WP Mileposts Nov 1951 No. 28
WESTERN PACIFIC J1!!~~p.,~Sls Milepost No. 28 Vol. III, No. 4 NOVEMBER, 1951 Department of Public Relations WESTERN PACIFIC RAILROAD RENO BRANCH SACRAMENTO NORTHERN RAILWAY TIDEWATER SOUTHERN RAILWAY 526 Mission Street, San Francisco 5 Reno, Nevada, the "Biggest Little neither stock, bonds, nor debt, and all Lee "Flash" Sherwood, Editor Arthur Lloyd, Jr., Associate Editor City in the World," is better known expenses were paid monthly in cash. Member American Railway Magazine Editors' Association Member Northern California Industrial Editors' Association for its gambling palaces and marital A 50-mile extension was built from couplings and un couplings than as an Honey Lake to Madelain Plain, Cali industrial center. Behind all its glam fornia. The extended road was incor CONTENTS our and clinking of silver dollars, how porated March 31,1888, as the Nevada Page ever, Reno is much like any other California-Oregon Railway (referred 3-8 Reno Branch American city. Situated in the Washoe to by many as the "Narrow, Crooked 9,10 WP Will Remember Valley at the eastern base of the Sierra and Ornery"). Later, the road from 10 Nevada and divided by the Truckee Madelain (formerly Madelain Plain) Flaming Youth . 11 River, it is a place of many fine homes, to Likely, California, was built, ex Mileposts in Gold 12,13 stores and hotels, the beautiful Uni tended to Alturas, California, and In Memoriam 13,14 versity of Nevada, growing industries finally on to Lakeview, Oregon, in In the Armed Forces and friendly people. J anuary of 1912. 15 "Oscars" For industrial development, a city 16, 17 In 1900, a branch line had been built The Last Gold Spike requires good transportation, and from Plumas Junction to Mohawk, 17 New Home for SN .
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