. / WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1967 PAGE FORTY lEttftttng 1|i waUi Avtrago Daily Net P t m b R m For O e Week BkHM The Weather Saatiuy n , 1007 Cloudy and mild tonight, letf about 40, occaaloiuU rain, cofk* THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY, JAN. 26 - 27 - 28 tlnued mild tomorrow; (dianee 15,045 of rain 70 per cent, high 40-00. Manchester^A City of Village Charm =3SssssssB Sponsored By Retail pivision VOL. L X X X yi, NO. 98 (EIGHTEBN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1967 (ClMslfied Advertlsinf on Page IS) PRICE SEVEN CENTS MANCHESTER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE r. ' . - “ Hanot Bomb Ban Reported All married couples of Zion About Town Fvangellcal Lutheran Church are invited to an organizational Hayes^Nickerson Steven Cole, son of Mr. and LB J Eyes Blueprint meeting of a Married Couples Mrs. Vemice H. Cole of 46 S. Group Saturday at 7:30 p.m. at Miss Martha Bothwell Nicker­ Alton St, has recently enlisted the church. the MUSK MAN tn the U.S. Army under the son and William Eugene Hayes, VC Believed Gi-aduate Specialist Program. Silk Worm Pup Tent of the both of Manchester, wei-e united 739 MAIN ST., MANCHBS1CR PH O NE 643-0871 He will receive his basic train­ Military Order of Cooties of the in marriage Saturday, Jan. 14, ing at Ft. Jackson, S. C. His VFW will sponsor a dance Sat­ in a candlelight ceremony at For Peace Economy brother, Russell Cole, is also re­ urday at the post home. Lou Short of Men ceiving his basic training at Ft, Wapping Community Church. Jolbert and his orchestra will ★ FANTASTIC CASH SALE * Jacl:son. play for dancing from 9 p.m. to The bride is the daughter of WASHINGTON (AP)—Secretary of Defense Robert 1 a.m. A buffet will be served. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Nicker­ S. McNamara says the war in Vietnam is nearing a Frederick W. Newman Jr., son of 580 Burnham St. The Proceeds of the dance will be for Manchesier's Dowrrfown Days significant turning point: The Viet Cong apparently are Bon of Mr. and Mrs. Fred New­ bridegroom is a son of Mr. and used for visits to veterans hos­ runnng out of volunteers in South Vietnam and may man of 44 Cambridge St, re­ Mrs. Emmett E. Hayes of 69 Orders Plan pitals. The event is open to Bulletin cently completed basic training Cambridge St. ALL LP RECORDS.......... .25% OFF REG. PRICE! be forced to rely more on the North Tor future fighting members and guests. Tickets at Ft, Jackson, S. C. He has The Rev. Roy R. Hutcheon, men. ---------- -------------•.---------- are now available at the post To CurB Dip been assigned to an Army pastor of Wapping Community . “ Vfe believe that any net In- Committee announced that BUILDING COLLAPSES home, or may be purchased at ALL PHONOGRAPHS ........ 30% OFF REG. PRICE! Finance School at Ft. Knox, Church, performed the cere­ crease (In enemy troops) during Harrison E. SaHebury, a New the door. NEW YORK (AP)—A six- ______________________ ___ mony. Clinton Adams was or­ 1967 will liave to come from. York TTmee aaeletant managing At W a r’ s End North Vletoam’’ the , defenee editor, who recently' returned story brick building collapsed ganist. Bouquets of white glad­ ALL TOYS and GAMES ......« % OFF RETAIL PRICE! next to a construction site on A film, “ Conquest of Dark­ OMef told eenatpra in teetimdny from Hanoi, wfH testify at hear- ioli and carnations decorated the Broadway at 6Srd Street to­ WASHINGTON (AP)— Now Many Wear ness,” will be shown tomorrow released Wednesday night. “ The ings next week, sanctuary. Includos: Punles, Model Kits, Art Kits, Assorted Games day and police said eight to President Johnson direct* at 7:30 p.m. at the regular mid­ local supply of manpower Is .The Canadian Frees reported The bride w'as given in mar­ 12 workmen may be trapped FALSE TEETH week service of 4he Salvation gro'wfng' more limited with eacdi that the. United States has re- ed today that plans be pre­ riage by her father. She wore In the debris. Bremen first Army at the Citadel. The event aicceedlng year.” fused a danadian request not to pared to avoi(i a recession With Little Worry a gown of re-embroidered alen- said six persons Were trap­ is open to the public. Larg^e SelMtlon of; GUITARS, DRUMS . McNamara- said the allied use Oahadian-purohased arms that might otherwise fol­ Eat, talk, laugh or “ eeze wlttout con lace over sUk organza, ped, but a police sergeant on fear of Insecure f a ^ fa.'hioned with jewel neckline, war efforts were’ so successful in the Vi.etnam w«r. low "the welcome day of allDPlng or w obbling. FASTEKTH the scene revised that esti­ Mountain Laurel Chapter of and AMPLIFIERS AT 30% OFF! test year that “ during the last The Viet Cong’s miiqxtwer peace” in Vietnam. h olds plates firmer and more com- trumpet sleeves and A-line skirt. mate. One man was pulled lortably.Thls Ple“ ?ht MWder bM no tweet Adelines, Inc. will re- Her short veil was fashioned of half of 1966, the Viet Cong ap- aitiiatlon as outlined by the de­ The possibilities of quick tax eununy, gooey, pasty t&m or teelli^. from the mass of bricks and learse tomorrow at 8 p.m. at alcncon lace and net, and she YAMAHA FOLK pear to have lost about as many fense secretaiy bears a stmilar- reduction and spending speed- boran't cause nausea. It a alkaline was taken to a hospital, po­ (non-acid). Checks "plate ^ or- the Russian American National carried a nosegay bouquet of men as they were able to infll- Hy to that of the South Vietqam- ups will be stijdied by a CaW* Dentures that fit are essential to lice said. Plumbing fixtures, Center, 211 Wethersfield Ave., white baby carnations. trate from North Vletrtam and ese armed forces, net-level group, Johnson told health. See your dentist regularly. sinks and broken board could Get PASTEETH at all drug counters. Hartford, Mrs. Benford J. HiUiker of recruit In South Vietnam.” On Dec. 80, Peter Arnett, As- Congress, as part of a “ major Manchester, sister of the bride­ This emerged as a highlight of sodated Frees correspon^nt, be seen from the street alter and coordinated effort to re- groom, was matron of honor. a lengthy position paper McNa- reported from Saigon: The U.S. the collapse. .-view our readiness” for the She wore a gown designed with nvara gave congressmen Mon­ high command be.Ueves that not war’s end — a day still not fore­ until late 1967. or early 1968 will . t deep blue velvet top and pale day Shortly Before he began tes- seen, he emphasized. blue crepe skirt, and a deep timony on the administration’s American strength be sufficient The announcement came in blue net headpiece- She carried re<}ueBt for a $12.S-biHioh sup- to MH more of the eneniy than State News his annual economic report, m a nosegay bouquet of pink baby V o x KAPPA plemental appropriation to help be replaced. 'The United if, Johnson forecast a moderate carnations. finance the war through June. States wiU have to provide the advance of the economy through Benford J. HiUiker of Man­ He finished testifying Wednes- troops to (to the joo because the l ^ M i U o n 1967, if it can be steered past Downtown Main St., Mar.r-hester chester, brother-in-law of the day before the Senate Ahned Vietnamese army Is now consld- the hazards of Inflation on the bridegroom, served as best \ ELECTRIC GUITARS. Ranging From .................. $844>5 to $209.95 | Foixjes Committee and the t>e- «r«d at its peak strength- one side and recession on the fense Appropriations subcom­ Inarease in man. WASHINGTON (AP) — In- other. mittee nreeting Jointly. Mrs. Nickerson wore a gold Just Arrived! Quality, Imported ELECTRIC GUITAR and O R formed sources report the John­ The outlook is for a $47-billion suit with navy accessories, and In other key developments: Leads The Way With These 2 SPEAKER AMP. Reg. Price $140.00. (6 Only). BOTH FOR son administration has barred Hospital Care rise of national output, he said, a corsage of yellow tea roses. Secretary of State Dean Rusk to a record $787 billion — a The mother of the bridegroom told a gathering of ambassadors ^2?* ... Fallot photo within five mHes of the center of NEW HAVEN (AP) — slower climb than in 1966, but wore a black chiffon over black MRS. WILLIAM EUGENE HAYES SPECIALS! Dr. ?hivago. List (4.79)..............................$2.79 Stereo $3.29 to Washington he hopes that with smaller price rises, easier and white print dress, and a '•during the year 1967., we shall The state’s 35 general hos­ Informantfl said Wednesday money, and continued almost* corsage of white gardenias. a corsage of white roees. The ly employed at, the Traveller’a New Release! More o f the Monkees. List (3.79). ---------- $2.29 Stereo $2.79 see peace In Southeast Asia.” pitals spent $18 million full employment. A reception for 60 was held couple are Uving in Hampden Insurance Co., Hartford. Mr. The Senate Foreign Retetlons (See Page Bight) more to provide patient Johnson renewe(i urgently hia at the home of the bride’s par­ Highlands, Hampden, Maine. Hayes is serving as a munitions eare in, the 1965-66 fiscal appeal to labor and industry for ents. For a going away outfit, Mr. and Mrs. Hayes are 1986 and weapons mechanic in the i f OPEN MON., THURS.
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