The Annual Report of the Board of Governors’ 2014-2015

Inspiring Excellence … Fulfilling Potential


The 2014/2015 academic year was another hugely successful year for St. Mary’s. From the staging of Meet Me in St. Louis in the first term through to the Investors in Pupils Award achieved in the third term, 2014/2015 certainly was a most busy and productive year for the school.

Perhaps, one of the most notable events of the year was the inspection carried out by the Education and Training Inspectorate (ETI) in February 2015. Following the inspection, ETI described the quality of education provided by St. Mary’s and the overall effectiveness of the school as “outstanding”. In each of the areas inspected, including the quality of achievements and standards, the quality of provision and the quality of leadership and management, St. Mary’s was deemed to be “outstanding” and meeting very effectively the educational and pastoral needs of learners. As a school, we are very proud of this external affirmation of our work. We will remain committed to our vision for “Inspiring Excellence, Fulfilling Potential” and look forward to the school’s continued success in the years ahead.

This Annual Report of the Board of Governors offers an insight into the vast range of activities, events and successes enjoyed by the school in the 2014/2015 academic year. Once again, I wish to pay tribute to every member of staff – teaching and teaching support – for the immeasurable contribution they have made to the school’s success in the past year. I also wish to express my gratitude to you - the parents/guardians of our pupils - for your interest in and support of the school throughout the year.

Should you wish to discuss any issue arising from the contents of this Annual Report, please do not hesitate to contact me at the school between 8.30am - 4.30pm.

______D Gillespie (Mrs) Principal and Correspondent to the Board of Governors December 2015


I am very pleased to present the Annual Report of the Board Governors for 2014/15. As you will read, St Mary’s has maintained the excellence we have come to expect and continues to enable staff and students to fulfil their potential in the breadth of the school’s activities and achievements.

It is apparent that St Mary’s provides an impressive, enriching learning environment for students through its curricular and extra-curricular activities. Staff, students, parent/guardians and the local and wider community can be confident of the school’s capacity to sustain this high quality provision in the years ahead.

I wish to pay tribute to the staff of the school who are dedicated, committed and highly skilled to ensure that each student realises his/her full potential, both within and beyond the classroom. As Chair, I want to convey how proud I am of the outcome of St Mary’s inspection in February 2015. My warmest congratulations to all staff and in particular to the Principal, Mrs Gillespie for her leadership and vision.

In addition, I would like to recognize the work of retired Governors, in particular, Mr P Bradley, Monsignor O’Byrne, Ms M Diamond, Mr S McNeill and Teacher Governor, Mrs M Carr, for their invaluable contribution over many, many years.

Finally, I would like to offer my thanks to you – the parents and guardians – and to the members of the Board of Governors, for the ongoing and generous support you have shown for all the activities engaged in by the school. As I commend this Annual Report to you, I look forward to your continued interest in and support for our work.

______J McKee (Mr) Chairman of the Board of Governors December 2015


SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Membership of the Board of Governors ...... 1 1.2 Key Statistical Information ...... 2-3 1.3 Staffing ...... 4-6 1.4 Use of Staff Development Days ...... 7-8 1.5 Review of the Year ...... 9-11

SECTION 2: SCHOOL PROVISION 2.1 Curriculum Provision ...... 12-14 2.2 Careers and Employability ...... 15-16 2.3 Health Education...... 17-18 2.4 Sports Review ...... 19-24 2.5 International Dimension ...... 25 2.6 Educational Visits ...... 26 2.7 Fundraising for Charity ...... 27 2.8 Pastoral Dimension ...... 28 2.9 Pastoral House System ...... 28 2.10 Eco-Schools/ Environment ...... 29 2.11 Magherafelt Learning Partnership ...... 30

SECTION 3: EXAMINATION OUTCOMES 3.1 Key Stage 3 ...... 31 3.2 GCSE ...... 31 3.3 AS Level ...... 31 3.4 A2 Level ...... 31 3.5 CCEA NI Placings ...... 32 3.6 Achievements in Other Awards ...... 32

SECTION 4: DEPARTMENTAL ACHIEVEMENTS AND ACTIVITIES 4.1 Art and Design ...... 33 4.2 Biology ...... 34 4.3 Business Studies and Economics ...... 34-35 4.4 Chemistry ...... 36 4.5 Drama ...... 37-38 4.6 English ...... 39 4.7 French ...... 40 4.8 German ...... 41 4.9 Geography ...... 41 4.10 History and Politics ...... 42-43 4.11 Home Economics ...... 43 4.12 ICT ...... 44 4.13 Irish ...... 44-45 4.14 Mathematics ...... 46 4.15 Moving Image Arts ...... 47 4.16 Music ...... 48 4.17 Physical Education ...... 49 4.18 Physics ...... 49 4.19 Religious Studies ...... 50

4.20 Science ...... 51 4.21 Spanish ...... 51 4.22 Technology and Design ...... 52

SECTION 5: LINKS WITH PARENTS AND GUARDIANS 5.1 Parental Involvement ...... 53 5.2 Parent-Teacher Association ...... 54

SECTION 6: SECURITY & HEALTH AND SAFETY 6.1 Safety and Security ...... 54 6.2 Arrangements for Health and Safety of Staff and Pupils ...... 54 6.3 Premises ...... 54

SECTION 7: FINANCE 7.1 Finance Report to 31 March 2014...... 55

Section 8: POLICY DOCUMENTS ...... 56

Section 7: CONCLUSION ...... 56

APPENDICES Appendix 1: GCSE Statistics Appendix 2: AS Statistics Appendix 3: A2 Statistics Appendix 4: Year 14 Higher Education Destinations Appendix 5: Music Examinations

Annual Board of Governors’ Report 2014-15



The Board of Governors is comprised of nominees of the Trustees and the Department of Education, as well as an elected Parent Representative and an elected Teacher Representative. The Principal is the Correspondent to the Board of Governors. The Term of Office of the members is four years.

EFFECTIVE UNTIL MARCH 2015 Mr P Bradley Chairperson

Monsignor C O’Byrne Deputy Chairperson

Rev Father J Gates Trustee

Ms M Diamond Trustee

Mr S Dace Elected by Parents

Dr E Hutchinson Trustee

Mr S McNeill DENI Appointee

Mr J McKee Trustee

Mr K Traynor DENI Appointee

Mrs M Carr Elected Teacher Representative

Ms D Gillespie Principal, Secretary and Correspondent to the Board of Governors

EFFECTIVE FROM APRIL 2015 Mr J McKee Chairperson

Dr E Hutchinson Deputy Chairperson

Mr S Dace Trustee

Ms M Diamond Trustee

Mr S Dace Elected by Parents

Rev Father J Gates Trustee

Mrs R Fox DENI Appointee

Mrs N Skelly Trustee

Mr K Traynor DENI Appointee

Miss U Donnelly Elected Teacher Representative

Ms D Gillespie Principal, Secretary and Correspondent to the Board of Governors

The Board of Governors has worked closely with the Principal in helping to implement recent educational reforms and members have kept themselves informed of current developments in educational policy. They have applied the school’s admissions policy to prospective students, recruited and promoted staff, approved school policies and overseen the school's finances.

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ENROLMENT The total enrolment for 2014-2015 was 1080. This is divided into each Year Group as shown in the table below.

Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13 Year 14 Girls 75 79 87 74 88 82 88 Boys 79 81 70 81 68 60 66 TOTAL 154 160 157 155 156 142 154

The pattern of total enrolment for the past five years is shown in the table below.

2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 Total Enrolment 1080 1078 1086 1096 1080

YEAR 13 At Sixth Form, six students sought admission to St. Mary’s and were accepted.

2013-14 2014-15 No. of Boys 4 2 No. of Girls 3 4 Total 7 6

ATTENDANCE The attendance for 2014-15 was 96.1%. The attendance by Year Group for 2014-15 is shown in the table below. The average for 2013-14 was 95%.

Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13 Year 14 Total Attendance 96.7% 96.3% 95.5% 95.2% 96.9% 96.7% 95.5%

The pattern of attendance for is shown in the table below.

2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 Total 96.3% 96.2% 95.3% 93.9% 96.1% Attendance

NI Average 95% 95% 95% 95% 95%

FREE SCHOOL MEALS (FSM) The percentage of students entitled to free school meals in 2014-15 was 8.51%. The percentage of students entitled to free school meals for the last five years is shown in the table below.

2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 % FSM 6.76% 7.06% 6.54% 5.1% 8.51%

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Number Leaving = 23



Number Leaving = 145

St Mary’s Universities in Further QUB UU University Scotland England & USA Education College Wales 62 50 7 2 5 1 4

Further information about Year 14 destinations is outlined in Appendix 4.

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Principal Ms D Gillespie

Vice-Principal Mr F Dunlop

Senior Teachers Mr P Campbell Mrs E Daly Ms T Mullan Mrs I Hynds Mrs D McCann Mr G Quinn Miss S McAllister (temp) Miss A M Anderson (temp)

Art and Design Mrs J Patton (Head of Department Acting) Mrs N McKernan (sub Mrs Finnegan / Miss Paul)

Biology Mrs K McAuley (Head of Department) Mrs I Diamond (sub Miss Fulton) Dr L Hamill Mrs S Johnston Mrs S McGee (Head of Year 13)

Business Studies / Economics Mrs M McKeever (Head of Department) Mr M Francis (Head of Year 12)

Careers Miss C Donoghue

Chemistry Mrs A McGuckin (Head of Department) Dr L Hamill Miss S McCloskey Mrs R McComb Mrs P McGale Ms T Mullan

Drama Mr G Quinn (Head of Department) Mrs A M Anderson (Head of Year 8) Mrs S Fullerton

English Mrs O Reid (Head of Department) Miss R Allen Mrs A M Anderson Miss H Cassidy (temp) Mrs S Fullerton Miss M Hatchell Miss S McAllister Mr G Quinn

French Mr N McShane (Head of Department) Miss N Macoscar Miss V Venot Mrs M McPhilomey (temp)

Geography Mrs C Bradley (Head of Department) Mrs U McNeill (Head of Year 14) Mrs A Stevenson St. Mary’s Grammar School Page 4 Annual Board of Governors’ Report 2014-15

German Miss N MacOscar

History Mrs M McCormick (Head of Department) Mrs D McCann Mr P Brolly Miss S McAllister

Home Economics Mrs M Carr (Head of Department) Mrs B McAuley

ICT Mrs Grainne Gartland (Head of Department) (sub Miss D Dynes) Mrs E Daly Mrs S Higgins (Head of Year 11) Mr P Kalla (also Moving Image Arts) (HOD ICT Acting) Mrs U McNeill Mrs B Mateo-Loughlin

Irish Mr W McPhilomey (Head of of Modern Languages Department) Miss M McGouran (temp)

Mathematics Mrs S Monaghan (Head of Department) Mrs K McErlean Mrs B McGahon Mrs M O’Neill Mr M Tracey

Music Miss U Donnelly (Head of Department) Miss C McKillop

Physical Education Mr J McElholm (Head of Department) Mr K Brady Ms C Donnelly (sub Miss R Cowdry) Miss O Donnelly

Physics Mrs A McKee (Head of Department) Miss P Agnew Mr F Dunlop Mr R Kennedy

Religious Studies Mrs I Hynds (Head of Department) Miss H Cassidy (temp) Mrs S Higgins Mr G Maynes Mr G Robinson

Spanish Mrs B Mateo Loughlin Mrs M McPhilomey (temp) (sub Miss L Ballentine)

Technology and Design Mr S O’Connor (Head of Department) (sub Mr P McGlade Mr P Campbell Mr M McVeigh(Head of Department Acting)

St. Mary’s Grammar School Page 5 Annual Board of Governors’ Report 2014-15 TEACHING SUPPORT STAFF

Bursar Mr E Conway Assistant Bursar Mrs C Henry Facilities Manager Mr C Hinfey Office Manager Mrs E Beattie – Mrs C McErlean (Acting) Catering Supervisor Mrs A Dawidziuk Principal’s PA Mrs C Gallen Education Technology Mr V Cassidy Manager Year 13 Supervisor Mrs M O’Donnell Librarian / Year 14 Supervisor Mrs C Keenan Reception /Finance Miss M Gribbin Switchboard Mr C Prior General Office Mrs M McCusker Mrs C McKee Café Bordeaux Admin Mrs M McGiuigan Exams Admin Ms R McKernan Classroom Assistants Ms N McCann Ms A McCormick Mrs L A O’Melvena Miss L Smith Miss B Warnock Cleaning / Maintenance Mr G Trainor Mr P McKenna Technicians Mrs C McErlean (Art and Design) Mrs H Shaw (Biology) Mrs K Mitchell (Chemistry) Mrs M O’Kane (Home Economics) Mr N Higgins/ Mr M McCullough (PE) Mr J McCann (Physics) Mr P Teague (Technology and Design) Ms V McKinley (Repographics)


At the end of the 2014/15 academic year, the following members of staff left St. Mary’s:-

. Mr P Campbell (Senior Management) who has taken retirement; . Mr N McShane (French) and Mrs S Fullerton (English / Drama) have left to take up positions in other schools; and . Martin Birt (Irish Language Assistant) who has left to complete his PGCE.

We thank all of them for their commitment and contribution to St. Mary’s over many years and we wish them every success in the future.

St. Mary’s Grammar School Page 6 Annual Board of Governors’ Report 2014-15 1.4 USE OF STAFF DEVELOPMENT DAYS 2014-15

DATE COURSE/MEETING 26 AUGUST . Whole Staff Meeting . Back to Basics – Expectations to promote Learning Aim: To clarify the key responsibilities and expectations of staff and students in terms of the Back to Basics focus within St Mary’s. . Back to Basics – Developing a Climate for Learning Aim: To consider how to promote a climate for learning. . ICT Transformation Aim: To update staff on ICT development as a result of the ICT transformation. . Departmental Meetings Aim: To provide time for Departments to reflect upon progress and plan for new academic year. . Key Stage Pastoral Meeting Aim: To provide time for pastoral leaders within key stages to plan for the new academic year. 27 AUGUST . Departmental Meetings Aim: To provide time for Departments to reflect upon progress and plan for a new academic year. . Year 8 Pastoral Meeting Aim: To prepare for induction of new Year 8 students . New Year 13 Welcoming Team Meeting Aim: To provide time for Departments to reflect upon progress and plan for a new academic year. . SEN Pupil Update Aim: To update staff on SEN. . Literacy/ Numeracy Priorities for 2014-15 Aim: To outline literacy and numeracy priorities for 2014-15. . Using Data to Support Pupil Progress and Learning Aim: To outline how the new data model can be used to improve student progress and learning. . Money matters Aim: To outline financial procedures. 28 AUGUST . Child Protection Training Aim: To raise awareness of child protection and safeguarding in St Mary’s. . Departmental Meetings Aim: To provide time for Departments to reflect upon progress and plan for a new academic year. . Digital Learning Team Aim: To update team on ICT priorities and developments. . Learning Support Team Aim: To identify and agree Learning Support Arrangements. . Coaching Team Aim: To agree procedures for implementation and development of coaching to improve teaching and learning. . TRACE Team Aim: To update team on ICT Priorities and Developments. 29 AUGUST . Departmental Meetings Aim: To provide time for Departments to reflect upon progress and plan for a new academic year. . Defibrillator Training Aim: To train key staff in the use of defibrillator equipment. . Pastoral Teams Meeting Time Aim: To prepare for the return of students, reflect on the use of data and target setting with a pastoral context and to complete a Classroom Plan for learning. 29 SEPT . SEN – Setting Targets . Use of VLE – The Department Structure . Departmental Meetings

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2 JANUARY . Substituted by twilights Ipad Training To support the roll out of iPads and effective use within the classroom PRSD Aim: To support continuous staff development. 29 & 30 . Preparation and attendance at Open Evenings JANUARY 16 MARCH . Positive Behaviour Strategy Feedback . Feedback and follow up from Learning Walks . Start of Lesson . Assessment of Learning . Whole and Departmental School Targets . Addressing Underachievement . Using Grade Boundaries for Improvement . Using ICT . Departmental Meeting Time Aim: To Focus On Mock Exam Analysis For Underachievement And Grade Boundary Analysis. 2 APRIL . Inspection Feedback . Nearpod (iPad Training) Aim: To receive training on interactive multimedia presentations, sharing interactive lessons, collecting students’ responses and monitoring students’ progress. . Socrative (iPad Training) . Aim: To receive training on interactive quizzes, using questioning to gauge whole school levels of understanding, gaining instant feedback on lesson planning and collecting and exploring data to measure progress. . Departmental Meetings Aim: To prepare coursework / controlled assessments for moderation.

St. Mary’s Grammar School Page 8 Annual Board of Governors’ Report 2014-15 1.5 A REVIEW OF THE SCHOOL YEAR REVIEW OF THE YEAR 2014-15

. Year 13/14 ‘Amazing Brains’ Workshop . ‘Back to Basics Parents’ Workshop for Years 13 and 14 . Year 14 Formal . Year 8 photographs . Year 12 Theatre Trip to ‘Blood Brothers’ at The Grand Opera House . Year 13 Biology Field Trip to Portaferry and Exploris Aquarium . Year 14 Applied Business students visit Central Library, . . Year 13 Saphara Assembly . Saphara Parents’ Information Evening

. Year 14 Anti-bullying training . Information Evening and Parent Power Workshop for Year 8 parents . University Open Days . Year 14 Prefects Training . GL Familiarisation Morning . Year 11 – 14 Theatre Trip to ‘Hairspray’ SEPTEMBER . Internal and External Prizegiving Ceremonies . Year 10 Language Quiz . Sports and Exercise Nutritionist Talks to GCSE and A Level PE Students . Year 8 Amazing Brains Workshop . Presentation to Year 8 Parents/Guardians: ‘Empowering Parents to Support their Children’s Learning . German Visitors from Partner School . Staff Development Day . Masses to begin new academic year . School Counsellor addresses all students at Year Assemblies. . Year 12 ‘Back to Basics’ Parents’ Information Evening. . Year 8 Parent Pastoral Meetings . Year 11 complete Yellis testing . VLE Club commences . Year 9 Girls’ HPV vaccination . Year 13 Economics / Maths students attend University Investment Challenge at QUB Management School . Year 13 interviews for Rotary Young Leader of the Year. . Year 8 MidYis testing . Year 11 Study Skills Workshop

OCTOBER . Year 10 STEM mini Careers Event at Rainey Endowed School . Marie Claire Ferguson, local Milliner talk to Year 14 Art & Design students. . Studio On Moving Image Arts Workshop . Year 14 Business Studies Trip to Wrightbus, Ballymena . Year 12 ‘Drugs Talk’ by Jackie Buke . Year 13 Geography Fieldwork activity. . Non-uniform day to raise funds for ‘Meet Me in St Louis’ musical production. . Year 12 Study Skills Workshop . Eco Schools Committee organise Power Down Day . Year 14 Maths Students compete in Senor Maths Challenge . Year 11-14 Drama students visit Lyric Theatre to see ‘Sive.’ . Senior Traditional Group performs at Albert Hall. . Year 13 Business Studies trip to FG Wilson . Year 10 and 12 Culture Tech IT Workshop . Year 8 and 9 Use of iPad presentation . Year 14 Parent/Teacher Meetings

NOVEMBER . GL Assessment . 8C attend an Invest NI Workshop on enterprise skills in Tullyglass, Ballymena. . Key Stage 3 French Club commences . ‘Week of Action’ ‘One United World organised by Mr McGuckin. . ‘Meet Me in St Louis’ musical

St. Mary’s Grammar School Page 9 Annual Board of Governors’ Report 2014-15 . Year 8 Norman Workshop . Year 13 female ICT students attend ICT Event for girls at the Titanic, Belfast . Year 12 and 13 French Coffee Club. . Year 10 Parent Teacher Meeting . Year 11 FG Wilson Careers Talk . NSPCC Numbers Day . Year 12 Chemistry at Work Event in Queen’s University, Belfast . Year 14 Mock Interview Evening.

. Year 9 Ski Trip to Austria. . Year 11 complete RSE Questionnaires


. Year 11 History Students attend workshop entitled ‘Northern Voices.’ . Year 8 iPad Basic Skills Training . Junior and Senior Carol Services. . Year 8 PIE and PIM tests . Robotics Workshop . Talk by P Bradley, Architect to Years 10 – 14 Art & Design Students. . Year 10 Young Enterprise Day . Euroscala Seminar led by European Studies Programme . Action MS Thankyou Lunch in Ramada Hotel, Belfast . Young Enterprise NI Presentation Skills Workshop . Year 13 Parent Teacher Meetings . Year 8 Student Council Elections . iPad Basic Skills Training . Year 8 Parents’ Coffee morning.

. Year 11 – 14 Mock Exams . Year 11 – 14 True Colours Exhibition

JANUARY . Year 13 Maths Students attend QUB School of Management for a taster day. . Open Evenings . Staff Development Day . Year 10 Young Enterprise Day . Preparation Seminar by Euroscala for European Studies Programme. . Young Enterprise Ni Presentation Skills Workshop . Staff and Parents Coffee Morning. . Year 11/12 Business Studies Trip to Tayto. . Year 8 BMI Health Checks . Year 11 Eye for Education Talk . Anti-Bullying Consultation with senior student team and student support team. . QUB and past student, Donal McGuckin delivers talk to AS Maths students. . Three Year 12 students participate in public speaking competition ‘Young People

Find Language for their Faith’ . Year 14 Chemistry students take part In Chemistry Olympiad Competition

FEBRUARY . Year 12 Drama students attend course with Chief Examiner for GCSE Drama. . Year 13 Work Experience . Ulster Cross Country Championships . Year 10 Maths Assessment

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Annual Board of Governors’ Report 2014-15 . Year 13 History students visit Somme Heritage Centre . Professor of Mathematics from Atlanta visits Year 10 students . Music students attend Ballymena Festival . Year 11-14 Drama students visit Abbey Theatre, to see ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream.’ . World Book Day. . English Support Sessions . Physics Olympiad GCSE Challenge . Year 14 English Literature students attend Stranmillis College for A Level Lecture Day. . Physics Olympiad AS Challenge . Rehearsals for Spring Concert . Year 8 Céili . Year 11 and 12 Drama Moderation

MARCH . Year 12 English Speaking and Listening Moderation . Year 11 and 12 GCSE PE Orienteering Event at Drum Manor . Year 12 GCSE Art & Design Exam . Year 12 presentation on the transition to Sixth form. . Year 12 Tree of Knowledge Workshop. . Moving Image Arts Media Workshop . Year 14 History trip to Dublin . Staff Development Day . Year 8 Parent Teacher Meetings. . Spring Concert . Medical Physics Visit to Antrim Hospital . Kelly Gallagher Paralympic Athlete Visit. . Year 11 Immunisations

. Year 13 & 14 Art & Design Exams

. Year 11 GCSE PE Orienteering day to Palace Stables, Armagh

APRIL . Library visit to St Pius X College – Colin Bateman Tour . Year 8 & 9 e-Safety Pupil Workshop . Year 9 Junior Maths Challenge . Year 13 e-Safety Pupil Workshop . E-Safety Parent Information Evening . Year 9 HPV Vaccinations . AS and A2 Chemistry and Physics Practical Examinations

. GCSE Performing Arts Moderation . Year 14 Leavers’ Mass

. Year 12 Mass

MAY . Eco Schools Green Flag Assessment. . Key Stage 3 Internal Exams . Year 11 – 14 External Exams commence . Year 13 attend Global Wind Awards . Year 9 sponsored walk in Drum Manor Forest for Action MS. . Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Expedition . Junior Sports’ Day . Spanish Trip to Catalonia . Spanish Exchange Trip to Madrid . RCUK schools University Partnership Initiative . Year 8 End of Year Trip to Craigavon Water Sports Centre . Year 10 Fundraising Event for LEPRA . Year 9 Geography Fieldwork trip to Crawfordsburn. . Year 8 Moving On Workshop

. Year 10 End of Year trip to Cinema and Meadowbank Sports Arena.

JUNE . Sentinus Young Innovators’ Competition, . Induction Afternoon for new intake . Sentinus / NIE Roadshow for year 9. . House Champions Lunch in Café Bordeaux . Year 10 Musical Trip to Lyric to see ‘The Last Five Years.’ . Year 11 Geography students’ fieldwork activities for GCSE Controlled Assessment. . Year 13 Cambridge Chemistry Challenge . Year 13 Careers Parent Information Evening . GCSE and A Level Students Art & Design Exhibition . Year 8 Art Exhibition in Magherafelt Parish Centre. St. Mary’s Grammar School Page 11

Annual Board of Governors’ Report 2014-15


2.1 CURRICULUM PROVISION The St. Mary’s curriculum aims to nurture the physical, social and mental well-being of all students, whilst simultaneously enabling students to acquire skills that will equip them better for life. The following section highlights the range of curricular and extra-curricular learning experiences that were provided within St. Mary’s during 2014-15. At all levels, the curriculum was supported by field work, educational visits, talks from guest speakers and participation in projects and competitions organised by the school and other agencies.

KEY STAGE 3 At Key Stage 3 (Years 8-10), all students followed a broad and balanced curriculum. In accordance with the requirements of Northern Ireland legislation, all Year 8, Year 9 and Year 10 students followed the Northern Ireland Revised Curriculum.

English with Library Skills Home Economics Drama Music Mathematics French Financial Capability Irish Science German Technology & Design Spanish Information Technology/ iMedia Religious Studies Learning for Life and Work / PSE Art & Design History Physical Education Geography

KEY STAGE 4 At Key Stage 4 (Years 11-12), all students followed courses of study leading to GCSE qualifications. All students pursued a minimum of nine and a maximum of ten GCSE courses.

The following GCSE subjects were offered at Key Stage 4:

Additional Mathematics Home Economics (Child Development) Art & Design Information and Communication Technology Business Studies Irish Double Award Science Mathematics Drama Moving Image Arts English Music English Literature Performing Arts French Physical Education Geography Religious Studies German Spanish History Technology and Design

In addition, Key Stage 4 students had classes in Learning for Life and Work, Careers and Physical Education.

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Annual Board of Governors’ Report 2014-15

SIXTH FORM Sixth Form students may choose to study three or four of the subjects listed below at AS Level. Students who opt to study four subjects at AS Level may continue to do so at A2 Level or, alternatively, they may decide to concentrate on only three of these subjects in the A2 year.

The following A Level subjects were offered at Sixth Form:

Applied Business Studies Home Economics Applied ICT ICT Art and Design Irish Biology Mathematics Business Studies Moving Image Arts Chemistry Music Economics Physical Education English Literature Physics French Product Design German Religious Studies Geography Software Systems Development Government and Politics Spanish Health and Social Care Technology and Design History Theatre Studies

Interested students were offered the opportunity to obtain additional qualifications such as the CCEA Level 3 Key Skills Qualification in ICT or the Northern Ireland Science and Technology Research Institute Gold Crest Award.

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TOTAL NO. 2014/15 2014/15 2015/16 2015/16 2014/15 TARGET TARGET TOTAL NO. TARGET TARGET FOR FOR 2015/16 FOR FOR ACADEMIC APPLIED ACADEMIC APPLIED COURSES COURSES COURSES COURSES Total No. of 21 7 7 Courses Required (minimum) (minimum) (minimum) 24 8 8 by DENI (minimum) (minimum)

Total No. of 21 13 8 - - - Courses Delivered by St. Mary’s


TOTAL NO. 2014/15 2014/15 2015/16 2015/16 2014/15 TARGET TARGET TOTAL NO TARGET TARGET FOR FOR 2015/16 FOR FOR ACADEMIC APPLIED ACADEMIC APPLIED COURSES COURSES COURSES COURSES Total No. of Courses Required 24 8 8 27 9 9 by DENI (minimum) (minimum) (minimum) (minimum) (minimum)

Total No. of Courses Delivered by St. Mary’s 25 13 10 - - -

Total No of Courses delivered for St Mary’s 1 - - - - - students in MLP

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In St. Mary’s, Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) is an important element of our provision. We provide students with access to high quality careers education, information, advice and guidance to enable them to make informed, considered and realistic decisions about their education, training and employment options.

We aim to: . provide students with a broad and balanced curriculum that will enable them to pursue progression pathways which match their interests and aspirations; . equip students with the employability skills required for future working lives through a range of opportunities and experiences; . instil a commitment to lifelong learning in each student which is essential in the twenty first century world of work; and . empower students to plan and manage their future careers. EDUCATION FOR EMPLOYABILITY The Education for Employability programme was delivered through Learning for Life and Work to all students in Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 and allowed them to focus on the following areas:

. Work in the Local and Global Economy; . Career Management; . Enterprise and Entrepreneurship; and . Skills and Qualities for Work.

Through this programme, we aim to help our students develop the range of skills necessary for the world of work. In addition to the taught programme, students had the opportunity to engage in a range of practical activities and workshops.

CAREERS EDUCATION, INFORMATION, ADVICE AND GUIDANCE Careers Education was delivered to all students in Year 9 to Year 14 through a taught programme and a range of extra-curricular activities. Careers advice and guidance were provided by specialist Careers teachers and the Department of Employment and Learning’s (DEL) Careers Officer who offered advice and guidance at key transition stages. Parents of students in Year 10, Year 12 and Year 14 also had the opportunity to attend interviews to discuss key decisions in relation to subject choices and career pathways.

As detailed below, a range of additional experiences were provided for students:

. Work Shadowing for all Year 13 students; . A Mock Interview Programme for all Year 14 students; . Open Morning visits to Altnagelvin Hospital for Year 13 and Year 14 students; . Open Day visits to Queen’s University and University of Ulster for Year 14 students; . An organised programme of guest speakers for Key Stage 3, Key Stage 4 and Sixth Form students; . Year 12 Careers Service interviews; . UCAS Parent Information Evening for Year 13 parents; . A range of past student presentations to Sixth Form students; . Post-examination results support and guidance; . Training for Year 14 students applying for Medicine and Dentistry; . HPAT – Ulster and HPAT – Ireland training for all Year 14 students applying for therapy courses; . Representatives from the Scottish Universities delivered presentations to Year 13 students; . Interview training was provided by Purple Patch; . LNAT examination training was provided; . Attendance at Engineering Information Afternoons; . Attendance at Nursing / Midwifery Information Evening; . Attendance at Law Information Events; St. Mary’s Grammar School Page 15

Annual Board of Governors’ Report 2014-15 . Attendance at Chemistry in Action event in the Chemistry Department of Queen’s University, Belfast; . Year13 Sentinus IT Programme; . NEELB Student Finance workshop; . Personal Statement Workshop for all Year 13; . Speech and Language Therapy Open Day at the Braid Hospital, Ballymena . Supporting Kilronan Special School’s Sentinus Day; . St. Mary’s University College interview workshops; . Attendance at Belfast Metropolitan College presentation; . QUB Student Recruitment Talk to Year 14 . Queen’s Scholars Award Ceremony (award presented to Bronagh McGuckin) . Year 10 MLP STEM Careers Convention . and Lunchtime Lecture Programme focusing on the career pathways for all Key Stage 4 and 5 students, namely  Struggling with Personal Statements;  Phase 1 2015 Support Workshop;  Opportunities with PWC;  Allied Health Therapies HPAT Workshop;  School of Business (UU) presentation;  Interview Preparation Workshop  Phase 1 Mock Interviews;  Interview Skills Workshop;  Nursing Workshop;  Talented Athlete Scholarship Workshop;  St Mary’s University College Workshop 2;  CAO Applications  Trinity University Presentation;  Year 14 Mock Interview Evening  QUB Software & Electronic & Electrical  Teaching Interview Practice Workshop Engineering Presentation;  UU Communications Presentation;  UU HPAT Workshop 2  Struggling with Work Experience Workshop  Letterkenny Institute of Technology Presentation  Physiotherapy Workshop  Year 13 Personal Statement Workshop.  Deloitte Bright Start Presentation  Year 10 Parental Interviews  Year 10 Young Enterprise Activity Day  DCU Presentation  Opportunities with Randox  Year 12 Drop In Clinic  HPAT Ulster Preparation Workshop 3  Year 11 Eye for Education Motivation talk  Year 10 Career Guidance Individual  Year 12 Parental Interviews Meetings  QUB English Presentation  Opportunities with Total Mobile Presentation  Aberdeen University Presentation  Northumbria & Newcastle University Presentation  Opportunities with Football Coaching  Year 13 Work Experience  Kilronan Science Fair  Scottish University Tour  Deloitte Bright Start Application Workshop  MLP Nursing Seminar  NUI Galway Presentation  UU Environmental Health Presentation  Liverpool Hope University Presentation  SLT Information Morning  CAFRE Presentation  NRC Presentation  Theology at QUB  Phase 1 2016 Workshop 3  Cambridge University Presentation  Cambridge Application Workshop  QUB Year 14 Clarification Session  Volunteering Opportunities  Phase 1 2016 Workshop 2  Special Needs Summer Scheme Presentation;  NEELB Student Finance Workshop  Special Joinery Careers Morning  Year 13 Parents’ Higher Education Information Event.

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As a Health Promoting School, we aim to provide students with information on a range of health- related issues and equip them with the knowledge, attitudes, values, skills and behaviours that will empower them to manage their personal health and well-being. Health Education within St. Mary’s ensures that students have access to information on a broad range of matters such as smoking, healthy eating, fitness, alcohol, drugs, sex, and mental health. Many subject areas contribute extensively to Health Education.

In 2014-15, health presentations and workshops focused on topics such as:

. Self Harm and Suicide (Year 11) . Nutritional Survey (Year 8 and 13) . International School Meals Day/ Week . Healthy Eating Week Competition . Action Cancer and Centra Health Action Awards . Anti Bullying Week promoted ‘Together we will make a difference – End Bullying Now’ . Nutrition (Year 11-14 PE & Health & Social Care Students) . Road Traffic – Safe Driving (Year 14) . ‘Like the Skin you are in’ (Year 14) . ‘Life Matters’ (Year 8) . Vaccination programme-Year 9 and 11 girls . Coping with Exam Stress (Year 14) . Drugs Awareness (Year 12) . Heart Start Training (Year 10) . ‘Get Involved’ Programme (Years 8-14)

Presentations and workshops were delivered by individuals and organisations such as:

. Turlough Quinn . Dairy Council of Northern Ireland . Action Mental Health . NI Stroke Association . I McLeod . Dermot Kelly . Bosco McShane . Richard Moore . PSNI . Jackie Burke . Tree of Knowledge HEALTHY EATING In St. Mary’s, we aim to educate students about food nutrition and the importance of healthy eating. Within and beyond the curriculum, students have opportunities to develop the knowledge and skills that will enable them to make healthy food choices inside and outside the school. As a school, we believe it is important that our students understand the importance of a balanced diet and realise the impact of poor diet on health. To encourage students to make healthy food choices within school, St. Mary’s continued to operate the Healthy Eating Rewards Scheme whereby students could accumulate points for their healthy eating efforts which could then be exchanged for a ‘top-up’ on dinner cards. The Health Education Co-ordinator attended Year Group Assemblies to highlight the Importance of healthy eating. At various times throughout the year, more than 200 students were awarded House points in recognition of their healthy eating choices.

Within the curriculum, the study of Home Economics at Key Stage 3 afforded students opportunities to explore ways to ensure a healthy diet, to develop practical skills in the safe, hygienic, healthy and creative use of foods, and to plan, prepare, cook and serve a range of meals.

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In St. Mary’s, we aim to develop students’ awareness of the importance of personal fitness and regular exercise and their understanding of the benefits of a physically active lifestyle.

In 2014-15, students had the opportunity to engage in regular physical activity in school through curricular and extra-curricular opportunities such as:

. timetabled PE lessons for Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 students; . Fun Sports project for Year 8-10 students; . AVIVA School Mile Challenge for all students and staff. . Health Related Brisk walking-PHD research for University of Ulster- (Year 8 & 9 girls); . designated ‘Gym Periods’ for students in Key Stage 5; . Year 9 Action MS Sponsored Walk; . Morning toning classes in the Sports Hall for staff; . FIFA Soccer for Girls . personal health and exercise programmes for Year 12-14 . training for school sports teams and matches e.g. football, camogie, hurling; . sponsored walk for Action MS for Year 9 students; . Sports Day- Care in the Sun (Ulster Foundation); . participation in sporting competitions and events e.g. athletics, swimming galas; . Bronze Duke of Edinburgh expeditions for Year 11 students.

The PE Department is central to the school’s promotion of physical fitness. Full details of the range of activities provided by the PE Department to promote physical fitness can be found in the Sports Review section of this report. STAFF HEALTH AND WELL-BEING

Throughout the year, members of staff engaged in a range of health related activities such as:

. Walking . Circuit training . Toning classes

Staff have access to the school’s Fitness Suite and this was facility was used by many members of staff. A termly Staff Health and Well-Being Newsletter was produced to inform members of staff about the various ways they can improve their personal health and well-being.

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The Physical Education department aims to promote the healthy physical, social and psychological development of all students. Accordingly, it offers students a wide and varied range of sporting activities through its curricular and extra-curricular programmes.

St. Mary’s Physical Education and Sports staff includes four full-time teachers, one part time teacher and two PE technicians with other members of staff coaching in specialised areas.

The sports facilities at the school include a sports hall, a fully-equipped gymnasium, two one wall handball courts, a fitness suite, an all-weather pitch, two grass pitches and five tennis courts. The school also makes regular use of the facilities offered by the local council in, in particular the swimming pool, squash courts, fitness suite, driving range, golf course and all weather pitches.

The school offers the following range of sports/initiatives:

Active Communities Coaching, Aerobics, Asda Initiative, Athletics, Badminton, Camogie, Coaching Qualifications, Cross Country, Circuit Training, Fun Sports, Gaelic Football, Gold Mark Volunteers, Golf, Gymnastics, Handball, Health-Related Fitness, Hurling, Netball, Olympic Group, Olympic Young Ambassadors, Outdoor Education, Rounders, Rugby, Sky Sports Living for Sport, Swimming, Squash, Table Tennis, Tag Rugby, Tennis, Top Link, Volleyball, Sports Leaders UK Award and Volunteer Now.

Throughout the year, individual students and teams are entered for Area Board, Regional and Provincial competitions. Successful teams compete regularly at All - Ireland level.

A-LEVEL PHYSICAL EDUCATION A-Level students were given the opportunity to participate in a wide range of certified coaching qualifications and PE specific workshops throughout the year, including the GAA Foundation level coaching award and child protection training.

ACTIVE COMMUNITIES PROJECT St. Mary’s continued its involvement with the Active Communities Project this year. Students received 6 week blocks of coaching in Badminton and Tennis.

ASDA INITIATIVE/SPORTS LEADERS UK This year we linked up with the ‘Asda Initiative’ through Sports Leaders UK which saw members of that organisation attend our primary school cross country event and provide participating students with refreshments.

AVIVA SCHOOL MILE CHALLENGE All students in Year 8 participated in the Aviva School Mile Challenge. All participants received a colour coded wrist band corresponding to the time taken to complete the mile.

TRACK AND FIELD ATHLETICS St Mary’s students competed at District and Provincial level in track and field athletics. Forty two students were entered for the NEBSSA track and field district championships in Antrim from Years 8 to 11. Three students qualified for the NEBSSA finals and Frank Duffin and Cathaoir Purvis won silver medals in the 800m and 1500m finals. Cathaoir also qualified for the Ulster Track and Field finals in the 1500m event. Niall Higgins attended the NEBSSA AGM in June thus ensuring our continued involvement in NEELB competition.

BASKET BALL Year 9 boys and girls attended a basketball tournament held in St Puis X College in November.

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CAMOGIE . Senior Team – Ulster Champions and All Ireland semi finalists. . Junior Team – Ulster Champions and All Ireland semi finalists. . 7 A Side Team – Group stages . U-14 Team – Ulster Semi Finalists. . Year 8 Team - Ulster Finalists.

CAMOGIE ALL STARS St. Mary’s were awarded one Ulster College All-Stars Award this year; Eimear McGuigan. Eimear competed for Ulster in the All Ireland Inter Provincials.

INTERNAL CAMOGIE COMPETITIONS An internal Camogie competition was organised to allow every girl in Year 8 to experience competitive camogie in school. Each team competed in at least two games resulting in very entertaining and competitive finals.

COACHES’ LUNCH In June, an appreciation lunch was held in Café Pierre to thank all members of staff for their invaluable contribution to extra-curricular sport in the school.

COACHING MODULE Twenty four Year 13 students attended a coaching module taken by Chris Collins (Derry Development Officer). The course involved both theory and practical sessions. All the students were awarded the GAA Foundation Level Coaching Award and are qualified to coach underage teams. As a follow up from the coaching award, all the participants attended a course on Child Protection and gained a qualification in this area.

CROSS COUNTRY RUNNING A large number of students participated in the District and NEBSSA Cross Country Championships.

CROSS COUNTRY COMPETITIONS HOSTED BY ST. MARY’S St. Mary’s hosted a cross country event for the local secondary schools and a large number of students attended these events.

COMMONWEALTH GAMES A large group of St Mary’s students attended the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow in July 2014 together with students from the other local secondary schools. This is a continuation of the MLP Sports Tours initiative that is led by St. Mary’s and Magherafelt High School. Subsequent to the trip we were awarded a ‘Game on Scotland’ plaque, following an application process, which recognised our contribution in the following areas, having;

. embraced the Commonwealth Games in order to create engaging learning experiences across the curriculum and beyond; . provided opportunities for personal achievement for learners (and teachers) and placed children and young people at the centre of Games-related activities; . worked in partnership with their communities, clusters or relevant organisations to create a legacy around the Games; . used the Games and its values to improve the whole school ethos; . enabled learners to develop skills for learning, life and work through Games related activities; . increased the awareness of important related global citizenship issues, by using the Games as a context for learning; . developed or enhanced international partnerships through their Commonwealth Games activities.

DANCE COMPETITIONS Year 9 and Year 10 girls enjoyed dance competitions within their Year Groups. This was organised in line with their dance scheme of work. Each group created and choreographed their dance to a song of their choice.

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DODGEBALL Seventy Year 9 students participated in this extracurricular activity, organised by Niall Higgins our UUJ outreach student.


. D’alton Cup – Group stages . Nannery Cup – Ulster Semi Finalists . Corn na nOg – Group Stages . Brock Cup – Ulster Semi Finalists . Rannafast Cup – Ulster Finalists . MacRory Cup – Beaten in a play-off against St. Patrick’s Academy, .

FOOTBALL ALL-STARS Three of our senior footballers were awarded Ulster Colleges’ All Star Awards. Callum Mullan-Young, Conor Small and Niall Keenen were presented with their awards at a banquet in the Europa Hotel, Belfast.

Three of the MacRory Cup team went on to represent Derry in the Ulster Minor Championship and three others represented Antrim. A number of our senior players attended a one day GAA Academy Player Development Masterclass for Ireland’s best schools’ players at QUB in November. The Academy aimed to develop the player’s knowledge base in a wide range of areas including nutrition, strength and conditioning and lifestyle management through a series of workshops and coaching sessions.

LADIES’ GAELIC FOOTBALL 2014-15 . Year 8 Team – Played in a blitz in MUSA and overall winners in the Ulster Colleges Blitz. . U14 – Ulster semi-finalists. . U16 – Group stages. . U20 – group stages

GET SET TO MAKE A CHANGE AWARD As a valued and committed member of the Get Set to Make a Change community across the UK, St. Mary’s were offered the opportunity of a visit from an Olympic or Paralympic athlete to present us and our young leaders with a GSTMC commemorative baton. This was to recognise the work that we had done in the community around the Olympic and Commonwealth Games. Paralympic Gold medal winning skier, Kelly Gallagher, visited the school to make the presentation. She also spoke to a wide range of students and inspired them with her story.

GUEST SPEAKERS We welcomed a guest speaker from the Dairy Council NI to St. Mary’s in September. Stephanie Ingram BSc DIS MSc; a Sports and Exercise Nutritionist spoke to our GCSE and our AS/A2 level pupils in the drama studio about the role that proper nutrition can play in enhancing performance.

GOLF A Golf team from the school competed in the NEBSSA championships and in the prestigious Darren Clarke schools golf league.

HANDBALL The sport was again delivered to students during timetabled PE lessons. All Year 8, Year 9 and Year 10 students were offered Handball at lunch time which was supervised by PE staff.

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HURLING Year 8, 9 and 10 students experienced eight months of quality coaching delivered by the Derry County Board.

. U 14 (McFarland Cup) – Ulster Semi finalists . Year 11 (Kirk Cup) – Ulster Semi Finalists. . Casement Cup – Ulster Finalists.

A large number of our students were selected for the inaugural Colaiste Doire Hurling Team which played in the Grade A Hurling competition, the Mageean Cup and three students also attended the final All Star Hurling trials; J McEldowney, C Small, D Carey.

INSPIRE-ASPIRE PROJECT All members of Year 9 were invited to participate in the Inspire-Aspire project. Students throughout Northern Ireland were asked to create a poster on the person who inspires them. It provided students with an opportunity for self-discovery and personal development, enabling them to think about what is important in life and about the values and qualities they will need to make a success of their own future.

OUTREACH PROGRAMME AT UUJ The PE Department continued its relationship with the University of Ulster, Jordanstown this year. Mr McElholm attended an interview process for prospective placement students and the department continues to host students.

‘MAGHERAFIT’ Mr McCullough, our PE Technician/Coach organised a 6 week block of fun sporting activities for young people in our school every Saturday morning. He was supported by lower 6 A Level PE students and received sponsorship from Centra and Lidl. He also secured television coverage of his innovative project.

NETBALL A Year 10 Netball Team represented St. Mary’s in the NEBSSA competition.

OUTDOOR PURSUITS As part of their GCSE Physical Education course, in June all Year 11 GCSE PE students completed an intensive course in orienteering in Armagh. This activity formed part of their GCSE practical coursework. All Year 11 and 12 students competed in an official competition at Drum Manor Forest Park, Cookstown.

PERFORMANCE LIFESTYLE WORKSHOP This workshop, delivered by Ulster GAA employee and All Ireland winning footballer Ryan Mellon, was aimed at senior Gaelic Football / Hurling squads in schools and addressed lifestyle issues and challenges for young GAA players (16+), their impact on performance and strategies to cope with the demands being placed on them. Our elite players and GCSE pupils found it very interesting and worthwhile.

PRIMARY SCHOOL BLITZES St. Mary’s organised a Gaelic football blitz for our feeder primary schools.

PRIMARY SCHOOL COACHING Eleven of our feeder primary schools availed of six weeks of Gaelic Football coaching offered by our technicians who travelled to their schools on a weekly basis.

RUGBY Year 12 students experienced a six week block of rugby taken by the local Youth Development Officer.

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SKY SPORTS LIVING FOR SPORT - STUDENT OF THE YEAR AWARD Our annual Sky Sports Living for Sport ‘Fun Sports’ project encourages our junior students to participate in a range of activities every Thursday for six weeks at the Meadowbank sports arena. An average of one hundred students from Year 8 attended the six sessions which were facilitated by PE and other staff. Sky Sports provided tee shirts for the participants and athlete mentor visits for the school. (See ‘Fun Sports’)

SKY SPORTS LIVING FOR SPORT-STUDENT OF THE YEAR AWARD Our annual Sky Sports Living for Sport ‘FunSports’ project encourages our junior pupils to participate in a range of activities every Thursday for six weeks at the Meadowbank Sports Arena. An average of 100 pupils from Year 8 attended the 6 sessions which were facilitated by PE and other staff.

Sky Sports provided tee shirts for the participants and athlete mentor visits for the school. In the past Year we had 2 athlete mentor visits to St Mary’s, Michael McKillop (Paralympic Athlete) and Kelly Gallagher (Skier). Both of these elite athletes inspired and motivated our pupils with their own individual stories of their journeys to the top of their chosen sports. They delivered their message to large numbers of pupils throughout the year.

Declan Murray was highly commended in the Sky Sports Living for Sport Student of the Year Awards and was presented with a special medal by double gold medal winning, Paralympic athlete, Michael McKillop.

SKY SPORTS LIVING FOR SPORT ‘LIVE’ EVENT As part of the Sky Sports Living for Sport Programme our Year 12 GCSE pupils were invited by an organisation called Sport Inspired to run ‘SSLFS Live’ events (these events were previously known as the SSLFS ‘Community Games’). St Mary’s was the only school in Ireland invited to participate. The event, which took place in Derry, involved our students, supported by local Sports Clubs and Sky volunteers, delivering a sports programme for up to 200 primary age school children in the local community. Two World Class SSLFS Athlete Mentors also attended to provide inspiration and support on the day.

One of the main outcomes of the event was to provide the opportunity for one secondary school to bring along their SSLFS project group to develop their leadership skills and understanding of the ‘Six Keys to Success’ (the resource that Athlete Mentors introduce to them on their SSLFS Project Visits).

SPONSORSHIP Past pupil and former player, Mark O’Connor from Saturnled, generously sponsored the MacRory Cup team this year. This is a relationship that we hope to build on in the future. The PTA kindly sponsored both the Junior Camogie and the Rannafast Cup teams this year.

SPORTS DAY 2015 Sports Day 2015 was again a very successful event with a very large number of participants. In keeping with the House system, some house events were organised at lunchtime.

Victor Ludorum: Donal Lynn

Victrix Ludorum: Courtney Quinn

SPORTS HALL ATHLETICS Fifty four students from Year 9 to Year 11 competed in the annual Sportshall Athletics Derry Finals in Meadowbank Sports Arena. The following students represented Co Derry at the event:- Aidan McCluskey, Frank Duffin, Michael Gallen, Peter McKinney, Courtney Quinn, Cathaoir Purvis, Eimear McKee and Keeva Neely.

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STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING - YEAR 13 AND YEAR 14 Both PE technicians were available for any student who wished to undertake a personal training programme.

SWIMMING Our students competed in the following events: . Ulster Minor Schools’ Swimming Championships; and . Ulster Grammar Schools’ Swimming Championships.

RACQUET SPORTS Junior students could avail of six weeks of tennis and badminton coaching. Year 8 and 9 students were introduced to the game by Active Communities Coaches.

TOP LINK Designed to enhance links between schools, TOP Link encourages 14 to 16 year olds to organise and manage sport or dance festivals in local primary and special schools. Part of the Department for Culture, Media and Sport Step into Sport programme, TOP Link is connected to existing school leadership work such as the Junior Sports Leader Award and the Community Sports Leader Award. As well as developing school links, TOP Link also uses PE and sport to train and encourage young people to become leaders who can use their skills to benefit the wider community.

For the eleventh consecutive year, St Mary’s students became involved in the Top Link Programme. The department organised a primary school Gaelic football event Meadowbank Sports Arena. Fourteen of our larger feeder primary schools took part with a total of 200 primary 6 and 7 pupils experiencing a comprehensive coaching programme, lunch and a competitive blitz.

STUDENT TEACHER The department was fortunate to be able to host a student Teacher, Suzanne McKeown, for a 10 week placement. The partnership proved so successful that UUJ invited outside assessors from England and Singapore into St Mary’s to demonstrate best practice.

VOLUNTEER NOW (GOLD MARK) AWARD We continued our involvement in this initiative. Niall Higgins and Mark Bradley (SERC placement student) achieved their two hundred hours Gold Mark Award at a ceremony held in the Titanic Suite, Belfast.

YOGA Year 12 girls experienced a six week block of Yoga as part of their PE programme. These sessions were taken by a qualified Yoga instructor.

YOUTH SPORT TRUST INNOVATION SCHOOLS Since its inception twenty years ago, the Youth Sport Trust has actively promoted collaboration as a vital component of raising standards - collaboration within schools to widen the impact of Physical Education and school sport on whole school priorities, and collaboration between schools to share best practice and build expertise and capacity. St Mary’s Grammar School was the only school in Northern Ireland invited to become involved with this project and this involved Mr McElholm attending a two day conference in England.

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In St. Mary’s, we recognise our responsibility to ensure that our young people are educated to become global citizens who are fully aware of the world within which they live and in which they will eventually work. It is important that the young people of today develop an understanding of a range of global issues so that they may be fully prepared for tomorrow’s world. We understand that the International Dimension is an increasingly important aspect of school education. Over a number of years, we have focused on enhancing this aspect of our provision. As an outward-looking school, we are always keen to develop partnerships, to work with and learn from others beyond the boundaries of our school. This is an attribute that we encourage in our students, not least in our efforts to incorporate the International Dimension throughout the school. So that our young people may develop as global citizens and acquire knowledge of global issues, we embrace the International Dimension in many aspects of our provision. In 2014-15, we continued to: . forge and sustain international school partnerships; . provide students with learning experiences beyond the parameters of the classroom through various international educational visits; and . brought the world into the classroom through curriculum initiatives and activities.


German In September 2014, we received a visit from two members of the English Department and twenty students from our German Partner School, Gymnasium Oesede. The German group attended classes with Year 11-12 students and students in Years 11 also took part in the following trips and activities: Guided tour of the school and cookery classes with Mrs Carr; group visit to The Giant’s Causeway and Carrick A Rede Ropebridge, took part in a science project led by Mr McAuley; group visit to the Ulster Folk and Transport Museum and the Titanic Exhibition. In addition, Year 8 students were taught German by visiting members of staff from Gymnasium Oesede. Evening activities were also provided for our visitors in the form of coaching in Gaelic sport, Irish language classes, set dancing and traditional music and a talk on Irish History.

Spain On 15 June 2015 a group of 11 students accompanied by Miss MacOscar and Miss McCloskey spent a week in the beautiful Spanish sunshine with our partner school Colegio Aristos, Getafe. St Mary’s students participated in Colegio Aristos’ first ever International Week which saw students from Northern Ireland, USA, France and Spain doing a range of activities together. Students visited many beautiful cities including Toledo, Segovia and Madrid itself. Highlights included climbing the many, many steps of “Cinderella’s” castle, the escalators of Toledo, microphone time on the bus, being a (sub) squad, “vamos” and Al Campo (maybe just the teachers!) Five students from Colegio Aristos returned with St Mary’s students to learn about Irish culture and history through making soda bread and taking part in a ceili along with visiting some attractions.

EUROSCOLA 2015 Miss McAllister led team of seven Year 12 students who considered the 8 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) due to expire in 2015. They then created a leaflet informing their peers about one of the MDGs and what progress has been made towards achieving this Goal. They were also tasked with proposing a future global development goal and justifying the need for such a goal. In the face of tough opposition St. Mary’s were awarded first place and a trip to Strasbourg in February and took part in the Euroscola in the European Parliament. The trip was in conjunction with Rainey Endowed and all involved enjoyed a full day of activities at the European Parliament. Sarah Gallen made a splash when she asked the opening question of the first parliamentary sitting as well as being selected as rapporteur for her group. James McTeague also took a leading role in the European quiz, winning among other things a sweater and hat. All St. Mary’s pupils were exemplary ambassadors for the school and the trip was thoroughly enjoyed by all. In March 2015, Emma Boyle, Hannah Neely and Lauren McStocker attended The Hilton, Templepatrick to address a conference of educators from across Europe about their experiences participating in Euroscola.

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Annual Board of Governors’ Report 2014-15 The winning pupils were: Jake Kuczogi, James McTeague, Hannah Neely, Emma Bradley, Lauren McStocker, Sarah Gallen and Emily Hinds.

EURO QUIZ Six Key Stage 3 students represented St Mary’s in the Euro Quiz competition in the Guildhall, Derry in April 2015.

CURRICULUM ACTIVITIES All Year 11 students in St. Mary’s participated in the European Studies Programme. They undertook a number of curriculum projects based on Learning for Life and Work, the results of which were shared with a number of European partners on the ESP Communication Platform. This sharing of curriculum work is extended to on-line discussion and video conferencing.


Throughout 2014-15, students had opportunities to engage in a wide range of educational visits, both residential and non-residential. Educational visits involved students in off-site academic, sporting, cultural, creative and personal development activities which contributed to their learning and development beyond the classroom. Details of the educational visits organised by each subject department are available in the Department Achievements and Activities section of this report. The following section provides an overview of the residential educational visits that took place in 2014-15.

ST MARY’S SKI VISIT TO BIBERWIER, AUSTRIA (DECEMBER 2014) In December 2014, seventy Year 9 and Year 14 students set off on the annual Ski Trip to Biberwier in Austria. Led by Mrs Carr, the students were accompanied by Mr Dunlop, Mr McElholm, Mr Teague, Mr Tracey, Miss McCloskey, Miss McAllister, Mrs Henry and our principal, Mrs Gillespie. The group spent seven nights in the very comfortable Mc Tirol hotel in Biberwier and despite a lack of snow in some areas, had a great week skiing on the Zugspitze glacier and in Ehrwald. Whilst there, they were also able to shop in the village of Ehrwald, visit the picturesque local church and in the evenings could also avail of the hotel swimming pool, games room and disco. On the journey home the group visited Christmas markets in Garmisch and Zurich. SPANISH DEPARTMENT VISIT TO CATALONIA, SPAIN (JUNE 2015) In June 2015, the Spanish Department took a group of Year 10 and 11 students on an educational visit to the region of Catalonia in North Eastern Spain. Led by Mrs Mateo-Loughlin and accompanied by Mrs Gillespie, Mrs Hynds, Mr Quinn, Mr Francis, Mrs McAuley, Miss Cassidy and Mrs Anne McCormick, the 61 students spent five days learning about the Spanish culture. During the trip, students enjoyed a tour of Barcelona and visited the Nou Camp, the Aquarium, Maremagnum Shopping Centre, the Sacred Family of Gaudi and Poble Espanyol, an open-air museum with replicas of Spanish buildings from different centuries and regions. They also spent half a day visiting the Monastery in Montserrat where they enjoyed a trip on a cable car and on a zip train to the top of the mountain. Another day was spent in Portaventura Theme Park. They also had a guided tour of the beautiful city of Tarragona and its roman ruins with some time to shop in the afternoon. Pupils were also allowed time to swim in the hotel pool, play volleyball at the beach, eat ice-cream and play ten-pin bowling.

YEAR 13 VISIT TO INDIA WITH SAPHARA (JULY 2015) In July 2015, six Year 13 students from St. Mary’s joined students from Dominican College, St Malachy’s College and Belfast Royal Academy when they travelled to India as part of the school’s work with Saphara. Saphara is a Northern Ireland based charity which seeks to provide financial and practical support for under-privileged children in schools in India. The charity also assists children, women and families living in poor, marginalised communities in India. Saphara works in partnership with other charities in India to provide education, materials, support and empowerment for those living in poverty in India. Each year, teams of young people from different schools in Northern Ireland travel to India during the summer to teach in two different schools. Accompanied by Mr Tracey, the St. Mary’s students – Siobhan Comer, Connor Devlin, Ellen Groom, Kyle Johnston, Una McCoy and Tara McGrogan - spent 16 days in India, during which time they worked to develop the language skills and confidence of educationally disadvantaged school children in both rural and urban communities. St. Mary’s Grammar School Page 26

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St. Mary’s is proud of its long history of supporting charitable causes. The generosity and kindness of the whole school community – including students, staff and parents - are widely recognised and have benefitted a range of charity organisations over many years. St. Mary’s charity work fulfils part of the school’s vision whereby we aim to:

. encourage students to play an active and responsible role in society; . provide opportunities for students to develop as global citizens; . encourage students to use their talents for the service of others; and . create a vibrant living faith community where all members of the school community are encouraged to live the Gospel values and be committed to a Christian way of life.

Through charity, fundraising and volunteering activities, students learn about charitable causes and the work of particular charitable organisations. Engagement in charity, fundraising and volunteering activities gives students an opportunity to put their faith into action, demonstrate Christian values and develop a sense of social responsibility and moral obligation by serving others in need in the local, national and global context. Throughout 2014/15, St. Mary’s students supported a number of charity organisations. Details of the school’s charity fundraising activities are presented in the following table:-

Year Group Activity / Event Amount Raised Charity 8 Courtesy Week £1,546.47 OLA Missionary 9 Sponsored Walk £2,782.11 Multiple Sclerosis Society 10 Zumbathon £1,474.36 Lepra 11 Donation of Gifts Gifts SVP Family Gift Aid 13 Coffee morning £382.25 NI Children’s Cancer Charity

In addition, staff co-ordinated a range of different events to raise money for charities, as detailed below:

Date Event Amount Raised Charity Throughout Sale of ice cream at ‘Meet £1,500 Northern Ireland Children’s the year me in St Louis’, school Hospice jerseys and leavers’ hoodies (co-ordinated by Year 13 Mini- Enterprise Scheme) Throughout £400 – sale of ‘quarter zips’ £400 Cathy ar gcara the year (co-ordinated by Year 11 Mini- Company)

November Shoe Box Appeal Shoeboxes / Shoe Box Appeal (co-ordinated by Miss £85 transport costs Fulton) December Hamper Appeal(co- 50 hampers St Vincent de Paul ordinated by Mr Maynes) December Christmas Jumper Day £644.68 Saphara

February Aviva School Mile £298.77 Click Sargent Challenge

May / June Friday Treats £1,068.75 Macmillan Cancer Support (co-ordinated by Miss McKillop)

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In St. Mary’s, we believe that the quality of care and support provided for our students contributes significantly to the positive ethos of our school. Students recognise and appreciate the care and support available to them. The provision fosters good relations between staff and students, and promotes the values of respect, responsibility and co-operation among students. Such an environment is conducive to effective learning and teaching, hence enhancing outcomes for all students. We also believe that pastoral care underpins much of what we do in school. Some aspects of pastoral support include:

. Induction Day for all students in each year group; . Information Evenings for parents and guardians in key year groups; . External speakers at key times in the year eg Gideons International (Year 8); Talk from the PSNI on Internet Safety; Jackie Burke (Year 12); Workshop on self-harm, suicide (Year 11), Assume Summer Camps (Year 10), General RE speakers for senior students; . Study Skills Day – Amazing Brains – for a number of year groups . Year 14 School Formal; . Year 14 Anti-Bullying Training and Prefect Training; . Student Counsellor addresses all students at Year Assemblies; . e-Safety Workshops; . Parent Pastoral Interviews- Year 8 and 11; . Parents’ Evenings; . Charity involvement – year group, whole school and community level . Peer and Subject Mentoring; . Muiredach/John Paul II awards; . End of Year Trips to Craigavon Watersports Centre, . Year group masses- Year 8, 12 and 14;


The Pastoral House System initiative was further embedded into the life of St. Mary’s inside and outside the classroom. Hawthorn House of Joy, led by Mr Brady, were the House Champions 2014-15 – second year in a row! The winning House Champion 2014-15 members celebrated by having a House breakfast in June. All pupils received a House badge during 2014-15. House Masters/Mistresses supported and assisted the very successful Year 8 House Christmas Tree event in December and Sports Day Inter- House Fun games. The Inter-House Fun games were very well supported and enjoyed by all. During the Awards Ceremonies 2015, forty one students were awarded Key Stage House Champion Awards and six students were awarded a new award this year - the Key Stage House Star Champion Award.

. All Heads of Year and Heads of Department completed Pastoral House System Activities Plan for his/her Year Group/Subject Department outlining specific activities/events whereby pupils could avail of House Points/Merits;

. Heads of Year provided a Pastoral/PD activity during term one and another during term 2 whereby pupils could avail of House Points/Merits;

. House Merits were also distributed to pupils who had 100% attendance in a month - they received 5 House Merits;

. Any pupil in his/her Year Group who had a clear Conduct Profile in a month received 5 House Merits;

. The number of House Points/Merits entered onto the system during 2014-15 increased from the previous year 2013-14.

. There was a greater usage of the Achievement Points on SIMs by staff. 2013-14 = 82,478 Achievement Points; 2014-15 = 143,854 Achievement Points. Pupils received 61,376 more achievement points in 2014-15 compared to the previous year.

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In 2014-15, St. Mary’s Grammar School was awarded the Eco-Schools Green Flag Award for a third time. The Eco Committee also entered the Global Wind Awards Eco Committee of the Year Competition and were awarded runners up. Shannon McGillian and Gabriela Kacprzyk attended the awards presentation in The Everglades Hotel, Derry.

The St. Mary’s Eco-Committee is to be commended for its hard work and sustained efforts to foster environmental awareness throughout the entire school and for improving our school environment, which included:- . On 6 November, the Eco-Committee organized a ‘Power Down Day’ in school. Everyone was asked to turn off unnecessary lights and computers and to refrain from charging their iPads and mobile phones;

. In November, Mr Mark Edgar, Mid Ulster Biodiversity Officer spoke to the Eco- Committee about increasing biodiversity in St Mary’s and in December Mr John Murtagh, Magherafelt District Council spoke to them about waste recycling;

. In December 2014, Key Stage 3 participated in An Eco-Code Competition. In January, the Eco-Committee re-launched the classroom recycling initiative and brown bin recycling was introduced for use by the canteen;

. In February, we participated in the RSPB Big Schools’ Bird Watch;

. In March, Year 14 students planted 60 trees from the Woodland Trust, there was a wildflower garden created around the pond and solar panels installed on the roof of the Sports Hall to save energy;

. In April, nectar rich wildflowers were planted in the house garden to attract bumblebees and butterflies to the school grounds and a swift box was erected on the side of the Cashin Building.

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The Magherafelt Learning Partnership was established in 2007. It provides a full microcosm of the post- primary sector of Northern Ireland: it includes controlled, grant maintained, integrated, maintained and voluntary grammar, both denominational and non-denominational; only Irish Medium and single sex education are absent from the. Each school is co-educational, varying in size, type and history. The schools and Northern Regional College also have a long-standing history of working together, both in terms of curricular provision and the continuing professional development of staff. The MLP vision for the future of our schools and the purpose behind then can be summarised as follows:

. Education is central to our future; . Partnership will look to build community cohesion by ensuring equality of opportunity through the removal of barriers to participation in education and seeking to minimise variation in outcome through the provision of relevant and appropriate curriculae.

Throughout 2014-2015, St. Mary’s continued to collaborate with other schools within the Magherafelt Learning Partnership on a range of curricular, extra-curricular and curriculum enrichment initiatives.

SIXTH FORM CURRICULUM PROVISION In 2014-2015, five Year 13 and three Year 14 students attended Magherafelt High School to study Government and Politics. CURRICULUM ENRICHMENT PROGRAMME Throughout 2014-15, the MLP offered Year 13 students access to a common Curriculum Enrichment Programme. Students had the opportunity to choose courses that met their personal development, academic or vocational interests. A two day enrichment programme was organised on the 27 and 28 October during mid-term and the courses offered by St. Mary’s included: Art – up Clothes Recycling, Law, Journalism, Photography and Irish conversation – accredited.

CLAN PROJECT (RAISING STANDARDS IN LITERACY AND NUMERACY) As part of an area-based learning initiative, St Mary’s Numeracy and Literacy Co-ordinators collaborated with Numeracy and Literacy Co-Ordinators from other schools within the Magherafelt Learning Partnership. The aim was to allow for the sharing of expertise and to improve capacity in Literacy and Numeracy development and, consequently, improve the Numeracy and Literacy levels of groups of young people. Year 11 and 12 underachievers in Numeracy were identified based on their Mock results and were subsequently given 6 intensive revision periods, which impacted very positively on their final GCSE result. Subsequent to mock examinations, a number of groups of Year 12 students were identified for participation in intensive GCSE preparation sessions in English for both the Literature and Language exams at the end of the year. Individual student progress was closely monitored and measured. Feeder primary schools were visited with a view to establishing how Numeracy was delivered and how levels were set. Good practice continued to be shared with Co-Ordinators sharing resources and ideas in Numeracy and Literacy. In Literacy, other subjects, such as R.E were approached in order to design tasks for Communication and lessons were observed in order to see how Communication/Literacy is delivered/promoted in other areas of learning.

YEAR 10 CAREERS CONVENTION In October 2014, all Year 10 students attended an MLP Careers Convention hosted by Rainey Endowed Grammar School.

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The examination results for 2015 show that, once again, St. Mary’s ranks among the top performing schools in Northern Ireland. In the Sunday Times Parent Power Survey in November 2015, St. Mary’s was ranked 5th in the Top Ten State Secondary Schools in Northern Ireland. Further information about academic outcomes is outlined in Appendix 1.


KEY STAGE 3 SUMMARY OF RESULTS FOR 2015 No of Pupils in Year 10 - 157 % achieving Level 5 or % achieving Level 6 or % achieving Level 7 or above above above

English Teacher 100 96 51 Assessment

Maths Teacher 100 100 69.43 Assessment


No of % % % NI % A* % A*-A % A*-B % A*-C Pupils 5+ 7+ A*-C 7+ A*-C Grammar Grades Grades Grades Grades A*-C including School English & Average Maths

2015 156 100 98.08 98.08 93 25.25 66.28 92.08 98.78


No of % % % NI % A % A-B % A –C % A-E Pupils 2+ A-C 3+ A-C 4+ A-C Grammar Grades Grades Grades Grades School Average

2015 142 90.85 73.24 22.54 n/a 40.09 66.59 87.5 98.7


No of % % NI % A* % A*-A % A*-B % A*-C % A*-E Pupils 2+ A*-C 3+ A*-C % Gramma Grades Grades Grades Grades Grades 4+ A*-C r School Average

2015 154 97.4 88.9 3.25 75.7 11.13 41.11 74.73 95.29 100

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A number of St. Mary’s students excelled in CCEA GCSE and A Level examinations, achieving top subject places in Northern Ireland, as detailed in the table below:


Claire Cosgrove Spanish GCE Ist

Claire Cosgrove French GCE 1st equal

Emma McKay Art & Design GCE 1st equal

Keeva Madden ICT GCE 2nd equal

Clíodhna S Ní Mhianáin Irish GCSE 1st equal

Lauren McStocker Double Award Science GCSE 3rd equal


TRINITY/ABRSM VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC EXAMINATIONS Pupils from Year 8 to Year 14 received music tuition from the NEELB Peripatetic Music Service. Tutors prepared students for Trinity/ABRSM Vocal and Instrumental Music Examinations. (Further details are outlined in Appendix 5.)

PUBLIC SPEAKING EXAMINATIONS A number of students completed examinations with New Era Academy of Speech and Drama. The candidates excelled, achieving Distinctions or Merits.


In June 2015, twenty-three Year 11 students completed their practice and qualifying expedition in the Antrim Hills area. Duke of Edinburgh coordinators Mr M Tracey and Mrs S Johnston were assisted by Mr M Francis and Miss P Agnew.

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GCSE Entries Grades Outcome (%) 23 A* 21.7 A*/A 52.1 A*/B 95.6 A*/C 100

AS Entries Grades Outcome (%) 2 A 100 A/B 100 A/C 100

A2 Entries Grades Outcome (%) 9 A* 11.1 A*/A 33.3 A*/B 77.7 A*/C 100

Art and Design Department achievements in 2014-15 include: . Emma McKay achieved First Place (equal) in N Ireland in the CCEA 2015 A Level Art & Design examination; . Emma Boyle and Emily Quinn achieved full marks in the CCEA 2015 GCSE Art and Design examination; . Emma McKay had her AS examination work chosen to be exhibited in the True Colours Exhibition at the Ulster Museum; . Emily Quinn received a certificate of commendation for her portrait of Seamus Heaney in the Texaco Children’s Art competition; . Key Stage 3 students were selected to take part in the Centre for European Studies Christmas Card competition. . Year 11 student, Sarah Bateson produced the St Mary’s Christmas Card 2014.

The range of activities provided by the Art and Design Department in 2014-15 includes: . Educational visit to the True Colours Exhibition in the Ulster Museum for Year 11-14 students; . AS and A Level students attended a millinery workshop with Marie Claire Ferguson; . Students and staff attended an MLP Photography Course during Hallowe’en mid-term break delivered by Mrs Fionnuala Finnegan; . Year 9 Photography Art Club; . Year 10 Painting Club; . Year 8 Jewellery Club; . Local Architect, Patrick Bradley addressed Year 10, GCSE and A Level students; . Year 8 students exhibited their portraits of ‘My Hero’ in Magherafelt Parish Centre; . Year 8 Induction taster sessions for primary school groups; and . End of Year Art & Design Exhibition featuring the work of GCSE, AS and A2 students.

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AS Entries Grades Outcome (%) 61 A 44.3 A/B 70.5 A/C 86.9

A2 Entries Grades Outcome (%) 52 A* 15.4 NI Average (%) A*/A 48.07 A*/B 75 A*/C 98.1

The range of activities provided by the Biology Department in 2014-15 includes:

. Year 13 Biology Field Trip: Sea shore study at Portaferry and Visit to Exploris Aquarium; . F G Wilson address Year 11 students to promote STEM subjects and careers in engineering; . Mr McAuley, Mr Tracey and Miss Agnew attended the School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science to increase their awareness of career opportunities; . Mr Hogg, Precision Gear Company Ltd addressed Year 10 students on renewable energy and related careers.



GCSE Entries Grades Outcome (%) 13 A* 23.1 A*/A 53.9 A*/B 100 A*/C 100 AS Entries Grades Outcome (%) 15 A 33.3 A/B 73.3 A/C 93.3 A2 Entries Grades Outcome (%) 15 A* 6.7 A*/A 60 A*/B 93.3 A*/C 93.3

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APPLIED BUSINESS AS Entries Grades Outcome (%) 8 A 62.5 A/B 100 A/C 100

A2 Entries Grades Outcome (%) 9 A* 22.2 A*/A 33.3 A*/B 88.9 A*/C 100

ECONOMICS AS Entries Grades Outcome (%) 12 A 41.7 A/B 75 A/C 91.7 A2 Entries Grades Outcome (%) 9 A* 0 A*/A 0 A*/B 44.4 A*/C 77.7

The range of activities provided by the Business Studies and Economics Department in 2014-15 includes:

. A Year 8 class participated in an Invest NI Competition namely StepnZone which aimed to introduce and embed ICT and entrepreneurial skills. They attended a morning event at the Tullyglass House Hotel, whereby the class were divided into groups and set tasks to complete. . A group of Year 13 Economics students participated in the QUB University Investment Challenge – an investment challenge organised by the QUB Management School. The students were given a task to increase in value a fictional investment portfolio by purchasing or selling stocks and shares in response to stimulus data and events. This event gave them a great insight into the world of Finance. . Year 11 formed a mini company and decided to sell ‘quarter zips’ to the school community. £400 was given to their chosen charity – Cathy ar gcara. . The Year 13 Young Enterprise group met every Tuesday and organised themselves very efficiently. They sold various goods to the school community. Their products included a school jersey, Mullins ice cream at the school musical, and the organisation of the Year 14 leaver’s hoodies. They raised a total of £1,500 which they donated to Northern Ireland Children’s Hospice . Year 14 Applied Business students visited the Central Library. . Year 11/12 Business Studies visited the Tayto factory in Tandragee. . Year 14 Business Studies industrial visit to the Wright Group, Ballymena. . Year 13 Industrial visit to Caterpillar, Larne. St. Mary’s Grammar School Page 35

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AS Entries Grades Outcome (%) 47 A 51.1 A/B 66 A/C 85.1

A2 Entries Grades Outcome (%) 35 A* 13.2 A*/A 52.7 A*/B 86.9 A*/C 97.4

Chemistry Department achievements in 2014-15 include: . A group of Upper Sixth students were successful in the Cambridge Challenge Competition which took place in school on Friday 20 June 2015. Emma McKay, Roshan O’Donnell and Conor O’Kane were awarded the Silver Award, Leonie Devlin received the Copper Award and Keeva Madden was highly commended. . Bronagh McGuckin was presented with an award by the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) for being the top female candidate in A-Level Chemistry in N Ireland in the summer 2014 series. The presentation of this award took place in the Stormont Hotel, Belfast. . Year 14 students Emma McKay, Roshan O’Donnell and Calum McClenaghan were awarded Silver Certificates in the British Chemistry Olympiad Competition and Leonie Devlin and Keeva Madden achieved a Bronze award. . The Department was successful in accessing funding of £200 from the RSC for the Science Club. . Barry McErlean, Year 10, was ranked in twelfth place in the UK (out of 3,729) in the online Chemical Reaction Challenge Competition. Cate Bateson and Caoimhe Mullan achieved 84th place 435th respectively.

The range of activities provided by the Chemistry Department in 2014-15 includes: . A group of Year 12 students attended The Chemistry at Work Exhibition took place in Queen’s University, Belfast . Year 13 students Orla Mallon, Bronagh Harkin, Katie McGurk and Megan McGlone completed a newsletter article entitled ‘Crystallography’ for the institute of Ireland Essay competition.

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GCSE Entries Grades Outcome (%) 30 A* 43.3 A*/A 83.3 A*/B 96.6 A*/C 100 AS Entries Grades Outcome (%) 10 A 10 A/B 90 A/C 100 A2 Entries Grades Outcome (%) 13 A* 23.1 A*/A 23.1 A*/B 76.9 A*/C 100 GCSE PERFORMING ARTS Entries Grades Outcome (%) 19 A* 57.9 A*/A 94.73 A*/B 100 A*/C 100

Drama Department achievements and activities in 2014-15 include:

. On Thursday 4 September 2014, GCSE Drama and Performing Arts students travelled to the Millennium Forum Theatre in Derry to see a production of Hairspray.

. In late August 2014, rehearsals for the St. Mary’s production of Meet Me in St. Louis began. The Cast and Production Teams involved in the show worked tirelessly and enthusiastically throughout September, October and November to produce a highly polished piece of musical theatre. Throughout the musical experience, students and staff had the pleasure of working with a range of industry professionals, including a guest director, choreographer, musicians, set designer, costumier, sound designer, lighting designer and hair and make-up artist.

To ensure that they could produce a high quality show, students and staff took part in a wide range of fundraising and sponsorship activities, including a bag pack in Tesco, a Key Stage 3 Halloween disco and a Grand Quiz in The Elk, Toomebridge. A Breakfast Morning was held for the Principal Sponsors of the production: Heron Bros, Genesis Crafty, B.P McKeefry, A.D. Surveyors and Quinn’s Coach Hire. The production was also generously supported by many other local businesses.

Between 25 – 29 November 2014, St. Mary’s presented Meet Me in St. Louis in the School Assembly Hall to sell out audiences each evening. Local schools attended matinee performances of the show. The production was a resounding success which showcased the creative skills and talents of St. Mary’s students and staff.

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. On 6 November 2014, GCSE, AS and A2 students travelled to the Lyric Theatre in Belfast to see a production of Sive by John B. Keane.

. On 2 December 2014, GCSE Drama and Performing Arts students attended a performance of Joseph and His Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat in St. Pius X College, Magherafelt.

. In January, the Drama Department announced plans for a theatre trip to New York in early 2016.

. Beginning in January and running throughout Term Two, the Key Stage 3 Drama Club gave students in Year 8, Year 9 and Year 10 the opportunity to take part in after-school drama activities.

. In February, GCSE Drama students attended a workshop in school with the Chief Examiner for CCEA GCSE Drama with a focus on Achieving the Grade in GCSE Drama.

. On Wednesday 4 March 2015, GCSE, AS and A2 students travelled to the Abbey Theatre in Dublin to see a production of William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

. On Thursday 5 March 2015, Year 13 students presented An Evening of Monologues and Duologues in the Drama Studio featuring extracts from plays such as An Ideal Husband by Oscar Wilde, Antigone by Jean Anouilh, A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams, Educating Rita by Willy Russell, Sive by John B. Keane and Tea in a China Cup by Christina Reid.

. On Wednesday 18 March 2015, Year 12 Drama students presented performances of Antigone by Jean Anouilh, Dancing at Lughnasa by Brian Friel, Lay Up Your Ends by Martin Lynch, Little Women by Louisa May Alcott and Steel Magnolias by Robert Harling in the Drama Studio.

. On Thursday 26 March 2015, Year 12 Drama students presented scenes from Steel Magnolias by Robert Harling as part of the St. Mary’s Spring Concert.

. On Monday 30 March 2015, Year 14 Drama and Theatre Studies students presented devised pieces entitled Which Seed Will Grow? and Behind Closed Doors in the Drama Studio.

. On Wednesday 6 May 2015, Year 12 Performing Arts students presented Up Above the World So High and The Power of Imagination in the Drama Studio as Showcase Performance work.

. On Wednesday 13 May 2015, Year 13 students presented performances of Eclipsed by Patricia Burke-Brogan and Kindertransport by Diane Samuels in the Drama Studio.

. In June, GCSE Drama and Performing Arts students travelled to the Lyric Theatre in Belfast to see a production of The Last Five Years starring Fra Fee.

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GCSE English Entries Grades Outcome (%) 156 A* 16.7 A*/A 60.3 A*/B 93.6 A*/C 100 GCSE English Literature Entries Grades Outcome (%) 154 A* 27.1 A*/A 73.6 A*/B 94.2 A*/C 100 AS English Literature Entries Grades Outcome (%) 33 A 36.4 A/B 57.6 A/C 90.9 A2 English Literature No of Entries Grades Outcome (%) 24 A* 19.4 A*/A 38.8 A*/B 61.4 A*/C 87.2

English Department achievements in 2014-15 include: . Siobhan Comer won Rotary International Young Leaders of the Future Competition and spends a week in Strasbourg and given the opportunity to debate in the European Parliament as part of the prize; . Soroptomist Public Speaking Competition: 5 students participated and two Year 13 students, Estella Tohill-Reid and Niamh Martin were awarded third place (Joint). . Cian McStocker (Year 10) is selected as one of 12 UK Finalists for the Poetry Games Poetry Competition; he goes on to win 2nd place in the UK (Mrs Reid). . Three students ( Declan Murray, Olivia Harney & Eva Hirst) were highly commended at the Awards ceremony in September and had their poems published in the Patrick Kavanagh Poetry Awards Anthology 2015; and . A group of Year 9 take part in the Young Writer’s Poetry Competition and The Poetry Games Writing Competition and some have poems published.

The range of activities provided by the English Department in 2014-15 includes: . Two Year 12 students designed and sketched a Seamus Heaney Mural on the English corridor to celebrate the influence of the poet’s work on our teachers and students. It was described as ‘simply breath-taking and inspirational’ by visiting English Inspector, Mr John McCusker. . In September Year 9 and 10 students visit Laurel Villa to meet with Eoin Colfer, Irish children’s author. . Author, Sheena Wilkinson visits Year 8 and 9 students; . Lunchtime Book Club with Year 8 runs from September to December in the school library. . Various members of the English Department contribute to the School Musical Meet Me in St. Louis (Production/Stage Management/Show Programme/Props/Front of House); . Literacy Support for Years 9-14 implemented; . National Poetry Day celebrated by Year 8 students with a Poetry Jam in the Drama Studio; . In December, English/Literacy prefects began their Homework Club;

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. BBC New Report began in February and ran every Wednesday at lunchtime for Year 10. . In March, CLAN support (Raising Standards in Literacy and Numeracy) is successfully implemented for targeted Year 12 students; . To celebrate World Book Day on 6 March, all Key Stage 3 students received a £1 book token and participated in a range of activities including creation of a Recommendations board, Speed Book-Dating, book presentations, making a book mark, visits to assemblies by Literature staff and students, games, quizzes and World Book Day Art Competition; . Senior Book Club met monthly with Mrs Keenan, Librarian, . A Read Write Café was launched. . Successful moderation and completion of Year 10 Communication Portfolios, Year 12 Controlled Assessment and Year 13 Coursework; and . Spelling Bees held with Year 8 and 9 classes.


GCSE Entries Grades Outcome (%) A* 12.1 58 A*/A 41.4 A*/B 79.3 A*/C 98.3 AS Entries Grades Outcome (%) A 0 6 A/B 50 A/C 66.7 A2 Entries Grades Outcome (%) A* 25 4 A*/A 25 A*/B 75 A*/C 100

French Department achievements in 2014-15 include: . Claire Cosgrove achieved First Place (equal) in N Ireland in the CCEA 2015 A Level French examination.

The range of activities provided by the French Department in 2014-15 includes:

. Key Stage 3 French Club ‘Club Francais’; . Coffee Club ‘Café Sainte Maria’ for students in Years 10 – 14; . Year 10 French Bottle Competition . Year 12 French Environment Competition . French Pen Pal Club . Year 12 French students teach French to students at Holy Family Primary School as part of European Languages Day. . Year 9 students played Pétanque, a French games of bowls, with their French teachers; . Year 12 students attended a Languages Careers Talk given by Dr David Barr, Head of Modern Languages at the University of Ulster and Dr Xiuping Li, a Chinese lecturer at the University.

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4.8 GERMAN DEPARTMENT GCSE Entries Grades Outcome (%) 13 A* 30.8 A*/A 46.2 A*/B 77 A*/C 92.3

The range of activities provided by the German Department in 2014-15 includes:

. Klub Deutsch for students in Years 9 and 10. . Beginners’ Italian for students in Years 8-14. Visit from German partner school, Gymnasium Oesede (see section on International Educational Visits)

4.9 GEOGRAPHY DEPARTMENT GCSE Entries Grades Outcome (%) 45 A* 17.8 A*/A 64.4 A*/B 93.2 A*/C 97.6 AS Entries Grades Outcome (%) 14 A 50 A/B 71.4 A/C 92.8 A2 Entries Grades Outcome (%) 23 A* 13 A*/A 47.8 A*/B 82.6 A*/C 95.6

The range of activities provided by the Geography Department in 2014-15 includes: . Key Stage 3 Geography Club with assistance from some Key Stage 4 & Key Stage 5 students;

. Year 13 students took part in a fieldwork activity to Crawfordsburn Country Park;

. Year 14 students undertook a survey to investigate people’s views on nuclear power in the local area;

. Year 11 students visited Magilligan Field Centre to carry out fieldwork activities.

. Year 9 students participated in a Geography fieldwork activity at Crawfordsburn Country Park, Co. Down.

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GCSE No of Entries Grades Outcome (%)

60 A* 31.7 A*/A 73.4

A*/B 95.1

A*/C 100 AS

No of Entries Grades Outcome (%)

21 A 52.4 A/B 71.4 A/C 95.2

A2 No of Entries Grades Outcome (%) 30 A* 20 A*/A 46.7 A*/B 73.4

A*/C 93.4

POLITICS AS No of entries Grades Outcome (%)

5 A 20 A/B 20 A/C 40 A2 No of Grades Outcome (%) Entries4 A* 0 A*/A 66.7 A*/B 100 A*/C 100

The range of activities provided by the History and Politics Department in 2014-15 includes: . Horrible Histories Club for Key Stage 3 students; . Social Action Committee for Year 14 students; . Year 10 History students Roise Pelan, Anna McCloskey, Cate Bateson, Caolain Anderson and Conor McCann produced a report on World War One for BBC News School report; . Year 14 student Catherine Devlin took part in the Historical Association’s Great Debate at St Columb’s College, Derry; . All Year 8 history students had the opportunity to attend a Norman outreach programme which allowed them to meet the Normans and handle weaponry; . Year 11 History students were visited by Orfhlaith Kearney and participants in the Northern Voices/ Glortha Aduaidh Project in which students were shown video footage

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Annual Board of Governors’ Report 2014-15 and told personal stories of the experiences of ordinary people during the Troubles in Northern Ireland; . Year 12 History students Carine Fullerton, Lucy Cassidy, Meabh Mc Girr and Sarah Gallen produced a report for the Age NI campaign for BBC News School Report; . Year 13 History students attended a series of lectures on German history at the Somme Heritage Centre in Bangor; . Year 14 History students visited Glasnevin Cemetery and Dublin castle as part of their A2 syllabus. At Glasnevin they were able to see the final resting places of key figures in Irish history such as O’Connell, Parnell, DeValera and Collins. This was followed by a tour of Dublin castle, the seat of British power in Ireland.


GCSE Child Development Entries Grades Outcome (%) 16 A* 6.3 A*/A 31.3 A*/B 75.1 A*/C 100

AS Health and Social Care Entries Grades Outcome (%) 19 A 42.1 A/B 100 A/C 100

A2 Health and Social Care Entries Grades Outcome (%) 21 A* 0 A*/A 28.6 A*/B 81 A*/C 100

AS Home Economics Entries Grades Outcome (%) 10 A 30 A/B 60 A/C 90

Home Economics Department achievements in 2014-15 include: . AS Home Economics Students visited Loughrey College to train for a Level 2 Award in Healthier Food and Special Diets and were all presented with certificates after successfully completing the course and passing the exam.

The range of activities provided by the Home Economics Department in 2014-15 includes: . Key Stage 3 weekly Cookery Club; . Home Economics department hosted German and Spanish visitors who had the opportunity to make and taste some traditional Irish breads . AS Home Economics students visited Loughrey College for a Consumer Buying lecture; . The Home Economics department and their AS Home Economics and AS Health and Social Care students where very involved in the wardrobe department for our production of ‘Meet me in St. Louis’ and were key to the smooth running of the whole process. St. Mary’s Grammar School Page 43

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4.12 ICT DEPARTMENT GCSE Entries Grades Outcome (%) 60 A* 30 A*/A 80 A*/B 96.7 A*/C 98.3 AS Entries Grades Outcome (%) 39 A 23.1 A/B 35.9 A/C 79.5 A2 Entries Grades Outcome (%) 32 A* 6.3 A*/A 37.6 A*/B 72 A*/C 90.8

APPLIED ICT A2 Entries Grades Outcome (%) 11 A* 0 A*/A 27.3 A*/B 54.6 A*/C 81.9

ICT Department activities and achievements in 2014-15 include:

. Keeva Madden achieved Second Place (equal) in N Ireland in the CCEA 2015 A Level ICT examination; . Year 13 female ICT students attended ICT Event for girls at the Titanic, Belfast. This provided an understanding of businesses operating in the ICT sector and the career opportunities available for females.

4.13 IRISH DEPARTMENT GCSE No of Grades Outcome (%) Entries55 A* 21.8 A*/A 45.4 A*/B 90.9 A*/C 100 AS No of Grades Outcome (%) Entries9 A 44.4 A/B 66.6 A/C 77.7

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Annual Board of Governors’ Report 2014-15 A2 No of Grades Outcome (%) Entries8 A* 12.5 A*/A 87.5 A*/B 87.5 A*/C 100

Irish Department achievements in 2014-15 include:

. Clíodhna S Ní Mhianáin achieved First Place (equal) in N Ireland in the CCEA 2015 Irish examination; . Gael Linn Quiz - Year 10 Irish students attended the annual Irish quiz in the Glenavon Hotel, Cookstown. Over 250 students participated in the event organised by Gael Linn and they all participated in the céilí event which occurred after the quiz. Molly Ní Néill, Áine Nic Aodha, Cáit Ní Lochlainn & Chloe achieved 1st place in the regional quiz. . Abair Public Speaking – Students form the GCSE and A level classes represented the school in the annual public speaking event, Abair. Caoimhe Ní Néill and Róisáine Ní Mhaoláin were awarded 1st and 2nd place respectively. . Gael Linn Scholarships – Over 60 students applied for Gaeltacht scholarships this year and of those interviewed, approximately 20 achieved either a ½ or ¼ scholarship to assist with the cost of a summer Gaeltacht course. . Fáinne Airgid - Year 10 students were offered the opportunity to complete their fáinne airgid exam. The top 3 boys and girls were then awarded Corn Bhríde, for excellence in spoken Irish. Corn Bhríde was awarded to: Donnabhán Mac Cathmhaoil, Pól Mac Fhirléinn, Seán Ó Coileáin, Clár Ní Chaiside, Mollaí Ní Néill and Siobhán Nig Uidhir.

The range of activities provided by the Irish Department in 2014-15 includes:

. Club Mhuire which gave Irish enthusiasts the opportunity to meet on a weekly basis to engage in a range of activities, including singing, dancing and art, through the medium of Irish; . A2 students attended Gaelscoil an tSeanchaí, the local Irish Medium primary school, to deliver lessons through the medium of Irish; . All year 10 students participated in a language quiz which marked the European Day of Languages through the use of the 4 languages taught in St. Mary’s. . In recognition of the European Day of Languages, the traditional group Cóiriú played a selection of Irish traditional tunes in Café Bordeaux. . Dr Malachy Ó Néill, Ulster University, spoke with all Year 10 students regarding the importance of language learning and the opportunities which language learning provides for the future. . UU AS Irish Workshop– Members of the AS Irish class participated in a 1 day workshop in preparation for their AS exams in May. . A2 Literature Day – A2 students travelled to the University of Ulster, Magee, to participate in literature workshops based on their chosen topic of study for A2 Irish literature. They met with some of the poets on the syllabus and engaged with a number of prominent lecturers from the University. . Abair All-Ireland Final – Caoimhe Ní Néill and Róisáine Ní Mhaoláin represented Scoil Mhuire in the final of the presitigious public speaking competition, Abair. The final was held in An Carn Cultural Centre, Maghera. . Céilí na Spáinneach – The Irish department welcomed Spanish students from Madrid and provided a taste of Irish dance and culture for them during their stay. . Cúrsa Gaeltachta – Over 30 Year 8 & 9 students attended an intensive language-learning course at Coláiste Gael Linn, Machaire Rabhartaigh . Cúrsa Gaeltachta – Approximately 30 Year 9 -13 students attended an intensive language- learning courses at Coláiste Gael Linn, Machaire Rabhartaigh and Bun an Inbhir. . Cúrsa Gaeltachta –Year 11 students attended an intensive language-learning course at Coláiste Gael Linn, Machaire Rabhartaigh.

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4.14 MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT GCSE No of Grades Outcome (%) Entries156 A* 30.7 A*/A 76.8 A*/B 97.95 A*/C 100 GCSE - ADDITIONAL MATHS No of Grades Outcome (%) Entries59 A* 22 A*/A 61 A*/B 83 A*/C 93.2 AS No of Grades Outcome (%) Entries72 A 38.9 A/B 63.9 A/C 83.3 A2 No of Grades Outcome (%) Entries51 A* 7.8 A*/A 43.1 A*/B 80.4 A*/C 100

Mathematics Department achievements in 2014-15 include: . In the UK Senior Mathematics Challenge for Year 14 students, seventeen students achieved a certificate: one student achieved a Silver Award, and sixteen students achieved a Bronze Award. . In the UK Intermediate Mathematics Challenge for Year 12 students, fifty seven students achieved a certificate: one student achieved a Gold Award, eighteen students achieved a Silver Award and thirty eight students achieved a Bronze Award; and . In the UK Junior Mathematics Challenge for Year 9 students, forty nine students achieved a certificate: five students achieved a Gold Award, sixteen students achieved a Silver Award and twenty eight students achieved a Bronze Award.

The range of activities provided by the Mathematics Department in 2014-15 includes: . Year 13 Trip to University of Ulster, Jordanstown - Twenty students attended an Insight Morning at Jordanstown Campus organised by the Faculty of Computing and Engineering. The event provided an insight into maths-related careers and consisted of talks about maths courses and the current growth of attractive maths-related careers in Northern Ireland. . CEIAG STEM Teacher Placement in Industry – Mrs Monaghan was offered the opportunity to participate in a CEIAG STEM Teacher Placement in Industry. This involved a visit to NISRA (NI Statistics and Research Agency), and the Department of Finance and Personnel. . STEM in Action’ Event – The STEM conference gave teachers the opportunity to not only gain an understanding of the career opportunities and possible career pathways

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Annual Board of Governors’ Report 2014-15 within STEM related businesses and industry, but also on a practical level to talk to employees from 18 businesses who are pursuing a STEM related career. . Professor Colm Mulcahy, Professor of Mathematics at Spelman College in Atlanta carried out a workshop for Year 10 students. Professor Mulcahy earned a B.Sc. and M.Sc. in mathematical science from University College, Dublin and a Ph.D. from Cornell University. For over a decade, he has been at the forefront of publishing original “mathemagical” principles and effects, particularly in his long-running bi- monthly Card Colm for the Mathematical Association of America. . Year 13 Trip to Queen’s University, Belfast – Twenty students attended a taster event at QUB School of Management. The purpose of the taster programme was to provide students with an opportunity to learn more about the Management School and the courses they offer: Accounting and Accounting with a Language, Actuarial Science and Risk Management, Business Management, Economics, Business Economics, Economics with a Language, Economics and Accounting, Economics with Finance and Finance. . QUB School of Engineering Visits St Mary’s Mathematics Department - Past pupil, Donal McGuckin, visited St Mary’s to speak to Year 13 Mathematics students along with Gemma O’Donnell (Marketing and Student Recruitment Officer at the School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science). The purpose of the event was to promote degree pathways in Electrical and Electronic Engineering at QUB and to highlight the current shortage of graduates in Electrical and Electronic Engineering and as a result of this, the large number of jobs on offer locally and outside of N Ireland.


AS Entries Grades Outcome (%) 4 A 16.7 A/B 100 A/C 100

A2 Entries Grades Outcome (%) 4 A* 0 A*/A 0 A*/B 87.5 A*/C 100

The range of activities provided by the Moving Image Arts Department in 2014-15 includes: . Professional Masterclasses in Editing with Final Cut Pro x, Camera & Lighting Workshop, Special Effects with FCPX, Sound & Design Workshop/Production Sound & Editing delivered by the Nerve Centre, Belfast; and

. Documentary and News Production delivered St Mary’s staff and Mr Thomas Niblock (BBC).

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GCSE Entries Grades Outcome (%) 8 A* 62.5 A*/A 87.5 A*/B 100 A*/C 100

AS Entries Grades Outcome (%) 2 A 0 A/B 50 A/C 100

A2 Entries Grades Outcome (%) 4 A* 0 A*/A 50 A*/B 75 A*/C 100

Music Department achievements in 2014-15 include: . Over forty students were successful in ABRSM, Trinity Guildhall and College of Music examinations ranging from Grade One to Performance Diploma; . Stage Music Group: 2nd place in Ballymena Festival. This involved a group of students from Years 8 – 11 and was organised and directed by Year 14 students Shannon Donnelly, Enya Loughlin and Catherine Devlin. . Junior Orchestra – 2nd place – Ballymena Festival . Senior Traditional Group – 1st Place – Ballymena Festival . ‘Coiriu’ (Senior Traditional Group) awarded third prize in the annual Gael Linn, ‘Siansa’ competition winning 750 Euros . Senior Traditional Group perform in Symphony Hall, Birmingham as part of the ‘Music For Youth’ National Festival

The range of activities provided by the Music Department in 2013-14 includes: . Music for the Junior School Masses and Senior School Masses throughout the year; . Senior Awards Ceremony- String quartet; . Four students – Jack Warnock, Mairead Mitchell, Eimhear Mulholland and Brigeen Mitchell performed at the School Prom in the Albert Hall, London in November 2014; . Staff and a group of students from Years 9 – 14 involved in school musical ‘Meet Me In St Louis’ . School Carol services; . Easter Concert – the invited audience enjoyed all ensembles and instrumentalists in the school performance; . GCSE and AS recital – Both classes performed for family and friends in an informal music recital in the Music Department; . Thirteen Junior Traditional Players attended the Music for Youth’s ‘National Festival’ =, Birmingham in July 2015. The group who were directed by Miss McKillop and upper sixth mentors, Jack Warnock, Eimhear Mulholland, Mairead Mitchell and Fintan Darragh, were accompanied to the festival by Miss Donnelly and Mr Quinn; and . Students from Holy Family Primary School were facilitated in order to take their brass examinations in the school. St. Mary’s Grammar School Page 48

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GCSE Entries Grades Outcome (%) 35 A* 74.3 A*/A 97.2 A*/B 100 A*/C 100 AS Entries Grades Outcome (%) 19 A 58 A/B 79 A/C 100 A2 Entries Grades Outcome (%) 22 A* 15 A*/A 25 A*/B 50 A*/C 95

Full details of the range of achievements and activities in the PE Department are detailed in the Sports Review section.

4.18 PHYSICS DEPARTMENT AS Entries Grades Outcome (%)

35 A 45.7 A/B 65.7 A/C 80 A2 Entries Grades Outcome (%) 31 A* 0 A*/A 29 A*/B 61.3 A*/C 90.3

Physics Department achievements and activities in 2014-15 include:

. British Physics Olympiad GCSE Challenge- Seven Year 12 students took part in the competition: Conaill Prenter, Sé O’Kane, Ryan Quinn, Ruairí O’Kane, Brendan Kearney, Sarah McNeill and Niamh McKee. Congratulations to Brendan Kearney who achieved a Bronze Award. . The following Year 13 students participated in the AS Physics Challenge in March: Paul McCarron, Connor Devlin, Estella Tohill-Reid, Megan Monaghan, Laura Mockeviciute, Cormac Mackle, Kyle Johnston, James Tennyson, Dermot Donnelly, Eoghan McDonald and Hugh-Roe O’Donnell. Well done to all eleven students and congratulations to Megan Monaghan, Cormac Mackle and Eoghan McDonald who achieved Bronze Awards. . All Year 13 Physics students had the opportunity to visit Antrim Hospital Radiology Department. They had a tour of the radiology department and got to see how the different imaging techniques are used, eg. Ultrasound, MRI, CT scans and X-Ray machines in medicine. . St. Mary’s Grammar School Page 49

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GCSE Entries Grades Outcome (%)

156 A* 14.7 A*/A 53.8 A*/B 85.2 A*/C 96.8

AS Entries Grades Outcome (%)

11 A 27.3 A/B 36.4 A/C 90.9

A2 Entries Grades Outcome (%) 20 A* 10 A*/A 30 A*/B 55 A*/C 100

The range of activities provided by the Religious Studies Department in 2014-15 includes:

. Religious themed assemblies for all Year groups;

. Opening of the School Year Mass;

. Rosary group;

. General RE visiting speakers for Year 3 and Year 14 students: Turlough Quinn, Dermot Kelly, Bosco McShane, Richard Moore, Marion Carroll and Hugo MacOscar;

. SVDP hamper appeal;

. School Christmas Carol Service;

. Catholic Schools Mass in Armagh with Archbishop Eamonn Martin;

. The Muiredach Cross Award and the Pope John Paul II Award;

. Year 14 Leavers’ Mass; Year 12 Leavers’ Mass; and Year 8 ‘Thanksgiving Mass’ and

. Year 10 Summer Camp Talk by ADYC.

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GCSE Double Award Science Entries Grades Outcome (%) 156 A*A*/A*A/AA 72.11 A*A* /BB 82.37 A*A*/CC 100

Science Department achievements in 2014-15 include:

. Lauren McStocker achieved third place (equal) in N Ireland in the CCEA 2015 GCSE Double Award Science examination.

Details of activities provided by the Science Department in 2014-15 are contained in the Biology, Chemistry and Physics sections.

4.21 SPANISH DEPARTMENT GCSE Entries Grades Outcome (%) 34 A* 5.9 A*/A 29.4 A*/B 52.9 A*/C 85.3

A2 Entries Grades Outcome (%)

7 A* 14.3 A*/A 28.5 A*/B 71.5 A*/C 85.8

Spanish Department achievements in 2014-15 include:

. Claire Cosgrove achieved first place in N Ireland in the CCEA 2015 GCE Spanish examination;

. VocabExpress League of Champions – Spanish students from Years 11 to 14 took part in an online vocabulary learning competition and many of them received certificates from VocabExpress.

The range of activities provided by the Spanish Department in 2014-15 includes:

. Club Doritos (Spanish club) for Junior students;

. Pen-pal Link with Colegio Aristos in Getafe (Madrid) – all Year 8 and 9 Spanish students;

. Spanish/Art students from Year 11 and 12 kept in contact with their partners in Colegio Aristos, Madrid through videoconference;

. Visit to Catalonia and visits with Spanish Partner Schools. (see Section on Internationalism and Educational Visits.)

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20 A* 10 A*/A 75 A*/B 95 A*/C 100 AS Entries Grades Outcome (%) 10 A 50 A/B 100 A/C 100 A2 Entries Grades Outcome (%) 20 A* 9.5 A*/A 61.9 A*/B 100 A*/C 100

Technology and Design Department achievements and activities in 2014-15 include:

. All Year 8 and Year 13 Technology students took part in the Sentinus Robotics Challenge Day in school;

. In June 2015, a group of Year 13 and Year 14 Technology students participated in the Sentinus Young Innovators’ Competition in Jordanstown;

. Also in June 2015, Sentinus and NIE held a careers talk in school for all Year 9 students.

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5.1 PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT At St Mary’s, we value our close links with parents and guardians. We see this relationship as making a vital and positive contribution to school life. You entrust your children to us and we strive, with your support and co-operation, to assist your child to develop to his/her full potential.

Parents are involved in the life of the school in the following ways:

. Parent representation on the Board of Governors; . Parent-Teacher Progress Meetings – seven were held last year; . Pastoral Interviews for Year 8 Parents/Guardians; . Newsletters and communications from the school to home; . Parents are consulted when key policies are being drafted; . Parents attend key school events such as Masses, concerts and the Awards Ceremony; . Parents supporting school projects; . Progress reports; . Parent text messaging service; . ParentPay system for processing cashless payments; . Staff and Parent Coffee Morning; . Information Evenings such as e-Safety, Careers Information and Back to Basics Parent’s Workshop; . Art & Design Exhibition; . Induction afternoon for new intake; . Individual meetings by appointment as needed / requested; and . Responding to questionnaires and consultation documents.


Launched in February 2012, our Parent-Teacher Association continues to play an active part in the life of the St Mary's school community. To date, it has held Craft Fairs, organised a sponsored walk and a Christmas raffle. In the new term of 2015, the PTA hosted a Coffee Morning for the new Year 8 students and their parents. The PTA has sponsored lockers, sports teams, the most recent musical, 'Meet Me In St Louis', and, funded the Big Breakfast for the winning house in June 2015.

The work of the PTA is very much appreciated by the Board of Governors and the entire school community- and when Chairperson Mrs D Doran asked parents to volunteer on the Year 8 Induction Evening in June 2015, she was delighted with the uptake. We look forward to the future growth of St Mary’s PTA.

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The safety and security of all who are on the St. Mary’s premises continues to be a key priority for the Board of Governors. We continue to refine and develop the measures to safeguard the site and all who work on and visit the site through:

. The installation of CCTV cameras by school staff and the Access Control System for vehicles and Door Access Control for the pupil and visitor entrances;

. The policy of separating bus, vehicular traffic and pedestrians has led to a safe school site during the past 12 months;

. Further Ball stop fencing was erected to prevent balls landing on the Castledawson Road.


. Additional Defibrillators were introduced and staff trained in their deployment. Further plans for additional defibrillators in the incoming financial year are planned;

. Regular emergency evacuation drills were conducted during the year. The fire alarm was checked weekly and monthly;

. An ‘Acceptable Use of the Internet Policy’ was sent from the school to all parents/guardians during Term One;

. To improve health and safety on the school grounds, we have trained supervisory staff at break and lunchtime to safeguard pupils;

. Certified first aid training was undertaken by a number of the teaching and teaching support staff during the year.


. The school got permission from the School Enhancement Programme for a Sixth form provision, music classrooms and the project is anticipated to begin on site in March 2016;

. Additional funds were secured to replace single glazed windows and plans are progressing for the additional SEN space and storage space with the Department of Education;

. Further enhancement work was completed to the amenity area behind the former Convent house;

. Extensive painting and repair of flooring and tiled areas took place during the year;

. The car park was successfully enlarged on the Castledawson Road side.

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Financial Statement for the Financial Year Ending March 2015 INCOME £

Department of Education Northern Ireland 4,864,495

Other Income 53,954

TOTAL INCOME 4,918,449


Total Expenditure 5,029,513

Operating Deficit 111,064

Retained Surplus Carried Forward at 1/4/2015 41,763

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School policy documents on the following topics are available from the school at any time. Parents may request a paper copy of any policy by contacting the School Office.

Admissions Anti-Bullying Attendance Assessment Careers Education Child Protection Complaints Controlled Assessment Curriculum Data Protection Discipline and Behaviour Drugs Education Educational Visits e-Safety Examinations Health and Safety Health Education Homework Induction Policy for Beginning Teachers Learning for Life and Work Library Literacy Numeracy Nutrition Pastoral Care Progress File Quality Teaching and Learning Relationships and Sex Education Self Evaluation Special Educational Needs Suspension and Expulsion

Parents/guardians or members of staff who wish to offer comments or suggestions on the content of any policy document should forward these in writing to the Principal. The Board of Governors and Senior Leadership Team will take any views expressed into account in the process of reviewing and revising school policies.


The Board of Governors wish to acknowledge the work and commitment of the Principal and all the staff of St. Mary’s - teaching and teaching support staff, caretaking and cleaning staff, Café Bordeaux staff and supervisory staff - all of whom make an important contribution to the efficient running of the school. Finally, parents/guardians, we trust you have found this report on the work of St. Mary’s to be interesting and informative.


Name and Address: St Mary’s Grammar School 3 Castledawson Road Magherafelt Co Derry BT45 6AX Telephone: 028 7963 2320 Fax No: 028 7963 4250 E-Mail: [email protected] Office Hours: 8.30am – 5.00pm Principal: Mrs D Gillespie Chairman of the Board of Governors: Mr J McKee Enrolment: 1080

Admissions No: 154 Age Range: 11-18 years Type of School: Voluntary, Co-educational Grammar School

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Annual Board of Governors’ Report 2014-15 APPENDIX 1 GCSE STATISTICS FOR ACADEMIC YEAR 2014-15

Subject Number A* A B C D E A*-A A* -B A*-C entered Art & Design 23 5 7 10 1 0 0 12 22 23 % 21.7 30.4 43.5 4.3 0 0 52.1 95.6 100 Business 13 3 4 6 0 0 0 7 13 13 Studies % 23.1 30.8 46.2 0 0 0 53.9 100.1 100 Design and 20 2 15 2 1 0 0 17 19 20 Technology % 10 75 10 25 0 0 85 95 100 Drama 30 13 12 4 1 0 0 25 29 30 % 43.3 40 13.3 3.3 0 0 83.3 96.6 100 English 156 26 68 52 10 0 0 94 146 156 Language % 16.7 43.6 33.3 6.4 0 0 60.3 93.6 100 English 155 42 72 32 8 0 0 114 146 154 Literature % 27.1 46.5 20.6 5.2 0 0 73.6 94.2 99.4 French 58 7 17 22 11 1 0 24 46 57 % 12.1 29.3 37.9 19 1.7 0 41.4 79.3 98.3 Geography 45 8 21 13 2 1 0 29 41 43 % 18.2 45.5 29.5 4.5 2.3 0 63.7 93.2 97.7 German 9 2 2 3 1 1 0 4 7 8 % 22.2 22.2 33.3 11.1 11.1 0 44.4 77.7 88.9 History 60 19 25 13 3 0 0 44 57 60 % 31.7 41.7 21.7 5 0 0 73.4 95.1 100 Child 16 1 4 7 4 0 0 5 12 16 Development % 6.3 25 43.8 25 0 0 31.3 75.1 100 Information 60 18 30 190 1 1 0 48 238 59 Technology % 30 50 16.7 1.7 1.7 0 80 96.7 98.3 Irish 55 12 13 25 5 0 0 25 50 55 % 21.8 23.6 45.5 9.1 0 0 45.4 90.9 100 Further 59 13 23 13 6 0 3 36 49 55 Mathematics % 22 39 22 10.2 0 5.1 61 83 93.2 Mathematics 156 48 72 33 3 0 0 120 153 156 % 30.7 46.1 21.15 1.9 0 0 76.8 97.95 100 Music 8 5 2 1 0 0 0 7 8 8 % 62.5 25 12.5 0 0 0 87.5 100 100 Performing 19 11 7 1 0 0 0 18 19 19 Arts % 57.9 36.9 5.2 0 0 0 94.73 100 100 Religious 156 23 61 49 18 3 0 84 133 151 Studies % 14.7 39.1 31.4 11.5 1.9 0 53.8 85.2 96.8 Science 156 A*A* A*A AA AB BB BC CC Double Award 26 34 39 27 21 5 4 225 257 312 % 16.7 21.8 25 17.3 13.5 3.2 2.5 72.11 82.37 100 Spanish 34 2 8 8 11 5 0 10 18 29 % 5.9 23.5 23.5 32.4 14.7 0 29.4 52.9 85.3 Sport/PE 35 26 8 1 0 0 0 34 35 35 Studies % 74.3 22.9 2.9 0 0 0 97.2 100.1 100

GCSE TREND DATA 11/12 12/13 13/14 St Mary’s NI Average DENI St Mary’s NI Average DENI St Mary’s NI Average DENI Benchmark Benchmark Benchmark Data Data Data % Achieving 99 97 95th 100 97 95th 100 97 95th 5+GCSEs at Quartile Quartile Quartile Grades A*-C % Achieving 98 92 Upper 99 94 Upper 99 93 Upper 7+GCSEs at Quartile Quartile Quartile Grades A*-C

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Annual Board of Governors’ Report 2014-15 APPENDIX 2 AS STATISTICS FOR ACADEMIC YEAR 2014-15 Subject Numbers A B C D E %A-B %A- entered C Art & Design 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 % 100 0 0 0 0 100 100 Biology 61 27 16 10 6 2 43 53 % 44.3 26.2 16.4 9.8 3.3 70.5 86.9 Business Studies 15 5 6 3 1 0 11 14 % 33.3 40 20 6.7 0 73.3 93.3 Applied Business 8 5 3 0 0 0 8 8 % 62.5 37.5 0 0 0 100 100 Chemistry 47 24 7 9 3 2 31 40 % 51.1 14.9 19.1 6.4 4.3 66 85.1 Design and 10 5 5 0 0 0 10 10 Technology % 50 50 0 0 0 100 100

Economics 12 5 4 2 1 0 9 11 % 41.7 33.3 16.7 8.3 0 75 91.7 English Literature 33 12 7 11 3 0 19 30 % 36.4 21.2 33.3 9.1 0 57.6 90.9 Home Economics 10 3 3 3 1 0 6 9 % 30 30 30 10 0 60 90 French 6 0 3 1 2 0 3 4 % 0 50 16.7 33.3 0 50 66.7 Geography 14 7 3 3 1 0 10 13 % 50 21.4 21.4 7.1 0 71.4 92.8 Health & Social 19 8 11 0 0 0 19 19 Care 100 100 % 42.1 57.9 0 0 0 History 21 11 4 5 0 0 15 20 % 52.4 19 23.8 0 0 71.4 95.2 Information 39 9 5 17 4 3 14 31 Technology % 23.1 12.8 43.6 10.3 7.7 35.9 79.5

Irish 9 4 2 1 1 1 6 7 % 44.4 22.2 11.1 11.1 11.1 66.6 77.7 Moving Image Art 6 1 5 0 0 0 6 6 % 16.7 83.3 0 0 0 100 100 Mathematics 72 28 18 14 12 0 46 60 % 38.9 25 19.4 16.7 0 63.9 83.3 Music 2 0 1 1 0 0 1 2 % 0 50 50 0 0 50 100 Drama & Theatre 10 1 8 1 0 0 9 10 Studies % 10 80 10 0 0 90 100 Physics 35 16 7 5 6 0 23 28 % 45.7 20 14.3 17.1 0 65.7 80 Politics 5 1 0 1 1 1 1 2 % 20 0 20 20 20 20 40 Religious Studies 11 3 1 6 1 0 4 10 % 27.3 9.1 54.5 9.1 0 36.4 90.9 Sport / PE Studies 19 11 4 4 0 0 15 19 % 58 21 21 0 0 79 100

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Annual Board of Governors’ Report 2014-15 APPENDIX 3 A2 STATISTICS FOR ACADEMIC YEAR 2014-15 Subject Number A* A B C D E A*-A A*-B A*-C Entered Art & Design 9 1 2 4 2 0 0 3 7 9 % 11.1 22.2 44.4 22.2 0 0 33.3 77.7 99.9 Biology 52 8 17 14 12 0 1 25 39 51 % 15.4 32.69 26.92 23.1 0 1.9 48.07 75 98.1 Applied 9 2 1 5 1 0 0 3 8 9 Business % 22.2 11.1 55.6 11.1 0 0 33.3 88.9 100 Business 15 1 8 5 0 1 0 9 14 14 Studies % 6.7 53.3 33.3 0 6.7 0 60 93.3 93.3 Chemistry 38 5 15 13 4 1 0 20 33 37 % 13.2 39.5 34.2 10.5 2.6 0 52.7 86.9 97.4 Design and 21 2 11 8 0 0 0 13 21 21 Technology % 9.5 52.4 38.1 0 0 0 61.9 100 100 Drama 13 3 0 7 3 0 0 3 10 13 % 23.1 0 53.8 23.1 0 0 23.1 76.9 100 Economics 9 0 0 4 3 2 0 0 4 7 % 0 0 44.4 33.3 22.2 0 0 44.4 77.7 English 31 6 6 7 8 4 0 12 19 27 Literature % 19.4 19.4 22.6 25.8 12.9 0 38.8 61.4 87.2 French 4 1 0 2 1 0 0 1 3 4 % 25 0 50 25 0 0 25 75 100 Geography 23 3 8 8 3 1 0 11 19 22 % 13 34.8 34.8 13 4.3 0 47.8 82.6 95.6 Health & Social 21 0 6 11 4 0 0 6 17 21 Care % 0 28.6 52.4 19 0 0 28.6 81 100 History 30 6 8 8 6 2 0 14 22 28 % 20 26.7 26.7 20 6.7 0 46.7 73.4 93.4 Information 11 0 3 3 3 2 0 3 6 9 Technology % 0 27.3 27.3 27.3 18.2 0 27.3 54.6 81.9 (Applied) Information 32 2 10 11 6 3 0 12 23 29 Technology % 6.3 31.3 34.4 18.8 9.4 0 37.6 72 90.8 Irish 8 1 6 0 1 0 0 7 7 8 % 12.5 75 0 12.5 0 0 87.5 87.5 100 IT/Art 4 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 4 4 % 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 100 100 Mathematics 51 4 18 19 10 0 0 22 41 51 % 7.8 35.3 37.3 19.6 0 0 43.1 80.4 100 Music 4 0 2 1 1 0 0 2 3 4 % 0 50 25 25 0 0 50 75 100 Physics 31 0 9 10 9 3 0 9 19 28 % 0 29 32.3 29 9.7 0 29 61.3 90.3 Politics 3 0 2 1 0 0 0 2 3 3 % 0 66.7 33.3 0 0 0 66.7 100 100 Religious 20 2 4 5 9 0 0 6 11 20 Studies % 10 20 25 45 0 0 30 55 100 Spanish 7 1 1 3 1 1 0 2 5 6 % 14.3 14.3 42.9 14.3 14.3 0 28.6 71.5 85.8 Sport/PE Studies 20 3 2 5 9 1 0 5 10 19 % 15 10 25 45 5 0 25 50 95

11/12 12/13 13/14 St Mary’s NI DENI St Mary’s NI Average DENI St Mary’s NI Average DENI GCE TREND Average Benchmark Benchmar Benchmark DATA Average k Average Average % Achieving 88 77 95 89 77 95 88.96 76 95 3+GCEs at Grades A-C %Achieving 100 100 95 100 99 95 100 100 95 2+GCEs at Grades A-E

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NI Universities/Colleges Number of Students Queen's University, Belfast 62 University of Ulster 50 St Marys University College 7 North West Regional College 2 Belfast Metropolitan College 2

Republic of Ireland Universities Number of Students University College, Dublin 1 Trinity College, Dublin 2

English and Welsh Universities Number of Students University of Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 1 University of Bath 1 University of Sheffield 1 Liverpool John Moore's University 2

Scottish Universities Number of Students University of Glasgow 1 Heriot-Watt, Edinburgh 1

Others Number of Students University of Massachusetts, USA 1 Deloitte, Belfast 1

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APPENDIX 5 RESULTS OF GRADED EXAMINATIONS 2014-2015 ABRSM – November Brigeen Mitchell Year 12 Violin Grade 4 Pass Ella Heron Year 13 Violin Grade 5 Pass Aoife McErlean Year 13 Violin Grade 7 Pass

ABRSM – March Dan Convery Year 9 Double Bass Grade 1 Distinction Kate Lavery Year 9 Violin Grade 2 Merit Rosie McElroy Year 8 Violin Grade 2 Merit Anna McGale Year 8 Clarinet Grade 3 Merit Lewis Young Year 9 Violin Grade 4 Merit Niamh McElwee Year 11 Violin Grade 4 Pass Mary Lagan Year 10 Flute Grade 5 Merit Ruth Dace Year 11 Violin Grade 5 Merit Anna Ledgewood Year 10 Theory of Music Grade 5 Merit Ella McCann Year 13 Violin Grade 6 Merit Eamonn Deviln Year 13 Violin Grade 7 Pass

ABRSM – June Molly Dixon Year 9 Piano Grade 1 Merit Ciara Hurl Year 9 Violin Grade 2 Pass Lile Keenan Year 8 Violin Grade 2 Pass Eimear Cassidy Year 9 Viola Grade 3 Pass Helen McPeake Year 8 Flute Grade 3 Merit Orla McEvoy Year 10 Violin Grade 5 Pass Anna Ledgewood Year 10 Violin Grade 5 Merit Eimear McCann Year 11 Flute Grade 6 Merit

Trinity College London – Music Exams - May Tara Lynch Year 10 Classical Voice Grade 4 Merit Anna Maria O’Donnell Year 11 Classical Voice Grade 5 Distinction Aidan McCluskey Year 9 Trumpet Grade 5 Merit Emma Dace Year 9 Trumpet Grade 5 Merit Aidan McCluskey Year 9 Trumpet Grade 5 Merit Erin McIvor Year 12 Classical Voice Grade 6 Distinction Faoiltiarna Burke Year 12 Classical Voice Grade 8 Distinction Orlaith McAteer Year 14 Classical Voice Grade 8 Merit

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Annual Board of Governors’ Report 2014-15 London College of Music – Musical Theatre - June Clodagh Gillen Year 8 Musical Theatre Grade 2 Merit Jessica O’Neill Year 8 Musical Theatre Grade 2 Distinction Shani Cassidy Year 8 Musical Theatre Grade 2 Pass Eimear McKernan Year 10 Musical Theatre Grade 3 Distinction Catherine Mulholland Year 8 Musical Theatre Grade 3 Distinction Eimear McCann Year 8 Musical Theatre Grade 4 Distinction Lile Keenan Year 8 Musical Theatre Grade 4 Distinction Catherine Skelly Year 9 Musical Theatre Grade 4 Distinction Sinead Rocks Year 10 Musical Theatre Grade 4 Distinction Daniel McNamee Year 10 Musical Theatre Grade 4 Distinction Katherine Shields Year 10 Musical Theatre Grade 4 Distinction Erin Forbes Year 8 Musical Theatre Grade 4 Distinction Roise Pelan Year 10 Musical Theatre Grade 5 Distinction Aoife Mulvenna Year 10 Musical Theatre Grade 5 Merit Brid McGee Year 11 Musical Theatre Grade 6 Merit Eimear O’Kane Year 13 Musical Theatre Grade 7 Withdrew Ethlinn Walls Year 12 Musical Theatre Grade 8 Merit Laura Delaney Year 12 Musical Theatre Grade 8 Merit

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