. /

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1967 PAGE FORTY lEttftttng 1|i waUi Avtrago Daily Net P t m b R m For O e Week BkHM The Weather Saatiuy n , 1007 Cloudy and mild tonight, letf about 40, occaaloiuU rain, cofk* THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY, JAN. 26 - 27 - 28 tlnued mild tomorrow; (dianee 15,045 of rain 70 per cent, high 40-00. Manchester^A City of Village Charm =3SssssssB Sponsored By Retail pivision VOL. L X X X yi, NO. 98 (EIGHTEBN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1967 (ClMslfied Advertlsinf on Page IS) PRICE SEVEN CENTS MANCHESTER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE r. ' . - “ Hanot Bomb Ban Reported All married couples of Zion About Town Fvangellcal Lutheran Church are invited to an organizational Hayes^Nickerson Steven Cole, son of Mr. and LB J Eyes Blueprint meeting of a Married Couples Mrs. Vemice H. Cole of 46 S. Group Saturday at 7:30 p.m. at Miss Martha Bothwell Nicker­ Alton St, has recently enlisted the church. the MUSK MAN tn the U.S. Army under the son and William Eugene Hayes, VC Believed Gi-aduate Specialist Program. Silk Worm Pup Tent of the both of Manchester, wei-e united 739 MAIN ST., MANCHBS1CR PH O NE 643-0871 He will receive his basic train­ Military Order of Cooties of the in marriage Saturday, Jan. 14, ing at Ft. Jackson, S. C. His VFW will sponsor a dance Sat­ in a candlelight ceremony at For Peace Economy brother, Russell Cole, is also re­ urday at the post home. Lou Short of Men ceiving his basic training at Ft, Wapping Community Church. Jolbert and his orchestra will ★ FANTASTIC CASH SALE * Jacl:son. play for dancing from 9 p.m. to The bride is the daughter of WASHINGTON (AP)—Secretary of Defense Robert 1 a.m. A buffet will be served. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Nicker­ S. McNamara says the war in Vietnam is nearing a Frederick W. Newman Jr., son of 580 Burnham St. The Proceeds of the dance will be for Manchesier's Dowrrfown Days significant turning point: The Viet Cong apparently are Bon of Mr. and Mrs. Fred New­ bridegroom is a son of Mr. and used for visits to veterans hos­ runnng out of volunteers in South Vietnam and may man of 44 Cambridge St, re­ Mrs. Emmett E. Hayes of 69 Orders Plan pitals. The event is open to Bulletin cently completed basic training Cambridge St. ALL LP RECORDS...... 25% OFF REG. PRICE! be forced to rely more on the North Tor future fighting members and guests. Tickets at Ft, Jackson, S. C. He has The Rev. Roy R. Hutcheon, men. ------•.------are now available at the post To CurB Dip been assigned to an Army pastor of Wapping Community . “ Vfe believe that any net In- Committee announced that BUILDING COLLAPSES home, or may be purchased at ALL PHONOGRAPHS ...... 30% OFF REG. PRICE! Finance School at Ft. Knox, Church, performed the cere­ crease (In enemy troops) during Harrison E. SaHebury, a New the door. NEW YORK (AP)—A six- ______mony. Clinton Adams was or­ 1967 will liave to come from. York TTmee aaeletant managing At W a r’ s End North Vletoam’’ the , defenee editor, who recently' returned story brick building collapsed ganist. Bouquets of white glad­ ALL TOYS and GAMES ...... « % OFF RETAIL PRICE! next to a construction site on A film, “ Conquest of Dark­ OMef told eenatpra in teetimdny from Hanoi, wfH testify at hear- ioli and carnations decorated the Broadway at 6Srd Street to­ WASHINGTON (AP)— Now Many Wear ness,” will be shown tomorrow released Wednesday night. “ The ings next week, sanctuary. Includos: Punles, Model Kits, Art Kits, Assorted Games day and police said eight to President Johnson direct* at 7:30 p.m. at the regular mid­ local supply of manpower Is .The Canadian Frees reported The bride w'as given in mar­ 12 workmen may be trapped FALSE TEETH week service of 4he Salvation gro'wfng' more limited with eacdi that the. United States has re- ed today that plans be pre­ riage by her father. She wore In the debris. Bremen first Army at the Citadel. The event aicceedlng year.” fused a danadian request not to pared to avoi(i a recession With Little Worry a gown of re-embroidered alen- said six persons Were trap­ is open to the public. Larg^e SelMtlon of; GUITARS, DRUMS . McNamara- said the allied use Oahadian-purohased arms that might otherwise fol­ Eat, talk, laugh or “ eeze wlttout con lace over sUk organza, ped, but a police sergeant on fear of Insecure f a ^ fa.'hioned with jewel neckline, war efforts were’ so successful in the Vi.etnam w«r. low "the welcome day of allDPlng or w obbling. FASTEKTH the scene revised that esti­ Mountain Laurel Chapter of and AMPLIFIERS AT 30% OFF! test year that “ during the last The Viet Cong’s miiqxtwer peace” in Vietnam. h olds plates firmer and more com- sleeves and A-line skirt. mate. One man was pulled lortably.Thls Ple“ ?ht MWder bM no tweet Adelines, Inc. will re- Her short veil was fashioned of half of 1966, the Viet Cong ap- aitiiatlon as outlined by the de­ The possibilities of quick tax eununy, gooey, pasty t&m or teelli^. from the mass of bricks and learse tomorrow at 8 p.m. at alcncon lace and net, and she YAMAHA FOLK pear to have lost about as many fense secretaiy bears a stmilar- reduction and spending speed- boran't cause nausea. It a alkaline was taken to a hospital, po­ (non-acid). Checks "plate ^ or- the Russian American National carried a nosegay bouquet of men as they were able to infll- Hy to that of the South Vietqam- ups will be stijdied by a CaW* Dentures that fit are essential to lice said. Plumbing fixtures, Center, 211 Wethersfield Ave., white baby carnations. trate from North Vletrtam and ese armed forces, net-level group, Johnson told health. See your dentist regularly. sinks and broken board could Get PASTEETH at all drug counters. Hartford, Mrs. Benford J. HiUiker of recruit In South Vietnam.” On Dec. 80, Peter Arnett, As- Congress, as part of a “ major Manchester, sister of the bride­ This emerged as a highlight of sodated Frees correspon^nt, be seen from the street alter and coordinated effort to re- groom, was matron of honor. a lengthy position paper McNa- reported from Saigon: The U.S. the collapse. .-view our readiness” for the She wore a gown designed with nvara gave congressmen Mon­ high command be.Ueves that not war’s end — a day still not fore­ until late 1967. or early 1968 will . t deep blue velvet top and pale day Shortly Before he began tes- seen, he emphasized. blue crepe skirt, and a deep timony on the administration’s American strength be sufficient The announcement came in blue net headpiece- She carried re<}ueBt for a $12.S-biHioh sup- to MH more of the eneniy than State News his annual economic report, m a nosegay bouquet of pink baby V o x KAPPA plemental appropriation to help be replaced. 'The United if, Johnson forecast a moderate carnations. finance the war through June. States wiU have to provide the advance of the economy through Benford J. HiUiker of Man­ He finished testifying Wednes- troops to (to the joo because the l ^ M i U o n 1967, if it can be steered past Downtown Main St., Mar.r-hester chester, brother-in-law of the day before the Senate Ahned Vietnamese army Is now consld- the hazards of Inflation on the bridegroom, served as best \ ELECTRIC GUITARS. Ranging From ...... $844>5 to $209.95 | Foixjes Committee and the t>e- «r«d at its peak strength- one side and recession on the fense Appropriations subcom­ Inarease in man. WASHINGTON (AP) — In- other. mittee nreeting Jointly. Mrs. Nickerson wore a gold Just Arrived! Quality, Imported ELECTRIC GUITAR and O R formed sources report the John­ The outlook is for a $47-billion suit with navy accessories, and In other key developments: Leads The Way With These 2 SPEAKER AMP. Reg. Price $140.00. (6 Only). BOTH FOR son administration has barred Hospital Care rise of national output, he said, a corsage of yellow tea roses. Secretary of State Dean Rusk to a record $787 billion — a The mother of the bridegroom told a gathering of ambassadors ^2?* ... Fallot photo within five mHes of the center of NEW HAVEN (AP) — slower climb than in 1966, but wore a black chiffon over black MRS. WILLIAM EUGENE HAYES SPECIALS! Dr. ?hivago. List (4.79)...... $2.79 Stereo $3.29 to Washington he hopes that with smaller price rises, easier and white print dress, and a '•during the year 1967., we shall The state’s 35 general hos­ Informantfl said Wednesday money, and continued almost* corsage of white gardenias. a corsage of white roees. The ly employed at, the Traveller’a New Release! More o f the Monkees. List (3.79). ------$2.29 Stereo $2.79 see peace In Southeast Asia.” pitals spent $18 million full employment. A reception for 60 was held couple are Uving in Hampden Insurance Co., Hartford. Mr. The Senate Foreign Retetlons (See Page Bight) more to provide patient Johnson renewe(i urgently hia at the home of the bride’s par­ Highlands, Hampden, Maine. Hayes is serving as a munitions eare in, the 1965-66 fiscal appeal to labor and industry for ents. For a going away outfit, Mr. and Mrs. Hayes are 1986 and weapons mechanic in the i f OPEN MON., THURS. and FRI. NIGHTS :Ar period than they did in the wage and price restraint, in Downtown Mrs. Hayes wore a pink wool graduates of Manchesrt-er High U. 8. Air Force, Bangor, Maine, continued voluntary support of' previous fiscal year, the School. Mrs- Hayes was former­ with the 397Ui Bomber Wing. Donald Bert Checks Notes at Harvard two-piece dress, aqua coat, and New Charge Made Connecticut Hospital Asso­ guideline policies, to avoid “ a' ciation said today.- wage-price spiral which is in the This represented the highest interest of neither.” rate of Increase In hospital Bootblack ^Swings’, Unless both labor and man­ Confession Barred, costs, the as^ lation said. agement absorb part of their' Oosta xes^ tp $168 million for rising costs, he said "the result the fiscal year ending Sept^SO. .\ri'Ui ba Just suck a ^ ir a l — The previous cost figure FBsFrvAt Harvard damaging to bu^ess, damag­ Solberg Trial Ends was $160 million. ing to labor, and disastrous to CAMBRIDGE,. Mass. (AP) -r Country dub in White Plains "More patient days''were spent the nation." BRIDQBPOiRT (AP) — With had been on trial in the slaying Donald Lee Bert, 18, a boot- six years ago and worked his in Oonnectieut hospitals than But the surprise of the toes*' the prosecution’s case punctured . of Mrs. Dorothy Thompsen of black and busboy, came to Har­ way into a job as locker roonq JA^ua Ry ever before. They ^>taled 2,786,- sage, sent to the (3 a ^ ^ aliintt Ii|r\A Judge’s ruling^ t h s ‘first'* Barfthanistod. vard last fall worried about fit­ bootbteok. 802, ex.clusiye of newborn, 'qom- "with a report by tbd President^ dkAres murder tri^ of Hafry ^teed of (adng a possible ting in with the polished i '' ',(A P Photofax) pared with tha previous total of When the country club mem­ Coimcil of Bteonotidic Advi8er% . Solberg came to an abrupt end convloUon which would mean products of Groton, PhiiUps-Ex- 2,684,277. bers, all of whom are white, was a seetkm titled “ After Viet­ Wednesday. The charge against the death sentence or Mfe in Candid Camera Catches Crinie eter and.the other Ivy League Hospitsl costs rose from $48.13 learned that Bert had won a nam.” him was, in effect, dropped. prlscm, Solberg now faces a stlU- prep schools. This man was caught in the act yesterday as he per patient day In the preced­ scholarship, they started a fund As did the State of the Union Solberg, 21, at East Hartlartd, to-be-determlned sentence on a SPECIALS entered and then left a fifth floor apartment on ing period to $60.66. “ But once I learned to swing that wd'll give him more than $2,- message — but without It* charge of malicious threatening. JlOO in spending money over the gloomy language predicting The percentage of Blu^ Cross a UtUe,” he said, ‘and let my_ The most he can get is 10 years New York City’s 15th St. Top photo shows him en­ four years. S ^ L R S i subscribers who were patients beard grow and my loafers ge^ "more costs, more loss, and in prison plus e $5,000 fliie. tering, the middle one inside and the bottom one ~^“I’m the youngest of four was down from 54.8 to 46.1, a scuffed and my Levis a bit more agony” — today’s mes­ Blind Secretary The murder charge was nolled as he emerged. A free lance photographer took the boys In my fam ily,’’ he said, Since decrease attributed to Medicare. frayed, I found I looked and act­ sage said Johnson could not pre­ AT M ARLO W PRICES! 4 DIG SAVINGS EVENTS IN ONE! Wednesday in Superior Court In shots and gave them to a newspaper. The paper ed just like everyone else.’’ “ and each of us in turn has been dict when the fighting woidd I 6 SB Rescued .After an unexpected end to Solberg’s handed them over to police who arrested Noel F. Bus Line Sold “ The thing alx>ut Harvard a Shoestdne boy in the locker cease. piiiiiiii/////// second trial on the charge, Cueves, 26, and booked him for burglary. Fall in Subway WATBRBURY (AP) — St(xta- men,” he said, “ is that they (See Page Eight) (See Page Eighi}: LEVI and BLUE BELL, BOYS’ and MEN’S diarge. don’t want to have anything to The surprise development holders o f the Connecticut Hall­ NEW YORK (AP) — Since way and Lighting Co. bus Une do with anyone who is a phony. 2 3. came about when the proeecu- I just be myself and I get along CORDUROY TROUSERS . iH! last October the dally routine voted by a margin of 131,084 had been the same lor Isabella Hon, headed by State’s Atty. fine. I don’t think abybody cares Thomas F. Wall, sought to have Flurry of New Bills shares to 13,862^ shares Wednes­ Reg. $4.98. marLOW ^ 0 Mauri, a bUnd, 21-yeer-oId sec­ day to sen CRAL’e New Britain that I shine shoes.” Downtown retary for a Mardiattan firm. admitted as evidence a state­ Bert, a Negro, is the son of a White Corset Clear ment made by Solberg to state Uiviaion to the Connecticut Co. Auto Sales Lag, She would take the subway Company officiede said a peti­ construction worker and a Reg. $5.98. marLOW from her home in Queens to polics after his arrest. In that housemaid. He won a four-year, 1 1 Days! | statement, which had been ad­ Engulf Legislators tion to’ approve the sale will be Sixth Avetxie and 33rd Street In filed 'With the State PubUc Util­ $l,500-a-year National Achieve­ Sale! Sale! Out! = S That annual L...... ’s delight = Manhattan, then walk the short mitted ais evidence In the first ment Scholarship on graduating HARTFORD (AP)—State leg­ for ccwcvicted glue sniffers, by ities Commission. trial of the case, Solberg said ■from White Plains, N.Y., high Production Cut Special purchases. Exciting Traditional January^ales Clearance in all departments is here again— only bigger § distance to her office with the State sen. Kathleen M. ’Tracy, AreWe R. CutWbertson, a hold­ that he had l^ e d Dorothy islators 'wm meet Friday and setaool last year. DETTROIT (AP) — The auto event, with amazing — on all winter goods. Tre­ ^ ^ better than ever— ^ aid of a carte. And each morn­ D-Rocky Hill. er of (»mmon stock and a presi- tog 1)4 to 3% on ealee of 334,006 Men's Reg. $2.99 savings. Big opportunity ing, there was the usual rush- Thompsen, a 80-year-old house- M

I* *■ IN n

MANCHESTER EVEIHNG HjERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1967 p A tJ tf"T W O MANCHESTER EVENING HERALI>, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY. JANUARY 26, 1967 -_____L__ 1______/______‘ ^ ^ ...... , ^ — - . :------St. Mary^8 Twelve Give Bolton Police Nah Shein^ohl on Bridge TV-Radio Tonight Conrad Will Chair m m m m m EVEN FAMOUS PLAYERS " Noifh tolcr Sets Budget To Tree Plan NASA Selects Gary Krier 2 in Theft^ PLAY THOUGHTLESSLY NortlbSouth vninenU* NORTH Twelve $6 donations w a n Charter Commission 4 AQ4 As Pilot for Test Flights Seek Third By ALFRED SHEINWOLD A34 Of $86,000 Tdevision made recently to the Memorial Manchester’s 1967 Charter Revision Commission, in The E ngli^ won the 1966 E u-. O 952- :30 (34).French Chef Tree Program, D r. Charles B. * ()8 6 5 A budget of 186,000 was ac­ 6:00 ( 3-22) Movie ! an organizational meeting last night, cHose Donald S. Police have eeised two Hart­ ( 8) Mike DoukIm (18) Subscription TV Jacobson Jr., program chair* Captain Gary E. Krier of ropean Womra’a Championship, WEMP EAST cepted Monday night at the an- (10) Perry Mason ( 8-40) Batman (C) Conrad, a Republican, as its chairman; Atty. John R. Brandy St. h u been selected by ford juveniles and are search­ confirming the general opinion 4 1 K 1 0 9 5 3 AJ62^ , ual meeting and eloction of of- (13) Merv Griffin (10-30-33-80) Daniel Boone man has announc^. FitzGerald, a Democrat, vice chairman; and Miss Elinor <5 8 ^ Q7tf (18) Alfred Hitchcock (C) the National Aeronautical and ing for another in connection that they outdasa the rest of cers of St. Mary’s Episcopal (30) Thle la the Life ( 3-13) Coliseum (C) Under the piYgram, establish­ M. Hashim. a Repiiblic.m, as - <> K43 . 0 JI08« Ihurch in NeiU Hall at the (80) Outer L(mita I :00 ( 8-40) F Troop (C) ' liecretary. ^ member of ,the 1963-64 Space Adminiatration (NASA) with the theft of two cars hi the field. They’re very aggres­ 4KI102 <4A97 (40) KellocKs (24) Point of View ed by the City Beautiful Com­ liurch. The Rev. George P. 5:16 (34) Frleiidly Giant ( 3) Mr. Roberts (C) All were unaniihous choices. Charter Revision Commission. Hartford. soirm mittee of the Chamber of Com- aa a pilot. sive bidders but usually find a rand, rector, was celebrauit at a O!80 (ao) Navy Film I :30 (10-20-23-80) Star 'Trek (C) Conrad and Mi.ss Hashim were The commission, authorized 4 87 (30) Whlrlyblrd* ( 8-40) Bewitched iherce, a ; person or organ­ He will participate in NASA’s Risoeiving a complaint yes­ way to make their overbids. In ^ KI09532 Juchaxist before the meeting, (34) What's New? ( 3-12) My Three Sons (C) nominated byv Harlan Taylor, a in December and appointed early test flight program at Edward terday that a car had been today’s hand, taken from their O AQ7 (40) Huckleberry Hound (34) Fourth Estate ization may purchase a tree for le waa aaalated by Allan Scott, ;00 (24) College Sport of Week Republican. Atty. Fitzgerald this month, wiH have one year AFB, Calif., flying the F-104G parked for 24 hours in the rear match against Norway, one of 4 43 6:00 (30) Dial 998 I $5, which Is. planted in memory, NotOi EaH So«ih WeiC ay reader, and Stephen Sisco, (30) Seahunt ( 3-12) Movie was nominated bv Democrat to complete its \Vork. jet interceptor, which acts as a of Grossman’s launber off Pine the Bhigllsl) stars missed her acolyte. ( 8) Newswire (18) Subscription TV or in hoixir of, an individual Atty. Irving Aronson, The Board of Directors has 1 4 Pass 1 9 1 4 (18) Merv Griffin ( 8-40) Love oil a Rooftop or organization. chase plane for the X-15 and St. and ho one in the area, way. Officers elected are Warren (24) ObservinK Eye I :30^( 8-40) That Girl (C) TTie nine-member committee char,ged it with three tasks; Pan 2 4 3 9 other experimental flights at owned it, police staked out the Opening lead —ten of spades. 4 9 AU PUS Tennant and Atty. AUaii Them- ( 3-22-40) News • (10-20-22-30) Dragnet 1967 (C) The following organization a o 6:16 (40) caieyenne II i:00 (10'20-22-S0) Dean Martin (0) Kk., Is 5 to 4 Republican. Its other ‘ - I;- T . oopsider broadening of the desert teat base. He also ex- area. ^ Dummy won the first trick, .-, wardens for one year; Ed­ 6:30 (10-23-30) Huntley-Brinkley { 8-40) Stage '67 and persons donated; Mr, and members are Republicans N. I'elcwiVlum powers, to provide (18) Subscription TY pect.s to fly Uie “swing-wing” In the afternoon, three 15- with the queen of spades, and vard Glenney, Fred Young, Gar- (C) Mrs. Felix E. Lewis, in memory Adler Dobkin, and Atty. Thom- for greater public participation ( 8) Walter Cronkite H1:30 (18) Fun and Games F-111 all-service jat fighter. year-olda ^ t in the car suid declarer took the ace of spades, trumps by leading to dummy’s 3tt Thrasher, Omer Glngraa, (24) What’s New? 1: :00 ( 3-8 (C). 10-20-22-30-40' of Lt. Robert L. Lewis; Man­ as Bailey who had been tem- in vIm I ideclsiohs of the board. , News. Sports. Weathe- Oapt. Krier Is a qualified tried to atart it, but police had ruffed a spade and then led a ace and then return the Jack >onald Sisco, vestrymen for (30) British Calendar chester Orange, in memory of porarj’ chairman; and Demo- 2. To consider residency re- ( 8) Peter Jennlncs—News (12) Newsbeat to the report to the Board of F-102 Delta Dagger Jet inter­ removed the rotor. club, hoping the ° opponents of hearts for a finesse. iree years; Wyville Peabody, (13) Newebeat '(18) Fresh Start Mrs. Sara RoblnsMl; Mr. and crats Olof Anderson and Neil quirementis for. the town’s de- Directors.' ceptor pilot in the Connecticuit Spotting the police, the would help her develop the It was a comforting mistake. erk for one year; Winslow 7:00 ( 3) Daktari (C) l: :15 (40) Sports Final Mrs. Martin E. Alvord, donat­ Ellis. partment heads. (30) Huntley-Brinkley (C) (12) ilovie Weass saiid that he had sent Air National Ouard (ANG). Be­ youths ran. Police caught two hand. The next time you misguess the lancheater, assistant clerk; El- ( 8) .Twlllftht Zone 1 :20 ( 8) Movie ed as a contribution to the pro­ All but Ellis were present 3. To consider any other need- memos two weeks ago to all fore coming to the Connecticut ofvthem after a short chase. West stepped up with the king ueen of trumps you can recall ler Odell, treasurer for one (23-30-40) Newe (12) New.ebeat gram; Mrs. Mildred M. Dew­ last night and were sworn in ed changes in the town charter, (10) McHale'* Navy t :25 (40) Count!-}' Music (C) town agencies asking for sug­ Air Guard in 1962, he was with The other escaped but police of clubs and continued with the at champions do it too. oar; Bruce Noble and Mrs. (34) Computer Science 1 ;80 (10-2(V-23-30) Tonight (C) ey, In niemory of Robert J. by Town Coun.sel John Shea. It has been asked by the (IS) Checkmate gested charter changes. He said the Id.iho and Utah ANG, and said today they know hia iden- jack when East signalled with Dally Question i'inslow Manchester, assistant (40) You Aaked For It Dewey. Atty. Shea and Town Manager boai d to report back to it by the (80) S)>orie Camera (40) Movie that he has received no an­ while flying with these units, tity’ the nine of clubs. It was then reasurers; Albert T. Dewey and (22) Souare Danclni; ’ ( ■>) (C) Robert Weiss are e.\-officio first regular board meeting in Partner opens with one heart, Aiao, Ronald 1. 1-essner and This is the book swers to date, but that he will he amassed some 2,000 hours of unsafe to lead another dub, ahd iVyville Peabody, delegatea to SATURDAY’STV WEEK FOR COMPLETE LISTING Mrs. Ruth Lessner, in memory members o f the commission. October. Capt. Gary B. Krier Police said the youths came and the next player passca. You present some recommendations jot flying time. West shifted to diamonds, since Diocesan Convention. of Pineus C. Lessner; Mrs. Os­ Neither has voting rights. Conrad said last night that he to Manchester from Hartford in hold: Spades, Q-4; Hearts, A-J- of his own at a future date. He was employed as an exper­ Pilgrim Fellowship of Bolton Also, Elmer Odell, Russell that lists the stores Conrad, of 14 Harvard Rd.. soon will appoint two subcom- another car stolen in Hartford trvmps looked dangerous. 4; Diamonds, 9-6-2; Clubs, Q-8- car Kurtz, In memory of Mrs. He named two of those rec­ imental test engineer with Pratt Congregational Church in the Broderick, , alternates to the Is manager of .sales operations mitees to check the charter's recently. This g;ave South her chance to e-s. Radio Josephine Balick; Mrs. Car- and Whitney Aircraft before education building Sunday at 7 tha^ all good things for Pratt & Whitney Division referendum and residency rules, ommendations last night. The two were turned over to make the contract. She won What do you sayT Diocesan Convention; Miss Eva- mela Aloislo, in memory of taking the new assignment. p.m. (Hits listing Includes only those news broadcasts of 10 or 15 of United Aircraft Corp. He is Other subcommittees will be He recommended charter Hartford police and referred to with the queen of diamonds and Answer; Bid two clubs and Une Pentland, WyvlHe Peabody, Coslmo Alosio; Mrs. J. Frank He and his wife have lived Miss Elmore served with spe­ minute length. Some stations carry other short newscasts.) a former town director mid named later, to study the char­ changes in personnel rules and juvenile authorities there. Both needed only to pick up the await developments. A Jump to delegates to the Hartford Arch­ Bowen, in memory of J. Frank are bought in. in Bolton almost three years. cial services in Korea. WDBC— 1666 7:15 Frank Gifford ter by sections. in borrowing powers in cases of cars were returned to their queen of trumps. Unfortunately, three hearts is doubtful because deaconry; Mrs. Edward Plata, 7:30 Harry Reasoner Bowen. Mrs. Krier teaches modern All students in Grade 9 6:00 Long John Wade Conrad is ifequesting town emergency. Hartford owners. Police are etill dedarer started with the king you have only 3-card heart Mrs. Wyville Peabody, alter­ 6:00 Mike Millard 7:35 World of Religion Mrs. Stephen Frey, in memory dance at St. Joseph College in through 12, no matter what 9:00 Ken Griffin 8:00 News residents who have suggestions The personnel system, he said, searching for a 25 caliber pis­ of hearts, and there went the support. A jump to 2 NT is nates to Hartford Archdea­ 8:10 Speak’ Up Hartford of Joseph' Cassidy; Mr. and Mrs. West Hartford. The couple have church they attend, are invited. 1:06 News. Sign Off for charter changes to submit should be based on merit reg­ tol tsdren from one car which contract. poor because you have no dia­ conry; Frank Crocker. Randall WBCH—916 10:05 Comment Walter. S. Fuss, in memory of two daughters, one and three Public Records 6:00 Hartford Highlights 10:20 Speak Up Hartford CHARGE YOUR them to the comimisslon within ulations. they believe the third youth Count the Hand mond stopper. Toop Sr., John Trotter, exam­ 11:30 Barry Farber Show Richard Sperry; Mrs. Marjori# years old. The family will move Warrantee deeds filed in the 7:00 News the next'30 days. The commis- He suggested a charter pro­ stole. West surely had five spades Copyright 1967 iners; ' Horace MoOoan, key 8:00 Gaslight 12:00 Comment V/. Fischer, in memory of Mr. PRESCRIPTION to Edwards Air Force Base town clerk’s office since mid- 12:00 Quiet Hours 12:15 News. Sign Off siog.,wUl meet next on March 1, vision which would permit the Another car, reported stolen for the dvercall, and the play General Features Corp. man. WPOP—1416 WTIC—1086 and Mrs. Walter Waddell, Mr. soon. December are Glover Howe to 5:00 Afternoon Edition 6 to ;#eview those suggestions. Board of Directors to borrow on Main S t at 9:45 a.m. yes­ of the clubs indicated that West Also, Paul Bernard, assist­ 5:00 Jim Meeker Samuel Fischer, and baby Chris- Krier gp-aduated from the Clifford A. Treat, property off 10:00 Hotline 6:00 News. Sports, Weather Aip' Informal public meeting up to a certain limit, without terday, was discovered adwut had four clubs and Eaist only BODY TAKEN FROM SOUND ant kay man; Mrs. Leo Kasel, 12:00 John Sherman 6:35 Americana tepher Thomas Wright; Mr. and University of Utah In 1960 with Vernon Rd.; Glover Howe to th,eii will be scheduled to per­ going to the Board of Di­ eight hours later at the same three. West’s switch to a low NEW HAVEN (AP)-The Har- Mrs. Elmer Odell, delegates to WINF—1286 7:.30 News of the World Mrs. Wells C. DennisOn, in mem­ a B.S. in mechanical engineer­ Clifford A. Treat and Paul E. 5:00 News 7:45 Joe Garagiola mit .the public to speak on all rectors. The power should be spot where It was taken earlier. diamond showed at least three bor Patrol recovered the corpse the Manchester (Joiincil of 5:15 Speak Up Hartford 7:50 Sing Along ory of Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Welcome Here ing. While in Bolton, he was Wallhlde, property off Vernon 8:10 Pop Concert recommendaiions. based on a percentage of the Police said they ’received a diamonds (with K-x, West of an imidentified elderly man Churches; G. Stuart Lynne, 6:00 News Dennison and Mrs. Waiter W.^ taking courses at the University Rd.; Arthur and Irene Kehl to 6:15 Barry Farber Show 9:10 Night beat Th,e commission then will budget, he said. report from Mi’s. Simone Goth- would have swrtched to the king Wednesday from the waters of Mrs. Allan Thomas, alternates 6:45 Lowell Thoma.s 11:00 Newe. Sports, Weather ElUott. of Hartford toward a master’s Liawrence Fiano, property on 11:30 Other Side of the Day AT hCtd its review meetings and He said that there is always berg of 64 Church S t that her rather thain a low card). Long Island Sound. to Manchester Coimoll of 7:00 The World Tonight Dr. Jacobson said today about degree in business administra­ South Rd.; Mary L Bloomfield will decide on its own recom­ the possibility that catastro- car was stolen while she was In short. West surely held 12 Police said the body had been Churches; Mr. and Mrs. John 75 trees have been planted im- tion. to Thomas and Madeline E. groups, Increase pledges, create PINE PHARMACY mendations. A formal public phies may occur which would shopping yesterday morning. or 13 cards outside of hearts. in the water for about two Fox, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Had­ der the program. Krier is the second Connecti­ Labet, property on Brookfield a geographical file giving more Teacher Facing 664 Center St. 649-9814 h ir in g -then will be held to air require the expenditure of im­ She said the keys were in the West held, one heart at most, months, and was not one of the den, Mr, and Mrs.' Winslow 'Those wishing to contribut# cut Air National Guard jet Rd.; John R. Rich to Elsie Fur­ information on church members, those recommendations, prior mediate large sums of money. Ignition. and East held at least three two Branford men presumed Manchester, Wyville Peabody, may send a check, payable to pilot to be named to the NASA long, property on Meadow Rd.; and a time and evaluation study Vandal Charges Later, her husband returned hearts. dead after leaving Branford Har­ John Hyde, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce the Memorial Tree Program, to team. The other is Astronaut John R. Rich to Hazel Furlong, to improve church staff opera­ to Main St. smd found the car. If South worked this out (as bor with a female companion Noble, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence the Chamber of Commerce of­ John L. Siwigert, who is now property on Meadow Rd. tions. Quits in Danbury He told police the speedometer we always advise our readers in a small boat Dec. 24 before a Maron, Mrs. George Evans, fice. training for the Apollo proj­ Certificate of condemnation; The Mutual Responsibility and showed the car had been driven to do), she would begin the storm. counters. DANBimY (AP)—A first-year Lawrence A. and Ruth Converse Interpendence program of the ect. about 30 miles. Police said ,the Officers will be Installed at art teacher has resigned from to the State of Connecticut. church was mentioned, and it Bake Sale car was not damaged. an Installation Breakfast Sun­ Danbury High school after be­ Beautifiir Floors From The senior high school stu­ Bulletin Board was reported that study groups day after the 7:30 a.m. Service ing charged with -vandalizing an The conservation commis.sion will begin the first Monday eve­ HALLMARK dent council will hold a bake GAS LINE PROBE SET ENDS ’TONIGHT at, the church. art room at the school. ning after Ash Wednesday, and sale at Mott’s Supermarket will meet tonight at 8 in the HARTFORD (AP)—The safety “Kiss ’The Girls and Make ’Them Die’’—“ Born Free” Members o f the nominating Edward Deimle Murphy, 26, This is the card continue for four weeks. CARDS Saturday starting at 10 a.m. town office conference room. of gas company pipe linee will committee were William J. of Danbury is charged with wil­ The meeting closed 'with the TEMPLE JI odjl Q o v s ih im ^ Slide# on Korea be the subject of a special In­ Governor St. Husc, Louis Heard, Gordoii ful destruction of public prop­ that gets you the book singing of a hymn, a prayer for COUNTRY DRUG Miss Meredith Elmore of Bol­ Manchester Evening Herald vestigation to be conducted by CINEMA 1 Fogg, Mrs. George Evans and erty and with breach of peace. Bolton correspondent, Oleme- Exit To Main St. the Mutual Responsibility and ton will speak and show slides the Staite Public UUliUes Oom- OOVWNOg ST. tXIT TO MAIN ST.,~ Mrs. Fred Fiiuiegan. ^perintendent of Schools Ed­ that lists the stores Interdependence program, and on Korea at a meeting of the well Young, tel. 64S-8B81. missicn. Members of a 1968 nom- ward J. Salait said Wednesday the Benedictioil. The Inquiry, announced Lnating committee are Dr. Fred Murphy has offered to make that all good things Wednesday by PUC, Cbairman Spaulding, chairmem; Harold restitution for the damage. M e Oskar f LABOR LEADERS NEEDED Vernon EJugene S. Loughlin, stems from Jffhnnheit Melendy, Mra Prank Crocker, Windows had been broken and WINDOW SHADES are bought in. January Special the gas line explosion two weeks Christie Werner f Mra Charles Beckwith and Al­ LOUffi\TLLE, Ky. (AP) — paint and furniture thrown ago in the Queens section of k«r first role tiner W mlaaeroftte lan Scott. Creed Black, managing editor around, police said. Murphy is Green, White, Ecru New York Oty, ter Aeademt Award Hem York CHtler After the election of officers, of the Chioago Daily News, saya Vernon National Bank Votes ....HNICOIOR* Beet Actor Award scheduled to appear in court W ashable fer-DarUar' the rector spoke on the forth­ the newspaper Industry In the ’Thursday. CERAMIC next quarter-century irtll need Sat. At 1:80—“Island Of The Blue Dolphins” coming Mardl Gras, Feb. 6 and CASCADE FINISH , TILE BATHROOM 10 Per Cent Stock Divtflend 7, the major paridiwide activ­ labor leaders who have “ enough lington; . Kathleen BlauveK, ity of the year., 'Vision to take advantage of the Obiains’ Share Grows 2 5 blade to Order Stockholders of the Vernon technological revolution.’ ’ "IhsiSlled—up to 100 sq. ft. Wiegold Rd., Tolland. BOLTON Elmer L Odell,- treasurer, ^ A * * '* ' With Your RoUers National Bank voted a 10 per Addressing the Kentucky CHICAGO—^Chains account ' 'Mbterial and labor. Admitted Yesten^qy; Daniel, r^iorted that the 8100,000 cei>t stock dividend and noted Press Association, he said that for only a small part of total FULL LINE OF CUSTOM McCrisco, Phoenix St.; Ger­ LAKE HOTEL mortgage on the new church a 21 per cenrt iiKrease in assets a For Your Party Roaervations — Phone 648-6058 s had been reduced to 837,335.12, without such labor leadeirship, U. S. restaurant sales, but their trude Kington, 11 Warren St.; Rt. 44-A—Bolton, Conn. share has been increasing rap­ VENETIAN BLINDS during the past year at yester­ Sophie Szarek, 171 High St.; NEGRO BROS., Owners THURSDAY and the 850,000 mortgage on good newspapers may disap­ Billy Van and the Every idly since about 1956. Spear­ Wendy Bonny, Vernon Ave. Phone 643-9731 the new rectory and Improve­ pear because of the "economics day’s annual meeting. “COUNTRYMEN” Thurs. Is of newspaper publishing, the heading the advance has been Discharged Tuesday; Gene­ ments to the Williams Build­ E. A. JOHNSON The dividend will be paid to antique labor practices still Im­ the growth -of franchising, par­ Free vieve Sytick, West Main St.; FRI. and SAT. Ladies’ ing is now 815,247.58. ail atockholdens of record as of FrL Nighf posed by some unions cund the ticularly among drive-in and Evelyn Wojfecto, 11V4 Village Hank Erich and the Night! Tennant and Atty. Thomas PAINT GO. Estimates Jan. 25, according to Executive J “VERSATILES” reported on the financial oondi- competitive pressures in our fast-service chains that feature 723 Main SL, Tel. 949-4S01 Vice President Eklmond E. Parky St.; Kenneth Couch, Tunnel Special! An Drinks Lee Stanko, your host, invites tiono of the church and stated major dues." low prices and limited menus. er. Rd.; Paula Patenaude, RFD, For Ladies SHOP AT Broad Brook; Thomas Lee, 158 you to - come where the fun and Only 50c a need for additional financial Earnings before reserves were Union St.; Frank Perirfa, St. SWORDFISH, good time la! aid. figured at $1.01 a share and af­ HOME Anthony Home; Mrs. Nancy Stuart Lynn and Mrs. Ed­ ter reserves at 88 cents for 1966. Snow and daughter, 102 Pros­ HALIBUT or •OAK ST. RESTAURANT ,ooakst ward Platz, heads of a church Earnings after reserves in 1965 This is the bank pect St.; Mrs. Gall Vesper and 9 FREE PARKING! Fine Food and BeveragesIi survey committee, reported DIAL amounted to 66 cents. Bank as­ daughter, Bakos Rd., Tolland. SALMON 2,000 calls made, 800 of which sets stood at 86,802,567 as of ihkt gives you the card Discharged Wednesday: Jean­ with potato, C4 were completed by a telephone 643-6662 Dec. 31. ette McCoy, 9 Bancroft R d.; vegetable and salad * I committee, assisted by four that m akes it easgr No Obligation The bank opened a new Michael Rhodes, Oxbow Dr.; 5 to 9 P.M. women m em bers of St. branch in Rockville during the Frank Trudeau, 52 Ward St.; Plus— Complete Seafood Geoige’s Episcopal Church, Menu... E11II6 TAillTCI VENITIAN AFFAIR” Bolton. Atty. ’Thomas, head of year. The record increase was Mrs. Joan Hartman and daugh­ C I I I I O I U l l l I C l plus “ MADE IN.PARIS” to shop in the stores OPEN DAILY described as particularly note­ ter, South St. a parish survey group, report­ FORMICA COUNTER TOPS worthy, since the opening of a ed that It was not known at that all good things 9 -6 • Music Thurs., Fri., this time whether there would EXPERTLY and REASONABLY INSTALLED now office usually causes a bank The Herald’a Vernon Bureau ' Sat. and Sun. be another Elpiscopal dhurch 78 Colors to Choose From to expect an absorbtion of the is at 38 Park St., P. O. Box are bought in. THUR. 9 - 9 TATE in Manchester, but the com-, costa of the opening. 3*7. The temporary correspon­ • Banquet Facilities “Raby” A t 9:06—“ Spy” A t 7:00—Shorts 6:45 pleted survey sheets had been Directors were re-elected and dent, ia Bette ({uatrale, tel. 875- U p To 450 sent to the Diocese for evalua­ met following the annual meet­ 2845. tion. EXCITING PAHERNS IN ing to select officers. In hia report, the Rev. Mr. Winford A. Kloter was elected Nostrand mentioned a decline in president; John Bahler; Atty. church attendance, due, he said, Robert Kahan and Wilfred Lutz Mr. Clifton M. Griswold, Vice President & Manager partly to transfers to other were named vice presidents and THEUTKaST FRANK’S CAFE parties, and deaths in the i>ar- First-Manchester Office ARMSTRONG Edmond Parker was re-elected ni( Family Restauiaat m i coi “ MAIN tl PEARL ;' l ArRIVBNERCI, ish. He reported that the num­ Hartford National Bank & Trust Company vice president. ^ Three promotions were an­ FIN AL W EEK ber of church pledges had de­ 595 Main Street, Manchester STEAKS! STEAKS! creased, but amounts pledged nounced. Daniel Londerfin waa ’HIE HAPPIEST SOUND Choice — and Prices Hie were higher. promoted from assistant cash­ Whole Family Can Afford! The Rev, James W. Bottoms, G en tlem en: Please send me an application f t r 'Em ier and will continue his duties Wed. Matinee—2:00 Embossed Linoleum Mon. thru F rt Eve.—8:00 SH O RT ...... $1.76 .RCeKM'MMnM'IPUMNtnWTM ’ assistant, reported on a Parlrti new, all-purpose Charge Caril. 1 understand them k as branch manager of 'the Sat., Sun.— 1:80-6:00-8:30 T-BONE ...... $2.75 Study Group of which he was Rockville branch and Russell Plus From The Book BO cost or obligation In tins zequesL Makes a Iieautiful practical floor in colorful 3 dimensional design. recorder. Subjects covered by Hiller was named assistant m U ET MIGNON $2.95 The World Could Not MaRSXIIKIffMMK the group, he said, were ways to Its richly textured appearance manager of the Rockville Lay Down II0D(X«S.as- '... Ave., on charges of failure to • Cut from Full Rolls PARTIES & tries made daily. i i i i obey a traffic control signal. WED. and THURS, FEBRUARY I and 2—2 DAYS ONLY DRESS SHIRTS MONTINA® • Regularly 9.95 He is scheduled for appearance WEDDINGS Featuring Daily Specials in Circuit Court 12 Feb. 7. A s Alw ays Margot Fonteyn and Rudolph Nureyev in FOR MEN This is the coupoh VINYL CORLON® Police reported he drove his LUNCHEON BUFFET Legal Beverages 8tMsl4-17Vi GVOUCtWMCN o r AMiaiGAe that gets you the application westbound car through a red complete $1.85 Tel. 649-5544 ROMEO and JULIET Im g id a n NOW light and collided with a south­ Tuesday thru Friday With A tantalizing different flooring with a bound car driven by Charles *1,6 3 9 to get the card natural design effect that fits prac­ Gardener of Maple St., Elling­ tically every decorative theme. Use it Attractively Priced ORIBINftL ton. Vftiot's the caieW Whot else do you hove to pay? that brings the book witli everything from modern to Damage to the cars was de­ ” A Zany CbMecNon of Gogs, H’t tniggl/f FAMOUS There isn't any. The charge for transporting the car feudal. Ideal for botli home and busi­ scribed by police as moderate BURNSIDE that tells you the stores SPECIAL Thigh-Slopping Hytfenar* bdO BURNSIDf AVt IASI MAPIFOMD $1,639 is the suggested retail price at from the port of entry. The dealer de­ aqd no Injuries were renorted. ness. Can be installed on floors in SQUARE R E f P A R K I N G S 2 8 3 ,'i ,8 3 Mm port of eptry for the VW sedan, livery charge. And local soles tax. Robert F. Gagnon. 23. of 15 -Playboy Mqgailnw BRAND direct contact with the ground. 19 YARD DINNERS g The price includes Federal excise tax .There is one optional that makes a lot where idl good things beautiful colors. Oak St., was arrested bn a Week Nights and Sunday LABEIS warrant issued by Circuit UNITCO and import duty. of sense: the matching leatherette uphol­ Made to Sen stery, fdr $30.00 extra.(Nearly everyone are bought in. * Preparation and Installation Extra. Court 12 charging him with de­ Dandng Sat. Nights ARmTS ZEROMOSIN. It also includet the built-in heater/ livery of liquor to a minor. He For 97J09 defroster, windshield washer, electric orders it because it eliminates the need was released under the no-bail PHILSIUVERS windshield wiper*, front seat belts^ and for slip covers.) And that's H. ‘ 9 x 1 2 Ozito—Outdoors or Indoors compact for court appearance JACKGIIFORD lideview nkror. Unless, of course, you count the cost 1 Feb. 7. $ ' It's the price of the real thing, not LINOLEUM RUG $5.98’ CARPETS sq. yd. $4s88 Admitted Tuesday: Leslie H i AND GIRLS, GttlS, GIRLS I la r g o Selection Of Colors S’, S’, 9*, 12’ Widths Zowadeii Crystal Lake Rd., 89- 1 Unstbh; Shirley Albert, Qlen- RESTAURANT ^ • COUIIki lldine. 2 f o r $ 4 .2 6 h a r t f o r i ^ < ^ a t i o n a l stone Dr.; Kathleen Laurie Cyr, 6 Clifford St.; Gary Magdefrau, Route 6 and 44A, Bolton Booeevirtt Mllla, S15 B. Mein Sfe, Ilo 4d n 1Ile« O onii. Opea TER TRUDON, Inc WHERS MONEY GOES TO WORK FOR PEOPLE 209 South St.; l*k'fy: 1 648-2342 «"A FUNNY THING HAPPENED Wed« nm t., FrL tUl B Jjn. TEMPLE’S FLOOR COVERING First Ave.; Ruth Zimmerman, A t T-«tl« Taee« tin TOU.AND TDBNmK—TAIXSMnmL. Murray Rd., Wapping; Lee Sna. AUTHOniiG From 8 ON THE WAY TO THE FORU/A 308 MAIN ST.— ACROSS FROM BOURNE BUICK— BUDGET TERMS Savage, R. R. 2, Rockville; Read Herald Ads f Esther McLean, Lord Rd., El­ / H ' ' 9 A m v o \ m MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, BIANCHESTER, CONN. THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1967

ture might not be a dealrable Away,” a play for children, will and must be purchased in ad­ MANCHESTER EVENING HEIBALD, MAN(3HESTER, (X)NN., THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1967 P A G E F l V l i South Windsor Andover one.” be presented Feb. 4 at 2 p.m. vance. 'Those In favor o f adding the in the auditorium of Rham Transqpontation fo r pupils to ter it closed for^the new con­ permissive use ki m e R40 and High School. and from Rham has been ar­ RUMMAGE SALE Vernon struction. The reopening has Blind Secretary RSO zones stated that they were ranged at a cost of 10 cents per Sign on Property to Note Commission T b t play is a comedy in two been delayed by a t^ e s . not much concerned as to what acts by Conrad Seiler. Director child. Buses w ill leave the John S. Mason was elected Rescued After might possibly happen in five, is John Sibun. William Lindsay, school at 1:30 pm . Safurday, Jan, 28 president of the board of trus­ Pending Business with ZBA ten, or more years. president of the Players, is the Owners OK Package Sale Hears Qub ManiAeater Evening Herald tees, suceeding Clarence J. Uc^ Fall in Subway Further, controls by the Zon­ producer. 9 A«M. 1 P«M» Hie lonlng board of appeals Caiurch fo r the Deaf in West Andovw correspondent, Law­ Carthy. Frederick Haleher was (Gautinaed from Page One) ing Commisaion, the State of Mrs. Eugene Schwanke. and Kartfortl. - Pastor ’Hialer will Zone Plea rence Moe, teL 742-679A For Vernon Industrial Park elected vice president; Mrs. >«■» announced a recent amend­ Connecticut which gave the Mrs. Richard Schreyer are in she would tap her cane on the BETTER speak on his work with the The Feeder Rd. industrial site ing of th e ' commission. Ilie Glenn Stephenson, secretary, ment to the board’s bylaws that charter to the Estonian So­ charge of tickets, which w ill be rigbt in treat of her. deaf In the New England area; A, lightly attended public SOMALILAND TO DECIDE ST. MARY'S CHURCH commission is considering rec-' and Malcolm Thompson, treas­ ciety, and other reguIfitbVy on sale at the elementary will now be marketable as a Hien, suddenly, somebody require a sign to be posted on Following the p r o g r a m hearing of the Planning and DJIBOUTI — French Somali­ LOCUST ST. ENTRANCE omniendlng a golf course to the urer. Robert Kahan replaced groups, could provide what­ school Monday and Tuesday land’s 85.000 citizens w ill vote, single parcel of land totaling bent ber cane. any property on which an ap­ which is scheduled -to start at Zoning Commission was held planning commisaion as a pos­ Joaeph McCusker as a board ever corrective action If any mornings from 8:30 to 9. Tick­ more than 140 acres, according “ You know how people are 7:45, members of the League early on Independence or con­ sible utilization of open space- member. peal to the board is pending. this week m the Town Hail to were nefcded. ets may also bo procured by nisiiing' to get to work,” she w ill discuss a few of the serv­ tinued association 'i^th France to an agreement between the designated land in the compre­ The change will take effect The question o f adding the calling either of the two ladies Oonunittee chairmen areLeb-' said. “ They don’t see or hear KITCHENS ices performed by the Lu­ hear the proposed change in under a new constitution. four landowners and the Eco­ with applications filed for the permissive use in the two zones hensive report of the town, now beus Bissell, grounds and build­ anything- That threw me off theran Social Services that the zoning regulations which would nomic Development Commls- being prepared. March meeting of the commis­ now rests with the Planning ing; Hallcher, finance; and&frs. balance. I swerved to one side. Wapping church helps support. permit non-profit private clubs aion. In other actions the commis­ C. David Ollphant, nominations. A ll of a sudden I lost my bol- sion. Hostesses for the evening and Zoning Commission. A de­ A/ccording to the new rules, in the two types of residential The owners also have agreed sion appointed a subcommittee Mias Natalie Ide is librarian. ancei will be Mrs. Lois Ohloff, chair­ cision should be forthcoming when an appeal is filed, the ap­ to rename the area Vernon In­ to study its budget needs and “ Ae soon as I realized that I man; Mrs. Edith Kamm, and distticts where such use is not in the near future. MONTH dustrial Park. drafted a letter to tile Rock­ Herald’s Vernon Bureau put m y foot into an empty plicant will pay a $5 deposit Mrs. Jackie Reever. now covered. The fire department aux­ Robert Houley, chairman of ville Mutual Fire Insurance Co. la at 88 Park S t. P.O. box 8X7. space, I just let myself fall. fee for a sign which is to be ITiose planning to attend are , The Estonian Society of Con­ iliary found that Constitution placed on the property in ques­ the commission, explained that recognizing its sizeable con­ The temporary correspondent la There was nothing I could do reminded to note the change in necticut wants Uie change so Plaza was the end of their the new arrangement will make tribution to Rockville (Soneral Bette Quatrale, teL 87S-X84S. about It. I didn’t panic. I felt my tion. time o f this meeting and re­ mystery ride Monday night. Thinking About A New Kitchen? that they might purchase the the property more marketable head bwnp, tten I beard them Further stipulations call lor member the league's particlpa- While there they toured Broad­ Hospital. . I, 11.9 acres of land owned by and more attractive to intef- jump down."’ the sign to be placed not more Uon in operation deep freeze” cast House. On returning to Rockville Library George Parks on Times Farm ItOODBMflMIS eated industries. Isabella feU from the platform than 25 feet from the street a project to provide cakes for Andover they had refreshments The main building of the Rd. for cultural and recreation­ "Vernon U now more pre­ onto the southbound express Thinking About Saving Money? line and facing' the street for patients in state hospitals at the firehouse. Rockville Public Library should Police Arrests al use, including the erection of pared to receive industry than tracks. A police captain and two a period of seven consecutive which will be included In next A t a business meeting which be open soon, according to a a clubhouse. ever before,” he said. "The other men quickly grabbed her days and nights prior to the month’s meeting. followed it was decided to have report by John Gottier, cleik of A pre'vious request, in No­ Guy H. Mullen, 27, o f no cer­ from the tracks and pulled her hearing date. Hl-Y Speaker a sewing session next Monday CHOICE commission feels that with this the works for the library expan­ vember, to change the land in agreement between the prop­ tain address was issued a Cir­ bac>. onto the platform. The sign is to state that an John Parmenter, a guidance at the home o f Mrs. John sion project. question to a Garden Apart­ “ Seconds aftw we had her up, teacher at the high school, will Hutchinson on Rt. 6. This will USDA CHOICE erty owners, and with on-site cuit Court warrant yesterday ajiplication is pending before Interior decoration In the a train came in,” said Leonard ment zone, where private clubs be the second such effort to water and the excellent loca­ charging him with breach ot the zoning board of appeals and speak at the meeting of the main building is nearly com­ Jonas, 53, of Woodmere, Long axe now permitted, was heard provide articles of clothing to tion, the State Development CALL GLEN NETS will include tire telephone num­ Hi-Y tonight at 8 at the Wap­ pleted, although a big cleanup peace. Island, one of the men who by the commission at a public residents o f the Mansfield RIB Commission has an excellent ber of the town building de­ ping Community House. His job will be needed before books, Police charge Mullen assault­ hearing but not acted upon. State Trainlne' School. area to show prospects.” helped rescue Isabella. partment where further infor­ topic will be "Opportimitles aft­ furniture and equipment can ed his' estranged wife Nov. 20, "I was Just flabbergasted,” The major opposition, as in Members who have useable A fact sheet on the town Is mation relating to the applica­ er school.” LEG OF ROAST be moved in. CaipeUng also 1966 til her home at 350 N. Main Isabetta said later. ‘They wers FOR FREE SEVEN-STEP SERVICE the previous hearing, was shirts, blouses and such which being prepared by the commis­ tion may be obtained. R oteiy Club Itance must be installed. SL and threatened her 'with a so fast. I was surprised. I didn't voiced by residents of Times they no longer, need were asked 4-7 RIBS sion and the State Develop­ The deposit tte for the sign The South Windsor Rotary The children’s wing of the knife. Police aaid- he also , ripped know wfiot to e x p ^ .” Farm Rd. and the area nearby. to leave them -with Mrs. Hutch­ ment Commission and will con­ Is to be refunded upon return Club will hold a dance Feb. 11 long-delayed construction proj­ her blouse and threatened to kill She was treated at a hospital No one stated that the peti­ inson or bring them to the sew­ tain vital statistics such as of the sign to the building de­ at the Ellington Ridge Country ect will not be completed until a boy friend. for bruises of the right knee and Club. Reservations may be tioning club would be anything ing session on Monday. population, number of churches partment and the signing of a L E A N SM A LL much later, he told those at­ Mullen was served the war­ right eye and took a cab to made by contacting Carlo but an asset to the community. To Present Comedy and schools and information on statement that, the applicant has tending the annual meeting of rant at his place o f employment, work. PresUleo, Ash Rd. However, "some club in the fu­ "The Clown Who Ran other facilities. complied with the regulations. the library board of trustees. and is scheduled to appear in W il she ride the subway Dr. Robert Lcuirie, a member FRESH The fact sheet can be used Fdward F. Havens, chairman The library was scheduled to Manchester Circuit Court 12 again? of the zoning board of appeals, of the board o f education, LAMB with promotional material as a reopen Oct. 1, four months af­ Feb. 6. “ Of comae.” said the new procedure will spoke at a recent Rotary meet­ SHOULDER guide to the town by industries Identify property on which an ing on the topic of the heavy REG. considering locating here. appeal is pending for the bene­ but necessary eoet of the The publication is put out by • SURVEY fit of adjoining property own­ school board budget in relation STYLE the state, using material gath­ to local educational require­ ers and other interested parties. ered by the town. It is expect­ ments. FRESHLY MADE • PLANNING Applications to the board will ed to be published in April . Paintings on Exhibit continue to be advertised in the Permanent Status Currently on d i^ la y at the legal notices as well, he com­ LAMB Mayor Thomas McCusker is COLONIAL RUG i TILE Co. • DESIGNING main office of the South Wind­ expected to present a propiosal mented. sor Bank and Trust Company, OVEN-READY to the Board of Representatives VERNON CIRCLE 649-6577 Heating on AppUcattMia 1033 John Fitch Blvd., are six PAHIES 875-0953 calling for adoption of an ordl- • SKETCH A public hearing will be held paintings by Mrs. Bev Moore nUpce^ providing the develop­ Feb. 2 at Hie Wapping E3e- of 192 Famham Rd. LEG of ment commission with perma­ • Decorating Service mentary School, Ayers Rd. at Mrs. Moore, secretary of the LEE'S Town Place EMPASTAN Nylon 8 p.m. to consider the follow­ South Windsor Art League fOr nent status. Terms of the 10- LAMB member commission ,probaWy ing applications: the past two years, is a mem­ All orlon and acrylic face would be set on a staggard ba­ • ESTIMATES Podunk River Equipment ber of the Tobacco Valley A rt Choice Lamb Chops 56% Rubberized padding sis of one to five years. Twist Sales Oo., 1209 John Fitoh Association and the Manchester The commission now Is an ap­ Completely installed Blvd., South Windsor, requests Fine Arts Association. • BUDGET SERVICE LOIN pointed group of Interested citi­ a veuriance to allow a sign larg­ Her work is done both realis­ AT LOW PRICE •. 100% Continuous Nylon Sweet Life — 46-ox. cons zens, Houley explained. er than permitted on these tically and abstractly and she u»1.09 premises. This Is an I zone. works in India ink and water LAM B C H O P S Labor Market Report 56% Rubberized padding Vernon has a latent female Jennie Myette, c/o Edwin A. colors. Her field has encom­ .SHOULDER $ j L 1 . 4 9 Pineapple Juice .2/49° wortt_foroe, according to a pre­ 8’ KNOTTY PINE STARTER KITCHEN liBssman, Esq., 37 Lewis St., passed some sculpture. Completely installed Hartford, requests a specific Educated at Ellsworth High liminary report on the local la­ 2 _3 0 ” Base Cabinets Your Dream bor market being compiled un­ exception to allow a residential School and a graduate of the LAM B C H O P S Tetley's der the direction of commission 14 colors 1— 36" Sink Front use in £Ui IX zone on premises East Windsor High School, Mrs. RIB $ Q . 9 5 Kitchen on John Fitch Boulevard, South Moore spent a year at the Uni­ 48-eount XAc member Ray Hallowell. The re­ 2— 30” Hanging Wall Cabinets Windsor. The property is versity of Connecticut prior to Tea Bags pkg. W port will contain statistics on 1—36” X 6’ Scallop Scroll The plcctt ysa tee Iim en joit a LAM B C H O P S the number of available jobs in DOWNS Colossal NOTHINfi DOWN bounded on the north by Jennie her marriage. She is the moth­ suivie of m moK 400 ia die l-Js foot Post Formed Formica er of two sons. Vernon and the number of Ver­ Myette, (440 fe e t), south by WARMt WELCOMING, eanmiffiag Ethan AUeh open ttade 22 colors Counter Jennie Myette, (440 feet), and Mrs. Moore studied in the ______* caOeetkm for ereiy------leam-----•_ ia _____ your Pet Evoporerted non residents working outside Herculon azf at liitia at WONDERFUL the towm. west by Jennie Myette, (200 classes of Kenneth Forman, hooK. ChooM Cmoi in&nnal Aadqued taH ^ 56% Rubberized padding 1 _2 4 ” X 21” White Cast Iron Sink S A N A W EEK feet) and the southerly line Robert Kiley and Roy Superior. ETHAN ALLEN Piae^^eiegast Hadoiza Solid G h ^ « Mnnldpai Golf Course l-^Delta;Siflgle Lever Faucet and ’ gn^eot Solid Maboguy. tpam* Milk 3 cons ” A report on the po.ssibHity of to the property being IM feet EAEL7 AMERICAN Completely installed asaioft ttoogMaaldag Cttttora Sooa the northerly line of tend now Manchester Evening Herald establishing a municipal golf Maa and indi&iitl CkdotiU ia or formerly owned by Ooggin. South Windsor Correspondent, course in Vernon under the ngged SoSd Mitpk and Sitdk t o k Sweet Life state and federal open spaces KITCHEN CARPET This is an IX zone. Ann Lyons, teL 044-8582. todqr. $ Q . 5 0 program was tabled for further Albert B. Myer, c/o Edwin 18-ez. ^|0c FIGHT RR ABANDONMENT Peanut Butler Information at a Tuesday mect- A Lassman, Esq., 37 Lewis St., STORE HOURS SPECIALISTS COLORFUL COUNTER TOPS Hartford, requests a variance HARTFORD (AP)—The sUte Monday and Tuesday Open till 6 P.M. i 2 colors You can’t beat CONOLI’TE for a good-looking, long- of Connecticut and the towns of W!B BEAQTl VUL to allow a coin-operated auto Open Thursday and Friday Evenings j lasting kitchen counter top— and y6u can install it your­ wash on premises at 200 Bum- Plaiinifiielld and Sterling have Closed Wednesday Sunsweet Free Estimates— aQ work guaranteed. Personalized Service. self. Choose your color today in our showroom. ham St., South Windsor. This asked the lateretate Commerce INTEBlOl MTEX New Af ^ is an I zone. commission to deny a New Ha­ Prune Juice q u - S F W e measure, install and service our rugs and carpets. W e give accurate meas­ S i^ ^ r Set ven Railroad request to aband­ Prices PAINT T h fi _ - - Counfry urements. We do not Subcontract our work. St. Peter’s Episcopal Church on track between' Plainifiield and 4 Only fS.S0 Oal. Beg. 18.86 w ill hold a spaghetti supper Coventry, R.I. Sweet Life as low as 49c .q. ft. Feb. 7 at the parish hall. Sand In the petition filed Wednes­ Drug 4 Store Hours: Mon., Tues., Sat. 10-6— Wed., Thurs., Fri. 10-9 For tlw M tM ai tMCk ■Mmb* Hill Rd. Two sittings will be day, the petitioners said the 18.S TO FINISH THE JOB: , West Middle Tumplk- ^ MSS, ||n ywr kitchu vaHt a held, one at 5 pm . and one miles of freight track is self- Bleach supporting in Oxinecticut. Metaledge mouldings eaat «f fa d to c ilin A p M . at 6:30. Reservations may be ^ Hollmarii Party ELHCO intariir pahiU art t o - made by calling the office of Also, the petitioners said, the spedally priced this month. line is an "escape route’’ for Giant She COLONIAL RUG & TILE Co. aMA wattaMA M i fa < H n d the church. Co.Um. emergency passeng^ traffic be­ L Paper .^lM ttyM to.kqr. Women’s League Meeting 649-6577 From 25'/2C Linear Foot Our Saviour Lutheran Wom­ tween New London and Provi­ 2 0 UNION STREET— ROCKVILLE, CONN. Tide Dresses! 875-0953 Vernon Circle en’s League will meet Feb. 13 dence in the event of derail­ Manchester 643-0890— RockviUe 875-2534 ments on the main line. r in the Petersen room of the diurch. A brief business meet­ Liquid Detergent ing will be held at 7:30 p.m. BARGAINS FOR BEHER KITCHENS followed by a balk by Pastor Thaler from the liutheran Joy 2 2 - 0 * . ^ STAINLESS STEEL SINKS Want thinga ti be zaan mtn md hmihmH Franco American MANCHESTER Here’s the sink you have been wanting, at a price you NEED A the MUSIC MAN can afford. NOTE TO DISHW ASHER USERS: How about Spagbetti’Os 2 ’± M ‘ replacing your old sink with a stainless single bowl that SPECIAL 739 MAIN ST.. MANCHESTER PHONE 643-0871 fits the same counter cutout? You’ll enjoy the extra r elbow room. Sunshine UBLIC MARKET TWt tatiiy tataM caliiw CAR MnaiiA Hydrox Cookies .. .6. 79c Basket SHOP One-Two-Three Top Grade, Choice Beef! i Tear Leasing Plans • SHORT STEAK Fancy No, 1 Large Size ELECTRIC GUITARS. Ranging From ...... $ 24.95 to $ 209 .9 5 | Fancy Fresh Drtssnd Poultry MANCHESTER FRIDAYS All Makes and Models I , .11- ■ ji I . One Price Only BALDWINS Whole or Cotl-Up, Meaty Just Arrived! Quality, Imported ELECTRIC GUITAR and O C The sign ot TO 2 SPEAKER AMP. Reg. Price $140.0^. (6 Only). BOTH FOR / 4 * Y D Freeh Ground and Lean 3 “ ®«39c IW.GGLENNEY 649-5253 this MORIARTY Hamburg lb. 69e 2 Hxs. $1.30 •FOWL FtlOfessional dealer who . A ll Lean and Just, Ground 4 1 / 2 to 5 Lbs. Lb. Fancy, Large No. 1 CO. BROTHERS SPECIALS! Dr. Zhivago. List (4.79)...... $ 2 .7 9 Stereo $ 9 .2 9 excells In V ' ECONOMY FIRST PROfesslonal Chuck Btef H). 79e 2 lbs. $1.50 SOI OENTXB STREET STORE OF MANCHESTER DELICIOUS or 3 3 6 and capable New Release! More of the Monkees. List (3 .7 9 )...... $ 2 .2 9 Stereo $ 2 .7 9 RouikI Ground ...... Hb. 90e' . 49e 3 “ ®«49c BUILDING MATERIAL—LUMBER—FUEL TILL NOON ' '.yy' # Wings fc. 29e GLASTONBURY *■ . . Iwritw”-:* U I f —f • f.4. • . Fork lb. 79e 2 H». $1,50 ELLINGTON

i - / . y A ■■ / y ' 4 ' .

a ■■ MANCllEoiriJtt.l v,tJlaiili^llERALD, -xER, tONN., TllDRSDAX. 26, 1967 PAGE SEVEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCH^TEB, CONN^ THURSDAY. JANUARY 26.1967 -P A G B S IX problems for which no solutions' Pwrf. Joe D. 8<«6r o f toe Hart- local drive Is conducted s* part University, he lives irlth his and seww tie-lM M d G O P t O H o M ' Vernon were obtained in the areas o f ford ^m lnory Foundation wM of the Greater Hartford area wife, the former Valerie Ford, provements at the town s Indus- . piDvkUng addwntmi chuTch speok oo “Peaauts and Proph- drive and will be held ki Feb- and one daughter on Hany' trial sites. ^ S o c i f l l E v i f e l l l S AatullcBttr fat amount of cash to be handed to Connecticut him for campaign purposes in a year Inside oM Equipment Sought “ft. "S. yB Sntttlns ^erali when he himself was not even running ^ . .. , Mrs. Marjorie Arrt was by a committee headed by Mrs. St. Luke's Hospital School of St. Helen’s Sdclety of St. pr^pertlve todusti^s. Houley hold a . for Office, that Baker was his agent in Yankee e P S ’ S p r m r f e l A n n i t ’l o n elected to a two-year term as Robert Bernier. The Wstlng- Nursing In Cleveland, ie an ad- Joseph’s Church.has elected the ^ I n t e ^ u t that a decision must dance on Saturday, F e ^ ^ lt « 9 > OV/llUArl. ,^ church and Fred- tiWied Service Award and Mm visor to the “ candy stripers!’ at following officers for the com- be made on who is responsible the Manchester uBd6d October 1, 18S1 The Herald’s Vernon Bureau ner and dancing, this loot with Bobby Baker. Rowland Evans Jr. I, Euphonlus J. Horsedarte, dition to the Sykes Junior to arrange for the ordination Klaczak, David S. Mills, SeWaefer.Scltiaefer. ’ ’ her husband and two , sons, Miss Anna Gworek. financial PuWlehed Every Bvcnlne B^ept tonJeyj High SchooU The addition will is at 38 Parit St., P.O. Box 327. Dancing will be . to— 1- a.m.,----- , li'V All this makes the Senator in ques­ and realize this la rather a late tima of the Rev. Lynum D. Reed, as- Charles O’Fllnn and Raymond Heart” ‘ ***^'^*j - v Brock and Christopher, • at 176 secretary; Mrs. Lou Wagpier, md Holldeye. Entered at_lhe P o^ Office dt not be ready for occupancy un­ The temporary correspondent is the music of Ken Morgester ana^^f ^ucheiter. Conn.. M Second Claae Hall tion a somewhat less disting^Shed fig­ for a prospective leader to be slstM t pastorp a s t o r '"of ' the TTninnUnion IT E, RAmnrtnii, Ramsdell. Di>iu;aiu>''4: POT of the East—or the hare walls, draughty leans is not indecision but mander John Lawrence. DIPPER COASTER the rest of the world for years to 4. I am a resident of a sub­ The new arrangement re­ „ „ CORKSCREW STRAINER windows and psychedelic cushions of doubt —doubt about Ronuiey. Handily looopi up Slips ovar pot to eome." urban bed room town who was Kpdownltewingi Genuine mosaic some Greenwich Village pad—the one Fearful that his high ranking in quires that the pickup be held ...uppaptih* •von froztn hard drain spoghatti, Me wMi railed adcb- born and bred in a Connecticut But there is also the possibility that thing common to the experience is the the public opinion polls may be on the second Sunday of the colic, outomotiallyl k e c rto m l salads and noodiM. small town and who has his month. If It Is necessary to post­ one faction might seek to unite" China business of sitting still and motionless temporary, they are avoiding a Im i . 2for»l place of business in a big city. pone the drive because of poor 2for’ 1 2fern 2forM by indulging In some “reckless interna­ for as much as 15 minutes at a time. commitment to horn. tional adventure” and might indeed suc­ It was this doubt that was be­ weather, another drive will not This is a hard thing to do. It is no 5. I believe there is a signifi­ be held until the second Sunday SYIVANIA ceed in uniting China that way. ing fought tooth and nail be­ cant opportunity in Connecticut wonder it takes all kinds of exotic props, of the following month, FREEZER TILE hind closed doors here this for Intelligent and forceful I f ** ***'' KITCHEN TONGS A tUrd possiWllty seen by Eiditor labels, and theories to get us ever to tha sons for the movies. IICHT BUlBS week by Robert J. McIntosh, leadership to make Inspiring ; KNIFE TRIVET SPADE Doubbodiongr^. Canham is that a moderate faction submit ourselves to such a discipline. Polish-Amerlcan Club ) for culling Holds hoi poll off Gfaatfcrhancfliiiig making his, first public ap­ progress in defending and pre­ Bowl shaped btoda might triumph in China, and then pro­ But, inevitably enough, the moment we pearance as the key Romney- Courtesy Of WadswOrth Atheneum, Hartford Joseph F. GIU was re-elected I: fnzon fo ^il your counter boiled potoleeii or serving the priceless tradition­ f iie d 'c M M „ ceed to patch up China’s ideolog^ical do succeed in doing it, we find our lor-President organizer. State to his efleventh term as presi­ 2forM al values of Connecticut life. dent of the 53-year-oId Ptdlsh- [2for»l 2forM quarrel with Russia, thus unifying the thoughts and feeling open to experiences party leaders attending the WHAT THE BRIDE WORE: Colonial wedding dress by Faith Robinson 2 American Citizens Club at Its fern Communist half of the world again, we had forgotten could be part of living. nightly receptlwi in the Michi­ upon her marriage to Jonathan Trumbull in 1735, is in the costume col­ 6. I am prepared to devote annual meeting. ai»d ehviously increasing its power At first, it is a little frightening as well gan suite on the 12th floor of lection of the Wadsworth Atheneum, The hand-brocaded floral sprays full time to the duties of Re­ ^ APPIE < m MEAT BALI ■ nut ' the Monteleone Hotel would be Julius Koslorek retired as au­ polities power. as thrilling to find how much more are on cream ribbed silk. Jonathan Trumbull was governor of Connecti­ publican State Chairman, and CRACKER discreetly invited to McIntosh’s to do so on the basis of a fi­ ditor of the club after serving Compare o l 23e soch SLICER BREAKER PRESS t As against such possibilities of de­ there can be in life. But, no doubt about cut, from 1769-1784. The portraits in the background are of the Trum- room down the hall for a quiet nancial arrangement under 36 years in the position, stating I Dividwappltfnle Evwifluffi«st2- Scissor oclion! Per- Tough Wofaub fedly thoped lnea^ f aadczmoillysii- velopments Inside China, Editor Can­ it. If we have nerve and longing enough chat. bulls as painted by their son, John Trumbull in 1774. which a nominal salary of $20,- he would “ like to retire.” ^ Swodgnondi^ lay*reakttwoi/f I movMcorol foil opartl n bolls every limel der lit peoMOfsl ham considers, and rejects as much too to repeat the experience once or twice In some of those chats, Mc­ 000 a year shall he carried on Officers elected Include Eu­ gene Kozlowskl, vice president; dangerous, the idea that there could be more, we can become addicts, and get Intosh was more direct than the party books, but, instead of 2 2ferM 2for*l 2for for’i tee probate reform. six-month moratorium on pol­ of previously-owned A China stands for, but what Ameri'Ji The State’s probate courts are the icies. There was no Nixon suite and Is doing and what America stands for. last outposts of obsolete legal and judi­ and no Nixon staff. The two TURTLE 100 BAYER VICK'S MICRIN We have no means for trying to be sure cial services for Connecticut citizens. young lawyers who informally proudly-cared-for ASPIRIN FORMULA 441 about China, but we have some direct Even the best-run probate courts are represent Nixon at such party WAX I* MOUTHWASH Fo r fo tl relief o f ■take and some slight element of pow­ susceptible to political “squeeze” In the gatherings —Charles McWhor­ LINCOLN duty hand Fast pain reliefl F m h ter of New York and Sherman coughs. 3 ounce. er and responsibility in the business of form of appralserships which are hand­ continentals 2fern what America does and what America ed out to party faithful. The worst- Unger of Cincinnati —circulat­ 2forn 2for’ I I2fcrn ed end'lesely singing Nixon's stands for. run courts are susceptible to other weaknesses and cynicisms, to ineffi­ praises but did not seek com­ We, with our power, with our tradl- —truly America's ciency, to administrators without legal mitments, Implicit or explicit. STATIONERY! STP OIL tkm, with our at least simulation of na­ GILLETTE SUAVE training, to uncontrolled fiees, and to While McIntosh was discour­ most distinguished BOX OF 24 tional poUcy intelligence,'ought to have*^ aging favorite son candidates FOAMY TREATMENT other approaches which penalize rather I^^RHocFe^le NoBee HAIR SPRAY Q n le lt some, chance setting up a policy and that might block Romney’s rush 1 motorcarl llovacecon 13K>oiKe. noisy mefoM than help the citizens who have busi­ MHid MiveiopeHs ihovIllO CfOORIe a course of conduct which would stand ness with the court. to the nomination, McWhorter [TIOtQf pUUilUle was previously welcoming them ' 2 f o r M 2lir’ l roekllke and successful for us no mat­ All of these things cam be changed. 2for*1 —on the assumption that the Call today for |2fwM ter what the nature or the direction of The primary obstacle to their change party regulars eventually would ■tonna ia the world around us. and elimination ia the reluctance of pro­ turn to old faithful Nixon details on how’ fessional politicians to see this easy— 50 FOAM GREETING favorite. son drives had gone STARTING SCHAEFFER and ancient—source of political dollars easy it can be to , MAVY DUYY CUPS , their course.: CARDS removed from their reach. FLUID PEN InsulotedlForhot Alleecadosl1S> But Nixon tit the mdod of move up to a 3/8” POWER DRIU WUhJtfeare- But the Connecticut State Bar Asso­ ^ SuMtiarbee fShlAMoiled colon, i or cold drinks. . 23ccMdsasd«M- Bbming H ie Dead this national committee meet­ 1 Just 86 . . . 1 per cus­ 9«unee size. lepeipirboKs ciation has now come forward with a CONTII^TALl ^ coidutmomingfl Aa the dtfense in the Bobby Baker ing even less than Romney. tomer I Greater drilling 2fores of the past, the RepUbU-’ awn pMltion, the superficial trend of high-level commission to study and rec­ J torque! IdeEd for tight can leaders were deoNy after ' MORIMTY quarW' drilling! S.'O Hm testimony is toward swapping in ommend fuller probate changes. The a winner against Lyndon John­ ENGINE WINDSHIELD RADIATOR the reputation of a dead United States Probate Assembly, which Is composed son and just as clearly felt they Amp, motor. 1,000 rpm STARYING FLUID ^Senator for the. possible acquittal of of probate judges, is making other had ivot found him —wMoh re­ BROTHERS no-l(^ speed. Lock i GUM O UT DE-ICER SEAUNT ICr. Baker. recommendations. moves a major political asset type trigger switch. Ouri«g«ilat)1.B9 Sure starta on coldest nioniiiic*! 3dl CeMTER ST. ioim oe size. Gleans englnee Prevents wlnclow Icing! Seals most leslu In ear lodlaton. The Inferepce would be that the Sen­ The. time has never been riper and lor Mr. Johnaon, eCfeottvsIy! ator in question, already a powerful the reasons have never been more right for a final^and productive—assault nve Yeara Ago Phpint 643-5135 2 l o r ^ and axtrstnely wealthy man, had in­ 2 2 t e r n ^ 2 , „ » 1 upon the old probate system. The first In the first. attempt to land ter n troduced a special-piece of legislation "Conaeottoot's Oldest I step toward action should be for every scientific Instruments on tha Llnoqtai-Merciiry D ealerr MANCHESTER PARKADE, MIDDLE TLIRNPIKE WEST OPEN MON. THRU SAT. 9i30 A.M. TO 9 PM. • "CHARGE IT" AT GRAND-WAY... TAKE MONTHS TO PAVI Srhleh thteatenod a certaih commercial Connecticut citisen to let his Qenefal moon, the U. 8 ..space agency 9^ IpteMBt, that he had dons this primer- Assembly representatives know that launched from Cape Kennedy OPEN iSVENINCMI Except Ihundsys In order to stimulate that oonuner- probate reform is demanded In this ses­ the Ranger BZ spoceoraft atop ♦ftSjBsafy tm?... am tesK-juHTmamu. tlMPWt to eoUect a tramendouely sion.—iNEW HAVEN REGISTER an Atiaa-Agena rocket. mgw w«.airimivia am a»\.. * . t .. .V - : 1 ■ - ■ ■ . -.A ' I MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1967 PAGiS HINB PAGE EIGHT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1967 were asked to bring a main Church, Newington, at 9. Burial Coventry Tolland dish; M-S a salad, and T-Z a will be In St. Mary’s Cemetery, Son f or Rocky Orders Plan Charffe Made dessert. Obituary New Britain. Assemblying the News Reservations may be made by P.A.C. Friends may call at the fu­ NEW YORK (AP)—Mrs. Study Committee Authorizes contacting Mrs. Barbara Stone, neral home tonight from 7 to By SOL R. COHEN tlon for Financial Assistance to 7 Appointed Mrs. Blanche Hartenstein Nelson A. Rockefeller, wife To^urb Dip Confession Barred, Hurlburt Rd., or MrS. Peggy 9. of the governor of New Higher Education. The Baby Has Batty, Partridge l.ane. . Mrs, Blanche Bouffard Hart- Robert Stavnltsky of Man­ A bdl'l proposed by the gov­ Kindergarten Room Search York, gave birth today to a chester's Assembly District 19 At War’s End To Charter vBoys League ♦nstein, 67, of Donnell Rd., Mrs. Thalsse Gagnon six-pound, two-ounce baby ernor, for tax abatement for The Tolland Boys League will Vernon, died last night at a has filed a bill which may go persons over 86, is similar to The Elementary School Study need to work within the frame­ SOUTH WINDSOR — Mrs. boy at Lying-In Hospital. nowhere, and may die in com­ (Continued from Page One) Solberg Trial Ends formulate plans for the year at Manchester convalescent home. Thaisse Allaire Gagnon, 86, of •Both. Mrs. Rockefeller and one filed by Barry' two weeks Commission Committee met for the first work of the town’s already tight BINGO mittee. an open meeting Tuesday night She was the. widow^ of Fred- 804 Pleasant Valley Rd., widow son were reported doing ago. Barry's bill ls\m ore lib­ “Thus our plsuis must assume (Continued from Page One) time last night, electing of­ bonding capacity. The town Is EVERY M ONDAY--8 P.M, His bill would repeal a bill eral. It provides for tax relief niompsCn family. Instead, the BeenNamed... Members of Coventry’s new at 8 In the Town Hall. All In­ erick T. Hartenstein, long-time Joseph Gagnon, died yester- well. ficers and covering a broad presently committed for about terested parents were invited ^orcman of the Manchester Francis Hospital, passed by the 1965 Legislature, for up to $5,000 in real prop- ” peace will pleaded guilty, and sentencing mother-in-law of the victim, 86- dharter commission have been range of concepts and prob­ $340,000 of its next year's bond­ 26 VILLAGE 5TREET. ROCKVILLE The child, not yet named, dealing with the gradual reduc-. erty, with no' restriction on the ~ obd it could return wae set for Feb. 8 in Litchfield year-old Mrs. Agpies Thompsen, to attend the meeting, at which Herald's composing room who Hartford. is the couple's second son. Tobias, Todd Arnold, son of Conrad Peter tod Jo­ selected, according to an an* lems encountered In providing ing capacity to complete the teams for this year will be or­ P. A. C. BALLROOM 4leU Nov. 29, 1964. Mrs. Gagnon was bom in tion of the manufacturers' in- amount of property woirth of sooner than we dare expect,” he County Superior Court, where was suspected, of educational facilities for the arts and science wing of the Their first. Nelson Jr., was ventory tax. tlie elderly person. The gover- said. his first trial had ended in a Theelder Mrs. Thompsen, sephine Wark Tobias, French Rd Bolton. He was born Jan. nouncement from the select­ ganized. Mrs. Hartenstein was born Roberval, Que., Canada, and has bom May 30, 1964. 17 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His paternal grand­ rapidly growing town. high school, Zanghi pointed out. Aug. 31, 1M9 In Meriden, a ^ jg years at The bill, in 1955, had the nor's blU restricts aid to those “But when that welcome day bung jury last October. w4k> had a history of mental men’s office this week. Men’s 'Volleyball League Couples Club who owTi under $10,000 woi'tih of of peace arrives, we will need He -was transferred today from illness, lived In an upstairs father Is John P. Tobias, French Rd., Bolton. He has a broth­ They are William Smith, Pe­ It authorized members David The Couples Club of United daughter of Francis X and Vic- Windsor, baclung of both political par­ er, Joel Beter, 7; and a sister, Lynn Marie, 4. Cook and Robert Briarton to Tonight's schedule in the toria Beaudon Bouffard, and ties, the governor, the Con­ property. quick adjustments In our eco- the state jail In Bridgeport to apartment In the Tbompsen ter Tliomas, Frederick VWilte, Men’s Softball League: 7 p.m.— (jongregational Church will hold Survivors include a son, An­ Hospital Notes _____ nomic policies. the state jail In Litchfield, pre- home. Several hours after the ***** continue their investigation of a bowling night Saturday at ANIERICA’S UARSEST FAMILY CLOTHINO CHAIM lived most of her life at Rock­ toine J. Gagnon of South Wind­ necticut Association of Manu­ Mrs. Alma Heckler, William Tolland Barber Shop vs. Town ville. She was a member of ADMITTED YESTERDAY; The redecorated cafeteria on “We must be prepared for sumably to await action on the crime was discovered by her,, Koller, Joel Michael, son of Samuel and Mary Daly Miller, David I ^ c h and Har­ available room suitable for a 7 p4n. at the 'Vernon Lanes on sor; 4 daughters, Mrs. Bertha factures, and the State Cham­ public kindergarten. Line Auto Body; Hayden and the Norwich Diocesan Council Desiree Atamian, 15 Ellington ber of Commerce. the fifth floor of the Capitol, those adjustments, ready to act malicious threatening charge. son, Mrs. Thompsen was taken Koller, Boston Hill Rd., Andover. He was born Jan. 17 at old Crane. Mason vs. Chambers Movers. Rt. S3. Coffee and refreshments "The Assembly Room,” is now rapidly — both to avoid inter- The Miranda Rule, under to a state mental hospital In Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandparents School board member Rich­ will be served later at the home Of Catholic Women, the Worn- Mr^D^a ^R^*BouU^\n^^ ” Bouchard The bill, using 1934 a.ssess- At a town meeting in Decem­ 8:15 p.m. — Consumers Food _/-...iij c!. a>n.ow^'<, R. Boutin and Mrs. 160 ciocoitBissell St.;cf • tjir-a Mrs. Thoi-osnTheresa open five days a week, from 10 ruption to our prosperity and to wflilch Solberg’s statement to po- Middletown, are Mr. and Mrs. James Daly, Philadelphia, Pa. His paternal ard Bowerlng was elected of Harry and Barbara Stone en's Guild of St. Bernard's Cecllle A Aubln, all of South Ygj,~ ments as a base, eliminates ber, a motion to form such a Centre vs. Three Sons Clean­ Church, Rockville, the Rock' Boucher, Worcester Rd, a.m. to 4 p.m. take full and immediate advan- lice was held inadmissible, re- -A. warrant was Issued for her grandmother is Mrs. Julia Koller, Philadelphia. Pa. He has commission was passed, and chairman of the committee. ers. on Hurlburt Rd. • Windsor; a brother, Joseph AI- manufacturers' Inventory taxes It offers hot and cold lunch-tage of our opportunities." quires police to advise a sus- arrest but never served ^ her. three brothers, Michael, 20, Stephen, 14, and David, 10; and PTA ■ president Mrs. Ethel Reservations may be made yille General Hospital Auxili- , , of ’cinnadn- iV D-rnrirtnhii* from town revenues over a 10- the group will now have a year Present standings after the Jry m . Auxl,..jy Hock- ^ eons, plus an 'eat what you Johnson said he was naming pect that the state will provide It dropped when Solberg two sisters, Barbara, 16, and Janet, 12. in which to complete their work. James was elected secretary by calling Mrs. Stone, Hurlburt year period. The state reim­ start of the second round are: anum Barracks, Veterans of oof rence Rd., Wapping; Robert can' smorgasbord- The latter, Gardner Ackley, economic a lawyer at no cost If he cannot was arrested In connection with ***** A town charter Is the first step and school Supt. Robert Briar- Three Sons Cleaners and Cham­ Rd., or Claire Burns, Cook Rd. The funeral wiU be held Sat­ Carr, 134 Croft Dr.; Martene burses the towns on the ratio at $1.50, is a bargadn. council chairman, to take lead- afford one. the slaying. The old woman did ton was elected executive sec­ Baptisms World War I. urday at 8:15 a,m. from the Ben­ Deprey, Wendy Ann, daughter of Gerald and Maxine toward Home Rule, and the bers Movers, 3-0; Tolland Bar­ Survivors Include two daugh- Cormier, 28 Scott Dr.; Leslie of 10 per cent the first year, ------ershlp of a group made up of The trial which ended Wednes- bot testify at Solberg a first trial Shaw Deprey, 142 Brook St., Wapping. She was born Jan. 17 commission will decide whether retary. Baptisms will be held at both jamin J. Callahan Funeral 20 per cent the second, and so ber Shop, 2-1; Hayden and Ma­ ters, Mrs. Margaret Mantak of u-n,. -.no at ^ t Dion, 391 Woodland St.; Charles The - coffee____ — bar and__ -cigar the heads____ of the - appropriate______day., _____ marks _____ the finish__ — of- ...... another- because, a hospital official said, at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandpar­ to retain the present form of The committee agreed to ask son, 1-2; Town Line Auto Body services of United Congrega­ Vernon and Mrs. William Rizy Ferguson Jr., 88 Oak St.; Rita on, until the 10th year, when gtand in the lobby is operated federal departments. phase in one of Connecticut’s she was too mentally and physl- ents are Mr. and Mrs. Landor Shaw, Eagle Lake, Maine. Her government, modify it, or go to Town Counsel Robert King for p.nd Consumers Pood Centre, tional Church Feb. 5 and 12. of Virg;lnia Beach, Va.; a ■ . ° Grasso, Glastonbury; and Rob- it pays 100 per cent reim- by the State Board of Educa- Among other preparedness most complicated and bizarre appear in court. She paternal grandmother is Mrs. Maude Deprey, Eagle Lake, an entirely new form. an estimate of the town’s bond­ 0-3. New officers of the church ______at M. Francis of Assisi ______t ______xtaIh h;irspment. T* -.A__ . ^ J'--’ -* ------■------brother, Wallace Bouffard of c n iin j a » ert and i./uancDuane Jones, i-cmNeill Rd.,i-u., bursement. t^e Blind. It offers a efforts, he said, Ackley's group crime oases. died of pneumonia in the mental Maine. She has three sisters, Deborah, 10, Sheila, 8, and Dar­ Coventry is currently govern­ ing capacity over the next sev­ Junior High Basketball will be installed at the 11 a.m. Robert Hall Rockville, and five grandchil- ?' Vernon; Melissa Kreusoher, 191 The bill was opposed in 1965 fast cup of coffee, \vithout wait, will: after lene, 5. ed by a selectmen-town meet­ eral years. It also sisked First The Tolland Junior High service Feb. 6. sa, .. TZ m.T"''’ ***** Oreb. l ^ « St. Mary’s Homster St. by the State Association of As- —Consider "possibllitieB and of the person who stabbed. ing-board of finance form of Selectman' Carmelo Zanghl, a basketball team extended its The funeral will be held Sat- * -Also. Mrs. Lenora Merz, 145 sessors, because inventory as­ The Oak HiU School for the priorities for tax reduction.” Solberg’s lawyers, William Bldwell, Suzanne Marie, daughter of James H. and government. Alternatives to winning streak to 6-0 by defeat­ Manchester Evening Herald urday at 8:15 a.m. from the may call at the fu- j^ain St.; Scott Murray, strangled, and bludgeoned Doro­ Shew and John McKeon, Issued vcommlttee member, to provide sessments are frozen at the Blind of Hartford has a dis­ —Determine which high-prior­ thy Thompsen, the mother of a Marcia McGill Bldwell, 149 Chestnut St. She was born Jan. this would be manager-council, it with the town’s new grand ing Coventry, 42-37, Tuesday. Tolland correspondent, Bette brines back Burke Funeral Home, 76 Pros- b e ^ home tonight from 7 to 9 xhompsonville; Raymond Ma- a statement after the end of the 1964 figures. Towns which at­ play in the Capitol lobby. The ity government programs can two-and-a-half-year-old daughter 18 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandpar­ mayor-council, or a broadening list, which will be finalized be­ High scorers were George Rego Quatrale, tel. 875-2845. pect SL, Rockville, with a sol- from 2 to 4 and son, Coventry; Nina Noryk, ^ tract new industry lose future work on exhibit Is worthy of be expanded quickly. courti'oom activity Wednesday, ents are Mr. and Mrs. James McGill, 67 Vernwood Dr., 'Ver­ of the present type, such as a on June 15, 1965. saying, "This result is a com­ fore its next meeting Feb. 15. and Steve Koths, both with 13 emn high Mass of requiem at ° I*’*"'______Crescent Circle. Rockville: tax income, and towns which sighted artists and artisans. —Prepare for a prompt eas­ non. Her paternal flxandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Howard seven-man board of selectmen points. The team completed a LANDS NOT SETTLED St. Bernard’s Church at 9. Mrs. Lucille Potamianos, 70 Two different opinions of Uie plete vindication of .(State Po­ The committee agreed a new lose industry continue to draw ing of credit and expansion of Bidwell, 33 Tanner St. rather than three. school Is Imperative by 1969 at total of 82 per cent of its at­ ANCHORAGE—The popula­ Burial will be in St. Bernard's Duval St.; Mrs. Clara Ross- Manchester Democrats will money supply. cause of death were given in lice) Major Samuel Rome’s * * * R R reimbursements. testimony. Dr. Owen L. Mur­ Other appointments announc­ the latest, when the town will tempted foul shots, according to tion of greater Anchorage is T H E “G O O D Cemetery, Rockville. meisl, Tolland; Kevin Ryan, that he have a new patronage appolnt- —"Examine ways in which judgment. He recommended La Marche, David Peter Jr., son of David Peter Sr. Funerals Slavnlt.sky admits phy, Hartford County medical ed were William Coates as be short about 20 claisrooms. coach William Holley. more than I 'i times that of the Friends may call at the fu­ RFD 3, Rockville: Mrs. Carol doesn't expect hU bill to get ment shortly —a messenger. the transition to peace can be from the outset, as he stated and Mary Vaughn La Marche, 75 Union St.. Rockville. He two immense Canadian regions examiner, testified that methe" (-^e record of the previous representative to the Windham The type of school, the size Womens Fellowship neral home tomorow from 2 to Stratton, 63 Campfleld Rd.; off the ground. He says that, His name will be known soon. smoothed for the workers, com­ was born Jan. 18 at Rockville General Hospital. His maternal near Alaska—the Yukon and Mrs. Lois 'W. Roche woman died of multiple skull tpiai, that the writer of the let- Regional Planning Agency, re­ and location—or the need to The Women’s Fellowship of 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Raymond Trombley, 1179 with all of the needed local panies and communities now grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Vaughn, 134 High placing Arnold Carlson. Northwest Territories. BOLTON—Funeral services Avtry St., Wapping; Herbert fractures. Dr. Lincoln Opper, [gj. jjg arrested and charged plan for two schools—was the United Congregational Church services, someone had to press Each representative and engaged in supplying our de­ St.. Rockville. His paternal grandmother Is Mrs. Sophie La Jesse A. Brainard and Zac- will hold a potluck next Thurs­ O L D D A Y S ” Henry Piela for Mrs. L

We carry a large selection Solid-State Portable Radios.,,,-..from of lamp parts and wiring G O O o i f E A R LAPP supplies. Make your selections early! All Lighting Fixtures ELECTRIC and Lamps At Quantities are limited CONNECTICUT ’ W CHAF-iGt; CAf/U LAPP PLAZA DISCOUNT BRICES CHARGERWrra Route 88, Vernon, Conn. Phone 875-0888 We carry a large selec­ . DaJVBNBI IlSrrEO ADJUS11D A Welcome Here Hours: 9:00-8:00 Daily Formerly Of Park St, tion of bulbs including M > 'CF ''C’tA'.* ~ ['-■fc’fy-t/L’'' OOODS-LOS^Cn'|||| H H ^ CWARANTEED BY OUR OWN M R C I^ I^ > m S at 9:00-0:00 HABOrraSD NA’nONAX. Hartford Fluorescent. FAMOUS SBRVICE SINCE 1931 Vis COMPLETE LINE OF WE ALSO CARRY CUMBERLAND FARMS MILK UGHTING FIXTURES Managsm snf rsssrvss th* right to limit quantity^ Medicine cabinets, range hoods, kitchen fans, in­ NICHOLStMANCHESTER TIRE INC. tercom systems, clocks, smokers, umbrella stands, For every room in the house, nice selection of ta­ wrought iron, aluminum Tuid cedar posts, post lan­ IN CENTER ST, MANCHECTER IK NORTH MAIN ST, MANCHESTER ble lamps—floor lamps and pole lamps. Replace­ terns and supplied 295 BRO A D ST. T EL 643-5179 MANCHESTER 130 CBTOt STREET CORNGR OF CHURCH ST. ment and shades for lighting fixtures, table We repmr small appliances, lamps and fixtures. I «9 HARTFORD ROAD, MAHOHBTER m d pole lamps. Also specialize in electrifying antique lamps. 80 LAFAYXilTE SQUAItiB, VBBNON; U05 MAIN ST., OLASTONBVBY; 670 SILAB DEANK HWY^ WETHEBSFIELD




,1 JEWEL — Joan Letttorl 188, . By V Jan Brooks 177, Jo-Ann Gray To Exclusive $100,000 Club 176 —463, Karen Perlwth 467, PETE ZANARDI Dee Krascella 470, Marion Assistant Sports Editor For New Graveline 467. NEW YORK (AP) — fielder with a lifetime average Angeles Dodgers, WiUie Mays Ot tory of the Aatww. ffls reports . Roberto Clemente has of .910, said he had "no prob- the San Francisco Giants, Hank 180,000 P „ N EW YORK (AP) — ‘There’s not much I qan do lems whatsoever" in agreeing Aaron of Atlanta and Stan Mu- Astro high of W2.000 to Nellie Paths Are Crossing SPICE — SWriey Blnock 129, ' joined the select group of about it,” said Red Ruffing when they told him the Lorraine Demko 128, Pat Lai>- on terms with Joe L. Brown, the slal of the St. Louis Cardinals. Fox in 1964. Somehow, the sports beat and the education beat 100,000 a year major “ I feel I should break 611 thlal news. “I’m not going to worry.” pen 131 —344, Marlene Glina^ Pirate general manager. DiMaggio, Williams, Koufax have crossed paths in Manchester, It appears, the Ruffing, the former great league baseball players. year,” Mathews said at then., 126. Clemente said only that he got and Musial are retired. Board of Education and the purse-string powers it has, pitcher for the New York Yan The National League's Most a raise, but a Pittsburgh signing. He currently is tiei.M Valuable Player in 1966 signed The most Babe Ruth, the with Lou Gehrig for sixth place,,, was a great deal to do with the future of athletics at narrowly missed being HOME ENGINEERS — San­ spokesman Indicated $100,000 elected to baseball’s Hall of Pvt. Gogolak 'Wednesday to play again for the famed home run slugger, ever at 493 on the all-time home Manchester High. dy Beben 180-186 —809, Glnny would be about right making Fame Wednesday. He finished received in one year from the list. 'V Coach Dave Wiggin, who in soccer, 30 are kept,- leaving a a rk 196-176-186 —667, Dolores KttSburgh Pirates, who are ex- Qemerite the highest paid play In a tie with Joe Medwlck, pected by many to win the 1967 history. Yankees was $80,000 in the pre­ Relief pitcher Dick Radatz,, two seasons has won 14 of 17 x4o ^iti, ^e athletic activity, Lost to N.Y., Lewis 176 —471, Marie Bolls inflation era of more than 30 former outfielder lor the -St. 191 —483, Lu Kohler 176 ----- 464, pennant. Other players in the $100,000 and catcher Duke Sima agreed,. , football games, wants junior, superintendent of Schools years ago. Louis Cardinals, with 212 votes, Alba Rusconl 176, Evelyn John- Eddie Mathews, recently class include Frank Robinson of to terms with Cleveland, pitcher,, high football. It is safe to as- william Curtis has supported just seven short of the number Filters Army son 459, Hildur Zawistowskl traded to Houston by Atlanta, BalUmore, Joe DlMaggio and Mathews, a veteran third Wally Bunker with BalUmorejj, sume that a good number share ^Igh football. Wiggin also and , relief pitcher Casey Cox, his/desire. needed for election. 455, Bea Bagley 460. signed a reported $50,000 con­ Mickey Mantle of the New York baseman who hopes to reach the has the support of the Manches- Roy Campanella, former FORT p iX , N.J. (AP) — Pete tract with the Astros in another Yankees, Ted Williams of the career plateau of 600 homers and first baseman Dick Nen, It is probable that many of ter Chamber of Commerce arid Gogolak,' believed to have catcher for the Brooklyn Dodg­ K. OF C. — Nick Cataldo 201- star signing Wednesday. Boston Red Sox, Sandy Koufax this season, became the highest with Washington in other those who agree with Wiggin the Manchester Midget and prompted the merger of the Na- ers, was a close third with 204 203—560, Jim Watt 226, Stan and Don Drysdale of the Los paid player in the six-year his- Wednesday signings. watched the "mighty mites” Pony Football Assn. ______tional and Clemente, a hard-hitting out- votes. For election, a player had Banavige 200, Stan Hilinskl win six of eight starts this fall The cost is 10 grand, no slight receive 76 per cent of the 292 leagues by forsaking Buffalo of Jr. 203, Will Simon 210, despite being outweighed in sev­ figure.nswA It’s now up to Aiiw our nAa Board rr1 cast . . by . baseball..... writers, aw..the AFL a mf for New York a of# the en of the games. NFL, now is leaving the Giants of Education to balance the cost ron-ofl between the top 31 MIXED DOUBLES — Martha Guest Celts It is equally probable that the against the projected result. It vote-getters wiU be held in Feb- — for the Army. Scorecard supporters' will remember best Randell 35L seems like a cut and dried de- ruary and with a reduced field. The Hungarian-bom place- LYING DOWN ON THE JOB — Montreal goalie Canadiens J. C. Tremblay, Ted Harris, and John the day the Indians beat a btg cision kicker was Inducted into mili­ Ruffing, Medwlck or Oampanel- ROCKETTES — Leona Scott Charlie Hodge is lying down on the job, but he Ferguson move in to cover Maple Leafs’ John Bren- Extend W in Wethersfield High, 14-12 on pure « « V tary service Wednesday at Fort Important la would seem to have a good 134, Barbara Dionne 134-150— stops shot. Help is on the way for Hodge as neman and Brian Conacher. (AP Photofax) gfuts. , Dix and apparently will be lost chance of election. Barring a FOLLOW THE LEADER Miss Amy Dale Gabriel of Savannah, Ga„ seems to 378, Diane Lingner 126, Betty L^ts face it, they took a beat- Somewhat Difficult for toe 1967 season. He could be Ways to Six tie, only one player can be •Weir 126-139—369, Jean Mac- At Garden ing to win that one. It is somewhat beyond this available for weeltend kicking if be showing her mount how. to get over this jump. Actually, the horse balked elected in the run-off. Phei’.son 128, Esther Wells 132- NEW YORK' (AP) — They Point is, Manchester football writer why 38 per cent of the he stays at Fort Dix. at the jump, throwing Miss Gabriel who landed on the rail. ______The National Basketball Asso-' Of the 68 players elig(ible for 132-340. is working its way back to a Chamber of Commerce mem- Gogolak, 24, failed his physi- won't be able to tedl the players elation schedule invited the Bos­ election, 48 received votes. This without a scorecard at the Mill- ***” responding to the survey balloting was unusual in cal tests last summer because Harry Howell Night ton Celtics out twice this week, Y LEAGUE — Bill Chapman coaching a n ^ l o t of guts, were opposed to advertising In scheduled, of a childhood spinal injury. The rose Games tonight. Or with one 145-140— 413, Howie Hampton either. but the Celtics stuck Philadel­ It Is the only OCIL member football programs at Manches- . .gveral Inelieible nlavers government, however, has since 371, Frank McNamara 138-373, .h.« h.d (o«.b.n b ,lo -. tl,. High. Ih I.CI, 1. 1. ,im »n. “ t o relaxed physicai requirements, Three Pro Football Coaches Last-minute withdrawals, sub­ phia and Detroit with the bill. Frank Calvo 144-364, Fred Mc- stitutions and changes have Playing the imgrateful guest,, sophomore year. It Is one of dear why the ban exists In the election was decided and Gogolak .passed the second the few schools in the Ciirry 357, Carl Bolin 365, Ell been rampant for the traditional the Celtics first stuffed them-- large first place. test. Y SENIORS classification that does not Fish 137-137— 384, Dave Saun­ Finds Vet Starring meet, which opens New York's selves with a victory at the ex ■ Does anybody know? The balloting next month will Gogolak left the Bills of the Boasting a well-balanced at­ provide football for To Appear at Gold Key Fete ders 351, Ed Bujaucirts 142-369, indoor track season. pense of Philadelphia’s 36-game the ninth What makes it even more be Ruffing’s last chance for then rival AFL at, the end of the tack, Moriarty’s coasted to an graders. Larry Bates 138-370, Ken Seat­ NEW YORK (AP) — It minute as New York won a Sullivan and Lou Fontinato Ron Clarke, the Atistralian home court winning streeik difficult to understand is that election by writers to the Hall, 1965 season. Many felt his de­ 82-69 win over Ansaldi’s last * * e __ bank of the New 'S'ork Jets and Harry Jacunski, former Ford- on 140-351, Don Carpenter 135- was Harry Howell Night in s q u e a k e r , 2-1 Wednesday hopped out of the new oar he long-distance star, canceled out Tuesday night. ... other schbols not only permit srince ellgiblity for election ends ^parture------broughto— —to -a ------head the—- __ HARTFORD , . (AP) , , „ . , * night. Despite poor shooting by ham and Green Bay Packers 388, Andy Lamoureaux 388, A1 New York and the Ranger night. received. of the two-mile and took his flu Wednesday night, the Celtics Late Start it, but do a fine job with it. 20 years after retirement. Ruff- struggle between the leagues by Three professional football Mike Holovak of the Boston Pa In the only other game After two scoreless periods, the losers, the game features attack home with him. John football star, 1 Yale fresh- Omelchuk 142-375, Dom Farr defenseman was loaded feasted on the Kstons 112-106, Football at Manchester starts "'YUhin the CCIL, Bristol and i„g jeft the majors in 1947 after opening toe possibility of player coaches have accepted in- triots. Ewbank was a guest Charlie 'Varrick 144- played, Montreal tagged Toron­ Goyette put the Rangers in front seven double figure performers, Rambo, coholder of the Indoor 136-353, extending Detroit’s losing with the soohomores The irrid- Windham present the fans with 22 seasons in wi^hich he compiled raids. The merger followed a vitations to the Connecti- speaker at last year’s dinner, man coach. 373. down with loot. Caught up to with its third straight loss, before Bucyk scored for the led by Dave McKenna’s 24 high jump record, scratched wun me sopnomores. m e gno g^^gg^g^j programs containing a career record of 273 victories. »)inr. time inter ...i. o ------i.. U7_:i— > a 11; streak at home to eight, tyli^ a der gets his first taste of Inter short time later. cut Sports Writers’ Alli­ This year, Gold Keys will be Mickey Mantle, the New York in the spirit of the occa­ beating the Maple Leafs 3-1. Bruins. Then Nevin regained points for the winners. Dan Pin­ because of a leg injury. And Ted ads. East Catholic uses a form Gogolak, wlio attended Cor­ club record. .scholastic football and at the 255 losses and a 7-2 World Series ance’s 26th annual Gold presented to Smoxy Joe Wood, Yankees' slugging outfielder; COUNTRY CLUB — Shirley sion, the Bob Nevin scored the winning the lead for New York and the to and Gene Johnson had 15 and Nelson, who won the 880 here put out by a national firm. nell, and his younger brother, Elsewhere, Oscar Robertson same time he’s a varsity can­ mark. Key dinner to be held Mon­ one of the fasitest pitchers of Jim Crowley, one of Notre Hampton 133-344, Irene Pryor gave Eddie Giacomin. a pile goal for the Rangers with 7:& Bruins pressured Giacomin, 14 points for the MBsrs while last year, pulled out, saying of Cincinnati beat the New York Chamber of Commerce Pres­ Charley, who attended Prince­ left in the game after New didate. Chances are, especially day at the Hartford Hil­ ail time and a former Yale base­ Dame's fabled "Four Horse­ 153-390. of rubber. trying for the tying goal. Pat Mistretta (16), Jim Mis- merely that he isn't in top con­ Knicks for the second time In ident Godfrey (Jouriey report­ ton, first stepped into the na­ York’s Phil Goyette and Bos­ in the case of linemen, he has ton. ball coach; Ralph Erickson, men,” and Jack Donohue, head Both Howell and Giacomin, ■"Those last couple of tretta (12), Tom Ansaldi (10) dition. two nights, 132-125, and St. ed that 48 per cent of those tional spotlight by setting colle­ ton’s Johnny Bucyk had traded lost a year to the weight lim­ They are Allie Sherman of longtime coach and athletic di­ basketball coach at Holy Cross, NITE OWLS—Mary Lourie unanimous first team NaUonal minutes,” Giacomin admitted, and Chuck Saimond (10) paced These and other late changes Louis survived a last half col­ responding were M favor and giate field goal arid extra point goals early in the third period. the losers. itations of the Ponys. What the New York Giants, Weeb Ew- rector' at Loomis school, and head the list of speakers. 175-482, Fran Igalllnera 180- Hockey League All Star dhoices, "were pretty frantic.’ ’ left Mollrose director Fred lapse and edged the Chicago 14 per cent, anotheii depressing records with their revolutionary Howell was the subject of pre­ fundamentals he has learned are ------m------452, Caroline Riccardi 185-450, ‘i bore up under their burdens ad­ ’The slumping Maple Leafs The Hawks bested the Col­ Schmertz scrambling to fill Bulls 103-102 in Chicago, and on figure, had no opinion. soccer-style kicking methods. game ceremonies and showered bound to be hazy and those he Nancy McLaughlin 176-220— mirably. dropped seven points back of legians 82-72 in the hotly con­ events for the meet, in which the West Coast the Los Angeles Advertising is not bad—it Charley now plays for the with what the Rangers called New York and only three in tested second game. A strong Bob S^agren's attempt to ex­ must acquire, he will learn 531, Barbara Bliven' 184-478, Lakers whipped the Baltimore against other varsity candidates c®” i^ doesn’t have to be. Washington Redsidns of the Russell Draws Fine in NBA Howell, playing ,in his 1,002nd the largest number of gfifts ever front of Montreal. Yvan Oour- final quarter made the dif- tend his own pole vault record NFL, Lois Johnson 177-407. NHL game, assisted on New Bullets 128-115. .some bigger and smarter, and, I" It is often good. given any professional athlete noyer, Claude Larose and Gdlles ferance as Leo Cyr (17), George and the duel between Charlie Both fled with their parents York’s first goal and played- a Santi Jones and John HavHcek most important, older. Not only should advertising HOMEMAKER^-AIice Kit- by his admirers. ’Trombley scored Montreal’s Clifton (16) and Bob Evans Greene and Bill Gaines in the from Hungiry after the 1958 For Failing to Call Time major role in helping Giacomin got the biggest kick out of the Football is like any other be permitted at Manchester but 8TANOINGB ’The real surprise for Howell goals, while Dave Keon had (16) all put in strong perform­ 60-yard dash figure to be the revolution put down by the Rus­ during the sixth minute of a son 455, Ginger Yourka* 459. evening In Detroit as the Celtics .sport—it starts with the funda­ the ads should be secured as a CCIL BOSTON (AP) — The Boston stand off the Bruins in the final came when old teammates Red ’Toronto's only goal. ances for the winners. Bill Viot highlights. sians: quarter and the visiting coach won their sixth straight. The mentals. There Is a right way student project, guided by a League Overall Herald said today that Boston had 14 playing only the second Other late withdrawals were during the 11th minute. pair scored 21 points in the final faculty body. It is the job of ed­ w L W L HUBCAP half for the Hawks. Duke Hutch­ Sebslbe Mamo of Ethiopia and and a wrong way. Celtics’ Player-Coach Bill Rus­ Philadelphia Coach Alex Han- period to turn a dull evening ucation to prepare the student Eastern 9 0 9 2 Find an old hubcap along th* inson had 27 points in defeat, Colby College (pulled tendon) It takes no strain on the brain SIX GOLFERS SCORE sell has been fined $50 by the num complied at 5:49 of the Trio of Unanimous Choices into a .sparkler for the Celtics. for society (a capitalistic so- Platt 8 1 10 1 road? Keep it. Makes a good followed by Joe Diminico (11) and John Camien of the NYAC to realize the safety factor in­ NE'V YO-V: (/■'■ •'=’:x golf­ National Basketball Association quarter, he said. Sports Schedule Jones scored nine of his 30 volved here. Wiggin points out ciety at last look) and not ere- Maloney 6 3 7 3 target to teach a yoimgster and Don Romano (10). (groin infection) from the mile; ers scored their firat PGA for failing to call a time out. Russell called his time out at points in the quarter and Havli- that a boy entering his sopho- ating its own concept of what Manchester 5 3 6 5 how to shoot. Shiny color la Dave Crook of San Francisco's tournament victories on the The newspaper said the fine 11:20. He reportedly acknowl­ cek 12 of his 28 as Boston over­ more year would have learned society should be. Windham 5 4 5 7 easy to see. Large size easy to Rangers and Hawks Split Thursday, Jan. 26 WEST SIDE MIDGETS 49er Track d u b (virus) from 1966 tour. was levied under a little-known edged he was aware of the rule, the 600; and Dave ElMs who came a seven-pwint deficit in the the fundamentols and his chan- Advertising, lady and gentle- (Jonard 3 6 3 6 They were Don Massengale Y-TEEN SKI CLUB hit. With a pellet gun, it can ba Rifle—Windham at Manches­ Pagani's Barbers d o w n e d final 10 minutes. NBA rule requiring each coach but the Herald quoted Arnold pulled out of the 2-mile because ces of being hurt would not be men, is here to stay. It is part Wethersfield 3 6 4 6 In the Crosby National, Dudley Due to the untimely and un- used over and over. Hubcap First Team All-Star .Spots ter Deci's Drive-In 44-41, in an ex­ Robertson, who scored 87 to call at least one time out per (Red) Auerbach, Celtics’ gener- he can't take time away from as great as would those of a of our society, a very Important Hall 1 8 1 9 Wysong in the Phoenix Open, .seasonably warm weather, the pej-jod to benefit radio and tele- al manager, as saying rings to signal bit. rmiir v.r\.r>T.r / a im... y-«u2 _ .. .. . citing overtime contest last points to beat the Knicks in New It was NEW YORK (AP) — The Chi­ team, the first time in seven Friday, Jan. 27 his job as a tax assessor in To­ boy with no experience. Doctor* part. Central 0 9 1 10 Bert Yancey in the Azalea Y-Teen ski trip scheduled Sat- yjsion sponsors, news to him. cago Black Hawks and New night, paced by the 16 point out­ York the night before, matched years that’s happened. ronto. Herb Snyder, Ed Zagllo and If the high school athletic Open, Harold Henning in the urday has been postponed one incident occurred during "The tempo of the game was York Rangers battling for the put of Tom Sloan. The big cen­ that total as the Royals lost a Charlie Hodge of Montreal Hamilton CC at MCC In addition, the St. John's and Frank Horton are In agreement, picture is to be self supporting, HOC Texas Open, Homero Blancas week. There will not be an- the' Celtics-Philadelphia 76ers such that Russell just couldn’t lead ter led his team in scoring, re­ 74-57 halftime lead and then East was selected as goalie with To­ East at Northwest Army two-mile relay teams de­ Wiggin also points out that give them the right to help 1 In the Seattle Open and Ted other notice by mail to each game at Riiladelphia Tuesday find the spot to stop the action,” most of the season, have split Ellington at East Windsor bounding, and blocked seven came from behind in the last South FUEL O IL ronto’s Tim Horton and Boston's shots in a tremendous individual serted the field, claiming ill­ freshman football would help themselves. Give others the " Makalena in the Hawaiian Open, member. Plan to sign up Fri- night. The Celtics won 118-106. Looney wrote. "During the 11th the six first team AH Star Wresiling—Central at Man­ eight minutes in Cincinnati. Pulaski chosen on defense. effort. Teeimmate Don Hubbard ness to two runners on each fill a void at the junior high right to help too. night, Fob. 3, 6:30 to 7:30 in a dispatch from Detroit, minute, the Celtics were all berths down the middle. chester squad. St. Louis had a 63-31 lead m dt Northwest Center Norm Ullman of Detroit, dropped in 13 markers, with Jim level which offers only soccer Lift the ban bn advertising The mouth of the sea dragon at the Y as usual, with permis- where the Celtics beat toe Pis- over the court, blanking toe Each club grabbed three Manchester at Conard into a 98-93 deficit before Zelme 14 5 left wing Donnie Marshall of Hamill (9) and A1 Little (4) Last • minute replacements the fall. Wiggin estimated or please, at leaet for this writ- is so small that it cannot harm sion slip and money for trip, tons 112-106 Wednesday night, 76ers and scoring twice on their — . — berths on the first half All Star Swimming — Manchester at were Otis Burrell, of the 49er BOUNCES FOR REBOUND— Dave Bing of De­ Beaty and Bill Bridges tied ths NOCC New York and right wing Ken controling the floor game. Scor­ that 170 candidates go out for er’s sake, explain why it’e there. other fishes or even defend him- Watch for final confirmation in sports vmter Joe Looney said own account In quick down- squad with New York goalie Ed Hall TC, to face John Thomas in the count at 100. Beaty then made it East Windsor 200 GAL. MIN. C.O.D. Wharram of Chicago complete ing honors went to A1 Noske troit bpunces up to capture rebound as Celtics’ self from enemies. Its sole -pro- The Herald Thursday, F€b. 2. In Russell was 20 seconds late' In court sequences.” Giacomin and defenseman Har­ high jump; Martin Liquori, a 102-100 and Bridges’ free throw Ellington the second unit. East Hampton at Coventry (22) of Deci's, with Randy John Havlicek tries to tap it from his waiting tection lies in his astonishing the meantime, keep your skiis calling toe time out. Auerbach was to bring the ry Howell and Chicago center Newark, N.J., high-school stu­ made it 103-101. Stafford R. B. REGIUS Giacomin, Howell and Mikita Bolton at Portland Crawford (5), Bruce Watkins hands. Detroit’s Dave DeBusschere is at left. shape and appendages. waxed and think snow! Looney said If a time out has matter up at the league’s board . unanimous choices dent in the mile; Sam Bair of A 46-point scoring output b j , South Windsor each polled the maximum 90 Rockville at Glastonbury (5) and Dave Gourley (5) as­ Only Major Unbeaten Clubs Left ------— -----—------not already been called, the of governor’s meeting today in 649-4908 In the balloting by sports writ­ Kent State, switching from the Jerry West triggered Los An­ Suffield points. Hull received 84 points, South Windsor at Windsor sisting. home team coach must call one New York, ers and broadcasters In the six two-mile to the md'le and Aus­ geles’ victory over Baltimore. Granby Gilbert 80 and Pilote 70 in the Locks The see-saw battle saw the NHL cities. voting. tralian Tony Benson, moving The Lakers, leading 106-98 early' ' lead change sides several times Fourth Loss in Row Toledo Qassified as Equal Madison Avenue Takes Poll^ The other Black Hawks cho­ Saturday, Jan. 28 up from the mile to the two- in the fourth j>eriod, broke tha CENTRAL VALLEY Selection to the first team and it was a foul conversion by “ sen were at left game open and built margins at Middletown 8 0 11 carries a $500 bonus frx>m the Stonington at Blast Hubbard with seven seconds ™ wing and Pierre Pilote on de­ Canadians Dave Bailey and 115-103 and 124-109. 8 1 10 ; Finds Gridders Are Human league. Players chosen for the Tueoday, Jan. 31 ' left, that sent the game into the To Top Rated UCLA Bruins Southington fense. The third Ranger selec­ Ergas Leps and NCAA champi­ For Cheney Tech Five Wilson 7 2 8 second team get $250 each. Wrestling—East at Water- extra stanza. Holding the Drive- 4 NEW YORK — (NEA) — It Now, of course, there must be tion was right winger Rod Gil­ on Dave Patrick of Villanova » ’• been more than a decade straight by beating Dartmouth Ne-wington 6 5 6 is now official. Madison Avenue a to determine ford \ In boys scoreless, a quick hoop Mercury, the Man’s Car, believes in being top cat. bert. Increasing the pace in the second half, Prince Tech •_w .w TT-i.,—=it« 75-54 at Worcester, Mass., be- Plainvtlle 3 4 8 has taken a poll and decided which league has the brainiest Wrestling — Manchester at by Little and a foul shot by smife the University of Toledo ^ ^ Every club In the league had Ski Date Set ^ le GeorgT^Y^^ fte handed Cheney Tech its fourth straight loss yesterday Glastonbury 3 3 10 that football players really are players. Conard Sloan, enabled the Barbers to one man chosen on the second OHARLEMONT, Mass. (AP) — n64.ionai three-male champ, and afternoon, 72-46 in Hartford. Prince, enjoying a 29-17 Rockets have been a power in home court triumphs, Windsor 1 1 12 human beings. The annual Connecticut State Springfield Cathedral at East run out the clock. Pat Traynor, steeplechase title- halftime lead, rolled up 43 points in the last 16 minutes. college basketball. Today they Western Michigan edged Miami RockvUle 0 1 10 Welrome, football players. staged mainly for the benefit of Senior Men's a n d Women's Swimming—Eastern at Man------holder, should give Benson a advancing their record to 8-4. can be classified as equal to the •of Ohio 54-60, Wisconsin routed Madison Avenue’s vehicle for giant slalom championships will Chester. WEST SIDE PEEWEE the television networks and the good run for It in the two-mile. Cheney is now 4-11. Bolton High is next for Bie COO tois revelation Is the J. Walter advertising agencies, the be held Feb. 5 at Thunder Moun­ Maloney at Manchester Nassiff Arms upset the Army Willie Davenport of Southern The Rangers, who had scored Rangers, a week from tomor­ v -v Cromwell 8 1 8 Thompson Co. - a very big Thompson Co. should exploit Automatic tain .ski area. Ellington at Smith & Navy club, 20-16, dast night leaM one res^)ect. The Rockets nggota, 103-78. University, Richmond Flowers only six points from the line row in Bolton. Bacon 6 1 10 name in advertising and public this situation Immediately. as a balanced attack proved and the Bniins are the only un Race Chairman Richard W. Cromwell at Bolton Jr. of the University of Tennes­ in two previous games, had 16 On toe road, Marshall rallied Portland 4 3 7 relations. Transmission the difference. ^FISHIN^v defeated major teams in the Vince Lombardi will coach Rozman of Windsor, Conn., said Bloomfield at South Windsor see, and Ralph B ^ o n , world one-pointers, but they helped Prince (TC) In the second half to beat Flori­ Rham 3 3 7 One of the J. Walter Thomp­ the deadline for entries is mid­ Led by Clem McGowan (8) B P PlR. country. toe NFL, the AFL. Trouble? broadjump champ, provide a little as Prince outshot them 7 3 17 •ANNUAL da State 77-71 and once-beaten Coventry 2 4 6 son Co. accounts is the United The battle of words will nev­ night Feb. 1. Sponsor of the and Dick Letts (8), the Sports­ strong field in the 60-yard high from the floor, 33-15. 3 0 6 The unranked Rockets made States Playing Card Co. •k Free Road Test and Devine . 1 DISAPPEARING ACT St. Peters of New Jersey Bolton 1 6 6 er end. "Thejl’re not as good event Is the Newington, Conn., Collepe Basketball men jumped out to a slim lead (1 2 it 12 in a row with a 94-70 road Estimate hurdles. Don Hicks was the big man Burke .. ;) 0 6 downed Baltimore Loyola 82-74. East Hampton 0 6 0 10 On behalf of its client, the as our top players,” Lombardi Ski Club. in the second quarter and were Bill Orothers of Toronto, Ri­ in the win, collecting 22 points, Sorpio 3 1 7 Despite the way it may seem, victory over Kent State Wednes­ Thompson Co. has released its A' All Work Guaranteed EAST Croxford 0 0 0 said. never headed. all on field goals. Skip Morgan day night. This compares to ■k Budget Terms ViiUanova 71, Penn 54 cardo Urbina of Georgetown, Kvan.s .2 0 4 fish really don’t disappear dur­ survey of 148 players. “ One tournament can’t meas­ ★ Free Towtog Pacing the Vets were Harvey Franz-Josef Kemper of West added another 17 to the win­ Butler .. 3 1 7 ing winter. UCLA’s 14 straight for the sea­ The chief revelation: Holy Cross 75, Dartmouth 54 11 0 ure the real difference,” Stram No lew-PrIce "Cdme-on’* Perry Satisfied Cassells (10) and Jim Darby ning cause. 22 SAN FRANCISCO (AP)~ Temple .78, Lafayette 49 Germany, and NCAA champ 0 1 1 They’re still in the same wa­ son. B.U., LIU and MacMurray "An overwhelming majority replied. Estimates tiiat Cost You (4). Peter ^ ott of Nebraska will Mike Chmieleckl was the ter they inhabited last fall, but Steve Mix, a 6-foot-6' sopho­ of the players reported that Money Right-hander Gaylord Perry, a Iona 82, Wagner 70 Totals 33 6 72 “ We’ll have a better idea of 21-8' performer with the San Manhattan 76, St. Francis, battle in the 880, while Martin only Ranger in double figfures, C h en ey <4fi) are less concerned about food. more, threw in 23 points to lead toey played cards mostly ^ t h difference between the McGrady the indoor record- taking game honors with 25 B K Francisco Giants in 1966 with N Y., 64 Allen Chairman P o w ell 1 1 3 If they don’t turn up too often, the Rockets to their easy Mid­ To Play in Central Fvent their w iv^ .rod at home rather ,g toe exhibition sea- Monchestar holder from Central, Ohio State, points. Soavetta .. 2 than with teammates In the his best season, has signed a Rutgers 82, Foidham 66 3 7 the blame Is not entirely on the, American Conference triumph Boston University, Long Is­ son next summer,” commission­ SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (AP) leads the 600-yard entrants. The hosts had quarter leads (Joodrow . 3 1 7 clubhouse or traveling— indica­ Transmission Co. 1967 contract at an estimated Seton Hall 82, Fairleigih D ick­ Golka . . . . 0 0 fish; anglers don’t turn up t09 over toe Golden Flashes. land University and MacMur- er Pete Rozelle told a breatldesa Archie Allen, baseball coach at of 17-7, 29-17, and 52-35. Che­ Stetz ...... TWO-TONE DUCK BOAT tive of the quieter, more home- 16 BRAINARD PLACE $40,000, Perry, the first pitcher inson 78 0 0 often these days either. “ I don’t know what toe future ray College of Illinois are TV audience. (Bear Seymour Auto Springfield College, has been \ ney gets a chance for revenge Chniielecki 9 ,7 2S Paint your duck boat differ­ loving player of today.” to win 20 games last season, So. Conn. 98, Stonehlu 88 HeVitage 0 0 However, game fish are pres­ holds, but right now I’m very among teams sched-uled to corn- Then, aft$r the cameras mov­ Store, Main St.) named chairman of the NCAA SHOW CAUGHT ON * in the .season finale Feb. 15 in Tracy . . . . ent colors on each side. Add And what is the favorite card earned a raise of about $10,000. Northeastern 79, Clark 66 0 4 4 ent, feeding on a limited scal«t happy,” said Bobby Jlichols, p^te In the third annual Cen- ed off hint; 'jPete’s smile dissolv­ MANCHESTER District 1 college division tour- NEW YORK (AP)—The first Manchester. green to dead grass color for' game of Sunday’s quiet, home- The Giants boosted his' pay last Springfield 71, Amherst 58 T o ta ls 15 16 46 and they can be caught, say ed. Re grsibbad one of his as- 646-0022 nament selection committee. Shipstads and Johnson Ice Fol- whose„ _. goal Is to win Toledo’s in 'io trai— Conpeetdeut Holiday Bas . one. This Is your “early season” loving warrior? season when he posted his 20th Bates 118, Colby 92 the fishing authorities at Merr sistsmts. This will be the first year for lies show was presented in Tul- when marsh grasses are Contract bridge. victory Aug. 20. Bentley 108, Bloomfield 91 cury outboards. Particularly, years in his second season as “ Tell those , a*ency guys no a tournament in the college di- sa, Okla., Nov. 7, 1936 before next Dec. 27, 28 and 29 atiKais stlU alive. Put yellow Into dead "The days of the flying vision. In previous years, the a nearly empty house. It has Handlers Want More Time they add, by fishermen with the head coach for toe Rockets. er Hall. more sUp-ups. The Chicago •necessary fortitude and knowl­ gra^ color <^.fiher s'de w h ^ wedge and the sl"^® wing are uTed“ the T^i^matlon in tournament was limited to the since been viewed by over 64 Dayton whipped Canislus 88- The tournament field will grass has died turned long gone,” says the Thompson edge of cold weather aquatic 1940. university division. million people. Before Naming Next Foe 69, Rutgers downed Fortoiam again be made up of eight brown: report. "And so are the grid- conditions to get the job done. 82-66, Southern Methodist beat teams, according to Dr. Wil­ ------sters who could make It on ITS JAMUUIY In deep bodies of water which OktehOma Q ty 92-82, West Vir­ liam Moore, athletic director NEW YORK (AP) — Emile wins the world title, he would sheer weight and muscle. The have a heavy coating Of ice, ginia defeated Detroit 97-84, at Centra) Connecticut. Griflfiiith’s comanagers want a yield the European title. But if day of . the complex T-forma- Clay, Terrell the warmest temperatures will Temple crushed Lafayette 78-49 Also schedulbd to take part little time before they mdke any' he should lose he wants to hold tion hi all its many variations be found near the bottom. This and VlUanowa routed. Penn 71-64 along with Boston University, commitment for their fighter’s onto the European diadem, dem uds a faster thinking, Resume Drills Mefeury believes a Man’s Car been drawing rave comment^ that’s up where it should be, is because water is most heavy in otoer Wednesday games. U U , MacMurray and the host titJe defense against Italy’s Nino which is a vaJuahle property brainier player. df course. But what’s wilder is where it’s handie^t-riyorks (dense) at 39.2 degrees. For HOUSTON, Tex. (AP) — thpuld have taller, heftier, Benyenuti at Madison Square' overseas. For toe third atiialgtat night. school are.-pridgeport, Middle- "With this new breed has some fish, notably lake trout," Trainers of Cassius Clay and that people are talking about from a buttoln on < the turn Garden, March 22. ------all the Top Ten tejoma in The bury, StonehlD and the Univer- come a change in habits off the toughjcr ideas—the stuff that this is only a shade below what Emie Terrell were satined "We haven’t had much time Associated Press poll were idle, sity of Hartford. field as well. Relaxing hobbies belter cars are made of. the entire Mercury line of 28 signal lever. WHITE Last Night’s Fights they prefer. Other species win Playing at home, Dayton In making th® anno\;ncement, are no longer chiefly a quiet their fighters’ condiition a* to breathe since Ehnlle’s win cars as if they were Cougars. Man’s Car ideas! Top- FLORENCE, Italy — Fernan­ forage upward into the colder hour’ with a comic book, movies th®y prepare for their hqa-vy- Apparently you agree. over Joey Archer last Monday upped its record to 14-3 by Moore indicated that St. Mi- cat thinking! See it all in do Aitzori, Italy, outpointed levels, blit usually can be found ' troundng Canlsius despite John chael'a and Marietta College of or a beer bust on a Saturday 'V®l6hf championship m-afeh in Our showrooms have been Reasons? Lots of ’em. n i ^ . ” said Gil aancy, t r ^ r - R e h e Lebeer, Fiance, 16, ffly- and comanager of the middle- hugging the bottom. ' Morrison’s 22 point*. It was toe Ohio are alrejjidy in the field night, but some challenging ex- the Astrodome. crowded with car buffs, dem­ Man’s Car ideas like the Mercury Cougar--and all iti 2-mL FORD CUSTOM 500 welgjht champion, alter a visit-' ems. In mld-fxmtinent and souQi- third straight defeat for Oanisi- for the 1968 tournament with erclse of gray matter.” 'BototfighterB conitinaed'work­ front seats in the Marquis. cousins—now. MCKBESPORT, Pa. *— Jack onstration riders, and buyers. to the Garden Wednesday. em regions where shoreline 'us. Bob Lk>y4 scored 88 i>ointa Dec. 26, 27, and 28 as the play- Such as contract bridge. outs t ^ y in toe exhibition hall Rodgers,. 175, Uniontown, -Pa., The wild, new Cougar has They split into two “ club ALSO 4.ML CUSTOM 500 Betwenuti, meanwhile, was skim ice forms only occasional­ in leading Ruigera over Ford- jng dates, Bridge Player* odjctow to domed atadium. knocked out Johnny Otto, 183, ly, tempenature levels are riot ham at New Brunswick, N.J. It st. Michael’s won the second The National ^xttbali League .:AngM.a D^dec, Ctay’* train­ chairs,” so a man can have SALE hoping to get permission' from Boston, 1. the Stalian Boxing Federation marked. In such waters, the was toe lOtii win against two annual Central Connecticut devotee* of contract bridge In­ ers, said'-ms fighter need* to the legroom he wants with­ M trqnit • B routhim • Parle Lana and European Boxing Union to NEW YORK — Joe Shaw, spots are tributaries that defeats for toe Scarlet Knight*. Tournament in December, de- clude Jack Ooncaimon of the tajper off some toe rest of toe Montclair • Monteray • Cyclone « CaKanta out disturbing his wife. Capri . Comet 202 • Cm I new Cougar delay defense of his European 161,^’ l^ w York, outpointed introduce a high supply of fresh'"' Ljinn PhlUipa’ 21 point*, in- feating the host Blue Devils, Philadelphia Eagles, Pat Stud- week- Ctaiy took the fUiy off Junaus Hdnton, 160, Brooklyn, oxygen. Other locations^ ^ that at-, eluding toe go-ahead basket that 84-83, in overtime. Other teams still of the Detroit Lions, Joe .'Wednesday. And options such as a middileweight orown. N.Y., 8. Savings- The EBU has named Spain’s- tract a congregation of fish are ' broke a 77-77 Us, gave Southern the field Included Bates, Od- Robb and Larry Wilson, of the don't want him too fine,” foot-easing speed control Luis Folledo as the official chal­ underwater springs that fonii\, Methodist it* road triumph over by, Nopwlch, Tufts, St. An- St. Louis Cardinals, Bill Brown Dundee said. "I am going to lay OUT OF BOUNDS lenger and wants Nino to fight local “ hot” spots. ' ' Oldahoma Caty. It- was SMU’s gelm’s and Wesleyan. and'Fred Oox of the Minnesota hlm..oft again Sunday and turn I^EXINGTON, Ky. (A P) -j- Mm, in the finst week o t March. ■Work baits and lures as If . llto victory against four de- _,_J— ------Vikings, John Campbell and «>« the steam toe final week.” Mfs. Fred Torstrick became The EBU usually doesn't take fish are nearly asleep so the' feats. YjOUNG BRONCOS Willie Danle of toe Pittsburgh Ihmdee said Olay now weighs one of the unsung-heroes of Ken­ any nonsense about title de­ sluggish lunkers ' can catch up Dave Reaser flipped in 32 DENVER (AP)—The Denver Stealers and Bill Jobko and Bob pounds and would Uke to at DILLON FORD tucky’s football season. She was WUlow of the AUanta Falcons, weigh 208-210 for toe fight. Mercury» the Man’s Car. fenses. •It a champion doesn’t tf they want. ' points, 26 of them in toe second Broncos of the American Foot- THE HOT STOVE FORD GAIAXIE 500 seated in the stands beside the The American Football Sam Solomon. Terrell’a manr defend eery six months, he’s 'R je solution to the winter; half, to lead West Virginia to Its ball League had the lowest ex- baseball banquet ciir r M lJ I MAN S CARS. SEE YOUR MERCURY MAN. YOUR MSRCORY CEALEn 10-yard line when the quarter­ Lwgue's devotees are Larry fighter,, now dethroned. relapse, it appears, lies wltli ” oome-from-behind triumph over perience rating last season of cuit is in fuU swing, 2.DR. HARDTOP back sailed a pass into her CGnintham and Paul Rochester weighs 216. Harry Miarkeon, the (HrectOr the fishem an, not the fish, an4^' Dstroit at Morgantown. The li - any team 1^ either the AFL or and the man really of. the , Roger "I can’t understand why peo- MORIARTY BROTHERS of boxing for the (Sc^en, said if arms. Mrs. Torstrick so a good, warm coat cqn over­ tans led at halftime 44-88. the National, FootbaH League.' making the rounds to Hagberg and Qem Daniels of Pi* ®®y Fm ie iton't have a right DILLON the title match is made he wiU shocked she couldn’t remember come that. John Baum's 26 points paced The BrMioo squad averaged “HARTFORD. COUNTY’S OLDEST LINCOLN-MERCURY DEALER!’ /accept dozens ot. hon­ Raiders, Dick Van hand,” Solomon said, guess BIG GAIN'Paul Hornui^r of the Green Bay Pack- teiephonp the Italiw Fedeiation how thi football was returned Temple over Lafayette and Joe 3.1 y^turs of pro grid experience. toe Oaldand "1 316 Center St.— 643-5135 • Open Evenings— ^Thurs. till 6 P.M. ors is Hank Haiier, Raaphorst and Don Estes of the it’* becaiise the left hand has . ers no longer is pro football’s most eligible bache^ and the SIBU to a ilw B enven^ to the referee. Nor does she re­ BEE S i m a I Crows’ 19. led VtHanovm over compared to 8;8 for the San Di- SALES and SERVICE, Inc. manager o| the world Son Diego CSiarger* and Mike been ovarrtumowtag it. His left lor. Pat Roeder is the pretty miss who made .the extra time. j call the cheers of the fans urg- Rub a bee sting with sugar. Penn in a doubleheader at toe ego Chargers in too AFL and Convenient Bank T e r m s .,» tINCOLN-MEBCURY DIVISION 819 MAIN ST.— MANCHESTER tackle. If BenvenuW gets the fight and Ing her to "nm with it.” It' is said to lessen the paln.'^ Palestra in PWladelpMa. 8.46 for the Minnesota VUdDfs champion Baltimore Hudock and Dick Wood of the pumps confinucurty and they Mi»m( Dolpthns. foiget about the right." / Bolty Cross won its fourth of the NFU Orioles. xiii/iiALaJ, iJiLnivvyAiiiioiJi.it, CUiNJN., x ilu jL O U n x , « in iv o n iv i i-u, i» o i

Aulo Aeetfspri«f—> THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW BY FA6ALT and SHORTEN Hdip Wonfed— Help Wanted- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1967 TIrM h Femol* 35 35 lW-G'HlSHn HORA: rrh after MPniatr! 280 CUBIC IKCSl EVird engine, Y eAQ5A60.M0M ALRWXW.V XVE 0BEM oom iep ACR! WOMAN TO babysit in my WEEKLY PAT checks are flae. CLASSIFIED home, 5 days, 5:30 a.m--5:30 But, getting tired of the grbidf BY ROUSON OUR BOARDING H(SUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE Antwtr to PrtvjojMPjwj* with 8-epeed traiumlaelon, FUESW./MO FUMED C0ktn«AIGttT*a3 8EDt complete. for $278. 1665 Ford ASSdEflELOTHe Sa^W ARMCf p:m. References. Call after 6 The kmg hours? Cleaning p.m. 649-8756. house weekends? Why not traneistor radio, clutch, pres­ STDPVWlCHOlJ sure plate and bell housing. ------switch to part-time work with SrOBOwbogOMlqrl FLORA'S n /r r e s - ^ Avon? BBgb eanrings made 1-----A n a , 38 Look for Excellent ctpidiUon. OaU after SSCnielfbc CLARIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS 5 p.m., 649-1865. possible by our national maga- S^Ainio and Oo 41 Oriental coin ThT J T I^ P V T zlne advertising. FuH training. HO-HO AND)( h e HAT^ ATC YOU V U a g ti---- ^ 42 Ribbed fabric 8 A.M. to 5 P3I. AV/Ay*iOUV> LESS (jCLEAWM* •ShoottM 44 Upper edge 289-4922 fl>r appointment WHY THE SOUK V"bU80ysJWEHEAKDHOW^THAN A /J WE SET ^ COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. MARCHANT WOMAN TO CaUBUlN apartment iiSSSW tSS!^ DfOMDAT i h r a F i^ D A ^ iOtSO A.M. — BATUBDAX 9 AJIL Storage 10 one day a week. Call alter 9, “sasias* mBSW- 649-7067. ITFtonehfor 56 Sorrowful MONROE 57 Oporatlc aoto 38AnnoFnd PLEASE READ YOUR AD “OBi" 56 Fork prong litdynaatp GARAGE FOR .lENT, 11 u m a in ’t B Frooftoa SSMaicoiira^^ ♦ Classified or "Want Ads” are taken over the phone as a Knighton St., 646-0811. greeting 59 Art (Latin) defect invasion ^1} ' convenlerioe. The advertiser ehonid read his ad the SIBST WEU, AFTER TNE 0AN()UEr NCR FULLER to MiH Bailer 40 Get... DAT IT APPEARS and REPORT ERRORS In time for the HOM.' vihereWE Vbu -been ? alrv alcohol (colU 11 Require 4SFanllHo_ Now 1H£ VICE AND 1 JNERE WORRIEP SICK*. SOME OF U6 V/ENT OVER dSChrillendtea next insertion. The Herald Is responsible for only ONE Incor­ 31 Oriental DOWN 16 HOlodie IQ VERSA.MOM rri5 AFTER. UIPNIGMT.' TOMAUD^ AMpaAVEDl foodatntf IDibblea 20 TranaacUeni 46Mill UmdNitw rect or omitted insertion for any advertisenient and then only Business Services OLIVETTI BRUSH C Q SSCMerie SEnthuaiaaUe 32May>naUF 47Xreci to the extent of a “make good" insertion. Errors which do not JOINED UP vJrm RUMMV.'IWON 24 Palin leaf (vir.) ardor 48Fianiit, lessen the value of the advertisement will not be corrected by Offered 13 «XTV CENTS.' 27 Rowing SRaUonOr. 24Poema Peter— «• D4ELOCM. SENIOR H as 80 Smudge "make good” insertion. CITIZEN GAHGr VICTOR implementa 25Unaapinted (Rockville, Ton Free) SNOW PLOWING — Routes 28Dlamounted 5 bilScal eyDable 26 ^arllIflnbodiai UHonlQf— now being formed. Avoid high ANPSMNG6 Im m ediate Openinflr 32 Forbear OPreiaer 28 Flavor pUOD 34HlaBFrantia 7 Tr^ical plant 30 Arrow polaon 52Salntee(8b.> prices when It snows. Special TILL ALL HOURS .' For 55 Slight flap rates for people over 64. 649- CALCULATING- 643-2711 875-3136 GENERAL CLERK 10 IT 7863, 876-8401. It all adds up to a good i i r " 6 6 7 8 . 9 SALES AND Service on Arlens, Job at FIRST NATIONAL! Our distributing statioii l i l i rouble Reaching Our Advertiser? Hahn Eclipse, Jacobson lawn N O fiM W B m R & If you have experience on has an Interesting and dl- mowers. Also Homellte chain iAST tim prw I ^ I any of the above calculat­ verslfled portion for pei^ ing or adding machines (or 16 y i t eaws and Intematicnal Cub g 1N7 Iry VMfd HUttf l/ud6et- come, work with exceUent peo­ Employer ing. Unoleum. Free estimates housework, 3 mornings or 2 fuU SIC^.SICID oontoiiM 100% i Announcements 2 Job too smaU. D ft D Oaipen- days a week. Own transpoita- ple in pleasant surroundings. CRLfSHH) onquics Hn» 1958 b e l v e d e r e Plymouth, 2- try, days 648-1904^ evenings Expert instaUation. CaU 643- •tone ponldea tion preferred. 649-9412, Apply In person. Friendly Ice into lot. mow and duda. TAX RETURN —business and door, $95. CaU after 8:30, 649- 649-8880. 1218 or 649-2985. Cream Shop, Burr Comers, ijMltTidual prepared by income 6226. you lhal Iraetian Manchester. Next to Caldor. you bM to gel leEng tax accountant. Raymond Gir­ OTWTTON a SMITH ft SON -- I ^ R R A N D ^ a n d r e f U ^ r n or LPN, part-time, 7-8. Ver- ogeda ard. CaU coUect, 875-7362. 1950 PLYMOUTH —good run­ Remodeling, repairing, addl- ™g (specializing in older „ -----’ CLERK—ACXXlUimNG depart- ning condition. Good tires, $50. floors), cleaning and waxing non Haven, 876-2077. irrOPSCDoaeMstaiheBg.' tions, reo rooms, garages, ment. High. School graduate, USED CARS I t e l « • INDIVIDUAL and business In­ (^ 1 644-1368. floors. PalnUng. Paperhang- EXPERT TYPIST wanted, part- porches and roofing. No Job experience helpful but not es­ A COBlPXiEXE to AU. come Tax returns prepared. too smaU. CaU 649-8144. ' Ing. No Job too smaU. John time, 9-12. Contact Mrs. Ander­ sential. Manchester office, Mr. Dan Mosler, 649-8329, 526-8263. 1966 PLYMOUTH Sport Fury, SELECTION VerfaUle, 649-6760. son, 640-6388 for interview. Wlsan, 649-5361. 24,000 miles. ExceUent condi­ ftDDmONB —remodeling, ga­ Manchester PubUc Health 25 Bm ...... «5c tion, CaU 742-6687. rages, rec rooms, batbrooms Nursing Assn. SECRETARY — Receptionist — DOURNE DUIGK INCOME TAXES prepared by tUqd, tdtoheos remodeled. CaU Bond^Stocks for doctor’s office in Manches­ *^nie House of 50 lbf.....95e Marvin Baker. OaU 643-0267. Leoo aeeaynskl. Builder, 640- Mortgages 27 EXPERIENCED secretary for ter. Hours 9-5 Monday, Tues­ Customer Satisfaction’’ TAX RETURNS prepared, in­ SAVE ______SECOND MORTGAGE - Un- law office. Write Box V Her­ day, Wednesday and Friday. W. G. GLENNEY ald. 9-12, Thursday and Saturday. 285 MAIN ST. dividual and business, your QUAUTY Carpentry — Rooms, limited funds available for sec- MANCHESTER o a home. For appointment call 1 r^ADTT T AC *>rmers. porches, basementa, ond mortgages, payments to KEYPUNCH Operator — expe- Good^qMng sWU required, no 246-5862 649-4571 886 N. BKftlN SK 649-6866 week days after 7 p.m. J. reflnlshed, cabinets, bullt-lno, suit your budget. Expedient rlence preferred. B xc^ent TEL. 649-6268 Sundays all day. formica, aluminum, vinyl, service. J. D. Realty, 643-6129. working conditions, good start- surate with experience. Refer­ FuU power, air condition­ ences required. Write Box H, steel, ceramo skiing, vnuiam m o r t o a o e lo a n s _ firat Ing rate, extra benefits. Apply ICE SKATTNO —anypne? Last ed, good condition, 4-door Robbins Caipentiy Service, MORTGAGE LOANS - first. Herald. call! Take advanta^ now of second, third, aU kinds realty. Gaer Brothers, 140 Rye St., So. sedan. First offer over 849-8446. Windsor. qoecial $10 fanolly member­ $1,695. statewide, credit rating unnec- ______ship' for Uie Solton Skating CARPENTRY — Alteratians Reenable, wnflden- STENOGRAPHER — transcrip- d u b at Sperry’s Glen. Excel­ 649-1647 and additions. Rec rooms, ga­ tlal, quick arrangements, Alvin tlonlst, wtUlng to learn switch- WANTED PART-TIME MOLD lent skating now. Heated club rages, ceilings. Roofing, gut­ Inndy Agency, 527-7971, 983 tjoard, Manchester office, 87% house. Oongenial members. Call Between 9- 5:30 ters, siding, painting. Work­ Main St, Hartford, evenings hours week. Call Mrs. John- COUNTER HELP Free style skating. Pay $10 manship guaranteed. A. A. 233-6879. son, 649-6361. now and $10 in November 1967 ______18 years and iq». We wUl REPAIR MACHINIST Dion, Inc., 648-4860. train. Call In person at ^ f u U club membership.’Tele- CADILLAC ELDORADO —1967 NEED MONEY? Second mort- STAFF NURSE wanted, expar- phone Paul Jesanis, 649-6744. FIREPLACES AND chimneys gages arranged in the privacy ienced preferred. Contact Mrs. Experienced Machinis'l’ required for precision dream cm of the year. (Are built, repaired or refaced. Any of your home. Paul J. OorrenU Anderson,. 649-5389 for applloa- MEATOWN you Interested in the finest se­ repSairs on molds used in plastic injection Ma d a m KATHBRINE —reader kind of brick, stone or block Agency, 643-5363 or 648-2126. tlon and Interview. Manchester 1215% Silver Lane and advisor on aU problems, lection of pre-owned Cadillacs, work done. ciaU Jack Carr, PubUc Health Nuraing Assn. machines. Good rate and excellent fringe service maintenance unlimit­ East Hartford, Conn. 2878 Berlin Tj*e., next to the 649-7406. Business Opporhinity 28 benefits available to qualified man in a iocali zoo., Newington, 1-666-8897. ed.) CaU me now, 527-0171, Ask DENTAL ASSISTANT — fuU- for Chet Brunner. Daniel’s AUTO AGENCY — exceUent lo- time, executive secretarial progressive firm.- Send qualifications or re­ ELECTROLUX vacuum clean­ CadiUac, Thank you. oatlon, financing available. abiUty. Rockville area. Please quest for application form to Box N. Herald. ers, sales and service, bonded Speefol Services 15 For sale or lease with option. send qualifications to Box R, representative. Alfred AmeU, i960 THUNDERBIRD convertl- For details call Paul J. Oor­ Herald, Equal Opportunity Employer 110 Bryan Dr,, Manchester, ble, V-8 automatic, no body rot. TV — rentals at B. D, Pearl FIREPLACE Appliances. T. V. Company, renU, 643-6368 or 643-2125. 644-8141 or 648r4918. OaU 649-0467. 649 Main St. CaU 643-2171. PACKAGE STORE for sale. 1966 PLYMOUTH Belvedere, 2- Priced for quick Bale. Owner NOTICE WOOD Personals 3 door hardtop. Street Hem! en- has acquired other interest. TOWN OF MANCHESTER Large Bundle n.oo giine,, also extra parts, 049-2011 Roofing—Siding 16 j . D. Real Estate, 643-6129, WANTED — ride to and from POSITION VACANCY after 5:30. 643-8770. - Brown Tlwmson’s, Hartford. ______BIOWELL HOME Improvement SCHOOL CROSSING 9-6, Tuesday-Saturday. 646-0841 Cruarv S 196V Bbift, from vicinitynrfMnJtv Manehes-Manches­ 4-door with extras. Sacrifice. Sacrifice, nw "Kfev “ aiilication for Special SAVE 10-21% ter Parkode. 648-7861. leaving country. 649-6641. roofs, gutter work, chlnmeya Pennlt, in acTOrda^e wito —f “ ON ORDERS PLACED DURING JAN. cleaned, repaired. Aluminum Article IV, Section n of the RIOB WANTBID to Travelsra pjoKD 1966 — 10 passenger Sdhl. 80 experience. Zoning Regulations, tor the fol- .. from Manchester Green vldn- country sedan, power steering, BfANCHESTER Hy. Call 643-6704 after 6. power brakes, automatic. 643- Free estimates, CaU Ehnrley lowing titled project: 648-0861, 644-8888. “Charter Oak Apart- RED® WANTEjtf' from 42 • . ______■ ....—■ . ■■ ...... ments—Section 2, Man- MAN WANTED ' Wbodtoridge S t to PftW, E a ^ FORD, 2-door hardtw , R(X)FING-REPAIR roofs, i cheater, Conn. 12/22/66— Hartford, 'second- shift . 649;. <,xceUent condition, standard The. best In gutters w d con- scale 1”- ^ —Lawrence R. FOR DRIVING AND ductors. Repair of chimneys, Frazier, Architect” 8967. shift Make an offer. Call tqo, Call. CougUln, 648-7707. interested persons may GENERAL STORE WORK ter 8, 640-8897. \ attend this hearihg. APPLY IN PERSON t e l e v i s i o n APPLIANCE .^AutomoUios iFor Solo 4 1064 GHEVRaLBir impaia, Hocrfing cuid Plumbing 17 Planning and Zoning Ckwnmlsslon ”‘1867 FORD, 2-door, 2-years- y-8, 288, power steering, pow- er brakes,'alr-oonditioned. Mar BGi-x'l PLUMBENO and beat- John R. Lamenzo, Flower Fashion I Old, V-8 engine, automatic 85 E. Center S t, Manchester—TeL 649-5258 ■ tranamlssioa, radio, heater, 2 roon, in beautiful condition, Ing repairs, alteraUaos, elec- , Chairman HOME IMPROVEMENTS ,'T> lee ttres. ’ ejyeninga, ,649- $1,495. Call ownar after 6, trio and gas hot water heat- (jlarence W. Welti, -nX MBS ' 64^ 86813. *^8. Call 648-148A Secretary MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, l^N OIESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1967 PAGE SIXTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 2«, 1967 PAGE SEVENTBBM Businfss Fropoity Hdp ¥font«d~ HowdMld Goods SI Rooms ¥nth Board 59-A AporMMts— Fkrtv— Suburbon For Root 66 For Scrio 70 M o lt 6 #^^FOIIial# 3 7 w h y p a t MKIO per cm t mOK? ACCOMMODATIONS — for. Toiwmoilts 63 v b RNON — S mllea from Man. Homes For Sole 72 Howes Fo^ Sola 72 Houses For Sole 72 Uts For Sale 73 Suburban For Sale 71 Wonted RealisW 77 South Windsor Oiir low overiiead (no rent or semi-convalescent who prefers MODERN,4 ROOM second floor <**®t*r- Adults, second STAFFORD SPBINQS—7 unit MANCHBlSTERr—original own OFFICE HE3tI» bookkeeper. YCANCHESTER RANCH, 4 m O K SBZ — 'Where can you BOLTON—m ACRES Of wooded BO^N-OOViafniY Una__ 8 WANTED —< lakafroot lot or employes)(means low discount private to convalescent home. apartment. Heat, hot water, » storage, bah apartment house in^acu- er, selUng 6 room Cape with $ CLASSIFIED Venwm area. Write Box AA, rooms, wooded lot with large find a 6 H room Colonial with land, aoo’ frontage, view from bedroom Ranch, large kitchen, summer eottage on nearby prices on quality new furniture. electric range, refrigerator, 2- ®®"y' furnace, storms, !,<« condition. OompJetely or 4 bedrooms, large entry fpy» Herald stating qualifications. C48-1358. shade trees. City water and 3 large bedrooms, formal din­ the rear, priced to sell. Paul fireplace, \ acr« lot. CaU lake. O i l 64941072. ______Ftw sa v liin a ^ c e . and satls- oar parking included. Country w l«"» *>*■ «J«ctric or gas. yu st \roodem. Priced lor quick sale, er, bot .watar heat, aluminum sewers, hehdy to bus and shop­ ing room, spacious living room W. Dougan, Realtor, 649-4086. now. Only $15,200. Hayea Teachers Turn Down OOOK—MALE or female. 48 faction. Without pressure location, $126. AduHs. 648-7068. ^ lawn. ^ D. Real Estate, Btorms and screens. Convenient ping. |9,000 cash required. tmd family sized kitchen plus Agency, 646-0181. ’THREE BEDROOM house in ADVERTISING hour week, morning hours, sal- aalesmanOtip, vlait ua today, Apartments— Flats— ______l;______, $100, Can 849-1984. 648-8779. Ask for John B. De- location. Only $16,400. 10% . $18,900. Philbrick Agency, a detached one car garage? BEAUTIFUL W'OODED lot in BoMcn, principals oronly, $20,- ary open. Apply in person to LeBlanc FQtnttare Oo., 186 SIX ROOM duplex. Available ^ — i m r Quattw. down. Wolverton Agency, 649<8464. Jarvis has just such a home Bolton, 226x200’ frontage. In VERNON 000 maximum. AU cash. Write Tenements 63 Fetmiary 16. (Jentfally local- ANDOVER O A R D pi apart Board Pay Proposal CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS Mr Gaudet, Food Service Man- South St., ttpekvUle. 876-S17A Realtors, 640-2813. for sale on Victoria Rd. priced restricted resIdentiiU area. $4,- Box T . Herald. meqts—8 rooms, stove and re­ W Ayca a STgR - near Main VISUALIZE $17,600 8 A.M. to 5 PJtL ager, Manchester Memorial Open 8-8. Saturday 9-5. ed, $126. monthly, CMldren at $17,800. CaU on this one 000 with terms. CaU 643-4461, Can you see a 8 bedroom Yhe South Windsor Education ed for the coming year in other LOOKINa for anything in real frigerator furnished, $90., no Housos For Sola 72 St. 4-family N>me. Excellent In­ welcome. Write Box F, Herald. today. New mortgage terms evenings. Ranch nestled in trees Association has rejected the sal­ towns and perhaps more dollar Itospltal. An equal oK»rtunlty automatic a i g - « g l n ~ apartm ents,______lease. Leonard Agency, 646- come producer. 4 rooms la ToUand County win allow a purchase with overlooking a spring fa d ary and fringe benefits proposal value in other areas could b« ' employer.______cabinet Uke new, does every- multiple dweUlngs, no f q UR ROOMS, second floor, 0469. TEN ACRES, stately 7-room each apartment. Owner wants COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. only 10% down to a qualified pond ? Add built-ins, storms made by the board of education offered in the proposal rather thing. Original cost, $329, bah Estate, Adults. $76. West Side Realty, Slone 1840 Coloiilal, hot water COUNTRY fast sale. HayjS Agency, 646- Suburban For Sole 75 Repko Purchases buyer. Jarvis Realty Co., and screens, garage. Excel­ tor the 1967-68 school year. than paying the full Blue Cross MONDAY' Thni FRIDAY 10:S0 AJkL — SATURDAY 9 AJM. Situations Wanted *mce due $6S, take over pay- 649-4842 ROCKVILLE—Large 8H room heat, firqplaoe, mtcellent con- 0181: apartment, dishwasher, dispos- dition, long road frontage. Realtors, 643-1121. BOLTON—Beauty of a three lent condition. You can See Furniture Shops Glenn Frank, president of the benefits. F""* 3« SIf °* " “ ■ ■-‘"TO" - *» ROOM FIAT. ...v ... „■ BUMPKIN? MANCHESTER — two new 2- bedroom ranch, full basement all this. Call Mr. Lewis, teachers’ organization, said in Board member ' W. linds^ :x>om duplex, 1% baths, dish DORIS SEZ--Leave it to the frigerator, $106. West Side air-conditioned, pool,, 876-1841. Then you’!)..like it..where family flats, 5-0. Ready for oc­ (with garage). Big trees, im­ 649-5306. Rspko Dsslgn Industries, a letter to the board that the Booth cammented that a dlf- YOUR COOPERATION WILL D | A L A A ^ 9 7 1 1 washer, private patio and cel­ ladies to come up with the BE APPRECIATED V JM k 0*IA*A# I I. 1 w n x in my home, CONSOLE TV, $86. Apart- Realty, 649-4342. thla 61' Ranch Is located on cupancy. Separate furnaces, maculate . . . fine residential owned by 35th IMstrict State association members hoped that ticiUt situaition Is being encoun­ 3H ROOM apartment, appll- housing values. I’d Uke to weekly. Call 847- stove, $80. All good lar. J. D. Real Estate Co-, 643- over an acre of high city utilities. See and compare. setting. Asking $19,500. T.J. B & W Sen. Andrew Repko. o f Willing- at the next joint personnel pol­ tered this year because of the TT^liElE ROOM aparUnent, liv- ances and heat fumtahed, in GLENDALE RD. show you this custom built The BARROWS and ______^______condition. Call after 6, 643- 6129. ground. Six rooms and a Mortgages available. Call Crockett, Realtor, 648-1677. ton and his son Richard, has icies committee meeting the dif­ effee^ of the public act 298. - ing room, kitchen, bedroon) residential area. Adults. No Rancl) . home on Ferguson WALLACE Co. formal entry foyer, includ­ Leon Cieszynskl, Builder, 649- purchaised all the stock of the ferences between the present He commented that the goals Continued From PrecMling Page WOULD UK E TO care fOr pre- 1301. WE RAVE customers waiting and bath, electric range and pets. $100 monthly. 649-4824, Now under construction — VERNON —7 room Cape, large ing formal dining room 4291. Road. Complete with 6 rooms, Manchester Parkade Flair Furniture Shops Inc. of proposals could be solved. Tlie of the teachers will always be for the rental of your apart­ refrigerator, heat and hot wa- 875-1166. Ranches, Raised Ranches, kitchen, fireplace, country size SINGER SEWING machines — with a picture window—a IM baths, equipped kitehen, 2 Manchester 649-5306 Berlin. meeting is set for Feb. i. ahead of what the board of ed­ Help Wanted— Help Wanted— Mole 36 843-1649 ...oMKw ment or home, J D. Real ter. Available February 1. N o ----- —------Colonials. Choosa your lot in area of fine homes, only clearance of display models. 24’ living' room with a MANCHESTER ViaNTTY — 4 fireplaces, 2 oar attached ga­ The Repko firm, founded However, if a satisfactory ucation is in a position to grant. Female - 3 5 p a r t -t i m e kitchen help, eve- wn.T. pare TiY>R child In mv Touch and sew $20^W off. Oth- Eatate, 643-5129. pets. Call McKinney Brothers FOUR ROOM apartment, modal room- Ranch with breeze way rage. The lot is small but you $13,900. Hayes Agency, 646- about six months ago, will use Route 32, Mansfield, heat unique fireplace arrange­ agreement cannot be reached, The board voted to piece the ninga. Must have driver’s li­ Ver- er new Singers as low as $69.50 MANCHESTER Inc., 643-2139. and garage, 2 bedrooms, large can spend your time golfing 0131. report of the personnel poll. '3 COUNTER GHIL, nights, home, have references, room lights, hot water included, $95. ment and 2 picture win­ Legal Notice Flair’s Beflln building as its the association said it feels that cense. Apply in person. 120 Act now. Singer Company, 832 Directions: Follow Keeney kitchen and living room. Ideal In the summer and not work­ committee on the next agenoa UConn area, $1.50 per, hour. planck school area. 643-1301. apartment, first floor, appli- 643-2465. dows. Big family kitchen SOUTH WINDSOR-onc year headquarters and will operate it must seek the mediation serv­ Charter Oak St Main St St., turn right on Bush Hill starter home. 114,200. Wolver­ ing on a large lawn. Reduced DKCHER ON ______ances, heat and hot water In- with built-in oven, range old U & R built 8 room Rais­ the company as a division of ices of the state commission of for consideration. 643-2465. Rd., Glendale Rd., first ton Agency, Realtors, 649-2813. for immediate sale, .tarvis UHITATION OF CLAIMS Furnished and dishwasher. Down the ed Ranch, large living room Repko Design. education. The provisions of Supt. Warner stated that If Dogs— Birds— Pets 41 ie - e l e c t r ic stove, 4 bum- streiet on right Realty Co., Realtors, 643-1121. COURT Op PROBATE, Repko plans to open five public act 298 of the slate leg- the board members wished to ^ ers, good condition. $60. Apart- riayes Agency, m b u ij i. Apartments 63-A hall are 3 generous bed­ with central' fireplace, family holden at Bolton, within ana for U>» LUMBERYARD Business Property QUAINT-4H ROOM home in a District of Andover, on the 21st day Flair Furniture branches in islature prowde for salary and have additional information GROOMING and boarding all ment size refrigerator, $26. suNNY AT center, opposite rooms and 2 man-sized quiet neighborhood, shaded NICK SE5Z—This is as pretty styled kitchen with complete of January, A.D. 19«7. H d p Wanted Mate 36 Connecticut, New York and working conditions negotiations than was contained in the re­ TALLYMAN breeds, Harmony Hills, H. C. 643-4297 8-10 p.m., 622-9782 THREE ROOMS—with utiUties For Sole 70 WESLEY R. SMITH bathrooms. 2-zone heat, rear yard, new furnace, ce­ a 7 room Cape as we have had built-ins. Formal dlnlngf room, Present, Hon. Norman J. PreuM, park, 3 rooms, refrigerator, ______» Judge. Massachusetts. The store spe­ between teachers groups and port he would be glad to pre­ FUIArTTME service station at­ Chase, Hebron Rd., Bolton, days. and appUsmces, $125 per CONSTRUCTION CO. aluminum combinations, 2- for sale. It is located in a set­ 3 bedrooms, targe paneled new range, hot water, base­ 32 UNIT APARTMENT com­ ramic tile bath and kitchen, On motion of Alfred Barbeto on cializes in providing good qual­ town agencies. pare it. tendant, experienced prefer­ Permanent Job opening in 843-5427. month. J. D. Real Estate, 643- car garage. ting of natural beauty and rec roon\ with huge stone fire­ the Intestate estate of Seoondo board heat, wall to wall car­ plex, Income $36,0Q0. Good fi­ full price, $13,900. Call Paul W, Balteri, late of Bolton, within laid ity interior furnishings priced red. See Mr. Sloan, Esso Serv­ wholesale lumberyard, 40 ENGLANDER innerbed sofa, 6129. 643-1567 Taylor St., Manchester close to all in-town facilities. place. Separate bar room and The board’s salary proposal Guidelines on Hours peting, free parking, garage ______nancing______available. Call______Bruce Dougan, Realtor 649-4535. district, deceased. ice Center, Route 83, Vernon. hours per week guaran­ foam rubber mattress, $140. Many extras such as full shed guest room, 2 full baths, 2-car This Court doth decree that il* in the moderate price range. It calls for a starting salary of In other action, taic board GERMAN Shepherd puppies for available. Immediate oc- ATTRACTIVE —completely fur- Charlxmeau, Leonard Agency, months be allowed and limited for will continue to offer iU line $5,650 for teachers with a B. A. teed, some overtime, good Call 643-7196 after 5:30. LIBERTY STREET—Five room dormer, 1 % baths, wall to garage. Asking $34,500. U & R the creditor.^ of said estate to ex- voted in a tie on the request j sale —Call 643-4678. ___ cupancy. Adults. References, nished one bedroom cottage. 646-0460. EXPERIENCED TOCO makers, starting pay, no experience SPLIT LEVEL-6H rooms, 8 WOLVERTON bungalow in tip top condition. wall carpeting, hreezeway and Realty Co., Inc. 643:2692. R. D. hibit their claims against the same of furniture and accessories, degree, with a maximum of $8,- of board member James Ar­ Bridgeport operators and ma­ ---- S125. 649-9287 days. On Bolton Lake. Available un­ to the Administrator and directs carpets, draperies and gifts. 890 to be reached in 13 st^ s necessary, outdoor work, bedrooms, modern kitchen with Practically in the center of -■ garage. This is a dandy of a Murdock, 643-6472. that public notice be given of thla nold that guidelines for the chinist Overtime and fringe til July 1. Call 643-7436 after Repko also runs a real estate or grade increases. opening and cioetng of the pension plan, medical plan MALE MINIATURE Poodle for Antiques 56 3% ROOM APARTMENT—cen- bullt-lna, treed lot, rec room, town. Ideal for a couple or home reduced in price to $19,- order by advertising In a newspa­ benefits. Apply in person, E A 4:30. AGENCY BOLTON — Four room Ranch. per having a circulation In said and Insurance business in Wil- The schedule for teachers and other benefits. Call ___ tral location. Heat, hot water, one car garage, patio, $19,500. small family. Owners retired, 900. Excellent F.H.A. or V.A. district. schools be established. stud services. Call 649-1138. BOLTON Tremendous value for only Hngfton. S Gage Go., Mitchell Dr., Man­ WANTED TO BUY—Antiques, gas for cooking, wall to wall FhUbrlck Agency, Realtors, REALTORS anxious to sell. Lot of house financing available. Jarvis NORMAN 3. PRBUS8, Judge. with a master’s degree, accord­ The tie vote resulted in the $13,700. Just off lake, semi­ chester. steins, furniture, pewter, lead­ carpeting, Venetian blinds and Ten acres of land In addi­ 649-6464. for the money. T. J. Crockett, Realty Co., Realtors, 643-1121. ing to the board proposal, vote being defeated. REX LUMBER CO. 649-2813 private beach. Home in excel­ POODLE — SMALL miniature, ed lamps, art glass, primitives, garage. Second floor of private Business Locations tion to building with large Realtor, 643-1577. ranges from $6,050 to $9,390. Arnold’s motion called tor g Sullivan Ave., South Windsor lent condition. Will qualify for black female. Call 875-6723. any quantity, 644-8962. home. $135 per month. Middle banquet rooms plus pavil­ MANCHESTER — is minutes This schedule also encompasses 7:30 to 9 a.ni. opening hour for ASSEMBLERS For Rent 64 MANCHESTER — Oversized 6 VA or FHA financing with Mayor Charges as Unjust 289-9379 aged couple preferred- Write ion and large recreation from this expandable Ranch. In 1977 the 13 step or level concept. all town schools. Grades X THREE — Six week, miniature Excellent conation, tiled kitch­ AVONDALE ROAD — Bowers room Cape, fuU shed dormer, 10% down. T. J. Crockett, The teachers’ own proposals through 1 including the moan­ 6 FOK AreCRAFT PARTS Between 8-5 p.m. Box J, Herald. SUITE of offices presently area. Excellent location silver registered poodle pups. School area. An eight room IVI baths, dining room, garage, Realtor, 643-1577. fruited for professional purpose for any club or organiza­ en and bath, fireplace, com­ Don’t Say—“I Could Have” School Board^s Criticism were not available. ing session of kindergartea Call after 6, 643-7478. W anted— To Buy 58 COLONIAL MANOR Apart­ bination storms, screens, metal Cape with a finished rec room beauUfuUy landscaped level lot An additional point of di.s- would be open, between these LATHE is now available in the State tion. SOUTH WINDSOR—Two 7-room Recent Board of Education these two important town ment—includes appliances and awnings, oversized garage, too. Can be four or five bed­ with maximum privacy. Phil­ agreement in the proposal in­ hours. JOURNEYMAN electrician, HOUSEHOLD lots, antiques, Theater Building. Can be sub­ You can buy an income split level homes, one with boards open at all times.” utilities, private patio and cel­ patio, outbuildings, acres rooms. 1 % baths, one car ga­ brick Agency, Realtors, 649- criticism charging General cluded the manner of pa3nnent The length of the school day married man preferred. H. G. Articles For Sale 45 bric-a-brac, clocks, frames, divided if necessary. For in­ producing property now. swimming pool Both with as­ Noting that the directors OPERATORS lar. J. D. Real Estate, 643- J. D. REAL ESTATE land. Hard to beat at $14,300. rage, rear patio. Vacant 8464. Manager Robert Weiss and the to town teachers. would be six hours for Grades Schulze Oo., 875-9707. glassware. We buy estates. formation can Theater mana­ Have a dandy at comer of sumable mortgages. Bel Air plan to discuss the school capi­ 5129. Mitten Agency, Realtors, 643- Here’s an opportunity to pick Board of Directors with "main­ 1 through six and six-and-a- ARMSTRONG vinyl rugs, 9 x VUlage Peddler, Auctioneer, ger. 643-7832. 643-5129 643-8779 MANCHESTER—6 room Garri­ Main and Grove Sts. Con­ Real Estate, 643-9332- tal improvements program at Dispute on Payment BRIDGEPORT SCHOOL BUS drivers —for a.m. 6930. up a good buy. T. J. Crockett, taining poor lines of communi­ half hours for Grades 7 tiirougli 12, $7.77. Sherwin-Williams, 981 420 Lake St., Btdton, 649-3247. 41^ ROOMS. $126. 3% rooms, son Colonial, modern kitchen tains two apartments and Frank commented that tile and p.m. routes, 7-9 and 2-4. Realtor. 643-1577. ita Feb. 7 session, AgostinelU 12, with a two-and-a-half ses­ Main St., Manchester. TWO OFFICES —centrally l o - ______with budit-in range, dish-wash­ an office. Has 2% baths VERNON — 6 room Oolonial, cation’’ have been labeled "un­ teachers had indicated an over­ Good pay, H. A. Frink, Wap- $115. Parking. 16 Forest St., nearly new, requested the school board to sion for kindergarten classes. OPERATORS WE BUY and sell antique and cated, new modern office ROOMING HOUSE —yearly in- MANCHESTER $97. PAYS ALL. Assume 4% per er, disposal 2-zone hot water and a 2-car garage. Plenty large living room, dining room, just” by Mayor Nathan Agos- whelming preference to be paid ping, 1197 Sullivan Ave. 644- PILE IS gOFT and lofty. off Main St., 646-0090, 643- "please furnish the general Assastamt superintendent cf used furniture, china, glass building. Electric heat, central come, $5,304, excellent return quality built two families. Sep- cent mortgage. Attractive 3- heat, excellent financing, $19,- of parking. Secondary fi­ modem kitchen with bullt-ins, tinein. on an "every other w%ek basis.” 1902, after 5 p.m. colors retain brilliance in car­ 5675. manager with an up-to-date seboota William Perry com­ TRAINEES silver, picturr frames, old ______air-conditioning, ample park­ on investment. Centrally local- arate furnaces, excellent ti­ bedroom Ranch, fireplace, 900. Philbrick Agency, Real­ nancing available. 1% baths, garage. Marion B. AgostinelM yesterday rebutted The personal policies subcom­ pets cleaned with Blue Lustre. copy . . . revised according mented that the scheduKng coins, guns, pewter, scrap THREE ROOM apartment, in ing. Robert D. Muitiock, 643- ed. Call Paul J. Correnti Agen- nandng available. Hayea Agen­ trees, view. Hutchins Agency, tors, 649-8464. Robertson, Realtor, 643-5953. the charge in a letter to school mittee of the board of education Liberal benefits. First and EXPERIENCED TRUCK driver Rent electric shampooer, $1. to your present needs and rec­ could not be accompUsbed in­ gold, watches, old jewelry, eluding appliances and heat. 2692, 643-9551. cy, 643-5363 or 643-2125, now. cy, 646-0181. board secretary Thomas Bail­ recommended that all school second shift, presently wanted for ice cream route. Paul’s Paint A Wallpaper Sup- Realtors, 649-5324. BOLTON—7 room expandable ommendations. He will redis­ hobby collections, paintings, $ m J. D. Real Estate, 643- 61(i ROOM RANCH on a quiet KEITH AGENCY ey, in wMch he also notified personnel be paid on a twice- cluding the kindergarten class­ working 50-hour week. Good pay, benefits. Overtime. Ranch, 3 or 4 bedrooms, living tribute this to all Board of Di­ piy-______attic contents or whole estates. CAPE—6'/4 rooms, handy loca­ residential street. 3 generous the board that the directors will monthly basis. es unless additional buses were Call Royal Ice Cream Oo., 649- center. Newly remodeled store 649-1922 room with fireplace and book­ rectors members.” used. WALLPAPER SALE—300 pat- Furniture Repair Service, 643- tion, one car garage, g o ^ con­ bedrooms, -kitchen with touiU- consider an updatSd school cap­ The committee deemed the E.A. PATTEN Co. appointment. 2*,-i AND 3% ROOM apartments or office. New ceilings, pan­ ins. Large Uvlng room with cases, full dining room, large ’The capital funds request re­ Supt. Warner commented that terna in stock, 37c —97c single 744C. dition, $16,000. Philbrick Agen­ ital improvements request at payment schedule of every available Feb. 1, heat, hot wa­ eled walls, wall to wall carpet­ sunny kitchen, full tiled bath, ferred to in the exchange be­ four additional buses had been 303 Wetherell St. MALE roll. Sherwin-Williams, 981 cy, Realtors, 649-8464, fireplace. Family room, 2-car their Feb. 7 meeting. other week not feasible. How­ ter and parking, central, rea­ ing, slate foyer. Approximate­ JVOODBRIDOB STREET—For basement garage, - % acre tween the two bodies is an up­ included in the 1967-68 proposed Manchester, Conn. PRODUCTION Main St, Manchester. USE "Sjfrali!" garage, $19,700. ‘ Wolverton ever, the administration will sonable. Can be seen after 4 ly 400 square feet. Ideal for PRINCETON STREET—3-bed- Agency, Realtors, 649-2813. ' those who only need four treed lot, good location. Ask­ The Board of Education level­ dated version of the $765,000 budget at a cost of $5,000 per 649-0701 WORKERS Rooms Witfiouf Board 59 rooms, look this one over. ed the “ poor communications” study the matter further and CARPETS A FRIGHT? Make p.m., call 643-0727. insurance or real estate office. room custom built house, well ing $19,500. U & R Realty Oo., proposal that had been slated bus. This s t ^ would bring Now hiring. Applications Call owner, 643-9678. Insulated, features cedar clos­ MANCHESTER—7 room home, Spotless Cape of four down, Inc. 643-2692. R. D. Murdock, charge at its Jan. 16 session, to go on the voting machines report to the board with addi­ CABINET MAKER. Experienc­ them a beautiful sight with t HE THOMPSON HOUSE, piV E ROOM apartment, third most of the buses under Ills accepted daily. Interviews et, jalousied porch and elec­ 2-car garage, extra lot. For in­ unfinished up, plus a side 643-6472. saying it had never received an­ tional information. ed only. Di^laycraft, Die. 643- Blue Lustre. Rent • electric Cottage Street. centraUy lo- central location, $100 1,100 SQUARE feet industrial last November as part of a present 65-mile per day mini­ scheduled Tuesdays. Must tronic garage doors, mid 20’s. formation caU Mitten Agency, porch and a one car garage. swers to letters it sent the di­ $2.5 miUlon town capital im­ Frank, in his letter, request­ mum, he noted. 9657. be 5’9” or over. Excellent shampooer, $1. Olcott Variety »ted , large, pleasantly fur­ space for selected idiop or stor­ BY OWNER —Vernon, Regan monthly. 742-8450. 649-4498. Realtors, 643-6930. Ideal location, bus at the door. rectors through Weiss regard­ provements package. ed that the board take Into Meeting Every Itiesday fringe benefits including Store. nished rooms, paridng. Call age, heat available. Two base­ Rd. area. Seven year old 6 CARPENTERS helpers wanted, Must be seen to appreciate ing a capital funds request and Directors shelved the ques­ consideration the request of the The board approved a motioa ~ Major Medical coverage, 8 649-2358 for overnight and ment areas in same building, BRICK RANCH — Modern MANdHESTER room Cape, fireplace, alum­ no experience necessary. Work this home. T. J. Crockett, the proposed new Lincoln tion after the October town teachers to be paid every other made by Mrs. Jane Romeyn paid holidays, generous va­ permanent guest rates. FOUR ROOM apartment, sec­ 1,100 square feet each, heat kitchen with built-ins, 214 inum combinations plus other locally. 742-8064. POOL TABLE, 7x4’, excellent YOUNG AT HEART Realtor, 643-1577. School elections because of indications that meetings he held every cation plan. Starting rate ond floor, central, call 648-6872. avaUable. Call 643-8837. baths, formal dining room, Attention all young mai^ extras. Lot 100 x 180. $16,900. condition, $75. Call 649-7769. CLEAN comfortable rooms. AgosttneHi wrote regarding ft would be defeated. Frank’s letter to the board Tuesday night until otherwise- $2.31. Apply to family room with fireplace, 2- Tied couples! We have list­ $18,500 will buy this seven Call 875-6071. No agents please. free parking, gentlemen. Call MODERN 4 room apartment, LOOKING FOR more than just the charge, “ I noticed in a re­ A communications from the also expressed concern that voted. Those meetings schedul­ MEN’S REBUILT shoes for car garage, AA zone, $32,600. ed a 4 room home, for sale, room Ranch, IH baths, and a ROGERS CORP. before 7 p.m. 649-0826. Scran­ includes garage and applianc­ office space? Contaot Ed­ cent news article a comment to school board, dated Nov. 21, re- the maximum salary schedule sale. Better than cheap new Philbrick Agency , Realm s, close to bus, churches and one car garage up in the VERNON ed on alternate weeks from reg­ ATLANTIC RICHFIELD Manchester Division ton Motel and Cabins, 160 Tol­ es, $110. J. D. Real Estate, wards Office Building. Vernon the efieot that there was poor quested the directors to take proposed falls below the Con­ ular meetings will be confined Mill and Oakland Sts. ones! Sam Yuyles, Shoe Re­ LOW C05T. TOO! 649-8464. shopping. If you can enjoy Green Manor section. Now va­ ARE YOU READY? necticut Educational Associa­ land Tpke., Manchester. 643-6129. Circle, Vernon, 643-1195. Tele­ It is time to make your communication between the further action supporting the to dlscusslonB of the budget, CO. Manchester pair Shop o f the better kind! CA5H RATES (15 WORDS) a small home, cheaper than cant, is in exceUent condition, tion statewide projected fig­ phone answering service plus MANCHESTER — recent 4-bed- l o t o f living space for the move on this 3 bedroom Board of Education and the proposal. however. 23 Oak St., Manchester. ROOM FOR geiitleman only. 3'^ ROOM heated apartment, rent, call Mr. Gordon, 649- ures for 1967-68. many basic office expenses in­ rOOm Colonial, large kitchen, 2 price. 10% down wlU get you Ranch, fireplace and walk­ Board of Directors,- and the "l^e "poor commimlcatlons” The exception to this policy Is lookhing for a recent BRIDGEPORT tmd lathe hands, ------;------Kitchen and Uvlng room facil­ stove and refrigerator, second On* D a y.... 45c 3 Days ....$1.17 5306. Ilje yearly increment and full and part-time, benefits, ONE OF THE finer things of cluded in rental. fireplaces, screened porch, im­ in. T. J. Crockett, Realtor, out basement Convenient manager’s Office on the matter charge was leveled by Beldon will be the presentation made to 4 high school graduate to ities included. Private entrance floor, central location, $126. differential fig^ures between the group insurance, paid holidays 1^1® —Blue Lustre carpet and mediate occupancy, reduced B & W Realtor, 643-1677. to Parkway. Not yet 1 of the capital improvement pro- Schaffer, who also said he was the board by Mrs. Janeth Tape- work with cash, stock rec­ and parking. Inquire 118 Pearl monthly. 643-1155, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Six Days... .$1.98 10 Days ... .$3.00 gram and the proposed lincOln "disappointed that the direc- B.A., M.A., and sixth year cer- ords and pricing and bill­ and vacation. Apply at H A upholstery cleaner. Rent plec- for fast sale. Hayes Agency, The BARROWS and year old. Owner trans­ ly, home economics teacher at St., after 4 p.m. 646-0131. $13,000—9 ROOM Colonial—built School. tors haven’t taken steps to im- tificate schedules were termed ^ ing. Good starting salary, H Tool A Engineering Co., 12 1^® shampooer, $1. The &her- Houses For Rent 65 IMMEDIATE ACTION WALLACE Co. ferred—forced to sacrifice. Prospect St., Manchester. win-Williams Oo. LARGE ROOM for rent, busl- Manchester Parkade in 1968. acree. Trees, view, $19,500. 649-5306. "It is my feeling that this ta program, which it insufficient by the teachers or- caruolo, principal of the high excellent advancement op­ 454 MAIN ST. —3 room apart­ QUALITY RANCH — We have ganization. SIX ROOM single house in Tol­ Call before 10:30 weekdays (9 A.M. Saturdajts). Manchester 649-5306 bus line. Hutchins Agency, unjustified critictam inaemurti ^ previously agreed to.' school, slated for the Jan. 8X portunities and benefits. X iE i" i5 B r E 5 ^ a n to“ workTn 50 GALIXIN INK ness woman or girl, privileges. ment. $85. 643-2426, 9-5. just listed a beautiful Ranch. The association £tiso express­ land. Call after 6 p.m. 875- Realtors, 649-5324. B & W ae the manager has forwarded board In mid-December meeting. For an appointment call sale. 2 for $3. Call Manchester Parking. 643-7030 after 4. You can start an ad or cancel an ad same day. All brick, seven rooms, 2 ed dissatisfaction with the pro­ Grain Mill. Good pay, over­ THREE ROOM apartment. 9329. MANCHESTER—6 room bunga­ The BARROWS end to the booKi, to the best of my request for a Mrs. Romeyn and Supt, Mr. Delaughter at . . . Evening Herald, 643-2711. baths, huge finished rec room, low in Uke-new condition, $16,- $1,500 DOWN—Conveniently lo­ posed starting salary -on the time. Excellent fringe benefits. ROOM FOR RENT to lady with jieat, stove, refrigerator, elec- WALLACE Co. knowledge, all communications ~new " linooln ’ School to be built ner -will attend a two-day con­ lEuFnttuj l|FraU) fireplace, garage, carpeting, 900. Philbrick Agency, Real­ cated 5 room home on West B.A. schedule and termed it Contact H. Burnsteln, Central ^jvLNUT DESK model Singer home privileges. Must have tricity and gas included. Adults SEVEN ROOM furnished home Manchester Parkade from the Board of Education in Center Springs Park and ference to be sponsored by the Conn. Cooperative, 10 Apel PL, combination windows, lot with tors, 649-8464. side. Leonard Agency, Real­ "Inadequate.” sewing machine, with attach­ references. 649-5745. only. 643-8921. for subletting, available Feb. 64.3-2711 Classified Dept. Manchester 649-5306 on these matters. asked the directors to take ac­ Hartford Public School System; 289-1561 Manchester, 649-4533 trees. Soon to be vacant. AU tors, 646-0469. tion on the proposal Insurance Programs ments, $150. Call 644-8213 af­ 1-Sept. 1. Two baths, central. “The board (direetors) had on March 2 and 3 on ‘Educsi- for only $25,000. Start packing HOLLYWOOD Section—7 room SOUTH WINDSOR —just reduc- A letter also went to the Approval was given to the ter 6. ROOM WITH privitages for lad: p^B. 1ST occupancy —3 large 649-3616. MANCHEJSTER — 7 room Cape, not, until this point, chosen to tion and ^Racial Imbalance in BOY FOR delivery and drug ______^ or share apartment with work- and call T. J. Crockett, Real­ Garrison Colonial, new modern ed. 6 room Ranch, 3 bedrooms, Town Planning Commission board’s proposal that full par­ rooms, heat, hot water, stove 3 or 4 bedrooms, plus family put the items on the agenda the City." store clerk, ^ m e eveidngs aj^d jviqvIE CAMERA — Minolta ing lady. Call 644-8426 after tor, 643-1577. kitchen, large formal dining only $14,900. Must be sold. (which ts IS opposing a park ticipation in the Blue Cross REHl^IABLE MECHANIC, good and refrigerator, tiled bath room, fireplace, garage. Only for discussion. These commu­ Visit to Fairfield weekends, flexible hours. In­ 8mm, auto-zoom, also new 6:30. room, 24’ Uvlng room with fire­ Foreclosure emlnrat Hayea school) seeking further talks. coverage for insurance be paid wages to qualified man. See and shower, parking, central­ $17,900 —buys this excellent 3 $16,000. Bel Air Real Estate, nications, however, were noted The board -will meet at ths quire in person. Manager, Lig­ projector, 3 speeds. Both ex­ place, 4 bedrooms, 1% baths, Agency, 646-013L A ses^n between the two by the board. The teachers’ Mr. Sloan, Esso Service Cen­ ly located, adults only. $95. 643- bedroom Ranch, garage, porch porch, garage, assumable 643-9332. on the board mhiutee, copy of high school a t'7:30 ajn. Satur­ gett Drug, Manchester Shop­ cellent condition, 649-9842. GIRL —single, mid-twenties to groups was held Jam 19, dui^ group questioned if the major­ ter, Route 83, Vernon. 6396. and large lot. Mitten Agency, mortgage. Price $27,900. Phil­ COVENTRY — North — 5 room which you received." day to visit the Andrew Wlorda ping Parkade. share duplex apartment with MANCHESTER — spacious 6 Ing which the hoard restated ity of the 13 other towns in Realtors, 643-6930. brick Agency, Realtors, 649- Ranch, endosed hreezeway, ELECTTRICIANfi — journeyman 30% OFF knitting needles, in­ same. Own room, near bus. poUR ROOMS, range, heat and room Colonial Ranch, 2 full AgostineHi assured the school tts casa ’The TPC is expected the area, used as a criteria High School and the Roger! OIL BURNER service man. struction books, knitting, cro­ P. O. Box 8072 East Hartford, 8464. oversize garage. Large living Ludlow High School in Fair- preferred. Experienced helpers hot water, electricity, central RECENT MANCHESTER — 2-famlly, baths, 2-car garage, near acre board, *Tt is our hope to keep to act again on the school F ^. for some of the town’s policies, Pension plan, life Insurance, chet, tatting, embroidery ac­ References. room with stone fireplace, sec- field. The visit is one in a series oonsideted. Call Walt Zeman- $115. Available February and good condition, $18,900. Phil­ picturesque lot. Must see. lines of oommunioatioa between 6. also included this provision for medical insurance, vacation. cessories. Yarn-ApartCo. Inc., ------MANCHESTER — 2 - family, otxl garage or work shop. of proposed tours aimed at in­ ek, 876-9370. March only. Call after 8, 849- brick Agency, Realtors, 649- central. ExceUent condition. 4- Hayea Agency, 646-0131. CMS, Major Medical and life Year ’round work. Ceill for ap­ 39 Cottage St., Manchester. NEAR MAIN ST.—clean room Large lot. Priced to sell $13.- vestigating other high schools 7287. 8464. car garage. Large lot. For in­ Insurance. The group question­ LA'THE HANDS and general pointment, 649-2871. Limited quantity, all sales for gentleman, parking, sepa- MANCHESTER—7 room Raised 900. U A R Realty Co., Inc. in relation to number of stu­ formation call Mitten Agency. ed if these could be oonsj^dered machinists, paid hospitaliza­ final, cash and carry. rate entrance, 649-4256. ARRIVALS Ranch In like new condition. 643-2692. R. D. Murdock, 643- dents and facilities to acquaint tion, hoUdaya and vacation Realtors, 643-6930. 6472. Cummings Asks Democrats fringe benefits. 514 ROOM apartment, no chil­ 1 % baths, 2-car garage, % SWEA Is now In the process m e ^ r s with plan. Apply Metronlca, Inc., Journeyman Plumber _ ^ ~7 ~jj COMFORTABLE room for gen- acre, only $22,900. Hayes dren. Call 649-2871. MANCHESTB5R—7 room house FISHING BOAT and Motor free of putting together a proposal ground information for planning, 640 Hilliard St. BU llding M a t a iia ls 4 7 tieman, separate entrance and M O V IN G UP? Agency, 646-013L Married Man Preferred fronting oo two main roads, 5 with my beautiful wooded one To Reactivate Auxiliary for the consideration and ap­ purposes. HARDWOODS —all species, all Parking. 649-2460.______THREE ROOMS, for rent, sec­ lot pooBiUUty,-?excell^'lnvesf- The board visited tbs Dan­ BUS OPERATOR — full or 1965 'Then cOpskje? this 3 year ROCKLEDGE one owner, cus­ acre Ranchette in Central Flor­ proval of the board’s consider­ dimensions, hardwood ply­ ond floor, $90. a month, with menk.property. Bel Air Real DemocraUe Town Chairman the K o f C Home on Main St., bury High School this wedL part-time. Good pay. Equal op­ POTENTIAL EARNING old 8 room Colonial. Iddal tom 7 room through hall Cape, ida’s lake section. No money ation that is not to be consider­ heat. 643-9601. Estate, 648-933^ The board voted to a p p r o v s portunity employer. Silver $10,000 PLUS woods and veneers. Wood r q OM FOR RENT. Call 649- for the targe family with 2 full baths, garage, carpet­ down. $15 per month. WlU send Ted Cummings last night with U.S. Rep. EmUto Q. Dad- ed as part of a “package deal.” Product SpecdalUes, 246-8272- 0271. plat and color photos. Write called for reactivation of the darlo the principal speaker. for payment current bills in ths' Lane Bus Line. 643-8978. NEW TWO family 414-414, heat, its 20’ . fireplaced. living MABidHESrPBR-^3 fhmily, 5-5 ing, like new throughout. ’The items to be incorporated D. Morse, P.O. Box 165, North- amount of $641.88 for the ad­ hot water, disposal, storage, room, fonrial ^ning room fiat, garage, hue Une, Ufetlrae Hayes Agency, 646-0131. 70-member "papw’’ auxiliary Barry’s recent campaign fin- have not been discussed with HOME DELIVERY- H. G. SCHULZE CO. YOUNG MAN wishes to share town, Chicago, HI. 60645. ministration; $6,635.23 for the parking, yard. Adults, 644-8169. and g:bnerous kitchen with siding, excellent investment for committee, to provide "new uhed about $2,200 In the red, the teachers, Diamonds— Watches— 3-bedroom house with one or high school, and $21,239.9!1 for 875-9707 built^- ins. .Ijaundry room only $16,900. Bel Air Real Es­ MANCHESTER—New listing, 6 people, new talent, new views.’’ ukJ his backers in the four Supt. Warner has commented SALESMEN Jewelry 48 two of same. CaU after 6 p.m., mom Dutch Colonial. Large ANDOVER — LAND — land — Speaking to his committee towns of the 4th Senatorial Dis- that it is Ms understanding that schools, and one-half baUi and . . . tate, 643-9332, 69 acres. Exquisitely restored Uvlng room with fireplace, at a meeting in the Municipal trkst acheduied the dtaicr, to the entire proposal o f the pe^ WA-KJH AND JEWELRY ro- «^9-5797. 742-9050,______a 25’ family room on the 7 room etiriy settler’s Cape. Good home service delivery TRUCK DRIVER—for bulk fer­ SPRING ST.—7 room SpMt lev- tonnal dining room and kitch­ Building, Cummings s e i ^ f ^ - wipe out the deficit. sotmel policies committee of the Manchester Evening HstalA pairing. Prompt service. Up to FURNISHED room for first floor. Upstairs has 4 (Circa 1740) Small bam, ex­ routes are now open, which tilizer spreader truck and mis­ el, 1^ baths, fireplace, dining en. Second floor has 2 twin toough we M sOH recovering Manchester. Democratic board had been rejected by the South Windsor CorrespondsnW $20. on your old watch in large bedrooms aiid 1 V4 tensive frontage both sides of will gfive the right men cellaneous work at plant. Send gentleman, near Main St. Call Sedans room, modem kitchen with size bedrooms and nursery from our ta Town Committee oome out of tea<*ero’ organization, Ann lyoDS, te l 644-8682, trade. Closed Mondays, F. E. baths. Completely redecor­ road- Stone walls, rolUng good income. 5 days week, resume giving experience, age 643-9363. huilt-ins, large paneled family room. Basement with finished elections, au la nw taamt. W e the October and November elec- He noted that additional ta­ Bray, 737 Main St„ State ated from tcqi to bottom fields. One of our choicest many fringe benefits. A and education to Box BB, Her­ room, garage, lot 100x200, rec room also screened porch, have some very able people Theatre Building. and selling for $25,500. As­ properties, offered at $47,500. lon campaigns — $650 ta the formation had been received liberal commission arrange­ ald. $22,000. Philbrick Agency, eittached garage. ExceUent lo- our party, and ws must utilize" NOTICE sumable mortgage too. By appointment, Suzanne, black — a balance of $750 with from other towns as to what is ment makes possible high Realtors, 649-8464. oation, $19,600. U A R Realty their talents.’’ NOTICE Shorts, 643-8886. J. Watson $1 0 0 m bills to he paid. being paid at the present time A pubUc bearing win be held aarnings. Oo., me., 643-2692. R. D. Mur­ He asked all district leaders Fuel and Feed 49-A , Beach and Co., Realtors. . Edmund Porealuha, former in the area of Blue Cross bene- by the Planning and Skmtag DRIVER - SALESMAN ______The Planning and Zoning USE ^ FULL PX)UR BEDROOM Ranch—14x dock, 6434(472. Commission of Mancdisster, FOR SALE—first quality baled Commission of Manchester, 20 family room, 2 baths, 2-car ^ chahman of the BoJton Demo- fits. Apply. Personnel Department BOLTON—NEW 6 room Raised Othqr Towns Connecticut, on Mionday eve­ Married man for estab­ hay. Chll 649-6911. W. B. Wil Connecticut, will hold a public WOLVERTON garage. Large level lot. Excel­ Monday-Friday MANCHESTEat—6 rooms plus Ranch, kitchen with huUt-lns, to Warner said that it is pos­ ning, February 6, 1967, at S lished retail milk route lo­ Hams hearing on Monday evening, lent value. Wesley R. Smith, prepare list, of Democrat, who sunporch, baths, garage, glass sliding door and sundeck. sible that more is being offer- pjn. ta the Hearing Room o f cated in Manchester. 5 day February 6, 1967 at 8 p.m. In Realtor, 643-1567. wish to participate ta party For Evening Appointment AGENCY centnd convenient location, living room with cathedral the Municipal Building^ to oon- Call Ken Reynolds work week. No Sundays. the Hearing Room of the Mu­ RECONDITIONED ONE-OWNER CARS parleya SEASONED HARDWOOD for NO DOWN VA, 10 per cent down near schools, bus, shopping. oejling and stone fireplace. sider the following appBcatton 643-9126 — 6 - 9 P.M. Company paid Welfare and nicipal Building, to consider a The people on those liste will conventional. Six room Cape, Bel Air Real Estate, 643-9332. Formal dining room, 8 bed­ for zone change: pension plan. Apply Lincoln sale. 742-6215, 742-6830. general recompilation of the REALTORS be invited to the next meeting large lot. Hutchins Agency, rooms, tfied bath. Basement BROAD STREET—To Chang* Dairy Co., 1030 New Brit­ existing Zoning Regrulations. In CENTRALLY located 5 room o f the to*^ oonunlttee. A new Judge Guest at Testimonial ■J Your Choice 649-2813 Realtors, 649-5324. fireplace, one car basement to Business Zone HI, all or SEALTEST FOODS ain Ave., West Hartford. this recompilation paragraph 5, Cape. Aluminum siding. Ga­ suxilluyj^ committee then will i Garden— Farm— garage. One acre lot, good lo­ part of an area now In Indus­ MILK DIVISION M Section 7, Article LV, of exist­ rage. Within walking instance be appointed. MANOHESTERr-Custom fire- cation. $22,500. U. A R Realty For AgostinelU^ Genovesi > trial Zone, described as fol­ Dairy Products ing regulations, has been elimi- of 3 Cars o f Parkade. Only $14,900. Cummings also Instructed MANCHESTER — seven room placed Ranch, 6 large rooms, Go., Inc., 643-2692. R. D. Mur­ lows: Stai^g at a pidnt on . MS Homestead Ave., Hartford g r q CERY CLERK —full-time. ’3795 Pasek, Realtors, 289-7475. the seven dUbcict diaitmen to STRICTLY fresh eggs for sale, nated ’ arid p a r a ^ p h 6, Sec split with 1 ^ baths and one built-ins, large lot, many ex­ dock, 643-6472. Judge Angelo O. Santaniello treasurer. He Is being assisted Apply In person, Highland Don’t Freeze, call meetings, for tbs election the west side of Broad Street An Equal Opportunity Tomaszewskl, Box 368, South tlon 7,' Artffcle LV, has been re- car garage. ExceUent condi­ tra features. Call Helen Palm­ of New London, judge in Circuit by club president John PateUi. Park Market, 317 Highland St. NEW 2-FAMILY Ranch, 5-4, o f chairmen. Because o f the approximately 100’ south of Employer Rd., Bolton, open dally, M9- written as follows: Any non- tion. Lot is 150x200. Ideal loca- er, Leonard Agency, 646-Q469. Court 10, win be the principal Robert Stnibaldi is secretary birch cabinets, ceramic bath, districting o f local districts, he Middle Turnpike West, the 647^2. conforniing' building or stnic- we please... These Cars Will Carry Ford Motor Company's Extended Used tidn for the growing family. VERNON speaker at Sunday’s Italian of the committee, Fred Lea is SPRAY PAINTER for wood MEN PART-TIMB for jani- aluminum siding, storms, said, boundary lines have been line runs southerly IfiO Vt —.------— , M ----- —— '------ture (or use) which is destroy- Owner transferred. Sensibly 4-4 DUPLEX, Verplanck and 'American Club dtaner. in charge of tickets, and Wil­ flnlshing. Shop work only, good ^rial work from 6-10 p.m., STRICTTLY FRESH EGGS, 55 ^ damaged by fire or cas screens, electric heat, 2-car changed and many active more or less; thence wester­ priced at $?2,900. T. J. Crock­ Waddell Schools areas. Good liam Belllore is handling the ly 1,230’, more or less; tbenc* Opportunity, Displaycraft Inc., must be over 21 years of age. dents a dozen. Same price year ualty may be reconstructed Sunoco Heating Oil Car Warranty — Up To 50,000 Miles from Date of Original garage. Elva Tyler, Realtor, QUALITY Democrats now reside ta new ’The lA Club will hold the ett, Realtor, 643-1577. investment properties. Iieon- publicity. northerly 1,900’, mors or 648-9657, ______649-5334. ______-round. NaWsky Farm,^ Inc., structurally altered,' pro- 649-4460, 643-6066. PRICE LOCATION dlstrtote: Under the town com - dtaner as a testimonial for A quality heating oil delivered ard Agency, Realtors, 646- Francis DellaFera, Manches­ less; thence easterly 1,280* 122 Nevrawker Road, Vernom yided the cost of/such recon- FIVE BEDROOMS, 3 fidl hkths, mittee bylaws, he added, the Manchester Mayor Nathan TRUCK DRIVERS, oiie ------automatically! Burner service 24 Delivery! NEVER BEFORE HAVE WE BEEN ABLE TO OFFER 0469. ter GOP town chairman, will more or less, to Broad Street ^uth Windsor line, off Dart atruction or sti^tural altera- modern kitchen with built-ins, proper thtag is to hold new AgostinelU and for Vincent Custom built Raised Ranch serve aS toastmaster. and point of beginning. The tune and one p^^ime. Ap^y Salesmen W anted 36-A Hlll R d„ 644-0804, is less ttan 60% of the hours a day! An eqsy-payment 2 fireplaces, walk-out base­ BRENT RD. <— Immaculate 3 elections. (lenovesi, state representative in person Alcar Auto Parts, 226 J Lots For Sale 73 on landscaped wooded lot ______U ______' proposed change inchiden aU ...... _ fair market vilue of such prop- planl 'Get them all—Get Sunoco A WARRANTY SUCH AS THIS ONE TO THE PUBLIC!! ment, screened porch, garage, bedroom Ranch, built .1966. Easily expandable to meet He announced that ’Theodore from Manchester Assembly Spruce St. NUCLEAR S'TUDY GRANT of the industrial zone on the PAINT SALES ^ trainee wanted handy location. $24,500. Phil­ Family size kitchen, stove, MANCHESTER —Iota, lota, lotai the needs of your growing Brindamour has resigned fipra District 18. it wlU be at 1 p.m. Houseiiold Goods 51 (a s ' detemlntid by retur- Heating Oil. Let's talk. westerly side of Broad St. by quality Paint Manufactur- brick Agency, Realtors, 649- refrigemtor. Treed lot, 85x192, Four A-zone, two B-zone, two family, $22,000. the town committee and from at the Garden Grove, WASHINGTON (AP) — The X1ECTRICLA.N or experienced enc^ to the valuation base for Applicants: Nell Ellis and er for greatei* Manchester-Wll- CLBJAN, USED refrtgeraton. Town assessments) and such 8464. near scnool and Parkade. Elva rural. All ta town, different lo­ / his post of District 7 chairman. Judge Santaniello a New Lon- University of -Oonneciticui: will helper. Immediate employ- Constance Kaplan and ex­ n e n t Wilson Electric Oo., limantic established territory, range*, automaUo washc. v, reconstruction o f alteration is 'Tyler, Reedtor, 649-4469, 643- cations. Call now. Hayes Agen­ A change o f empMyment forced native, was .admitted to the receive a $31,969 grant to rtudy Excellent Financing: tended by the Planning and Sales experience required. $300 with guarantees. See- them at coipmenced within six months CONCORD RD. — beautiful 6666. cy, 646-0131. the action, Cummings said. Connecticut bar ta 1960. He is effects of a proposed nuclear S49-4817. MORIARTY BROTHERS Zoning Commission. ----- per month, bonus, car allow- R D, Pearl’s Appliances, ,649 ©f the date of such damage or Ranch, large living ream, for­ Frank Stamler was chosen on * graduate of Holy Cross and power plant in East Hculdam, CLEaUC — GROCERY or DIMOCK REALTY All .interested persona may. pro- ance, liberal benefits Including Main St. Cell 648-217L destruction "Hartford County's Oldest Lihcoln-Mercury Dealer!" mal dining room, cabinet kitch­ MANCHESTER — New listing. ’TWO BUlLDmO lots, 100x158’, Tuesday to replace Brindamour ^f th$ Georgetown University ^ a duce, full time. Apply in per Blue Cross, and Insurance. E x - ______All interested., persons may S U N O ^ en, 2 bedrooms, recreation Six room Cape, Bowers treed and landscaped, $8,000.— as dlabrlct chairman. A replaoe- g-hool of Law The grant was approved attend this hearing, A map o f Mr. Orispino, Supreme cellent advancement opportun- NORGE AUTOMATIC washing . . . j hearino- room, landscaped yard. Mar­ School, new siding, roof. Im­ 176x800’, treed, ideal lor cha­ 649-9823 — 649-5245 ment on the town oonunlttee ^ Wedneaday by the Interior De- the above proposed «m e change Foods, 469 Hartford Rd„ Man- Uy. send resume giving age, machine, 2-cycIe very good ★ OVER 80 YEAIIS OF UNEXCELLED SERVICE ★ ion B. Robertson, Realtor, maculate condition. Frlvats le t Wolverton .Agency, Real­ wlH be named at tbe next meet- P®***"*®*. aocooxitag to an an- is on fUe ta the Planntog and. tag. Connecticut Sons of Italy, ^ is nouopement by U-6 . Rep. Wll- onlng Office. »0ucation and experience to condition, $80. 6^8-1349. o S L ls s lo n HEATINO OIL. BANK TERMS * OPEl^ EVENINGS—THURSDAY tiU 6 P.M. 648-5058. lot Immediate occupancy. tors. 649-2818. SOUTH WINDSOR — $3,400. as- Hayes Agency, 646-018L sumee mortgage, room All committee memhen wero to many Manohev Kam L St. Onge, D-Oorui. Planning and BOOSmO AND 81DINO men Box X Herald. ^ MAHOGANY period oWna clos- John B. I ^ e h z o , 315 CENTER 5T.. MANCHESTER PHONE 643.5135 CHENEY ESTATE—1,4 rooms, 4 BUSH HILL RD. —8 bulldtag Ranch, reo room, % acre, ex- asked to cooperate ta aelUng toug* members. i j | „ omdy will be used to de- Zoning OomntisaioR ewitad. Stoady work. -«<79. Secretary TEL. 648-525S pointment. Philbrick Agency, room, 2-car garoga Leonard chette, Realty, 644-0446, 289- Bartlett Realty, Realtors, 289- M. Barry. John Andtoto^ past president of river in atfeotod by dlaohargee Otasnee W. W sltt' ^ Realtoro, 6in'-84M. Agency, Realtors, 646-0460. 3668. 0989, 289-915L The dinaer w ll be at T piB. e l the XA'Ohib and proamtly tta from Om ptanf. Seeretaiy^ THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1967 fAGE EIGHTEEN A r m g t Daily Net Preas Run For the Week Ended The Weather Cloudy and windy with rati Building Hearing Room. It wiU d o a iu rjr 81, 1867 St, Bridget Rosary Society, endmg late tonight, then o^d- ^ Bowers Pupils GOP Committee be the. first regular meeting Valentine Day er; breezy, cold chance of enow About Town assistod by the CYO, will spon­ since the November elections. sor a food .sale in the school Meets Monday 15,045 flurries tomorrow, low tonlgbt Vhe Mr. and Mrs. Club of cafeteria after Sunday Masses. Present Play In addition to routine busl- Candy Heaiie 28-32, high tomoiraw In 80e^ Temple Beth Sholom will apon>' The proceeds will benefit the The play “Peer Oynt” by Ib­ A meeting of the Matnehes- nees, the agenda includes the Manehe$ter-^A City of ViUage Charm appointments of two replace-' anr an evening ot bowling Satur> pool fund of the Instructors of sen was presented on Monday ter GOP Town Committee has ARTHUR DRUe ment 'committee members, and day at 8 p.m. at the Manchea- the Handicapped. Those wishing and Wednesday by Mrs. Marion been scheduled for Monday at VOt. LXXXVL No. 99 (TWENTY PAGES) HANCHE^ER,, CO ^.^ FRIDAY, JANUARY 27. 1967 (daeeUtod Advertising on Page 17) PRICE SEVEN CENTS tef Parkade Lanes. Free bowl­ to donate fo<^ may bring it to McLagan’s fourth graders to 8:30 p.m. in the Municipal a discussion of local issues. ing tdioes will be supplied. Re­ the cafeteria Saturday from 7 their parents and the students freshments will be served. to 8 p.m. and ^efore and after at Bowers School. Masses Sunday.^ Gary Zito, an Uncle Oleg, THE SM c N e w s Omar SArlne Club’s annual told the story of the boastful meeting will be at Manchester Manchester Duplicate Bridge Norwegian lad Peer Oynt to Country Club tomorrow night. Club wrlll sponsor a game to­ his children, played by Andrea Traffic ToU Potentate Tom Lilly and his morrow at 8 p.m. at the Italian China Violence Flares Molava and Thomas Cunning­ Sphinx Temple officers will at­ American Club, 136 Eldridge ham. tend. A social hour at 6:30 pro­ St. Registrations will be taken All the students in the class Rise Spurs c e s s dinner at 7:30. at 7:46. The event is open to took part in the play of several CountiTlittfteii the. public. Refreshments will be acts. The audience was shown' BUls Francis J. Keefe of 2 W.; served. how Peer was ignored by all ex­ RESTAURANT Center St, retiring prMldent of’ cept Solveig, how he stole the HARTFORD (AP) — Tough the Nefwington Kiwanis Club, VFW Auxiliary will sponsor Near Rnssian Frontier bride, how the trolls captured legialatlon' to put the brakee on received a bronze plaque at a a card party tomorrow at 8 Fallot photo him, and how, as a poor un­ Loring photo Wghway fat«jiUee wae niahed dinner Saturday evening at the p.m. at the post home. happy young man. Peer re­ Every Tuesday and Thursday Into the General Assembly’s Nutmereer House, Newington. Engaged turned from his wanderings in Engaged WU hopper today wMto a push Close Call * Members of Immaculate Con- Arabia to his home in Nor­ fiom (k>v. John Dempsey. c^ tlon Mothers Circle and Tile engagement of Miss Pa­ A seminar on “Alcoholism— way. The engagement of Miss STEAK NIGHT The billa were the result of PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Combined Catholic Mothers Cir­ tricia May Downing to Joseph Mongolians, Manchester’s Concern” will be SpeaKing parts were taken by ' Sharon Ann Powers to Brad­ an emergency meeting last Private Bomb Talk Policeman Paul Manns was held tonight from 8 to 10 in the cles will meet tomorrow at 8 PaUl Putnam, both of Man­ l i i Jonathan Adams as Peer Gynt, ford Brian Palmer, both of week between Dempsey emd a trying to put a big traffic Reception Hall of South Meth­ p.m. at the W. P. Quish Fh- chester, has been announced by Linda Rivard as Solveig, Lin- committee of poUce and high­ directional sign on a pole Tibet Resist odist Church. The event is open neral Home, 225 Main St., for her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al­ Manchester, has been' an­ Every Wednesday nea Benson as Anitra the danc­ way officials who were con­ Costly to Gen. Page today when a sudden gust a recitation of the Rosary for bert Downing Jr. of 69 Over­ nounced by her parents, Mr. and to the public. er, Michael Gerber as the King cerned about a sharp increase of wind caught him. Hugh Michael Eidebum Sr., look Dr. Mrs. Raymond W. Powers Sr. Mao Purge of the Trolls, Maureen Maloney in deaths on state roads since WA8HD7GTON (AP) — ’The to meet combat needs. McNam- The 4-by-4 foot sign act­ Silk Worm Pup Tent of the husband of Mrs. Elizaibeth Ede- Her fiance is a son of Mr. of 144 Charter Oak St. Jan. 1. as the Woman In Green, and ROAST BEEF Au Jus Night Air Force has removed the ara has been quick to put down ed as a sail, carrying Manns Military Order of Cooties of the bum, a member. They will also and Mrs. Floyd Putnam of 20 TOKYO (AP) — A wall .Martin Shea as the button mak­ Her fiance is a son of Mrs. The governor was told that commandant of its top school, reports of any shortages, over a short retaining wall VFW will sponsor a Seafood attend the funeral Saturday at Wadsworth St. Alice Palmer of 540 Parker er. «3.00 PER PERSON there have been 34 deaths in the Air War College,' for prl- Pentagon sources were unable on the upper level of twin !lK)ster in Peking reported Night tomorrow from 6:30 to ^:30 axn. Miss Downing, a graduate of The village women were Mary St. and the late Edwin Palmer. Connecticut since Jan. 1, .as vately discussing occasional to say whether authority higher bridges Uiat carry Roose­ today that more than 100 11:30 p.m. at the post home. Manchester High School, is Barrett, Eileen Kiernan, Patty Miss Powers, a 1966 grad­ against 22 in the same period bomb shortages in Vietnam, than McConnell had been in- velt Boulevard into Schuyl­ persons were killed and employed a s , a secretary at a year ago. The event is open to members Faulds, Darcy Walter and uate of Manchester High sources said today. volved in the reassig^nment decl- kill Expressway. many wounded in clashes and guests. Medical Business Management, Prime targets of the tighter Claudia Bertrand. School, is employed at the • COLONIAL MNING ROOM • COCKTAIL LOUNGE The Pentagon confirmed that ^on. Manns, 38, fell 60 feet to between supporters and Two Pilots Manchester. Mr. Putnam, a The dancers were Lloyd Southern New England Tele­ laws would be speeders and per- MaJ. Gen. Jerry D. Page, com- The New York Times in re- Manchester’s Advisory Data graduate of Manchester High aons who drive 'while under the a lower level where oncom­ opponents of Mao Tse-tung Braman, Linda Ferlazo, David phone Co., Manchester. Mr. Relax in the Cocktail Lounge to the Piano Music of Coil Wheeler mandant of the Air War (College porting the Air Force action ing traffic narrowly missed Processing Committee will meet School, is majoring in business influence of Uquor. in Red China’s remote Sin- Start Trip Yaworski, Jeffrey Lumpkin, Palmer, a 1962 graduate of Soturdoy—9 to 1 in Alabama since last August, mentioned discussion by Page him. He was hospitalized Monday at 9 a.m. in the gen­ administration at Central Con­ Manchester High School, is em­ has been reassigned to a com- oi administration security poli- kiang Province. Darlene Mahoney, Cynthia ?fc- with b6w:k and hip injuries. The poster, reported by Ja» eral managrer’s office. The citi­ Two Manchester pilots, on necticut' State College, New Cann, John EHy, Sandra Ro­ ployed at the Manchester Wa­ RESERVATIONS ACCEPTED FOR BANQUETS AND FUNCTIONS Opposes NHRR Bid bat command in Okinawa. well as bomb supplies. zen committee is attempting Britain. NEW YORK (AP) — Connec­ pan’s Kyodo News Service, said their way to California in a man, Robert Feder, Donald ter Co. 872-0269 ROUTE 83 (NEXT TO OLENNEY’S LUMBER CO.) A spokesman said Gen. John ' to come up with a favorable ticut G(w. John Dempsey, the fighting occurred in the city No date has been annoomced Tyler, Alfred Ronssey, David The wedding is planned for ELLINGTON, CONNECTICUT P. Mt^nnell, Air Force cMef of plan for the town, based on single-engine plane, finally took through counsel, has ques­ of Shlhotzu in the northwestern for the wedding. Whiting and Jane Conn. May 20. staff, acted "on his o'wn ■voli­ comparative costs of buying or off from Bralnard Field shortly tioned the motives of Chicago tion’'' and ordered the reassign­ province bordering on the Soviet leiasing equipment. after noon today. of flight. The two pilots have investors who will submit a plan ment. Union. Airport officials said it was prepared a 10-stop route, with for re-orgohlzhtion of the bank­ No reason was given for the Midwest Struck The report did not specify when the clashes occurred, but The Barbersharps will present shortly after 12 that the fog three hours of flight between rupt New Haven Rilroad. action. The Pentagon said the indicated it was a fresh out­ a program of four-part harmony had finally cleared enough for stops. They are heading south The attorney, Samuel KaneB matter was an "Internal Air W ed n esd ay for patients at night. to Georgia, then will swing of West Hartford, spoke for (AP Fbotofax) jEiiorce move.” break in the province where anti-Mao forces have been re­ Bloomfield Convalescent Home. Carl McAllister Jr. o f 143 west, with the final stop at Dempsey at a recess Thursday One source, however, said By Two Storms Five Men Die in Building’s Collapse ported dug in end putting up Campheld Rd. and Richard Los Angeles. After several days of the Interstate Commerce Page had come under criticism Leadbetter of 30 Hackmatack in California, they plan to fly Oommlseion hearing on the fu­ Five men were killed when this six-story brick building coUaps^ yesterday be­ for speaking of some ^lortages (3HIOAGO (AP)—A record Cars by the thousands were resistance. ^ St. had been waiting at the air­ back along the same route. Es­ oou a STRISBI ture of the New Haven. tween 53rd and 54th Sts. on New York City’s Broadway. The rear portion of air munitions during a three winter storm paralyzed Chicago stialled on streets and. express-. poster sad most of the FOR port several hours to get per­ timated flying time for the . The Chicagoans say they slid into an adjoining pit, being cleared for construction of an office building. day secret seminar for Air today with 23 inches of snow ways, partly, buried or con- mission for takeoff. whole trip is 70'hours. w4U file a plan to rejuvenate the . Force Reserve officers last De- and spread a sea of white drifts cealed entirely bSneath snow- ® ^ Their first scheduled depart­ The two young men are mak­ financiaUy ailing railroad cember at the college. as deep as 15 feet. drifts. Telephones and power ™»l“ ary w m m ^ e r M d ^ Cosmetics ure from Hartford on Monday ing the flight to become elig­ through imaginative planning In such sessions, all lectures The storm moved eastward service went on. 'The railroads ^ ® ^ '“ ™® Provincial parqr W8LS stalled because the plane ible for commercial pilot’s U- and aggressive managemoit. and discussions by speakers are from the central plains into the and (Chicago Transit Authority ®‘^ ™ “ ®®' ^ ITS wasn’t ready to go. censes. The plan may be filed with the classified, not to be written 6reat Lakes region and north- elevated and subway trains ran ^ IOC in Washington next week. Triangle Lairs in Rubble The single-engine Cessna down, and to be held In com- east. Freezing rain spread into on slowed schedules, packed 170B belong^s to the Aztec Fly­ Kaneil said the Chicagoans, if plete confidence. much of w ^ e m New York with travelers. There was token Liggefts ing Club. McAllister is a mem­ Warning Issued sincere, sbotiM have acted in An officer, who asked not to State. Ims service over limited routes. ber. Most of the 16 members 1902 when the merger of the be named, said a “ misunder- Many communities were vir- Taxis went nowhere. manaer tnere to setue. Penneylvania and New York At The Parkade in the club work at Pratt and In 2-Car Crash As Big U,S* Sweep Ends standing” arose over comments tuaily isolated as banked high- Pedestrians walk'ed down the Quoting a dispatch from Central poUroade was first dis­ the general made at the session, ways froze vehicle movement, middle of the deserted streets, Urumichi, provincial capital o8 MANCHESTER Whitney, as does McAllister. A 23-year-old Manchester cussed. He would not discuss the mat- Planes were grounded and utili- Two men tried to ski to their Sinklang, the report of fighting The four-passenger plane man was issued a written ' SAIGON, South Vietnam (AP) day-long fighting 15 miles south- en Huu Oo. Oo is in Hong Kong. ° in Shlhotzu said machine nma holds enough fuel for 414 hours warning in one of two car col­ Milk IWucer. Unit. - 5! S? y. -u.com.'t; cities and thousands of rifles, field artlMery and ^ hand lisions investigated yesterday HiUlTFORD (AP) _Oonnec- wound ^up the biggest operation base on the northern coaM. the Junta meeting was not signment. TThe nhilpa^in snow hv smaller communities had com- grenades were used, in claahea. by police. No injuries were re­ ticut’s tlvee major milk pro- ^ I" Vietnam war. The U.S. command announced known. ■The center of_ S h ih o^ Js uii- ported. ducer associations announced claiming 720 enemy dead, but the e«d of Operation Cedar over North Vietnam der control of ttnU-^jilaolstii, The man, Robert E. Zikus of plans today to unite to meet meanwhile U.S. Marines Falls, which aent an-estimated ujta flew 68'ihladlOns 1 ______rna£b._,.,')j^l(Wa^ '"hatn^' be't& 45 Birch St., was warned for What they cell a price threat, pressed ahead with a new drive 80,000 Americans to the Jungled xonceifiratlng on targeU below . - d ammunititm are adeouate |>egsm' failure to grant the right of The gewps ara the OonnecU- ‘n the northern part of South "iron triangle’' 20 W Jq xntttm l^ p h w ig, a ^ 'Q i g Wprth..^iat- . a.m. Thursday arid stlU was way. falling today. ’The. former snow- caUed tor ail otriside equipment cut bulk Producers Assocla- Vietnam. norttwest of Balgon for a cpajft u id jn tifie "pouth- faH record tor a single storm work at opening, roads in the said, g ^ lw f o liv e s occurred 85 East Center St. Police said the ear he was tlon, with 1,800 members in the Backed by tanks, arOHery and acowheff earOr oalupelgTU ' ‘ eni'i^ahhandle. driving smashed into another wae 19.2 inches in March 1930. ... state) the Local Dairymen’s the Leathernecks in the In addition to the 720 Oonunu- As Ui6y Slosed oUt Qberation Caricago’s downtown secUon “ Somebody is going to have to “ Thwe are not merely IM At Summit St. at Spruce and E. Center Sts. new Operation- Tuscalooea re- nist dead reported, the Ameii- triangle. U.S. was kept a fairly weU dug-out start digging from the outside to ^r e s s k m <>* mevemento driven by Rita M. Craft of 20 SM inliqfibt (Sae Page Eight) ported killing 74 RM soldiers in cans captured a record 3,709 islan d , W little moved other reach us,” said Sgt. Edward^ an ^ttrevdluUon rebeUion,*' WEEKEND CAS"" ’ TD-CARRY SPECIAL Emerson S t They said the col­ AlJSTnif TPeic (AP\ — LamI than emergency vehicles. Roads Moody, commander of the post it ^ d e d . lision occurred at 7:15 p.m. 000 troops for a year. The pur­ uua ® . . . tt* Ro’h<»r/»r\nii*» T«H wa Apparently girding for a pro- MINIATURE Another collision occurred at pose of the oneratlon warn In Inuring th6 operation, .the Johnton Ihigent walked into the leading to the center of town ^'t Scherer-vUle, Ind. He said , n Spring St. and Dartmouth '| 1. ^ S S ^ S 2 S S e S i v « weTblocked. AU expressways ®""^y__state police ^car in Lake t ^ t ^ ^ t ^ l e , _ m^ake the t r i p l e useu»a » » by tactical bombers and 16 “ T: were clo s^ '" by~snov^' except County was drift-mired, ers sought today to r^ ly addl- at 4:10 p.m. base from which to menace Sal- wv B»2a chamber in Austin Thursday were ctosea oy s n ^ . excepi northwestern Ohio a Police said the cars were LaBoime Leads Race (See Page Eight) CARNATIONS b.... > P driven by William S. Simpson, 17, of 19 Morse Rd., and Rart- p e rn o r ^ “»*• OPEN TILL 9 P.M. THURSDAY and FRIDAY chel L. Fialkoff of 106 Dart­ For T od GOP Post mouth Rd. Ships Collide George T. (Ted) LaBonne ot Ky met closed doors to d w t t ^ . UB f tlcma The telephones weren’t Glastonbury and Manchester discuss a shakeup In the govern- Johnson’s y ^ e r f c u ^ e r . were v e ^ ^ Q<«ed the In Fog-Bound ment set In motion by the ouster ./m nw th* tiinn«W ■ **®’^ husband, .Patrick J. Nu- Board of ’D-ade, the Chicago . , electric nower be- apparently has moved into the of the deputy premier and dc- gent, sat beside her with a smile Mercantile Exchange, and thou- ice-anaoned lines Chesapeake Bay Now there's another Soft Parkay... No. 1 position today as suc­ fense seoretsuy, Lt, Gen. Nguy- (See Page Nineteen) on M s lace. sands of stores, offices and fac- cessor to A. Saarle Plnney as ' ■ - ' tories. (See Rage Eight) NORFOLK, Va. (AP) — Two chairman of the RepUbUcan ships groping through fog- Party in Connecticut. shrouded Chesapeake Bay col­ Until yesterday, party con­ lided today off Smith Point with 100% golden corn oil and it’s FREE! sensus appeared to be leaning Light, near the mouth of tha to Howard Houston, former ma­ Record Filing of Bills Potomac River, 60 miles north LT.WOOD of Norfolk. yor of Meriden, from among 18 candidates mentioned tor the A Coast Guard spokesman LOCKER PLANT and MEAT MARKET post said the 34 cre^vmen aboard ona jjiur Forecast by Deadline of the ships, the Bodoro, were ■Ac: :k r a f t . The party’s 24-member FRESH MEATS — RETAIL DEPARTMENT removed and the vessel ap­ ‘f: screening committee 'will meet HARTFORD (AP)—State leg- discovered “ serious abuses and peared to be sinking. tonight at the Hotel America & “ >1. islators are expecting a record unconscionable profits” in the All were taken aboard the in Hartford and is expected to X number of bills to be filed at writing of such policleB. Coast Guard patrol boat Point come up -with Its recommenda­ \ the State Capitol before BYiday’s The commissioner would be- Highland, dispatched to tha 4 k tion to the State Central Com­ 6 p.m. deadline. gin such regulation Oct. 1 under scene from Oistfield, Md., mittee. By Thursday, state represen- ot the bill, shortly after the collision. HIP of BEEF I f ' The Central (Committee is due tatlves had filed 1,654 leglsla- The state now regulates health The second , ship Involved was Approximate Cuts to meet in February. tive proposals and state sena- it»urance rates of Blue .Cross the 3S Beaver State, a freighter 6 to 7 Boneless Sirloin rw Since Plnney announced Nov. GEORGE T. LABONNE tors 948. and Connecticut Medical Serv- owned by States Marine Oorp. 18 that he would resign, many USDA Stedcs State Sen. Frank Piccolo, D- *®*> has not had autlwrHy of Delaware, with home port in « prominent Republicans have Thirteen candidates were re- Haven chairman of the ^ supervise rates of commer- U New York. 1 Sirloin Roost been mentioned for the Job, portedly interviewed by the senate Insurance Committee, Insurance companito,' ^ - No injuries were reported, Avg. Weight among them former U. S. Rep. committee in a lengthy session fUej a bill Thursday which ®*' Connecticut-chartered ndr not among crew mem'bers of either CHOICE Horace Seely-Brown Jr. of a week ago today in New Haven would give the state insurance ®®H*«8 1" OonnecUcut 19 to 22 Lbs. ship. m m Pomfrot and former U. S. Rep. and .LaBonne is said, to have commissioner power to regulate 'P*'® Fl®colo blU would make The Bodoro is an ore carrier __ -rr-S'iS'" Abner Sibal ofi Norwalk. made a very favorable impres- premium rates of accident and *^® reflation of accident and believed to be of Liberian regis­ EXTRA LEAN—FRESHLY GROUND ■When it met Dec. 7, however, aion. health insurance policleB. health policies similar to the OUR OWN MAKE NOT PRE-PACKAGED tration. The Beaver State, ./ll the State Central Committee (LaBonne won’t be there to- State Insurance Commissioner feKulation of automobile insur- cre a M the screening conunlt- night, nor are any of the candi- William R. Cotter, who backed ®” ®® (See Page Nine) Bratwurst (^.*1.19 Chuck Graund a. 79* tee, and a close vote gave Pin- dates expfected to attend. Tbe Uie measure, said Thursday no OOier bills filed Thursday and ney the authority to name its committee will have dinner at 6 other state has such on author!- their sponsors included propoe- members. He then chose Ray- o'clock and- then conduct Ita HOME FREEZER DEPT. mond Ronoarl of Windsor Locks Cotter told the Hartford (Jour- — To eliminate flavoring in as its chairman. (See Page EUght) ant his department has often children’s aspirin and limit bot­ WESTERN STEER BEEF tles to 25 tablets, dispensible Bulletins USDA ■ ' ' ' ■ — . — —— — one children Federal Model Cities program • to 8 SIrioIn Steaks 2 Sirloin Roasts Buy a pound and Kraft wUI refund your money. New Soft Parkoy Corn Oil eating aspirin as candy are was Introduced today In the 8 to 19 Porterhouse Steaks 1 Eye Round treated in hospitals every year General Assembly. Proposed, S to 8 Short Steaks 1 Flank Steak Margarine— high in polyunsaturates. Spreads 100% corn oil goodness smoothly right fo r aspirin poisoning. by the Connecticut Develop* S to 10 Swiss Steaks 4 Soup Shanks from the refrigerator. In smdrt ready-to-serve cups with re-sealable lids to lock U.S. to Japan TV Hookup ment Commission,, the bill — To require Connecticut via- S to 4 Top Sirloin Steaks Hamburg froshness in, keep odors but. Soft Parkay (Corn Oil Margarine—^new from l^raft. . . „ itors and citizens convicted of was designed to provide “ • 1 Bump Boost 4'"to 6 Lbs. Stew Beef TOKYO (AP)—Color tdwri- 8ateHite will help to bring all mltted the firrt itews stories selUng using or possessing nar- comprehensive approach” oB No Extra Charge For Custom Cutting, Packaging and Sharp Mon pictures, nswspai>er re- ihe worid’s peoples "Into Instanit across the pacific ,by sateUdte. cotlos in the last ten years to the physical, eoonomle and Fnesing. social problems of the state’s Four Conn. Charge Card Honored With This Order ______ported telephone calls and press and meaningful relattonaWpe.’’ From Waabtogton Of^e a story register with police within 24 plbotOB flashed through the Pa- Technicians r e n t e d few rec- about Secretary of State Dean hours of their entry into the cities. Soft Pdrkoy Corn Oil Margarine Offer, P.O. Box 1799, Chicago, Illinois 60677 oMc sky today as the United epUtrn problems as Lanl' Bird Rusk's remarks In Austto, Tex. <,r within seven days aft*' NEW INTEREST CUT Let us fill your freexer with U.S.D.A. choice meots—native poultry Pteose refund my purchase price (stoied below) which I paid for a pound of new Soft Parkay States and Japan inaugurated went into use. Some color.televi- From Tokyo came an AP story enactment of the law, by Stobrook rorm fniiti and vegetables. Save up to 15 to 20% and Corn Oif Mdrgdrihb. I enclose,the ear of corn picture which I hove clipped from the top of the eommerolal sateUdte oommuni- slon Images sent to Japan R1CE PAID. the puiposeaof aU manhdnd.*’ cials gathered at slmultaneoua demoUtion workers died. year in jafl CITY than that announced Thurs*. pulses deepw «>remoniw Land Bird 2 was Uumdhsd -.To irekte a senior service Umft! one refund per. family. Good only in U.S.A Void where prohibited, taxed or restricted. Weather across the nation showed a wide variety yesterday. At top, Ernie day by Chase Manhattan, MF YOU UKE THE BEST GIVE US A T l^ u o d e n t o n f^ between Eait A m ^ ca n a ^ a s ^ w Kennedy, Fla., Jan. ooipe in which elderly persons Rush, a I^nsas City, Mo., student faces the job of digging out his car after the second largest. First Nn» ■ 'KlOTIEi the ear of corn picture from the top of the package must accom pany yOUr request to he ™ Johnson atomded tte ^ jjje OemmundcaUena Sa- could augment persMinel In pub- 51 M SSeU ST^ REAR O F IC E P U N T 543-8424^ a paralyzing snow storm. But in Frederick, Md., the unusually warm weath­ tlonal City said Its deoreaM' lS|(ceive your refund. O ffer expires Feb. % 1967. ^ to. W^en D* Tokyo^mony and Pitoe mln- Oo*i ..-* n ^ ^*®*^ HXeaku Sato sent a roes- ^ aynohro- 'vartous human and socisl needs, sags lit a Ceremony in WadUng- eoge. ‘ , cut In November. Fall rains and early snow made harvest, impossible until this ly reflects recent onstng s i ton Ifeursday nl^it, satd the The Assoolated Preas .trails’ ( t o Page Btoven) ( t o Fags Eleven) wee|k when the wairm sun dried it out. (AP Photofax) money rates*” ■ 1 h ' 4