109 Annotated Checklist Of

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109 Annotated Checklist Of THE RAFFLES BULLETIN OF ZOOLOGY 2010 Supplement No. 23: 109–129 Date of Publication: 31 Oct.2010 © National University of Singapore ANNOTATED CHECKLIST OF ANOMURAN DECAPOD CRUSTACEANS OF THE WORLD (EXCLUSIVE OF THE KIWAOIDEA AND FAMILIES CHIROSTYLIDAE AND GALATHEIDAE OF THE GALATHEOIDEA) PART II – PORCELLANIDAE Masayuki Osawa Research Center for Coastal Lagoon and Environments, Shimane University, 1060 Nishikawatsu-cho, Matsue, Shimane 690-8504, Japan Email: [email protected] Patsy A. McLaughlin Shannon Point Marine Center, Western Washington University, 1900 Shannon Point Road, Anacortes, WA 98221-4042, USA Email: hermit@fi dalgo.net INTRODUCTION Porcellanidae Haworth, 1825 = Porcellaniens H. Milne Edwards, 1837 Ng et al. (2008) and McLaughlin et al. (this volume) referred = Porcellaniadae Randall, 1840 to the “windows” to the literature and the “springboards” for = Porcellanodea Henderson 1888 associating species with their scientifi c names that provided = Porcellainea Holmes, 1900 the foundations for subsequent brachyuran, paguroid and lithodoid research. For the porcellanids, one treatise in particular has provided a similar base upon which virtually all DESCRIPTIVE TERMS AND CURRENT STATUS subsequent porcellanid reports have been patterned. Despite its regional focus, Haig’s (1960) monograph of eastern General morphology. – The general body shape is crab- Pacifi c species included 87 of the 225 species estimated to like and the carapace is well calcifi ed. Regions of the dorsal be present worldwide at the time (Chace, 1951). During the integument are not usually well defi ned. The anterior margin last half century the number of genera has increased from of the carapace is produced into a short rostrum or rostral 14 prior to Haig’s (1960) monograph to 30 and the number lobe. The eyes are pigmented; ocular orbits are sometimes of valid species from 225 to 277. well developed and ocular acicles are absent. The antennules have broad basal segments. The antennal peduncles are four-segmented, with the distal three moveable; antennal HISTORY OF CLASSIFICATION acicles are absent. The third maxillipeds each have a broad and fl attened ischium; no crista dentata is developed. Gills A. Milne-Edwards & Bouvier (1894) reviewed the early consist of 14 pairs of biserial phyllobranchiae, paired placements of the family and despite their superficial arthrobranchs are present on each third maxilliped and on resemblance to brachyuran crabs, the classifi cation of the pereopods 1–4; one pleurobranch is developed on body wall Porcellanidae has had a much less convoluted path than seen above each pereopod 2–5. for the lithodids and Lomis. By the time that Boas (1880) completed his studies of the Decapoda, there was general The chelipeds are symmetrical or asymmetrical, usually agreement that the Porcellanidae was correctly assigned to broad and dorsoventrally fl attened, but sometimes infl ated. the Galatheoidea. That relationship has not been challenged, Pereopods 2–4 are developed as ambulatory legs; pereopod 5 even though other changes in the superfamily Galatheoidea is reduced, modifi ed, and frequently carried under carapace. have been proposed (e.g., McLaughlin et al., 2007). The pleon is well developed, symmetrical, carried bent under cephalothorax, and held against thorax. It is composed of six pleomeres and a telson. INFRAORDER ANOMURA MACLEAY, 1838 Adult males usually have well developed, paired pleopods Superfamily Galatheoidea, extant family Porcellanidae on pleomere 2 that are modifi ed as gonopods; occasionally Superfamily Galatheoidea Samouelle 1819 these are reduced, rudimentary or absent. Females usually 109 Osawa & McLaughlin: Checklist of world Porcellanidae have paired pleopods on each pleomere 3–5, but those of Aliaporcellana telestophila (Johnson, 1958) [Polyonyx] pleomere 3 are sometimes reduced or absent. The telson Allopetrolisthes Haig, 1960 and uropods are well developed; the telson is composed of = Allopetrolisthes Haig, 1960 (type species 5 or 7 segments. Porcellana angulosa Guérin, 1835, by original designation; gender masculine) Development. – Although early carcinologists considered Allopetrolisthes angulosus (Guérin, 1835) [Porcellana] porcellanid larvae to be quite similar to brachyuran zoeae, = Porcellana carinata Kinahan, 1857 it would appear that the only characters shared by the two = Petrolisthes reissi Ortmann, 1892 groups are the reduced and somewhat rod-shaped antennal Allopetrolisthes punctatus (Guérin, 1835) [Porcellana] endopod and the absence of a functional exopod on the = Porcellana cristata H. Milne Edwards, 1837 third maxilliped. Porcellanid zoeae are very distinctive and Allopetrolisthes spinifrons (H. Milne Edwards, 1837) immediately recognized by their very elongate rostral and [Porcellana] posterolateral carapace spines. Only two zoeal stages are Ancylocheles Haig, 1978 passed through prior to the molt to megalopa, except in = Ancylocheles Haig, 1978 (type species Porcellana Petrocheles Miers, 1876 where fi ve zoeal stages have been gravelei Sankolli, 1963, by original designation; documented. It is also only in this genus that uropods develop gender masculine) in a zoeal stage. In all other porcellanids studied to date, Ancylocheles gravelei (Sankolli, 1963) [Porcellana] uropods develop in the megalopal stage. Development of Capilliporcellana Haig, 1978 larval pleopods occurs in the second zoeal stage and these = Capilliporcellana Haig, 1978 (type species pleopods become function in the megalopal stage, except Porcellana murakamii Miyake, 1942, by original in Petrocheles, where pleopods never develop. However, designation; gender feminine) pleopods are reduced or lost with the molts to early crab Capilliporcellana murakamii (Miyake, 1942) stages. And in the cases of males, pleopods do not reoccur [Porcellana] unless the second pair develops as gonopods, except in Capilliporcellana wolffi Haig, 1981 Novorostrum Osawa, 1998, and some species of Petrolisthes Clastotoechus Haig, 1960 Stimpson, 1858, where reduced or moderately developed = Clastotoechus Haig, 1960 (type species Petrolisthes pleopods are seen on pleomeres 3–5. Egg-bearing pleopods do diffractus Haig, 1957, by original designation; redevelop on pleomeres 3–5 or 4 and 5 in adult females. gender masculine) Clastotoechus diffractus (Haig, 1957) [Petrolisthes] Current status. – Among the phylogenetic analyses that have Clastotoechus gorgonensis Werding & Haig, 1983 been reported in the past quarter century, the Porcellanidae Clastotoechus hickmani Harvey, 1999 have remained aligned with the Galatheoidea; however, Clastotoechus lasios Harvey, 1999 the sister taxon varied between the Galatheidae (Martin & Clastotoechus nodosus (Streets, 1872) [Petrolisthes] Abele, 1986; McLaughlin et al., 2007; Ahyong et al., 2009) Enosteoides Johnson, 1970 or the Chirostylidae (Pérez-Losada et al., 2002; Ahyong & = Enosteoides Johnson, 1970 (type species O’Meally, 2004; Macpherson et al., 2005), with Morrison et al. Porcellana corallicola Haswell, 1882, by original (2002) placing the Porcellanidae as sister to the Galatheidae- designation; gender masculine) Chirostylidae pair. Although previous data indicated that Enosteoides lobatus Osawa, 2009 the Porcellanidae was correctly placed in the Galatheoidea, Enosteoides melissa (Miyake, 1942) [Porcellana] Ahyong et al. (2009) found that the Porcellanidae nested Enosteoides ornatus (Stimpson, 1858) [Porcellana] in a paraphyletic Galatheidae. Thus the true phylogenetic = Porcellana corallicola Haswell, 1882 relationship of this family to other galatheids is not as well Enosteoides palauensis (Nakasone & Miyake, 1968) understood as heretofore believed. [Porcellana] = Enosteoides hainanensis Yang & Sun, 2005 Euceramus Stimpson, 1860 CHECKLIST = Euceramus Stimpson (type species Euceramus praelongus Stimpson, 1860, by monotypy; gender Family Porcellanidae Haworth, 1825 masculine) Euceramus panatelus Glassell, 1938 Aliaporcellana Nakasone & Miyake, 1969 Euceramus praelongus Stimpson, 1860 = Aliaporcellana Nakasone & Miyake 1969 (type Euceramus transversilineatus (Lockington, 1878) species Porcellana suluensis Dana, 1852, by [Porcellana] original designation; gender feminine) Eulenaios Ng & Nakasone, 1993 {2} Aliaporcellana kikuchii Nakasone & Miyake, 1969 = Eulenaios Ng & Nakasone, 1993 (type species Aliaporcellana pygmaea (De Man, 1902) [Porcellana] Polyonyx cometes Walker, 1887, by original = Polyonyx pugilator Nobili, 1905 designation; gender masculine) Aliaporcellana suluensis (Dana, 1852) [Porcellana] Eulenaios cometes (Walker, 1887) [Polyonyx] {1} = Polyonyx denticulatus Paul’son, 1875 = Polyonyx hexagonalis Zehntner, 1894 110 THE RAFFLES BULLETIN OF ZOOLOGY 2010 Heteropolyonyx Osawa, 2001 = Porcellanides Nobili, 1901 (type species = Heteropolyonyx Osawa, 2001 (type species Porcellanides festae Nobili, 1901, by monotypy; Heteropolyonyx biforma Osawa, 2001, by original gender feminine) (preoccupied name) designation; gender masculine) = Porcellanopsis Rathbun 1910 (type species Heteropolyonyx biforma Osawa, 2001 Porcellana festae Nobili, 1901, by monotypy; Heteroporcellana Haig, 1978 gender feminine) (replacement name) {5} = Heteroporcellana Haig, 1978 (type species Megalobrachium erosum (Glassell, 1936) [Pisosoma] Porcellana corbicola Haig, 1960, by original Megalobrachium festae (Nobili, 1901) [Porcellanides] designation; gender feminine) {6} Heteroporcellana corbicola (Haig, 1960) [Porcellana] = Porcellanides festae Nobili, 1901 Liopetrolisthes Haig, 1960 = Porcellanopsis festai (Nobili, 1901) = Liopetrolisthes
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