 (1984) Cockle Zawn 18K Mpa Cs Cs Hp Topographic contour in 5 m intervals 50 GLE P Mp Stamps-an-Jowl Zawn Mb Spot Height Mbp m 0 in meters

natural arch E 1166 -50 Mpa E E′ GLE 1166F 000 m Carn Vellan Natural Arch

E 36 W 1 Mpa Mpa 116B6B6B Cs 100 Botallack Mp Mg Stamps-an-Jowl Zawn ? No outcrop found Mp Hp (from Goode et al., 1984) 50 P CAh GLE p Porthmeor Cupolas Mb ? ? Mb SURE

0 Hp Mb PO 34 X 000 m E 1 : 2000 m 0 0 000 m F 000 m 34 34 O Mg 0 Botallack T 15J5J The natural arch, Stamps-an-Jowl Zawn -50 Head LIMI Mp D D′ Mbp 14P Roscommon Cliff E′ North Cupola WNW a ESE Mb G Mp p Mp Mb 100 CAh 5I 50 Mp GLE Mpa Wheal Edward Zawn Mb Hp Mg m 0 Mb D D′ p No outcrop found Mp -50 Mb (from BGS 1984) C C′ Mp

Pg NW SE Cs G Mp So CAh ut 100 h C

14E u Mb Kenidjack Valley Kenidjack Cliff CAh Mg po The Crowns G la 50 G Mg Mp GLE

m 0 Mb Mg Hp G Pg Botallack Head 23G -50 De Narrow Zawn B B′ E Porthmeor Cupolas R U CAh S 12X2X p PO Mb X E NNW F SSE O IT Zawn a Bal M 100 Kenidjack Castle I a L CAh Mp Mb 50 Mb

P Kenidjack Valley CAh Mb GLE Mp Mg m 0 GLE C -50 137000 m A A′ 12L12L a CAh Mp 1 000 m E

42 R


Mp O


cleavage Mp E S1 Great Zawn - Porthmeor Cove 0

St Just Strip F 33 000 m

21K2121K O

T 033000 m I G M 000 m STRUCTURAL DATA I

33 1 : 5000 L Stereographic projections of: Mb 0 Wheal Edward Zawn - planes to S1 cleavages NS - planes to S3 cleavages CAh Mp 100 - poles to F3 folds Mbp

B Mp 12D 50 a E The Crowns, Botallack LE Mp p UR G G Porthmeor Cupolas Mb OS XP E m 0 F OF T 23223G3GG A Kenidjack Cliff MI 10G0G LI C’ Mg S3 cleavage Mb -50 ′ St Just Strip F F North Zawn Porthmeor Cove Mb Mg NNW SSE Mg p 50 Mb 1010A0A0A 2222H LE Carn Moyle Cliff G 17E CAh m 0 23M CAh CAh Carn Mb LE G′ LE G Moyle G -50 Mp E G G′ UR Mp Great Zawn OS Kenidjack Castle P X E F CROSS-SECTIONS South Zawn O folds IT 1:5000; no vertical exaggeration. F3 M orange = St Just Strip LI Mp green = Great Zawn Mb 22A2222AA Carn Veslan Cliff

3A3A F′ Mpa GLE Halldrine Zawn Buzz & Gen Carn Veslan Cove E UR B′ POS X E F O IT 000 m 1F IM

0 L

Mp 37 Bosigran Cliff 000 m 35 Great Zawn 1 000 m LE 37 G LE 0 Sl G Great Zawn Porth Ledden 8F 1 000 m 136000 m 136000 m 42

GLE 159000 m 160000 m 161000 m A’ Boswedden Cliff

0 Tregonning 32 Sl 000 m 7P 000 m 32 1 : 5000 NW SE 0 CROSS-SECTIONS 100 1:5000; no vertical exaggeration.


SU 50

O ?

P X Mp ?

Cape E Praa Sands ? T Cove ? G m 0

Cornwall 8S OF Mpp Mp IT IT

M I Mp L Mp -50 H H’ Praa W H GT Mp ? E 100 Sands Le Megiliggar Rocks sc Trequean Cliff ea ve Cl 6A iff 50 T Mp 6B pegmatite G

Les m 0 Tranquean Cliff ? ? c ? ea 2727A7A Mp ? ve R -50 Priest’s Cove oc ks H’ H’’ GLE 159000 m Carn Gloose Priest’s Cove Mp 135000 m

Hp Porthevall Mp

very small outctop No outcrop found Tater-du of spotted hornfels (from BGS 1984) 1 : 5000 2323C3C


i ns


y Hp We

s LE L t C I G MIT O


LE 0

ff 27 G Cs 000 m F


000 m shallow contact Zawn Gamper a CAh 27 Mp PO T offset by fault Mp 0 S G U on quarry RE pegmatite 2828E 30A Mp large quartz Mp Hp veins beach vertical contact Rinsey Head H’ (faulted) Megiliggar Rocks Hp Rinsey Cove Rosemondres Cliff G R in s e y

E a s t Cl iff G Mp Tremearne Cliff GLE GT Mp Tranquean Cliff LIMIT OF EXPOSURE east contact not observed: Mp H’’ drawn from Floyd (1965) and BGS (1985) Tol Toft No outcrop found No outcrop found 29G (from BGS 1984) (from BGS 1984) Legereath Zawn Trequean Zawn GT RE SU Mp XPO F E T G IT O G 29I LIM quarry T Carn G Mp LIMIT OF EXPO SUR R aplite dyke S E ose a Megiliggar Rocks Tremearne Par lt or LE G mond R G re at o C r c T mper 2424B4B liff e k ss s G a Hp2525E C G l iff Trewavas Cliff n Rinsey Cove aw CAh Z Hp 0 25225H5H5 Mp 25225C5CC 23 a Mp Cs lighthouse 000 m

Tater-du Island M o u n t ’ s B a y Trewavas Head The Bishop E n g l i s h C h a n n e l Tater-du

160000 m 161000 m 144000 m 159000 m

Plate 1. Geological map (1:5000) of the Land’s End and Tregonning granite aureoles. If you are viewing the PDF of this paper or reading it offl ine, please visit http://dx.doi.org/10.1130/GES00802.S1 or the full-text article on www.gsapubs .org to view the full-sized PDF fi le of Plate 1.

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a key to maps presented later in the paper, is through the and are mostly exposed occasional , , and . The shown in Figure 6. in the center of the St. Just aureole with some cordierite is markedly poikiloblastic, and incor- having later developed cordierite-anthophyllite porates fi ne-grained quartz and of the Land’s End Granite Aureole and hornblende-plagioclase assemblages. siltstone protolith. The hornfelses are mica- ceous; biotite is abundant and aligned to cleav- All aureole rocks mapped as part of this study Aureole Rock Petrography and age although muscovite is scarcer. Cordierite are assigned to the Devonian Mylor Slate For- Contact Relations spots often have pinitised rims (retrogression to mation, which comprises both metapelites and Metapelites. The metapelites are typi- muscovite and clays). Andalusite poikiloblasts concordant basic sills and lavas (Goode et al., cally dark gray, fi ne-grained, strongly foliated were found to be rarer than cordierite; chiasto-

1984; Goode and Taylor, 1988). Metapelites (S1), remarkably hard, and can be described lite was never observed. Abundant quartz veins are best exposed at the north (Pendeen Watch) as “spotted hornfelses” (or “spotted slates” and vugs result from hydrothermal fl uids gen- and south (Cape Cornwall; Fig. 7) of the St. if poorly indurated) due to the abundance erated late during Variscan convergence; else-

Just aureole, with only small isolated bod- of small (<3 mm) dark patches of cordier- where they postdate regional D2 structures but

ies occurring near Botallack and Levant. The ite and/or andalusite visible in hand samples are deformed by D3 (Hughes et al., 2009). entire Tregonning granite coastal aureole is (Fig. 8B). The peak assemblage comprises Metabasic rocks. Metamorphosed pillow also metasedimentary. Basalts were extruded Crd+Bt+Ms+Chl+Pl+Qtz ± And ± Ilm with basalts (Fig. 9A) and dolerite sills (Fig. 9B) are interbedded with metapelites as members of the Mylor Slate Formation. An excellent demonstration of the fi eld relationship between these two is provided by the small lone dolerite sill within the folded metapelites of Priest’s Cove (Fig. 8C). However, in most instances where basalt and (altered) metasedi- mentary beds are intricately interbanded, the exact contact plane is diffi cult to pinpoint (Fig. 10). The clearest indicator of such con- tact zones is the atypical pink-gray appearance of the metapelites at close proximity to basalt (Fig. 9B and 9C). In many localities, these altered metapelites contain large (up to 10 mm diameter) euhedral cordierite poikiloblasts, rather than amorphous spots, with biotite and ilmenite inclusions (Fig. 9C), and are often host to thin planar crosscutting quartz veins related to those in the pillow basalts. These rocks have undoubtedly been altered by basalt and dolerite emplacement and subsequent metasomatism, and thereby represent a minor basalt “aure- ole” that has later been overprinted by subse- quent thermal metamorphism during granite emplacement (also noted by Flett, 1903; Mit- ropoulos, 1984). At the contact at The Avarack (Fig. 9D), where was deposited onto cooled basalt with an extinct hydrothermal system, no alteration is seen and the contact is of very different character. The (meta-)basalts and dolerites display gradational contacts with cordierite-anthophyllite rocks (described sepa- rately next), strongly suggesting they are the protolith for such later-developed assemblages. Similarly, these basalts (and/or associated gab- bros) are very probably the parent rock for banded hornblende-plagioclase hornfelses, described by Tilley (1935, p. 186) as “charac- teristic contact rocks,” which crop out closer to the granite contact. Both the hornblende- Figure 6. Schematic vertical section of lithologies mapped, displaying crosscutting fi eld plagioclase and cordierite-anthophyllite horn- relations. Please use this diagram as a key to the maps included throughout the paper. *— felses contain early-formed ilmenite trains, Turner et al. (1979); †—abbreviation by Goode and Taylor (1988); §—granite classifi cation suggesting that both lithologies may share of Exley et al. (1983). similar metamorphic histories.

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Cove, Porth Ledden, and Portheras Cove (Figs. 7 and 15). The typical facies present is a buff- pink, medium to coarse grained, two-mica granite characterized by large, often-aligned euhedral orthoclase megacrystic (e.g., Vernon, 1986; Vernon and Paterson, 2008), which also contains minor tourmaline, cordierite, apatite, zircon and (Mül- ler et al., 2006)—an Exley et al. (1983) Type-B granite. Splays of black tourmaline needles are especially abundant along marginal zones of the granite, including sills and dykes. In all instances, the fabric of the aureole rocks

(D1 to D3) is cleanly truncated by the contact with the Land’s End granite and radiating aplite dykes (Figs. 16 and 18). At several localities

such as Carn Veslan (Fig. 17), intense D3 chev- ron folding is clearly crosscut by granite intru- sions (Fig. 18A), and the deformation is there- fore shown to predate granite emplacement. At Portheras Cove (Fig. 15B) and Great Zawn (Fig. 18), the granite-aureole contact is unfaulted and forms a stepped profi le reveal- ing sheetlike granite geometries. Granites often display both horizontal jointing, which

is aligned with the S1 fabric of the adjoining hornfelses, and vertical jointing, which runs parallel to the steps in the contact, suggesting the granite was in part accommodated by the stoping of roughly cuboid blocks of country rock that broke off along and perpendicular to the S plane of weakness. Sills and dykes Figure 7. Geological map of Cape Cornwall taken from . See for key to litholo- 1 Plate 1 Fig. 6 extending from the leading edge of the gran- gies. Locations of photographs in other fi gures are marked in green. MHW and MLW indi- ite sheets, as seen at Portheras Cove, Great cate the mean high and low water marks, respectively, and the intertidal zone is shaded in Zawn, and Megiliggar Rocks (see section on a paler color. The limit of exposure is indicated with the white line. the Tregonning granite) can therefore be con- sidered precursors for pluton growth. Granite

dykes also crosscut D3-deformed quartz-veined

Cordierite-Anthophyllite hornfelses. Fol- ation, concordant with the surrounding S1 fab- metapelites at several localities between Porth lowing Tilley and Flett (1929), a band of ric, which is defi ned by aligned trains of biotite Ledden and Portheras Cove (Fig. 16E). Wide, cordierite-anthophyllite facies rocks from and ilmenite. At Tater-du (Fig. 14), cordierite- heavily tourmalinized quartz veins have often Kenidjack Castle to The Crowns, Botallack has cummingtonite assemblages were observed. developed along vertical joints in the granite been remapped (Figs. 11 and 12). These rocks Calc-silicate rocks. Calc-silicate assem- that have likely arisen through late-stage fl uid are derived from metamorphosed basalts with blages mapped on the St. Just aureole include migration. Prime examples of stoped blocks which they share a gradational contact. They are a sheeted garnet--sphene-chlorite- can be found at Porth Ledden (Fig. 15A), best displayed at the quarries at Kenidjack Cliff vesuvianite skarn at The Crowns, a garnet- where a number of small hornfels and at the small promontory between De Narrow apatite skarn at Carn Vellan, and a massive and a large hornfels block (> 10 m long ) bor- Zawn and Zawn a Bal. At these localities, the hornblende- -sphene-axinite(-pyrite) der the pluton margin. cordierite forms large (typically 1 cm but up to skarn on Trewellard South Cliff. Similar to At Porthmeor Cove are two small granite 8 cm) spherical poikiloblasts that have weath- the cordierite-anthophyllite rocks, these calc- cupolas whose emplacement has been indepen- ered out from the matrix, forming the charac- silicate skarn deposits occur discordantly within dent of the main Land’s End granite (Figs. 17 teristic nodular texture termed “ball-rock” by metabasalts and associated assemblages and and 19); see Appendix 1 for details. Tilley (1935) (Fig. 13A). In more marginal were suggested by Alderton and Jackson (1978) localities, such as above Wheal Edward Zawn to have formed by metasomatic introduction of Structure of the St. Just Aureole (Fig. 11B, sample 12D; Fig. 12B, sample 12L), basalt-sourced Ca by granite-derived fl uids dur- It can be concluded that the structure of the the rock has a banded appearance comprising ing late stages of emplacement. aureole rocks is broadly consistent over the

blue-gray cordierite-rich and brown-gray antho- region mapped. F3 folds dominate, with only a

phyllite-bearing horizons. More homogeneous Granite-Aureole Field Relations few recognized F1 structures. F2 folds were not varieties also exist at closer proximity to metab- The Land’s End granite and its contact rela- knowingly observed but have been described by

asalts. These hornfelses have a pronounced foli- tions with aureole rocks were studied at Priest’s Hughes et al. (2009). F3 fold axes are roughly

Geosphere, December 2012 1475

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Figure 8. Metapelites of the St. Just aureole. (A) Quartz-veined hornfels displaying F3 folds, north of Porth Ledden. (B) Typical spot-

ted hornfels showing abundant cordierite with altered (pinitised) rims. Barnacles (~3 mm) for scale. (C) Zigzag F3 fold at Priest’s

Cove, incorporating a thin metadolerite sill (Mb). Rucksack for scale. (D) Small F3 fold with prominent S3 axial-planar cleavage, Pendeen Watch.

parallel to the line of intersection of S1 and S3 Although the data show relatively poor correla- partly intruded as a sequence of parallel sills

planes. A dominant primary cleavage (S1) is tion, it can still be argued that the aureole shows with an upwards-stepping leading edge; and usually bedding-parallel as a consequence of signs of doming uplift around the margin of the (2) extensive simple shearing of the whole

isoclinal F1 folding; it is often intersected by a granite, which could have been caused by infl a- region by D3, manifested as the observed

strong secondary cleavage (S3), axial-planar to tive emplacement. Other studies (Alexander and downward-stepping of the ESE- verging F3

the F3 folds. It should be noted that F3 fold axis Shail, 1995, 1996) show that D3 structures have folds, has widened the angle between measured

azimuths at Cape Cornwall (~015°) progres- similar orientations to the east of the pluton. S1 and the actual original depositional surface

sively become more eastward-directed mov- Therefore, D3 deformation seems very unlikely (maximum strain ~70%). Cross-sections are ing northward to Pendeen Watch (to ~045°); to have been driven by a diapir-induced radial presented in Figure 21. this has been ascribed to post-folding rotation strain fi eld as would be expected if the Rattey across NW–SE strike-slip faults by Hughes et and Sanderson (1984) model of forceful diapiric Tregonning Granite Aureole al. (2009). intrusion were correct. The regional structure is revealed by compi- The of the contact between metaba- The entire Tregonning coastline was mapped

lation of S1 and S3 orientations (Fig. 20C), and sic and metapelitic rocks is roughly parallel to at 1:5000 (see Plate 1); however, there are can be generalized as a broad anticlinal struc- original bedding. However there is a discrep- only three regions where the aureole rocks are

ture with fold axis aligned roughly parallel to ancy between S1 (35° dip) and the average dip of exposed: east Praa Sands, Rinsey Cove, and the granite/aureole contact plane of the NW the contact plane (10°). This may be accounted Megiliggar Rocks. In all instances, the aureole pluton margin (with slight northward plunge). for by two factors: (1) that the basalt was comprises exclusively metapelites.

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Figure 9. Metabasalts and metabasalt–metapelite contact relations, St. Just aureole. (A) Typical pillow basalts, Kenidjack. (B) Thin basalt sill intruding deformed pink-gray alteration-zone metapelites at the metabasalt–metapelite contact east of Wheal Edward Zawn. (C) Basalt-altered pink-gray metapelite containing large euhedral , Kenidjack Cliff (see Fig. 10). (D) Metapelites atop meta- basalt with no alteration zone, near The Avarack.

At Megiliggar Rocks (Figs. 22 and 23; pre- tion with the wave-cut platform, display mas- by episodes of basaltic resulting in viously described by Stone, 1975, 1992), sev- sive, homogeneous fabrics and angular jointing, intrusion of basic sills and extrusion of pillow

eral thick granite sheets intrude the metapelites, and are indistinguishable from the granites of basalts. were emplaced prior to D1 thinning away from the Tregonning granite the main plutons. This suggests it is plausible deformation and are likely associated with the with a dip of ~20° (Fig. 23A). The formation for the plutons to have formed from amalgama- basalts. Dolerite sills within the sedimentary is upthrown by a major fault to the west, and tion of granite sheets. Megiliggar Rocks may rocks (Figs. 8C, 9B, 14B), and likewise bod- so provides insight into granite–country-rock therefore represent an arrested stage of pluton ies of encapsulated within relations at depth. One major sheet branches, construction, exhibiting mechanisms of sill- the basalts, demonstrate that basalt horizons then remerges further east entrapping a slice intrusion and amalgamation, accommodated by are not laterally extensive. These fi eld rela- of hornfels, demonstrating mechanisms of isolation and stoping of the country-rock, plus tionships partially account for the discrepancy country-rock isolation and sill amalgamation. roof uplift. between the average basalt-metapelite contact

Stepped contacts in association with xenoliths angle and the S1 dip to which both were origi- demonstrate that a stoping mechanism operated DEPOSITION AND DEFORMATION OF nally orientated, assuming a stepped leading- within individual sheets (Fig. 23B); xenoliths THE MYLOR SLATE FORMATION edge of successive basalt sheets that have since

may result from failed bridge structures due to been sheared by D3. growth of adjacent en echelon intrusions. The Deep-marine sedimentation within the A hydrothermal system associated with interior of the sheets, best exposed on intersec- Devonian Gramscatho basin was punctuated this seafl oor volcanism has evidently caused

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hornfelses of Kenidjack have only once been re-analyzed (Chinner and Fox, 1974) since the original studies by Tilley and Flett (1929) and Tilley (1935). Five cordierite-anthophyllite rocks were collected from Kenidjack, St. Just aureole (samples 10A, 12D, 12L, 12X, and 17E; Fig. 24); three (10A, 12D, and 12L) of these were selected for thermobarometry in order to con- strain the emplacement depth of the adjacent Land’s End Granite.

Cordierite-Anthophyllite Hornfels Mineral Chemistry

Polished thin sections of the three samples were analyzed at the University of Oxford using a JEOL JSM-840A Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) fi tted with a Link ISIS energy-dispersive microprobe system (EDS) for quantitative analysis. Operating conditions were a 20.0 kV accelerating voltage, 5.00 nA beam current (with 2 µm beam diameter for spot analysis), 15 mm working distance, and a Figure 10. Photograph of Kenidjack Cliff showing the nature of the Metabasalt (Mb)— 100 second live counting time. Calibration was Metapelite (Mp) contact with the narrow alteration zone (Mpa). The transitional bound- by natural and synthetic standards, and a ZAF ary with cordierite-anthophyllite rocks (CAh) is marked approximately. Red dots correction procedure was applied. Spot analyses indicate sampling locations of two cordierite-anthophyllite rocks. Green dots indicate were always performed at >250 × magnifi cation locations of photographs in other fi gures. to ensure high-resolution control of beam loca- tion and minimal deviation from perpendicular beam incidence. Averaged microprobe analyses are presented in Table 2, and bulk compositions fl uid transport through surrounding sediments tey (1980) and Rattey and Sanderson (1984) that (mol% in NCKFMASHTO) are presented in

forming alteration zones characterized by soft, D3 was caused by granite emplacement. Neverthe- Table 3. pink cordierite-rich metasedimentary rocks and less, the structural data presented earlier indicate Orthoamphibole is present throughout (at extensive quartz-veining. This zone represents a broad anticlinal structure for hornfels overly- ~15 vol% abundance) as radiating sprays of a minor basalt aureole (strictly a metasomatic ing the granite roof, and we therefore acknowl- acicular (Figs. 13C and 13D), whose adinole) that has subsequently been overprinted edge that granite emplacement has caused host- compositions (Fig. 25) plot close to the antho-

by granite-related contact metamorphism and rock deformation, albeit overprinting D3, in the phyllite endmember (low Al; low Fe; low Na). incorporated into the main Land’s End aureole. form of regional (long-wavelength) uplift and Cordierites are large (~1 cm in 10A), spheri-

Widespread quartz veining present throughout doming (D4). cal, and extremely poikiloblastic containing the metasedimentary rocks may be related to biotite, plagioclase, quartz, and ilmenite, and this hydrothermal event, to granite emplace- THERMOBAROMETRY OF account for ~25 vol%. In 12X, cordierite is ment, or to regional metamorphism predating THE KENIDJACK CORDIERITE- pseudomorphed by bytownite. Fine-grained granite emplacement. Quartz veins are affected ANTHOPHYLLITE ROCKS biotite is present throughout but mainly con-

by D3 deformation and therefore cannot be fi ned to the matrix and has medium-high sourced from a granite intrusion that postdates Cordierite-orthoamphibole rocks, as previ- X(Mg) (~0.7 average) and fairly high Ti. The

F3 folding; a signifi cant portion likely originated ously mentioned, comprise an unusual meta- rest of the matrix comprises plagioclase and during early-Variscan regional metamorphism. morphic assemblage characterized by Ca-poor quartz. Plagioclase compositions vary widely

These extensive F3-defi ning quartz veins (plus and bulk compositions rich in between oligoclase and labradorite. Ilmen-

associated S3 axial-planar cleavage) are cleanly Fe+Mg+Al. Such assemblages may be derived ite trains are present through both cordierite truncated at all observed granite contacts, from either an igneous or sedimentary protolith poikiloblasts and the matrix and account for and there are no perceivable effects of granite and thus are often regarded simply as “allochem- around 3 vol% of the rock (Fig. 13B). Acces- emplacement on aureole fabrics at outcrop scale ical metamorphic products” (Vallance, 1967, sory include pyrite (fairly abundant in (e.g., Fig. 18A). p. 84). The classic cordierite-orthoamphibole 10A) and apatite.

It is concluded that D3 deformation predates gneisses (COGs) of the Orijärvi region, Fin- granite emplacement and must instead be caused land (Eskola, 1914), have in recent years been Ti-in-Biotite Geothermometry by post- convergence extension as summarized restudied in light of new analytical techniques by Shail and Leveridge (2009) and Hughes et al. (e.g., Schneiderman and Tracy, 1991; Smith et The biotite Ti-saturation geothermometer (2009). We therefore reject the hypotheses of Rat- al., 1992); however, the cordierite-anthophyllite of Henry et al. (2005) has been applied to

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Figure 11. (A) Photograph of Kenidjack Cliff taken from The Crowns overlaid with geological boundaries. (B) Geological map of Kenidjack taken from Plate 1. See Fig. 21 for cross-sections A and B; see Fig. 6 for key to lithologies. Locations of photographs in other fi gures are marked in green. MHW and MLW indicate the mean high and low water marks, respectively, and the intertidal zone is shaded in a paler color. The limit of exposure is indicated with the white line.

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Figure 12. (A) Photograph of Botallack Cliff taken from above Wheal Edward Zawn overlaid with geological boundaries. (B) Geo- logical map of Botallack taken from Plate 1. See Fig. 21 for cross-sections C and D; see Fig. 6 for key to lithologies. Locations of pho- tographs in other fi gures are marked in green. MHW and MLW indicate the mean high and low water marks, respectively, and the intertidal zone is shaded in a paler color. The limit of exposure is indicated with the white line.

1480 Geosphere, December 2012

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A B 0.5 mm anthanth

crdcrd ((+bt+qtz)+bt+qtz)

ilmilm btbt (+pl+qtz)(+pl+qtz)

0.5 mm 0.1 mm C bt+plbt+pl D ilmilm qtzqtz

aanthnth anthanth ccrdrd apap

btbt plpl (+qtz)(+qtz) ilmilm plpl btbt

Figure 13. Cordierite-anthophyllite hornfelses. (A) Photograph of outcrop at Kenidjack exhibiting large weathered-out cordierite

“knots” aligned to strong ilmenite-defi ned S1 foliation (250/41°NW). Length of visible hammer is ~9 cm. (B) Photomicrograph (PPL) of sample 10A (from same locality as A) sectioned through a large cordierite poikiloblast (left). (C) Photomicrograph (XPL) of sample 12L from South Botallack displaying large anthophyllite burst. (D) Back-scattered electron (BSE) image of sample 10A displaying antho- phyllite needles within bt+pl+qtz matrix.

all fi ve cordierite-anthophyllite hornfelses parison, the three analyzed metapelites yield allow geologically realistic modeling of and three metapelites (for comparison) and notably higher (arguably implausibly high?) cordierite-orthoamphibole rocks in large yielded temperature estimates as shown in temperature estimates of 680 ± 50 °C. chemical systems such as NCKFMASHTO Figure 26. It must be noted, however, that (Diener et al., 2008). the Henry et al. (2005) geothermometer Construction of THERMOCALC P-T Calculations were performed with THER- is calibrated for graphitic, peraluminous Pseudosections MOCALC 3.33 (tc333.exe; Powell and Hol- metapelites that contain ilmenite or and land, 1988, updated October 2009), using the have equilibrated at ~4–6 kbar, for which an We used the computer program THER- Holland and Powell (1998) internally consistent error of ± 24 °C is quoted. This pressure is MOCALC (Powell and Holland, 1988, thermodynamic data set (tc-ds55.txt) and the higher than calculated for the rocks in this 2008) to produce P-T pseudosections for NCKFMASHTO system a-X codings (tc-NCK- instance, nevertheless the geothermometer three cordierite-anthophyllite rocks in the FMASHTOi.txt) for garnet, biotite and silicate is still the most suitable available, and pro- NCKFMASHTO system, as presented in melt (White et al., 2007), chloritoid, cordierite, duces a useful (although poorly constrained) Figure 27. The recent compilation of activ- , staurolite and (Holland and Pow- temperature estimate of 615 ± ~50 °C of the ity composition (a-X) codings for cumming- ell, 1998), clino- and orthoamphibole (Diener et cordierite-anthophyllite hornfelses, comple- tonite-grunerite, anthophyllite, and gedrite al., 2007), clinopyroxene (Green et al., 2007), mentary to the P-T pseudosections. For com- (Dale et al., 2005; Diener et al., 2007) now orthopyroxene (White et al., 2002), chlorite

Geosphere, December 2012 1481

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Figure 14. Tater-du, south Land’s End Granite. (A) Photograph of Rosemondress Cliff overlain with geological boundaries. Locations of other photos are indicated in green. (B) Metapelite horizons (Mpa) within metabasalts (Mb). Pencil for scale. (C) Thin-section (XPL) of altered metapelite bearing sapphire (corundum; crn) and cordierite (crd) poikiloblasts. (D) Geological map of Tater-du taken from Plate 1. See Fig. 6 for key to lithologies. MHW and MLW indicate the mean high and low water marks, respectively, and the intertidal zone is shaded in a paler color. The limit of exposure is indicated with the white line.

1482 Geosphere, December 2012

Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/geosphere/article-pdf/8/6/1467/3346533/1467.pdf by guest on 25 September 2021 Land’s End and Tregonning granites Portheras Cove. Locations of photo- graphs shown in Figure 16 are indicated in green. 16 are graphs shown in Figure Figure 15. Panoramic photographs of the Land’s End granite–aureole contact of the St. Just aureole at (A) Porth Ledden, and (B) contact of the St. Just aureole End granite–aureole 15. Panoramic photographs of the Land’s Figure

Geosphere, December 2012 1483

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P o r t h L e d d e n

C D g r a n i t e P o r t h L e d d e n

qtzqtz cross-cutcross-cut byby granitegranite

quartzquartz qquartzuartz h o r n f e l s


h o r n f e l s

a p l i t e

p e g m a t i t e

g r a n i t e

Figure 16. Land’s End granite–aureole contact relations, St. Just aureole. See Figs. 7 and 15 for locations. (A) Contact at Porth Ledden between coarse megacrystic granite and spotted hornfels. (B) Wide, vertical granite dyke intruding hornfels alongside contact at Porth Ledden. (C) Granite sill intruding Porth Ledden foreshore near contact. (D) Close-up of contact at Porth Ledden. (E) Granite dyke crosscutting deformed quartz veins in hornfels, east of Wheal Edward Zawn. (F) Small isolated hornfels body sharing subhorizontal contact with aplite and pegmatite sheets at Portheras Cove.

1484 Geosphere, December 2012

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Figure 18. Field relations at Great Zawn. (A) F3 folded quartz veins cleanly and sharply crosscut by granite contact, suggesting D3 predated emplacement. (B) Stepped granite-hornfels roof contact, tilted to the northwest, displaying partially mineralized vertical and horizontal jointing, Carn Veslan. Hammer for scale (circled). (C) End profi le of granite body and radiating dyke swarm within metagab- bros, Great Zawn. (D) Heavily tourmalinized blocky xenolith within granite, Great Zawn. See fi gure 17 for locations of photographs.

(Holland et al., 1998), muscovite– paragonite compositional isopleths were calcu- its Fe+Mn+Mg content is within error of its (Coggon and Holland, 2002), plagioclase– lated and plotted. Ti content, suggesting a negligible content of K-feldspar (Holland and Powell, 2003), Fe3+. For the model calculations, therefore, the spinel–magnetite (White et al., 2002), and Fe 3+ additional O content of the bulk composition ilmenite– (White et al., 2000). Pseu- The effect of Fe3+ on phase equilibria and was set at the arbitrarily low value of 0.01. dosections were plotted using Drawpd 1.15 pseudosection construction has become a (dr115.exe, www.metamorph.geo.uni-mainz much-discussed topic now that large sys- Natural and Model Amphibole Compositions .de/thermocalc/documentation/drawpd/index tems incorporating ferric Fe, such as NCKF- Our strategy in comparing the natural to the .html). Bulk compositions in terms of NCKF- MASHTO, have been devised (Diener et al., calculated amphibole compositions is outlined MASHTO oxides, as input to THERMOCALC, 2008; Powell and Holland, 2008; Diener and in Appendix 2. 2+ 3+ are presented in Table 3. Powell, 2010). Fe O and Fe 2O3 cannot be The observed mineral assemblage distinguished by SEM-microprobe and so the Thermodynamic Basis for Pressure (Anth+Crd+Bt+Pl+Ilm+Qtz) occupies a large percentage of Fe as Fe3+ must be estimated. Sensitivity of Orthoamphibole Composition fi eld on each of the three calculated P-T pseu- In the analyzed samples, the oxide mineral dosections, spanning ~0–3 kbar and 500– assemblage can be used to indicate the likely The tschermak substitution governing 720 °C. In order to more precisely pinpoint the oxidation ratio. Ilmenite is the only Fe-bearing anthophyllite–gedrite relations (the y(anth) modeled rocks in this large P-T space, ortho- oxide, and in all analyses of fresh material, parameter) in a cordierite-orthoamphibole

1486 Geosphere, December 2012

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Figure 19. Field relations at Porthmeor Cove. (A) The Porthmeor Cupolas and associated dykes, as viewed across Porthmeor Cove. The location of photograph 20B is labeled in green. (B) The south cupola, with domed roof contact underlain by pegmatite sheets (red arrows). Note the angular profi le and the granite dyke, extending from the SE corner, which has crosscut and offset an older leucogranite dyke—evidence of fault-controlled host-rock uplift. The metapelite–metagabbro (Mp–Mg) contact is indicated.

rock can be expressed as 3Anth + 7Crd = plagioclase geothermometer. Combination dynamic properties of gedrite (entropy, volume, 7Ged + 17Qtz. This equilibrium is associated of both substitutions to sodicgedrite, and specifi c heat capacity) that are included in with a large volume change of about –10% as equivalent to the Ca-amphibole pargasite. Lin- the Holland and Powell (1998) DS5 data set are estimated from Mg end-member data (Hol- ear trends in natural orthoamphibole composi- described as “estimated.” The Na-amphibole land and Powell, 1998), assuming water is tions when these two substitutions are plotted end-members have been developed by analogy approximately conserved, and so the equilib- against each other (Schumacher, 2007) sug- with Ca-amphibole end-members (Diener et rium should have promise as a geobarometer. gest they are partially coupled. In the calcu- al., 2007), and constructed by summations from Anthophyllite–sodicanthophyllite relations lated diagrams (Fig. 27), both sets of isopleths anthophyllite, assuming similar mixing behav- are controlled by the edenite substitution (as have shallow P-T slopes. ior to that in Ca-amphiboles and then by fi tting monitored by the a(anth) parameter), such as The end-member data that underpin thermo- Darken’s Quadratic Formalism (DQF) adjust- in the equilibrium Anth + Ab = Na-Anth + dynamic modeling in this system are constrained ments where necessary to reproduce certain 4Qtz, a principle that forms the basis for the to differing extents. Anthophyllite properties are natural compositions (Powell, 1987; Will and Holland and Blundy (1994) hornblende- well constrained, but the fundamental thermo- Powell, 1992).

Geosphere, December 2012 1487

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Mixing parameters for the amphibole solid- Nevertheless, in the absence of precisely solution model were refi ned by Diener et al. measured thermodynamic properties for gedrite A (2007) and by Diener and Powell (2012) mainly and one or more of the sodic end-members, it from natural occurrences of coexisting amphi- does not yet appear possible to provide an abso- bole species with similar a(anth) and y(anth) lute calibration for a geobarometer based on Al- values to the Land’s End anthophyllites (Stout, and Na-saturated orthoamphibole compositions. 1972; Clark, 1978; Spear, 1980, 1982; Miyake, We therefore rely on the existing Holland and 1984; Schneiderman and Tracy, 1991; Frimmel, Powell (1998) end member data and the refi ned 1996), and successfully reproduce the relevant activity models of Diener and Powell (2012) to miscibility gaps. This mixing model affects the constrain pressure in the aureole. distribution of compositional isopleths, espe- cially in the neighborhood of miscibility gaps, P-T Estimates for the Land’s End aureole but should have only a second-order effect on the overall sensitivity to pressure, which rests The Na and Al contents of the Kenidjack on the molar volumes of amphibole end-mem- anthophyllite compositions offer a number of bers. It is known from earlier studies that cell criteria for comparison with the P-dependent B parameters and molar volumes are smaller for model isopleths in Figure 27. As outlined in gedrites and sodicgedrites than for members Appendix 2, the total Na (ed = Na) and tscher- of the anthophyllite-ferroanthophyllite series mak Al (tsch = ½(Al-Na)) provide maximum (Deer et al., 1997). Therefore, a sensitivity to limits for the calculated parameters a(anth) pressure may be predicted using this calibration. and y(anth), and so should place maximum Moreover, an assemblage in which orthoamphi- limits on pressure (see Table 4). Alternatively, bole coexists with cordierite, quartz, and sodic one can match the observed and calculated val- plagioclase should, on the basis of the equilib- ues of total Na, total Al, and tsch (see Appen- given above, saturate the orthoamphibole in dix 2). These values are not so readily con- both gedrite and sodicgedrite components. toured from the output of model calculations, but are listed for the 615 °C isotherm in Table Model Predictions 4, and indicated on the summary diagram Fig. 27E. In practice, because of the relatively high Application of the updated Holland and Pow- Na, low Al character of Kenidjack anthophyl- ell data set (DS5.5) together with the orthoam- lites, the limits imposed by Al content fall at C phibole solution model of Diener et al. (2007, lower pressure than those from Na, and in 2008) and Diener and Powell (2012) shows some cases lie at negative pressure. It is never- encouraging trends. Firstly, the calculated theless clear that the Land’s End assemblages changes in modal proportions with pressure equilibrated at very low pressure, and that the along an isotherm approximate to Crd + Pl = mean of the Na- and Al-based indicators is in Oam + Qtz (actually 1Crd + 0.59Pl = 0.51Oam the region of 1.5 kbar. The uncertainty on the + 4.45Qtz between 1 and 5 kbar at 620 °C), pressure of calculated isopleths, derived from with the amphibole evidently increasing in Na the uncertainties of the end member thermo- and Al. Secondly, the calculated amphibole dynamic data, is around 1 kbar in the tempera- compositions quite closely follow the trend of ture range of interest. natural anthophyllite-gedrite amphiboles in the We therefore propose that the most likely compilation by Schumacher (2007), although depth of emplacement for the granite adja- the anthophyllites of this study lie a little to the cent to the modeled cordierite-anthophyllite high-Na, low-Al side of this array. rocks is between 5 and 6 km, corresponding to a pressure of 1.5 kbar at a likely density of D < 2800 kg m-3 for the upper crust, although this Figure 20. Stereonets (equal-area lower- depth carries a rather large uncertainty. This is

hemisphere projections) of (A) S1 cleav- the fi rst P-T estimate of a Cornubian granite

age planes, St. Just aureole; (B) S3 cleav- aureole to employ modern thermobarometry in

age planes, St. Just aureole; (C) Poles to S1 a “geologically realistic chemical system” (Die-

(black squares) and S3 (red squares) with ner et al., 2007, p. 644). π-girdle (dotted great circle) and pole to π-girdle (pink dot) describing regional fold- PETROGENESIS OF

axis orientation; (D) F3 fold axes of the St. THE KENIDJACK CORDIERITE- Just aureole (orange squares) and Great ANTHOPHYLLITE ROCKS Zawn (green crosses), oriented parallel to the π-girdle pole (pink dot; 19° plunge, The mechanisms behind cordierite-

014°N azimuth), the average S1–S3 cleavage- orthoamphibole mineral assemblage develop- intersection lineation. ment, which notably may arise from a number

1488 Geosphere, December 2012

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100 Carn Vellan Mpa Cs Hp LE 50 Mp G Stamps-an-Jowl Zawn MbP

m 0

natural arch -50 E E′

W E Mpa 100 Botallack Mp Mg ? No outcrop found (from Goode Mp 50 Hp P et al. 1984) LE Mb CAh ? G Mb ?

m 0

-50 D D′

WNW Mpa ESE Mp 100 CAh 50 Mp GLE Wheal Edward Zawn Mb m 0

-50 C C′


100 Kenidjack Cliff Mb

CAh Valley Kenidjack 50 Mp GLE

m 0

-50 B B′


100 Kenidjack Castle a CAh Mp 50 Mb

P Valley Kenidjack Mb GLE Mp m 0

-50 A A′ m 0 50 100 150 200 250 Figure 21. Cross-sections of the St. Just aureole drawn roughly perpendicular to the granite contact, from south (A–A′) to north (E–E′). Dotted lines indicate contacts are inferred. See Plate 1 for locations; see Fig. 6 for key to lithologies. The sea is shown in pale blue.

Geosphere, December 2012 1489

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5° 20' 30'' W

30 G Mp Tremearne Cliff

MHW MLW GT LIMIT OF EXPOSURE H’’ 50° 5' 30'' N Legereath Zawn Trequean Zawn GT Mp GT

Megiliggar Rocks m 0 50 100 150 200 Tremearne Par

Figure 22. Geological map of Megiliggar Rocks taken from Plate 1. See Fig. 6 for key to lithologies; see Fig. 23 for cross-section H–H′–H″. MHW and MLW indicate the mean high and low water marks, respectively, and the intertidal zone is shaded in a paler color. The limit of exposure is indicated with the white line.

of different protoliths, are contentious (e.g., deprotonation substitutions in the amphibole. suggesting that granite intrusion has exploited Robinson et al., 1982; Schumacher, 2007; Die- The above evidence supports the theory of brittle fractures in the host-rock; (2) sheetlike ner et al., 2008). There have been three main Vallance (1967) and Chinner and Fox (1974) granite geometries can be inferred from stepped proposed formation methods to account for the of formation from previously hydrothermally granite-hornfels contact relations and sills low Ca+Na, high Mg+Al+Fe+K bulk compo- altered basalt by isochemical thermal meta- extending from the pluton’s leading edge; (3) no

sition: (1) Mg and Fe enrichment of volcanics morphism. We conclude that the Kenidjack evidence exists to suggest D3 deformation repre- by metasomatism (Eskola, 1914; Tilley, 1935); cordierite-anthophyllite rocks formed at very sents a cylindrical diapir-induced -zone as

(2) Ca and Na depletion of metasediments and low pressure (1.5 ± 1.0 kbar) and moderately F3 fold vergence in the host rocks is typically to metavolcanics by extraction of granitic melt high temperature (615 ± 50 °C). This result the SE throughout the region rather than being (Grant, 1968); and (3) either pre-metamorphic is similar to that calculated for the cordierite- directed radially outwards from the pluton; and enrichment in Mg and Al by diagenesis of cummingtonite rocks of the Stillwater gabbroic lastly (4) aureole thermobarometry indicates the sediments or evaporites (e.g., Reinhardt, 1987), complex, Montana (~2 kbar, ~600 °C, Labotka Land’s End Granite was emplaced at a shallow alteration of basalts (e.g., Vallance, 1967; and Kath, 2001), and not too dissimilar from crustal level (5–6 km depth). Chinner and Fox, 1974; Moore and , the cordierite-cummingtonite rocks of the These insights tie in with many of the argu- 1990; Peck and Smith, 2005), or hydrothermal Brick District, Colorado (~3 kbar, 550 ± ments that have questioned the viability of alteration in the presence of sulphides (e.g., 70 °C, Earley and Stout, 1991), the cordierite- granite diapirs, namely: (1) the inherent “space Roberts et al., 2003). anthophyllite-cummingtonite rocks of the Lar problem” of forcefully intruding large volumes The cordierite-anthophyllite hornfelses at Deposit, Manitoba (3–4 kbar, 550–700 °C, of melt into the solid crust (e.g., Pitcher, 1979); Kenidjack occur exclusively within the (meta-) Elliott-Meadows et al., 2000), and the clas- (2) dubious or nonexistent fi eld evidence for basalts with which they share gradational sic COGs of Orijärvi, Finland (~3 kbar, 550– expected wall-rock features, such as a cylindri- contacts and grade from homogeneous (17E) 600 °C, Schneiderman and Tracy, 1991), all cal , pluton-up kinematic indicators, to banded (12D,12L) to poikiloblastic (10A) calculated using conventional thermobarome- rim-synclines, and evidence for diapir “tails” textures toward their interior. Formation from try. Notably, however, the Al content of antho- (Clemens, 1998; Cruden, 1998; Petford et al., basalt thus seems the only plausible origin. phyllite coexisting with cordierite in these last 2000); and (3) the tabular shape of many gran- Anthophyllites are Al-poor and therefore close two studies is greater than at Kenidjack, lend- itoid bodies that have been shown to comprise to “pure” end-member composition. Parallel ing further support to the low calculated pres- sill-like structures (McCaffrey and Petford,

S1-aligned trains of ilmenite occur throughout sure in the Land’s End aureole. 1997; Cruden, 1998), both identifi ed in the fi eld all samples (Fig. 13B), consistently at ~3 vol% (e.g., Michel et al., 2008; Horsman et al., 2009; abundance. They are seemingly the fi rst prod- DISCUSSION Rocchi et al., 2010) and by newer geophysical uct of metamorphism and occur throughout the interpretations (e.g., Vigneresse 1990; Evans et cordierite-anthophyllite as well as the horn- The deformation and metamorphism of the al., 1993; Taylor, 2007). blende-plagioclase hornfelses. It can therefore Land’s End and Tregonning aureoles and fi eld Furthermore, several additional arguments be assumed that both assemblages share a com- relations along the granite-aureole contacts (see against granitic diapirs are also supported by mon origin, with the hornblende-hornfelses Fig. 28) demonstrate that: (1) the plutons are features of the Land’s End granite, albeit in a representing (as suggested by Tilley, 1935) not associated with any observable small-scale less direct way. Firstly, the shallow emplace- 3+ the more typical contact facies. An X(Fe ) of wall-rock deformation, with F3 folds cleanly ment of the granite demonstrated here would <10% is also suffi cient to account for possible truncated by sharp, planar granite contacts have occurred well into the brittle regime. It

1490 Geosphere, December 2012

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Geosphere, December 2012 1491

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ilmenite is in ~3% abundance throughout anth+ bt+pl+qtz anth crd+ged+chl+bi crd+ crd+anth+bt pl (Ca) qtz+bt +pl+qtz+bt +anth +bt anth+bt +pl+qtz crd+ qtz+bt bt anth crd+qtz+bt anth+bt+pl +qtz bt anth+bt+pl

10A 12D 12L 12X 17E

Figure 24. Whole-slide photomicrographs (PPL) of the orthoamphibole-bearing hornfelses accompanied by sketches (below) outlin- ing generalized mineral domains. (A) 10A: Poikiloblastic cordierites developed around pronounced ilmenite trains; (B) 12D: Section through two cordierite- and anthophyllite- rich bands. (C) 12L: Development of large anthophyllite bursts within cordierite. (D) 12X: Section through part of huge calcic plagioclase (left) and matrix (right). No cordierite is present. (E) 17E: Gedrite is pres- ent throughout the section, cut by a late anthophyllite . Each section is reproduced at the same scale (~40 mm high).

has been argued that heat output required of examples of stoped blocks may arguably be granites. The clearest example is at Megiliggar an ascending diapir to soften and deform the only late-stage phenomena. Alternatively, stop- Rocks where several major subhorizontal gran- wall rocks would be too great to allow ascent to ing may well have been a very signifi cant pro- ite sheets extend from the pluton margin and such high structural levels, and that any diapir cess and operated throughout pluton assembly, intrude the host-rock (Fig. 22, 23), demonstrat- would have suffered thermal death in the earlier as argued by Žák et al. (2006) in the instance of ing the processes of sill intrusion and amalga- stages of ascent (e.g., Mahon et al., 1988). Also, the Central Bohemian Pluton, Czech Republic. mation, as well as host-rock stoping and uplift. it may be argued that the textural and chemi- Although a diapiric emplacement mechanism Furthermore, the granite cupolas at Porthmeor cal heterogeneity of the Cornubian granites, for the plutons of the Cornubian Batholith would Cove (Fig. 19) demonstrate that dyking is intrin- as demonstrated by the close associations of seem unlikely, examples of centimeter-scale dia- sically related to their emplacement. fi ne-grained- and (megacrystic) coarse-grained piric structures, present within or between gran- The majority of authors now consider dykes granites as well as chemically different Li-mica ite sheets, have been identifi ed in Cornwall (e.g., to be the most viable mechanism for verti- and tourmaline granites, would not have been Treen Cliff, south Land’s End granite; Powell et cal transport of in the mid to attainable after the degree of convective over- al., 1999) although they appear to be secondary upper crust (Lister and Kerr, 1991; Clemens turning necessary to facilitate diapiric ascent processes that do not contribute widely to pluton and Mawer, 1992; Petford et al., 1993; Petford, (Clemens, 1998). growth or host-rock deformation. Some authors 1996), with granite emplacement occurring by Plentiful evidence exists for stoping around have defended the role of such small-scale dia- transition to horizontal fl ow and subsequent the margins of the Land’s End and Tregonning pirs that operate in the visco-elastic regime (e.g., injection, amalgamation and infl ation of sills. granites, although its overall contribution to Miller and Paterson, 1999). Dykes are thought to propagate by elastic frac- accommodation remains unknown. Some have As an alternative to a diapiric mechanism, turing of the country rock, but with a critical voiced doubts over stoping as a volumetrically there is clear evidence to suggest that networks width that must be surpassed in order for the signifi cant pluton accommodation process of dykes facilitated the vertical transport and dyke to avert freezing and be self-propagating (Glazner and Bartley, 2006) and the observed emplacement of the Land’s End and Tregonning (Clemens and Mawer, 1992). This critical

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width, as it increases with magma viscosity, has been suggested to vary from 2 to 7 m for gran- ites of the American Cordillera, to ~20 m for the more Himalayan leucogranites (Petford et al., 1993), a feature that explains the rarity of felsic dyke swarms in comparison to their (ultra-)mafi c equivalents. Also, it is thought that only a limited number of felsic dykes can be sustained by a typical magma fl ux, and there- fore may co-exist with other melt ascent mecha- nisms (Weinberg, 1999). During melt formation by crustal anatexis in thickened mountain belts, for example, transport is likely exclusively by pervasive fl ow within , as dyking is not possible in hot, ductile crust (Collins and Sawyer, 1996; Brown and Solar, 1999; Wein- berg, 1999). Pervasive fl ow may also continue to operate at higher crustal levels by buoyant percolation through planes of weaknesses such as faults, fractures and shear zones, with fl ow ed. Analyses performed by a JEOL JSM-840A SEM with Link ISIS EDS by Analyses performed ed. aided by ongoing tectonic deformation (Brown, 1994) until dyking becomes prevalent. In suf- fi ciently ductile crust, pervasive fl ow has been interpreted to emplace entire plutons (e.g., Pan- gong Injection Complex, Indian Karakoram; Weinberg and Searle, 1998). However, the exposed portions of the Land’s End and Tregon- ning granites were emplaced at shallow levels of the crust (5–6 km depth), well into the brittle regime, such that emplacement aided by perva- sive fl ow seems unlikely; however, pervasive fl ow may have operated at depth during vertical transport of melt from the lower-crustal/upper- mantle source region.

Shallow Laccolithic Emplacement of the Land’s End and Tregonning Granites

The evidence presented above indicates that the Land’s End and Tregonning granites were likely assembled incrementally by intrusion of crosscutting sills and dykes into the host rock that fed granite sheets. This conclusion is in agreement with several recent studies on Cornubian granite emplacement (Salmon and Powell, 1998; Powell et al., 1999; Kratinová et al., 2003, 2010; Bouchez et al., 2006; Tay- 10A 12D 12L 10A 12Dlor, 2007; Hughes et al., 2009). Emplacement 12L by this method would account for the isola- tion and stoping of blocky hornfels xenoliths TABLE 2. SEM-MICROPROBE ANALYSES OF 3 CORDIERITE-ANTHOPHYLLITE HORNFELSES FROM KENIDJACK, LAND’S END AUREOLE KENIDJACK, OF 3 CORDIERITE-ANTHOPHYLLITE HORNFELSES FROM ANALYSES SEM-MICROPROBE 2. TABLE located close to the granite margins and would facilitate entire granite sheets to be successively emplaced nondiapirically at pluton scale. Such a process is best illustrated at Megiliggar Rocks,

0.05 0.10 1.64 0.02 53.10 0.04 0.12 1.46 0.05 54.08 0.06 0.13where 1.43 the 0.05 emplacement 54.55 0.15 is effectively frozen in crd anth bt pl ilm qtz crd anth bt pl ilm qtz crd anth bt pl ilm chl qtz 49.72 55.5434.63 38.55 1.20 60.19 16.57 0.86 25.84 100 0.49 48.96 54.73 38.66 33.91 62.46 1.86 0.89 15.60 100 24.78 49.86 0.64 56.48 39.73 58.86 34.66 0.78 1.54 29.53action. 16.08 100 27.06 However, 0.58 21.79 this simple model is insuffi - cient to explain (1) the regional-scale doming

Only phases considered by and input to THERMOCALC are listed (minor accessory phases are ignored); quartzTHERMOCALC are listed (minor accessory has not been analys phases are ignored); and input to Only phases considered by of the St. Just aureole identifi ed by compilation ) 24.1 14.0 21.5 17.1 3.2 19.4 31.0 16.4 18.2 18.9 2.9 12.5 24.2 21.8 18.6 14.0 3.1 1.7 16.0 † 3 2 2 O 0.50 0.33 0.41 6.86 0.00 0.49 0.41 0.31of 7.77 structural 0.12 data (Fig. 0.68 20), 0.43 and 0.53 (2) 6.87the tilting 0.00 0.44 2 O volume% abundances are careful estimates. abundances volume% O 0.01 0.02 7.93 0.05 0.06 0.00 0.02 8.49 0.05 0.08 0.01 0.00 8.27 0.03 0.03 0.02 2 † Note: *p.f.u. = per formula unit, based on the number of oxygen anions given in brackets. anions given unit, based on the number of oxygen = per formula *p.f.u. 2 Wt%SiO crd anth bt pl ilm qtz crd anth bt pl ilm qtz crd anth bt pl ilm chl qtz Al Cations p.f.u.* SiTiAlFeMnMg 4.918Ca 0.004 7.935Na 4.037 0.510K 0.010 0.002 5.630 0.202(O) 2.750 1.538 0.180Abundance 2.655 0.008 0.002 2.853(vol% 0.001 3.965 1.838 0.097 0.021 0.000 1.342 0.029 1.00 0.985 0.002 18 0.012 3.434 0.091 0.000 0.014 0.006 0.947 0.005 0.023 0.115 4.928 0.003 23 0.347 0.015 1.478 0.586 7.842 0.001 0.003 0.003 0.000 5.709 22 4.023 0.013 0.456 0.002 2.728 0.003 0.314 0.162 2.552 1.594 0.022 8 0.021 2.717 0.003 1.00 0.002 1.632 4.150 0.095 1.276 0.000 0.036 0.992 0.012 3.693 0.000 3 0.114 4.923 0.018 0.000 0.015 0.911 0.027 0.004 0.089 0.015 7.879 0.258 2 0.010 1.597 0.658 5.695 0.004 0.004 0.003 0.006 4.033 2.588 18 0.014 0.399 0.003 0.006 0.254 0.017 2.417 0.154 1.623 23 0.040 2.712 2.800 0.004 0.002 1.00 1.465 4.271 0.130 0.005 1.402 0.048 22 0.891 0.014 0.002 3.920 0.117 0.000 0.014 0.016 0.011 0.809 0.029 0.000 0.149 2.436 0.011 8 0.380 1.230 0.015 1.509 0.586 0.007 0.002 3.438 0.002 0.000 3 0.007 0.001 0.081 2 0.003 18 23 22 8 3 14 2 K TiO FeOMnOMgOCaONa 0.02 0.02 10.44 0.19 0.02 0.07 18.62 0.04 0.19 15.74 0.00 7.36 0.34 0.00 0.04 0.02 0.40 7.36 0.17 0.02 0.03 10.62 0.04 19.43 0.24 0.17 0.03 16.76 0.09 0.24 0.00 0.41 5.52 0.01 0.09 0.29 0.15 0.73 5.52 0.15 11.03 0.03 20.54 0.07 0.32 18.34 0.03 0.34 0.10 0.44 0.32 0.04 8.08 0.46 0.00 0.10 24.32 0.09 8.08 0.61 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.07 system at the University of Oxford, UK. of Oxford, system at the University of originally horizontal S1 structures to the NW.

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SiO2 59.918 58.024 57.755

Al2O3 9.709 10.771 9.063 CaO 1.368 1.199 1.320 MgO 13.769 15.487 17.387 FeO 9.687 9.182 9.660

K2O 1.634 1.385 1.383

Na2O 1.316 1.637 1.035 Figure 25. Amphibole compositions plotted in edenite-tschermakite space (projected TiO2 2.587 2.302 2.387 O 0.011 0.011 0.011 along the glaucophane vector, gl = Na + Li; diagram modifi ed from Schumacher, 2007). Blue lines divide the space into compositional fi elds for the four endmembers based on nomenclature of Leake et al. (1997). Dashed lines show aluminum isopleths (TAl). The analyses plot very close to the “pure” anthophyllite endmember due to low Al content. Amphiboles in 17E are split between anthophyllites contained in late veins and gedrites in the main bulk of the rock. Many of these gedrite analyses plot outside of the theoreti- cal composition space and may therefore be altered. Anthophyllites of 12X are partly altered to +talc and so plot further toward the gedrite endmember.

0.6 Temperature (°C)



0.4 Figure 26. Temperature estimates of the cordierite-anthophyllite hornfelses and three metapelites (for comparison) using 0.3 the Ti- in-biotite geothermometer of Henry et al. (2005). X(Mg) = Mg/(Mg+Fe).

Ti per 22 O per Ti 600 Average temperature estimates for the cordierite-anthophyllite hornfelses are as 0.2 follows: 10A—615 °C; 12D—613 °C; 12L— 616 °C; 12X—601 °C; 17E—460 °C. Error 500 is estimated at ± ~50 °C. Metapelites 10G, 20Q, and 21K are from Kenidjack Cliff, 400 Portheras Cove, and Wheal Edward 0.1 Zawn, respectively.

0 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8


10A 12D 12L 12X 17E 10G 20Q 21K Cordierite-anthophyllite hornfelses Metapelites

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Figure 27 (Continued on following page). THERMOCALC P-T pseudosections for (A) 10A, (B) 12D, and (C) 12L in NCK- FMASHTO. Darker shades indicate higher variances. Key for all small num- bered fi elds is given in (D). The target fi eld (anth+cd+bt+pl+ilm+qtz) is contoured with a(anth) isopleths (dashed white lines) and y(anth) isopleths (dotted white lines). The y(anth) isopleths representing the suprasol- vus extension of the anthophyllite-gedrite transition is marked by a black dashed line. The a(anth) isopleths relating to the measured value of the rock is indicated as a thick solid white line, labeled “P,” and

marks the pressure estimate (offset by PMAX σ and PMIN error bounds at a distance of 1 ). The thick vertical solid white line labeled “T” marks the temperature estimate calcu- lated by the Henry et al. (2005) Ti-in-biotite

geothermometer (offset by TMAX and TMIN error bounds). The P-T estimate for each rock is therefore indicated by the P and T lines intercept (green dot) with the error bounds shown by the green boundary line. (E) Comparison of valid P-T windows for 10A, 12D, and 12L. The region within the green border is common to all, and there- fore represents the fi nal P-T estimate based on utilization of a(anth) as a geobarometer. Note that lower pressures are indicated by all other approaches used (summarized in Table 4) and therefore this result represents a maxi- mum estimate for pressure of contact meta- morphism and granite emplacement depth.

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Figure 27 (Continued).

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TABLE 4. P-T ESTIMATES FOR 3 CORDIERITE-ANTHOPHYLLITE HORNFELSES FROM KENIDJACK, vergence and subsequent latest Carboniferous– LAND’S END AUREOLE Early Permian end-Variscan extension (D1–D3). Pressure estimates by various geobarometers* Ti-in-Bt Temperature† Emplacement of the granites during continued Rock (kbar) (°C) § extension would partially answer the “space a(anth) Natotal y(anth) Altotal ½(Al−Na) average max. min. (= ed) (= tsch) problem” of granite accommodation, and indeed 10A 1.8 1.1 0.2 <0.2 <0.2 615 650 530 there is evidence to suggest that extensional 12D 2.4 1.9 1.5 0.6 0.4 613 675 500 structures exerted a strong control on granite 12L 3.2 2.7 1.0 0.4 0.2 616 680 470 emplacement (Shail and Wilkinson, 1994). *calculated for the 615°C isotherm (average Ti-in-Bt geothermometry result). Further support for the feasibility of shallow †using the Henry et al. (2005) geothermometer. §utilised on P-T pseudosections of Figure 27. tabular laccoliths is lent by post-1980s geo- physical interpretations. For example, Evans et al. (1993), after conducting a high-resolution seismic survey of the Lake District Batholith, Both features are likely attributed to country- and domed roof (cf. Pollard and Johnson, 1973; northern England, interpreted sub-horizontal rock uplift and doming by granite emplacement. Jackson and Pollard, 1988). Melt would have refl ectors as country-rock slivers or basalts It must be concluded that there is a regional ascended from its source, via feeder dykes or interspersed throughout a sheeted complex scale infl ative emplacement dynamic in addition by pervasive fl ow, until the drop-off in overbur- with a “cedar tree” profi le. Importantly for this to emplacement by sill propagation as observed den pressure favored the lateral intrusion of sills study, Taylor (2007) has recently re-interpreted at local scale. rather than the vertical intrusion of dykes (cf. several plutons of the Cornubian Batholith as It is therefore proposed that the Land’s End Hutton, 1997). Further intrusion and amalgama- shallow tabular bodies with geometries in accor- and Tregonning granites are laccolithic, with tion of the sheets, and migration of the pluton dance with the Cruden and McCaffrey (2001) infl ation of sheets manifested as a broad doming by stoping of country rock, would have then power-law relationship for laccolithic plutons. of the aureole. Successive intrusion and coales- occurred until country-rock uplift (due to sill Furthermore, rapid melt ascent through dykes cence of dyke-fed granite sheets seems to have infl ation) became the preferential accommoda- of up to 10 cm s-1 (104 to 108 times faster than formed a tabular intrusion (as shown by Taylor, tion mechanism (see Fig. 29). calculated for diapiric ascent; Clemens, 1998) 2007), typically with a large width:height ratio, Emplacement postdated faults, folds, and has been shown to allow laccolith assembly by to produce a laccolith geometry with a fl at base cleavages generated during both Variscan con- rapid emplacement of discrete magma pulses

Figure 28. A schematic cross-section summarizing all observed fi eld relations along the St. Just aureole of the Land’s End granite.

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chez et al., 2006; Taylor, 2007; Hughes et al., 2009) that a diapiric emplacement mechanism for the granites is unlikely, and instead there is evidence for shallow laccolithic emplacement of the plutons. The aureole protolith comprised pillow-basalts emplaced upon argillaceous ocean-fl oor sedi- ments that have both undergone partial alteration by a seafl oor hydrothermal system prior to con- tact metamorphism by the Land’s End granite. During contact metamorphism, some basalts are inferred to have formed cordierite-anthophyllite and hornblende- plagioclase assemblages. In contrast, calc- silicate hornfelses formed through granite- associated metasomatism. Field relations

show D3 deformation occurred prior to granite emplacement during end-Variscan NNW–SSE extension. On a small scale, granite emplace- ment has caused no discernible wall-rock defor-

mation, with pre-existing aureole fabrics (D1–D3) undeformed and cleanly truncated. However, on a regional scale, granite emplacement has caused a broad uplift and doming of the host-rocks. We propose that the Land’s End and Tregonning granites are laccolith-type bodies emplaced, at least at the current exposure level, by intrusion of dyke-fed sills, which caused at least partial stoping of country-rock blocks. Accommodation of the granite was partly achieved by slight roof Figure 29. The Land’s End laccolith: a semi-schematic cross-section. Granite at the uplift driven by laccolith infl ation. The “space present-day exposure level (green line) is drawn at 5.5 km palaeodepth as calculated problem” of granite accommodation is also par- by THERMOCALC thermobarometry (mean value) of adjacent aureole rocks. Dips tially solved by the granites’ likely emplacement of uppermost granite sheets are inferred from observed tilt of aureole S fabrics. 1 during continued end-Variscan extension. The laccolith has been drawn so its thickness (3 km) is consistent with other Cornu- THERMOCALC P-T pseudosections sug- bian granites calculated by Taylor (2007), and so that its aspect-ratio is in agreement gest the cordierite-anthophyllite hornfelses of with the Cruden and McCaffrey (2001) estimate for typical laccolith geometries. The Kenidjack reached peak contact metamorphism depth of the lowermost crust (27 km) was suggested by Bott et al. (1970). This pro- at 1.5 ± 1.0 kbar and 615 ± 50 °C, indicating a posed emplacement mechanism accounts for granite accommodates by regional-scale likely emplacement depth of 5–6 km for adja- roof uplift and by localized stoping; however, no ductile deformation is required at cent granites exposed near present-day sea- outcrop scale, thus D aureole structures (which predated granite emplacement) are 3 level. Furthermore, the roof of the granites, now cleanly truncated. eroded, would have been emplaced at even shal- lower depth. The Land’s End biotite granites are likely (cf. Glazner et al., 2004), as elucidated by distinct intrusions incrementally emplaced over dyke-fed by a common lower-crustal/upper- recent geochronological studies (e.g., Coleman a ~20 m.y. period (Chen et al., 1993; Chesley et mantle melt source, and the Tregonning et al., 2004; Michel et al., 2008; Cottam et al., al., 1993). lithium-mica granites were later generated by 2010; Howard et al., 2011), and by work on the Elvan dykes (quartz ) and an exposed metasomatism of the crustal residuum (or of plumbing of magma chambers within volcanic rhyolite at Beach () provide more basic granitoids) by exsolved systems (Lipman, 2007; Annen, 2009, 2011). limited evidence for associated acid volcanism from the same region (Stone, 1992). It would U-Pb dating of the Land’s End granite shows (e.g., Darbyshire and Shepherd, 1985; Floyd et seem likely that other plutons of the Cornu- that granite magmatism was indeed a protracted al., 1993). bian Batholith were similarly emplaced as event and caused the emplacement of at least dyke-fed shallow-crustal laccoliths, with dif- three distinct bodies of Exley et al. (1983) Type- CONCLUSIONS fering fractionation paths of segregated melts B granite—the 277 ± 2 Ma lobe and the during magma ascent accounting for the 274.5 ± 2 Ma St. Buryan lobe (Chen et al., 1993; Field relations observed during mapping chemical disparity observed between biotite Clark et al., 1993, 1994), joined by the poorly of the aureole rocks of the Land’s End and granites of different plutons. megacrystic “St. Just wedge” (Salmon and Tregonning granites (shown schematically in This shallow emplacement depth is consis- Shail, 1999). Geochronology of the wider Cor- Fig. 28) have supported the fi ndings of recent tent with the typical S-type granite, as is the nubian Batholith confi rms this feature is typical studies (Salmon and Powell, 1998; Powell et peraluminous composition; however, certain of all the plutons, with chemically and texturally al., 1999; Kratinová et al., 2003, 2010; Bou- aspects, such as the batholithic dimensions of

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Portheras Cove the Cornubian granite system and the mantle foreshore and truncate quartz veins (Figs. 16C, 16D). Porth Ledden exhibits several different granite facies, At Portheras Cove, the granite-hornfels contact melt-contribution, have more of an affi nity with including quartz-tourmaline (schorl) rock, interpreted is unfaulted and forms a stepped profi le in the cliff, I-type granites. We further suggest that while by Müller et al. (2006) as being emplaced as a succes- revealing sheetlike granite geometries. Along the fore- representing useful fi rst-order petrogenetic sion of sheets subparallel to the roof. shore, the contact is orientated roughly horizontal, and concepts, the two end-member I- and S-type Isoclinal folds observed north of Porth Ledden may several small remnant patches of hornfels overlying belong to the F1 group. The spotted hornfelses, espe- the sheet are exposed at low tide (Fig. 16F). Hornfels granite facies cannot be applied in this instance, cially on the Porth Ledden side, are characterized by just west of the contact is intruded by three ~0.5 m and that Cornish granites are a hybrid between thick S1-aligned D3-deformed quartz veins that make wide granite dykes, which possibly would have pre- typical I-type and typical S-type. The proposed the F3 folds visually prominent (Fig. 8A). Larger ceded the emplacement of further sheeted granites had shallow-crustal tabular intrusions concur with quartz vugs are also fairly common. emplacement continued. the most recent geophysical interpretations by Kenidjack Great Zawn Taylor (2007), and we hope our P-T estimates In the vicinity of Kenidjack Castle are exposures At Carn Veslan (Fig. 17), granite-truncated F3 can further quantify this proposal. of cordierite- and orthoamphibole-bearing hornfelses folds within a 10 × 8 m relict patch of hornfels pro-

associated with metabasalts and dolerites (see map in vides convincing evidence that D3 preceded granite APPENDIX 1: AREA-BY-AREA FIELD Figs. 11 and 12). A more comprehensive description emplacement (Fig. 18A). Further east, above Great OBSERVATIONS FOR THE LAND’S END is given in the main body of text. Also, we observed, Zawn itself, the stepped contact between the granite AND TREGONNING GRANITE AUREOLES contrary to Goode et al. (1984), that the metapelite- sheets and overlying metapelite is well exposed, in metabasite contact extends, above low-tide mark, this instance displaying a northwestern dip (Fig. 19B). In addition to the key fi eld observations described along the very base of Kenidjack Cliff and to the east Granites display both horizontal jointing, which is aligned with the S fabric of the adjoining hornfelses, in the main text, here is a more thorough area-by-area end of Wheal Edward Zawn (Fig. 10). 1 account of the aureole rocks of the Land’s End and and vertical jointing, which runs parallel to the steps in Tregonning granites. Pendeen Watch the contact, suggesting the granite was in part accom- Pendeen Watch, ~1 km from the Land’s End gran- modated by the stoping of roughly cuboid blocks of country rock that broke off along and perpendicular to The Land’s End Granite Aureole ite margin, comprises metapelites of lower grade than the S plane of weakness. Wide, heavily tourmalinized at Cape Cornwall. Cordierite spots are noticeably 1 quartz veins have developed along vertical joints in Starting at Priest’s Cove to the South of Cape Corn- smaller, however, the rock is still, in some places, well hornfelsed—the degree of hornfelsing varies, and the granite, which may have arisen through late-stage wall and working clockwise around the mapped sec- fl uid migration. tions of the Land’s End granite aureole… therefore seems to be controlled largely by lithologi- cal variation. Large-scale asymmetrical F folds are East of Great Zawn, the granite is emplaced 3 within an extremely hard, coarse-grained well exhibited; S3 cleavage is often well developed Priest’s Cove and is axial-planar (Fig. 8D), with crenulation rela- Cpx+Pl+Bt+Ms+Chl ± Ap ± Ilm meta-gabbro. This A mineralized subvertical faulted contact along tions with S displayed. gabbro dome is encircled by overlying metapelites Saveall’s Lode, Priest’s Cove, marks the southernmost 1 in map view so that its shape in cross-section can be extent of the St. Just aureole hornfelses. Granite is inferred. No evidence could be found for metagabbro fi ner-grained than at localities further north and locally Botallack at Carn Veslan Cliff as mapped by Goode et al. (1984). hosts abundant quartz, tourmaline, and hematite veins. At Botallack (Fig. 12), there is an isolated The most signifi cant feature at Great Zawn, which It is thought to be part of the St. Just Wedge (Salmon metapelite lens within metabasalts (300 × 100 m). appears to be undocumented in the literature, is the and Shail, 1999) and has been termed the Carn Gloose Its outer margin is altered, but it grades inwards contact relation between granite and metagabbro: Granite (Salmon and Shail, 1999; Müller et al., 2006). to a spotted hornfels similar to that mapped else- toward the narrow zawn beneath Carn Moyle (Fig. The fabric of the hornfelsed metapelites adjoining the where in the region. Mapping by Goode et al. 18C), the small, angular end-profi le of the granite fault is cleanly truncated with no evidence to suggest (1984) (British Geological Survey 1:50,000 geo- is underlain by and surrounded by metagabbro. The it postdates faulting. The metapelites are intruded by logical map, Penzance sheet) and Goode and Mer- straight, extremely clean planar contacts, which differ riman (1987) show both this feature in addition thin planar aplite dykes that crosscut F3 folds. from the intermingled contacts further west, almost The metapelites are heavily deformed and display to a second smaller body to its south, but no fi eld certainly faulted to accommodate the granite intrusion. evidence could be found for this second fea- tight F3 chevron folds (Fig. 8C). Growth of metamor- The structure of this granite intrusion differs from the phic minerals, and resultant hornfelsing of the sedi- ture; in its claimed location are large outcrops of two “satellite” granite cupolas on the other side of ment (a possible grain-size inversion; Hughes et al., hornblende-plagioclase hornfels. The metapelites Porthmeor Cove (described below) as it is connected 2009) appears to have been preferential along certain within this feature are, in general, even more fi ne- to the main Land’s End granite to the west. Neverthe- beds. A dominant primary cleavage (S ) is usually grained than elsewhere, and contain smaller cordi- less, it likely shares a very similar joint-controlled 1 erite spots. Features originating from original bed- bedding-parallel as a consequence of isoclinal F1 fold- passive emplacement mechanism. From this intrusion, ing; it is often intersected by a strong secondary cleav- ding are often better preserved, and later-developed several major granite dykes radiate to the northeast, cleavages (often which crenulate S ) are better age (S3), axial-planar to the F3 folds. Cordierite growth 1 and can be followed for 300 m toward the Porthmeor is aligned to S . Cleavage relationships are fairly con- displayed. Fold geometries and cleavage orienta- Cove Cupolas before reaching the sea. The granite in 3 tions are consistent with the rest of the coast. Clear sistent around Cape Cornwall (S1 ~210/30°NW; S3 this vicinity is especially tourmaline-rich, and a few ~010/20°E), and the line of intersection between these examples of minor dolerite sills are seen to the east small tabular xenoliths (quite possibly stoped blocks two cleavages is approximately parallel to the fold of Wheal Edward Zawn at the contact with underly- of country rock) bear an almost complete tourmaline ing metapelites (Fig. 9B). axes of associated F3 folds. and quartz replacement (Fig. 18D).

Porth Ledden Levant The Porthmeor Cupolas At Porth Ledden (Figs. 7 and 15), the contact At Carn Vellan, Levant, another isolated metapelite The Porthmeor Cupolas, described by Stone and between the roof of the granite and the overlying horn- body is present, although it is too small to contain Exley (1984) and mentioned by Reid and Flett (1907), fels, typically dipping at 30–40°, is well exposed (Fig. typical spotted hornfelses in its interior; all of the Hall and Jackson (1975), Floyd et al. (1993), and Mül- 16A). Along the granite margin, there are a number of metapelite has been subject to some degree of contact ler et al. (2006), are thought to be the only two exam- small hornfels xenoliths, as well as a large (15 × 8 m) alteration with the enveloping basalts. ples of “satellite” stocks in Southwest England (see dyke-bound hornfels block. Such inclusions of intact The metabasic rocks are predominately extrusive to Fig. 19). The dominant granite facies present in both country rock, at one time isolated by sill- and dyke- the north, in the Levant region, and many of the best- cupolas is the same as the main pluton (coarse-grained intrusions that exploited brittle host-rock fractures, displayed pillow lavas can be found here. Many basalts biotite granite; Type-B). The north cupola, emplaced demonstrate that stoping at least in part accounted for mapped as extrusive further south, such as those form- exclusively in metapelites, is exposed mainly in cliff- granite accommodation in such regions. A number of ing the natural arch at Stamps-an-Jowl Zawn, display section as a tall granite dome with sharp, angular con- large sills, which could be considered precursors for only the characteristic weathering pattern emanating tacts. A network of fi ne-grained aplite sills connects pluton growth, intrude hornfelses in the Porth Ledden from crisscrossing hydrothermal veins (Fig. 9A). it to the smaller but more accessible south cupola,

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which is intruded into both metapelites and metagab- faulted contact to the east, paralleled by a wide (1 m) total at 23, lowers the cation totals further, increasing bro. Both cupolas and associated sills and dykes granite dyke. Along the western contact, several small the proportion of Na assigned to M4 sites. However, cleanly crosscut all country-rock structures, dem- xenoliths are present; further afi eld, a larger xenolith is low cation totals cannot be attributed to systematic onstrating a non-forceful emplacement mechanism. underlain by pegmatite: both are evidence for stoping. underestimation of Si, since Si contents are close to 8 Dykes extend from the corners of the south cupola, cations p.f.u. and in many analyses give barely suffi - as if they once isolated a large block that has since Megiliggar Rocks cient tetrahedral Al to account for an edenite substitu- subsided into the underlying granite (Fig. 19B). The See main text and Figure 23 for description. tion for Na if this is assumed to be dominantly in the roof complex of the south cupola granite, developed A site. In contrast, factors that would cause an overall beneath a slightly domed roof contact, comprises a increase in the cation total, such as the presence of a banded leucogranite-pegmatite sequence. The only APPENDIX 2: METHODOLOGY FOR deprotonation (oxy-) substitution coupled to Fe3+ or Ti other signifi cant lithological variations are occasional DEVISING MODEL AMPHIBOLE FROM (cf. in hornblende: Deer et al., 1997, p. 276; Dyar et darker horizons rich in biotite. Dykes emanating from NATURAL COMPOSITIONS al., 1993), further decrease the estimated tetrahedral the granite display several crosscutting relations: in Al content of the natural amphiboles. The possibility one instance, a thick, coarse-grained granite dyke Amphiboles are defi ned by the general formula exists, therefore, of a systematic analytical bias affect- intruded outward from the eastern corner crosscuts ing the relative proportions of the major cations Mg, A1M42(M1+M3)3M22T8O22(OH)2 where T and M1 a fi ne grained leucogranite dyke, causing a 1.5 m to M4 denote tetrahedral and octahedral sites, respec- Fe, and Si. sinistral offset (Fig. 19B). This is evidence for an ear- tively. A-sites represent sites between the bases of In consequence, our strategy in comparing the lier dyking stage before emplacement of the cupola. tetrahedral chains that can remain vacant or accept natural to the calculated amphibole compositions is to Apart from slight roof doming, there is no evidence large cations. Two equilibria concerned with the Keni- use the Na and Al contents directly, without an explicit to suggest that either cupola was emplaced by force- djack orthoamphiboles are: (1) Edenite substitution, formula recalculation, and to maximize the estimated ful diapiric intrusion, and no perceivable country-rock _Si↔NaAl (where “_” denotes a site vacancy), which proportion of edenite by assuming all Na resides on deformation, apart from uplift of blocks along dyke- relates anthophyllite, Mg Si O (OH) , to sodicantho- the A site (i.e., ed = Na), and that of tschermakite by exploited joints, can be discerned. 7 8 22 2 assuming that all Al not accounted for by Na-edenite phyllite, NaMg7AlSi7O22(OH)2; and (2) Tschermak substitution, MgSi↔AlAl, which relates anthophyl- is accommodated by the tschermakite substitution (i.e., tsch = ½(Al – Na). Because both parameters Tater-du lite to gedrite, Mg5Al2Si6Al2O22(OH)2. Anthophyllite Tater-du is a small peninsula of isolated aureole (and gedrite) compositions can therefore be described increase with pressure in the model calculations, this rock on the southern margin of the Land’s End granite in terms of their edenite (ed) and tschermakite (tsch) should place a maximum pressure constraint on the (previously described by Floyd, 1965). The western coupled-substitution vectors, defi ned by Schumacher crustal level of equilibration in the aureole. end of Tater-du (Rosemondress Cliff; Fig. 14A) bears (2007) as tsch = TAl – ANa – AK – 2ACa, and ed = ANa an intricate relation of calc-silicate and amphibole- + AK + ACa, where superscripts “T” and “A” denote ACKNOWLEDGMENTS bearing lithologies atop a low-lying metapelite body. tetrahedral- and A-sites, respectively, and the ele- Around Tater-du lighthouse, banded hornblende-pla- ment symbols represent cations per formula unit. The The authors are grateful for the helpful comments gioclase hornfels is present, which sharply grades into equivalent composition parameters in the Diener et al. by Mike Williams and two anonymous reviewers that a ~8 m thick amphibole-bearing sill halfway down (2007) and related models, for use with THERMO- greatly improved the structure and clarity of the text. Rosemondress Cliff. This rock differs from the cor- CALC in the simplifi ed system NCFMASHO, are We also thank Norman Charnley for assistance with dierite-anthophyllite hornfelses of Kenidjack in that it y(anth) = ½M2Al, and a(anth) = ANa. Note that the cal- SEM and EDS analysis, Jeremy Hyde and Owen comprises aligned brown fi brous amphibole, probably culated system does not include K or Ti, but that at low Green for preparation of thin sections, and Jenny cummingtonite, within a homogeneous fi ne-grained contents of K, Ti and Fe3+, y(anth) ≈½tsch and a(anth) Colls for all library-related matters. Many useful dis- green/white matrix containing no cordierite. This ≈ed. Therefore, by deducing ANa and the amount of cussions were had with Alex Thomas, Ros Rickaby, “sill” is not laterally extensive and instead is neigh- Al involved in tschermak substitution, T,M2Al, ortho- Richard Palin, Al White, Ryan Langdon, and Han- bored to the west by a similarly discordant, banded amphibole compositions can be modeled. nah Hughes. Analytical costs were defrayed by the Grt-Px calc-silicate. 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1502 Geosphere, December 2012

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