S ^ L R S I Subscribers Who Were Patients Beard Grow and My Loafers Ge^ "More Costs, More Loss, and in Prison Plus E $5,000 Fliie
. / WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1967 PAGE FORTY lEttftttng 1|i waUi Avtrago Daily Net P t m b R m For O e Week BkHM The Weather Saatiuy n , 1007 Cloudy and mild tonight, letf about 40, occaaloiuU rain, cofk* THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY, JAN. 26 - 27 - 28 tlnued mild tomorrow; (dianee 15,045 of rain 70 per cent, high 40-00. Manchester^A City of Village Charm =3SssssssB Sponsored By Retail pivision VOL. L X X X yi, NO. 98 (EIGHTEBN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1967 (ClMslfied Advertlsinf on Page IS) PRICE SEVEN CENTS MANCHESTER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE r. ' . - “ Hanot Bomb Ban Reported All married couples of Zion About Town Fvangellcal Lutheran Church are invited to an organizational Hayes^Nickerson Steven Cole, son of Mr. and LB J Eyes Blueprint meeting of a Married Couples Mrs. Vemice H. Cole of 46 S. Group Saturday at 7:30 p.m. at Miss Martha Bothwell Nicker Alton St, has recently enlisted the church. the MUSK MAN tn the U.S. Army under the son and William Eugene Hayes, VC Believed Gi-aduate Specialist Program. Silk Worm Pup Tent of the both of Manchester, wei-e united 739 MAIN ST., MANCHBS1CR PH O NE 643-0871 He will receive his basic train Military Order of Cooties of the in marriage Saturday, Jan. 14, ing at Ft. Jackson, S. C. His VFW will sponsor a dance Sat in a candlelight ceremony at For Peace Economy brother, Russell Cole, is also re urday at the post home. Lou Short of Men ceiving his basic training at Ft, Wapping Community Church.
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